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Formation of landscapes - what forces shape the face of the earth?

Endogenous, Exogenous forces work together and highlands - The old broken countr
y endogenous forces affect the Earth's interior to the surface one. They are for
example Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mountain building. The Exogens for
ces shaping the earth's surface from the outside. They are then e.g. Water, ice,
wind, weathering. The diversity of natural areas so e.g. ancient basement rocks
consisting of silt on benches built island in the North Sea and soaring mountai
n ranges and much more we owe to the interaction of endogenous and exogenous for
ces during the Earth's history. Palaeozoic is divided into the Cambrian and Ordo
vician, Silurian and Devonian and Carboniferous and Permian finally. Cambrian pe
riod began 570 million years Ordovician 500 million years ago. Here come the Erz
gebirge and Harz already rocks from this period before. The Silurian age 435 mil
lion from 410 million years ago and Devon. In this period the so called Caledoni
an mountains formed in the Rhenish Slate Mountains. In Carboniferous and Permian
swamps originated in wooded valleys and hollows. Divided into Mesozoic Triassic
Period (began. 225 million years ago) began Jura (190 million years ago) and Cr
etaceous (135 million years ago). Triassic: Origin of Buntsandsein, Shell Talk a
nd Keuper (Süddeutsches escarpment country) then later went out and the Alps. Ju
ra: was here that the Franconian and Swabian Alb. Chalk: Europe is covered by a
sea deposited in the limestone was divided into Cenozoic Tertiary started (65 mi
llion years ago) and Quaternary started (about 2 million years) Tertiary: Final
formation of the Alps, the Pyrenees and other mountains. Quaternary: This happen
ed in the last 1.5 million years ago, the ice ages
What exactly has happened in the individual time periods, is in my blog that I c
reated on this issue Here is the link to http://endogeneexogenekraefte.blogspot.
The mid-mountain land rises between North German lowlands and foothills. Palaeoz
oic During this time the center of Germany stood on the mighty Variscan Mountain
s. The Exogens forces formed but it in millions of years one undulating plain. M
esozoic The area was flooded by a sea. Changes of land and water emerged sedimen
ts (limestone, sandstone, clay, gypsum) to lay down as overlying the eroded moun
tains. IN Cenozoic broke this time by strong movements, the rigid crust. At the
fault lines of the plaice volcanic rock came to the surface. Today Highlands Tod
ay hull Mountains. By e.g. Weathering and erosion have been at some places the b
asement (rocks of the Palaeozoic) again exposed. In many areas, are the sediment
s of the Mesozoic era the Earth's surface. There are also tracts of land have be
en covered by basalt layers, which have penetrated the Tertiary to the surface.
The Alps, a young high mountains
Our Earth is a shell built up. It consists of three parts: the Earth's mantle, t
he crust and the core. That itself is under the earth's surface material is very
viscous. It is therefore crucial to the effect that should the rock of the eart
h's surface it fall into the depths by increasing pressure and temperature rise
is melted, formed and is converted. Let us now turn to the next point of this to
pic. The water. About 200 million years ago there was the Tethys Sea. This separ
ated the waters of the Eurasian continent of Africa, just as now, the Mediterran
ean Sea.
In this place, reached the calcification of the Mesozoic era, several thousand f
eet in thickness. Then there was the ice age. The so-called ice age 600,000 year
s ago was his beginning and ended 12,000 years ago. During this period alternate
d between cold and warm periods. In cold times, the temperature dropped down to
7 ° C. often There were six cold periods. Their names were in southern Germany,
the names of the alpine rivers. They were called Biber, Donau, Günz, crack, Würm
and Mindel. The Alps - shaped by glaciers It started 600 000 years ago and ende
d 12 000 years. The temperature dropped by 7 ° C. There were six cold periods in
southern Germany and four cold periods in northern Germany. In the Alps was muc
h snow, it followed that the glaciers protruded into the foothills. But even tor
e chunks out of the rocks and made V-valleys to U-valleys. There are different t
ypes of moraines: ground moraine, lateral, Erdmoräne temperature fluctuations of
glaciers: When the temperature dropped the years formed new ice when the temper
ature rose, the ice streams retreated. Here you can see the Alps during the ice
As the glaciers melted away during the time the pool filled with water, for exam
ple, as the Ammersee, Starnberger See or the Chiemsee.€In this graph, you can te
ll that deposited rocks, sand and dust at the edge of the ice. In the wind carri
ed away the fine dust particles, which was deposited on loess and served for fer
tile soil.
North German Plain - traces of the ice sheet:
The ice was 300 meters in the Alps and southern highlands. The ice melted and th
e debris was located. The glaciers were filled with water and formed hollow form
s with lakes such as Lake District Mecklenburgerische. Endmoränenwälle = slightl
y raised ridge. After the end moraines formed Sander of the Alps just fine, for
example, the southern part of the Lüneburg Heath. The results of the ice ages ar
e called glacial series that are erosion and deposition. Coastal features: Suppo
rt Coast The coast is conveying between Flensburg and Kiel. It is a deep-reachin
g into the country, shallow bays. This flowed from glacial meltwater. Gulf Coast
where the sea rose after the ice age and it broke into a hilly country. An exam
ple is the Gulf Coast on complaints
Bodden Bodden coast The coast is between Rostock and the island of Usedom. There
are irregular coastlines and the sea flooded ground moraine. She is transformed
continuously. Watt Watt Coast The coast is along the North Sea and it is not sh
aped by the Ice Age. Germany: diversity in the natural areas of Germany has shar
es in the four major regions, the North German Plain, which goes from the coasts
of the North and Baltic Sea to the rise in the highlands and the central mounta
in range, which is divided into several mountain ranges, deep sunken pool and va
ried valleys . South of the Danube, the Alps stretching from the high mountains
of the Alps. At first glance, the abundance of natural areas in Germany as a con
fused mosaic with any modules. Only at second glance one realizes that the natur
al areas are arranged logically. In the north of Germany, the landscapes mostly
run from northeast to southwest: the first Jungmoränenland upstream of the lake
district with the northern ridge, then the older glaciation periods prevail from
Emsland to the Fläming with its broad glacial valleys. During the last cold sta
ges huge inland ice of Scandinavia have come here. Even up to the northern edge
of the highlands. You have the North German Plain with its moraines, gravel and
sand. Winds from the sands have the fine dust blown out and deposited on the nor
thern edge of the highlands. This fertile loess have been created. At the North
Sea coast has developed fruitful journey. In the middle of Germany is a clear We
st-East division. In the West, Massive occur, ranging from the Bergische Land to
the north of the Rhenish Slate Mountains to the Black Forest in the south. In t
he east they follow the ancient basement rocks from the resin in the north of th
e Ore Mountains to the Bavarian Forest. They consist largely of granite and gnei
ss and its surface is rounded. Between these lie under the stairs and tablelands
of the central mountain country. It begins in the north with the Weser mountain
country, and sounds in the south in the Swabian and Franconian Alb. Seemingly r
andom pools, sinks, and grave breaches are fitted into the mosaic. In the south
of Germany, the surface forms of the Alpine foothills to the hill country and gr
avel boards and the Moränenkränzen correspond in their development largely to th
e natural areas in northern Germany. Again, there are the glaciers of the ice ag
es, which filled the valleys of the Alps with their ice creams, which covered th
e foreshore and shaped and which left the lakes as their heritage. In the far so
uth, Germany in a narrow strip portion of the geologically young mountains of th
e Alps.
The plate tectonic plates of the lithosphere float on the act Asthenasphäre, whi
ch regards the universe as part of a big puzzles of the earth. In fact, the cont
inents were long ago a whole. But the land-sea distribution changed during the c
ourse of Earth's constantly changing and today through the process of continenta
l drift, also called the theory of plate tectonics. This brings risks, which we
feel today.

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