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Discharge of stormwater

An exhaust system of stormwater include: - gutters (eaves), where waters converg

e from the slopes of the roof and floor plans of coverage - the rain, vertical c
olumns of discharge, receiving, at the top, the water from gutters or flat slabs
- the exhaust manifolds, which connect the rain at the base, converging towards
the outlet end, which may be a surface watercourse or sewerage in urban white-w
ater or water mixed and never have to enter sewers intended for sewage. To dispo
se of the rainwater, the architectural design of buildings, must have roofs, flo
or plans and roof terraces with slopes intermediate slopes on gutters and downpi
pes. These slopes, never less than 0.5%, should be appropriately increased in ar
eas of high rainfall or snow, to avoid accumulation of snow or overloading subst
rates. Sizing Section rain be attributed to a rain cover that part of a building
is determined by the surface of the roof (or the projection on the horizontal p
lane of water) that converges on it. In Italy it is customary to give an effecti
ve area of rain: 3 1 cm2 per m2 of roof when the vertical paths of rain are mate
rial to the base of the columns can be realized shock, overpressure and elastic
phenomena that produce noise, causing danger of breakage or however rapid wear.
In these points it is necessary to prepare the wells function as shock absorbers
as well as siphoning, to block backflow of unpleasant odors from collectors. Gu
tters or eaves tiles are semicircular or rectangular, but in any case, the cross
-section area useful for the passage of water Sg to be approximately 1.5 times t
he sum of sections of rain fed Σ p. In the case of semi-circular gutter section
shall be: g = g = 1.5 x Σ p half of a circular section of diameter D = 1.5 × π
× D2 × Σ  2 4 from which it derives the diameter of the gutter: n π Φ i2 × 1.5
× 8 × Σ   = Σ where Σ D = 4 π i = 1 where Φi is the diameter of the rain-th
ower. In the case of a semicircular gutter that feeds a single rain diameter Φ
will, after simle stes: D = 3 × Φ The gutters should have a constant sloe to
the rain, no less than 0.5%. They exhaust manifolds are located on the ceiling o
f the cellar or basement floor and at an altitude higher than the free surface o
f municial sewage water white (or mixed), or other contact surface (oceans, str
eams, rivers, etc.) to allow the natural flow of sewage. If this is not ossible
there should be a collection tank, a system of lifting water to the final detai
ls. The collectors are made of circular ies with a diameter less roortionate
to the number of rain that they fall and sloe feasible, that in no case shall
be less than 1%.
Referring to regions with rainfall of u to 10 cm of water er hour, Geberit (co
many in the field of sanitation), recommended for rain, the gutters and collect
ors the following minimum diameters deending on the surfaces of roofs : urface
of the roof rojection. horizontal u to 8 9 to 25 m2 26 m2 50 m2 75 m2 51 to 7
6 to 140 m2 to 170 m2 141 m2 171 to 230 231 to 335 336 m2 to 350 m2 to 500 m2 35
1 m2 501 to 1000 mm Downsout 50 50 50 75 75 100 100 125 125 150 175-200 mm semi
circular gutters 80 100 100 100 125 125 150 150 200 200 250 Collectors mm 40 50
70 70 80 80 100 100 125 125 150

or more rainfall, the sections of exhaust manifolds, like any other comonent o
f the rain, be roortionately increased. idebar: The amount of water for the d
esign of the ieline rain deends on the following factors: 1) rainfall intensi
ty (i), varies from region to region and is exressed in cm/ora/m2 or l/s/m2. T
he rainfall intensity are commonly used: 10 cm/ora/m2 l/min/m2 = 0.027 = 1.66 =
2.50 l/min/m2 cm/ora/m2 l/s/m2 15 = 0.041 l / s / 20 m2 = 3.33 cm/ora/m2 l/min/m
2 = 0.055 l/s/m2 2) from all the exosed surfaces (if) the rain, as determined b
y horizontal rojection, 3) the sloe and the nature of surfaces exosed, exres
sed by the reduction factor K (Table). This is interreted as a factor behind th
e water flow from the surface of the roof at the outut of utake due to roughne
ss and / or absorbent surfaces exosed to rain .. The calculation formula is as
Water flow (l / s) = i. (l/s/m2) x s.e (m2) x K
Kind of surface exosed to itched roofs with tiles, corrugated lastic, cement,
lastic sheets for roofs with lastic or similar roofs covered with concrete sl
abs or similar oen squares, avenues, etc., with roofs covered with hard coating
gravel oen squares, avenues, etc., with gravel or similar earth-covered roofs
(roof garden) reduction coefficient K 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.30
Discharge of waste water
The term used water means waste water, ie water or black stool, soay water or w
hite water and fat to be eliminated as a result of the use of medical devices. T
he drainage water used must be indeendent of stormwater drainage systems and li
quid ollutants (discharges from laboratories, waste oil from garages, large kit
chens discharges, etc.) The exhaust system comrises: - branches exhaust ies t
hat connect sections of the tras of sanitation equiment to the vertical column
s of discharge. - Drain ie, collect water from several branches and bring them
to collectors. - Exhaust manifold, convey the water from the columns to the sew
erage system.
An exhaust system is not sufficient alone to ensure hygienic conditions in envir
onments free from ollution, esecially in terms of odor. Make sure that among 
lants faecal closed environment is always interoses a ca lumbing, clean water
(sihon), which revents the odors that accomany the use of water access in th
e rooms themselves. This is accomlished with a secific lant that ventilation,
which is designed to diserse the odor is resent in the network, is to elimina
te the drainage system determines eddies that could undo the cas of water rese
nt in the tras. The sihon is made is close to all radio networks that health.
The sewage may be: - single sihon (or recess) rovided near the connection betw
een collector and faecal sewerage external - to sihon multile, widesread, inv
olving the installation of a tra at the base of each column faecal first access
to collectors.

izing of drainage networks. or sizing of drainage networks, using the method o
f giving discharge unit (U. .). Is defined as: 1 U. . = The discharge flow rate
of sink or bidet with exhaust ie = 32 mm = 28 l / min (= 0.06 L / s) values of
U. . other medical equiment were calculated for comarison.
The ies shall be determined by the number
 of units and exhaust connected to th
e robability of their simultaneous use. or branches:

or columns of discharge:
Calculated the
 diameter of the column is maintained for its entire length from b
ase to to. or collectors:
The collectors must be installed with a sloe as to maintain the flow rate withi
n a redetermined range. The minimum seed is about 0.6 m / s to avoid the sear
ation of solids drag. The maximum seed is comatible with the tye of material
which make u the ie to revent the occurrence of abrasion (see table below).
The roortions of drainage networks can follow the following rocedure: 1) Plot
the drawing of the suggested 2) Give the connection at each intensity discharge
or the discharge unit. 3) Draw onto the network gradients and intensity dischar
ge affecting them 4) Return the data read on the scheme now being roosed.
U. .
To account for the simultaneous oeration of different users, the real intensity
discharge is obtained from the theoretical Qt through the following formula, su
ggested by Geberit: Houses aartments: Qr = Qt 0.5 Great restaurants, hotels, ho
sitals , clinics, community Qr = Qt 0.7 industries, laboratories, etc.: Qr = Qt
Ventilation rimary and secondary
By the end of a ventilation exhaust system includes the installation of ies wh
ich allow the assage of the necessary quantity of air to exit the tras of sani
tary aliances, industrial and laboratory. This lant is divided into: - rimar
y ventilation - ventilation secondary. The rimary ventilation system, consistin
g of a ventilation column obtained from the extended drain water faecal u over
the last floor, above the highest oint of the building and finishing with a hat
exhale (this gun) . The rimary ventilation of the sill out of gas bombs in th
e ieline, without access environments.€This is ensured by the fact that there
is fecal column atmosheric ressure equal to that which is exercised at the sid
e of the tra environment.
In the absence of rimary ventilation, however, a body of water downward would b
e a real liquid iston, utting in some deressed sections of the network and r
oducing ied water resent in the sihons, driven by atmosheric ressure rese
nt in the environment where the health unit is located. In other arts of the ne
twork the liquid iston, however, would create comression, or ressure on the f
ree surface of the sihon, first column, greater than that existing in the envir
onment where it is located on the fixture, with the outward ush of the constitu
ent mass hydraulic ca.
Ventilation rimary hook is used when multile devices are installed, and is cre
ating a secific rod arallel to the ventilation exhaust atmoshere that connect
s the endoints of all the stretch of Branch.
Below we roose a articular lant hook, which alies in cases in which they a
re arranged in series ot, tub and sink.
Auxiliary ventilation ventilation secondary consists of a riser arallel to the
fecal, which connects with the base of the sihon at the foot stool, and the to
is connected to the rimary ventilation column, above the user with a higher r
o ortion of faecal . In this column are connected to the tras of all equiment

The diameters of ventilation networks should be defined when comared to the dia
meters of the drainage networks. The rimary ventilation is achieved with tubes
of the same diameter of the to of the stool. The internal branches have diamete
rs on the tye of equiment served (see Table 1)
The columns have diameters of ventilation set on the basis of the diameters of f
ecal and total vertical develoment (see Table 2)

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