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Good for body and mind stretching exercises to relieve tension and give it that

aired on the head that you both need No matter your age. Stretching is a habit t
hat relieves tension, relaxes muscles, activates the brain circulation and fans
- a holy remedy against voltage PréExame (TPE). The physical education teacher
Gisele Saporetti of Movement Laboratory, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFM
G), recommends some exercises for you to practice. Focus on the movements and le
t the thoughts behind. 1 - Standing or sitting, interlace your fingers leaving t
he palms out and elbows straight. Inhale, raise arms, directing the palms upward
. Get off your arms slowly to the side, exhaling. Do three sets of 15 seconds. 2
- Stand with knees slightly bent. Pass your right arm over his head, so that th
e right hand approaches the left ear. Keeping a straight back, force the head to
the right ear approaches the right shoulder. Repeat the movement with the left
side. Do three sets of 15 seconds. 3 - Join your hands behind your head. With ba
ck straight, bring your chin to chest, causing light pressure with your arms. Do
three sets of 15 seconds. 4 - Stand with knees straight, inhale. Exhaling, bend
the trunk forward. Keep your arms relaxed, trying to touch the feet. Return to
starting position, bending the knee and inspiring. Return the trunk slowly. The
head should be the last to rise. Painted tension at test time? Breathe ... If on
exam day you read the question once, twice, three times and not understand anyt
hing, you can bet that the nervousness took care of the situation. One way to co
mbat it is to let in enough oxygen in the body. The neo-Reichian body analyst Ma
ria de Fatima Matos Cardoso, São Paulo (SP), suggests four exercises that can b
e done minutes before or even during the examination. You'll see how the ideas f
low better. To get more attention this movement can be done in the bathroom befo
re the race. Stand up and keep your feet parallel, slightly separated. Bend your
knees to relax your legs. Place your hips forward a bit, enough to feel the spi
ne in place and get comfortable. Loosen the shoulders as if they were very heavy
arms wide and let loose. The neck should be relaxed, light, no pressure. Just f
eel his breath. To recognize the environment Sat, shortly before the start of th
e examination, the left there with your eyes and try to note details such as the
wall color, the features of people, objects, sounds. Establish an order for the
se records and then come back looking the same points, but in reverse order. Fee
l the air entering and leaving the body while focusing each point. Finally, move
your eyes so you feel relaxed. This exercise provides serenity and connection t
o the place and time. To gain confidence Imagine a tree in your trunk and put hi
s desire to do well on the exam. Then go adding branches with achievements that
had led up to this day: a good book you read, a subject that has learned well, a
day of study that yielded enough. The tree should have at most four branches, e
ach with two arms, so you can visualize everything. Studying law is different fr
om studying very late nights studying Crossing is not the best thing to do in pr
eparation of breath. The first action to take to render the study is to prepare
an appropriate environment. Look, if the read subjects that interest you in bed
already encourages relaxation and a consequent nap, then what matters more diffi
cult. It is best to sit upright in a comfortable chair to stay alert and not to
harm the column. And one can not sit next to a kitchen in full operation, with a
movement that spread your attention. The ideal place needs silence, which facil
itates concentration.
The study must be daily and include a review of the content seen recently to fix
it in memory, doing or redoing exercises and back each time a concept that shou
ld already be assimilated for you lack the understanding of new content. The wor
k is good in parts, with planning in order to have a clearer idea of how much yo
u are advancing. As for the most appropriate time to devote himself to study, ch
oose the hours you feel more prepared. Some people prefer to wake early, before
going to class, but there are those who do not give up the late afternoon and th
ose who earn more in the stillness of the night. With these precautions, the tim
e of study yields more. Something very important is to take sleep seriously. Fla
shed up on the book? Dozed off with the geography textbook in hand? Time to stop
and eventually sleep. Mental effort is tiring,€and the body needs to replenish
energy, especially in the days before the race. What good is knowing the materi
al if you can barely hold the pen? Sleep is basic, it helps the memory retain in
formation acquired during the day. Psychologist Acacia Angeli dos Santos, Ph.D.
in educational psychology and human development professor at USP and University
of St. Francis in Itatiba (SP), gives other important touches. She says it is go
od to see the Enem, how were the earlier evidence and how the questions are aske
d (you can see all examinations since 1998 on the site
r). Moreover, she says, candidates must "know yourself, know your strengths and
weaknesses, have planning, monitoring - whether or not you understand - and self
-regulation: when you do not understand or are unaware, stop, rewind and reread
the words. " This compensates for the deficits of understanding, according to th
e professor. Eating right is also part of good preparation. Of course you will n
ot get a good grade just because they decided to eat broccoli, fruit and fish, b
ut have balanced meals and nutrition decreases the risk of getting sick a week b
efore competition, in addition to the energy that the body needs to face hours s
tudy. Try to avoid heavy foods the day before and the day of Enem. Feijoadas, ba
rbecues and strong spices are not recommended to anyone providing proof. Ever th
ought you hit that urge to go to the bathroom in the middle of the exam? Preciou
s minutes are lost.
Train your memory, "It is no use studying for the Enem only in 3rd year," said Z
erbini Zilda Toscano, director of the Palmares College in Sao Paulo. "The survey
refers to knowledge and skills acquired and accumulated in previous series." So
on, the candidate must pull in memory of long-standing issues. Leave to study at
the last moment, thinking that the matter will be fresher in the head, is a mis
take. When studying tired, trying to absorb lots of information, the memory can
not save them. As the student often is a little nervous when the Enem, that "whi
te" that haunts the candidates tends to be inevitable. To combat it, there are s
ome tricks. The memory stores information more easily linked to our senses (the
old story of a song that reminds you someone). So it's always good to associate
that given the book to information already known and well stored in the head. An
ything, even soccer teams relate to current geopolitics. Another tip to remember
more easily the subject is to write, write summaries of matter. Try to make rel
iable and robust summaries for you to study the next time with them directly, wi
thout the aid of books. Underline, read and reread aloud the texts also helps. A
nxiety is bad for the preparation of evidence. Therefore, besides studying calml
y, always try to focus on what you are doing, checking, reviewing and scrutinizi
ng the matter.
Glancing in a hurry by memorizing texts only disturbs and confuses. Even in the
rush hour of trial does not help, because anyone who feels pressure is likely to
find that the first alternative that is hitting your eyes just right. Caution:
for more than convinced that you are on the right answer, think a little about o
ther alternatives. "The ideal is that students have experience to make great tes
ting," Zilda guides.

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