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Topological Theological Cosmology (TTC)

By Ronald H. Brady

This theory is based upon the postulated existence of a Master

Governing Equation (a system of PDE’S) of the entire Universe.
The solution set of this equation, subjected to appropriate
auxiliary conditions, would then describe the time evolution of
the Universe, past, present and future. The actions associated
with this time evolution are being topologically identified with
the actions of the Supreme Being and Creator.

The Fundamental Postulates of TTC

1.) The set of Governing Equations of the Universe consists of a

system of PDE’s and/or ODE’s that describes the interactions of
every particle in the universe with every other particle. The
space-time coordinates, velocity, acceleration, the jerk and all
higher orders of motion, as well as the mass, momentum and the
energy, of every particle, are among the independent variables
and/or dependent variables associated with the system. The order
m (order of the highest derivative) and the degree n (which
indicates the level of non-linearity) of the system approaches
infinity as the predictive error of the system approaches zero.
The solution of the system is postulated to exist and to be
unique whenever a set of suitable auxiliary conditions are
specified. Such a solution set will determine the actions and
behavior of every particle in the Universe for all times (past
and present).

Moreover, the solution set will describe all physical activity

of all objects, whose mass and/or energy ranges all the way from
the quantum level to that of the cosmological scale, throughout
all time and space (of dimensions possibly higher than three).

2.) The existence of a governing equation implies the existence

of a governor. The abstract factuality of this should be readily
apparent. The existence of a unique Governing Equation of all
governing equations is assumed to be axiomatic. The existence of
a Governor of all governors is therefore then implied. We
further postulate the existence of a unique Supreme Being of all
of the Universe and topologically identify him with the Governor
of all governors.

It is further postulated that the actions of this Supreme Being

of the Universe may be topologically identified with the set of
actions described by the above mentioned set of Governing
Equations. This Governing Equation may be considered to be the
Governing Equation of all governing equations. It is also
expressly postulated that the Supreme Being, in the exercise of
his infinite power and precision, is not restricted by the speed
of light in his movements nor by the Heisenberg Uncertainty
Principle in the precision of his observations and micro scale
manipulations. Nor does he have any difficulty in distinguishing
between sub-atomic “identical” particle that are
indistinguishable to human observers. The Supreme Being also has
the power to do an infinite number of calculations of multi-
variate polynomials and power series simultaneously and
instantaneously. He is not affected by any type of numerical
instabilities that are propagated by rounding or truncations

3.) The Supreme Being, upon his option, in limited regions of

space and time, may activate finite representations of himself.
These finite representations may have differing levels of power
and are under the direct and exclusive control of the Supreme

More info on this topic will be forth coming. See also “A

Possible Reconciliation Of Genesis And The Big Bang Theory”
by Ronald H. Brady in this same scribd forum

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