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Orthographic Agreement enters into force today with unknowns

Questions will be answered only with the publication of new "Spelling Vocabulary
of the Portuguese Language" in February Text of the Agreement will not clear ho
w the spelling of a series of words such as "abrupt" or "ab-rupt" and "cohabitat
ion" or "cohabiting" MÁRCIO PINE
REPORT OF LOCAL - The New Orthographic Agreement of the Portuguese Language take
s effect from today in Brazil. The transition period for the population to adapt
to change will until the end of 2012-from 1 January 2013, the new spelling will
be considered the only correct one. Although schools, publishers and media have
already started to adapt the text of the agreement does not clarify the spellin
g of a series of words. According to the ABL (Academia Brasileira de Letras), th
e definition only come with the publication of a new Volp ("Spelling Vocabulary
of the Portuguese Language"). With the function of recording the official way to
write the words, Volp be published only in February, with about 300 000 terms.
"The Volp should have been completed in 2008," said Jose Carlos de Azevedo, doct
or of letters by the Federal University of Rio Janeiro and professor at the Stat
e University of Rio de Janeiro. "Publishers have needed him to use it as a sourc
e of guidance," said Azevedo, who coordinated the guide "Writing for the New Spe
lling (Publifolha partnership between the Institute and the Concise Oxford), det
ailing the new rules. "That has to be recognized as a failure," he says. Azeredo
says his team at the Institute Houaiss faced a series of problems for not havin
g the Volp based research. "Moreover, the text of the agreement is very generic,
especially regarding the use of the hyphen," he says. According to Azeredo, Bra
zil should have done a limited edition of "Spelling Vocabulary of the Portuguese
Language" before the Agreement entered into force. "Then he would launch a larg
er issue." Even Evanildo Bechara, a member of the GLA and considered the
highest authority in Brazil to decide the possible issues in the agreement, says
he is prone to errors. In an interview published in Folha on last Monday, he sa
ys: "It is clear that the interpretation is made subject to errors. Just who doe
s not err." Concerns According to consultant Portuguese Film Group, Thais Nicole
t de Camargo, the main uncertainties are focused on the agglutination or the use
of the hyphen. Thus questions arise as "subhuman" or "sub-human", "cohabit" or
"cohabit" and "abrupt" or "ab-rupt." The prefix "re" (used in words like "reissu
e" or "re-edit"), Thais said the agreement makes no specific mention of it, lead
ing to different interpretations. Another word that is generating questions is "
para-ray" (which loses the accent gap "stops"). In "Minidicionário Aurélio da Lí
ngua Portuguesa", graph-if "pararraios. But the "My First Concise Oxford Diction
ary" and "Minidicionário Houaiss" graph "for-rays." The reason for doubt is that
the agreement says they should be merged, with no hyphen when the compound word
s "has been lost to some extent, the notion of composition," a concept now used
in "parachute." For Thais, "it is likely that the loss of perception of what con
stitutes the word" parachute "is due to the existence of derivatives" paratroope
r "and" parachuting ". The absence of the word" jumper "and" parachuting " langu
age encourages the natural process of assemblage. " "In the case of" lightning r
od "and" windshield "that's not true, because there are no derivatives," she exp
lains. In these cases, there is only loss of the differential stress of the form
"stop", and should not be done for agglutination. The recommendation of Thais i
s to adopt the former spelling only in cases of doubt caused by the subjectivity
of the Agreement for the assimilation of the new system is not delayed. The fil
m has already adopted the new spelling from today.
"Veterans" in the reforms say they will ignore the new changes in spelling
Rafael Hupsel / Sheet Image
Pensioner Maria Aparecida do Rio Pinho, who says he will not learn about the new
agreement REPORT OF LOCAL For those who have been through other spelling reform
s, the new rules apply to the English language from this year should not lead to
problems when write. They say they do not give attention to the new Agreement.
"So far, only put accent when I think obvious," said retiree Maria Aparecida Pir
es do Rio Pinho, 82. Born in 1926, Cida, as it is called by friends, was recorde
d in the baptismal certificate as Mary Apparecida with "p" double. Already in th
e first identity card, issued after the reform of the 40s, his name appeared wit
h a "p" only. She says that this caused him problems when he was taking the port
folio of professional librarian.€"They would not give me the documents because t
he data did not add up," she recalls, laughing. On the current Accord, she says
she will not even read it. "Ah, the umlaut will fall, right? I think great, beca
use it is a waste of time," she says, that so far refuses to use the keyboard of
a computer to write projects for NGOs in which is voluntary, the Way Home . "An
d I will continue delivering the text of my way. Whoever is typing it tidy." The
same thought has bibliophile José Mindlin, 1994. "I have lived several agreemen
ts spelling without being aware of them," he says, who writes the word "wet" wit
h "h", until today. "But, by the way, I write fairly well," he jokes. Mindlin sa
ys she has adapted to some changes which
now, "but only some." "If it seemed reasonable, so good, but sometimes things ar
e very unimportant. Not all innovations are reasonable." And it includes innovat
ions without reason the fall of the acute accent on open diphthongs, like "idea"
which becomes "idea". "I'll keep writing" idea "with an accent." Asked whether
he will try to fit this time, said: "I do not lose sleep over it. The most impor
tant is to understand the meaning of what is said or what you write." Have those
who work with education says it will try to adapt. "Oh, I have to learn these r
ules," says Tiyomi Misawa, 58, a college counselor in Sao Paulo. "I just think t
hey could have fallen all the accents. The less the better," she says, which was
already a teacher in 71, when there was the latest reform. Now, she says, her s
tudents are passing the changes newcomers. "Accent, for example, they almost no
longer use it." (LUISA SILVA ALCANTARA E)
Absorb change will not be difficult, says linguist
According to Carlos Alberto Faraco, most people no longer wore shake Just 0.5% o
f the Brazilian vocabulary will change because of new Orthographic Agreement, th
e Ministry of Education LUISA SILVA AND ALCANTARA
According to the Ministry of Education, only 0.5% of the Brazilian vocabulary wi
ll change with the new agreement. Portugal and the countries that adopted the sp
elling-Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde, East Timor and Sao Tome an
d Principe, the reform will be greater: it covers 1.5% of words used. So when we
begin to enforce the agreement that has not been regulated in Portugal, will ha
ve a period of five years of transition. In Carlos Alberto Faraco, PhD in lingui
stics and teacher, Federal University of Parana, the Brazilian will not be so ha
rd to absorb the new rules. "If you look at the behavior of people today, you wi
ll see that they do not use more of these good things going
disappear, "he says. Faraco cites as examples the use of the umlaut." If you loo
k at written texts out there, we rarely see that he [umlaut] appears, "he says.
Norberto Lourenco Nogueira Junior, a professor of Portuguese high school, comple
ments , comparing the current with the latest reform, the 70: "The adjustment wi
ll be easier. In 1971, there were many more changes. "He believes the change in
how the hyphen is used will generate many questions." The way is to buy a new di
ctionary and always check how the word was. "According to Faraco, unifying the s
pelling, the Brazilians have a worry less. "If you go to the corner now and buy
a novel by [Joseph] Saramago, you will see that it is written in the Lusitanian
spelling. We accept that. When a Brazilian goes to graduate school in Portugal,
he has to produce your thesis according to the spelling Lusitanian. The Portugue
se are inflexible, "he said. On the criticism that the agreement does not unify
the Portuguese language, as there are words with different meanings in Lusophone
countries -" kids "in Portugal, for example, means-boys, Carlos José de Azeredo
, Doctor in letters and professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, say
s this is no argument. "The agreement concerns the spelling, not the vocabulary
of each country," he says. For Azeredo, "it is impossible to unify the vocabular
y." Do not do that even within a single country. The word "lighthouse" in Rio de
Janeiro, for example, is used only to designate the lighthouse from the car. Al
ready in other states in the same country, it has other meanings, "he says. For
him," Who's complaining about it does not know anything about it because it is n
o argument. "And he adds:" We will have four years to consolidate this new spell
ing . Nobody is forced to change the way you write, but not worth being against
the changes because we are subject to the law. "
Schools have adopted new rules
Private schools and some open advertising adjusting to a new agreement this year
"At first, there will be some confusion, but it is something that in four years
can be learned,"€says researcher Carlos Chagas Foundation REPORT OF LOCAL Despit
e the period of four years in which the spellings coexist, some professional sec
tors are betting that leave to be fit in last minute is not a good strategy and
introduced new rules this year. Private schools have already placed in the new s
pelling curriculum. This is the case of the traditional Girl Scouts and Santa Ma
ria, São Paulo. "For children from the sixth year (11 years), who have already s
een some change concepts, we introduce the knowledge naturally. There will be a
lesson, but work throughout the year. What causes the child to assimilate is use
, "says Elenice Wolf, director of college teaching Santo Américo. "For kids from
second to fifth year, the school will be organized according to the new rules."
The school will give preference to books with the new spelling, but depends on
the update of the publishers. Schools with teaching material itself, such as Gir
l Scouts, now announces the update of his books. Contests The contests and vesti
bular admit the two spellings for four years, but most do not adopt the new rule
s in their statements immediately. One exception is the FGV Projects, which adop
ts the new spelling in their questions from the January implementation of a comp
etition for vacancies in the MEC. The same institution also provides an initiati
ve in higher education for adaptation. Professor of Portuguese legal Leonardo Te
ixeira is responsible for teaching the new rules to undergraduate classes at the
Getulio Vargas. "If there is resistance from institutions, the press will be mo
re difficult to assimilate." There is also movement on the public network. The g
overnment of Sao Paulo said that 17 000 of 230 000 school teachers have been tra
ined in October and this year will notions of the new spelling to students. "At
first, there will be confusion. But it's something in four years can be learned.
The teacher should go calling attention
rules. The child has developed visual memory, making it easy, "says Bernadette G
atti, director of research at the Carlos Chagas Foundation and professor at PUC.
Agreement is symbolic and political significance
Portuguese is the only language with official language status in several countri
es that have two spellings regulated by law: one used in Brazil and one in Portu
gal and other Lusophone countries. Languages like Spanish and French are spoken
in several countries, have a unique spelling. Someone might say that this is not
true because, in English, there are also two spelling: for example, center and
center; color and color, analyze and analyze, catalog and catalog. However, the
situation of English is very different from the Portuguese, because it has no sp
elling established by law. It is governed by tradition, that is listed in major
dictionaries. This means that although there are preferred spellings in countrie
s like Britain and the United States, the two forms are considered correct. To e
nd this situation of double spelling, which has deep historical roots, has signe
d an agreement on a standard spelling among the eight national states of the CPL
P (Community of Portuguese Language Countries). After much discussion, this conv
ention was ratified by the parliaments of various countries, including Brazil an
d Portugal, and enters into force in our country today. The discussion of the Ag
reement has been based on several misconceptions. Firstly, it is not a unificati
on of the language but the spelling. Language is a social fact intrinsically var
iable: in pronunciation, vocabulary, morphology and syntax. Varies from one regi
on to another (even within a country), a social group to another, from one gener
ation to another, from one situation to another communication. You can not unify
the language. Already the spelling is the set of conventions governing the repr
esentation of speech sounds in writing, is the set of rules that determines how
to write the
words. That is what is being standardized. It is argued that reform is timid, it
is "half-sole," which would be necessary to make a profound change in the writi
ng. Actually, strictly speaking, this is not a spelling reform, but an agreement
to unify spelling. Therefore, it only deals with aspects of two different spell
ings. Moreover, a far-reaching change is no longer possible, because, like virtu
ally all the population is illiterate and makes extensive use of writing, it wou
ld cost a huge lead everyone to relearn a completely new spelling. We must also
consider that a radical change spell doom in a short time,€all the graphics stor
ed to obsolescence, because it would take a specific preparation to read it. It
is said that there was indeed a unification, because it accepts the principle of
double spelling in some cases: eg, economic / economic; karate / karate; fact /
fact; design / conceção. This statement is an error because both spellings are
to be correct in all speaking countries. With great wisdom, united themselves, r
especting the diversity of pronunciation reflected in historical forms of spell.
Moreover, the principle of double spelling is not an invention of the agreement
because it already exists in the Brazilian system of spelling: are accepted as
correct, for example, contact forms and contact section and section, synoptic an
d synoptic, daily life and everyday life. The agreement is technically imperfect
. Nevertheless, I support him for his political reach. The language in addition
to the communicative function, it has symbolic functions: representing the natio
n, is an instrument of resistance against foreign domination, etc.. As one of it
s preamble, the agreement "an important step for the defense of the essential un
ity of language." In this context it should be seen in its symbolic value. Seeks
to assert, by unifying spell, a basic linguistic unit, which emerges from a gre
at diversity and that is the symbol of union of the peoples of the CPLP.
JOSE LUIZ FIORIN is professor of Linguistics at USP and member of the National P
ortuguese MEC
The (Un) Orthographic Agreement
Would not have been better to wait until everything was
really ready to "cut the ribbon" Orthographic Agreement of the blessed? As fate
would have the "Orthographic Agreement" entered into force just a Thursday. I ha
ve written about the subject, but the coincidence and some loose ends I "force"
to return to it. The Agreement enters into force today is the result of a compli
cated pregnancy and childbirth with forceps high, "one in which they apply force
ps to the head of the fetus before labor has begun" (Concise Oxford). Let's preg
nancy: the first meeting was held in 1986 in Rio de Janeiro, with six of the the
n seven-speaking countries (the Guinea-Bissau did not attend). The project resul
ting from this meeting was considered radical (proposed to the end of many accen
ts) and therefore was rejected. The second round was in 1990 in Lisbon. Drafted
and approved, the document said the agreement came into force on 1 January 1994
and would be taken "all necessary steps to prepare, by 1 January 1993, a vocabul
ary spelling common English, so complete as desirable and as standardized as pos
sible ...". Time went e. .. Well, let's get beyond the script from 1990 until to
day. The fact is that 22 years later (or 18, if you will take as its starting po
int the meeting in Lisbon in 1990), the agreement finally enter into force witho
ut the full accession of Portugal (the law has not yet been regulated there ) an
d, worse, with dark spots and without the "Vocabulary" (which promises to the GL
A in February). The result of such unjustified rush to put in force in Brazil th
e blessed agreement is not yet known, for example as grafarão words like "coerde
iro (or will be" joint heirs "?) And" reelection "(or is it" re- election "?) Ne
ither the" Dictionary of the Portuguese Language School, "GLA's own (" With the
new spelling of the Portuguese language "), know the answer to that. On page 21
of a "model for analysis", which I had access, reads as follows (regarding the u
se of the hyphen): "In formations with the prefix co-, pro-, pre-and re-, they a
re agglutinate, in general, with the second element, even when initiated by him
or her and ". Then give up these examples, "co-author, coedição, proconsul, pree
leito, reelection, cohabit, coerdeiro. When searching each of the examples in th
eir own dictionary ... Surprise! "Co-author," coedição "and" cohabit "remain," p
roconsul "and" preeleito "have no record (but no record of" pre-election "
with acute accent and hyphen), "coerdeiro" becomes "co-heir," and "re-election"
now "re-election", which is also seen in several similar cases ("re-educate," "r
e-edit "etc.).. This film and other vehicles, as clearly expressed my opposition
to this agreement because it believes that its cost outweighs its supposed bene
fits. Deeply respect the position (in favor of the Agreement) of men of stature
and dignity of the lexicographer Mauro Villar, loyal and dear friend, and teache
r Evanildo Bechara, but the bottom of my littleness, I dare ask, would not have
been better to wait until everything was really ready to "cut the ribbon" of the
Agreement? Is it a sin to think that everything that has a strong odor of impro
visation? Or nothing but a selenite? From tomorrow until Wednesday, I will publi
sh a minitexto per day over what changes to the Agreement.€That's it. inculta@uo ------------
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