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Ladies and gentlemen, good evening.

In this particular evening I would like to talk about the forth topic, People.
When I mentioned this word of People, you may come across to think
about the existence of the people in this world. I may assure you are
thinking about the character and community around you. Moreover, you
may also interpret the difference between the attitude of Japanese and
Malaysian. Your peers or friends personality which shown must have
been a curiosity and confusion to you. Therefore, let me discuss this topic
which I will divide it into 3 sections, first, about the personality in a
person. Then, I will elaborate the type of the personality and finally, I may
want to describe why his or her personality is in such way.
In front of you, I am showing you 2 slides of 2 types of personality in a
person which are called introvert and extrovert. Carl Jung was one of the
earliest researchers who introduced the theory Psychology. In theory, Carl
Jung believes that each person is born with different personality and the
personality is different whether a person is more on to introvert or
Ladies and gentlemen,
In order to make you understand on what I had said, I have prepared a
simple slide which will give you a clear picture on my speech today.
Someone that is said as introvert is whom will keep his/her feelings and
emotion at any situation. They prefer to be alone and have less and even
no friend at all. Generally, this type of person do not have much to talk
and prefer to be in a quiet situation or surrounding. Besides that, these
people whom are in introvert category are normally not ambitious. In
group work situation anyway, for instance when attending classes or even
during the meetings, introvert is afraid to share their ideas, and at such
situation, they will be seen quiet. Moreover, listening to their friend or
peer are what they did most, and dislike to converse. Nevertheless,
according to a statement from Cain, 2012, if introverts are given enough
times and space to think about ideas and opinions, they are capable of
giving rather ingenious idea.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I am giving an example from this analogy. I, myself have a senior friend
with similar positions grade. First of all, allow me to explain his personality
from my point of view. When I observed his attitude, I realised that he is a
quiet person, less talking and more willing to listen than giving opinion.
During the opening of the promotion application, surprisingly he did not
apply, and remain silent with no reason mentioned. I personally think such
person is categories in introvert personality and this attitude will not lead
us to success.
Now, let us talk about those people whom has interest with the outside
world, known as extrovert. This is because they will receive and require
supports from the activities they involved in. In contrast to introverts,
Tieger & Barron Tieger (1995) said, extroverts need experience the world
to understand it; they tend to like a lot of activity. Extroverts like to be
more social in life. Those who are in this type of personality, will be
impatient in meeting new friends they just knew, because extroverts are
talkative and having wise or good ideas. For them, by meeting new
friends, their confidence level to be success will be higher than ever.
Besides that, it is also an opportunity to share their thoughts and then
finalise those thoughts or opinions to become one brilliant thoughtful
Ladies and gentlemen,
When I elaborated extrovert personality a moment ago, it flashed back my
memory when I was having a roommate when I was furthering my study
in Putra Malaysia University. His name is Sazarin, he studied Viterinar. He
is not just active in sports but somehow active with outdoors activities too.
His interests indeed favour a lot of people, friends and peers to get to
know him. The capability of giving wise opinions besides giving
convincing words are normally accepted by people surrounding him.
Therefore, with his kind of attitude is firmly attached with a statement
about extrovert personality which said by Tieger & Barron-Tieger.
You must have been wondering why are people are divided into 2 kinds of
different personalities. In fact, scientists are still working hard in order to
find the real reason on why human is born to be more introvert and more
extrovert. After I had red few journals as well as articles regarding about
this matter, then I may finalise the real cause is related to blood flow to
the brain. According to Johnson (1995) through brain imaging technology
the researchers can formulate how the brain processes information
introvert and extrovert. Slow blood flow to the brain in an introverted
personality makes the process of converting information in the brain is too
slow causing introverted thinking process slowed. These factors lead to
less active introvert and likes to be alone. The process of blood flow to the
extrovert personality is short and quickly get to the brain. This causes the
individual in this category respond quickly to stimuli and thought
processes become quick and easy to process information. That is why it is
said extrovert are more aggressive and prefer the outside world.
Ladies and gentlemen,
As the conclusion of my speech, you might think that you belong to one of
the personality types I had mentioned. However, not many of us are really
100 % introvert and 100 % extrovert. We still need both of these type of
personalities in order for us to be more successful in all aspects of life, as
they both need each other. It is important for us to realize that there are
people becoming extreme introverts or extroverts that introverts try to be
extrovert and vice versa . This situation caused confusion among the
public gender. In the west, for example, the extrovert personality often
oppress the introvert. As for your acknowledgement, Extroverts are firm in
their voices heard and demand so they think that all their demands to be
Last but not least, before I end up my speech, I shall leave us with a
contemplation. Whether you consider yourself to belong to the introverts
or extroverts personality, whether you believe it is your personality up to
the end of your life? If not, can you change your personality? If so, would
you accept the fate that might have predicted for you? Please do think for
a moment to yourself.
Thank you.

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