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Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (2007) 29372957

Estuarineuvial oodplain formation in the Holocene Lower Tagus

valley (Central Portugal) and implications for
Quaternary uvial system evolution
Tim van der Schrieka,, David G. Passmorea, Jose Rolaob, Anthony C. Stevensona
School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Daysh Building, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, UK
Department of Archaeology, Universidade Autonoma de Lisboa, Palacio dos Condos de Redondo, Rua Santa Marta 47, 1169-023 Lisbon, Portugal

Received 6 May 2005; accepted 2 July 2007


We present a brief synthesis of the Quaternary uvial record in the Lower Tagus Basin (central Portugal), concentrating on factors
controlling inll and incision. The Holocene part of the record forms the focus of this paper and guides the questioning of the basic
assumptions of the established Quaternary uvial evolution model, in particular the link between sea-level change and uvial incision-
deposition. We suggest that several incision-aggradation phases may have occurred during glacial periods. Major aggradation events
may overlap with cold episodes, while incision appears to concentrate on the warming limb of climate transitions. The complex
stratigraphy of the Quaternary record in the Lower Tagus valley is inuenced by repeated base-level and climate changes.
This paper submits the rst chronostratigraphic framework for valley ll deposits in the Lower Tagus area. Sea-level rise forced
aggradation and controlled deposition of the ne-grained sedimentary wedge underlying the low-gradient Lower Tagus oodplain.
Investigations have focused on the lower Muge tributary, where rapidly aggrading estuarine and uvial environments were abruptly
established (8150 cal BP) as sea level rose. Base level at the valley mouth controlled the upstream extent of the ne-grained backll.
Tidal environments disappeared abruptly (5800 cal BP) when the open estuary at the Muge conuence was inlled by the Tagus River.
The decrease and nal still stand of sea-level rise led to oodplain stabilisation with peat (64005200 cal BP) and soil formation
(52002200 cal BP). Localised renewed sedimentation (2200200 cal BP) is linked to human activity.
r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Breuil and Zbyszewski (1942) and Zbyszewski (1946).

These studies distinguish four terrace levels which are
The Lower Tagus River has great signicance to supposed to be underlain by identical, climate-induced,
Portuguese Quaternary geology since its sedimentary lithostratigraphic successions. Terrace formation is linked
record has been used to provide a framework for the latest to sea-level-induced uvial incision during glacial maxima,
part of the geological record in Portugal. The Tertiary followed by continuous aggradation between incision
Lower Tagus Basin contains an inset uvial terrace phases. This model correlates the terrace sequence directly
staircase of presumably Quaternary age, which testies to to the four-stage glacialinterglacial model of Penck and
several depositionincision cycles of the Lower Tagus Bruckner (1909), through the supposed link between
River. However, investigations of the Quaternary uvial incision and glacio-eustatic sea-level uctuations. Evidence
terrace record are rare, and factors controlling long- and from the oceans has since revealed the far greater
short-term uvial development are not well understood. complexity of Quaternary climate variation (e.g. Shackleton
The only existing model explaining Quaternary uvial et al., 1990), but there has been no exploration of the
evolution in the Lower Tagus Basin is based on the work of consequences of these climate changes on terrace formation
and deposition in the Lower Tagus Basin. It remains
Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 191 222 6757. generally accepted that uvial incision and sedimentation
E-mail address: (T. van der Schriek). events in the Lower Tagus valley are inuenced by

0277-3791/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2938 T. van der Schriek et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (2007) 29372957

Quaternary sea-level changes, although recent studies have stratigraphic frameworks for the valley ll deposits under-
stressed the role of tectonics in terrace formation and lying the present oodplain, and the development of the
questioned the presumed continuity of deposition between oodplain over the latest Pleistocene and Holocene periods
uvial incision episodes (e.g. Daveau, 1993; Martins, 1996; remains unknown. The present oodplain is assumed to be
Barbosa and Barra, 2000; Cunha et al., 2005). The underlain by mixed estuarineuvial deposits that ag-
youngest part of the uvial archive in the Lower Tagus graded under inuence of sea-level, climate and anthro-
Basin has also rarely been studied. There are no pogenic controls following sea-level-induced incision of the
valley oor during the last glacial maximum (e.g. Dias
et al., 2000).
We present the rst detailed chronostratigraphic frame-
work for a Holocene negrained valley ll record in the
Lower Tagus Basin (Figs. 1 and 2). The investigated
sedimentary record underlies the lower Muge valley oor,
60 km N of Lisbon at the conuence of the Muge and
Lower Tagus Rivers (Fig. 2). The primary aim of this study
is to determine the main controls on uvialestuarine
oodplain development during the Holocene period in the
Lower Tagus valley. Holocene valley oor evolution is
placed in the wider context of long-term uvial develop-
ment, in order to examine some of the basic assumptions
concerning Quaternary uvial system evolution of the
Lower Tagus River, in particular the link between sea-level
change and uvial incisiondeposition.

1.1. Pleistocene terrace formation

Fig. 1. Main rivers in the Iberian peninsula and location of the Lower Alluvial river systems respond primarily to changes in
Tagus area (M: Madrid, R: Rodao, L: Lisbon). sediment and water supply, which are controlled by a
number of key factors. Major extrinsic controls on river
behaviour in a given geological setting are tectonics, land-
use and climate change. In lowland settings, sea level may
also inuence river behaviour. Additionally, river systems
can respond dynamically to change within the system itself
(intrinsic controls), for example to sediment supply increases
resulting from river capture (e.g. Mather et al., 2002; Stokes
et al., 2002). A change in uvial behaviour follows when the
internal thresholds of the system are crossed (Schumm,
1979). The formation of terrace sequences requires uplift
and cyclic climate uctuation, which provides the trigger for
uvial aggradation and incision events that lead to terrace
formation (Bridgland and Allen, 1996; Maddy, 1997, 2002).
Model simulations of terrace formation have implied a clear
relationship between uplift rate and terrace preservation: in
settings with slow uplift rates terraces are formed but
subsequently largely eroded, while rapid uplift prevents the
formation of terraces (Veldkamp and Van Dijke, 2000). The
forcing of river terrace formation by sea-level change is
considered to be of minor importance; inuential only close
to the coasts and most effective where the continental shelf is
narrow (e.g. Bridgland et al., 2004). Estuarine sediments
may be locally preserved within coastal terrace deposits
(Bridgland, 1994). However, highstand coastal prisms are
particularly sensitive to erosion by sea-level falls and have a
low preservation potential (Tornqvist et al., 2000). Near
Fig. 2. Schematic tectonic setting of the Lower Tagus valley, including river mouths terraces may be buried by Holocene alluvium,
uplift since 3 Ma (based on Barbosa and Reis, 1989; Cabral and Ribeiro, related to forced aggradation under the inuence of sea-level
1989; Barbosa, 1995; Cabral, 1995; Rasmussen et al., 1998). rise (e.g. Berendsen and Stouthamer, 2000). Modelling in
T. van der Schriek et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (2007) 29372957 2939

southern Britain suggests that incision has often taken place peak ood magnitude and uvial sediment input (Knox,
at the warming limb of the climatic cycle (e.g. Bridgland, 1972). Holocene uvial research in the Mediterranean has
2000), when eustatic sea level would have been rising. been strongly inuenced by geoarchaeological investiga-
Fluvial archives around the Mediterranean Basin sensi- tions and has often concentrated on distinguishing between
tively record land-use, climate and tectonic changes human and climatic controls on uvial aggradation and
(e.g. Macklin et al., 1995), while most uvial systems have incision (Bintliff, 2002). Vita-Finzi (1969) suggested syn-
not been affected directly by Quaternary glaciations chrony in major uvial incision and aggradation events
(e.g. Woodward et al., 2004). Terrace sequences have been throughout the Mediterranean during the late Quaternary
documented throughout the Mediterranean region, while period and linked these episodes mainly to climate change.
uvial research has mostly focused on upland and However, subsequent studies in the Mediterranean Basin
piedmont environments (e.g. Harvey et al., 1995; Macklin showed the diachronic nature of uvial incision and
and Passmore, 1995; Pena-Monne et al., 1996; Mather, aggradation episodes throughout the region (e.g. Pope
1999; Bridgland et al., 2003; Schoorl and Veldkamp, 2003; and van Andel, 1984; Van Andel et al., 1986). Fluvial
Maddy et al., 2005). There has been a recent increase in the activity during the early Holocene period often involved
available dates for long-term uvial sequences in the limited reworking and incision of Late Pleistocene valley
Mediterranean (e.g. Fuller et al., 1998; Rose and Meng, oors (e.g. Woodward et al., 1995; Macklin et al., 1997).
1999; Kelly et al., 2000). The trigger for terrace formation The mid-late Holocene period reveals a marked increase in
in the Mediterranean is again presumed to be cyclic alluviation and incisiondeposition cycles, while sediments
climatic variability, superimposed on regional uplift, but often indicate rapid deposition (e.g. Van Andel and
variations in humidity are considered to be of greater Zangger, 1990). The start of this documented increase in
importance than temperature (e.g. Macklin et al., 1995). uvial activity varies over the Mediterranean Basin and is
Major phases of uvial aggradation in the last 200 ka are thought to reect the timing of the introduction and
thought to have taken place at the transition to cooler subsequent intensication of agriculture in specic regions
(stadial or glacial) episodes, while incision is considered to (e.g. Butzer et al., 1985). There exists currently the idea of
have occurred at the transition to interglacial or inter- long phases of uvial stability, with incision/deposition
stadial periods (Macklin and Passmore, 1995; Fuller et al., episodes triggered by extreme events on a landscape made
1998). Macklin et al. (2002) suggest synchrony, related to sensitive to erosion by agriculture (Bintliff, 2002). How-
climate change, in major river aggradation events across ever, intrinsic and extrinsic factors on uvial development
the Mediterranean over the last 200 ka and place these in the Mediterranean, other than climate and human
events during cooler episodes. Maddy et al. (2005) argue activity, have received relatively little attention in studies
that cyclic climate change was also the main trigger for focussing on the Holocene.
terrace formation during the Early Pleistocene in western There has been rapid aggradation of lowland ood-
Turkey. plains, inll of estuaries and delta growth in historic times
Large areas in the Mediterranean region experience throughout the Mediterranean, which has been related to a
intensive tectonic activity (e.g. Lewin, 1995). Terrace major increase in erosion rates caused by human activity
formation and uvial system behaviour in these areas (e.g. Macklin et al., 1995). However, it has been argued
may be complex due to repeated tectonic base-level that natural factors such as the still-stand in eustatic sea-
changes. Local fault activity and uplift may cause level rise also play a major part in the late Holocene
signicant reorganisation of drainage networks through aggradation of lowland Mediterranean river systems
river capture, resulting in sediment routing changes, (e.g. Bintliff, 2002). Late Quaternary estuarine records in
incision upstream of the point of capture and a loss of SW Iberia have been studied in some detail, but these
stream power for the beheaded river (e.g. Harvey et al., studies pay limited attention to uvial development and
1995; Mather et al., 2002; Stokes et al., 2002). Fluvial often use sequence stratigraphy to investigate estuarine
aggradation and incision episodes may also be triggered by evolution (e.g. Zazo et al., 1996; Pendon et al., 1998;
fault activity (e.g. Mather et al., 1995; Schumm et al., Somoza et al., 1998; Dabrio et al., 1999, 2000; Lobo et al.,
2000). Such tectonically induced base-level changes may be 2001; Boski et al., 2002; Hernandez-Molina et al., 2002;
superimposed on, and occasionally override, the uplift- Freitas et al., 2003). Sequence stratigraphy divides sedi-
climate signal recorded in terrace sequences. The timing of ments into large-scale depositional sequences, which are
uvial aggradation and incision events resulting from related to Quaternary sea-level changes (Posamentier and
tectonic changes, and therefore terrace formation, is Vail, 1988). However, the basic assumption of sea-level-
temporarily independent from climate change. induced incision of uvial systems during glacial sea-level
lowstands has been questioned (e.g. Wallinga, 2001). These
1.2. Holocene fluvial activity in the Mediterranean models also fail to explain estuarinealluvial valley ll
stratigraphy and, in particular, the extensive presence of
During the Holocene period, human activity became an organic sediments in these sequences, due to their disregard
important agent of geomorphic change. Anthropogenic of uvial processes and sediment input (Long et al., 2000;
land-use changes increase, in particular, ood frequency, Long, 2001, 2003).
2940 T. van der Schriek et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (2007) 29372957

2. Environmental and geological background to the Lower the switch from stacked deposition to uvial incision and
Tagus area terrace formation in the Late Pliocene, although the precise
mechanisms of uplift are not well understood. Cabral and
The 1100 km long River Tagus (Fig. 1) originates in Ribeiro (1989) and Cabral (1995) have suggested that there
central Spain at an altitude of 1839 m and drains a has been up to 200 m of uplift in parts of the Lower Tagus
catchment of 81,947 km2 (Benito et al., 1998). The river Basin since the Late Pliocene, while the area below the
is characterised by extreme seasonal and annual ow present inner Tagus estuary experienced no uplift or
variability: monthly averages range from 30 to 2050 m3/s subsidence (Fig. 2). However, the relative contribution of
and inter-annual discharges range from 96 to 680 m3/s regional uplift and active faulting to the total vertical
(Benito et al., 2003). The Muge River (Fig. 2), an east-bank crustal motion in the region is unknown over the
tributary of the Lower Tagus River 60 km N of Lisbon, Quaternary period. The terrace sequence and its prefer-
has a length of 55 km and drains a catchment of ential preservation along the east bank of the Lower Tagus
616 km2. The conuence of the Muge River with the River suggest that Late Cenozoic uplift is associated with
Lower Tagus River is about 28 km upstream of the present tilting, leading to preferential west-bank erosion. The EW
tidal limit. The shallow Tagus inner estuary (mean depth drainage pattern in the Lower Tagus Basin supports this
5 m) has a surface area of 320 km2 and semi-diurnal suggestion. Furthermore, offsets of stratigraphic marker
tides, with tidal range varying from 1 to 4 m between neap horizons in Pliocene sediments indicate tectonic activity
and spring tides (Brotas and Plante-Cuny, 1998; Cabrita et along the antithetic fault system to the east of the valley of
al., 1999). A fault-controlled, bedrock-conned outlet near up to 20 m along individual faults (Barbosa, 1995).
Lisbon (30 m deep, 2 km wide and 12 km long) connects the
inner estuary with the outer estuary and the Atlantic Ocean
2.2. Pre-Quaternary geology of the Lower Tagus Basin
(Fortunato et al., 1997). Regional sea level was 120 to
140 m below its present level during the last glacial
The inll sequence of the Lower Tagus Basin consists of
maximum (Dias et al., 2000), suggesting that the con-
marginal siliciclastic sediments from alluvial fans and
temporary coastline was located 40 km downstream
rivers, followed by marls, clays, evaporates and limestone
of the present river mouth based on bathymetric data
towards the central domain (Barbosa, 1995; Rasmussen
(Cotte-Krief et al., 2000).
et al., 1998; Pimentel, 2002). According to survey data,
Tertiary sediments reach their maximum thickness of
2.1. Tectonic setting

The Tagus River takes a westerly course from its source

area up to Entroncamento and ows mainly over Paleozoic
basement in this reach, except for the Madrid Tertiary
Basin. As the river leaves the bedrock-conned reach near
Entroncamento and enters the Tertiary Lower Tagus
Basin, its course changes abruptly to a NNESSW
direction (Figs. 1 and 2). This trend is controlled by the
Lower Tagus fault belt, forming a graben structure, and
the river ows for 100 km along the at central valley
oor before entering the Atlantic Ocean near Lisbon. The
Lower Tagus graben is delineated by a set of major faults
to the west of the valley oor, while a series of minor faults
to the east of the valley represent an antithetic fault system
(Fig. 2) (Barbosa, 1995; Cabral, 1995). The course of the
lower reach of the Muge River is probably determined by
one of these minor faults (Barbosa, 1995). The Lower
Tagus fault belt probably developed since the Late
Miocene in the Tertiary Lower Tagus Basin, which covers
an area of 12,000 km2 in central Portugal (Fig. 1)
(Barbosa and Reis, 1989; Barbosa, 1995). The tectonic
Lower Tagus Basin was created around 54 Ma (de
Galdeano, 1996; Rasmussen et al., 1998; Pimentel, 2002).
Basin subsidence gradually came to a halt during the Late
Miocene and the eastern part of the basin experienced
progressive uplift, while deposition outside the present Fig. 3. Simplied geological map of the Lower Tagus valley (based upon
graben structure ended during the Pliocene (Ribeiro, 1994; Barbosa and Reis, 1989; Barbosa, 1995). Black box indicates location of
Barbosa, 1995; Ribeiro et al., 1996). Regional uplift caused the study area.
T. van der Schriek et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (2007) 29372957 2941

2000 m in the Coruche area (Fig. 3) and decrease red uvial sandstones (Arenitos de Ulme Formation) and
progressively in thickness towards the margins of the conglomerates (Conglomerados de Serra de Almeirim
basin, except for the abrupt fault-determined western Formation) of Pliocene age (Barbosa and Reis, 1989;
margin with Mesozoic limestones (Rasmussen et al., Barbosa, 1995). Gravels within these formations are well-
1998). The last stages of basin ll took place during the rounded and imbrication data suggest a SE palaeo-ow
Pliocene when uvial gravels were deposited, with imbrica- direction (Barbosa, 1995). The Argilas de Tomar Forma-
tion data indicating a south-easterly ow direction tion is interpreted as the lacustrine inll in the central part
(Barbosa and Reis, 1989; Barbosa, 1995). There followed of the Lower Tagus Basin, whereas the Arenitos de Ulme
a rearrangement of the regional drainage pattern under the and Conglomerados de Serra de Almeirim Formations
inuence of regional uplift and the development of the represent the nal uvial inll phase by a palaeo-Tagus
Lower Tagus graben. Relatively high uplift rates in the River system. Subsequent regional uplift and differential
eastern part of the basin and low uplift rates/subsidence in fault movement has resulted in basin inversion and the
the graben structure along the western basin margin forced progressive dissection of these sequences.
the Lower Tagus River to occupy approximately its present To the east of the eld area, the sandstones and
course during the Late Pliocene or Early Quaternary conglomerates of the Arenitos de Ulme and Conglomerados
(Barbosa, 1995). Cunha et al. (2005) suggest that the Late de Serra de Almeirim Formations form extensive high-level
Tertiary changes in the Lower Tagus Basin coincided with dissected landscapes (Figs. 3 and 4). West of the
the progressive acquisition of a much larger catchment for Tagus valley oor, the silts and clays of the Argilas de
the Tagus River as a result of capture of the Tertiary basin Tomar Formation are exposed to form widespread low-
of Madrid (Fig. 1). level dissected landscapes. Along the east bank of the
Tagus River, a series of terrace levels with associated
2.2.1. Late Tertiary deposits uvial deposits is inset in the ne-grained sediments of
The exposed, upper part of the Tertiary Lower Tagus the Argilas de Tomar Formation and, perhaps, in the
Basin ll is dominated by a thick (440 m) sequence of coarse-grained sediments of the Arenitos deUlme and
grey/yellow lacustrine silts and clays of the Argilas de Conglomerados de Serra de Almeirim Formations. These
Tomar Formation of Upper Miocene age (Barbosa, 1995). terrace levels were formed by a SW-owing palaeo-Tagus
These sediments are capped by an 40 m thick sequence of River system.

Fig. 4. Geomorphology of the Muge area and location of exposures, cores, and transects. Labelled cores are discussed in the text. Altitude is given in
meters above Maregrafo de Cascais (MdC, Portuguese datum level). See Tables 1 and 2 for summary of observed exposures and relation between
geomorphic units and geological map units (Scale 1: 50,000, sheet 31-C, Coruche).
2942 T. van der Schriek et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (2007) 29372957

2.3. Pleistocene deposits and landforms lithostratigraphic classication scheme was developed for
deposits associated with these surfaces. The morphostrati-
Portugal occupies a sensitive location with respect to graphic classication scheme was applied by the Portu-
major Quaternary changes, on the border of the Atlantic guese Geological Survey to Quaternary uvial deposits
and Mediterranean (e.g. Fuller et al., 1998). However, throughout Portugal. Classication into High (Q1, Q2),
uvial investigations into the Portuguese sequence are rare, Middle (Q3) and Low (Q4) terraces was rigidly applied
despite the existence of an extensive Quaternary uvial throughout the Lower Tagus valley and dominated over
archive, in particular associated with the Tagus River. local topographic evidence, often grouping several terrace
Work in the upstream reaches of the Tagus River, where levels together (Daveau, 1993). Two additional terrace
tectonic basins contain complex landformsediment se- levels, dened on altitudinal criteria, have been added since
quences, has generally been carried out in isolation from to those in the original scheme. Currently, the following
the downstream record (e.g. Cunha et al., 2005). Tracing terrace levels are recognised (in meters above MdC): Q1
uvial deposits and landforms through the constriction of (9080 m), Q2a (7060 m), Q2b (5045 m), Q3 (4030 m),
several bedrock narrows between the basins of the Tagus Q4a (2015 m) and Q4b (105 m) (Barbosa and Barra,
River is exceedingly difcult due to the presence of 2000).
nickpoints and limited terrace preservation in these Recent studies of the Tagus terrace sequence near Rodao
settings, while there are no stratigraphic markers identied and Entroncamento (Figs. 1 and 2) have mapped
in the various terrace deposits. individual terrace levels and classied these in what
Palaeo-Tagus sediments form a well-preserved, up to appears to be a relative scheme, numbered T1T5 from
12 km wide, terrace staircase along the east bank of the high to low (Martins, 2001; Cunha et al., 2005). However,
Lower Tagus oodplain. The only classication scheme for this relative classication system remains in essence based
the terrace levels, their associated deposits and the valley on the established scheme and correlates directly with it. At
ll of the Lower Tagus River is based on a morphostrati- present, these various systems of classication have led to a
graphic framework (Zbyszewski, 1946). Shortcomings of confusion of terms for terrace levels, based on absolute
this system are widely recognised in the Portuguese heights, relative elevation and numerical schemes.
literature (e.g. Daveau, 1993), but there have been no
studies to provide an alternative system. Chronological 2.3.2. Chronology and stratigraphy of the terrace deposits
attributes proposed on the basis of the terrace geomor- There is no lithostratigraphic classication scheme for
phological record have not been tested independently as the terrace deposits of the Tagus River. Although some
there is, to date, no published lithostratigraphy, biostrati- studies have suggested the presence of strath terraces in the
graphy or geochronology for deposits underlying the Tertiary Lower Tagus Basin (e.g. Martins, 1996), it has
terrace sequence in the Tagus valley. The few sedimento- been demonstrated that the lower (Q3, Q4) terrace levels
logical, oral, faunal and dating studies of the terrace are underlain by substantial uvial deposits (e.g. Mozzi
deposits have only been performed on an incidental basis, et al., 2000). Even the high (Q1, Q2) terrace levels are, at
usually due to palaeontological or archaeological chance least locally, underlain by several meters of uvial deposits
nds in the sequence (e.g. Mozzi et al., 2000; Cunha et al., (Martins, 2001; Cunha et al., 2005). Of the Lower Tagus
2005 and literature cited within). An additional problem of terrace deposits, only the sediments underlying a 40 m
many local studies is their lack of hard data, for example (Q3) terrace level near Alpiarc- a have been described and
on methods and in detailing results (e.g. Zbyszewski and published in some detail by Mozzi et al. (2000) and
Veiga Ferreira, 1968). Published studies provide a few Zbyszewski (1946). Terrace sediments at the Alpiarc- a
(multiple) single absolute dates and isolated oral, faunal location are divided into a 1520 m thick Lower Gravels
and archaeological observations throughout the sequence, Unit consisting of tabular gravel bodies with a sandy
which are of little use for large-scale correlation or a matrix, and a 20 m thick Upper Sand Unit comprising
systematic subdivision of Pleistocene time. tabular sandy channel deposits and overbank nes towards
its top. The erosive lower boundary of the Lower Gravels
2.3.1. Classification of terraces Unit directly overlies the clays and marls of the Argilas de
The present classication used in the study of Quatern- Tomar Formation; the upper bounding surface of this unit
ary sediments and landforms in the Lower Tagus Basin is is also considered to be erosive. Palaeolithic artefacts
founded on the work of Breuil and Zbyszewski (1942) and collected in the Lower Gravels Unit have been attributed to
Zbyszewski (1946). These studies involved the denition of the Clactonian-Abbevillian (Zbyszewski, 1946). Artefacts
morphostratigraphic units based on geomorphologic map- found throughout the basal 15 m of the Upper Sand Unit
ping of the series of terrace surfaces near Alpiarc- a, where have been attributed to the Middle to Late Acheulian
the type area of the Lower Tagus terrace sequence is (Mozzi et al., 2000). Sandysilty layers from site VF8 in the
located (Fig. 3). Terrace surfaces were classied Q1Q4 Upper Sand Unit (23.5 m MdC; 4.5 m above the upper
from high to low and dened according to their altitude bounding surface of the Lower Gravels Unit) were sampled
above the Portuguese datum level (Maregrafo de Cascais, for dating by OSL techniques. The samples yielded some
hereafter called MdC), while no independently dened provisional dates, reported as (no laboratory numbers
T. van der Schriek et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (2007) 29372957 2943

given): 127 ka +N/ 26 ka (sample VF01), 119 ka +N/ underlain by a 40 m thick ne-grained sedimentary
32 ka (sample VF02), 117 ka +N/ 26 ka (sample VF05) succession, attributed to the Holocene period, which is
and 4127 ka (sample VF06) (Mozzi et al., 2000). underlain by at least 20 m of coarse sand and gravel deposits
The only other absolute age estimates for the deposits of presumed Pleistocene age (Zbyszewski and Veiga
underlying the Lower Tagus terrace sequence are reported Ferreira, 1968). However, there are no absolute dates for
by Cunha et al. (2005). They state that sediments under- this record. Estuarine conditions in the Lower Tagus valley
lying the Q3/T3 terrace level have been dated by TL at during the early-mid Holocene are thought to have extended
Porto Alto (location unknown), where sample LTA1 upstream to Santarem, although evidence supporting this
(grey clay in upper ne sand and clay, 0.7 m above lower interpretation is not provided (e.g. Bicho, 1994; Dias et al.,
gravels) yielded a date of 4136 ka, and at Muge (Fig. 4), 2000). Holocene uvial system development in the Lower
where samples LTA3 (coarse sand with silt) and LTA4 Tagus Basin is unknown, except for a recent historiccarto-
(8 cm thick layer of grey-brown coarse sand with silt in graphic study of the behaviour of the Lower Tagus River
red-brown coarse sand; 4.5 m above sample LTA3) over the last 400 yr near Entroncamento. Over this period,
yielded respective dates of 4143 and 4115 ka. However, the river changed from a braided system to a low sinuous
they provide no further details. system under the inuence of intensive human embanking
and canalisation of the river (Azevedo, 2001).
2.3.3. Correlation of terrace surfaces and deposits
The present morphostratigraphic framework is unsuita- 3. Methods
ble for the correlation of Quaternary terrace surfaces and
their associated deposits in the Lower Tagus Basin. Major Geomorphological mapping of the lower Muge area was
problems for correlating surfaces are (i) the inconsistency achieved using aerial photographs, geological and topogra-
in the altitudinal denition and the actual mapped altitude phical maps and eld survey. Sediments inlling the lower
of terrace levels, (ii) the mapping of different heights for Muge valley oor were studied and sampled in over 90 bank
the same terrace level within and between maps, and exposures, machine-excavated trenches and sediment cores
(iii) structural contradictions. These problems are caused (Fig. 4). Selected samples were analysed for molluscs, pollen,
by ridged application of the original four-level terrace foraminifera, loss-on-ignition and grain size using standard
classication system (Zbyszewski, 1946) on geological techniques. Dating control is provided by 14 14C dates on in-
maps throughout the lower Tagus Basin. Correlation of situ organic materials from representative sediment se-
terrace surfaces is furthermore complicated by tectonic quences. Throughout this paper, analysed dates are
block activity in the Tagus valley (Barbosa, 1995) and by expressed as calibrated calendar ages (cal BP) with age
the fact that not all terrace and oodplain surfaces appear spans in the 2s range. Three dates have been rejected on
to be sub-parallel: low terrace surfaces converge and the basis of stratigraphic inconsistencies (see Appendix A,
disappear below the Lower Tagus oodplain upstream of Table S1). For a detailed methodological and chronological
Santarem (Cunha et al., 2005). There are no independent discussion, see van der Schriek et al. (in press).
litho-, bio- or chronostratigraphic frameworks to correlate The ne-grained lower Muge valley ll has been
terrace deposits. Therefore, it is not possible to construct described using lithofacies and biofacies codes (see
reliable longitudinal proles of terrace surfaces in the Appendix A, Tables S2, S3 and S4), the latter based on
Lower Tagus valley based on the present geomorphic foraminifera and mollusc assemblages. Few sedimentary
framework, as the resulting longitudinal terrace proles are structures have been identied due to the reliance on core
highly irregular and meaningless (Daveau, 1993; Martins, data for the analysis of the valley ll sediments. Sequence
1996). stratigraphy and lithofacies assemblages were found
unsuitable to subdivide the homogenous valley ll into
2.4. Holocene record separate units. This paper presents an allostratigraphic
model (cf. NACSN, 1983) which creates a meaningful
Sediments underlying the present oodplain of the subdivision of the sedimentary record (see Appendix A,
Lower Tagus River and its tributaries are classied as Fig. S1). This descriptive framework integrates litho- and
alluvium on geological maps. Valley ll sediments are biostratigraphical data to dene units which are represen-
considered to span the entire period from the last glacial tative for the different processes that created them, thereby
maximum to the present, based on the Quaternary uvial facilitating the reconstruction of depositional environments
evolution model of Zbyszewski (1946). There is at present and processes.
no chronology or stratigraphic framework available for
these valley ll deposits, and only a few published 4. Geomorphological setting of the Muge area
sedimentary records in the Lower Tagus area are con-
strained by radiocarbon age estimates which date from the Existing geological maps of the study area lack detail
mid-late Holocene (e.g. van Leeuwaarden and Janssen, and are inconsistent in depicting the uvial terrace
1985; Freitas et al., 1999). The Lower Tagus oodplain deposits. Therefore a schematic geomorphological map
3 km downstream of the Muge tributary conuence is has been produced, showing the landforms in the
2944 T. van der Schriek et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (2007) 29372957

immediate vicinity of the lower Muge valley (Fig. 4). The level reveal that the terrace is locally underlain by a thick
extensive dissected landscapes in the eastern part of the (410 m), stacked series of cross-bedded sand sheets, locally
eld area have formed within the sandstones and con- comprising meter-thick tabular gravel bodies and (organic-
glomerates of the Arenitos de Ulme and Conglomerados de rich) ne-grained sediment successions (Table 2). Probably
Serra de Almeirim Formations, and in the underlying ne- the sediments underlying this terrace level have been dated
grained deposits of the Argilas de Tomar Formation near Muge by Cunha et al. (2005) (Fig. 4; Section 2.3.2).
(Dissected Upland unit, Fig. 4; Section 2.2.1). At least Morpho- and lithostratigraphic correlation of the T4
seven major uvial terrace levels are present in the study terrace level deposits with the Alpiarc- a sequence, described
area (Table 1). Large terrace fragments of levels T1T5 are by Mozzi et al. (2000), suggests that these sediments may
aligned parallel to the Tagus River, while local fragments be equivalent to the Upper Sand Unit (Section 2.3.2;
of T3b, T4 and T5 are also found inset along the tributary Zbyszewski and Veiga Ferreira, 1968). Exposures in local
Muge valley oor. This implies that the tributary occupied
approximately its present location prior to the formation of
Table 2
the T3b level. The lowest terrace level (T6) is solely found Sedimentological observations
along the lower Muge tributary. This level has approxi-
mately the same altitude as the present Tagus oodplain Site Description Unit Lithofacies Elements
and may be buried, eroded or not deposited in the Lower MQ1 Terrace slope T3 Fsc, Sr, St, Gt, Gp FF, GB, CH
Tagus valley oor. Inactive coalescent fan systems are MQ2 Quarry T3 Gm, Gp, Gt, Sp, St GB, CH
present along the eastern reach of the lower Muge valley MQ3 Quarry T4 Sr, Fl, Fsc FF
oor (Fig. 4), and grade to a local T5 terrace level. Their MQ4 Quarry T4 St, Sp, Fl DA, SB, FF
fan toes are currently incised and support steep (up to 6 m MQ5 Terrace slope T4 Gt, Gp, Gm, St, Sr CH
MQ6 Quarry T4 Sp, St, Sr DA, SB
high) bluffs that border the Muge oodplain. The fan MQ7 Gully channel T4 Fl, Sr FF
surface is dissected by gullies that sustain active fans at the MQ8 Quarry T4 Sp, St, Sr, Fl, Fsc SB, FF
valley margin. MQ9 Quarry T4 St, Sp DA, LA
Some provisional observations on the lithology of the MQ10 Quarry T4 St, Sr, Fl, Fsc SB, FF
deposits underlying the local terrace sequence are sum- MQ11 Quarry T4 Fl, Fsc, St, Sr FF, SB
MQ12 Quarry T4 S
marised in Table 2. The highest two terrace levels (T1 and MQ13 Quarry T5 Fl, Sp, Fsc, St LA, FF
T2) in the area lack exposures and are inset below the MQ14 Terrace slope T5 Sb
Pliocene Conglomerados de Serra de Almeirim Formation MQ15 Quarry T5 Sb
(Section 2.2.1). Zbyszewski and Veiga Ferreira (1968) MQ16 Terrace slope T5 Sp, Fl
describe a sequence of gravel, sand, clayey silt and clay MQ17 Quarry T5 Sr, Fl, Fsc, Sp FF, SB
MQ18 Quarry T5 Gp, Sp
below these levels. Terrace T3 is locally underlain by a MQ19 Quarry T6 Sb
stacked series of tabular gravel and sand sheets (Table 2). MQ20 Quarry T6 Sb
The basal part of this sequence, consisting of reddish
coarse sands and gravels, reveals an erosive lower contact Summary of sediment observations in the Lower Muge area (see Fig. 4 for
locations). Units are dened in Table 1. Lithofacies and architectural
into massive yellow/grey ne-sandy silt (exposure MQ1,
elements are based on Miall (1978, 1996). Abbreviations for architectural
Table 2). The latter sediments have been assigned to the elementsCH, channel; GB, gravel bars and bedforms; SB, sandy
Miocene Argilas de Tomar Formation (Zbyszewski and bedforms; DA, downstream-accretion macroform; LA, lateral-accretion
Veiga Ferreira, 1968). Sediment exposures below the T4 macroform; FF, pverbank nes.

Table 1
Ages and altitudes of geomorphological units

Unit H Age estimate and source Symbol

DU: Dissected Upland 101 PlioceneMiocene (Barbosa, 1995) MP, P3

T1: Terrace level 8895 Late PlioceneEarly Pleistocene (inferred) Q1
T2: Terrace level 6468 Pleistocene (inferred) Q2
T3a: Terrace level 4755 Pleistocene (inferred) Q3
T3b: Terrace level 3742 Pleistocene (inferred) Q3
T4: Terrace level 2030 15970 ka (Mozzi et al., 2000; Cunha et al., 2005) As, Q3
T5: Terrace level 1215 Late Pleistocene (inferred) Q4
T6: Terrace level 79 Late Pleistocene (inferred) Q4
CAF: Coalescent alluvial fan 730 Late Pleistocene (inferred) Q4
AF: Alluvial Fan 210 Holocene Q4/A
VF: Valley Floor 27 Holocene A

Unit denotes the name of the geomorphological unit, as dened in the present study. H is the altitude (in m relative to MdC) of the upper surface of the
unit. Symbol denotes the notation used on the local geological map (sheet 31-C, Coruche; Zbyszewski and Veiga Ferreira, 1968) to identify the deposits
that are now grouped as the unit.
T. van der Schriek et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (2007) 29372957 2945

T5 terrace fragments along the Muge River reveal in, a channel system. The upper contact of this unit is
sedimentary sequences that are dominated either by graded towards the conuence with the Tagus, and
bedded sandy silt and clay, or by cross-bedded sand bodies contains three major buried nickpoints. The morphology
(Table 2). Finally, exposures in the local T6 terrace level of the upper bounding surface suggests the presence of an
show bedded coarse sand and some gravel (Table 2). entrenched channel at the base of the ne-grained valley ll
in the central reach. These characteristics suggest this
5. Holocene inll of the lower Muge valley coarse-grained basal contact to represent a uvial incision
The Tagus River near the Muge conuence is intensively
embanked and displays a low sinuosity meandering
5.2. Unit 1c: coarse sand and gravel bodies
channel with extensive sand bars. This section will
summarise information regarding the Holocene inll of
Unit 1c is found throughout the Muge valley ll and the
this valley; full details, including location information not
well-sorted bedded coarse sand and gravel deposits point to
otherwise given, will be provided in the online supplement.
a relatively high depositional energy. The lower boundary
The 10 km long lower reach of the tributary Muge
of unit 1 has not been found; the upper part of this unit has
valley oor has an irregular altitude (35 m MdC) below, or
been cored and machine excavated to a maximum depth of
at, the elevation of the present Tagus oodplain of
0.5 m. No organic material or fossils have been found in
58 m MdC. The low-relief tributary valley oor is
these deposits. Unit 1c is dened on the basis of its
canalised and cultivated, while most of the alluvial ood-
geometry as narrow, tabular sand and gravel bodies in a
plain morphology has been destroyed by levelling of the
matrix of ne-grained sediment. The geometry and sort-
surface. The lower valley oor displays a low sinuous
ing of unit 1c suggests that its sediments were deposited
pattern, varying in width from 500 to 1400 m, and narrows
in, or near, narrow channels in a negrained oodplain.
abruptly to a width of 150 m about 10 km upstream from
This interpretation is supported by sedimentary analyses
its conuence with the Tagus River. Upstream of this
of bank exposures in the upstream reach of the lower
locality, oodplain elevation increases abruptly to above
Muge valley, which reveal the presence of sand and
9 m MdC and displays a gradient of 2.56 m/km towards the
gravel bodies (interpreted as palaeochannel lls) separated
Tagus River. Several active alluvial fan systems border the
by erosive boundaries from the adjacent ne-grained
lower Muge valley oor and an extensive low-gradient fan
system at the upstream limit of the lower reach has been
incised at its toe, with a 2 m high bluff separating it from
the oodplain (Fig. 4). The lower Muge valley oor is 5.3. Unit 2: laminated sandy silt to bedded silty sand
locally underlain by at least 11 m of ne-grained Holocene
deposits. Ten allostratigraphic units have been recognised Unit 2 forms a discontinuous layer at the base of the
in the lower Muge valley ll, each representing a distinct ne-grained valley ll in the central and upstream reaches,
depositional environment. Allostratigraphic units are and attains its maximum thickness of 2.5 m in the basal
dened on the basis of laterally traceable bounding channel structure of the central reach. The unit consists of
surfaces, based on lithological and microfossil character- laminated sandy silts to bedded silty sands with frequent
istics, and may contain one or several textures. Boundaries organic material and wood fragments. Its conformable
do not represent time lines. Unit codes consist of a number, lower boundary with the coarse sand and gravel of unit 1 is
identifying the lithofacies assemblage, sometimes followed gradual. This boundary has been dated to 64607170
by a second symbol (respectively a, b and c) that subdivides and 69557205 cal BP, respectively, in cores 51 and 64.
the lithofacies on the basis of biofacies content or geometry The boundary in downstream core 51 is younger,
of the deposits. Denitions of all the units are provided in despite its greater absolute depth, while both basal
the online supplement. dates are younger than equivalent levels in core 20.
Coarse sand and gravel deposits at the base of core 51
5.1. Unit 1: Basal coarse sand and gravel stand 0.51 m above the basal contact in adjacent cores
and may represent channel lag deposits, while core 64 is
This basal unit consists of bedded coarse sand and located in the entrenched basal channel of the central
gravel. The lower boundary of unit 1 has not been found; reach. These dates are assumed to indicate the start of local
only the upper part of this unit, to a maximum depth of channel abandonment and inll. Lamination and centi-
30 cm, has been cored. There is little organic material meter-scale bedding of the sediments, in combination with
present, while no (micro-)fossils have been found. The a textural range between silt and sand, indicate a
coarse texture and the well-sorted character of unit 1 depositional environment with uctuating, medium- to
deposits are indicative of a relatively high depositional low-energy ow conditions. Sediments of unit 2 are
energy; its lithology is similar to the low T5 and T6 uvial interpreted as a suite of channel marginal deposits
terrace levels anking the lower valley oor (Table 2). The accumulated in a uvial context (van der Schriek et al.,
texture and sorting of this unit suggests deposition near, or in press).
2946 T. van der Schriek et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (2007) 29372957

5.4. Unit 2a: laminated to bedded silty sand with estuarine 5.7. Unit 3b: silty clay with estuarine foraminifera
Unit 3b is found at the base of the valley ll near the
Unit 2a is found near the conuence with the Tagus Tagus conuence and pinches out upstream of core 40. Its
River and has a maximum thickness of 0.7 m. Its lithology is similar to unit 3, from which it is differentiated
lithology is identical to unit 2; however, sediments of unit on the basis of foraminifera presence. The lower boundary
2a contain estuarine shells. The lower boundary with unit 1 of unit 3b with unit 1 is abrupt and conformable, and has
is gradual and conformable. The upper part of unit 2a, been dated to 8100790 cal BP in core 20; the lower contact
near the boundary with overlying unit 3a, has been dated with unit 3a is gradual and conformable, and has been
to 78607120 cal BP in core 11. dated to 80707100 cal BP in core 11. Maximum tidal
The lithology and sedimentology of the deposits indicate inuence (van der Schriek et al., in press) has been dated in
a depositional environment with uctuating, medium- to core 20 to 7505775 cal BP, in the central part of unit 3b.
low-energy ow conditions. Combined with the estuarine The lithology and sedimentology of unit 3b indicate a
shell presence, these characteristics represent deposition in low-energy depositional environment, while the estuarine
a (lower) tidal at environment, probably located next to a foraminifera reveal regular tidal ooding by saltwater.
tidal river (van der Schriek et al., in press). These conditions are characteristic for an inner estuarine
saltmarsh environment.
5.5. Unit 3: silty clay
5.8. Unit 4: peat
Unit 3 forms the most extensive sedimentary assemblage
in the Muge valley ll. Two sub-units (3a and 3b) are Unit 4 is mainly found in the central and upstream
distinguished on the basis of estuarine shell and foramini- reaches of the lower valley ll; in the downstream reach
fera presence, respectively. Units 3, 3a and 3b form a thick there are isolated occurrences in sheltered settings. The
ne-grained depositional wedge in the lower Muge valley discontinuous unit consists of peat, silty peat and peaty silt
ll, pinching out near the Lamarosa tributary. The beds which reach a maximum thickness (1.5 m) in the
maximum thickness of the combined units, near the buried basal channel structure. The habitat preferences of
conuence with the Tagus River, is 8 m. the main species (Scirpus cf. lacustris and Hypericum
The plastic silty clay of unit 3 contains infrequent sandy tetrapterum) found within the peat bed (core 51) depict a
laminations and frequent organic material. The lower freshwater marshy habitat with a silty substrate. Organic
boundaries with units 2 and 3b are gradual and conform- material was degraded prior to burial and there are
able. The disappearance of tidal conditions in the lower frequently large wood fragments present. The conformable
Muge valley (van der Schriek et al., in press) has been dated lower boundary with units 2 and 3 is gradual to abrupt.
in core 20 to 57457155 cal BP, in the upper part of unit 3. The lower boundary with unit 2 has been dated to
The poorly laminated organic-rich silty clay deposits 6365785 cal BP in core 64, while a sample near the
indicate a low-energy depositional environment. The upper boundary of this unit has been dated to 51507
absence of foraminifera as well as the available pollen 170 cal BP.
evidence shows that unit 3 was deposited under fresh-water Freshwater peat formation indicates a low-energy
conditions, with standing water in the valley oor (van der depositional environment, a high contemporary ground-
Schriek et al., in press). The unit is interpreted as water table and a low clastic sediment input due to a low
representing freshwater uvial overbank nes and back- suspended sediment load and/or ooding frequency.
swamp deposits. Alluvial peat formation is characteristic for alluvial back-
swamp settings and abandoned channels. The varying
5.6. Unit 3a: silty clay with estuarine shells inclusion of silt and silt beds in unit 4 is probably related to
distance from the contemporary channel, with pure peat
Unit 3a is found in discontinuous beds, ranging in forming in distal parts of the oodplain. The partial
thickness from 0.5 to 3 m, close to the base of the valley ll degradation of organic material suggests surface exposure
near the Tagus conuence. The lithology of this unit is prior to waterlogging and burial.
similar to unit 3, the main difference being the presence of
estuarine shells in unit 3a. Its lower boundary with units 2a, 5.9. Unit 5: black peaty clayey silt
2 and 3b is gradual and conformable, whereas the contact
with unit 1 is abrupt and conformable. The lithology and Unit 5 forms a distinct black bed in the upper part of the
sedimentology of the deposits indicate a low-energy valley ll sequence which dips towards the conuence
depositional environment, while the estuarine shells reveal with the Tagus River. The unit forms a near-continuous
saltwater presence and diurnal tidal ooding. Combined, layer in the downstream and central reaches, while
these characteristics indicate deposition in a (lower) tidal discontinuous beds are present in the upstream reach.
at environment, probably located next to a tidal river (van From the Tagus conuence upstream to the Lamarosa
der Schriek et al., in press). tributary, maximum bed thickness increases from 20 to
T. van der Schriek et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (2007) 29372957 2947

70 cm. The unit is up to 60 cm thick in the central reach, 6. Holocene valley oor development
while its thickness in the upstream reach varies irregularly
from 10 to 80 cm. Prior to 8100 cal BP, uvial systems in the lower Muge
The oxidised peaty clayey silt of this unit contains tributary occupied an incised valley oor characterised by
lamination and centimeter-scale beds of grey inorganic silt entrenched channels and nickpoints. The oodplain surface
clay. There are occasional white lenses of freshwater was formed in the sand and gravel deposits of unit 1,
diatomite present (van der Schriek et al., in press). The suggesting that uvial systems experienced limited bank
sediments have a blocky structure and contain calcite stability and were, perhaps, characterised by laterally
concretions and abundant degraded organic material. The mobile river beds. The well-preserved erosional morphol-
conformable lower boundary is abrupt (units 2 and 3) to ogy of the basal contact argues against extensive coarse-
gradual (unit 4). Dark vertical stripes extend downprole grained uvial aggradation up to the time of local burial by
into units 2 and 3, probably representing root penetration. ne-grained deposits.
Samples near the upper boundary of this unit have Estuarine and lowland alluvial valley ll sequences in
been dated to 21807180 cal BP in core 20, and to south-western Iberia indicate a period of non-deposition
1507150 cal BP in core 64. following uvial incision around the PleistoceneHolocene
Abundantly preserved organic matter implies a high transition period (e.g. Dabrio et al., 2000; Boski et al.,
groundwater table and low clastic sediment input. Silt 2002; Freitas et al., 2003; Goy et al., 2003). Conditions in
layers may indicate ood episodes, while the strongly south-western Iberia were more humid than at present,
degraded nature of the organic material suggests exposure between 12,000 cal BP and 5200 cal BP (Harrison and
at the oodplain surface prior to burial. Local diatomite Digerfeldt, 1993; van der Knaap and van Leeuwen, 1997;
lenses represent shallow, standing freshwater conditions, Reed et al., 2001; Carrion, 2002). Flood clusters of the
while preservation of bedding and lamination implies Tagus River have been identied in central Spain,
limited bioturbation, probably related to the high ground- dating to 10,50010,050 cal BP, 95009000 cal BP and
water table. These characteristics, combined with the 7000 cal BP (Benito et al., 1998, 2003). Iberian pollen
blocky structure, concretions and roots at the lower data show that the landscape supported, from the early
boundary, are typical for an alluvial oodplain soil Holocene onwards, a sub-humid forest, dominated by
(USDA, 1975). conifers or by broad-leaved deciduous trees (e.g. van der
Knaap and van Leeuwen, 1995; Allen et al., 1996; Carrion
5.10. Unit 6: upper clayey silt and Van Geel, 1999; Franco Mugica et al., 2001; Roberts
et al., 2001; Carrion, 2002). Fluvial systems had probably
Unit 6 caps the ne-grained lower Muge valley ll. obtained equilibrium conditions under the prevailing
The unit reaches its maximum thickness of 7 m in the sediment input and discharge regime associated with early
Tagus oodplain, outside the embankments across the Holocene climate and vegetation cover. Fluvial aggrada-
Muge valley mouth, and thins rapidly upstream to tion in coastal river valleys started again under the
coring site 20. It forms a bed of varying thickness inuence of relative sea-level (RSL) rise, the timing of
(0.31.0 m) between site 20 and the Lamarosa tributary. which depended on the inherited incision depth of the
Further upstream, to the limit of the lower valley oor, valley oor.
unit thickness remains constant between 1.0 and 1.3 m,
while the oodplain surface displays a downstream 6.1. Estuarine environments
The unit consists of reddish mottled clayey silt to sandy Portuguese RSL studies suggest a rapid rate of RSL rise
silt with occasional lamination and centimeter-scale sand until 8800 cal BP, followed by a progressively decrease in
beds, and contains frequent degraded organic material. the rate of RSL rise until 4500 cal BP when stable sea
Lamination and sandy bedding in this unit are especially levels are assumed (Dias et al., 2000). However, Spanish
found in the levees of the Tagus River, near the valley RSL investigations propose a rapid rate of RSL rise up to
margins and near tributary (palaeo)channels. The lower 8300 cal BP, followed by stable sea levels around Atlantic
boundary with unit 5 is conformable and gradual. Where Iberia (Zazo et al., 1994, 1996). In any case, the rapid rate
the unit overlies units 2 and 3, it is not possible to dene a of early Holocene RSL rise outstripped the rate of
lower boundary surface due to the homogenous nature of sediment accumulation in estuaries across Atlantic Iberia,
the sediments. leading to marine intrusion into coastal river valleys (e.g.
The texture and sedimentology indicate a low-energy Rodr guez-Ram rez et al., 1996; Morales, 1997; Borrego
depositional environment, while mottling indicates a et al., 1999; Lobo et al., 2001).
uctuating groundwater table. Sedimentation occurred in Fine-grained sedimentation (units 2a, 3a and 3b) started
a freshwater oodplain (van der Schriek et al., in press). abruptly (8100 cal BP) in the deepest parts of the lower
The sediments have been interpreted as a suite of uvial Muge valley following saltwater intrusion. Deposition took
overbank deposits, with localised lamination and bedding place in the upper part of the tidal framework. The
representing a channel-proximal setting. upstream limit of alluviation in the lower Muge valley was
2948 T. van der Schriek et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (2007) 29372957

controlled by the Tagus base level and the inherited valley 5750 cal BP, encompassing the estuarine to uvial transi-
oor topography. The reach experiencing ne-grained tion at this locality (Fig. 5).
backll overlapped initially with the tidally inuenced
section of the lower valley oor, the upstream limit being 6.2. Fluvial transition
formed by the rst basal nickpoint. Stratigraphic cross-
correlation with core 20 suggests that the base level had The range of uvial and estuarine environments that was
risen sufciently by 7800 cal BP to cause rapid backll up present 81005750 cal BP in the lower Muge valley is
to 7.5 km inland, inducing mixed estuarineuvial ne- characteristic for the uvial dominated reach of an inner
grained sedimentation over this reach. During the period of estuary (cf. Dalrymple et al., 1992). Unit 2 was deposited
maximum tidal inuence (78007500 cal BP), saltwater from 7800 to 7500 cal BP onwards near the upstream
environments penetrated the lower Muge oodplain 4 km limit of the contemporary alluvial oodplain, where the
upstream from the Tagus conuence (van der Schriek et al., abrupt change in uvial gradient led to deposition of
in press). From this time onwards, the upstream limit of coarser sediments. Fine-grained unit 3 was deposited in the
estuarine oodplain environments became controlled by lowland freshwater oodplain further downstream, while
the balance between the rate of sea-level rise, creating estuarine deposition (units 2a, 3a and 3b) continued near
accommodation space, and the rate of sediment supply, the Tagus conuence. Local phases of channel abandon-
attempting to inll the accommodation space (van der ment in the central reach, dated to 6500 cal BP (core 51)
Schriek et al., in press). The presence of estuarine and 7000 cal BP (core 64), may represent avulsion events
depositional environments from 8100 to 5750 cal BP caused by the rapid rate of base-level rise (Stouthamer and
and their continued occupation of approximately the same Berendsen, 2001).
position in the tidal framework suggest that the rate of From 7500 to 5750 cal BP, uvial environments ex-
sediment accumulation kept pace with the rate of sea-level panded progressively downvalley as the creation rate of
rise. Core 20 shows a high estuarine sediment accumulation vertical accommodation space (under the inuence of
rate of 7 mm/yr from 8100 to 7500 cal BP, while the decreasing rates of sea-level rise) was no longer sufcient
accumulation rate slows down to 1.5 mm/yr from 7500 to to store the sediment input. Saline conditions in the lower
Muge valley oor were abruptly lost at 5750 cal BP.
Simultaneously, the sudden appearance of freshwater
indicators (Myriophyllum alterniflorum, Typha and Nym-
phaea) reveals the presence of still, shallow, open water in
the valley oor. This suggests that drainage conditions in
the oodplain deteriorated at the estuarine to uvial
transition (van der Schriek et al., in press). The sudden
loss of tidal conditions and contemporary drowning of the
valley oor is unlikely to be related to tributary oodplain
aggradation to above Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT)
levels. Such aggradation would raise oodplain levels
progressively further downstream and cause a gradual
uvial conversion of the valley oor, which would not
trigger deteriorating drainage conditions. Instead, the data
have been interpreted as evidence for aggradation of the
Tagus valley oor to above HAT levels in front of the
Muge valley mouth. Such alluviation of the Tagus ood-
plain would block tidal inuence in the tributary abruptly
and cause the sudden loss of estuarine environments.
Because this blocking would take place prior to aggrada-
tion of the lower tributary valley to above HAT, it would
cause deteriorating drainage conditions in the lower Muge
oodplain (Fig. 6).

6.3. Valley floor stabilisation

Depth cross-correlation between core 64 and the basal

incision prole indicates that the entire lower Muge valley,
up to 10 km inland, experienced base-level induced
Fig. 5. Sediment accumulation rates of cores 20 and 64 in the Lower
Muge valley oor (including basal dates of cores 11 and 51), based on sedimentation at 6370 cal BP. This suggests that the focus
accepted radiocarbon dates. See Table 2 for details on dated radiocarbon of the clastic sediment input into the lower valley oor
samples. shifted 3.5 km upstream around this time. Local peat
T. van der Schriek et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (2007) 29372957 2949

decreasing suspended sediment load. The latter is unlikely;

there is major local catchment disturbance at least since
5200 cal BP, implying, if anything, an increase in the
suspended sediment load (van der Schriek et al., in press).
Soils expanded downstream, following the progressive inll
of the accommodation space. A oodplain soil developed
at the locality of core 20 between 5200 and 3600 cal BP.
These different age estimates derive from linear extrapola-
tion of accumulation rates between 75005750 cal BP and
57502150 cal BP, respectively, to the base of the soil in
core 20 (Fig. 5). The average sediment accumulation rate in
core 20 is 0.26 mm/yr for the period between 5750 and
2155 cal BP (Fig. 5). However, the actual accumulation rate
for soil formation is probably lower as its exact boundaries
have not been reliably dated. The observed gradient of the
buried soil may partially reect compression, but also
mirrors the original oodplain gradient towards the
Tagus conuence. Maximum compression in clayey silt
Fig. 6. Cartoon illustrating blocking of the mouth of the tidal Muge has been estimated at 10% of the bed thickness near the
tributary by the uvial oodplain of the Tagus River. (A) When the lower centre of uniform sedimentary successions (Paul and
Muge tributary is tidally inuenced, estuarine environments in the
Barras, 1998; Crooks and Pye, 2000); using this value,
adjacent Lower Tagus valley are at a similar or lower altitudinal level in
the tidal framework. (B) The local Tagus valley oor has aggraded to there may be up to 0.5 m of compression near the soil level
above Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT) level and no longer experiences in the deepest sequences (e.g. core 11), and less in upstream
tidal inuence. Tidal currents cannot penetrate the lower Muge valley sequences.
oor, although the tributary oodplain has not yet aggraded to above
HAT levels. The abrupt uvial conversion of the lower Muge oodplain
6.4. Renewed local sedimentation
coincides therefore with deteriorating drainage conditions: there is no
positive oodplain gradient towards the Tagus valley.
The alluvial soil in the lower Muge oodplain, in the
reach 3.5 km upstream of the Tagus conuence, was
buried by 2150 cal BP by unit 6. Over this reach, the soil
development (unit 4), starting 6370 cal BP in the central is located up to 2 m below the present base level of the
reach of the lower Muge oodplain, was initially Tagus River (Fig. 5). From 2150 cal BP, the average
conned to oodplain depressions (e.g. palaeochannels), accumulation rate of unit 6 was 0.43 mm/yr (core 20)
before reaching its greatest extent prior to 5150 cal BP in based on a sample near the upper soil boundary; the
backswamp environments. Peat formation was probably sample position may cause an underestimation of the
stimulated by low rates of base-level rise and a decrease actual deposition rate. There is no evidence for contem-
in clastic sediment input; the latter was most likely porary ne-grained deposition further upstream in the
inuenced by the upstream shifting focus of clastic input Muge oodplain, where the soil is located above the
and, perhaps, by decreasing ooding frequencies. The present Tagus base level. This suggests that sedimentation
downstream expansion of uvial environments in the in the conuence zone was induced by backll from the
lower Muge valley decreased tidal inuence in the central Tagus River. RSLs in south-western Iberia were stable
reach and therefore, probably, ooding related to tidal during the late Holocene (Zazo et al., 1996; Dias et al.,
blocking of the uvial discharge. Finally, low rates of 2000). Therefore, oodplain aggradation in the Tagus
base-level rise enabled long-term preservation of peat valley is most likely related to internal mechanisms, such as
through burial. The accumulation rate for unit 4 progressive uvial inll of the former estuary under the
(core 64) is 0.87 mm/yr (Fig. 5). However, this rate is inuence of stable sea levels, or to external factors such as
probably an underestimation since the deposits may an upstream human- and/or climate-controlled increase in
have been affected by post-depositional oxidation and the sediment supply.
compression. Alluviation in the central-upstream reaches of the lower
Peat formation in the central reach ended 5150 cal BP Muge valley oor buried the local soil 150 cal BP (core
and was followed by development of an organic-rich 64). This nal phase of rapid deposition displayed a
alluvial soil. There is a virtual standstill of sediment sediment accumulation rate of 5 mm/yr (Fig. 5). The
accumulation during soil formation in core 64 from 5150 central-upstream bed of unit 6 reaches its greatest thickness
to 150 cal BP, with an average deposition rate of 0.1 mm/yr. of 1 m near the upstream limit of the lower valley oor,
Alluvial soil formation reects oodplain stabilisation and indicating a sediment source from the Muge catchment.
suggests a stable groundwater table, and therefore a stable Recent uvial activity is also indicated by fan-toe incision
local base level, as well as low ooding frequencies and/or a at the upstream limit of the lower reach. The ne-grained
2950 T. van der Schriek et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (2007) 29372957

inll of the incised fan toe does not contain the soil level, 7.1. Climatic controls on fluvial sedimentation
suggesting recent incision and inll. Human disturbance of
the Muge catchment vegetation started after 5800 cal BC, Pollen and lake-level data reveal several minor climate
while intensive human impact on the vegetation is oscillations in south-western Iberia during the early-mid
registered from 2150 cal BP (van der Schriek et al., in Holocene (van der Knaap and van Leeuwen, 1997; Jalut
press). Historical records suggests that the Muge area was et al., 2000; Reed et al., 2001; Carrion, 2002). However,
an important cereal-producing area prior to the 13th these uctuations left the vegetation cover in place,
century, although the upstream parts of the lower valley suggesting limited inuence on sediment input into uvial
oor were only cultivated after 1850 (Batata and Gaspar, systems. A regional drying trend between 7600 and
1993; Vilar, 1993). The phase of increased alluviation 6000 cal BP is observed in several pollen sequences in
and incision in the upstream reach of the lower Muge southern Iberia, including in the Muge area (Mateus, 1985;
valley is most likely related to this documented phase of Van Leeuwaarden and Janssen, 1985; Carrion and Dupre,
clearance and agricultural intensication at the end of the 1996; Carrion and Van Geel, 1999; Yll et al., 1999; Mateus
19th century. These land-use changes may have increased and Queiroz, 2000; Carrion et al., 2001; Santos and
ne-grained sediment supply, run-off and ooding fre- Sanchez Goni, 2003; van der Schriek et al., in press). The
quency. drying trend has also been recorded by a fall in lake levels
and increased aeolian activity after 5000 cal BP (Harrison
7. Controls on Holocene uvialestuarine behaviour and Digerfeldt, 1993; Taylor et al., 1998; Borja et al., 1999;
Carrion and Van Geel, 1999; Zazo et al., 1999; Carrion
Extensive ne-grained sedimentation in the Lower Tagus et al., 2001; Reed et al., 2001; Carrion, 2002). The drying
valley started under the inuence of sea- and associated trend did not lead to an open landscape in south-western
base-level rise, while the inherited valley oor topography Iberia, suggesting that it had little impact on uvial
determined to upstream limit of aggradation. The Lower sediment supply. However, regional drying may have led
Tagus oodplain 3 km downstream of the Muge con- to decreasing peak discharges. This hypothesis is consistent
uence is underlain by at least 40 m of negrained with the absence of ood clusters of the Tagus River
sediments (Zbyszewski and Veiga Ferreira, 1968). If these between 7000 and 1200 cal BP in central Spain (Benito
deposits are Holocene, accepted agedepth relationships et al., 2003). The lower Muge valley ll record does not
suggest the local presence of tidal environments at register an obvious climatic control, although any climatic
11,000 cal BP (e.g. Dabrio et al., 2000; Boski et al., signal may be obscured by the strong base-level control on
2002; Freitas et al., 2003; Goy et al., 2003). Tidal and sedimentation.
saltwater inuence of the Lower Tagus oodplain is
thought to have extended to Santarem, 15 km upstream 7.2. Lowland alluvial base-level stabilisation
of Muge (Dias et al., 2000; Fig. 3). Maximum tidal
inuence in the Muge tributary (78007500 cal BP), Tidal inuence decreases in coastal settings in central
reecting the balance between the rate of sea-level rise south Portugal from 6400 cal BP onwards (Mateus and
and local sediment input, may give a rough indication for Queiroz, 2000; Santos and Sanchez Goni, 2003). Regional
the timing of maximum saltwater inuence in the Lower data suggest that mean sea level had stabilised around
Tagus oodplain. This age estimate agrees well with the present levels by 4500 cal BP (Dias et al., 2000). Estuaries
Holocene Iberian estuarine record. Extensive inlling of along the Atlantic coast of Southern Iberia register a
southern Iberian estuaries started after 7900 cal BP, when predominantly uvial inll between 4500 and 2500 cal BP
the rate of sediment supply began to balance the decreasing (Rodr guez-Ram rez et al., 1996; Mateus and Queiroz,
rates of sea-level rise (Dabrio et al., 1999, 2000; Boski et al., 2000; Dabrio et al., 2000)Dabrio et al., 2001 has been
2002). Iberian estuaries experienced a maximum transgres- changed to Dabrio et al., 2000. Please conrm ok.4. To
sive surface between 7700 and 6100 cal BP, followed by date, published evidence of peat beds in these sequences is
increasing vertical accretion and lateral progradation of rare. However, peat beds are common in north-western
uvial systems (Mateus, 1985; Goy et al., 1996; Rodr guez- European estuarine sequences and associated with the mid-
Ram rez et al., 1996; Zazo et al., 1996; Morales, 1997; Holocene slowdown in sea-level rise, starting between
Borja et al., 1999; Psuty and Moreira, 2000; Cearreta et al., 8000 and 6000 cal BP (Long et al., 2000). The beginning
2003; Freitas et al., 2003; Santos and Sanchez Goni, 2003). of peat formation in the inner-estuarine setting of the lower
Preliminary data tentatively suggest that uvial environ- Muge valley oor (6400 cal BP) ts well with these data,
ments expanded in the Tagus oodplain from Santarem to suggesting that peat formation may be more common in
the Muge conuence (16 km) between 7500 and inner-estuarine sequences around Iberia.
5750 cal BP. The present tidal limit is located 28 km Late Holocene soil formation is evident in several
downstream of Muge. Sea- and base-level controls may estuarine and coastal sequences along the Atlantic coast
have inuenced sedimentation up to Entroncamento, of Iberia. Granja and De Groot (1996) dated a soil to
34 km upstream from Santarem, where the lowland 3500 cal BP in a coastal sequence in North Portugal. The
oodplain ends. oldest peaty soils in coastal sequences in Spanish Galicia
T. van der Schriek et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (2007) 29372957 2951

and the gulf of Cadiz have been dated to 3400 and this section some arguments suggesting that climate change
4000 cal BP, respectively (Devoy et al., 1996; Goy et al., may have controlled terrace formation during glacial
1996). These records are in close proximity to the coast periods, with sea-level change only of importance during
than the lower Muge valley ll, which may explain the interglacials and, perhaps, in eroding the coastal high-
older date for the beginning of soil formation stand prism at the beginning of interglacial periods.
(5150 cal BP) in the latter inner estuarine setting. Soil Mediterranean terrace records suggest that there were
formation was probably a regional event, triggered by multiple aggradation-incision events in Iberian river
stable sea levels, and extended progressively downstream systems during the last glacial period; major aggradation
from inner-estuarine to more coastal settings. episodes centred around cold phases, while signicant
incision most likely occurred on warming limbs of climate
7.3. Anthropogenic influence on lowland fluvial aggradation transitions (e.g. Macklin and Passmore, 1995; Fuller et al.,
1998; Macklin et al., 2002). Fluvial records in SW Iberian
Deforestation in Iberia increased progressively from the coastal settings suggest similar behaviour, with aggrada-
Bronze Age, leading to large-scale deforestation around the tion during cold periods with low sea levels and incision
Roman period which climaxed during medieval times when sometimes taking place when sea levels rose. Buried uvial
forests virtually disappeared (e.g. van der Knaap and van terrace levels at the base of an estuarine valley ll in the
Leeuwen, 1995; Allen et al., 1996; Carrion et al., 2001; Gulf of Cadiz have been dated at the upper unconformity
Franco Mugica et al., 2001; Carrion, 2002). Human to 17,00030,000 BP (Dabrio et al., 2000; Boski et al.,
catchment disturbance plays an important role in the 2002; Goy et al., 2003), while buried uvial deposits in the
sediment input into estuaries during the late Holocene Sado estuary date from 14,200 to 10,000 BP (Freitas
(Freitas et al., 1999, 2003; Morhange et al., 1999; Dabrio et al., 2003). Cano et al. (1999) have dated uvial terrace
et al., 2000; Dias et al., 2000; Boski et al., 2002). However, sediments in NW Spanish coastal valleys to 33,000
the relative contribution of marine-uvial sediment sources 39,000 BP (10 m above sea level) and 13,800 BP (3.5 m
and the inuence of human activity on uvial sediment above sea level), respectively. Tagus terrace sediments in the
input into estuaries remains a source of contention (Beets Rodao sub-basin (Fig. 1) have also yielded some dates. The
and van der Spek, 2000; Bintliff, 2002). Local deforestation upper part of T3 terrace deposits were dated by TL on a silt
started at different times in different parts of the Tagus layer to 51 ka (+13 ka; 12 ka) and 68 ka (+35 ka; 26 ka),
catchment, while any increase in sediment supply caused by while the base of a silt-sand succession underlying a local T4
such deforestation may have been kept for a considerable fragment yielded Palaeolithic artefacts (attributed to the
period of time in colluvial and alluvial sediment storage Mousterian) and mammal, bird and sh remains; Th/U age
before reaching the lowland oodplain of the river system estimates of 32,93871055, 34,0887800 and 34,0937920 BP
(e.g. Macklin and Lewin, 1988; Provansal, 1995). on three teeth from this level are reported (Cunha et al., 2005).
The progressive deforestation of the Iberian landscape These age estimates suggest that a major aggradation
probably led to a gradual increase in sediment supply and phase took place around 33,000 BP, perhaps lasting
peak discharges. Renewed ood activity clusters until 17,000 BP, followed by uvial incision prior to
(1165745, 475, 280 cal BP) in the Spanish reach of 14,20013,800 BP. This timing places uvial aggradation
the Tagus River may have been partially caused by during the late glacial maximum, when pollen evidence
deforestation (Benito et al., 1998, 2003). Renewed uvial reveals the widespread presence of arid Artemisia steppe
aggradation in the Lower Tagus valley near Muge started and climates were probably characterised by cold winters,
prior to 2150 cal BP. This aggradation phase was most winter precipitation and summer drought (Prentice et al.,
likely caused by an increased sediment load and ooding 1992; Harrison and Digerfeldt, 1993; Beaulieu et al., 1994;
frequency resulting from the progressive degradation of the Peyron et al., 1998; Carrion and Van Geel, 1999). These
Iberian landscape since the Late Bronze Age. The lower conditions would have caused intense winterspring runoff,
Muge tributary, which is representative for uvial systems probably with high peak discharges and a high sediment
draining the Tertiary Lower Tagus Basin, shows no input. It appears that uvial incision took place on the
evidence of increased alluviation prior to the 19th century. warming limb of the subsequent climate transition and may
The subsequent clearance-related increase in sediment relate to decreased sediment input as a result of deciduous
input only led to aggradation in the upper reach of the and conifer forest expansion 18,00016,000 BP (Harrison
lower Muge valley oor, suggesting local storage and and Digerfeldt, 1993; Beaulieu et al., 1994; Carrion and
limited net transport of sediment to the Tagus oodplain. Van Geel, 1999).
Localised uvial aggradation (14,20010,000 BP) in
8. Implications for Pleistocene uvial system behaviour coastal river systems may be associated with the Younger
Dryas period when peak discharges and sediment input
Fluvial incision in the lower Tagus valley is commonly probably increased due to an increase in winter precipita-
accepted to be controlled by sea-level change and to take tion and summer drought, while vegetation became more
place during glacial maxima (Zbyszewski, 1946; Mozzi open in upland areas (Beaulieu et al., 1994; Allen et al.,
et al., 2000; Cunha et al., 2005). However, we present in 1996; Penalba et al., 1997; van der Knaap and van
2952 T. van der Schriek et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (2007) 29372957

Leeuwen, 1997; Carrion and Van Geel, 1999). However, in the bedrock sill depth in the gorge would probably lead to
Portuguese coastal valleys a Pinus forest with Oak was uvial incision in the coastal high-stand deposits of the
present throughout the Younger Dryas, attesting to Lower Tagus valley.
relatively mild climatic conditions (Mateus and Queiroz, However, once sea level falls below the depth of the bedrock
2000; Santos and Sanchez Goni, 2003). Subsequent uvial sill, upstream base level is no longer controlled by sea level.
incision took probably place around the Pleistocene Instead, changes in upstream base level become a function of
Holocene transition (Garc a Mart nez et al., 1991) and fault movement and bedrock resistivity to erosion. To date, the
was most likely related to the increase in vegetation cover exact depth of the bedrock sill and specic movement along the
(Mateus, 1985; Harrison and Digerfeldt, 1993; van der fault remain unknown. These data suggest that once sea level
Knaap and van Leeuwen, 1994, 1995, 1997; Penalba et al., falls below the bedrock sill during glacial periods, upstream
1997), which may have decreased sediment input. uvial behaviour in the Lower Tagus valley is mainly
determined by climate and base-level change determined by
8.1. Fluvial incision in the Lower Tagus valley: possible tectonic movements and erosion of the bedrock outlet.
8.2. Terrace formation in the Lower Tagus valley
From the T6 terrace surface to the base of the ne-
grained Muge valley ll near the Tagus conuence, there The study of the Q3 terrace deposits near Alpiarc- a
was 416 m of incision. The amount of incision decreases to (Mozzi et al., 2000), which have been tentatively linked to
5 m in the central lower valley, while there is no uvial the T4 level in the Muge area (Section 4), allow for a
incision of the T6 level beyond the upstream limit of the preliminary analysis of factors affecting long-term terrace
lower Muge valley. The width of the tributary Muge valley formation. The erosive upper boundary of the Lower
declines progressively upstream from its broad mouth to Gravel Unit is found at 1419 m MdC in Alpiarc- a and at
the nal connement by alluvial fans (Fig. 4). This 35 m MdC in the Muge valley (19 km downstream);
geometry of incision suggests that a fall in base level of this gives a minimum and maximum gradient for this
the Lower Tagus River induced uvial incision of the surface of, respectively, 0.470.84 m/km. The erosive base
tributary valley mouth. The T6 level is probably buried in of the unit with the ne-grained Miocene Argilas de Tomar
the Lower Tagus valley near Muge and may correlate to Formation is located at 05 m MdC in Alpiarc- a (Mozzi et
the lowest Tagus terrace level of Cunha et al. (2005), which al., 2000). Using a maximum thickness of 20 m for this unit
dives below the present valley ll 18 km downstream of based on the Alpiarc- a study, it is likely that the lower
Entroncamento (Fig. 3). There is 40 m of vertical boundary of this unit in Muge is located around 15 to
separation from the tributary T6 terrace surface to the 20 m MdC. These estimates give a minimum and max-
base of the ne-grained Lower Tagus valley ll near Muge imum gradient for this surface of, respectively,
(Zbyszewski and Veiga Ferreira, 1968). At the base of this 0.791.32 m/km. Both the erosive top and base of the
ne-grained sequence, there is up to 20 m of coarse sand Lower Gravel Unit in the Muge valley are located below
and gravel overlying ne-grained sediments that are the level of the present oodplain, while their altitude
attributed to the Miocene (Zbyszewski and Veiga Ferreira, during formation was probably even lower if the (un-
1968). These coarse basal sediments were probably known) amount of uplift since deposition is taken into
deposited after incision of the T6 level. It appears unlikely account. These height data suggest that the aggradation
that these coarse sediments form the basis of either the T5 and incision events represented by this unit took place
or T6 terrace deposits: this would imply that 6070 m of during periods with lower sea level than at present,
sediments underlie these (minor) terrace levels, whereas probably during cold stages. The overlying Upper Sands
even the extensive T4 level is underlain by a maximum of Unit contains mainly tabular stacked sand bodies and silty-
45 m of deposits (Section 2.3.2). There have been at least clay beds, and is ning upward. The T4/Q3 terrace surface
three incision events counting from the top of the T4 level, in the Upper Sand Unit is located, respectively, at
creating the T5 and T6 terrace levels, and the present valley 2535 m MdC in Alpiarc- a and at 2030 m MdC in
oor, respectively. These events took place most likely Muge, giving a minimum and maximum terrace gradient
during the last cycle, given the age estimates from the of, respectively, 0.790.26 m/km. The present Lower Tagus
sediments underlying the T4 level. Finally, the specic valley oor gradient changes from a maximum of 0.36
tectonic setting of the Lower Tagus valley renders it m/km near Entroncamento to 0.094 m/km downstream of
unlikely that extensive sea-level induced incision of the Santarem (Fig. 3).
valley oor occurred around the last glacial maximum. The The different gradients of the bounding surface in the T4
present-day outlet of the Tagus inner estuary near Lisbon deposits are associated with major sedimentological
is conned by a fault-bounded, narrow bedrock gorge changes. The high basal gradient of the Lower Gravel
which is 30 m deep, 2 km wide and 12 km long. The ridge Unit is associated with a gravel-bed river system, while the
containing the gorge has experienced 4100 m of uplift over intermediate gradient of its upper bounding surface is
the past 3 Ma, while the area of the inner estuary associated with a uvial system carrying a predominantly
experienced subsidence (Fig. 2). A fall in sea level up to sandy load. Finally, the nes towards the top of the Upper
T. van der Schriek et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (2007) 29372957 2953

Sand Unit are linked to the low terrace surface gradient. the estuarine accommodation space in the Tagus valley
Comparison of the T4 surface gradient with the present oor near the Muge conuence was inlled. This led to the
oodplain gradient may suggest base-level inuence on abrupt disappearance of estuarine environments in the
deposition of the ne-grained upper part of the Upper Muge tributary as the Tagus oodplain blocked tidal
Sand Unit; however, estuarine deposits have so far not inuence into its mouth. The lower Muge tributary
been reported. The different gradients of terrace surfaces experienced progressive uvial inll of the accommodation
and sediment bodies suggest that the longitudinal prole of space from 5750 to 5200 cal BP. Peat formation
the river adjusted repeatedly to changes in the water- (64005200 cal BP) in the central lower Muge valley
sediment input balance over time. Recurring climate and reects low rates of base-level rise during this period.
base-level changes (the latter inuenced by sea-level and Stable sea levels (4500 cal BP) led to regional valley oor
the fault-controlled bedrock sill) probably led to complex stabilisation and widespread soil formation, starting
stratigraphic relationships and considerable periods of 5200 cal BP in lowland uvial settings. Renewed localised
disequilibrium in prole adjustment. sedimentation, starting between 2200 and 200 cal BP in the
Lower Tagus and Muge valley oors, is associated with
9. Conclusions progressive human impact on the catchment vegetation.

It is likely that several incision-aggradation events took Acknowledgements

place in the Lower Tagus valley during the last glacial
period. Major aggradation episodes are probably related to The authors wish to thank the Camara Municipal de
cold phases, while there appears to be uvial incision Salvaterra de Magos and Dona Teresa (Casa Cadaval) for
during climate transitions. These observations contradict much appreciated logistical support. This research was
the accepted idea of extensive sea-level induced incision of undertaken while in receipt of a studentship of the
the Lower Tagus valley oor during glacial maxima. This Department of Geography, University of Newcastle upon
study suggests that climate and tectonic changes exert a Tyne. The authors wish to acknowledge the support of
major control on terrace formation, while the sea-level NERC (radiocarbon dating allocation no. 923.0501), and
signal may not be well preserved in the terrace record. would like to thank referees Anne Mather and Andy
However, the stratigraphic and geomorphological classi- Howard for their helpful and constructive comments. This
cation of the Lower Tagus terrace record needs to be re- paper is a contribution to both IGCP 449 and 518 and to
thought urgently in the light of the massive uncertainties in the FLAG Focus 1 database.
the present data before any attempt at understanding this
system can be made successfully. This study presents the Appendix A. Supplementary materials
rst securely dated stratigraphic framework for Holocene
valley ll deposits in the Lower Tagus Basin. Holocene Supplementary data associated with this article can be
oodplain development is strongly inuenced by sea-level found in the online version at doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.
rise (creating accommodation space), the inherited Pleisto- 2007.07.020.
cene valley oor topography and sediment input by tidal
and uvial processes. Only during the late Holocene does
human impact on catchment vegetation become an
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