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Assessment of Personal Values

Directions, Part 1: For each statement below, indicate whether the statement is Very Important
(V), Important (I), or Not Important (N) in Column 1.
Column 1: Column 2:
V, I or N Prioritize
To be thought of as an honest person.
A physical appearance of which I can be proud.
Knowing lots of people.
A meaningful relationship with God.
Success in career/job of choice.
A financially comfortable life.
A meaningful love relationship.
Self-confidence & personal growth
Unlimited entertainment, travel, etc.
A long and healthy life.
A strong spiritual strength.
Knowing I have achieved something.
Looking after my health with exercise and nutrition.
Serenity, having an inner peace.
An opportunity for professional growth.
A strong family circle.
Freedom to live life as I desire.
A beautiful well-furnished home.
Accomplishing something significant in my
An equal & universal opportunity for all people.
Financial security--not having to worry about money.
Being able to do many different physical activities.
Being useful and helpful to other people.
Learning to accept and like myself.
Owning possessions of great value.
Growing toward emotional maturity.
Knowing that I am well loved.
Enjoyment of nature & beauty.
Having contact to help me professionally.
Losing or gaining weight.

Directions, Part 2: In Column 2, review and prioritize each statement you labeled with a V
starting with 1 for the most important, 2 for the next, etc. After prioritizing the V values,
continue your numbering system and prioritize the I values (i.e. 11, 12, 13, etc.) Do not
prioritize N values.
Directions, Part 3: List the top 8 values below in order of importance:
1. ______________________________ 5. _____________________________
2. ______________________________ 6. _____________________________
3. ______________________________ 7. _____________________________
4. ______________________________ 8. _____________________________

Directions, Part 4: First, transfer the information from Column 1 to the appropriate numbered
item below. Second, assign a numerical value to each letter as follows:
V=2 I=1 N=0
Third, add the numbers for each column to determine the total. The higher totals indicate which
category or categories are most important to you.
Physical Emotional Spiritual Work Success Money Relationships
#2 1 4 5 6 3
10 8 11 12 9 7
13 17 14 15 18 16
22 24 20 19 21 23
30 26 28 29 25 27
Total: Total: Total: Total: Total: Total:

For example:
#2 I 1
10 V 2
13 V 2
22 I 1
30 I 1
Total: 7

Directions, Part 5: Review the six columns in Part 4. Determine which value area(s) are the
most important by the total numerical score for each. Record your top 3 value categories below:
1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________

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