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WORKING THE VOICE OF THE TEACHER Prevention, Guide and Educate
WORKING THE VOICE OF THE TEACHER Prevention, Guide and Educate
Monograph presented as part of the requirements for completion of Specialization
in Voice. Advisor: Mirian Goldenberg
At Pollastri Maria Candida de Castro, my aunt and friend, for having welcomed me
and supported lovingly along this journey. Mirian Goldenberg, professor, for gu
idance and support provided in developing this work.
To all my patients who, directly or indirectly, contributed greatly to the achie
vement of this work.
1. 2.
INTRODUCTION ................................................. .................
................................. ................... 8 HOW TO KEEP A GOOD VOICE
............................................ ..................................
......... 11 2.1 REVIEW OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY ..............................
............. ......................... RESPIRATORY SYSTEM .....................
......................... 11 2.2 ............................................ 13
2.3 IMPORTANCE OF RESPIRATORY THERAPY .........................................
... ...... VOCAL HEALTH .............................................. 15 2.4 ..
................................................ ............ 16
3. 4.
Speech, gestures and postures ............................................. ....
................................ The 21 teachers daily .........................
.................... .......................................... 24 4.1 Main COMP
LAINTS .............................................. ..........................
CLASSROOM .................. 25 x 3.4 LOAD TIME VOICE INTERFACE ................
........................... ................................ 27 4.4 Dysphonia AS
OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE ............................................ .............
..... 28
5. 6.
X VOICE STRESS RATIO .............................................. ............
.................................. 31 IMPORTANCE OF VOCAL THERAPY IN WORKING WIT
E ...................... 34 6.2 The need for broader dissemination of the audiol
ogic work with teachers ..................................... ..................
................................ ..... 35
7. 8.
CONCLUSION ................................................ ....................
............................. 37 REFERENCES ....................................
........... ..................................... 41
The goal of this paper to show Was The Importance of prevention and correct orie
ntation in the treatment of teachers voice problems. Through Theoretical Researc
hs, Was raised important information Concerning the main complaints, the more co
mmon vocal abuses and Their Consequences. As well as the Difficulties Those foun
d by Professionals In Their daily work. Frequent psychological factors like stre
ss and Lack of pedagogical resources Were Mentioned By The authors researched th
e main problems found by the teachers. These Beside, the most part of Profession
als work in crowded classes, without the means to Provide an Adequate Them vocal
production. Resources or roams the microphones designed with better acoustics a
re not the Brazilian reality, But are fundamental to the maintenance of the voic
e quality and consequently to a more pleasant and efficient education. This Pape
r Has Been Contribution to the teachers to Become Aware of the Importance of pre
vention and habits changes. As well as prevention Towards the correct voice prob
lems, since teachers Are The Professionals That Have got the highest number of v
ocal alterations.
The aim of this study was to show the importance of prevention and proper guidan
ce in the treatment of voice problems of teachers. Through theoretical research,
important data were gathered on the main complaints, the abuses committed more
vocal and their consequences, and difficulties encountered by these professional
s in their day-to-day work. Factors such as frequent psychological stress and la
ck of teaching resources were mentioned by the authors surveyed as major problem
s encountered by teachers. Besides these, the majority of professionals working
in classrooms filled and without the means that provide an adequate voice produc
tion. Features such as microphone or rooms designed with a sound proposals that
are better, although not part of the Brazilian reality,€are essential for mainta
ining the voice quality and hence to an education more efficient and enjoyable.
Prevention is the primary means to prevent vocal problems, though, based on expe
rience of private practice, few teachers who seek speech therapy before settling
a problem. This work helped teachers become aware of the importance of preventi
on, changing habits and proper prophylaxis with the voice, since they are the pr
ofessionals with the highest rate of vocal.
Much has been studied about the voice of professionals in various fields, includ
ing the teacher's voice. With the advancement of technology and creation of opti
cal fibers has become possible to learn and study in detail the anatomy and phys
iology of the human voice. The Speech - science that studies human communication
in normal and pathological manifestations - comes to dedicating some time to re
view voice of the teacher, due to the great importance that this work has on the
social, cultural and educational subjects. Which leads us to inquire about the
teacher's voice is the intense desire to succeed in developing a more dynamic an
d effective, with greater security, achieving positive results with a reduced pe
riod of therapy. Seeking to expand this area of knowledge and at the same time,
trying to understand what they think and act as our teachers, some doubts have a
risen regarding the treatment of voice that were crucial to the development of t
his research. According to studies conducted among professionals working with vo
ice, teaching is a profession with a higher incidence of vocal changes. These ch
anges affect the personal, social and, above all, professional life, causing anx
iety and distress.
9 Most teachers are unaware of the influence of voice on the performance of its
function, disregarding the fact that the same be the primary means of transmitti
ng knowledge. There is a great lack of information from these professionals rega
rding the use and care of basic voice, perhaps for the lack of appropriate guide
lines for such. Generally, only when the voice begins to fail, showing signs of
fatigue, or even already established a condition that makes it impossible to wor
k using the same, is that the teacher awakens to the importance of their own voi
ce and care be taken with her. Being an educator solid model for his students -
a real trainer reviews - the concern with the voice and the negative repercussio
ns that it brings, both for faculty and for students, has been cause for various
work in this area. It is important that teachers hold correct habits of posture
, precise gestures and a good voice quality, because its pattern of conduct, bes
ides influencing the transmission of knowledge is constantly observed and often
imitated by other speakers. This study therefore is to expose the main difficult
ies of the teacher in maintaining a healthy voice, usually due to its use in int
ense rounds of excessive work, demonstrating the reflections that this practice
carries on his professional and personal life and therefore such as speech thera
py may benefit them in the prevention, maintenance and correction of possible la
ryngeal disorders.
10 It is believed that many professionals are constantly on doubtful and uncerta
in situations in the care of teachers. This work also seeks clarification of all
or part of some of these doubts and uncertainties and other suscitação.
The phonatory mechanism occurs during the expiratory phase of respiration. For t
his it is necessary a balanced activity of all intrinsic muscles of the larynx,
which consists of arythenoid muscles, lateral cricoarytenoid and the thyroaryten
oid external beam (adductor muscles). Being the abductor mechanism of the vocal
folds is the posterior cricoarytenoid muscles. The tension mechanism is achieved
by the cricothyroid muscle and mainly by the action of the beam's internal thyr
oarytenoid muscle. The voice is produced by vibration of the vocal folds. During
exhalation the vocal folds come together throughout their length, resulting in
glottic closure and consequent increase in subglottic air pressure. These two op
posing forces result in vocal fold vibration. Subglottic pressure is formed when
the vocal folds are approximate. The volume of exhaled air leaving the lungs is
slowed to the level of the glottis, resulting in increased speed of airflow thr
ough the glottis (BOONE, 1984).€Subglottic pressure increases with respect to su
bglottal air pressure and the vocal folds are separated quickly, tying the two p
ressures (the opening phase of a cycle of vibration).
12 Because the mass of the vocal folds and the Bernoulli effect (suction effect)
, they are united again to their previous line of approach (closing phase of the
cycle of vocalization). The Bernoulli effect is the attraction sucking the voca
l folds, toward each other, caused by the higher velocity air passing between th
e vocal cords closer together. BOONE (1984) explains that the vibratory cycle wo
rks as follows: the intrinsic adductor approximate the vocal folds when expirati
on starts, under the pressure increases, the airflow passing through the glottic
opening and separating the vocal cords, the static mass and the effect Bernouil
li the approach again, the vibratory cycle repeats. This cycle can be repeated a
bout 125 times per second in the vocalization of an adult male and 215 times per
second in an adult woman (BONNE, 1984).
FIGURE 1. Basic laryngeal cartilaginous structures: A) cut from the right wing o
f the thyroid, B) wall of the thyroid cartilage left, C) left arytenoid cartilag
e; D) posterior cricoid cartilage. Intrinsic muscles: E) posterior cricoarytenoi
d; F) lateral cricoarytenoid; G) arytenoid oblícuo; H) transverse arytenoid; I)
aryepiglottic; J) thyroarytenoid (vocal), K) ventricular fold; L) epiglottis. (B
oone & McFarlane, 1994).
Humans learned to use breathing for speech. Both talk about how to sing requires
an expiratory air flow capable of activating the vibration of the vocal folds.
It is common to find in professional voice - more
specifically teachers - a lack of breathing and speaking. Basically, it is the c
onflict between the physiological needs and demands of speech through the air th
at causes the incorrect use of the vocal mechanism (BOONE, 1984: 176). The depen
dence of the constant renewal of air imposes certain limitations on how many wor
ds can say, how many sentences can pronounce or how much emphasis we can use on
an exhale. The breathing mode corresponds to the dominance of breathing (oral, n
asal or mixed) chosen and used during situations of rest (outside of phonation).
Ideally, the inspirations are carried out by the nasal route since that way the
re is heating, humidification and air filtration, environmental conditions favor
ing the vocal work (PINE 1998). Mouth breathing, besides the injuries they cause
occlusion and facial growth, yet provides a drying of the laryngeal tissues, hi
ndering the vibration of the vocal folds (MARCHESAN apud PINE, 1998). The classi
fication of respiratory types varies among different authors that address the to
pic. Brodnitz apud Leslie (1995) points to the fact that the type of thoracic br
eathing is very common in raised voices. Already
14 apud WILSON Leslie (1995) highlights the difficulty in establishing a univers
al standard for normal breathing. Still quoting Leslie (1995) we can say that th
e classification into types is determined by the respiratory region of the chest
that is more active during the process of inspiration. For SEGRE et al. (1981)
"normal" would be to introduce sufficient air to the proper functioning of the m
echanism of phonation, and must be fast, deep and silent for a proper issue. He
said the types vary in relation to gender, age and anatomical constitution. PINE
(1998) sees as the three most common types of breathing: superior costal, diaph
ragmatic, or abdominal and lower costodiaphragmatic. The standard cage is genera
lly used for more physical activities because it enables greater and more rapid
entry of air into the lungs with high oxygenation. The standard diaphragm or low
er is used during sleep. Ideal for constant talking is standard costodiaphragmat
ic abdominal featuring the opening of the ribs, anterior bone external and conse
quent lowering of the diaphragm with abdominal expansion (PINE, 1998). During in
halation, the most important muscles are the diaphragm and external intercostal,
participating muscles of the neck, back and abdomen. The expiratory muscles are
responsible for moving the diaphragm muscle, the external intercostal muscles a
nd the fibers of the internal intercostal muscles. The latter are responsible fo
r lowering
15 ribs and come to life after ceasing the visual exhalation phase, when the ext
ernal intercostal ribs are relaxed and have returned to the starting position. I
ts contraction involves the use of air reserves (PINE 1998).
As previously mentioned, it is common to find teachers in a pseudo-incoordinatio
n phono-breathing. This lack means that these professionals use
constant air of reserve generating hyperadduct glottic with subsequent impairmen
t of the vocal tract (increased vocal fatigue, for example). One must remember t
hat use of start of the air reserve is allowed to be sent to the current air voc
al cords, through the gradual contraction of the muscles of the abdominal belt (
PINE, 1998). The waistband is made up of several muscles that participate in the
dynamic charge and support of voice. The training these muscles is essential fo
r the firmness of the ribs and the phrase in strong intensities. The increase in
vocal intensity depends directly on the increase in subglottic air pressure, co
ntrolled by glottal adduction and expiratory airflow (PINE, 1998).
16 A key problem for many professionals with voice problems is the tendency to c
ompress the closed glottis to produce the necessary force, instead of increasing
the air pressure by contracting the abdominal muscles. If this method is custom
ary, the strain becomes the basis for a
hyperfunctioning of the voice, which can generate edema, nodules and others. The
balance between support and the mechanisms responsible laryngeal allows the mai
ntenance of vocal fold vibration. According PINE (1998), respiratory therapy con
sists basically of the installation and automation of the respiratory pattern
costodiaphragmatic in the abdominal muscle conditioning and control of breath du
ring the vocal demands. The importance of the work of breathing in dysphonia has
been reported by several authors, but the treatment of respiratory function has
been ignored by many speech pathologists, despite increasing respiratory effort
be clearly seen in teachers with voice complaints.
Based on studies Pletsch (1997), QUINTEIRO (1989), PINE (1997), COLTON & CASPER
(1996), Aydos (2000) and own observations the author of this work, we can say th
at the teacher's voice is susceptible to various interferences, such as vocal ab
use, climatic conditions, addictions, nutrition, hormones, respiratory disorders
, inadequate
17 hydration. To maintain good vocal health teacher on the fulfillment of some v
aluable recommendations described by the authors, which we now stand out: Abuses
To avoid vocal abuse vocal teacher is recommended to: 1)
moving around the classroom, and thus can be heard more easily, avoid talking lo
ud or when students are restless, 2) Speak with an intensity of voice appropriat
e to the environment, with the speed and tone of voice that suits you best, 3) u
se the correct placement of the voice with resonance balanced, 4) speak quietly,
avoiding unnecessary wear, 5) replace the cries of whistles or whistles when yo
u want to get public attention, 6) avoid issuing onomatopoeic sounds (engines, t
hunder, noise animals, musical instruments, among others), 7) visit the doctor r
To prevent climate effects of climatic effects is advised: 1) agasalharse proper
ly and avoid exposure to air currents continuous, 2) maintain good hydration, al
lowing the fluidity of the secretions produced by the body, 3) avoid eating food
s and beverages excessively cold or hot, because they cause thermal shock, causi
ng swelling in the vocal folds, 4) do not stay talking for long periods in dry e
nvironments too, under the effect of air conditioning, because it attacks the mu
cous membranes of the vocal folds, allowing the formation sputum and nasal and l
aryngeal irritation.
As addictions to vices and bad habits, it is observed that: 1) cigarette toxins
irritate the lining of the airways, causing coughing, hoarseness, swelling and,
in most cases, an increase of secretions. 2) heavy smoking is the predominant fa
ctor in the incidence of cancer of the mouth and larynx, esophagus and lung, 3)
marijuana smoke is warmer than normal cigarettes and thus act more aggressively
in the larynx of users, 4) aspiration of cocaine is a severe vasoconstriction of
the nasal mucosa, causing imbalances in vocal resonance as nasality of voice fo
r example, 5), drinking alcohol causes irritation and at the same time, has an a
nesthetic effect on pharyngeal region, which provides vocal abuse which subseque
ntly will cause hoarseness and burning in the aforementioned region, 6) most dru
gs act directly on the larynx, which can generate effects that compromise the ph
onatory apparatus, so the abuse is contraindicated.
Hydration Proper hydration is also essential for the proper
vocal performance. Several authors stress that the adoption of hidratoterapia gi
ves good results against the hawks, the voices loud, the accumulation of secreti
on and hoarseness, and also decrease the likelihood of local edema. Therefore, i
t is recommended to implement a program of vocal hydration as preventive procedu
re in professional voice users.
19 Power To optimize the effects of food on the voice, it is recommended: 1) avo
id chocolate, milk and dairy products before teaching, because they favor the in
creased secretion of mucus in the phonatory apparatus, producing hoarseness and
change the system of resonance voice, 2) prevent the consumption of fizzy drinks
, responsible for the sensation of "fullness" that disturbs and interferes with
voice control, 3) drinking orange juice and lemon regularly as they absorb the e
xcess secretion of the vocal tract, 4) take plenty of water is essential to keep
the throat wet towels, a condition essential for maintaining a healthy voice.
The hormonal changes of the hormonal changes, note that: 1) all the hormones pro
duced by humans act directly on the development of the larynx and therefore are
occasionally responsible for various events presented by vocal individuals, 2) p
remenstrual dysphonia occurs by thickening of the laryngeal mucosa due to the de
crease of estrogen in the blood, 3) decreased production of female sex hormones
during menopause is responsible for the thickening of the female voice (deep voi
ce). In men, the vocal aggravation occurs during puberty and worsening the elder
ly, 4) birth control pills and drugs virilizing can tamper with the proper funct
ioning of the vocal folds, affecting the change in vocal pitch (low / high).
20 Following these recommendations, educators, and other professionals who use t
heir voice excessively, they are preventing themselves from future changes and a
ilments that affect the larynx area, preserving thus their vocal health.
March 21. Speech, gestures and postures
The speech originated in Sicily in the fifth century BC but was found in Greece
that means for their development (Policy, 1996). It consists of a principle of c
ommunication and appreciation of oral expression, as well as talk is essential f
or the Professional Voice. It is important how we speak because the load of emot
ion that pass through our words. The voice conveys the feelings and reaches the
listener directly, providing them with feelings of pleasure or displeasure, inte
rest or disinterest. To this end, the speaker must pass through his gestures, hi
s posture and his voice an enthusiasm that engage your listeners. We can not spe
ak in voice communication without the
worrying about what our body language is saying. For the teacher is essential to
be a good speaker, in order to attract his listeners, in this case, their stude
nts, through a good voice quality combined with body language and gestures appro
priate to the content transmitted. Most scholars agree that listeners hold in me
mory about 10% of what they hear. When they see or engage with the body, the wit
hholding of information or up to 20% 3O%. This shows that the teacher can make u
se of other resources to teach and not just use the voice as the only means to d
o so.
22 We should remember that does not mean that the class should be transformed in
to a spectacle of fireworks, but make it clear that, besides developing a vein o
f speaker, it is interesting that the teacher resorted to body language or visua
l, as this will save your voice, avoiding vocal fatigue as common to these profe
ssionals. The care with posture should start when the teacher comes into the cla
ssroom, especially with students of age range who are most critical. The way to
sit, look, cross or uncross the legs, all that is observed by the student, and a
long with it, the way he talks and uses his voice. The size and intensity of the
gesture of the teacher must meet the kind of room it faces. POLITO (1996) descr
ibes it as a teaching resource to save the voice, the larger the room, taking in
to account the number and content, larger and larger should be the gestures, emp
hasizing that teachers need to find within the given context. However, the same
author stresses that the gestures should only be indicated, used to reinforce wh
at the teacher wants, instead of using the voice for that. Many gestures eventua
lly draw the attention of the student being taught. We've heard the same story o
f many students. The teacher knows the subject well, but can not teach (POLITO,
1996: 34). It is possible that the defect of communication as a whole, but if he
shouted least€gestured in a correct and consistent with the content and / or po
sition themselves
23 in the center of the room, for example, would probably teach better and get t
ired less voice. It is important that teachers remember that posture, voice qual
ity and attitudes before talking may predispose the minds of the students in a f
avorable or unfavorable to his work.
April 24. The teachers daily
Most teachers, by virtue of time, usually talk nonstop for hours and hours toget
her, sometimes screaming and trying to keep the intensity increased, with the vo
ice to overcome the ambient noise. These professionals also present, with relati
ve frequency, an inappropriate posture and breathing pattern insufficient for th
e proper performance of their profession. As a result, these professionals have
very peculiar symptoms like fatigue and vocal fatigue, loss of intensity, devoic
ing of timbre, rouquidões and voiceless and, over the years, the ENT examination
, nodules, edema, hyperemia and polyps are often found.
Class of teachers is one of the most affected by dysphonia, having as causes bot
h the workday, which usually is extensive, but also the lack of knowledge of pro
per vocal techniques. The dysphonic symptoms of vocal fatigue, physical fatigue,
hoarseness, voice muffled or shrill quality, tensions in the neck and even post
ural problems (Fabron & Omoto, 2000).
Professionals who work using voice excessively, such as teachers, need to learn
to get the most out of your vocal potential, otherwise alter or impair his delic
ate vocal tract for not adopting the appropriate vocal techniques.
25 FURCK & PINTO (1997) emphasized that the practice is not well-structured voca
l fatigue at all the voice, by contrast, the muscles and vocal organs are develo
ped and fortified with the proper exercise with. Sometimes, in the clinics, we e
statements, which are common among teachers, such as: - For some time now, i am
so hoarse! - I do not know what happens to my throat seems to shave when I speak
. It hurts sometimes. - Now, on vacation, my voice is excellent. You can not ima
gine how it looks when I'm working. - The other day my voice did not work. I was
mute. Was based on complaints similar to those that many scholars began to prop
ose work to guide teachers as well as singers, announcers, telephone operators,
lawyers, politicians, among others, for the correct use of the phonatory apparat
us. Audiologists and otolaryngologists are also regarded as being of enormous im
portance, the work of prevention, detection and treatment of voice disorders tha
t affect these professionals.
Dysphonia presented by professionals from the education area has been searched a
nd considered as social and occupational disease in almost
All 26 countries (Oyarzun, 1984). To avoid these voice disorders that limit the
ability of the teacher, has been increasingly debated on the prophylaxis of path
ologies of speech. Aiming to develop a program of prophylactic orientation with
teachers, Oliveira et al. (1998) investigated a group of 75 teachers belonging t
o five schools in the city of Campinas-SP, three state and two individuals. Afte
r undertaking a survey where they were observed material resources, environmenta
l conditions, symptoms and pathologies vocals, general care with the voice and v
ocal hygiene, the author reached the following conclusions: - The habit of talki
ng back to the blackboard, and hinder the propagation of sound and require an in
crease in the volume of voice, greatly irritates the larynx, because it facilita
tes the inspiration of chalk dust, causing dryness in the throat and hoarseness.
- The lack of ventilation promotes the accumulation of dust and chalk dust into
the classroom, raising the possibility that the teacher develop diseases of the
respiratory and allergy symptoms such as upper airway obstruction. - Try to con
trol the noise within and outside the classroom by increasing the volume of voic
e can cause negative symptoms in the voice (suffocation, failures etc..) And lar
ynx (ardume, tiredness etc...) - Talk nonstop for hours, and overwhelm the phona
tory apparatus, reduces the moisture of the mouth and larynx, causing irritation
27 In view of these findings, Oliveira et al. (1998) suggest, among other things
: 1) by exchanging the conventional chalk marker, 2) cleaning and adequate venti
lation, 3) smaller rooms and more acoustic potential, 4) eliminate or minimize e
xternal noise;€5) use other means, which does not cry, to reduce noise inside th
e classroom, 6) make brief vocal intervals during the lesson, using other means
to expose the didactic content, and increase the water consumption during the pe
riod in which he is teaching. By following these guidelines, teachers will be el
iminated or at least reduce the possibilities of emergence of problems in the ph
onatory apparatus.
The teacher, often by economic necessity or by ignorance, took excessive working
hours, without realizing that this rate may be harming you, and second time, pr
eventing him from teaching. According to research conducted by SOUZA & Ferreira
(1996) with teachers of the Department of Education of São Paulo, the factor "wo
rking time" was strongly associated with symptoms of hoarseness and voice loss,
because the frequency of occurrence these symptoms was greater the extent they w
ere increasing the hours and years of teaching.
28 For these reasons, it is recommended that teachers and other professionals wh
o work excessively, regularly consult a physician or audiologist specialist so t
hat it can adapt the workload to the overuse of the voice, with special care, al
lowing the perpetuation of good voice quality.
A large contingent of teachers who undergoes speech therapy usually does not hav
e an organic cause in voice disorders. In most cases, the origin of these distur
bances is Functional - inappropriate use of voice, breath bad, bad vocal techniq
ue, thermal shock, excessive smoking, alcohol consumption, improper vocal habits
(Boone & McFarlane, 1996). Such disorders are characterized calls dysphonia. Wh
en these professionals have some dysphonia, persisting for more than twenty days
as vocal fatigue, rough or dry throat, speech effort, pressure on the throat, v
oice variation during the day, inability to speak for long periods, burning in t
he region of the larynx , burning throat, hoarseness, coughing, speaking, flaws
in the voice, hoarseness or voice loss, it is recommended that they seek an audi
ologist or an ENT specialist who works specifically with laryngeal and voice, so
29 agents causing these changes can be immediately
Early diagnosis ensures better results in the treatment of vocal disorders and a
ny changes observed in teachers and other professionals who use their voice exce
ssively, and avoid more serious problems that, over time, may appear (COLTON & C
ASPER, 1996).
RODRIGUES et al. (1995), in survey of 20 speech therapists working in the State
of São Paulo, recorded the incidence of dysphonic professionals seeking speech t
herapy, reaching
Actors teachers following quantitative classification for a group of 85 patients
: Political Telemarketing Broadcasters Op Presenters Reporters Lawyers Talkers S
peech Voice actors Auctioneers Executive Assistant Secretarial Social Journalist
s Priests Seminarians 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Singers
Incidence of dysphonic professionals seeking speech therapy divided by category
(professional total1de 85)
CHART 1. Number of professionals seeking guidance dysphonic speech divided into
categories (RODRIGUES et al., 1995).
This chart, despite being just a regional sample, serves as
parameter so we can have a notion, though imprecise, the incidence of problems r
elated to the phonatory apparatus presented by class teachers. The voice needs c
are like the rest of the body. Therefore the lack of knowledge about it facilita
tes the emergence of undesirable dysphonia. To avoid this unpleasant occurrence,
warns that teachers (as well as other professionals who are part of this risk g
roup) have in mind that a healthy voice is synonymous with balance, stability, i
nformation and intelligence. You can avoid most problems related to voice, since
we are the same as those provoke.
To act in Sao Paulo, as speech therapist, you must have minimum experience of 3
years in service to professional voice and publication and / or disclosure of wo
rk area in a scientific event.
Stress is the response given by our body to different environmental changes expe
rienced, whether real or constructed by the imagination.€Is associated with stre
nuous or difficult and threatening situations faced by humans in their daily liv
es. Given the stress, the human body has a series of reactions, activating and d
eactivating mechanisms as a way to "fight" or "escape" from this uncomfortable s
ituation. Based on studies by Pletsch (1997),
we can say that the most common reaction shown by our bodies - which reaches alm
ost the entire body - is as follows:
Adrenaline is released into the bloodstream The stomach contracts (causing dysfu
nction) The heartbeat quickens
The muscles tense up
Breathing becomes shallow
Digestion and intestinal slow down the process
Peripheral blood vessels constrict
Increases blood pressure
FIGURE 2. Cycle effects of stress (Pletsch, 1997).
32 These reactions, which are involuntary, acting synergistically, form a circle
detrimental to the health of humans, causing a number of ailments manifested in
various parts of the body where muscles tensed retained toxins, causing discomf
ort, feeling tired and localized pain. Problems such as bowel dysfunction, indig
estion, gastritis,
migraines, high blood pressure, flu, PMS, impotence and malfunction of the vocal
cords are the most cited in the literature, but also reported more serious prob
lems such as diabetes, strokes and cancers (including in the area of the mouth a
nd larynx) arising from the stress the individual (BONNE & McFARLANE, 1994). To
prevent all these problems caused by stress, Pletsch (1997) suggests the use of
relaxation techniques and massage, can make the body "unload" the accumulated st
resses and facilitate the body's natural metabolic work. Using these techniques
triggers physiological reactions (activation of blood circulation, toning muscle
s, etc..) And psychological (anxiety reduction, feeling of relief etc...)
Voice therapy is almost always the chosen treatment modality for patients with v
ocal disorders that originate from
behaviors that were identified as misuse or abuse of the laryngeal mechanism. Th
e main aim of voice therapy is to restore the best voice possible for these pati
ents (COLTON & CASPER, 1996), a voice that will be functional for the profession
al practice and communication in general. A successful voice therapy requires th
e clinician to identify adverse patient's vocal behaviors and, subsequently, red
uce the occurrence of such abuse / misuse. Voice therapy for the majority of voc
al problems, requires continuous evaluation of the patient is able to vocally (B
oone & McFarlane, 1994). In most cases, the patient is who determines if the voi
ce has achieved a satisfactory level during speech therapy, however, it is impor
tant for both the patient and the clinician recognize that restoring the voice t
o the way it sounded before, or to achieve some idealized goal might not be poss
ible. When irreversible changes occur in the structure or physiology Iaríngea pr
ofessional, the voice can never regain its former aspect, which inevitably will
lead to frustration and resistance to treatment audiologist. The patient, angry,
trying to form a "faster" of
34 solve your problem, just getting a therapeutic intervention early and often i
nconsequential, further damaging the state of his voice. Even though some patien
ts are not suitable candidates for an approach to voice therapy because of adver
se problems, is within the skill of the audiologist to recognize such conditions
, make appropriate recommendations or provide the appropriate referral.
Not that hard to realize that many teachers go to work that is intense and exhau
sting the teaching profession without the slightest knowledge of vocal technique
and risks from organic misuse of the voice, coming to present future problems c
aused by this misinformation. FERNANDES (1996), to characterize 22 teachers with
vocal in a group of 92 high school teachers showed that by their production con
ditions, this professional is predisposed to vocal changes that could be avoided
if preventive work at the time of training or admission school was conducted. F
or many authors, the best way to help teachers in the health care of the vocal t
ract is through "preventative information." Education is primarily responsible f
or the reduction of abuse and misuse vocal (COLTON & CASPER, 1996).
35 Following€will be presented the ten preventive measures proposed by the Brazi
lian Society of Speech, published in 1998: 1) using the volume of voice sparingl
y in all situations of professional activity, 2) avoid yelling at family, pulpit
or podium, in football, classroom etc.. 3) do not sing too much if you are not
used, 4) maintain a pace appropriate to each situation of the day, 5) do not com
pete with outside noises and internal to their environment, 6) avoid talking fas
t, very strong and sharp, 7) practice vocal exercises, how to read aloud to impr
ove intonation, diction, rhythm, 8) respect the limits of his voice got tired, s
topped. 9) to speak with ease, integrating all sound, no rush, 10) seek therapeu
tic support with professionals qualified to teach communication and literature.
Being a relatively new profession under the laws of the country, speech patholog
y have not gotten the necessary credibility and respect in the society. What has
been seen in the clinics is that speech therapy
36 many teachers, who may have negative tests larynx or minimal signs of larynge
al irritation, often receive up to three months or more medical treatment before
referral for evaluation of voice. It is not uncommon for patients in this categ
ory are treated with antibiotics, antihistamines, decongestants, tranquilizers a
nd even
corticoesteiróides, or be sent home with some distinctly non-specific advice abo
ut relaxing or reducing the use of voice. The Brazilian Society of Speech warns
that, given the effects of some medications have on the laryngeal mucosa, vocal
symptoms can worsen the individual's real in the course of treatment instead of
better. To prevent this type of occurrence and potential damage from it, suggest
s a greater awareness of the work of speech therapists with educational institut
ions. As this is health and primary tool of communication for humans, is believe
d to be much better to prevent than cure.
37 7. FINAL
The aim of this study was to research and study on the teacher's voice. As is of
ten the number of professionals with vocal problems, the need to investigate fur
ther this issue was crucial to choosing the theme. Many questions are common for
calls to these professionals. As a teacher, who has performed a vocal problem,
would be able to improve and continue to make constant use of voice? How to get
them to improve without having to turn away from the office? How to reconcile wo
rkload, family, voice? How to prevent recurrences? Many of these questions remai
ned unanswered, while others have been clarified. There are anatomical variation
s from individual to individual, the stress factor is present in most of these p
rofessionals, but the way each deals with it is different, workload, motivation
to work, family, musical awareness, among others, are variants interfere with tr
eatment outcome. Researching the teacher's voice, there were several studies, in
cluding projects that were developed for inclusion in the curriculum of training
courses for these professionals. One of the main reasons that led him to resear
ch the topic was precisely the misinformation that these professionals have rega
rding the use
38 professional voice, which is disproportionate compared to the number of proje
cts and studies already published on the same topic. Despite complaints and dise
ases are common among the class and reason for temporary departure for many prof
essionals, misinformation is a reality and the problem presented by the teacher
is considered of little importance. Teachers who make the choice to take care of
the voice are sometimes regarded by colleagues as weak and tend to omit are in
speech therapy because of shame or fear of being judged as "sick." For more reso
urces that may exist to assist them during class, is the voice the principal mea
ns of transmission of the teachings. The teacher must teach, he has a program to
follow and is charged for this, students need to learn to get your work noticed
and approved. When a problem arises voice, it comes with an emotional stress an
d the patient arrives at the office with a great anxiety and fear of failing to
improve and render you need to be able to continue teaching. Through theoretical
and clinical reports, I noticed that surpassed the initial stage of treatment a
nd better control of anxiety and decreasing the "fears" related to voice,€orient
ation accompanied by systemic therapy provides the teacher and a security improv
ement that allows you to walk alone in their journey of hard work with the voice
39 Undoubtedly, the therapy with vocal teachers need to be objective, fast and e
fficient for him to continue his work and see no problem in voice something whic
h makes it impossible to work. The correct and adequate support allows these pro
fessionals to maintain good voice quality and prevent relapses. I believe this w
ork can help teachers realize how important the voice and as a vocal professiona
l and psychological harms. Besides being extremely uncomfortable for the student
s hear a professor dysphonia, because it generates discomfort and hinders attent
ion in class. It is important that teachers realize that voice therapy is not so
mething long and tiring, if conducted safely. For both, knowledge of anatomy and
physiology of the vocal tract is of paramount importance for the therapist and
the teacher who needs to understand what is happening in larynx. As mentioned ab
ove, several studies and projects were created, but there is ignorance about the
care of the voice. Speech pathologists are also to blame because it is for us t
he role of information and guidance on issues related to voice. Develop theoreti
cal work is extremely important, but applying them in practice is the best way t
o reach these professionals and that we are not expecting to reach us. This rese
arch has provided me better understand the reality of teachers, mainly outside t
he office. It is easy for the therapist to ask
40 for them to do this or that exercise, follow this or that recommendation with
out experiencing what actually happens in day-to-day lives of these professional
s, without hearing their complaints and difficulties. Only through this listenin
g, we can tailor therapy to the reality of each one, achieving satisfactory resu
lts in each patient and developing awareness of the need of constant care of his
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