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Burlington Election Results

City Annual Meeting

City Council 3 year term

7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 Total
Chittenden 404 654 329 456 1,843
Langrock 538 407 256 383 1,584

City Council 2 year term

7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 Total
Leas 445 399 251 417 1,512
Nowak 464 626 308 413 1,811

School Board 3 year term

7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 Total
McHenry 644 668 387 536 2,235
w/I Brigham 152 244 108 192 696

School Board 2 year term

7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 Total
Wisloski 646 682 390 522 2,240
w/I Emmons 153 237 100 194 684

City Articles
Article II

Article II - Election of Champlain Water District Commissioner

7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 Total
Lutz 788 926 502 730 2,946

Article III - City Budget $38,275,300 of which $14,411,418 will be raised by property taxes
7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 Total
Yes 644 626 357 445 2,072 58.81%
No 313 463 248 427 1,451 41.19%
Total ballots cast 981 1,098 611 892 3,523

School Articles
Article II

Article II - School Budget $50,565,404

7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 Total
Yes 535 460 274 316 1,585 44.71%
No 435 628 334 563 1,960 55.29%
Total ballots cast 981 1,098 611 892 3,545

city ballots cast 981 1,098 611 892 3,582

total registered voters 3,495 3,796 3,671 3,167 14,129

total active voters 3,281 3,608 3,483 2,966 13,338

percentage of voters 28.07% 28.93% 16.64% 28.17% 25.35%

percentage of active 29.90% 30.43% 17.54% 30.07% 26.86%

7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 Total

Absentees 215 250 126 166 757 0.211334 of total ballots cast

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