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Gala Night What I wear?

Author Administrator Sunday, February 3, 2008
One of the most recurrent questions about cruising for the novice has to do with
dressing in the evening gala.
There are numerous factors that influence the final setting of a gala evening on
board a cruise ship, and try to summarize them here to solve at least the basic
Let us start with the logic that leads a gala evening on behalf intrinsic "dress
" the way you dress has to go, that is, with your best clothes. However, the lac
k of custom or tradition in our country and the association = Bermuda vacation i
n our country makes the percentage of people actually dress up to be rather smal
But it is to go dressed up? Nobody panic, first will detail what should be, then
what is actually done.
Means tuxedos - tuxedo (tux in English) for the gentleman, if the conclusion is
after 5 pm, European time, it is actually a garment to be dressed after sunset i
n our country is rather later than 5pm. The gala night cruise is always later, s
o no problem. There are also dress uniforms and other appropriate costumes, but
we will focus on the most common. It is also acceptable as evening wear a dark s
uit (very dark gray or black).
-Long dresses for the ladies. When I say long, I mean to the ankle, short dresse
s are cocktail, gala no.
Well, that should be the costume gala "roughly", but the reality is quite differ
ent, and is presented as follows:
Spanish shipping - Men tend to be a suit and tie and some in trousers and shirt.
- Women often wear suits or dress cockatil. It is an ideal opportunity to retra
in suits that are bought to go to weddings, baptisms and communions or end of th
e year.
International shipping - in those very public vessels Latin (Spanish and Italian
), ie, ships in the Mediterranean route
Only personal use Generated: 4 August, 2008, 03:00
catching people in Spain or Italy, we see patterns similar to those mentioned cl
othing for Spanish shipping, unless passengers on board will also Anglo-Saxon wi
th a more formal dress.
- In most passenger ships and shipping Anglo medium to high level (international
shipping vessels in the Caribbean and Northern Europe). We will see most men in
tuxedos and gowns for women. Some gentlemen in dark suits and ladies cocktail d
ress (sequins included), passengers who do not like to dress as they attend the
gala buffet so we'll see almost no areas in gala.
- The shipping vessels and super luxury. Ojo, because in some of these companies
no galas, their passengers prom night are routine and even heavy going to many
during the year. However, this does not mean that dress in any way, since they f
ollow the codes of dress casual or casual bussiness described in various style m
anuals of universities and other entities.
One last thing, the gala is rarely required, none of the crew will tell you anyt
hing unless you dress, go as you like, what happens is that, based on the above,
you may find yourself outside the situation in some cruises, in another, you'll
go unnoticed.
I like the galas extraordinary because they are different, that is, something no
t often done: special arrangements, especially clothing and be especially beauti
ful and radiant, I'm so used to gala as not interest me , so I defend the formal
dress, tuxedo, because it is different to suit tie that many people use every d
ay to work, like the dress, that no woman is usually put on a daily basis.
Whatever you decide to wear, enjoy the gala!
Only personal use
Generated: 4 August, 2008, 03:00

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