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MEDICINAL PLANTS - HOME REMEDIES NATURAL - Use and method of preparing

NOTE: The following use of medicinal recipes is at your own risk, as any body do
es not react the same way, therefore it is recommended not to abuse them, as som
e plants in large quantities can be toxic. It is recommended not to use medicina
l plants, if at the time you are using synthetic drugs prescribed by a doctor, a
re incompatible and may be cotraproducente. MEDICINAL PLANTS AND THEIR preparati
ons. Medicinal plants can be prepared in various ways, depending on your interna
l or external use, the disease that seeks to heal and the characteristics of the
plant itself. Listed below is the most common forms of preparation. . INFUSION.
Put a teaspoon of the dried plant, fresh leaves or other plant parts in a cup t
hat is poured boiling water. Leave to stand for 5-20 minutes, then strain and sw
eeten according to taste, preferably with honey. . Cooking or DECOCIÃ N. Place a t
easpoon of material "leaves, flowers, roots, either dried or fresh" in a well gl
azed than aluminum., A cup of cold water. Heat and simmer for 2-10 minutes over
low heat. End Strain and sweeten to taste. . Maceration. Put one teaspoon of dri
ed or fresh herbs in a cup of liquid, either water, alcohol or wine, and let sta
nd for 8-12 hours at room temperature. Then mixed, heated slightly, strain and s
weeten. . Cold compresses. Make a decoction of the plant and allow to cool compl
etely. . The content must be wrapped in a thin cloth. Apply on the affected part
and is updated every 10 or 12 minutes. HOT PADS - (Development). It is the same
as cold compresses, only this time should the water should be hot. It is update
d every 5 minutes. Poultice. They are for external use. Crush the fresh parts of
plants, are spread on a cotton cloth, linen or gauze and placed on the parties
concerned. In some cases, the plant boiled and can be applied directly without f
abric. POULTICE MUD. In a place where the land is virgin, ie, that has not been
worked, removed a piece of land, either black or yellow, natural water is added,
kneaded to form a soft dough. Then placed on a canvas or fabric, is secured wit
h hooks and then placed on the affected part. Medicated soaps. They are used to
treat various skin diseases., Wound, or just to take care of the skin. The most
common method is as follows: The simmering about 100 grams of the herb in a quar
t of water to evaporate half. Strain, squeeze and boil the cooking or decoction
to simmer while you add a 400 gram soap, grated, until the soap is completely di
ssolved. Mix well and then empty the hot mixture into molds and cool. Par that t
he extract of the herb has distributed more evenly and that the soap has good fo
rm, it is sometimes necessary to knead it while it is cooling. In this way you c
an make soap aloe, chamomile, rosemary, oats, rosemary, arnica, estafiate or any
other plant which is good for the skin. . 1
Medicinal syrups. Extracts of medicinal plants often have a bitter taste, so the
y are not very acceptable especially for children. To give a better flavor syrup
s are made, which are easier to swallow. . One of the most common methods for ma
king the syrup is as follows: Put 100 grams of fresh or dried herb in a quart of
water boiled for a minute and let it rest for 2-3 days. Then filtered and squee
zed. Sugar is added in an amount of half a kilo per liter of decoction. In other
cases are made with honey syrup and the juice of the herb. It is recommended to
take a spoonful of the syrup three times a day. . Medicinal ointments. For exte
rnal use. Boil slowly for one to two tablespoons of the herb in 200 grams of Vas
eline "acid free" for 3 minutes. The concentrate is mixed thoroughly, filtered a
nd cooled in its final container. . MEDICINAL OILS. For use both internally and
externally. Take a handful of grass or dried and is immersed in a pint of olive
oil or other edible vegetable oil. The mixture is left exposed to the sun in a c
lear glass bottle without color, for 2 to 3 weeks. Then filtered and removed the
foam and the aqueous layer has stayed on top. Vegetable oils need to be persist
ed in a bottle of amber glass; example, a bottle of wine or beer, tightly covere
d and in a cool location out of direct light. .€POWDER FOR FILLING CAPSULES. To
make the powder is ground dried herb in a mortar. It is mainly used to eat gras
s strong and unpleasant taste. The powder is packaged in capsules sold in drugst
ores and pharmacies. . DYE MEDICINE. For internal and external use. You put the
grass, fresh preferably in a bottle and amber glass, and add an alcohol solution
"of non-denatured alcohol 90 °," almost pure "diluted with boiled water, purif
ied, or preferably, distilled "until the solution covers the grass. Cover the bo
ttle, shake and let stand for 2 or 4 weeks out of the sun. Is then filtered thro
ugh a sieve "hopefully nylon, with toilet paper or gauze, depending on the finen
ess of the material to be filtered, and saved the tincture in a glass bottle amb
er. They take 1-2 ml "about 25 drops" three times a day. In the case of most pla
nts can take a tincture instead of an infusion, decoction or maceration. The dye
has the advantage that can be stored for a long time, "one or two years" and is
always ready for immediate use. If you need urgently a small amount of tincture
or juice, a remedy can be made by crushing the plants fresh from a spoon, after
having agrgado few drops of alcohol and water. The percentage for the alcohol t
o the solutions may vary according to need or use for evil to be treated, but gi
ven that alcohol should be pure and not distorted. . They can be prepared as fol
lows: At 90 %...... 1 part alcohol and no water. "Whip Solution." 80 %...... 4 p
arts of alcohol and water. 70 %...... 3 parts alcohol and 1 of water. A 60 %....
.. 3 parts alcohol and 1 of water. 1 ..... 50% alcohol and 1 part water. 40 %...
... 2 parts alcohol and 3 of water. At 30 %...... 1 part alcohol and two of wate
r. 20 %...... 1 part alcohol and four of water. "The weaker" This implies that i
f we make a 30% solution of alcohol, add one part alcohol "Example, one glass of
alcohol" two-part water "that is, 2 cups of distilled water."
Medicinal wine is prepared on the same principle, substituting the solution of w
ater and alcohol in a wine of good quality "cheaper wines are high in sulfur and
other preservatives, preferably a red wine, white wine or dry sherry. In some c
ases uses the brandy. Similarly you can add herbs to the vinegar, and can be use
d after having been at rest in the sun for two weeks. PLANT JUICES previously wa
shed fresh plants if necessary, are squeezed by hand or machine to extract juice
. A teaspoon of it diluted in a few tablespoons of water and taken three times d
aily, half an hour before each meal. Other juices are taken in pure form, ie wit
hout having diluted. It should be noted that the infusions, decoctions, macerati
on and juice can not be maintained for more than 48-72 hours, while dried herbs,
ointments, oils, tinctures, wines and micro-doses may be kept for an extended p
eriod over time, ie, up to two years. It is therefore essential that the package
them they should put the date of preparation. Do not forget that the jolly and
amber bottles are packaged RECOMMENDED such preparations. BATHROOMS. Immersion i
s the partial or total body as in a liquid healing plant composition. Bathrooms
can be cold or hot. The cold should be of short duration. AROMATIC. They are dri
nks made with plants that usually have a pleasant smell, such as chamomile, pepp
ermint (peppermint) or Cidrón (CD-ROM) among others. FRICTION OR MASSAGE. It co
nsists of rubbing a particular body part with a liquid hot or cold with or witho
ut herbs. either by hand, brush or towel. Gargle. It is making a decoction of pl
ants with water, let it stand after take mouth and gargle or mouthwash to reliev
e the parties concerned or sore. Inhaler - fumes. Make a decoction of the plant
chosen, then heated in the same container where cooking vapor is sucked through
the mouth and nose. For there to be a better use it with a towel covering his he
ad with the container. Wash, O ENEMA WASH. Cook the herbs and then when the rest
to heat water for milk, strain and used for the purpose. Then with a syringe or
medical implement, the liquid is introduced, either through the rectum or vagin
a. Enemas is not recommended for people who suffer diabetes, anemia, very old pe
ople or children under 7 years. Lotions. It is made from ground plants roots or
infusion.€Used for cleaning a body part with a special liquid. Tizanas. Are tak
en from each plant used a tablespoon or inch of the parties to use, toss in warm
water for 10 minutes, strain and leave covered to take when it is cool at the r
ate of a teaspoonful every hour or as indicated. PREPARATION WEIGHT. It refers t
o the proportion in which vary the herbs and alcohol in relation to the total we
ight. ie: If we say 10% by weight dye rosemary and alcohol, means that 100 parts
of the dye 10 are grass and 90 of alcohol. CURATIVE PARTS PLANT. The medicinal
parts of plants are: roots, trunk, tender leaves, fruits, flowers and berries. B
ut not all plants can use their parts because some toxic or inactive. 3

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