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e-ISSN (O): 2348-4470

Scientific Journal of Impact Factor (SJIF): 4.72

p-ISSN (P): 2348-6406

International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research

Volume 4, Issue 2, February -2017

Emotion Detection Using Decision Tree Technique

Apurva P. Dixit1, Alok Kumar Pal2, Shraddha Temghare3, Vikas Mapari4
UG Student, Department of Information Technology, DY Patil College of Engineering Ambi, Pune, India1
Professor , Department of Information Technology, DY Patil College of Engineering Ambi, Pune, India4

Abstract: Our Society is full of opinions, which consist of sentiments that describes the meaning of the particular word
or the statement that are twitted by the twitter. This can be achieved by using various techniques such as Nave Bayes
Classifier, SVM (Support Vector Machine). It may either be positive, negative or neutral comment that is being displayed
either in the form of pai chart, graphical representation or in the form of text.
The extraction of tweets from twitter removal of the unwanted words and special symbols using the POS tagging
.Extracted word may be adverb or adjective that consists of sentiments that represent the particulars emotions.

Keywords: Twitter data, opinion mining, emotions, SVM (Support Vector Machine)


Computer technology will cause influence changing in our life and with it, we can obtain sources of
information, storage, recovery, management and analysis of the data. Twitter is a social network service that is able to
collect the message in order to discover new events and it follows the stream data model with high-speed data. Due to
large expansion of the World Wide Web, opinion mining has become one of the most active domain .In Twitter, volumes
of producing data have increased growth and as result, it is a new source of information for opinion mining .Produced
data are available in the form of text and the resulting text mining as a method for extracting knowledge from texts.
Challenges in the ongoing data can be introduced by: Domain-independence, Detection of spam and fake reviews, mixed
sentences, Use of abbreviations and short forms [1].
Opinion mining is a process to get important and useful information insight the opinion data[1][2].Focus on how to
express or represent a positive or negative response, such as a product ,service, the topic of person ,organization, or
event[1].Decision making for important organizations is done using opinions of the users[1].Currently all work in
opinion mining research has quantified & assessed the expression of opinion as positive or negative .Basically, opinion
mining is classified into three levels i.e. Document level, Sentence level, and Aspect-based level[1].

The aim of this paper is recognizing emotions from text available on social networking sites .We make use of
Sentence level classification for detection of emotion from the tweets .Every time the text does not contain any emotion
word such happy, sad, amazing or angry but it contributes the emotion of a user when user express their feelings
indirectly .In such case different techniques are used for analysis of emotion .Adjectives, adverbs and verbs mainly prove
to be useful in detection of emotion .Useful content from tweet is extracted using Natural Language Processing .Later
using Machine Learning technique exact emotion is classified.
A method to identify the emotion of the user using tweets we make use of opinion mining technique .A two-
step approach is proposed, where firstly, to identify the sentiment; we extract the opinion words from the tweets and
subsequently use a novel algorithm to find the emotion of opinion words. Based on the result of the sentiment analysis
many decisions are taken to improve the product and business. There is indirect but considerable impact of emotion
detection for decision making in business. Understanding the emotion of a person is useful in business intelligence. The
proposed system makes use of NLP techniques, POS tagging and Decision tree.


[1] Basics about what opinion mining is given. What is the need of opinion mining? How exactly sentiment analysis is
carried. Different types of opinions are seen .Classification levels in opinion mining are given in this paper. This
document helps to the beginners for getting knowledge what exactly the opinion mining is about.

[2]Proposed paper helps us in giving information related to support vector machine. Twitter data is extracted and
sentiment analysis is carried out using three phases of SVM classification. This paper classifies the tweets using
polarity concept. No exact emotion of the user is been detected.

[3]In this paper, comparison between many algorithms, specifically preprocessing, classification formula (Nave Bayes
Classifier and Support Vector Machine), and bunch formula (EM and straightforward k-means), to search out the
simplest results.

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International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 4, Issue 2, February -2017, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470, print-ISSN: 2348-6406

[4]Removal of unwanted data from tweets is very important task in analysis. For that purpose two approaches are
observe in this paper. The rst is a parsing-based lexicon generation formula (PBLGA) and the second is to observe
humor supported the prevalence of the interjection word.

[5]There are different types of classification techniques in machine learning, from which decision tree is one. It works on
divide-and- conquer mechanism. This paper helps in understand the working of decision tree. Decision tree algorithm,
strengths and weaknesses are surveyed.

[6]Sentiment analysis on twitter is done in this paper. Scoring module method is explained in detail. Scores are given to
theopinion carrier words. And using mathematical formulas emotion values are found.


Support vector machines (SVM) are supervised learning models that analyze data which is used for classification and
regression analysis. The purpose of this model is to give every word in the document an identity and importance. SVM
tries to find the best line that classifies the test document based on which class selected. SVM is a three phase
classification technique, where three phases are pre-processing, training or learning and classification. Pre-processing
reduces the noise and makes edible data for the next process. In

this phase cleaning data from regex, hashtag, non-letter character, username, URL and email [paper of POS
tagging].Second phase is learning or training where a model is built to classify opinion data. In this, the text is given the
weight using Term Frequency-Inversed Document Frequency(TF-IDF) algorithm [2].And in the last phase actual
classification of opinion is done based on model which was built in previous phase. The effectiveness of the
classification isMeasured by calculating recall value and precision value. [2]




Fig: Proposed Methodology

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International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 4, Issue 2, February -2017, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470, print-ISSN: 2348-6406

1. Pre-processing of Tweets:

Due to the changing and unusual nature of language used in tweets, it is likely that preprocessing techniques
could be utilized to institutionalize certain tokens of tweets. It is very likely that most tweets contain some type of
syntactic or spelling mistakes, acronym, and colloquialisms fused into because of the 140 character restrain forced by
twitter on tweets [4].The preprocessing procedure extract the important content from the tweets while forgetting the
unessential ones.
Some of the preprocessing steps that have been carried out are explained below:

1. Tokenization: Tokenization reads the textual content with the intention to mine and gets rid of all tabs and punctuation
between words and replaces them with white spaces.

2. Filtering: Filtering will cast off phrase which includes stop words extremely repeated word and infrequently repeated

3. Lemmatization: Lemmatization could be used to transfer the entire verb to infinite tense and++ all of the nouns to
singular form.

4. Stemming: Stemming may be used to return all the phrases to their basic forms where it will remove the plurals from
the nouns and ing from the verb [4].

POS Tagging:
Part of speech is very significant pre-processing task of natural language processing.Part of speech is also
known as lexical categories or word classes. After preprocessing the tweets, we pick only verbs, adverbs and adjective
using POS tagging [4].

Emotion Scoring:
After POS tagging the words are scored either only an adjective or as a group (adverbs or verbs) followed by
and adjective [6].

2. Processing on Extracted Tweets :

Decision Tree Technique:

Decision Tree is a classification technique where divide-n-conquer mechanism works. The important feature of
decision tree is it breaks down the complex decision making process into collection of simpler decisions. In a tree a
where root and internal node are labeled with a question and a leaf node represents a prediction of solution.

The decision tree shows Decision Points, represented by squares, are the alternative actions along with the
investment outlays, which can be undertaken for the experimentation. These decisions are followed by the chance
points, represented by circles, are the uncertain points, where the outcomes are dependent on the chance process. Thus,
the probability of occurrence is assigned to each chance point.

Once the decision tree is described precisely, and the data about outcomes along with their probabilities is
gathered, the decision alternatives can be evaluated as follows:

1. Start from the extreme right-hand end of the tree and start calculating NPV for each chance points as you proceed

2. Once the NPVs are calculated for each chance point, evaluate the alternatives at the final stage decision points in terms
of their NPV.

3. Select the alternative which has the highest NPV and cut the branch of inferior decision alternative. Assign value to
each decision point equivalent to the NPV of the alternative selected.

4. Again, repeat the process, proceed leftward, recalculate NPV for each chance point, select the decision alternative
which has the highest NPV value and then cut the branch of the inferior decision alternative. Assign the value to each
point equivalent to the NPV of selected alternative and repeat this process again and again until a final decision point
is reached.

@IJAERD-2017, All rights Reserved 147

International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 4, Issue 2, February -2017, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470, print-ISSN: 2348-6406


The system will consist of the data from the twitter that is extracted from the twitter which includes of special
characters and symbols.

POS tagging will be done on the extracted data to remove all the special symbols and hash tags that are used in
the twitter for the representation of tweets. Now defining of words to the specific emotions is done training data. Training
set consists of the data sets that are predefined. Using decision tree we will define the emotion of the particular person.


Sentiment Analysis is considered as one of the foremost engaging fields that encourage checking and applying
in numerous sectors. Emotion area unit usually associated and thought-about unremarkably important with mood ,nature,
personality and motivation .Opinion Mining or Sentiment Analysis refers to extraction of opinion from given text and
automatically classify them into happy ,anger, sad, fear, disgust.

In this paper, we fetch the tweets using twitter API and later on using processing techniques only emotion words
are extracted. Later on using decision tree mechanism we detect the emotion of a person. Decision tree model is used as it
predicts the value of a target variable based on numerous input variables.


We would thank with sense of gratitude to our guide Prof. Vikas Mapariwho guided us at every stage, whose
technical support and helpful attitude give us high moral support. We are highly obliged to the entire staff of the
information technology department and principal sir for their kind co-operation and help. We also take this opportunity to
thank all our colleagues.


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@IJAERD-2017, All rights Reserved 148

International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 4, Issue 2, February -2017, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470, print-ISSN: 2348-6406


Apurva Prakash Dixit:-Is currently pursuing her Bachelors Degree in Information Technology at
Her area of interest includes opinion mining & emotions detection using decision tree.

Alok Kumar Pal:-Is currently pursuing his Bachelors Degree in Information Technology at D.Y.PATIL
interest includes extraction of data and testing ofextracted of data.

Shraddha Sopan Temghare:- Is currently pursuing her Bachelors Degree in Information Technology at
interest includes in sentiment analysis & pre-processing of data.

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