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Not content ha'urn "education" in kindergarten cool gesture of caring.

There is
a "teaching" is an acquaintance or a habit, that uses different path of loving a
ttention, cheerful, and available prornotora the progressive autonomy of the chi
THERE IS NO EDUCATION CARE Vital Didonet education received a major boost with t
he establishment, eg the Brazilian Constitution, the right to education from bir
th. We would like to talk about education from the design because the uterus is
already an important phase of training of human beings, especially of his psyche
. But the Brazilian educational system has not entered this period in their conc
erns, even in the form of guidance to the family education of youth or parents t
o support family education. On the right to education from birth, the Law of Dir
ectives and Bases (LDB) of national education built new conception of early chil
dhood education, stating its purpose: "The development of the child until the ag
e of six, in terms of physical psychological, intellectual, social, complementin
g the action of family and community. It can be inferred from the contents and f
orm of education in this first phase of life. Defined as the first stage of basi
c education "to kindergarten has become an intrinsic part of the process
Educational and therefore the education system, and going forward inconceivable
neglect or inadequate attention to the first slap of what should be the basis of
education of the individual. Do not you mean that education has started pre sch
ool at the time. In Brazil, it has more than 100m years. Its greatest growth occ
urred in the decade of 80, keeping the pace of expansion throughout the decade o
f 1990. The novelty, with the 1988 Constitution and the LDB is in its maturity,
as intrinsic part of basic education and, therefore, essential to the whole pers
on. That does not mean you should necessarily be performed in government institu
tions. The education received in the family can be, at least the first two years
, sufficient and appropriate to account for the child's needs. Without this firs
t step, the educational process would be like a building without foundations, a
bridge columns starting from the air. The concept of "school" would have to revi
se its terminology, shifting to the concept of early childhood education foundat
ions that until the last century, one could assign to education that began at 7
years. However, the LDB has maintained the historical institutions, nursery and
pre school, despite two changes: introduced the term "equivalent institutions" a
nd omitted the word "kindergarten". The terms "nursery" and "pre school" listed
in the Federal Constitution (DH 7 ", XXV, and art. 208, VL). The distinction bet
ween them based solely on age of children who attend them. Thus, according to th
e LDB, these two institutions do not differ as to the purpose or objectives and
therefore also not on the content of services provided to children. since the Co
nstitutional Amendment '14, September 1996, adopted in its article 211 the words
"kindergarten" in an attempt to overcome the dichotomy between kindergarten and
preschool. The National Education Plan, approved by Law No. 01/10 72 of January
9, 2001 has a specific chapter for early childhood education and proposes targe
ts for the range from zero to six years, without separating them by age or by ty
pe of institution , except when referring to the goals of care by age group and
the inclusion of the creche in the system of educational statistics, the idea is
explained that the kindergarten, the child's birth to entry in elementary schoo
l, is organized according to continuous and comprehensive child development and
learning, and not according to historical models or reductionist addicts demand
biased by economic conditions and social exclusion.
The legal advance is almost seven years (CE n 'is 14 September 1996 and L DB was
sanctioned in December 1996), but the educational policy has only a few steps a
long this path that goes from reality to the desire of educators and families: t
he comprehensive care of children from zero to six years. For the age 4-6 years,
there has been significant progress both in matrrícu them as in other sectors,
such as teacher qualification, development of pedagogical propostac, diversifica
tion of methods and ways of working with children. It is possible that the goals
of the National Education Plan relating to the percentage of enrollments in thi
s age group are reached before the deadlines set out therein.€The National Educa
tion Plan sets the goal of answering 60% of children 4-6 years (or 4:05 if educa
tion systems include children from six years in elementary school) in the first
5 years and 80% by the end of the decade of the Plan. For the age group of the t
he three years, the targets are 30 and 50% respectively. However, for children 0
-3 years, progress has not been as significant, although this is the time when p
arents most need instiruições workers who are in charge of health care and educa
tion of their young children and be the most critical period in development, acc
ording to recent research in neuroscience, What is wanted is a full service for
all children according to their needs, from the earliest months until his admiss
ion to the school. This care includes care for and educate. The LDB, the Nationa
l Curriculum Guide for Early Childhood Education and PIan National Education (wh
ich also has legal force, originating in Law No. "10 172, which approved it) dwe
lls on the required join and complementation of caring and educating of children
in care The 6 years. But why this insistence? Because there was a deep dichotom
y between these two components in alenção that gives the child in Brazil. Put ve
ry simply, "the nursery care, preschool education." However, the phenomenon is m
ore complex, not only is it two institutions with distinct character and differe
nt ways of acting whose origin and whose historical conditioning (socioeconomic)
determined. It is also a misconception of the meaning the child's development a
nd learning. This conception is far from a past when it was thought that the lit
tle child was a tabula rasa in which the family and society inscribe the knowled
ge, habits, behaviors. Or the idea that everything innatist
was asleep as a germ or potentiality awaiting the physical maturation to surface
, was enough to expect that to happen. In this prospect, was sufficient to care
for the child who survived the bad weather physical, psychological and social, d
eveloped the adult would be a natural consequence of this process. As much as th
e science of human development, particularly genetic psychology, have shown that
the child becomes smarter, so the personality, builds knowledge, learn the acti
vity that carries with initiative in interacting with others - and this from the
first moments of life - many people still unaware of this fact, or act as if un
aware. This rule, however, does not apply to all institutions. Many nurseries ha
ve always had, or momeçaram have for some time, a full service program including
educational objectives, whether or not to care, feeding, protection and support
to the physical development of children. Likewise, many gardens-schools or pres
chool since its inception, develop care actions also included or not in the cont
ent typically apredizagem and cognitive and social development. The LDB option t
o overcome dicotimia between kindergarten and preschool care and education, assi
stance and development and learning includes two decisions: 1. Instruct the nurs
ery of the age range of O to 3 years of age and préescoa 4-6, giving both the sa
me goal of integral development of all areas of human personality in these perio
ds. Of course, there are differences in regard to the care of a child for anothe
r three months to four years, as well as the education of a baby is content and
adultocriança those forms of relationship between an adult and a child of three
or five years, what this dual purpose - to care for and educate - whether that i
s expressed in both the nursery and in pre-school child has the need and right t
o be cared for and educated. 2. Enter kindergarten in the school system. Thus, t
he LDB explained that the nursery is an educational institution and that child c
are is part of their education. In other words, there can be no education of you
ng children without the care of your body, your nutrition, your health, their hy
giene, their growth and motor development and physical. In practice, this option
has some consequences
• both the nursery as the pre-school can be full time or part-time. pedagogical
proposal may be unique for the range from zero to six years;. the education syst
em should establish guidelines regarding the care and schooling to be conducted
at institutions that are under his responsabilidacle. Could still be taken other
ways to offer comprehensive care to children, for example, • the nursery would
pass to the administration of the education sector,€Social Services would contin
ue while the component responsible for the care. A joint plan, an administration
shared a co-management would be in charge of policy for children in the county.
• day care remain under the administrative and financial responsibility of Soci
al Welfare and pre-school Education. Both institutions should provide the compon
ents of care and education for all children, regardless of why the parents were
placed in one or another institution; • The nursery would remain under the Socia
l Assistance and pre-school, education, but the education system would be in cha
rge of supporting and guiding the eduação in kindergarten (teacher training, sup
port in the preparation and implementation of educational proposal, participatio
n in defining the schedule of activities, evaluation, etc.).. In turn, the Socia
l Assistêncta would support the education system in the care component (food, as
sistance and guidance to families, etc.). And the health sector to encrregaria m
onitoring of children in all aspects relating to health, in each sector would pr
ovide its budget resources to activities that develop them compete. Ideally, if
so, would call all the institutions that care for children in child care centers
, with management shared between two or three departments of government. One of
the reasons why in Europe the area of Social Assistance (Welfare) is responsible
for atendiniento younger children - and in the case of Norway, is even more evi
dent, with the Ministry of Family and Children - is the work that involves care
of family relations, family support for education and care of children with the
education sector has less tradition, familiarity or willingness to do.
In French and Portuguese, the word "education", at least in the pre-school indis
sociaveiniente contains actions with the aim of educating and caring. In the Eng
lish, the word "education" is limited and therefore the English-speaking countri
es to add the term care education: Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) or
Early Childhood Care and Educator (ECCE). The South Africa educare coined the te
rm (which begins to be adopted by some European countries, embracing the idea of
education more carefully), which shows the intrinsic unity of the two aspects o
f the same reality for the child who grows, learns and develops themselves. The
English language offers no such possibility that we continue with the two terms.
To achieve that legisIaço and determines what is meant by holistic treatment i
ntegrated, we have to make great progress in administrative and pedagogical prac
tice. In relation to administrative matters, it is necessary to overcome resista
nce in the sector of Social Welfare on "surrender''to the nursery education. Sev
eral factors come into play, but one of the most powerful is the sensation of em
ptiness that would mean the loss of daycare in the area of Social Services. It's
something like syndrome after delivery, the child who was nurtured in the womb
for months to leave their own world, leaving her mother physically and psycholog
ically drained. Regarding educational matters, there is a progressive understand
ing by professionals of the nursery that any activity for the child and the chil
d has an educational sense: look down an exchange of feelings of trust (or distr
ust), expresses affection and understanding (or indifference and anger), arouses
enthusiasm and joy (or inhibits and fear), the touch of the hand of an adult pr
oviding security or not, surrender or withdrawal, how to suckle the bottle commu
nicates the emotions of the adult and arouses emotions in the child: "She drinks
milk with the anguish" (Dolto, 1999), the act of bathing, diaper change, dressi
ng and styling are gestures of human communication between adult and baby where
there is a deep exchange of feelings and therefore of mental organization, struc
turing interior, training in self-image, developing the "I" of the child: how is
faced outbreaks of tantrum of disgust, curiosity of children, as it seeks to ov
ercome behavior "aggression''and how it promotes social interaction determines t
he type of education that
you're giving them: the speech of adults begins in the child language, for sayin
g what she will do, what others are doing, what they feel and thus will mediate
the actions through language. There is no content "education" in kindergarten un
related gestures of caring. As there is a "teaching" is an acquaintance or a hab
it, using a route different from the loving attention, happy,€available and prom
oting the progressive autonomy of the child. Educational content of the educatio
nal proposal, in turn, are not abstract objects of knowledge, disconnected from
life situations and are not prepared for the child by means of oral transmission
of formal education. Instead, they are internalized as construction of the chil
d in an interactive process with others that come into play the initiative, acti
on and reaction, question and doubt, the search for understanding. As Vygotslsy,
referring to the action, this is the first inter-and intra-individual later. Be
fore there is a relationship, then "I" first, the gesture of welcome and affecti
on, then the feeling of security and confidence, before the word, then the thoug
ht. first, mediation, and then the new level of understanding and action. Biblio
graphic Reference DOLTO, F. The decisive stages of childhood. Saão Paulo. Martin
s Fontes. 1999
The unjust social structure mirrors the Brazilian greatly in educational institu
tions, where care activities are pushed to lower wages and status, since they ar
e assigned a lower value than those called educational. Admirably this human cap
acity to learn from others of the same species and to advance to a variety ambie
nles and situations. Strange to think that it is founded on our motara extreme i
mmaturity at birth, which makes us dependent on others for many years. In contra
st, our rich expressiveness birth favors our communication with others. Those wh
o care for us mediate our relations with the world. In material and social condi
tions in which they live and according to their culture, their customs and belie
fs, organize the environment we live in, enabling us to act on it and over it. P
ossible, so that things of this world make sense for us and at the same time, we
present ourselves to others, giving us to interact with us, certain positions a
nd directions. That human reality is well expressed in the saying Xhosa, the mot
her tongue of Nelson Mandola: people are people through other people saying This
contrasts strongly to the separation between care and education, so frequent in
our schools, preschools and kindergartens. We forget that, or neglecting to tak
e care of each other, we're putting it in a certain position, giving her certain
directions, which help to constitute it as a person. Certain experiences for me
in many kindergartens and preschools can help prove that. The situations
hygiene are the most typical. I remember the bathing routine of a nursery school
that reminded the assembly lines of factories, derided by Charles Chaplin in th
e film Modern Times. Two educators made up the situation with a group of 15 chil
dren 2-3 years. The pace of each other and were well differentiated. As educator
s, automatically and quickly performed the duties of undress, wash, dry and dres
s a child after another, children were subjected to a continuous and long waitin
g time. Initially remained in chamber pots against the wall. When his turn came,
they were caught, scrubbed, rinsed and left, still dripping, onto the platform
to wait their turn to be dressed and combed by another educator. After this rout
ine, the children were waiting for the next routine, being reprimanded if they d
o not stay still and silent. Little or no oportundade was provided to them to ha
ve some autonomy ra situation, enjoy the pleasure of water in the body interacti
ng and playing with each other. The organization of this care situation was clea
rly educating children to be submissive and passive, without initiative and auto
nomy. This same routine of the bath can be handled in a completely different. Th
e environment and routine can be arranged so as to allow the children the autono
mous development of a range of skills such as undressing, washing, drying, dress
ing and putting themselves and others. May have occasion to experience the textu
re and other qualities of water, soap and sponges. Can help others or care for t
hem, or cared for by them ... With this, we will be playing a care / education t
hat puts them in a more active positions, someone competent to interact, learn a
nd perform a series of functions. The unjust social structure basileira mirrors
is greatly in educational institutions, where care activities are pushed to lowe
r wages and status, since they are assigned a lower value than those called educ
ational. In nursery, scrolls are a frequent discrimination between "teachers"€pe
rceived as responsible for the noblest part of education and the "auxiliary, att
endants, servants or uses pages," responsible for the less noble. care of childr
en and the environment. Supposedly, the first form the child's mind, and be resp
onsible for the activities of so-called cognitive learning, as the other takes c
are of feeding, hygiene, cleanliness, rest and recreation activities that theore
tically require less
qualification. Like dscriminação is great, who does not intend to educate and ca
re for the caregiver does not profess to educate, as if this split was possible.
In a study of inclusion / exclusion of children with cerebral palsy in pre-scho
ol (Yazzle, Amorin and Rossetti-Ferreira, in production), we observed the advers
e effects of decoupling - The person with special needs usually requires more ca
re, either in sense of environmental support (ramps, suitable chairs), is toward
s a more direct and effective assistance in activities in which there is autonom
ous, like going to the bathroom, for example. The teachers of preschool showed t
hemselves unprepared and astonished at this situation. To them, this type of fun
ction it was not them, but the attendants, who were unavailable at various point
s. Our research has highlighted the fact that all children need at different tim
es, some special care, appropriate to their individual necesssidades. The teache
rs, however, were not prepared for that. they consider that their role is only t
o teach knowledge specified in the school curriculum. And when forced to exercis
e care activities, usually do so in spite of the children. However, the process
of teaching and learning and care is much more effective and enjoyable when ther
e is a real harmony between those who care and who care, between teachers and le
arners, the teacher educator is able to perceive the moment of the child, to pro
vide conditions that welcome and motivate surrounding it are shared with her var
ied activities, which may have started the initiative of the child or adult. To
put it into a more active partnership and co-author of what is happening and its
own process of care and learning, he will be giving opportunities for children
to build a positive identity about themselves as persons able to take care and b
e careful, to interact with others and master different skills and content. The
child's identity is also being formed during activities of daily living such as
food, for example. Much of culture and knowledge of a people is passed on that s
ocial practice. Say that the Italians, Arabs, French and Brazilians from north t
o south! The food preparation and when the meal is rich extremamenle occasions f
or learning and development of individual habits and customs and culture, howeve
r, this situation has been treated as
a dreary routine, from which adults wish to extricate himself as soon as possibl
e. The activities of care / education of children whose rights are recognized an
d respected by the institution and its teachers must involve the cultivation of
family identity, gender and race. In this sense, can be programmed situations fo
r young children to explore their individual and family histories, discover and
be welcomed as an individual, learning to recognize and respect differences in t
hemselves and others. Provide opportunities for children to learn to like themse
lves, developing a positive self-concept and learning to recognize and respect t
he personal characteristics of each, is one of the most important educational ta
sk. The inseparability between care and education must permeate the whole educat
ional project for a daycare, preschool or school. This is somewhat of an operati
ng philosophy that prevails - or not - throughout the planning. The families do
not seek only institution that provides its children defined in the learning cur
riculum. They seek to share with teachers educators care and education of their
children. Expect them to be hosted in his singles ability, which involves changi
ng needs. Finally, I have an interesting thought. At the time we live in, where
more or less opportunity to access knowledge often defines the future of a perso
n, care activities are increasingly taking a leading position. Machines and robo
ts could replace humans in various tasks, but not the care! The fastest growing
sector in which the employment is oportunidaoes services. And in them the power
required also involves delicacy and care in handling.€Other sectors showing stro
ng growth relate directly to the care of the weight and the ecological environme
nt. It is then the question: will we be preparing a better future for our kids i
f we let the care of outside the educational tasks in nossasc stuffed and pre-sc
hools? Reference 8ibliográfica YAZLLE, CH, MORIM, KS; ROSSETTI-FERREIRA, MC. The
SigNet as a methodological research in the process of inclusion of children wit
h cerebral palsy in pre-school
Rossetti-Ferreira, MC. et al, (Orgs.). Network of meanings: a theoretical and pe
rspctiva Methodology. Porto Alegre: Artmed in production. Maria Clotilde Rossett
i-Ferreira is a professor of Falculdade of Philosophy, Science and Literature of
Ribeirão Preto (FFCLRP) - Patio U5P Educaç5o Child Year I No. 1 April / July 20
EDUCATE AND CARE IN THE NURSERY - Overcoming a paradox in kindergarten Ana Isabe
l Ramos Alberto Lima da Motta Porto Alegre The title of this article refers to a
discussion that is needed: caring for and educating those procedures that the e
arly childhood educator can perform simultaneous and enjoyably, from whose knowl
edge of and develop integrated actions sufficient to sustain their practice. Our
intentions, although it is quite pretentious, based on Paulo Freire puts it whe
n he says that the educator humiIde realizes that educates and allowed to educat
e the student and his reality. Our beliefs come from what we allow ourselves to
learn from our younger students, who have around 14 months of viea, but already
are competent enough to show how far you can go to a range of educational practi
When we started working with babies, because we believed that everything fazfamo
s with them was important, the care and education were united by the actions of
children and educators. When changing diapers, playing himself, cried, sang, pla
yed choir feet. When fed, played in foods gathered small grains of rice with the
fingers like pincers and watched the movement of liquid in the bottle. While sl
eeping. emitting sounds or nested in its "smell". Knowing that these actions car
ry with them aspects of care and education is fundamental in education for train
ers, educators, pedagogical coordinators, directors. Training schools for early
childhood educators need to begin working with the specific questions of this id
ea: the care and education are elements of a single strand - which collude with
- that work with babies must be seen as an effective action for action pedagogic
al impregnated with basic knowledge to enable the teacher to provide children wi
th educational practices that work with their full development. The practices wi
ll be reported in this paper covers the work we do in a municipal public school
on the outskirts of Porto Alegre, which serves children 0-6 years in a full shif
t. The work with children takes place in time and space. Thus, the classroom of
a nursery must be organized according to the actions to be reaIizadas: shifts, t
he play, hygiene, sleep, eating. In our view, feeding should preferably be perfo
rmed only in an environment separate from other activities for reasons of hygien
e and aprendzagem. AIimenlação Moments of food are made in the cafeteria, where
babies are placed on chairs until 9 or 10 months and, thereafter, in seats with
backrest so that they feel appropriate at the tables and see the food to eat. Ea
ch child will be fed by an adult. A single adult can feed up to four children at
one time because they are chewing while another
receive food. Gealmente around 1 year, children begin the process of learning to
hold the spoon and try to bring the food, bringing it to near the mouth. These
movements are closely monitored by teachers, which should help the child succeed
in these attempts. Fruits and vegetables are offered in the hand or with spoon.
The bottles are given in the neck until 6 months. Then, children begin to be ta
ught to hold the bottle alone, slowly and gradually, as their evolution. Thus, t
hey can be taught early on that there are positions for eating utensils and açõe
r individuals who are different from the play. Therefore, the more differentiate
d the environment, more learning opportunities. Sleep should be nurtured in a pr
oper environment and, preferably, children should not be placed in individual cr
ibs, tradicionalmenle as you do. Our children sleep on small mattresses with she
ets that are on the floor next to each other,€allowing adults to fall asleep by
as much as other colleagues. Sleep occurs when the child has drowsiness or need
expressed by crying. After lunch or activities of displacements and body movemen
t is also offered the opportunity to rest. For sleeping, try placing the child i
n the most appropriate position, which conhecernos from observation on the day t
o day and from information from interviews conducted earlier this year. Hygiene
Hygiene of children is a very important aspect. They need to be fulfilled in the
ir needs, so the diaper changing can not be made at any given time, with hours m
arcaoa so rigid. What should be done is an effective control, which is held by t
he exchange of each child after his arrival, around an hour after having entered
the room, so we make sure it is dry or needs to be changed. Then throughout the
day, the child will be played whenever and as often as necessary. To facilitate
this control our team built a table in which records the number of times the ch
ild was switched on and the type of exchange (poop, pee. Diarrhea, drier). Thus,
it is guaranteed that every child is met according to their rate of operation.
To replace them, the teachers talk to them, explain what they are doing and why.
Although it seems more laborious, this procedure produces a satisfactory result
, because if the hildren are well cared for in their needs
physiologic become more calm and cheerful, willing to interact in other daily ac
Playing Playing is an aspect of development that is basic for children from zero
to three years, for which deserves special attention. When and how babies shoul
d play? Arriving to the classroom after coats, pacifier bag and organized into p
lace the baby has already started some activity in different areas of the room a
re arranged on different criteria: toys travel (cars, balls, small tires, coils
paper, spool), affective toys (plush dolls, cloth and rubber, pillows, mattresse
s), books, toys docking (cubes, vases, dolls, puzzles), plastics and graphics (p
aint, pens, pencils thick and pasta), musical instruments (conventional and scra
p yard toy, swings, tables and chairs, cliques and kitchen utensils, cardboard b
ox. At the beginning of the year to nurture a baby or two materials at a time. W
hen Throughout the year, babies are discovering the duferentes eue materials are
organized in boxes, shelves or niches, then they themselves begin to request th
em, even though we do not speak. They do this by approaching the place where the
toys are and making gestures and sounds that communicate your wishes. The educa
tors strive to offer every one by which it is interested; with this, the working
atmosphere becomes calm and almost do not hear cries, because babies are involv
ed in interesting activities for them. An organized space allows children to dec
enter from the figure of the adult. For example, while the teacher handles with
some Play-Doh, others note pebbles in a mobile and still others moving rubber ba
lls with wooden poles. This movement is constant and is only interrupted for the
moments of alimentaç3o and hygiene. In this case, the teachers requested that t
he babies involved in some form of organization of the room and toys: singing, r
eaching objects, observing or delivering the toys after they are requested, this
mode, the environment is organized to mark the difference between one activity
and another, offering greater security children.
Displacement. The displacements of the children are also of paramount importance
, babies need to move in and out of the room, because this activity is required
in terms of motor skills that are in full development at this age. So schedules
are drawn up for use of school spaces so that children spend the day at various
sites, not always staying within the classroom, and move yourself walking, crawl
ing, being carried in her lap, in the stands or being supported by educators to
make them a little walk. The spaces used are the three types of yard, with sand
and balances, with stairs, with grass), the play space (which is in soIo school
and who has three flights of stairs (which are used by children for years to cli
mb walking or crawling), the library, the playground (with slide toy box and har
d plastic), the cafeteria, the hallway and the classroom. In each of these space
s,€educators are always capable of holding initial and then offer free activitie
s with different materials. Care, therefore, includes educating children through
activities with which the protection and physical integrity. All the activities
we do with children are recorded in weekly tables so that educators can view th
e work and can redeem it at staff meetings and in times of assessment of childre
n. We are aware that the care and education are inseparable and that this dyad o
nly achieve fullness in people's minds when they assimilated is culturaImente c
hildren and not be one that must be prepared to be adult, but a being that must
and can experience the his childhood with the peculiarities of the child, and no
t as a "model" of the adult. How organized society, crawled in the form of educa
ting our children. The changes are slow, people find hard to believe in again, m
ainly because we, education professionals, we are taking the responsibility to e
ngage our partners through examples and further study. We can not expect schools
to "improve" themselves. We, educators, can we make this "happen." Let us ensur
e that our children can enjoy the world of things and people, learning to live,
grow and be happy.
Ana Isabel Ramos Lima's municipal educator in Puerto legre .4. Alberto da Motta
is a student of pedagogy _ UFRGS PATIO CHILDREN EDUCATION YEAR I N º 1 APRIL / J
ULY 2003

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