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A Simple Method For Determination through the core can be calculated by

dividing the core into a number of parts,

assuming a constant equivalent flux in
of Ratio Error and Phase Angle each part. This is the basis of the method
described by Mr. Sinks," and this method,
although still not absolutely correct (its
in Current TransFormers limitations are fully described by Mr.
Sinks), is the most nearly correct method
now available. Its real limitation is the
Correlation of Significant Constants of Current Transformers great amount of numerical work involved.

E. C. WENTZ III. Assumptions Which Simplify


Synopsis: Up to the present time current transformer performance is determined Certain methods have been developed
transformer performance has been described from copper and iron loss and impedance for simplifying this calculation. The
by curves which show ratio error and phase
measurements) has been earnestly sought. most simple method, which does very well
angle over a range of current at various
values of burden, (ohms) power factor, and This paper will present a method which for ring type transformers, is to neglect
frequency. The number of curves that are the author believes to be the best so far the leakage flux altogether. 4 Another
required to cover all possible conditions is so proposed. method assumes an experimentally de-
great as to render them, by their very bulk, termined flux, approximately related to
practically useless. Another limitation is
that they do not describe performance under II. Theory of Current an average value of leakage flux, to flow
transient conditions. Transformation in the whole core." These methods are
Performance of other types of trans- not suitable for general use, because they
formers and certain other apparatus is in- The general principle of calculation of do not use the real magnitude and dis-
variably calculated from a few easily meas-
current transformer performance is very tribution of the leakage flux.
ured constants, according to simple standard
formulas. Up to the present time" avail- simple. The ampere turns in the sec-
able methods for calculation of current ondary coil are less than those in the pri- IV. Combination of Best Features
transformer performance have had the dis- mary coil only because of the ampere of All Methods
advantage of either being difficult to use, or
turns lost in circulating flux in the core.
of depending on constants difficult to meas-
ure, or else they have not been sufficiently Hence, we need only to calculate the am- Giving first consideration to the funda-
accurate for general use. pere turns or magnetomotive force drop mental soundness of the method, we can
A method is described which depends on around the magnetic circuit. say that the method should-
the following constants: However, on account of the leakage flux
1. Consider division of the core into several
1. Open-circuit saturation curve measured in the in the core, this is not as simple as it parts, as discussed in II with different leak-
usual way.
sounds. This leakage flux is principally age fluxes in the different parts.
2. Secondary coil resistance.
the flux which passes between primary 2. Base the distribution of the leakage flux
3. Equivalent leakage reactance calculated from
the voltage of an exploring coil enclosing the maxi- and secondary windings, and completes and the division of the core, on values of
mum value of leakage flux. its path in the core outside the primary leakage flux actually existing in the core as
winding (figure 1). The current trans- measured by exploring coils (figure 2). The
The method includes several itnportant exploring coil can be simply ten turns of fine
short cuts in the calculation which reduce former is different from other transfor- wire.
the numerical work to a practical mini- mers in that this leakage flux is relatively
mum. Curves are plotted which allow di-
large, often larger than the working flux. Giving second consideration to the as-
rect reading of the exact components of ex-
citing current which cause ratio error and This flux has been investigated experi- pects of economics and convenience, we
phase angle. , mentally! and theoretically, 2,3 but no can say that the method should not divide
The objects of the paper are: method has been developed by which it the core into more parts than is necessary
1. To present a practical method of calculation. can be exactly calculated. Furthermore, for the required accuracy. Here a good
2. To establish constants (1), (2), and (3) as the it is well known that it enters the core, not deal of experience is required. Any par-
fundamental quantities which determine real excel- at one point, but all over the whole sur- ticular division of the core into any finite
lence of the transformer.
face, so that it is not the same at any two number of parts is an empirical device,
I. The N~ed for a Simple Method points in the core and can be justified only by general ex-
for Description of Current- If anyone of a number of approximate perience which shows that it works. The
Transformer Performance' methods is used to calculate the leakage final result cannot be shown, in any rigor-
flux, the ampere turns to circulate it ous way, to be the best possible result.

T H E conventional rati~ and phase- It will help to remember the primary

angle curves for a current trans- Paper 41-109, recommended b : the AlEE co nrnit- objects of the investigation, and to make
tee on protective devices and instru ments and meas-
former are often inadequate for solution urements, and presented at the AlEE summer con- the division of the core accordingly. The
vention, Toronto, Ontario, Can., June 16-20, 1941.
of a particular problem. Furthermore, Manuscript submitted February 20 1941; made
first object is to calculate an error that is
the tests from which such curves are available for preprinting May 6, 1941. at least as large as the real error, to be on
plotted are expensive, and the data are E. C. WENTZ is with Westinghouse Electric and the safe side. The second is to get con-
Manufacturing Company, Sharon, Pa.
not available for many of the older trans- sistent results, to be able to compare
The author wishes to thank J. B. Gibbs of the West-
formers now in service. inghouse transformer engineering department for transformers on a true basis. The first
A simple method for determining cur- invaluable assistance in organizing and arranging object can be obtained if the average
the material.
rent transformer performance from a few flux values in each part of the core are
1. For all numbered references, see list at end of
easily measured constants (as power paper. taken to be sufficiently large, even if the

OCTOBER 1941, VOL. 60 Wentz-Current- Transformer Calculation TRANSACTIONS 949

core is not too well divided. The second Figure 1. The leak-
object will be obtained if the flux meas- age flux passing in '109-'

urements are made in the same way on the space through

all transformers of the same type. and between coils
completes its path
Of course, we do not want to calculate
through the core
an error too much larger than the true
value. This is the disadvantage of not The leakage Aux is
dividing the core at all, but considering relatively large in a
the measured value of leakage flux to flow current transformer

in the whole core; the calculated error will

always be too large.
Division of the core into two parts, ASSUMED APPROXIMATE
with the real leakage flux measured by EQUIVALENT

exploring coils, is a compromise which the DiSTRIBUTION OF FLUX

test results to be cited, and other tests,

show to be suitable for general use with reactance XL corresponds to the leakage flux tween exciting current, whichisV F2+M2,
and can be determined from the exploring and secondary voltage. It is not much
dry type transformers. This compromise coil voltage at normal current by-(see
is, however, definitely not fundamental; appendix II) more difficult to plot F cos 8+ MX
the general method to be described can be sin 8 for a number of values of cos (J, in-
used with any desired division of core. stead ofV F2+M2, and the desired value
When the ratio error exceeds five per can then be read directly.
cent, the iron is usually working near
Is = secondary current 343R .
saturation, and much of the leakage flux Phase angle = ~ (M cos 8 - F sm 0)
R s = secondary coil resistance
which is in the iron at normal flux densi-
N s, N x = num ber of turns in the secondary
ties leaves the core at the higher density and exploring coils, respectively The phase-angle component is M cos (J-
and completes its path in the air leaving F x = induced voltage in the exploring F sin 8, and a similar set of curves can be
less flux in the core than would be. ex- coil plotted for this value.
pected. The result is that this method Figure 5 is an example of such a set
of calculation will give errors which are (2). When the transformer is considered as
the equivalent circuit in figure 4, the prob- of curves for one transformer and figure
considerably too large when the error lem of calculating primary (input) current 7 is a set of F cos 8+ M sin 8 curves for
exceeds five per cent. As the method is from the secondary (output) current is a different transformer. The log-log
conservative, it is still useful. simply vector algebra. The fact that we co-ordinates of figure 5 are more useful if
Actually less than the value of flux as have limited the method to five per cent
ratio error (approximately five per cent total the lower range of the curves is impor-
measured by the exploring coil shown in exciting current maximum) justifies the tant. This idea was originated by A. M.
figure 2 exists in practically all of the core. assumption that the voltage drop in XL is Wiggins."
It is obviously conservative to assume not (Is - Ie1)XL (see figure 4) but IsX L, and The data needed for calculating per-
that it exists in the half of the core which the voltage on the number 2 exciting branch
forrnance then are:
. is outside the primary coil. Mr. Sinks is Is(Zb+Rs+X L) (adding vectorially).
The calculation of performance is then (1). Saturation curves of the form FX
has shown that the leakage flux at the
center of the core inside the secondary is
exactly as if the two exciting branches were +
cos 8 M sin 8 and M cos 0 - F sin 0 plotted
two separate current transformers, one with against secondary voltage, for anumber of
effectively reversed to the leakage flux in burden Z1J+Rs, the other with burden values of cos 8 (see figure 5).
part of the core just outside the second- Zb+Rs+XL, and the ratio and phase-angle
errors will be the sum of the errors of the (2). Secondary winding resistance.
ary. A reasonable assumption, confirmed two. (3). Leakage reactance XL measured ac-
by tests, is that the average effective value cording to appendix II.
3. I t is well known? that the component of
of leakage flux in the inside half of the
exciting current which produces ratio error The procedure is:
core is zero, and that the only flux to be is:
considered is the working flux. (1). Given burden and power factor, deter-
F cos O+kf sin 0 mine the total burden on the right hand ex-
F, M = watt reactive components of excit-
v. Simplification of Numerical ing current, respectively
citing branch of figure 4. (Burden +sec-
ondary resistance = Zl.) Also determine the
Work cos 8 = burden power factor +
sum of this burden X L, which is the burden
This value, added to the secondary current,
on the left hand exciting branch. Z, X L = +
The proposed method of determining Z2. (Vectorial addition.)
gives the primary current reversed. The
the leakage flux and its distribution does formula is: (2). From these two values of burden in
not solve a real difficulty attending the ohms and the secondary current, calculate
per cent ratio: per cent turns rat io+ the voltages on the two exciting impedances.
problem-the amount of numerical work
for a solution. 100 (F cos 8+ kf sin 8) E 1 =lsZt
Several short cuts have been worked Is E 2 = I sZ 2
out which do not detract from the accu- Is = secondary curren t
(3). From the F cos 8+Jl sin () curves,
racy of the calculation. These are:
Calculating the value of F cos 8+ read values for E 1 and E 2 and find per cent
ratio by-
1. Substitution of equivalent reactance for ill sin 8 from the ordinary open-circuit sec-
the leakage flux. It can be shown (appen- ondary saturation and power factor, 100
dix I) that the transformer with magnetic per cent ratio = per cent turns ratio+- X
curves is not difficult, but calculation of , 2
circuit divided into two parts, one with, one
without, leakage flux, can be represented by a number of points is tedious. Now the ( F cos 8+M sin 0)1+ (Fcos O+M sin 8)2J
the equivalent circuit of figure 4, where the ordinary saturation curve is plotted be- [ Is 18

950 TRANSACTIONS Wentz-Current- Transformer Calculation ELECTRICAl.. ENGINEERING

PRIMARY Figure 2. The most direct and The curves of figure 6 were calculated
r simple as well as the most in the same way, and one who desires to
I , I
nearly correct method for de- may check them very rapidly by the use
i I I
termination of leakage Rux is of tabular calculations.
I I I I measurement by exploring
The lengths L1 and L2 repre-
,~ sent relative (not ebsol ute) Good results are generally obtained by
((;1 lengths of the part of the mag- dividing the core into two equal parts,
~~ netic circuit which can be con- in the case of a wound type current
""EXPLORING COIL sidered to carry no leakage flux transformer, but the division should not
NX TURNS and all the Iakage flux, re-
be made quite this arbitrarily for a
spectively, in a through-type
through type current transformer. If
r the length of magnetic circuit not en-

I closed by the coils is taken as the part
I carrying leakage flux, and the axial
length of the coil is taken as the part not
~ to--
r ~ MUST- BE ON .BOTH carrying leakage flux, better results are
}~ 7'"-"'[ ~===~
LE GS OF THE CORE, AS generally obtained. These two lengths

are, more often than not, nearly equal,
so that the final division is usually not far
I I SLI GHT DISPLACE MENTS from division into two equal parts, but
some designs are made with unusually
long yokes which carry the leakage flux,
and account should be taken of their
length. The lengths of these parts of
The subscripts 1, 2, refer to the two parts of constants for one wound type and one the circuit are usually easily measured,
the core; the division by 2 takes account of
through type transformer will be given, according to figure 2.
the fact that each component is for only half The particular design in question was
of the core, whereas the saturation curves . together with calculated and measured
results. such that the core could be considered
are for the whole core. It will be noted that
the exact turns ratio must be known. This to be divided into equal parts.
ratio is often difficult to measure, but the (a) WOUND-TYPE TRANSFORMER
manufacturer can always supply it. I t may Secondary coil resistance :
also be difficult to place the exploring coil on r I /109-] .

a transformer. This also is easy for the 0.3 ohm. (R s)

manufacturer, however. General use of CE NTER ELEMENT
this method will probably depend on the Secondary leakage reactance: ~

manufacturer's measurements of exact turn Exploring coil voltage Ex 0.148 in 10 turns NO.1! NO.2,/
ratio and leakage flux. (Nx = 10) I 1 NO.3
At Is = secondary current = 5 amperes -_.
3,438 N s = secondary coil turns = 239 I I
Phase-angle minutes = -~ X
2 From equation 7, appendix I NO.4
I '
NO.6; NO.5',
(M sin 8- F cos Oh +~M cos 8- F sin 8)2J
[ Is Is
~( O . 148 X 2392) -031 2=0638 ohm
The F cos 0+ M sin 0 and M cos 0- FX
VI. ---COmparIson of Tests and sin 0 curves are given in figure 5.
Calculations The calculation of a given point is BURDEN
as follows:
The constants which determine the
performance of the transformer at a given Secondary current = 5 amperes MAGNETIZING BRANCH
Burden=0.6 ohm, 90 per REPRESENTING CENTER
frequency are: ELEMENT OF CORE
cent power factor = o.54+j 0.262
(1). The secondary coil resistance. Add R s (secondary coil = 0.31 Figure 3. The Rux at the center of the core
(Zl = 0.89 ohm, 96 per cent \ inside the secondary coil is actually less than
(2). The secondary leakage reactance X L
measured according to appendix II. power factor) Z 1 = 0.85+j 0.262 enough to generate the total burden voltage,
Burden voltage E 1 = 4.45 because the "leakage" Aux passing through
(3). The F cos 8+M sin 8 and M cos o- Add X L = j 0.638
F sin 8 curves for exciting current plotted the body of the secondary coil actually links
Z2 = 1.24 ohms 69 per cent some of the secondary turns and induces a
against secondary voltage.
power factor 0.85 j 0.9 part of the secondary voltage
(4). The burden. Burden voltage E 2 = 6 . 2
(5). The secondary current: From figure 5, at E 1 =4.45, (F cos 0+ This real reduction of Aux in the center element
M sin 0)1 =0.0133 of core can be represented exactly by a nega-
The fact that this method gives correct at El. = 6.2, (F cos 0+ tive series reactance or a capacitor C
results; for ring type transformers, in M sinOh=0.0229 Each successive element of the core, starting-
which there is no leakage flux, has been per cent turns ratio = 99.584+

from the center element, carries a greater part
amply demonstrated. ~~~oc:nt 100 (0.0133+0.0229) = 0.362 of the real leakage flux, represented by added
:The method has been demonstrated on 2 5 99.946 series reactances, and the network is an dCCU-
several wound type transformers, and the Test value = 99.89 rate equivalent

OCTOBER 1941, VOL. 60 vv entz-Current- Transformer Calculation TRANSACTIONS 951

The curves for this transformer are results would be obtained from measure-

given in figure 7. ments on only one exploring coil, as only

l ~.
aURDEN The secondary resistance was 0.345 slight displacement of the primary con-
za ohm. (R s) ductor causes considerable shifts in leak-
SIMPLIFIED WORKING DJVIStON The secondary turns (Ns) were 280; age flux, which has negligible effect on
FOR PRACTICAL CALCULAT10NS ratio 1,400/5 amperes. performance, but which causes consider-
Two exploring coils were used, one on able difference in individual coil voltages.
Figure 4. A practical working equivalent for each yoke of the core, ten turns each, in The total voltage of two exploring coils
figure 3 is the two-branched network series as in figure 2 (Nx=20). Erratic (Ex) was 2.15 volts at I s= 15 secondary
amperes, and thus

1/0'1- SA
(0.995 -L
700 Ir~~~
~V~ I II I
W ~
/ / V.#'
- -0.345 2=1.98=2.0

600 O' .\\

20 15
~06.D'~ \
50 VOLTS 50 VOLTS LO V I//~~
e O' Q) I o / v I/V/
400 I - - - O' The details of calculation need not be
k-:VVv~ ~~ given, but the test and calculated data
o~t;e;~~~~ d are-

~ 150
0~ Q O'CbO)
o 10 VOLTS '/ /d0~0 0' Secondary
t> 100 / I'~ ()
Burden Current Per Cent Ratio Error
// / LO Ohms Amperes Test Calculated
~ ~g I
0 /
/ 'l/
/// 0
all .~~
~ 50
11// ~ 1 0 { 50 ....... 0 . 5 0 . 59
I 40 . 75 3.0 4.5
/V V~ /N
o ~ 25 0.1 0 . 28
~ 30
/ vvVVVv ~ 0 l
2 . o. . . . . . 50 3 .3 3.1
~ // / 55 4.2 4.7
? 20 4 0 { 25 O. 7 O. 75
/ V Vv v~ . ..... 35 5.5 5 .4

/ ~V
5 10
1.0 VOLT
/ /
1.0 VOLT
At larger currents, where errors are
o 8 0 1/
/ /
1/ /V/
(/') 7 q / / / / I/ much larger, the test values do not agree
5 7/ / / / rff"
with calculation.
/ V V/# This design is typical of two-coil
3 //
,~ PJ')V /
OJ I//lf through type transformers, and the two-
o:Ye J Vo: 0'!J
II 0'0'1;>/ ~
ohm equivalent internal reactance is also
/ / JV V1J ~~o~ typical for this ratio. The burden may
v vlIVf
5 V
often be less than the equivalent internal
I / / ~Ig 0.1 VOLT
impedance, so that the performance of
2 3 4 5 678 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 200 300 500 700 1000
F COS e+M SIN e the transformer may sometimes not be
much affected by burden.
If the ratio is higher than 1,400/5 the
700 internal impedance will be higher, in-
500 50 VOLTS /
creasing approximately as the square
400 II / l/ / ~
of the ratio, and if the core section is in-
0 VI / /1/~~ creased the internal impedance will in-
o- -0'" qjf
~ (()
O' ~
r;; .<;1
Cb L0/,{.~~~ /

07 ~o'
0 crease almost in proportion. The result
is that a. two-coil through type current
?;1 o
~ / /~V
transformer of conventional design will
o 100
10 VOLTS ()
/ / //
not perform well at primary currents
o 80 much above 25,000 primary amperes,
,/ //
<0 70 / / //
/ / //-
regardless of the amount of iron in the
(/) 60
~ 50
l..-------'--- / / J 'ff"
a:: l.-----""
/ I /h core.
I 40
~ 30
1/ / V //'
""" / Vvv~~ VII. Other Uses for Saturation
o 20 1\ ~
Curves and Secondary-Coil
> \
V / /
Resistance Data
>- 15
II / 0
z 10
).0 VOLTS! / r~ d
....... / /V/

7 <, I / / //1
CI) 6 \ I 1/ / V// The use of the secondary coil resistance
5 / I/o / / I ~0.5 VOLTS
and saturation curve for determining per-
~~~ ~r--,(()
F!-.-r/{l lL 0', ~-Cb
~ ~~~~
0 IIO'
3 0 - t-.-0 f--0 Figure F cos 8+ M sin 8 and M cos 8 -
87 GOJ!
0 t:.---O
o o !? ~
v<J F sin () curves for a typical transformer
These are calculated from the watt eF) and
/ / vllrJ'
V V reactance eM) components of the open-circuit
I 2 3 4 5 678 10 20 30 40 60 80100 200 300 500 700 1000 secondary saturation curve. Cos 0 is the bur-
F cos e - M SIN e den power factor

952 TRANSACTIONS Wentz-Current- Transformer Calculation ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING

formance at transient currents has been the common figure of 10 times normal, cuit for calculations which includes an
fully described in previous papers.v? or 50 amperes secondary current, internal reactance. This simplifies the
F cos 0+ M sin 0 must be 2.5 to pro- calculation, and isolates and defines a con-
duce an error of 5 per cent. Then the stant of the transformer: the equivalent
When current transformers are con- magnitude of the voltage, according to internal reactance of a current trans-
nected in parallel, the primary current of the F cos 0+ M sin 0 curves, at which former is that reactance which as burden
one of the transformers may be very low, F cos 0+ M sin 0 will be 2.5 is one general would require an additional flux equal to
or even zero. If it is very low, while the measure of the excellence of the current the maximum measurable value of leak-
burden voltage is relatively high because transformer (see figure 5). age flux in the core. A formula for the
of current supplied by the other trans- The resistance of the secondary wind- reactance in turns of exploring coil meas-
formers in parallel, the effective burden ing and the equivalent value of X L de- urements is included.
impedance (:volts/current) is very high, termine how much must be added to the The errors in the method are on the
higher than any usual burden, and the connected burden to determine how much conservative side. The real exciting cur-
performance of the current transformer burden the transformer has to carry. rent is less than the calculated value, and
Hence these figures also are measures of at the higher values, corresponding to
101 r----r----,-~~-~--"'T"-..,--__r_-~__,

--_-- -- ---- ------ ---- ---- -- -- -- .-

a: 1.0
0.91 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.1=
~ 1001---+---+--BUROEN 0.1 OHMS 90 % P.F. w I ./
,., ,.=::: -- -:::::- I-_~ ..- cose

--- --
/ l---- 1--::' ~
w 200
o I I ... "..

........ ... 1--

a: w I I . -;:.
w z -c:
Q. U) I " " ' l......
991---+---+-)( CALCULATED POJNTS
en 160 T I
/ /'
" ....
II /
/ /
ISI-----4-----t-+---+-+----+-+----t--t-----f a:
I /77
,'1/ ~f/
~ 120 rr/lr;
~ I:/ill
2 I: ;'
>- 80
a:: I'
c( I'
z II
o o II
2 3 4 5 M 40 I

Figure 6. Calculation versus test o

o 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.4 4.8
Wound-type current transformer calculated SECONDARY CURRENT - RMS AMPERES - FCOS e +M S'IN e
from figure 5, and secondary resistance = 0.31,
leakage reactance 0.638
the excellence of the current transformer. Figure 7. F cos 8+M sin 8 curve For a
Thus two indices' of excellence which through-type current transformer
at such a burden will seldom be given can be readily compared are: F cos 8+ M sin 8 is the component of exciting
by the standard performance curves. current which must be added to the secondary
(1). Secondary voltage at which output current to get primary input current re-
The performance can then easily be de- F cos 8+M sin 8 for 60 per cent power
termined by the method given. versed (1/1 ratio basis). Example: burden
factor is 2.5.
four ohms at 80 per cent power factor,
If the primary current is zero (primary (2). Internal resistance and reactance. secondary current 50 amperes, exciting current
circuit open) the exciting current drawn
(from curve) at 4X50=200 volts=1.8 am-
by the dead current transformer can be IX. Conclusions peres. Primary current reversed = 51.8,
read from the same saturation curve, and ratio = 100 (51.8/50) = 1 03.6 per cent
its effect on the current supplied to the A simple method for calculation of cur-
burden calculated in the same direct way. rent transformer performance has been saturation of the core, where the ratio
developed. It is not new in fundamental error usually exceeds five per cent, the
VIII. Constants Determining the principles, but it is an improvement and calculated ratio error is usually much
Excellence of a Current simplification of the most accurate exist- too high. Thus, the method is useful
Transformer ing method. 3 even where it is not too accurate.
It is more direct in its use of leakage Curves are proposed for simplification
The real excellence of a current trans- flux; it uses a real measured value in its of the vector algebra. This expedient
former is determined by examination of calculations; furthermore, the measure- is of great value when many calculations
ratio and phase-angle data. However, ment of flux is easily done with exploring are to be made. However, this part
it is not economical, as has been pointed coils without other special equipment. of the method is not essential. Any cor-
out, to measure ratio and phase angle at The exploring coil can be threaded rect method of vectorially adding ex-
every possible condition, and comparison through the space between core and coil citing current to secondary current can
of overcurrent data on two current trans- in many transformers, especially older be used.
formers is usually awkward, and often models. The performance under transient con-
inconclusive. The method is flexible. If further ex- ditions, at unusual burdens or currents
When current transformers operate perience shows the necessity for further (including performance of parallel trans-
relays, ratio errors of less than five per division of the core, two sets of exploring formers) can all be determined from the
cent are usually of no consequence. The coils can be used with a division of the characteristics listed above, using avail-
power factor of the total burden with the core into three parts. It can be made to able methodsv? for transient performance,
usual relays will be in the neighborhood be as accurate as desired. and the method described above for per-
of 60 per cent. If the l?rimary current is It proposes a simple equivalent cir- formance at unusual burdens or currents.

OCTOBER 1941, VOL. 60 Wentz-Current- Transformer Calculation TRANSACTIONS 953

The performance of a current trans- leakage flux at the center corresponds to a The leakage flux q, L can be expressed as an
negative inductive reactance is represented equivalent reactance referred to the second-
former is shown to depend on a few simple by a capacitance in series with the first at'l winding of N, turns and peak current
constants of the transformer: branch. v 2 Is
For practical work in which the core is
(1). Internal resistance divided into only two parts, one of which is
(2). Internal reactance as defined assumed to carry no leakage flux, the circuit
(3). Open-circuit saturation curve takes the simpler form shown in figure 4,
in which the series equivalent inductance is
Comparison of (1), (2), and one point determined according to appendix II.
on curve (3) allows formation of judg-
ment about the relative excellence of (7)
transformers. Appendix II. Exploring Coil for
Flux Determination

Appendix I. Equivalent Circuit If the secondary winding of a current

for Current Transformers transformer is short-circuited, the total real
linkages of flux with the secondary coil are 1. . PAPERS ON CURRENT TRANSFORMERS, H. W.
PrIce and C. Kent Duff. Bulletin 2, section 4,
just enough to circulate the current against University of Toronto school of engineering re-
An inductance burden on a current trans- the resistance of the winding. This flux search, 1921.
former requires a voltage 90 degrees ahead can be calculated as an equivalent flux cPs
of the current, and as the flux to induce the 2. CALCULATION OF RATIO ERRORS AND PHASE
which links all the secondary turns. ANGLE IN CURRENT TRANSFORMERS, WITH P AR-
voltage is, in turn, 90 degrees from the volt- TICULAR REFERENCE TO LEAKAGE FLUX, E. C.
age, the flux is in phase with the primary cur- I sR s I 0 8 Wentz. Thesis for the University of Pittsburgh,
rent. So we may say: (1) 1936.
cPs = 4.44fN s
1. The flux required by an inductive burden is in
phase with the primary current. Is, R s, N, = secondary current, coil resist- TRANSFORMERS, A. T. Sinks. AlEE TRANSAC-
TIONS, volume 59, 1940 (December section), pages
ance, and turns, respectively. 663-8.
Furthermore, it is well known that- This amount of flux may be considered as
2. The leakage flux is also in phase with the pri- a working flux flowing all around the core. TYPE CURRENT TRANSFORMERS, C. A. Woods and
mary current. If an exploring coil is placed on the outer S. A. Bottonari. AlEE TRANSACTIONS, volume
part of the core at a point where leakage flux 59, 1940 (September section), pages 554-60.
We can combine statements (1) and (2)
exists, it will develop a voltage correspond-
and say-the flux required by an inductive 5. A PROPOSED METHOD FOR DETERMINATION OF
ing to cPs plus (vectorially) the leakage flux CURRENT- TRANSFORMER ERRORS, G. Camilli and
burden has the same phase position as the
leakage flux. cPL. R. L. TenBroek. AlEE TRANSACTIONS, volume
The exploring coil voltage will be- 59, 1940 (September section), pages 547-50.
As both fluxes are directly proportional
to the current, they are equivalent fluxes, (2) TATIONS IN DESIGN, A. M. Wiggins. Electric
and the leakage flux can be represented, if Journal, December 1927, page 621.
desired, by an equivalent inductance in the j expresses the fact that the vector cPL is at
burden. right angles to the vector cPs. In absolute 7. A STUDY OF THE CURRENT TRANSFORMER WITH
As shown by Mr. Sinks, a the leakage flux values, new. Reprint 164, Bulletin of the Bureau of
at the center of the core inside the secondary Standards, volume 7, number 3.
coil has, in effect, a negative value, but has
higher values in each succeeding element of HIGH-SPEED DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION, WITH
the core. For purposes of analysis, we can PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO OFFSET TRANSIENT
separate the core elements and represent CURRENTS, E. C. Wentz and W. K. Sonnemann.
AlEE TRANSACTIONS, volume 59, 1940 (August
each one by an equivalent exciting branch. (4) section), pages 481-8.
The fact that each element carries a certain
leakage flux can be represented by an equiv- 9. CURRENT TRANSFORMER-EXCITATION UNDER
alent inductance in series with the current (5) Langguth. AlEE TRANSACTIONS, volume 48, 1929,
circuit, as in figure 3. The fact that the pages 1464-74.

954 TRANSACTIONS Wentz-Current-Transformer .Calculation ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING

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