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Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW

Land Reclamation No 45 (2), 2013: 125141

(Ann. Warsaw Univ. of Life Sci. SGGW, Land Reclam. 45 (2), 2013)

Modelling of discharge, nitrate and phosphate loads from the Reda

catchment to the Puck Lagoon using SWAT
Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW

Abstract: Modelling of discharge, nitrate and INTRODUCTION

phosphate loads from the Reda catchment to the
Puck Lagoon using SWAT. This study presents
Sustainable management of water quan-
an application of the SWAT model (Soil and Wa-
ter Assessment Tool) in an agricultural, coastal tity and quality has recently become
catchment situated in northern Poland, draining a major issue in the face of decreas-
an area of 482 km2 (the Reda catchment). The ing water resources and increasing
main objective of this study was calibration and water demand throughout the country
validation of the model against daily discharge (Kundzewicz et al. 2010). According to
and water quality parameters (bi-monthly total
suspended solids [TSS], nitrate nitrogen [N-NO3] the surface water availability index (an-
and phosphate phosphorus [P-PO4] loads). Cali- nual out-flow magnitude divided by the
bration and validation were conducted using the number of inhabitants), Poland with
SWAT-CUP program and SUFI-2 (Sequential Un- very low water resources is classified
certainty Fitting Version 2) algorithm. The Nash- at the bottom of the list of the European
-Sutcliffe efficiency, which was set as an objec-
tive function in calibration of all variables, was
countries (Mioduszewski 2008). In ad-
equal for discharge to 0.75 and 0.61 for calibra- dition, the rapid economic development
tion and validation periods, respectively. For TSS, and agriculture intensification in Poland
N-NO3 and P-PO4 loads NSE was equal to 0.56, during the 20th century led to the increas-
0.62 and 0.53 in calibration period, and 0.22, 0.64 ing scale of eutrophication of the Baltic
and 1.78 in validation period, respectively. For
the calibration period all the results are satisfac-
Sea (Glasby and Szefer 1998), due to ex-
tory or good, while for the validation period the cessive loadings of biogenic substances
results for TSS and P-PO4 loads are rather poor, such as nitrates and phosphates. In order
which is related mainly to the lack of homoge- to prevent this negative phenomenon and
neity between calibration and validation periods. reverse the trend, complex activities, re-
These results demonstrate that SWAT is an appro-
sulting from the regulations of the Water
priate tool for quantification of nutrient loads in
Polish agricultural catchments, in particular for Framework Directive (2000) have to be
N-NO3. The model can therefore be applied for undertaken. One of the tasks related to
water resources management, for quantification the provision of the WFD is development
of scenarios of climate and land use change, and of effective monitoring system necessary
for estimation of the Best Management Practices to track and investigate the environmen-
tal response to alterations in catchment
Key words: Reda catchment, Puck Lagoon, SWAT management. However, the assembled
model, nutrients, discharge, calibration dataset of observations does not explain
126 P. Marcinkowski et al.

the processes by itself, but only presents develop the model set-up of the Reda
the final response, leaving the driving catchment, (2) calibrate and validate the
forces, which trigger the changes, unin- model against daily water discharge, and
vestigated. Hence, a modelling tool such bi-monthly measurements of total sus-
as the Soil and Water Assessment Tool pended sediment (TSS), nitrate nitro-
SWAT (Neitsch et al. 2011) can be gen (N-NO3) and phosphate phosphorus
helpful in providing a detailed descrip- (P-PO4) loads.
tion of processes occurring in catchment
through simulations transforming input
data into output signal determining the MATERIAL AND METHODS
water quantity and quality. The SWAT
model has proven to be an effective Study area
simulation tool, which is manifested by The River Reda is situated in northern
its growing worldwide use (Arnold et al. Poland in Pomeranian Province (Fig. 1),
2012), in particular in the USA (Srini- in the proximity of the Tricity (Gdask,
vasan et al. 1998, Amatya et al. 2008), Gdynia, Sopot) metropolitan area. Its
in the Baltic Sea region: in Finland (Tat- drainage area equal to 482 km2 is the
tari et al. 2009), Sweden (Ekstrand et al. largest sub-catchment of the Puck Bay
2010), Denmark (Hoang et al. 2012), and catchment. It belongs to the marine area
Poland (Ostojski 2012, Piniewski et al. of the Nadmorski Landscape Park, a de-
2013, Smarzyska 2013). This study was signated HELCOM Baltic Sea Protected
carried out in the Reda catchment situ- Area.
ated in northern Poland (Fig. 1), drain- The annual mean basin-averaged pre-
ing an area of 482 km2 to the Puck La- cipitation is 793 mm, while the average
goon (inner Puck Bay, part of the Gulf (19912010) daily minimum and maxi-
of Gdask). Its objective was to: (1)

FIGURE 1. The Reda catchment (A) and its land cover map (B)
Modelling of discharge, nitrate and phosphate loads... 127

mum temperatures are 1.5 and 2.9C driving force behind everything that hap-
for January, and 15.4 and 21.5C for July pens in the watershed. For this study, we
(based on the nearby Institute of Meteor- selected the modified USDA Soil Con-
ology and Water Management IMGW servation Service (SCS) curve number
station in Gdynia). method for calculating surface runoff
The watershed is characterized by and the Penman-Monteith method for
a hilly landscape, where the maximum estimating potential evapotranspiration.
elevation reaches 234 m a.s.l. and sandy Channel routing was modelled using
soils dominate the landscape. In the a variable storage coefficient approach.
northern part valley is filled with peat SWAT uses the degree-day method for
deposits that stretch from west to east. snowmelt estimation.
The catchment area is predominantly oc- SWAT uses a plant growth model to
cupied by agricultural land (51.2%) and simulate all types of land covers that is
forests (41.6%), whereas the share of based on EPIC (Williams 1990). The
urban land yields 6.6%. The prevailing plant growth model is used to assess re-
crops on better quality soils are spring moval of water and nutrients from the
cereals, whereas potatoes and winter ce- root zone, transpiration, and biomass/
reals on poor quality soils. The majority /yield production. Erosion and sediment
of grasslands are cultivated as permanent yield are calculated for each HRU using
meadows and pastures. the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equa-
N-NO3 and P-PO4 are the two most tion MUSLE (Williams and Berndt
dominant forms of N and P species in the 1977), which uses the amount of runoff
Reda waters (Bogdanowicz et al. 2007). as an indicator of erosive energy. Sedi-
For this reason, these two forms were se- ment transport in the channel network is
lected for modelling in this study. a function of two processes, deposition
and degradation. The occurrence of these
Modelling tool processes is determined by the stream
SWAT is a physically based, semi-dis- power, the exposure of a channels sides
tributed, continuous-time model that and bottom to the erosive force of the
operates on a daily time step and simu- stream and the composition of channel
lates the movement of water, sediment, bank and bed sediment.
and nutrients on a watershed scale. The SWAT tracks the movement and
smallest unit of discretization is a unique transformation of several forms of nitro-
combination of land use, soil, and slope gen and phosphorus in the watershed. In
overlay, referred to as a hydrological re- the soil, the model simulates principal
sponse unit (HRU). Runoff is predicted processes included in the nutrients cycle
separately for each HRU and then aggre- that control the transformation of nu-
gated to the sub-basin level and routed trients from one form to another. In the
through the stream network to the main nitrogen cycle, the main processes are:
outlet in order to obtain the total runoff denitrification, nitrification, mineraliza-
for the river basin. tion, plant uptake, decay, fertilization,
No matter what type of problem one volatilization, and in the phosphorus cy-
studies with SWAT, water balance is the cle they are: mineralization, fertilization,
128 P. Marcinkowski et al.

decay, and plant uptake. Nutrients may Institute in Gdynia (IMGW-PIB). In the
be introduced to the main channel and studied area four main point sources of
transported downstream through sur- pollutants were identified based on the
face runoff and lateral subsurface flow. data from Regional Water Management
The in-stream water quality component Authority in Gdask (RZGW). The cal-
allows the researcher to control nutrient endars of management practices includ-
transformations in the stream. The in- ed nine main crops and were describing
stream kinetics used in SWAT for nutri- the exact dates, types of operations and
ent routing are adapted from QUAL2E their detailed parameterisation separate-
(Brown and Barnwell 1987). The model ly for each crop. The necessary informa-
tracks two pools of nutrients: those dis- tion for defining these data was acquired
solved in the stream and those adsorbed from statistical data and interviews with
to the sediment. Dissolved nutrients are the staff of the Pomeranian Agricultural
transported with the water while those Advisory Board in Gdask (PODR).
adsorbed to sediments are allowed to be
deposited with the sediment on the bed
Model calibration approach
of the channel.
SWAT is a river-basin scale model, in
Model setup which hydrological cycle drives the wa-
In this study a 50-meter resolution Dig- ter, sediment and nutrient movement.
ital Elevation Model (DEM), acquired Due to a large number of parameters,
from Voivodeship Centre of Geodesy and SWAT requires conducting calibration
Cartography Documentation in Gdask which includes fitting simulations to ob-
(WODGiK), has been used for automat- servations, usually by using automatic
ic catchment delineation and its division routines of various types. Calibration
into 30 sub-catchments (Fig. 1). From should be preceded by the sensitivity
the Corine Land Cover Map (2006) 13 analysis which measures the response
classes of land use were featured, where- of model outputs and objective func-
as the numerical soil map from Institute tion to altering input parameter values.
of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation Model validation is usually conducted
(IUNG) and geological map from Polish using calibrated parameter values for
Geological Institute National Research a different time period than the one used
Institute (PIG-PIB) allowed to feature 17 in calibration.
classes of soils. Intersection of land use In this study in the Reda catchment,
map, soil map, and slope classes resulted analyses were focused on four different
in creation of 465 Hydrologic Response variables (listed below) for which obser-
Units (HRUs). Precipitation data from vations are regularly assembled and used
five stations, and other climate variables in calibration and validation time periods
(temperature, wind speed, relative humid- as presented in brackets below. The entire
ity and solar radiation) from four stations process consisting of sensitivity analysis,
for time period 19912010 have been ac- calibration and validation was conducted
quired from Institute of Meteorology and in four iterations related to different vari-
Water Management National Research ables simulated by the model:
Modelling of discharge, nitrate and phosphate loads... 129

1. Discharge b) Selection of calibration para-

a) Sensitivity analysis of parameters meters,
potentially affecting discharge, c) Calibration (time period 1998
b) Selection of calibration para- 2002),
meters, d) Validation (time period 2003
c) Calibration (time period 1998 2006),
2002), e) Writing best fit parameters into
d) Validation (time period 2003 the SWAT project.
2006), Simulation of nutrient loads is sig-
e) Writing best fit parameter values nificantly conditioned by the hydrologi-
into the SWAT project. cal cycle and thus the accuracy of cal-
2. Total suspended sediment (TSS) culations depends on the properly con-
a) Sensitivity analysis of parameters ducted calibration of discharge. The aim
potentially affecting TSS load (ex- of this stage of calibration is to reflect
cluding the parameters selected in spatial and temporal variability of water
point 1b), balance in the analysed catchment and
b) Selection of calibration para- to satisfactorily reproduce variability of
meters, daily streamflow.
c) Calibration (time period 1998 Daily discharge time series from
2002), three gauging stations (the River Bolsze-
d) Validation (time period 2003 wka at Bolszewo and the River Reda at
2006), Zamostne and Wejherowo, Fig. 1) were
e) Writing best fit parameter values acquired from IMGW-PIB in order to
into the SWAT project. perform step 1 from the aforementioned
3. Nitrate nitrogen (N-NO3) list. The following three steps concerned
a) Sensitivity analysis of parameters calibration of sediment, nitrate and min-
potentially affecting N-NO3 load eral phosphorus loads, based on the da-
(excluding the parameters select- taset acquired from the General Inspec-
ed in point 1b and 2b), torate of Environmental Protection in
b) Selection of calibration para- Gdask (GIO), containing bi-monthly
meters, measurements of sediment and nutrient
c) Calibration (time period 1998 concentrations of the Reda at Wejherowo
2002), between 1998 and 2006. Average daily
d) Validation (time period 2003 loadings (kg/day) of selected water qual-
2006), ity parameters were calculated based on
e) Writing best fit parameters into daily discharge data (m3/day) at Wejhe-
the SWAT project. rowo gauging station.
4. Mineral phosphorus (P-PO4) The SWAT-CUP program (Abbaspour
a) Sensitivity analysis of parameters 2008) was used for sensitivity analysis,
potentially affecting P-PO4 load calibration and validation. The main
(excluding the parameters select- function of this tool is to provide a link
ed in point 1b, 2b and 3b), between the input/output of a calibration
program and the SWAT model through
130 P. Marcinkowski et al.

iterative altering of parameters values The p-factor represents the percentage

(selected beforehand during sensitivity of measured data bracketed by a 95%
analysis) using SUFI-2 (Sequential Un- prediction uncertainty (95PPU), and the
certainty Fitting Version 2) algorithm r-factor quantifies the average thick-
that combines optimization with uncer- ness of the 95PPU uncertainty band di-
tainty analysis. Tables 1 and 2 show the vided by the standard deviation of the
parameter names and definitions used for measured data. In this study NSE was
calibration of discharge and TSS loads, used as an objective function for each
and N-NO3 and P-PO4 loads. The cali- of the model outputs, however, we kept
bration process is considered as success- track of other goodness-fit values (co-
fully completed when the satisfactory efficient of determination R2, percent
values of defined objective function (e.g. bias PBIAS) and uncertainty indicators
Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency NSE; Mo- (p-factor, r-factor).
riasi et al. 2007), p-factor and r-factor Each calibration/validation model run
(uncertainty parameters) are obtained. was performed with a warm-up period of

TABLE 1. Fitted parameter values and optimal parameter ranges calculated using SUFI-2 during cali-
bration of discharge
Mini- Maxi-
Parameter name1 Definition mum mum
value value
Initial SCS runoff curve number for moisture
r__CN2.mgt 0.038 0.10 0.01
condition II (-) Groundwater delay time (day) 397 250 500
Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer 0.14 0.8 0.5
required for return flow to occur (mm H2O)
Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer for revap or percolation to the deep aquifer to 0.32 0.5 1
occur (mm H2O)
Depth from soil surface to bottom of layer
r__SOL_Z.sol 0.06 0.35 0.2
r__SOL_BD().sol Moist bulk density (g/cm3) 0.36 0.1 0.4 Groundwater revap coefficient (-) 0.46 0.6 0.6
v__ESCO.hru Soil evaporation compensation factor (-) 0.85 0.82 1
v__TIMP.bsn Snow pack temperature lag factor (-) 0.36 0.2 0.8
r__SOL_K().sol Saturated hydraulic conductivity (mm/h) 0.38 0.8 0
r__HRU_SLP.hru Average slope steepness (m/m) 0.02 0.45 0.1
v__EPCO.hru Plant uptake compensation factor (-) 0.02 0 0.5
v__SURLAG.bsn Surface runoff lag coefficient (-) 0.1 0.05 0.45 Deep aquifer percolation fraction (-) 0.05 0.8 0.8
r__SLSUBBSN.hru Average slope length (m) 0.02 0.05 0.4
r__ indicates relative change; v__ indicates replacement by a new value; suffixes .gw, .swq,
etc. SWAT file extensions.
Modelling of discharge, nitrate and phosphate loads... 131

TABLE 2. Fitted parameter values and optimal parameter ranges calculated using SUFI-2 during cali-
bration of TSS, N-NO3 and P-PO4 loads
Mini- Maxi-
Parameter name1 Definition mum mum
value value
1 2 3 4 5
r__USLE_K.sol USLE equation soil erodibility (K) factor (-) 0.52 0.3 0.7
v__CH_COV2.rte The channel cover factor (-) 1.92 1.9 3
r__CH_N2.rte Mannings n-value for the main channel (-) 0.62 0.42 0.62
Median particle diameter of sediment in
v__RES_D50.res 7.76 2 8
reservoir (m)
v__CDN.bsn Denitrification exponential rate coefficient (-) 0.004 0 0.3
v__RCN.bsn Concentration of nitrogen in rainfall (mg/l) 1.73 1.5 1.75
Rate factor for humus mineralization of acti-
v__CMN.bsn 0.0021 0.002 0.0024
ve organic nutrients (-)
v__SDNCO.bsn Denitrification threshold water content (-) 0.941 0.94 0.96
v__NPERCO.bsn Nitrate percolation coefficient (-) 0.71 0.7 0.87
v__RSDCO.bsn Residue decomposition coefficient (-) 0.058 0.05 0.07
Initial NO3 concentration in the soil layer
r__SOL_NO3.chm 0.01 0.1 0.05
(mg N/kg soil, dry weight)
Initial organic N concentration in the soil
v__SOL_ORGN.chm 578.9 570 640
layer (mg N/kg soil, dry weight)
Rate constant for hydrolysis of organic N to
v__BC3.swq 0.34 0.32 0.35
NH4 in the reach at 20C (1/day)
v__AI1.wwq Fraction of algal biomass that is nitrogen (-) 0.0754 0.075 0.081
Half-life of nitrate in the shallow aquifer 1.73 1 4
v__BIOMIX.mgt Biological mixing efficiency (-) 0.34 0.3 0.44
v__RSDIN.hru Initial residue cover (kg/ha) 5676 3894 6039
v__PPERCO.bsn Phosphorus percolation coefficient (m3/Mg) 12.52 11.78 13.49
v__PSP.bsn Phosphorus availability index (-) 0.189 0.13 0.26
v__RSDCO.bsn Residue decomposition coefficient (-) 0.074 0.047 0.088
Rate constant for mineralization of organic P
v__BC4.swq 0.345 0.26 0.41
to dissolved P in the reach at 20C (1/day)
Initial soluble P concentration in soil layer
r__SOL_SOLP().chm 0.137 0.15 0.05
(mg P/kg soil, dry weight)
Initial humic organic phosphorus in soil layer
v__SOL_ORGP().chm 343 275 358
(mg P/kg soil, dry weight)
Phosphorus enrichment ratio for loading with
v__ERORGP.hru 1.70 1.29 2.22
sediment (-)
132 P. Marcinkowski et al.

Table 2 cont.
1 2 3 4 5
Concentration of soluble phosphorus in groundwater contribution to streamflow from 0.070 0.03 0.116
subbasin (mg P/l)
v__AI2.wwq Fraction of algal biomass that is phosphorus 0.013 0.011 0.0132
Organic phosphorus concentration in the
v__CH_OPCO.rte 38.8 23 41
channel (mg/l)
Maximum specific algal growth rate at 20C
v__MUMAX.wwq 1.73 1.61 2.07
v__RHOQ.wwq Algal respiration rate at 20C (1/day) 0.350 0.29 0.382
r__ indicates relative change; v__ indicates replacement by a new value; suffixes .gw, .swq,
etc. SWAT file extensions.

three years, i.e. the simulation start was flow period, with frequent snowmelt and
set to 1 January 1995. This allowed sta- rain events.
bilizing the initial soil moisture content Figures 2 and 3 present discharge
as well as soil nitrogen and phosphorus simulation results only for the Reda at
pools. Wejherowo, whereas two other flow
gauges situated upstream of Wejherowo
(Fig. 1A) were used as well in calibra-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION tion and validation. The goodness-of-fit
measures were only a little worse for
Figures 2 and 3 illustrate simulated ver- those stations than for Wejherowo; NSE
sus observed flows, TSS load, N-NO3 and R2 were equal to 0.58 and 0.65 for
load and P-PO4 load, for the calibra- Zamostne and 0.60 and 0.60 for Bol-
tion and validation periods, respec- szewo.
tively. The graphs illustrating vari- The Reda catchment is characterised
ability of discharge are presented with by the highest mean specific runoff (q,
daily time step, whereas other graphs with mean discharge per unit area) in the Polish
bi-monthly time step. The assessment Plain, exceeding 10 l/s/km2 (Stach and
criteria of hydrological model perform- Biernat 1987, Bogdanowicz et al. 2007).
ance are varied in literature. For the Furthermore, q exhibits a clear gradient
SWAT model the most commonly used from the seaside (56 l/s/km2) towards
criteria were developed by Moriasi the upland (1215 l/s/km2). A similar
et al. (2007). According to these criteria, scale of spatial variability was obtained
simulation of daily discharge by SWAT as a result of modelling in SWAT.
can be assessed as good. Both NSE and Another feature of the Reda catch-
R2 exceed 0.7 in calibration period and ment is very high (compared to other
percent bias does not exceed 10% (Ta- catchments in the Polish Plain) contribu-
ble 3). The underestimation of runoff tion of groundwater in total runoff. Ac-
occurs usually in the first quarter of the cording to the map of groundwater con-
year (January March) which is the high tribution to streamflow, two classes are
Modelling of discharge, nitrate and phosphate loads... 133

FIGURE 2. Calibration plots for discharge (A), TSS load (B), N-NO3 load (C) and P-PO4 load (D)
time period 19982002
134 P. Marcinkowski et al.

FIGURE 3. Validation plots for discharge (A), TSS load (B), N-NO3 load (C) and P-PO4 load (D) time
period 20032006
Modelling of discharge, nitrate and phosphate loads... 135

TABLE 3. Calibration and validation goodness-of-fit measures at Wejherowo gauging station (NSE
Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency; R2 coefficient of determination; PBIAS percent bias)
Specification Calibration period Validation period
Variable NSE R2 PBIAS [%] NSE R2 PBIAS [%]
Discharge 0.75 0.79 8 0.61 0.78 18
Sediment load 0.55 0.58 10 0.22 0.23 12
N-NO3 load 0.62 0.62 4 0.64 0.83 3
P-PO4 load 0.53 0.53 6 1.78 0.12 7

present in the Reda watershed: 6075% with discharge (R2 equal to 0.45 for the
and above 75% (Orsztynowicz 1988). time period 19982006). The mass bal-
A SWAT-based estimate equals 69%, ance of transported nitrate load is well
which shows a good match with the map conserved PBIAS for calibration and
of Orsztynowicz (1988). The model per- validation periods is equal to 4% and
formed reasonably well in simulation of 3%, respectively.
low flow magnitude. Low flows are ex- Simulation results for sediment load
ceptionally high in the Reda watershed are worse than those for discharge and
(simulated and observed mean annual N-NO3 loads, especially during valida-
minimum specific runoff equal to 5.4 tion period (Fig. 3B). It is noteworthy
and 6.2 l/s/km2, respectively) and dis- that the temporal variability of sedi-
charge variability is also exceptionally ment load transported through the River
low. Modelled and observed coefficient Reda at Wejherowo gauging station is
of variation of daily flows equalled to relatively low, which is determined by
0.47 and 0.48, respectively. low variability of discharge and gener-
Simulation of N-NO3 load is good, ally low TSS concentration (the values
which is reflected by relatively high val- exceeding 50 mg/l occurred only twice
ues of performance measures (NSE for per 206 observations carried out in years
calibration and validation period reached 19982006).
0.62 and 0.64, respectively) and visual in- The results of P-PO4 calibration are
spection of plots in Figures 2C and 3C. It good for calibration period and poor for
is noteworthy that SWAT correctly simu- validation period. NSE for calibration
lates seasonal variability of N-NO3 load period equals 0.53, whereas for valida-
the highest values are observed during tion period 1.78. This poor result is
winter and the lowest during summer. partly influenced by unsatisfactory TSS
Similar pattern was found for British load simulation during validation pe-
agricultural catchments by Heathwaite riod, as significant amount of P-PO4 is
and Johnes (1996), who suggested that transported with sediment. Another pos-
low N-NO3 concentrations in summer sible reason for such a large difference
months coincide with low discharge and between calibration and validation might
low dissolved oxygen concentrations. be the lack of homogeneity of observed
In the Reda catchment observed N-NO3 data between two periods. Both the loads
concentrations are strongly correlated and concentrations of P-PO4 demonstrate
136 P. Marcinkowski et al.

smaller seasonal variability compared to monthly variability of the observed mean

corresponding loads and concentrations TSS, N-NO3 and P-PO4 concentrations
of N-NO3. For example, correlation in calibration and validation periods. In
between P-PO4 concentration and dis- the calibration period maximum values
charge was observed only for the calibra- of P-PO4 concentration occurred in win-
tion period (R2 = 0.15, compared to 0 for ter, whereas in the validation period in
validation period). Figure 4 illustrates summer. Also for TSS monthly variabil-
ity differed to a large extent between two
periods. In contrast, N-NO3 concentra-
tions were quite similar in both periods.
Hence, it is argued that this lack of ho-
mogeneity explains observed differences
in goodness-of-fit measures in validation
period, that were good for N-NO3 and
poor for sediment and P-PO4. The model
was not able to simulate accurately max-
imum P-PO4 loads observed in summer
months, whereas in winter of 2003 and
2004 maximum loads were simulated
by the model despite not being present
in measurements. It is noteworthy, how-
ever, that the mass balance of P-PO4 was
simulated accurately (percent bias for
calibration and validation periods yield-
ed 2% and 5%, respectively).
The plots shown in Figures 2 and 3
illustrate the best fit simulation results
against the observations as well as the
95PPU uncertainty band corresponding
to the final parameter ranges obtained in
SUFI-2. In addition the uncertainty meas-
ures were presented separately in Figu-
re 5, which shows that p-factor reached
similar values for all variables (7577%)
in calibration period. The variability of
r-factor was significantly higher: high for
sediment (1.06) compared to the rest of
variables (0.610.72). During validation
period the uncertainty measures were
slightly worse than in calibration period
FIGURE 4. Observed mean monthly concentra- for discharge and significantly worse for
tions of TSS (A), N-NO3 (B) and P-PO4 for cali-
bration (19982002) and validation (20032006)
Modelling of discharge, nitrate and phosphate loads... 137

FIGURE 5. Plot of two uncertainty measures (p-factor against r-factor) for different model outputs
in calibration and validation periods. The arrow direction (black-grey gradient) indicates decreasing
uncertainty reflected by increasing p-factor and decreasing r-factor

Parameter values related to the best dance with other data sources (Szym-
simulation found using SUFI-2 (cf. Ta- czak and Piekarek-Jankowska 2007) as
bles 12) were written into the model. were mean nutrient loads1 at the water-
Afterwards a 20-year-long simulation shed outlet.
run was executed which defined the cur- The simulation results for the Reda
rent hydrological and geochemical con- catchment can be compared with other
ditions in the Reda catchment. Mean an- modelling studies in small agricultural
nual total runoff was equal to 299 mm. catchments in northern Europe. Lam
Because there was a very low proportion et al. (2009) obtained similar accuracy of
of surface runoff in water yield (8%) simulations for both the magnitude and
authors found that an area-specific load the dynamics of nitrate load, maintaining
of N-NO3 in surface runoff was only the seasonal variability. They also found
0.44 kg N/ha/year, compared to 2.29 and a strong correlation between N-NO3
1.15 kg N/ha/year in subsurface runoff concentration and discharge explaining
and baseflow, respectively. This differ- the underestimation of loads in winter
ence can be explained by high percolation season occurring in Kielstau catchment
of dominating sandy soils contributing due to lower peak flows simulated by the
to high N-NO3 leaching into the shallow model. Similar results were presented by
aquifer, and by relatively high slopes Schmalz et al. (2008) for the same catch-
in the study area contributing to high
N-NO3 loading in subsurface runoff. 1
Mean annual TSS loads were in accor- zanieczyszczen.html (last accessed 28.03.2013).
138 P. Marcinkowski et al.

ment where underestimation of loads in ments of nutrient concentrations, which

winter season was explained by higher was the case both in Sweden and Poland.
nitrogen mobilisation not represented by As shown in Figure 3D the model simu-
the model. In the Reda catchment such lated two large peaks in P-PO4 loads in
underestimation has not been noted, winter 2003 and 2004 that were not vis-
though. In contrast, Glavan et al. (2011) ible at all in measured data. However, it
reported poor goodness-of-fit for nitrate is possible that elevated concentrations
simulation using SWAT in the Axe catch- were present in reality, but were not cap-
ment in south-western England. Their re- tured by rare nutrient concentration sam-
sults were particularly poor for daily con- pling.
centrations (the model showed excessive
variability compared to observations),
while they were substantially better for
nitrate loads. Interestingly, Glavan et al. The first step of this study was develop-
(2011) showed excellent model perform- ment of the SWAT model set-up using
ance for phosphate simulation. This can available input data characterising vari-
be partly explained by the fact that point ous spatial attributes of the Reda catch-
sources constitute almost half of the ment. The accomplishment of the first
P-PO4 loads in this catchment, while in part allowed to use the model to inves-
the Reda catchment it is approximately tigate the variables of interest. Further
5%. Furthermore, phosphate concentra- steps conducted during the research led
tions and loads in the Axe have quite to following conclusions:
regular seasonal variability, with peaks The accurate description and para-
observed in summer and lowest values meterization of basin-scale models is
in winter. In the Reda catchment no such extremely important in the process of
seasonality pattern in P-PO4 was ob- calibration and validation in which
served. Finally, Ekstrand et al. (2010) the model simulations have to meet
who applied SWAT for modelling (total) the observations. The results of this
phosphorus losses in five catchments in study confirm that the complexity of
central Sweden obtained results vary- the model set-up was good enough
ing from unsatisfactory to good. They for providing meaningful model esti-
pointed out two potential reasons for un- mates. This is not evident, since the
satisfactory model predictions that in our interplay between the catchment size
opinion fit as well to the Reda case. The and model setup complexity plays
first reason is that the prerequisite for ob- a crucial role for the quality of model
taining satisfactory results for validation simulations (Piniewski 2012).
period is that the range of hydroclima- SWAT is an appropriate model for sim-
tological conditions is similar as in cali- ulating water yield and nutrient loading
bration period, which was not the case in catchment scale in Polish conditions.
for the Reda catchment as manifested by Among the investigated variables, the
the mean monthly phosphates concentra- most reliable simulations were obtained
tions (cf. Fig. 4C). The second reason is for discharge and nitrates, and slightly
lack of using flow-proportional measure- worse for TSS and phosphates.
Modelling of discharge, nitrate and phosphate loads... 139

Sediment yield modelling is chal- Acknowledgements

lenging in Polish conditions due to This study was partly funded by the Bal-
generally low erosion rates and low tic Compass project (part-financed by
TSS concentrations. Simulation of the European Union, within the Euro-
nitrate loads is more straightfor- pean Regional Development Fund and
ward, since this nitrogen species is European Neighbourhood and Partner-
very mobile and well correlated with ship Instrument). Authors would like to
discharge. Simulation of phosphate acknowledge the partners of the Baltic
loads appeared to be challenging as Compass project, Halina Burakowska
well, due to several reasons: partly and Wodzimierz Krzymiski from the
because of problems with sediment Institute of Meteorology and Water Man-
modelling, and partly because of the agement in Gdynia for their continuous
uncertainty in management practices help and thank an anonymous reviewer
and soil phosphorus content. Lack for comments and suggestions.
of homogeneity between calibration
and validation periods and of flow- REFERENCES
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