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"A banana a day keeps the doctor away."

(A banana a day, Keeps the doctor away) 787-646-7676
If you want a quick fix for your low energy levels, there is no better snack ban
anas. It contains three natural sugars: saccharin, fructose and glucose combined
with fiber, so that the banana provides a rapid and substantial increase in ene
Researches prove that just two bananas provide enough energy for 90 minutes of s
trenuous exercise. 787-646-7676
It's no coincidence that the banana as energy, is the No. 1 fruit of the world's
most successful athletes. 787-646-7676
The banana also helps to cure or prevent a number of physical illnesses and cond
itions, which should make it mandatory in the daily diet. 787-646-7676
Contains much iron, so that the banana stimulates the production of hemoglobin i
n the blood, which helps in cases of anemia. 787-646-7676
It contains a high amount of potassium and low in sodium, making it perfect to b
eat blood pressure high. So much so, that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
of the U.S. authorized the banana industry to officially inform about the benef
its in reducing 787-646-7676
Mental capacity.
200 students at a school in Twickenham, England, ate bananas at breakfast, lunch
and dinner, make it even mental ability. Research shows that fruits with high a
mounts of potassium, help students to learn and stay more alert. 787-646-7676
Because of the high amount of fiber, including bananas in the diet can help norm
alize bowel function, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxat
ives. 787-646-7676
According to a recent study by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, ma
ny felt much better after a diet rich in bananas. This, because the plantain con
tains "tryptophan, a type of proteins that the body converts into serotonin, kno
wn as relaxation, improving mood and generally increase the feeling of wellbeing
. 787-646-7676
One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to prepare a banana shake with
milk and honey. The banana calms the stomach and with the help of the honey, rai
ses low blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and rehydrates the body. 787-646-7676
Bananas have a natural antacid effect. If you suffer from heartburn, eating a ba
nana and experience may be relieved. 787-646-7676
Morning sickness.
Eat a banana between meals helps to keep the level of high blood sugar, preventi
ng nausea. 787-646-7676
Mosquito bites.
Before using other remedies, experience carving the inside of the banana peel on
the affected region. Many people have excellent results in reducing swelling an
d irritation. 787-646-7676
Bananas contain a high amount of vitamin B, which helps to regulate and calm the
nervous system. 787-646-7676
Stress at work.
Studies of the Institute of Psychology in Austria show that the pressure at work
promotes excessive food intake. Looking to 5000 patients in hospitals, the rese
archers concluded that the most obese were those who had jobs with higher pressu
re. The study concluded that to avoid anxiety 787-646-7676
Forget the pills and eat bananas. They contain vitamin B6, which regulates blood
glucose levels positively affect mood. 787-646-7676
Used in the daily diet against intestinal disorders, is the only raw fruit that
can be eaten without wear in chronic ulcer cases. It also neutralizes the acidit
y and reduces irritation by protecting the stomach lining. 787-646-7676
Temperature Control
Many cultures see bananas as fruit 'refreshing', which can reduce both the physi
cal and emotional temperature in pregnant women. In Thailand, for example, pregn
ant women eat bananas for babies born cool. 787-646-7676
Casual Affective Disorders.
The banana, helps those suffering from DAO because it contains a natural mood bo
oster, the "tryptophan". 787-646-7676
Bananas can help people stop smoking by high levels of vitamins C, A1, B6 and B1
2, in addition to the potassium and magnesium containing, helping the body recov
er from the effects of withdrawal. 787-646-7676
Potassium is a vital mineral which helps normalize the heartbeat, bringing more
oxygen to the brain and regulating the water balance in the body. When we are un
der stress, the metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing levels of potassium, whic
h can themselves be rebalanced with the help of bananas. 787-646-7676
According to research published in the Journal of New England Medicine, eating b
ananas regularly may reduce the risk of death from stroke by up to 40%! 787-646-7676
The naturists say that if you want to remove warts, it is enough to put inside o
f the banana peel on it and hold it with a bandage until they fall off. 787-646-7676
Regulation of the levels of carbohydrates.
Eating foods rich in complex carbohydrates every 2 hours as bananas, sugar level
s are stable. 787-646-7676
A s you can see, the banana is a natural medicine against many diseases.
Compared with the apple has 4 times more protein than 2 times 3 times more phosp
horus carbohydrates five times more vitamin A and iron two times more of other v
itamins and minerals. 787-646-7676
It is also rich in potassium and is generally one of the most valuable foods ava
ilable to us. And then there is all year round and is usually very cheap. Then i
t should say ...
"A banana a day keeps the doctor away." (A banana 787-646-7676
a day, Keeps the doctor away)

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