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10 Shark Facts

Trivia Shark
1) Dried shark skin (shagreen) was once used as sandpaper. In Germany and Japan
it was also used in sword handles to provide a non-slip grip for the hilt.
2) Sharks have a life span that can reach up to 100 years. On average, sharks live
to be only 25.
3) A shark is a fish, not a mammal. It breathes through its gills, has a backbone and
lives in the water. Unlike other fish, the sharks skeleton is made of cartilage, not
bone. They dont have scales. Rather, they have denticles.

4) There are over 450 species of sharks. Despite this diversity, it is easy to tell the
different species apart due to body shapes and other characteristics.
5) Sharks have been around for over 400 million years. They are among the oldest
and most successful vertebrate species on the planet.
6) Most sharks are cold-blooded. The Great White and Porbeagle varieties can raise
their body temperature above that of the water they are swimming in. This helps
their muscles function better. Thats why they are among the fastest and most
successful predators in the world!
7) The bull shark can survive in fresh water and has been spotted in rivers in Africa
and South America. In general, sharks are ocean creatures.
8) Sharks are intelligent. They have a large, complex brain. Its about the same size
as that of a bird. They can be trained to perform simple tasks like the ringing of a
bell to ask for food.
9) The shark has a bashiyal. It serves as its tongue. This piece of cartilage doesnt
appear to have a major function; although, its been found to assist with water flow
through the gills. The bashiyal also helps with ingestion of food.
10) Sharks control their buoyancy not through their bladder as most other fish
species do but rather their liver. The liver can take up to 90% of the sharks interior
body cavity. It produces oil that decreases the sharks density and allows it to
remain afloat.

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