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Improvements to Section B

practice exam
Question: The Increase in hardware and content in media
industries has been significant in recent years. Discuss the
effects this has had on institutions and audiences in the
media area you have studied (2014)
The proliferation of hardware and content in the media industry has made it so
that conglomerates, such as Walt Disney Motion Pictures, and independent film
companies, such as warp films, are able to produce, market, distribute and
exhibit films.

The rapid increase of hardware and content has assisted in the development of
every phase of the film making process to create more appealing films for
audiences, as well as make them available in much easier ways. In the
production stage, special effect teams work at computers to create the visual
effect of space and foreign landscapes in the Star Wars franchise. The internet
has made it possible marketing to a global audience a possibility without the
need to spend the money it would take to pay for a promotional tour of the world
and the distribution stage can often be skipped out in the case of online
streaming. Cinemas offer 4D experiences within multiplex establishments and
audiences can watch films at home due to the previously mentioned online

Walt Disney Motion Pictures, a conglomerate, benefits from the rapid increase in
hardware and content developed as they have the funds necessary to employ
other companies that can provide a unique viewing experience for the audience
in the exhibition stage. One of the producers for the film Rogue One (2016) was
Stereo D, a production company that makes 2D film 3D for multiplex cinemas.
The service they provide is available to film institutions as a result of the
proliferation of hardware and content and conglomerates, as well as mini-majors
such as Lionsgate, are able to secure the funding needed. As a result of audience
research, these conglomerates and mini-majors understand that their
demographic watch their films for escapism and pure entertainment rather than
information, surveillance or self-identification (Bulmer and Kats); this means that
the 3D of Rogue One serves no other purpose than to entertain the audience.
Independent films, such as Warp Films 71 (2014) wouldnt be able to secure a
budget that would allow them to hire a company as such; the film had a budget
of $8,100,000 whereas Rogue One had a budget of $200,000,000.

Despite the difference in budgets, and as a result resources, conglomerates and

independent films are still able to produce entertaining visual effects for
audience entertainment. Rogue One was filmed at a number of different studios,
one of which was the Pinewood Studios branch located in the UK. This studio
offered backlots which provided large green screen walls and a lot of open space;
this location has been used to film other films such as The Force Awakens (2015)
and The Dark Knight (2008). On top of this, the institution had working for them
14 different special effect companies, most of which specialised in different
aspects of visual and audio effects. 71 was filmed in Manchester, England and
Northern Ireland and had hired only Union Visual Effects. This shows that
proliferation has allowed for advanced effects that can simulate entire
landscapes and backgrounds thatre all generated through computers and, while
not to the same scale, independent film companies still have access to special
effect technology that wasnt available 50 years prior. Due to the development of
special effects, independent films that focus more on the information and
personal identification aspect of the Uses and Gratification theory can also target
audiences for escapism.

The development in technology has affected audiences just as much as the

institutions, allowing for greater variety for an audience as to how theyll
consume a film. Netflix, an online streaming service, launched its download
service in 2006 and is now available on most electronic devices; this includes
phones, computers, tablets and T.Vs. By subscribing to the service, audiences
can watch a vast array of films ranging from independent studio made films like
71 or conglomerate produced blockbusters such as Rogue One and Fantastic
Beasts. Audiences arent always able to attend cinema screenings or may just
not be interested in the experience so will turn to online streaming services
which make hundreds of films available to them at an instant. This service links
to the long-tail theory (Chris Anderson) as the internet provides services that
allow access to far more than just major films produced by conglomerates or
mini-majors; niche audiences can more easily find the independent films they
prefer so major films decline in relevancy.

Proliferation has also made it so that audiences can support the types of films
that they want to watch more of. The Girl with all the Gifts (2016) was produced
by Poison Chef, an independent film company, and distributed by Warner Bros. In
order to secure funding for the film, the institution reached out to the BFI who
are co-producers for the film. The BFI is able to run due to lottery funds and
donations from private patrons as its a charity organisation. As the BFI is known
for supporting British films, this would mean that the donations are partly
received from audiences that enjoy the type of film they often support
themselves; these donations would come from prosumers. Chris Andersons Long
Tail theory shows that, due to the internet, audiences are more easily able to find
the types of film they enjoy watching and the BFI allows them to directly support
those types of films. This also supports Bulmer and Kats Uses and Gratifications
as these audience members are active and are searching for the specific media
products they want to consume.

Over the last 50 years, the proliferation of technology has improved the quality
of films and has allowed audiences to more easily access the specific content
they want. Institutions, like Warp Films and Poison Chef, whore independent and
would have never been able to market their films to their target audience when
competing with larger companies, have been able to make successful films and
have even been assisted by conglomerates to distribute their films. The greater
significance, in terms of development, would have to be that of the internet as it
has benefited both audiences and institutions. Independent companies now have
platforms to market their films without the need of large budget marketing
campaigns and audiences are able to directly support the types of film they most
In the future, formats, such as DVD and Blu-ray, may become completely
obsolete. Cinemas may remain stagnant in popularity due to the competition
between blockbuster hits with stunning special effects and the increase of ticket
prices whereas online streaming may continue to grow as is allows for
convenient use of the service provided.

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