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Substance Abuse, who is affected?

Drug Addiction (argumentative text)

Drug addiction is addiction to a drug and not use it for personal gain, consumpt
ion of psychoactive substances does radically change the life of a person addict
s suffer both physical and emotional disorders, in some cases can be treated, Dr
ug addiction is a global problem that can happen to someone close watch out for.
A part of that certain drugs which affect the behaviors and symptoms that are t
aken from them: They start with vandalism to stealing but may be involuntary but
the effect occurs and thus become very dangerous addiction damages nerves Tanta
which allows control of our movements become slow, inattentive, sleeping, defen
seless, red eyes, this indicates that is an addict, in the social side become ve
ry aggressive, rude sometimes completely change their emotional state due to add
iction the addict suffers from want, but suffers more the addict's family, famil
y problems arise starts, intra-family fights, leaving home. Drug addiction is a
problem not just one person but of the environment who experience it often start
eating due to emotional problems being experienced at the time, and that's the
way to escape them or at least forget about them , but not all times are like th
at, just by curiosity that we have many people fall into temptation, what many p
eople say "try it, nothing happens when" what so many believe but are no longer
tested and there after eating out becomes a necessity to do it again, the drug i
s very easy to get why this is so difficult to prevent but not impossible, sever
al campaigns against drugs. But in our country is the best selling is rated as a
producer and exporter. Either way you look at the addictive drugs have no benef
it on the other hand drugs are so harmful such as alcoholism or smoking
Name: Tatiana Velásquez Year: 1101
Substance Abuse, who is affected?
are less complex but these also relate to addiction, the drug that is recommende
d not to try these too much brain damage the central part of what follows in the
coordination of movements and the psychological changes rarely becomes totally
do the same old low self-esteem, our moods emotionally suffering, in the office
is far from the people around you, if it were to fall into drugs family support
is unconditional d often the lack of values leads to consume not have establishe
d bases at home makes us more vulnerable to be tempted to try new things, the st
udies show that it is more likely that women consume more than men because a wom
an is more emotionally sensitive to the problems is weak, although talking about
symptoms a man has more aggressive behavior, the process of physical and emotio
nal change is more pronounced. The drugs damage the body, so when you think abou
t it first offered drugs and say no because you have to think of you, in your li
fe before falling curious about
Bibliography Drug addiction and its impact on society [online] Available at: htt
word.recuperado September 23, 2009
Name: Tatiana Velásquez Year: 1101

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