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Management Leila Periodic check up for the next few

Oral administration of a broad- Child should void a clean-catch
spectrum antibiotic such as specimen for culture / microscopic
Sulfamethoxazole-trime- analysis (for certain that low-grade
thoprim (Bactrim) or infection does not still exist)
Amoxicillin, or an antibiotic
specific to the causative organism
that is cultured.
Drink large quantity of fluid (to
flush the infection out the
urinary tract particularly if a sulfa
drug that can cause urinary
crystals in concentrated urine.)
Cranberry juice often
recommended as being highly
effective in acidifying urine and
makig it more resistant to bacterial
growth .
How can UTIs be prevented?
Management for a Child
experiencing moderate to severe You can take the following steps to help
pain on urination that interferes prevent your child from getting a UTI:
with the ability to void:
Teach your child not to hold in
Sit the child in a bathtub of warm urine and to go to the bathroom
water and void into the water whenever your child feels the
Heating pad on the back or urge.Teach your child how to
abdomen may also help properly clean himself or herself
Mild analgesic, such as after using the bathroom to keep
acetaminophen (Tylenol) may help bacteria from entering the urinary
reduce the pain enough to allow tract. (Girls should be taught early
voiding (when they are toilet-trained) to
wipe themselves from front to
Remind parents that the treatment
back after voiding or defecating to
must be continued for the full
avoid contaminating the urethra)
prescription or the infection will
return Have your child wear loose-fitting
Repeat clean catch urine sample clothes. Tight clothes can trap
moisture, which allows bacteria to
usually 72 hours to assess the
effectiveness of the antibiotic
treatment and to be certain that Buy your child cotton underwear.
the bacteria count is being Cotton lets in air to dry the area.
reduced If your child has constipation, talk
with a health care provider about
For Recurrent UTIs the best treatment options.
Prophylactic antibiotic for 6

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