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Gustavo Rocha

Lawyer OAB / RS 53 120

Visit: Type: Rua Frei Herman, 46/
201, neighborhood Parthenon Porto Alegre / RS
|: | (51) 8163.3333
(51) 3336.2846
Provide business growth coupled with the organization, active leadership and par
ticipation, aiming at profitability, reduce costs and solutions in the areas man
agement and productive. ACHIEVEMENTS Invited as collaborator of the European LEF
IS blog - Legal Framework for the Information Society, on the right card in the
Portuguese-speaking countries
/ Release on the seats of OAB / RS distinction of praise for the services render
ed in triennium 2004/2006 Development of the project of ISO 9001 in a law firm i
n size, with completion scheduled in 2007. Publication of the interview in the m
agazine of CIEE about the relationship of work and email. Article in book publis
hing in OAB / SC. Management law firm in Florianópolis. Organization and early r
esults within the team, aiming for higher productivity and goals. Entrance to th
e law firm of large size. Growth within the office and began leading the team, a
fter organizing and drafting pleadings and deadlines, and then auditing the Bran
ch Office in goals and customer service. Worked as a lawyer in bank office, incr
easing productivity and organization. Trainee lawyer. Services pertaining to for
TIME 2007
2007 2006-2007 2006 2005 2003-2004 2002 - 2003
2001 - 2002 1997 - 2001
FOURTH COMMANDMENT OF LAW "Fight, Thy duty is to fight for the right, but on the
day that you find the right in conflict with justice, fight for justice." MANAG
EMENT AND LEADERSHIP "Being a manager is a position, being a leader is an attitu
de. The word manager can be in the curriculum, but the leadership appears headed
in the minds of when they decide to follow the leader. The manager operates fro
m 9 to 17 hours, the leader during 24 hours. The managers direct the work, leade
rs do this in life. There is only one way to lead is by example. There is always
someone watching us. " Sergio Silveira
Gustavo Rocha
Lawyer OAB / RS 53 120
Visit: Type: Rua Frei Herman, 46/
201, neighborhood Parthenon Porto Alegre / RS
|: | (51) 8163.3333
(51) 3336.2846
and monitoring procedures, with the judges orders, preparation of some pleadings
. Lawyer postgraduate degree in corporate law, with extensive experience in civi
l law, business, banking. Experience in management of law firms of medium and la
rge with knowledge of ISO 9001 and quality programs. Featured as a professional
multipurpose, acting in several areas of law and always with a lot of research,
integration team and dynamism. Coordinates the Brotherhood Gustavo Rocha, who ha
s more than 500 lawyers across the country, always seeking technical growth coup
led with professional partnerships ( has published articles
in books, articles published in several legal sites, as well as in groups of la
wyers with professionals from around the country. Experience as a manager at a l
aw firm in Florianópolis / SC for two years and currently in Novo Hamburgo / RS,
with materials management and people. Performance in the capitals of the four s
outhern states (SP, PR, SC and RS), as well as in CS and RS as a lawyer. Ease of
integration tasks in the group, with management and team coordination. Knowledg
e of techniques ISO 9001 quality programs, management procedures with techniques
such PDCA.
FOURTH COMMANDMENT OF LAW "Fight, Thy duty is to fight for the right, but on the
day that you find the right in conflict with justice, fight for justice." MANAG
EMENT AND LEADERSHIP "Being a manager is a position, being a leader is an attitu
de. The word manager can be in the curriculum, but the leadership appears headed
in the minds of when they decide to follow the leader. The manager operates fro
m 9 to 17 hours, the leader during 24 hours. The managers direct the work, leade
rs do this in life. There is only one way to lead is by example. There is always
someone watching us. " Sergio Silveira
Gustavo Rocha
Lawyer OAB / RS 53 120
Visit: Type: Rua Frei Herman, 46/
201, neighborhood Parthenon Porto Alegre / RS
|: | (51) 8163.3333
(51) 3336.2846
In short, legal knowledge coupled with quality management, aiming to grow its bu
siness and human talent certainty.
1993-2001 Lutheran University of Brazil - ULBRA-Canoas / RS Bachelor of Laws (ne
ver flunking courses;€8.3 overall average in the chairs routed). Maximum grade o
n the work of conclusion about Leasing (leasing). Lawyer OAB / RS 53 120 Graduat
e Business Law UNIVALI / Itajai
2001 2004-2005
2006-2006 2005-2005 Course "How to retain talent," sponsored by ACI of Novo Hamb
urgo. Intensive cycle - The New Bankruptcy Law - Sponsored by School of Law - Fl
orianópolis / SC changes the new bankruptcy law in the business. Adverse possess
ion on the island of Santa Catarina: Practical Aspects Sponsored by School of La
w Florianopolis Congress of South Brazilian Corporate Law Florianópolis / SC 20
class hours. (New Civil Code, Bankruptcy Law, Contracts Banking, running everyth
ing from the perspective of the enterprise). Intensive cycle of Banking Stocks -
Sponsored by the School of Law - ESA / SC -
FOURTH COMMANDMENT OF LAW "Fight, Thy duty is to fight for the right, but on the
day that you find the right in conflict with justice, fight for justice." MANAG
EMENT AND LEADERSHIP "Being a manager is a position, being a leader is an attitu
de. The word manager can be in the curriculum, but the leadership appears headed
in the minds of when they decide to follow the leader. The manager operates fro
m 9 to 17 hours, the leader during 24 hours. The managers direct the work, leade
rs do this in life. There is only one way to lead is by example. There is always
someone watching us. " Sergio Silveira
Gustavo Rocha
Lawyer OAB / RS 53 120
Visit: Type: Rua Frei Herman, 46/
201, neighborhood Parthenon Porto Alegre / RS
|: | (51) 8163.3333
(51) 3336.2846
2003-2003 2003-2003
2000-2000 1997-1997
1992-1992 1989-1991
Florianópolis / SC Process implementation, revisional actions, action, Search an
d Seizure, Bank Credit, etc. Institute for Cultural Development - IDC - Porto Al
egre / RS Update Course of the New Civil Code. Seminar discussion on New Bankrup
tcy Law Porto Alegre / RS Promoted by OAB / RS cycle of lectures OAB / RS DEBATE
AS REFORMS. With the presence of the rapporteur of the project and the Deputy M
inister Osvaldo Biolchi STJ Noronha Joao Otavio Lutheran University of Brazil -
Canoas / RS Researcher ULBRA Research with the major professor (research case la
w and doctrinal) Credit Protection Service - CPS - Porto Alegre / Using the RS p
rogram and legislation on credit Yázigi International Porto Alegre / RS Course A
dvanced English fluently written and two oral North American Cultural Institute
- Porto Alegre / RS course English language an intermediate to advanced with a w
ritten and oral fluency
An axiom. A business management solution. "To bury the dead, caring for the livi
ng and close the ports." Published on the site Jus Vigilantibus (
m/doutrinas_e_pecas/ver/23809). Published Groups Lawyers: Brotherhood Gustavo Ro
cha - 500 Associates, Lawyer Group - 1200 Associate, Group Corporate Law - 100 A
ssociates, The Legal Group - 150
FOURTH COMMANDMENT OF LAW "Fight, Thy duty is to fight for the right, but on the
day that you find the right in conflict with justice, fight for justice." MANAG
EMENT AND LEADERSHIP "Being a manager is a position, being a leader is an attitu
de. The word manager can be in the curriculum, but the leadership appears headed
in the minds of when they decide to follow the leader. The manager operates fro
m 9 to 17 hours, the leader during 24 hours. The managers direct the work, leade
rs do this in life. There is only one way to lead is by example. There is always
someone watching us. " Sergio Silveira
Gustavo Rocha
Lawyer OAB / RS 53 120
Visit: Type: Rua Frei Herman, 46/
201, neighborhood Parthenon Porto Alegre / RS
|: | (51) 8163.3333
(51) 3336.2846
2006-2006 2005-2005 2004-2004
Associated Article published in the CIEE / RS "Corporate Big Brother" On the use
of internet and e-mails on the desktop Article published in the book Moving OAB
, OAB publisher: "Reforms 10.931/2004 from the law on search and seizure in alie
nation fiduciary. " Unit Banking: Alternative solution or in the provision of ex
ercise jurisdiction? Posted in Site Gustavo Rocha ( Site In
fojur ( Site Final Appeal ( and in
Group Firm: Brotherhood Gustavo Rocha - 500 Associated Lawyer Group - 1200 Asso
ciate, Group Corporate Law - 100 Associates, The Legal Group - Associates 150 Op
inion on disturbance Sossego in Condominium Apartments. Posted in Site Gustavo R
ocha ( and in Group Firm: Brotherhood Gustavo Rocha - Assoc
iate Opinion about 500 animals in Condominium Apartments. Posted in Site Gustavo
Rocha ( and in Group Firm: Brotherhood Gustavo Rocha - 500
Associates, Lawyer Group - 1200 Associate Opinion about Deposits and discharge.
Posted in Site Gustavo Rocha ( and in Group Firm: Brotherh
ood Gustavo Rocha - 500 Associates, Group Counsel - Anticipated 1200 Associated
Residual Value Guaranteed Contracts Leasing. Posted in Site Gustavo Rocha (www.g and
FOURTH COMMANDMENT OF LAW "Fight, Thy duty is to fight for the right, but on the
day that you find the right in conflict with justice, fight for justice." MANAG
EMENT AND LEADERSHIP "Being a manager is a position, being a leader is an attitu
de. The word manager can be in the curriculum, but the leadership appears headed
in the minds of when they decide to follow the leader. The manager operates fro
m 9 to 17 hours, the leader during 24 hours. The managers direct the work, leade
rs do this in life. There is only one way to lead is by example. There is always
someone watching us. " Sergio Silveira
Gustavo Rocha
Lawyer OAB / RS 53 120
Visit: Type: Rua Frei Herman, 46/
201, neighborhood Parthenon Porto Alegre / RS
|: | (51) 8163.3333
(51) 3336.2846
Groups in the Firm: Brotherhood Gustavo Rocha - 500 Associates, Lawyer Group - 1
200 Associate
2004-2007 Standing Committee on Access to Justice - Federal State Bar Associatio
n appointed by that committee's Standing OAB that through research and negotiati
ons with various arms of the Brazilian judiciary promotes the streamlining of Ju
stice, bringing many benefits to all lawyers. Special Committee on Banking - OAB
/ SC Member appointed by that committee of OAB that through research and negoti
ations seeking to appease and strengthen relationships with financial institutio
ns, bringing many benefits to the community. ICDB - Catarinense Institute of Ban
king Law and Cultural Director of the Institute of Informatics, which in partner
ship with OAB / SC seeks to disseminate and broaden the knowledge society in sup
port of the Science of Banking. Special Committee on Information Technology - OA
B / RS Member appointed by that committee of OAB / RS that through the computer
is proposing to all Lawyers Gauchos a new way of thinking and acting according t
o the technology, with scope to demonstrate that with information technology red
uces costs and attorney increases profitability. Special Committee on Procedure
and Streamlined Debureaucratization - OAB / RS Member appointed by that committe
e of OAB / RS that through research and negotiations with various arms of the St
ate Judiciary Gaucho promotes
FOURTH COMMANDMENT OF LAW "Fight, Thy duty is to fight for the right, but on the
day that you find the right in conflict with justice, fight for justice." MANAG
EMENT AND LEADERSHIP "Being a manager is a position, being a leader is an attitu
de. The word manager can be in the curriculum, but the leadership appears headed
in the minds of when they decide to follow the leader. The manager operates fro
m 9 to 17 hours, the leader during 24 hours. The managers direct the work, leade
rs do this in life. There is only one way to lead is by example. There is always
someone watching us. " Sergio Silveira
Gustavo Rocha
Lawyer OAB / RS 53 120
Visit: Type: Rua Frei Herman, 46/
201, neighborhood Parthenon Porto Alegre / RS
|: | (51) 8163.3333
(51) 3336.2846
the speed of Justice, bringing many benefits to all lawyers. Today turned into t
he Commission on Access to Justice in 2002-2005 under the National Voluntary Pro
fessor He teaches Civil Law, Banking Law and Civil Procedure for trainees from t
he office, with the objective of growth and improvement of the team members Talk
about the changes in the laws of Alienation Trust Talk given to team members, c
lients and stakeholders about changes that have modified the Decree-law 911/69 L
ecture held on August 1, 2005 about the changes in the laws of Chattel Mortgage,
compared to 10 931 Law Lecture held in OAB / SC about changes that have modifie
d the Decree-Law 911/69, which led to an article published in the book Moving OA
B, OAB Publisher
Dynamism Non Smoking Entrepreneurship Deep knowledge of technology,€essential to
ol for quick results to the difficulties facing modern solid legal knowledge in
various areas and holistic general knowledge and modern-day Leadership Accustome
d to work in a team, always aiming the growth of the company's parsimony with th
e personal ambition for professional growth, coupled with the development of wor
k to be done
FOURTH COMMANDMENT OF LAW "Fight, Thy duty is to fight for the right, but on the
day that you find the right in conflict with justice, fight for justice." MANAG
EMENT AND LEADERSHIP "Being a manager is a position, being a leader is an attitu
de. The word manager can be in the curriculum, but the leadership appears headed
in the minds of when they decide to follow the leader. The manager operates fro
m 9 to 17 hours, the leader during 24 hours. The managers direct the work, leade
rs do this in life. There is only one way to lead is by example. There is always
someone watching us. " Sergio Silveira
Gustavo Rocha
Lawyer OAB / RS 53 120
Visit: Type: Rua Frei Herman, 46/
201, neighborhood Parthenon Porto Alegre / RS
|: | (51) 8163.3333
(51) 3336.2846
Constantly updating the tools of law and social World Facility in adapting to ne
w tasks, always scope for learning coupled with the overriding business developm
ent practical experience in managing internal teams (Manager - internal client)
and external teams physically (Manager - internal customer of other branches in
other states), using management reports to board, seeking growth and profitabili
ty Portuguese and excellent writing

Abdo, Abdo & Diniz Attorneys Associates Novo Hamburgo / RS - Manager / Lawyer
Office manager and project manager of Quality ISO 9001. Office Manager: Link bet
ween the directors and other employees in administrative issues, such as exits e
arly, uniform, etc., as well as legal issues, decision analysis as to whether or
not we bring resources, initial control (quality), between others; Partnership
with People Management and Personnel Department regarding admission and dismissa
l of employees, which are made by me or other proper responsible; analytical and
functional organization of the office,

FOURTH COMMANDMENT OF LAW "Fight, Thy duty is to fight for the right, but on the
day that you find the right in conflict with justice, fight for justice." MANAG
EMENT AND LEADERSHIP "Being a manager is a position, being a leader is an attitu
de. The word manager can be in the curriculum, but the leadership appears headed
in the minds of when they decide to follow the leader. The manager operates fro
m 9 to 17 hours, the leader during 24 hours. The managers direct the work, leade
rs do this in life. There is only one way to lead is by example. There is always
someone watching us. " Sergio Silveira
Gustavo Rocha
Lawyer OAB / RS 53 120
Visit: Type: Rua Frei Herman, 46/
201, neighborhood Parthenon Porto Alegre / RS
|: | (51) 8163.3333
(51) 3336.2846

order that the internal tasks are more coherent, practical and result mainly of
Expertise in all areas of the firm in order to collaborate with other lawyers an
d staff in strategic and practical solutions, thus translating into broad genera
l knowledge not only administrative, but equally Legal. General Manager Project
Manager and ISO 9001 Quality Implement the goals and charge the facilitators; de
fine control strategies and mapping of internal processes of the office, organiz
ing and opposing control, analyze the profile of individual employees, to give t
hem feedback their work and how the company analyzes the Joining quality managem
ent to the reality of the office, turning the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check and Act) con
trol procedures in electronic form, standardizing and creating management report
s and monitoring teams. With progress in the implementation of quality, the natu
ral consequence is the organization's office, with routines more efficient, prac
tical and above all mapped and monitored, allowing the PDCA terms we run more ef
ficiently and effectively increasing the real profitability, compared to the pow
er More effective control of the capital management activities related to develo
pers, as well as the outcome of each task performed

S / C 9
FOURTH COMMANDMENT OF LAW "Fight, Thy duty is to fight for the right, but on the
day that you find the right in conflict with justice, fight for justice." MANAG
EMENT AND LEADERSHIP "Being a manager is a position, being a leader is an attitu
de. The word manager can be in the Curriculum,€but the leadership appears headed
in the minds of when they decide to follow the leader. The manager operates fro
m 9 to 17 hours, the leader during the 24 hours. Managers direct the work, leade
rs do this in life. There is only one way to lead is by example. There is always
someone watching us. "Sergio Silveira
Gustavo Rocha
Lawyer OAB / RS 53 120
Visit: Type: Rua Frei Herman, 46/
201, neighborhood Parthenon Porto Alegre / RS
|: | (51) 8163.3333
(51) 3336.2846
Florianópolis / SC - Manager / Lawyer
Office Manager, all routines associated with: box, dealing with customers, organ
izing staff, among others. Preparation of pieces of all procedural stages (initi
al, disputes both as rite Ordinary Special Court), Resources, Special and extrao
rdinary appeals under the chattel (Search and Seizure) and leasing (repossession
) and defense in actions listed shares and also compensation of branch banking C
ustomer Service (Financial Institution) by e-mail and in person meetings for dis
entangling solutions agile and financial control processes in the program Tedesc
o Legal & Legal WEB (process control of all branches Internet) development of ne
w theories and research solutions for the banking Financial Institution

Organisation of the total office, with changes in their routines and increase
functionality to better (binomial economy versus outcome) Increase in profitabil
ity Royal Branch, opposite the source of capital valuation of the team towards t
he goal of the company, motivation and learning, bringing as a result of commitm
ent and growth

S / C 10
FOURTH COMMANDMENT OF LAW "Fight, Thy duty is to fight for the right, but on the
day that you find the right in conflict with justice, fight for justice." MANAG
EMENT AND LEADERSHIP "Being a manager is a position, being a leader is an attitu
de. The word manager can be in the curriculum, but the leadership appears headed
in the minds of when they decide to follow the leader. The manager operates fro
m 9 to 17 hours, the leader during 24 hours. The managers direct the work, leade
rs do this in life. There is only one way to lead is by example. There is always
someone watching us. " Sergio Silveira
Gustavo Rocha
Lawyer OAB / RS 53 120
Visit: Type: Rua Frei Herman, 46/
201, neighborhood Parthenon Porto Alegre / RS
|: | (51) 8163.3333
(51) 3336.2846
Porto Alegre / RS - Lawyer
Preparation of pieces of all procedural stages (initial, disputes both as rite O
rdinary Special Court), Resources, Special and extraordinary appeals under the c
hattel (Search and Seizure) and leasing (repossession) and defense in actions li
sted shares and also compensation of branch banking Monitoring of immission of e
victions and possession with the bailiffs Expertise in real estate bail, as well
as in the area of cargo insurance, fire and transit customer service (Financial
Institution) by e email and in person meetings for disentangling solutions and
Agile Development of financial advice in banking for Financial Institution Contr
ol lawyers procedural deadlines Direct involvement with the other branches of th
e office in Florianópolis, Curitiba, Paraná and São Paulo / SP , aiming at growt
h and improvement and standardization between headquarters and subsidiaries Calc
ulation of update values for purge of late payments and disputes the calculation
s performed by counter Hearings conciliation (both 331 of the CPC as Special Civ
il Court), Education audiences ( both bank - oral discussions - as of summary -
traffic accidents) Coordination of trainees in routine forum for process control
in the program Tedesco Legal & Legal WEB (process control of all branches via t
he Internet) Organization office near the

FOURTH COMMANDMENT OF LAW "Fight, Thy duty is to fight for the right, but on the
day that you find the right in conflict with justice, fight for justice." MANAG
EMENT AND LEADERSHIP "Being a manager is a position, being a leader is an attitu
de. The word manager can be in the curriculum, but the leadership appears headed
in the minds of when they decide to follow the leader. The manager operates fro
m 9 to 17 hours, the leader during 24 hours. The managers direct the work, leade
rs do this in life. There is only one way to lead is by example. There is always
someone watching us. " Sergio Silveira
Gustavo Rocha
Lawyer OAB / RS 53 120
Visit: Type: Rua Frei Herman, 46/
201, neighborhood Parthenon Porto Alegre / RS
|: | (51) 8163.3333
(51) 3336.2846

developers of computer solutions in legal techniques to make efficient work, mai

nly using the Internet development and research of new theses banking solutions
for the Financial Institution
Organisation of the total office, with changes in their routines and increase
functionality to better (binomial economy versus outcome) Decreased effective sp
ending on personnel and equipment, organizing rationality operative Valuation te
am to achieve the objective of the company, motivation and learning, bringing as
a result of commitment and growth


Conducting advocacy and professional person - Porto Alegre / RS

Sponsor of action in the civil sphere, as indemnity for moral damages, actions r
elating to the possession and ownership as well as the special court in civil cr
iminal sphere, the gross attendance, monitoring and interrogation hearings and o
ral arguments before the Court of Rio Grande South In the sphere of real estate,
estate agents and lawyers to call on the parts and research in the area, lookin
g for quick fixes and gains landlord / owner In many areas of law, a researcher
and idealistic social justice as well. Volunteer work alongside professional col
leagues and friends to spread the law and minimize the

FOURTH COMMANDMENT OF LAW "Fight, Thy duty is to fight for the right, but on the
day that you find the right in conflict with justice, fight for justice." MANAG
EMENT AND LEADERSHIP "Being a manager is a position, being a leader is an attitu
de. The word manager can be in the curriculum, but the leadership appears headed
in the minds of when they decide to follow the leader. The manager operates fro
m 9 to 17 hours, the leader during 24 hours. The managers direct the work, leade
rs do this in life. There is only one way to lead is by example. There is always
someone watching us. " Sergio Silveira
Gustavo Rocha
Lawyer OAB / RS 53 120
Visit: Type: Rua Frei Herman, 46/
201, neighborhood Parthenon Porto Alegre / RS
|: | (51) 8163.3333
(51) 3336.2846
social ills through both the Web site as the group that coordinates legal and /
or participates Widely known in several legal groups, such as: Brotherhood Gusta
vo Rocha ( Lawyer (http:// among o
thers, has always highlighted by his professionalism and legal knowledge Develop
ment of opinions in banking, civil, commercial and real estate, all published on
websites and discussion groups on legal

Santetti Assessoria Ltda. Porto Alegre / RS Lawyer

Preparation of pieces of all procedural stages (initial, disputes both as rite O
rdinary Special Court), Resources, Special and extraordinary appeals under the c
hattel (Search and Seizure) and leasing (repossession) and defense in actions li
sted shares and also compensation of branch banking in the process control progr
am advocating 4.0 Customer Care (Financial Institution) by e-mail and in person
meetings for disentangling solutions and Agile Development of financial advice i
n banking for Financial Institution

Organisation of the total office, with changes in their routines and increase
functionality to better (binomial economy versus outcome) Implementation of proc
ess control in electronic form, bringing savings in time and functionality

FOURTH COMMANDMENT OF LAW "Fight, Thy duty is to fight for the right, but on the
day that you find the right in conflict with justice, fight for justice." MANAG
EMENT AND LEADERSHIP "Being a manager is a position, being a leader is an attitu
de. The word manager can be in the curriculum, but the leadership appears headed
in the minds of when they decide to follow the leader. The manager operates fro
m 9 to 17 hours, the leader during 24 hours. The managers direct the work, leade
rs do this in life. There is only one way to lead is by example. There is always
someone watching us. " Sergio Silveira
Gustavo Rocha
Lawyer OAB / RS 53 120
Visit: Type: Rua Frei Herman, 46/
201, neighborhood Parthenon Porto Alegre / RS
|: | (51) 8163.3333
(51) 3336.2846
Valuation of the team towards the goal of the company, motivation and learning,
with the result commitment and growth

F. Meirelles Advogados Associados - Porto Alegre / RS - Trainee Law

Preparation of petitions of various kinds,€such as: Initial (collection, reposse
ssion, liens, monitoring, enforcement), oppositions, replies and Resources Full
supervision of an office area, since the start of action until its completion in
the process control program and Easy Legal Internet Services Forum in Porto Ale
gre search case law (via the Internet and specific programs)


Raymond Flores Advogados Associados Porto Alegre / RS - Trainee Law

Preparation of petitions of various kinds, such as: Initial (collection, reposse
ssion, liens, monitoring, enforcement), oppositions, replies and Resource Verifi
cation of assumptions for the filing of the action, such as analyzing assets, do
cuments required for filing of a particular contract (the current account, lease
, chattel mortgage, contract administration) process control in the program advo
cating 3:04, via Internet, calculation of accounts in the program Memorial Foren
sic Practice:

FOURTH COMMANDMENT OF LAW "Fight, Thy duty is to fight for the right, but on the
day that you find the right in conflict with justice, fight for justice." MANAG
EMENT AND LEADERSHIP "Being a manager is a position, being a leader is an attitu
de. The word manager can be in the curriculum, but the leadership appears headed
in the minds of when they decide to follow the leader. The manager operates fro
m 9 to 17 hours, the leader during 24 hours. The managers direct the work, leade
rs do this in life. There is only one way to lead is by example. There is always
someone watching us. " Sergio Silveira
Gustavo Rocha
Lawyer OAB / RS 53 120
Visit: Type: Rua Frei Herman, 46/
201, neighborhood Parthenon Porto Alegre / RS
|: | (51) 8163.3333
(51) 3336.2846

- Services Forum in Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre and Interior of RS, even outside
the State (Florianópolis / SC). - Monitoring of writ of mandamus and injunction
(Bid) in the Federal Court and Common - Monitoring of processes in the Labor Cou
rt, the Conciliation and the Regional Labor Court. - Monitoring of Justice Offic
ials in the search warrant and repossession. Search case law (via the Internet a
nd specific programs) Computing

Windows 3.11, 95, 98, 2000, ME and XP (installation, configuration and use) Offi
ce 1997, 2000 and XP (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, Front Page) Internet (br
owsing, HTML, creating Home Page ) and applications in general and moderator of
the Confraternity Creator Gustavo Rocha, the site, w
ith over 500 lawyers around the country sharing ideas, legislation, jurisprudenc
e and information
Expected salary
The view of the experience exposed, and the results compared to the work done, I
leave open the trading income, here's the important thing is the achievement of
objectives, and the financial return to its natural consequence.
FOURTH COMMANDMENT OF LAW "Fight, Thy duty is to fight for the right, but on the
day that you find the right in conflict with justice, fight for justice." MANAG
EMENT AND LEADERSHIP "Being a manager is a position, being a leader is an attitu
de. The word manager can be in the curriculum, but the leadership appears headed
in the minds of when they decide to follow the leader. The manager operates fro
m 9 to 17 hours, the leader during 24 hours. The managers direct the work, leade
rs do this in life. There is only one way to lead is by example. There is always
someone watching us. " Sergio Silveira

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