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Annual Research Report

Electrical Engineering


Verslag van het onderzoek van grotere omvang

bij de faculteit Elektrotechniek
van de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Faculty : Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Annual research report 1999

Voor u ligt het verslag van het onderzoek dat in het kalenderjaar 1999 binnen de faculteit Elektrotechniek van de Technische
Universiteit Eindhoven is uitgevoerd. Per leerstoel worden achtereenvolgens het onderzoekprogramma, de behaalde resultaten,
de planning voor de korte en lange termijn, de aanwijzingen voor kwaliteit en reputatie, de samenwerking met de industrie en
kennis-instituten en de internationale uitwisseling beschreven. Verder treft u een lijst van publicaties aan die gestandaardiseerd
is volgens de normen van de VSNU. De VCW heeft ernaar gestreefd de presentatie zo te organiseren dat deze qua vorm en
inhoud vergelijkbaar is, zonder daarmee de eigen identiteit van de verschillende vakgebieden of de stijl van de projectleider
teveel aan te tasten.
Onderzoek is en blijft een van de twee primaire taken van een universiteit. Juist bij een teruglopende financiering en
bemoeienis vanuit de centrale overheid blijft het van belang de resultaten van dit werk zorgvuldig te documenteren. Niet
alleen is de jaarlijkse rapportage het uitgangspunt bij het opstellen van de zelfstudie voor de vijfjaarlijkse VSNU-visitatie,
deze kan ook aanleiding zijn voor reflectie bij de individuele onderzoeker, binnen de onderzoeksgroep en in de faculteit. Verder
blijkt een gedegen rapportage interessant voor de strategische partners die via externe financiering een groeiend deel van de
benodigde middelen verschaffen. In dit verband probeert de VCW via zijn jaarlijkse gespreksronde met de leerstoelhouders
een katalyserende rol te spelen. Bijzonder verheugend is dat de gesprekken ditmaal met een aantal nieuw benoemde collegas
gevoerd konden worden. Deze discussies zijn door de leden van de VCW als extra stimulerend ervaren.
In dit rapport vindt u geen oordeel of aanbevelingen over de verschillende onderzoeksgebieden. Zon oordeel is ook over het
jaar 1999 door de VCW geformuleerd, maar zal apart worden gepubliceerd. Een verschil met vorige jaren is dat de indeling van
het programma is aangepast aan de nieuwe structuur van leerstoelen en capaciteitsgroepen. Verder heeft een aantal leerstoelen
de start van een nieuwe vijfjarige periode na de onderzoeksvisitatie 19941998 aangegrepen om de indeling van de projecten
te stroomlijnen. Daardoor kan het iets moeilijker zijn om de continuteit van lopende projecten te herkennen.
Op het eerste gezicht lijkt een rapport van deze omvang een rijstebrijberg, waarin de krenten moeilijk te onderscheiden
zijn. Om te illustreren dat er wel degelijk hoogtepunten zijn volgt hier een persoonlijke keus uit de voorbeelden die de
programmaleiders in de gesprekken met de VCW hebben genoemd. Deze keus is uiteraard volkomen subjectief en zegt niets
over de kwaliteit van het overige onderzoek. M.P.J. Stevens van de leerstoel Information Processing Systems and Networks ontving van IBM een
partnership award ter grootte van f 83.000 als blijk van waardering voor de jarenlange samenwerking.
Het promotie-onderzoek dat ir. Y.L.C. de Jong onder leiding van M.H.A.J. Herben en G. Brussaard
van de leerstoel Radiocommunications verrichtte aan UHF radiowave propagation in urban microcell environments,
leidde tot de aanschaf van een nieuwe channel sounder, metingen in Zwitserland en aandacht in de nationale pers.
De leerstoel Electromechanics and Power Electronics slaagde er wederom in om de UFE-Ontwerpersprijs te
behalen, ditmaal voor het project De Flying Notcher, een robot voor het met hoge snelheid verwijderen van rand-
scheuren van ir. F. van der Meulen. Het project werd uitgevoerd bij Hoogovens en vanuit de TU/e begeleid door A.J.A. Vandenput. W.P.M.H. Heemels van de leerstoel Control Systems was de tweede promovendus die binnen de TU/e het
opnieuw ingestelde judicium cum laude ontving, voor zijn proefschrift Linear complementary systems a study
in hybrid dynamics. Promotoren waren P.P.J. van den Bosch en prof.dr. J. Schumacher, copromotor was
dr. S. Weiland.
De VCW wenst de faculteitsgemeenschap veel succes met de voortzetting van het onderzoek dat in dit rapport wordt
beschreven. Tegenwoordig moet zulk onderzoek aan nogal wat criteria voldoen. Het moet bijvoorbeeld vernieuwend,
publiceerbaar, maatschappelijk relevant en financierbaar zijn. Bovendien moet het aantrekkingskracht uitoefenen op studenten
en promovendi. Dat vraagt alles bij elkaar nogal wat van de individuele onderzoeker en zijn of haar projectleider. Ik kan het
daarom niet nalaten hier de raad te herhalen die ik zelf van een ervaren collega kreeg toen ik als jong onderzoeker voor het
eerst langere tijd mocht spreken voor de autoriteiten uit wiens geschriften ik het vak had geleerd: zorg op de eerste plaats dat
je het leuk blijft vinden, dan komt de rest vanzelf.

februari 2001
prof.dr. A.G. Tijhuis
voorzitter VCW

Annual Research Report 1999 i

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Faculty : Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Annual research report 1999

Personele inzet in 1999

leerstoel wp ws bb ow oz oz1 oz2 oz3 aio aio1 aio2 aio3

EB 14.4 6.9 1.8 3.0 9.6 9.4 0.2 4.6 4.6
ECO 14.7 3.3 1.8 2.0 10.9 4.7 0.4 5.8 1.9 1.3 0.6
ECR 11.6 5.0 1.5 2.1 8.1 7.0 0.8 0.3 3.8 2.9 0.8 0.1
EEA-OED 10.0 3.5 1.3 1.7 7.1 2.0 0.8 4.3 1.6 0.8 0.8
EEB-MsM 8.9 4.4 1.1 1.8 6.0 4.2 0.8 1.0 3.4 1.6 0.8 1.0
EM 8.4 1.4 1.1 1.2 6.2 4.5 0.8 0.9 2.8 2.0 0.8
EMV-EPE 9.1 2.7 1.1 1.8 6.2 3.0 0.8 2.4 1.6 0.8 0.8
EPS 14.3 5.4 1.8 2.7 9.8 6.5 3.3 2.7 2.7
ER-CS 11.1 4.3 1.4 1.9 7.8 6.1 1.6 0.1 3.9 2.3 1.6
ES 11.1 5.4 1.4 2.1 7.6 5.3 0.6 1.7 4.6 2.3 0.6 1.7
SPS 15.0 4.3 1.9 2.2 10.9 9.7 1.0 0.2 6.0 5.0 1.0
Totaal E 128.6 46.6 16.1 22.3 90.2 62.4 7.6 20.2 36.9 25.5 6.4 5.0

wp Wetenschappelijk personeel (in fte) voor alle leerstoeltaken [bb+ow+oz];

omvat alle categorieen [hl+uhd++ud+pd+aio+to] in alle geldstromen [1g+2g+3g]
ws Wetenschappelijke staf (in fte) voor alle leerstoeltaken;
omvat de categorieen hl+uhd+ud in 1g
bb Inzet voor bestuur en beheer (in fte) door alle categorieen wp in alle geldstromen;
normatief vastgesteld op 12 12 %
ow Capaciteit voor onderwijs (in fte) voor alle categorieen wp in alle geldstromen;
normatief vastgesteld volgens ow=wp-bb-oz
oz Onderzoekinput (in fte) door alle categorieen wp in alle geldstromen;
normatief vastgesteld volgens hl = 40%, u(h)d = 60%, aio/pd/to = 80%
ozx Onderzoekinput (in fte) door alle categorieen wp in geldstroom x
aio Onderzoekinput (in fte) door aios in alle geldstromen
aiox Onderzoekinput (in fte) door aios in geldstroom x

Wetenschappelijke output in 1999

category a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 c d e f1 f2 f3 g1 g2-9
EB . . . . . 1 15 . 5 . . . . . 11 23
ECO 4 . . . . 141 21 . 1 1 . . . . 4 28
ECR 4 . . . . 92 28 4 1 9 . . . . 4 22
EEA 1 1 . . . 141 17 10 . . . . . 1 . 6
EEB 1 . . . . 12 193 2 2 3 . . . . . .
EM . . . . 2 42 15 6 1 4 1 . . . 1 .
EMV . . . . . 2 5 . 3 18 . . 4 . 3 3
EPS 2 . . . 1 5 223 6 1 11 . . . . 3 9
ER 3 . . . 4 7 22 10 . 1 . 2 . . 8 .
ES 2 . . . . 2 17 . 6 . . . 2 1 3 5
SPS 3 . . . . 9 23 . 3 1 1 . . . 4 1
E 20 1 . . 7 77 203 38 23 48 2 2 6 2 41 97
1 Joint journal publication
2 Joint journal publication
3 Joint proceedings contribution

ii Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Faculty : Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Annual research report 1999

Categorie- en subcategorie-indeling van wetenschappelijke output

a. Dissertaties
1. Promotie intern, voorbereiding intern
2. Promotie intern, voorbereiding extern
3. Promotie extern, voorbereiding intern
b. Wetenschappelijke publicaties, refereed
1. Wetenschappelijk boek
2. Hoofdstuk in een wetenschappelijk boek
3. Publicatie in een wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
4. Publicatie in de proceedings van een wetenschappelijke conferentie
5. Abstract
c. Wetenschappelijke publicaties, non-refereed
1. Wetenschappelijk boek
2. Hoofdstuk in een wetenschappelijk boek
3. Publicatie in een wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
4. Publicatie in de proceedings van een wetenschappelijke conferentie
5. EUT Report
6. Bijdrage in het IPO Annual Progress Report
7. SAI Report
8. Abstract
d. Vakpublicaties
1. Vakboek
2. Hoofdstuk in een vakboek
3. Publicatie in een vaktijdschrift
4. Publicatie in de proceedings van een vakconferentie
5. Eindrapportage aan derden
6. Tussenrapportage bij belangrijke internationale projecten
e. Populariserende publicaties
1. Boek
2. Hoofdstuk in een boek
3. Publicatie in een populair wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
4. Publicatie in de proceedings van een conferentie
5. Intreerede
6. Afscheidscollege
f. Octrooien
1. Verleend
2. Aangevraagd
3. Niet door instelling aangevraagd
g. Overige produkten van wetenschappelijke activiteit
1. Afstudeerverslag
2. Voordracht of gastcollege buiten de TU
3. Posterpresentatie buiten de TU
4. Tussenrapportage aan derden
5. Boekbespreking
6. Optreden als redacteur van een tijdschrift
7. Optreden als redacteur van een boek of conferentieproceedings
8. Materiaal voor PATO-cursus of andere externe cursus
9. Proefontwerpen, software pakketten, meetopstellingen, methoden, e.d.

Annual Research Report 1999 iii

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Information Processing Systems and Networks EB
Programme director : M.P.J. Stevens


Information Processing Systems and Networks

Annual Research Report 1999 1

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Information Processing Systems and Networks EB
Programme director : M.P.J. Stevens

1 Acronyms
EB API Application Program Interface
APS Automatic Protection Switching Protocol
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
BDD Binary Decision Diagram
CAD Computer Aided Design
CAL/CAN Controler Area Layer / Controler Area Network
COBRA Communication Technology: Basic Research and Applications
CORBA Common Object Broker Architecture
CPLD Complex Programmable Logic Device
DC-BDD Dont Care Binary Decision Diagram
DSP Digital Signal Processor
EESI Eindhoven Embedded Systems Institute
ERASMUS European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
HdS Hardware dependable Software
HW/SW Hardware/Software
ICS Information and Communication System
IDASS Interactive Design and Simulation System
IN Intelligent Networks
IP Internet Protocol / Intellectual Property
PCO Point of Control and Observation
PLD Programmable Logic Device
POOSL Parallel Object Oriented Specification Language
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SDL System Description Language
SHE Software/Hardware Engineering
SHESIM Software/Hardware Engineering Simulator
SoC Systems on a Chip
TINA Telecommunications Information Network Architecture
TPG Test Pattern Generator
VLSI Very Large Scale Integration
VM Virtual Memory
WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing

2 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Information Processing Systems and Networks EB
Programme director : M.P.J. Stevens

1. Full title : Information Processing Systems and Networks 1

2. Subprogrammes
1. Design methodology (EB-1)
2. Design and optimisation of digital circuits (EB-2)
3. Architecture and design of processors and computer networks (EB-3)
4. Tele/data communication, exchanges and networks (EB-4)

4. Key words
design methodology, system-level design, performance analysis, hardware/software co-design, synthesis,
communicating systems, distributed systems, real-time processing, parallel processing, (formal) description
languages, performance evaluation, embedded software, object oriented analysis, formal verification,
communication protocols, communication networks, exchanges, ASICs, system-on-a-chip

8. Programme design in brief

Mission statement
Research on fundamental problems in the system design and implementation of computer and telecommunication,
development of theories, methodologies and tool, and the validation of research results in industrial applications.
The programme encompasses research on fundamental problems in the design and implementation of computer
and communication systems and the validation of research results in industrial design. These systems can be real-
time systems, distributed systems, embedded systems, multimedia systems or telecommunication networks. They
perform many concurrent tasks in a real-time environment such as collecting, storing, processing, transporting,
routing and presenting information. The development of supporting design techniques does not keep pace with
the growth of complexity of such systems. New techniques must be developed that enable design on a new
higher level of abstraction. Exploration of analysis and design methodologies for such systems requires a
broad knowledge of paradigms, conceptual solutions, architectures and design techniques on various levels of
abstraction between specification and implementation.
The focus of the research is on design methodology and design tools. This is a common factor in a variety of
strongly interacting fields that are explored simultaneously, such as requirements analysis, formal behaviour
description, system-level synthesis, optimisation, performance analysis, simulation, testing, verification and
validation. Methodology research is performed based on activities in the fields of processor architecture, (real-
time) operating systems, communication protocols and communication switches. Research results are validated
for their industrial applicability to design of new processor architectures, distributed computer systems in
embedded applications, control applications, and telecommunication networks.
The research programme is divided up into four interacting sub-programmes with the first programme as core

8.1. Design methodology (EB-1)

Research focuses on formal system-level modelling techniques for mixed hardware/software systems.
Automation and verification for current design complexity conflicts with computability. This project delivers
methods for the creation of formal, executable behaviour specifications that allow system properties to be
analysed, simulated, validated and verified. Results can be used for the improvement of industrial system-level
design of complex systems.

8.2. Design and optimisation of digital circuits (EB-2)

Research focuses on theory and tools for modelling, analysis, synthesis and optimisation of digital circuits.
Decomposition, quality-driven design methodologies, graph and diagram based methods, and design-space
exploration methods can be used to design and implement systems in ASICs, (C)PLDs and FPGAs.

Annual Research Report 1999 3

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Information Processing Systems and Networks EB
Programme director : M.P.J. Stevens

1 8.3. Architecture and design of processors and computer networks (EB-3)

EB Research focuses on architecture design methods and tools for register transfer and algorithmic behaviour level.
The goal is development of interactive modelling, verification, and conversion tools to commercial hardware
synthesis tools. Results can be used for system studies and automatic synthesis.

8.4. Tele/data communication, exchanges and networks (EB-4)

Research aims at modelling, simulation, and verification of communication interfaces and protocols. Topics
are standardisation, performance analysis, queuing and blocking problems. Results can be used for design of
telecommunication systems and for distributed embedded systems

9. Overview of academic results

9.1. Design methodology (EB-1)
System level modelling
System level methods focus on the creation of executable system models, describing a system in the earliest
phases of the design process. They allow quantitative (performance) and qualitative (correctness) system
properties to be analysed before the system is actually being realised in terms of hardware and software
components. The analysis results are used as input for taking structured and well-founded design decisions.
The system level modelling language POOSL and accompanying tools have been extended to cope with large
industrial designs. The language and tools have been applied in a number of industrial case studies. Research has
started on modelling frameworks and guidelines that aid in the development of system models for system-level
design and performance analysis. In this context two Ph.D. projects have been defined, one in the application
area of tele/datacommunication systems (co-operation with IBM Research, Zurich and Alcatel, Antwerp) and the
other in the area of heterogeneous multiprocessor systems (co-operation with Philips Research).
System level performance evaluation
System level design requires adequate probabilistic modelling formalisms, formalisms to specify performance
properties and analysis methods and tools. In the context of the POOSL language, a possible probabilistic
extension has been investigated by developing a real-time probabilistic process algebra that allows simple
performance metrics to be computed. A first attempt is made into defining a formal framework for specifying
complex performance metrics. The POOSL execution engine has been refined to deal with efficient simulation
of large models. Preliminary results have been applied in the performance analysis of a large industrial switch
system (co-operation with IBM Research, Zurich and Alcatel, Antwerp).
System level synthesis
The mapping POOSL to C++ has been completed. The performance of process execution trees and the ANSI
C++ compliant execution engine which allows simulating large POOSL models (of real-world problems) has
been increased.
Analysis and specification
The object-oriented analysis method Software/Hardware Engineering has been validated in practical projects.
The project with Buhrs, Zaandam has been finished. A model, an architecture design as well as experiments
with distributed communication have been completed and reported. In a project with KEMA, Arnhem we started
developing a model for a Maintenance Information Communication System. The application of the method,
as well as remote maintenance as specified in this project, are new for the Dutch electrical power distribution
Curriculum 2000
Starting from September the available research time has been spent in developing plans for a new design
oriented curriculum. Based on the experience with system level modelling and design we developed a simple
communication model and started research on multidisciplinary topics, methods and skills for design of complex
ICT systems. The more specific research on analysis and specification will be continued but also broadened to
design research in general with a focus on handling the design complexity of SoC.

Formal verification

4 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Information Processing Systems and Networks EB
Programme director : M.P.J. Stevens

Formal verification of the correctness of a candidate design is checking the design to formally specified
requirements. Research concerns the correctness of the design trajectory, from abstract model to concrete
realisation. Current verification activities aim at the integration of techniques and tools for state-space exploration
into the SHE methodology. SHESIM has been extended with the ability to verify correctness properties during
simulation (checking larger systems non-exhaustively). An algorithm translates properties, expressed in the logic
Linear Temporal Logic into finite state automata that can be used as monitors during system simulations allowing
automatic validation of the correctness of complex systems.
An extension of the method to real-time temporal logic and corresponding timed automata has been defined,
allowing the monitoring of quantitative as well as qualitative temporal requirements. Research has been done to
the embedding of the temporal logic requirements specification in the SHE methodology framework.
Increasingly often, the development of systems involves the construction of computer-simulatable models. The
automated analysis of such models produces valuable information that steers the design in early phases. While
there has been an impressive advance in techniques and tools for such analyses (e.g. symbolic model checking),
the problem of how to construct models and which properties to analyse has deserved less attention of the
scientific community this holds in particular for systems that (partly) consist of software. Also, the tools and
techniques need to be further integrated into the mainstream industrial design cycles.
Interactive design and simulation system
The ASIC design tool IDaSS (Interactive Design and Simulation System) has been ported to a new (and faster)
version of the Smalltalk programming environment. The rulebase which is used by IDaSS to generate the industry
standard Verilog language has been tested with the Cypress Warp2 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)
synthesiser. New options were built into the rulebase to generate different methods of flip-flop initialisation
optimised for different synthesisers and types of FPGAs. A workshop on using IDaSS in education and research
has been given at the Technical University of Warsaw, Poland.

9.2. Design and optimisation of digital circuits (EB-2)

Seminars on design and optimisation of digital circuits
A number of seminars have been given at the Warsaw University of Technology (Poland), the University of
Nevada Las Vegas (USA) and the University of Massachusetts (USA) focusing on:

Quality driven design.

General decomposition of discrete functions, relations and sequential machines.

Quality-driven design
The work focussed on implications of our quality-driven design methodology to the system-on-a-chip design.
General decomposition of discrete functions, relations and sequential machines
General decomposition of discrete functions, relations and sequential machines Work on decomposition theory
and methodology was performed, focussing on the extension of the basic general decomposition theory to the non-
deterministic sequential machines and multiple-state realisations, application of the information relationships and
measures to various sorts decompositions and state assignment, and application of rough sets to machine learning
and data mining. The research was performed in collaboration with Portland State University (USA), University
of Queensland (Australia) and Warsaw University of Technology (Poland).
State assignment for complex sequential machines
A new state assignment method based on information relationship measures has been completed for multiple-level
logic. This method has been preliminary implemented in a prototype CAD-tool. The method and tool are tested
and analysed and they will be refined and extended. Work was performed in relation to the decompositional state-
assignment for multiple-level logic. This work continues development of a prototype assignment tool SEMADE.
Decomposition and synthesis of multiple-output combinational circuits
The research resulted in development of a new multiple-level functional decomposition method and in a new
prototype CAD-tool that implements the method. The method and tool were tested and analysed. Results of the
analysis will be used for their further refinement and extension. In the field of this project, we collaborated with
Portland State University and Warsaw University of Technology.
Architecture synthesis of application-specific embedded controllers for (programmable) HW

Annual Research Report 1999 5

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Information Processing Systems and Networks EB
Programme director : M.P.J. Stevens

1 Suspended
EB Testing and testability
The work on test-pattern generation for combinational circuits with use of DC-BDDs (Term Trees) resulted in
an efficient TPG-method and a prototype TPG-tool for AND/OR and AND/EXOR circuits (XTESTPG). The
method and tool have been tested and analysed.

9.3. Architecture and design of processors and computer networks (EB-3)

Architecture design
This research project on architecture design focuses on the study and creation of advanced modular processor
architectures. Resulting architectures allow industry to utilise the capabilities of modern ASIC design
technologies. Several methods to implement multiprocessing (multiple tasks running in parallel) and super scalar
processing (multiple instructions per clock cycle), together with the necessary communication and scheduling
methods are being investigated. The following architecture studies have been performed:

Multiprocessor Protocol Controllers (co-operation with TNO-Industrie, Eindhoven)

A first version of a bit-level protocol controller for the LON network has been designed which can be
used instead of the existing CAN/CAL bit-level protocol controller within this three processor system.
Integrated Multiprocessor Architecture
The communication networks, which connect the RISC processor cores to the shared coprocessors in this
architecture, have been designed. Work has started on the design of integrated 2-level instruction, data
and register set caches for this system. An improved RISC processor core is now under design. Work on
the task control coprocessor continues using Algorithmic Level IDaSS because the functionality is too
complex to design directly at the Register Transfer Level. We are investigating the inclusion of a local
area network to provide fully transparent distributed multiprocessing (connecting several multiprocessor
WEB controllable devices (co-operation with TNO-Industrie, Eindhoven)
The project explores the concept of WEB controllable devices with respect to the architecture, a general
interface to data-communication circuits and testability of the designed protocol processor. The designed
units are modelled in synthesisable VHDL to generate design feedback and functional prototypes using a
rapid prototyping board populated with FPGAs.
Functionally compatible Intel 8051 microcontroller soft-core in VHDL (co-operation with TNO-
Industrie, Eindhoven)
More and more functionality can be integrated on a single chip resulting in a fast growing IP (Intellectual
Property) market. The IP uses of cores and design and reuse are solutions for the designer to keep
up with this growth. Cores, such as microcontrollers and DSPs, are tested modules to enable design
and reuse, which is used by SOC technologies. SOC technologies give the designer the opportunity
to integrate their board designs into a single ASIC. The project consists of the development and
implementation of a soft core, which is technology independent. The developed and implemented soft
core is a functionally compatible Intel 8051 microcontroller. The microcontroller is modelled with VHDL
in Summit VHDL. The result is synthesised with Leonardo Spectrum. Routing and Placement is done
with Aleras Max2Plus. The complete core consumes 1730 logic cells, which is 60% of the chip area,
and runs on 8 MHz. The core is approximately between 1.5 and 2 times faster, which is dependent of the
program, than the standard microcontroller.
Design of an MPEG audio layers 2 CODEC on a DSP (co-operation with Ellips, Eindhoven)
The project deals with the design of a real-time MPEG audio layer 2 CODEC for the DSP56002. This
involves the software design of the CODEC as well as the determination what hardware is needed. The
MPEG streams generated by the encoder have been verified and are valid MPEG audio layer 2 streams.
The decoder has been tested with reference streams and it decoded those streams correctly. Listening
to the CODEC verified the audio quality to be quite good. To ensure high quality audio a bitrate of 128
kbits/s per channel is preferred, but operation on a lower bitrate of 64 kbit/s and thus a higher compression
ratio still produces acceptable audio quality. For single channel operation with sampling frequencies of
22 kHz and below, the CODEC achieves real-time operation. For higher sampling frequencies and stereo
operation only the decoder performs real-time. Because one channel mode and a sampling frequency of

6 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Information Processing Systems and Networks EB
Programme director : M.P.J. Stevens

22kHz are sufficient for the speech that will be transferred over the surveillance system, the goal of the
project has been fulfilled. The required hardware for the CODEC is a DSP56002 at least running at 66
MHz and 128 k-words (24-bit) of 15 ns or faster SRAM.
Graphic Subsystem Coprocessor. Suspended.
Multimedia Stream Processor. Suspended.
Communication Network Model for CPA-SDE (co-operation with Philips Semiconductors, Systems
Laboratory Eindhoven)
For the Philips multiprocessor CoProcessor Array (CPA), a new model has been developed for the
communication network which transfers data between the different (video signal) processors working
together in this architecture. Using this model in a Simulation and Design Environment (SDA), a
designer can check the functional and real-time behaviour of new CPA systems.
R.A.E.L. DSP Pipeline Arbiter (co-operation with Philips Semiconductors, Embedded Systems
Technology Centre, ASIC Service Group, Eindhoven)
For the next generation of the Philips R.E.A.L. Digital Signal Processor, a generic and easy to modify
pipeline control unit has been designed. This will simplify adding new functionality to the architecture
because the pipeline control is now concentrated in a single master module.
Algorithms in hardware (Re-configurable custom computing machines)
The work resulted in development and prototype implementation of a re-configurable hardware
accelerator for fast computations in multiple-valued logic and development and software implementation
of a method for automated synthesis of interleaved memory systems for custom computing machines.
Research in memory systems for custom computing machines was continued and resulted in development
of an XOR storage scheme synthesis for overlapping data templates. An FPGA-based rough set machine
has been designed that can be used for logic synthesis, machine learning and some other applications.
The research is performed in collaboration with Portland State University, USA, and the University of
Queensland, Australia.

Automatic analysis, synthesis and selection of design-alternatives (co-operation with VTT, Oulu, Finland)

The project resulted in a new concept of a genetic engineering algorithm. At the system-level, the research
is mainly being carried out as a Ph.D. project with practical application to hardware/software co-design, for
which a prototype interactive hardware/software co-design tool (InCo) has been developed and implemented in
collaboration with VTT-Electronics, Oulu, Finland.

9.4. Tele/data communication, exchanges and networks (EB-4)

IP Network Impairment Emulator (co-operation with Ericsson Switch Lab, Stockholm, Sweden)

In this project a tool was designed that can introduce arbitrary delay, loss and bit-error patterns in an IP link.
The tool was named Network Impairment Emulator (NIE). Such a device can be used for emulating network
impairments over an IP end-to-end connection and can mimic arbitrarily good or bad IP connections to the
end protocols/applications. This provides a convenient and controlled way for validating protocol/application
performance under different network conditions. NIE is implemented as a loadable kernel module in the FreeBSD
UNIX operating system. The host that is equipped with two (or more) LAN interfaces, functions as a router, and
forwarded packets are impaired according to the configured loss, delay, and bit-error models. For each of the three
impairment types there are a number of basic stochastic (random) models built in the system and the user can
select and parameterise the models in an independent fashion. The model set can be easily extended. In addition
to the stochastic models, packet loss and bit error emulation can be done using trace files. NIE is a multi-channel
emulator, i.e., it can handle a number of flows with different impairment settings simultaneously.

Annual Research Report 1999 7

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Information Processing Systems and Networks EB
Programme director : M.P.J. Stevens

Turbo Codes for xDSL application (co-operation with Alcatel, Antwerp, Belgium)
1 With an xDSL system, it is possible to achieve high bitrate communication. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
EB (ADSL), are up to 8 Mbit/s downstream and 1 Mbit/s upstream. In order to support other applications such as
transmission of TV signals and inter-LAN connections. A new class of codes called turbo codes. In a turbo code,
a parallel concatenation of two recursive convolutional codes is used. In this project, the possibilities to apply to
concept of turbo codes in an xDSL system are considered. The major design criteria are delay and complexity of
the system versus the increase in performance. With a turbo code over BPSK modulation, a performance of about
1 dB from the Shannon limit is possible at an acceptable complexity. The goal was to find a coding scheme for
xDSL that can achieve a similar performance.

Packet switches for ATM networks (co-operation with IBM Research Zurich, Switzerland)
Research was performed in the modelling, analysis and design of a new generation of packet switches. Several
performance questions necessary for taking system level design decisions were defined and a model was
developed in POOSL that was tailored for answering precisely those questions. These questions involved latency,
jitter, queue fill levels and packet losses. A number of modelling guidelines was derived to facilitate the modelling
process for future systems.
Design of an executable ASIC model in SDL (co-operation with Alcatel, Antwerp, Belgium)
Research was performed into modelling hardware systems in SDL. The suitability of SDL for hardware modelling
was investigated based on an example switch system. A model of this system was derived and analysed by means
of the SDL tool suite. This tool suite was assessed with respect to the possibilities for hardware/software co-
Modelling Optical WDM Transport Networks (co-operation with KNP Research, Leidschendam)
To enable combinations of WDM and electrical techniques originating from SDH, ATM and IP, a structured
investigation of available functions is performed. Application of the concepts of layer models revealed an overlap
between the functions specified for SDH or ATM with the functions incorporated in WDM. On the other hand,
specification of additional functions is necessary to enable the combination of IP with WDM. Considering
(concurrent) support of SDH, ATM and IP over WDM, the TMN concept is investigated to enable unambiguous
realisation of network management. Based on the formal specification language POOSL, the development of
a functional system-level model that takes essential physical properties into account is initiated to validate
the functions currently defined for WDM transport networks. The simulation results revealed fundamental
shortcomings in the concepts for managing transport networks that use WDM techniques.
Specification of a communication protocol in POOSL (co-operation with Alcatel, Antwerp, Belgium)
An abstract model of part of a wireless ATM MAC protocol has been developed in POOSL, starting from textual
and SDL specifications. The MASCARA protocol is used within the European VIRES project as an industrial-
size case study for verification. Development of the POOSL model has resulted in extensive documentation on the
modelled part of the protocol and has served as an example to demonstrate the suitability of the POOSL language
and the SHESim tool for the specification of complex communication protocols. Simulation results have led to
improvements in the SDL source code. Furthermore, SDL and POOSL language basics have been compared and
simulation as an approach has been evaluated.

8 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Information Processing Systems and Networks EB
Programme director : M.P.J. Stevens

Scientific publications, refereed Jozwiak, L.:

Quality-driven design of application-specific systems. 1
Bokhoven, L.J. van; Voeten, J.P.M.; Geilen, M.C.W.: Proc. ISCE99, Thirteenth International Conference EB
Software synthesis for system level design using on Systems Engineering, Las Vegas, Nevada, 10-
process execution trees. 12 August 1999; INCOSE, International Council on
Proc. 25th EUROMICRO Conference 99, Milan, Italy, System Engineering, 1999, pp. EE 95-100.
8-10 September 1999, ISBN 0-7695-0321-7, ed. B. EB-2 b4
Werner; IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos,
CA, 1999, pp. 463-467. Jozwiak, L.; Chojnacki, A.:
EB-2 b4 Functional decomposition based on information
relationship measures extremely effective for
Bokhoven, L.J. van; Voeten, J.P.M.; Verhappen, M.: symmetric functions.
Simulating system level designs. Proc. 25th EUROMICRO Conference 99, Milan, Italy,
Proc. ProRISC 99, 10th Annual Workshop on 8-10 September 1999, ISBN 0-7695-0321-7; IEEE
Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Mierlo, Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1999,
Netherlands, 24-26 November 1999, ISBN 90-73461- pp. 150-160.
18-9, ed. J.P. Veen; STW Technology Foundation, EB-2 b4
Utrecht, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 37-42.
EB-1 b4 Jozwiak, L.; Postula, A.:
Genetic engineering versus natural evolution: genetic
Chen, S.; Postula, A.; Jozwiak, L.: algorithms with deterministic operators.
XOR storage scheme synthesis for overlapping data Proc. IC-AI99, International Conference on Artificial
templates. Intelligence, Las Vegas, Nevada, 28 June - 1 July 1999,
Proc. 25th EUROMICRO Conference 99, Milan, Italy, ISBN 1-892512-16-5; CSREA Press, 1999, pp. 58-64.
8-10 September 1999, ISBN 0-7695-0321-7; IEEE EB-2 b4
Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1999,
pp. 170-177. Jozwiak, L.; Slusarczyk, A.; Perkowski, M.A.:
EB-2 b4 Term trees in application to an effective and efficient
ATPG fan AND-EXOR and AND-OR circuits.
Dams, D.R.: Proc. Reed-Muller99, International Workshop on
Flat fragments of CTL and CTL*: Separating the Applications of the Reed-Muller Expansion in Circuit
expressive and distinguishing powers. Design, Victoria B.C., Canada, 20-21 August 1999;
Logic Journal of the IGPL 7, nr. 1, 1999, pp. 55-78. University of Victoria, Victoria B.C., Canada, 1999,
EB-1 b3 pp. 87-103.
Geilen, M.C.W.; Voeten, J.P.M.: EB-2 b4
Object-oriented modelling and specification using Lewis, T.; Perkowski, M.; Jozwiak, L.:
SHE. An FPGA-based rough set machine.
Proc. VFM 99, First International Symposium on Proc. 25th EUROMICRO Conference 99, Milan, Italy,
Visual Formal Methods, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 23 8-10 September 1999, ISBN 0-7695-0321-7; IEEE
August 1999, ISBN 0926-45, ed. R. Backhouse Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1999,
and J. Baeten; Eindhoven University of Technology, pp. 325-334.
Eindhoven, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 16-24. EB-2 b4
EB-1 b4
Putten, P.H.A. van der; Voeten, J.P.M.; Geilen,
Jozwiak, L.: M.C.W.; Stevens, M.P.J.:
Information relationships and measures in application System level models for real-time communication.
to logic design. Proc. 25th EUROMICRO Conference 99, Milan, Italy,
Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Multiple- 8-10 September 1999, ISBN 0-7695-0321-7, ed. B.
Valued Logic, Freiburg Im Breisgau, Germany, 20- Werner; IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos,
22 May 1999, ISBN 0-7695-0161-3; IEEE Computer CA, 1999, pp. 496-501.
Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1999, pp. 228-235. EB-1 b4
EB-2 b4

List of publications 1999 9

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Information Processing Systems and Networks EB
Programme director : M.P.J. Stevens

Rawski, M.; Jozwiak, L.; Luba, T.: Chojnacki, A.; Jozwiak, L.:
1 The influence of the number of values in sub-functions Bound set functions encoding for symmetric boolean
EB on the effectiveness and efficiency of the functional functions based on information relationship measures.
decomposition. Proc. ProRISC 99, 10th Annual Workshop on
Proc. 25th EUROMICRO Conference 99, Milan, Italy, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Mierlo,
8-10 September 1999, ISBN 0-7695-0321-7; IEEE Netherlands, 24-26 November 1999, ISBN 90-73461-
Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1999, 18-9, ed. J.P. Veen; STW Technology Foundation,
pp. 86-93. Utrecht, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 251-257.
EB-2 b4 EB-2 c4
Theelen, B.D.; Voeten, J.P.M.; Putten, P.H.A. van Dams, D.R.; Hutter, D.; Sidorova, N.:
der; Dorren, H.J.S.; Stevens, M.P.J.: Using the INKA prover to automate safety proofs in
A practical approach for modelling optical WDM abstract interpretation - a case study.
networks using POOSL. Abstract, Workshop on Modelling and Verification,
Proc. ProRISC 99, 10th Annual Workshop on C.I.S., Besancon, France, 9-11 December 1999, ed. F.
Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Mierlo, Bellegarde and O. Kouchnarenko, 1999, pp. 17-19.
Netherlands, 24-26 November 1999, ISBN 90-73461- EB-1 c8
18-9, ed. J.P. Veen; STW Technology Foundation,
Utrecht, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 503-508. Polak, P.:
EB-4 b4 Development of a new communication network model
for the CPA-SDE.
Voeten, J.P.M.; Geilen, M.C.W.; Bokhoven, L.J. SAI Report, 99.007, ISBN 90-5282-933-0; TUE-SAI,
van; Putten, P.H.A. van der; Stevens, M.P.J.: Eindhoven, 1999, pp. 1-67.
A probabilistic real-time calculus for performance EB-3 c7
Proc. ESS 99, 11th European Simulation Symposium, Skrzeszewski, T.K.:
Erlangen, Germany, 26-28 October 1999, ISBN 1- Digital signal processor pipeline arbitration.
56555-177-x, ed. G. Horton, D. Moller, and V. Rude; SAI Report, 99.008, ISBN 90-5282-932-2; TUE-SAI,
SCS, Delft, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 608-617. Eindhoven, 1999, pp. 1-80.
EB-1 b4 EB-3 c7

Voeten, J.P.M.; Stappers, I.G.; Geilen, M.C.W.; Other products of scientific activity
Bokhoven, L.J. van; Putten, P.H.A. van der; Aalderink, H.A.:
Stevens, M.P.J.: WEB Controllable devices, concept and design.
An analytical approach towards system level M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, ICS-EB 724, August,
performance analysis. 1999, pp. 1-38.
Proc. ProRISC 99, 10th Annual Workshop on EB-4 g1
Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Mierlo,
Netherlands, 24-26 November 1999, ISBN 90-73461- Baijens, M.C.H.:
18-9, ed. J.P. Veen; STW Technology Foundation, Design of an MPEG audio layer 2 CODEC on a DSP.
Utrecht, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 569-576. M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, ICS-EB 728, October,
EB-1 b4 1999, pp. 1-50.
EB-3 g1
Scientific publications, non-refereed
Bohmermann, D.:
Burchard, A.: A functionally compatible Intel 8051 microcontroller
Distributed control system for mailing machines. soft-core in VHDL.
SAI Report, 99.002, ISBN 90-5282-934-9; TUE-SAI, M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, ICS-EB 723, August,
Eindhoven, 1999, pp. 1-88. 1999, pp. 1-54.
EB-1 c7 EB-3 g1

10 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Information Processing Systems and Networks EB
Programme director : M.P.J. Stevens

Coenen, M.W.C.M.: Jozwiak, L.:

Modelling and implementing a CAN soft-core. Bottom-up multi-level functional decomposition of 1
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, ICS-EB 712, April, boolean functions. EB

1999, pp. 1-52. Seminar, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Department

EB-3 g1 of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Las Vegas,
Nevada, USA, 8 July 1999.
Cupic, D.: EB-2 g2
The IP network impairement emulator.
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, ICS-EB 714, April, Jozwiak, L.:
1999, pp. 1-50. Bottom-up multi-level functional decomposition of
EB-4 g1 boolean functions.
Seminar, University of Massachusetts, Department
Dams, D.R.: of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Amherst,
A sampling approach to dense-time logics and Massachusetts, USA, 14 July 1999.
automata. EB-2 g2
Presentation VIRES (Esprit Long Term Research
Project) project meeting, Verimag, Grenoble, France, Jozwiak, L.:
18 March 1999. General decomposition of sequential machines and
EB-1 g2 discrete functions (invited presentation).
Second Oregon Symposium on Logic, Design and
Dams, D.R.: Learning, Portland Center for Advanced Technology,
Fairness in abstractions. Portland, Oregon, USA, 17 August 1999.
VIRES (Esprit Long Term Research Project) project EB-2 g2
meeting & review, Liege, Belgium, 22 October 1999.
EB-1 g2 Jozwiak, L.:
General structural decomposition and its application to
Dams, D.R.: sequential and combinational logic synthesis.
The VIRES specification task. Serie ERASMUS - SOCRATES Seminars, Warsaw
Presentation VIRES (Esprit Long Term Research University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics,
Project) project review, TUE, Eindhoven, The Warsaw, Poland, 28 April - 6 May 1999.
Netherlands, 11 June 1999. EB-2 g2
EB-1 g4
Jozwiak, L.:
Dams, D.R.: General structural decomposition in logic synthesis.
Tool development plans at EUT. Seminar, University of Massachusetts, Department
Presentation VIRES (Esprit Long Term Research of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Amherst,
Project) project meeting & review, Liege, Belgium, 21 Massachusetts, USA, 14 July 1999.
October 1999. EB-2 g2
EB-1 g2
Jozwiak, L.:
Dams, D.R.; Gerth, R.; Leue, S.; Massink, M.: General structural decomposition in logic synthesis.
Theoretical and practical aspects of SPIN model Seminar, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Department
checking. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Las Vegas,
Editorship proceedings of the 5th and 6th International Nevada, USA, 8 July 1999.
SPIN Workshops, number 1680 in Lecture Notes in EB-2 g2
Computer Science, Springer, Berlin, Germany 1999.
EB-1 g7 Jozwiak, L.:
Information relationships and information relationship
Derikx, J.H.: measures.
Roaming java services for intelligent networks. Seminar, University of Massachusetts, Department
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, ICS-EB 725, August, of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Amherst,
1999, pp. 1-99. Massachusetts, USA, 14 July 1999.
EB-4 g1 EB-2 g2

List of publications 1999 11

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Information Processing Systems and Networks EB
Programme director : M.P.J. Stevens

Jozwiak, L.: Reumers, M.J.M.:

1 Information relationships and information relationship Developing and implementing a peripheral interface
EB measures. controller.
Seminar, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Department M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, ICS-EB 710, April,
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Las Vegas, 1999, pp. 1-45.
Nevada, USA, 8 July 1999. EB-3 g1
EB-2 g2
Slusarczyk, A.:
Jozwiak, L.: FSM state assignments methods.
Information relationships, information relationship Series of ERASMUS - SOCRATES Seminars, Warsaw
measures and their applications. University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics,
Series of ERASMUS - SOCRATES Seminars, Warsaw Warsaw, Poland, 5 - 12 June 1999.
University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, EB-2 g2
Warsaw, Poland, 4 - 10 October 1999.
EB-2 g2 Theelen, B.D.:
Concurrent support of higher layer protocols over
Jozwiak, L.: WDM.
Logic analysis and synthesis with information Invited Presentation for the Local Student Paper
relationships and information relationship measures Contest of the IEEE Student Branch Eindhoven,
(invited presentation). Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 18 October 1999.
Second Oregon Symposium on Logic, Design and EB-4 g4
Learning, Portland Center for Avanced Technology,
Portland, Oregon, USA, 17 August 1999. Theelen, B.D.:
EB-2 g2 Modeling the MPSR switch system using POOSL.
Presentation at a progress meeting for Alcatel (Non-
Jozwiak, L.: public/Confidential), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 22
Quality-driven design of application specific systems. November 1999.
Seminar, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Department EB-4 g4
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Las Vegas,
Nevada, USA, 6 July 1999. Theelen, B.D.:
EB-2 g2 Modelling optical WDM networks using POOSL.
Posterpresentation ProRISC 99, 10th Annual
Jozwiak, L.: Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing,
Quality-driven design of application specific systems. Mierlo, The Netherlands, 25 November 1999.
Seminar, University of Massachusetts, Department EB-4 g3
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Amherst,
Massachusetts, USA, 12 July 1999. Theelen, B.D.:
EB-2 g2 Towards modelling optical WDM transport networks.
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, ICS-EB 713, April,
Jozwiak, L.: 1999, pp. 1-95.
Solving synthesis problems with genetic algorithms. EB-4 g1
Seminar, University of Massachusetts, Department
Verhappen, M.:
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Amherst,
System level performance modeling of a complex
Massachusetts, USA, 13 July 1999.
high-speed packet switch - Modeling PRIZMA-T
EB-2 g2
using POOSL.
Molenaar, E.V.: M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, ICS-EB 730,
Modeling of a functional compatible and testable 8051 December, 1999, pp. 1-52.
soft-core. EB-4 g1
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, ICS-EB 708, February,
1999, p. 1.
EB-3 g1

12 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Information Processing Systems and Networks EB
Programme director : M.P.J. Stevens

Voeten, J.P.M.; Putten, P.H.A. van der; Geilen,

M.C.W.; Bokhoven, L.J. van; Stevens, M.P.J.: 1
System level modelling and performance evaluation. EB

Invited talk at the MEDEA Workshop on System-Level

Simulation, Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven,
The Netherlands, 20 May 1999.
EB-1 g2
Wijk, F.N. van:
A POOSL model of the MASCARA steady state
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, ICS-EB 729, October,
1999, pp. 1-125.
EB-1 g1

List of publications 1999 13

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Information Processing Systems and Networks EB
Programme director : M.P.J. Stevens


14 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electro-Optical Communication ECO
Programme director : G.D. Khoe


Electro-Optical Communication

Annual Research Report 1999 15

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electro-Optical Communication ECO
Programme director : G.D. Khoe

ACTS Advanced Communications Technologies and Services
APEX Advanced Photonic Experimental X-connect
ASE Amplified Spontaneous Emission
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
2 BOLERO Beheer Optische Laag ExpeRimenteel Onderzoek
CATV Community Antenna TeleVision
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
COBRA Communication Technology: Basic Research and Applications
DTA Differential Thermal Analysis
ECO Electro-Optical Communication
EESI Eindhoven Embedded Systems Institute
FLEXIMACS Bit-rate Flexible Code Division Multiplex for ATM Access
GIPOF Graded Index Polymer Optical Fibre
HFC Hybrid Fibre Coax
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IOP Innovatiegericht Onderzoeks Programma
IST Information Society Technologies
LEOS Lasers and Electro-Optics Society
LNN Laser Neural Network
MAC Medium Access Control
METEOR Metropolitan Optical Ring
NWO Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
OTDM Optical Time Domain Multiplexing
PHASAR Phased Array
QoS Quality of Service
SOA Semiconductor Optical Amplifier
STW Stichting Technische Wetenschappen
TG Thermogravimetric
WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing

16 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electro-Optical Communication ECO
Programme director : G.D. Khoe

1. Full title : Electro-Optical Communication

2. Subprogrammes
1. Multi Gbit/s transmission systems (ECO-10)
2. Optical cross-connects (ECO-20)
3. Local networks (ECO-30) 2

4. Key words
optical fibre communications, optical networks, polymer optical fibre networks, optical cross-connects,
semiconductor optical amplifiers, hybrid fibre-coax networks, soliton transmission systems, neural optical
networks, packaging and pig-tailing, praseodymium doped fibre amplifiers, code division multiple access, optical
time domain multiplexing, wavelength division multiplexing

8. Programme design in brief

The mission of the Electro-Optical Communication (ECO) group, established in its current form in 1994, is
to become a leading international centre in the field of optical communication system technology, to provide
an adequate technological infrastructure to support research and collaboration among academia and industry in
photonics consortium efforts, to facilitate technology transfer to the industry, to prepare students for professional
careers in telecommunications and to promote economic development in association with a strong photonic
system and component industry.
At present, the world-wide demand for telecommunication is increasing by a factor of 10 each decade, mainly due
to the trend towards globalisation and the evolution of the social structure of our society. Developments such as the
rapid growth of the Internet and the evolution of multimedia services will push up the future demand for network
capacity into the Terabit/s (1012 bits/sec) range. Photonics technologies are emerging as the key technology to
serve the world wide demand for network capacity by providing techniques to generate, transmit, process and
receive data at the Terabit level and most probably well beyond that. In the subscriber area, the diversity of
legacy wired networks and newly developed mobile networks will converge into a common platform that will
be based on a broadband optical fibre and radio infrastructure. The ECO group programme focusses on future
communication transport network layers based on all-optical network elements. The group pursues three sub-
programmes, ECO-10, ECO-20 and ECO 30, which provide a balanced selection of research subjects within the
architecture levels of telecommunication systems; the long haul links, the cross-connects and the access networks
to the subscribers. These sub-programmes are formed because the three areas require different type of research
Sub-programme ECO-10, entitled Multi Gbit/s transmission systems, covers key topics in the area long haul links.
The challenge in this highest level of telecommunication architecture is how to overcome limitations imposed
by the fibre attenuation, non-linearity and dispersion. Our long-term research emphasises ultrafast and high-
throughput photonic concepts to lead the transmission and switching capacity towards the Terabit/s domain.
Solitons, optical phase modulation techniques, performance of semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA) and novel
Praseodymium doped fibre amplifiers are selected applied research topics in this area. Sub-programme ECO-20,
entitled Optical cross-connects, covers topics in the intermediate levels of the telecommunication architecture.
The challenge is to develop telecommunication nodes that have more throughput, are more reliable and have more
speed. Our long term research is aimed at the use of Laser Neural Networks (LNN) to realise network nodes that
are more suited for high speed and parallel operations. Our applied research topics in this area are focussed
on cross talk, network management in the photonic domain, optical transceivers and packaging and pigtailing
of integrated optical components. Sub-programme ECO-30, entitled Local networks, covers specific topics in the
access to the subscribers. A main challenge here is the development towards bi-directional broadband access. Our
long-term research focusses on the use of high bandwidth optical polymer fibres and the concept of a common
platform that is based on optical fibre and radio connections. Our applied research focusses on the Code Division
Multiple Access (CDMA) spread spectrum technique in the CATV network.
It is clear that this ambitious programme can not be executed in isolation. Multi-disciplinary collaboration
within the Inter-university Research Institute on Communication Technology: Basic Research and Applications,

Annual Research Report 1999 17

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electro-Optical Communication ECO
Programme director : G.D. Khoe

(COBRA) and within the Faculty play an important role. The ECO group co-founded the Eindhoven Embedded
Systems Institute (EESI) to enhance joint research with groups that are active in the area of electronics and
informatics. The group participates in various programmes on the national and international level. Participation
in the Dutch Innovative Research Programme (IOP) on Electro-Optics, provides the relevant links to the Dutch
industry and participation in a number of EU research programmes and bilateral foreign contracts provides the
2 required international links. In 1998 the COBRA programme for long term research in Photonic Networks was
accepted by the ministry of Education Culture and Science via a selection procedure by NWO (Netherlands
Organisation for Scientific Research) and was labelled as Top Institute Photonics. The project has a duration of
10 years and commenced in 1999. The ECO group is one of the three prime participants.

9. Overview of academic results

Looking back over the past year, we may conclude that the progress made by the ECO group is in line with the
directions set by the programme. Our results contributed significantly to the developments in long haul links,
in cross-connects and in subscriber systems. World records in polymer fibre links, four Ph.D. theses, 7 invited
papers and 28 refereed publications indicate evidence of the success as well as of the impact of our research
achievements. Recognition of our success are provided by the COBRA peer reviewers and the ministry peer
reviewers. In both cases, the group has been granted the highest ratings and very encouraging comments.

9.1. Multi Gbit/s transmission systems (ECO-10)

As mentioned before, the challenge in this highest level of telecommunication architecture is how to overcome
limitations imposed by the fibre attenuation, non linearity and dispersion. The research in this sub-programme
is pursued within the framework of STW project System performance of 1300 nm Quantum Well Laser diode
Amplifiers, Ph.D. project Optical solitons in fibre optic communication systems supported by Philips Research,
Ph.D. project Praseodymium doped fibre amplifiers and the COBRA Top Institute Photonics project.

System performance of 1300 nm Quantum Well Laser diode Amplifiers

The BER performance of a 10 Gbit/s signal, propagating in a circulating loop, has been investigated. It appeared
that long term stability, required for accurate measurements, could only be obtained by using a receiver with a
phase-locked loop based clock recovery. Straight line, 200 km experiments at 10 Gbit/s with a DPSK data format
have been performed with a minor penalty at a BER level < 109 . A phenomenological SOA model has been
employed to simulate dense WDM transmission at bitrates varying from 2.5 Gbit/s to 20 Gbit/s. It was found
that 16 channels at 10 Gbit/s (aggregate capacity 160 Gbit/s) could be transmitted with a SOA cascade over 300
km, or equivalently 8 channels at 20 Gbit/s at a BER performance level < 1012 . This is in excellent agreement
with recent experimental results obtained by JDS-Uniphase and AT&T, providing a high confidence level for the
applied SOA model. This work is reported in the Ph.D. thesis of Mr. Jennen, to be awarded in June 2000.

Optical solitons in fibre optic communication systems

One of the challenging aspects of optical transmission with soliton is the understanding/analysis of the
transmission behaviour of soliton pulses along dispersive fibers. A paper demonstrating novel concepts for solving
non-linear problems related to the propagation of solitons in non-ideal optical fibres has been published. These
results are successfully applied to investigate the propagation of solitons in birefringent fibres. The 40 Gbit/s
RZ OTDM transmission test bed, located at JDS-Uniphase, has been disassembled and the parts owned by the
TUE (source and receiver) have been transferred to the TUE, together with a number of optical repeater units,
used within the ACTS Upgrade project (1995-1998). In September 1999, Mr. Smets has defended successfully his
Ph.D. thesis.

Praseodymium doped fibre amplifiers

Substantial progress has been gained towards the development of Germanium Gallium Sulphide glasses as host
material for the Praseodymium Doped Fibre Amplifier. The thermal properties of the Germanium Gallium
Sulphide glasses were evaluated by combined DTA/TG analysis and dilatometry. A wide thermal stability of

18 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electro-Optical Communication ECO
Programme director : G.D. Khoe

the glasses is important in both preform fabrication and fibre drawing processes. The difference between the
crystallisation temperature and glass formation temperature is over 200 C, and the fibre drawing temperature is
well below the crystallisation onset temperature. Fibres have been drawn showing a loss < 1.5 dB/m at 1310 nm.
The critical step in the fibre drawing process is the fabrication of the fibre preform out of glass rods. The rod in
tube method to create a core-cladding structure was selected for preform fabrication. A hot deformation process
for cladding tube manufacturing using the visco-elastic properties is employed. A special glass penetration device
has been designed and constructed to create the tube in the preform. A set-up has been realised for gain and noise
figure measurements of the prototype PDFA. First tests have been carried out with an available praseodymium
doped fluoride fibre. For these experiments a conditioned Laser Laboratory has been fitted up to accommodate
security issues due to the high power pump source.

9.2. Optical cross-connects (ECO-20)

Key opportunities in this area are created by close co-operation with the TUD-COBRA group of Dr. Smit, a
leading group in cross-connect Photonic Chips. This sub-programme is pursued via IOP Electro-optics projects
Optical Networks and Optical Cross-connect Core Network, a partnership with KPN Research in the area
of management, control and cross-talk in optical cross-connects, ACTS project APEX, Advanced Photonic
Experimental X-connect, and in a Ph.D. project, Neural optical networks supported by Philips Research and the
COBRA Top Institute Photonics project. As mentioned before, the challenge is to develop telecommunication
nodes that have more throughput, are more reliable and have more speed. The achievements of this sub-
programme which are summarised below revealed that we have successfully developed concepts for all optical
cross-connects with higher flexibility and speed, proceeds towards integrated versions and contributed to a good
understanding of cross-talk.

Optical Cross-connect Core network

An optical cross-connected network, routing four 2.5 Gbit/s WDM signals has been realized and demonstrated.
The network shows the viability of optical cross-connected networks and will also be used as a test-bed for
components and modules. The network is able to demonstrate the capability of rerouting and reallocation of four
WDM channels in the 1550 nm wavelength area in case of link failure or a need for capacity increase. Wavelength
conversion and a distributed control and management system have been included. The control and management
subsystems in each node communicate with each other by means of 1300 nm optical links. In November 1999
the cross-connected network was demonstrated at KPN-Research and was successfully connected with two other
optical network demonstrators. Components and subsystems of the demonstrator have been used to verify cross-
talk studies experimentally. In September 1999 Mr. Tafur-Monroy finished his Ph.D. work with a thesis. Major
parts of this thesis have been published in journals already.

KPN Research, management, control and cross-talk in optical cross-connects

Within the BOLERO (Beheer Optische Laag, ExpeRimenteel Onderzoek) project at KPN research the network
management of the BOLERO WDM ring network demonstrator has been developed. In 1999, the concepts
developed during 1998 have been translated into software for controlling the BOLERO demonstrator. A web-
based user-interface has been designed. The BOLERO project was finished with a demonstration at the IOP
meeting in November. The novel insights with respect to management of WDM networks are submitted for
publication to the IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications. Within the university, collaboration with
the group of Prof. Stevens has lead the new insights for modelling the management of WDM networks. Moreover,
in collaboration with dr. Sommen, a novel monitoring method for WDM systems has been developed.

European project APEX, Advanced Photonic Experimental X-connect

To improve the cross-talk tolerance with respect to in-band optical cross-talk, the effectiveness of phase
scrambling was further investigated both in theory and experimentally. It was demonstrated earlier that phase
scrambling leads to significantly improved cross-talk tolerance, however a relation between the interferometric
delay time and the scrambling frequency can lead to severe BER degradation periodically with the scrambling
frequency. This can be solved by adding small bandwidth white noise (200 MHz) to the 2.5 GHz single tone

Annual Research Report 1999 19

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electro-Optical Communication ECO
Programme director : G.D. Khoe

sine wave scrambling signal. In separate single channel experiments in asymmetrical Mach-Zehner configuration
applying external modulation, an improvement of the cross-talk tolerance up to 7 dB was observed. This
improvement slightly reduced after introduction of 100 km resp. 200 km SMF, due to the increased spectral
broadening as a consequence of the applied scrambling format. Nevertheless, when a 2-dB penalty level can
be considered appropriate, the maximum tolerable cross-talk level after 200 km transmission is still -16 dB. A
2 remarkable agreement was observed between the analytically calculated results and the experimentally obtained
results. Most of this work is reported in the thesis of Dr. Tafur-Monroy (Ph.D. awarded in September 1999) as
well as in peer-reviewed journals.
The APEX test bed was increased with 4 additional 622 Mb/s channels wavelength interleaved (channel spacing
200 GHz according to the ITU specifications) with the 4 existing 2.5 Gb/s channels. A complementary discrete 4
channel 622 Mb/s receiver including clock recovery has been realised. Herewith a dual bitrate 8 channel WDM
system is available for dynamic characterisation of cross-connect chips and for phase scrambling studies. The
BER characterisation and the cross-talk penalty measurements run fully automatic under Lab View control.

Packaging and pigtailing

Within the APEX Project considerable efforts have been devoted to improving the packaging technology. Solder
technology has been studied to replace adhesives for permanent fixation of the moveable part in the fibre
alignment mount. A new design for the lateral and transversal adjustment of the fibre array has been implemented
thereby eliminating angular inaccuracies. An improved version of the four port/four wavelength cross connect
chip (TUD), featuring a dual PHASAR design, has been packaged and pigtailed. A package has been designed and
realised for a multi-wavelength receiver integrated on a InP-chip. Supporting electronic circuitry to process the
received signals is designed and implemented and a micro-mechanical optical lens alignment tool is incorporated.

Neural optical networks

Within this area a design for an all-optical packet switch has been completed. Within this design two novel
functions need to be developed. These are an all-optical header processor and an all-optical memory. An all-
optical flip-flop memory, based on two coupled lasers has been developed. It is shown that coupled lasers have
bi-stable states, which can be used for storage of information. The flip-flop was demonstrated experimentally
and investigated theoretically. A design for an optical header processor, based on laser neural network concepts
has been completed. An experiment has demonstrated the feasibility of the concept. In September 1999, Mr. Mos
finished his work with a Ph.D. thesis. In October 1999, Mr. Calabretta started his Ph.D. research in the field of
optical packet switching.

Optical Communication theory

Optical amplifiers are widely used in today optical communication systems. The analysis of the effect of the
amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise produced by optical amplifiers on the performance of optical
receivers has been widely studied. This analysis problem constitutes a classic problem of communication theory.
One paper was published in a peer-review journal on the analysis of optically preamplified receivers, a letter on
the lowest quantum limit for optically preamplified receivers was published, and a conference paper and a stage
report were also produced on this topic. This research is also reported in the Ph.D. thesis (September 1999) of
Mr. Tafur Monroy.

9.3. Local networks (ECO-30)

The ECO group co-operates with Philips Research, Alcatel SEL in Stuttgart and SIMAC in the area of Hybrid
Fibre Coax (HFC) Networks, to create applied research opportunities in this area. Co-operation with industry is
essential in this area because of the possible implementation in the short term. Opportunities for the long term
are created by collaboration with the Japanese Industry and Research Institutes, because of their leading position
in the area of Polymer Optical Fibres. This sub-programme is carried out within the framework of STW-project
Upgrade of CATV-networks towards Broadband Communications, ACTS project FLEXIMACS, Bit-rate Flexible
Code Division Multiplex for ATM Access, IOP Electro-optics projects Graded Index Polymer Optical Fibre based
Systems, and Use of GIPOF in optical access and CATV, and a co-operation contract with Asahi Glass and Keio

20 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electro-Optical Communication ECO
Programme director : G.D. Khoe

University, and close co-operation with NEC, Mitsubishi Rayon, Alcatel Bell, Alcatel Alsthom, Plasma Optical
Fibre. As mentioned before, a main challenge here is the development towards bi-directional broadband access.
The achievements of this sub-programme that are summarised below revealed that we are in a good position to
design concepts for the subscriber systems of the future.

Upgrade of CATV-networks towards Broadband Communications 2

Research in the area of CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) spread spectrum transmission for CATV
networks was started with an STW project. The industry and CATV operators monitor this STW project. Field
trial experiments showed the robustness of this technique against narrow band interference, particularly in the
upstream channel of the CATV HFC (hybrid fibre coax) network. The successful design and prototypes of the
CDMA modules encouraged Alcatel to cooperate in this work. The project has been finished successfully and
results have been published. In March 1999 Mr. Wolters successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis.

European project FLEXIMACS, Bit-rate Flexible Code Division Multiplex for ATM Access
The cooperation with Alcatel was the basis for the start of the European project FLEXIMACS. A MAC (Medium
Access Control) protocol for CDMA HFC systems that provided the needed flexibility to support connections
with different bit rate and QoS (Quality of Service) is accomplished and will be implemented in the developed
CDMA cable modem system. A field trial with 300 subscribers is presently in discussion.

Graded Index Polymer Optical Fibre based Systems

Long-term research efforts have been focused on systems using high bandwidth polymer optical fibres. These
GIPOF (graded index polymer optical fibres) fibres have been invented by Professor Koike at Keio University
and further developed by Japanese manufacturers. These fibres are much thicker than their glass counterparts,
thus reducing handling difficulties and related costs. World records are achieved at 2.5 Gbit/s and 5 Gbit/s at
wavelengths of 645, 840 and 1300 nm, over a transmission distance of up to 550 meters. The results are confirmed
by a simulation model, which had to be especially developed for GI-POF. The potentials for these fibres in home
and local area environments are investigated. A 3 times 2.5 Gbit/s GI-POF WDM experiment with a world record
bit rate times distance product has been realised. The demultiplexer for splitting up wavelength channels at 645,
840 and 1310 nm has been realized with planar interference filters. The measured insertion loss for all three
wavelengths, from GI-POF input to photo detectors is smaller than 1.6 dB. Measured cross-talk levels are smaller
than 30 dB.

Annual Research Report 1999 21

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electro-Optical Communication ECO
Programme director : G.D. Khoe


22 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electro-Optical Communication ECO
Programme director : G.D. Khoe

Dissertations Boom, H.P.A. van den; Li, W.; Fredricx, F.;

Bouchat, Ch.; Vetter, P.:
Mos, E.C.: Polymer optical fiber for datacommunication: a
Optical neural network by use of laser diode feasibility study.
longitudinal modes. Proc. IEEE/LEOS Symposium Benelux Chapter, Mons,
Promotoren: G.D. Khoe, W.M.C. Belgium, 15 November 1999, ISBN 2-9600226-0-2,
van Bokhoven; copromotor: dr. J.J.H.B. Schleipen. ed. P. Megret, O. Deparis, M. Blondel, and O. Aubry; 2
Eindhoven, ISBN 90-386-1650-3, 1999, pp. 1-130. Faculte Polytechnique de Mons, Nevele, Belgium,
ECO-20 a1 1999, pp. 115-118.
Smets, R.C.J.: ECO-30 b4
All-optical time-domain demultiplexing and signal Chin Kwie Joe, V.; Tafur Monroy, I.:
regeneration using 1300 nm semiconductor optical Analysis of optically preamplified receivers.
amplifiers. Proc. IEEE/LEOS Symposium Benelux Chapter, Gent,
Promotoren: G.D. Khoe, prof.dr. A.G. Tijhuis; Belgium, 26 November 1999, ISBN 90-76546-01-
copromotor: H. de Waardt. Eindhoven, ISBN 90- 0, ed. P. Demeester, R. Baets, A. Ackaert, and V.
386-1660-0, 1999, pp. 1-204. Masquelin; University of Gent, INTEC, Gent, Belgium,
ECO-10 a1 1999, pp. 255-258.
Tafur Monroy, I.: ECO-20 b4
Performance evaluation of optical communication Dorren, H.J.S.:
networks. On the integrability of non-linear partial differential
Promotoren: G.D. Khoe, prof. G. Einarsson; equations.
copromotor: H. de Waardt. Eindhoven, ISBN 90- J. Math. Phys. 40, nr. 4, 1999, pp. 1966-1976.
423-0087-6, 1999, pp. 1-178. ECO-10 b3
ECO-20 a1
Dorren, H.J.S.; Waardt, H. de; Tafur Monroy, I.:
Wolters, R.P.C.: Statistical analysis of cross-talk accumulation in WDM
Bi-directional access on HFC CATV networks: design networks.
of a CDMA based communications system. J. Lightwave Technol. 17, December, 1999, pp. 2425-
Promotoren: G.D. Khoe, F. van den 2430.
Dool. Eindhoven, ISBN 90-423-0072-8, 1999, pp. 1- ECO-20 b3
ECO-30 a1 Einarsson, G.; Tafur Monroy, I.:
Error rate analysis of optically preamplified receivers
Scientific publications, refereed with Fabry-Perot optical filter and equalizing
Bergh, M.P.H. van de; Tol, J.J.G.M. van der; postdetection filtering.
Dorren, H.J.S.: J. Opt. Commun. 20, December, 1999, pp. 222-227.
A novel WDM monitoring method. ECO-20 b3
Photonic Network Communications 1, nr. 4, 1999,
Frietman, E.E.E.; Khoe, G.D.; Shimoji, M.;
pp. 323-329.
Crosbie, R.:
ECO-20 b3
Optoelectronic processing and networking in MPPs: a
Boom, H.P.A. van den; Kennis, J.M.B.M.; gate to the future.
Huijskens, F.M.; Bennekom, P.K. van; Tangdiongga, Proc. 1999 Summer Computer Simulation Conference,
E.; Niessen, L.J.P.; Li, W.; Waardt, H. de; Khoe, 11-15 July 1999, ISBN 1-56555-173-7, ed. M.S.
G.D.: Obaidat, A. Nisanci, and B. Sadoun, 1999, pp. 627-
Optical cross-connected network laboratory 633.
demonstrator. ECO-20 b4
Proc. IEEE/LEOS Symposium Benelux Chapter, Mons,
Belgium, 15 November 1999, ISBN 2-9600226-0-2,
ed. P. Megret, O. Deparis, M. Blondel, and O. Aubry;
Faculte Polytechnique de Mons, Nevele, Belgium,
1999, pp. 25-28.
ECO-20 b4

List of publications 1999 23

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electro-Optical Communication ECO
Programme director : G.D. Khoe

Frietman, E.E.E.; Khoe, G.D.; Shimoji, M.; Khoe, G.D.; Koike, Y.; Ishigure, T.; Bennekom, P.K.
Crosbie, R.E.: van; Boom, H.P.A. van den; Li, W.; Yabre, G.:
Optical backplanes: portal to the 21st century (invited). Status of GIPOF systems and related technologies
Proc. First East Asian Conference on Light-wave (invited).
Systems, Lasers & Optoelectronics (LisLO99), Kuala Proc. 25th ECOC 99, Vol 2, Nice, France,
2 Lumpur, Malaysia, 16-18 March 1999, ed. K.S. Low,
1999, pp. 19-35.
26-30 September 1999, ISBN 2-912328-12-8,
ed. J. Jerphagnon; Societe des Electriciens et des
ECO-20 b4 Electroniciens (SEE), Paris, France, 1999, pp. 274-
Frietman, E.E.E.; Shimoji, M.; Crosbie, R.: ECO-30 b4
Inherent image distortions of an optical fan-out device,
the Kaleidoscope. Khoe, G.D.; Li, W.; Bennekom, P.K. van; Yabre,
Proc. IEEE/LEOS 99 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, G.; Boom, H.P.A. van den; Waardt, H. de; Breuls,
CA, 8-11 November 1999, ISBN 0-8703-5643-9; A.H.E.; Kuyt, G.; Pleunis, P.J.T.:
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.,
Gigabit/s transmission via large core graded-index
Piscataway, NJ, 1999, pp. 886-887. silica optical fibers in comparison with graded index
ECO-20 b4 polymer optical fibers (invited).
Proc. 8th International POF Conference 99, Chiba,
Frietman, E.E.E.; Zhao, F.; Khoe, G.D.: Japan, 14-16 July 1999, ed. Y. Koike and Y. Ogura; The
A prototype for optical interconnection in massively Group of Microoptics, Optical Society of Japan, Tokyo,
parallel processing and its physical and optical Japan, 1999, pp. 192-195.
modelling. ECO-30 b4
J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 1, 1999, pp. 290-294.
ECO-20 b3 Khoe, G.D.; Li, W.; Bennekom, P.K. van; Yabre,
G.; Boom, H.P.A. van den; Waardt, H. de; Breuls,
Hill, M.T.; Cantoni, A.: A.H.E.; Kuyt, G.; Pleunis, P.J.T.:
An integrated high frequency, narrow band, high- Gigabit/s transmission via large core graded-index
resolution synthesizer. silica optical fibers in comparison with graded index
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Analog Digit. Sign. polymer optical fibers (invited).
Process. 46, nr. 9, 1999, pp. 1171-1178. Proc. 7th Microoptics Conference 99, Makuhari,
ECO-20 b3 Japan, 14-16 July 1999, ed. Y. Koike and Y. Ogura; The
Kennis, F.J.J.; Boom, H.P.A. van den; Epker, H.J.: Group of Microoptics, Optical Society of Japan, Tokyo,
Realisation of a DS-CDMA based modem for upstream Japan, 1999, pp. 264-267.
access in HFC networks. ECO-30 b4
Proc. European Conference on Networks and Optical Khoe, G.D.; Mos, E.C.; Hill, M.T.; Waardt, H. de;
Communications, NOC 99, Delft, Netherlands, 22-24 Frietman, E.E.E.; Dorren, H.J.S.:
June 1999, ISBN 90-5199-497-4, ed. D.W. Faulkner Application of laser neural networks in
and A.L. Harmer; IOS Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands, telecommunication nodes (invited).
1999, pp. 192-199. Proc. APCC/OECC 99, Beijing, China, 18-22 October
ECO-30 b4 1999, ISBN 7-5635-0402-8, ed. Jintong Lin and
Khoe, G.D.: Junichi Yoshida; BUPT Publishing House, China,
Exploring the use of GIPOF systems in the 640 nm to 1999, pp. 31-34.
1300 nm wavelength area (invited). ECO-20 b4
Proc. 8th International POF Conference 99, Chiba, Li, W.; Khoe, G.D.; Boom, H.P.A. van den:
Japan, 14-16 July 1999, ed. Y. Koike; ICPOF, A perfluorinated based graded index polymer optical
Yokohama, Japan, 1999, pp. 36-43. fiber demultiplexer for 645, 840 and 1310 nm.
ECO-30 b4 Proc. IEEE/LEOS Symposium Benelux Chapter, Mons,
Belgium, 15 November 1999, ISBN 2-9600226-0-2,
ed. P. Megret, O. Deparis, M. Blondel, and O. Aubry;
Faculte Polytechnique de Mons, Nevele, Belgium,
1999, pp. 73-76.
ECO-20 b4

24 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electro-Optical Communication ECO
Programme director : G.D. Khoe

Li, W.; Khoe, G.D.; Boom, H.P.A. van den; Yabre, Tafur Monroy, I.; Tangdiongga, E.; Waardt, H. de:
G.; Waardt, H. de; Koike, Y.; Naritomi, M.; On the distribution and performance implications of
Yoshihara, N.: interferometric crosstalk in WDM networks.
Record 2.5 Gbit/s 550 m GIPOF transmission J. Lightwave Technol. 16, nr. 6, 1999, pp. 989-997.
experiments at 840 and 1310 nm wavelength. ECO-20 b3
Proc. 8th International POF Conference 99, Chiba,
Japan, 14-16 July 1999, ed. Y. Koike; ICPOF, Tafur Monroy, I.; Tangdiongga, E.; Waardt, H. de: 2
Performance of optically preamplified receivers in ECO
Yokahama, Japan, 1999, pp. 60-63.
ECO-30 b4 WDM systems disturbed by interferometric cross-talk.
Photonic Network Communications 1, nr. 4, 1999,
Li, W.; Khoe, G.D.; Boom, H.P.A. van den; Yabre, pp. 313-322.
G.; Waardt, H. de; Koike, Y.; Yamazaki, S.; ECO-20 b3
Nakamura, K.; Kawaharada, Y.:
2.5 Gbit/s transmission over 200 m PMMA graded Tangdiongga, E.; Jonker, R.J.W.; Waardt, H. de;
index polymer optical fiber using a 645 nm narrow Tafur Monroy, I.; Gyselings, T.; Mortier, G.; Baets,
spectrum laser and a silicon APD. R.; Lowery, A.J.:
Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett. 20, nr. 3, 1999, pp. 163- Complete assessment of crosstalk reduction in WDM
166. networks by phase scrambling.
ECO-30 b3 Proc. 25th ECOC 99, Vol 2, Nice, France,
26-30 September 1999, ISBN 2-912328-12-8,
Mos, E.C.; Schleipen, J.J.H.B.; Waardt, H. de; ed. J. Jerphagnon; Societe des Electriciens et des
Khoe, G.D.: Electroniciens (SEE), Paris, France, 1999, pp. 210-
Loop-mirror laser neural network using a fast liquid- 211.
crystal display. ECO-20 b4
Appl. Opt. 38, nr. 20, 1999, pp. 4359-4368.
ECO-20 b3 Tangdiongga, E.; Waardt, H. de; Herben, C.G.P.:
Performance of optically preamplified receivers
Mos, E.C.; Waardt, H. de; Schleipen, J.J.H.B.: detecting signals interfered by homowavelength
Neural network experiment demonstrating all optical crosstalk.
data switching. Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett. 20, nr. 4, 1999, pp. 225-
Proc. ICAPT, Ottawa, Canada, 27-30 July 1998, ISBN 229.
0-8194-2950-3, ed. G.A. Lampropoulos and R.A. ECO-20 b3
Lessard; SPIE-The International Society for Optical
Engineering, Washington, DC, 1999, pp. 67-70. Tangdiongga, E.; Waardt, H. de; Jonker, R.:
ECO-20 b4 Reduction of interferometric optical crosstalk using
phase-scrambling technique.
Radius, E.; Tol, J.J.G.M. van der; Peters, M.G.; Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett. 5, nr. 1, 1999, pp. 1-4.
Blange, M.; Gort, W.H.; Balm, M.; Segers, G.; ECO-20 b3
Dorren, H.J.S.:
BOLERO - A demonstration of optical network Waardt, H. de; Jennen, J.G.L.; Smets, R.C.J.:
management. Progress in high speed 1300 nm optical communication
Proc. European Conference on Networks and Optical (invited).
Communications, NOC 99, Delft, Netherlands, 22-24 Proc. ICAPT, Ottawa, Canada, 27-30 July 1998, ISBN
June 1999, ISBN 90-5199-497-4, ed. D.W. Faulkner 0-8194-2950-3, ed. G.A. Lampropoulos and R.A.
and A.L. Harmer; IOS Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Lessard; SPIE, Washington, DC, 1999, pp. 51-52.
1999, pp. 247-253. ECO-10 b4
ECO-20 b4 Watanabe, Y.; Takano, Y.; Yishida, R.; Kuijpers, G.:
Tafur Monroy, I.: Transmission test results of perfluorinated GIPOF
An optically preamplified receiver with low quantum using commercially available transceivers.
limit. Proc. 8th International POF Conference 99, Chiba,
Electron. Lett. 35, nr. 14, 1999, pp. 1182-1183. Japan, 14-16 July 1999, ed. Y. Koike; ICPOF,
ECO-20 b3 Yokohama, Japan, 1999, pp. 56-59.
ECO-20 b4

List of publications 1999 25

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electro-Optical Communication ECO
Programme director : G.D. Khoe

Yabre, G.; Khoe, G.D.; Boom, H.P.A. van den; Li, Boom, H.P.A. van den:
W.; Bennekom, P.K. van: GIPOF systems.
Dispersion in laser-based polymer optical fiber links. IOP cluster 2 project presentation, Twente University
Proc. IEEE/LEOS 99 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, of Technology, 20 April 1999.
CA, 8-11 November 1999, ISBN 0-7803-5634-9; ECO-20 g4
2 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.,
Piscataway, NJ, 1999, pp. 269-270. Boom, H.P.A. van den:
ECO GIPOF systems.
ECO-20 b4
IOP cluster 2 project presentation, Eindhoven
Zantvoort, J.H.C. van; Huijskens, F.M.; Herben, University of Technology, 11 October 1999.
C.G.P.; Waardt, H. de: ECO-20 g4
Fibre-array pigtailing and packaging of an inP-based
optical cross-connect chip. Boom, H.P.A. van den:
Proc. IEEE/LEOS Symposium Benelux Chapter, Gent, Optical networks.
Belgium, 26 November 1999, ISBN 90-76546-01- IOP cluster 1 project presentation, Delft University of
0, ed. P. Demeester, R. Baets, A. Ackaert, and V. Technology, 22 March 1999.
Masquelin; University of Gent, INTEC, Gent, Belgium, ECO-20 g4
1999, pp. 221-224. Chairuddin Lakare, M.C.:
ECO-20 b4 Golflengte conversie in halfgeleider-versterkers.
Zantvoort, J.H.C. van; Huijskens, F.M.; Herben, M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, EC344, 5 October
C.G.P.; Waardt, H. de: 1999, pp. 1-79.
Fibre-array pigtailing and packaging of an inp-based ECO-20 g1
optical cross-connect chip. Dorren, H.J.S.:
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 5, nr. 5, 1999, Applications of laser neural network in
pp. 1255-1259. telecommunication nodes.
ECO-20 b3 Presentation Department of Theoretical Physics, Free
University, Amsterdam, 1 November 1999.
Scientific publications, non-refereed
ECO-20 g4
Epker, H.J.:
A new MAC protocol supporting flexible bitrates for Dorren, H.J.S.:
CDMA based cable modems. Optical packet switching research in the TUE.
SAI Report, 99.004, ISBN 90-5282-948-9; TUE-SAI, Presentation KPN Research, Leidschendam, 9 March
Eindhoven, 1999, pp. 1-57. 1999.
ECO-30 c7 ECO-20 g4
Epker, H.J.:
Professional publications
Draft MAC protocol.
Tangdiongga, E.; Waardt, H. de; Tafur Monroy, I.; ACTS FLEXIMACS technical seminar, WP140
Zantvoort, J.H.C. van; Jonker, R.: presentation, Grenoble, January 1999.
Report on initial test bed set-up. ECO-30 g4
ACTS AC332 APEX deliverable 06, July 1999, pp. 1-
20. Epker, H.J.:
ECO-20 d6 Interfacing for the connection and traffic management
part of the MAC protocol.
Other products of scientific activity ACTS FLEXIMACS technical seminar, WP220
presentation, Grenoble, October 1999.
Boom, H.P.A. van den:
ECO-30 g4
Cross-connect netwerk demonstrator en multi-
glasvezel koppeling en behuizing voor een optische Epker, H.J.:
cross-connect chip. MAC protocol adaptation.
Grant demonstrator, IOP cluster 1 project presentation, ACTS FLEXIMACS technical seminar, WP140
KPN Research, 17 November 1999. presentation, Eindhoven, July 1999.
ECO-20 g4 ECO-30 g4

26 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electro-Optical Communication ECO
Programme director : G.D. Khoe

Epker, H.J.: Khoe, G.D.:

MAC protocol specification and evaluation. Optical communication research in Eindhoven.
ACTS FLEXIMACS technical seminar, WP 140 Presentation Alcatel Research, Antwerp, Belgium, 15
presentation, Stuttgart, April 1999. January 1999.
ECO-30 g4 ECO-20 g4
Frietman, E.E.E.: Khoe, G.D.: 2
Optical backplanes: a portal to the 21st century. Roadmap for telecommunication systems: long term ECO
Plenary speaker at the First East Asian Conference research.
on Lightwave Systems, Lasers & Optoelectronics COBRA Optical Communication Course, Heeze,
(LislO99), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 16-18 March Netherlands, Course Book, ed. prof. J. Wolter 12-14
1999. November 1999.
ECO-20 g2 ECO-20 g8
Frietman, E.E.E.: Khoe, G.D.:
Optical backplanes: a portal to the 21st century. Roadmap in communication, items uit ACTS.
Plenary speaker in the High Performance Computing Presentation KPN Hooglerarendag, Universiteit
Session of the 1999 Advanced Simulation Twente, Netherlands, 15 April 1999.
Technologies Conference (ASTC99), San Diego, ECO-20 g4
USA, 11-15 April 1999.
ECO-20 g2 Kwaaitaal, J.J.B.:
A multi-standard simulation platform for hybrid
Frietman, E.E.E.: fiber/coax networks.
Optoelectronic processing and networking in massively M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, EC338, 1 February
parallel processors: a gate to the future. 1999, pp. 1-39.
Invited speaker at Universiti Tenaga Nasional ECO-30 g1
(UNITEN), Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia, 17 March
1999. Leenders, R.B.M.:
ECO-20 g2 MAI in CATV using CDMA cable modems.
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, EC337, 1 February
Frietman, E.E.E.: 1999, pp. 1-63.
What are the perspectives of optics in the next ECO-30 g1
Invited lecture at the Department of Electrical and Tafur Monroy, I.:
Computer Engineering, University of California, San Reduction of crosstalk in WDM systems by phase
Diego, USA, April 1999. scrambling: theory and experiment.
ECO-20 g2 Presentation at Queens University, Kingston, Ont.,
Canada, 20 July 1999.
Jaenecke, P.; Halbauer, H.; Epker, H.: ECO-20 g4
Adaptation of MAC protocol for flexibel bitrate CDMA
systems. Tafur Monroy, I.:
ACTS AC311 FLEXIMACS deliverable D4, June Reduction of crosstalk in WDM systems by phase
1999, pp. 1-94. scrambling: theory and experiment.
ECO-30 g4 Presentation at Communications Research Center,
Ottawa, Canada, 26 July 1999.
Jager, B.A.V. de: ECO-20 g4
Measurement of linarity of laserdiodes for use in analog
transmission of TV signals over a GIPOF. Tafur Monroy, I.:
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, EC339, 1 July 1999, WDM systems and networks.
pp. 1-53. Crosstalk analysis given at the Broadband
ECO-30 g1 Communications group, Philips Natlab, Eindhoven, 13
December 1999.
Khoe, G.D.: ECO-20 g4
COBRA optical system research in Eindhoven.
Presentation TNO-FEL, Den Haag, 12 August 1999.
ECO-20 g4

List of publications 1999 27

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electro-Optical Communication ECO
Programme director : G.D. Khoe

Tangdiongga, E.:
Phase scrambling.
ACTS APEX technical seminar, WP 1.2 presentation,
Munchen, May 1999.
ECO-20 g4
2 Tangdiongga, E.:
ECO Phase scrambling.
ACTS APEX technical seminar, WP 1.1 presentation,
Eindhoven, February 1999.
ECO-20 g4
Tangdiongga, E.:
Wavelength conversion.
ACTS APEX technical seminar, WP 1.1 presentation,
Nice, September 1999.
ECO-20 g4
Theelen, B.D.; Voeten, J.P.M.; Putten, P.H.A. van
der; Dorren, H.J.S.; Stevens, M.P.J.:
Modelling optical WDM networks using POOSL.
Pro Risk 99 1999.
ECO-20 g4
Waardt, H. de:
Progress in photonic cross-connect technology.
COBRA Optical Communication Course, Heeze,
Netherlands, Course Book, ed. prof. J. Wolter, 12-14
November 1999.
ECO-20 g8
Zantvoort, J.H.C. van:
Packaging and pigtailing.
ACTS APEX technical seminar, WP 2.1 presentation,
Eindhoven, November 1999.
ECO-20 g4

28 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Radiocommunication ECR
Programme director : G. Brussaard



Annual Research Report 1999 29

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Radiocommunication ECR
Programme director : G. Brussaard

ACTS Advanced Communications Technologies and Services
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
AWGN Additive White Gaussian Noise
BIA Bureau of International Affairs
CAC Connection Admission Control
CIR Complex Impulse Response
CLARA Clouds And RAdar
C-OFDM Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex
Cooperation Scientifique et Technique
Communications Research Centre
CTW Context Tree Weighting
ESTEC European Space Research and Technology Centre
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
HDTV High-Definition TV
IFFT Inverse Fast Fourier Transform
IMST Institut fur Mobilfunk und Satellitentechnik
INCO-DC International Co-operation Developing Countries
IRCTR International Research Centre for Telecommunications, Transmission and Radar
ITS Institut Sepulh Nopember
LAN Local Area Network
MAC Medium Access Control
MOU Memorandum Of Understanding
MRFC Multiple-Repetition Feedback Coding
MTA Matched Temperature Algorithm
MTD Master of Technological Design
MUSIC Multiple Signal Classification
NOP Nationaal Onderzoek Programma
OPEX Olympus Propagation Experiment
SRON Stichting Ruimte-Onderzoek Nederland
UHF Ultra-High Frequency
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
URSI Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network

30 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Radiocommunication ECR
Programme director : G. Brussaard

1. Full title : Radiocommunication

2. Subprogrammes
1. Antennas, propagation and remote sensing (ECR-1)
2. Digital radio systems (ECR-2)
3. Source and channel coding (ECR-3)

4. Key words
radiocommunication systems, propagation, antennas, wave interaction, channel modelling, radiometry, radio
networks, VSAT, satellite communication, remote sensing, mobile communications, UMTS, data compression,
data compaction, source coding, channel coding, constrained sequences, coding strategies, decoding algorithms

8. Programme design in brief

The mission of the research programme is the study of the fundamental limitations of new radio systems with
respect to the transmission of information, over the link as well as through the network.
The programme aims at achieving a balance between the study of fundamental aspects of radio transmission
and communication and the application of the results in the development of communication and remote sensing
Wireless communication services as well as remote sensing using radio observations are expanding rapidly.
Scarcity of spectrum forces operators and users to optimise systems with respect to quality of information transfer,
transport efficiency and network topology. Cellular systems and mobile satellite communication systems favour
the use of frequencies in the range 1-3 GHz. The high information transport capacity required nowadays also for
wireless multimedia communications, however, can only be accommodated in the millimetre wave frequency
bands above 10 GHz. Frequency bands up to and including 60 GHz are in use or planned for multimedia
communication and broadcasting. Atmospheric remote sensing uses frequencies up to 1 THz. Therefore, the
wideness of the frequency range studied in relation to novel applications (1 to 1000 GHz) is an important aspect
of the programme.
The antennas, the obstacles on the propagation path, and the constituents of the propagation medium, impose
fundamental limitations on the radio link. They are studied in the sub-programme Antennas, Propagation and
Remote Sensing.
The objective of the antenna research is, firstly, to study the design problems of antennas and to develop the
antenna systems that are needed for radio communication systems and for radio wave propagation experiments.
The second objective is to analyse the combined effects of the antenna and the propagation path. Applications
concern the modelling of the transfer function of a radio link (telecommunications application) as well as the
study of the structure of the atmosphere of the atmosphere (remote sensing application).
The propagation research is directed towards the study of radio-wave propagation on terrestrial and Earth-
Space paths, in particular to support the planning of the optimum use of the spectrum for new systems such as
personal communications and mobile data networks. The programme set-up aims at keeping a balance between
data gathering and data processing, on the one hand, and propagation channel modelling on an empirical and
theoretical basis, on the other.
Wave interaction studies of the atmosphere are also directed towards the application of remote sensing techniques
to atmospheric and meteorological research.
The radiochannel imposes restrictions on the transmission rates and modulation methods that can be used. The
sub-programme Digital Radio Systems studies advanced modulation and transmission schemes in combination
with networking techniques in particular to support services as envisaged in UMTS (e.g. video telephony
and portable multimedia). Since the programme addresses integrated communication systems, it includes line
transmission as well as radio transmission aspects.
In a communication system information is either transmitted or stored. Information and communication theory is
concerned with fundamental limits in transmission and storage. The first objective of the sub-programme Source

Annual Research Report 1999 31

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Radiocommunication ECR
Programme director : G. Brussaard

and Channel Coding is to establish such limits, the second is to develop efficient methods that approach these
limits as closely as possible. Source coding is concerned with removing redundancy from data such that the
original data can be exactly reproduced from the encoded data (noiseless source coding, compaction), or with
removing irrelevancy from the original in which case some distortion between the reproduction and the original
data is introduced (lossy coding, compression).
In both the noiseless and the lossy case the research objective is to find techniques (codes) that are universal, i.e.
achieve a high compaction or compression without knowing the source statistics in advance, and that have a low
implementation cost.
Channel coding is adding redundancy to data that are to be transmitted over a channel. This is done in such a
way that possible channel-errors can be corrected. While in the past researchers concentrated on finding the best
3 error-correcting codes for the simplest channels, the objective is now to find codes that allow efficient decoding
ECR procedures, often for channels with a more complex structure.
Practically all programmes are supported by international cooperation. The TUE programme of propagation
research has a long tradition of playing a leading role in European programmes of cooperation. Examples are the
research programmes co-ordinated by ESTEC and the various COST projects of the European Commission. The
research on millimetre-wave indoor systems was carried out within a project (MEDIAN) of strong international
cooperation between industry and research institutes. A programme of co-operation with the Canadian national
Communications Research Centre (CRC, Ottawa) and IRCTR (TUD) is in progress, covered by a tri-partite
MOU, for research on mobile radio channel modelling.
A special activity in the propagation research programme is the execution of experiments of microwave
propagation in tropical regions. In these regions there is an urgent need for data and planning tools for satellite
communication systems. The expertise built up already in the early 80s in development co-operation projects
with universities in Indonesia and Africa enables the research group to be active in transferring knowledge and
experience in radio research to developing countries.
This year a new channel sounder for mobile radio measurements was acquired, greatly enhancing our
measurement capabilities in this area.
Two new PhD students were contracted, which partly offsets the reduction of PhD students by the completion of
four PhD studies.

9. Overview of academic results

9.1. Antennas, propagation and remote sensing (ECR-1)
The PhD study, performed as contract for ESTEC and SRON, on integrated lens antennas for passive remote
sensing of the atmosphere from a satellite at frequencies up to 1 THz was completed with a dissertation. This
work was performed in close co-operation with the Universities of Florence, Sienna and Glasgow. The EUT
contribution included the development of a design procedure for integrated lens antennas with matching layers
and the analysis of the influence of the residual internal reflections on both the far field antenna pattern and the
antenna impedance. In a separate ESTEC contract, EUT added a user-friendly shell to the design and analysis
programs, resulting in a software package named Pilrap (Program for Integrated Lens and Reflector Antenna
Properties). The main conclusion of this PhD study is that integrated lens antennas are a good alternative for
classical waveguide-based antennas at higher frequencies, where the manufacture and assembly of waveguide
front ends become more difficult.
A PhD study concerning propagation effects on satellite links related to the performance of adaptive link control
systems was completed with a dissertation. The study proceeded from results obtained by the PhD student
in earlier research projects at EUT and Helsinki University of Technology, and concentrated on tropospheric
scintillation, depolarisation and dynamic effects of attenuation. Comparisons were made of measurements of
these effects from many different sites, enabling the evaluation of existing prediction models and the development
of new improved models. Some of the main model improvements consist of the inclusion of a meteorological
parameter indicating heavy clouds in the scintillation prediction model, and a theory-based model of the
asymmetric signal level distribution due to scintillation. For depolarisation events where rain and ice crystals
cause depolarisation simultaneously, a method was developed to separate these effects.

32 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Radiocommunication ECR
Programme director : G. Brussaard

The STW project on the development of a method to measure the water content, particle size and concentration
of clouds with a radar and radiometer, together with TUD, was continued. With this so-called AWATER
(Atmospheric WATER) project EUT participates in a large NOP-project named CLARA and an international
project named CLARE98. For the CLARE98 project, the 20/30 GHz radiometer data were calibrated and analysed
in close co-operation with the other partners. The liquid water retrievals of the 20/30 GHz and a 90 GHz
radiometer of another CLARE98 experimenter compared very well. The radiosonde data, gathered during the
CLARA campaign, were used to test the newly developed perturbation retrieval algorithm. It was shown that
small perturbations to reference temperature, vapour and liquid profiles of the atmosphere could be retrieved
quite accurately. The temperature profiles obtained from the 20/30/50 GHz radiometer were also compared with
those measured with the RASS (Radio Acoustic Sounding System) of KNMI. Therefore, the PhD student spent
two months at KNMI. The results demonstrated the reliability of the perturbation retrieval algorithm, but also 3
indicated that the 50 GHz radiometer was not correctly calibrated. ECR

The PhD study on UHF radiowave propagation in urban microcell environments, carried out in cooperation
with KPN Research, was continued with the analysis of the measurement data that were obtained in Bern and
Freiburg, Switzerland, during a six-months visit of the PhD student to the research laboratory of Swisscom. It
was found that some propagation mechanisms that have not been modelled thus far, such as transmission through
buildings and scattering by vegetation, may have an important influence on the field strength distribution in urban
microcells. Experiments with the new TUE channel sounder were conducted to investigate these mechanisms
in more detail. A two-dimensional propagation prediction model called FiPre, based on ray-tracing techniques
was developed and tested.
In co-operation with Ericsson Mobile Networks (EMN) a MTD (SAI) design project was continued on the design,
implementation and verification of a channel model for use in the evaluation and development of cordless systems.
Using a large set of impulse response measurements, gathered in various indoor environments, a theoretical model
was developed that may be used to predict complex impulse responses for cordless indoor radio systems like
DECT. Input parameters to the model are properties of the room such as the dimensions and shape of the room,
and the geometry of the radio link such as the locations of the base station and the mobile user within the room.
Under the co-operative programme with IRCTR and CRC, a PhD project was continued on Space Wave
modelling of the urban mobile radio channel. A scientist of CRC, visiting EUT for a year, was actively
participating in this project. The software developed for the determination of powers in waves identified
through their angles of arrival was used to analyse a large set of measured CW data, with the aim to identify
variations in the composition of the multipath waves. Various methods were studied to find deterministic intervals
over which the spatial variations of the received signal can be predicted based on knowledge of the local
environment. Unfortunately, the PhD-student decided to leave EUT in December 1999. The results of the project
are summarised in two conference papers that were accepted for presentation in 2000.
A PhD project on the variability of propagation statistics was completed by an external candidate employed by
KPN Research. The study draws on years of collaboration between EUT and KPN Research in the area of the
analysis of propagation and radio climatology. The project resulted in a comprehensive model for the random
process of the monthly Time Fraction of Excess (TFE) of propagation quantities such as rain attenuation on
satellite links and signal variations due to ducting on over-the-horizon radio links. The developed TFE model
is very suitable for advanced analyses of the impact of the propagation in telecommunication systems, e.g. the
analysis of the risk that a radio network does not meet the required grade of service as formulated by the ITU.
A second external PhD project was continued in collaboration with Philips Research, addressing the use of
adaptive diversity at mobile telephones. Therefore, the radio channel characteristics within buildings were studied
by collecting and analysing a large set of broadband measurements. The adaptive diversity techniques considered
are spatial diversity and antenna pattern diversity. Especially the last diversity technique seems to be promising.
In the INCO-DC project African Telecommunications Research sponsored by the European Commission, high-
speed rainrate measurements were carried out in three African countries for the fourth consecutive year. The
results of these measurements were analysed and statistics of the variation of rain intensity as a function of
location, season and time of day were derived. This information is very valuable in the design of regional satellite
communication systems in equatorial climates. As part of this project an International Workshop (ARWOC3) was
organised in Lusaka, Zambia.

Annual Research Report 1999 33

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Radiocommunication ECR
Programme director : G. Brussaard

9.2. Digital radio systems (ECR-2)

Performance tests of the MEDIAN pilot system have been carried out at the premises of TNO-FEL. For this work,
a junior researcher of our group has been there for six month. Performance test procedures have been defined for
the MAC subsystem as well as for the Interworking subsystem. Based on the resulting document, the performance
of these subsystems has been compared with the specifications.
The Median pilot system could be completed with two months delay with respect to the Median milestone
scheme. Finally, it has been demonstrated to the European Commission officer at Alenia, Rome. It showed
wireless local Internet access at a (net) air bit-rate of 150 Mbit/s, which is more than 1000 times faster than
can be achieved with current modems. As such it is, to the best of our knowledge, the worlds fastest wireless
3 local access system.
The overall Median system architecture as designed by the consortium comprehends much more functionality
than the pilot system. Handover and retransmission are examples of functions that could not be included in the
pilot system. In order to enable the design of these functions and examination of their performance, they have been
included in the Median system simulator developed by our group. Extensive simulations have been performed
yielding delay and queue length characteristics. A result of particularly interest is that a retransmission scheme
proposed by our group is even suitable for real-time services, while yielding virtually error-free links.
Our group contributed to the definition of a new project in the context of the Fifth Framework Programme of
EU RTD as a follow-on of the Median project. The proposal has been rejected by the Commission. This implies
that there will not be a pan-European Median standard by the year 2005. The fact remains, however, that there
exists a multitude of multi-media applications that call for wireless transmission over short distances and that the
need for flexible wireless access will increase dramatically. For the group this implies that there remain a lot of
opportunities to work out ideas in close cooperation with ICT industry and research institutes.
In cooperation with Lucent Technologies a preliminary study has been carried out concerning the possibility
to extend the capacity of next generation wireless LANs using Space Division Multiplexing (SDM) combined
with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex. With this new technique different signals are transmitted on
different transmit antennas, simultaneously. The results of this study show that SDM is a promising technique
to increase bit rates and system capacities, significantly. Therefore, a PhD contract has been signed with Lucent
Technologies. The objective of the PhD research is to elaborate the theoretical basis of SDM and space division
multiple access (SDMA), where the difference between SDM and SDMA is that the latter allows different users
to transmit simultaneously, whereas in SDM a single user transmits simultaneously on different antennas. For
this work a PhD student was appointed and the project started in November.

9.3. Source and channel coding (ECR-3)

Source Coding
During the period April 1 till July 31 Dr. Tj. Tjalkens visited the Information Technology Department of the
University of Lund, Sweden. There he worked on several problems in the field of noiseless (universal) source
coding. Topics of discussion were the behaviour of various estimators in context algorithms, in particular
the redundancy introduced by the escape mechanism, the modelling of video-generating sources, and the
complexity redundancy behaviour of optimal codes (Huffman, Tunstall) for memoryless sources.
In particular the work on the complexity of Huffman codes was successful and gave surprising results. In this work
the relation between the redundancy, defined as the difference in bits between the expected codeword length of a
code and the source entropy, and the storage and computation cost was studied. The Huffman codes are the best
possible codes among all codes with a fixed number of variable-length code words.
This combined very well with results obtained in 1998 for the Tunstall codes, which are the best possible codes
when variable length source sequences are coded by fixed-length code words.
Both codes, Huffman and Tunstall, are originally described in terms of rooted complete trees and implementations
based on trees have similar redundancy/memory cost relations, under the condition that the computational
cost is constant per source letter. Applying enumerative, i.e. exact computation, techniques one derives from
Huffman codes the so called Minimal Redundancy Codes and from Tunstall codes the Petry Codes. The
redundancy/memory cost relation now improves exponentially. By relaxing the precision of the computations an

34 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Radiocommunication ECR
Programme director : G. Brussaard

even better trade-off is achieved, again almost exponentially better.

Surprising is that for the enumerative approach the behaviour of the Minimal Redundancy Codes and the Petry
Codes are dissimilar. For Petry codes the redundancy drops proportional to the square root of the storage cost,
while the redundancy of the Minimal Redundancy Codes only decreases with the cubic root. Moreover the part
of the code implementation responsible for this cost is precisely the part mainly ignored in the literature, namely
the ordering of the source sequences.
We have addressed the problem of estimating the maximal cumulative redundancy of universal coding. This has
lead to a non-asymptotic lower bound for Bernoulli sources with an unknown parameter. The bound can be used
in the fixed-to-variable and variable-to-variable case. The approach can be directly generalised to the other source

Channel Coding
Research on the additive white Gaussian noise channel with Shannon-type of side-information was started again.
A new technique which may be called quantisation coding was developed. This method results in considerable
improvements over the bounds that we obtained in 1988. Parallel research, motivated by our 1988 paper, has
been initiated in Israel (Technion). Moreover it became clear in 1999 that these results are relevant for embedding
information in host signals (watermarking, data hiding).
We have developed a maximum-likelihood decoding algorithm for messages transmitted over a binary symmetric
channel by means of low-density parity-check code. The sequential decoding algorithm is based on a tree structure
consisting of possible noise vectors. It determines a maximum-likelihood path in this tree using a special metric
function. An upper bound on the exponent of the expected number of computations in the ensemble of low-density
codes has been given. It was shown that it is much less than the exponent related to exhaustive search.
A study was started of the problem of joint source-channel coding when variable length codes are used
for information transmission over a discrete memoryless channel. The data transmitted over the channel are
interpreted as pairs (m(k),t(k)) where m(k) is the message generated by the source and t(k) is the time instant when
the transmission of the k-th code word begins. The decoder constructs the estimate of the transmitted sequence
of pairs, and the k-th decoding error is introduced as the event that the pair (m(k),t(k)) does not belong to this
sequence. We describe the maximum-likelihood decoding algorithm and prove a lower bound on the exponent of
decoding error probability. For a subclass of discrete memoryless sources and discrete memoryless channels this
bound is tight.

Multi-user information theory

A code was constructed for the two-user binary-adder multiple-access channel that gives results that are very
close to the known theoretical limits.
In another study results were obtained that can serve as tools for constructing a theory of searching with lies.
Cryptology aspects of data transmission over the binary multiplying channel were addressed. The combinatorial
problem was solved of computing the conditional entropy of a common key that can be constructed by the
communicating participants when an eavesdropper knows the channel output sequence.
A coding procedure was developed that allows one to represent integers by binary vectors (code words) in such
a way that addition is replaced with the OR operation. The code word of the sum was constructed using the
decoding algorithm. As a result, many of the transformations may be realised using parallel processing. The
method can be considered as a competitor to existing computer arithmetic.
The PhD project Coding Strategies for channels with feedback was completed with a dissertation. The thesis
describes transmission methods that can de used for communication over additive white Gaussian noise channels
with feedback. These methods could be applied for transmitting data over telephone lines.

Annual Research Report 1999 35

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Radiocommunication ECR
Programme director : G. Brussaard


36 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Radiocommunication ECR
Programme director : G. Brussaard

Dissertations Balakirsky, V.B.:

Characterization of the secrecy of a common key
Bargh, M.S.: constructed via data transmission over the two-way
Coding strategies for channels with feedback. AND channel.
Promotoren: J.P.M. Schalkwijk, Proc. 20th Symposium on Information Theory in the
E.C. van der Meulen. Eindhoven, ISBN 90-386-1670- Benelux, Haasrode, Belgium, 27-28 May 1999, ISBN
8, 1999, pp. 1-203. 90-71048-14-4, ed. A. Barbe, E. van der Meulen, and
ECR-3 a1 P. Vanroose; Werkgemeenschap voor Informatie- en
Kamp, M.M.J.L. van de: Communicatietheorie, Enschede, Netherlands, 1999,
Climatic radiowave propagation models for the desgn pp. 87-94.
of satellite communication systems. ECR-3 b4 3
Promotoren: G. Brussaard, prof.dr. E.T. Balakirsky, V.B.:
Salonen; copromotor: M.H.A.J. Herben. Possibilities of increasing the speed of computations
Eindhoven, ISBN 90-386-1700-3, 1999, pp. 1- via a component-wise computer arithmetic.
226. Proc. 26th International Conference and Scientific
ECR-1 a1 Discussion Club, Ukraine, 20-30 March 1999, pp. 58-
Mawira, A.: 59.
Variability of monthly time fraction of excess of ECR-3 b4
atmospheric propagation parameters. Balakirsky, V.B.; Willems, F.M.J.:
Promotoren: G. Brussaard, A.C. Nonasymptotic lower bound on the maximal
van Bochove. Eindhoven, ISBN 90-72125-65-7, 1999, cumulative redundancy of universal coding.
pp. 1-186. Proc. 20th Symposium on Information Theory in the
ECR-1 a1 Benelux, Haasrode, Belgium, 27-28 May 1999, ISBN
Vorst, M.J.M. van der: 90-71048-14-4, ed. A. Barbe, E. van der Meulen, and
Integrated lens antennas for submillimetre-wave P. Vanroose; Werkgemeenschap voor Informatie- en
applications. Communicatietheorie, Enschede, Netherlands, 1999,
Promotoren: G. Brussaard, prof. A.R. van pp. 17-24.
de Capelle; copromotor: M.H.A.J. Herben. ECR-3 b4
Eindhoven, ISBN 90-386-1590-6, 1999, pp. 1-194. Bargh, M.S.; Schalkwijk, J.P.M.:
ECR-1 a1 On error correction in information feedback schemes.
Scientific publications, refereed Proc. 20th Symposium on Information Theory in the
Benelux, Haasrode, Belgium, 27-28 May 1999, ISBN
Ahlswede, R.; Balakirsky, V.B.: 90-71048-14-4, ed. A. Barbe, E. van der Meulen, and
Construction of uniquely decodable codes for the two- P. Vanroose; Werkgemeenschap voor Informatie- en
used binary adder channel. Communicatietheorie, Enschede, Netherlands, 1999,
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 45, nr. 1, 1999, pp. 326-330. pp. 173-180.
ECR-3 b3 ECR-3 b4
Balakirsky, V.B.: Berkvens, W.A.H.:
Addition of integers in a computer memory: Performance of a selective repeat ARQ scheme for real-
information theory approach. time services in the MEDIAN system.
Proc. 22nd Symposium on Information Theory and Its Proc. 4th ACTS Mobile Communications Summit,
Applications (SITA99), Vol 1, Yuzawa, Niigata, Japan, Sorrento, Italy, 8-11 June 1999, pp. 1-6.
30 November - 3 December 1999, pp. 415-418. ECR-2 b4
ECR-3 b4

List of publications 1999 37

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Radiocommunication ECR
Programme director : G. Brussaard

Bloemink, H.I.; Lammeren, A.C.A.P. van; Feijt, Gier, M.F.H. de; Meulenhof, D. van de; Smulders,
A.J.; Jongen, S.C.H.M.: P.F.M.; Berkvens, W.A.H.:
Active-passive sensor synergy for cloud observation: Performance of selective repeat ARQ scheme for
IR cloud properties and cloud liquid water. wireless ATM based services.
Proc. Symposium on Remote Sensing of Cloud Proc. IEEE 50th Vehicular Technology Conference,
Parameters, TU Delft, Netherlands, 21-22 October Amsterdam, Netherlands, 19-22 September 1999,
1999, ISBN 90-804551-6-4, 1999, pp. 113-118. pp. 1760-1763.
ECR-1 b4 ECR-2 b4
Brussaard, G.: Herben, M.H.A.J.; Hristov, H.D.:
3 Erlang capacity of ATM-based CDMA satellite system.
Electron. Lett. 35, nr. 8, 1999, pp. 613-614.
Some developments in Fresnel zone plate lens
ECR-2 b3 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and
Propagation 1999, Orlando, FL, 11-16 July 1999,
Bultitude, R.J.C.: ISBN 0-7803-5639-x, 1999, pp. 726-729.
Statistical modelling of mobile radio channels for ECR-1 b4
wideband applications (invited).
Proc. XXVIth URSI General Assembly, Toronto, Holleboom, K.G.:
Canada, 11 August 1999. Rain intensity measurements in middle Africa.
ECR-1 b5 Proc. 3rd African Regional Workshop on
Communication, Lusaka, Zambia, 25-30 July 1999,
Dijk, J.; Holleboom, K.G.; Wijdemans, L.: pp. 150-159.
Some microwave propagation research projects ECR-1 b4
executed by EUT.
Proc. 2nd International Conference on Information, Jong, Y.L.C. de; Herben, M.H.A.J.:
Communications and Signal Processing, ICICS99, Vol Experimental verification of ray-tracing based
3A1.2, Singapore, 7-10 December 1999, pp. 1-5. propagation prediction models for urban microcell
ECR-1 b4 environments.
Proc. IEEE 50th Vehicular Technology Conference
Dolmans, G.; Leyten, L.: 1999, Vol 3, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 19-22
Effect of delay-spread and fading on the performance September 1999, pp. 1434-1438.
of an adaptive dual antenna handset. ECR-1 b4
Proc. IEEE 50th Vehicular Technology Conference,
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 19-22 September 1999, Jong, Y.L.C. de; Herben, M.H.A.J.:
pp. 77-81. High-resolution angle-of-arrival measurement of the
ECR b4 mobile radio channel.
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 47, nr. 11, 1999,
Dolmans, G.; Leyten, L.: pp. 1677-1687.
Performance study of an adaptive dual antenna handset ECR-1 b3
for indoor communications.
IEE Proc., Microw. Antennas Propag. 146, nr. 2, 1999, Jong, Y.L.C. de; Herben, M.H.A.J.; Wagen, J.-F.;
pp. 138-144. Mawira, A.:
ECR b3 Transmission of UHF radiowaves through buildings in
urban microcell environments.
Erkelens, J.S.; Jongen, S.C.H.M.; Russchenberg, Electron. Lett. 35, nr. 9, 1999, pp. 743-745.
H.W.J.; Herben, M.H.A.J.: ECR-1 b3
Estimation of cloud droplet concentration from radar,
lidar and microwave radiometer measurements. Jongen, S.; Erkelens, J.; Herben, M.; Russchenberg,
Proc. Symposium on Remote Sensing of Cloud H.:
Parameters, TU Delft, Netherlands, 21-22 October The awater project.
1999, ISBN 90-8-4551-6-4, 1999, pp. 107-112. Proc. 1st NRP-II Symposium on Climate Change
ECR-1 b4 Research, Garderen, Netherlands, 29-30 October 1998,
ISBN 90-5851-016-6, ed. M.J.T. Kok and W. Verweij;
Dutch Nat. Res. Prog. on Global Air Pollution &
Climate Change, 1999, pp. 34-34.
ECR-1 b5

38 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Radiocommunication ECR
Programme director : G. Brussaard

Jongen, S.C.H.M.; Brussaard, G.; Herben, Lammeren, A. van; Feijt, A.; Donovan, D.;
M.H.A.J.: Bloemink, H.; Russchenberg, H.; Venema, V.;
Atmospheric water vapour, liquid water and Erkelens, J.; Apituley, A.; Brink, H. ten; Khlystov,
temperature profile retrieval using 2/30/50 ghz A.; Jongen, S.C.H.M.; Brussaard, G.; Herben,
radiometer data. M.H.A.J.:
Proc. Symposium on Remote Sensing of Cloud Clouds and radiation: intensive experimental study of
Parameters, TU Delft, Netherlands, 21-22 October clouds and radiation in the Netherlands (CLARA).
1999, ISBN 90-804551-6-4, 1999, pp. 39-44. Proc. Symposium on Remote Sensing of Cloud
ECR-1 b4 Parameters, TU Delft, Netherlands, 21-22 October
1999, ISBN 90-804551-6-4, 1999, pp. 5-10.
Kamp, M.J.L. van de; Tervonen, J.K.; Salonen, ECR-1 b4
Improved models for long-term prediction of Meulenhof, D. van de; Smulders, P.F.M.:
tropospheric scintillation on slant paths. Handover in a high-speed wireless ATM based LAN.
Proc. XXVIth URSI General Assembly, Toronto, Proc. IEEE 50th Vehicular Technology Conference,
Canada, 11 August 1999, p. 332. Amsterdam, Netherlands, 19-22 September 1999,
ECR-1 b5 pp. 1730-1734.
ECR-2 b4
Kamp, M.J.L. van de; Tervonen, J.K.; Salonen,
E.T.; Poirares Baptista, J.P.V.: Meulenhof, D. van de; Smulders, P.F.M.:
Improved models for long-term prediction of Modelling handover in a high-speed wireless ATM
tropospheric scintillation on slant paths. based LAN.
Proc. 1st International Workshop on Radiowave Proc. 4th ACTS Mobile Communications Summit,
Propagation Modelling for SatCom Services at Sorrento, Italy, 8-11 June 1999, pp. 151-156.
Ku-band and Above, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, ECR-2 b4
Netherlands, October 1998, 1999, pp. 49-56.
ECR-1 b4 Russchenberg, H.W.J.; Lammeren, A.C.A.P. van;
Feijt, A.; Apituley, A.; Khlystov, A.; Herben, M.:
Kamp, M.M.J.L. van de: The CLARA project: intensive experimental study of
Depolarisation due to rain: the XPD - CPA relation. clouds and radiation in the Netherlands.
IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Proc. 9th Annual Atmospheric Radiation
Propagation 1999, Orlando, FL, 11-16 July 1999, Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, URL
ISBN 0-7803-5639-X, 1999, pp. 400-403. 99
ECR-1 b4 03/russchenberg-99.pdf, San Antonio, TX, 22-26
March 1999, pp. 1-6.
Kamp, M.M.J.L. van de: ECR-1 b4
Separation of simultaneous rain and ice depolarisation.
IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Salehudin, M.; Hanantasena, B.; Wijdemans, L.:
Propagation 1999, Orlando, FL, 11-16 July 1999, Ka-band line-of-sight radio propagation experiment in
ISBN 0-7803-5639-X, 1999, pp. 404-407. Surabaya, Indonesia.
ECR-1 b4 Proc. 5th Ka-band Utilization Conference, Taormina,
Italy, 18-20 October 1999, pp. 161-165.
Kamp, M.M.J.L. van de; Riva, C.; Tervonen, J.K.; ECR-1 b4
Salonen, E.T.:
Frequency dependence of amplitude scintillation. Smulders, P.F.M.:
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 47, nr. 1, 1999, pp. 77- 60 GHz wireless networks for multimedia
85. communication: basic design considerations.
ECR-1 b3 IEEE Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia
Communications 99, Amsterdam, Netherlands,
Kamp, M.M.J.L. van de; Tervonen, J.K.; Salonen, September 1999, pp. 229-236.
E.T.; Poirares Baptista, J.P.V.: ECR-2 b4
Improved models for long-term prediction of
tropospheric scintillation on slant paths.
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 47, nr. 2, 1999, pp. 249-
ECR-1 b3

List of publications 1999 39

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Radiocommunication ECR
Programme director : G. Brussaard

Thayne, I.G.; Edgar, D.L.; Elgaid, K.; Chong, H.; Willems, F.M.J.; Tjalkens, T.J.; Volf, P.A.J.:
Jubber, M.; McLelland, H.; Ferguson, S.; Ross, A.; On random-access data compaction.
Arnold, J.M.; Heeres, R.; Whybourn, N.; Luinge, Proc. Information Theory and Communications
W.; Vorst, M. van der; Neto, A.; Maagt, P. de: Workshop, IEEE 1999, Kruger National Park, S.
On-wafer W-band determination of the driving point Africa, 20-25 June 1999, ISBN 0-7803-5268-8, ed. F.
impedance of a double slot antenna. Swarts and J. Swarts; IEEE, 1999, pp. 97-97.
Proc. IEE Colloquium on Microwave Measurements: ECR-3 b4
Current Techniques and Trends, London, UK, 23
February 1999, pp. 3/1-3/4. Scientific publications, non-refereed
ECR-1 b4 Meulenhof, D. van de:
3 Thayne, I.G.; Edgar, D.L.; Elgaid, K.; McLelland, Modelling mobility of a high-speed wireless ATM
H.; Ferguson, S.; Ross, A.; Arnold, J.M.; Heeres, based LAN.
R.M.; Whyborn, N.; Luinge, W.; Vorst, M.J.M. van SAI Report, 99.005, ISBN 90-5282-921-7; TUE-SAI,
der; Neto, A.; Maagt, P.J.I. de: Eindhoven, 1999, pp. 1-70.
On-wafer determination of impedance of planar 100 ECR-2 c7
GHz double slot antenna. Professional publications
Electron. Lett. 35, nr. 16, 1999, pp. 1291-1292.
ECR-1 b3 Berkvens, W.A.H.:
MARQ protocol description.
Tjalkens, Tj.J.; Willems, F.M.J.: MEDIAN project AC006, TUE/WP5/015, Eindhoven,
Variable-to-fixed length source codes: a geometrical January 1999, pp. 1-26.
approach to low complexity codes. ECR-2 d6
Proc. 1999 IEEE International Symposium on
Information Theory, Metsovo, Greece, 27 June - 1 Berkvens, W.A.H.:
July 1999; IEEE Information Theory Society, 1999, UL system performance test procedures.
pp. 33-33. MEDIAN project AC006 report, TUE/WP8/020,
ECR-3 b4 Eindhoven, January 1999, pp. 1-17.
ECR-2 d6
Volf, P.A.J.; Willems, F.M.J.; Tjalkens, Tj.J.:
Complexity reducing techniques for the CTW Holleboom, K.G.:
algorithm. Progress visit to Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia.
Proc. 20th Symposium on Information Theory in the Regional Project on Ku band Propagation
Benelux, Haasrode, Belgium, 27-28 May 1999, ISBN Measurements in the framework of the African
90-71048-14-4, ed. A. Barbe, E. van der Meulen, and Telecom research program of EU INCO DC 950944,
P. Vanroose; Werkgemeenschap voor Informatie- en Mission Report 9, 18 July - 16 August 1999, pp. 1-77.
Communicatietheorie, Enschede, Netherlands, 1999, ECR-1 d6
pp. 25-32.
Holleboom, K.G.:
ECR-3 b4
Progress visit to Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia and
Vorst, M.J.M. van der; Maagt, P.J.I. de; Herben, Portugal.
M.H.A.J.: Regional Project on Ku band Propagation
Effect of internal reflections on the radiation properties Measurements in the framework of the African
and input admittance of integrated lens antennas. Telecom research program of EU INCO DC 950944,
IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 47, nr. 9/1, 1999, Mission Report 8, 15 March - 14 April 1999, pp. 1-35.
pp. 1696-1704. ECR-1 d6
ECR-1 b3
Holleboom, K.G.:
Vorst, M.J.M. van der; Maagt, P.J.I. de; Herben, Satellite propagation path impairments due to rain in
M.H.A.J.: three African countries.
The use of point-source modelling for feeds of Final report 1999, pp. 1-120.
integrated lens antennas. ECR-1 d5
Proc. Sixth Australian Symposium on Antennas,
Sydney, Australia, 17-18 February 1999, p. 20.
ECR-1 b5

40 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Radiocommunication ECR
Programme director : G. Brussaard

Jong, Y.L.C. de: Brussaard, G.:

High-resolution time delay/angle-of-arrival Satellite orbits and their effect: Chapter 2.
measurements in microcellular environments. PATO course November/December 1999, Eindhoven
Final report internship at Swisscom Corporate 1999.
Technology, June-October 1998 1999, pp. 1-111. ECR-2 g8
ECR-1 d5
Brussaard, G.; Herben, M.H.A.J.:
Kamp, M.J.L. van de: Satellite communications.
Depolarisation due to rain: the XPD - CPA relation. leaders PATO course 18/19/25/26 November and 2/3
COST 255 7th MC meeting, Toulouse, France, May December 1999, Eindhoven 1999.
1999, Input document 1999, pp. 1-21.
ECR-1 d6
ECR-2 g8

Bruncken, L.J.A.: ECR
Smulders, P.F.M.: Context weighting in wavelet image compression.
COST action 231, digital mobile radio towards future M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, EC343, 1 June 1999,
generaton systems. pp. 1-58.
Final Report COST Action 231; European Commission, ECR-3 g1
DG XIII, 1999, pp. 415-468.
ECR-2 d2 Gier, M.F.H. de:
Modelling ARQ for a high-speed wireless ATM based
Vorst, M.J.M. van der: LAN.
Integrated antenna development ESA contract M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, EC340, 1 August 1999,
11653/95/NL/PB on STS/SISIRT/IAD. pp. 1-47.
Final Report Space Research Organization ECR-2 g1
Netherlands, 24 January 1999, pp. 1-46.
ECR-1 d5 Herben, M.H.A.J.:
Radiowave propagation: Chapter 6.
Other products of scientific activity PATO course November/December 1999, Eindhoven
Balakirsky, V.B.: ECR-1 g8
Arithmetic coding procedures oriented to data
transmission in a real time mode. Herben, M.H.A.J.; Cappelle, A.R. van de:
Workshop on Data Compression, University of Antennas: Chapter 5.
Bielefeld, Germany, 1-2 November 1999. PATO course November/December 1999, Eindhoven
ECR-3 g2 1999.
ECR-1 g8
Brussaard, G.:
Introduction to the course: Chapter 1. Holleboom, K.G.:
PATO course November/December 1999, Eindhoven Rain intensity measurements in middle Africa.
1999. Presentation at Makerere University, Kampala,
ECR-2 g8 Uganda, 9 August 1999.
ECR-1 g2
Brussaard, G.:
Noise and linkbudget: Chapter 3. Holleboom, K.G.:
PATO course November/December 1999, Eindhoven Rain intensity measurements in middle Africa.
1999. Presentation at University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania,
ECR-2 g8 2 August 1999.
ECR-1 g2
Brussaard, G.:
Satellite and earth station equipment: Chapter 4. Holleboom, K.G.; Bastos, G.:
PATO course November/December 1999, Eindhoven Rain intensity measurements in middle Africa.
1999. Oral presentation at Departamento de Electronica
ECR-1 g8 e Telecomunicacoes Univ. de Aveiro-Campus de
Santiago, Portugal 1999.
ECR-1 g2

List of publications 1999 41

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Radiocommunication ECR
Programme director : G. Brussaard

Mejuto, N.V.: Wijdemans, L.J.M.:

Penetration and transmission of UHF radio waves Design of and experiments with a 40-50 GHz Italsat
into/through buildings - a literature review. beacon receiver.
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, EC341, 1 August 1999, Presentation Cepit meeting during 5th Ka-band
pp. 1-125. Utilization Conference, Taormina, Italy, 18-20 October
ECR-1 g1 1999.
ECR-1 g2
Smulders, P.F.M.:
Gbit/s wireless access: solving the bottlenecks. Wijdemans, L.J.M.:
Presentation for members of the Philips 17 GHz radio Ka-band line-of-sight radio propagation experiment in
3 project, Philips Research, 18 slides, 9 September 1999.
ECR-2 g2
Surabaya, Indonesia.
Presentation Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia, 16
December 1999.
Smulders, P.F.M.: ECR-1 g2
Median mobility issues.
Presentation during the Median review meeting for Wijdemans, L.J.M.:
European Committee, Alenea, Rome, 17 slides 1999. Some microwave propagation research projects
ECR-2 g2 executed by EUT.
Presentation Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia,
Smulders, P.F.M.: 16 December 1999.
Modulation and coding techniques: Chapter 7. ECR-1 g2
PATO course November/December 1999, Eindhoven
1999. Zelst, A. van:
ECR-2 g8 Extending the capacity of next generation wireless
LANs using space division multiplexing combined
Smulders, P.F.M.: with OFD.
Networks and systems: Chapter 9. M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, EC342, 1 October
PATO course November/December 1999, Eindhoven 1999, pp. 1-86.
1999. ECR-2 g1
ECR-2 g8
Tjalkens, Tj.J.:
On the complexity of minimum redundancy codes.
Workshop on Data Compression, University of
Bielefeld, Germany, 1-2 November 1999.
ECR-3 g2
Tjalkens, Tj.J.:
Random-access data compaction.
Presentation for Information Theory Seminar, Lund
University of Technology, Lund, Sweden, 11 May
ECR-3 g2
Tjalkens, Tj.J.:
Variable-to-fixed length codes: a geometrical approach.
Presentation for Information Theory Seminar, Lund
University of Technology, Lund, Sweden, 13 April
ECR-3 g2
Volf, P.A.J.:
Maximizing, weighting and switching.
Workshop on Data Compression, University of
Bielefeld, Germany, 1-2 November 1999.
ECR-3 g2

42 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electronic Devices Opto-Electronic Devices EEA OED
Programme director : Prof.Dr.-Ing. L.M.F. Kaufmann


Electronic Devices Opto-Electronic Devices

Annual Research Report 1999 43

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electronic Devices Opto-Electronic Devices EEA OED
Programme director : Prof.Dr.-Ing. L.M.F. Kaufmann

ARTICL Analysis of Resonant Tunnelling Including Contact Layers
COBRA Communication Technology: Basic Research and Applications
COD Catastrophic Optical Damage
DBR Distributed Bragg Reflector
DBRTD Double-Barrier Resonant-Tunneling Device
EDFA Erbium Doped Fibre Amplifier
EE-HEMT EEsof-High Electron Mobility Transistor (software package)
FEG-SEM Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
FNA TUE Research Group Physics on Nanostructures
GRINSCH Graded Index Separate Confinement Heterostructure
HEL Hot Electron Laser
HEMT High Electron Mobility Transistor
HF TUE Research Group Semiconductor Physics
Integrated Circuits CAPture (software package)
University of Ghent, Department of Information Technology IMEC
ISI Institut fur Schicht- und Ionentechnik
KUN-RIM Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, Research Institute for Materials
MEL-ARI Micro-Electronics Advanced Research Initiative
MESFET Metal Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
MIM Metal - Insulator - Metal
MMIC Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit
MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
MOVPE Metal Organic Vapour Phase Epitaxy
MSM-PD Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photo-Detectors
NDR Negative Differential Resistance
NRC National Research Combination
OEIC Opto-Electronic Integrated Circuit
OPLL Optical Phase-Locked Loop
OTDM Optical Time Division Multiplexing
PDFA Praseodynium-Doped Fiber Amplifier
PIC Photonic Integrated Circuits
POLIS POLarisation based Integration Scheme
RIE Reactive Ion Etching
TIA Trans-Impedance Amplifier
VCSEL Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser
WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing
XRD X-Rays Diffraction

44 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electronic Devices Opto-Electronic Devices EEA OED
Programme director : Prof.Dr.-Ing. L.M.F. Kaufmann

1. Full title : Electronic Devices Opto-Electronic Devices

2. Subprogrammes
1. High-frequency microwave and millimetrewave devices and circuits (EEA-1)
2. Optoelectronic devices and circuits (EEA-2)

4. Key words
semiconductor devices, diodes, transistors, semiconductor lasers, integrated opto-electronics, electro-optical
devices, semiconductor technology

8. Programme design in brief

The research of the Electronic Devices Group is directed towards the development of technology, components and
circuits for opto-electronic and microelectronic devices based on III-V compound semiconductors. This includes 4
modelling, design, fabrication and characterisation of various active and passive devices. The group owns a high- EEA
quality (class 100) clean room facility for device processing of III-V semiconductors.
The research programme of the Electronic Devices group can be split into two main streams:

8.1. High-frequency microwave and millimetrewave devices and circuits (EEA-1)

GaAs and InP based Opto-Electronic Integrated Circuits (OEICs) and microwave and millimetrewave
Integrated Circuits (MMICs) for Optical Phase-Locked Loops (OPLLs) as building blocks in optical beam
forming networks for phased-array radar systems.
GaN-based transistors for X-band high-power amplifiers.
Double-Barrier Resonant-Tunnelling Devices for digital applications.

8.2. Optoelectronic devices and circuits (EEA-2)

High power short-wavelength InGaAs-GaAs lasers as pump lasers for Erbium Doped Fibre Amplifiers
Lasers for optical interconnects (VCSELs with polarisation control)
High bit-rate low-chirp GaAs and InP based lasers for high bitrate transmission (a.o. mode-locked lasers)
InP-based Opto-Electronic Circuits for photonic applications.

9. Overview of academic results

9.1. High-frequency microwave and millimetrewave devices and circuits (EEA-1)
GaAs and InP based Opto-Electronic and Millimetrewave Integrated Circuits
This project aims at the fabrication of high-performance high frequency GaAs-based photoreceivers operating at
20-30 GHz bandwidth and an X-band (10-12 GHz) GaAs amplifier. Both photoreceivers consist of an integrated
MSM photo-detector and a trans-impedance amplifier (TIA) based on a pseudomorphic-HEMT technology.
For the 20-30 GHz TIA a sub-micron technology is needed for the inter-digitated fingers of the MSM detectors
as well as for the gates of the HEMTs. Only the sub-micron structures will be fabricated using electron beam
lithography, whereas the mesa, ohmic contacts and interconnect patterns will be made using conventional optical
lithography. Modelling of the discrete devices (MSM-PD and HEMT) has been done using the commercial
simulator MDS from HP. Circuit simulations for MSM-PDs were implemented in a new set of masks including
HEMTs with various dimensions.
An X-band TIA (co-operation between TUE-EEA and the MMIC group of TNO-FEL) will be fabricated. This
TIA is intended for use in a beam-forming network in which the beam forming is performed by using optical
chips. The TIA converts the RF modulated optical signal into an electrical RF signal that can be fed to a
transmitter/receiver (T/R) module. Several versions of TIA and test structures were included in the set of masks

Annual Research Report 1999 45

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electronic Devices Opto-Electronic Devices EEA OED
Programme director : Prof.Dr.-Ing. L.M.F. Kaufmann

(see above) which will be used for the modelling of both passive and active components. The set of masks became
available in December 1999.
A general study on EEHEMT-model was carried out. DC and small-signal measurements on GaAs-pHEMTs
were done using ICCAP for controlling and for model parameter extraction. Using MDS, a number of circuits
were simulated using these extracted parameters showing a good matching with simulations produced by other
models like the photoreceiver model of J.S. Wellen (Ph.D. thesis 97) or the TNO X-band receiver.

GaN-based Power Electronics

This project is done in a strong collaboration with TNO-FEL (including a partial financing) and closely followed
by the Royal Netherlands Navy. The goal of this project is to develop high power HEMTs (3W/mm) suitable
for the design of an integrated X-band power amplifier (>10W). GaN and its related materials (AlN, InN, their
ternary and quaternary compounds) are wide band gap materials and possess excellent material properties, like a
high electric breakdown field, a high saturation drift velocity, a large heat conductivity and chemical inertness.
4 Ohmic and Schottky contacts on GaN and AlGaN were developed using test structures (KUN or INTEC-Gent).
Measurements indicated a contact resistance in the order of 0.1 mm on GaN and 1 mm on AlGaN. The
latter needs further optimisation. A C-V set-up for on-wafer measurements of Schottky contacts was assembled.
Schottky measurements reveal that contacts suffer from insufficient reverse characteristics, e.g. a relatively low
breakdown voltage (30V) and excessive reverse currents.
However in June 1999, the first HEMT on AlGaN was made on material grown by KUN-RIM. Small-signal S-
parameter measurements were performed and showed ft and fmax of 10 and 20 GHz respectively for a 1200 m
transistor. DC voltage and current sweeps predicted a power density of 2 W/mm for a 40-m wide device. Work
on passive components has been performed including S-parameters measurements on MIM capacitors using a
300 nm of silicon oxide-nitride showing a breakdown voltage in excess of 150V.

Double Barrier Resonant Tunnelling Devices

GaAs-based DBRTDs were processed and characterised in Eindhoven (EEA) using epitaxial structures grown at
ISI in Julich. Pulsed I-V recording of DBRTDs was performed in a temperature range of 60 - 300 K covering
the NDR-region. The measurements were compared to a model including Gamma-X coupling, which has been
implemented in the program ARTICL 3.3. The results show that the G-X coupling only plays a role at high bias,
beyond the negative-resistance region. The larger than expected peak currents could be explained by including a
non-parabolic conduction band.
Since July 1998 we are taking part in a European project in the MEL-ARI program under the name LOCOM,
project no. 28 844 related to research and applications of GaAs- and InP-based resonant tunnelling diodes. Our
part in this project is theoretical and concerns the understanding of the resonant tunnelling process by combining
classical and quantum-mechanical modelling.
Although modelling the InP-based structure raises some problems due to too several uncertainties, a good fit
between the measured and simulated I-V-characteristic was achieved. Fitting parameter was the damping of the
electrons waves in the quantum well due to scattering effects. Simulation of similar DBRTD structures shows
equally good results.
A sensitivity analysis of the I-V-characteristic was performed for the barrier width, the sub-well width, the
smoothing layer width, the spacer width, and the length and doping of the contact layers. The barrier width,
the overall well width and the doping of the contact layer mainly affected the peak current density. The peak
voltage mainly depends on the overall width of the well layers.

9.2. Optoelectronic devices and circuits (EEA-2)

Development for High-Power Single-Mode Diode Lasers for Optical Pumping
The objective of this project (framework: IOP Electro-Optics) is the modelling, fabrication and test of high-power
semiconductor lasers based on GaAs for pumping EDFAs and for medical applications.
Miss Manuela Buda was awarded the Dr. title on January 14, 1999, on a thesis based on work in this project
entitled: Low-Confinement High-Power Semiconductor Lasers. The IOP project ended on 31 August 1999.

46 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electronic Devices Opto-Electronic Devices EEA OED
Programme director : Prof.Dr.-Ing. L.M.F. Kaufmann

After having achieved 1.8 W cw optical power in a multi-mode laser (1998) a single mode laser was demonstrated
with a 200 mW cw output power (early 1999). Experiments were done on high- and anti-reflection coatings of
the laser mirrors. Also local intermixing of quantum well InGaAs structures was investigated to increase the band
gap of the semiconductor material in the mirror region making it transparent for the laser light and hence reducing
the absorption of the optical energy near the mirrors. Both techniques should lead to a further improvement of
the COD level.
Furthermore, as a result of the modelling of the optical field distribution in a multi-layer structure and its effective
refractive index, it appears that it is possible to make a Distributed Feedback (DFB) laser only by etching a grating
in the top contact layer. Hence a one-step growth is required, in contrast to actual DFB lasers, which require a
two-steps growth. A patent application based on this idea is in preparation.

Intra-Cavity Contacted Polarisation-Controlled Vertical-Cavity Lasers

This subproject (framework: IOP Electro-Optics) explores a new design for making parallel one- and two-
dimensional arrays of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VCSELs). The aim is to achieve a well-controlled
and uniform polarisation of the lasers over the optical array and if possible polarisation switching.
The co-operation with the Free University of Brussels (VUB) was continued where polarisation dependent
characterisation was carried out on VCSELs processed in Eindhoven. The characterisation reveals that the
asymmetric current injection scheme ensures better fundamental mode behaviour and polarisation control. The
polarisation is indeed stabilised in the direction perpendicular to the lateral current component introduced by
the asymmetric current injection. As this corresponds to the direction of maximum gain in the InGaAs Quantum
Well, gain anisotropy is suggested as an explanation. The polarisation-anisotropy of the Franz-Keldysh effect was
evaluated by measuring the response of MSM-type devices fabricated on a GaAs structure grown at the Australian
National University in Canberra. These measurements give the highest absorption for a polarisation parallel to
the applied electric field and hence converge with the polarisation-dependent gain results favouring an emitted
light wave polarised perpendicular to the current path. Moreover the asymmetric layout allows reduction of the
overlap between p and n contact layers, which is important to obtain a higher modulation speed. The VCSEL
design has been improved using a home-built transfer-matrix simulator (especially the contact layers to ensure a
more homogeneous current injection in the asymmetric scheme) and a new VCSEL wafer was grown by MOCVD
at INTEC-Gent.
A Dutch patent for the idea of asymmetric current injection was granted.

Vertically Integrated Transistor-Laser Structure for High-Speed Low-Chirp Modulation

The main goal is to demonstrate the principle of carrier heating assisted gain switching using a three-terminal
Hot Electron Laser (HEL). This project is funded by STW (EEL55.3752).
The technology is rather similar to the technology of hetero-bipolar transistors (three terminals device with
emitter, base and collector). The first structure of a HEL was processed and measured in 1998 where no laser
working could be demonstrated. This was due to hole-leakage currents out of the active region into the intrinsic
launcher and also to relatively poor injection efficiency of electrons from the n-emitter, over the p-base, into
the i-launcher. Both issues became clear after more thorough simulations of the design in LASTIP, a 2D-laser
simulator. Although incapable of simulating carrier heating and its effect on gain, the simulator still enables us
to optimise the behaviour of the design in the absence of carrier heating i.e. no electric field present across the
These new insights into the carrier transport properties enabled us to produce two new designs in the
AlGaAs/GaAs material system and a first design in the InGaAsP/InP material system. The latter design targets a
high modulation speed in the telecommunication wavelength i.e. 1.55m. One GaAs-based structure following
the new design was grown at ISI-Julich.
A multipurpose new mask set has been designed and fabricated to enable direct characterisation at high
frequencies by incorporating coplanar bonding and probe pads. Laser designs with two sections in the
longitudinal direction are included to research carrier-heating effects through self-pulsations. Semiconductor
Optical Amplifier (SOA) designs are included and already used for processing for the research conducted in the
related project at the University of Nijmegen. These SOA structures enable characterisation of the optical signal

Annual Research Report 1999 47

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electronic Devices Opto-Electronic Devices EEA OED
Programme director : Prof.Dr.-Ing. L.M.F. Kaufmann

along the longitudinal direction, further assisting their research into carrier heating effects. The latter effects and
results will be used in this project.
The Monte Carlo simulation was extended by including the X valley in the conduction band. Although a sizeable
fraction of the electrons transfers to this valley, the main conclusions drawn from the previous analysis were not

InP based opto-electronic integrated circuits

The aim of this field of research is to develop InP-based planar waveguide technology for use in photonic circuits
for application in telecommunications. This research topic has received a new impulse with the appointment of
dr. J.J.G.M. v.d. Tol in our group as an Associate Professor to work on photonic integration on InP materials for
telecommunication applications. Therefore our on-going IOP-Electro-Optics project (cluster 1/IEO94005) has
been re-oriented towards the development of a suitable technology for a.o. InP waveguides.
We have investigated the effects of dry etching on the surface properties of InP substrates. Schottky diodes were
4 made on p-type InP substrates and characterised. The ideality factor and the barrier height of the Schottky diodes
EEA were related to the surface damages induced by Electron Cyclotron Resonance etching. A previously optimised
etching process based on methane/hydrogen at 150 W (dc bias of -200V) was used for this study. The parameters
we studied are the etching time and the post-etching treatments. In most cases an O2 -plasma and a short dip in a
diluted HCl solution are sufficient for a good recovery of the electrical characteristics. Another important aspect
is the morphology of the resulted surface and side-walls. Both should be smooth to guarantee low loss waveguides
suitable for photonic integration. In the framework of our collaboration with the group of Electronic Materials
Engineering of the Australian National University in Canberra (Prof. C. Jagadish) an InP-based structure for
waveguides was grown for us using their MOVPE reactor (November 1999). The next step will be the realisation
of the waveguides and the determination of the optical losses.

48 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electronic Devices Opto-Electronic Devices EEA OED
Programme director : Prof.Dr.-Ing. L.M.F. Kaufmann

Dissertations Buda, M.; Vleuten, W.C. van der; Iordache, Gh.;

Acket, G.A.; Roer, T.G. van de; Es, C.M. van;
Buda, M.: Smalbrugge, E.; Roy, B.H. van:
Low-confinement high-power semiconductor lasers. Lateral thermal waveguiding in low-confinement edge-
Promotoren: prof.dr. G.A. Acket, prof.Dr.-Ing. L.M.F. emitting laser diodes for very high power operation.
Kaufmann; copromotor: T.G. van de Roer. J. Opt. Research 6, 1999, pp. 1-17.
Eindhoven, ISBN 90-386-0510-2, 1999. EEA-2 b3
EEA-2 a1
Buda, M.; Vleuten, W.C. van der; Iordache, Gh.;
Centen, P.G.M.: Acket, G.A.; Roer, T.G. van de; Es, C.M. van; Roy,
CCD imaging: Concepts for low noise and high B.H. van; Smalbrugge, E.:
bandwidth. Low-loss, low-confinement GaAs-AlGaAs laser diode
Promotoren: prof.dr. F.M. Klaassen, prof.dr. T.G.M. with optical trap layer for high power operation.
Kleinpenning; copromotor: A.J.P. Theuwissen. IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 11, 1999, pp. 161-163.
Eindhoven, ISBN 90-386-1570-1, 1999, pp. 1-207. EEA-2 b3
EEA-1 a2
Creusen, M.; Bruyn, F. de; Karouta, F.; Vleuten, 4
Scientific publications, refereed W.C. van der; Roer, T.G. van de; Smalbrugge, E.; EEA

Bentell, J.; Wennekes, F.; Salomonsson, F.; Roy, B.H. van:

Hammar, M.; Streubel, K.: Sealing method of dry etched AlAs/GaAs top mirrors
Characterization of n-InP/n-GaAs wafer fused in vertical cavity surface emitting lasers.
heterojunctions. Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 2, nr. 2, 1999, pp. 83-85.
Phys. Scr. Vol. T 79, 1999, pp. 206-208. EEA-2 b3
EEA-2 b3
Hammar, M.; Wennekes, F.; Salomonsson, F.;
Bergh, M.P.H. van de; Tol, J.J.G.M. van der; Bentell, J.; Streubel, K.; Rapp, S.; Keiper, D.;
Dorren, H.J.S.: Westphalen, R.:
A novel WDM monitoring method. Systematics of electrical conductivity across InP to
Photonic Network Communications 1, nr. 4, 1999, GaAs wafer fused interfaces.
pp. 323-329. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1 38, 1999, pp. 1111-1114.
EEA-2 b3 EEA-2 b3

Bergh, M.P.H. van de; Tol, J.J.G.M. van der; Honkanen, K.; Hakkarainen, N.; Maa tta, K.;
Dorren, H.J.S.: Kilpela, A.; Kuivalainen, P.:
Monitoring optical networks by using statistical High-speed metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors
methods. fabricated on SOI-substrates.
Proc. Asia Pacific Communications Conference - Opto Phys. Scr. Vol. T 79, 1999, pp. 127-130.
Electronic Communications Conference (APCC-OECC EEA-1 b3
99), Beijing, China, 18-22 october, 1999, pp. 303-306.
Hoskens, R.C.P.; Ljevar, B.; Archontopoulos, G.;
EEA-2 b4
Tolstikhin, V.I.; Roer, T.G. van de:
Buda, M.; Karouta, F.; Iordache, G.; Tan, H.H.; Design and first results on a vertically integrated
Jagadish, C.; Smalbrugge, E.; Roy, B.H. van; transistor-laser structure for high-speed low-chirp
Vleuten, W.C. van der; Silov, A.Yu.: modulations.
Quantum well intermixing in 980 nm laser structures Proc. 22nd Workshop on Compound Semiconductor
using PECVD SiOxNy/SiOx layers. Devices and Integrated Circuits (WOCSDICE99),
Proc. 4th Annual Symposium of the IEEE/LEOS Chantilly, France, 26-28 May, 1999, pp. 95-96.
Benelux Chapter, Mons, Belgium, 15 November, 1999, EEA-2 b4
pp. 219-222.
EEA-2 b4

List of publications 1999 49

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electronic Devices Opto-Electronic Devices EEA OED
Programme director : Prof.Dr.-Ing. L.M.F. Kaufmann

Iordache, G.; Buda, M.; Acket, G.A.; Roer, T.G. Janssen, G.; Roer, T.G. van de; Kaufmann, L.M.F.;
van de; Kaufmann, L.M.F.; Karouta, F.; Jagadish, Brockerhoff, W.; Tegude, F.J.:
C.; Tan, H.H.: Calculation of coherent tunneling coefficients for
Continuous wave operation of low confinement arbitrary barrier structures considering -X band
asymmetric structure diode lasers. coupling at heterointerfaces.
Proc. Conference on Lasers and ElectroOptics Proc. 11th III-V Semiconductor Simulation Workshop,
(CLEO), Baltimore, USA, 23-28 May, 1999, p. 487. Lille, France, 10-11 May, 1999, pp. 1-11.
EEA-2 b5 EEA-1 b4
Iordache, G.; Buda, M.; Acket, G.A.; Roer, T.G. van Karouta, F.; Jacobs, B.; Jacobs, K.; Moerman, I.:
de; Kaufmann, L.M.F.; Karouta, F.; Jagadish, C.; Ideal chemistry for reactive ion etching of GaN.
Tan, H.H.: First Workshop on GaN Electronics Devices, Ithaca,
High power CW output from low confinement NY, 16-17 August, 1999.
asymmetric structure diode laser. EEA-1 b5
Electron. Lett. 35, 1999, pp. 148-149.
Karouta, F.; Jacobs, B.; Jacobs, K.; Moerman, I.:
4 EEA-2 b3
Side-wall morphology in reactive ion etching of GaN.
Jacobs, B.; Karouta, F.; Crane, R.; Hageman, P.R.: Proc. 4th Annual Sympsoium of the IEEE/LEOS
The processing of scalability of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. Benelux Chapter, Mons, Belgium, 15 November, ISBN
Proc. Gallium Arsenide and related III-V compounds 2-9600226-0-2, 1999, pp. 215-217.
Application Symposion (GAAS99), European EEA-1 b4
Microwave Conference, Munich, Germany, 4-8
October, 1999, pp. 151-156. Karouta, F.; Jacobs, B.; Kramer, M.C.J.C.M.;
EEA-1 b4 Jacobs, K.; Moerman, I.:
Chemical role of SF6 in a SiCl4-based reactive ion
Jacobs, B.; Karouta, F.; Crane, R.; Hageman, P.R.: etching of GaN.
The scalability of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. Conference on Semiconductor and Integrated
First Workshop on GaN Electronic Devices, Ithaca, NY, OptoElectronics (SIOE99), Paper # 23, University of
16-17 August, 1999. Wales, Bangor and Cardiff, UK, 7-9 April, 1999.
EEA-1 b5 EEA-1 b5

Jacobs, B.; Karouta, F.; Kwaspen, J.J.M.; Crane, Karouta, F.; Jacobs, B.; Moerman, I.; Jacobs, K.;
R.; Hageman, P.R.; Kaufmann, L.M.F.: Weyher, J.; Porowski, S.; Crane, R.; Hageman, P.R.:
Scalability of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. Highly chemical reactive ion etching of GaN and its
Proc. 2nd STW Workshop on Semiconductor Advances influence on Schottky contacts.
for Future Electronics (SAFE 99), Mierlo, Netherlands, Materials Research Society fall Meeting, Symposium
24-25 November, 1999, pp. 205-208. W, Paper # W11.76, Boston, USA, 29 November - 3
EEA-1 b4 December, 1999.
EEA-1 b5
Janssen, G.; Roer, T.G. van de; Auer, U.; Tegude,
F.J.; Pacha, C.; Goser, K.; Glosekotter, P.; Forster, Karouta, F.; Jacobs, B.; Schon, O.; Heuken, M.:
A.; Malindretos, J.; Kelly, M.J.: Chemical and Complementary Role of Fluorine in a
Logic circuits with reduced complexity based on Chlorine Based Reactive Ion Etching of GaN.
devices with higher functionality. 3rd International Conference on Nitride
Proc. 2nd STW Workshop on Semiconductor Advances Semiconductors, Montpellier, France, 5-9 July,
for Future Electronics (SAFE 99), Mierlo, Netherlands, 1999, p. 105.
24-25 November, 1999, pp. 219-224. EEA-1 b5
EEA-1 b4
Karouta, F.; Jacobs, B.; Schon, O.; Heuken, M.:
Chemical and Complementary Role of Fluorine in a
Chlorine Based Reactive Ion Etching of GaN.
Phys. Status Solidi A 176, November, 1999, pp. 755-
EEA-1 b3

50 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electronic Devices Opto-Electronic Devices EEA OED
Programme director : Prof.Dr.-Ing. L.M.F. Kaufmann

Karouta, F.; Jacobs, B.; Vreugdewater, P.; Melick, Roer, T.G. van de; Tolstikhin, V.I.; Hoskens, R.C.P.:
N.G.H. van; Schon, O.; Protzmann, H.; Heuken, M.: Monte Carlo simulation of electron transport in a hot-
High etch rate and smooth morphology using a novel electron laser.
chemistry in reactive ion etching of GaN. 26th General Assembly of the International Union of
Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 2, nr. 5, 1999, pp. 240- Radio Science (URSI XXVI), Toronto, Canada, 13-21
241. August, 1999, p. 247.
EEA-1 b3 EEA-2 b5
Karouta, F.; Praagh, J.J.W. van; Buda, M.; Silova, M.; Smalbrugge, E.; Roy, B. van; Karouta,
Eijkemans, T.J.; Es, C.M. van; Acket, G.A.: F.:
Wavelength shift of InGaAs lasers using intermixing. Electrical characterization of InP surface damages
Conference on Semiconductor and Integrated induced by ECR dry etching.
OptoElectronics (SIOE99), Paper # 61, Cardiff, Proc. 4th Annual Symposium of the IEEE/LEOS
UK, 7-9 April, 1999. Benelux Chapter, Mons, Belgium, 15 November, 1999,
EEA-2 b5 pp. 127-130.
Karouta, F.; Tan, H.H.; Jagadish, C.; Roy, B.H. van:
EEA-2 b4 4
Vertical integration of dual wavelength index guided Silova, M.; Smalbrugge, E.; Roy, B. van; Karouta,
lasers. F.:
Electron. Lett. 35, nr. 10, 1999, pp. 815-817. InP surface damages after ECR dry etching.
EEA-2 b3 Proc. 2nd STW Workshop on Semiconductor Advances
for Future Electronics (SAFE 99), Mierlo, Netherlands,
Karouta, F.; Vreugdewater, P.; Jacobs, B.; Roy, 24-25 November, 1999, pp. 417-420.
B.H. van; Schon, O.; Protzmann, H.; Heuken, M.: EEA-2 b4
Progress in reactive ion etching of epitaxial GaN.
Proc. Conference on Optoelectronics and Steenbrink, F.W.H.J.; Smit, M.; Peters, M.G.; Gort,
Microelectronics Materials and Devices (COMMAD), W.H.; Balm, M.; Tol, J.J.G.M. van der; Riley, S.;
Perth, Australia, 14-16 December, ISBN 0-7803-4513- Radius, E.; Segers, G.:
4, 1999, pp. 171-174. On the wavelength alignment of cascaded phased-array
EEA-1 b4 demultiplexer in a transparent optical network.
Proc. 4th Annual Symposium of the IEEE/LEOS
Karouta, F.; Weyher, J.L.; Jacobs, B.; Nowak, G.; Benelux Chapter, Mons, Belgium, 15 November, 1999,
Presz, A.; Grzegory, I.; Kaufmann, L.M.F.: pp. 57-60.
Final polishing of Ga-polar GaN substrates reactive ion EEA-2 b4
J. Electron. Mater. 28, 1999, pp. 1448-1451. Tol, J.J.G.M. van der:
EEA-1 b3 An optical combiner with low loss.
Proc. 4th Annual Symposium of the IEEE/LEOS
Rapp, S.; Streubel, K.; Salomonsson, F.; Mogg, S.; Benelux Chapter, Mons, Belgium, 15 November, 1999,
Wennekes, F.; Bentell, J.; Hammar, M.: pp. 69-72.
All epitaxial, single-fused 1.55 vertical cavity laser EEA-2 b4
based on an InP Bragg reflector.
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1 38, 1999, pp. 1261-1264. Tol, J.J.G.M. van der; Haverkort, J.E.M.:
EEA-2 b3 A novel polarization based integration technique for
photonic circuits: POLIS.
Roer, T.G. van de ; Creusen, M.; Karouta, F.; Proc. 4th Annual Symposium of the IEEE/LEOS
Verschaffelt, G.; Ryvkin, B.: Benelux Chapter, Mons, Belgium, 15 November, 1999,
Intra-cavity contacted VCSELs with polarization pp. 139-142.
control. EEA-2 b4
26th General Assembly of the International Union of
Radio Science (URSI XXVI), Toronto, Canada, 13-21
August, 1999, p. 251.
EEA-2 b5

List of publications 1999 51

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electronic Devices Opto-Electronic Devices EEA OED
Programme director : Prof.Dr.-Ing. L.M.F. Kaufmann

Tol, J.J.G.M. van der; Haverkort, J.E.M.: Other products of scientific activity
POLIS: Opto-electronic integration based on
polarization. Gielkens, O.; Smalbrugge, E.; Kaufmann, L.M.F.;
Proc. 2nd STW Workshop on Semiconductor Advances Langen, A.K. van; Melloch, M.R.; Rasing, Th.;
Kempen, H. van:
for Future Electronics (SAFE 99), Mierlo, Netherlands,
24-25 November, 1999, pp. 509-514. Ultrafast scanning tunneling microscopy.
EEA-2 b4 7th Netherlands Symposium for Scanning Probe
Microscopy, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 1 November,
Verschaffelt, G.; Creusen, M.; Smalbrugge, E.; 1999.
Roer, T.G. van de; Karouta, F.; Danckaert, J.; EEA-2 g4
Veretennicoff, I.; Ryvkin, B.; Thienpont, H.; Acket,
G.A.: Karouta, F.:
Asymmetric current injection for polarization Chemical and complementary roles of SiCl4 and SF6
stabilization in vertical cavity surface emitting in Reactive Ion Etching of GaN.
lasers. Voordracht Fraunhofer Institut fur Angewandte

4 Proc. IEEE/LEOS Summer Topical Meetings, San Festkorperphysik, Freiburg, Germany, 18 March 1999.
Diego, CA, 26-30 July, 1999, pp. 47-48. EEA-1 g3
EEA-2 b4 Karouta, F.:
Verschaffelt, G.; Strijbos, R.C.; Karouta, F.; Chemical and complementary roles of SiCl4 and SF6
Smalbrugge, E.; Danckaert, J.; Roy, B.H. van; in Reactive Ion ETching of GaN.
Roer, T.G. van de; Tan, H.H.; Jagadish, C.; Voordracht University of Ulm, Germany, 15 March
Veretennicoff, I.; Ryvkin, B.; Thienpont, H.: 1999.
Asymmetric Current Injection in VCSELs for EEA-1 g3
Polarisation Control. Karouta, F.:
Proc. 4th Annual Symposium of the IEEE/LEOS Fabrication of short etched mirror GaAs-based lasers
Benelux Chapter, Mons, Belgium, 15 November, 1999, and their complex spectral behaviour.
pp. 223-226. Voordracht University of Ulm, Germany, 15 March
EEA-2 b4 1999.
EEA-1 g3
Weyher, J.L.; Zauner, A.R.A.; Brown, P.D.;
Karouta, F.; Barcz, A.; Wojdak, M.; Porowski, S.: Karouta, F.:
Growth of high quality of Ga-Polar GaN layers on The Role of SF6 in Reactive Ion Etching of GaN using
GaN substrates after novel reactive ion etching. a Chlorine Chemistry.
3rd International Conference on Nitride Voordracht in de Rheinisch-Westfalische Hochschule,
Semiconductors, Montpellier, France, 5-9 July, Aachen, Germany, 28 January 1999.
1999, p. 139. EEA-1 g3
EEA-1 b5
Silova, M.; Bruls, D.M.; Silov, A.Yu.; Koenraad,
Weyher, J.L.; Zauner, A.R.A.; Brown, P.D.; P.M.; Wolter, J.H.:
Karouta, F.; Barcz, A.; Wojdak, M.; Porowski, S.: AFM study of ECR etched InP.
Growth of High Quality, MOCVD Grown Ga-Polar Poster op 7th Netherlands Symposium for Scanning
GaN Layers on GaN Substrates after Novel Reactive Probe Microscopy, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 1
Ion Etching. November 1999.
Phys. Status Solidi A 176, 1999, pp. 573-577. EEA-2 g3
EEA-1 b3

Tol, J.J.G.M. van der; Peters, M.G.:
Duo protection link.
Patent application no. 1012568, 12 July 1999.
EEA-1 f3

52 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electronic Circuits Mixed-signal Microelectronics EEB MsM
Programme director : R.J. van de Plassche A.H.M. van Roermund

Electronic Circuits Mixed-signal Microelectronics


Annual Research Report 1999 53

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electronic Circuits Mixed-signal Microelectronics EEB MsM
Programme director : R.J. van de Plassche A.H.M. van Roermund

A/D Analog/Digital
AM Amplitude Modulation
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
BISIM Bipolar Device 2D Steady-State Simulator
CAD Computer Aided Design
CFT Centrum voor Fabricage Technologie
CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CNN Cellular Neural Network
D/A Digital/Analog
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
ERASMUS European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students
ESA European Space Agency
ESTEC European Space Research and Technology Centre
FM Frequency Modulation
IC Integrated Circuit
IMEC Interuniversitair Microelektronica Centrum
ICT Information and Communication Technology
KL Karhunen-Lo`eve
5 LEP Laboratoires Electronique Philips
EEB MESA Micro Electronics, Materials Engineering, Molecular Engineering
and Sensors and Actuators
MLP Multi-Layered Perceptron
MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
OCR Optical Character Recognition
PL Piecewise Linear
PLL Phase-Locked Loop
ProRISC Program for Research on Integrated Systems and Circuits
RF Radio Frequency
RTS Random Telegraph Signal
SI Switched Current
SPICE Simulation Program Integrated Circuits Especially
TEMPUS Trans-European Mobility Scheme for University Studies
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

54 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electronic Circuits Mixed-signal Microelectronics EEB MsM
Programme director : R.J. van de Plassche A.H.M. van Roermund

1. Full title : Electronic Circuits Mixed-signal Microelectronics

2. Subprogrammes
Till October 1999

1. Modular IC design (EEB-10)

2. Neural network design (EEB-20)
3. Analysis and design of non-linear, mixed systems (EEB-30)
4. Materials for microelectronics and noise (EEB-40)

From October 1999

5. High speed electronics in deep sub-micron processes (MsM-10)

6. Neural and non-linear electronics and technology-compatible IC design (MsM-20)
7. Modular IC design and basic analog design technologies (MsM-30)
8. Materials for microelectronics and noise (MsM-40)

4. Key words
electronics, analogue, consumer electronics, CMOS, IC, IC design, semiconductor, reliability, piecewise linear
systems, RF, optic tranceivers, neural networks, non-linear, switched capacitors, switched current, AD, DA,
crosstalk, floorplanning, deep submicron, nano electronics, noise measurement, 1/f noise, conductive adhesive,
failure analysis, BSIM3v3 model

8. Programme design in brief

The section Electronic Circuit Design is active in the area of design and analysis of (integrated) mixed-signal
electronic circuits and systems. Signals are acquired, modified, processed, stored and reproduced. Due to the
ever-increasing improvement in accuracy, speed and dynamic range, very high performance analog circuits
and analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion systems are needed. Because the digital system part is
dominating in a system on a chip, a submicron CMOS technology is used for the system implementation. The
digital implementation improves the programmability and flexibility of a system at the cost of higher performing
analog and mixed signal circuits and systems. Our activities are therefore in hardware design as well as in software
development of mixed-signal analysis and synthesis tools for simulation and analog silicon compilation.
Hence the mission statement of the group was: To combine architectural and system knowledge with signal
processing methodology and semiconductor and device physics to devise a testable system with optimal overall
properties. The group performs these tasks in different subgroups having fundamental and application aspects
yielding new circuits and system concepts and improved algorithms in prototype systems in IC form, DSP
programs and software packages.
(Recently, the mission and the programme design have been reformulated, see programme development)

8.1. Modular IC design (EEB-10)

Goal is the design and implementation of mixed signal circuits and systems with applications in the field of
information and communication technology. Aim is to realize high-speed and/or high-accuracy building blocks,
like e.g. AD and DA converters, modulators, PLLs, in sub micron CMOS technology and to cope with low power
dissipation and small die area. Currently (bandpass) sigma-delta modulators have our interest too, focused on the
design issues as well as more theoretical aspects (e.g. stability).

8.2. Neural network design (EEB-20)

Central element in this sub-programme is the design of mixed analogue/digital neural networks in CMOS
technology with emphasis on on-chip training, analogue data storage and influence of imperfections in the
electronic realisation. Focus of the research is on analogue implementation of cellular neural networks, error-
feedback propagation and weight perturbation, combining a smaller area and a higher number of updates

Annual Research Report 1999 55

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electronic Circuits Mixed-signal Microelectronics EEB MsM
Programme director : R.J. van de Plassche A.H.M. van Roermund

per second as compared to digital implementations. Applications are pursued in print-quality determination,
recognition of objects in images with special focus on recognition of handwritten and deteriorated machine
printed text.

8.3. Analysis and design of non-linear, mixed systems (EEB-30)

An important subject in this area has been the development of model descriptions and solution algorithms
for network analysis tools, e.g. (piecewise linear) simulators. Furthermore, all aspects of dynamic system
theory including bifurcation and chaos have been studied in the areas of CNNs, coupled cells and nonlinear
electrical networks in general (e.g. sigma-delta modulators, Chuas circuits). Finally, algorithms to develop silicon
compilers for mixed signal design have our interest.

8.4. Materials for microelectronics and noise (EEB-40)

All metal and semiconductor sensors and devices produce electric noise that put a limit to the detection level.
Magnetic field sensors based on NiFe magneto-resistance effect and nano particle layers and noise in III-V
compounds still have our attention. There are four types of noise in materials and devices: (i) thermal, (ii) shot,
(iii) generation recombination, and (iv) 1/f noise. Only the physical origin of 1/f noise is unknown.
The goals of the research in this programme are:
5 To find the physical origin of the 1/f noise in the materials used in microelectronics,
EEB To have a better understanding of the transformation of low frequency conductance fluctuations into phase
noise of amplifiers and oscillators,
To investigate the possibilities of 1/f noise reduction in CMOS circuits by switching techniques
To characterise noise sources in terms of SPICE parameters for modern sub micron CMOS transistors
(low power, low voltage, high speed),
To use noise as a diagnostic tool for the quality of devices. Noise studies will be used as a means to
investigate degradation in conductive adhesives.

9. Overview of academic results

9.1. Modular IC design (EEB-10)
A flash AD converter based on wave propagation has been designed in 0.5 micron CMOS technology. A detailed
study on the meta-stable state, occuring in this type of circuits, has been carried out and gave insight in the relation
between several design parameters and the performance of the system. An improved model for the quantizer
in a sigma-delta converter has been introduced. It includes phase shifts and therefore also phase uncertainty.
The improved analysis method enables the design of higher-order modulators, which have been shown to be
Some studies have been carried out to use the concept of band filtering at radio frequencies by means of
A detailed study is going on in the fundamental limits of the accuracy of DA converters. These limits are
determined by clock and amplitude errors.

9.2. Neural network design (EEB-20)

The research on general character recognition of low-quality machine printed and handwritten text was further
extended. The kernel of our approach is based on hierarchical shape analysis. Methods were found to deal with
segmentation of characters in a dynamical fashion, even in the case of broken or touching characters, which is
a serious problem in many commercially available character recognizers. Due to the time needed to incorporate
practical experiments for benchmarking and other revisions, the PhD thesis was not finished in 1999. This project
is expected to result in a PhD thesis in the spring of 2000.
In the fall of 1999 we were able to appoint a new postdoc in the framework of this sub-programme. This will
give us the opportunity to extend our research in the field of theory and applications of nonlinear systems
and neural networks. It is well known that in neural networks effects take place like bifurcations, chaos,

56 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electronic Circuits Mixed-signal Microelectronics EEB MsM
Programme director : R.J. van de Plassche A.H.M. van Roermund

solitons, etc. Research was started on dynamic neural networks and more specifically on equilibrium analysis,
stability and spatio-temporal phenomena like wave propagation, solitary waves etc. Special attention is paid to
cellular neural networks (CNNs), for which the group has a lot of experience. An autonomous CNN made of
simple dynamic cells and coupled to each other by resistors or capacitors provides a unified active medium for
generating autowaves, target waves, spiral waves etc. Although the equations describing these CNNs represent
the approximation of the nonlinear partial differential equations (PDS) describing reaction-diffusion systems,
they can exhibit new phenomena (e.g. propagation failure) that can not be obtained from their limiting PDS.
Although a lot of research is done in this area, there still are open questions connected with different structures
and different effects appear. The outcome of this research is connected with NN modeling and generating many
pattern formations and nonlinear wave phenomena from numerous disciplines, including engineering, physics,
biology, chemistry, ecology etc.
Together with the IPO center for user-system interaction, a project was defined on on-line handwriting and free-
style drawing recognition. One of the possible applications is for instance the recognition and interpretation
of a sketched circuit drawing as an input for a circuit simulator. Both at IPO as well as in our group, a
postdoc is working part-time on this project. There has been a lot of research on neural network approaches for
character recognition, but in most applications the nets are being used to the learning of identification functions.
Furthermore, there is hardly any research on free-style drawing recognition and no research on the combined
recognition of handwriting and free-style drawing. This problem is very complex and a more complex approach
needs to be developed. The system should integrate different pattern recognition methods as vector quantization
techniques (cluster methods), multi-layer neural networks, and feature extraction approaches. The results of these 5
modules could be processed by another neural network in order to obtain a higher recognition performance. The EEB
system should work in parallel mode when a high performance is required.
A start has been made with the Philips Center for Manufacturing Technology on a research project into the
application of feature vector oriented recognition of objects in images, using neural networks. This could for
instance be applied for post placement inspection of SMD circuit boards. It is expected that this approach will
be useful to check for instance the presence of components on a printed circuit board and to find the relative
component position and its outlining w.r.t. the pads an the wet solder paste.

9.3. Analysis and design of non-linear, mixed systems (EEB-30)

New techniques are investigated to analyse and solve dynamic linear complementary systems (LDCPs). Also a
general and constructive proof to obtain all solutions of linear complementary problems (LCP) in explicit form
has been developed. The proof is also the base for obtaining the explicit formulas of the solutions of LDCPs.
The research focus of an STW research project is on implementing an analog CAD system that can generate
high performance analog or mixed-signal layouts. Emerging design bottlenecks such as substrate coupling are
taken into account during placement and routing. The tools use very efficient and general techniques such as
the sequence pair representation to search the design space for a near-optimal solution. The approach performs
very well compared to conventional techniques. Advanced analog routing and sensitivity issues are still under

9.4. Materials for microelectronics and noise (EEB-40)

In cooperation with the Laboratoire de microelectronique IXL of the University Bordeaux I and Robert Bosch
a reliability assessment of polymeric conductive adhesive bonds has been carried out. The 1/f noise was used to
investigate the quality of isotropic conductive adhesive bonds. Their reliability is normally evaluated by observing
the increase in contact resistance during accelerated life tests via thermal aging. This test is time consuming and
does not give much information about the details of the onset of degradation. The 1/f noise as a diagnostic tool
is far more sensitive than contact resistance measurements only. The relative noise increase is proportional to the
reduction in the real electrical contact area to the power -5/2. The surprising result is that samples submitted to a
mechanical stress show reliability pictures similar to thermocycled samples.
In cooperation with the university Bordeaux I and ESTEC-ESA the effects of RF life-test on the low frequency
noise (excess shot noise) of GaAs power MESFETs has been investigated.

Annual Research Report 1999 57

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electronic Circuits Mixed-signal Microelectronics EEB MsM
Programme director : R.J. van de Plassche A.H.M. van Roermund

The frequency index of the 1/f noise often plays an important role in pinpointing the physical origin of 1/f -like
noise. The uncertainty in this frequency index has been calculated for Gaussian noise and additional errors caused
by the spectrum analyzer have been estimated.
The potential reduction of 1/f noise by switching the bias point is investigated in a joint STW project with
University Twente.
A critical study about the unified delta N delta mu noise models implemented in the so-called BSIM3v3 model
for the 1/f noise simulations in MOSFETs has been carried out in cooperation with IMEC. Taking into account
correct modeling of the Coulomb scattering, the BISIM3v3 model can not predict the 1/f noise in p-MOSFETs
and is not more than a fitting model. An empirical relation is proposed for the leveling off in weak inversion of
both RTS and 1/f noise.
The advantages of the transimpedance amplifiers and coherence measurements of low frequency base and
collector current noise in SiGe hetrojunction bipolar transistors has been investigated in cooperation with the
University of Uppsala.
An automated system for noise measurements on low-Ohmic samples and NiFe magnetic sensors has been
An investigation of the substrate injection of MOSFETs of a 0.25m technology has been carried out in
cooperation with Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies.

58 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electronic Circuits Mixed-signal Microelectronics EEB MsM
Programme director : R.J. van de Plassche A.H.M. van Roermund

Dissertations Doris, K.:

Flash A/D conversion using a chain of resistively
Engelen, J. van: coupled nagumo cells.
Stability analysis and design of bandpass sigma delta Proc. ProRISC 99, 10th Annual Workshop on
modulators. Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Mierlo,
Promotoren: R. van de Plassche, Netherlands, 24-26 November 1999, ISBN 90-73461-
W.M.G. van Bokhoven; copromotor: D.M.W. 18-9, ed. J.P. Veen; STW, Technology Foundation,
Leenaerts. Eindhoven, ISBN 90 386 1580 9, 1999, Utrecht, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 129-134.
pp. 1-186. EEB-10 b4
EEB-10 a1
Engelen, J. van; Plassche, R. van de:
Scientific publications, refereed Stability and design of continuous-time bandpass sigma
Bokhoven, W.M.G. van; Leenaerts, D.M.W.: delta modulars.
Explicit formulas for the solutions of piecewise linear Proc. ISCAS, International Symposium on Circuits and
networks. Systems, Orlando, FL, 1999, pp. 355-359.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Fundam. Theory Appl. 46, EEB-10 b4
nr. 9, 1999, pp. 1110-1117. Engelen, J. van; Plassche, R. van de; Stikvoort, E.;
EEB-30 b3 Venes, A.:
Bollen, M.H.J.; Graaff, R.A.A. de: A 6th order continuous-time bandpass modular for
Behavior of AC and DC drives during voltage sags with
phase-angle jump and three-phase unbalance.
digital radio 1F.
Proc. IEEE International solid state circuits
Proc. IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter meeting conference, San Francisco, CA, June 1999, pp. 56-57.
1999, New York, NY, 3 January - 4 February 1999, EEB-10 b4
pp. 1225-1230. Engelen, J. van; Plassche, R. van de; Stikvoort, E.;
EEB-40 b4 Venes, A.:
Briaire, J.; Krisch, K.S.: A th order continuous time bandpass sigma delta
Substrate injection and crosstalk in CMOS circuits. modulator for digital radio IF.
Proc. IEEE 1999 Custom integrated circuits IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits 34, nr. 12, 1999, pp. 1753-
conference, San Diego, CA, 16-19 May 1999, 1764.
pp. 483-486. EEB-10 b3
EEB-40 b4 Jones, B.K.; Kiss, L.B.; Vandamme, L.K.J.:
Briaire, J.; Vandamme, L.K.J.: Comments on variation of the exponent of flicker noise
Errors in the uncertainty of 1/f noise due to the in MOSFETs.
spectrum analyzer. Solid-State Electron. 43, 1999, pp. 815-817.
Proc. 15th International conference on noise in EEB-40 b3
physical systems and 1/f fluctuations, Hong Kong, 23- Jonker, R.J.W.; Briaire, J.; Vandamme, L.K.J.:
26 August 1999, pp. 435-438. Automated system for noise-measurements on low-
EEB-40 b4 ohmic samples and magnetic sensors.
Bruce, S.P.O.; Vandamme, L.K.J.; Rydberg, A.: IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 48, nr. 3, 1999, pp. 730-
Measurement of low-frequency base and collector 735.
current noise and coherence in SiGe heterojunction EEB-40 b3
bipolar transistors using transimpedance amplifiers. Khan, N.A.; Hegt, J.A.:
IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices 46, nr. 5, 1999, pp. 993- Automated resolving of ambiguities in character
1000. classification.
EEB-40 b3 Proc. International conference on computational
Chen, X.Y.; Salm, C.; Hooge, F.N.; Woerlee, P.H.: intelligence for modelling control and automation
1/f noise in polycrystalline SiGe analyzed in terms of CIMCA99, Vienna, Austria, 17-19 February 1999,
mobility fluctuations. pp. 152-157.
Solid-State Electron. 43, 1999, pp. 1715-1724. EEB-20 b4
EEB-40 b3

List of publications 1999 59

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electronic Circuits Mixed-signal Microelectronics EEB MsM
Programme director : R.J. van de Plassche A.H.M. van Roermund

Khan, N.A.; Hegt, J.A.: Lin, C.:

Recognition of real-life character samples using a A more efficient sequence pair perturbation scheme.
structural variation and degradation model. Proc. ProRISC 99, 10th Annual Workshop on
Proc. Fifth international conference on document Circuits, Systems and Signal processing, Mierlo,
analysis and recognition, Bangalore, India, 20-22 Netherlands, 24-26 November 1999, ISBN 90-73461-
September 1999, pp. 1-4. 18-9, ed. J.P. Veen; STW, Technology Foundation,
EEB-20 b4 Utrecht, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 295-300.
EEB-10 b4
Leenaerts, D.M.W.:
A new concept for flash AD conversion. Mladenov, V.M.; Leenaerts, D.M.W.:
Proc. ISCAS, International Symposium on Circuits and Estimation of the basin of attractions of stable
Systems, Orlando, FL, 1999, pp. 124-127. equilibrium points in full range cellular neural
EEB-10 b4 networks.
Proc. Third international multiconference on circuits,
Leenaerts, D.M.W.: systems, computers and communication CSCC99,
Data processing based on wave propagation. Athens, Greece, 1999, pp. 2771-2774.
Int. J. Circuit Theory Appl. 27, 1999, pp. 633-645. EEB-30 b4
EEB-10 b3
Mladenov, V.M.; Mastorakis, N.:
Leenaerts, D.M.W.: Design of 2-dimensional recursive filters by using
On flash AD conversion.
5 Proc. SCS99, Iasi, 1999, pp. 37-40.
neural networks.
Proc. Third international multiconference on circuits,
EEB EEB-10 b4 systems, computers and communication CSCC99,
Leenaerts, D.M.W.: Athens, Greece, 1999, pp. 1061-1069.
On linear complementarity systems. EEB-20 b4
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Fundam. Theory Appl. 46, Rouw, E.R.; Haar, R. van de; Roermund, A.H.M.
1999, pp. 1022-1026. van; Klunder, R.; Hoekstra, J.:
EEB-10 b3 Neural nets using SET technology.
Leenaerts, D.M.W.: Proc. ProRISC 99, 10th Annual Workshop on
Symbolic analysis of large signals systems. Cirucits, Systems and Signal Processing, Mierlo,
Proc. ISCAS, International Symposium on Circuits and Netherlands, 24-26 November 1999, ISBN 90-73461-
Systems, Orlando, FL, 1999, pp. VI-5-8. 18-9, ed. J.P. Veen; STW, Technology Foundation,
EEB-10 b4 Utrecht, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 685-690.
EEB-20 b4
Leenaerts, D.M.W.; Doris, K.:
Data processing using nonlinear wave propagation: the Saysset-Malbert, N.; Lambert, B.; Maneux, N.C.;
meta-stable state. Labat, N.; Touboul, A.; Danto, Y.; Vandamme,
Proc. International symposium on non linear theory L.K.J.; Huguet, P.; Auxemery, P.; Garat, F.:
and its applications, NOLTA99, Hawaii, USA, 28 Effects of RF life-test on LF electrical parameters of
November - 2 December 1999, pp. 637-640. GaAs power MESFETs.
EEB-10 b4 Microelectron. Reliab. 39, 1999, pp. 1061-1066.
EEB-40 b3
Leenaerts, D.M.W.; Engelen, J.A.E.P. van; Plassche,
R. van de: Saysset-Malbert, N.; Lambert, B.; Maneux, N.C.;
On stability issues of lowpass sigma delta modulators. Labat, N.; Touboul, A.; Danto, Y.; Vandamme,
Proc. ECCTD99, Stresa, 1999, pp. 389-392. L.K.J.; Huguet, P.; Auxemery, P.; Garat, F.:
EEB-10 b4 Effects of RF life-test on LF electrical parameters of
GaAs power MESFETs.
10th European symposium on reliability of electron
devices failure physics and analysis (ESREF)99,
Microelectron. Reliab. 39, Arcachon, France, 1999,
pp. 1061-1066.
EEB-40 b5

60 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electronic Circuits Mixed-signal Microelectronics EEB MsM
Programme director : R.J. van de Plassche A.H.M. van Roermund

Vandamme, E.P.; Schreurs, D.; Nauwelaers, B.; Scientific publications, non-refereed

Dinther, C. van; Badenes, G.; Deferm, L.:
Reliable extraction of RF figures-of-merit for Khan, N.A.; Hegt, J.A.:
MOSFETs. A robust scheme for fast selection of candidate classes
Proc. 29th European solid-state device research for character recognition.
conference ESSDERC99, Leuven, Belgium, 1999, Proceedings of the international conference on
pp. 660-663. computational intelligence for modelling control
EEB-40 b4 and automation CIMCA99, Vienna, Austria, 17-19
February 1999, pp. 170-175.
Vandamme, E.P.; Vandamme, L.K.J.: EEB-20 c4
Unsolved problems on 1/f noise in MOSFETs and
possible solutions. Leenaerts, D.M.W.:
Proc. 2nd International conference on: Unsolved Piecewise-linear techniques.
problems of noise and fluctuations (UPoN99), Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics
Adelaide, Australia, 11-15 July 1999, pp. 481-486. Engineering, Vol. 16, ed. J.G. Webster, 1999, pp. 456-
EEB-40 b4 467.
EEB-30 c2
Vandamme, L.K.J.:
Comments on Normal and anomalous behaviour of the Professional publications
RTS noise amplitude in forward biased in InGaAs/InP Otten, R.; Jong, L.P. de; Roermund, A.H.M. van:
Solid-State Electron. 43, 1999, pp. 691-692.
Low-power wireless infrared communications.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1999, pp. 1-159.
EEB-40 b3 EEB-10 d1
Vandamme, L.K.J.; Kiss, L.B.; Stoelinga, O.L.J.: Roermund, A.H.M. van; Quinn, P.J.:
Anomalous behaviour of the current noise in long- Schakelingen met geschakelde capaciteiten en stromen
narrow-channel mosfets and its interpretation. (G0600).
Solid-State Electron. 43, 1999, pp. 697-700. Handboek elektrotechniek, ISBN 90 6500 398 3;
EEB-40 b3 Samson, Alphen aan den Rijn, 1999, pp. 1-45.
Vandamme, L.K.J.; Perichaud, M.G.; Noguera, E.; EEB-10 d2
Danto, Y.; Behner, U.: Westra, J.R.; Verhoeven, C.J.M.; Roermund,
1/f Noise as a diagnostic tool to investigate the quality A.H.M. van:
of isotropic conductive adhesive bonds. Oscillators ans oscillator systems: classification,
IEEE Trans. Compon. Packag. Technol. 22, 1999, analysis and synthesis.
pp. 446-454. ISBN 0-7923-8652-3; Kluwer Academic Publishers,
EEB-40 b3 Boston, 1999, pp. 1-282.
Vandamme, L.K.J.; Perichaud, M.G.; Noguera, E.; EEB-10 d1
Danto, Y.; Behner, U.:
1/f Noise in conductive adhesive bonds under
mechanical stress as a sensitive and fast diagnostic tool
for reliability assessment.
10th European symposium on Reliability of electron
devices, failure physics and analysis, Bordeaux,
France, 5-8 October 1999; Microelectron. Reliab. 39,
1999, pp. 1089-1094.
EEB-40 b5

List of publications 1999 61

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electronic Circuits Mixed-signal Microelectronics EEB MsM
Programme director : R.J. van de Plassche A.H.M. van Roermund


62 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electromagnetics EM
Programme director : Prof.dr. A.G. Tijhuis



Annual Research Report 1999 63

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electromagnetics EM
Programme director : Prof.dr. A.G. Tijhuis

CGFFT Conjugate-Gradient Fast Fourier Transform
EFIE Electric-Field Integral Equation
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
ELF Extreme Low Frequency
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
FDFD Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain
FDTD Finite Difference Time Domain
HEMT High Electron Mobility Transistor
MFIE Magnetic-Field Integral Equation
NFRA Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy
SAI Stan Ackermans Institute
SKA Square Kilometer Array


64 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electromagnetics EM
Programme director : Prof.dr. A.G. Tijhuis

1. Full title : Electromagnetics

2. Subprogrammes
In view of the synergy between the various postdoctoral and Ph.D. research projects, we no longer identify
subprogrammes. Instead, we distinguish four central themes. Each project can be identified with one of these
themes, but contains elements from other ones as well. These themes are

efficient field modelling

optimisation for detection and design
wave-guiding structures
antennas and antenna arrays

4. Key words
electromagnetics, computational techniques, optimisation and design, direct and inverse scattering, antennas,
antenna arrays, wave-guiding structures, optical fibres

8. Programme design in brief

In the Electromagnetics chair, the behaviour of electromagnetic fields in a wide range of configurations is
investigated. These configurations are becoming increasingly more complicated, so that the fields are usually
analysed with the aid of computational techniques. Alternatively, idealized (canonical) models are studied,
or approximate analytical methods are used. Applications typically originate from electrical engineering: we
mention in particular antennas, wave-guiding structures, direct and inverse scattering problems, EMC/EMI and 6
bio-electromagnetics. This gives the group a unique position in the faculty and in the Dutch scientific community.
We carry out both curiosity-driven, fundamental research, primarily with university means, and society-driven,
applied research with strategic partners from TUE, national research institutions and industry. There exists a
strong cross-pollination between both types of work. In collaborations, we focus on the field analysis, while
the system aspects are more the contribution of the partner. A specific long-term goal is the development of
procedures to match a parameterized configuration to engineering specifications (the design problem) or field
measurements (the detection problem).
The group maintains a close collaboration with the TNO Physics and Electronics Laboratory; in this context,
A.P.M. Zwamborn is being made available as a part-time professor. A similar collaboration is being established
with the Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy (ASTRON/NFRA), in particular to preserve and
enhance our tradition of electromagnetic research in the design of antennas and antenna arrays. This has led to
the appointment of A.B. Smolders as part-time associate professor in December, 1999. Both collaborations
contribute to our fundamental research as well as to the translation of the resulting ideas into practice. A special
policy of the group is to work in an international context. To this end, we disseminate results in international
conferences and journals, and we try to exchange researchers and Ph.D. students with universities across the
world. In the past five years, we have hosted colleagues from Granada, Paris, Stockholm, Tel Aviv and Torino,
and visited the universities of Amherst, Delaware, Granada, Tel Aviv.
The period under review was one of transition. Based on an informal market review carried out in 1998, it
was decided to gradually shift the focus of our research towards design-oriented electromagnetics. The ongoing
Ph.D. projects are compatible with this choice, which is partially driven by societal demands, and partially by
our results in computational electromagnetics. Elements of our strategy are the use of iterative techniques and
extrapolation to solve field problems in configurations with a varying physical parameter, advanced nonlinear
optimisation techniques, and a parsimonious parameterisation of the configuration. Experience is available from
our research in inverse profiling and antenna design. The first test case is the design of patch and array antennas
with given radiation properties. Further, we intend to concentrate on transient fields. Our design strategy and our
time-domain modelling can also be used in the context of our research on wave-guiding structures, which is being
extended to optical waveguides. Finally, we aim to apply our ideas in the design of high-Q integrated circuits in a
collaboration with Philips Research. To realize these intentions, three postdoctoral projects were started in 1999.

Annual Research Report 1999 65

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electromagnetics EM
Programme director : Prof.dr. A.G. Tijhuis

In the review period, the research programme has been hampered by the circumstance that the programme director
had to undergo major lung surgery. As a consequence, his participation in the groups activities was reduced
considerably during the first eight months of the year.

9. Overview of academic results

As mentioned above, four central themes can be identified in our research.

Efficient Field Modeling

In recent years, the group has built up unique experience in combining iterative techniques and extrapolation
to solve electromagnetic-field problems with a varying physical parameter. In the Ph.D. research project of ir.
M.C. van Beurden, the limitations of this idea are being investigated. Thus far, the Laplace-domain electric-field
integral equation for a flat plate was transformed into a Hallen-type of equation, which has been discretized
in two ways and solved by means of the conjugate-gradient-FFT method. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of
the discretized system were studied to see if any spurious modes were present. The marching-on-in-anything
method was implemented for frequency, angle of incidence and dimension and was shown to be effective. Also, a
Frechet-derivative with respect to the dimension of the plate was derived and numerically implemented. Together
with a student, a first attempt was made toward a finite-difference-frequency-domain (FDFD) formulation of the
field in a parallel-plate waveguide with an object inside.
The Ph.D. project of drs. J.G.A. van Riswick focuses on time domain integral-equation techniques in
electromagnetic scattering. These techniques are being applied to the direct-scattering problem for arbitrarily
shaped perfectly conducting objects. In a first example, a Hallen-type integral equation was derived for flat-plate
6 geometries, by starting from the electric field integral equation (EFIE). The equation was used to construct a time
marching scheme for solving the currents on a rectangular plate excited by a pulsed incident field. The resulting
scheme was stabilized using a multi-time-step smoothing technique. The stability of the scheme will be further
investigated using other techniques.
In collaboration with the University of Granada, the interaction between straight thin-wire antennas and plane-
stratified media has been investigated during a number of years. This is one of the most simple configurations
that exhibits coupling between antennas and a surrounding medium. The analysis also gives insight in practical
applications such as ground-penetrating radar. For two properly loaded wires over a stratified half-space, the
properties of a layered half-space can be identified directly in the current on the receiving antenna. With financial
support from the University Fund Eindhoven, dr. A. Rubio Bretones was able to visit the group for a period of
two months. During that time, the work carried out in previous years was written up, as well as an application of
one of the underlying algorithms to the design of an airgap in a microstrip-like antenna. Since 1997, ir. S.H.J.A.
Vossen is being funded by a four-year grant from TNO, to extend this research to the detection of buried objects
with actual antennas. In 1999, he extended the existing software to the case of buried wires, and demonstrated
the feasibility of pulse shaping to compensate for ringing effects at the wire antennas.

Optimization for Detection and Design

The group has considerable experience in inverse profiling. In previous years, linearized and nonlinear schemes
were applied to reconstruct a two-dimensional permittivity distribution in a homogeneous environment from field
values on a circular contour around, or a straight line above the object at multiple frequencies. All techniques
are based upon integral representations for the scattered field. Insight was obtained in the fundamental aspects
of the reconstruction procedures (resolution, dynamic range) and an efficient numerical implementation was
devised for the solution of the underlying forward problem. In 1999, an embedding technique was developed and
implemented in an M.Sc. Thesis. This technique uses the forward modelling mentioned above, and will allow us
to analyse objects in a more general environment.
In February, A.I.M. Franchois joined the group, initially for a period of four years. Continuing the work
described in the previous paragraph, she will combine the available inversion methods with the embedding
approach. In addition, the possibility of using more advanced optimization methods will be investigated. Based on
that experience, the available experience in iterative techniques and nonlinear optimization will then be applied

66 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electromagnetics EM
Programme director : Prof.dr. A.G. Tijhuis

to the synthesis of antennas and optical waveguides. This will lead to synergy with the projects of ir. M.C. van
Beurden and dr. M. Bingle.

Wave-guiding Structures
The analysis of pulsed electromagnetic fields in wave-guiding configurations was initiated in 1996 because of
an increasing interest from several areas of Electrical Engineering. The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts
and Sciences (KNAW) is sponsoring this project by means of a research fellowship of B.P. de Hon. An
application to extend the project for two years was granted in 1999. The aim of our research is to develop time-
domain-modelling methods to analyse and test wave-guiding structures on a wide range of length scales like
microstrip and optical wave-guides, high-voltage cables and antenna feed networks. Due to the variety of possible
structures, it is imperative that a systematic and versatile forward modelling method (or a collection of methods)
be developed. In view of the complexity of the problems at hand, it seems prudent to employ a modular approach,
which should include field excitation and reception, propagation and scattering.
The research in collaboration with prof.dr. E. Heyman from Tel-Aviv University and prof.dr. L.B. Felsen from
Boston University has continued in 1999. The new formalism for describing pulsed fields in waveguides in terms
of time-domain modes has been extended, to include a hybrid ray-mode field description. Error analyses based
on the asymptotic expansion and on energy considerations were carried out.
The project in collaboration with Plasma Optical Fibre (POF), regarding a theoretical model to assess the
dispersion effects in circularly symmetric multi-mode optical fibres, has produced spin-off. In February, dr. M.
Bingle has started a research project concerning dispersion management in single-mode fibres, jointly funded
by Plasma Optical Fibre, the University Post-Doc Fund and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Dr. Bingle
has incorporated material dispersion based on the concentration of Germanium and Fluorine dopants into the
model. Observable physical quantities, such as the mode-field diameter in both the near- and far-field regimes 6
have also been modelled. Further, a highly efficient mode-counting procedure for arbitrary azimuthal indices has EM
been developed, which is instrumental in the determination of propagation coefficients and cut-off frequencies.
To proceed, a few more observable physical quantities will be added to the model, after which the project will
enter the nonlinear optimisation stage, in which a cost function based on a suitably chosen set of observable
quantities will be minimised to yield an optimal fibre profile.
In close collaboration with prof. R. Orta and O. Peverini, from Politecnico de Torino two novel fast and highly
accurate techniques have been developed for the determination of propagation coefficients in optical fibres. The
first method comprises a novel spectral iterative technique originally intended for microstrip structures. The
second method is based on so-called spectral elements. Both methods have been implemented sucessfully.
In February 1999, dr. Lundstedt from KTH Stockholm paid a short visit to the group. From April 1997 to March
1998, he was a postdoctoral researcher with partial support from COBRA (75%) and STW (25%). During that
time, he extended inversion techniques developed at KTH for one-dimensional configurations so that they could
be applied to the characterisation of HEMT devices. The algorithms were successfully applied to determine
transmission line parameters from measurements carried out in the Electronic Devices group. During this second
visit, publications on the fundamental aspects and the particular application were almost completed.
In the Ph.D. research project of ir. S. Hulshof, the coupling of electromagnetic waves into and out of a closed
waveguiding structure is being investigated. To this end, the canonical problem of the excitation of a parallel-plate
waveguide by the inner conductor of a coaxial cable is being analysed. The basic element for the computational
description of this problem is a new thin-wire integral equation for the total current along the conductor. This
equation is solved by a combination of the CGFFT method and our special extrapolation procedure. Once the
current has been obtained, the field in between the plates can be computed as a superposition of the response of
image sources corresponding to successive reflections at the plates or as a modal expansion. The algorithm has
been now implemented successfully and the first chapters of the thesis are under way.

Antennas and Antenna Arrays

An invited review presentation was prepared for the General Assembly of URSI of previous work by our students,
in which the transient excitation of a thin-wire segment in a homogeneous medium was considered. Thin wires

Annual Research Report 1999 67

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electromagnetics EM
Programme director : Prof.dr. A.G. Tijhuis

are perhaps the most simple objects that are capable of radiating, receiving and scattering electromagnetic waves,
and are used in a wide range of applications such as mobile communication, ground-penetrating radar and the
design of synthetic media and synthetic radar targets (chaff). Topics considered were the derivation of the integral
equation, the assumption of a delta-gap voltage, finite conductivity, dispersive and/or lossy surrounding media,
coupling, and the effect of curvature. Particular attention was devoted to the development of an approximate
description of the current and the scattered field in terms of waves travelling along the wire; this description
is suitable for analysing multiple scattering effects. Finally, the coupling between a wire antenna of finite
conductivity and an electromagnetic model of a human body that was available at TNO was discussed.
In 1999, the fundamental knowledge from the work described above was used to develop a design tool for
induction loops that generate audio signals for the hearing impaired. In an M.Sc. Thesis, the interaction between
such an induction loop and a wire grid for the reinforcement of concrete structures was measured and modeled.
From a theoretical point of view, the challenge was to design a reliable model for lossy thin-wire loops at low
frequencies. This model was matched to experimental data obtained in collaboration with dr. A.P.J. van Deursen
of the chair Electrical Power Systems.
The postgraduate programme of ir. B. Dunnebier was completed successfully. A method for analysing microstrip
array antennas consisting of square loop antennas with twin leads was devised and implemented numerically.
The program is capable of evaluating various antenna parameters that are of interest for the design of new radar
systems. A first generalization to finite arrays, in which the special behaviour of the edge elements is disregarded,
was proposed and implemented.
In June 1999, dr. C. Craeye started postdoctoral research into wide-band phased-array antennas. This project
is funded by ASTRON/NFRA, the University Post-Doc Fund and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. This
research is related to the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) project, which aims at developing a new concept for
a 1 km2 radio-telescope. The concept under study at NFRA consists of a phased array, made of a very large
6 number (in the order of 108 ) of protruding tapered-slot antennas placed on a ground plane. The array should
EM enable broad-band operation, and the strong coupling effects between antennas have to be considered explicitly.
After a literature survey, a number of array configurations have been compared and new ones have been proposed.
Some novel sparse-array configurations with a quasi-random distribution of the array elements were proposed.
They can be used over a wide frequency band of one decade without the appearance of grating lobes. As for
the coupling effects, a significant computational acceleration has been introduced in the infinite-array software
developed at TUE. A stay of three months at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst provided experience
with existing antenna modelling software. As a result, new procedures for the calculation of finite array effects,
based on infinite array data, are under development.

68 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electromagnetics EM
Programme director : Prof.dr. A.G. Tijhuis

Scientific publications, refereed Dean, J.; Franchois, A.; Fortuny, J.; Tarchi, D.;
Nesti, G.; Hosgood, B.; Andreoli, G.; Sieber, A.:
Arts, M.J.; Smolders, A.B.: Multi sensor signature measurements at the JRC.
A vertically oriented bow-tie antenna as a demonstrator Proc. Mine99 Euroconference, Florence, Italy, 1-3
for the square kilometer array. October 1999, p. 97.
Proc. IEEE/NERG Conference on Perspectives on EM b5
Radio Astronomy, Dwingeloo, Netherlands, 12-14
April 1999, ISBN 90-805434-2-X, 1999, pp. 99-102. Dolmans, G.:
EM b4 Adaptive mobile antenna system for wireless
Arts, M.J.; Smolders, A.B.: Proc. IEEE/NERG Conference on Perspectives on
Design and construction of an array of vertical oriented Radio Astronomy, Dwingeloo, Netherlands, 12-14
bow-tie antennas for a new generation of radio April 1999, ISBN 90-805434-2-X, 1999, pp. 335-340.
telescopes. EM b4
Proc. 29th IEE European Microwave Conference,
Munich, Germany, 5-7 October 1999, ISBN 086213- Dolmans, G.; Leyten, L.:
1529, 1999, pp. 259-262. Effect of delay-spread and fading on the performance
EM b4 of an adaptive dual-antenna handset.
Proc. IEEE 50th Vehicular Technology Conference,
Beurden, M.C. van; Jeuken, M.E.J.; Smolders, A.B.: Amsterdam, Netherlands, 19-22 September 1999,
Design of wide-band phased array antennas. pp. 77-81.
Proc. IEEE/NERG Conference on Perspectives on EM b4
Radio Astronomy, Dwingeloo, Netherlands, 12-14
April 1999, ISBN 90-805434-2-X, 1999, pp. 351-356. Dolmans, G.; Leyten, L.:
EM b4 Performance study of an adaptive dual antenna handset
Bingle, M.; Cloete, J.H.; Davidson, D.B.:
for indoor communications.
IEE Proc., Microw. Antennas Propag. 146, nr. 2, 1999,
Chirality: not a geometrical requirement for enhanced pp. 138-144. EM
microwave absorption. EM b3
Proc. XXVIth General Assembly of URSI, Toronto,
Canada, 13-21 August 1999, p. 187. Hampson, G.A.; Kant, G.W.; Smolders, A.B.:
EM b4 Hierarchical beamforming aspects of OSMA.
Proc. 5th International Symposium on Signal
Cloete, J.H.; Bingle, M.; Davidson, D.B.: Processing and its Applications, Brisbane, Australia,
The role of chirality in synthetic microwave absorbers 22-27 August 1999.
(invited). EM b4
Proc. International Conference on Electromagnetics in
Advanced Applications (ICEAA99), Torino, Italy, 13-17 Hampson, G.A.; Smolders, A.B.; Joseph, A.;
September 1999, pp. 55-58. Heuting, H.; Doorduin, A.; Dijkstra, K.:
EM b4 One square metre of a million.
Proc. 29th IEE European Microwave Conference,
Craeye, C.; Sobieski, P.W.; Bliven, L.F.: Munich, Germany, 5-7 October 1999, ISBN 086213-
Ring-waves generated by water drops impacting on 1529, 1999, pp. 111-114.
water surfaces at rest. EM b4
IEEE J. Ocean. Eng. 24, nr. 3, 1999, pp. 323-332.
EM b3 Hampson, G.A.; Wild, R. de; Smolders, A.B.:
Efficient multi-beaming for the next generation of
Craeye, C.; Sobiesky, P.W.; Bliven, L.F.: radio-telescopes.
Radar signature of the sea surface perturbed by rain. Proc. IEEE/NERG Conference on Perspectives on
Proc. IEEE 1999 International Geoscience and Remote Radio Astronomy, Dwingeloo, Netherlands, 12-14
Sensing Symposium, Hamburg, Germany, 28 June - 2 April 1999, ISBN 90-805434-2-X, 1999, pp. 269-280.
July 1999, ISBN 0-7803-5207-6, 1999, pp. 206-208. EM b4
EM b4

List of publications 1999 69

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electromagnetics EM
Programme director : Prof.dr. A.G. Tijhuis

Hon, B.P. de; Heyman, E.; Felsen, L.B.: Smolders, A.B.; Hampson, G.A.:
A time-domain-spectral-mode representation for short- A fast and accurate scheme for calibration of active
pulse wavefields in waveguides (invited). phased-array antennas.
Proc. XXVIth General Assembly of URSI, Toronto, Proc. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium,
Canada, 13-21 August 1999, p. 113. Orlando, FL, 11-16 July 1999, ISBN 0-7803-5639-X,
EM b5 1999, pp. 1040-1043.
EM b4
Hon, B.P. de; Heyman, E.; Felsen, L.B.:
Spectral alternatives for the synthesis of short-pulse Sobieski, P.W.; Bliven, L.F.; Craeye, C.:
waveguides. Effects of rain on the scattering coefficient of the sea
Ultra-wideband, short-pulse electromagnetics IV, surface.
ISBN 0-306-46206-0, ed. E. Heyman, B. Mandelbaum, Proc. XXVIth General Assembly of URSI, Toronto,
and J. Shiloh; Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, Canada, 13-21 August 1999, p. 394.
New York, NY, 1999, pp. 289-299. EM b5
EM b2
Sobieski, P.W.; Craeye, C.; Bliven, L.F.:
Hon, B.P. de; Peverini, O.A.; Orta, R.: Scatterometric signatures of multivariate drop impacts
Accurate methods for the modal propagation of ultra- on fresh and salt water surfaces.
wideband graded-index fibres (invited). Int. J. Remote Sens. 20, nr. 11, 1999, pp. 2149-2166.
Proc. International Conference on Electromagnetics in EM b3
Advanced Applications (ICEAA99), Torino, Italy, 13-17
September 1999, pp. 493-496. Tijhuis, A.G.:
EM b4 Pulsed wire antennas and their coupling to large
structures (invited).
Leeuwen, G.M.J. van; Lagendijk, J.J.W.; Leersum, Proc. XXVIth General Assembly of URSI, Toronto,
6 B.J.A.M. van; Zwamborn, A.P.M.; Hornsleth, S.N.; Canada, 13-21 August 1999, p. 704.
Kotte, A.N.T.J.: EM b5
Calculation of change in brain temperatures due to
exposure to a mobile phone. Tijhuis, A.G.; Belkebir, K.; Litman, A.:
Phys. Med. Biol. 44, 1999, pp. 2367-2379. Inverse profiling methods based on fast forward
EM b3 modeling (invited).
Proc. XXVIth General Assembly of URSI, Toronto,
Olyslager, F.; Fortuny-Guasch, J.; Franchois, A.; Canada, 13-21 August 1999, p. 118.
Nesti, G.; Sieber, A.J.: EM b5
Numerical and measurement based study of the
resonance frequency technique to detect anti-personnel Tijhuis, A.G.; Litman, A.C.S.:
mines. Linear and nonlinear reconstruction of two-
Ultra-wideband, short-pulse electromagnetics IV, dimensional dielectric objects (invited).
ISBN 0-306-46206-0, ed. E. Heyman, B. Mandelbaum, Proc. PIEMA 99, the 4rd International Workshop on
and J. Shiloh; Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press, New Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism and Acoustics,
York, NY, 1999, pp. 417-424. Clermont-Ferrand, France, 3-5 May 1999, pp. 1-6.
EM b2 EM b4

Smolders, A.B.: Wild, R. de; Hampson, G.A.; Doorduin, A.;

RF nulling schemes for the next generation radio Smolders, A.B.:
telescopes. The OSMA adaptive beamformer.
Proc. XXVIth General Assembly of URSI, Toronto, Proc. ProRISC 99, 10th Annual Workshop on
Canada, 13-21 August 1999, p. 826. Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Mierlo,
EM b5 Netherlands, 25-26 November 1999, ISBN 90-73461-
18-9, ed. J.P. Veen; STW, Technology Foundation,
Utrecht, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 94-95.
EM b4

70 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electromagnetics EM
Programme director : Prof.dr. A.G. Tijhuis

Scientific publications, non-refereed

Dunnebier, B.:
Large microstrip phased array antennas.
SAI Report, 99.003, ISBN 90-5282-987-X; TUE-SAI,
Eindhoven, 1999, pp. 1-99.
EM c7

Professional publications
Beurden, M.C. van; Smolders, A.B.; Jeuken, M.E.J.:
Design of wide-band phased array antennas.
Tijdschr. Ned. Elektron.- & Radiogenoot. 64, nr. 2,
1999, pp. 64-70.
EM d3
Dolmans, G.:
An adaptive mobile antenna system for wireless
Tijdschr. Ned. Elektron.- & Radiogenoot. 64, nr. 4,
1999, pp. 49-54.
EM d3
Lepelaars, E.S.A.M.; Tijhuis, A.G.; Ooijen, W.D.R.
A feasibility study to detect defects in artificial heart
Tijdschr. Ned. Elektron.- & Radiogenoot. 64, nr. 4,
1999, pp. 151-161.
EM d3
Zwamborn, A.P.M.:
Elektromagnetische effecten, symbiose tussen feit en
Tijdschr. Ned. Elektron.- & Radiogenoot. 64, nr. 4,
1999, pp. 135-149.
EM d3

Other publications
Zwamborn, A.P.M.:
Elektromagnetische effecten, symbiose tussen feit en
Intreerede, TUE, Eindhoven, 11 June 1999, pp. 1-32.
EM e5

Other products of scientific activity

Lobeek, J.W.:
Analysis of finite phased array antennas including a
non-ideal feed network and mutual coupling.
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, EM-2-99, June 1999,
pp. 1-84.
EM g1

List of publications 1999 71

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electromagnetics EM
Programme director : Prof.dr. A.G. Tijhuis


72 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electromechanics and Power Electronics EMV EPE
Programme director : A.J.A. Vandenput

Electromechanics and Power Electronics


Annual Research Report 1999 73

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electromechanics and Power Electronics EMV EPE
Programme director : A.J.A. Vandenput

AC Alternating Current
AFPM Axial-Flux Permanent-Magnet
BTS Bedrijfsgerichte Technologische Samenwerking Company-oriented Technological
CFT Centrum voor Fabricage Technologie Centre for Manufacturing Technology
CoCoMeL Computer Controlled Mechatronic Load
DC Direct Current
DSP Digital Signal Processor
ECN Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland Energy Centre Netherlands
EMVT Elektro Magnetische Vermogens Techniek ElektroMagnetic Power Technique
EPE European Power Electronics
EU European Union
EUT Eindhoven University of Technology
GTD Gemeenschappelijke Technische Dienst Common Technical Services
IAS Industry Applications Society
ICEM International Conference on Electric Machines
ICT Information and Communication Technolgy
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
KM Koninklijke Marine Royal Navy
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MTD Master of Technological Design
NOVEM Nederlandse Onderneming voor Energie en Milieu Netherlands Organisation For Energy and
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
PESC Power Electronics Specialists Conference
PMS Philips Medical Systems
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
Stan Ackermans Institute
Stichting Technische Wetenschappen Foundation Technical Sciences
UFE Universiteits Fonds Eindhoven University Foundation Eindhoven
ULEV-TAP Ultra Light Electric Vehicle-Transport using Advanced Propulsion

74 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electromechanics and Power Electronics EMV EPE
Programme director : A.J.A. Vandenput

1. Full title : Electromechanics and Power Electronics

4. Key words
electric machines and actuators, power electronics, electric servo drives, mini- and micro- machines, (rare-earth)
permanent magnets, low-power electronics, motion control, modelling, design and real-time simulation

8. Programme design in brief

Long-term perspectives
In recent years the development of the energy conversion technology has become increasingly dynamic. Driving
forces behind this development are of societal and technological nature. The reduction of losses, noise and
vibration levels in components and systems and of other negative environmental influences, are a centre of
public interest. Advances in the fields of materials engineering, of information and communication technology
and of computer hardware and software, create new possibilities in calculation, simulation, design, control and
monitoring of future (and in some respects of existing) energy conversion systems.
Our chair contributes to this expansive field of energy conversion technology with research in its basic
electro-technical disciplines electromechanics and power electronics and the application of both in the multi-
disciplinary (electrotechnical and mechanical) field of conversion systems. For the selection of research subjects
we have taken into consideration primarily our own competences and interests; in addition, we have attached
much importance to the research profiles of our colleagues ouside the EUT and to the needs of industry.
For electromechanics we decided to focus on electric machines and actuators, both rotating and linear, in the low
and high power range, with permanent-magnet excitation. In our research we aim at maximising power density
and efficiency of such machines and actuators, taking into account electric, magnetic, thermal and mechanic
For power electronics we aim at the conversion of AC and DC electric power, with high flexibility, efficiency
and especially high power quality. Therefore, we apply state-of-the-art semiconductor devices in original circuit
topologies (mainly voltage source inverters) with optimised components and novel hybrid control.
Since energy conversion systems have to be energy-efficient, dynamic, accurate, stable, compact, reliable and 7
sustainable, a concurrent design process is required to combine electromechanics, power electronics and control. EMV

In electric drives, which form a primary class of energy conversion systems, the characteristics of the mechanical
load are essential and indispensable constraints in the design process.
Typical application areas are:

rotating, linear and multi-dimensional machines and actuators fed by power electronic converters for
driving the ICT- and OEM-world, for computer- and medical apparatus, and for audio-, video- and
other consumer products;
adjustable speed drives and servo drives;
decentralised energy production units, flexible ac transmission systems, electromechanical energy storage
systems in e.g. hybrid vehicles.

Analysis, synthesis, design and optimisation facilities via numerical calculation programmes and state-of-the-art
signal processing apparatus are extensively used. The laboratory of the chair is the conditio sine qua non for
prototype building, testing and developing methods and apparatus to measure functional system parameters, as
essential and integral parts of the research programme. The research programme can be considered as equally
divided between fundamental, application-oriented and design-oriented research.
In the (inter)national context the chair is regarded as a respected partner in the design of low-power actuators and
high-power machines with permanent-magnet excitation, miniaturised power electronic converters, high-power
multilevel converters and field-oriented control of ac machines.
Examples are: high-speed permanent-magnet generator, miniaturised battery charger, three-level converter for
MRI-applications and sensorless direct field orientation.
The collaboration with other chairs of the Electrical Engineering Faculty and within the SAI-postgraduate
programme Mechatronic Designer will be continued and extended. The long-term co-operation with Philips

Annual Research Report 1999 75

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electromechanics and Power Electronics EMV EPE
Programme director : A.J.A. Vandenput

Lighting and Philips CFT has brought the chair in a unique position. The chair will continue to be actively
involved in national and international networks.
With respect to publications, much value is attached to SAI-, project- and consultancy reports. It should be
emphasized that most of these resports cannot be disclosed. In addition, it is our intention to publish regularly
in international refereed journals (IEE-Proc., IEEE-Trans.) and to present papers at international refereed
conferences (IEEE-PESC, IEEE-IAS, EPE, ICEM), specialised symposia and seminars.

9. Overview of academic results

In a Ph.D.-project (Sahin) a 15 kW, 15000 rpm AFPM machine was electromagnetically designed. Due to
restrictions imposed by the mechanical design, done in close co-operation with GTD-engineers, the dimensions
of the machine were modified. Various types of material were chosen and ordered for the manufacturing of the
First, a dummy stator was made in order to gain experience in winding techniques and to find an optimum way
of placing the end windings. The stator winding was successfully tested.
After an extensive literature research a detailed theoretical thermal analysis was performed. The temperature rise
of the windings and stator cores were measured with and without water cooling; the experimental results agreed
with those of the thermal analysis.
The magnetic properties of the stator cores, manufactured with anisotropic transformer steel, were tested, and the
possible negative effects on the performance of the machine were considered.
Other parts of the machine (frame, shaft and rotor) were completed in the GTD; various manufacturing problems
were studied and solved in close co-operation with GTD-engineers.
The placement of the permanent magnets on the rotor and the motor assembly are estimated to be completed in
the beginning of next year.
Meanwhile, the performance characteristics of the machine with updated dimensions were re-evaluated with
analytical and numerical methods. Finally, in order to test the machine, the inverter and the programming of the
DSP-system are being studied.

7 A mismatch has been found between expected and measured results concerning the moment of dipole of a
permanent magnet. A new model, intended to explain the discrepancies, is under development and will be verified
first by numerical calculations.
The permanent-magnet rotor for the 1600 kW, 18000 rpm generator (NOVEM-KM project) was successfully
assembled in January 1999. The nine-phase stator, the generator frame with the high-speed bearings and vacuum
sealing are under construction.
Two 300 kVA IGBT stacks have been paralleled by means of an interphase transformer. The complete 600 kVA
converter, intended to be used for grid connection of the high-speed generator, has been built and successfully
tested in the laboratory.
The goal of the Ph.D.-project (Dijkhuizen), financed by STW in close co-operation with PMS, is to elevate the
power level of gradient amplifiers used for MRI-applications. A laboratory prototype based on nested cells has
been redesigned aiming at power rating up to 450 kVA. Water cooling has been added for measurement purposes
at higher switching frequencies. The gate timing yielding the necessary advance triggering of the switches, was
analyzed, simulated and implemented by means of DSP-techniques. Furthermore, all the problems related to
diode reverse recovery have been eliminated from the prototype, on the basis of resonant techniques. For a given
set of auxiliary component values, the switching losses for hard- and soft-switching mode of operation have been
As far as modelling of switching converters is concerned, the research effort has been directed towards the
computer-assisted design of switched circuits for low power applications, by using Matlab toolboxes. A new
approach has been developed for optimisation of component values, based on the fast determination of steady-
state operating points. The approach has been tested with success in the design of different circuit topologies.
The third Ph.D.-project (Blaschke) deals with sensorless direct-field oriented control of squirrel-cage induction
machines at very low and zero stator frequencies. The transfer of an injected oscillating stator current to the rotor
circuit and back to the stator terminals has been intensively investigated through numerous measurements.

76 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electromechanics and Power Electronics EMV EPE
Programme director : A.J.A. Vandenput

Three effects due to saturation have been found in the sensorless flux-determination method. The existence of
these effects could be explained by physical considerations. The observed phenomena have been mathematically
described and confirmed by computer simulations. Due to these saturation effects it can be concluded that a
satisfactory flux determination (used for direct-field oriented control) is only possible for a rotor with open slots.
Recently, a fourth effect has been found, which could lead to a positive result in the case of a squirrel-cage rotor
provided with closed slots. This research is financed by the Siemens Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum in
Erlangen, Germany.
The bulk of the work in the PostDoc-project (Tuckey) consisted of the design and implementation of the
CoCoMeL test facility.
This entailed the development of the mechanical transmission, designed to maximise the configurability of the
system so a large range of machines can be tested with ease. To this end a belt drive type transmission has been
designed with a number of belt/pulley combinations. One belt/pulley combination has been specially designed to
facilitate the testing of the high-speed AFPM machine.
A secondary factor in the design of this drive system is the value of the lowest eigenfrequency: the primary
limitation in the systems dynamic performance. Much research was done to analytically determine this frequency
and one of the outcomes is a novel general closed-form mathematical solution of this eigenfrequency. The
transmission was designed such that this frequency was maximised for all transmission ratios.
As well as the above the measuring system has been designed so that the measurement bandwidth is large while
maintaining accuracy.
In co-operation with industry some research projects have been performed. Publications of the results of these
studies are not allowed. Examples are:
field calculations related to a magnetic filter (Indigo, Drachten)
a preliminary sketch of a special reluctance motor, with large air gap and short longitudinal machine
dimensions (TNO Industrie, Delft)

Within the SAI-programme Mechatronic Design three research activities can be reported:
In co-operation with CCM, Nuenen, the power converter and its control system were designed for the energy
storage unit (= flywheel-synchronous machine) in a ULEV-TAP rail vehicle.
The second project, in co-operation with ASM Lithography, Veldhoven, dealt with new concepts for the planar 7
drive sytem for the wafer stage of next generation wafer steppers.
Finally, in co-operation with Oce-Technologies, Venlo, a new paper positioning system for an inkjet printer was
Last but not least, it should be mentioned that Senter granted a 3-year, 5,2 Mfl BTS-project entitled Advanced
Power Concepts 2002 to Prodrive B.V., ASM Lithography N.V. and EMV in order to improve the performances
of electronic converters in the power range of 0,1 to 10 kW by applying new techniques and to be demonstrated
via functional prototypes.

Annual Research Report 1999 77

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electromechanics and Power Electronics EMV EPE
Programme director : A.J.A. Vandenput


78 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electromechanics and Power Electronics EMV EPE
Programme director : A.J.A. Vandenput

Scientific publications, refereed Scientific publications, non-refereed

Batchvarov, J.S.; Duarte, J.L.; Hendrix, M.A.M.: Boujnane, A.:
Wide-bandwidth current-source converter based on Design of a new paper positioning system for an inkjet
interleaved power modules. printer.
Proc. EPE99, 9th European Conference on Power SAI Report, 99.060, ISBN 90-5282-978-0; TUE-SAI,
Electronics and Applications, Paper DS 1.3.9, Eindhoven, 1999, pp. 1-148.
Lausanne, Switzerland, 7-9 September 1999, pp. 1-10. EMV c7
EMV b4
Hol, S.A.J.:
Dijkhuizen, F.R.; Duarte, J.L.: Ontwerp van een planaire aandrijving.
Drive control timing in soft-switched nested-cell SAI Report, 99.061, ISBN 90-5282-973-X; TUE-SAI,
inverters. Eindhoven, 1999, pp. 1-128.
Proc. EPE99, 9th European Conference on Power EMV c7
Electronics and Applications, Paper DS 1.3.7,
Lausanne, Switzerland, 7-9 September 1999, pp. 1-10. Knaapen, R.J.W.:
EMV b4 Power demand smoothening by synchronous flywheel
control in the ULEV-TAP rail vehicle.
Duarte, J.L.; Zwam, A. van; Wijnands, C.: SAI Report, 99.062, ISBN 90-5282-943-8; TUE-SAI,
Reference frames fit for controlling PWM rectifiers. Eindhoven, 1999, pp. 1-79.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 46, nr. 3, 1999, pp. 628-630. EMV c7
EMV b3
Professional publications
Nillesen, M.E.; Stapersma, D.; Offringa, L.J.J.:
A real-time simulation model of a high speed Blaschke, F.:
permanent magnet generator directly coupled to a gas Die bis heute erzielten Ergebnisse bei der Entwicklung
turbine. eines Messverfahrens zur geberlosen Flusserkennung
Proc. Marpower 99, Newcastle, Engeland, 25-26 bei Asynchronmaschinen.
March 1999, pp. 115-128. Voortgangsrapportage aan Siemens R&D 1999, pp. 1-
EMV b4 57.
EMV d6
Risseeuw, P.M.:
Compter, J.C.:
Development of a novel hysteresis current controller for EMV
three phase induction machines. Kritische vragen bij de aanschaf van lineaire motoren.
Proc. IEEE-International Symposium on Industrial De Constructeur, nr. 6, 1999, pp. 30-33.
Electronics, Bled, Slovenia, 12-16 July 1999, pp. 1496- EMV d3
1501. Dijkhuizen, F.:
EMV b4 Verliesarme multilevel converter ten behoeve van MRI-
Sahin, F.; Vandenput, A.J.A.: systemen.
Design considerations of the flywheel-mounted axial- Voortgangsrapportage voor de 4e vergadering van de
flux permanent-magnet machine for a hybrid electric STW-gebruikerscommissie 1999, pp. 1-7.
vehicle. EMV d6
Proc. EPE99, 9th European Conference on Power Dijkhuizen, F.:
Electronics and Applications, Paper DS 1.6.3, Verliesarme multilevel converter ten behoeve van MRI-
Lausanne, Switzerland, 7-9 September 1999, pp. 1-9. systemen.
EMV b4 Voortgangsrapportage voor de 5e vergadering van de
Wiegman, H.L.N.; Vandenput, A.J.A.: STW-gebruikerscommissie 1999, pp. 1-8.
Battery state control techniques for charge sustaining EMV d6
applications. Hamels, D.; Vandenput, A.J.A.:
1998 SAE Transactions: Journal of Passenger Cars, C2230: DC/DC-omzetters of omzetters met
Section 6 107, 1999, pp. 1747-1757. eigencommutatie.
EMV b3 Handboek Aandrijf- en besturingstechniek; Ten Hagen
Stam B.V., Den Haag, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 1-26.
EMV d2

List of publications 1999 79

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electromechanics and Power Electronics EMV EPE
Programme director : A.J.A. Vandenput

Nillesen, M.; Vandenput, A.; Pasquariello, M.: Offringa, L.J.J.:

The application of direct torque control using the dc- Sneldraaiende generator met netkoppeling.
link voltage for flux-observation. Eindverslag fase 3 voor NOVEM 1999, pp. 1-9.
First Technical Scientific Report of the EU-Project EMV d5
Railway Transport at CRIS (Ansaldo) in Naples
1999, pp. 33-41. Offringa, L.J.J.:
EMV d6 Wikkelschema voor de HSG-16.
Tussenrapportage 1999, pp. 1-20.
Offringa, L.J.J.: EMV d6
Assemblage van een rotor voor een sneldraaiende
generator. Vandenput, A.; Steen, M van der:
Eindverslag voor NOVEM 1999, pp. 1-7. Improvement of the practical implementation of a field
EMV d5 oriented torque controller for asynchronous motors.
Final Technical Scientific Report of the EU-Project
Offringa, L.J.J.: Urban and Rail Electrical Transport at CRIS
Convertor voor netkoppeling: Overzicht 500 kW twin- (Ansaldo) in Naples 1999, pp. 59-71.
convertor. EMV d5
Tussenrapportage 1999, pp. 1-18.
EMV d6 Vandenput, A.J.A.:
C4200: Regelingen voor gelijkstroomaandrijvingen.
Offringa, L.J.J.: Handboek Aandrijf- en besturingstechniek; Ten Hagen
Convertor voor netkoppeling: Ruimtevectoren en Stam B.V., Den Haag, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 1-39.
pulspatroon. EMV d2
Tussenrapportage 1999, pp. 1-9.
EMV d6 Patents
Offringa, L.J.J.: Offringa, L.J.J.; Thoolen, F.:
Hardware and firmware voor de synchrone besturing Method for fabricating a permanent magnet rotor, and
van de 500 kW TWIN. rotor obtained by said method (Rotor met permanente
Tussenrapportage 1999, pp. 1-19. magneten).
Octrooiaanvrage (nr. nog onbekend). Land: U.S.A.
7 EMV d6
1999, pp. 1-17.
EMV Offringa, L.J.J.: EMV f2
Hardware en firmware voor de asynchrone besturing
van de 500 kW TWIN. Offringa, L.J.J.; Thoolen, F.:
Tussenrapportage 1999, pp. 1-20. Method for fabricating a permanent magnet rotor, and
EMV d6 rotor obtained by said method (Rotor met permanente
Offringa, L.J.J.: Octrooiaanvrage nr. 11-298858. Land: Japan 1999,
Real-time simulatie van de driefasen twin-convertor. pp. 1-30.
Tussenrapportage 1999, pp. 1-30. EMV f2
EMV d6
Offringa, L.J.J.; Thoolen, F.:
Offringa, L.J.J.: Method for fabricating a permanent magnet rotor, and
Schaling van de permanent-magneet generator. rotor obtained by said method (Rotor met permanente
Tussenrapportage 1999, pp. 1-8. magneten).
EMV d6 Octrooiaanvrage (nr. nog onbekend). Land: Canada
1999, pp. 1-17.
Offringa, L.J.J.: EMV f2
Sneldraaiende generator met convertor voor
netkoppeling. Veltman, A.; Domensino, H.J.J.:
Eindverslag fase 4 voor NOVEM 1999, pp. 1-37. Versterkerschakeling.
EMV d5 Octrooiaanvrage nr. 101 100 2 1999, pp. 1-32.
EMV f2

80 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electromechanics and Power Electronics EMV EPE
Programme director : A.J.A. Vandenput

Other products of scientific activity

Casteren, D.H.J. van:
Dimming metal halide lamps.
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, EMV 99-13, augustus
1999, pp. 1-61.
EMV g1
Offringa, L.J.J.:
Sneldraaiende generator met convertor.
Voortgangsverslag 1998 voor Koninklijke Marine
1999, pp. 1-9.
EMV g4
Offringa, L.J.J.:
Verdere ontwikkeling van de HSG-16.
Tussenrapportage 1999, pp. 1-7.
EMV g4
Offringa, L.J.J.:
Werkplanning 1999 voor de sneldraaiende generator
voor Elektromotorenfabriek Nijmegen.
Tussenrapportage 1999, pp. 1-20.
EMV g4
Smeets, P.E.G.:
Optimising a resonant LLC converter using MATLAB
and SPICE.
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, EMV 99-06, april
1999, pp. 1-110.
EMV g1
Vreugdewater, P.:
Analyse en beheersing van de normaalkracht in een
specifieke lineaire motor.
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, EMV 99-14, augustus
1999, pp. 1-144.
EMV g1

List of publications 1999 81

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electromechanics and Power Electronics EMV EPE
Programme director : A.J.A. Vandenput


82 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electrical Power Systems EPS = EG + EHC
Programme director : P.C.T. van der Laan

Electrical Power Systems


Annual Research Report 1999 83

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electrical Power Systems EPS = EG + EHC
Programme director : P.C.T. van der Laan

AOT Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Water and Air Remediation
BEM Boundary Element Method
CDA Complex Discharge Analyzing
CM Common Mode
COBRA Communication Technology: Basic Research and Applications
CPS Center for Plasma Physics and Radiation Technology
CTV Cable Television
DM Differential Mode
ECCE Electromagnetic Compatibility Continuing Education
EDON Energie Distributiemaatschappij voor Oost- en Noord-Nederland
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
ENW Energie Noord West
EPON Elektriciteits-Produktiemaatschappij Oost- en Noord-Nederland
EPZ Elektriciteits-Produktiemaatschappij Zuid-Nederland
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
EZH Elektriciteitsbedrijf Zuid-Holland
FEM Free Electron Maser
GPLK Armored Paper Lead Cable
HV High Voltage
ICLP International Conference on Lightning Protection
ICPIG International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases
IES Integrated Engineering Software
IGCT Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor
MEGA Dutch utility company
NIZO Netherlands Institute for Dairy Research
NUON Dutch Utility Company
PATO Post Academisch Technisch Onderwijs (Post-Academic Technical Education)
PCB Printed Circuit Board
UNA Energieproduktiebedrijf UNA


84 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electrical Power Systems EPS = EG + EHC
Programme director : P.C.T. van der Laan

1. Full title : Electrical Power Systems

2. Subprogrammes
1. Pulsed corona (EPS-10=EHC-20)
2. Electromagnetic compatibility (EPS-20=EHC-50)
3. Power grid studies (EPS-30=EG-10/EHC-40)
4. Protection equipment (EG-20)
5. Pre-breakdown phenomena (EHC-10)
6. Vacuum insulation (EHC-30)
7. Measuring techniques (EHC-40)

4. Key words
gaseous dielectrics, partial discharges, corona, enhancement of chemical reactions, environmental control,
measuring techniques, gas and vacuum breakdown, electromagnetic compatibility, grounding, safety, lightning,
sensors, EM-field calculations, pulsed power, absorbing clamp, printed circuit boards, lightning protection,
industrial installations, power transmission and power distribution, system transients, insulation coordination,
power line communication, protection and protection equipment, railway power system, circuit breakers, hybrid
switching, plasmas

8. Programme design in brief

Discussions in December 1998 and January 1999 within EPS, have resulted in the decision to concentrate on three
high-priority subprograms which were given new EPS project names. The table below lists these subprograms
together with their old names.

Code Name Old name

EPS-10 Pulsed corona EHC-20, Pulsed corona
EPS-20 Electromagnetic compatibility EHC-50, Electromagnetic compatibility
EPS-30 Power grid studies EG-10, System analysis, and part of
EHC-40, Measuring techniques
The remaining EG and EHC Subprograms are given in the second table. We report their results obtained in 1999
and on plans for 2000. These programs have however a lower priority; their future depends on further program
development and on the possibility to find financial support. 8

Code Name
EG-20 Protection equipment
EHC-10 Pre-breakdown phenomena
EHC-30 Vacuum insulation
EHC-40 Measuring techniques (partly)
The sub-programs EPS-10, EHC-10 and EHC-30 belong to the Onderzoekschool CPS. Sub-program EPS-20
and EHC-40 are part of the Onderzoekschool COBRA. Sub-program EPS-30 has links with TDO (Technology
for Sustainable Development), because of the alternative sources of electrical power. In addition sub-program
EPS-10 is supported by TDO.

9. Overview of academic results

9.1. Pulsed corona (EPS-10=EHC-20)
Pulsed power development
1. Within the Ph.D. program on pulsed power development a high-voltage pulse generator for producing
streamer corona discharges has been improved. Fast voltage pulses of 100 kV, rise time of 20-50 ns, pulse
duration 100-200 ns, pulse repetition rate of 1-1000 pps, corona energy of 0.5-3 J/pulse, and an average

Annual Research Report 1999 85

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electrical Power Systems EPS = EG + EHC
Programme director : P.C.T. van der Laan

corona power of 2 kW have been produced. The total energy efficiency of the system has been raised from
less than 50% to 65-85%. A general principle for optimizing corona energization has been proposed, and
a relationship between pulse-source parameters, corona reactor geometry and corona energy density has
been found. Important components such as the spark-gap switch and the resonant-charging-circuit have
been improved.
2. A basic design and prototype of a long-life multi-gap high-voltage switch became available within the
NWO joint Dutch-Russian program (210 kf, 1998, 3 y).
3. A basic design of a solid-state high-voltage pulse source with magnetic compression circuits was
evaluated within the EU-Joule-III program.

Pulsed corona applications and demonstration projects

1. The EU-Joule-III project on pulsed corona biogas conditioning (612 kf, 1998, 3 y) was continued
with considerable success. Tar removal in biogas was demonstrated in the laboratory and during field
tests. Efficient conversion of heavy tars was possible under industrial conditions. The problem of tars,
condensing in gas engines or turbines, has been studied extensively by thermodynamic analysis. It was
found that the dewpoint can be significantly lowered if tar-components with a high-boiling point (e.g.
phenanthrene) can be converted to lighter hydrocarbons. Based on thermodynamic equilibria of biogas/tar
mixtures, corona treatment is expected to be very efficient at temperatures above 300 C.
2. The EnergieNed project on pulsed corona demonstrations (190 kf, 1998, 2 y) was concluded with four
successful on-site pulsed corona demonstrations: (i) odor control for a meat industry, (ii) styrene removal
at a production plant for plastic tubes, (iii) biogas cleaning of a wood-gasifier, and (iv) removal of micro-
organisms in a food-production plant.
3. The Novem-NIZO program on cold pasteurization using pulsed power (289 kf, 1998, 2 y) continued with
emphasis on the inactivation of spores in liquids. A new treatment cell has been developed, allowing liquid
treatment at electric field strengths >100 kV/cm. Destruction of vegetative cells was clearly demonstrated.
The duration of the program will be extended.
4. A designer has started by the end of 1999 within the SAI program on alternative approaches for N Ox
removal from engine exhaust gases by means of corona (50 kf, 1 y). Funding was obtained from CPS.

9.2. Electromagnetic compatibility (EPS-20=EHC-50)

Power related EMC
8 1. In the past we developed a general grounding concept, which simultaneously ensures safety of persons
EPS and equipment against threats posed by power short circuits, lightning, and other intense disturbances.
Part of our effort is directed to implement this concept on a large scale in NL, in the power, phone and
CTV grids. To do this we started cooperations with NUON (97) and NS (98) in contracts, which span
several years; at the moment also KPN and Dutchtone are involved.
In 98 we measured during a 10 kV short-circuit the distribution of currents over all cables attached
to a MV substation. These measurements have been compared with several models, which clearly
demonstrated the positive effect of the lead-shielded MV and LV cables.
There is a shortage of locations for GSM base stations, in particular in rural areas. Even towers of the HV
(150 and 380 kV) grid are used. As a consequence, the HV grounding system is coupled to the grounding
of the LV grid which feeds the GSM-unit and nearby houses. If lightning triggers a flash-over across a
HV insulator chain, the 50 Hz short circuit current may amount up to 40kA; part of that current flows
into the LV grid. A calculation indicated that this part might present danger for man and equipment, and
for other systems such as CTV and telephone. We started an inventory of the latter systems together with
KPN. A verification measurement was performed on a NUON 150 kV tower on which a Dutchtone base
station was mounted. About 200 A of 50 Hz current was injected from the nearby MV grid; the touch
voltages in nearby houses were about 56V/kA. We designed a generally applicable solution, which will
be tested in February 2000. In March 2000 this solution will be implemented in new installations. Existing
installations should be renovated as soon as possible.
In order to extend these studies to frequencies relevant in lightning, a dedicated injection coil has been
developed; tests with this coil will be carried out in the first half of 2000

86 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electrical Power Systems EPS = EG + EHC
Programme director : P.C.T. van der Laan

2. The NS introduces a 25 kV a.c. power traction system. In the design of this power system and its associated
grounding, HRc tried to minimize the coupling to and from the environment at 50 Hz, at harmonics
and of switching phenomena. The need for a very careful design was clearly established during 98
measurements which we carried out together with HRc in Luxembourg; there up to 35 percent of the
traction current returned via the earth.
The first 15 km of the Havenspoorlijn near Rotterdam will be a pilot project in NL. Under a 0.4 Mfl
contract of NS-RIB managed by HRc, we designed a broadband (50 Hz - 1 MHz) 250 channel system
to simultaneously measure the currents through all conductors and relevant voltages at seven places
distributed along the Havenspoorlijn. We built the prototypes of the sensors and the signal converters.
A number of companies is involved in the construction of the total system. NLR takes care of continuous
data registration below 500 Hz, EHC will capture data also above that frequency. Other participants are
NS-TO and NS-ME. The measurements will be performed under another contract with NS-RIB in two
campaigns of several months medio and end 2000. Scientific publication of the results has been formally
agreed by NS-RIB, but is not envisaged before 2001.
As part of this research we determined the coefficients (50 Hz and up) of the many conductor transmission
line formed by the Botlek tunnel railway system (20 kfl contract with HRc). The BEM software by IES
had to be adapted for this. Minor deviations with respect to Carsons approach were found.
3. Consulting activities on DC and 50Hz magnetic fields were carried out for (a) Arcadis: Magnetic field
produced by trams in a tunnel underneath De Resident being constructed in the center of Den Haag
was studied. Various ways to overcome magnetic interference were proposed. (b) Croon: In a tunnel
underneath the Westerschelde, to be built in the near future, power cables will be present. An overview is
given to Croon Elektrotechniek on possible consequences and measures that should be taken. (c) ENW:
Magnetic fields in a building of ING exceeded guidelines for long term exposure. In discussion with ENW
and ING possible causes were traced and recommendations were given on how to avoid these fields.

EMC at higher frequencies

1. The validity of Dawalibis models for grounding grids in sub-stations was questioned, a.o. by KEMA.
This work is of interest to understand and model the transient surface voltage near grounding electrodes.
In his doctoral work J. van der Merwe developed a powerful finite-difference time-domain code for
transmissions lines above the earth. The code includes handling of non-linear termination effects, as well
as an accurate high-frequency ground return impedance model. A Graphical User Interface has been
written in Matlab. The model and code has been tested against earlier published data; the differences are
being discussed with the authors. 8
2. The study on non-magnetic conduits in the thesis by M. van Helvoort on grounding systems has been EPS
revisited. We added a magneto quasi-static theory and a conformal mapping procedure, which relies on
incomplete elliptic integrals. The new calculations confirm, but more importantly extend the earlier work
into general engineering equations valid for U, H, T and L shaped conduits.
3. The operation of electronic circuits on a printed circuit board generates common mode currents through
cables attached to that board. Also here, the thesis work by Van Horck has been revisited. The COBRA
funded PCB work is a continuation of the earlier STW work by Van Horck. It had to be delayed because
of lack of a qualified candidate. We hope to fill the vacancy early in 2000.
In cooperation with J. Bergervoet (Natlab), we investigated methods to measure the actual interference
voltages at the inputs of operating integrated circuits when the PCB is exposed to EM fields in a TEM
cell. Often the cable, which transports the disturbance signals to the spectrum analyzer, induces more
interference than originally present. Several methods have been compared, also optical signal transport;
none of them appeared sufficiently reliable yet. A more sophisticated retrieval of the disturbance signal
will be developed once the COBRA project starts.
4. Investigation of the basic operation of the absorbing clamp emission standard testing procedure: An
absorbing clamp is a measurement probe used for electromagnetic radiation testing of electrically small
equipment according to standard CISPR 16. The idea is to predict EM radiation by measurement of the
common mode current on the cables attached to the appliance while standardizing the impedance in which
these cables are terminated. Questions raised by people using such probes showed that the principle of
operation of the method is not well understood. Repeatability of measurements is another problem. We

Annual Research Report 1999 87

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electrical Power Systems EPS = EG + EHC
Programme director : P.C.T. van der Laan

were approached by Dr. J. Goedbloed to investigate the test procedure through measurement.
The first phase, involving an investigation of a possible model for a well-defined setup consisting of a
wire in close proximity to a metal ground plane, has been finished. A transmission line model has been
constructed for the clamp and wire setup. The next phase will be started in the middle of January 2000.
This will involve an investigation of the relationship between the actual test setup where the wire is 80
cm above the ground plane and the previously investigated setup. The operation of the clamp and the
relevance of the measured quantity in the standard test procedure is doubtful. At present this work is not
funded, but possibilities are investigated.
5. Flashover in the vacuum of X-ray tubes causes intense transient currents, which are only limited by
the locally available capacitance and by the characteristic impedance of the HV supply cables. The
disturbances threaten electronics mounted near the tube. In order to establish criteria for a reliable and
reproducible test method, we investigate the tube as source and the dominant interference coupling paths
in a setup at Philips Medical Systems, Best. Common mode currents through the shielded supply cables
were measured and values of several amperes have been found, with nanosecond risetimes. A special
probe for the differential mode current inside the cables has been developed.

Other EMC work

In the Leonardo EC project we wrote the chapter on PCB design for the EMC course on CD ROM. The 98 IEEE
lightning protection paper has been rewritten as a chapter of the Lightning Safety Handbook which will appear in
2000. Recommendations have been given to the Physics Department concerning the EMC of the femto-second 2
MV electron beam facility. In order to fulfill our societal obligations, several short EMC investigations have been
carried out for small and medium sized industries.

9.3. Power grid studies (EPS-30=EG-10/EHC-40)

A preliminary study has been completed in 1999 to develop a measuring system to be able to supply information
on the current distribution in MV-cables using the cables themselves as the transmission medium. This year the
second phase was started during which, together with KEMA, a test system is developed to prove the feasibility of
the various methods. Uncertainty of the performance in practice arises because the distribution grid is not a well-
defined data transport medium. This is due to signal attenuation in the cable, unknown effective impedances of the
transformers at the communication frequency, etc. Also the coupling in and out of the signal is studied. Magnetic
coupling is preferred because of simplicity: no galvanic contact with the 10kV distribution voltage is required.
8 However, the signal level may require the use of capacitive coupling. It is planned to check the performance in a
EPS substation in the beginning of 2000. The intention is, if the results of this study are positive, to start a pilot project
in which this system is installed in a 10kV ring/maze.
The work on rule based design-methods for relay protection schemes was finished and presented as a Ph.D.-
thesis in 1999. The method can be applied to any relevant protection scheme, but is particularly effective for
modern power networks with multi-loop structures. In such networks the coordination of protective relays is a
time consuming iterative process, starting with the determination of minimal set of relays, referred to as the
break point set. In this study a new graph-theoretical method was developed to determine this break point set.
The method represents the primary/backup relations among relays by directed graphs. The graph-theoretical rules
exploit the sparsity of the relations among the relays and reduce the complexity of the problem.

9.4. Protection equipment (EG-20)

Within the thesis project of the hybrid breaker, we performed final experiments with the hybrid breaker
combination. In the 1 kV DC test circuit, currents up to 4 kA were interrupted and analyzed on the aspects of
overvoltage generation. The specially designed extreme fast electrodynamic drive for the vacuum type breaker in
the main conducting path was designed, tested and incorporated in the whole setup. Experimental results with this
mechanism were verified with a physical model. For comparison the current limiting behavior of conventional air
breakers as well as the latest type of IGCT solid state devices was investigated experimentally. Also the designed
fault detection was ready to be integrated, to finish a complete design for the new hybrid limiter combination.

88 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electrical Power Systems EPS = EG + EHC
Programme director : P.C.T. van der Laan

9.5. Pre-breakdown phenomena (EHC-10)

The Ph.D. work of Gaxiola on dielectric breakdown of insulating gases was completed with a Ph.D. The modeling
of breakdown, and the relation between physical phenomena and measurable quantities were studied. The work,
based on a combination of time-resolved electrical and optical measurements, and simulation studies with a 2-D
hydrodynamic model, has resulted in a physical description of the responsible mechanisms in the early stages of
breakdown in: 1) N2 , dry air and S F6 ; 2) uniform and non-uniform fields; 3) gaps bridged by insulators; 4) voids
in solid dielectrics.

9.6. Vacuum insulation (EHC-30)

The reconstruction of the Free Electron Maser at the FOM-Instituut voor Plasmafysica, Nieuwegein is in its last
stage. In the final setup a 10A electron beam is accelerated to +2MV, next the electrons interact with EM-fields to
produce micro-waves, and finally the beam is decelerated to zero potential to regain the energy in the beam. The
high-voltage design of the section where the beam is transferred at 275kV to the depressed collector (in which
the beam is decelerated further) is optimized. Complicating factors which are taken into account arise due to the
limited space available between valves and focussing electrostatic lenses, and from the separation between the
vacuum insulated beam transport pipe and the 6-7 bar S F6 insulated area outside the pipe. A proposal for the new
design has been made, which will be incorporated in the FEM in the beginning of 2000.

9.7. Measuring techniques (EHC-40)

In this category the following topics have been worked on; all related to improvement of the reliability of power
distribution and generation:

On behalf of EnergieNed two diagnostic techniques for GPLK cable have been compared: the 0.1 Hz-
generator developed by KEMA and the CDA-system developed by Lemke Diagnostics. The tests involved
were performed in two sessions in the years 1997 and 1998. At the beginning of 1999 the results of
inspection by the energy companies were available which have been included in a final report summarising
the results of the complete project. The results were presented in a seminar on power and distribution
cables on October 27.
The reliability of Return-Voltage-Measurements (RVM) as a diagnostic tool for determining degradation
by water treeing in XLPE cables has been studied. Cables are stressed with a DC-voltage for some time
and are grounded afterwards. The question to be answered was to what extent is the amplitude and typical
time scale of the return voltage correlated to the density and length of the water trees. Another question
concerns with the feasibility for in situ application. Correlation was found between the density of (wet) 8
vented trees and the amplitude, not with density of bow tie trees. No clear correlation was found with EPS
respect to the time scale of the return voltage. Due to the very high input impedance required (> 1012
Ohm), and the long duration (many hours) of a measurement application of the technique in the field is
In cooperation with KEMA and utility companies (UNA, EPZ, EZH, EPON, EDON), a system for on-line
partial discharge monitoring of the stator windings of turbine generators has been developed and installed
in several large power plants. The information from the on-line measurements was found to be successful
in assessing problems with generators; in the case of a 3 years old 169 MW gasturbine generator, a costly
modification of the end-winding region, recommended by the manufacturer, could be prevented. The
Ph.D. thesis of Pemen will be defended in 2000.

Annual Research Report 1999 89

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electrical Power Systems EPS = EG + EHC
Programme director : P.C.T. van der Laan


90 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electrical Power Systems EPS = EG + EHC
Programme director : P.C.T. van der Laan

Dissertations Bonfanti, I.; Guilloux, C.; Damstra, G.C.; Smeets,

R.P.P.; et al.:
Gaxiola, E.H.R.: Shunt capacitor bank switching: Stresses and test
Dielectric breakdown in insulating gases, space charge methods (2nd part) (Cigre WG 13-04).
effects and non-uniform fields. Electra 183, April, 1999, pp. 12-41.
Promotoren: P.C.T. van der Laan, prof. F.J. EG-20 b3
de Hoog; copromotor: J.M. Wetzer. Eindhoven,
ISBN 90-386-1550-7, 1999, pp. 1-168. Damstra, G.C.; Pereira, M.; Enslin, J.H.R.;
EHC-10 a1 Andersen, H.; et al.:
Active DC filters in HVDC applications (Cigre WG
Madani, S.M.: 14-28).
Analysis and design of power system protections using Electra 187, December, 1999, pp. 52-73.
graph theory. EG-20 b3
Promotoren: prof. H. Rijanto, P.C.T. van der
Laan. Eindhoven, ISBN 90-386-1610-4, 1999, pp. 1- Deursen, A.P.J. van; Horck, F.B.M. van; Laan,
117. P.C.T. van der:
EG-10 a1 Common mode currents generated by PCBs (invited).
U.R.S.I. XXVIth General Assembly 1999, Toronto,
Scientific publications, refereed Ontario, Canada, 13-21 August 1999, pp. 313-313.
Alphen, G.J. van; Deursen, A.P.J. van; Smulders, EHC-50 b5
El-Sayed Awad, H.; Kerkenaar, R.W.P.; Atmadji,
Einsatz von EMV-Messverfahren bei 2x25 kV-
Bahnstromanlagen ohne Einschraenkung des normalen
Modelling the opening mode of a fast acting
electrodynamic circuit-breaker drive.
Proc. 2. Internationale Konferenz Elektrische
Proc. 34th Universities Power Engineering Conference
Bahnsysteme, Berlin, Germany, 23-25 March 1999,
(Volume 2), Leicester, UK, 14-16 September 1999,
pp. 1-5.
pp. 539-542.
EHC-50 b4
EG-20 b4
Atmadji, A.M.S.; Damstra, G.C.; Sloot, J.G.J.:
Gaxiola, E.H.R.; Wetzer, J.M.:
Interruption of 4kA DC with current commutation
Prebreakdown phenomena along insulator surfaces in
dry air.
Proc. 34th Universities Power Engineering
Proc. 11th International Symposium on High Voltage
Conference, Leicester, UK, 14-16 September 1999,
Engineering (Volume 3), London, UK, 23-27 August
pp. 517-520.
EG-20 b4
1999, pp. 3171P3-3174P3.
EHC-10 b4
Bollen, M.H.J.; Graaff, R.A.A. de:
Gaxiola, E.H.R.; Wetzer, J.M.:
Behavior of AC and DC drives during voltage sags with
Streamers and transition to breakdown.
phase-angle jump and three-phase unbalance.
Proc. 11th International Symposium on High Voltage
Proc. IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting
Engineering (Volume 3), London, UK, 23-27 August
(volume 2), New York, NY, 31 January - 4 February
1999, pp. 3.11S5-3.14S5.
1999, pp. 1225-1230.
EHC-10 b4
EHC-50 b4
Godeke, A.; Shevchenko, O.A.; Haken, B. ten;
Bonfanti, I.; Guilloux, C.; Damstra, G.C.; Smeets,
Spoorenberg, C.J.G.; Damstra, G.C.:
R.P.P.; et al.:
An optimized BSCCO/Ag resonator coil for utility use.
Shunt capacitor bank switching: Stresses and test
Proc. MT16, Ponte Vedra Beach, USA, 29 September
methods (1st part)(Cigre WG 13-04).
1999, pp. 1-4.
Electra 182, February, 1999, pp. 164-189.
EG-20 b4
EG-20 b3

List of publications 1999 91

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electrical Power Systems EPS = EG + EHC
Programme director : P.C.T. van der Laan

Graaff, R.A.A. de; Deursen, A.P.J. van; Smulders, Heesch, E.J.M. van; Wekhof, A.:
H.W.M.; Alphen, G.J. van: Corona discharges in air and liquids for specific
Measurements on 25 kV traction power supply industrial applications.
systems. Proc. International Conference on Phenomena in
COST 261, EMC in complex and distributed systems, Ionized Gases (XXIV ICPIG) (Volume 1), Warsaw,
Oostende, Belgium, 14-15 June 1999, p. 1. Poland, 11-16 July 1999, ed. P. Pisarczyk, T. Pisarczyk,
EHC-50 b5 and J. Wolowski, 1999, pp. 115-116.
EHC-30 b4
Heesch, E.J.M. van:
Gepulste corona. Heesch, E.J.M. van; Wekhof, A.:
Stroomversnelling de volgende elektrische Pulsed electrical fields and corona discharges for
innovatiegolf, ISBN 90-804496-2-8, ed. J.M. Meij; specific industrial applications.
Stichting Toekomstbeeld der Techniek (STT 61), Den 9. Bundesdeutsche Fachtagung Plasmatechnologie,
Haag, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 521-524. Stuttgart, Germany, 3-5 March 1999, p. 119.
EHC-30 b2 EHC-30 b5
Heesch, E.J.M. van: Heesch, E.J.M. van; Yan, K.; Pemen, A.J.M.;
Pulsed power for sustainable technology. Huijbrechts, P.A.H.J.; Gompel, F.M. van; Matyas,
The 5th International Conf. on Advanced Oxidation Z.; Gommers, K.P.M.; Paasen, S.V.B. van; Leuken,
Technologies for Water and Air Remediation (AOTs-5), H.E.M. van; Laan, P.C.T. van der:
Albuquerque, NM, 24-28 May 1999, p. 20. Matching between a pulsed power source and corona
EHC-30 b5 reactor for producing non-thermal plasma.
Proc. 14th International Symposium on Plasma
Heesch, E.J.M. van; Pemen, A.J.M.: Chemistry (Volume II), Prague, Czech Republic, 2-6
Fast 100 kV continuous pulse source applied to August 1999, pp. 1063-1068.
conducting liquids. EHC-30 b4
1st International Symposium on Nonthermal
Medical/Biological Treatments Using Electromagnetic Horck, F.B.M. van; Deursen, A.P.J. van; Laan,
Fields and Ionized Gases (ElectroMed99), Norfolk, P.C.T. van der:
Virginia, 12-14 April 1999, p. 76. Common-mode currents and printed circuit boards.
EHC-30 b5 Proc. 13th International Zurich Symposium
and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic
Heesch, E.J.M. van; Pemen, A.J.M.; Yan, K.; Blom, Compatibility, Zurich, Switzerland, 16-18 February
P.P.M.; Huijbrechts, P.A.H.J.; Laan, P.C.T. van der: 1999, pp. 227-232.
Pulsed corona for sustainable technology. EHC-50 b4
8 XXIVth ICPIG 1999, Warsaw, Poland, 11-16 July 1999,
p. 1. Laan, P.C.T. van der:
EHC-30 b5 Electromagnetic fields, useful, but also dangerous?
Proc. Symposium Human Interfacing Man & Machine:
Heesch, E.J.M. van; Pemen, A.J.M.; Yan, K.; The cooperation of the future, IEEE, Eindhoven,
Paasen, S.V.B. van; Ptasinski, K.J.; Matyas, Netherlands, 20 May 1999, pp. 77-81.
Z.; Huijbrechts, P.A.H.J.; Hultermans, B.O.E.; EHC-50 b4
Nicoletti, A.; Zacharias, P.:
Experimental program of the pulsed corona tar cracker. Merck, W.F.H.; Damstra, G.C.; Bouwmeester, C.E.;
Proc. 12th IEEE International Pulsed Power Gruntjes, R.J.B.:
Conference, Volume 1, Monterey, CA, 1999, pp. 515- Methods for estimation of the vacuum status in vacuum
518. circuit breakers.
EHC-30 b4 IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul. 64, 1999, pp. 400-
EG-20 b3

92 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electrical Power Systems EPS = EG + EHC
Programme director : P.C.T. van der Laan

Merwe, J. van der; Cloete, J.H.; Reader, H.C.: Waes, J.B.M. van; Cobben, J.F.G.; Provoost, F.;Riet,
Inclusion of dissipative-earth effects into the M. van; Deursen, A.P.J. van; Laan, P.C.T. van der:
multiconductor transmission line FDTD algorithm. Fault voltages in LV networks during 1-phase MV
Proc. Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications shortcircuit, on our way to a total earthing concept.
(ICEAA99), Torino, Italy, 13-17 September 1999, Proc. 15th International Conference on Electricity
pp. 655-658. Distribution, CIRED Nice99, Session 2: Power quality
EHC-50 b4 and EMC, Nice, France, 1-4 June 1999, pp. 115-120.
EHC-50 b4
Pemen, A.J.M.; Rutgers, W.R.; Rijn, T.J.M. van;
Fu, Y.H.: Waes, J.B.M. van; Deursen, A.P.J. van:
On-line partial discharge monitoring of HV LV applications in high voltage towers; contribution to
components. question 11.
Proc. 11th International Symposium on High-Voltage Proc. 15th International Conference on Electricity
Engineering (ISH 99), Conf. Publ. No. 467 (Volume 5), Distribution, CIRED Nice99, Nice, France, 1-4 June
London, UK, 23-27 August 1999, pp. 5136-5139. 1999, pp. 197-198.
EHC-40 b4 EHC-50 b4
Prins, H.A.; Kerkenaar, R.W.P.; Atmadji, A.M.S.: Yan, K.; Heesch, E.J.M. van; Veldhuizen, E.M. van:
Simulated high-speed fault-current detection system Evaluation of pulsed power supply for producing non-
for DC hybrid circuit-breakers. thermal plasma by using positive pulsed streamer
Proc. 34th Universities Power Engineering Conference corona.
(Volume 1), Leicester, UK, 14-16 September 1999, J. Adv. Oxid. Technol. 4, nr. 3, 1999, pp. 1-7.
pp. 111-114. EHC-30 b3
EG-20 b4
Zondervan, J.P.; Pemen, A.J.M.; Smit, J.J.; Leeuw,
Shevchenko, O.A.; Rabbers, J.J.; Haken, B. ten; W. de:
Damstra, G.C.: Field experiences from on-site partial discharge
BSCCO/Ag resonator coil with an air-gap iron yoke. detection in power plants.
Proc. EUCAS99, Sitges, Spain, 15 September 1999, Proc. 11th International Symposium on High-Voltage
pp. 1-4. Engineering (ISH 99), Conf. Publ. no. 467 (volume 5),
EG-20 b4 London, UK, 23-27 August 1999, pp. 562S10-565S10.
EHC-40 b4
Sloot, J.G.J.; Meng, X.Z.:
Fuse arc voltages, from striation until gradual Scientific publications, non-refereed
Paasen, S.V.B. van:
Proc. 6th International Conference on Fuses and their
Applications, Turin, Italy, 1999, pp. 35-39. Biogas treatment with pulsed electric fields. 8
EG-20 b4 SAI Report, 99.034, ISBN 90-5282-940-3; TUE-SAI,
Eindhoven, 1999, pp. 1-127.
Smulders, H.W.M.; Alphen, G.J. van; Graaff, EHC-30 c7
R.A.A. de; Deursen, A.P.J. van:
Comparison between measurements and simulations on Professional publications
25 kV traction power supply systems. Alphen, G. van; Smulders, H.W.M.; Waes, J.B.M.
Proc. World Congress on Railway Research 1999 - van:
Environment, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Tokyo, 25 kV-wisselspanning op de bovenleiding,
Japan, 19-23 October 1999, pp. 1-7. Elektromagnetische aspecten rond de invoering.
EHC-50 b4 Energietechniek 77, nr. 7/8, 1999, pp. 394-397.
EHC-50 d3
Stuart, T.E.W.; Reader, H.C.; Merwe, J. van der:
Radiation to transmission lines with varying load and Jacobs, G.A.P.; Deursen, A.P.J. van:
ground conditions. Karakterisering kabeldoorvoeren, fase 1.
Proc. IEEE Africon99, Cape Town, South Africa, Report EVT/RAP/99101, 12 March 1999, pp. 1-13.
September 1999, pp. 1-4. EHC-50 d5
EHC-50 b4

List of publications 1999 93

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electrical Power Systems EPS = EG + EHC
Programme director : P.C.T. van der Laan

Merwe, J. van der; Deursen, A.P.J. van; Rens, V. Wouters, P.A.A.F.; Laan, P.C.T. van der:
van: Voorstudie: stroomverdeling in distributienetten.
Current and voltage response simulations for the Botlek RAP99100, Report for KEMA, February 1999, pp. 1-
tunnel. 24.
EVT/RAP99106 Holland Railconsult Contract Report, EHC-40 d5
Nov. 1999, pp. 1-37.
EHC-50 d5 Yan, K.; Heesch, E.J.M. van; Pemen, A.J.M.:
The state of art of corona induced non-thermal plasmas:
Paasen, S.V.B. van; Pemen, A.J.M.: a sustainable technique for pollutants control.
Cost evaluation of a biogas cleaning system based on Proc. 1st Environment and Sustainable Development
pulsed corona tar cracking (PC-TAC); rough estimate. Forum for Chinese Students & Scholars in the
EVT/RAP/99104 Report for the EU project JOR3- Netherlands, Wageningen, Netherlands, 9 September
CT98-0213 Pulsed corona tar cracking for thermally 1999, pp. 1-4.
generated biogas within the framework of the Non EHC-30 d4
Nuclear Energie Programme Joule III 1999, pp. 1-13.
EHC-30 d5 Other products of scientific activity
Pemen, A.J.M.: Bemmelmans, M.:
Experiments with the TUE pulsed-corona-tar-cracker Issues and sensors in EMC.
(PCTAC) at the 24 kWe Kara gasifier in Almelo. M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, EH.99.A.155, April
EVT/RAP/99105 Report for the EU project JOR3- 1999, pp. 1-73.
CT98-0213 Pulsed corona tar cracking for thermally EHC-50 g1
generated biogas within the framework of the Non Gommers, K.P.M.:
Nuclear Energy Programme Joule III 1999, pp. 1-15. Return voltage-metingen aan XLPE-isolatie van
EHC-30 d5 middenspanningskabels.
Sloot, J.G.J.; Atmadji, A.M.S.; Vossen, J.W.G.L.: M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, EH.99.A.156, June
Vermaasd TN-stelsel verlaagt foutspanning. 1999, pp. 1-57.
Energietechniek 77, nr. 6, 1999, pp. 338-342. EHC-40 g1
EG-20 d3 Heesch, E.J.M. van:
Waes, J.B.M. van; Provoost, F.; Deursen, A.P.J. van; Intense pulsed corona for environmental purposes
Cobben, J.F.G.; Laan, P.C.T. van der; Riet, M.J.M. (invited).
van: Invited lecture at 24th International Conf. on
TN en verder - Extra aspecten bij aarding volgens TN- Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Warsaw, Poland, 12
July 1999.
8 stelsel.
Energietechniek 77, nr. 9, 1999, pp. 470-474. EHC-30 g2
EHC-50 d3 Laan, P.C.T. van der:
Waes, J.B.M. van; Smulders, H.W.M.; Alphen, G. Electromagnetic compatibility.
van: Lecture at Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia,
25 kV-wisselspanning op de bovenleiding, Metingen 23 Nov. 1999.
aan een Luxemburgse spoorweg. EHC-50 g2
Energietechniek 77, nr. 9, 1999, pp. 464-468. Laan, P.C.T. van der:
EHC-50 d3 Electromagnetic fields, useful, also dangerous?
Wouters, P.A.A.F.: (invited).
Samenvatting met conclusies: evaluatie GPLK- Invited talk at Second National Seminar and Workshop
diagnostieken. on High Voltage Engineering at Gadjah Mada
EVT/RAP99103 Report for EnergieNed, April 1999, University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 1999.
pp. 1-6. EHC-50 g2
EHC-40 d5

94 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electrical Power Systems EPS = EG + EHC
Programme director : P.C.T. van der Laan

Laan, P.C.T. van der:

Lecture at Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia,
24 Nov. 1999.
EHC-50 g2
Laan, P.C.T. van der:
Grounding and lay-out (invited).
Invited talk at Second National Seminar and Workshop
on High Voltage Engineering at Gadjah Mada
University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 1999.
EHC-50 g2
Laan, P.C.T. van der:
Protection of electronics.
Lecture at Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia,
26 Nov. 1999.
EHC-50 g2
Laan, P.C.T. van der:
Lecture at Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia,
25 Nov. 1999.
EHC-50 g2
Siffels, M.:
Evaluatie van tariefstructuren voor elektriciteit-
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, EG/99.901A,
December 1999, pp. 1-145.
EG-10 g1
Wouters, P.A.A.F.:
Evaluatie GPLK-diagnostieken.
Presentation at Seminar Transport- en Distributiekabels
(MSO-themamiddag), 27 Oct. 1999.
EHC-40 g2 8
Yan, K.:
The state of art of corona induced non-thermal plasmas:
a sustainable technique for pollutants control.
Invited lecture at the Department of Physics, Faculty
of Engineering, University of Ghent, Belgium, 15
September 1999.
EHC-30 g2

List of publications 1999 95

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Electrical Power Systems EPS = EG + EHC
Programme director : P.C.T. van der Laan


96 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Measurement and Control Control Systems ER CS
Programme director : P.P.J. van den Bosch

Measurement and Control Control Systems


Annual Research Report 1999 97

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Measurement and Control Control Systems ER CS
Programme director : P.P.J. van den Bosch

BMT Faculty of Biomedical Technology
BTS Besluit subsidies technologische samenwerkingsprojecten van Ministerie van Economische
CFT Centrum voor Fabricage Technologie Centre For Manufacturing Technology (Philips)
DISC Dutch Institute for Systems and Control
EESI Eindhoven Embedded Systems Institute
ERNSI European Research Network on System Identification
IFAC International Federation of Automatic Control
INCOOP EU project Integration of Control and Optimization
MPC Model Predictive Control
NICONET Numerics in Control Network
SOBU Samenwerkingsorgaan Brabantse Universiteiten Co-operating universities in Brabant


98 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Measurement and Control Control Systems ER CS
Programme director : P.P.J. van den Bosch

1. Full title : Measurement and Control Control Systems

4. Key words
modelling, identification, control system synthesis, hybrid systems, process control, motion control, biocontrol,
automotive control, model predictive control, embedded systems

8. Programme design in brief

The aim of the Measurement and Control chair is to become an acknowledged centre for controlling dynamic
physical systems. To reach this goal the chair is actively co-developing the fundamentals of control engineering,
viz. system and control theory. The chair focuses on identification techniques and controller synthesis methods
for uncertain, non-linear and hybrid models. Fundamental research is carried out with this focus in mind.
Applications are aligned with this long-term, science-based research on modelling, identification and control.
With respect to applications, research is being carried out on questions related to system integration for
component selection, measurement strategies, control topology and a trade-off between conflicting requirements
for performance, robustness and cost-effectiveness.

Present-day theory supports models with a finite dynamic range (ratio between the largest and the smallest
relevant time constants). Typically, fast transients cannot be described appropriately and are replaced by algebraic
equations (differential algebraic equations) or by mode switches (differential algebraic inequalities) among
different dynamic behaviours. A further investigation of the interaction between time-continuous models, logic
rules and discrete event dynamic systems has led the chairs research into the area of hybrid systems with a focus
on analysis and synthesis. Hybrid systems receive much interest due to their ability to describe complex systems
such as embedded controllers.

Control and identification

By merging system identification and control, the section anticipates the strong industrial need for improved
process control and higher quality products. In line with this, the fundamental research focuses on the estimation
and control of systems with uncertain or nonlinear models.
This research includes identification, control in a behaviorial setting and the control of processes with constraints.
For the analysis and synthesis of non-linear processes with constraints, model predictive control and l1 -optimal
control techniques are investigated. Model predictive control is the technology that has been broadly adopted by
industry to realise multivariable process control under input/output constraints.

The section carefully selects applications that fit both its long-term research and allow co-operation within the 9
university and/or with industry. In general, the partners provide the application-specific knowledge. Emphasis has ER
been put on motion control (active magnetic bearings, guided vehicles), multivariable control in process industry
and, recently, biomedical applications.

9. Overview of academic results

The achieved scientific results comprise the following aspects:
Within the class of hybrid systems, systems with complementarity variables are studied. Due to their
impulsive and mode-switching behaviour, issues such as the existence and uniqueness of solutions become
non-trivial. Conditions guaranteeing well-posedness have been specified, not only for linear but also
for rational complementarity systems. Techniques for time simulation and stability analysis of these
systems are investigated. The mixture of continuous time dynamics, state events and time events makes
this research an integral part of hybrid systems. The chair focuses on hybrid models for analysis and

Annual Research Report 1999 99

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Measurement and Control Control Systems ER CS
Programme director : P.P.J. van den Bosch

synthesis with sufficient expressive power, which already resulted in a Cum Laude PhD (Heemels, 1999).
This research has been published in several international journals and is receiving interest from other
researchers and industry (Philips CFT, ODME, Oce). In particular, the ability to describe and analyse
embedded controllers within the hybrid systems framework has attracted industrial attention.
Within the behavioral theory of dynamical systems new results have been derived for optimal
approximation of models. An angle criterion has been investigated as a distance measure between
behavioral systems and an algorithm has been constructed for the optimal approximation of a linear time-
invariant system.

Control and identification

The following results have been achieved:

Robust control: Probability density functions have been introduced to describe the uncertainty of
parameters. Based on statistical information, algorithms for the synthesis of average optimal controllers
have been designed using analytical results and randomised algorithms. These controllers exhibit a
better performance than H and -synthesis methods while maintaining stability. The results have been
published and resulted in a PhD (Boers, 99).
Identification: The behavioral theory has been used to characterise the dynamic behaviour of an a-priori
selected system component which is part of a configuration of interconnected system components. This
characterisation is done on the basis of observed (or measured) signals and is optimal in a well defined
Our identification methods have been successfully applied for large-scale petrochemical processes, a.o.
for distillation columns (Exxon, USA), eddy-current compensation in MRI (Philips Medical Systems)
and for a bioreactor (Applikon). Within NICONET we started a study for appropriate benchmarks for
Non-linear systems become increasingly important when high-performance control is required, e.g. as
a consequence of saturation and rate-limits. Dedicated results have been obtained for some processes,
e.g. the design of a robust, adaptive controller for highly non-linear biochemical reactors (Applikon) and,
within an STW project, the design of a controller for engines with a catalytic converter.
Fundamental properties of the Model Predictive Controller have been studied, e.g. asymptotic stability.
Based on our knowledge of MPC and system identification we participate in a large EU project INCOOP
to design and realise the next generation of MPCs, with industrial partners Bayer and Shell. The main
goal is to integrate control and optimisation for process industry, for example for distillation.
The well-known H2 -optimal control problem has been formalised in a behavioral setting. First results on
the synthesis of H2 -optimal controllers have been derived.

9 Knowledge on modelling, identification and control has been applied to several processes which do not satisfy
ER the linear, time-invariant requirements. Even so, useful results have been obtained.
The basic control of CD-ROM designs has been studied for achieving high data throughput, considering aspects
of mechanical, electrical and signals and systems, resulting in a PhD (Stan, 99).
Scanners with mechanical, air or active magnetic bearings for both accurate and fast 3D-measurements have been
studied. A prototype of an 1D-scanner with mechanical bearing has been designed and build. A prototype of a
2D magnetically-borne scanner with capacitive sensors has been designed, analysed with FEM techniques and
partly build. The main remaining problem concerned accurate angle measurements (1:106 ) for 2 rotations with
the capacitive sensor. This research has attracted interest from TNO-Mechatronics, resulting in a new project to
develop a fast 1D-laser scanner for mechanical operations on materials.
In April 1999 the final decision was taken by the Dutch government to build electronically-guided buses in
Eindhoven for about 160 passengers. By means of an STW project we are participating in the design. An accurate
and reliable measurement method has been realised using magnetic markers in the road for electrically-guided
vehicles. A stabilising controller with feedback linearisation has been designed for all 4 independent controllable
axes of an articulated bus. Moreover, general controllers are derived for buses with n-axes. This project will be
realised in Eindhoven in co-operation with, amongst others, NedCar and Frog.

100 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Measurement and Control Control Systems ER CS
Programme director : P.P.J. van den Bosch

With several industries smaller projects have been executed. In one project 2 patents have been obtained with
Philips Medical Systems in controlling the currents in the gradient coils of an MRI device.


Annual Research Report 1999 101

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Measurement and Control Control Systems ER CS
Programme director : P.P.J. van den Bosch


102 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Measurement and Control Control Systems ER CS
Programme director : P.P.J. van den Bosch

Dissertations Balenovic, M.; Nievergeld, A.J.L.; Hoebink,

J.H.B.J.; Backx, A.C.P.M.:
Boers, Y.: Modelling of an automotive exhaust gas converter at
Average performance control for systems with low temperature aiming at control application.
parametric uncertainty. Proc. 1999 SAE International Fall Fuels & Lubricants,
Promotoren: P.P.J. van den Bosch, SP-1478, Paper # 1999-01-3623, Toronto, Canada,
H. Kwakernaak; copromotor: A.A.H. Damen. October 1999, pp. 37-46.
Eindhoven, ISBN 90-386-1540-X, 1999, pp. 1-164. ER b4
ER a1
Bosch, P.P.J. van den; Heemels, W.P.M.H.:
Heemels, W.P.M.H.: Hybrid systems: modelling embedded controllers.
Linear complementarity systems: a study in hybrid J. A 40, nr. 2, 1999, pp. 28-34.
dynamics. ER b3
Promotoren: P.P.J. van den Bosch, prof.dr.
J.M. Schumacher; copromotor: dr. S. Weiland. Bruin, D. de; Bosch, P.P.J. van den:
Eindhoven, ISBN 90-386-1690-2, 1999, pp. 1-240. Feedback linearising control for allwheel steered
ER a1 double articulated vehicles.
Proc. 18th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control,
Stan, S.: Houthalen-Helchteren, Belgium, March 1999, p. 61.
Optimization of the CD-ROM system towards higher ER b5
data throughputs.
Promotoren: P.P.J. van den Bosch, Bruin, D. de; Bosch, P.P.J. van den:
O.H. Bosgra; copromotor: A.A.H. Damen. Feedback linearizing control of all wheel steered
Eindhoven, ISBN 90-386-1600-7, 1999, pp. 1-325. articulated vehicles.
ER a1 Proc. IMECE 99, DSC-11a-4, Nashville, TN,
November 1999.
Scientific publications, refereed ER b4
Acht, V.M.G. van; Damen, A.A.H.; Bosch, P.P.J. van
Bruin, D. de; Bosch, P.P.J. van den:
den; Kamerbeek, E.M.H.:
Modelling and control of a double articulated vehicle
Magnetic topology of magnetic bearing and propulsion
with four steerable axles.
of a 6 DOF mirror.
Proc. ACC 99, American Control Conference, San
Proc. 44th Annual Conference on Magnetism &
Diego, CA, June 1999, pp. 3250-3256.
Magnetic Materials, San Jose, CA, November 1999,
ER b4
p. 375.
ER b5 Duijnhoven, M. van; Blachuta, M.J.:
Robust quasi NID current and flux control of an
Acht, V.M.G. van; Damen, A.A.H.; Bosch, P.P.J. van
induction motor for position control.
den; Kamerbeek, E.M.H.:
Proc. 7th IEEE CSS Mediterranean Conference on
Magnetic topology of magnetic bearing and propulsion
Control and Systems, Haifa, Israel, 1999.
of a 6 DOF mirror.
Proc. 18th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control,
ER b4 9
Houthalen-Helchteren, Belgium, March 1999, p. 31. Fradkov, A.L.; Nijmeijer, H.; Pogromsky, A.: ER

ER b5 Adaptive observer-based synchronization.

Controlling Chaos and Bifurcations in Engineering
Balenovic, M.; Backx, A.C.P.M.; Harmsen, J.M.A.:
Systems, ed. Guanrong Chen; CRC Press, Boca Raton,
Modeling of the automotive 3-way catalytic converter.
Florida, USA, 1999, pp. 417-438.
Proc. 18th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control,
ER b2
March 1999, p. 101.
ER b5 Heemels, M.; C amlibel, K.; Schumacher, H.:
Time-stepping methods applied to complementarity
Proc. 18th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control,
Houthalen-Helchteren, Belgium, March 1999, p. 103.
ER b5

List of publications 1999 103

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Measurement and Control Control Systems ER CS
Programme director : P.P.J. van den Bosch

Heemels, W.P.M.H.: Liu Hong; Bosch, P.P.J. van den:

Linear complementarity systems. A hybrid optimization approach for shape from motion.
Proc. 34th Dutch Mathematical Congress, Utrecht, Proc. 18th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control,
Netherlands, 1999, pp. 36-37. Houthalen-Helchteren, Belgium, March 1999, p. 20.
ER b4 ER b5
Heemels, W.P.M.H.; Gorter, R.J.A.; Zijl, A. van; Lootsma, Y.J.; Schaft, A.J. van der; C amlibel, M.K.:
Bosch, P.P.J. van den; Weiland, S.: Uniqueness of solutions of relay systems.
Asynchronous measurement and control: a case study Automatica 35, nr. 3, 1999, pp. 467-478.
on motor synchronization. ER b3
Control Eng. Pract. 7, 1999, pp. 1467-1482.
ER b3 Ludlage, J.; Weiland, S.; Stoorvogel, A.:
On finite time control of inner systems.
Heemels, W.P.M.H.; Schumacher, J.M.; Weiland, S.: Proc. ACC 99, American Control Conference, San
Applications of complementarity systems. Diego, CA, June 1999, pp. 1781-1785.
Proc. ECC 99, European Control Conference, CD ER b4
ROM CM9, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 1999.
ER b4 Pogromsky, A.Yu.:
Controlled synchronization of dynamical systems
Heemels, W.P.M.H.; Schumacher, J.M.; Weiland, S.: based on passivity technique.
The rational complementarity problem. Proc. IFAC Congress 1999, CD ROM, Paper D-2c-02-
Linear Algebr. Appl. 294, 1999, pp. 93-135. 4, Beijing, China, 1999.
ER b3 ER b4
Heemels, W.P.M.H.; Schumacher, J.M.; Weiland, S.: Pogromsky, A.Yu.; Glad, T.; Nijmeijer, H.:
Well-posedness of linear complementarity systems. On difffusion driven oscillations in coupled dynamical
Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, systems.
Phoenix, AZ, 1999, pp. 3037-3042. Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos Appl. Sci. Eng. 9, nr. 4, 1999,
ER b4 pp. 629-644.
ER b3
Huijberts, H.; Nijmeijer, H.; Pogromsky, A.:
Discrete-time observers and synchronization. Pogromsky, A.Yu.; Glad, T.; Nijmeijer, H.:
Controlling Chaos and Bifurcations in Engineering On oscillations in coupled dynamical systems.
Systems, ed. Guanrong Chen; CRC Press, Boca Raton, Proc. IFAC Congress 1999, CD-ROM, Paper E-2c-19-
Florida, USA, 1999, pp. 439-456. 4, Beijing, China, July 1999.
ER b2 ER b4
Huisman, H.; Smits, E.J.F.M.; Thoolen, F.J.M.; Pogromsky, A.Yu.; Nijmeijer, H.:
Veltman, A.: On oscillations in cellular neural networks.
Control design for a hybrid flywheel city bus. Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, paper
Proc. EPE 99, CD ROM, Lausanne, Switzerland, REG-0062, Phoenix, AZ, 1999, pp. 2629-2633.
9 September 1999, pp. 1-9. ER b4
ER ER b4
Pogromsky, A.Yu.; Nijmeijer, H.:
Kovacic, Z.; Bogdan, S.; Balenovic, M.: On oscillations in diffusive cellular networks.
A model reference and sensitivity model-based self- Proc. 6th Saint Petersburg Symposium on Adaptive
learing fuzzy logic controller as a solution for control Systems Theory, Volume 1, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1999,
of nonlinear servo systems. pp. 164-167.
IEEE Trans. Energy Convers. 14, nr. 4, 1999, pp. 1479- ER b4
ER b3 Roorda, B.; Weiland, S.:
A behavioral approach to optimal model reduction.
Proc. ACC 99, American Control Conference, San
Diego, CA, June 1999, pp. 4461-4465.
ER b4

104 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Measurement and Control Control Systems ER CS
Programme director : P.P.J. van den Bosch

Roorda, B.; Weiland, S.: Willems, F.; Heemels, M.; Jager, B. de; Stoorvogel,
An optimal model approximation scheme for linear A.A.:
time-invariant behaviors. Positive feedback stabilization of surge in a centrifugal
Proc. ECC 99, European Control Conference, CD compressor.
ROM BA3, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 1999. Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
ER b4 Phoenix, AZ, December 1999, pp. 3259-3264.
ER b4
Shiriaev, A.; Ludvigsen, H.; Engeland, O.;
Pogromsky, A.: Zhu, Y.C.:
On global properties of passivity based control of the Multivariable and closed-loop process identification for
inverted pendulum. MPC.
Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Proc. AIChE Spring Meeting, Houston, TX, March
Phoenix, AZ, 1999, pp. 2513-2518. 1999.
ER b4 ER b4
Stoorvogel, A.A.; Weiland, S.; Ludlage, J.: Zhu, Y.C.:
On asymptotic stability of a receding horizon control Parametric Wiener model identification for control.
scheme. Proc. IFAC Congress 1999, CD ROM, Paper H-3a-02-
Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1, Beijing, China, July 1999, pp. 37-42.
Phoenix, AZ, 1999, pp. 3684-3689. ER b4
ER b4
Zhu, Y.C.; Bosch, P.P.J. van den; Oudshoorn, A.:
Tousain, R.L.; Schot, J.J. van der; Backx, A.C.P.M.; Identification of bioprocesses for adaptive PID tuning.
Bosgra, O.H.: J. A 40, nr. 3, 1999, pp. 37-45.
Economic optimization of grade transitions of a ER b3
polymerization process.
Proc. 18th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, C amlibel, M.K.; Heemels, W.P.M.H.; Schumacher,
Houthalen-Helchteren, Belgium, March 1999, p. 136. J.M.:
ER b5 Dynamics and complementarity.
Proc. EUROMECH 99, European Mechanics Society
Weiland, S.: (EMS), Euromech Colloquium 397, Grenoble, France,
The most powerful unfalsified model in identification: July 1999.
festschrift on the occasion of the 60th Birthday of Jan ER b5
The Mathematics of Systems and Control: from C amlibel, M.K.; Heemels, W.P.M.H.; Schumacher,
Intelligent Control to Behavioral Systems, Ch. 20, J.M.:
ed. J.W. Polderman and H. Trentelman, 1999, pp. 219- The nature of solutions to linear passive
230. complementarity systems.
ER b2 Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Phoenix, AZ, December 1999, pp. 3043-3048.
Weiland, S.; Stoorvogel, A.A.:
A behavioral approach to the controlled system
ER b4 9
C amlibel, M.K.; Schumacher, J.M.: ER
Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Complementarity formalism of piecewise linear
Phoenix, AZ, 1999, pp. 90-95. systems.
ER b4 Proc. 18th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control,
Houthalen-Helchteren, Belgium, March 1999, p. 104.
Weiland, S.; Stoorvogel, A.A.: ER b5
On controlled system identification in a behavioral
framework. C amlibel, M.K.; Schumacher, J.M.:
Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, ed. A. Well-posedness of a class of piecewise linear systems.
Beghi, L. Finesso, and G. Picci, 1999, pp. 903-906. Proc. ECC 99, European Control Conference,
ER b2 Karlsruhe, Germany, September 1999, p. 766.
ER b5

List of publications 1999 105

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Measurement and Control Control Systems ER CS
Programme director : P.P.J. van den Bosch

Professional publications Lammerts, J.:

Automatic PID controller tuning based on closed-loop
Hendrix, W.H.A.: identification.
An exploratory study on 3D computer assisted M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, August 1999, pp. 1-58.
orthognatic surgery planning. ER g1
Report: Kennisvoucher Syntens 1999, pp. 1-37.
ER d5 Theunissen, H.W.H.:
Analysis and control of a laser tracking system.
Patents M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, February 1999, pp. 1-
Bosch, P.P.J. van den; Bruin, D. de: 77.
Duty cycle correction in digital gradient pulse. ER g1
Octrooi, ID nr. 600865, PHN 017741 EP.P 1999.
Tso, T.:
ER f1 High performance model predictive control of a binary,
Bosch, P.P.J. van den; Bruin, D. de: high-purity distillation column.
Feed forward gradient control loop. M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, December 1999, pp. 1-
Octrooi, ID nr. 601413, PHN 017742 EP.P 1999. 66.
ER f1 ER g1

Other products of scientific activity

Derksen, H.B.G.:
Eddy current field compensation.
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, April 1999, pp. 1-48.
ER g1
Erol, F.:
Nonlinear PID control using Hammerstein or Wiener
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, June 1999, pp. 1-59.
ER g1
Groen, M.J.:
Formulation of the piecewise linear control of
an inverted pendulum as a linear complementarity
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, September 1999, pp. 1-
ER g1
Hermeler, J.C.C.:
9 Automatic vehicle identification.
ER M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, August 1999, pp. 1-69.
ER g1
Lam, C.Y.:
A comparison of the hybrid systems simulators: Chi,
Prosim and OmSim.
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, February 1999, pp. 1-
ER g1

106 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Design Technology for Electronics Systems ES
Programme director : Prof.Dr.-Ing. J.A.G. Jess

Design Technology for Electronics Systems


Annual Research Report 1999 107

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Design Technology for Electronics Systems ES
Programme director : Prof.Dr.-Ing. J.A.G. Jess

CHEAP CPU-controlled Heterogeneous Embedded Architecture for Signal Processing
COCOON Core and Compiler Codesign for Embedded DSP
DSP Digital Signal Processing
EDAA European Design and Automation Association
FACTS Facts: Architecture Construction for Time Constrained Systems
FACTS Facts: Advanced Compiler Techniques for Scheduling
FIFO First In First Out
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
GAS Gate Array System
IC Integrated Circuit
ILP Instruction Level Parallelism
MELZONIC Motion Estimation, Line Flicker Reduction, Zoom and Noise Reduction IC
MIPS Million Instructions per Second
MPEG Motion Pictures Expert Group
NEAT New Eindhoven Architecture Toolbox
PLD Programmable Logic Device
RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer
SIA Semiconductor Industry Association
VHDL Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language
VLIW Very Long Instruction Word
YATC Yet Another Tautology Checker


108 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Design Technology for Electronics Systems ES
Programme director : Prof.Dr.-Ing. J.A.G. Jess

1. Full title : Design Technology for Electronics Systems

2. Subprogrammes
1. Design automation for discrete systems (ES-30)
2. Yield optimization and technology driven testing (ES-40)
3. Modeling and verification of digital systems (ES-50)

4. Key words
integrated circuits, digital systems, embedded systems, signal processing, computers, optimization strategies,
computer-aided design, design automation, testing, hardware/ software co-design

8. Programme design in brief

The research of this department directs itself to the methods, tools and environments that serve the electronics
designer as he creates new products of the electronic industry. Historically the research focused on the design
of integrated circuits the way those developed over the last twenty-five years. Two significant trends emerged
executing a significant influence on the evolution of the research program:

As the complexity and density of integrated circuits rose two orders of magnitude in every decennium
(Moores law) ICs were offered for use to the industry in a growing variety of forms. Those forms
range from the (classical) customized application specific chip over gate arrays, Field Programmable Gate
Arrays (FPGAs), Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs), processor cores, special purpose processors all
the way to supercomputers.
As the design technology evolved over the last decennia it was forced to address more and more
application specific aspects of microelectronics design. The design process was formalized up to higher
levels of documentation. The documents had to be matched to the traditional models and the expert ways
of thinking that had developed in fields like computer design, telecom-systems, consumer-electronics,
process-automation, medical systems, automotive-, airborne- and space-applications, just to name some

While a small number of design automation companies serve the standard technologies a few manufacturers
specialize in high performance chip production including the supply of the design tools allowing command over
the respective technologies (Intel Merced, Itanium, Power-PC).
Design Automation for Discrete Systems (ES-30) directs itself to the area of (semi-) automatic synthesis in logic
and architectural design. The latter can be understood as the generalization of compiler construction. However the
problem of building compilers in this way unfolds into a two-dimensional manifold along the axes of the various
technologies and the various applications. Traditionally the applications we deal with show some affinity with
the signal processing area where many contacts with industry are maintained. Those contacts include industries
heavily engaged in the development of consumer products aiming at multimedia environments in homes and
Modeling and Verification of Digital Systems (ES-50) complements ES-30 in that it investigates formal system
models and the possibilities to replace simulation by formal algebraic verification.
Recently the scope of both areas of research is significantly broadened by the fact that the size of the systems to be ES
integrated on one chip has increased by another order of magnitude. For the very near future the functionality of
one hundred or more PCs on one chip is attainable. The Silicon industry currently casts its future projections in
documents called roadmaps. The roadmaps are regularly updated consulting experts from all over the world. The
so-called SIA-Roadmap (Semiconductor Industry Association Roadmap) commits the Silicon industry to very
aggressive targets all the way up to the year 2015.
The evolution of the technology till today leaves very little doubt that those targets will actually be achieved. This
implies that a multitude of processes (each with its individual time scale and behavior) coexist on one die. The
concept of a system on a chip (SOC) develops towards a scale some orders of magnitude larger than today. The
modeling of systems to go on one chip will therefore have to include many more semantic items compared to now.

Annual Research Report 1999 109

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Design Technology for Electronics Systems ES
Programme director : Prof.Dr.-Ing. J.A.G. Jess

In fact the whole area of Embedded Systems will have to be included into the systems designers thinking. Among
those subjects such as communicating processes, asynchronous cooperation, real time operating systems, object
oriented specification and programming, software testing and the like enter the scene. Many of those subjects
belong traditionally to the field of our sister group EB with which we are formally united since the end of 1996.
Additionally the integration of our activities into the Embedded Systems Institute (EESI) will imprint its mark on
our way of working. Much more than before projects will be organized horizontally involving various groups of
the departments of EE and CS.
Yield Optimization and Technology-Driven Testing (ES-40) is an outgrowth of an IOP-IC program on testing. It
addresses the problems of modeling faults induced by defective fabrication and of developing the respective test
methods. As a subject it fits nicely into the program of the research school COBRA. Recently there is a growing
interest in Design for Manufacturing (DfM). DfM addresses the susceptibility of both products and chips to
fabrication faults. It tries to make chips insensitive to those faults by design. Our group has a significant history
in the area of defect analysis. Philips Semiconductors will support the establishing of a center of DfM research
in our department associated with the Design Technology chair. For the coming years the DfM research will
hopefully grow out to become an important part of the research of the Design Technology chair.

9. Overview of academic results

9.1. Design automation for discrete systems (ES-30)
This sub-programme deals with the (semi-) automatic synthesis of digital systems and is traditionally split into
two areas: architectural synthesis and logic (and physical) synthesis.

Architectural synthesis
In this arena some fairly fundamental developments have occurred which give our research a very special
position. The world of processor architectures dissolves essentially into two mainstreams. The first mainstream
is established by the US computer industry, that is to say the Personal Computer (PC) industry. This industry is
well founded on the RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) architecture concept (in terms of hardware) and
the Windows platform (in terms of software). The performance gains in terms of hardware bootstrap on the more
powerful integration due to miniaturization in the IC fabrication technology. Boosting performance occurs by
increasing the clock speed and increasing the depth of the RISC-pipeline along with along with advanced super-
scalar hardware techniques supporting on-line out-of-order execution. The PC-industry governs INTERNET and
tries to penetrate into the domains of consumer electronics such as TV and audio.
The second mainstream is established by the consumer electronics industry. This industry has a very different
approach to architectures. For this industry it is very natural to think in terms of parallel processes interacting
in a variety of ways. Therefore the architecture of media chips provided by this industry is traditionally an
assembly of processing blocks. Currently this industry seeks new architecture templates spanning the range
from highly multiplexed highly programmable DSP processor types (like the MISTRAL Very Long Instruction
Word architecture) to lowly multiplexed high speed lowly programmable pipelined vector architectures (like the
PHIDEO architecture).
The PROPHID processor, one of our main contributions from last year, attempts to fill the range somewhere
10 in the middle. The architecture can handle a multitude of high-speed real time video processes and a large
ES number of medium speed processes of a variety of kinds. In fact PROPHID can be considered as a universal
media framework as it may incorporate special purpose building blocks of any kind of performance in terms of
speed with power being only of secondary importance. The framework supplies a communication structure to
embed a rich variety of processes even with conflicting requirements in terms of speed, memory bandwidth and
memory size. The essential achievement of the architecture is the potential to resolve the communication conflicts
between fast processes with deadlines and the remaining processes. Philips Research developed a prototype
Silicon implementation to serve as a test bench. The architecture is currently tested and compared to alternatives
like the TRIMEDIA (with its new 64-bit CPU).
The scheduling framework FACTS has been further developed. It is becoming a key component for the software
development tool set aimed at optimizing the use of VLIW architectures like the Philips TRIMEDIA processor

110 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Design Technology for Electronics Systems ES
Programme director : Prof.Dr.-Ing. J.A.G. Jess

and the MISTRAL template.

Other efforts last year were directed towards the general concept of the template. A template is a scheme
assembling a set of features concerning memory, communication and processing in a specific way intended
to match the requirements of a domain of applications. In our case the domain of applications is the media
technology. Within this domain one can attempt to separate two essential sub-domains.
One of these sub-domains is that of a server. A server is a hub in a network performing selected tasks like for
instance coordinating the communication within a certain region in a network. In the future a special server, a
so-called residential gateway may coordinate the communication within in the home and with the world outside
the home. Better known server types are for instance search machines in the World-Wide Web. The PROPHID
processor framework actually is a sample of a template for a media home server.
The alternate sub-domain is the domain of terminals or gadgets. Those terminals are portable or wearable. The
current prototypes of such terminals are portable phones, palm tops and organizers. Essential is that the terminal
communicates. In most projections of such products the communication is wireless. Templates for terminals are
notably different from templates of servers. While servers are fueled by the power net portable are operating on
batteries. Therefore they are severely limited in terms of power dissipation. On the other hand the fabrication
technology will provide the option to integrate large amounts of slow memory in such a terminal while the
processing power per application must be kept low. That means that a terminal may host a very large variety of
mutually exclusive applications. Of course template research will have to balance the load between server and
terminal adequately. In other words: both categories of templates have to be studied in concert. A template for
terminals is the COCOON architecture where we contribute to the compiler techniques.
An alternate contribution to the template research is the development of reconfigurable building blocks of
templates using the possibilities of programmable arrays. Last year some new patterns of reconfigurable arrays
have been conceived and are at the verge of being implemented.

Logic and physical design

As expected last year MAGMA Design Automation launched its product. The company was able to gain a head
start over the competing companies. All other companies were not able to deliver a well performing product. After
our very successful cooperation with MAGMA Design Automation the company decided to open a technical
development branch in Eindhoven possibly on campus. This event is likely to fuel interesting future projects.
We continued our work on statistical delay modeling. A highlight of this research is the coupling of the statistical
modeling techniques with the mathematical programming methods for sizing. This option yielded fundamentally
new possibilities for sizing which spin off to the problem of DfM. The work on asynchronous circuits has been
successfully completed yielding a complete design flow for burst-mode Finite State Machines. Such a flow was
not available until now.

9.2. Yield optimization and technology driven testing (ES-40)

This sub-programme has received significant support from the European Community (Esprit project EVEREST)
and from the IOP-IC program Testing in the past. The objective of the project was the development of a
technology-driven test methodology as opposed to the traditional fault-model-driven test strategy.
The cooperation with Philips Semiconductors is slowly taking shape. A new Ph.D. student has been attracted 10
and has started to familiarize himself with interfacing process technology and physical synthesis. Two master
candidates have worked in the Philips fabrication plants in Nijmegen to measure process defect data statistics.
Prof. Maly (CMU) started his course in trimester 2 of the academic year 99/00. The attendance of the course is
(considering the circumstances) good, such that we expect some spin-off in terms of master candidates for the

9.3. Modeling and verification of digital systems (ES-50)

The TOM project has been successfully completed. The result supplied us with a programming environment
enabling us to support the evolution of a software system. The dissertation clarifies the inadequacy of the currently

Annual Research Report 1999 111

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Design Technology for Electronics Systems ES
Programme director : Prof.Dr.-Ing. J.A.G. Jess

available object oriented standard programming environments like C++ to maintain a sequence of generations of
a software system. The problem is particularly with the unplanned extensions to the body of some existing
software system. In other words, current systems have a substantial problem to service unexpected changes of the
direction of the evolution of a software product. Yet the ability to plan such evolution way in advance appears to
be limited in almost all practical environments. The thesis proposes many features yielding leverage. In addition
implementations have been provided and applied within the Philips ED&T division demonstrating the principal
viability of the concepts of the thesis.


112 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Design Technology for Electronics Systems ES
Programme director : Prof.Dr.-Ing. J.A.G. Jess

Dissertations Basten, T.; Hooman, J.:

Proces Algebra in PVS.
Janssen, G.L.J.M.: Proc. 5th Int. Conference Tools and Algorithms for the
Logics for digital circuit verification: Theory, Construction and Analysis of Systems, in Lecture Notes
algorithms and applications. in Computer Science 1579, Amsterdam, Netherlands,
Promotoren: prof.dr.-ing. J.A.G. Jess, prof.dr. J.C.M. 22-28 March 1999, ISBN 3-540-65703-7, ed. W.R.
Baeten; copromotor: C.A.J. van Eijk. Eindhoven, Cleaveland; Springer, Berlin, Germany, 1999, pp. 270-
ISBN 90-386-1560-4, 1999. 284.
ES-50 a1 ES-99 b4
Schoenmakers, P.J.: Eijk, C.A.J. van; Jacobs, E.T.A.F.; Mesman, B.;
Supporting the evolution of software.. Timmer, A.H.:
Promotoren: prof.dr.-ing. J.A.G. Jess, prof.dr. P. Identification and exploitation of symmetries in DSP
Marwedel; copromotor: C.A.J. van Eijk. algorithms.
Eindhoven, ISBN 90-386-1620-1, 1999. Proc. Design Automation and Test in Europe
ES-50 a1 (DATE99), Munich, Germany, 9-12 March 1999,
Scientific publications, refereed ISBN 0-7695-0078-1, ed. D. Borrione and R. Ernst;
IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, 1999,
Aalst, W.M.P. van der; Basten, T.; Verbeek, pp. 602-608.
H.M.W.; Verkoulen, P.A.C.; Voorhoeve, M.: ES-30 b4
Adaptive Workflow: On the interplay between
flexibility and support. Jacobs, E.T.A.F.; Berkelaar, M.R.C.M.:
Proc. 1st International Conference on Enterprise Comparison of gate sizing formulations and solving
Information Systems, ICEIS99, Setubal, Portugal, methods.
27-30 March 1999, ISBN 972-98050-0-8, ed. J. Filipe Proc. ProRISC 99, 10th Annual Workshop on
and J. Cordeiro; Escola Superior de tecnologica do Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing., Mierlo,
Inst. Politecnico de Setubal, Setubal, Portugal, 1999, Netherlands, 25-26 November 1999, ISBN 90-73461-
pp. 353-360. 18-9, ed. J.P. Veen; STW, Technology Foundation,
ES-99 b4 Utrecht, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 209-218.
ES-30 b4
Alba Pinto, C.; Mesman, B.; Eijk, C.A.J. van:
Register files constraint satisfaction during scheduling Jacobs, E.T.A.F.; Berkelaar, M.R.C.M.:
of DSP code. Estimation of an upper bound on the maximum power
Proc. XII Symposium on Integrated Circuits and of CMOS circuits using linear programming.
Systems Design, Natal, Brazil, 29 September - 2 Proc. Power Area and Timing Modeling, Optimization
Oktober 1999, ISBN 0-7695-0387-X, ed. B. Werner; and Simulation Workshop., Kos, Greece, 6-8 October
IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, 1999, 1999, ISBN 960-85687-3-0, ed. J. Sparso and D.
pp. 74-77. Doudris; Democritus University of Thrace, Patras,
ES-30 b4 Greece, 1999, pp. 335-344.
ES-40 b4
Alba Pinto, C.; Mesman, B.; Eijk, K. van:
Register file capacity satisfaction during scheduling. Jacobs, E.T.A.F.; Berkelaar, M.R.C.M.:
Proc. ProRISC 99, 10th Annual Workshop on Gate sizing using a statistical delay model.
Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Mierlo, Proc. IEEE/International Workshop on Logic Synthesis
Netherlands, 25-26 November 1999, ISBN 90-73461- - IWLS99, Lake Tahoe, CA, 27-30 June 1999, ed. F.
18-9, ed. J.P. Veen; STW, Technology Foundation, Somenzi; University of Colorado, 1999, pp. 307-311.
ES-40 b4 ES
Utrecht, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 1-8.
ES-30 b4

List of publications 1999 113

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Design Technology for Electronics Systems ES
Programme director : Prof.Dr.-Ing. J.A.G. Jess

Kastrup, B.; Meerbergen, J.L. van; Nowak, K.: Tavares, R.; Eijk, C.A.J. van; Berkelaar, M.R.C.M.:
Seeking (the right) problems for the solutions of BDD techniques to reduce switching activity in logic
reconfigurable computing.. circuits.
Proc. FPL99, 9th International Workshop on Field- Proc. ProRISC 99, 10th Annual Workshop on
Programmable Logic and Applications, Glasgow, UK, Circuits, Systems and Signal processing, Mierlo,
August-September 1999, ISBN 3-540-66457-2, Berlin- Netherlands, 25-26 November 1999, ISBN 90-73461-
Heidelberg, Germany, 1999, pp. 520-525. 18-9, ed. J.P. Veen; STW, Technology Foundation,
ES-30 b4 Utrecht, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 497-502.
ES-30 b4
Mesman, B.; Alba Pinto, C.A.; Eijk, C.A.J. van:
Efficient scheduling of DSP code on processors with Timmer, A.H.; Harmsze, F.; Leijten, J.; Strik, M.;
distributed register files. Meerbergen, J.L. van:
Proc. International Symposium on System Synthesis, Guaranteeing on- and off-chip communication in
San Jose CA, 10-12 November 1999, ISBN 0-7695- embedded systems.
0356-X, ed. F.J. Kurdahi; IEEE Computer Society, Los IEEE Computer Society Workshop on VLSI99,
Alamitos, CA, 1999, pp. 100-106. Orlando, USA, April 1999, Orlando, FL, 1999, pp. 93-
ES-30 b4 98.
ES-30 b4
Mesman, B.; Eijk, K. van; Alba Pinto, C.; Bekooij,
M. van; Meerbergen, J.L. van; Jess, J.A.G.: With, P.H.N. de; Jaspers, E.G.T.; Meerbergen, J.L.
Constraint analysis for code generation: basic van; Timmer, A.H.; Strik, M.:
techniques and applications in FACTS. A video display processing platform for future TV
Proc. SCOPES 99, 4th International Workshop on concepts.
Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems, St. IEEE Trans. Consum. Electron. 45, nr. 4, 1999,
Goar, Germany, 1-3 September 1999, ed. P. Marwedel, pp. 1230-1240.
St. Goar, Germany, 1999, pp. 3.1-3.35. ES-30 b3
ES-30 b4
With, P.H.N. de; Jaspers, E.G.T.; Timmer, A.H.;
Mesman, B.; Timmer, A.H.; Meerbergen, J.L. van; Meerbergen, J.L. van:
Jess, J.A.G.: A video display processing platform for future TV
Constraint analysis for DSP code generation. concepts..
IEEE Trans. Comput.-Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst. Digest International Conference on Consumer
18, nr. 1, 1999, pp. 44-57. Electronics (ICCE), Los Angeles, CA, 22-24 June
ES-30 b3 1999, ISBN 0-7803-5123-1, Los Angeles, CA, 1999,
pp. 208-209.
Nier, R.P. de: ES-30 b4
Property checking of PI-bus modules.
Proc. ProRISC 99, 10th Annual Workshop on Zhao, Q.; Eijk, C.A.J. van:
Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Mierlo, Register binding for DSP code containing predicated
Netherlands, 25-26 November 1999, ISBN 90-73461- execution.
18-9, ed. J.P. Veen; STW, Technology Foundation, Proc. ProRISC 99, 10th Annual Workshop on
Utrecht, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 343-354. Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Mierlo,
ES-30 b4 Netherlands, 25-26 November 1999, ISBN 90-73461-
18-9, ed. J.P. Veen; STW, Technology Foundation,
Tavares, R.; Berkelaar, M.R.C.M.: Utrecht, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 611-618.
10 Reducing switching activity in logic circuits.
Proc. IEEE/International Workshop on Logic Synthesis
ES-30 b4
- IWLS99, Lake Tahoe, CA, 27-30 June 1999, pp. 312- Scientific publications, non-refereed
ES-30 b4 Aalst, W.M.P. van der; Basten, T.:
Inheritance of workflows: an approach to tackling
problems related to change.
EUT Report CSR 99/06, ISBN ISSN 0926-4515; TUE,
Eindhoven, 1999, pp. 1-66.
ES-99 c5

114 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Design Technology for Electronics Systems ES
Programme director : Prof.Dr.-Ing. J.A.G. Jess

Aalst, W.M.P. van der; Basten, T.; Verbeek, Other products of scientific activity
H.M.W.; Verkoulen, P.A.C.; Voorhoeve, M.:
Adaptive Workflow: an approach based on inheritance. Arts, B.M.H.:
Proc. IJCAI99 Workshop, Intelligent Workflow and Mistral2 to Facts.
Process Management: The new frontier for AI in M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, ICS-ES 726, Augustus
business., Stockholm, Sweden, 1-2 August 1999, 1999.
ed. M. Ibrahim and B. Drabble; IJCAI, Stockholm, ES-30 g1
Sweden, 1999, pp. 36-45. Basten, T.:
ES-99 c4 Inheritance of behavior.
Baeten, J.C.M.; Basten, T.: Voordracht bij Philips Research Labs, Eindhoven, 16
Partial-order process algebra (and its relation to petri december 1999.
nets).. ES-50 g2
EUT Report CSR 99/18, ISBN ISSN 0926-4515; TUE, Braspenning, R.A.C.:
Eindhoven, 1999, pp. 1-79. Modeling issue slot constraints with resources..
ES-50 c5 M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, ICS-ES-719, 15-6-
Basten, T.; Aalst, W.M.P. van der: 1999.
Inheritance of behaviour. ES-30 g1
EUT Report CSR 99/17, ISBN ISSN 0926-4515; TUE, Eijk, K. van; Mesman, B.:
Eindhoven, 1999, pp. 1-83. Constraint analysis for code generation: basic
ES-50 c5 techniques and applications in facts.
Peeters, P.: Presentation at Hewlett-Packard research Laboratories,
Genie: A television advisor. Palo Alto, CA, USA, 17 November 1999.
SAI Report, 99.006, ISBN 90-5282-968-3; TUE-SAI, ES-30 g2
Eindhoven, 1999. Eijk, K. van; Mesman, B.:
ES-30 c7 Constraint analysis for code generation: basic
Verbeek, H.M.W.; Basten, T.; Aalst, W.M.P. van der: techniques and applications in facts.
Diagnosing workflow processes using woflan. Presentation at Cadence Design Systems, San Jose,
EUT Report CSR 99/02, ISBN ISSN 0926-4515; TUE, CA, USA, 17 November 1999.
Eindhoven, 1999, pp. 1-44. ES-30 g2
ES-99 c5 Eijk, K. van; Mesman, B.:
Constraint analysis for code generation: basic
techniques and applications in facts..
Eijk, C.A.J. van: Presentation at University of Berkeley, 16 November
System and method for logic rectification based on 1999, Berkeley, CA, USA 1999.
connection reuse. ES-30 g2
U.S. Patent Application no. 09/300,558, April 27, 1999.
ES-50 f3 Jacobs, E.T.A.F.; Berkelaar, M.R.C.M.:
Gate sizing using a statistical delay model.
Kastrup, B.; Meerbergen, J.L. van: Voordracht gehouden op 2 juli 1999 bij Magma Design
Reconfigurable processor data-path with configuration Automation, Cupertino, CA, USA 1999.
cache based on content addressable memories. ES-40 g2
Octrooiaanvraag, ingediend 21 december 1999.
Volleberg, G.:
ES-30 f2 ES
Bugs, errors and mistakes in software: source code
Theis, J.P.; Nowak, K.; Meerbergen, J.L. van: analysis with procedure summaries..
Next generation reconfigurable computing cell for M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, 9 februari 1999.
FPGA. ES-50 g1
Octrooiaanvraag, ID nummer 60.3818 1999.
ES-30 f2

List of publications 1999 115

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Design Technology for Electronics Systems ES
Programme director : Prof.Dr.-Ing. J.A.G. Jess


116 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Signal Processing Systems SPS = ESP + EME
Programme director : M.J. Bastiaans, J.A. Blom, and P.C.W. Sommen

Signal Processing Systems


Annual Research Report 1999 117

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Signal Processing Systems SPS = ESP + EME
Programme director : M.J. Bastiaans, J.A. Blom, and P.C.W. Sommen

AC Audio Coding
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
ANC Active Noise Cancellation
BIOMED EU research and technological development programme on Biomedicine and Health
DSP Digital Signal Processing, Digital Signal Processor
EEG Electroencephalogram
EURASIP European Association for Signal Processing
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
IBIS Improved Monitoring for Brain Dysfunction in Intensive Care
ICIS Intensive Care Information System
ICU Intensive Care Unit
ISPOCD International Study of Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction
MPANC Multiple Point Acoustic Noise Canceller
OR Operating Room
RAD Rapid Application Development
TNO the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
TWAIO Master of Technological Design


118 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Signal Processing Systems SPS = ESP + EME
Programme director : M.J. Bastiaans, J.A. Blom, and P.C.W. Sommen

1. Full title : Signal Processing Systems

2. Subprogrammes
1. Mixed signal descriptions (ESP-10)
2. Adaptive filters (ESP-20)
3. Filter structures (ESP-30)
4. Patient monitoring systems (EME-20)
5. Brain function monitoring (EME-30)
6. Monitoring of the elderly (EME-40)

4. Key words
signal processing, digital signal processing, optical signal processing, orthogonal series expansions, adaptive
filters, finite word length effects, local-frequency concepts, electronic document processing, visual processing,
time-frequency domain adaptive filters, adaptive arrays, LMS-algorithm, orthogonal filters, block and multi-rate
adaptive filters, audio signal processing;
medical technology, medical electrical engineering, medical instrumentation technology, biinformatics, medical
informatics, neurophysiology, ergonomics, monitoring, patient neuromonitoring

8. Programme design in brief

In 1999, the research programme was split into a part on Signal Processing (ESP-10, ESP-20, ESP-30) and one
on Medical Electrical Engineering (EME-20, EME-30, EME-40). This subdivision reflects the research lines of
the two groups (ESP and EME, respectively) that were combined into SPS.

Signal processing (ESP-10, ESP-20, ESP-30)

The research programme Signal Processing covers different aspects regarding the description of signals and the
analysis and design of signal-processing systems. Continuous (including optical) as well as discrete (mostly
digital) and one-dimensional as well as higher dimensional signals and systems are taken into consideration.
Signal description may be in deterministic or stochastic terms. The programme is characterised by:

its emphasis on the fundamentals of signal processing in terms of mathematical and physical concepts,
methods and models, and
its emphasis on applications, in which the design, the simulation and the implementation of (real-time)
signal-processing systems play a central role.

With respect to the fundamentals of signal processing, modern developments are constantly requiring new
mathematical and theoretical-physical methods and models both for the description of a system as well as for
the description of the signals that are processed by this system. With respect to applications of signal processing,
research in this field will be concentrated more and more on the real-time aspects that are relevant in designing
new signal-processing systems, which will continue to become larger, faster, and more complex.
With these considerations in mind, the Signal Processing group has formulated the following mission:

To contribute to the improvement of existing and the development of new signal-processing systems,
in accordance with modern developments in the field of signal processing and with requirements from
industry and society;
To strengthen and enlarge the fundamentals of this field of science;
To disseminate knowledge in the field of signal processing;
To establish a profound basis for interdisciplinary research and technology activities, for which, very
often, the results from signal processing form a set of indispensable scientific tools.

The research programme Signal Processing consists of three sub-programmes:

Annual Research Report 1999 119

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Signal Processing Systems SPS = ESP + EME
Programme director : M.J. Bastiaans, J.A. Blom, and P.C.W. Sommen

8.1. Mixed signal descriptions (ESP-10)

Although time signals are traditionally described in a pure time-domain representation or in a pure frequency-
domain representation, such signals might as well be described in a mixed time-frequency-domain representation.
This simultaneous time-frequency representation is only one of many mixed signal descriptions, with the help
of which feature extraction and signal interpretation might be simplified. Moreover, the concept of mixed signal
descriptions needs not be restricted to time signals, but can be extended to more general and higher-dimensional
signals, as well.
Main research topics in this sub-programme are:

Signal descriptions by means of a local frequency spectrum, using the Gabor transform on the one
hand and the Wigner distribution function and other representatives of Cohens class of quadratic signal
representations on the other,
Time-scale representations like wavelets, and
General windowed transforms like the local Kautz transform.

8.2. Adaptive filters (ESP-20)

Adaptive filters are a useful alternative for fixed filter applications if a favourable exchange between complexity,
precision and convergence properties can be obtained. New algorithms have to be developed to decrease signal
dependency and improve learning-rate and stability, by using block processing, deconvolution, orthogonality and
time-frequency-place trade-offs. Besides this fundamental work on algorithms, the emphasis in the application
area is placed on real-time aspects when large adaptive systems, as needed in, e.g., audio applications, have to be
realised on DSPs. Main research topics in this sub-programme are:

Analysis issues,
Adaptive filters based on orthogonal filters,
Adaptive array sifnal processing, and
Realisation of real-time large-scale adaptive filters.

8.3. Filter structures (ESP-30)

The objective of this sub-programme is: analysis, implementation and application of signal processing systems, in
particular with digital means. The sub-programme deals with those topics from the vast area of signal processing
that have no specific relation to the two major lines of research on mixed signal descriptions and adaptive filters.
The topics in this sub-programme might be rather diverse and are likely to change more often than the topics in
the other two sub-programmes. Main research topics in this sub-programme are currently

Noise in digital filters,

Multi-rate filters and filter banks,
Transform coders, and
Audio coding.

Medical Electrical Engineering (EME-20, EME-30, EME-40)

This programme aims at the development of intelligent monitoring and alarm systems for health care. A strong
emphasis is put on the development of mathematical models to stimulate physiological systems and technologies
for real-time synthesis of data and domain-specific knowledge. This includes work in the area of real-time
expert systems, artificial neural networks, and other advanced methods for real-time multivariate information
11 analysis. Application areas are patient monitoring systems for critical care, systems for monitoring brain function
and intelligent safety alarm systems for home and ambulatory care. The research has its technological basis in
knowledge-based technology, signal processing, systems theory, and systems modeling. The work is a cornerstone
of the Biomedical Technology research programme at Eindhoven University of Technology. Extensive contacts
are maintained with other academic research groups, health care institutions, and medical technology industries
at national and international levels. Special and long-lasting collaborations exist with the TNO Institute for
Biomedical Instrumentation (Prof. Wesseling), the University of Maastricht (Prof. Hasman), the Catharina

120 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Signal Processing Systems SPS = ESP + EME
Programme director : M.J. Bastiaans, J.A. Blom, and P.C.W. Sommen

Hospital, Eindhoven (Dr. Korst), and the University of Florida, College of Medicine, at Gainesville, Fla. (Prof.
The work is subdivided into three sub-programmes.

8.4. Patient monitoring systems (EME-20)

Key objective here is the introduction of automation into the the practice of clinical anesthesia and intensive care,
and to test in how far automation is useful and meaningful. The emphasis is on intelligent real-time (expert-
system-based) patient monitoring and intelligent clinical control systems in operating room and intensive care
units. Scientific content of the work is centered around the theory of real-time expert systems and their application
in critical real-time tasks. A derived goal is the application of intelligent monitoring and intelligent control
systems in other areas.

8.5. Brain function monitoring (EME-30)

Monitoring of the brain is an important but underdeveloped area. We therefore aim to develop signal and
information processing strategies to monitor brain function during anesthesia and critical care. These strategies
are all based on information derived from the electro-encephalogram (EEG). A closely related goal is assessment
of the reliability and validity of the derived function indicators.

8.6. Monitoring of the elderly (EME-40)

Monitoring does not take place in operating rooms and intensive care units only. Monitoring of the elderly is an
increasingly important theme in our current society. This type of monitoring is usually of ambulatory subjects.
In combination with the gerontology programme of the TUE we focus on the development of an intelligent
safety alarm system that allows warnings and alarms in (potentially) dangerous situations with or without active
intervention of the user.

9. Overview of academic results

9.1. Mixed signal descriptions (ESP-10)
The project on signal description by means of a local frequency spectrum was mainly concentrated on Gabors
signal expansion. Gabors signal expansion describes a signal as a superposition of shifted and modulated versions
of a synthesis window, where these versions of the synthesis window appear on a rectangular sampling lattice in
phase space i.e., the combined time-frequency domain and each shifted and modulated version has its own
expansion coefficient. To determine Gabors expansion coefficients, we can use the Gabor transform, which is in
fact a sampled version of the windowed Fourier transform; the analysis window used in this Gabor transform, has
to be determined from the synthesis window that is used in Gabors signal expansion. Very often, we want this
analysis window to show a close resemblance to the synthesis window.
The Gabor scheme can been extended to a sampling geometry that is no longer rectangular; in that case the
shifting operations in time and frequency can no longer be separated. We succeeded in transforming general non-
separable lattices into rectangular ones, after which the nice theoretical properties that hold for the rectangular
case (and that are mainly based on the possibility of applying the Zak transformation) could be translated to
the non-separable case. Hence, fast algorithms could now be found for the general non-separable case, as well,
and were implemented on a PC where we succeeded in operating upon audio signals in real time (i.e., CD
speed). Moreover, we succeeded in establishing analytical formulas in the practically important case of a Gaussian
window function.
It has been shown that the generalization to a non-separable sampling geometry can also be achieved by 11
introducing a refined rectangular lattice in such a way that the nodes of the non-separable lattice form a subset of SPS

the nodes of the refined rectangular lattice. The Zak transform can then be applied for the rectangular sampling
scheme, taking advantage of the fact that the rectangular lattice contains many zeros.
The Gabor transform and the Zak transform for one-dimensional signals has been extended to two-dimensional
signals, both for the rectangular sampling scheme and for the non-separable geometry.

Annual Research Report 1999 121

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Signal Processing Systems SPS = ESP + EME
Programme director : M.J. Bastiaans, J.A. Blom, and P.C.W. Sommen

Ph.D. student Van Leest visited the Numerical Harmonic Analysis Group of the Universitat Wien, where he
collaborated with prof. Feichtinger and his team for two months.
Thanks to the presence of a PostDoc (Alieva) in the first half of the year, the other main topic in this project, the
phase-space description of signals and systems (with its application in optics as well as in signal processing), led
to some interesting results. First-order optical systems, described by the so-called canonical integral transform,
have been studied, which resulted in new relationships for the powers of their transfer matrices, especially in
the case of cyclid cascades, i.e. systems whose k-th power is identical to the unit operation. New properties of
the eigenfunctions of the canonical integral transform have been formulated, which properties form in fact the
basis for the power relationships mentioned before. Moreover, a new relationship between the mode content and
fractional (Fourier and Hankel) transforms of a function has been established.

9.2. Adaptive filters (ESP-20)

The main emphasis of the research of this programme is more and more going into the direction of adaptive
array signal processing techniques. Although not restricted to, these techniques are mainly applied to audio and
acoustic applications. In these fields we are dealing with very complex, non-stationary multi-sensor systems. The
research is a mix of theory, algorithm design, simulations and experiments. Especially for these experiments a
small audio laboratory is realised (EH 5.33). Prototypes will be tested in this laboratory with newly available
The works on phantom sources and multi-point acoustic noise canceling (MPANC) are closely related subjects.
They both are based on the so-called filtered-x algorithm. The phantom source project has resulted in the Ph.D.
thesis Adaptive 3D sound systems (Garas) while the MPANC project, a BTS sponsored co-operation with
Prodrive, was finished. A prototype of a first setup was realised (Cornelissen).
An STW project about transparent audio communication has been accepted. A transparent audio communication
system will allow users who are physically at different places to communicate with each other as if they where in
the same place. Four main problems have to be solved: 1) acoustical echoes have to be cancelled 2) background
noise has to be reduced 3) undesired audio signals have to separated and 4) reverberation has to be limited as
much as possible. In the past the group has a great experience in the first problem. The second one is related to
the MPANC project and the work on filtered-x algorithms. The audio signal separation work has resulted in the
Ph.D. thesis Efficient adaptive multi-channel concepts in acoustics (Schobben). A postdoc (Yin) is continuing
this work on audio separation and some new algorithms have been developed. A new Ph.D. student (Suditu)
has started to investigate the dereverberation problem. In first instance the main focus of his work will be about
efficient inversion of non-minimum phase systems. At the end of this Ph.D. project the 4 mentioned problems will
be combined into one solution and a prototype will be realised. Another postdoc (Prabhu) is developing efficient
algorithms for this goal. In co-operation with the optical communication group the separation algorithms have
also been applied to monitor optical signals (Calembretta).
The research on the analysis of infinite long tapped delay lines adaptive filters is still going on (Butterweck).
A TWAIO project has been started in co-operation with Philips Semi Conductors about the design of efficient
adaptive equalizer structures for an Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) modem (Smolinski).
In co-operation with Prodrive a new project has started in which a study is made towards the use of adaptive array
techniques for the placement of an installation to milk cows using ultra sound signals (Prolion).

9.3. Filter structures (ESP-30)

In co-operation with Philips Research Laboratories a project about bandwidth extension of speech signals has
11 been completed (Smeets).
The quantization noise of a fixed-point digital filter is commonly expressed in terms of its noise gain, i.e. the
factor by which the noise power q square over 12 of a single signal quantizer is amplified to the output of
the filter. A closed-form expression for the optimal second-order noise gain in terms of the coefficients of the
numerator and denominator polynomials of the transfer function has been derived. It has been shown, by deriving
a similar expression for its noise gain, that the second-order Direct Form structure has an arbitrarily larger noise

122 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Signal Processing Systems SPS = ESP + EME
Programme director : M.J. Bastiaans, J.A. Blom, and P.C.W. Sommen

gain the closer the filter poles are to the unit circle. The main result is that the Wave Digital Form and the Normal
Form structures have noise gains which are only marginally larger than the minimum gain. For these forms, the
expressions for their noise gain in terms of the transfer function have been found as well. The importance of these
forms lies in the fact that they use less multipliers than the optimal structure and that they are much easier to
design. Properly scaled forms have been developed, requiring no design tools.
Work of Ph.D. student Sarroukh has focused on local orthogonal bases and signal-tuned optimal parameters. In
the segmentation of signals in local sine and cosine bases, one uses orthogonal projections. We considered these
projections, and studied if it is necessary for them to be orthogonal. As for signal-tuned optimal parameters,
orhogonal series expansions with free parameters were considered (example: Laguerre, Kautz). The optimal
parameters are explicitly determined according to an enforced convergence criterion.

9.4. Patient monitoring systems (EME-20)

The cooperation with the staff of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Catharina Hospital in Eindhoven is a
focal point of our research. The intelligent patient monitoring system that has been added to the intensive care
information system (ICIS) by Ph.D. student de Clercq is now in daily routine use. The knowledge editor user
interface that allows the medical staff to enter rules into the critiquing system for validation has been successful:
currently, the ICU knowledge base contains about 85 validated tasks. The methodology to validate the entered
production rules, to verify their correctness and predictive value, and to transfer rules of sufficiently high quality
from the test rule base into the production rule base has been successfully adopted by the clinicians. De
Clercqs methodology has also been adopted in other domains: family practice (a system with 250 protocols),
psychiatry, and trauma units.
Ph.D. student Giele has extended his kidney function analysis algorithm with a movement correction method so
that now non-transplant kidneys can be analyzed as well.
Ph.D. student Habets has added a new system for dynamic video analysis to his rapid application development
system for computer assisted surgery. With the RAD system, he designed applications for stress laxity, tibia
reposition and notch angle measurements.

9.5. Brain function monitoring (EME-30)

The goal of the IBIS project is improved monitoring for brain dysfunction in intensive care and surgery. Our
group coordinates workpackage 3 and will be responsible for delivery of a prototype neurological workstation
that incorporates a number of clinical data processing applications. Ph.D. student van de Velde finished his work
on real-time EEG validation. Two scientists, van den Meerendonk and Car, temporarily assisted in the design of
the IBIS algorithms. Ph.D. student Cluitmans has finished his thesis work. He continued his work during a period
of 5 months on a contract with Datex-Ohmeda. Dr. P.J.M. Cluitmans has extended van de Veldes approach and
achieved a positive prediction of 90% and a sensitivity of 75% using the same EEG data.

9.6. Monitoring of the elderly (EME-40)

The Ph.D. work of Peeters, the implementation of a passive safety-alarm system for the elderly living alone in
their home, has been stopped due to insufficient progress.


Annual Research Report 1999 123

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Signal Processing Systems SPS = ESP + EME
Programme director : M.J. Bastiaans, J.A. Blom, and P.C.W. Sommen


124 Annual Research Report 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Signal Processing Systems SPS = ESP + EME
Programme director : M.J. Bastiaans, J.A. Blom, and P.C.W. Sommen

Dissertations Alieva, T.; Bastiaans, M.J.:

Powers of transfer matrices determined by means of
Cluitmans, L.J.M.: eigenfunctions.
User support for patient data analysis. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 16, nr. 10, 1999, pp. 2413-2418.
Promotoren: A. Hasman, P.P.J. van ESP-10 b3
den Bosch; copromotor: J.A. Blom. Eindhoven,
ISBN 90-386-1680-5, 1999, pp. 1-152. Alieva, T.; Bastiaans, M.J.:
EME-20 a1 Properties of eigenfunctions of the canonical integral
Garas, J.: Proc. 1999 IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear
Adaptive 3D sound systems. Signal and Image Processing, Vol. 2, Antalya, Turkey,
Promotoren: P.P.J. van den Bosch, 20-23 June 1999, pp. 585-587.
W.M.G. van Bokhoven; copromotor: P.C.W. ESP-10 b4
Sommen. Eindhoven, ISBN 90-386-1640-6, 1999,
pp. 1-157. Bastiaans, M.J.:
ESP-20 a1 Zero twist of Gaussian light in first-order optical
Schobben, D.W.E.: Proc. ICO-18, 18th Congress of the International
Efficient adaptive multi-channel concepts in acoustics: Commission for Optics, Optics for the Next Millennium,
blind signal separation and echo cancellation. SPIE Vol. 3749, San Francisco, CA, 2-6 August
Promotoren: P.P.J. van den Bosch, 1999, ISBN 0 8194 3234 2; SPIE - The International
W.M.G. van Bokhoven; copromotor: P.C.W. Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WA,
Sommen. Eindhoven, ISBN 90-386-1630-9, 1999. 1999, pp. 112-113.
ESP-20 a1 ESP-10 b4
Scientific publications, refereed Bastiaans, M.J.; Leest, A.J. van:
Alieva, T.; Barbe, A.M.; Bastiaans, M.J.: Gabors signal expansion and a modified Zak transform
Spectral analysis of discrete signals generated by for a quincunx-type sampling geometry.
multiplicative and additive iterative procedures. Proc. ISSPA 99, Fifth International Symposium on
Proc. ICASSP 99, 1999 IEEE International Conference Signal Processing and its Applications, Brisbane,
on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol. 3, Australia, 22-25 August 1999, ISBN 1 86435 451 8,
Phoenix, AZ, 15-19 March 1999, pp. 1605-1608. ed. M. Deriche, B. Boashash, W.W. Boles; Queensland
ESP-10 b4 University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia,
1999, pp. 259-262.
Alieva, T.; Bastiaans, M.J.: ESP-10 b4
Discrete signals constructed through the multiplicative
iterative procedure. Bastiaans, M.J.; Leest, A.J. van:
Proc. Fractals in Engineering, Delft, Netherlands, 14- Gabors signal expansion and the Gabor transform for
16 June 1999, pp. 43-50. a general, non-separable sampling geometry.
ESP-10 b4 Proc. ProRISC 99, 10th Annual Workshop on
Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Mierlo,
Alieva, T.; Bastiaans, M.J.: Netherlands, 25-26 November 1999, ISBN 90-73461-
Mode analysis in optics through fractional transforms. 18-9, ed. J.P. Veen; STW, Technology Foundation,
Opt. Lett. 24, nr. 17, 1999, pp. 1206-1208. Utrecht, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 21-26.
ESP-10 b3 ESP-10 b4
Alieva, T.; Bastiaans, M.J.: Brinker, A.C. den; Sarroukh, B.E.:
Powers of transfer matrices and cyclid cascades. Optimal parameters in Laguerre and Kautz series
Proc. ICO-18, 18th Congress of the International (invited).
Commission for Optics, Optics for the Next Millennium, Proc. ECC 99, European Control Conference, Paper F
SPIE Vol. 3749, San Francisco, CA, 2-6 August 1065-5, Karlsruhe, Germany, 31 August - 3 September 11
1999, ISBN 0 8194 3234 2; SPIE - The International 1999. SPS
Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WA, ESP-30 b4
1999, pp. 104-105.
ESP-10 b4

List of publications 1999 125

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Signal Processing Systems SPS = ESP + EME
Programme director : M.J. Bastiaans, J.A. Blom, and P.C.W. Sommen

Butterweck, H.J.: Garavaglia, M.; Lehman, M.; Alieva, T.:

Iterative analysis of the steady-state weight fluctuations Diffraction on fractals in first-order optical systems;
in LMS-type adaptive filters. experiments.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 47, nr. 9, 1999, pp. 2558- Proc. Fractals in Engineering, Delft, Netherlands, 14-
2561. 16 June 1999, pp. 363-369.
ESP-20 b3 ESP-10 b4
Castiglioni, P.; Parati, G.; Omboni, S.; Mancia, G.; Hoeksel, S.A.A.P.; Blom, J.A.; Jansen, J.R.C.;
Imholz, B.P.M.; Wesseling, K.H.; Di Rienzo, M.: Maessen, J.G.; Schreuder, J.J.:
Broad-band spectral analysis of 24 h continuous Automated infusion of vasoactive and inotropic drugs
finger blood pressure: comparison with intra-arterial to control arterial and pulmonary pressures during
recordings. cardiac surgery.
Clinical Science 97, 1999, pp. 129-139. Critical Care Medicine 27, nr. 12, 1999, pp. 2792-2799.
EME-20 b3 EME-20 b3
Clercq, P.A. de; Blom, J.A.; Hasman, A.; Korsten, Jellema, W.T.; Wesseling, K.H.; Groeneveld, J.;
H.H.M.: Stoutenbeek, C.P.; Thijs, L.G.; Lieshout, J.J. van:
A strategy for developing practice guidelines for the icu Continuous cardiac output in septic shock by
using automated knowledge aquisition techniques. simulating a model of the aortic input impedance.
J. Clin. Monit. Comput. 15, 1999, pp. 109-117. Anesthesiology 90, 1999, pp. 1317-1328.
EME-20 b3 EME-20 b3
Clercq, P.A. de; Blom, J.A.; Hasman, A.; Korsten, Leest, A.J. van:
H.H.M.: Fast computation of dual Gabor windows for non-
Development of a task-based reminder system for separable lattices.
critical care environments. Proc. ProRISC 99, 10th Annual Workshop on
Health Information Developments in the Netherlands, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Mierlo,
April, 1999, pp. 52-61. Netherlands, 25-26 November 1999, ISBN 90-73461-
EME-20 b3 18-9, ed. J.P. Veen; STW, Technology Foundation,
Utrecht, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 261-264.
Clercq, P.A. de; Blom, J.A.; Hasman, A.; Korsten, ESP-10 b4
Development of a task-based reminder system for Leest, A.J. van:
critical care environments. On the non-separable Gabor signal expansion and filter
Proc. Workshop during the Joint European Conference banks.
on AIMDM99, 1999, pp. 87-88. Proc. ISSPA 99, Fifth International Symposium on
EME-20 b4 Signal Processing and its Applications, Brisbane,
Australia, 22-25 August 1999, ISBN 1 86435 451 8,
Cornelissen, D.; Sommen, P.: ed. M. Deriche, B. Boashash, W.W. Boles; Queensland
New online secondary path estimation in a multipoint University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia,
filtered-x algorithm for acoustic noise canceling. 1999, pp. 607-610.
Proc. ProRISC 99, 10th Annual Workshop on ESP-10 b4
Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Mierlo,
Netherlands, 25-26 November 1999, ISBN 90-73461- Leest, A.J. van; Bastiaans, M.J.:
18-9, ed. J.P. Veen; STW, Technology Foundation, Gabors signal expansion on a quincunx lattice and the
Utrecht, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 97-104. modified Zak transform.
ESP-20 b4 Proc. ICASSP 99, 1999 IEEE International Conference
on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol. 3,
Garas, J.; Sommen, P.C.W.: Phoenix, AZ, 15-19 March 1999, pp. 1325-1328.
Warped linear time invariant systems and their ESP-10 b4
11 application in audio signal processing.
Proc. ICASSP 99, 1999 IEEE International Conference
on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol. 3,
Phoenix, AZ, 15-19 March 1999, pp. 1521-1524.
ESP-20 b4

126 List of publications 1999

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Signal Processing Systems SPS = ESP + EME
Programme director : M.J. Bastiaans, J.A. Blom, and P.C.W. Sommen

Leest, A.J. van; Bastiaans, M.J.: Schobben, D.W.E.; Sommen, P.C.W.:

On the non-separable discrete Gabor signal expansion A new algorithm for joint blind signal separation and
and the Zak transform. acoustic echo canceling.
Proc. ISSPA 99, Fifth International Symposium on Proc. ISSPA 99, Fifth International Symposium on
Signal Processing and its Applications, Brisbane, Signal Processing and its Applications, Brisbane,
Australia, 22-25 August 1999, ISBN 1 86435 451 8, Australia, 22-25 August 1999, ISBN 1 86435 451 8,
ed. M. Deriche, B. Boashash, W.W. Boles; Queensland ed. M. Deriche, B. Boashash, W.W. Boles; Queensland
University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia,
1999, pp. 263-266. 1999, pp. 889-892.
ESP-10 b4 ESP-20 b4
Oomen, A.W.J.; Brinker, A.C. den: Schobben, D.W.E.; Sommen, P.C.W.:
Sinusoids plus noise modelling for audio signals. On the indeterminacies of convolutive blind signal
Proc. AES 17th International Conference on High separation based on second-order statistics.
Quality Audio Coding, Florence, Italy, 2-5 SeptemberProc. ISSPA 99, Fifth International Symposium on
1999, pp. 226-232. Signal Processing and its Applications, Brisbane,
ESP-30 b4 Australia, 22-25 August 1999, ISBN 1 86435 451 8,
ed. M. Deriche, B. Boashash, W.W. Boles; Queensland
Ritzerfeld, J.H.F.: University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia,
Noise-gain formulas for low-noise digital filter 1999, pp. 215-218.
structures. ESP-20 b4
Proc. ProRISC 99, 10th Annual Workshop on
Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Mierlo, Velde, M. v.d.; Ghosh, R.; Cluitmans, P.J.M.:
Netherlands, 25-26 November 1999, ISBN 90-73461- Context related artefact detection in prolonged EEG
18-9, ed. J.P. Veen; STW, Technology Foundation, recordings.
Utrecht, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 383-388. Comput. Methods Programs Biomed. 60, nr. 3, 1999,
ESP-30 b4 pp. 183-196.
EME-30 b3
Sarroukh, B.E.; Brinker, A.C. den; Eijndhoven,
S.J.L. van: Yin, B.; Sommen, P.:
Optimal parameters in modulated Laguerre series Adaptive blind signal separation using a new simplified
expansions. mixing model.
Proc. ISSPA 99, Fifth International Symposium on Proc. ProRISC 99, 10th Annual Workshop on
Signal Processing and its Applications, Brisbane, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Mierlo,
Australia, 22-25 August 1999, ISBN 1 86435 451 8, Netherlands, 25-26 November 1999, ISBN 90-73461-
ed. M. Deriche, B. Boashash, W.W. Boles; Queensland 18-9, ed. J.P. Veen; STW, Technology Foundation,
University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, Utrecht, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 601-606.
1999, pp. 187-190. ESP-20 b4
ESP-30 b4
Scientific publications, non-refereed
Schobben, D.; Torkkola, K.; Smaragdis, P.:
Evaluation of blind separation methods. Clercq, P.A. de; Blom, J.A.; Hasman, A.; Korsten,
Proc. ICA 99, International Workshop on Independent H.H.M.:
Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation, GuiDE: an architecture for the acquisition and
Aussois, France, 11-15 January 1999, pp. 261-266. execution of clinical guideline-application tasks.
ESP-20 b4 Proc. BNAIC 1999, Eleventh Belgium-Netherlands
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Maastricht,
Netherlands, 3-4 November 1999, ed. E. Postma and
M. Gyssens, 1999, pp. 271-272.
EME-20 c4
Hasman, A.; Merode, G.G. van:
Informatievoorziening in de gezondheidszorg.
ISBN 90 352 2181 8; Elsevier/De Tijdstroom,
Maarssen, Netherlands, 1999, pp. 1-239.
EME-20 c1

List of publications 1999 127

University : Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)
Programme : Signal Processing Systems SPS = ESP + EME
Programme director : M.J. Bastiaans, J.A. Blom, and P.C.W. Sommen

Hyfte, D.M.H. van; Clercq, P.A. de; Tjandra-Maga,

T.B.; Zitman, F.G.; Vries Robbe, P.F. de:
Modelling the psychoactive drug selection application
domain at the knowledge level.
Proc. BNAIC 1999, Eleventh Belgium-Netherlands
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Maastricht,
Netherlands, 3-4 November 1999, ed. E. Postma and
M. Gyssens, 1999, pp. 187-194.
EME-20 c4

Professional publications
Clercq, P.A. de; Blom, J.A.; Hasman, A.; Korsten,
Beslissingsondersteuning in intensive care units door
middel van kritieksystemen.
Informatie en Zorg 28, nr. 1, 1999, pp. 26-30.
EME-20 d3

Other publications
Butterweck, H.J.:
Meer dan mensenwerk.
Afscheidscollege, TUE, Eindhoven, 5 November 1999.
SPS-99 e6

Other products of scientific activity

Bastiaans, M.J.:
Time-frequency signal representations.
Paper presented at AMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 14
January 1999.
ESP-10 g2
Cornelissen, D.:
Filtered-X algorithm used in an acoustic noise
cancelling system.
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, 31 August 1999.
ESP-20 g1
Gassel, J. van:
Synthetic noise for audio coding.
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, 12 October 1999.
ESP-30 g1
Hest, M.W.J. van:
Multi resolution analysis of partial discharge signals.
M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, ESM-02-99, April
1999, pp. 1-67.
ESP-10 g1
Smeets, J.:
11 Bandbreedte extensie van bandbegrensde spraak.
SPS M.Sc. Thesis, TUE, Eindhoven, 31 August 1999.
ESP-30 g1

128 List of publications 1999

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