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Peole v Echegaray

If the law are created to protect laws then why are here contemplating
whether or not wed end it.
The defense is steadfast on our position your honor that the alleged
rape by my my client is concocted with ulterior sinister motives is that my
client will be charged with death penalty.
Id like you to imagine a father who sees this child for the very first
time. The child was very small, very fragile, and very delicate and this very
thing suddenly reaches out to him with these tiny little hands and it felt like
summer after a very long winter and he could swear not to let anyone hurt
her. How could you imagine this father hurt a child when in fact he knows
how it feels like to protect someone? Imagine then if this father was
sentenced with death penalty because he was wrongly accused of the crime
he committed how can you explain to the child that his committed how can
you explain to the child that his father was wrong accused of the crime he
didnt commit.
The law punishes rape with death penalty. My client did not rape
anyone therefore he should not be punished by death. The defense is not
denying the fact that Rodessa was raped. Rodessa is not the only victim
here. My client is also victim here, he has suffered more humiliation more
indignation and tarnished reputation
You honor, we are scrutinizing the facts wherein scrutinizing the facts is
no longer the focus of our inquiry we are at the point your honour, where
history will remember you not by the decision, but by the quality if
judgement you will render lets not turna blind eye against injustice.
The world is full of that already. Think for a second that this same
father, same loving father could never hurt another child.
Your honor, the moment you strike that gavel, the faith of my client will
be sealed. In a world where cruelty enjoys a vicious cycle, let us be the first
ones to take a stand and end it because it seems that violence begets
violence, and life begets life.
And so Your Honor, with these final words, we stand steadfast on our
conviction that the defendant- Leo Echegaray is innocent of the crime
charged against him and deserves the right to life so that the conviction be
set aside.

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