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f i n t M HetoM, Cewratl, *.

, Thurastai, O c t e t * * I t , I W - F v f * I S

63 A s f r t m o m N r 9.e m A> Cowi A Truths 71 M O N D A Y , O C T O B E R tt-

R E A L ESTATE Ground to or- V I L L A G E A P A R T M E N T S : I 8 30 P.M. 3 bedroom house ft
dtr. Halbur Realty Co , bedroom. 7R-4SM or I W H TO FINANCE yew new or uaed lot. 397 East 3th. Carroll
m-tm. M06-ttc ear set Personal Lenders.
Therms P l a n . Carroll. Call
M e r l e Halllnan. Owner. TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE
LET US do your homework for N E W E R 2 b e o r o o m Kasperbauer. Kerkhotf ft
IIMISt. 71-233-tfc Kerkhoff, Auctioneers.
you. M * N Real Estate. Available Nov."'l7"C/A*5L
- I. S U N D A Y , O C T O B E R JaV-
7K41M 63-100 tic O R I F F I T H FORD-MERCURY
pliances. . . Ph TV-Mai. INC. Authorised sales A ser 1:30 P.M. 4 bedroom home in
TO BUY or aell homes, farms, AfterS. 7t2*673. vte>. Jet. Hwy. 71 ft - Car- Breda. Conrad Tlefenthaler
acreages, commercial Utost C f i 1 Truths roll 7HU88 7I-N4fc Estate. Grate ft Ruplper. ACROSS 64 Access
WllaonReal Estate. 792-3074. 1 Building
KOBERO CHEVROLET - Your Auctioneers. 65 Over UNITED Feature Syndicate
M l O H f c 1070 I M P A L A Landau Sport 5 Wrangle 67 Cabot
Coupe - vg. atr. P S , P B . authorised G M dealer in Car MONDAY. OCTOBER S t - 1! Wednesday's Puzzle Solved.
EASTGATE R E A L Estate and roll. Too dollar paid for used 8:30 P.M. 4 bedroom home. 9 Marble 70 Salt water
Insurance. Insure with con cruise. Low mileage Ed Sten- 14 Ford 71 Oiscerned
strom. Coon Rapid*. P h . : can. 7924236 71-134-tfc SI4 Granada Drive. Gary onor oenn nnonn
fidence 7W-M7t 3l23tfc 15 Song 72 Noun ending
M 4 M M or 184-2224 7 I S S 4 A - Gelster. Owner. Jack Kasper
16 Non-winner 73 Marsh plant
ODDC noon nnono
SERV1NO T H E Carroll area 1978 C H E V E T T E 4 dr. Air ft very bauer. Dave Kerkhoff ft
17 Flattering 74 Candid
nnnr nunnconnon
1074 * ion pickup. Ml 0. 7929JJ8 low miles 4X93.00. Glidden Meryl Kerkhoff. Auctioneers anon non Eonnnn
over 30 y e a r s . Pudcnz- or 702-4812. 19 Bailies
Kunecfce Real Estate. Hwy. 30 fIJOWtc Auto Sales 71-303-ltc SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 4 - 75 Letters ontion nnncn
West. Erv Pudent, 712-1440. 1972 C H E V Y Impala. 1988 C H E V E L L E I dr. McCar- 130 P.M. All bred club calf
20 Speeds DOWN onoa oon ODDO
21 Earth 1 Turf QUO DDUOQ QDQOD
Gary Kunecfce. 792-32J0. hard top 57.000 miles. Phone ville ft Son Motors Tl-MS-ftc sale. Carroll Livestock Sales. 23 Valley 2 Beautiful orennnorjf l u o n o a o
3 22ltfc 65.1-2.110. Carroll. Iowa. Merle Witt. Ar 24 Doggoned Hen oooon acaoD aoo
B I E R L R E A L T Y Co. Commer 713WMP Calendar of cadia. Sales Manager
Ruplper ft Scharfenkamp.
27 Nidus 3 Trainings nunu O D D ODDD
unuiiu nuuuu
cial, residential, rentals. 29 Poured down
7MMM 63-M-lfc
I D E A L F O R larmtrs or con
struction company 1979 I sale Dates Auctioneers. 31 Ortended
4 cancel
5 Percneo UOUDDD ODD
M#t#ss>s 9#r stent c*4
ton crewcab. Dual wheels and
a 12 ton gooseneck grain
I P.M. House, lot. household
35 Three Pretin
37 Opponent
6 NHL or NBA
player UUfJUU U U U L uuou
BY ARCADIA. 3 bedroom home. trailer with hoist. 1m for and goods ft antiques 1218 North 39 Humor 7 ventilates uuuuu uuuu uuuu
Large kitchen with lots of cup both 792 t K 3 or 792-4112 Court E v a h j u n e Boell. 40 Old cars 8 Fiber
boards; g a r a g e ; no pets. 71H4t4c Auction Sales Owner R u p l p e r . Schar 42 u S missile 9 Man a nick- 30 Trysts 53 Colored
Deposit Available Nov. I. All types of auctions will be run fenkamp ft McCarville. Auc 44 Coastal bird 32 0*soresm 55 Riata
mt-tm 64 206 31c MUST S E L L 1973 Chevy Impala. 45 tube
7921005 after 5 30 p.m. In this Auction Calendar F R E E if tioneers. 10 Bash: 33 Stave 57 Cancel
we have the advertising copy of 47 Pretend Swords 34 Feet 58 C O S units
3 BEDROOM house with garage. ntM-ttc FRIDAY, NOVEMBER O -
your ad In our office. 2 words 11 Minor 30 Journey SO Pecks
References It deposit required. I P.M. Farm machinery auc 49 Child Pretn
1976 PONTIAC LeMam Safari 12 Rotate 34 Nevada city 60 Monster
m-na 04 204-ap passenger wagon. PB. PS. air, E V E R Y THURSDAY tion From Breda 2 miles 50 Placard 13 Celt 30 Afier 61 Put down
T H R E E B E D R O O M house 55.000 miles. Call after . 7:88 P.M. Carroll Livestock s o u t h ft ' m i l e E a s t 52 Demure 10 Flower 41 Situating 63 Blubber
References ft deposit required. M-2451. 71-103-tfc Sale. Clarence Schapman. Owner. 54 Follow 22 Momes 43 Knot 66 Born
702-1131 64 203 ftp Grote ft Gerken. Auctioneers 56 Complained 25 f-ihaie *4 Turmeric 68 Pollen
1977 HUICK Limited. Gold. Law SUNDAY. NOVEMBER H 59 Toy 26 Luc.fer
miles. All power (7 a m -4 E V E R Y SATURDAY 40 Scruffs spreader
IN AUBURN. 2 bedroom brick I P.M. Complete closing out 62 Maul 20 Resort Si Rive
house new furnace, at p.m.) 792-2938. 7l3034tc I P.M. Farmer's Livestock 69 Atlantic cape
farm sale Located 4 miles
tached garage. GcorRc N. Auction.
Werntmom. 7K-4229 M)7tfc FOK S A L E for best offers. I9M west. 1 mile south. <: mile
Chevrolet '* T pickup-needs SUNDAY, OCTOBER I I -
west of Coon Rapids or 3
engine: 1957 Chev. 4-dr not I P.M. Furniture sale. 1101
miles south. 2' 2 miles east of
Apartment Hr Honl 65 running: good 339 engine. Call Hlghrtdge R d . Carroll. Iowa
Dedham Mike Witlenborg. [MAH&GTHEY JOIN
Larry at 859-3174. 71-20t-Stc M r . ft M r s . Gregory F
NEAR NEW apartment (I larRc
Schroedtr. Owners. McCar-
Owner Kerkhoff. Kerkhoff ft ^ U A I N i p LEA6U\J
bedroom). Furnished or unfur 197.1 VEGA. Good gas mileage Kasperbauer. Auctioneers
nished. Utilities included Car vllle. Ruplper ft Schar-
New tires. 600. 7924095 after 8 F R I D A Y . JANUARY 4 -
peted. Responsible adults onlv fenkamp. Auctioneers.
p.nr_ 71306-p 12:30 P.M. Val Zinkc farm
200 mo. Ph.: 792-2828. SUNDAY, OCTOBER I I -
sale 4 miles east. I S south ft
$-203-3tc 1970 CHEVY 2 Ion truck I P.M House ft lot in Halbur. 3

steering Very good condition 1 east of Hamlin. IA Mcrvl

B E A U T I F U L 2 bedroom apt I o w a . L a w r e n c e Neppl.
One owner. Wilbur Wenck Kerkhoff and Lloyd
with fireplace. 1.100 sq ft Owner. Mescher ft Ruplper.
P h : 622 5247. 7124B-p Laughery. Auctioneers.
garage included. '400 00 mon Auctioneers.
thly. 702-0573 after 6:00 1975 DATSUN station wagon 4
cylinder. 4 speed, bucket
702-5555. 84. S5-200-tfc

s e a t s , near new r u b
bedroom apartment Fully
b e r . . . Plenty economical ser
vice left here. 1973 Dodge Dart
St A lovely new ranch style
carpeted. All unities fur Swinger 2 dr. h'dtop. 318 V8. NoflOIIOl

* n o m
flarage w i t n 2 c a r

nished. Married couple No automatic, power steering ft L located close to Fairview

pets 200 mo Call 792-9512 for brakes, factory atr. padded School. Home features 3
weekend appointment to sec r o o f , near new r u b b e r
Ph.: 702-4241 weekends Super sharp throughout
full baths, large utility
R5-205-2IC Wittrock Motors. 71-206-tfc area, 5 bedrooms, finished family room with
sliding glass door onto patio, and all solid oak
TRACT. Financing available.
ffastpate792-5278 Orville Bierl 792-5278 First National Bank
Real Estate Cliff Bierl 792-4280
104 W . 5th S t . Carroll Louise Menke 792-4506 Glidden, iowa Real Estate 659 2264 =
R. H. Van Horn, Broker
T h i s contemporary ranch has a partial brick front a n d After H o u r s : Linda or Doyle Douglas 659-2164
faces south, is located in a new addition to Carroll. You'll
be delighted to entertain your visitors in the expressive
living r o o m . Enjoy cooking in this efficient kitchen with
its work area, tasteful dining r o o m , and breakfast nook.
The bedrooms are accessible from a central hall a n d the
.master bedroom has a walk in closet a n d half bath. Y o u
can be creative in finishing the full basement to your
liking. This home is only *59,000.00. Call Eastgate today
and Inspect this home. <m> 792-1513
New listing in Audubon.
3 bedroom two story home in good cond. Features liv

A . IN G L I D D E N r o o m , family room & separate dining room - all car

peted. Two bath rooms, large kitchen, gas furnace. See
Jk fB4V Older 2 bedroom home on full this roomy well kept home with south front. Corner lot.
jfilJI lot with g a r a g e . T h i s home h a s All this for only 25,0OO.
M a t tA n n I b e e n
rewired, insulated, new (tail Lovely 3 bedroom ranch near Rec Center. L i v . room
Ha2r I- flooring, with new kitchen A carpeted. L a r g e kitchen & dining area. Built in stove.
amBOIltC bath. Owner is m o v i n g out of Basement part finished. G a s furnace. C A , garage.
state. Priced under 120,000.
<SMC) Close in. 4 bedroom brick home. Attached garage.
Older 3 bedroom, 1' 2 story home with g a r a g e . This home One owner home.
has a lot of square footage a n d is in very good condition.
Ideal starter home. Immediate possession. Priced under In Scrantoh. 3 bedroom remodeled home. Lovely kit
>30,000. chen. G a s furnace. Nice lot. Only M8.9S0.
Older 3 bedroom home on a lot & ''2. T h i s house has been 4 bedroom older home. Needs some repair. Includes
completely remodeled with new furnace, wiring, in g a r a g e . L a r g e lot. Only 14,000.
sulation, new kitchen with range S> new bath. T h i s one W h y not start out with a mobile home? We have two to
m u s t be seen to be appreciated. Priced under *30,000. choose f r o m . Both in fine location.
3 bedroom home with ideal location. T h i s home needs <in> 1978 two bedroom. '14,850.
T L C . Ideal starter home or investment property. Priced (> 1972 3 bedroom. C / A & storage s h e d . 13,800. s

under 20,000. H a r v e y Fleshner 792-1513 or Pat Johnston 792-2305

' F i n a n c i n g available.

First National Bank NEW L I S T I N G S FRANK A N D ERNEST

Glidden. Iowa Real Estate 659-2264:
R. H. Van Horn, Broker S 7 ACRES, more or less, in R a l s t o n , Iowa. 2 story, 2-4
After H o u r s : Linda or Doyle Douglas659-2164 bedroom h o m e . H o g set-up. silo, chicken house,
machine shed & other outbuildings. out* rMt*t?jVeM iS T H W
2 B E D R O O M V/j story remodeled home in Carroll.
Large iot c l o s e to d o w n t o w n . Ideal starter
yfStf IN G L I D D E N home. (SHI
^National " * t e d : V e r y nice 3
J u s t
SPACIOUS 3 bedroom 2 story home C / A , laundry
H ia*_r_i_ bedroom home. Features r o o m on m a i n floor, large family room. N e w steel THE RvXSiAMf T
HDQI1K large family room with siding a n d roof. Ideal location, 2 blocks to Holy
fireplace, sliding glass doors to patio deck. Remodeled Spirit, 2 car g a r a g e . Low 60's. HID
kitchen & bath. The yard has been nicely landscaped A
has a g a r a g e & utility shed. This one will not be on the
market long a n d can be easily financed.
Located on one of Carroll's more beautiful streets, 2 cALUfft) 'Witty* AS A
b l o c k s to S t . L a w r e n c e . I n excellent condition.
Very nice older 3 bedroom home. Excellent location F a m i l y room with wood burning fireplace. Full ^ SmfuS THRfArT.
close to school & churches. This is a n excellent family basement. L o w 60s. <o i < a a i H . i u s o
home in perfect condition. ACREAGE 15 Plus a c r e s within I mile of Car-
roll. Outstanding set of improvements, plus many RICK O SHAY
New 4 bedroom home with bath & % , finished family
room with fireplace, sliding g l a s s doors to patio. T h i s is extras that m u s t be seen. Let us show you this " O N E
O F A K I N D " acreage. IT IsVN'T PTCOPCK
a beautiful new home priced to sell. FOOTArt TO HAN6>
New 3 bedroom home with bath & '/: near completion. ACREAGE IN GLIDDEN 3 or 4 bedroom all O N TO THB
Buyer would have his choice of carpet A colors etc. T h i s brick home on approx. 2 a c r e s . Remodeled kitchen, aVAPPLS H O K N
must be seen to believe the price at 4S,000. S C / A , full basement. 2'/a car unattached garage with
workshop. A l l this for <60,S00.
3 mobile homes for sale. Immediate possession. F r o m
4,000-M3,000. CONOCO STATION 6th & Carroll S t . Ideal
location. R o o m for expansion with on site parking.
* F i n a n c i n g available. Will sell on contract to qualified buyer.

First National Bank

Glidden, Iowa Real Estate 659-2244 i ZPutUnz-Dtunec&E. <*\C%ttt.
R. H . V a n H o r n , Broker Hwy 30 West Ph. 792-1440
After H o u r s : Linda or Doyle D o u g l a s 659-2164 3 AAsmbar Carroll Multiple listing Service
E r v P u d e m 792-9927 G a r y Kunecke, G R I 792-3230 3

We know that a record-cutting machine, jSI Pd**
HOW A M , phonograph which cuts a continuous - wutmto OF TH8) MViMf
we*J acTTM6
Q _ PH0KJ06RAPH , 9) record's sound
it stored in the wavy
groove onto a revolving
plastic disc- F r o m this

grooves on it* surface. In disc, a metal record is

the recording studio, the made. The metal record is
music Is first recorded on used in a plastic molding
tape. The musicians and press to press the wavy
studio technicians listen to groove onto the plastic
the tape. After making any record you buy. x
iNs\* ^Y
aeasM adjustments in the Vw CM aria *r*rW Almt-
balance between the e U year aaMln It aaam-
1 taai nar Max aa* *ff
J*U"aaa FaMura aVMfcala. IM laaAnuM&ta and voices, the la JOHNNY WONPtS, c/a
<aa M a i p i i i r , P.O. Baa
if played Into a ItM.luUCni.CANMI

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