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Permanent alteration in the production of certain sounds due mainly to motor, no
organic cause detected. It usually affects the sounds that are acquired later i
n normal development.
• The term is used to describe dyslalias delays or speech disorder that manifest
s itself in difficulties in production.
• If only the affected phoneme simple.Si dyslalias discuss the phonemes are alte
red, we call this multiple dyslalias box. • This is the most frequent request of
teachers before the speech therapist. It is important dyslalias intervention as
soon as possible. • On the other hand, to begin reading and writing the child d
islálico presents a series of problems that can hardly be solved without a speec
h therapy intervention to correct their errors of articulation.
1-2-Breathing Exercises Exercises Exercises blow 3-4-fonoarticulatorios logociné
ticos or alterations Correction: 4.1-correct position of the bodies involved in
phonation. 4.2 Exercises isolated phoneme emission. 4.3 Exercises 5-perception a
reas Introduction of the phoneme in the language repeat: 5.1 Once we achieve the
sound isolation works with model: 5.2-repetition of syllables (ra, ro, ru ...)-
5.3-Syllable repetition combined (rare, rare, rarú ...) 5.4-Con phonemes from th
e same point of articulation: (Lara, Nara) 5.5-repetition of words (face, hoop,
maru) 5.6-Pepetición of phrases (this ring is very expensive) 5.7 Repetition of
verses. Repeat 5.8-guessing. 05.09-Repeating tongue twisters.
CASE HISTORY 1. 7 year old girl who complains about have difficulties in pronoun
cing / S /. Native language Catalan. Education: follow the courses without diffi
culty, he is now 2nd EGB.El learning of written language has developed smoothly.
Food: baby bottle and pacifier until age 3, it took getting used to solids. Cur
rently it is still slow meals. Developmental data: unremarkable.
- "Exploring bucofonatorios bodies

In the resting state is observed: difficulty to keep your mouth closed and tight
short upper lip, lower lip breathing hypertrophic tendency to slightly advanced
horra upper incisors.
• In motion is observed: atypical swallowing with interposition of the lower lip
between upper and lower incisors and a tendency to Lingual protrusion, the act
of speech is characterized by an excessive display of the tip of the tongue, whi
ch protrudes through the mouth. Exploration phonetics. It is observed in both sp
ontaneous speech and in the administration of a protocol phonics, systematic rep
lacement of alveolar fricative phoneme / s / by the interdental / z / .Esta subs
titution is constant and does not improve imitation controlled, so that suggests
praxical difficulty for the implementation of this sound. Linguistic behavior o
f this child shows appropriate to their age and is not considered timely adminis
tration of other tests. Diagnosis. DIAGNOSIS: interdental sigmatic associated wi
th atypical swallowing.

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