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Electronics - Electrical - Automatic
Domestic Electricity
and Electrical Safety
Luke LASNE, University of Bordeaux 1
15 / 10 / 2003
I) Introduction ............................................... ................
.................................. ................... 3 II) Electrical Domestic
............................................ ................................ 3
II-1) upstream Installation ........................................... .......
........................................... ......... 3 II-2) Pension neutral ..
........................................ .......................................
........... ..... 4 II-3) Impedance contacts Earth .............................
........... ................................... 5 II-3) Impedance contacts Earth
........................................ ................................... 6
II-4) Protection Components .......................................... .........
................................... 6 II-5) Installation Diagrams ..............
........................... .................................................. .
8 III-1) ........................................... Electric Shock ...........
....................................... ............ Direct contact ............
................................... 9 ..........................................
........ ................ Indirect contact .....................................
.......... 9 .................................................. ........... 10 I
II-2) Pension neutral and protection ...................................... ....
............ 10
Plan neutral ground (TT and TN) ....................................... ........
.............................. 10
Isolated neutral system .............................................. .........
......................................... .. Insulation local ..................
............................. 11 ...............................................
... ............ 12 III-3) behavior toward risk having electrical ..............
........................ ............. 12 In a private home or public ..........
............................... ...... 12 In a hospital or a place where electri
cal continuity is imperative ......................... 12 In the case of an inte
rvention on a device connected to a transformer ......... 13 III-4) Some classic
examples of hazards and electrocutions ... ............................ 13
I) Introduction The electrical energy supplied to the network is available, dome
stically, in the lowest voltage range ie 230V / 400V. This is called the low vol
tage (LV). Despite the name, this voltage is dangerous, potentially fatal and re
quires strong precautions because of the importance of currents which can be deb
ited. Access to electricity is, moreover, pervades the lives of its users, elect
rical plugs and terminals are widely used by people yet often uninformed on the
electrical hazard. The domestic electrical installations are subject to laws and
standards to ensure: The defect detection systems and protection against the ri
sk of overcurrent, overload and overvoltage protection of individuals against th
e dangers of defective equipment or handling Advanced users at risk of electrici
ty are often poorly trained on the reality of domestic premises are programs or
bac BEP. This knowledge is fundamental, however. II) Electrical Household II-1)
Installation upstream Schematically, the lines of electric energy distribution l
eads to tensions in the range of medium voltage (MV) to the nearest residential
areas or large consumers (industries, etc. ...). The substation MV / LV can then
distribute the three phases BT, neutral and possibly the earth to all consumers
located nearby. The schematic diagram below shows an example of delivery of ele
ctrical energy:
Three phases (black, red, brown) neutral (blue)
large consumers (industries)
transforming neighborhood
(yellow and green)
The wiring diagram for this example is presented below:
MT BT 230V / 400V
The single phase loads represent impedances (Z1, Z2 and Z3) connected between ph
ase and neutral. It should be noted that it is necessary to allocate these costs
as much as possible on the three phases to ensure the best balance of the netwo
rk.€The three-phase loads (Z4) are generally neutral relié1 to avoid the imbalan
ce of tension in case of imbalance courants1. It is important to note that the n
eutral facilities is created locally by the coupling of three phase MV / LV. It
is also important to note that the neutral is grounded by a particular impedance
: ZNT. The study of ground connections is called "neutral systems" and is a feat
ure that alters the nature and operation of protection. II-2) Pension neutral Th
ere are three ways to connect the neutral and the masses of plants to the Earth.
The standard defines three C15.100 neutral schemes are characterized by two let
ters: the first letter, where the supply (transformer output) in relation to the
earth. T: on earth I: insulation or ground wire through a second impedance lett
er: state of the masses of equipment from the earth. T: the masses are connected
directly to ground N: the masses are connected to the neutral facility will sep
arate special way the three regimes: TT, TN and IT Plan TT The TT distribution s
cheme is the scheme used by EDF for any distribution of public power low voltage
. The principle of the association is to connect the neutral to ground at the he
ad of the LV installation and all the masses directly to the local earth. Thus,
when a fault isolation appears, it is characterized by a short circuit Phase-Ear
th must be stopped, then said there is "breaking the first fault. TT:
MT BT 230V / 400V
See the course "Electrical engineering, fundamentals and power system", Chapter
TN TN The distribution scheme is the scheme used when the grounding of the masse
s of equipment poses a problem. These are then connected to the neutral conducto
r, connected at the head of the facility to land. Thus, when a fault isolation a
ppears, it is characterized by a short circuit Phase-Neutral to be interrupted,
it says there is "breaking the first fault. TN:
MT BT 230V / 400V
Grounding Earth
The IT Plan IT distribution system is the system used when the insulation defect
s must be detected, but without causing interruption (eg in hospitals). The neut
ral is not grounded or is connected through an impedance of high value (1500 to
2200Ω). The masses of equipment, they are grounded. Thus, when a fault isolation
appears, it does not dangerous voltage or current to the earth important. The d
etection of current in the impedance can detect the fault. However, if a second
fault occurs, it represents a short circuit between phases or between phase and
neutral must be eliminated, we say that there are "cut to the second default. IT
MT BT 230V / 400V
high impedance earth
The various schemes require the neutral nature of the protections provided on th
e downstream installation.
II-3) Impedance contacts earth impedance of conductors connecting the masses to
the ground is very important. Indeed, it requires in part the current leakage to
ground. For the same default over the earth impedance is high unless the defect
is detected by switch différentiel2. The diagram below shows the difference bet
ween two cases of ground impedance for which the threshold of detection of a lea
k to ground is 500mA.
= 300Ω Rdefaut I = 230 / (320) = 0.72A = 300Ω Rdefaut I = 230 / (500) = 0.46A
Rterre = 20Ω
Rterre = 200Ω
Case 1: I> 500mA: contact voltage 222.8V but sensed current cutoff ⇒
Case 1: I> 500mA: contact voltage 138V power but not detected ⇒ danger!
II-4) Components of protection The protection of electrical installations aims:
to stop in a few milliseconds, corresponding to the current short circuits, that
is to say, those over very quickly and widely the maximum current allowed for i
nstallation: it is part of circuit protection to stop a few seconds or even minu
tes, the currents corresponding to overload, that is to say those that go withou
t little change during Maximum allowed: it's the other part of the protection ci
rcuit to interrupt, beyond a threshold of 0.5A, which rebouclent currents throug
h the earth to avoid non-billing of the energy of provide the greatest possible
protection of persons, that is to say, stop in a few milliseconds, running, beyo
nd a threshold of 30mA,€flowing through a person to earth. - Protection against
short circuits and overloads is provided by fuses or thermal-magnetic circuit br
eakers. Fuses: Principle: The fuse is a driver designed to melt sharply beyond a
certain time (s) through the intensity. Each fuse is designed to melt at a time
when the nominal tf tf If current passes through it. Is represented on the grap
h below the curve cons of running a fuse. Note that beyond a certain current, th
e fuse is unable to make the cut without the recovery voltage n'amorce arcing. S
ymbols: fuse
Maximum current = breaking intensity If (A)
striker fuse
disconnector fuse
see Chapter II-4
Magneto-thermal: Principle: The thermal-magnetic circuit breaker has two bodies
cut. One is a time (s) Protection against overload TF bimetal which interrupt, t
hermal effect, the protection against short-circuits beyond a maximum value. The
other is a magnetic circuit breaker which current max = PC starts at the onset
of sudden power spikes. Is represented on the graph below If the cons Intensity
(A) curve of operating a circuit breaker. Note that beyond a certain current, th
e circuit breaker is unable to make the cut without the recovery voltage n'amorc
e arcing. Symbols: Thermal-magnetic Circuit Breaker
- Protection against non-billing is provided by circuit breakers or breakers tha
t interrupt the current to the earth above 500mA. - Protection of persons is ens
ured by the circuit breaker or breakers that interrupt the current to earth exce
eding 30mA. Breaker and breaker: Principle: The GFCI breaker is a classic, more
features a device for detecting and cutoff at current leakage to earth. An RCCB
provides just this last feature. The break is when a leakage to ground exceeds a
value IΔn appears for a sufficient time. The detection of leakage to earth is b
y detecting the difference between the incoming current and outgoing current IP
IN facility.
Phase Neutral IP IN
Electrical installation IT
Tore + magnetic coil detection
The law gives the nodes: IP = IN + IT, where IT is a GFCI. When IP - IN IT => IΔ
n, the detection coil can activate a switch which opens the circuit. Symbols:
Residual current device
HS: high sensitivity (IΔn = 30mA) MS: medium sensitivity (IΔn = 500mA)
Selectivity of protection: If more protections are in series, there should be th
e preferred order of reaction. In general, we associate a fuse in series with a
circuit breaker to increase the chance of cuts. In this case, it is preferred th
at the circuit breaker is triggered preferentially. Simply select the two bodies
after the operating curves presented below:
Time (s) tf Fuse protection (secondary) Circuit breaker (primary)
> If breaker
If disjon Intensity (A)
II-5) Diagrams installation is represented below the full presentation of the tr
aditional electrical installation of a home in TT. The TN is no different with r
egard to protection.
III) Electrical Safety This section is intended to educate users of electricity
daily risks they face, especially when handling laboratory equipment, which rend
ers him particularly vulnerable to dangerous voltages. The mere use of network 2
30V / 400V home traps that can kill everyone. It is first necessary to understan
d and define the reality of "shock" to become aware of ways to avoid it. III-1)
Electric shock An electric shock is the involvement of a human body to a dangero
us electrical conduction. To make this possible, he must have been in contact wi
th enough power to run a current harmful. Electric shock is a shock that leads t
o death. Direct contact when a person touches a conductor with a voltage V, it a
llows the passage of an electric current I provided his feet or another part of
his body touches the reference voltage generator that produces the voltage V. In
this case, the intensity of the current flowing is directly connected to the vo
ltage by the equation: VI = R where R is the resistance cumulative human body, t
he contact of fingers,€feet, shoes, etc ... This resistance varies greatly depen
ding on the humidity and the soles of shoes. The important thing in a shock is t
he value of current flowing through the person offended. The following table out
lines the effects cons of different intensities through the human body in the ca
se of an alternating current at 50Hz. The important thing to consider is that a
current above 30 mA is fatal unless it is extremely short, which is usually impo
ssible because the muscles contract to be turned on and make it impossible becau
se of the release. it leads to the conclusion: Under Alternative 230V at 50Hz:
current I
A voltage V
1 to 5mA current 10-20 mA 25-30 mA and 50mA>
Effects no perception tingling tetanization muscle contraction, fibrillation of
the heart contractions chest, certain death
I> 30mA = DEATH
or easier to remember: in any voltage> 50V = Risk of electric shock and
The indirect contact indirect contact with a voltage comes when a live conductor
is accidental contact with the carcass of a device. The consequence is that the
current can pass through a person if he receives the reference voltage with ano
ther part of his body. The problem can be solved if the carcass is directly conn
ected to the reference voltage. In this case the accidental contact bypasses the
voltage V and is blown fuses protection systems. However, in some cases, the co
ntact does not override frankly dangerous voltage and therefore puts people elec
tric shocks.
accidental contact current I
Voltage V
The connection between the devices and the reference voltage is crucial because
it directly determines the path of currents due to accidental faults. The realit
y of the protection of individuals depends naturally neutral system.
III-2) Pension neutral and protection
Plan neutral ground (TT and TN)
Constitution is considered below the case voluntarily phase which is the most co
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Neutral current to earth ground = detection
As the neutral and the masses are connected to the earth, just touch a conductor
to establish a current path and be electrocuted. Touching two different conduct
ors allows for more passing the current between the two arms and between each ph
ase and earth. This is the worst case. Protection The protection of persons in t
his case consists of a circuit breaker (or switch) whose differential is an exam
ple we shall cons. This type of machine cuts the supply circuit ahead of the ins
tallation for any current to ground> 30mA and this in less than 0.5 seconds. the
maximum current tolerated called iΔn and is indicated on the device. 10
Linking the neutral ground to detect current leakage that can be fatal, this is
where this regime is interesting, but only if equipped with a circuit breaker to
protect persons at 30mA . The domestic electrical installations have to be cons
istent with the pattern below, which protects sensitive components (bathroom, et
c ...), it is also in the labs and companies at all levels where the electrical
hazard may appear .
The important thing is to further ensure the smooth operation of the breaker, th
is is possible thanks to the systematic testing of a button it is preferable to
operate regularly.
Plan The Constitution isolated neutral earthing system is simple, it is simply t
o connect the neutral and ground through a high impedance (see figure). They can
not be connected squarely at all or be a safety device that closes when a surge
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Neutral high impedance (resistance) to more current Eart
h mass = more detection
Direct contacts between phase and earth are no longer dangerous. However, the to
uching of two different conductors becomes deadly because there is no current to
the land that could be detected by a GFCI. Touch two live conductors = Death in
The only possible protection are those protections against short circuit by circ
uit breakers that shut off the stream from a certain limit. (See also Figure 6)
Differential protection is impossible since there can be current to earth enough
. The IT systems are justified, however in some institutions, like hospitals,€wh
ere the slightest defect should not condemn the installation routine to cutting
the current. However, the low current potential between earth and neutral (throu
gh the high impedance) is controlled so as to trigger an alarm when a fault occu
Local insulation can be locally isolate an electrical device. Simply plug it int
o a transformer isolation. Such a device can change the amplitude of AC voltages
but also to separate the secondary circuit of the reference voltage of the prim
ary. The current flow is no longer possible between a conductor and secondary ea
rth. However, it still enough to touch two conductors to be electrocuted for sur
e (see figure below).
primary phase and neutral or between phases isolated secondary
III-3) behavior toward risk having electrical
The different types of facilities reviewed all contain their own dangers. It mus
t then adapt its behavior during an operation on a grid according to the neutral
system. It is also easy to assume the system according to one's location, it sa
id, the best is a cautious approach to logic hazards.
In a private home or a public institution The neutral has a good chance to be a
system with neutral grounding TT or TN. To safely handle any electrical equipmen
t you must: • Ensure the differential protection 30mA • Work off if possible • U
se a screwdriver tester to test each driver before touching and not a voltmeter
• Do never touch two conductors at a time In a hospital or a place where electri
cal continuity is imperative The neutral is surely a system with isolated neutra
l. It must then: • Work off if possible • Use a screwdriver to test each electri
cal conductor before touching • Do not touch two conductors at a time ... for th
is handle with one hand at a time.
In the case of an intervention on a device connected to a processor's approach i
s the same as in the case of an isolated installation. • Work off if possible •
Use a screwdriver to test each electrical conductor before touching • Do not tou
ch two conductors at a time ... for this handle with one hand at a time.
III-4) Some classic examples of risks and shock ...
The electrical hazard is unfortunately very diverse, therefore it is difficult t
o adapt its behavior when approaching an unknown electrical system. However, som
e common examples are noted in the everyday life ...
To change a light bulb, is it enough to turn off the switch? Well no! The drawin
g of the figure below shows that it is always possible to be electrocuted by hav
ing the off switch that controls a light bulb (if not to be equipped with a GFCI
socket of the bulb neutral phase switch cuts the neutral ... (it is unfortunatel
y often the case) House = neutral ground
To work on a device connected to the transformer, it is necessary to cut the pow
er? And yes, for two reasons: First, it is sufficient to reach two transformer e
nergized conductors to get the unknown current in the arm. In this case, the cur
rent flows through the heart and fibrillation is inevitable. The second is that
some processors, the secondary can not called do not isolate the autotransformer
s be isolated! secondary. Thus, contrary to what one might assume, simply touch
a live conductor for electrified.
Is it sufficient that a device is turned off for handling safe? Well no ... Of c
ourse, if the device in question was designed to ensure certainty, simply unplug
it to be quiet. However, details virtually everywhere in the electrical circuit
s can be fatal in some circuits. The figure below shows a circuit found in 90% o
f common household appliances, namely a rectifier that converts AC mains voltage
into a DC voltage.
AC: Phase neutral
transformer rectifier
capacitor discharge voltage = death if sufficient
smoothing capacitor
The operation performed is called a conversion AC / DC and is inseparable from t
he presence of a capacitor that "smooth" the output voltage so that it is as con
tinuous as possible.€Most of these circuits have low output voltages compatible
with the electronics they power. However, da ns laboratory equipment and some po
wer supplies circuit power (lasers, motors, etc. ...) these tensions are high or
very high. The problem is that the capacitor can remain charged (ie power) even
after the termination of the current. This leaves two possible cases of electro
cution: The transformer isolates the circuit of the earth In this case, it is no
t electrified by touching a single driver, however just enter the two terminals
of the capacitor to pass The current transformer does not isolate the circuit: I
n this case, simply touch one lead on the + terminal of the capacitor to receive
the dump ...

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