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Animation Techniques Guide

We believe that people and groups have their process, as well as conflict resolu
tion and has to follow a few steps. We like to talk about the construction of a
staircase, and not by any use or imitation, but because in n, where each step is
based on the construction of the above and this is something very important. We
can not build sixth step if we have not built five. So on occasion we have big
failures, when trying to start with the problems without having built the group.
In this sense, in this file we find that at first we spoke in the first paragra
phs of the construction of the group, trying to promote it in a dynamic, fun and
participatory. These help form a group in which people know their names are kno
wn, have confidence in themselves and others, know evaluated and find the positi
ve values of the others, and are able to provide all in one solidarity and balan
ced way to enrich the group. It is a first step to create a good environment, bu
t do not have to be something fictional, flattering and heavenly. Once the group
is formed, which is more than the mere sum of individuals, we mentioned. Why in
dex cards? ... There are recipes for mechanically apply the group and achieve th
e objectives. The use of games requires the knowledge of the group and at least.
We have chosen to do this work in the form of chips, for ease of use and effort
classifier which involve different types of techniques. This is not because int
erest to classify, but responds to different mome nt and can look forward to kee
p climbing that ladder
experiences of the group, in which the techniques may have wider application and
Outline: The chips are made on the basis of five points, trying to collect all r
elevant aspects offered by each technique clearly. So you can easily remember, s
elect or discover new aspects. The five points which are based techniques includ
e: Title Objective Development
Material Notes
Classification of animation techniques:
L Understanding that ASC is communication which means that the animator is commu
nicator may be divided into two dimensions of communication. Material: Formal co
mmunication content: relationship or process through which mimics the content.
In every dimension there is an orientation: the material is oriented to the task
and the formal is focused on the relationship. Each dimension has one aim: the
material the group's performance using various techniques in group relations, an
d maintaining formal communication in the group.
Performance-oriented techniques: Serve the job content and performance-oriented
techniques. The animator has to pursue the group to work. 1. Animation technique
s for the analysis of reality 2. Animation techniques for planning. 3. Animation
techniques applied to the intervention and monitoring. 4. Techniques to encoura
ge animation. Maintenance-oriented techniques: the basis of the relationship pro
cesses. Stages: • Home groups: (members not known) • Techniques to encourage the
initiation and presentation of the groups. Techniques to generate knowledge and
confidence group. Communication techniques to encourage motivation techniques,
relaxation techniques and creation of atmosphere to encourage creativity explora
tion techniques, innovation and advice.
Monitoring Group (distribution functions) -

Maturity group: -
Animation techniques aimed at maintaining
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Techniques INITIATION AND EXPRESSION GROUPS techniques to generate knowledge and
techniques to encourage TRUST GROUP COMMUNICATION MOTIVATION techniques, relaxa
tion and CLIMATE BUILDING CREATIVE Techniques to encourage survey techniques, IN
T.A.M. 1. Initiation and Presentation of groups
T.A.M. 1.1. "Find someone who ..." T.A.M. 1.2. "Proverbs" T.A.M. 1.3. "Basket re
volt" T.A.M. 1.4. "My name ... name is ..."
It's very simple games that allow a first approach and contact. Fundamentally it
comes to games to learn the names and a minimum feature. When the participants
do not know is the first step toward creating and bases of a group working in a
dynamic, horizontal and relaxed. Usually the assessment is not necessary, unless
to note, in the end, the difference between this way of making contact with a g
roup and the coldness of other ways to start meetings or submitting.€At this sta
ge it is necessary that the animator: create a climate of acceptance, closeness,
happiness, initiate a process of mutual understanding, make possible the relati
onship of all with all creating a current affective, avoid the "cuts" that inhib
it the expression.
T.A.M. 1.1. Title: "Find someone who ..." Objective: To help a group to present
a dynamic way.
The announcer gives the following instructions, to complete a
form I am going to give you must seek among members of a group with the characte
ristics requested in the question. You may not repeat a name twice, and consult
with the person's response. If you already know something is better not to put t
he name and find another with the same
characteristics. Material: Form and pen.
depending on the situation.
T.A.M. 1.2. Title: "The sayings"
Objective: To help people in a group learn the names of the components.
In a split down the middle tab is written a saying (in part
one piece and in another the next part). After the cards are mixed and spread th
roughout the group, which now have to find who has the other half of the saying
that has returned. Thus be grouped in pairs and begin the presentation.
Material: Sheets and pen. Comment: After being submitted, it is desirable that e
present their partner to the group.
T.A.M. 1.3. Title: "The basket revolt" Objective: To assist the presentation of
the group of people who do not know in a fun and active. Development: People are
placed in a circle and the facilitator is placed in the
medium. This is addressed to one participant, if he says: "lemon" will have to s
ay the name of his companion left. If you say "orange" tell your name right and
if he says: "basket revolt" every site change. The last thing you feel will occu
py the center. There are fewer seats for each participant for the center. Materi
al: Chairs
Comments: You can make different variations.
T.A.M. 1.4. Title: "My name ... is called ..."
Helping people in one group in a
relatively quick and removing its resistance.
In large group. In a large circle animator sets in the
start and says: "My name is ... (Given name), the next say, "My name is ..., the
third is called ...", say his name and that of the previous two and so on. To m
ake it more dynamic can be incorporated into a gesture of body language. P.e. "M
y name is ..., and I like ... (staging)." You can not repeat any of the previous
Material: Remarks: To create a more relaxed atmosphere, you can include the paym
ent of a pledge, telling a joke, etc. The one who is wrong.
T.A.M. 2. To build knowledge and confidence.
T.A.M. 2.1. "The pack or bottle crazy" T.A.M. 2.2. "Seesaw" T.A.M. 2.3. "Leaving
the circle" T.A.M. 2.4. "A dog and a cat" T.A.M. 2.5. "The leader" T.A.M. 2.6.
"The Wink" T.A.M. 2.7. "The Star"
They are techniques to allow the participants in the meeting or session or na, t
o know each other. It seeks to achieve a higher degree in the presentation, slow
ly reaching a deeper knowledge and vital. Before you start make sure the techniq
ue that they have misunderstood the slogans of departure. Moreover, the techniqu
es are very simple, but easy to create a positive atmosphere in the group, espec
ially when the participants are not known. In some assessment is not required, b
ut in games deeper, it is useful to ask the participants how they have lived art
. Interestingly, the assessment extended the participation of everyone that has
occurred in the dynamics, making, for example a turn to speak by conference, des
igned to allow each one / to speak. It may be useful later, as the group, make a
brief general discussion on the scope of these dynamics. Building trust involve
s creating a favorable climate in which knowledge and the affirmation gives way
to a sense of correspondence. The varying degrees or shades of that trust, is a
configuration of relationships between each participant and the other, and the g
roup as such.
T.A.M. 2.1. Title: "Bottle crazy"
Objective: To generate knowledge and confidence in the group. Development: Peopl
e are placed in small circles side by side.
One participant is placed in the center of the circle with eyes closed and feet
together is dropped on the other, they have to catch it and throw it again on an
other circle.
Material: Remarks: After the person is positive that released explaining your
sensations, if you have fear, insecurity, etc ... The conditions for this techni
que is well done are: Individuals should be dropped into the arms of another. No
jokes. The group must be set.
T.A.M. 2.2. Title: "The Rocker"
Objective: To relax.
Develop the knowledge and confidence of a group through
People are placed in pairs. Must be put back
bound at the wrists and arms straight. While you bend your knees, the other stre
tches and going up the other person is bending.
Before that people should be placed in pairs
warn them about the same weight.
T.A.M. 2.3. Title: "Exit the circle" Objective: To develop confidence group.
All persons are placed in a circle and holding hands.
A person is placed inside the circle and try to leave it. The rest of the group
must stop him, bending, joining, etc ... without moving your feet off the ground
Material: Remarks: This technique is also used to prevent tensions in the group.
You have to be or opened depending on the characteristics of the people you are
T.A.M. 2.4. Title: "The dog and the cat"
Objective: To build trust in people in a group. Development: People are placed i
n a circle. The animator will have two objects. Pass an object to the person pla
ced on the right, and say, "This is a dog" and this will tell you: "A what?" And
the entertainer replied "a dog" and then passes it to following saying the same
thing, but now, when the third party asked a what? ", the second being asked to
host and when given the answer" a dog "this is the say the third, and so on. Fo
r the other direction of the circle, we will do the same, but saying "This is a
cat" and passing the other object.
Material: Two objects.
This technique also serves to create strife and prevent
tense atmosphere in the group.
T.A.M. 2.5. Title: "Conductor" Objective: To this group.
A person in the group comes out of the room, others will choose a
conductor will choose the movements that the rest of the group should do, when y
ou enter has to guess who is the director, if it does, the manager will be to le
ave out.
Material: Remarks: It is a technique that encourages the group.
T.A.M. 2.6. Title: "The Wink"
Objective: To generate confidence in the group. Development: We are two groups o
f equal number of people, one inside and
another would create circles, outer circle except one who has no partner. This m
ust lead to an inner circle who sit on him to go to your site. Its foreign partn
er has to prevent the lift and go.
Material: Chairs Remarks: Be careful that no component gets hurt.
T.A.M. 2.7. Title: "La Estrella" Objective: To generate confidence in the group.
In a circle all holding hands and feet together we
We numbering: 1,2,1,2 ... When the moderator said that having such a number to t
hrow the body forward without moving your feet and numbers backwards. When the n
umber changes will be reversed.
Material: Remarks: Motiva towards trust among the group.
T.A.M. 3. To encourage communication.
T.A.M. 3.1. "Massage Group" T.A.M. 3.2. "Objective and subjective description of
an object" TAM 3.3. "Buzz" T.A.M. 3.4. "Blocking factors in communications" TAM
3.5. "Language of face" T.A.M. 3.6. List of behaviors "T.A.M. 3.7. "Resolution
of an enigma"
Such techniques are intended to stimulate communication between the participants
and try to break the directionality of verbal communication in the group in whi
ch some papers are usually set very specific. These techniques aim to promote ac
tive listening and verbal communication on the other hand, stimulate nonverbal c
ommunication (expressive gesture, physical contact, look ,...), to support new c
ommunication possibilities. The dynamics will provide for this, a new space with
new channels for expression of feelings toward the other and the relationship i
n the group. The dynamics also break stereotypes of communication, fostering clo
ser relations and open.€The dynamics of communication have their own value as th
e group process, prior knowledge between the participants and the environment. T
he dynamics of communication is always different and, therefore, the conduct of
the games at different times the group can provide numerous experiences
enriching. The assessment of communication games is especially interesting to do
in pairs or subgroups, but then make a large group. It seeks to assess the accu
racy of communication, gestures, etc.. but leave room for the expression of feel
ings and discoveries.
T.A.M. 3.1. Title: "Massage group" Objective: To develop confidence and begin th
e process group communication.
The large group is divided into two concentric circles. Some revolve
to one side and to the other side with your eyes closed. When the moderator says
to stop, should give a massage on the neck, shoulders and neck to the person in
front, eyes will be closed on the couple. The action is repeated as often as he
sees fit. At the end they must recognize the person who has given massage and t
hat they have given it. Material:
Comment: body parts.
The technique can be varied by changing to give massage to other
T.A.M. 3.2. Title: "subjective and objective description of an object"
Communic ation develop language learning to discriminate
subjective and objective.
With any object calls for a volunteer to describe it.
After analyzing the adjectives used to describe the object, if they were objecti
ve or subjective and explain the difference in order to recognize that there are
these two dimensions in the communication process.
Material: Any object and board or cardboard.
A variation of the technique may be that a person
back to the person describing the object be drawn according to the description.
At first you can not make any question. When choosing the subject must take into
account the age, context, ...
T.A.M. 3.3. Title: "Buzz" Objective: Understand how communication is blocked and
distorted by
interpretations you make of it. Development: A group of six people come out. The
moderator will read a text
(Previously prepared, with lots of data in a few lines) to the first volunteer.
This I tell (what is agreed) to the second participant, who will have to tell th
e third, ... and so on up to sixth. We will verify that the message has been red
uced or even new data will have been provided. Material: Text.
Comment: This technique helps us to understand the effects of the rumors in a gr
oup, resulting in lawsuits, unfounded prejudice, etc. When you have to say somet
hing to someone, you have to tell him directly, not through an interlocutor beca
use it distorts the message. T.A.M. 3.4. Title: "Factors of blockage in the comm
unication" Objective: To understand the factors that block communication in the
daily and contrast the most important. Development: Self-assessment: Reading the
inventory and identify the questions
everyone experiences or believes that communication difficult. Then analyze what
factors must be taken into account when working in a group. Compare the five fa
ctors that has brought the group to yours at the end of the dynamic personal.
Material: Inventory and pen.
You could stage an event in everyday life and see
Blocking these factors directly.
T.A.M. 3.5. Title: "Language in the face" Objective: To discover the importance
of language in the face.
Try to rate each of the facial expressions
appear on the photocopy and assign the most appropriate adjective for the relati
onship that appears. Material: Photocopy and pen.
Comment: The same face can have different interpretations. T.A.M. 3.6. Name: "Li
st of conduct" Objective: To understand through an analysis of communication, su
ch as impact
their behavior in order to strengthen it and correct it. Development: The animat
or a distributed self-assessment of a photocopy. Everyone will join the
score to settle at around two concepts that determine the communication styles:
Dominance and Sociability (high and low).
Material: Photocopy and pen. Comment: This technique is rather to make a self as
sessment of communication itself to observe a group. (However, it is important t
hat a group think about this for example: in the case of a dominant group, etc.)
T.A.M. 3.7.€Title: "Resolution of an enigma" Objective: To develop communication
among group members and encourage
creativity. Development: a story should explain rationally. The large group
divided into two groups. One is that of the discoverers and the other observers
(must pre indicators) The Sphinx respond yes / no / do not know, to questions of
the discoverers.
Material: Photocopy of history and indicators. Comments: Can be applied to many
T.A.M. 4. Motivational techniques, relaxation and creating climate.
T.A.M. 4.1. "The boats" T.A.M. 4.2. "The Postman" T.A.M. 4.3. "Giraffes and Elep
hants T.A.M. 4.4. "Chicken Pie"
While the size of the "relaxation" as the creation of a new space of reality is
common to the essence of the game, we have tried to collect under this heading,
the games that mainly serve to release energy, make you laugh, encourage movemen
t, etc ... in the group. The laughter movement and acting in these games, as mec
hanisms for psychological and physical strain on all relationships. Distension g
ames are useful for any occasion, but can be used with a different purpose: "war
m" group, to make contact between participants preferences, break monotony or a
situation of tension in the transition from one activity to another, or end poin
t of a joint work. Also try to eliminate the competitive aspects of games where
the fun is at the expense of a person to focus on situations where all / you are
involved, or there is a continuous change of roles that favors the "expansion"
the group. Most of the time the assessment was not necessary, except to establis
h the effects of expansion in the group, or assess the differences from other ga
T.A.M. 4.1. Title: "The boats" Goal: To create relaxation, motivation and good w
Development: a story.
All participants are put in place. The monitor then tells
The group then has to form circles in which are the exact number of people who c
an go in each boat, and these participants must be seated. Immediately changes t
he number of people who can enter each boat: they perform different types of boa
t and will alienate the drowned, which form the fish. Until it becomes a small g
roup of survivors of the shipwreck.
Comment: The number of participants must be high. You must be a few seconds to f
orm the boats, before declaring them stranded.
T.A.M. 4.2. Title: "The Postman"
Objective: Animation and knowledge of the group. Development: All participants s
it in a circle on chairs, one
is in the center and says, "I bring a letter to everyone who ...", they say what
you want, boots, shirts, shoes, etc ... So anyone with this article change of s
iege which left no room is left in the middle and say the sentence again.
We use a technique of presentation, but saying
ie: "I bring a letter for those who are of Valladolid", ie using traits that cha
racterize people.
T.A.M. 4.3. Title: "Giraffes and elephants" Objective: Animation and concentrati
Development: All participants form a circle being one in the center. Which is pl
aced in the center points to another saying, "giraffe" or "elephant." If you say
giraffe, the signal should join hands in the air and his fellow neighbors must
hold her feet. If you say elephant, must simulate a trunk with his hands and his
neighbors with his own ears. Who is distracted and does not meet the indication
, it goes to center, pointing to a new partner until one of them is wrong. Mater
Comment: Also can be done by imitating other animals. The technique is very fun
because you have to pay close attention.
T.A.M. 4.4. Title: "Chicken Pie"
Objective: group.
As element to introduce relaxation and energy, motivation
Participants are placed in a circle, sitting on chairs, to
someone will close our eyes. It must sit on someone and say, "Pious chicken", th
e one below has to chirp and the person who is sitting on has to guess who it is
. It is also palpable. If you hit is the one who has mercifully placed on your s
ite and has priate passes to center, and so on.
Material: Chairs and handkerchief.
Instead of chirping can sing a song, recite a poem,
make the noise of other animals, etc ... D this technique, the other participant
s and are relaxed to see what makes your partner.
T.A.M. 5.€Techniques aimed at developing creativity.
T.A.M. 5.1. "Magical" T.A.M. 5.2. "Land, Sea and Air" T.A.M. 5.3. "Connecting th
e words" T.A.M. 5.4. "The telegram" T.A.M. 5.5. "The Accordion"
opening to accept the new. Creativity can be a skill for everyone, not just geni
uses. Just exercise ourselves periodically but always starting from the basis th
at there is interest on our part for the new, the unknown, as yet unproved. Over
time we will realize that the act of creating is a useful exercise and daily ch
allenges our capacity and integrate it worth to life for it to be different and
new every day. We care a lot to learn ideas, theories, existing knowledge. But w
e deal with little to create, invent, produce new ideas. The aim of these techni
ques is simple: To promote and develop the creativity of individuals. Provide op
portunities for members to express their original ideas ("utopian?) Are. Its use
is useful: • • • out of locks. surprise elements of a tense meeting (as relaxat
ion) to find and recreate new possibilities from the means at our disposal.
T.A.M. 5.1. Title: "magical" Objective: Facilitate the development climate of cr
eativity. Encourage the creativity of the group. Development: passes an object,
it is magic that each one gives a different value, representing gestures. Materi
al: Object.
Comments: Can be applied to all types of people. T.A.M. 5.2. Title: "Land, Sea a
nd Air" Objective: To encourage creativity through verbal association.
Development: Placed in a circle, the facilitator in the center throws the ball t
o a member who is to say an animal, but it has to belong, as saying the entertai
ner of the sea, air or land. If you answer correctly, the facilitator continues
until someone is wrong or goes blank, having to move to the center by the same o
peration. You can not repeat the nomber animal res. Material: Ball.
A variation is to change the ball down the pace of
claps, whistles ... This technique serves to work up.
T.A.M. 5.3. Title: "Connecting the words" Objective: Reading activities and crea
tive writing.
It gives a binomial. With these words, each person individually
in a time limit of five minutes at most, has to generate as many words starting
with these letters earlier. Material: Paper and pen.
Comment: This technique works best for people who do not enjoy reading as they d
evelop their creativity. T.A.M. 5.4. Title: "The telegram" Objective: Creative W
Groups is that for five minutes to create a
telegram from a single word. Each group seeks first words that may form a partic
ular word. After forming sentences. Material: Paper and pen.
You can use up to two times each letter of the lyrics
that appear to form a telegram.
T.A.M. 5.5. Title: "The accordion" Objective: To develop creativity, linked to t
he poetic, to written language.
With a sheet formed as a kind of accordion, to train
a collective poem. Are groups, each group member in a strip "strip of accordion"
type two lines, the next letter is the last line and then write two more verses
, and so on. Once you have written all members of the group read aloud the poem.
Material: Paper and pen.
This technique is often used as the animation technique
reading. It can be used for all ages.
T.A.M. 6. Driven technical advice, exploration and innovation
T.A.M. 6.1. "Puzzle of the monitoring group" T.A.M. 6.2. "Areas and forms of ent
ertainment" T.A.M. 6.3. "Tell me why and I'll tell you how" T.A.M. 6.4. "Signs a
nd letters" T.A.M. 6.5. "From here to there" T.A.M. 6.6. "Graduation of Utopia"
T.A.M. 6.7. "The profile"
Among the various purposes that has a pool, a very important meeting to discuss,
reflect, study and work a matter of common interest. The following is a set of
techniques that aims to: • Encourage the active participation of all in work, el
iminating the potential passivity of some members who hide in the work of others
. • • To be effective in group work. Improving the organization as a working gro
The techniques presented here are focused exclusively on the task,€knowing that
the social and emotional level for it is inseparable. The role of the animator h
as to be: To know and to assume himself the aims of each technique. Encourage th
e effective participation process. Promoting all that increase cohesion in the g
roup work. Give precise directions.
Should be repeated over and over similar techniques to avoid wasting time, rambl
ings, ineffective and therefore a sense of frustration that makes one lose faith
in the value of teamwork and the group itself.
T.A.M. 6.1. Title: "Puzzle of the monitoring group" Targeting a group aims to ra
ise awareness to issues that must be taken into
account to develop the ideal of the group participation. Development: Form group
s and each has an envelope with ten references, with
that we have to form two groups: - One with the appointments that show no furthe
r involvement with the events that we believe have a sense of
ideal participation. After working for a while each group presents to the rest o
f the companions.
Material: About ten appointments. Comment: participation. T.A.M. 6.2. Title: "Sc
ope and methods of animation:" Objective: To discover the different trends in an
imation. It is a good technique to realize what positive
Development: It is a list of thirteen actions and should be separated into their
animation section, these are: A. A. Cultural A. Education Social
Material: Paper and pen. Comment:
T.A.M. 6.3. Title: "Tell me why and I'll tell you as" Objective: To discover wha
t kind of animation belongs.
It gives a list of nineteen definitions of animation and should be
separate into three separate parts: A. A. Cultural A. Education Social
Material: Pen and paper. Comment:
T.A.M. 6.4. Title: "Signs and Letters"
Objective: Discover different approaches that exist in different societies. Deve
lopment: There are four cards and must find all combinations
possible that there are logical and reject those that are not. Cards: Individual
Company Subordination SI Aß After making your selection, the four logical combi
nations are: S à I: anthropocentric approach. It focuses on the individual and o
ccurs in the Nordic countries. I ß S: Sociocéntric approach. It focuses on socie
ty. It is produced in Eastern Europe and the former USSR S ßà I: Focus ecéctico.
The society and the individual are interdependent. It is produced in France and
Spain. ISSA: psychocentric approach. Everything is focused on the individual. W
as done to adapt the individual to himself. It is a therapeutic approach. It occ
urs in E.E.U.U. According to the approach chosen, the program will arise in one
form or another. Material: Paper and pen. The four chips. Comment:
T.A.M. 6.5. Title: "From here to there" Objective: To facilitate the exploration
and innovation capacity in a group. Help a group plan. Development: This techni
que consists of applying a template to an association or group. The template app
ears the organization, activities and infrastructures and means. Each participan
t must complete the template, understanding what each section of the template: F
ROM HERE: In that situation the party. UP THERE: Where we are going. After analy
zing the "from here", and "there", you have to see the difficulties, obstacles t
hat we will find and propose alternative solutions.
Material: Pen and staff.
This technique serves as a review of a partnership in a
moment that can be troublesome.
T.A.M. 6.6. Title: "Graduate of Utopia" Targeting a group aims to raise awarenes
s to issues that must be taken into account to develop participation in a group.
Prioritize needs and make future plans.
Development: Draw a straight stairs: 1. actions that can be tackled now. 2. we c
an not immediately but we'll get 3. medium-term achievable projects and long ter
Material: Paper and pen. Comment: You are taught the group to choose real plans.
T.A.M. 6.7. Name: "The profile" Objective: To reflect on the future intentions a
nd the level and scope that
we want to work as social educators. Development: Explains what are the variable
s that make up the different
profiles of social education and every student chooses its strategies, levels, a
nd target areas in which you want to work.
Material: Openness, paper and pen. Comment: It makes us reflect on the future of
social education.
Technical performance-oriented animation.
1. Techniques ANALYSIS OF REALITY. 2. Techniques for planning. 3.€Techniques app
licable to intervention and monitoring. 4. Techniques to encourage ASSESSMENT.
T.A.R. 1. Techniques for the analysis of reality.
T.A.R. 1.1. "Case incident" T.A.R. 1.2. "Facts, opinions and generalizations" T.
A.R. 1.3. "The elephant" T.A.R. 1.4. "Fish" T.A.R. 1.5. "Alphabet Soup" T.A.R. 1
.6. "Case Studies" T.A.R. 1.7. "Fact, opinion and generalization" T.A.R. 1.8. "C
ase Studies"
also trying to find that every situation has a different analysis. It reflects o
n the importance of analyzing the situation before making any plans.
T.A.R. 1.1. Title: "Case incident" Objective: To understand the danger of distor
ting reality by cases
and practical importance of an analysis of reality before programming. Developme
nt: The large group is divided into subgroups which will be given
photocopy of four cases. Then there will be a debate in which they must answer:
Why did these problems arise, what actions would you suggest to try to provide a
solution, and if there is a problem common to all four cases. Material: Photoco
py and pen.
It is important to allocate time can then
present the findings to the rest of the large group.
T.A.R. 1.2. Title: "Facts, opinions and generalizations"
Objective: To recognize generalizations.
The facilitator provides each participant a list
by photocopying, and must say whether the generalizations are true or false.
Material: Photocopy and pen. Comments: This is to differentiate certain statemen
ts in a way
objective, depending on their own content to distinguish what they are generaliz
T.A.R. 1.3. Title: "The elephant" Objective: To understand the danger of distort
ion of reality.
Development: Through the story of an elephant and six blind men can see the dist
ortion of reality that is sometimes made. Consists of several parts of reality.
It must cooperate, the truth depends on our experience and reality depends on th
e point of view where you look.
Material: Photocopies. Comments: This technique is fun, tells of a simple and th
erefore easy to understand for children. It can also be applied as a technique o
f communication for the maintenance group.
T.A.R. 1.4. Title: "Fish"
Knowing which is the section corresponding to each of the
resources in them.
Having made a rod with a clip and a piece of rope
try to catch the fish (papers for names of resources) that have been previously
placed on the floor.
Material: Hilo, clips and folios.
This technique can be used for any type of
recognition and grouping of any kind.
T.A.R. 1.5. Title: "Alphabet Soup" Objective: To promote participation and creat
ivity among group members.
Development: Divide the large group into several subgroups. Each subgroup is giv
en an envelope with letters which must find a message. In this case the message
is related to socio-cultural methodology: "learn from what is done."
Material: Envelopes with the corresponding letters. Comment: In this case, the m
essage correspond to the ASC, but
can get the message you want depending on the specific objective it intends, as
a whole is that group members participate as such. T.A.R. 1.6. Title: "Case Anal
ysis incident" Objective: To discover what kind of group it belongs to every sit
uation or definition.
Development: There are a number of conflicts, each of which should be placed in
the conflict to which it belongs. There are three: Maintenance Control or Produc
tion or control task
Material: Paper and pen. Comment:
T.A.R. 1.7. Title: "Fact, opinion and generalization" Objective: To help discrim
inate between fact and opinion. Understanding
importance that has the power to distort reality. Development: We will spend pho
tocopies of which will be a series of phrases
(Prejudice, labeling ,...). It should put a cross if it is a fact and a circle i
f it is an opinion.
Material: Photocopies and pen. Comment: This technique is important because many
times we talk about something like a verifiable fact and yet the best is becomi
ng more widespread.
T.A.R. 1.8. Title: "Case Analysis incident"
Objective: Understand and apply the explanation given by the teacher.€Developmen
t: This is sort a series of fifteen cultural activities within the cultural poli
cy group to which they belong. The three groups offered are: Cultural Heritage D
emocracy Democratization cultural heritage
After the animation should be recognized to which it belongs. Material: Paper an
d pen.
T.A.R. 2. Animation techniques for planning
T.A.R. 2.1. "The board of yuyumanos" T.A.R. 2.2. "Tasks" T.A.R. 2.3. "15 days ho
liday" T.A.R. 2.4. "Gymkana planning"
It motivates the importance of logical and practical planning of real things, it
established the steps of planning. Conduct a specific purpose with the provisio
n in a plan, or all the main factors considered important for the achievement th
T.A.R. 2.1. Title: "Council for yuyumanos" Objective: Motivate to the importance
of setting goals.
Try to find out what are the steps that led to this tribe
to propose specific goals. Will be made by groups and after an analysis of reali
ty should plan a series of tasks that lead the achievement of the aim pursued by
Material: Photocopies and pens. Comment: group. Should be put together to see ho
w you've planned for each
T.A.R. 2.2. Title: "Tasks"
Goal: Plan a logical and practical specific facts.
In a photocopy and groups should organize a series of
tasks so that time to perform them. We are given in this case a series of punctu
ated places. A man leaves his house at a specific time and makes a series of act
ivities in a limited time having to plan your time to do everything. Material: m
imeographed sheets with copies of the chart and instructions pencils. Large shee
t or slate where you draw the map.
This technique is quite important when the group should
learn to make decisions and solve problems related to their own tasks and activi
ties. They can also serve to establish and prioritize certain types of action, a
ccording to reality or the situation around them.
T.A.R. 2.3. Title: "15 days holiday" Objective: To help run a group decision mak
Development: Individually you take those things that are created need to go on v
acation, it was later put together, you come to a more severe list and outline,
having put the group agreed. Material: Paper and pen.
Comment: It is difficult to group decision making.
T.A.R. 2.4. Title: "The planning gymkhana"
Objective: To discover the steps in the planning. Development: The animator deal
s each group a few envelopes that contain
various stages of planning. Someone from another group does a judge to explain f
urther the failures that had the group. On each is written on a track to enable
the road. Steps: what is planning to know the reality of the environment we want
to achieve objectives that are obstacles and resources available to us or we wi
ll have activities, tasks and specific tasks to develop methods and how they wil
l distribute evaluation of results
Material: Envelopes with instructions. Pen.
T.A.R. 3. Applied techniques for intervention and monitoring.
T.A.R. 3.1. "The deck of the intervention" T.A.R. 3.2. "Puzzle of the interventi
on sociocultural ART 3.3. "Resource Consulting" are games in which cooperation a
mong participants in an essential element. They question the mechanisms Although
often competitive games, creating
a relaxed atmosphere and friendly cooperation in the group. target exists in a c
ommon purpose
the game, this does not mean that it is limited to search for that purpose, but
to build a space of creative cooperation, in which the game is a fun experience.
External conditions and human elements that influence the game, focus in any ca
se the situation to overcome. The cooperative games are used the most of these f
actors, decreasing the competition. And S is that all have opportunities to part
icipate and in any case, not to the exclusion / discrimination, the "crux" of th
e game. The cooperative game is an experience not closed. So in these cards have
collected copious notes on variations in the games, many of which have arisen i
n working with groups of all kinds. The assessment in cooperative games is impor
tant to: let the group express what they have brought the experiences of collabo
ration.€assess the attitudes of cooperation / competition that may have been giv
en in the game, its causes and results. discuss attitudes / competitive mechanis
ms in the group and society. The performance of some games a few times and evalu
ated, can make clear also that in cooperative games there not a stereotype of "g
ood" or "bad" player, as the whole group works as a whole in that each person ca
n bring different skills and / or capabilities.
T.A.R. 3.1. Title: "Deck of planning" Objective: To motivate the group to organi
ze when planning.
There are some letters and must be chosen and organized in the order
correct. This is: Knowledge and diagnosis of the reality Establishment of channe
ls of information dissemination and communication and awareness Grounds Building
participatory processes Training of participants participating Organization Des
ign and Coordination action, interaction and interconnection of initiatives unde
r way Consolidation and stabilization structure
To see if these points are in order is done puzzle game that lets you check if y
ou have had failures in the previous section. Is to make a geometric figure that
can be read from left to right and vice versa.
It is easier if the group agrees and has no problem
coincide with each letter.
T.A.R. 3.2. Title: "The puzzle of the intervention" Objective: To know the diffe
rent stages of socio-cultural intervention.
The large group is divided into small working groups. Animator
provides each of them an envelope in which the pieces form a geometric figure. I
n each of the tabs appear the different stages of socio-cultural intervention, n
ot knowing what form geometric figure.
Material: Cardboard, envelopes, writing and drawing. Comments: The reading of th
e sentences, once formed the puzzle is done from bottom to top, left to right.
T.A.R. 3.3. Title: "Consultancy of resources" Objective: To find the answer to t
he problem using the resource guide.
The group will report a problem. In this case, a man
retired two years ago that does not fit. He joins a group of friends and form a
partnership poses. At issue is what to do and where to go to form the associatio
n. Person must come to a specialist or a reference book that explains the requir
ements to form the association. It must: - Write a Founding Act. - Prepare the b
ylaws. - Provide the necessary documentation in triplicate in the National Regis
ter of Association of the Ministry of Interior. - Check the documentation in the
appropriate register. - Books and Accounting Records. Material: Paper and pen.
Resource Guide Comments:
T.A.R. 4. Techniques to encourage evaluation
T.A.R. 4.1. "The evaluation hopscotch"
The evaluation was conceived as a process which systematically collects and anal
yzes information about an activity with the intention of using this analysis in
improving the activity. Evaluate is an excellent technique for improvement. When
a group regularly assesses its performance puts a solid foundation for progress
. What to evaluate? 1. As evaluative aim to ourselves (self). 2. Self-evaluation
of the group: the group self-assess and be aware of its performance and achievi
ng goals. 3. A group meeting: to collect the overall impression and suggestions
after the meeting. 4. As leaders we are interested in making an overall assessme
nt of the group goals, processes, rhythms, participation, climate, attitudes, af
fective dispositions, performance, performance, errors, ... Assess not to verify
results (that would be very little) but to commit ourselves to improve the situ
ation, investigating the causes and consequences that gave rise to remedy, corre
ct or fully correct.
T.A.R. 4.1. Title: "Assessment Rayuela" Objective: To discover the stages, the s
teps we must take into account
when making an evaluation. Development: Paint a structure and be ordered by team
s of eight tasks. The group pulled an object in the first phase to be created in
the evaluation process and with one leg will go to pick up the object. It must
follow the rules of "hopscotch". So, if a group loses happen next.
Material: Chalk paint on the floor structure and a flat object. Comment: confusi
on. Detailed rules of hopscotch for no

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