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Journal of Business Ethics (2007) 75:381394 Springer 2007

DOI 10.1007/s10551-006-9260-9

Academic Integrity: The Relationship Jennifer L. Kisamore

between Individual and Situational Factors Thomas H. Stone
on Misconduct Contemplations I. M. Jawahar

ABSTRACT. Recent, well-publicized scandals, involving Feldman reported a cheating rate of 64% and Baird
unethical conduct have rekindled interest in academic mis- documented 76% cheating rate in 1980. While
conduct. Prior studies of academic misconduct have focussed Jendreck (1989) estimated cheating rates between 40
exclusively on situational factors (e.g., integrity culture, and 60%, Smyth and Davis (2004) found 74% of a
honor codes), demographic variables or personality con- sample of 265 2-year college students had observed
structs. We contend that it is important to also examine
cheating and 45.6% admitted to cheating.
how these classes of variables interact to influence percep-
tions of and intentions relating to academic misconduct. In a
In 2005, McCabe reported levels of cheating
sample of 217 business students, we examined how integrity between 47 and 71%. McCabes data, based on over
culture interacts with Prudence and Adjustment to explain 18,000 students in 61 schools in the U.S. and
variance in estimated frequency of cheating, suspicions of Canada, showed that business school students are
cheating, considering cheating and reporting cheating. Age, especially likely to engage in academic misconduct
integrity culture, and personality variables were significantly compared to students in other programs. Based on a
related to different criteria. Overall, personality variables series of studies, McCabe and his colleagues (McC-
explained the most unique variance in academic misconduct, abe and Trevino, 1997; McCabe et al., 2002) argued
and Adjustment interacted with integrity culture, such that that academic integrity culture is the primary driver
integrity culture had more influence on intentions to cheat of perceptions related to cheating and academic
for less well-adjusted individuals. Implications for practice dishonesty.
are discussed and future research directions are offered.
Crown and Spiller (1998) conducted a compre-
KEY WORDS: academic integrity, academic culture,
hensive review of the empirical literature on
cheating, misconduct, personality academic cheating. Ford and Richardsons (1994)
review of ethical decision-making categorized
studies into those examining individual and situa-
tional factors in relation to academic integrity.
However, neither the Crown and Spiller nor the
Ford and Richardson review addressed interactions
Introduction between individual and situational factors since prior
research failed to consider interaction between these
Interest in ethical behavior in general and in factors. Most research to date has dealt only with
academic misconduct in particular has increased in individual factors such as gender, age, grade point
recent years due to publicized scandals in both average, education and several personality variables
organizational and academic realms. Academic or situational (i.e., contextual) factors such as honor
misconduct, however, is not new. Available evi- codes, surveillance, rewards/sanctions, peer context,
dence suggests the decline of academic integrity fraternity or sorority membership and campus
began some time ago and appears to be contin- housing, but not both.
uing. In 1941, Drake found that 23% of students In the few studies that examined both situational
reported cheating. In 1964, Hetherington and and individual difference variables, only demographic
382 Jennifer L. Kisamore et al.

variables, such as age and gender, were examined (e.g., Frequency of cheating construct is defined as students
McCabe and Trevino, 1997). Studies that examined overall perceptions regarding the frequency with
the influence of personality factors, such as locus of which academic misconduct occurs at their institu-
control (Forsyth et al., 1985; Karabenick and Srull, tion. This construct assesses global perceptions
1978; Leming, 1980), harm avoidance (Kelly and regarding various academic violations rather than
Worrell, 1978), achievement (Hetherington and specific incidents of academic misconduct that they
Feldman, 1964), and self-control (Bolin, 2004) on have witnessed. The suspected misconduct construct as-
academic dishonesty did not use personality factors sesses how often students believe other students were
corresponding to the Five-Factor Personality Model engaging in some form of academic misconduct. This
nor considered the impact of situational factors in their construct measures ones estimate of the frequency of
investigations. actual incidents of academic misconduct by other
We contend that it is important to not only students. Considering misconduct is an assessment of the
examine individual and situational variables, but to likelihood of cheating under various circumstances
also investigate the interactions among them to and captures ones intention to cheat. Intention to
better understand individuals propensities to engage engage in a behavior is a good predictor of behavior
in and report instances of academic misconduct. The (Beck and Ajzen, 1991). In addition, asking respon-
primary purpose of this study is to fill this void in the dents to report intentions to cheat rather than how
literature. To our knowledge, this study is the first to often they engaged in cheating is less threatening and
examine the influence of situational factors and will likely yield more honest responses.
personality variables as well as to investigate how Reporting cheating by others is a measure of academic
they interact to influence students perceptions of honesty. Examination of factors related to students
academic misconduct. likelihood of reporting cheating is important to better
understand the circumstances and characteristics that
can enhance vigilance among students. Research by
Delineation of constructs related to academic dishonesty McCabe (McCabe et al., 2001, 2002) and others has
shown that several factors affect students tendency to
Academic misconduct is a construct that encom- report cheating. First and most importantly, their
passes multiple forms of academic deviance including beliefs about the likelihood that cheaters will be
but not limited to test cheating, plagiarism, and caught; second, the effect of an honor code environ-
inappropriate collaboration. The current study ment and third, perception that reporting cheating is
examines factors related to four different criteria part of their responsibility in an integrity culture.
regarding academic misconduct perceptions: fre- We asked about the importance of reporting
quency of misconduct, suspicions regarding mis- cheating and the likelihood of reporting cheating for
conduct, likelihood of considering misconduct, and both friends and strangers. We chose to ask about
likelihood of reporting cheating. Students who be- likelihood of reporting cheating rather than ask
lieve academic misconduct is occurring and suspect students to indicate actual instances of reporting for
other students are engaging in misconduct are likely several reasons. First, retrospective recall of the actual
to have a low opinion of the culture of academic number of incidents would likely produce inaccu-
integrity at their school and thus are likely to con- racies. Second, asking participants to indicate likeli-
sider engaging in misconduct themselves. On the hood of reporting cheaters focuses on their
other hand, students likely to report cheating will perceptions regarding misconduct in the present,
have different attitudes toward cheating and will rather than providing an indication of past behavior.
perceive the integrity culture very differently than Past behavior of participants included in the sample
students who are likely to consider misconduct. could be influenced by a number of factors. Factors
Thus, the first three dependent variables capture such as attendance at another university that had
facets of academic dishonesty and the last variable, an honor code requiring student reporting of mis-
report cheating, captures the positive academic conduct and actual number of instances a student
honesty attitude. observed other students engaging in misconduct
Factors Related to Academic Integrity 383

would present extraneous variance. On the other Hypothesis 2: Age will be negatively related to esti-
hand, limiting recall of reporting incidents to the mated frequency of cheating (2a), suspected
current university for the current semester would cheating (2b), and consideration of misconduct
likely result in a low variance across respondents. (2c), and positively related to likelihood of
reporting cheating (2d).
Factors influencing academic dishonesty
Researchers have also examined the influence
Influence of demographic factors of general mental ability on propensity to cheat.
Several demographic variables have been related to Results indicate that students with lower ACT
student engagement in academic misconduct. For scores (Kelly and Worrell, 1978), intelligence
example, Hetherington and Feldman (1964) inves- (Hartshorn and May, 1928; Hetherington and
tigated cheating on exams in three contrived class- Feldman, 1964) and grade point averages (GPA)
room situations that provided students opportunities (Crown and Spiller, 1998; Hetherington and Feld-
to be academically dishonest. Overall, 59% of the man, 1964; McCabe and Trevino, 1997) are more
78 students cheated in one or more of the situations likely to engage in various forms of academic mis-
with 64% cheating in two situations and 24% conduct compared to their peers with higher ACT
cheating in all three. Cheaters, compared to non- scores, intelligence, and grade point averages.
cheaters, were more likely to be male, first-born and
have a lower GPA than non-cheaters. Hypothesis 3: ACT scores will be negatively related
Gender may impact likelihood of engaging in to estimated frequency of cheating (3a), suspected
academic misconduct (Hetherington and Feldman, cheating (3b), and consideration of misconduct
1964). Several studies have shown gender to be related (3c), and positively related to likelihood of
to cheating, plagiarism and similar forms of academic reporting cheating (3d).
dishonesty such that academic misconduct rates are
higher for males than females (Davis et al., 1992; Kelly
and Worrell, 1978; McCabe and Trevino, 1997; Nonis Influence of personality factors
and Swift, 2001; Simon et al., 2004; Smyth and Davis, Relatively few studies have examined personality
2004). Simon et al. (2004) found that women were variables and academic integrity. Crown and Spillers
more likely to report cheating than men. (1998) review of 25 years of academic integrity
research found only one personality variable with
Hypothesis 1: Gender will be related to estimated consistently significant results. Their review identi-
frequency of cheating (1a), suspected cheating (1b), fied four studies, one survey (Houston, 1983) and
consideration of misconduct (1c), and likelihood of three experiments (Forsyth et al., 1985; Karabenick
reporting cheating (1d). Specifically, we hypoth- and Srull, 1978; Leming, 1980) in which externals
esize that males are likely to estimate cheating as on Rotters (1966) locus of control measure, were
occurring more frequently, to suspect and consider more likely to cheat than internals.
misconduct more, and report cheating less than Kelly and Worrell (1978) investigated various
females. demographic and personality factors associated with
cheating on a self-scored, extra-credit task. Results
A number of studies have also investigated the role from the sample of 629 introductory psychology
that age plays in academic misconduct. Research students revealed several personality factors associ-
generally suggests that younger students may be ated with cheating, specifically, males who cheated
more likely to engage in academic misconduct were significantly higher on aggression, exhibition,
than older students (Kelly and Worrell, 1978; harm avoidance and social recognition, but lower
McCabe and Trevino, 1997; Nonis and Swift, on autonomy as measured by the Personality
2001; Smyth and Davis, 2004). Crown and Spiller Research Form (Jackson, 1967). For females,
(1998), however, found mixed results for the cheaters were higher on impulsivity and lower on
effect of age. harm avoidance.
384 Jennifer L. Kisamore et al.

Hetherington and Feldman (1964) also considered cheating (5b), and consideration of misconduct
personality variables in their study of academic (5c).
misconduct. Among the personality differences that
emerged, cheaters were higher on the repression
Influence of situational factors
scale of the MMPI, and non-cheaters scored higher
Work by Davis et al. (1992) indicates students beliefs
than cheaters on the achievement via conformity,
about academic integrity and their actual behavior are
socialization and responsibility scales of the Califor-
unrelated. In a 21-item survey of 6,000 students
nia Personality Inventory.
attending 35 different schools of varying sizes, Davis
From the few studies that used personality
et al. (1992) found that even though 90% of students
measures, it is clear that cheaters tend to be impulsive,
said it is wrong to cheat and that instructors should
risk taking, attention-seeking, low in responsibility,
care if students cheat on an exam, 76% said they had
and tend to attribute causality to external sources.
cheated in high school, college, or both.
This trait behavior is similar to Prudence in the
McCabe et al. (2002) and Smyth and Davis (2004)
Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI). Low Prudence
suggest that students at most institutions learn that
scores are associated with behaving impulsively,
cheating is a common behavior despite institutional
irresponsibly, being impatient with details, careless
policies prohibiting it. McCabe et al. (2002) found
about rules and venturesome while high scores are
that students perceptions of peers behavior was the
conscientious, follow organizational procedures and
best predictor of academic dishonesty regardless of
tend to be good students (Hogan and Hogan, 1995).
the presence or absence of an honor code. McCabe
and his co-authors argue that the academic culture is
Hypothesis 4: Prudence will be negatively related to
the primary driver of cheating perceptions and aca-
estimated frequency of cheating (4a), suspected
demic dishonesty. Academic integrity culture refers
cheating (4b), and consideration of misconduct
to an institutions values regarding promoting aca-
(4c), and positively related to likelihood of
demic honesty as well as preventing and punishing
reporting cheating (4d).
academic misconduct. Such values are reflected in
faculty and students tolerance and reporting of aca-
Since students who cheat tend also to have lower demic violations, the severity of penalties imposed for
ACT scores (Kelly and Worrell, 1978), intelli- academic violations, as well as the presence or ab-
gence (Hartshorn and May, 1928; Hetherington sence of an institutional honor code.
and Feldman, 1964) and grade point averages Smyth and Davis (2004) found that although 92%
(Hetherington and Feldman, 1964; McCabe and of a sample of 265 two-year college students indi-
Trevino, 1997), the pressure for making high grades in cated that cheating is unethical, 45% of the sample
college is likely to impact them more than students also indicated that cheating is acceptable social
with higher levels of intelligence and higher GPAs. behavior. Additional findings from Smyth and Davis
Therefore, college may be more stressful for them and (2004) highlight the importance of culture in terms
they may view cheating as a viable way to cope. of intentionally or unintentionally supporting or
Students in this situation may score low on the preventing academic misconduct. In this case, sub-
Adjustment scale of the HPI. Low scorers are cultures associated with being male, in the business
described as self-critical, unhappy and stress-prone school or living in a dormitory were related to
while high scores are associated with self-confidence, higher levels of actual cheating and greater social
even-tempered and good at handling stress (Hogan acceptance of cheating.
and Hogan, 1995). Therefore, we expect students The concept of social justice underlies a model of
who score lower on Adjustment are more likely to academic dishonesty proposed by McCabe and
exhibit academic dishonesty than students scoring Trevino (1993). The model suggests that perception
higher on this scale. of peers behavior is the most influential variable
affecting students academic dishonesty behavior.
Hypothesis 5: Adjustment will be negatively related to Specifically, that academic dishonesty not only is
estimated frequency of cheating (5a), suspected learned from observing the behavior of peers, but
Factors Related to Academic Integrity 385

that peers behavior provides a kind of normative Combined influence of personality and situational factors
support for cheating (McCabe and Trevino, 1993, We identified only one study that examined the
p. 533). Researchers have argued that when students relationship between a personality trait, integrity
believe others are cheating and their school or culture and academic dishonesty (Bolin, 2004). Bolin
individual faculty members are not doing anything examined a model of the disposition self-control,
about it, many use this as justification for their own attitudes toward academic dishonesty and perceived
cheating (Bowers, 1964; Kaufmann et al., 2005; opportunity for cheating to predict academic dis-
McCabe, 1992; McCabe et al., 1999). Thus, stu- honesty in a large multi-school study using an on-line
dents perceptions about the culture of integrity at an survey. The self-control measure contained items
institution, specifically their perceptions and suspi- from the six dimensions impulsivity, risk taking,
cions regarding cheating will impact the likelihood preference for physical activity, self-centered,
that they consider engaging in academic misconduct temperamental and preference for simple tasks
as a viable tool to use in their academic careers. (Gottfredson and Hirschi, 1990). Note that self-
Despite admonitions by faculty to prevent mis- control shares several similarities with low HPI
conduct, students are likely to engage in misconduct Prudence scores, i.e., impulsive, risk taking, atten-
if sanctions are not imposed or are not severe tion-seeking, and low in responsibility. Students low
enough to outweigh potential benefits of cheating. in self-control had more favorable attitudes toward
As McCabe et al. (2002) found, students degree of academic dishonesty and the later accounted for 40%
certainty of being caught engaging in academic of the variance in academic dishonesty. Though Bolin
misconduct predicted extent of dishonesty regardless did not test a direct relationship between self-control
of presence or absence of an honor code. Catching and academic dishonesty, the correlation was significant
cheaters, however, is not solely the responsibility of and positive. Additionally, and contrary to McCabes
instructors, especially for students who attend insti- data, the path from culture (perceived opportunity) to
tutions with a traditional honor code, which not academic dishonesty was not significant.
only require students to refrain from academic mis- Again, we contend that it is important to not
conduct, but also require students to report instances only examine personality and situational variables,
of misconduct by other students. Research by but also investigate the interactions among them
McCabe (2005) shows that integrity culture is bol- to better understand individuals propensities to
stered by the presence of an honor code, especially engage in and report instances of academic mis-
those that require students to report instances of conduct. To our knowledge, this study is the first
misconduct. to examine the influence of situational factors and
A study of 172 undergraduates in chemistry classes personality variables as well as to investigate how
(Simon et al., 2004) focussed on factors related to who they interact.
would report cheating. Results revealed that gender
was the best predictor of likelihood of reporting Hypothesis 7: Personality and situational (i.e., integ-
cheating; 46% of women would report compared to rity culture) factors will interact to predict fre-
only 30% of men (35.7% combined). The study also quency of cheating (7a), suspected cheating (7b),
suggested that when students perceive that policies consideration of misconduct (7c), and likelihood
and processes regarding academic misconduct are fair of reporting cheating (7d).
and feel faculty are committed to the education pro-
cess, they are more willing to take an active role in
maintaining a high level of academic integrity. Method

Hypothesis 6: Academic Integrity Culture will be Sample

negatively related to estimated frequency of
cheating (6a), suspected cheating (6b), consider- Undergraduate business students in marketing and
ation of misconduct (6c), and positively related to management classes at a large, mid-western public
likelihood of reporting cheating (6d). university were given the opportunity to participate
386 Jennifer L. Kisamore et al.

in the current study, yielding a potential sample of nating information from respondents. Consequently,
500 students. An academic integrity survey including most recent studies have relied upon fairly subtle
demographic items was administered during regular measures to study the prevalence of academic
class sessions. Participants also completed The integrity.
Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) (Hogan and
Hogan, 1995) administered via the Internet. Partic- Measures
ipants were assured of the confidentiality of their Academic integrity inventory. The Academic Integrity
responses. Code numbers for access to the on-line Inventory consisted of demographics and the scales
portion of the study and last four digits of each described below. Sample items for the scales are
students social security number were used to match included in the Appendix, and internal consistency
students in-class and on-line responses. reliability of the scales is reported in Table I. Items
A total of 431 students completed the integrity on the Academic Integrity Inventory include items
survey and 299 students completed the HPI. Stu- adapted from an online survey administered by
dents were not required to participate in the cur- Millersville University.
rent study. Students who did participate were given The integrity culture scale (a = 0.79) consisted of
extra credit for participation. Students were given 10 items and was designed to assess various nuances
the opportunity to earn extra credit by completing regarding academic misconduct attitudes, policies,
an alternative assignment but no student made use and procedures at the institution. The frequency of
of this opportunity. The response rate for the cheating scale (a = 0.77) is a three-item scale de-
integrity survey was 86% and the response rate for signed to assess participants estimate of the fre-
the HPI was 60%. Approximately 275 (55%) stu- quently of cheating by others. The suspected
dents completed both in-class and on-line portions misconduct scale (a = 0.72) is a two-item measure
of the study. This estimate is likely conservative; designed to assess how frequently students suspected
however, given that some students did not provide others of cheating over the past year. The report
identifying information on their survey in order to cheating scale (a = 0.84) is a two-item scale designed
allow the integrity survey responses to be matched to assess how likely students are to report friends or
to HPI scores. Additionally, an instructor of two strangers whom they observe engaging in academic
large classes gave partial credit that likely led to the misconduct. The consider-misconduct scale is a 10-item
lower HPI response rate. A total of 36 integrity scale (a = 0.89) asking how likely students would be
survey cases were removed from the data set due to to consider various forms of academic misconduct
probable response set responding and an additional such as inappropriate collaboration on assignments
22 cases were removed due to low validity scores or copying from others on a test.
on the HPI indicating careless responding. Thus, of
respondents who completed both portions of the Hogan personality inventory (HPI). The HPI is a
survey, 13% were eliminated due to response sets measure of normal personality and is based on the
and 8% were eliminated due to careless responding. Socio-analytic theory of personality and was designed
The effective sample for the study was 217 to parallel the Big Five personality factors (Hogan and
participants. Hogan, 1995). Considerable data are available to
support the reliability and validity of HPI scores in
Measuring academic integrity the measurement of personality (Hogan and Hogan,
1995). The HPI measures 7 aspects of personality:
Major challenges in survey research on academic Adjustment, Ambition, Sociability, Likeability, Pru-
integrity involve the choice and measurement of the dence, Intellectance, and School Success. For the
dependent variable. Earlier studies conducted prior to current study, the HPI was used to measure Adjust-
the established of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) ment (a = 0.89) and Prudence (a = 0.78). Adjustment
used contrived cheating situations to study academic is highly correlated with the Big Five factor emo-
integrity (e.g., Hetherington and Feldman, 1964). tional stability (r = 0.70) and Prudence is correlated
The tight guidelines of IRBs, at most institutions, with conscientiousness (r = 0.36) (Hogan and
discourage researchers from asking for self-incrimi- Hogan, 1995). Table I reports the internal consistency
Factors Related to Academic Integrity 387

Descriptive statistics and correlations among variables

Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Frequency of cheating (0.77)

2. Suspected misconduct 0.51** (0.72)
3. Consideration of cheating 0.26** 0.20** (0.89)
4. Reporting cheating )0.01 )0.08 )0.14* (0.84)
5. Gender )0.16* )0.10 )0.05 0.02
6. Age )0.13 )0.21** )0.15* 0.21** 0.01
7. ACT score 0.06 0.05 )0.02 )0.05 )0.01 )0.12
8. Prudence )0.04 )0.09 )0.19* 0.23** )0.13 0.05 0.00 (0.78)
9. Adjustment )0.26** )0.22** )0.18* 0.09 0.23** 0.05 0.00 0.39** (0.89)
10. Integrity culture )0.18* )0.20** )0.08 0.12 )0.05 0.11 )0.11 0.19** 0.08 (0.79)
M 3.13 2.50 2.71 2.11 1.42 22.34 23.36 16.97 22.28 3.88
SD 0.75 1.11 1.02 1.04 0.49 4.41 3.58 4.47 6.89 0.51

*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01.

Note: Gender was coded 1 = female; 2 = male.

for these personality factors. The HPI also includes a peers behavior. McCabes data show that the single
Validity Scale and scores below 10 indicate careless best predictor of academic dishonesty is students
responding to HPI items making respondents pro- perception of their peers behavior, specifically, how
files invalid. Based on recommendations in the often others cheat. Consistent with findings of
manual, 22 participants who scored less than 10 on McCabe and colleagues, likelihood of considering
the HPI Validity Scale were excluded. Since students misconduct was significantly correlated with fre-
received extra credit for participation, we contend quency of cheating, r = 0.26, p < 0.001 and with
that those with V Scale scores lower than 10 com- suspected misconduct, r = 0.20, p < 0.01.
mitted academic dishonesty.

Demographic variables. Participants were also asked to Hypothesis testing

report their age, gender (females coded as 1, males
coded as 2), and ACT score. The first hypothesis predicted that gender would be
related to estimated frequency of cheating, suspected
cheating, consideration of misconduct, and likeli-
Results hood of reporting cheating such that males would be
likely to estimate cheating as occurring more fre-
Correlational analyses were conducted to test the quently, to suspect cheating and consider miscon-
first six hypotheses. Moderated hierarchical regres- duct more, and report cheating less than females. As
sion was used to test hypothesis seven, which pre- shown in Table I, results of the analysis did not
dicted that personality and integrity culture would support hypothesis 1a, b, c, or d. Males actually
interact to influence academic misconduct percep- reported significantly lower perceptions regarding
tions and behaviors. frequency of cheating than did females, r = )0.16,
Two of our scales, students perceptions of the p < 0.05. Gender may not have been related to
frequency with which other students cheat and stu- likelihood of considering misconduct in the cur-
dents suspicions regarding other students cheating, rent study because the more deviant males were
are conceptually similar, and as expected, these scales removed from the sample due to low validity scores
were positively correlated (r = 0.51, p < 0.001). Both or probable response set responding. Approximately
these scales measure students perceptions of their 80% of the individuals who were removed due to
388 Jennifer L. Kisamore et al.

low validity scores were male while approximately hypothesis 6a and 6b such that perceptions of the
67% of participants who were removed for probable frequency of cheating and suspicions regarding
response set responding were male. Although the misconduct were lower for students who perceived a
proportion of males and females included in the strong integrity culture. Students perceptions of
study was roughly equivalent, responses by males academic integrity culture, however, were not
were more likely to be removed due to deviant or related to the likelihood of considering misconduct,
careless response patterns. r = )0.08, p > 0.05. This result contradicts results of
The second hypothesis predicted that age would McCabe and others that academic integrity culture is
be related to perceptions of misconduct such that the most important factor in predicting academic
older students would estimate cheating, suspect misconduct.
cheating, and consider misconduct less frequently Hypothesis 7 predicted that individual factors,
than would younger students but that, older students including demographics and personality variables,
would be more likely to report cheating. As shown would interact with situational factors to predict
in Table I, hypotheses 2b, c, and d were supported, perceptions regarding misconduct. To test our
but not 2a. Older students suspected misconduct and hypotheses, we conducted moderated hierarchical
considered misconduct less often and were more regression analyses (Cohen and Cohen, 1983). In
likely to indicate that they would report incidences each of the four hierarchical regression equations,
of misconduct compared to younger students. age, gender and ACT score were entered in step 1.
Data failed to support hypothesis 3, which Integrity culture, Prudence and Adjustment were
predicted that self-reported ACT scores would be entered in step 2, and the cross product terms of
negatively related to estimated frequency of cheat- integrity culture and Adjustment, and integrity
ing, suspected misconduct, and consideration of culture and Prudence were entered in step 3.
misconduct while positively related to likelihood of
reporting cheating. Frequency of cheating (H7a)
Hypothesis 4 predicted that Prudence would be As shown in Table II, students perceptions regard-
negatively related to perceived frequency of mis- ing frequency of cheating were marginally related to
conduct, suspected misconduct, and consideration of the individual difference factors entered in step 1
misconduct but positively related to likelihood of (R2 = 0.04, F3, 165 = 2.27, p < 0.10). Of these
reporting cheating. Results of the analyses supported variables, gender was negatively related to estimated
hypothesis 4c and 4d such that students high on frequency of cheating (b = )0.15, t = )2.00,
Prudence were less likely to consider misconduct p < 0.05; sR2 = 0.02). While gender was related to
and more likely to report cheating. Results also estimated frequency of cheating at the univariate
supported hypotheses 5a, 5b, and 5c indicating that level (see Table I), results of multiple regression
students higher on Adjustment perceived cheating as indicates that men estimate more frequent cheating
less frequent, suspected misconduct less often, and by others than women do. The squared semi-partial
were less likely to consider academic misconduct correlation, sR2, was used to ascertain the unique
themselves. contribution of each variable to the criterion. sR2
Hypothesis 6 predicted that students perceptions indicates the incremental change in R2 for a given
of academic integrity would be associated with variable beyond all other variables.
perceptions of academic dishonesty. Research on the Integrity culture, Prudence, and Adjustment
effects of honor codes directly addresses the impor- entered in step 2 collectively explained an additional
tance of a culture of academic integrity and thus it 11% of the variance (DR2 = 0.11, F3,162 = 7.28,
was hypothesized that integrity culture would be p < 0.001). Of these variables, integrity culture
negatively related to perceptions regarding the fre- (b = )0.19, t = )2.54, p < 0.05; sR2 = 0.04),
quency of cheating and suspected misconduct as well Adjustment (b = )0.33, t = )3.89, p < 0.001;
as likelihood of considering misconduct. On the sR2 = 0.09) and Prudence (b = 0.19, t = 2.16,
other hand, we predicted that integrity culture p < 0.05; sR2 = 0.03) explained unique variance
would be positively related to likelihood of report- (Table II). The cross product terms of integrity
ing cheating. Results of the analysis supported culture and Adjustment, and integrity culture and
Factors Related to Academic Integrity 389

Overall regression analysis results

Variables R2 DR2

Hypothesis 7a (Frequency of cheating)

Step 1: Age, Gender, ACT 0.04 0.04
Step 2: Prudence, Adjustment, Int. Culture 0.15*** 0.11***
Step 3: Culture  Prud, Culture  Adj 0.17*** 0.02
Hypothesis 7b (Suspected misconduct)
Step 1: Age, Gender, ACT 0.03 0.03
Step 2: Prudence, Adjustment, Int. Culture 0.13*** 0.10***
Step 3: Culture  Prud, Culture  Adj 0.15** 0.03
Hypothesis 7c (Consider cheating)
Step 1: Age, Gender, ACT 0.04 0.04
Step 2: Prudence, Adjustment, Int. Culture 0.09* 0.05*
Step 3: Culture  Prud, Culture  Adj 0.13** 0.05*
Hypothesis 7d (Reporting cheating)
Step 1: Age, Gender, ACT 0.07** 0.07**
Step 2: Prudence, Adjustment, Int. Culture 0.12** 0.05*
Step 3: Culture  Prud, Culture  Adj 0.13** 0.01

*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.

Prudence entered in step 3 failed to explain any in misconduct (R2 = 0.04, F3,163 = 2.08, ns).
additional variance in estimates of frequency of Integrity culture and personality factors, Prudence
cheating (DR2 = 0.02, F2,160 = 1.66, ns). and Adjustment were entered in step 2 of the hier-
archical regression. These variables collectively
Suspected misconduct (H7b) explained an additional 5% of the variance
Age, sex, and ACT score entered in step 1 of a (DR2 = 0.05, F3,160 = 2.80, p < 0.05). Of these
hierarchical regression were unrelated to partici- variables, only Prudence explained unique variance
pants suspicion of cheating behavior (R2 = 0.03, (b = )0.19, t = )2.05, p < 0.05; sR2 = 0.03).
F3,166 = 1.79, ns). Integrity culture, Prudence and The cross product terms of integrity culture and
Adjustment entered in step 2 collectively explained Adjustment, and integrity culture and Prudence
an additional 10% of the variance (DR2 = 0.10, entered in step 3 explained an additional 5% of the
F3,163 = 6.13, p < 0.01. Of these variables, integrity variance (adjusted R2 = 0.09, DR2 = 0.05,
culture (b = )0.17, t = )2.21, p < 0.05; sR2 = F2,158 = 2.94, p < 0.01). The interaction between
0.03) and Adjustment (b = )0.31, t = )3.63, culture and Adjustment (b = 2.48, t = 2.75,
p < 0.001; sR2 = 0.08) explained unique variance in p < 0.01; sR2 = 0.05) and the interaction between
suspected cheating. The cross product terms of culture and Prudence (b = )1.67, t = )2.14,
integrity culture and Adjustment, and integrity cul- p < 0.05; sR2 = 0.03) were significant.
ture and Prudence, entered in step 3 failed to explain To explore the nature of the interaction, we
any additional variance in the likelihood of reporting performed follow-up split-group analyses as recom-
cheating behavior (DR2 = 0.03, F2,161 = 2.36, ns). mended by Aiken and West (1991). To test the
culture X Adjustment interaction, we took a med-
Consideration of misconduct (H7c) ian-split on Adjustment and regressed consider
Age, sex, and ACT score entered in step 1 of a misconduct on integrity culture at low (n = 102)
hierarchical regression were marginally related to the and high levels (n = 101) of Adjustment. Integrity
likelihood of participants consideration of engaging culture was significant for low Adjustment,
390 Jennifer L. Kisamore et al.

F1,100 = 4.04, p < 0.05 but not high Adjustment, rivaling that of males (e.g., Crown and Spiller, 1998).
F1,99 = 0.395, ns. To test the culture X Prudence We did note that gender was unrelated to suspected
interaction, we took a median-split on Prudence and misconduct, considering misconduct, and reporting
regressed consider misconduct on integrity culture at cheating. A plausible reason for the reversed effect for
low (n = 107) and high (n = 96) levels of Prudence. gender regarding suspected misconduct, at least in our
Integrity culture was not significant for either low data, could be the removal of the most deviant stu-
Prudence, F1,105 = 0.715, ns, or high Prudence, dents, who were predominately male, based upon
F1,94 = 0.208, ns. their low validity scale scores on the HPI and response
sets evident on the academic integrity survey. This
Reporting cheating (H7d) may also explain the lack of significant effect for
Age, sex, and ACT score entered in step 1 of a hier- gender regarding suspected misconduct, consider-
archical regression were significantly related to ation of misconduct and likelihood of reporting
how likely participants were to report cheating misconduct. Most of the responses that were removed
(R2 = 0.07, F3,166 = 4.38, p < 0.01). Of these vari- were from male students. Given that students received
ables, age was significantly related to the likelihood extra credit for participating in this study, careless (or
of reporting cheating (b = 0.27, t = 3.54, p < 0.01; response set) responding represents a type of cheating,
sR2 = 0.07). Integrity culture, Prudence and providing some evidence for the role of gender in
Adjustment entered in step 2 collectively explained an academic misconduct.
additional 5% of the variance (DR2 = 0.05, To our knowledge, this study is the first that used
F3,163 = 3.14, p < 0.05). Of these variables, only a published validity (lie) scale to detect academic
Prudence (b = 0.21, t = 2.40, p < 0.05; sR2 = 0.03) misconduct despite the ex post facto nature of this
explained unique variance. The cross product terms of detection. In the current study, approximately 21%
integrity culture and Adjustment and integrity culture of the participants responses were eliminated due to
and Prudence entered in step 3 failed to explain any response sets on the academic integrity survey and/
additional variance in the likelihood of reporting or invalid responses on the HPI measure. Kelly and
cheating behavior (DR2 = 0.01, F2,161 = 0.95, ns). Worrell (1978) also found 19.5% of a sample of
undergraduate psychology students cheated on a
problem-solving task to gain course credit.
Discussion This circumstance provided an ex post facto study
regarding academic integrity since students cheated
Previous investigations of academic integrity have by responding to the surveys in invalid ways despite
tended to focus on situational variables or individual receiving credit for their participation. We
differences and have failed to investigate how situ- compared students scoring below 10 on the HPI
ational factors interact with personality constructs to Validity scale with students scoring above 10.
influence perceptions of and intentions relating to Results revealed that students differed significantly
academic honesty. The primary purpose of this study (p < 0.05) on all HPI personality dimensions except
was to fill this void. We investigated the direct and Intellectance. That is, students who responded
interactive effects of academic integrity culture carefully to the HPI scales (scoring above 10 on the
(a situational variable), demographic variables (age, validity scale) were significantly better adjusted,
sex, ACT) and personality constructs (Adjustment, more ambitious, more sociable, more likeable, more
Prudence) on four criteria: frequency of misconduct, prudent, and scored higher on school success.
suspected misconduct, consideration of misconduct, One major contribution of our paper is identifi-
and reporting cheating by others. cation of individual factors, including age and the
Our results indicated that males perceived less fre- personality characteristics of Prudence and Adjust-
quent cheating than females, a finding that is incon- ment, related to aspects of academic misconduct.
sistent with previous literature. While older previous As expected, older students relative to younger stu-
research tends to indicate males are more likely to dents were less likely to suspect misconduct or to
engage in academic misconduct, more recent research consider misconduct, but were more likely to report
suggests that academic misconduct rates by females is incidences of cheating by others. Unlike previous
Factors Related to Academic Integrity 391

research, we relied on established personality perceptions and behaviors. This study also consid-
constructs corresponding to the Big Five model and ered the interaction between personality and aca-
investigated the influence of Prudence and Adjust- demic culture in the prediction of perceptions
ment on academic integrity. As expected, students regarding academic misconduct.
with high scores on Prudence were less likely to cheat Adjustment interacted with academic culture to
and more likely to report cheating. Since Prudence is influence consideration of misconduct, such that
closely related to the construct of Conscientiousness academic culture mattered more for those individ-
(Hogan and Hogan, 1995), it is consistent that uals with low scores on Adjustment but not for
Conscientious students who engage in misconduct those with high scores on Adjustment. This finding
less are likely to report others who engage in mis- suggests that individuals who handle pressure well
conduct. Adjustment, on the other hand, is an indi- (high Adjustment scores) are not as influenced by
cation of how well individuals cope with stress. High the academic culture as are students who are more
scores on Adjustment indicate someone who tends to moody, and have less developed coping strategies
handle pressure well and is even-tempered, whereas (low Adjustment scores). Adjustment (9%) also
low scores are indicative of moodiness and neurotic explained more unique variance in frequency of
tendencies. Thus, students with high scores on cheating than academic culture (4%), in suspected
Adjustment perceived less frequent misconduct, cheating than academic culture (8% vs. 3%).
suspected misconduct less often and were less likely Prudence explained the most unique variance in
to consider misconduct themselves. reporting cheating, whereas academic integrity
The construct academic integrity culture repre- culture was unrelated to reporting cheating.
sents the shared values of an academic institutions Overall, these results highlight the importance of
members regarding maintaining integrity in the personality constructs, namely Adjustment and
educational process as well as preventing and pun- Prudence, in explaining variance in perceptions of
ishing instances of misconduct. Integrity culture was and intentions relating to academic integrity.
assessed by asking students about their perceptions Investigating the combined influence of situational
regarding the extent to which the institutional factors, such as academic integrity, and personality
members including faculty and students promote constructs is the most significant contribution of
academic integrity as well as prevent or punish this study.
academic misconduct. The research was conducted
at a single institution which has formal academic
integrity policies, but which has not implemented an Implications for practice
honor code institution-wide. Participants percep-
tion of the culture of integrity of the institution Individuals who have high scores on Prudence or on
varied, albeit not as greatly as is likely for students Adjustment are less likely to perceive and engage in
attending different institutions. Nonetheless, stu- academic dishonesty. Our results suggest that aca-
dents who perceived higher levels of academic demic integrity culture matters more for individuals
integrity culture estimated less frequent misconduct who are less well adjusted. Thus, building a positive
by others and suspected misconduct less often. But academic integrity culture appears to be an important
perceptions of academic integrity culture were avenue for promoting professional behavior and
unrelated to either considering misconduct or ethical conduct amongst students. Academic integrity
reporting cheating by others. Our results for aca- could be enhanced by clearly communicating stan-
demic integrity culture are inconsistent with claims dards of ethical conduct, adopting honor codes,
by McCabe and his colleagues that integrity culture building in mechanisms that make it easier to detect
is the best predictor of academic honesty/dishonesty. academic dishonesty and report such behavior, and
Unlike the work by McCabe and his colleagues that using appropriate penalties that could serve as a
did not consider personality factors or other research deterrent. Our results also suggest that colleges and
that did not consider academic culture, we examined universities should consider administering personality
both academic culture and personality variables in measures such as the HPI or other Big Five measures
the prediction of various misconduct related to incoming students in order to point out potential
392 Jennifer L. Kisamore et al.

areas of interest as well as potential strengths and ture will discourage academic dishonesty without
weaknesses. Once weaknesses such as a heightened the added expense involved with monitoring aca-
likelihood to engage in academic misconduct are demic conduct. Our results highlight the importance
identified, students can be taught positive coping of investigating if personality constructs interact with
mechanisms for handling stress they are likely to situational factors to influence perceptions of, and
encounter in college. Students whose scores indicate intentions relating to academic misconduct. How
they are likely to demonstrate high integrity could be other personality variables interact with academic
recruited to serve in various capacities to promote the culture needs to be examined. Perceptions of fairness
institutions academic culture. With additional re- and the presence of situational constraints (e.g., time
search support, personality and integrity tests may be pressure, work overload) are likely to influence
shown to be useful and valid tools in making college academic misconduct. While a substantial body of
admission decisions. A growing number of organi- research has documented the prevalence of academic
zations are using integrity tests, many based upon the misconduct, a framework for systematically investi-
Big Five, to screen out applicants likely to engage in gating the potential antecedents of academic mis-
counterproductive behaviors such as theft, illegal conduct is needed to guide future research. Future
activities, and absenteeism (Ones and Viswesvaran, research should also focus on the extent to which
1998; Ones et al., 1993). misconduct in the academic domain carries over to
work domain and to family domain. For instance,
Sims (1993) has provided evidence indicating that
Directions for future research individuals who cheat in school are more likely to
cheat on the job. With few exceptions, research that
Future research should focus on antecedents of examines spillover of cheating behavior from one
academic integrity culture as building a strong cul- domain to another is virtually non-existent.

Sample scale items

Integrity culture

Low High
How would you rate: 1 2 3 4 5
The climate of academic integrity at your school s s s s s
Faculty concern about academic integrity s s s s s
The severity of penalties for cheating at your school s s s s s

Frequency of cheating
How frequently do you think the Never Very Seldom Often Very
following occur in traditional classroom seldom often
environments at your school?
Plagiarism s s s s s
Inappropriate collaboration on assignments s s s s s
Cheating during tests and examinations s s s s s

Suspected misconduct
Never Once Few Several Many
times times times
In the past year, how often, if ever, s s s s s
have you suspected another student of
cheating during a test/exam?
Factors Related to Academic Integrity 393

Likelihood of reporting cheating
Listed below are statements regarding Very Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Very
academic misconduct occurring in a unlikely unlikely likely likely
traditional classroom. Please indicate how
likely you are to report these instances
of academic misconduct.
I would report an incidence of cheating s s s s s
by a student whom I consider to be a

Likelihood of considering misconduct

Listed below are behaviors that some Very Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Very
people might consider to be dishonest. unlikely unlikely likely likely
How likely are you to consider the
following in a traditional classroom setting?
Turning in work done by someone else s s s s s
as ones own.
Collaborating on an assignment that is s s s s s
supposed to be completed individually.
Copying from someone else during a test. s s s s s
Using unapproved materials (e.g., s s s s s
books, notes) to complete an assignment.

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Mouhammad Akkoumi for help with data entry and ical Research, Journal of Business Ethics 17, 683700.
Tago Mharapara for help with manuscript review. Davis, S. F., C. A. Grover, A. H. Becker and L. N.
McGregor: 1992, Academic Dishonesty: Prevalence,
Determinants, Techniques, and Punishments, Teaching
of Psychology 19(1), 1620.
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