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Wednesday, September 26, 2007 | the voice of the school

The Government authorizes the vaccine human papillomavirus
A new vaccine enters the list of the most effective medicine available to preven
t disease. Is the vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. It has confirmed its effec
tiveness against four different strains of human papilloma virus. Two of them ar
e responsible for 70% of cervical tumors, while the other two cause 90% of genit
al warts. The therapy requires three doses of vaccine, although there are still
doubts about how long your long-term protection and whether booster doses will b
e needed over the years. The vaccine consists of inactivated virus, something li
ke if they were blanks, able to force the body to generate antibodies against th
e papilloma virus and, thus stopping their proliferation in the body in case of
contagion. This is what prevents the formation of cervical cancer. This is the f
irst new vaccine aimed at preventing a cancer whose primary cause is a virus. On
e of the most debated issues has been the age of vaccination. Immunization is ef
fective when it has not yet been exposed to human papillomavirus, that is, befor
e the first sexual encounter. Experts believe that, provided that immunization t
akes place before that first time, the vaccine will fulfill its purpose regardle
ss of our age will produce the first meeting. Furthermore, although approval of
the vaccine currently is limited to girls, companies also are investigating its
use in males, because the virus also affects the male gender, which can be, ther
efore, the bearer and transmitter of the infection. The human papilloma virus is
transmitted almost exclusively by sexual contact. Varieties or strains have mul
tiple cone-
In the classroom
Tabs can make a list of infectious diseases, including those recently emerging (
SARS, avian flu ...). It then prepares a file for each of them with such informa
I name the disease that I cause I Microbe Main feature of the disease I Vaccine
I Author and date of discovery of the vaccine I Calendar: treat yourself to a cl
ass time to discuss the current vaccination schedule in the Autonomous Community
. Each student can bring their own immunization record: What immunizations has b
een?, Against which diseases?, When he plays the next shot and what is it, what
vaccines needed a booster?
An Australian woman receiving the injection with the vaccine against human papil
On the Web
Web I National Cancer Institute U.S.. Human papillomavirus and cancer. Spanish v
ersion. Spanish / cancer / hojasinformativas / HPV Inform
ation responses I cervical cancer. medlineplus / Ency /
Web article/000893.htm I Municipal Information Center Youth Council of A Coruña
. Of particular interest for this topic paragraph of sexuality. http://www.corun cmij / sexuality /
FORTH. While 90% of infections resolve spontaneously without causing even get to
show symptoms, when they become chronic can eventually cause cancer. Infection
with this virus usually appear within a few months of starting intercourse, and
it is estimated that 40% of sexually active people is spread over the first 16 m
onths. It is estimated that worldwide are diag-
predicts each year half a million new cases of cervical cancer, a disease that c
auses 270,000 deaths annually. This makes it the third leading cause of death in
women and cancer kills more women in developing countries, where living with th
e AIDS virus (HIV) facilitates its spread.
> Patricia Barciela
The vaccine, a defense mechanism against infection
Vaccination is used to train the body to fight infection. It preventive defense
mechanism of introducing into the body of an infectious agent weakened, dead or
even pieces of that, to trigger a defensive immune response without causing dise
ase. The body reacts as if it were a real infection, learning the process. So wh
en is this true infection, you know how to fight. Infectious diseases are diseas
es that can spread and are caused by a microbe. The routes of transmission of in
fectious disease are varied: food, water, direct contact, air, animals and even
some medical practices.€At present, it is estimated that most human deaths worl
dwide caused by an infectious agent are caused by six diseases: influenza, AIDS,
diarrheal diseases (cholera), tuberculosis, malaria and measles. The solidarity
of the developed countries which are still less could prevent many of them, as
they currently exist effective vaccines to combat them.
Related news in La Voz de Galicia sociedad/2007/08/24/000
-Press-School Program of La Voz de Galicia: a study of news about the human papi
lloma virus http:// web / lessons / index.php? L ections =
72 & field = 0
Vaccination campaigns are crucial to the health of young

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