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Linda M.

Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto
Iannis Xenakis’s
Achorripsis :
The Matrix Game

Music scholars have written about the creative cus on Poisson’s formula, the reader may deduce
game strategies employed by Iannis Xenakis in his that Poisson’s law is in some way related to the
compositions based specifically on game theory musical notes for the score. This is not so. Xenakis
(Schmidt 1995; DeLio 1987), but the implementa- refers to Poisson’s formula only in the context of
tion of similar tactics adopted elsewhere in his oeu- the rationale and of the process for manufacturing
vre has remained largely unexplored. Nonetheless, the template into which music is to be placed. The
Xenakis uses strategic maneuvres and invents vari- present study, limited in scope to the role of Pois-
ous ‘‘rules of the game’’ in every instance of apply- son’s law in generating Matrix M, is based on the
ing probability theory. This is obligatory because, information Xenakis imparts in Formalized Music.
apart from the mathematical characteristics of any This focus on the formal organization highlights a
probabilistic distribution or stochastic process, the fundamental and critical aspect of Xenakis’s com-
rules of the game are a concomitant feature of an positional technique, namely, that ‘‘stochastics can
application. lead to the creation of . . . new forms’’ (Xenakis
One such conspicuous case occurs in his 1957 1992, p. 43).
composition Achorripsis (Greek for ‘‘jets of
sound’’), scored for 21 instruments. In this piece,
the second work in which Xenakis experimented Overall Matrix Structure
with stochastic methods, every musical element is
stochastically determined—including the overall In essence, Achorripsis is a study in varying densi-
form—and it is the overall form that provides the ties of sounds, described by Xenakis as ‘‘clouds of
focus for this article. Despite his description of the sounds.’’ In this composition, the various events
method for realizing the form as ‘‘a game of chess are defined by units of density, such that a zero
for a single player who must follow certain rules of event has no sounds, a single event is a cloud with
the game’’ (Xenakis 1992), musical scholarship has a particular density of sounds, a double event is a
not investigated Xenakis’s game matrix—neither cloud with a density of sounds double that of a sin-
the complexity of its mechanics, nor its signifi- gle event, and so on. Using probability theory to
cance as a 20th-century compositional device. furnish the architectural structure for Achorripsis,
In pages 29–37 of Formalized Music, Xenakis of- Xenakis chose the distribution formulated by the
fers a brief glimpse into the techniques and proce- Swiss mathematician Siméon Denis Poisson (1781–
dures he employed to produce Achorripsis. His 1840). The Poisson distribution may be used to de-
abstruse text is divided into two main sections. scribe a variety of applications, primarily those in
The first section is devoted to the mathematical which events are rare and involve both space and
strategies involved in using Poisson’s law to create time, such as the rate at which radioactive materi-
Matrix M for the formal structure of the piece; the als decay, the number of machine breakdowns in a
second section (beginning at ‘‘Hypothesis of Calcu- day, the number of telephone calls received
lation’’ on page 32) deals with the complexities in- through a certain switchboard in one minute, the
volved in using the Gaussian, exponential, and number of simultaneous ‘‘pops’’ per second when
uniform distributions to generate music for the popcorn pops, or the number of animals sighted per
string glissandi in measures 103–110. From his day in a certain location. In the instance of the for-
opening gambit, ‘‘The analysis that follows is taken mal design for Achorripsis, Xenakis elected to use
from Achorripsis,’’ followed immediately by the fo- the Poisson distribution to determine the matrix
for the distribution of clouds of sounds to occur
Computer Music Journal, 26:1, pp. 58–72, Spring 2002 during a particular period of time. His Matrix M,
䉷 2002 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. reproduced in this article as Figure 1, shows a dis-

58 Computer Music Journal

Figure 1. Xenakis’s Matrix
M. (Reproduced from
Xenakis 1992, p. 28. Used
by permission of
Pendragon Press.)

tribution of no events, single, double, triple, and that a particular event will happen is 0 (P0)—or, in
quadruple events in a matrix consisting of 28 col- the case of Achorripsis—that no sound event will
umns (representing units of time) and 7 rows (rep- occur at a particular time. Substituting 0 for k, the
resenting musical timbres). formula would then appear as follows:
According to the sequence of his text, he first ar-
k0 ⳮk
bitrarily assigned two important numbers. The first P0 ⳱ e . (2)
of these numbers is a value for lambda (k) to plug 0!
into the Poisson formula. (The reason Xenakis The value of k is crucial to the outcome of the
chose k ⳱ 0.6 is not entirely clear; his only expla- Poisson formula: it represents a close approxima-
nation is that it provides ‘‘convenience in calcula- tion to the expected outcome of the Poisson distri-
tion.’’) The formula for Poisson’s law is shown bution. If the value of k is small, the majority of
below, where P stands for the probability of an events will be rare but, if the value of k changes,
event, and k identifies the event. then the nature of the distribution will also change
to accommodate the diminished or enlarged k. Sub-
kk ⳮk
Pk ⳱ e . (1) stituting k ⳱ 0.6 in the formula for the case of
k! Achorripsis, we now have the following:
For example, if k ⳱ 1, the formula will calculate 0.60 ⳮ0.6
the probability of single events occurring (P1). To il- P0 ⳱ e . (3)
lustrate how the formula operates, it is useful to
substitute a number for k in the formula. Let us as- Recall that any number raised to the power of 0 is
sume that k ⳱ 0; this means that the probability always 1. Therefore, 0.60 ⳱ 1. Also recall that any

Arsenault 59
Table 1. Table of probabilities ple, substituting 1 for k in Poisson’s formula, we
P0 ⳱ 0.5488
obtain the value for P1 as follows.
P 1 ⳱ 0.3293 k1 ⳮ0.6
P2 ⳱ 0.0988 P1 ⳱ e ⳱ 0.6eⳮ0.6 艑 0.329286981. (5)
P3 ⳱ 0.0198
P4 ⳱ 0.0030 Xenakis used this method of calculation to create
P5 ⳱ 0.0004 the table of probabilities for the Poisson distribu-
tion; with rounding, the results appear in Table 1.
Once these probabilities were calculated, Xe-
Table 2. Application of probabilities for 196 cells nakis arbitrarily chose the second important num-
Calculations for Final Number ber—196—to represent the total number of ‘‘cells’’
Distribution of of Cells for his composition. He was then able to calculate
196 Cells (with rounding) the probable number of zero, single, double, triple,
quadruple, or quintuple events that would occur
P0 ⳱ 0.5488 ⳯ 196 ⳱ 107.5640 107
within the 196 cells. To apply the probabilities cal-
P1 ⳱ 0.3293 ⳯ 196 ⳱ 64.5428 65
P2 ⳱ 0.0988 ⳯ 196 ⳱ 19.3648 19
culated above for a total of 196 individual cells, one
P3 ⳱ 0.0198 ⳯ 196 ⳱ 3.8808 4 must simply multiply the product of each calcula-
P4 ⳱ 0.0030 ⳯ 196 ⳱ 0.588 1 tion by 196; Xenakis then rounded the numerical
P5 ⳱ 0.0004 ⳯ 196 ⳱ 0.0784 0 results, as shown in Table 2.
Xenakis sought a way to distribute clouds of
Total 196
sounds of varying densities, so he selected a num-
ber of cells, 196 of them, and then calculated the
number of the various sound densities to be distrib-
number accompanied by the symbol ! signifies a uted among the 196 cells. His calculations yielded
factorial number in mathematics, and designates a Poisson distribution of 107 zero or ‘‘no sound’’
the number of permutations or the number of ways events, 65 single events, 19 double events, 4 triple
in which things may be arranged. For example, events, and 1 quadruple event. (The value for a
given two items A and B, there are only two ways quintuple event was too small to be considered sta-
of arranging them (AB and BA), so 2! ⳱ 2 ⳯ 1 ⳱ 2. tistically relevant.) We know that a ‘‘no sound’’
Given three items A, B, and C, there are six ways event represents silence in music, but we still do
of arranging them (ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, not know what constitutes a single sound event, a
and CBA), so 3! ⳱ 3 ⳯ 2 ⳯ 1 ⳱ 6. There is only double sound event, and so on. These are issues
one possible way of ordering one item and zero that will be addressed toward the end of this arti-
items, so 1! ⳱ 1, and 0! ⳱ 1. It is now possible to cle. Of interest here is that Xenakis does not allow
calculate P0 as follows: any variation from the probabilities expected: he
1 ⳮ0.6 insists on using the exact numbers yielded by the
P0 ⳱ e , or P0 ⳱ eⳮ0.6. (4) Poisson formula. In the spirit of Poisson’s law and
in the spirit of the word ‘‘stochastic,’’ a mathemati-
The value of the irrational number e, the base of cian may well take exception to this insistence, ex-
natural logarithms, is approximately 2.718, with an pecting Xenakis to use some sort of random device
infinite number of digits following the decimal (which would account for deviations from the ‘‘ex-
point. The value of eⳮ0.6 is approximately pected’’ values) to determine the number of the
0.548811636; with rounding, the value of P0 is then various sound events.
0.5488. Once the number of each kind of sound event
With the value of P0 ascertained, it is now neces- was calculated, Xenakis arbitrarily chose to arrange
sary to calculate the values for P1, P2, P3, on so on, the 196 cells in a particular design consisting of 28
consistently using the value of k ⳱ 0.6. For exam- columns (which ultimately represent successive

60 Computer Music Journal

Table 3. Master plan of Achorripsis
Columns 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Row I
Row II
Row IV
Row V
Row VI

Table 4. Values of k for all events for columns 4, and 1) for each kind of event (zero, single, dou-
Total Number k: Total
ble, triple, and quadruple, respectively) and divide
Kind of Of Events Number these numbers by the number of columns (28).
Event in Matrix of Events/28 Each calculation yields a different value for k, as
shown in Table 4.
Zero 107 3.82 Then, using each new value of k, all of the values
Single 65 2.32
for P0, P1, P2 and so on must be recalculated, just as
Double 19 0.68
Triple 4 0.14
the value of k ⳱ 0.6 events per unit was calculated
Quadruple 1 0.04 originally to determine the Poisson distribution. In
Formalized Music, Xenakis does not offer a step-
by-step demonstration of his calculations, but he
units of time, each approximately 6.5 measures does submit the results of one such application,
in length), by 7 rows (each of which ultimately namely, the distribution of the single events among
represent a different musical timbre), as shown the columns, and his results provide a useful start-
in Table 3. ing point for the series of calculations that must be
With these basic procedures accomplished, the undertaken.
next step was to solve the problem of deciding how To calculate single events for columns, we set
to distribute the zero, single, double, triple, and k ⳱ 2.32 in Poisson’s formula. Then, k is succes-
quadruple events throughout the matrix. Should sively substituted in the formula with the values 0
they, for example, simply be placed randomly? Or, through 6 and the results computed. (After k ⳱ 6,
should there be rules to guide the placement of the results are insignificantly small.) For example,
events? Xenakis’s solution to the problem was to for k ⳱ 0, the calculation is:
reapply Poisson’s law for each kind of event in or- 2.320 ⳮ2.32 1
der to establish general rules to govern the distribu- P0 ⳱ e ⳱ eⳮ2.32 艑 0.098. (6)
0! 1
tion of the 196 events, first among the 28 columns
and then among the 7 rows. In order to reapply Multiplying this probability by the number of col-
Poisson’s law, it is necessary to calculate new val- umns, 28, yields the value 2.75. Similarly substi-
ues of k for each kind of event for both the col- tuting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 for k results in P1 ⳱
umns and the rows. 0.228, P2 ⳱ 0.264, P3 ⳱ 0.205, P4 ⳱ 0.119, P5 ⳱
0.055, and P6 ⳱ 0.021. Multiplying each of these
probabilities by 28 columns gives the values 6.38,
Distribution of Events According to Column 7.39, 5.74, 3.33, 1.54, and 0.59.
It is interesting to compare the results of these
To distribute the events among the columns with a calculations, rounded to the nearest whole number,
mean density in accordance with Poisson’s law, it with those in the table given to us by Xenakis. For
is necessary to take the total numbers (107, 65, 19, ease of comparison, Xenakis’s results enumerating

Arsenault 61
Table 5. Xenakis’s table (left) versus actual values (right) computed for Poisson distribution of single
events (columns), k ⴔ 2.32
Xenakis’ Values for Distribution Poisson Distribution of
of Single Events, k ⳱ 2.32 single events (columns), k ⳱ 2.32
No. of Columns
No. of Columns Containing k Events
Containing No. of Events Pk ⳯ 28 No. of Events
Frequency k k Events (k ⳯ No. of Columns) Frequency k (with rounding) (k ⳯ No. of Columns)
0 3 0 0 3 0
1 6 6 1 6 6
2 8 16 2 7 14
3 5 15 3 6 18
4 3 12 4 3 12
5 2 10 5 2 10
6 1 6 6 1 6
7 0 0
Totals 28 65 28 66

the Poisson distribution for single events and the scheme. By rounding the value for P2 (7.39) up to 8
computed values for the same Poisson distribution and the value for P3 (5.71) down to 5, he was able to
for single events are shown in Table 5. make the sum of his columns equal 28 and the
Before turning to the implications of the discrep- sum of his single events equal 65. For the musician
ancies between the two tables, it is necessary to whose training has emphasized the significance of
understand how to interpret Xenakis’s table. Of the slight variations (for example, a single semitone
28 columns that comprise the matrix of 196 cells, creates an immense difference between the sound
there are 3 columns containing 0 single events, 6 of major and minor chords) such mathematical ma-
columns containing 1 single event, 8 columns con- nipulations may seem foreign. Given the present
taining 2 single events, 5 columns containing 3 sin- context, however, Xenakis’s adjustments are rea-
gle events, 3 columns containing 4 single events, 2 sonable. To begin with, the results are consistent
columns containing 5 single events, 1 column con- with the spirit of the stochastic element in Pois-
taining 6 single events, and 0 columns containing 7 son’s law and with the spirit of the word ‘‘stochas-
single events. Since the purpose of the enterprise is tic.’’ Secondly, he used the Poisson process
to distribute 65 single events among 28 columns, primarily as a guide, and it should be remembered
the sum of the columns must equal 28, and the that the process is an infinite series (i.e., k theoreti-
sum of the total number of single events must cally assumes an infinite number of values) and
equal 65. must account for fractions that are not applicable
It is important to note, however, that the num- to a host of situations.
bers obtained by strict application of Poisson’s for- Xenakis does not offer tables for the probabilities
mula, as demonstrated by the computations above, of distribution of zero events, double events, triple
do not yield the desired numbers of 28 columns events, or quadruple events for the columns, but
and 65 events. In fact, these calculations, rounded these probabilities must be calculated for each kind
in the traditional manner, yield a total of 28 col- of event. Once the computations are realized, amal-
umns with 66 single events. Thus, it seems clear gamation of the results in a compact table facili-
that Xenakis adjusted the mathematics, albeit only tates comparison with the actual numbers of
slightly, to make the numbers suit his purpose and events Xenakis used in order to create the matrix

62 Computer Music Journal

Table 6. Values computed for distribution of total events for columns
Frequency Zero Events Single Events Double Events Triple Events Quadruple Events

No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of
Columns Events Columns Events Columns Events Columns Events Columns Events
Containing (k ⳯ No. Containing (k ⳯ No. Containing (k ⳯ No. Containing (k ⳯ No. Containing (k ⳯ No.
K k Events of Columns) k Events of Columns) k Events of Columns) k Events of Columns) k Events of Columns)

0 1 0 3 0 14 0 24 0 27 0
1 2 2 6 6 10 10 3 3 1 1
2 5 10 7 14 3 6 0 0
3 6 18 6 18 1 3
4 5 20 3 12
5 4 20 2 10
6 3 18 1 6
7 2 14

Totals 28 102 28 66 28 19 27 3 28 1

for Achorripsis. To calculate zero events for col- in Formalized Music. However, his Matrix M (re-
umns, k is set to 3.82 in Poisson’s formula. Succes- produced in this article as Figure 1) clearly indi-
sively substituting k in the formula with the values cates the distribution of events he used, and, from
0 through 7 yields probability values of P0 ⳱ his matrix, a table showing the distribution of
0.0219, P1 ⳱ 0.084, P2 ⳱ 0.16, P3 ⳱ 0.204, P4 ⳱ events may easily be assembled. Table 6 displays
0.195, P5 ⳱ 0.149, P6 ⳱ 0.095, and P7 ⳱ 0.052. the results given by application of Poisson’s for-
Multiplying these probabilities by the factor of 28 mula computed above (with numbers rounded to
columns gives the values 0.6, 2.35, 4.48, 5.71, 5.44, the nearest whole number), and Table 7 enumer-
4.17, 2.66, and 1.46. ates the actual numbers Xenakis used for his two-
For the double event calculations, k is set to 0.68 dimensional portrait of Achorripsis.
in Poisson’s formula. Again, successively substitut- The similarities and differences between the two
ing k in the formula with the values 0 through 3 tables are striking: in two instances—double events
(after k ⳱ 3, the results are insignificantly small) and quadruple events—the results coincide exactly,
yields probability values of P0 ⳱ 0.507, P1 ⳱ 0.345, which indicates Xenakis’s willingness to accept
P2 ⳱ 0.117, and P3 ⳱ 0.03. Multiplying these proba- numbers if the calculations generate numbers ap-
bilities by the number of 28 columns, the values propriate for his scheme. The triple events are sim-
14.2, 9.7, 3.3, and 0.8 are obtained. For the triple ple to adjust, requiring the addition of only one
event calculations, k is set to 0.14; substituting k single event; and the case of the single events has
in the formula with values 0 to 2 yields probability been discussed above. The distribution of the zero
values of P0 ⳱ 0.869, P1 ⳱ 0.12, and P2 ⳱ 0.009. events, however, which is much more complex, de-
Multiplying these probabilities by the number of mands particular attention.
28 columns yields 24, 3.4, and 0.3. Finally, for the Computed by Poisson’s formula, the combina-
quadruple events, k is set to 0.04, and substituting tions of results for the various probabilities for zero
k in the formula with values of 0 and 1 yields prob- events (listed under the heading of ‘‘Computation’’
ability values of P0 ⳱ 0.96 and P1 ⳱ 0.04. Multiply- in Table 8) yield the correct number of columns,
ing these probabilities by the number of 28 while the number of events is deficient by 5. The
columns, the values of 27 and 1 are obtained. easiest way to alter the numbers to conform to 28
As stated earlier, Xenakis did not construct a ta- columns with 107 events is to delete 1 P0 and add 1
ble or disclose how he arrived at the numerical P5, shown in Table 8 under the heading ‘‘First Pos-
conclusions for each kind of event for the columns sibility.’’ Of course, there are various ways to redis-

Arsenault 63
Table 7. Values used by Xenakis for distribution of total events for columns
Frequency Zero Events Single Events Double Events Triple Events Quadruple Events

No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of
Columns Events Columns Events Columns Events Columns Events Columns Events
Containing (k ⳯ No. Containing (k ⳯ No. Containing (k ⳯ No. Containing (k ⳯ No. Containing (k ⳯ No.
K k Events of Columns) k Events of Columns) k Events of Columns) k Events of Columns) k Events of Columns)

0 0 0 3 0 14 0 24 0 27 0
1 2 2 6 6 10 10 4 4 1 1
2 6 12 8 16 3 6
3 5 15 5 15 1 3
4 5 20 3 12
5 4 20 2 10
6 4 24 1 6
7 2 14

Totals 28 107 28 65 28 19 28 4 28 1

Table 8. Various ways to distribute zero events for columns

Frequency Computation First Possibility Second Possibility Xenakis’ Choice
No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of
Columns Events Columns Events Columns Events Columns Events
Containing (k ⳯ No. Containing (k ⳯ No. Containing (k ⳯ No. Containing (k ⳯ No.
k k Events of Columns) k Events of Columns) k Events of Columns) k Events of Columns)

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 5 10 5 10 4 8 6 12
3 6 18 6 18 7 21 5 15
4 5 20 5 20 6 24 5 20
5 4 20 5 25 4 20 4 20
6 3 18 3 18 3 18 4 24
7 2 14 2 14 2 14 2 14
Totals 28 102 28 107 28 107 28 107

tribute the probabilities to generate a total of 28 six zero events. This would enable the sounds of
columns with 107 events; my preference is for the four—rather than three—distinct timbres to be
‘‘Second Possibility,’’ because it yields the highest heard without competition from other instruments
number of events (24) with k ⳱ 4 closest to the (see his Matrix M: Pizzicato strings, column 1; Per-
value of k ⳱ 3.82. What is fascinating here is the cussion, column 12; Brass, column 14; Pizzicato
manner in which Xenakis elected to redistribute strings, column 21), so he may have manipulated
these zero events, as shown in Table 8 under the the numbers to suit an aesthetic goal.
heading, ‘‘Xenakis’s Choice,’’ because it suggests The calculations for the columns (including the
that the composer may have had specific musical mathematical manipulations to make the scheme
considerations in mind. From the decision to in- work), summarized in Table 7, represent the first
crease P6, for example, it would seem that Xenakis set of critical rules by which the matrix game is to
prefers each of four columns in his matrix to have be played. How should these rules be interpreted?

64 Computer Music Journal

Table 9. Values of k for all events for rows event is distributed among the 28 columns accord-
Total Number k: Total
ing to Table 7, the composer has the latitude to
Kind of Events Number of place the events as he chooses.
of Event in Matrix Events/7
Zero 107 15.3 Distribution of Events According to Row
Single 65 9.3
Double 19 2.7 Of course, if the task involved only the distribution
Triple 4 0.6 of events into columns, the compositional ‘‘game’’
Quadruple 1 0.14 would be straightforward. This game, however, is
not trivial: it requires that the events also be dis-
tributed according to the dictate of the calculations
Table 10. Results of calculations for zero events for for the seven rows. To distribute the various events
rows, k ⴔ 15.3 in the rows of the matrix according to a mean den-
sity in accordance with Poisson’s law, it is neces-
Value ⳯ sary to repeat the same process exactly for each
Probability Factor of kind of event that was employed above for the col-
k Value 7 rows umns. The process begins with calculating the
value of k for each kind of event, this time based
11 0.06 0.42
on the number of rows, as shown in Table 9.
12 0.08 0.56
As we can see in Table 9, the values of k for the
13 0.09 0.63
14 0.10 0.70 zero events and the single events are quite large.
15 0.102 0.714 Thus, in these cases, we can expect the average of
16 0.098 0.69 the highest probabilities to be approximately 15
17 0.088 0.62 and 9, respectively. (In the Poisson distribution, the
18 0.075 0.53 value for k most often reflects the highest expected
19 0.06 0.42 value of probable occurrences.)
To calculate zero events for rows, we set k ⳱
15.3 in Poisson’s formula as follows:
Looking at the top of the ‘‘Zero Events’’ column
15.30 ⳮ15.3 1
and moving downward, the numbers can be read as e ⳱ eⳮ15.3 艑 0.00000023. (7)
follows. For the distribution of the 107 zero events 0! 1
among the 28 columns there must be: 0 columns Multiplying this probability by a factor of 7 rows
with 0 zero events (every column will contain a gives 0.0000016. The reader will see immediately
zero event); 2 columns with 1 zero event; 6 col- that the value of P0 multiplied by 7 rows is too
umns with 2 zero events; 5 columns with 3 zero small to be considered probabilistically significant,
events; 5 columns with 4 zero events; 4 columns thus, it must be eliminated. In fact, all the calcula-
with 5 zero events; 4 columns with 6 zero events; tions obtained from P0 through P10 multiplied by
and 2 columns with 7 zero events. Distributions of the factor of 7 rows may be rejected, because their
the single, double, triple, and quadruple events into values are too small to be significant. (This is reas-
the 28 columns are to be interpreted similarly. It is suring, because we are expecting the highest proba-
important to notice that in this system of dispers- bility in the vicinity of 15 or P15.) Successively
ing events, there is a great deal of freedom: of the substituting k in the formula with the values 11
28 columns, no specific column number, for exam- through 19 yields probability values which are
ple, ‘‘column 4’’ or ‘‘column 16’’ or ‘‘column 25,’’ then, in turn, multiplied by a factor of 7 rows. For
has been designated to receive any specific number convenience, these values are shown in Table 10.
of zero events, single events, double events, and so To calculate single events for rows, k is set equal
on. As long as the correct number of each kind of to 9.3 in Poisson’s formula:

Arsenault 65
Table 11. Results of calculations for single events For the triple events calculations, k is set to 0.6
for rows, k ⴔ 9.3 in Poisson’s formula. Again, successively substitut-
ing k in the formula with the values 0 through 3
Probability Value ⳯ Factor (after k ⳱ 3, the results are statistically insignifi-
k Value of 7 rows cant) yields probability values of P0 ⳱ 0.55, P1 ⳱
0.33, P2 ⳱ 0.1 and P3 ⳱ 0.02. Multiplying these
6 0.082 0.57 probabilities by the number of 7 rows, the values
7 0.109 0.76
3.9, 2.3, 0.7, and 0.14 are obtained. Lastly, for the
8 0.127 0.89
9 0.131 0.92
quadruple events calculations, k is set to 0.14; sub-
10 0.122 0.85 stituting k in the formula with values 0 to 2 yields
11 0.103 0.72 probability values of P0 ⳱ 0.87, P1 ⳱ 0.12, and
12 0.080 0.56 P2 ⳱ 0.009. Multiplying these probabilities by the
13 0.057 0.40 number of 7 rows gives 6.1, 0.84, and 0.06.
Once the results for the placement of the various
kinds of events into rows have been calculated, it
Table 12. Results of calculations for double events is interesting to observe once again the similarities
for rows, k ⴔ 2.7 and differences between the computations and the
actual values Xenakis used, as deduced from his
Matrix M. The manipulation of the zero events is
Probability Value ⳯ Factor
k Value of 7 rows
the most interesting, so let us begin with these.
The correspondence between the values Xenakis
1 0.182 1.3 used and the computed values is shown in Table
2 0.245 1.7 13, where it may be easily seen that the computa-
3 0.220 1.5 tions yield the correct number of rows (7) while the
4 0.149 1.0
number of events is deficient by 2 (105).
5 0.08 0.56
6 0.04 0.28 Certainly, the easiest way to alter the numbers
to conform to 7 rows with 107 events is to delete
one P17 and add one P19, as shown in Table 14 with
the events highlighted under the heading ‘‘First
9.30 ⳮ9.3 1
P0 ⳱ e ⳱ eⳮ9.3 艑 0.000091. (8) Possibility;’’ or to exchange one P13 for two in-
0! 1
stances of P15 as shown under the ‘‘Second Possibil-
Multiplying this probability by a factor of 7 rows ity.’’ Of special interest here are the mathematical
gives 0.00064. Once again, the value of P0 multi- manipulations Xenakis imposed on the rows; these
plied by 7 rows is too small to be significant, as are are highlighted under the heading, ‘‘Xenakis’s
the products of the calculations from P0 through to Choice.’’ In fact, his substantially altered version
P5 when multiplied by a factor of 7 rows. Succes- for the distribution of events no longer resembles
sively substituting k in the formula with the values the Poisson distribution. As we have seen, some of
6 through 13 yields probability values that must, in Xenakis’s choices were dictated by the three re-
turn, be multiplied by a factor of 7 rows. For conve- quirements: the number of columns, the number of
nience, these values are shown in Table 11. rows, and the numbers in the overall distribution
To calculate double events for rows, k is set to of events that make up his scheme. However, at
2.7 in Poisson’s formula, yielding 0.067. Multiply- this point in the process, he would have realized
ing this probability by a factor of 7 rows, the sig- that he was moving away from the most probable
nificant value of 0.5 is obtained. The results of the values of the Poisson distribution. In this instance,
calculations for the probability values successively it seems reasonable to infer that Xenakis made ar-
substituting k in the formula with the values 1 tistic decisions motivated by a preconceived notion
through 6 are shown in Table 12. of the densities for the music he had in mind.

66 Computer Music Journal

Table 13. Xenakis’s values versus actual values for Poisson distribution of zero events, k ⴔ 15.3
Xenakis’ values for Poisson Actual values for Poisson Distribution
Distribution of zero events, k ⳱ 15.3 of zero events, k ⳱ 15.3.
No. of Rows
No. of Rows No. of Events Containing k Events No. of Events
Frequency k Containing k Events (k ⳯ No. of Rows) Frequency k Pk ⳯ 7 (with rounding) (k ⳯ No. of Rows)
11 1 11 11 0 0
12 0 0 12 1 12
13 1 13 13 1 13
14 0 0 14 1 14
15 1 15 15 1 15
16 2 32 16 1 16
17 1 17 17 1 17
18 0 0 18 1 18
19 1 19 19 0 0
Totals 7 107 7 105

The computed results for the single events yield the matrix according to row specification, and is to
the correct number of rows (7) while the number of be interpreted similarly to Table 7. For example, for
events (63), like the zero events, are deficient by 2. the distribution of the 107 zero events among the 7
In this instance Xenakis chose the path of least re- rows, there must be: 1 row containing 11 zero
sistance: he simply deleted P12 and added P14, as events, 1 row containing 13 zero events, 1 row con-
shown in Table 15. Note, however, that with these taining 15 zero events, 2 rows containing 16 zero
single events any one of the frequencies could have events, 1 row containing 17 zero events, and 1 row
been exchanged for another frequency, two num- containing 19 zero events.
bers higher. For example, one P6 could be deleted in
exchange for an extra P8, one P7 for an extra P9, and
so on. Xenakis’s decision to delete P12 without ad- The Matrix Game
mitting any other changes necessitated the imple-
mentation of P14, a frequency of events which was The calculations for the distribution of events ac-
not even computed in our calculations because its cording to a Poisson distribution and their place-
value was considered too small to be significantly ment into appropriate columns and rows in
probable (the value of P13 multiplied by a factor of 7 accordance with the distributions (summarized in
rows, .40, was already rounded down to 0). Table 7 and Table 17) are the rules that must be
The frequency of events Xenakis used for the implemented to play the matrix ‘‘game.’’ When
double, triple, and quadruple events agrees very these rules have been applied to the 196 cells, one
well with the calculations computed in accordance of the possible results is Xenakis’ Matrix M, shown
with Poisson’s formula. Table 16, which compares below in Table 18. This is the matrix that deter-
the distribution of double, triple, and quadruple mined the placement of various densities of clouds
events between the computations calculated above of sounds for Achorripsis.
and Xenakis’s results, discloses that only the dou- It is important to observe in this system of dis-
ble events required 1 deletion; Xenakis elected to tributing events that there is no mechanism for dis-
delete P1. tributing the 196 events into specific columns or
For the sake of convenience, Table 17 summa- rows; hence, the composer is permitted a great deal
rizes the way Xenakis distributed the 196 events in of freedom. As long as the correct number of each

Arsenault 67
Table 14. Various ways to distribute zero events (rows)
Frequency Computation First Possibility Second Possibility Xenakis’s Choice
No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of
Rows Events Rows Events Rows Events Rows Events
Containing (k ⳯ No. Containing (k ⳯ No. Containing (k ⳯ No. Containing (k ⳯ No.
k k Events of Rows) k Events of Rows) k Events of Rows) k Events of Rows)

11 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11
12 1 12 1 12 1 12 0 0
13 1 13 1 13 0 0 1 13
14 1 14 1 14 1 14 0 0
15 1 15 1 15 2 30 1 15
16 1 16 1 16 1 16 2 32
17 1 17 0 0 1 17 1 17
18 1 18 1 18 1 18 0 0
19 0 0 1 19 0 0 1 19
Totals 7 105 7 107 7 107 7 107

kind of event is distributed among the 28 columns tripartite structure with a fairly even density distri-
and 7 rows according to Tables 7 and 17, the com- bution in the first and third sections. (The first
poser can place the events at will. Furthermore, seven columns contain the equivalent of 29 single
note that once the events have been successfully events, and the last four columns contain the
placed in the matrix, both the columns and the equivalent of 26 single events.) Columns of zero
rows are interchangeable and may be moved to suit events represent silence in all the instrumental
the composer’s intentions. For example, Column 6 parts and create major points of articulation in the
may be exchanged with Column 28, or Row II may overall form.
be exchanged with Row IV. These latter options Having constructed a matrix and assigned instru-
take on special significance when the composer de- ment groups, it is necessary to define the parame-
cides which instruments to assign to the rows, the ters for the various events. Xenakis established the
length of time or number of measures to assign to duration of the composition at 7 minutes and fur-
the columns, and the inner form of the piece. From ther stipulated that each time unit or each column
Xenakis’s matrix, it is clear that Achorripsis is to of cells should contain 6.5 measures of music. To
be scored for 7 different instruments or instrument define the density for the clouds of sound, he speci-
groups, but only recourse to the final score reveals fied that the density of a single sound event should
that the 7 distinct timbres are comprised of 21 in- average five sounds per measure. (With the excep-
struments arranged in groups of three different in- tion of the glissando sounds, all sounds comprise
struments, as shown in Table 19. one note of music.) Thus, each single-event cell
It is interesting to note that, in assigning instru- will contain a cloud of sounds with an average den-
ments to rows, Xenakis assigned the pizzicato sity of 32.5 sounds; each double-event cell will av-
strings to the row with the highest number of erage 10 sounds per measure and contain an
sounds (Row V, equivalent to 21 single events) and average density of 65 sounds; the triple-event cells
the brass instruments to the row with the lowest will contain an average density of 97.5 sounds; and
number of sounds (Row VI, equivalent to 12 single the quadruple-event cell will contain an average
events). Also notice how, in following the rules, density of approximately 130 sounds.
Xenakis placed the 2 columns of 7 zero events in The substitution of numbers for the designations
columns 8 and 24, thereby dividing the piece into a of single, double, triple, and quadruple events pre-

68 Computer Music Journal

Table 15. Xenakis’s values versus values computed for distribution of single events, k ⴔ 9.3
Xenakis’s Values for Distribution Values computed for Distribution
of Single Events (Rows), k ⳱ 9.3 of Single Events (Rows), k ⳱ 9.3
No. of Rows
No. of Rows No. of Events Containing k Events No. of Events
Frequency k Containing k Events (k ⳯ No. of Rows) Frequency k Pk ⳯ 7 (with rounding) (k ⳯ No. of Rows)
6 1 6 6 1 6
7 1 7 7 1 7
8 1 8 8 1 8
9 1 9 9 1 9
10 1 10 10 1 10
11 1 11 11 1 11
12 0 0 12 1 12
13 0 0 13 0 0
14 1 14
Totals 7 65 7 63

Table 16. Distribution of double, triple, and quadruple events for rows: computations versus Xenakis’s
Frequency Double Events Triple Events Quadruple Events
k Computations Xenakis Computations Xenakis Computations Xenakis
0 1 1 4 4 6 6
1 1 0 2 2 1 1
2 2 2 1 1 0
3 2 2 0
4 1 1
5 1 1
6 0
Totals 8 7 7 7 7 7

viously assigned gives rise to the tiny circled num- other variable, that is to say, an enlarged degree of
bers in each occupied cell of Xenakis’s Matrix M: freedom in which to make choices. Do the individ-
these are the numbers which designate the specific ual numbers placed in the cells represent the aver-
assignment of average sounds per measure for a age sounds per measure in accordance with
given cell. The single cells, for example, have a Xenakis’s specifications? Indeed, they do. Table 20
range of 2.5 to 6.5, while their average remains 5. lists all the numbers for the single, double, and tri-
This means that the composer is at liberty to ple events and shows the average of their sums;
choose where to place a sparsely populated 2.5 sin- this table is arranged to enable the reader to check
gle cell in contrast to a more heavily-populated 6.5 the numbers (read across from left to right, row by
single cell, and this choice, presumably, is in- row) against Xenakis’s Matrix M.
formed by artistic judgements. The imposition of Before bringing this article on Achorripsis to a
an additional rule governing the overall average close, it is appropriate to examine the significance
density within the cells offers the composer an- of the rules of the game as outlined in Tables 7 and

Arsenault 69
Table 17. Summary of Xenakis’s distribution of total events according to row
Frequency Zero Events Single Events Double Events Triple Events Quadruple Events

No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of

No. of Rows Events No. of Rows Events Rows Events Rows Events Rows Events
Containing (k ⳯ No. Containing (k ⳯ No. Containing (k ⳯ No. Containing (k ⳯ No. Containing (k ⳯ No.
k k Events of Rows) k Events of Rows) k Events of Rows) k Events of Rows) k Events of Rows)

0 1 0 4 0 6 0
1 0 0 2 2 1 1
2 2 4 1 2
3 2 6
4 1 4
5 11 5
6 1 6
7 1 7
8 1 8
9 1 9
10 1 10
11 1 11 1 1
12 0 0 0 0
13 1 13 0 0
14 0 0 1 14
15 1 15
16 2 32
17 1 17
18 0 0
19 1 19
Totals 7 107 7 65 7 19 7 4 7 1

Table 18. Matrix showing Xenakis’ distribution of zero, single, double, triple, and quadruple events
Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Row I S S D D S D S S S S S S S S D
Row II S S S S S S S S S Q S
Row IV D D D S S S D S S S D S
Row V S S S S S S S S S S S T D D S S S
Row VI D S D S S S S D S
Blank ⳱ Zero Event; S ⳱ Single Event; D ⳱ Double Event; T ⳱ Triple Event; Q ⳱ Quadruple Event.

17. First, it is interesting to know the degrees of its formulae and statistical tables, one may obtain
mathematical restriction and freedom under which the impression that mathematical computations
Xenakis was operating when he constructed the alone dictated the form for Achorripsis. Certainly,
form for Achorripsis. The calculations for the col- Xenakis’s words support this notion:
umns and the rows demonstrate that Xenakis did, But in this axiomatic research, where chance
indeed, alter the mathematics to suit his scheme as must bathe all of sonic space, we must reject
individual situations arose. This is critical informa- every distribution which departs from Pois-
tion because, when reading Xenakis’s text with all son’s law . . .

70 Computer Music Journal

Table 19. Xenakis’s instrument groups somehow whimsically placed. However, it some-
Timbre Instruments
times happens that phenomena that appear on the
surface to be elegantly simple possess profound un-
Flute Piccolo, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet derlying complexity.
Oboe Oboe, Bassoon, Contrabassoon The condition of placing the 196 events accord-
Brass 2 Trumpets, Trombone
ing to the dictates of both the columns and the
Percussion Xylophone, Wood Block, Bass Drum
rows adds an enormous dimension of difficulty to

3 Violins, 3 Violoncellos, the task of dispersing the various kinds of events in
String Glissandi
3 Contrabasses the matrix: both the columns and the rows with
String Arco
their concomitant vertical and horizontal numbers
must reflect the final numbers for distribution. Of
Contenting ourselves just with rows and col- course, a computer program would greatly facilitate
umns, we obtain a homogeneous distribution the calculations as well as the placement of the
which follows Poisson. It was in this way that various events in the matrix. However, in the years
the distributions in rows and columns of Ma- when he was composing Achorripsis, Xenakis did
trix (M) . . . were calculated. not have the luxury of computer technology; his
So a unique law of chance, the law of Pois- oversized hand-painted version of the matrix (ap-
son (for rare events) through the medium of the proximately 36 inches by 30 inches) is a testimony
arbitrary k is capable of conditioning, on the to the significance the composer himself accorded
one hand, a whole sample matrix, and on the his manual achievement. In fact, this colored ma-
other, the partial distributions following the trix appears on the covers of two publications (Xe-
rows and columns. (1992, p. 31) nakis 1986, n.d.). For the inveterate game-player
In the above-quoted excerpt, there is nothing to who cannot resist the temptation to solve a puz-
indicate the nature of the significant decision- zle—and in the spirit of the game involved in this
making process that Xenakis undertook to arrive, stochastic procedure—the empty matrix shown as
in particular, at the distribution of zero events to Table 3 offers the opportunity to play the matrix
be placed according to both the 28 columns and the game. Readers who decide to play the game will
7 rows. Moreover, without a thorough understand- find themselves fully engaged at every creative and
ing of how the matrix was constructed, it is possi- rational level—in the grip, so to speak, of the com-
ble to view Xenakis’s Matrix M as a rudimentary plexity of the rules of the game. Then, perhaps, Xe-
two-dimensional structure into which zero, single, nakis’s words concerning his matrix would be
double, triple, and quadruple events have been revealed as entirely apposite:

Table 20. Summary of densities for single, double, and triple events
Single Events Double Events Triple Events
4.5 Ⳮ 6 Ⳮ 5.5 Ⳮ 5 Ⳮ 4 Ⳮ 5.5 Ⳮ 2.5 Ⳮ 5 Ⳮ 9 Ⳮ 10 Ⳮ 9.5 Ⳮ 10.5 Ⳮ 10 Ⳮ 14 Ⳮ 17 Ⳮ 15 Ⳮ 16
6.5 Ⳮ 4.5 Ⳮ 5.5 Ⳮ 5.5 Ⳮ 4 Ⳮ 5 Ⳮ 6 Ⳮ 4.5 Ⳮ 11.5 Ⳮ 9 Ⳮ 9.5 Ⳮ 8.5 Ⳮ 10 Ⳮ
5 Ⳮ 3.5 Ⳮ 4.5 Ⳮ 5 Ⳮ 6.5 Ⳮ 5 Ⳮ 5 Ⳮ 4 Ⳮ 3.5 11.5 Ⳮ 10.5 Ⳮ 10 Ⳮ 10 Ⳮ 10 Ⳮ
Ⳮ 6.5 Ⳮ 4.5 Ⳮ 6 Ⳮ 6 Ⳮ 4 Ⳮ 4 Ⳮ 5 Ⳮ 6.5 Ⳮ 10.5 Ⳮ 11 Ⳮ 10 Ⳮ 9
6 Ⳮ 4 Ⳮ 3.5 Ⳮ 5 Ⳮ 3.5 Ⳮ 6 Ⳮ 4.5 Ⳮ 4 Ⳮ 5
Ⳮ 5.5 Ⳮ 4.5 Ⳮ 5 Ⳮ 4 Ⳮ 5.5 Ⳮ 3.5 Ⳮ 4 Ⳮ 6.5
Ⳮ 5 Ⳮ 5.5 Ⳮ 4.5 Ⳮ 5 Ⳮ 6.5 Ⳮ 5 Ⳮ 6 Ⳮ 6.5
Ⳮ 3.5 Ⳮ 4.5 Ⳮ 5 Ⳮ 4.5 Ⳮ 4 Ⳮ 6 Ⳮ 6
Total 321.5 190 62
Average 321.5/ 65 ⳱ 4.95 190/19 ⳱ 10 62/4 ⳱ 15.5

Arsenault 71
It is a work of patient research which exploits Schmidt, C. 1995. Komposition und Spiel. Zu Iannis Xe-
all the creative faculties instantaneously. This nakis. Köln: Studio.
matrix is like a game of chess for a single Xenakis, I. 1992. Formalized Music: Thought and Mathe-
player who must follow certain rules of the matics in Composition. Stuyvesant, New York: Pen-
dragon Press.
game for which he himself is the judge. This
Xenakis, I. 1986. ‘‘Espace musical, espace scientifique.’’
game matrix has no unique strategy. It is not Courrier de l’UNESCO 4:4–9.
even possible to disentangle any balanced Xenakis, I. 1958. Achorripsis. Berlin: Bote & Bock.
goals. It is very general and incalculable by Xenakis, I. n.d. Seminar in Formalized and Automated
pure reason. (1992, p. 32) Music. Bloomington: School of Music, Indiana Univer-
DeLio, T. 1987. ‘‘Structure and Strategy: Iannis Xenakis’
Linaia-Agon.’’ Interface 16:143–164.

72 Computer Music Journal

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