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The RETAIL "If we were to stores only when we needed to buy something and, once
there, we buy only what we needed, the economy would collapse" (Paco Underhill).
In recent years, retail has risen steeply. Retailers are no longer opening stor
es to supply new markets. They are opening up to steal customers from others. Wi
th increased competition, it is necessary an advantage. The influence of brands,
despite their value, has left to lead the blind impulse which used to promote.
While traditional marketing strengthens the brand and their readiness to buy, ma
ny purchasing decisions are made, or can be influenced, within the precincts of
the store.
The MERCHANDISING Customers are susceptible to impressions and information obtai
ned in stores, rather than rely only on purchases as brand loyalty. As a result,
an important medium for transmitting messages and closing sales is now the stor
e and corrdedor. The building of the store became a huge three-dimensional adver
tising itself. The signal, the position of the shelves, space and special exhibi
tors make it more likely or less likely a customer buys any item. Studies by exp
erts show that the longer a customer stays in a store, buy more.
TOP When you start the process of opening your store, look to answer some questi
ons: * The desire to deploy business that serves a legitimate need of the popula
tion or part of it? * What is the basic characteristic of your business? * What
products or services intended to offer? * What is your audience? * Where he live
s, works and runs? * What are their habits? * Who are, as they are and where you
r competitors?
CHOOSING THE POINT The center is becoming unattractive to customers mainly due t
o congestion problems, difficult to park and even movement of pedestrians.
THE CHOICE OF POINT growth in some neighborhoods and increasing the flow from so
me roads have influenced the implementation of new commercial spots.
THE CHOICE OF POINT Some industrial areas become attractive to traders of variou
s kinds.
THE CHOICE OF A POINT inauguration of a great enterprise is able to alter the co
mmercial center of gravity "of a city or region.
THE CHOICE OF POINT Marketing experts hare a good point is one that is close to
the client or on your way. Other important aspects: * Evaluate the compatibility
of traffic to the point (the direction of traffic, traffic lights, etc.. Avenue
s in which the return and parking is prohibited may discourage customers). * Par
king can be the difference between success and failure of business. * Before ren
ting or buying property check that current laws and municipal, state and federal
governing the construction and use of buildings allow installation of its busin
ess there.
* Always seek professional guidance.
WHERE IS YOUR SHOP The shop is well located? It's easy to see it from various po
ints of the street, going by car, bus or circling the sidewalk? It's easy access
for consumers?
WHERE IS YOUR STORE Visibility * The corners are more visible because they are v
alued for who travels on both streets.
WHERE IS YOUR STORE Visibility * Excerpts from the street toward the square, wid
e or to the end or beginning of another street are also privileged.
WHERE IS YOUR STORE Visibility Location * Less favorable is the store located in
a stretch of the street corner. In this case, the situation is less favorable o
n the concave side.
WHERE IS YOUR STORE Visibility * Retailers located in the middle of the block ar
e less visible.
WHERE IS YOUR SHOP access features of the street and some types of existing obst
acles and interference on the sidewalk may impede access or visibility to the cl
ient: * narrow sidewalks. * Excerpts from street to slopes too steep.
WHERE IS YOUR SHOP access * Location of the store above or below street level, r
equiring ramps or stairs to access. * Obstacles such as newsstands, bus stops an
d taxi, trees, poles, etc.. * Characteristics of traffic.
WHERE IS YOUR STORE Neighbourhood evaluate the neighborhood from a commercial po
int requires more attention and sensitivity. Do a search and identify the busine
ss of its neighbors: * What kind of trade there nearby? Try to identify the type
s of customers, their consumption habits, age group and purchasing power. * Look
ing at your neighbors,€growth potential that you can imagine for the site? * Th
e population that circulates the neighborhood has a profile close to the custome
r you want? * The neighboring stores complement each other, somehow, their activ
ity? Good neighbors attract good customers. Frighten away the evil.
WHERE IS YOUR STORE * Try to be aware of the characteristics of a neighborhood m
ay change, mainly due to urbanization works that change the neighborhood. * A we
ll located shop is one that has no direct competitor nearby. * However, being cl
ose to competitors that do not meet completely the customer can also be a good o
ption. * There are many streets and neighborhoods specialize in certain products
polarizing customers to these sites.
PLANNING THE INSIDE OF THE STORE After selecting the item the second step is to
define the space of the store. * What are the necessary spaces and their ideal s
ize? * What quality characteristics wish to emphasize that the establishment is
highlighted and chosen by customers? To get an idea of your overall business pla
n and properly store space, it is essential to answer: * What products will be d
isplayed in your store? * How many people you meet estimates per day? * How many
salesmen do you have? * What is the stock needed at the store? * What are the n
ecessary space to auxiliary areas (administration, storage, toilets and kitchen,
etc.).? * To whom you want to sell their products (sex, age, social class, cons
umption habits, schooling)?
PLANNING THE INSIDE OF THE STORE Layout A good distribution of space products an
d ensures the functionality of the store and directly influences the outcome of
PLANNING THE INSIDE OF THE STORE Entrance: The door should preferably be of glas
s and have at least 1m wide. You should avoid gaps in order to promote accessibi
lity for people with disabilities and prams.
PLANNING THE INSIDE OF THE STORE Circulation: should be planned as a two-way str
eet, allowing adequate vision of products and facilitate traffic of wheelchairs
and strollers.
PLANNING THE INSIDE OF THE STORE The flow of movement in any space, considering
most right hand, always tends to head toward the right. Considering this princip
le is possible to design the best flow in the shop offering the products in stra
tegic areas.
PLANNING THE INSIDE OF THE STORE signaling: a good signaling contributes to guid
e the movement. It is desirable that the gondolas and exhibitors through the sto
re does not exceed 1.50 m to prevent the viewing of visual communication.
PLANNING THE INSIDE OF THE STORE Exhibition of products: an exhibition organized
to combine items for affinity. * Cleaning materials should not be close to food
. * Socks must be near the shoes of drinks and snacks. Next to the box is a good
place for small products and items to buy on impulse. * We recommend a variety
of one product quantity.
PLANNING THE INSIDE OF THE STORE sale Area: It is essential to ensure the vendor
flexibility and convenience in access to goods. * Sliding door cupboards are mo
re practical because it does not take up space when open. * The shelves along th
e wall must not exceed 2m in height.
PLANNING THE INSIDE OF THE STORE Estoque: the area for the stock should be in a
location accessible to fuel sales and can not escape the exhibition space and sa
PLANNING AREA EXTERNAL The impression that customers have of the external aspect
s of the store determine whether he will enter it or not. Imagine yourself in th
eir shoes and think: What attracts you to view? What is hard to see? What produc
es a nice impression? What are the downsides?
PLANNING AREA EXTERNAL Some recommendations when planning the space outside the
store: * The parking should not hinder the movement of people or hide the facade
of the establishment.
EXTERNAL SPACE PLANNING * Facilitate public access, avoiding steps and steep ram
ps. The floor should be as close as possible to the level of the sidewalk.
EXTERNAL SPACE PLANNING * Use finish materials, low cost and easy maintenance. *
A smart night lighting, and give greater certainty to the shop, helps to visual
THE FUNCTION OF FACADE The front must fulfill the important role of communicatin
g to the customer the features of the business, and suggest you a warm welcome.
Their presence should be marked and allow the prospect to identify the products
it offers and at the same time identify with the style of the store. Since the f
ront sight until the moment he decides to go, several "signs" you "talk" of the
store: * The visibility of the sign, even at night.€* The ease of access. * The
health and preservation of the facade. * The degree of attraction that it exert
s on the shop window and the comfort to see it. * The location and format of the
port, which should not give the impression of a hurdle to be overcome with diff
SIGNS For definition of adequate signage, all viewpoints must be considered, inc
luding possible interference (trees, cars, poles, boards, etc.)..
EASY TO READ LETTERS Some details easier to read the signs: * Font size: the far
ther the observer is greater must be the height and thickness of the letter.
Distance (m) 10 20 30 40 50 100
Letter Height (cm) 2.5 5.0 8.0 10.5 13.5 27.0
Thickness (cm) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 5.0
EASY TO READ LETTERS * Proportion of letters: the proper proportion between heig
ht and width of the letter is 4 to 3.
EASY TO READ LETTERS * Types of letters: Letters fetched confuse the reading. Wh
en it is necessary to use them should pay attention to readability. * Colors: Th
e colors used should reflect the characteristics that the shopkeeper want to imp
ress your store and your product and never compromising the effectiveness of vis
ual communication.
LIGHTING FOR SIGNS When a store is located on a street or avenue, the sign must
be lit only at night.
In enclosed spaces, galleries and shopping malls, where the lighting is not enou
gh to display the sign, it needs to stay lit all day.
GALLERIES AND SHOPPING CENTERS stores located within department stores and shopp
ing malls have value enough interior space and especially its showcase to attrac
t customers' attention and persuade them to enter.
CABINET The showcase should make an impact. A montage creative, almost scenery,
is the best way to attract customers' attention. The products shall receive, in
addition to a support that enhances, supplements that help create a "climate". T
he life of a shop window is brief, so the designer should be possible to settle
promotional accessories around it. This is a very important aspect in setting up
shops. After all, it is estimated that over 25% of sales are driven by it. It s
hould prevent direct sunlight on the window to avoid glare and impair the visibi
lity of the displayed products. Galleries in malls and the interior lighting of
premises must be stronger than the movement to also avoid the mirror effect on t
he glass showcase.
LIGHTING Lighting is one of the most important elements of a store, although it
is common to find commercial environments dimly lit under the guise of lowering
the costs. The products have colors, textures and characteristics that are pecul
iar. It seems obvious that these characteristics are only revealed when the obje
cts adequately lit.
LIGHTING Daylighting: Our region is abundant in this aspect and using this type
of lighting should be encouraged, as well as suitable to our climate provides en
ergy savings. In the use of natural light should give preference to indirect lig
ht, reflected, because the sun's rays become very hot environments.
Artificial lighting LAMPS: In Aeras sales general lighting can be supplemented w
ith lamps concentrated focus to enhance certain products.
LIGHTING Lighting can also determine the client's behavior in the environment. I
ndirect lights and hot create an "atmosphere" cozy and intimate - are suitable f
or cafes, bars and restaurants.
Direct lights and cold by excite more people are widely used in fast food chains
that due to its high turnover wish the client to remain there only long enough
to eat his lunch.
LIGHTING Clothing stores should have the judges very well lit so that the client
does not change the perception that when the clothes had caught it in the displ
ay under certain lighting conditions.
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE The first principle to consider is that there
are certain capacities, tendencies, limitations and physical needs and anatomy
common to all people and the retail environment must adjust to these characteris
tics. Build and operate in a retail environment tailored to highly specific need
s of customers and have created a successful store.
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE The entrance to the store the customer needs
a space to make the transition between the outside and inside the store. At the
push through the door of the movement has not faded. The client does not provide
a brake when he enters the store. What happens when they come? Will adapt: slow
down, set directions for change in the light, sounds, smells. They will take a
few seconds until they are actually in the store.€This means that what is in th
e transition zone does not affect them. If there is a display will not notice. I
f a poster will be very quick to read. If the sales team to address them with a
friendly "Can I help?", The answer is "No thanks." In small premises a door or s
pecial lighting at the entrance can clearly demarcate the boundary between outsi
de and inside.
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE Human anatomy Imagine a woman entering a stor
e carrying a bag. If you choose something, load it with his free hand. Is not ab
out any hand. If it's something small and light you can stick under his arm. May
be hang a purse or shoulder bag. But if you take something else, will run out of
hands. Only a very motivated buyer persevere. Human anatomy has just declared t
hat this shopping completed. The physical fact that most shoppers have two hands
is well known. But few realize the implications of the fact, or detects, or tak
e them into account, or adapts to them, or recognize. Are ignored. Employees sho
uld be instructed to deliver baskets to any client since his hands full for good
s. "You only know how much customers will buy when they make the shopping experi
ence as comfortable, practical and easy as possible"
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE Communication visual information capture cust
omers' attention and induce us to look, shop and perhaps return another day to m
ake more purchases. They are told what they should buy, where it is and why they
should buy it. Customers are more rushed than ever. They do not lose more time.
Become accustomed to stores where the products are exposed for sale and hope th
at all the information you need are exposed too. Nowadays more and more purchasi
ng decisions are being taken inside the store. The role of merchandising has nev
er been greater. The products now live or die depending on what happens in the s
ales area.
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE As customers move up as previously mentioned
people (mostly right hand) invariably go to the right. Do not right angle more l
ike a diversion. Customers handed extend the arm to the right. In front of a she
lf is easiest to take items to the right of where you are, rather than reach out
across to the left. In planograms, maps array of products on a shelf, the most
famous brand is arranged in the center and the brand that is willing to disclose
to his right. The retail space is quite inadequate to the fact that people walk
and look forward to. Effort is needed to turn his head to one side to another t
o see the shelves to pass between them.
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE How to adapt the interior of the store to our
typical insistence on walking and look forward to? An effective method is to di
splay goods at the ends of virtually every aisle of the store. A display of peak
gondola can boost sales of an item simply because we approach them from the fro
nt, seeing them through. The shelves, rather than positioned at an angle of 90 d
egrees in the corridor would be 45 degrees. Architects must design shops with si
ght lines to ensure that customers get to see what is ahead, but also to look ar
ound to see what is elsewhere.
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE As one man buys the conventional thinking abo
ut men is they do not like to shop, why do few. As a result, the entire shopping
experience - packaging design, advertising, merchandising, store design and sup
port material - usually aimed at women. The men spend less time looking. They us
ually do not like to ask where things are or to ask any questions. If a man can
not find the section you want, change of direction once or twice then give up, l
eaving the store without help. In contrast, under American, 65% of men who exper
ienced a buying clothes, in contrast to 25% of women.
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE In a study of supermarket, nearly all women h
ad been provided with the list, but less than one quarter of men had one. This m
akes it more susceptible to impulse purchases. Send the kids with Dad and you ge
t a lethal combination: it is notoriously unable to say no when it comes to buyi
ng edible. The man almost always pays, especially when they're shopping with his
wife. So selling to women, but close to the man. The man in spite of hate askin
g questions, like to get their information firsthand,€preferably in written mat
erial, videos or computer screens. Men buy everything to keep you out of house (
equipment and tools, utensils, etc.).. A woman buys everything will be inside.
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE The amount that customers buy is directly pro
portional to the time spent in a store. One study revealed how the two time shop
ping in some situations: Women shopping with another woman, eight minutes and 15
seconds. Women with children: 7 minutes and 19 seconds. Women alone: 5 minutes
and 2 seconds. Women with a man: 4 minutes and 41 seconds. The welfare of women
drops dramatically when she is with a man, she begins to purchase all anxious an
d rushed. If you can occupy it she will be a buyer happier and relaxed. Some sto
res now offer waiting areas with comfortable seating and TVs tuned to sports cha
nnels or cable TV. A shop selling women's installed next to another male of arti
cles can also be interesting.
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE Many men choose lingerie or jewelry as gifts,
but the shops that sell them, and the commodity itself, makes this task dauntin
g. Men enter these refuges of femininity wandering, looking anxiously around, ma
ybe consider an item or two, and then flee in fear and uncertainty. Train and ma
intain a vendor to handle these skittish buyers is not a bad idea. The major goa
l of retailers should adapt the premises to make them attractive to men.
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE What do women want? Shopping is female. Men,
shopping, are engaging in an activity inherently feminine. What makes them so sk
illed buyers? Biologically, the role of women prehistoric era of gathering roots
, nuts and berries turned for home. Culturally for centuries, the all-powerful p
atriarch kept women at home away from the world of commerce, except as consumers
at retail level. If, as individuals, they had little influence in the business
world, the market collectively gave the orders. Let us not forget also that whil
e the future of retailing will undoubtedly show the effects of more masculine en
ergy market, mostly the major changes continue to reflect changes in the lives a
nd tastes of women.
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE Changes in women's lives brought about change
s in their shopping habits. Go out for shopping is no longer the great escape. N
ow needs to be sandwiched in the narrow space between work, transport, domestic
life and sleep. It's something to be done running at lunchtime, on the way home
or at night. The convenience store industry is a direct beneficiary of the chang
e in the lives of women. Women demand more of shopping environments. They are ge
nerally more patient and inquisitive, feeling completely at ease in a space that
gradually reveals itself. The challenge is to make products and environments tr
aditionally "male" attractive to women (auto repair shops, hardware store, etc.)
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE The female energy changes to the way of displ
aying goods stores. The luminaires can not simply be hung on a shelf or stand on
a shelf. Retailers have to show exactly how the lighting will be in an environm
ent. Instead of displaying a box of bathroom faucets, stores now show the full b
athroom. The inks have evolved into fashion article, all because the women invol
ved. Men only paint when the walls are peeling and cracking, and women do when t
hey, not the walls, must change. Women adopt a completely different approach to
the world of technology. They take the technologies and transformamnas utensils.
Women look at technology and see its purpose, his reason - which is capable of
doing. The promise of technology is always making our lives easier and more effi
cient. Women who are demanding the fulfillment of the promise.
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE Children Today, both parents work outside cer
tainly, so that the purchases that do not fit at lunchtime end up becoming a fam
ily program. The shop then became an acceptable outlet for leisure. Moreover, di
vorce is so common that fathers and mothers separated with his son became a comm
on sight in movie theaters, restaurants and shops. All this, like any great chan
ge, has its good and bad. In practical terms, this means three things: 1. What i
f a store is somehow hostile to children, clients get the message and turn away.
2. We can count the children as avid consumers,€and found their needs. 3. What
if the parents' full attention is required, one must first find a way to divert
attention from a child restless and bored.
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE If something is within your reach and arouse
the slightest curiosity, they will play, and if the play will be at least a chan
ce for mom or dad give in and buy it (especially the father). McDonald's realize
d early on that if I could lure children - not just through its menu, but also t
oys, glasses with their own characters and playgrounds - also attract their pare
nts. Today, bookstores are filled more than ever. Here's how smart booksellers o
rganize shelves: Below the reach of children, books with characters from TV; On
top classics for children (Grimm Tales, The Little Prince, etc.). Within the rea
ch of parents, Amid the books appeal to several generations. Video stores should
follow the same system.
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE The project of a good holding area for childr
en must follow certain principles: * The lines of sight must allow parents to se
e their children at any time, be in open area without any obstacles ahead. * The
ideal is to allow separate children of different ages. Distracting a child can
mean simply installing a TV and view some videos for children in a small enclosu
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE Teens They still believe in the power of a tr
ademark confers status, serenity, charisma, knowledge. Construct their identity
by buying options that do. Love exploring the world in search of icons or any ot
her clues that something - a product, a store - they're facing. In a study on th
e sale of jeans was observed following the pattern of purchase: The adolescents
in group examined a third more products. But the percentage of adolescents whose
parents bought almost doubled. After having made their choices and obtaining th
e approval of the group returned with Mom or Dad - the owner of the money - for
a transaction quickly and discreetly.
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE Customer sensory After all what is shopping?
Not the mechanical act of purchasing: get into a store and trading goods for mon
ey, but the act of shopping. Who makes them and how? How a person performs this
activity? This activity involves experiencing the world that are supposed to sel
l, using our senses - sight, touch, smell, hearing - as the basis for choosing t
his or reject it. It is the sensory aspect of the process of decision making. Vi
rtually all unplanned purchases and also planned many are the result of the clie
nt seeing, touching, smelling or tasting something that promises pleasure, if no
t total fulfillment.
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE buy things nowadays more than ever based on t
ouch. There are several reasons for this are many practices, the most obvious be
ing that if the tactile qualities of a product are most important, we need to kn
ow the feeling we will. In a study towels were played on average for six differe
nt clients before they are purchased. The feeling of water is its essence. Who a
dmits to buy clothes without feeling the texture of the fabric in his hands? Man
ufacturers of socks and underwear are jeopardizing sales to seal the product in
plastic bags. Moisturisers, perfumes, soaps, and inhaled need to be touched befo
re deciding whether to buy.
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE Almost 90% of new food products fail, not bec
ause people did not like them, but because people never tasted. Supermarkets are
cleverly trying to be more conducive to shopping sense. Contains the best baker
ies and cafes in the enclosure, filling the air smell fresh and homemade. The ex
perience of shopping has become a sensory walk, rather than a mere trip to the s
tore. In England some children's clothes store channel baby powder through the a
ir ducts to remind customers the smell of newborns. Perhaps most strongly evocat
ive of all perfumes. Previously, owners of shops and vendors were our guides to
the goods they sold. Currently, the school's "open sell" to showcase exhibits in
almost all places where they can be touched, smelled or tasted without the medi
ation of vendors.
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE Another reason to touch and taste has become
so important is the diminishing power of the brand product. In fact, buyers are
all post-consumer - only believe after seeing, smelling, touch, hear, taste, exp
erience.€When a client gets a new item? Possession begins when the buyer's sens
es begin to get the object. Begins in the eye and then the touch, smell. Once th
e product is in your hand on your back in your mouth or have inhaled its aroma c
an say you've got to take ownership of it. The sooner a product is put into the
hand of the client or the easier it is for him to try it, drink it or dirigilo,
the easier it will change in ownership from seller to buyer.
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE designers are stingy when designing the taste
rs. In fact they are as important as the sales room of the store. Improving the
quality of assessors increases sales. A customer who is serviced by a seller and
a proof clothing is twice as likely to buy than one who does neither. The furth
er away the clothes, fewer customers will go to the work of the assessors. Selli
ng is the main reason for making the goods more affordable to customers. But is
not the only - there is also increasing the level of the sale. If you have no re
al basis to compare one product with another, the normal instinct is to buy the
SPACE AND SALE OF CONSUMER PROFILE Problems of the cash / wrap What is so frustr
ating at the cash / wrap? In theory, being where the customer is separate from y
our money, should be the most stunning. Instead, it is the most stressful part o
f the process. It is inappropriate to place the cash / wrap so that it is the fi
rst thing seen by a customer enters. If things are slow there and the customers
to cluster, those who come will be amazed. In general, retailers do not recogniz
e as an efficient system of cash affects the entire shopping experience.
Revised with information and advice given so far you already have elements of a
broader assessment of the assembly process of a store. * A great place with a mo
dest shop is better than a great store in a modest point. * Beware of bad compan
y! Look to surround yourself with stores that meet the same type of customers. *
Come and grow! A store depends on good visibility. * Do not be fooled by heavy
traffic and movement of people. What really counts is the easy access. * Refuse
imitations! In preparing the facade try to be original. * The windows are an exc
ellent resource for sales and creativity to make your store more attractive.
â ¢ Revising the internal space should be as pleasant as possible for the client a
nd its employees. * A good environment provides a better mood and cordial servic
e. * Samples, props and equipment for display of products should always be prepa
red and adapted to the needs and constraints of clients. * Flag adequately the v
arious sections of the store so the customer find the products and be guided wit
h practicality. Many stores that overlook the completion of the sale. A cash bar
conveniently located and well planned expedites the closing of the sale and has
sle to the customer.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Underhill, Paco Let's go shopping: the science of power / Paco Unde
rhill, Ivo Korytowski translation. - Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 1999 Ugaya Eurico.
How to build or renovate their shop: a practical guide. São Paulo: Editora SENA
C São Paulo / MAKRON Books, 1993.

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