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dy-For-School Checklist*

The following checklist can help guide you as you prepare your child for school.
Consider the items on the list as goals, not requirements. They should be accom
plished, as much as possible, through everyday routines or by enjoyable activiti
es that you've planned with your child. If your child lags behind in some areas,
don't worry. Remember that children grow and develop at different rates.
Self Care and Motor Skills
Uses small manipulatives such as crayons, paintbrush, buttons, zippers, etc.
Has general coordination on playground (kicking balls, running, climbing)
Performs basic self-help / self-care tasks (toileting, eating, washing hands, dr
Emotional Development/Social Awareness
Participates in large & small group activities
Completes tasks independently
Engages in learning activities and experiences
Successfully transitions
Controls impulses
Listens to adults and follows simple directions
Shows ability to solve individual problems without teacher intervention
Social Development
Shows ability to solve problems in groups without teacher intervention
Expresses hope and optimism, positive outlook
Establishes relationships with others
Appropriately expresses needs and wants verbally in primary language
Cooperates and shows concern for others
Converses with and seeks help from others, and gives help to others
Engages in symbolic / imaginative play with self or peers (plays house, fireman)
Expresses curiosity and eagerness for learning (tries new activities, asks quest
Shows empathy for others, expresses own feelings( social awareness )
Recognizes some upper and lower case letters
Recognizes letter/sound correspondence
Begins to sound out words, recognize words in print, and reads words out loud
Recognizes words, signs and symbols in everyday life, environmental print and he
r/his name
Retells story, shows comprehension of text
Understands book convention, holds a book, right side up, front to back, knows t
he story is told from left to right
Prints letters of own name
Scribbles familiar words with mock and actual letters
Understands writing convention, as letters come together to make words and words
come together to make sentences
Beginning awareness that letters and words come together to make language
Oral Communication
Speaks clearly and understandably
Listens to speakers, songs, stories or poems
Follows oral instructions
Tells others about his/her own experiences and stories
Counts to 10 by one to one correspondence
Groups two or more sets together of like objects
Knows the number name of the last item counted
Understands representation of a whole set
Identifies and says the numbers 0-9
Compares objects using words such as bigger, smaller, more, less, equal
Identifies and uses units of time, length and capacity
Sorts by two or more attributes
Recognizes and creates simple patterns
Recognizes several common shapes
Chooses a category in a simple graph
Social Studies
Shares personal family stories and traditions
Has developed a sense of belonging to different groups
Knows how to get around in familiar environments
Knows the difference between what they need and what they want
Gains information and begins to make predictions about the world around them
Understands the results of making choices
Uses motion words such as: up, down, fast, slow, to describe physical property a
nd matter of change
Describes and compares seasonal animal and plant changes, such as leaves changin
g colors, animals getting larger
Understands the difference between reality of fantasy, such as stories with anim
als that talk, people that fly
Uses five senses to compare different types of materials
Uses familiar tools to explore, such as paintbrush and scissors
Participates in experiments such as testing
Creative Expression
Participates and shows interest in creative activities such as singing, dancing,
Uses a variety of medium (clay, play dough, sand) to express themselves creative
Uses a variety of materials, objects, or instruments to make music
This kindergarten readiness checklist was developed by experts representing the
United Way of Greater Cincinnati Success By 6 Collaborative Partners.

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