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By Marco marco@internetpravoce.c om.

br DIY Buy Books on Free Market Is WHOSE Use

IF THE APPEARANCE WAS NOT IMPORTANT, THIS Would not you deaf? Good packaging nee
ds to call attention to themselves, besides attending to their basic functions o
f storing, protecting, transporting and appreciate a gift or a product.
The great development of the pack did the industrial revolution and the wide ava
ilability of goods and services now being offered. The culmination of this proce
ss occurred in the 50s. This was the beginning of the dizzying climb of the pack
and when it has set a new mode of consumption and access to goods and products.
Color is the main element of communication and the pursuit of different colors
is one of the more promising and enduring. It is important to combine textures,
colors and themes. Bright colors, extrabrilhantes, ultraviolet and iridescent fa
ncy have given a new emphasis to papers and accessories, removing them from the
commonplace and constitute a new trend: "unusual colors." Supplements currently
used in packaging are so varied that unusual materials like ropes, fabrics, recy
cled paper, seeds, flowers
dried, wire screens, rubber etc. compose a modern aesthetic or conservative, as
the trends of the moment.
Ruler, triangles, pencil. Scissors and knife. zCola white (PVA). Hot glue gun. B
rush to spread glue. CARDBOARD, cards 240-440 g (duplex, paper, cardboard, kraft
etc.). Folding of bone. Fancy paper for bags, envelopes. Tapes varied and diver
se materials such as jute, paper twisted, satin, straw da Costa, for ties.
The combinations between the papers, ribbons, flowers and other types of finish,
we need to harmonize the colors correctly. Knowing the different variations of
tones, you can combine them in predetermined schemes such as monochromatic, shad
ing, contrasting colors, Christmas, country etc.. Every color has three characte
ristics: hue (red, green or blue, for example), tone (dark or light) and intensi
ty (bright colors or pastels).
The hard color is divided into: the primary colors are pure colors: red, yellow
and blue. Secondary colors are those obtained by mixing two primary colors (eg y
ellow + red = orange) Complementary colors are those that are opposed on the col
or wheel. Tertiary colors are obtained by mixing one primary with one or more se
condary colors. Means the ability of the colors seem warm or cold. The left half
of the disc shows the chromatic warm and vibrant colors: reds and yellows. The
right half shows the cool colors that convey calm: the blues and greens. Analogo
us colors: are those that appear side by side on the disk. There is in them the
same basic color. Example: the yellow-gold and reddish-orange have in common ora
nge. Neutral colors: when mixing two or more colors of disk color, you get a new
series called neutral colors: the yellow-gray, brownish reds ...
Boxes, bags, etc.. can be assembled using two techniques: Die-cutting and GLUE A
The CUT is the outline that will be highlighted on the sheet that was designed p
ackaging. Scissors or a sharpened knife should be used for this step. If the sty
lus is used, the cutting should be done softly and repeatedly, so as not to push
too hard the knife against the paper not to tear it. Vince is a mark on the pap
er using a blunt object so that it folds more easily and smoothly. Can be done w
ith the bending of bone or a tip pen ink.
ASSEMBLY AND GLUE The component parts of a box are called "cookies" that are res
ponsible for surface and bottom; "side strips" that will be attached to the wafe
r to form the top and bottom of the piece. The surface and bottom may be formed
by any geometric shape or other various shapes such as flowers, bugs, sun etc..
Material used: CARDBOARD or Kraft 300g or any card with the starting weight of 2
40 g. Tapes or other finish to choose.
1. Scratch and cut out patterns on paper card as the above scheme. 2. Place the
molds on the underside of the board chosen for the construction of the box and d
raw the lines of die-cutting with a sharp pencil. 3. Cut the cardboard only by s
olid lines (cutting lines). 4. With the help of the ruler and the folding, creas
e the cardboard on the dotted line (crease lines). 5. Apply white glue or hot in
the four tabs on the base and attach them to form the box. Repeat to form the l
id. 6.€Embellish the box with a ribbon or other trim of your choice.
ROUND BOX MOUNTED Materials needed: cardboard microflute tape and glue, etc. to
1. Cut the wafer to the lid and lightly mark with pencil the letter "T" cap. 2.
Cut the wafer to the bottom with 3 mm less than the cap, because one will fit in
side the other. This measure is for the case of using CARDBOARD. In other types
of cardboard or finish this step is variable. Pencil mark lightly with the lette
r 'F' in the background. 3. Cut a strip to the side of the cover with the desire
d width (Hint: 3 cm). The side strips of cardboard microflute should be cut with
the waves in a vertical direction to give flexibility to the circumference, as
measured circumference of the wafer more than 1 cm to spare. 4. Cut a strip to t
he side of the bottom, using the same procedure as the previous item. 5. Paste t
he wafers into strips, glue going in the margin strip side. You can use hot glue
or white glue pure. 6. Paste the tip is left on its own takes to finish. 7. Dec
orate with ribbons, etc 8.. OBS.: If you use the hot glue, you need to pass a wi
re pure white glue in all the corners of Europe and wafer-strip to reinforce.
Material used: Paper gift and resistant (150 g kraft paper or any other weight o
f from 150 g) of rat tail type cord, rope, twisted paper or any other that serve
s to make the handle.
1. To serve as a basis for the cast of the bag, use a stack of books or any othe
r object in the desired size. 2. Take a sheet of paper and cut a piece large eno
ugh to wrap around the object that served as a template. 3. Make a fold at the t
op edge. 4. Wrap the paper around the object and move vertically to glue togethe
r the tips on the back. 5. Fold and glue the bottom edge as you do with a common
package in order to form the base of the bag. 6. Take what served as a mold in
the bag. 7. Glue inside a rectangle of cardboard to reinforce the bottom. 8. Mak
e a fold on each side of the bag, like a fold up on top. 9. Drill two holes spac
ed and coincident with a punch on each side of the bag to hold the handle. 10. P
ass the cord through the holes chosen and knot at each end and then close the ed
ge of the pack with a loop tape, thus forming a bag as a gift.
SIMPLE LOOPS 1. Holding the tape with both hands, form a rim. 2. Touch the rim i
n the middle, forming an eight. 3. Franza the center of the loop. 4. Trim the ex
cess ribbon. 5. With the strip is left, trimming lace, making a knot in the midd
le, leaving two ends equal. 6. Add the finishing cutting the tips in "V" and his
tie is ready!
Double bonds (waves)
1. Holding the tape with both hands, form a rim. 2. Touch the rim in the middle,
forming an eight. 3. Franza the center of the loop and do two more loops a litt
le bigger, and
move back and forth. (Made waves, superimposed on each other) 4. Trim the excess
ribbon. 5. With the strip is left, trimming lace, making a knot in the middle,
leaving two ends equal. 6. Add the finishing cutting the tips in "V" and his tie
is ready!
1. The length of the tape will depend on the number of turns which is intended f
or the tie. 2. A full model, five laps, you need a tape with 1.50 cm in length.
3. Take five or more laps around the four open fingers, leaving a tip in and one
out. 4. Fold the lace in half, make a small cut skewed on either side and tie w
ith a ribbon making a tight knot. 5. Open the loops, pulling one by one, startin
g with the back, turning a movement of a loop up and down another until all have
been opened. 6. Repeat this procedure with the other side of the loop. The resu
lt will be a circular shape with each turn visible.
LOOPS FULL OR ROUND (of flowers)
BIBLIOGRAPHY · Authors not specified. Collection Good Idea! Handicrafts Home.
Editora Abril Cultural. · SHANNON, Faith. The art and craft of paper. Mitchell
Beazley in association with Il Papyrus. · Various. Monthly magazines like Make
Easy, Hands of Gold and others. Database search: Globo, April, New Cultural. USE

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