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Why Values in organizations?

Technological advances, consumer expectations and citizens, and global realities are
transforming the way organizations relate internally and externally. Therefore,
approaches to issues related to organizational culture and work are changing -
sometimes radical. Management models, exceeded due to their rigidity, are being
questioned increasingly.

Dealing with the chaos that affects all institutions, inevitably brings new changes in its
organizational culture. Precisely because it is new, the paralysis of implementation is
common. Lack of communication, lack of commitment, corporatism and skepticism
eventually killing the best plans. The development of values such as patience, agility
and balance and so many others on a personal level as well as the cultural values
associated with social and environmental responsibility have become essential for
survival in a world dynamic, complex and increasingly unpredictable.

The optimization of human potential to work in such an integrated manner can become
a crucial factor of success or failure. Do not forget to include plans for a conscious
development of human values that reaches individuals who are the foundation of any
organization. Beyond the matter of winning or losing, or number of technological
modernization, these virtues become more pleasant place to work where we spend a
third of our lives. Polls show that the place they like, produces.

The organization's values align with those of individuals is the basis for strengthening
the processes and thus ensure a better response to the chaos outside and better results.

What is the program LIVE?

The LIVE consolidated in late 2005 and was developed to rescue and transform
personal values not only the individual but also the organizations. It is targeted for
organizations who know that successful organization is one that has principles. It is for
those individuals who believe that man is the beginning, middle and end of any
transformation process.

What is the purpose of LIVE?

ALIVE's mission is to benefit humans in the organizational context (public and private),
through awareness programs and exploration of the values that strengthen qualities
inherent to human beings. Have sought to promote greater integration in the workplace,
and awaken creativity, enhance self-esteem and motivation, improve labor relations and
leadership development based on values.

What VIVO offer?

The LIVE promotes the formation of multipliers and / or employees in organizations to
practice and spread values. The program is composed according to the needs of the
organization. In all applications, the first meeting is devoted to the theme of "the context
of values in organizations" and other meetings are dedicated to the values chosen as
priorities by organizing at least three, one value per encounter.

The 12 values of the program:

* Trust
* Respect
* Be ethical
* Dialogue
* Being a Leader
* Innovate
* Teamwork
* Keep the focus
* Coping with change
* Communicate
* Motivate
* Be responsible

Instituto Vivendo Valores - Denise de Sá

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