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Constant flooding has brought about unfortunate impacts and

effects towards the society. In an attempt to resolve excessive runoffs and
flooding, this study has its purpose designed to promote pervious concrete as
a probable solution. Many of its advantages are the economical and
environmental benefits along with its porosity that would lower the chances
of runoffs. On the otherhand, due to its porous condition, previous concrete
has a low structural strength in comparison with a conventional concrete.
Additionally, nylon fibre as a reinforcement has been significantly
acknowledged to improve the strength of a conventional concrete. The
addition of nylon fibre to the pervious concrete presents an experimental
study conducted to analyze the effect of the fibre to the strength
improvement of pervious concrete using different percentages: 0.1%, 0.15%
and 0.2% while maintaining an approved permeability standard. The study
consists of 5 mixtures with a total of 60 specimens where each mixture have
3 cylinders for compressive strength test, 3 cylinders for tensile strength test,
3 beams for flexural strength test and 3 slabs for permeability test. The
overall dimensions are: cylinders (150mm in diameter and 300mm in height),
beams (150mm x 150mm x 500mm) and slabs (500mm x 500mm x 150mm).
The samples were subjected to compressive strength test, flexural strength
test and split tensile strength test conducted by the Department of Public
Works and Highways National Capital Region (DPWH NCR). The
permeability test was conducted by the researchers in Summit Sigma Ready
Mix Corp.

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