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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning

Elementary Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Plan Takeover Week 1 Lesson Plan All Subjects

Title: Topic:
Date: 2/13-2/17 Estimated All day
Grade Level: 2nd Grade School Site: Roundy ES

1. State Standard(s):
o RI.2.2
o L.2.4.C
o W.2.1
o 2.OA.1/2.OA.2
o 2.NBT.2/2.NBT.5/2.NBT.7/2.NBT.8/
o 2.MD.6

2. Teaching Model(s):
Direct instruction
Cooperative Learning
Inquiry based

3. Objective(s):
o SWBAT identify the main topic of a nonfiction text
o SWBAT use root words to determine meaning of word
o SWBAT write a narrative which will recount a sequence of
o SWBAT solve addition and subtraction story problems
within 100
o SWBAT mentally add and subtract within 20
o SWBAT mentally add and subtract 10 or 100 to a number

4. Materials and Technology Resources:

o Interactive notebooks
o Roots handout (for notebook)
o Poster for roots
o Root words pre-assessment
o Root words assessment
o Trifold
o Star Words
o Ocean life
o Main topic packet
o Main topic or supporting detail?
o Main topic assessment
o Notebook standard
o Notebook foldable
o Construction paper
o Heart templates
o VZ prewriting graphic organizer
o VZ final draft template
o Valentines to color
o Scissors
o Glue
o Pencils/markers/crayons/colored pencils
o Math notebooks
o Math journals
o Construction paper
o Pencils
o Glue
o scissors
o Up in the sky
o Construction paper
o Shaving cream
o Food coloring
o Water
o Cotton balls
o Glue
o Crayons/markers/colored pencils
o Science journals
o Smart board
o Elmo
o Computers
o Projector
o iPads

5. Instructional Procedures:

a. Motivational/Engagement:
SW get out and work on warm-up numbers 1-6 (Lemov- Entry
TW go over warm-up (call on students for answers/tell your
shoulder partner/tell your face partner/stand up)(Lemov-Take a
T&SW echo (Kagan) read Fluency passage #1-first time slow,
second time faster
TW give students 1 minute to read as many words as possible
SW underline the word they ended on then pass warm-ups
forward and put away
SW come to the carpet
TW talk about Main Topic
TW ask Who can tell me what main topic is? (DOK 1)
TW explain Main Topic while writing/drawing on smart board
TW ask Why do you think we need to learn what main topic is?
(DOK 1)
TW ask Is the main topic the same as a key detail? (DOK 1)
TW ask What is a key detail? (DOK 1)
TW explain Key details and put on board
TW ask How do we tell the difference between the main topic
and a key detail? (DOK 2)

b. Review Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:

SW go back to their desks
SW get out notebooks and put them on their name tags
TW pass out standards and foldables
SW cut out
TW demonstrate how they will be glued in
SW then glue in
TW fill out foldable
TW say I write, you SW say read
SW write what T wrote once given the go
As S finish TW pass out Ocean Life
T&SW echo (Kagan) read the title then the labels
T&SW echo (Kagan) read the first paragraph
TW ask What is the main topic for the first paragraph we just
read? echo (Kagan)
TW write it
TW say I write, you SW say read
SW write what T wrote once given the go
Repeat for paragraphs 2 and 3
TW pass out main topic packets
T&SW echo (Kagan) read the first page Water Ahead!
TW ask What is the main topic? (DOK 1)
TW highlight in the text what the main topic is, SW do the same
TW write the main topic
TW ask Who can come show me a key detail? (DOK 1)
TW highlight and write the key detail, SW copy
TW ask Who can come show me another key detail? (DOK 1)
TW highlight and write the key detail, SW copy
T&SW echo (Kagan) read Making Better Choices
TW ask What is the main topic of Paragraph 1? (DOK 1)
TW highlight in the text what the main topic is, SW do the same
TW write the main topic for paragraph 1
Repeat for paragraphs 2 and 3
c. Closure:
SW go to technology centers
TW pull small reading groups
d. Extension:
TW move on to the next page in packet
a. Motivational/Engagement:
SW come to carpet
TW ask Who can tell me what a root word is? (DOK 1)
TW ask What is a prefix? (DOK 1)
TW ask What is a suffix? (DOK 1)
TW ask Does anyone know what a root word is? (DOK 1)
IF students are understand TW ask the following
o TW ask What is the root word for the word lovely(write
on smart board)? (DOK 1)
o TW ask What about freezer(SB)? (DOK 1)
o TW ask Can anyone think of another word which has a
root word in it?(SB) (DOK 1)
IF students are unsure, TW move into the following
o TW write the word breakable onto smart board
o TW put a slash between love and ly
o TW say that love becomes the root word when you add
a suffix
o TW repeat with freezer
o TW ask students for the root word
o TW draw a slash before the r
o TW do 2 more examples
SW go back to their seats
b. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
TW pass out interactive notebook standard and foldable
SW cut out
TW model
TW fill out, SW copy
TW pass out trifold
T&SW echo (Kagan) read
TW fill out other prefixes and suffixes
SW copy
c. Closure:
SW close notebooks and put away
d. Extension:
SW go on AR
TW give a student a word and SW verbally give the root word
MATH 5-7
e. Motivational/Engagement:
SW Do Now (Lemov) Daily Math 6
TW go over answers
SW correct their answers and put away
T&SW fill out daily weather
T&SW go over EM Warmup
SW answer questions by telling shoulder partner, face partner,
and teacher calling
TW explain reasoning for todays lesson
f. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
Math Message- TW ask How many buttons does Elyse have
now? (DOK 1)
TW go over using a number line to find the answer
TW introduce Open number line
TW ask Does a number line always have to start at 0? (DOK 1)
TW practice with S using open number lines- TW give examples
from EM
SW open math journals to page 117
TW do first one, second together, student third on their own, go
over answers
TW ask Is using an open number line easier or harder to use?
Why? (DOK 1)
SW complete pg 135
TW go over
g. Closure:
SW do math boxes 5-7
SW go to technology once math boxes checked
SW do ST Math
h. Extension:
SW play beat the calculator

e. Motivational/Engagement:
SW get out and work on warm-up numbers 1-6 (Lemov-
Entry Routine)
TW go over warm-up (call on students for answers/tell your
shoulder partner/tell your face partner/stand up)(Lemov-Take
a Stand)
T&SW echo (Kagan) read Fluency passage #1
TW give students 1 minute to read as many words as possible
SW underline the word they ended on then pass warm-ups
forward and put away
f. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
TW ask Lets review, Who can tell me what main topic is? (DOK
TW ask What is a key detail? (DOK 1)
TW ask How do we tell the difference between the main topic
and a key detail? (DOK 2)
TW pass out main topic packets
T&SW echo (Kagan) read the first page Water Ahead!
TW ask What is the main topic? (DOK 1)
TW highlight in the text what the main topic is, SW do the same
TW write the main topic
TW ask Who can come show me a key detail? (DOK 1)
TW highlight and write the key detail, SW copy
TW ask Who can come show me another key detail? (DOK 1)
TW highlight and write the key detail, SW copy
T&SW echo (Kagan) read Making Better Choices
TW ask What is the main topic of Paragraph 1? (DOK 1)
TW highlight in the text what the main topic is, SW do the same
TW write the main topic for paragraph 1
Repeat for paragraphs 2 and 3

SW get packets
T&SW echo (Kagan) read Becoming Famous
TW ask What is the main topic? (DOK 1)
TW highlight in the text what the main topic is, SW do the same
TW write the main topic
TW ask Who can come show me a key detail? (DOK 1)
TW highlight and write the key detail, SW copy
TW ask Who can come show me another key detail? (DOK 1)
TW highlight and write the key detail, SW copy
T&SW echo (Kagan) read Hospitals
TW ask What is the main topic of Paragraph 1? (DOK 1)
TW highlight in the text what the main topic is, SW do the same
TW write the main topic for paragraph 1
Repeat for paragraphs 2 and 3
T&SW echo (Kagan) read Getting Ready
SW work with shoulder partner to highlight and fill in
TW go over when s finish
g. Closure:
SW put packets away and go to technology
TW pull small groups
h. Extension:
SW do another page in their packets
i. Motivational/Engagement:
SW join T on carpet
TW ask What is a narrative? (DOK 1)
TW ask What kind of narratives have you written so far? (DOK
TW ask Do you want to write a narrative about a Valentine
Zoo? (DOK 1)
j. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
SW go back to their seats
TW pass out heart cut outs and construction paper
TW model how to cut out a heart
TW show an example of making a Valentine animal
SW make their Valentine Animals
TW glue googly eyes on when students are finished
k. Closure:
SW walk around and look at each others Valentine animals
Gallery walk (Kagan & Glossary Strategy)
SW pick 3 they will visit in their writing
l. Extension:
SW color Valentines
Math 5-8
m. Motivational/Engagement:
SW Do Now (Lemov) Daily Math 7
TW go over answers
SW correct their answers and put away
T&SW fill out daily weather
SW do Math Blasters- 5 min
T&SW go over EM Warmup
SW answer questions by telling shoulder partner, face partner,
and teacher calling
TW go over reasoning for todays lesson
n. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
Math Message- TW ask Which bag weighs more- a bag that is
empty or a bag with a book inside? Why? (DOK 2)
Fishy Stories- Gradual release (Strategy)
Measuring objects- pg 122 in Math Journals
TW model, SW work with face partner to complete page
SW do grade level trifold #1
SW complete math boxes 5-8
o. Closure:
TW check math boxes when students finish
SW go to technology
FF then ST Math
p. Extension:
SW solve More fishy stories

q. Motivational/Engagement:
SW get out and work on warm-up numbers 1-6 (Lemov-
Entry Routine)
TW go over warm-up (call on students for answers/tell your
shoulder partner/tell your face partner/stand up)(Lemov-Take
a Stand)
T&SW echo (Kagan) read Fluency passage #2, first slow,
second quicker
TW give students 1 minute to read as many words as possible
SW underline the word they ended on then pass warm-ups
forward and put away
r. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
SW discuss with Shoulder partner what the difference
between the main topic is and what a key detail is
SW get packets
T&SW echo (Kagan) read Becoming Famous
TW ask What is the main topic? (DOK 1)
TW highlight in the text what the main topic is, SW do the same
TW write the main topic
TW ask Who can come show me a key detail? (DOK 1)
TW highlight and write the key detail, SW copy
TW ask Who can come show me another key detail? (DOK 1)
TW highlight and write the key detail, SW copy
T&SW echo (Kagan) read Hospitals
TW ask What is the main topic of Paragraph 1? (DOK 1)
TW highlight in the text what the main topic is, SW do the same
TW write the main topic for paragraph 1
Repeat for paragraphs 2 and 3
T&SW echo (Kagan) read Getting Ready
SW work with shoulder partner to highlight and fill in
TW go over when s finish
T&SW echo (Kagan) read In the Ocean
SW work together to highlight and fill in
TW go over when s finish
T&SW echo (Kagan) read Sit, Stay
SW work together to highlight and fill in
TW go over when s finish
s. Closure:
SW put packets away and go to technology
TW pull small groups
t. Extension:
SW Do another page in the packet
u. Motivational/Engagement:
SW come to carpet
TW ask Lets review, what is a root word? (DOK 1)
TW ask What can I add to my root word to change the
meaning? (DOK 1)
Tw ask Who can give me an example of a word with a prefix?
(DOK 1)
TW ask Who can give me an example of a word with a suffix?
(DOK 1)
TW review other prefixes, suffixes, and rootwords
v. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
TW pass out Star Words
T&SW echo (Kagan) read directions
TW do a few examples using ELMO
SW then cut out their cards and slice their words
SW record the roots on their sheets
TW go over all of the roots when students are finished
w. Closure:
SW take cards home for practice
SW clean up
SW go to AR
x. Extension:
SW Hand up Stand up Pair up (Kagan & Glossary Strategy)
and share a word which has a root, the partner has to pick out
the root word
Math 5-9- ***Will be at Seminar***
y. Motivational/Engagement:
SW Do Now (Lemov) Daily Math 8
TW go over answers
SW correct their answers and put away
T&SW fill out daily weather
T&SW go over EM Warmup
SW answer questions by telling shoulder partner, face partner,
and teacher calling
TW explain reasoning for todays lesson
z. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
Math Message
TW go over Parts and Whole Diagram
TW ask students to help count the parts and then the whole
*emphasize students use units
TW model how to turn PPW into a number sentence
TW ask students for the last example
SW turn to page 123 in math journal- Gradual release (Strategy)
SW do addition facts inventory record
SW do grade level trifold #2
SW do Math Boxes pg 124
aa. Closure:
TW check math boxes when students are finished
SW go to technology
FF then ST Math
ab. Extension:
SW complete pg 140
SW complete missing math box pages

SW get out and work on warm-up numbers 1-6 (Lemov- Entry
TW go over warm-up (call on students for answers/tell your
shoulder partner/tell your face partner/stand up)(Lemov-Take a
T&SW echo (Kagan) read Fluency passage #2
TW give students 1 minute to read as many words as possible
SW underline the word they ended on then put in green folder
ad. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
TW go over when s finish
TW pass out Main topic or key detail?
SW cut out and arrange how they think
TW go over all before gluing
SW work with SP
TW group students (Kagan) an students read and aswer together
SW read In the Ocean
SW work together to highlight and fill in
SW read Sit, Stay
SW work together to highlight and fill in
ae. Closure:
TW check answers before allowing them to go to centers
SW Take packets and worksheet home
SW do grade level assessment
SW go to tech centers
TW pull small groups
af. Extension:
SW read lucky duck and fill out main topic sheet
ag. Motivational/Engagement:
SW get out their valentine animal
SW Gallery Walk (Kagan & Glossary)
SW be sure to have 3 animals picked and written on a sticky
ah. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
SW write down the 3 animals on the flow map (Graphic
Organizer-Glossary Strategy)
They will add a detail and even to each animal
Once all 3 have been checked by teacher, SW begin writing
sentences on graphic organizer
TW play background music (Kagan) as they finish writing
ai. Closure:
Once students have their three sentences written they may go to
aj. Extension:
SW fill out/color valentine monsters
Math 5-10
ak. Motivational/Engagement:
SW Do Now (Lemov) Daily Math 9
TW go over answers
T&SW fill out daily weather
SW correct their answers and put away
SW do Math Blasters- 5 min
T&SW go over EM Warmup
SW answer questions by telling shoulder partner, face partner,
and teacher calling
TW explain reasoning for todays lesson
al. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
Math Message- Thermometers
TW ask What is a thermometer? (DOK 1)
TW ask What does it look like? (DOK 1)
Tw ask What is it used for? (DOK 1)
TW play thermometer brain pop video
Solving Change Number Stories
TW show number change using temperature and a thermometer
SW turn to pg 125 in math journals
Gradual Release (Strategy)
T&SW play Number top it on smart board
SW do math boxes 5-10
am. Closure:
TW check math boxes
SW go to technology
FF then ST Math
an. Extension:
SW do pg 143

ao. Motivational/Engagement:
SW come to carpet
TW review Main Topic
TW review Key Details
TW review Root Words
TW do a Comprehension Check thumbs up (Glossary
ap. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
TW pass out Poster cut outs and construction paper
SW cut out
SW glue to poster
TW fill in, SW copy
TW collect
aq. Closure:
SW take a Main Topic Assessment
ar. Extension:
SW read a book and take AR
SW tell their shoulder partner what a root word is
at. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
TW pass out Earth poster
SW cut out and glue onto construction paper
TW add details
SW copy
TW collect
au. Closure:
SW take an assessment on root words
SW go to centers
TW call small groups
aw. Motivational/Engagement:
SW Do Now (Lemov) Daily Math 9
TW go over answers
T&SW fill out daily weather
SW correct their answers and put away
T&SW go over EM Warmup
SW answer questions by telling shoulder partner, face partner,
and teacher calling
TW explain reasoning for todays lesson
SW go outside
SW look at the clouds
ax. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
TW ask What did the clouds look like? (DOK 1)
TW draw the clouds on the smart board
TW then show the different types of clouds
SW determine what the days clouds are
TW pass out UP in the sky papers- construction paper
TW model
SW glue the page on the left of the construction paper
TW pass out cotton balls
SW glue the cotton balls on to match the different types of
Once finished SW meet T on carpet
TW do Shaving cream cloud experiment
SW observe
SW glue How clouds work experiment into notebook
SW draw pictures for each step
ay. Closure:
SW go to technology
ST math
SW add cloud drawings/diagrams into notebook

6. Accommodations, Modifications, and Differentiations for Diverse

Accommodations: TW read whatever needed out loud to
students that need it, including the assessment. Allow more
time for students that need it. TW assist Don when needed.
TW allow students to move closer to see when writing.
Modifications: No Students have a 504, expect full
Differentiations: TW help individual students while walking
around if they need help, TW judge this by assessing through
the lesson

7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:

a. Formative:
TW be assessing throughout lessons
TW be checking work before it is put away
TW have a checklist with names to check off their level of
understanding/take notes
b. Summative:
Main topic assessment
Root word assessment
Writing will be graded once completed
SW take an end of unit exam when finished with math unit 5

8. Homework Assignment:
Math practice
Root word practice
Main topic practice
Fluency passage

9. Reflection:
a. Strengths:
b. Concerns:
c. Insights:

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