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And their interpretations

Table of Contents

foreword p4
Introduction p 5-31
1. What is the Mayan Calendar p 5- 6
2. Who are the Classical Mayan p7-8
3. How does it work? p9-20
4. The shamanic Calendar p21-22
5. About 2012 and the time of Cauac p23-24
6. How to calculate your kin p25-29
7. How to understand the psychological action of a kin in the life of a p30-31
Interpretation of the solar seals p32-
Imix The Red Dragon
Ik The White Wind
Akbal The Blue Night
Kan The Yellow Seed
Chichan The Red Snake
Cimi The White Worldbridger
Manik The Blue Hand
Lamat The Yellow Star
Muluk The Red Moon
Oc The White Dog
Chuen The Blue Monkey
Eb The Yellow Human
Ben The Red Sky Walker
Ix The White Wizzard
Men The Blue Eagle
Cib The Yellow Warrior

Caban The Red Earth p162-168
Etznab The White Mirror p169-176
Cauac The Blue Storm p177-185
Ahau The Yellow Sun p186-191

Interpretations of the Lunar Tones p192-

Magnetic p193-194
Lunar p195-196
Electric p197-198
Self-existing p199-200
Overtone p201-202
Rhythmic p203-204
Resonant p205-206
Galactic p207-208
Solar p209-210
Planetary p211-212
Spectral p213-214
Crystal p215-216
Cosmic p217-218
Annexes p219-
The energetic body p219-221
The healing process p221
Different classification of the solar seals p222-224
Glossary p225-226
Bibliography p227
About the author p228


This work is based on my study of the Mayan signs (Nawals) and on my personal experience
of the influence of the calendar (Tzolkin) upon my life, my surroundings and the life of friends. It will
offer you a way to develop your own interpretation and understanding of the calendar that you can
incorporate and incarnate through your everyday life. But be aware. Do not accept what is real until
you have tested its reality. This is just a guide, a stick to help you walk on the path of your own
A real warrior does not make assumption, does
does not follow anyone, but find direction
direction with the signs
that he perceive on his own path
path ( From the Pop Wuj,
Wuj, one of the three surviving codices from the
Mayan civilisation )
In this book, you will find understandings gather from my study of the work of many different
people that have been deeply touched by the wisdom of the Maya, Jose Arguelles for example, the
precursor of the new law of time and rediscovery of Mayan wisdom, making it accessible to everybody
on the planet, Ariel Spilsbury and Michael Bryner, who undertook deep meditation to find
understanding of the Mayan Kins and who inspired much of my own work, Bertrand Lepont and
many others. The main focus of this book, coming from my own connection and experience with the
Mayan calendar, is to help you to understand more deeply the signification of the Kins and the way
they work on your own psyche. The Mayan Calendar is teaching us upon the present moment in
which we are living. It is such an amazing gift to penetrate deep states of consciousness. My journey
shows me one part of the meaning of each solar seals and lunar tones of the calendar. That is what
has been synthesized in this book. However, their meaning is infinite. Each Kin can take you through
a profound journey of transcendental knowledge and transformation of consciousness. So it is very
hard to limit them through some rational words and structured sentences. This book is just one of the
infinite interpretations that you can give to this wisdom. I hope it can inspire you to penetrate more
into the amazing universe of the Mayan civilization and introduce you to its profound wisdom.


1/ What is the Mayan

Mayan Calendar?

As its essence, the Mayan Calendar offers a means to understand the different movements of
energy arising in the Universe. The Mayans recorded the rotation of every planet in our solar system
as well as the movements of our solar system inside the Galaxy. Their Calendar exposes a very deep
mathematical explanation of the entire principle of creation. Their understanding of numbers was not
like ours today: quantitative; but qualititative. With numbers, the Mayan people were not recording
unitary value but describing very precise vibrational qualities. A thousand of years ago in Yucatan in
modern Mexico, the Mayan people developed an understanding of life that quantum physics has only
recently discovered: the physical Universe is composed of infinitesimal particles moving at a velocity
that creates the visual illusion of solid matter. To the Mayans, the Universe was a movement of
different energies that were guiding material manifestation. Through the Calendar, they describe
each of the different possible frequencies of the Universe and their order of appearance. They
developed the concept of resonance. For the Mayans, it was not a concept but a reality that they
were experiencing everyday. The idea is that when a particle starts to pulsate on a specific frequency,
instantly all other particles around it take on the same pulsation. On and on, as it spreads through the
entire Universe and penetrates the particles of our cells. For Jose Arguelles, the Mayans
understood that human beings had receptors inside each of their cells constituting their light body
and because in the creation of life, light brings life, then this light body can influence DNA. So, when
you start to connect with your light body, you can transform your genetic code and your destiny. The
Calendar does not only explain what is happening in the sky but also what is going on inside our own
being. It reveals why you wake up one day feeling so good and why on another you feel so sad. It
shows the subtle movements happening all around you and inside your light body, affecting your
thoughts, your emotions and feelings.

The Mayan understanding of the Universe and of the principle of life is holographic. The
Universe can be seen in each of its parts as small as it can be. All the different vibrations and
manifestations rotate around a cosmic centre called Hunab K
Ku, the centre of the Universe.
Hunab K
Ku is usually translated as One Giver of Movement and Measure. It is the principle of life,
the creator of energy (movement) and of any form and specific rhythm (measure). The Ancient
Mayans called it The Cosmic Womb. It is the heart of the Milky Way, the Galactic Core. Hunab
Ku uses stars as lenses to send energy to the planets. Our Sun is the receptor-emitter of Hunab

Ku energy and through the Sun, the Earth communicates with Hunab K Ku. The pulsations of
Hunab KKu move in two opposite directions simultaneously, like the yin and yang symbol. Its
pulsations are the language that the Tzolkin (the Mayan Calendar) can decode and to classify each
and every one of the different universal harmonic possibilities.
Hunab K
Ku is the principle of life, the absolute unity, the verySource. It is everything in this world but
at the same time, it is nothing in particular. In Guatemala, they describe it as Heart of the Sky and
Heart of the Earth. It is represented at the centre of the Tzolkin.

Hunab K
Ku radiates in everything,
the universe, the galaxies, the sun and the earth,
light and darkness and all that exist are mere songs of Hunab K
Hunab K
Ku sleeps in all named and unnamed things.

Every human being is related to Hunab K

Ku through the heart and the solar plexus.
Kuxan Suum:
Suum the Road to the Sky leading to the Umbilical Cord of the Universe is the invisible
cord that connects each human being to the planetary field of the Earth, then to the Sun and finally
to Hunab K
Ku itself. It is like a resonant path way, a walkie-talkie, providing a continuing channel of
communication, a cosmic lifeline. (See The Mayan Factor by Jose Arguelles for further
information). Hunab K
Ku is passing and resonating through each centre at all the levels of creation:
the Sun, the Earth, the heart, the centre of each cell, and the centre of DNA. Everything is working
according to the same symphony, but on different levels.

2/ Who are the Classical Mayans?

When and where did the Calendar originate? The Mayan civilisation remains a great mystery
in modern archaeology. We know there was a huge development of civilisation from AD 300 until
AD 830, thriving between AD 435 and AD 830 (coincidentally, the Baktun 9 in the Mayan
Calendar, representing the time of mastery). The recording of dates and of counting of days
appeared around AD 300 at Uaxactun and then spread to Tilak, Palenke, Copan and Quirigua.
By AD 500, the Mayan civilisation was fully flourishing, with a culture of temples and pyramids.
There were markers counting calendar movements in intervals of 5 and 20 years. This lasted until
AD 830, at the end of Baktun 9. During this period of Mayan culture, the development of arts and
sciences like astronomy and mathematics, as well as their hieroglyphic code, was absolutely amazing.
The Mayans knew exactly the cycle of each planet in our solar system. They also followed an
apolitical organisation. During the 10th Century, a strong decline started to occur. Division between
tribes began to appear. Suddenly all recording stopped. There were no more signs of dating and
astronomical observations. At this time, the use of paper started to spread under the name of
codices. Today there are only three remaining codices: Pop Wuj, The Book of Chilam Balam and
the Annals of the Cakchiguels. Specific religions based on human sacrifices started to develop with
a particular political organisation called the League of the Mayanpan, which disappeared in the
middle of the bloody wars in AD 1441. So when the Spanish arrived in Yucatan in AD 1527,
sadly, almost the whole wisdom of the Classical Mayan time was already lost and forgotten.
Only the monuments, the hieroglyphs on the stones, the symbol-covered sculptures and all the
calculations of the calendar stayed fixed in the stone as if they were waiting for a consciousness to
decrypt once again their mystery and to understand once again their wisdom. This is what many
people, like Jose Arguelles, did who went to the Mayan sites and through intense studies and
development of their own perception and awareness started to understand what had happened and
what a huge teaching was carved on these stones. Jose Arguelles wrote in the Mayan Factor
(p50): the Baktun 9 Classical Mayan appears as a veritable cosmic calling card Oh, you of the
Earth, the monuments seem to sigh out to us, those who built us have been here, appearing as
humans, like you, oh Earthlings. Can you not see, can you not understand what it is that we left for
you? Could you open your eyes without attachment, you would see and know the gift that awaits
The comprehension of Jose Arguelles about the Classical Mayan is that they were galactic
Masters. They understood, by a perfect mastery of the harmonic resonance, how to tune themselves
with the pulsation of Hunab K
Ku. They developed a perfect synchronization of their whole being with
the movement of the Universe. They became the agents of the cosmic consciousness to spread and
to increase harmony and awareness everywhere in our Galaxy. They have learnt to harmonize
themselves with the specific vibration of a planet and thus to change their being in order to incarnate

themselves on different planets. They have mastered the movement of their DNA by understanding
the movement of the Universe. They have discovered the power of creation and the power of
materialization in the physical world of their Spirit. They were able to travel from planet to planet and
to change form according to the laws of the different spaces in which they penetrated. Their mission
was (and is) to find the planets that are ready to increase their vibratory level and to align their
collective consciousness with the centre of the Galaxy. They incarnate on it and describe the
movement of life and of the Universe with the appropriate tools, awareness and languages of the
inhabitants of this planet in order to make them understand it. They work to align the planet with its
Sun to allow its inhabitants to connect themselves with the others stars and with the centre of the
Galaxy. When their work is over, they leave the place because it is very important that the inhabitants
find of their own free will and with their own powers and potentials the path to the stars. They leave
the place physically but they leave the spiritual doors fully open on the planet for whoever who would
like to walk through. It is up to the inhabitants to communicate with them in using their own personal
link with the other stars: Kuxan Suum. Many people like Jose Arguelles who have worked a lot with
the Mayan culture and its Sacred Calendar have felt telepathic connections with the great Mayan
Masters or visions of them. My point of view is that the stars are just the physical manifestations of
other dimensions. The Classical Mayans are fully around us but on another level of vibration where
we can only reach on rare occasions. This observation has to be lived and experienced by each one
of us in order to build his or her own understanding and not to believe blindly. It is important right now
that people try to open their minds so such an experience has the opportunity to take place.
Otherwise, if our mind is closed, it will never occur. Each one of us is free to choose.

3 / How does it work?

The Mayans used several calendars. Two were particularly important: the Sacred
Calendar with 260-day cycles known as the Tzolkin;
Tzolkin and the Haab, which followed the cycle of the
Earth around the Sun and of the Moon around the Earth with 365-day cycles.

The Haab

This calendar of 365 days is divided in 13 moon months of 28 days: 13x28=364 and one day
out-of-time, reserved for celebration and opening of the cycle of the New Year. Because the Earth
rotates around the Sun, it takes, from the Earth, 29 days and a half to move through one full moon to
another. But during one Earth revolution around the Sun, the Moon completes 13 revolutions
around the Earth, which is why the Mayans divided the year into 13 months, integrating
approximately the cycles of the Earth around the Sun and of the Moon. (For a conversion of our
Gregorian Calendar to the Haab see p6-7). The moon takes 27.3 days to complete one rotation
around the Earth.

The day out-of-time occurs annually on the 25th of July. It is a day of celebration for everything that
has been accomplished during the year that has just finished, and a day of meditation to discover
intentions for the year about to begin. This was also the day of the New Year in Ancient Egypt. It is
the only day in the year where Sirius, recognized as the centre of the Egyptians Masters, rises 5
minutes before the Sun and thus gets in line with the Sun from an Earth point of view. Only at this
time, are Sirius, the Sun and the Earth all aligned on one axis. It is a very good time to receive the
teachings of the Galactic Masters of Sirius for the New Year.
Then the energy of the years following is marked by the kin of the first day of the year:
- Magnetic Red Moon for 2006-2007
- Lunar White Wizard for 2007-2008
- Electric Blue Storm for 2008-2009
- Self-Existing Yellow Seed for 2009-2010
- Overtone Red Moon for 2010-2011
- Rhythmic White Wizard for 2011-2012

Explanation of each month of the Year with its specific energy and totem animal:

The Magnetic Month: The Bat

The power of the Bat is the rebirth. It is a time to let go of your old self: a process of dying for the

ego in order to be reborn anew. It is the time of the shamanic death in order to connect more sincerely
with your soul and your deepest wishes. It is a month to realize your dreams and to understand what
you really want to do with your life, to find your strongest desires concerning the New Year to come.
Like the bat, it is the time to bathe into your cave, to dive in your unconscious before flying back to
the light and life. It is a strong time for introspection.
From the 26th of July to the 22nd of August.

The Lunar Month: The Scorpion

The Second tone is about polarity. The scorpion is inviting us to look at both sides of life and not
only the shining one. It is a time for watching our own shadow, for understanding what is stopping us
from realizing our deepest dreams and from letting our soul fully incarnate in the world. The scorpion
demands to transcend our own poison. For this however, we need to accept to look at our
weaknesses and darkness and not to ignore them. Otherwise, they are just going back to our
unconscious and we do not possess the possibility to act upon them. There is no need to fight
shadow by shadow: it is only by watching them with the light of our awareness and love that we will
slowly manage to dissipate the suffering and ignorance.
From the 23rd of August to the 19th of September.

The Electric Month: The Deer

The deer is the power of love that destroys all obstacles in its way. By loving the hurt parts of all the
wounded people who try to stop us realizing our dreams, as well as loving our own wounds, all
resistance slowly melts and disappears. The third month is the time of synthesis for the two polarities
of our being. Like a pyramid, we should use the polarity of the energies in order to walk on our way to
the stars. It is an electric time when everything starts to accelerate and become activated. The walk is
starting. Just stay in the right direction.
From the 20th of September to the 17th of October.

The Self-Existing Month: The Owl

In the Mayan tradition, the owl is considered the eagle of the night. This animal has the ability to see
into the night and knows the nature and location of any sound. It is a deep symbol of wisdom in the
Mayan culture, because the owl can see what others cannot. Nothing can be hidden from the owl and
it knows all the characteristics and roots of everything. The self-existing month is a month to define
our project and to give it a shape. It is a time to incarnate it in the material world, to give roots to our
dreams and intentions in concrete reality. The owl gives us the ability to see reality very clearly which
enables us to give a perfect definition of what we want to create and thus to manifest it properly. The
fourth month is a time of concrete clarity about what we want to realize for the year ahead.
From the 18th of October to the 14th of November.

The Overtone Month: The Peacock
The peacock represents radiance and empowerment in the Mayan tradition. It is an animal who knows
how to reveal and display its talents and potentials. The fifth month takes us almost on the magical
side of reality. We are changing in dimension and consciousness. We have passed through the four
steps of the first cycle of preparation. Now we are passing again through our beginning but this time
with a higher awareness. We have the experience and the preparation enables us to change our level
of consciousness and resonate on the same tone with a higher pitch and frequency, hence Overtone
month. We feel strength from previous experiences and self-reflexion of who we are and how we are
ready to use our power to direct our lives and realities in the way we choose. The fifth month is a time
for action and the use of our power. It is important during this month to keep simultaneously our feet
on the ground and develop humility instead of arrogance and pride.
From the 15th of November to the 12th of December

The Rhythmic Month: The Lizard

The lizard is a totemic representation of dreams and dreaming within many Native American cultures.
It is the animal who knows everything that is going to happen because he saw it before in a dream.
Through deep introspection, the lizard is able to know the past and the future since he is fully aware
of the present. For the Mayans, the lizard represents strong faith and the awareness of
impermanence of life. When he loses a tail, he just grows another. Everything comes and goes, then,
comes again. This is the cycle of life, the law of rhythm. The sixth month is a profound time for
introspection and for the death of the ego. It contains the winter solstice, the shortest day of the
year. It is a time to balance ourselves and everything we have done, to get some detachment, and re-
organize what we wish to accomplish.
From the 13th of December to the 9th of January.

The Resonant Month: The Monkey

The monkey is the clown, the joker, revealing to us our mistakes and weaknesses through his
caricature displays of our own behaviour. In Mayan mythology, the monkeys were descended from a
human species made of wood without a soul and heart and, forgot their own Divine origin, and
destroyed the Earth and animal kingdoms through ignorance and disrespect. This first species
disappeared because of their own foolishness and the action of the Father Sky to stop their wilful
destruction. The seventh month rests at the centre of each year. It reminds us to be in tune, in
resonance with the Universe and not to follow blind egoism or to be led by a mind without a heart.
When we open ourselves during this time to the wisdom of the Universe, we receive strong inspiration
and channel very high frequencies. It is a time when we should attune ourselves with our surrounding
environment and with Hunab K'u, the centre of everything. The number seven in Mayan culture is a

magic number, representing a time and space where everything is possible. We can learn from the
monkeys playfulness, joy and flexibility, to become a child once again, to play with life, and be
astonished by the wonders of the Universe. Only if we are open to it, can magic become real. This
month is ideal for creative activities and for letting inspiration enter inside everyday life.
From the 10th of January to the 6th of February.

The Galactic Month: The Hawk

The Hawk is the messenger of the sky for the Mayans. This month represents a time when other
realms influences and our Higher Self ask us to incarnate and manifest wisdom and knowledge upon
the Earth. The number eight represents harmony and integrity in the Mayan tradition. It is a time to
act according to our deep wisdom through all our words and deeds. The power of this month is to
model: to create and express properly our deeper truth and Spirit.
From the 7th of February to the 6th of March.

The Solar Month: The Jaguar

The jaguar was a highly sacred and symbolic animal in Mayan mythology. Only shamans were allowed
to wear its skin, which represented the Milky Way. Only those wise enough to read the sky and
understand the movement of the galaxy, have the capacity to receive the wisdom of the jaguar. The
jaguar is the representation of wisdom and consciousness. It carries the power of the elders who can
analyse the underlying elements of any given situation. They observe and analyse in order to act
properly, in accordance with the movement of the stars, the sun and the sky. The power of the solar
month is realization and intention. It is a time of mastery towards the outside world and within
ourselves, of deep understanding of what is happening. It is a time when we stand firmly on Earth,
structuring our intentions to act efficiently and appropriately. For the Mayans, the sun carried the
deep wisdom of Hunab K'u, the centre of the Universe. During the ninth month, we are centred upon
ourselves, in tune with the pulsation of the world around us.
From the 7th of March to the 3rd of April.

The Planetary Month: The Dog

The dog in the Mayan tradition represents the ability to act according to our heart. The dog
symbolises loyalty and trust, ever ready to protect love against any intruders. He is a good guide
when we are lost and will never abandon us whatever the difficulty of the situation we are in. On this
month, it is important to stay loyal to our own heart. It is a time to produce, act, and manifest but only if
we are acting directly from our heart. Ten is the number for manifestation for the Mayan. Ten is
written by two lines on top of each other representing the alignment of our Spirit with our personality.
The way we act is a direct expression from our soul. This month is a time to manifest our dreams and

intentions on Earth. The dog also brings a heartfelt connection between people. It shows the soul
and the universal consciousness lying inside everyone and allows us to open ourselves and to
communicate with everybody.
From the 4th of April to the 1st of May.

The Spectral Month: The Serpent

The snake symbolizes the death of the ego for the Mayans, because of his ability to shed its skin
throughout its life. The snake was, with the jaguar, the most sacred animal in the Mayan tradition.
Quetzalcoatl was the God snake with feathers who came to Earth to found a new state and died on
his way back to Heaven leaving behind a son born of his union with the demonic goddess of the
mushrooms. Our ego needs to die if we wish to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The number eleven
represented by two lines symbolising the clear manifestation of our soul and one point, symbol of the
Divine Unity, the Source of everything, Hunab K'u. We all came to Earth to learn to evolve and to
grow. Each time we change a part of ourselves, this part is dying in our being, and we release one part
of our past and pattern that were fixed in the identification of our ego. It is a liberation for the soul,
but it can seem a painful and difficult moment from the point of view of our ego. After having
manifested our dreams, we are liberated from their will to be fulfilled and our creation can now live its
destiny by itself. It does not require our constant investment any more. We have expressed and
accomplished what we were supposed to do and thus in turn creates the space and time needed to
open ourselves to a new dimension of ourselves, to a new dream, to a new creation. The old
accomplished part of us is dying and a new consciousness can take birth in our being. We should
accept the letting go and not resist this change.
From the 2nd of May to the 29th of May.

The Crystal Month: The Rabbit

The rabbit in Mayan mythology is connected with the Moon. In the full moon, they were seeing the
shade of a rabbit on the planet and the Lunar Goddess was often represented carrying a rabbit in
her arms. The rabbit consequently symbolized the courage and strength of feminine energy in human
beings. In the Pop Wuj, the rabbit accepts to be pursued by the Lords of the underworlds to help
Ixabalanke finding a new head for his dead brother, Junapju. The rabbit is aware of how beneficial it
is to our souls to help one another and offer our support to each others in order to grow and enable
our souls to be born on this Earth. He is not afraid of the Lords of the underworlds. He recognizes
that they represent only our patterns and unconscious blockages. The rabbit knows that, with love
and trust, he can always outrun these patterns. He represents the inner wisdom of our consciousness
that always knows it cannot be possessed by our unconsciousness, and understands how to remains
alert yet detached from all the movements of our lives and personalities. It is the silent witness, ever
present yet never caught. Its eyes bestows upon the rabbit an ability to see in every direction with an

angle of almost 360 degrees. The crystal Moon is consequently a time to universalise our energies
and to examine reality through all the points of view brought by the Universe. It is a time to open our
mind to new perspectives and dimensions. Now that our project has become manifest and finding a
way to develop itself, we are free to open ourselves to others, and to other type of experiences. It is a
time to melt different medicines together and to share with others our own understandings of life. It is
a time when, through being detached from our ego during the previous month, we are able to connect
with a Universal point of view and envision our life within the world. It brings a change in the quality of
our consciousness. Like a crystal, out of our ego, suddenly everything becomes clear and it is easier
to see the deeper truths beneath the surface. Our level of vibration becomes pure and we are able to
tune into any energy that it touches. This month is dedicated to the opening of our soul and to our
cosmic connection with others and our place in the Universe.
From the 30th of May to the 26th of June.

The Cosmic Month: The Turtle

The turtle is known for her old age, her patience, and her wisdom. On her shell, she carries the
knowledge of time: Its inner panels, divided into thirteen partitions like the thirteen moons; and her
outer shell divided into twenty-eight partitions like the number of days in a lunar month. Thanks to her
shell, she is protected everywhere and feels at home in any situation. She belongs to a very old
species, which survived many ages and saw many civilisations come and go on Earth. She carries, for
the Mayans, a very deep and ancient wisdom. She never runs and seems always at peace. The
thirteenth month is a time to stop acting, to rest and to analyse everything that has been accomplished
during the year. It is a time to develop endurance, presence in the moment, and to transcend reality. It
develops our connection with universal consciousness. It helps us to detach ourselves absolutely from
the cosmic game and to take an outside look at it. It is a deep time of observation and of opening to
new points of view with the transcending reality. It demands from us to be present in the moment
whatever the situation we find ourselves in, and to feel totally at home, connected with our
transcendental wisdom and consciousness. It is a very metaphysical month urging us to develop
wisdom within our lives.
From the 27th of June to the 24th of July

*The Annual Wavespell

Each month of the year is a part of what the Mayans called a wavespell, representing the evolution
of energy during a cycle of thirteen lunar orbits. As there are thirteen months in each 365-day
calendar, known to the Mayans as Haab, each month can also be analysed as a step within an annual

The Tzolkin:
Tzolkin The Galactic Calendar

The Maya used the Tzolkin as a sacred calendar. It shows the evolution of energy during a
260-day cycle. It is called Galactic Calendar because it is a representation of the movement of our
solar system inside the Galaxy and Milky Way. There are many different rotations upon the Earth:
the rotation of the Earth around its own axis every 24 hours; the rotation of the Earth around the
Sun every 365 days; and the rotation of the Sun around Hunab Ku, the centre of the galaxy. Our
alignment with the Sun and the centre of the galaxy changes according to the movement of the axes
of the Earth, called the procession of the equinoxes, which moves through a cycle of 26,000 years.
The Tzolkin is a fraction of this cycle, a part that contains all the characteristics of the full cycle of
our solar system in the galaxy. By recording the Milky Way, the Maya became familiar with its
movement, incorporating it into their everyday life. It is still possible today to observe how the 260 day
cycle affects our bodies and the whole of creation within the solar system. We are, by birth, naturally
in tune with it as it takes approximately 260 days for a human ovule and a spermatozoa to develop into
a complex human being ready to be born. This Calendar is also attuned with the cycle of different
planets and to the natural cycle of the human body. There are strong connections between the
development of our senses and the different parts of the body, and the changes in influence of
different planets on Earth.
We are now going to study in this Galactic Calendar in more detail, to understand how it works and
learn what it can offer us.

The 260-day calendar consists of 13 lunar tones combined with 20 solar seals. It gives
13x20: 260 possibilities. Each combination of a different tone with a seal is called a kin. A kin is the
smallest possible particle that still carries all the characteristics of the whole. A kin can be a day, a
human being, or any unit that cannot be divided. The thirteen different lunar tones are represented
with numbers in a dot/bar notation and named with adjectives such as galactic,, magnetic, lunar, etc.
The 20 solar seals are represented by glyphs and take the names of planets (the sun, the moon, the
star, etc), of elements (the wind, etc), of animals (monkey, dog, etc), of human qualities ( warrior, etc)
and of symbolic objects (a mirror for example). This calendar gives the specific energy of each day so
we are in tune with the pulsation of Hunab K'u, the heart of the Milky Way.

Jose Arguelles, in his book The Mayan Factor, describes an association between the Tzolkin and
our different senses and body parts. When we move into the Calendar, different parts of ourselves
are touched and vibrate according to the energy of the Universe around us. The quality of our
shoulders is not the same than the qualities of our knees, ankles or anything else. As our being is a
fractal of the whole Universe, the movement of the cosmic dance travels also inside our body so on
each day we receive a different sensitivity towards a different part of our body. Each column of the

Tzolkin is connected with a different sense and a different organ. Each solar seal is connected with
a different meridian (an energy line within the body). Each lunar tone is connected with a different

The GAP: Galactic Activation Portals

These are the 52 days marked in black in the Tzolkin. The design that they form is called the "loom
of Maya". They are very auspicious and powerful days. At this time, the distance between different
dimensions is destroyed. The visible and the invisible realities merge together. Spirit appears easily
through the manifested and concrete world. These are days when the doors of other galaxies are fully
open to us to exchange and get strong inner connection and awareness. These days have a lot of
spiritual energy and help us to connect with our Higher Self. The more we open our consciousness
on these days, the more we can receive deep and powerful teachings and understandings. There are
two central lines of ten galactic portals in the middle of the Tzolkin,
Tzolkin, that are very powerful times.
They are situated in the consciousness columns: the 6th and the 8th and are like a high way for our

consciousness to discover the sky.

The Core Days

These are the twenty days of the central column. They are in the seventh column of the Tzolkin,
which represents the spine of the Galaxy, where the energy is rising towards higher dimensions.
Seven is the mystic and magic number for the Maya. These days brings mystic power, resonance,
tuning and channelling. They help us to connect with the here and now. It is a very strong time for
meditation and healing and to focus on ourselves and on the present moment.

The Twenty Solar Seals

These are arranged as a circle of creation. Each seal occupies its own position in the genesis of the
world and falls within a consequential frame or specific order. For example:

The first five signs carry primordial energies that create the Universe. The Red Snake (5), which
directs the instinctive part of the brain, guides them: the reptilian brain. The Red Dragon (1) is the
primordial Mother, the idea that the Universe is just here to fulfil all the wishes of our Soul and to
nourish ourselves fully. The White Wind (2) is the invisible Spirit behind everything, the breath of life
that is inside each being but that can never really be seen. The Blue Night (3) is the power of
introspection, of looking inside ourselves to find our inner truth. The Yellow Seed (4) represents the
time to bring out our deepest inner desires and dreams into the manifest and concrete world. The
Red Snake (5) is a time of perfect alignment and acceptation of our instinctive nature and body
bringing up a deep spiritual opening.

The White Dog (10) guides the second group of five signs. This sign is the guardian of the
emotional part of the brain, the way we are in our relationships with other human beings and how it can
touch and affect us. The White Worldbridger (6) is the death of our ego and of the need for control
and power in front of other beings and dimensions of life that the consciousness was not able to grasp
first. It is the wisdom that our mental structures need sometimes to be dissolved if we want to evolve.
The Blue Hand (7) is a time of realisation of our mystical wisdom and light through fixed forms in the
concrete world like a piece of art in order to express and share it with others. The Yellow Star (8) is
the energy and will of celebration with others of our inner harmony. It is the wish to show our inner light
and to pass it to others and into the world, to bring the galactic wisdom on Earth. The Red Moon (9)
is the realisation that when we are fully bare from all the patterns of our ego, we can receive a very high
energy and become a channel for spiritual energy on Earth. The White Dog (10) is the celebration
of the heart, the beauty of sharing unconditional love between us on this Earth. It carries the
realisation that we have a universal link between each other and that our hearts are beating on the
same rhythm in the whole Universe.

The Blue Eagle (15) is the guide of the third group. It is the guardian of the collective part of our
brain, the planetary wisdom. It shows us what our bigger visions are and opens our power towards
much wider dimensions than our individual life and surroundings. The Blue Monkey (11) connects us
with the Divine Child inside each one of us and shows us the magic of life. The Yellow Human (12)
teaches us to open up and to receive the teachings and energy that our conscious mind would never
have expected before. It shows us that abundance is infinite and depends only on the quantity and
the quality of energy and wealth that we wish to receive. The Red Skywalker (13) is a time for
expansion of the awareness, for travelling alone and freely to ever-higher dimensions. The White
Wizard (14) is the recognition than in our heart, deep within ourselves, lies an infinite source of
wisdom in tune with the Universe allowing us to create magic through our own life and others. The
Blue Eagle (15) is the planetary visionary. It has transcended its own individual condition and is
dreaming for the best of the human condition.

The Yellow Sun (20) is the guide of the fourth and last group. It is the guardian of the spiritual part
of the brain. It is the inner connection with our transcendental wisdom in our awareness. The Yellow
Warrior (16) is the warrior of Light. It embodies the awareness that we possess a lot of spiritual
potentials that we are not using in this world and that need to be developed and expressed in our
world and life. The Red Earth (17) is the awareness that everything can be found in the present
moment. The knowledge that, in the present, we can connect with a different state of being in which
we are absolutely fulfilled and that we are able to direct perfectly our life with our consciousness. The
White Mirror (18) gives us the sword of truth to break all the illusions in our life and those of others. It
connects us with the clarity of our Spirit which knows exactly what needs to be done to get to the
expression and manifestation of our real Self. The Blue Storm (19) represents the ecstasy of
freedom. It gives us the ability to fly from one part of the Universe to its opposite when we are no
longer attached to our ego and have no anticipation, expectation or judgment of the world we inhabit.
It is also a time of acceleration, to prepare our being to the last initiation before enlightenment. The
Yellow Sun (20) is the bliss, the pure and simple state of presence, the contentment and simple
happiness of being fully who we are without fear, doubt or guilt.

There is a beautiful poem describing the dance of the creation of the twenty solar seals. Here it is:

The Nation of the Rainbow

The Dragon gives birth to things and feeds them,
The Wind makes them move and communicates their spiritual meanings.
The Night let the senses penetrate the psyche through dreams and gives the abundance of the

In order that the Seed affirms them in flowering of the matter.
The Snake maintains the vital force of survival to transcend death
And contacts the other dimensions of the World Bridger.
It gives us the ability to understand the healing mission we realize through the Hand
To embellish everything in the life of the Star
In relation with the emotional purity of the Moon,
And then, to experiment the love and loyalty of the Dog,
And enjoy the magic of life as the Monkey
Until able to manifest the free will of the Human to understand better
To explore the space of the Sky Walker, "the one walking on heavens", the Angel,
And to transform the perception of time of the Wizard
And then, to see all that has been created by the eye of the Eagle
In order to be able to question without fear as the Warrior
And to navigate in synchronicity in the evolution of the Earth
In arriving at the reflection of the transparency of all the relations of the Mirror
To cause a transformation in the Storm
And to peacefully shine in the Sun.

There are many ways to define and understand deeper the solar seals. The association for the law of
time of Jose Arguelles has classified them in five different families. Their four different colours carry
also a meaning and separate them into four different clans. (These different classifications are
outlined within the annexes).

The thirteen lunar tones

These are also arranged into a circle of creation. Their energy is subtler and more refined than the
solar seals. It is the feminine energy of the power of the kin. Its energy also influences the power of the
solar seal. For example, the magnetic (first lunar tone) and the cosmic (last lunar tone) are very
powerful and increase the energy and power of the solar kin associated with these tones. The cosmic
dance of the moon in the creation of the Universe can be described like this:
The magnetic tone (1) is the Divine and cosmic unity. The lunar tone (2) brings the polarity of life.
The electric tone (3) creates the movement. The self-existing tone (4) teaches the incarnation and
the rooting inside the material world. The overtone tone (5) manifests the accomplishment of the first
individual and separates individual beings. The rhythmic tone (6) teaches it to attune itself with the
cosmic movement and power. The resonant tone (7) allows travelling from the two opposite sides of
creation, discovering the whole Universe on all levels, creating transmutation, alchemy and mystical
experience of life, a highly significant tone for the Mayan civilization. The galactic tone (8) carries the
bliss of unconditional love and communion with the cosmic diversity. The solar tone (9) shows how to

incarnate the wisdom on Earth and become a master. The planetary tone (10) leads to perfect
alignment between the personality, the outside manifestation and expression of the being, and his
Soul and Spirit. The spectral tone (11) brings surrender in front of the Divine wisdom and teaches
how to accept death and let go in order to evolve and to grow. The crystal tone brings (12) tolerance
and harmonic combinations of the whole diversity of life through love and openness. The cosmic tone
(13) leads to bliss and spiritual communion with the wisdom of the Universe and its permanent

Each lunar tone gets a very specific power and creative energy which are described in the lunar tone
chart in the annexes.

The Wavespell
The succession of the thirteen lunar tones in the Tzolkin creates 20 cycles of creation of thirteen
days, called wavespells. Each solar seal of the first day of the wavespell gives its specific power to the
next thirteen days. The energy of creation inside the wavespell is precisely divided and described.
(for additional information, refer to annexes)

The 20 Sacred Wavespell (refer to annexes)

4/ The Shamanic Calendar

The Tzolkin today is used in two different ways. The Galactic Calendar has been
described by the foundation for the law of time and is not taking into account 29th of February for a
mathematical and geometrical reason. So the kin of the 29th of February is either the kin of the 28th
of February in the morning or the kin of the 1st of March during the second part of the day. This way
of not counting this day has brought a lot of argumentations and disagreement, because the 29th of
February, is still a day with its own energy in the same way as all other days. For Jose Arguelles, this
was an adjustment of the Tzolkin to our new Earth and vibration, an adjustment that cannot be fully
explained rationally but needs simply to be felt. The tribes descending from the Maya kept alive their
use of the Tzolkin and the counting of the days. Naturally, in their counting, they take the 29th of
February into account with its own seal. This old way of counting the days has been called the
Shamanic Calendar. Every four years the difference between the Galactic Calendar and the
Shamanic Calendar increases of one kin in the Tzolkin. Many people disagree with the galactic way
of counting the days and choose to use only the Shamanic Calendar. Some other people see the
Galactic kin as the masculine and solar energy of the day or the person and the Shamanic kin as their
feminine and lunar energy. From my own experience, I can feel that the influence of the Galactic
Calendar in everyday life is very easy to see and feel in the concrete world. The influence of the
Shamanic Calendar is much more subtle and refined, working on different levels of energy and
vibration than the physical and emotional. On people, their shamanic kin seems to be the power and
potential of their Soul and the galactic kin seems to be more which medicine they choose to incarnate
during this life. It is easier to feel the galactic kin of people and of the day. The shamanic kin is more
subtle to detect but also deeper in wisdom and knowledge. It seems to me that the Shamanic
Calendar works on the Soul level and that the Galactic Calendar works on the individual and
personal level. In our aura, the Galactic energy seems to work a lot on our first four energetic layers
and the Shamanic on the last three layers. I think that everybody needs to experience the two
different calendars and build their own idea.
Below is a chart to transfer any date from the Galactic Calendar to the Shamanic.

Dates From the Galactic to the Shamanic calendar
From 29/02/2012 to 21/12/2012 - 47
From 29/02/2008 to 28/02/2012 -48
From 29/02/2004 to 28/02/2008 -49
From 29/02/2000 to 28/02/2004 -50
From 29/02/1996 to 28/02/2000 -51
From 29/02/1992 to 28/02/1996 -52
From 29/02/1988 to 28/02/1992 -53
From 29/02/1984 to 28/02/1988 -54
From 29/02/1980 to 28/02/1984 -55
From 29/02/1976 to 28/02/1980 -56
From 29/02/1972 to 28/02/1976 -57
From 29/02/1968 to 28/02/1972 -58
From 29/02/1964 to 28/02/1968 -59
From 29/02/1960 to 28/02/1964 -60
From 29/02/1956 to 28/02/1960 -61
From 29/02/1952 to 28/02/1956 -62
From 29/02/1948 to 28/02/1952 -63
From 29/02/1944 to 28/02/1948 -64
From 29/02/1940 to 28/02/1944 -65
From 29/02/1936 to 28/02/1940 -66
From 29/02/1932 to 28/02/1936 -67
From 29/02/1928 to 28/02/1932 -68
From 29/02/1924 to 28/02/1928 -69
From 29/02/1920 to 28/02/1924 -70

5/ About 2012 and the time of Cauac

The 21st of December 2012 is considered to be the end of the Maya Calendar. Actually,
this Tzolkin is based on the movement of rotation of the Earth on her own axe, by comparison with
her position with the Sun, giving different alignment from the Earth, the Sun and the rest of the
Galaxy, in cycle of 26,000 years. It is said from the Maya astronomic calculations that 21st December
2012 marks the end of a cycle of 26,000 years and that the Earth and the Sun will be aligned with
the centre and the counter-centre of our Galaxy. This alignment is very powerful and according to
the Mayan tradition, brings unpredictable changes and shifts in space and time. They believed that
the way of counting the days would change from this date and could not be predicted before. Many
people have different visions and ideas about what is going to happen at this time. Some people think
that the magnetic field of the Earth is going to reverse itself because of the channel between the
strong polarity of the two poles of the Galaxy. According to geologists, this process has already
happened in the history of the Earth and the resulting changes provoked environmental and
ecological cataclysms. If this is the case, it would mean that the Suns light might disappear
temporarily, momentarily and in this dark time, tsunamis and earthquakes may occur before balance is
restored to the Earth once more. Other people have predicted that the passage between these two
galactic centres will be much more subtle, influencing the spirit and consciousness of people without
significantly affecting the physical plane. They believe that galactic doorways will become fully
opened, waiting for all the beings ready to penetrate new dimensions and levels of awareness. Some
believe that just the souls which are open and purewill be able to penetrate and realize this new
awareness.; other people who are not vibrating at a high enough level will not realize or recognise what
is happening. During this time when some human souls will enter new dimensions and receive high
blessings and teachings from the Galactic Masters, the others will remain on the physical plane and
disappear with the destruction of the planet. Many people disagree with this sad and elitist vision of
our planetary destiny and call on all the people who are working on themselves to increase their own
awareness and level of energy, to stay in the middle of the world and to develop real compassion in
order to help the planetary consciousness to rise harmoniously and to propel the whole of humanity
into a new collective consciousness; allowing the survival of our planet and granting the ability to
create a new reality on Earth. Many seers have envisioned the enlightenment of more than 50,000
people, sharing their wisdom with the world. Their combined vibration will be so resonant that it will
raise the entire vibration of Earth and enable the collective consciousness to shift consequently.
Then everybody will suddenly remember and feel the Christ consciousness, as if they were waking up
from a long dream of ignorance and fear. From my own perspective, we are the creators of our own
lives, free to choose our planetary destiny. The vision that I choose to nourish is the latter because it
corresponds to my deepest wishes and dreams. At the same time, it is very important to realize that
the influence of the power of the dual polarities of our Galaxy is already in action upon our planet.

From 1618 AD, we have entered the last Baktun of the Mayan Calendar, the Baktun of Ahau, the
Yellow Sun, which is the Baktun of the transformation of matter. A Baktun is the biggest unity of
measuring the time for the Maya lasting approximately 394 years. From 1973, we have entered the
Katun of Cauac the Blue Storm which increased the process of transformation. From 1992, we
have occupied the last period of the Tzolkin: Baktun of the Sun, Katun Yellow Cosmic Sun (the
last sign of the Tzolkin). This process of transformation is very powerful and affects all the
dimensions of our being. The transformation on earth is going so fast that the collective mind cannot
follow and control it anymore with its rational and limited way of thinking. The power of transformation
is increasing in an exponential way. The amount of new information we receive seems so huge that
there is no limit or border. The more we decide to open our mind, the more we receive each time on
higher level with a stronger power. This process of healing all our planetary consciousness is very
intense and can be sometimes very confusing. A lot of collective patterns need to be released and
healed inside each consciousness. It brings a lot of deep wounds that were hidden in our unconscious
and in our cells to the surface of our beings. These processes lead to unpredictable sicknesses which
are part of the purification process of our body, to strong emotional imbalances which are useful to let
go of toxic past memories and collective sufferings. During this strong time of transformation, all our
collective ways of acting, thinking, feeling and being need to be changed and alchemised. All the fixed
structures that were not useful for the growth of our Souls need to be dissolved in order to create a
more flexible society where free Spirits can incarnate who they really are. This process is very
frightening for our ego and asks a lot of strength, faith and surrender to the cosmic wisdom. At this
time, it is very important to help and support each other in order not to fall into despair. The only light
that should be followed lies inside each one of us. Sometimes, when we are in the middle of a pattern,
it can be very difficult to connect with it. That is why we should support each other to keep this inner
wisdom alive in ourselves, despite the outside events seeming to become more and more imbalanced
and out of control. There is a beautiful vision that A. Spilsbury and M. Bryner describe in their
book, The Mayan Oracle, in which they explain that we all chose to come to Earth during this
incredible time of transformation in order to change and heal ourselves very deeply and to help the
Earth in this amazing process (see annexes). We should just remember that we all came out of our free
will because we knew that it was the best thing to do for ourselves and for the world. This is what has
to be remembered and the wave will pass and bring light in all the souls that we have touched.

6/ How to calculate your kin

Your kin corresponds to the kin which was in the Tzolkin on the day of your birth. (There is a
quick and convenient means to transfer the Gregorian calendar into the Tzolkin which is explained
below). The kin of your birth is also called your Nawal. It carries all the potentials and wisdom that
your soul sought to acquire and develop during your lifetime. It is very fruitful to meditate and learn to
feel your Nawal inside yourself, almost as if the nawal was a specific colour and a specific quality of
medicine, essentialto develop inside ourselves and offer to the world. Consequently each Nawal
carries many of challenges. By facing these challenges, we can succeed in going back to the source of
our being, to the centre of the universe, and the universal wisdom. Before birth, we are rays of white
light melting with the cosmic light, and at the time of birth, our souls select a Nawal , aspecific vibration,
in order to incarnate in the world and to participate fully in the planetary rainbow cultivated in the
cosmic dance of creation. The Nawal is full ofthe potential and wisdom that we wish to bring to the
universal creation in order to nurture, promote and sustain a better balance and more harmonious light
in the world. At the same time, to develop our own potentials brings us back to the universal white light
that we all carry and helps us to bring this pure light into the manifest world. All the kins are dancing
around the centre of the Universe and are all a tool and path to return to it. The more you develop
the power of your Nawal, the more you alchemise its power and penetrate the transcendental reality.

Your Galactic Signature is one of the 260 different possibilities shown on the Tzolkin.
Step 1: Find the year number for the year you were born in the Gregorian calendar in the years
Step 2: Add this year number to the number connected with the month you were born in the
Gregorian calendar in the months chart.
Step 3: Now add the number of the day you were born on that month. For example add 20, if you
were born on the 20th of January. The 29th of February is not counted in the Galactic Calendar.
Just count it as the 28th of February if the person is born in the first part of the day and as the 1st of
March if the person is born in the second part of the day.
Step 4: If the total number you have added is greater than 260, you need to subtract 260.
Step 5: Look over on the Tzolkin on page 15 and find your Galactic Signature. (The Solar Seals
are on the left side of the Tzolkin and the lunar tone are represented by dot and bar in the case with
your number).
Example: If someone was born on the 26th September in 1971, their year number is 227. Their
month number is: 212. Consequently, 26+227+212=465, and 465-260=205
So this particular persons kin is numbered 205, and according to the Tzolkin, they are a Planetary
Red Snake

Gregorian year of birth Year number
2013 1961 1909 217
2012 1960 1908 112
2011 1959 1907 7
2010 1958 1906 162
2009 1957 1905 57
2008 1956 1904 212
2007 1955 1903 107
2006 1954 1902 2
2005 1953 1901 157
2004 1952 1900 52
2003 1951 1899 207
2002 1950 1898 102
2001 1949 1897 257
2000 1948 1896 152
1999 1947 1895 47
1998 1946 1894 202
1997 1945 1893 97
1996 1944 1892 252
1995 1943 1891 147
1994 1942 1890 42
1993 1941 1889 197
1992 1940 1888 92
1991 1939 1887 247
Gregorian month of birth
1990 1938 1886 142
1989 1937 1885 37 January 0
1988 1936 1884 192
1987 1935 1883 87
February 31
1986 1934 1882 242 March 59
1985 1933 1881 137
1984 1932 1880 32
April 90
1983 1931 1879 187 May 120
1982 1930 1878 82
1981 1929 1877 237 June 151
1980 1928 1876 132
July 181
1979 1927 1875 27
1978 1926 1874 182 August 212
1977 1925 1873 77
1976 1924 1872 232
September 243
1975 1923 1871 127 October 13
1974 1922 1870 22
1973 1921 1869 177
November 44
1972 1920 1868 72 December 74
1971 1919 1867 227
1970 1918 1866 122
1969 1917 1865 17
1968 1916 1864 172
1967 1915 1863 67
1966 1914 1862 222
1965 1913 1861 117
1964 1912 1860 12
1963 1911 1859 167
1962 1910 1858 62

To calculate your analogue, antipode, occult, guide

Each kin is surrounded by four others kins which complete the signification of it.

The analogue partner is situated on the right side of your destiny kin and to find it you have
to make this calculation: 19- the number of your solar seal. (Ahau, the yellow sun is number 20
or 0).
For example, if your solar seal is Manik, the Blue Hand (7), your analogue partner is Eb, the
Yellow Human (12): 19-7=12

The antipode partner is situated on the left side of your destiny kin and is placed at ten solar
seals further than your own solar.
In the same example, Manik has for antipode partner Caban, the Red Earth (17).

The occult partner is situated below your destiny kin. To find it we need to make this
calculation: 21- the number of your solar seal.
In the same example, Manik has for occult partner Ix, the White Wizzard (14): 21-7=14

The guide is situated upon your destiny kin. It is the same colour as your destiny kin and it
changes according to your lunar tone. To calculate this, take all the solar seals of the same
colour as your solar seal in a chronological order, and look at the small board below.
Start at your own solar seal and count to the right. If you reach the end of the line, continue
over on the same line to the left side of it.

Lunar tones
Red solar seals:

1 dot:
dot: magnetic, rhythmic, and spectral same White solar seals:
2 dots:
dots lunar, resonant, crystal +3
Blue solar seals:
3 dots:
dots electric, galactic, cosmic +1
4 dots:
dots self-existing, solar +4 Yellow solar seals:
1 bar: overtone, planetary +2

For example, if you are a Self-existing Blue Hand, you have to move over four seals of the blue line
to the right, then start again at the beginning of the line, so your guide is the Blue Night: first seal of
the line. Now we can draw the Galactic chart of the Self-existing Blue Hand, according to the work
of Jose Arguelles and the foundation for the law of time:

Tone: Self-
Guide: Blue Night

Antipode: Red Earth Destiny Kin:

Kin: Blue Hand Analogue: Yellow Human

Occult: White Wizard

Calculate and find your Analogue, Antipode, Occult Partners and your Guide.
And now you can draw your Galactic Chart.

The action of the Kins around your Nawal

Kin Guide
This is the energy that gives you inspiration and puts you on your path. The more you
follow its teaching, the more you can connect with your own sign and develop its potentials. It is the
one that connects you with the energy that you need in your life.

Kin Analogue
This is the energy that supports you, which you are very familiar with. You find a lot of its
potential already within yourself. The more you develop its energy and connect yourself with it, the
more you open to the possibility of your deeper potentials. It shows your light and helps you to
increase it. The Kin Analogue is like a best friend who walks along your path by your side, ready to
extend a supportive hand to you at every turn and obstacle. It gives you the energy that you know and
feel very familiarly, and this energy knows and feels you just as easily too.

Kin Antipode
The Antipode is the energy directly opposite yours within the circle of the twenty solar seals.
Its energy in the universe comes to balance your own energy and medicine. It is your polar friend. It
brings a lot of challenges and obstacles. It is the hardest energy for you to connect with because it is
the furthest from you in the Tzolkin. It is the one that will show you everything that your ego does not
want you to see and develop in yourself. It is the energy that pushes you to confront your shadow and
show your potentials. At the same time, it is the power that makes you grow and the one that helps

you to change your level of awareness in order to connect with your inner Divine Wisdom. When you
successfully connect with your antipode energy, you will have crossed all the kins of the Tzolkin
tobecome a conscious part of Hunab K'u, the Centre of the Galaxy. You alchemise your individual
limitations and melt with a universal awareness. The antipode partner might appear as your biggest
enemy but is actually your best friend. It is the one that brings you challenges in your life in order to

Occult Kin
The Occult kin is an almost unconscious energy, a potential that you carry in order to
manifest your kin. It is an innate wisdom and medicine that you have from birth and that is necessary in
order to manifest truly and fully who you are. The more you become aware of this inner medicine
inside yourself, the more you become able to manifest the light and wholeness of your being. When
you become fully aware of your Occult Kin, it becomes like a second medicine that you carry inside
yourself, without being touched by its shadow.

7/ How to understand the psychological action of a kin in the life of a

During the Maya kin readings that I gve privately, I realised that there were a few
psychological constancies that allowed me to understand more accurately how the kin was sculpting a
specific personality with its potentials and shadows in the life of a person.
When a soul chooses to incarnate, it is still indistinguished and undifferentiated, fully
absorbed within the universal white light. Then it chooses a specific power and energy that it wishes
to offer to Earth and to itself. The kin is the energy that penetrates and vibrates inside each particle
in the Universe on this day. When a human being is born, it enters the matter and the physical realm
for the first time, coming from the infinite of possibilities. So each body is totally open and receptive
to the vibrations. There are no memories stored inside the cells of this life. Automatically thecells and
molecules take on the specific vibration of the kin of the day and store this medicine fully in all their
being. The body will vibrate with this power during all its lifetime because this is the shape that the
soul has chosen to take.
How does the shadow develop itself inside our psyche? It comes from different factors. The
main one should be the difficulty of communication and understanding of who we are respectively. A
child comes with a lot of potentials which grant a specific sensitivity towards the world and its
surroundings. At the same time, the only wish of the child is to learn how to behave in this world. As
the child sees differently than the adults around him, who do not have the same kin and the same
sensitivity, the child starts to feel some guilt towards his own Nature or feels that it is not an
appropriate way of acting and feeling. Then automatically, in the wish to inhabit and the desire to
become integrated into the world, he begins to reject or disconnect himself from his sensitivity and
inner light and wisdom. The child surrenders all his power to the outside world to grow and teach him
who he is. He wants absolutely to find his place in the world and to receive love to fulfil his soul. To
bring up a child may be the most difficult task in the world and demands a lot of awareness and
wisdom. From inner prostitution, self-rejection, and wounds, the child loses his inner connection with
the divine energy and starts to become fully dependant upon the outside world to receive love,
recognition, assurance and strength. He builds a hole inside his being that nothing can fill anymore,
only himself. Naturally each kin reacts differently, and develops different ways of balancing their inner
distress. The principle always stays the same however. Consider perception: everyone assumes that
everyone else shares the same perception of. And yet, everyone has different potentials and
sensitivities. Everyone feels and lives differently within the same, shared reality. When we start to
think that everybody else feel like us, we get into a great confusion and lose all our communication
tools. Each one of us inhabits our own little world. So when we stop expressing our feelings because
we assume others feel them directly, we enter a world of misunderstanding, confusion and tension. It is

important to realize that we are all responsible for what we feel towards the universe and for
expressing it to others. We have a lot of work to achieve as human beings in the matter of
communication. We need to learn to listen to one other and to start to break our loneliness. The
Universe is infinite. Our perception of it is just a small window opening upn it and we are the only
ones to see the view from our window.
So the desire of the child to be integrated into this world, and surrendering his own potential,
lead to him losing his connection with his own nature. This inner disconnection and the weakness of
our communication seem to me the strongest traumas and the attitude that pushes a being to develop
his shadow during his life. Our shadow however becomes our biggest tool for the growth of our
awareness. By journeying through our resistances, our fears, our uneasiness, our angers, our
sadness, we go back to our real nature, to the pure expression of our soul. Emotions are only tools to
understand the aspiration of our spirit. We simply need to accept them and see what messages lie
behind. Slowly with our consciousness and love, we gain the ability to dissolve all the unconscious
blockages and wounds that we have collected in our lifetimes. We are able then to connect again with
all the potentials and wisdom that our soul wanted to incarnate in this world. The back of our being is
never bad. It is only hindered in our ability to express it and all our fears that create pollution and
interference in our actions, reactions, and feelings. When we connect again with our true soul
intention, we have returned home, because we realize fully which medicine we carry with us and can use
it, just as our soul wanted to happen before our birth. We fulfillour own destinies. At the same time we
reconnect fully with our soul and are no longer attached personally to the destiny that we chose. We
incarnate the power of our kin, knowing at the same time, that we are not this kin really. We start to
become all of them. Our consciousness is connected with the universal wisdom and the white light of
the centre of the Universe.

So in order to interpret a kin, it is really important to look at all the potentials of the solar seal
and to imagine how life and the world can be seen when you are born with this strong sensitivity. How
does it feel? Which reactions will hurt you? What will be your biggest dream and desire?
Another interesting point to take into account is that each solar seal carries the assimilated
wisdom of the precedent seal. As they come in a circle, and as a cycle of evolution, each child that is
born with a specific kin has inside himself received and assimilated the teachings of the precedent kin.



IMIX The Red Dragon

Imix, or the red dragon, is the first solar seal of the Tzolkin. It carries the primordial energy of
the beginning of life. It is the place where everything can start, the womb of the Divine Mother. It is a
time of deep receptivity, at all the different levels of life and consciousness. It helps us to remember
and feel that the whole universe is all the time fully listening to us. Whatever happens to us in our life is
just fulfilment of our own thoughts and desires. We are fully responsible as creator of our life and its
events. We just need to remember our real nature and feel what we are really asking for to the
Universe. Imix brings us back to the expression of our deepest nature, to the source of our being. It is
the energy that manifests in our life what is lying deep inside us, most of the time unknown to our own
consciousness. According to The Mayan Oracle, Imix represents the source of life, the primal
nourishment, support for being alive, and the primordial united waters where everything is created. It is
the energy offering all the possibilities for our consciousness to choose to incarnate the way we like in
this universe. It shows us the path to the mythic beginning of life, where pure consciousness in the
middle of our being (in our essence) and in the middle of the universe in front of us (in its essence, that
is the same) is spiralling in the primordial waters of matter, creating infinite forms. Imix guards the space
of the Divine embrace of the tantric couple, Shiva-Shakti, in us, by incarnating the pure expression
of Shakti(= creation in forms) in front of our consciousness(=Shiva). Imix is the expression of the
deepest parts of our being. It pushes us to see our sensitivity and vulnerability. Through deep
honesty, it brings us back to all the needs and wounds of our inner child. Once we can express them, it
offers support and nourishment to the Divine child in us to help him to grow and to create fully who he
really is. It brings us back to the primal trust in the life and the universe. This trust allows us to make
decisions moment by moment and to surrender totally to the guidance of our Higher Self without
fear. The life and the Universe which surround us, give us whatever we desire. They are receptive to
our desires, like the most amazing mother we ever had. Imix brings us back to the initiation of life itself,
maybe the only reason why our soul has chosen to incarnate on this planet, the experience of
aliveness, pure love met by our consciousness through all our five senses.

Imix asks us to open our own receptivity. It asks us to accept to receive and to drop the idea that
giving is better than receiving. As A. Spilsbury and M. Bryner explain in The Mayan Oracle, to
receive is a very important part in the spiral of love and life. To block this spiral is a destructive action.
Love is never given nor taken. Love just is and can be allowed, discovered and shared. When the gift
is not given from the ego, then it is just flowing out universally regardless of the way that it is received.
To receive fully give an opportunity to the loop of love to take a shape on the physical plane and
then to expand infinitely.

The spiral of Imix also represents the whole process of evolution, the root of life that wants to create
itself out of the primordial source. This primordial creative energy is universal and identical inside all
living beings. Imix has the power of unity. This energy is at the base of the whole universe, through all
space and time, linking everything. This energy allows telepathy and synchronicity to happen
throughout the whole universe.

Imix connects us with the first chakra where our vital energy is stored, to nourish ourselves on the
Earth. And the creative spiral of Imix pushes energy up our spine to open our seventh chakra. The
opening of our seventh chakra gives us trust and faith in the universe and in life. This double
connection between the Earth and the Sky, between our body and our Divine Spirit teaches us how
to heal our heart, to fall in love with ourselves, with life and the universe. This healing mainly affects
the fourth layer of our auric field, the place where we are in relationship with others and the world.
When we regain our own power, our own ability to nourish ourselves properly and when we surrender
and trust in the universe to bring in our life all that our soul really needs to grow, we realize that we do
not need any more specific and personal relationships to nourish ourselves. We start to develop
healthy relationships that are not based on dependence. Then all strings of dependences in our old
relationships appear to our enlarged consciousness. They are manifest in our fourth layer and block
us from expanding and developing unconditional love. When we become independent, we discover our
own freedom and start to express ourselves as we really are in front of the others. The healing of the
fourth layer will slowly expand to our whole energy field until that we fully open ourselves to our
Divine Being.

On the day of Imix, you will feel deeply connected with the desires of your soul, that can be
hidden to your consciousness on the other days. It is a day to express them to the universe and to
your surroundings. It is the day to ask the universe what you need and what you really want from life. It
is the first day of the Tzolkin and it asks you to define your intent and intention: what are your needs
and what do you want? It is not a day for being shy and afraid to ask. It is a day to nourish deeply your
soul and your heart, and to be full in order to walk on your path during the 19 other days. You can
feel yourself very vulnerable on this day because when your deepest desires start to express
themselves: it is your deepest wounds that are revealed. Sometimes it can be very difficult for our ego
to accept our vulnerability and our weaknesses. We resist ourselves. It is important to realize our own
pride and to develop humility by showing who we really are. Even if we are very strong people, we
cannot walk alone all the time. Our soul chooses to come on Earth to share love and light. Moreover,
everything is so easier and get much more beautiful when we accept to receive love in our heart. On
this day, it is important to let speak our wounded inner child and drink the nectar of life generously
given by the maternal Universe. Imix is a beautiful day for very deep healings to occur. It is a day to

nourish ourselves, to develop our faith and trust in life and the Universe. It is also a day that will help
you to realize more deeply who you are. Whatever happens to you on a day of Imix is an expression of
the deepest part of yourself. So if you accept awareness on this day, it will help you to go deeper
and deeper into your own nature, and discover new parts of yourself. By connecting with the
universal energy of love and nourishment, a day of Imix increases telepathy between people and helps
them to understand and exchange together at a deeper level of consciousness than usual. So it is a
beautiful time for meetings and exchanges of love, nourishment and wisdom.

Imix or the path of the unselfish gift

General psychological profile

People born with the power of Imix have a very strong receptivity that allows them to
feel what the people or the world around them need or desire. They have a very strong intuitive
connection with the outside world and know easily what needs to be done or given to keep the life
flowing. They have telepathic faculties and they can read the cosmic signs. They are in love with their
own capacity to give and to support their surroundings. They feel and live their connection with the
Universe. They are very generous and nurturing people. They incarnate the Divine Mother. They
have a lot of grounding energy to give to the others. They know what the Soul of others needs and
they love to manifest it for them. Their first chakra is very strong and developed. They love Nature
and the physical realm. They like to give nourishment and to express themselves through cooking,
physical contacts like massage or tender touch, material gifts, comfort and love. Relationships exert a
huge influence upon their life. The fourth layer of their auric field is highly developed. They invest
considerable energy in creating beautiful, harmonious relationships full of love and support.

Their potentials and their challenges

o An amazing mother for others with an abandoned inner child.

Their very strong sensitivity to the needs of others makes them believe that others share the
same capacity to feel, empathise and nurture.. They believe that others have this magic capacity to
know what they need without the need to express it. Others however do not often possess this
telepathic sensitivity, so they never get quite what they expect. Owing to a misunderstanding in
communication during childhood, they start to develop a feeling of unworthiness, which leads them to
feel they are unworthy of receiving. This feeling in them makes life seem very hard. The world
becomes an empty place without support and nourishment from other human beings, and they struggle
to survive and to find the footsteps along their path. In the shadow of Imix, people lose their trust in

the universe to support them. They lose their primordial trust in the Feminine Divine Nurturance.
They forget their links with the Universe. They forget that we are all one and that the Universe
always gives us just what we want. From their hurt feelings develops the idea that they are
independent and that they need nothing and no-one to help them. This independence however does
not come from strength and freedom but from sadness and a feeling of abandonment. It is a hurting
reaction and not a free action. This independence will not free their Spirit. On the contrary, it will
improve their sadness and loneliness. It will harden their heart and their soul will start to feel like an
abandoned orphan on this planet who has to do all the work of love and compassion alone. They
develop incapacity to receive. They think that to receive means to be dependent of the person who
gives to them. Then they think that to give is better than to receive. At this point, they need to
remember that the Universe is here to provide us what we desire. The outside world is our own
creation and it is evolving according to what we are thinking, projecting, and expecting from it. People
in the shadow of Imix have to understand how this work exchanges in the universe. When someone
needs something: food, love or attention for example, and when they are giving it to them, it does not
mean that this person is dependent on them. This person was just expressing his need when they were
passing by and they became a tool of the Cosmic Mother to fulfil that desire. Nevertheless, if they
had not been here, the Universe would have found another way to realize the wish that this person
was expressing. People in this shadow of Imix need to stop to be scared about having needs and to
express them. They will not lose their freedom by showing their vulnerability. It is the opposite. It is
OK to cry. Sometimes, it just creates more and more space in our heart to share love. Also, when we
are walking on our path, our desires are coming in order to increase the beauty of our life and its
intensity. We lost our freedom when we get attach to them and we are dying in order to have them
fulfilled. When we repress them in our unconscious however, we refrain from our own growth and
creativity. Then when the universe is in contact with our aura, it reads a signal that appears to say: I
dont need anything. I can do everything by myself alone. And this is the wish that he fulfils.
Therefore, it is very important for them to accept that they have needs and to take their
responsibility for expressing them and not to be scared to cry and express their vulnerability to others
and the universe.

o The free gift

Another shadow of Imix is to become a caretaker, a cosmic mother who is constantly

sacrificing herself for the good of others. This shadow comes from a feeling of unworthiness (so you
need to do a lot of good things to get forgiveness for existing on this Earth) and of the over
evaluation of the good of giving. It has to be understood that we cannot give freely if we are not
fulfilled by our own life. The need to give to others in order to exist is just a way to run away from our
own reality and self-acceptance and to become dependent of others to prove to ourselves and to the

world that we are good and worthy to exist. Therefore, those gifts are not coming from pure love and
they create dependence with the person who is receiving. In this shadow, people start to lose their
own personality and forget about their own needs. By developing their receptivity to others desires,
they forget about themselves and start to live a life totally directed toward the fulfilment of the desires
of their surroundings and mainly, of the people that they love. They become transparent, a puppet of
the life that is going on around them. They lose their connection with their own being, in this role that
can exist only if there are people and life around them. They start to create a net of dependences.
By answering to everything and being so nice and so helpful, they make themselves indispensable for
their surrounding and they wait for a reward of love and affection for all the services that they have
given to others. They forget to live their own life. They create relationships based on dependences,
emotional terrorism and guilt. They should reconnect with their own needs and they should remember
what is the real meaning of giving. It is very good for them to reconnect with their body needs and take
some time in seclusion to centre again their energy inside themselves and look at the source of the
emotional patterns that make them so dependent upon others affections.

o Integration of the polarities

Their strong potential is to be able to feel the outside world through telepathic connection and
so to be able to fulfil its needs. That is how they have such a strong forth layer in their auric field.
Now they should be able to disconnect their interactions with others from their own unconscious
emotional needs. Energetically it means that they need to detach their second layer of their auric
field, connected with their own emotions, from their fourth layer. Their biggest challenge is to be able
to feel their own feelings and emotions as well as they feel the ones of others and to create an
independent, honest, healthy and conscious way to fulfil their own needs without using the others
unconsciously. It is really ok to ask others for nourishment just it is important to do it honestly. Real
independence can come out only from real fulfilment. They will be really abundant and generous with
others only if they are abundant and generous with themselves. They will be fully able to listen to
others, when they will be free of all their own subjectivity, created by their unconscious emotions. So
they need to remember their own emotions, to find out who they are without anybody around them to
take care or listen to. In this way, they can find their own identity and place in the world. They have to
go back to the source of their being and give a lot of love and attention to the small child that they
were and who got hurt when they discover that the universe was not immediately fulfilling their wish
before that they express them. It will enhance the energy of their third chakra, that can be quite weak
for them, and their independency. They will regain their self-acceptance and self-worth. They need
to recreate their relationships with others freely without any links of auto-dependences. They have to
stop to look for outside recognition and for outside approbation of their existence. They need to
reconnect with their dreams, their truth, their needs and their feelings and to express them honestly to

the world without being afraid to be bad or dependent of the other. In that way, they will regain
transparency. It will help them to work on their first and seventh chakra to increase their connection
with their primordial needs and recreate their faith in the Divine wisdom to content their Soul. They
need to realize that they are the carriers of a very primordial energy and medicine for the
consciousness of humanity, very difficult to express through the words and to grasp with the mind, and
that it is their task to transmit it to others around them.

Spiritual powers

The more they release their own unconscious emotions, the more they open their telepathic
abilities to feel different levels of consciousness in other beings. Slowly they can develop an ability to
connect with the Higher Self of others. They can channel wisdom and deep guidance for others that
can help them on their own path. They move from fulfilling the needs of the egos of others in their
lower chakras to fulfilling the needs of their highest consciousness in opening their upper chakras.
This depends on their level of self-awareness and their ability to be totally detached and
independent emotionally and energetically with what they exchange with others. They can develop
their telepathic ability to access the grid of universal consciousness, of Christ consciousness that
surrounds the Earth as explained by Drunvalo Melchizedek in his book The Flower of life.
They are people of service naturally. As they feel the interconnection between every human being, it
is in their nature to love to serve others as they love to serve themselves. By birth, their fourth chakra
is open as a potential. Their destiny and sensitivity pushes them to walk on the path of selflessness.
In order to keep their sensitivity alive without being hurt by others, they have no choice than to slowly
develop their consciousness to release their own emotional wounds and to develop a strong
discernment toward healthy relationships. They learn to fully open their fourth chakra, to serve
others out of love and not any more out of their own needs of their second chakras. They also learn
to serve the part of wisdom in others and not anymore the part of theirs ego. This slowly leads them
to understand real unconditional love.
Adding these two capacities they can become pure servant of the universal will of love and light.
They are very good potentials for giving away their personal will and offering their being to the path
of karma yoga. The meaning of karma is action and of yoga of union. Karma yoga is the ability to act
in unity with the universal will, to consecrate all your being and potentials to the needs of the Universe
and the unconditional love.

The glyphs surrounding Imix

Its Analogue Partner: Etznab, the White Mirror

The power of Etznab is the clarity, the power of the mind and the ability to see the world as a
reflection of ourselves. Imix is near Etznab power because its energy can see the truth behind the
words. Etznab is what is giving to Imix its psychic capacity of knowing intuitively and telepathically
what others people need and want. Etznab carries the power of the sixth chakra that breaks all the
illusions and the masks of the mind. The big wisdom of Etznab that should develop people born with
an Imix kin is the strong clarity of their mind to look inside themselves and to really accept who they
are. Etznab is teaching that the reality and the outside world are just a reflection, a mirror of our inner
truth. Because most of our wishes and desires are suppressed and unconscious, we dont understand
the reality in which we are living and we dont see that we are totally controlling it and creating it.
Etznab gives the capacity to dive into our own unconscious and to see it on a magic living scream
through every minutes of our life. Etznab is a big tool for Imix people to become the master of their
own life and not any more a victim or a lonely Soul who has to fight alone to survive on this Earth.
Etznab offers to them the sword of Truth to break the illusion inside and outside themselves.

Its Antipode Partner: Chuen, the Blue Monkey

The power of Chuen is the Divine Child. Chuen likes to play the magic of the life, to jump in the
disruptions of life, to be spontaneous and to create art and beauty. The message of Chuen is to be
playful and never too serious. It helps us to remember that we all have a child inside ourselves that
needs space and freedom to live and to enjoy life. When people born with the energy of Imix are
meeting Chuens power, it helps them to express their own magic and creativity, to let speak their own
Inner Child totally freely. Chuen is very sensitive energy and carries the vulnerability of a child. So
even if he never shows it, he is very sensitive and needs a deep emotional support from the outside.
When Imix people discover Chuen inside them, they open to their emotional wounds, and to their
inner child, and can start to open their arms to receive support and healing from the Universe and
their surrounding. Chuen teaches them to be vulnerable and to take what they need from the
Universe. Only when there is no more wound, life can become a magic game.

Its Occult Partner: Ahau, the Yellow Sun

The power of Ahau is enlightenment, to be full with ourselves, with our own inner Light and
wisdom. Ahau carries the understanding of real compassion. It is the projection of Hunab Ku in the
Tzolkin. Because we feel so good with ourselves, Ahau shows us that we dont need nothing from the
outside the world. We are just spreading our own Light and Love that we have in excess inside
ourselves. Our gifts become free and without any expectation. There are pure expression of the will
of creation and of sharing our deep truth with the others and the Universe. It is from Ahau that Imix
people can become real nourishing mothers. It is only from this beautiful shining sun in the middle of

their being that they can give to the others. When people born with the power of Imix dive inside
themselves, they find the power of Ahau. They understand and feel that they have everything inside
themselves and that the Universe has given everything to them. They are full and free to give and to
create whatever they want and to be whoever they wish.

IK The White Wind

The Wind is the Divine Father, the Spirit who is everywhere in the Universe. However, he is
invisible to inexperienced eyes and nobody can catch him or limit him. He is the great mystery of life
that cannot be comprehended by the rational and logical brain. He can only be felt and experienced
directly. The Wind incarnates the movement of life and it is all the time moving through space and
time. According to The Mayan oracle, Ik is the Divine breath of life, the invisible essence in each
living being, the energy that gives life to everything. It is also the magic wisdom that lies under all
happenings (?) in the Universe. As Ik carries a very high vibration of consciousness - the wisdom of
the Grand-Father, the big Spirit - it brings the power of inspiration, intuition and new direction to
our human life. It is the Chief Orchestrator of the Great Cosmic Symphony of our planet.
Its color is the color of white light. All the colors of the rainbow appear through a beam of white
light. In a human life, Ik is asking us to integrate the totality of who we are in the present moment.
White carries also the power of simplicity, honesty, purity and truth. According to The Mayan
oracle, Ik represents spontaneity and simplicity and embodies the concept of presence.
Represented by the number 2, Ik carries the responsibility of unifying all the polarities of our life. It
represents Spirit without form and has as analogue partner the Red Earth, which carries the power
of pure manifestation. It is the Divine Dichotomy, the union of Spirit with matter, the sacred union of
the Divine Father with the Divine Mother. Ik gives us the possibility to integrate the two polarities
inside ourselves. That is what presence means: to be totally ourselves in the now, from the highest
level of our consciousness to the tiniest particles of our body. Ik breaks the apparent duality between
matter and spirit, life and death, feminine and masculine, past and future. Ik asks us to make peace and
brings union with the two different hemispheres of our brain: the right one - intuitive, sensitive,
feminine - and the left - analytic, rational, masculine. By unifying our masculine and our feminine sides,
we give birth to the Divine, androgynous consciousness inside us. It is a beautiful alchemical process
bringing us inner harmony, inner love and wholeness. This state of being can transmute all of our
relationships with the world and with other human beings and helps us to discover and to create a new
reality. Ik is asking us to be whole in the present moment. Ik wants to see the Truth in the physical
world. Ik is in everything and everything is the expression of Ik. Ik is all the time the same but under
billions of different masks, always evolving and changing. Ik is the breath of life: all the time coming and
going without any end. The White Wind asks us to be totally transparent, permanently moving
through the flow of life without any resistance, like the light. It accepts no compromise. It links us

straight away with our Spirit, our Divine Self and asks us to move from this level of consciousness
inside ourselves. It nourishes the seventh layer and the fifth layer of our aura and realigns our axis of
intentionality. It carries the wisdom of our Soul and opens our ability to surrender to it. It brings deep
purification of our being and our life. It is a very ethereal and subtle energy, very difficult to catch, to
feel and to incarnate. Ik pushes us to accept this challenge and to remember who we really are. It
teaches us how to be and to manifest our spiritual wisdom through the physical, the emotional and the
mental realms. When we follow its wisdom, it opens our fifth chakra, connecting us with our intuition
and our deep inspiration and pushing us to express it and manifest it at each moment of our life.
In days directed by the power of Ik, it is hard to follow any kind of plan. Things do not turn out
as expected or predicted and you can find yourself in very unusual situations. Nevertheless,
remember that this is a day to listen to your Spirit and your Soul. Everything that is happening on
this day is a teaching from your Higher Self. During this day, your Higher Self has a stronger
capacity than usual to direct your life. So listen to him! It is a day that can make you very dreamy
because you are experiencing a deeper reality. You can also get a lot of inspiration. And it can be
difficult for you to fix yourself in a particular place or situation. Be spontaneous and follow the wind.
Accept its storm even if it surprises you. Maybe you need it to move things in your life. But take care
not to fly away from reality and make efforts to communicate your deepest truth. It is the perfect day
for it.

Ik or the path of expressing the infinite in each moment

General psychological profile

People born with the power of Ik dont like stability and have a lot of air in their personality. It
is hard for them to fix themselves on anything or to concentrate their life on one particular thing. They
like movement and feeling free. They want to discover and to experiment with everything. Like the
wind, they have the power of the storm and can be sometimes very unpredictable and violent in their
change of direction. However, this is their inner gift. They are a direct expression of their own Spirit
and they need to learn to control their impulsiveness without resisting the changes that they need to
make in their life. Like the light, it is very difficult to hide in front of them or to try to stop them. They
can be very sharp in their comprehension of the reality in which they live and they will shine their
understanding all around them. It is also very hard to put them inside a box or to give them a specific
definition and personality. They will rarely speak out or show their feelings and emotions. Usually
they develop a very strong mind because thoughts seem for them the nearest expression of their airy
nature. Thoughts evolve and change very fast like the wind and, with intention, they are at the base of
all creation. People with the power of Ik can be difficult to understand even in intimate relationships
because of their permanent state of transformation and the difficulty they have in defining themselves.

They are very independent people and greatly value their autonomy and freedom. Their fifth and
third chakras are naturally well developed. This gives them a lot of intuition and guidance throughout
their life and all its changes. The combination of these two chakras usually creates in them an urge to
follow their intuitions no matter what: it is almost impossible for them to do something that they dont
want to do or to hang around if they have a feeling that they should move on. It is from this difficulty to
accept compromise that come their impulsiveness. Yet if they fill their need for wholeness with wise
understanding and love, this impulsiveness becomes a beautiful tool. It is the yearning for total
honesty. Those with Ik also have a very strong seventh layer in their auric field. This important
connection with their Divine wisdom pushes them constantly to purify and to transform themselves
and their own self-limitations. It also protects them from negative influences in the outside world.
Their Soul is already pushing them to accomplish what they need to do to nourish their Spirit and to
walk on their destiny path. And their Divine connection is working all the time to destroy the
resistances that their ego has developed against the full realization of who they are. Most of the time,
Wind people feel that a certain part of themselves is totally unpredictable and a little bit crazy and
they know that they cannot resist this energy that their rational mind judges as madness. If they do
resist, they can fall into a very deep depression and lose their will to live. To escape this they need to
break the jail that they have built around themselves and to express the infinite freedom of their soul
with as much love as they can.

The potentials and their challenges

o A huge Spirit in a limited body, or a strong spiritual connection without the power of

People born a day Ik have a huge seventh layer in their auric field and a strong seven chakra.
This means that they can connect easily with a universal reality where everything is already one. By
nature, in their silence, they can therefore easily see the unity in everything and connect with the
essence of every object or being that they cross. They connect with the higher dimension of reality
and of consciousness and connect with the formless aspect of life and spirit. As a result it can be hard
for them to express and to define who they are in the material world or through any kind of structure.
They feel a very strong separation between their inner reality and the outside, as if they were two
very different worlds that cannot be combined. It can seem impossible for them to express who they
really are in front of other beings. The physical realm can appear too rigid and opaque to bring any
true reflection of who they are. They feel locked in their life and in their body to a material reality that
cannot truly reflect their essence. This pattern can develop in them as a result of the marked
difference in level of consciousness at birth between them and the people around them. They are
people with a huge inner wisdom and as children they had many ways of expressing themselves without

words or in other ways that most humans beings use to connect with each other. As a result they felt a
strong pressure to simplify and synthesize who they were in order to be able to communicate with
others in a way that could be understood. So they had to create an other self - very limited, to their
own taste and sensitivity - that could be introduced safely to others. They thus create a split inside
themselves and then transfer this feeling of limitation towards the outside world and the human world.

This separation can create a lot of bitterness that Wind people may then project towards their life,
the physical realm and the idea of being human. It is really hard for them to release this anger because
they experience their separation like a fatality and the limitation then seems to them to be the nature
of life itself. So they repress it deeply in their unconscious. In this case it becomes very hard for them
to incarnate on the planet and to show who they are in their life. And life becomes just a burden for
their Spirit, a jail. This is the suffering process of the infinite Soul who has chosen to incarnate
herself in a limited body. It is the illusory belief in separation between Earth and Heaven, the idea
that we are left alone here, that the body and the Spirit are separated from each other and that there
is no salvation on Earth. However, to enter a physical body is the only possibility for experiencing
the creation at this level of vibration. If we stay in the realm of unlimited possibilities, we stay in the un-
manifested. In order to create and to manifest something, we need to build a structure, to take a
limited shape. Thus the Divine divided itself into billions of conscious windows in the Universe to
observe its own Infinity - and each particle of the Universe is a part of the Infinite Essence. Because
we are conscious, the only power that can takes us away from this Infinity is the belief that we are
separated from it, the forgetting of our inner Essence. In a way this is done deliberately: The
Essence Self of each human being has chosen to forget his own fusion with the universal Unity in
order to participate in the transmutation of consciousness on Earth, to play the big game and the
huge and amazing challenge of expressing the infinity of his Spirit in matter, in a fixed physical form.
Looking at it this way, people carrying the power of Ik are mainly focused in their life on breaking this
belief in duality. They are here to remember fully their deeper nature free from any separation. It is
what their Soul has chosen before their birth. It is a very difficult challenge in our rational and
materialistic world to accomplish. They have to fight against the resistances of the collective mind and
they have to accept sometimes to be rejected by society and thus be alone. However, this is a very
important gift that they can offer to the collective consciousness of the planet. At this time on Earth,
they are called to heal themselves and through their life to free much of the collective rigidity and
thoughts that they have taken upon themselves. This can generate a lot of anger against the world
and the life that seems to limit or not accept their deep nature. So it is important for them to
remember that they came into Earth as Wind, as Spirit, to change and to open the consciousness of
humanity, to help people to remember their freedom, their inspiration, their infinity. They need to
channel their anger into a creative process to express and show who they really are. This demands a
lot of courage and of letting go of all the fears of the rational mind fears of going crazy or being

rejected. They will have to open fully their fifth chakra to express their Spirit and their wisdom as it
comes to them. Only through spontaneity and a deep state of presence in every moment will they be
able to show fully who they are. There is no specific word or defined form for this communication. It
can only be felt and perceived directly through the harmonious movement of life. However, the highest
suffering is to lower our own nature.

o A free spirit with a rigid mind

Most people carrying the power of Ik have developed a very strong rational mind. The strong
development of their seventh layer tends to give them a lot of difficulty in defining who they are,
especially as children. As they grow up they are constantly moving and changing personality and are
communicating on a very high level of vibration. So, most of the time, as children, they find nobody to
understand them. It is as if they are not speaking the same language as the people around them and
they are not a part of the same tribe. In their energetic field, this situation damages deeply their root
chakra and this increases their difficulty to ground themselves and to exist in the physical world. It also
damages their sense of self-worth and self-love. This feeling of inadequacy then creates a lot of fears
in the child who immediately answers to it by learning how to behave and act on this Earth by watching
others. He assimilates his strong connection with Spirit: he starts to view his need for movement and
his spiritual potential as something negative, as something dangerous for him because it seems to
separate him from others, as craziness because nobody is speaking this language. So at this point,
they have really separated themselves from their own Divinity. And because of this fear of their own
nature, they chose to develop a very strong and rational mind that will fix them in the reality far away
from any risky craziness and that will manage to guide them in this physical world without any surprise
or unpredictable events. Most the time, Wind people therefore grow up in a quiet, rigid atmosphere.
The rigidity of their mind helps them to stay far away from their crazy Spirit and from their
emotional body full of fears of being different and not understood by the outside. At the same time,
they accumulate a deep anger at being caught in this limited world. All these emotions that terrify
them during their very early childhood then get hidden very deeply in their unconscious and direct
their life from underneath without them being aware of it. A lot of Wind people thus disconnect
themselves from their emotional body and it is very hard for them to know what they feel and even
harder to express it. And the more rigidly they build their own mind the less freedom they leave to
their Spirit to express itself and to survive. Most of them build a personality according to the
personalities that appear in front of them and according to a very rational analysis of the idea of what
is good or bad to be and to do. As a result it is really hard for a Wind person to totally believe in their
personality. It does not ring true to their own deeper sensibility. The more asleep they become,
forgetting their deep nature of pure freedom, the more they are prone to being ruled by unconscious
behaviors that will govern their life through sometimes surprisingly spontaneous emotional movements

and crises that can be totally unpredictable and incomprehensible to their rational mind. The only way
out is to release all of those masks and rational structures in their life - using the natural power of their
fifth chakra to express the unlimited consciousness of the seventh chakra. That is the only way they
can heal their first and third chakra. Fortunately they can never stray far from their deepest nature. In
a sense they are obliged to follow their intuition and their wisdom. Even if they forget it all, life will
bring it back to them. As they are Wind, the seventh layer of their auric field is by birth strongly
developed. It directs their life against the wish of their personality. It means that their life will
automatically bring events or people to try to release and to open the rigidity of their mind. The more
they resist, the more painful it will be. They have to be ready to listen.

o Strong spiritual nature and rejection of any spiritual labels

People born with the power of Ik can sometimes refuse any religious concept or behavior. This
rejection is nourished by different sources in their being. First of them ,being their innate need for
freedom that cannot accept to be limited by any concept, defined word or rule. So it can take them
away from the religious rules. Secondly they are strongly in tune with the real Spirit and the real
Divinity inside themselves, like the original Saints and the Mystics. This living experience of our
Divine Nature is what most of the traditional religions (which have become more a cultural, social and
political organization to protect people from the collective fears of change) are afraid to experience
and reject like acts of heresy. This is a positive reaction toward the present disappearance of any
spiritual understanding in our religious organizations. However, their rejection of religion also comes
from their own blockages and fears: Because religions at their highest are not speaking to the mind,
but rather to the heart and Soul, and are asking to be experienced through the emotional body. Faith
cannot be nourished by ideas or concepts. It needs to be felt in the heart and experienced throughout
life. And this totally scares a lot of people born with the power of Ik because they need to let go all of
the rational mental control that they have built during their childhood to protect themselves from
rejection and from becoming too spaced out. This fear can be so strong in some people born with the
energy of Ik that just to hear the word of God, of mysticism, or of spirituality in a discussion can make
them angry. They need to understand that words and rituals are just a bridge to touch more subtle
realities and to open to a wider understanding of the world. They are not the final object and should
not be taken literally. They are just tools, means to try to incarnate the formless Spirit. Sometimes
these tools can be very useful to open and to accelerate the opening of our consciousness and
should not be neglected. They are just vessels to find our own infinite freedom.

o Integration of the polarities

Their great potential is to be able to connect very deeply with higher levels of consciousness,

that most people dont even suspect, and to have a strong intuition and connection with the essence
of life. Thus their seventh and fifth chakras are very developed by nature. But their highest wisdoms
of grace and intuition are challenged by the process of incarnation as a human being. And when they
grow up in a rational human civilization, as most human beings do today, they dont even realize that
they carry a special wisdom. It has been forgotten inside them from their early childhood. A strong
challenge for them therefore is to remember their deep nature and connection and to accept to
surrender totally their will power to their inner wisdom. They should accept to release all the rigidity
of their mind and to let go of their fear of craziness. This will totally transform their perception of the
world around them and their life. Once they accept to follow their intuition, their Spirit will take them
on an inner journey of healing, transformation and initiation back to the Source. It will teach them to
become more and more themselves within their infinite nature. They are then challenged to feel again
their emotions and their physical body. Their third chakra and their mental body then becomes
gradually aligned and in harmony with their higher centers and layers of their auric field, and not any
more in opposition. To assist this evolution they should learn to develop absolute honesty at all levels
of their being in order to become fully transparent, if they want to shine through their physical body
the pure white Light that they are. Their biggest work is in releasing the fear of expressing who they
are. They are blocking their throat and fifth chakra. They are also separating their inner world and
consciousness from the outside world. Their biggest challenge is to manifest their deep nature. They
should learn to surrender totally to it and to offer all their being to it. Slowly all the unnecessary
borders in their mental, emotional and physical body should go away. Then they should be able to
incarnate a deep state of presence in their everyday life.

Spiritual powers

Once they accept to follow their intuition and to act with honesty and spontaneity, they enter on a
spiritual path of initiations. If they can release their fears and inhibitions and heal their anger and
frustrations towards the physical, material and emotional world, their personality will start to be
transparent and they will be able to channel universal truth and love through their being. They have
the ability to access their essence as a human consciousness on this planet. They naturally have
access to deeper level of consciousness inside themselves than most other human beings. They just
need to be able to express it properly. Their path is a path of purification and(?) truth. They need to
learn to be fully honest. Then they will feel back their own essence and start to be able to share it with
the world. The universal essence of consciousness will start to shine through their being. By
accepting to be fully who they are, they get the ability to go back at the origin of the human
consciousness which is universal. So when other people look at them they can see deeper parts of
themselves that they were not able to see alone and they can even connect with the universal truth and
the origin of life. Just by being in company of a person carrying the power of Ik, people can receive

deep realizations and an opening of their consciousness. People incarnating the energy of Ik become
a strong channel of Light and wisdom for any human crossing their life. They have the power of
transforming and purifying the world around them. Their life and presence inspire people around them
and they are able to induce a higher level of consciousness. They become a door of expression for
the Universal Spirit of the universe. They can receive a lot of responsibility in helping in the
transformation of consciousness of human beings on Earth.

The glyphs surrounding Ik

Its Analog partner: Caban the Red Earth

The power of Caban is the power of real presence, of being here and now, fully centered in the
present moment. Ik is nourished by Cabans energy because it is a very grounding energy that cannot
be removed. Caban is the true grounding of the Spirit on earth. It helps us to be totally present in the
now without carrying any past or future, without any mental conception of how one should behave or
be. Then the foundations that it gives are so strong - based on absolute honesty of Spirit - that
nothing can break them. From this very centered place, you get the ability to act appropriately to the
circumstances. Caban has the power of navigation: because only from a stable space in the present,
do we have the capacity to take a good direction. When people born with the energy of Ik get in tune
with the power of the Red Earth, they find the real stability that they have always been looking for in
their life. They lose their fear of following their Spirit and their intuition and they act with efficacy
and meaningfully in the physical world. Caban is a very powerful healing energy for them to
disintegrate their fear of being and to express who they are. It allows them to exist fully in the physical

Its Antipode partner: Eb the Yellow Human

The power of Eb is to receive the abundance of life. Its symbols are the harvest and the empty
glass that is filled up by the nectar of life. It brings the celebration of all the pleasures that human
beings can taste on this Earth through their physical and emotional body. Eb is a big challenge for Ik
because it asks him to enjoy and to drink all the advantages of its human existence. Eb asks Ik to
totally forget about his idea of what he needs, to get fulfilled and to let the Divine grace fill him up
with what his Soul really needs. When people born with the power of Ik manage to meet the energy of
Eb, they discover what it is really to surrender. They start to experience life without their mind. Eb
pushes them against their greatest challenge and leads them to taste all that was missing in their life
and that which they were most afraid to meet: their physical body with its joys and needs, their human
emotions and the blessing of Divine grace that we can receive when we are fully incarnate on Earth.
Its Occult Partner: Cauac, the Blue Storm

The power of Cauac is the ecstasy of freedom and the absolute surrender to the unknown.
Cauac is in the unconscious of people born with the power of Ik. It carries their need to be free
without any boundary. Cauac doesn't fear to be accepted or rejected by the outside world. It is the
nineteenth sign of the whole calendar and it embodies the wisdom of all the other signs. Cauac carries
the knowledge that freedom is our deepest nature and is the only way for our Spirit to live on this
Earth. Cauac ushers in a time of deep spiritual transformation. It is the last preparation for the
human being before it enters into the state of absolute realization of the totality of its nature. It brings
a period when everything is accelerating and nothing can be put under control. It is the last jump of the
Soul before it goes back to its Source in the unknown. Cauac is the deep yearning of the Soul to
let go of all the attachments that keep it away from the unity and true nature of its being. By
connecting with the energy of Cauac, people born with the energy of Ik remember their spiritual
nature and lose their fear of listening to the irrational wishes of their Spirit. They connect again with
their Soul and take back their spiritual power. They stop limiting themselves and this allows them to
finalise the process of liberation of their Soul.

AKBAL The Blue Night

After that the Universe has been created and awaken by the flow of life and Spirit, the
darkness of Abkal is bringing us back to the inner world. The night is taking us through the
mysterious journey of self-discovery. It is the guide of the unconscious part in ourselves, the guardian
of our inner abyss and of our inner sanctuary. Akbal carries the power of our dreams to discover the
totality of who we are. Nothing can be hide inside us with Akbal. The night is a time to look deeply to
all the emotions, all the thoughts and dreams that we can have repressed. Akbal takes the light of our
consciousness through the unknown territory of our unconscious. It wants to show us the totality of
who we are. It is the process of introspection. It is a very strong medicine sign and it asks us a lot of
courage to jump in the darkness of our unconscious with the light of awareness and forgiveness. It will
show us all that we have repressed inside us, all what we don't want to see and to know about
ourselves. It can be a lot of negative feelings but also a lot of light that we are afraid to show to
ourselves and to the world. Akbal plays with our fears and helps us to pass through them, because
they are just ghosts protecting us from strong realizations about the Universe in which we are living
and ourselves. In front of love and consciousness, fears lost their power and slowly disappear. The
glyph of Akbal represents the enclosing darkness taking us to our inner temple, to the womb of our
Soul. The two hooks symbolize the polarity, between the inner world and the outside world, between
the shadow and the light, that find its unity inside the pyramid of the transcendent truth of our Higher
Self. Akbal teaches us that darkness is just light that has been repressed and that the outside world
is just the projection of our own reality. The life is just our own dream and creation. However, there is
so much unconscious in ourselves that we cannot see it. For example, if we have some repressed anger
it can manifest itself in our life through a body pain, a sickness or an unhealthy relationship or
situation. Akbal looks at the outside world through the inner window and asks us to use the apparent
disharmonies in our life to discover, to understand and to heal our inner wounds. If we have the power
and the courage to follow it, Akbal is bringing us back home to the sanctuary of our Divine Self.
From this point, we will taste the ecstasy of being with our truth and our full potential and we will find
the total freedom of creation that is offered to us in this world. Akbal helps us to align our whole
energetic field with the deepest intensions of our Soul. If our life seems to be a mess, it means that
some parts of ourselves are fighting between each other. It means that some energies inside us are
directing our life without that we are aware of their existence in you. Akbal asks us to close our eyes,
to stay silent and to observe. The whole universe is inside us. If we wish to change our life, then we
need to become aware of who we really are and of what do we really want. There is no other way.
Akbal asks us a lot of courage to journey alone through our own night. Beside, Akbal helps us to
wake up from our unconsciousness and offer us to become a conscious dreamer in this life creating
consciously and totally freely his own reality.

The days of Akbal are very quiet days that are good to rest and to meditate. You can feel
very tired on these days. It is a feeling that can appear when your awareness is moving in a deeper
level of understanding. You heal memories that were blocked in yourself for years and your cells need
to adjust and restructured themselves with the new impulse of energy that has entered your energetic
field and to release the toxic energy. A deep sleep is a very good sign of a strong healing. It means
that you are jumping in the middle of your unconscious mind. For example, a lot of people fall a sleep
during a good healing session. It is not really an appropriate day to organize a big party. It is a time
where everybody can see his own subjectivity through his life and his own projection of himself on the
world. On this day, you can see a lot of your fears and shadows that are impeaching you to be free. It
is a very good day to increase your self-awareness. It is a good day to exchange healing, massage, to
do any activity that helps you to look inside yourself. It is a day to give and share deep and intimate
love with people and the world, because it is a day that is touching deeply everybody. So even if you
don't feel to do anything because you are tired, just remember that this is a day of cleaning and
purification and that all the courageous Souls on this process (yourself being a part of them) need to
receive love, forgiveness and a clear mind to recon fort them.

Akbal or the path of exploration of the human psyche

General psychological profile

People born with the power of Akbal are very intuitive people and living dreamers. They have a
strong connection with their inner world. They can journey very deeply in their consciousness and
touch the base of their desires and intensions toward their life. They are very clear people upon what
they want in life. They are strongly pushed by their nature to realize their dreams in their life. If they
get stuck in this realization, they will keep on until it gets manifested. It is like they can not escape from
their desires. They have to find a way to fulfill them. If not they can become depressed or frustrated.
Out of this quality, people carrying the power of Akbal can have many different faces, depending of
what are their dreams. There is no one special type. They can be very extravagant people travelling
all around the world to fulfill all their fantasies and phantasms. Or they can be very concentrated
people focus to realize a dream of living in harmony in pure simplicity. They have only one similar
quality is to be passionate dreamers attached to create their own reality in this world.

The potentials and their challenges

I want to point out that this explanation is very caricatured of the different possibilities that can
happen in a life of a person born with the energy of Akbal. Most of the time, every Akbal person has
a little beat of all of these different qualities and it is very rare to meet someone that correspond

exactly to one of these description. Those are more general tendencies and archetypes that people
born with the energy of Akbal can develop.

o A strong ability to see their inner shadows and a fear of their own nature

They have a deep access to their unconscious brain. They have the ability to journey deeply
through their own psyche, discovering all of their symbolic reality and their unconscious emotions and
desires. So very easily they are able to see their own patterns and the way they act in their life. This
is a beautiful potential very useful for a deep spiritual life. However for a small child it can be also a
really strong responsibility and a scary gift. There are not only beautiful fairies and wonderful
landscapes in our unconscious brain. They can be also repressed emotions like fears, anger and
frustrations, creating a deep suffering in our being. In their own dreamfield they can encounter
monsters, devils and entities that are acting in a destructive way in their life and that are parts of
themselves. This capacity leads them through the shamanic path, where the warrior of Light has to
face its own shadow, in order to release the blocked energy and turn it to Love and Light. That is a
very strong responsibility for a child and a very scary space to be without strong state of presence
and detach awareness. If they didnt receive strong guidance from the outside world, most the time the
fears take them away from it. The child develops a watery nature that likes to flow in a space of
dreams without going too deep inside it. They want to stay just in a secure and imaginary state of
mind. They can even have the tendency to reject the deepness and seriousness of life. They like to
forget themselves in the lightness of life the playfulness of their inner child. This can push them to
develop a kind of laziness or nonchalance toward any structure and discipline. They like to enjoy the
life and to experience it, to taste it. It can push them to focus mainly their attention toward the outside
world, fulfilling the desires of their inner child and their second chakra. Their consciousness took the
habit of not wanting to face negative emotions. Each time they meet one inside or outside of them, it
is like a failure for them, a mistake. Because if they start to face their own shadows in their psyche,
with their deep ability of introspection, they can see that it is going to be a very long journey. And
they think that they will never come out of it. So for them, to look at their hidden sadness, anger and
fears is a dead end. And they will fall in a never ending depression, letting the time passes and missing
their life on this planet. They consciously choose to detach themselves from the deep wise men inside
themselves that show them the path toward their own inner temple because of the fears that they
encounter on the path. And in the same way they detach themselves from a deep part of their
unconscious brain. So they have a very strong power of introspection. But most them can limit it to
fulfill the desire of their inner child.

o The ability to create their own dreams and the risk to lost themselves inside.

As a child, they realize very early that life is just a dream and they can create whatever they
want out of it. They look at the reality as a playground where they can realize all their dreams and
they go for it full power ! From all their inner journeys, they got a lot of fire and inspiration and they
are boiling to express themselves in front of others or to go through amazing adventures in their life as
they do in their dreams. During their childhood, when they understand that they have to build a
personality, they go to their deepest dream with which they can connected themselves and go fully
into their role in rejecting any doubt or fear. This is a good strength. They develop a very powerful
intension. Nobody can influence or stop them when they made their choice and they can even be too
much stubborn. Their shadow starts to develop when they start to over-identify themselves with the
role that they choose to play and when they start to build an over-inflated ego nourishing itself from
the richness of its success. Their third charka can become over-developed and it can start to impeach
them to move on in their life by fear of losing the power of this beautiful ego that they build through
their play. The role that they play is just one part of them and not their full Spirit. It is also the
expression of the deepest dream of who they were in the past. However, a human being is all the time
evolving and his consciousness is widening every day. Their dreams are growing and if they want to
keep the freshness of their Spirit with as much truth and fire that they had in the beginning, they need
to let go and to surrender to the new wish of their Soul. Nonetheless, their ego can be very
frightened and opposed to this change and it can resist against the wish of their Soul. Their Spirit
by choosing Akbal wanted to go back to its inner essence and to incarnate it. Whatever they will do,
they cannot escape from the Contract of their Soul. In their life, they will be all the time confronted
with the resistance of their ego against their Spirit. When they will be alone, they will see their own
inner conflicts. Depending of the level of their awareness and the power of the influence of their ego
on their consciousness, they will start or not to adjust themselves with the deepest intension of their
being and not anymore the one of their ego. Anyhow, the more they are resisting, the more life will
teach them through situations, confrontations and inner feelings or understandings to surrender to
the higher will of their being and to let go of the wish to control of their ego.

o A strong dream as a malediction for the ego

However there are a different challenge and shadow appearing for people born with the
energy of Akbal, who develop dreams that will push them toward introspection and letting go of their
repressed emotions. This is the case for example of wanting to experience a harmonious couple
relationship, having a family or entering the artistic path. For achieving one of these dreams the
person have no choice than to face their own fears and shadows. For my point of view, there is no
healthy loving relationship without that the two people accept to develop this quality. Otherwise they
get stuck into auto-dependency or conflicts that have nothing to see with love. Relationships are an
initiatic path to self-discovery where you cant run away from yourselves. The other one becomes an

amazing mirror. And it is exactly the same with art. A piece of art can not exist without reflecting the
Soul and sensitivity of its creator. So people born with the energy of Akbal and developing this kind
of dreams have no choice than to face all their repressed emotions in order to manifest it in their life.
Their dreams send them to the path of inner transformation and transmutation that is not really well
understood and explained in our modern society. This is a very strong challenge for them. If they
didnt have proved their own value before in realizing any strong project in their life, they can feel very
weak and develop a low self-esteem of themselves. This can damage their third chakra and they can
develop an archetype of victim, because they can feel helpless and their project can appear as
impossible to realize. As their desire to achieve it is burning inside them, they will have no choice that
to jump into the pool of their unconscious if they want to go forward. As they have strong shamanic
potentials without being aware of them, in following those dreams, they enter the spiritual path of self-
discovery and self-transformation without knowing it and without having any guidance and support
through it. Without any explanation upon this path and their inner nature thinking that to experience
some heavy emotions are a failure of their spirit and a weakness of their mind in its ability to control
themselves, it is sometimes very hard for them to understand how to transform their own patterns.
From their point of view, they can feel that their relationship or their artistic creativity is something
destructive in their life taking them away from their inner peace and stability. Their dreams and their
desire can start to appear to their ego as a malediction and a pure source of sorrow. They can enter
sometime deep state of sadness, even depression, and pass through some very weird emotional states.
They pass through the Dark Night of the Soul, an initiatic journey, encountered by most human
beings who walk on the path of self-discovery. All this is created by their ego who resists the
transformation. This misunderstanding can let them stuck in pain and suffering, when actually they are
living a very special and beautiful experience of liberation of their Soul. They need to realize the
deep wisdom of their journey and to look at what happen in their life as strong spiritual initiations and
not just simple dreams of their ego. Their whole perception of reality can shift and they enter the path
of Self-discovery if they accept to transform their point of view. All their challenges in their everyday
life become deep teachings and benedictions for their Spirit. This is quite a difficult level of
consciousness to keep because all the times, the ego wants to explain everything differently and to go
away from a situation in which its supremacy is in danger. That is why a lot of people with the energy
of Akbal turn their energy and intension toward their professional life and just want to develop light
and independent relationships.

o Integration of polarities

Their strong potential is to be able to journey inside themselves and their own psyche. It gives
them a strong ability to create their own reality. They mainly use this power in order to fulfill the
desires and dreams of their egoistic self. It is as if they have a very wise men inside their consciousness

and they use its power to obey to their inner child. Their big steps toward transformation start when
they surrender fully to their deep power of introspection and start to understand why the child inside
them dont want to listen to their deep power of wisdom and detachment. They got a split in their
being between their personal needs and their Soul needs. It is good to accept to fulfill our deep
desires and if it is done consciously, as a ritual, it seems to me that it can help faster human
consciousness to develop transcendence than by following strictly the ascetic path. It is call the
Tantric Path, the Red path or the path of the Left Hand, according to the Hindus tradition. It is a
faster path but also more dangerous path than the one of the Right Hand, of pure renunciation to
the worldly life. We need a strong guidance or a deep wisdom to walk on this path because it is easy
to get lost on the way. It is important to know the limits and realize where the real abundance is in life.
As it is explained in all spiritual paths, desires are a source of suffering in human being. They come
out of non-contentment and they disturb the inner peace. If we try to fulfill them just through the
outside world, they keep on coming and disturbing our mind, pushing us all the times to act. To
balance their nature, it is good for the people born with the energy of Akbal choose to transcend
their desires, even when they choose still to live them. They need to accept to go at the roots of their
desires to understand why there are not already fulfilled inside themselves. They will have to ask their
inner child why he doesnt want to grow up and is acting out of harmony with their wisdom. They will
have to face and bring love and consciousness in their wounds of childhood. They will have to stop to
be afraid of their unconscious emotions and to accept to love them and let them go. The deepest
challenge of people born with the energy of Akbal is to accept to journey till the end of their inner
night. It can be quite scary for them in the beginning and they will need a lot of love and spiritual
support. If they choose to shift their consciousness toward the inner path, they will discover the
integration of the polarities. It is a perception of life where all our conception of the opposite reverses
itself. Darkness becomes light. Suffering becomes gift. Any negative emotions become a beautiful
tool of transformation. Any desire a source a releasing a lot of repressed energy asking to come out.
Pain and sickness transform themselves in benediction and teaching They can touch the origin of
our consciousness where the whole universe and life come from.

Spiritual powers

Once they accept to explore their consciousness and to release their own repressed emotions,
which affect their objectivity, they become amazing traveler of the human psyche. They need to
develop their power of concentration in order to counteract their water nature that has the tendency
to push them toward the world of their imagination and sleepy state. Then they have strong ability to
enter in the unconscious part of their mind. They can easily explore their own dreams and become
lucid dreamer. They can develop their understanding of the effect of symbolism on the human brain.
With their strong power of manifestation, they can create special psychological rituals than can help

people to uplift their level of awareness and transform their life.
They have also a very strong ability to understand the power of our unconscious to create our own
reality. They can become master of the yoga of the mind. It is a yoga in which people focus their
intensions using their emotions, their imagination, their concentration and their will power in order to
manifest whatever they want in their life and to transform themselves. They can also easily work with
hypnosis and auto-suggestions, which are in the same family than the yoga the mind.
Their highest potential and realization is to come out of illusion. By slowly releasing all their
subjectivity and limitation of their personality, they become pure expression of universal

The glyphs surrounding Akbal

Its Analog partner: Cib The Yellow Warrior

Cib is the spiritual warrior, the Warrior of Light. Its power is intuition and deep connection with
spiritual realms. It helps to be a channel for the Light of higher consciousness. Cib asks a lot of
courage to spread its truth in the world and a lot of faith in its teaching because its wisdom is coming
only through inner experiences and is difficult to manifest in this very materialistic contemporary
society. When the power of Akbal merges with the one of Cib, it gives to the person very deep inside
experiences and helps him to connect with a higher consciousness inside himself. The more the
person will be in tune with Cib, the more he will develop his intuition and align himself with the wish of
his Higher Self. It can help an Akbal person to come out of the control on his life by his ego against
his Spirit. Or for an Akbal person that lacks of self-love and confidence, Cib power will help him to
get them back by showing to them the vastness of their Soul. The intuition is the best tool to show to
people born with the energy of Akbal the best action to do in any particular situation. Cib is giving to
Akbal people a very strong spiritual potential, opening and clearing the three last layers of their
energetic field. It is pushing them on a spiritual path, helping them to open their reality to the wish of
their Soul. The more they connect to it, the faster their consciousness will grow and shine.

Its Antipode Partner: Ben, The Red Skywalker

The power of Ben is to fly all the times higher in the Sky and to bring back all the insights that he
got during his flight back to the Earth. Ben is a permanently evolving reference point. It is the
greatest challenging energy for Akbal people because it asks them to not get stuck in a specific
understanding of the reality and it asks them to incarnate and to share all the light and the inner
knowledge that they get through their inner introspection. Ben is a bridge between the Earth and the
Sky, between our everyday life and our mystical experiences, between our personality and our

Higher Self. Ben pushes Akbal people to grow and to open increasingly their mind. It gives also to
them the wish of expressing their inner truth with the others and the world.

Its Occult Partner: Etznab, The White Mirror

Etznab carries the power of clarity and of confronting the truth hidden under confusion
and ignorance. Etznab offers the sword of Truth and of awareness to Akbal people. It is
their occult power, so they all the times have it in themselves and they can be more or less
aware of it. Etznab opens the sixth charka that breaks illusions. When Akbal people connect
to it, it helps them to come out of their own illusions and to see what is their real intension
towards life or who they really are. By carrying Etznab as their occult energy, it is helping
them to realize increasingly who they really are and push their life through a quest of seeking
for the truth (even if they are not aware of it). The more they connect with it, the more their
subjectivity towards life and them will disappear. Etznab is like the laser of a very clear mind
that can dissolve all confusion. Etznab gives to Akbal people the ability to see their Higher
Self through their dreams and impeach them to get lost in the infinite world of phantasms that
can develop their ego. Etznab gives them the perspicacity of the mind and its love for order
and structure. The more they connect themselves with this unconscious power, the more they
become align with their spiritual path and sure of its direction.

KAN The Yellow
Yellow Seed

Kan carries the power of growth. Kan is the seed of intensions that grows through life to
beautiful manifestations. Kan is the magic movement from the wish of our Essence Self to its
expression and realization in the physical world. Like a flower knows how to grow and blossom on the
Earth, Kan knows the way to manifest our deepest intensions in our life. What we just need to do is
to let it the space and the opportunity to happen. For this, we need to release the need of our mind
and ego to control the way that we think it should grow, to develop our faith in the power of life to
fulfill our Soul. What blocks the power of Kan to express itself is the interaction of our willpower that
thinks that we can know better how it should manifested, just because we are afraid and not enough
confident with the wisdom of Kan inside us and of our Soul. On the glyph of Kan is symbolized the
two polarities of Earth alchemies in a central canal giving birth to a seed. The fusion of the Spirit
with the world induces creation. Kan is the time of birthing of any form of life. Kan is also the opening
to new possibilities in our life. It can also be represented as a net. It incarnates the net of the mind that
keeps the Soul in jail without any freedom to express itself and to be. When we want to control
everything with our personal mind, we impeach the expression and will of our Higher Self to manifest
itself in our life and we close ourselves from new possibilities to happen in our life. Kan represented in
this form all the boundaries that we put between the realization of our deepest dreams and us. To
choose to realize our deepest dreams in our life can bring a lot of fears from the side of our ego.
Because if our personality is build on factice bases that are not in tune with our Soul, the strongest
intension of our Spirit will be to take back its freedom and to destroy the limits that have been
created by our personality in order to exist. Our ego can be totally frighten by these dreams and can
give us a lot of good reasons, using the talent of our mind, not to try or even wish to realize them.
A day with the power of Kan is a time to break all these boundaries and limits that you put
between your Spirit and his manifestation on this Earth. It is a very good day, after the long inner
journey in which you have been through with Akbal, to look for your deepest dream in your Self.
Once you find it, just plant the seed of your intension and focus your full attention towards it. You
will be surprise to feel how much the universe is supporting you. It is a time of changes. It is good
opportunity to open your arms to new directions in your life. Enter in the big trust of the magical
power of creation of the universe. Accept to step toward the unknown. There are only deep
teachings of love and light to encounter when you choose to follow the guidance of your heart and
Soul. Don't be shy and realize the deep wisdom contained inside your dreams. They are the
expression of the deep intensions of our Soul. In the book Light Emerging ok Barbara Ann
Brennan, Heyoan who is the spiritual guide that she is channeling explains that our dreams are small
indicators that our Higher Self has left inside ourselves at our birth in order to show us back the path

to our own essence. They are very precious tools of wisdom and love and they should not be
neglected. They are beautiful seeds of our Soul that honor the Earth, once they are manifested.
Thats why they cannot be impossible to be fulfilled. They are parts of the plans of enhancement of
the levels of consciousness upon the planet. Even if to realize them can be challenging for our ego,
they are just initiatic tools on our path of self-discovery. It is really important to leave enough space in
your mind to allow the magic power of Kan to act toward their realization, even if you are not ready to
put your intension and energy toward their realization. Just think that they can be manifested. Kan
asks you that your mind stop to interfere against them. On a more pragmatic point of view, it is a very
good day for taking the decision. The energy of Kan supports us in changing a habit that is not
anymore serving us, like to stop smoking or bad eating habits, for example, or to step out of an
unhealthy relationship. And it is supporting us in any new intension that we want to take as to start a
new cure of purification, a new diet, a new practice

Kan or the path of manifestation

General psychological profile

People born with the power of Kan have a strong imagination and creativity. They have a very
soft nature and the dreams field of Akbal is still alive in them. So they like to spend a lot of time in
the security of their inner space of imagination and dreams. Their kindness and quietness can even
sometimes make them seem to be transparent. Their presence on Earth is very soft as if they were at
the beginning of the creation and incarnation process. When they were born, they have finished the
long inner journey of Akbal to their Essence Self. In their present life, they are full of dreams and of
strong intensions that their Soul wants to express and to realize them in their life. Those intensions
can be very strong for them. And automatically they lead them on a spiritual path, because they are
the direct expression of their Soul . Their dreams are in tune with the present collective need on this
planet to wake up on a different level of consciousness. Usually, Kan people have very strong sixth
and seventh layers in their auric field and a strong potential to connect themselves with their axe of
intension. It gives to them a very profound spiritual connection, just by nature, even if they are not
aware of it, and a lot of universal love and compassion. Their task is to share their inner light with the
world, whatever it can be, and to incarnate the new possibilities for the human race on this Earth.
They are the possible creators of a new reality on this planet. The realization of their dreams is an
active part of the beginning of the spiritual awakening of the Earth.

Their potentials and their challenges

o A strong level of love and consciousness with a challenge to incarnate themselves

People born with the energy of Kan have a very strong sensitivity and a potential of deep and
honest love. They are born with the integration of the power of Akbal, the Blue Night, which gives
them a strong ability of introspection and traveling inside themselves. That is what gives them strong
sixth and seventh layers in their auric field. However, this huge inner world creates an amazing
contrast between their inner perception of themselves and the rigid structures of the outside world,
and between the perception of their consciousness and the description of themselves that they
receive from the outside world. As a child they feel that are connected with the infinite universe, and it
is really challenging for them to develop a rational mind. And as it mainly through our ability to be
rational that our actual society judge of the intelligence of its member, people born with the energy of
Kan can develop a psychological pressure not to express their own way of thinking to others if they
want to loved and accepted. They keep this dreamer just for themselves, like a small voice in their
head, and work on developing their rational abilities to share with others. This prevents them to fully
incarnate themselves properly and they becomes more our less space out. They can be very social
people. Their loving nature pushes them toward it. However in intimacy, they can show difficulty to
express their deep feelings concretely. They like to stay in the non-expressed, to let themselves flow
on the surface of the ocean of unconscious feelings and emotions. This psychological pattern
depends of how receptive the people have been around them in their life who would have push them
and allow them to express their deep nature. They develop a kind of fear of being and showing really
who they are. They keep this part of themselves as a secret and which can become totally
unconscious and repressed as grow up. On the outside point of view, it is as if their Soul is still
learning how to incarnate itself in life and is afraid to take a specific form or action in the world that will
give it responsibility and limits that doesn't exist when they stay in the non-manifested. On an
energetic point of view, they can see as if they refuse to use their arms in order to share with the world
who they are. They miss to develop their four first layers of their auric field. They stay in the
wideness of the non-manifested world. They need to increase their faith in life to be able to give a
form to their Spirit on this Earth. That is what is built in the fifth layer of the auric field: faith and
surrender, and that can make the link between their Soul and their personality. People stocked in the
shadow of Kan look at themselves as a small seed lost in a huge world and judge their dreams too wide
and idealistic to be realized. They are weakening their third charka, by not allowing themselves to be
who they are really and to take the place that they have to in this world. They also damage their fifth
charka by limiting the expression of who they are in front of the others. They are too much afraid of
the changes that will be necessary in their life and surrounding if they start to realize their dreams.
They are afraid to take the responsibility to exist as they are in this world because it can create too
much waves around them. They have some trouble in their first chakra that not allows their Soul to be
on this Planet, in this physical body. They are attached to their material comfort and the stability of a
fixed every day life with the inertia of a routine that can allow them to be in the higher spheres of their
two last auric layers without disturbing their surrounding. They seek refuge against the inner wish of

their Soul to change the world, in the apparent safety and security of inertia. Most of the time, these
fears appear because of the deepness and width of their dreams that they carry which seem so far
away from the present reality of their outside world. When they were born, the major wish of their
Soul was to be able to incarnate itself properly in this world. Usually, most of Kan child choose a
family that was pragmatic and down to earth, because it will help him to build his roots. As a child, they
were very soft and very receptive to all that was around them, and they build their personality in a
perfect harmony with their surrounding. If their surrounding doesn't understand or recognize the
dreams that they were carrying, the child just started also to repress them inside himself in order to be
part of this world. This act is also directed by a misunderstanding of his strong love that doesn't want
to hurt the ego of the people around him by exposing his truth. However, universal love can only come
from self-love first. The child prostituted his Soul in order to be part of this world. As an adult by
fear of being rejected or of losing his world connection, he keeps on the same soul prostitution
without being aware of it. This apparent safety procured by this selling of his Soul is actually a jail
for his Spirit who is slowly dying if there is anybody to listen to him. This process increases his self-
depreciation. People stuck in this pattern really need to break through this vicious circle and to
understand that our Spirit and our dreams are what make us alive on this Earth and they are at the
foundation of the choice of our Soul to come in this world. Everything else is just secondary. Their
Souls have made a contract before to come on Earth in which they express what they wanted to
realize, to experiment and to understand during this life and the expression of this contract just stays
awake in themselves through their dreams. Even if they repressed them, they will never leave them.
Life is passing fast when we choose to stay asleep and there is no need to wait for the old age to
realize that our dreams didn't leave us and that we finally really wished to try to realize them. Hinduism
believes that non-fulfillment of our life wishes is what brings our Soul back to Earth through
countless reincarnations. Life is short and is amazing potential of creation. Why should we wait to use
its strongest potentials? Why should we limit ourselves to create the world that we really want? There
is no time to wait. Life is now and only in the now. If you start to accept that your dreams can be
materialized, then you open the door in your mind to its realization. Whatever times it can take to be
fully materialized, it is already there in your life. Because time is just an illusion, and when you let the
process of creation flow, then creation just is.

o A seed can stay forever asleep waiting for a fertile ground

Their strong potential is to manifest the wish of the universe. Unfortunately, in our modern
society, human beings are not all the time in tune with the universal will and it can create a strong
misunderstanding in people born with the energy of Kan. If their dreams are not harmonious with the
outside world, they can just reject them as we explain just before. They are at the time of birth for
their Spirit and they can feel very vulnerable. Their dreams will push them toward the path of growth

and of transformation. And their fears can keep them away from any realization if they dont feel
immediately the support of the Universe in a concrete form around them. They can wait passively for
the outside world to realize and to express what they would like to do, like a seed can wait infinitely for
a perfect ground before to take the risk to open itself and grow. Some people born with the energy
of Kan can spend their whole life waiting like this. They keep a very simple and secured life and have
manage to keep their heart and Soul almost silent. They can be contented with the amount of limited
pleasures that they receive from their life and their experience. They assimilate their dreams with
childish fantasy and stop even to think upon them. Because their life is structured in the limits of their
familiar world, they can feel stable and grounded. However, it is just a mask and they normally got a lot
of repressed emotions in their unconscious. They can manifest themselves as sicknesses, accidents or
difficult situations in their life. This can make them feel like they have not the power to control their
own life and they can develop the archetype of a victim in front of the destiny. It can make them feel
that the world is an unsafe and non-abundant place to live. And it increases their pattern and fears of
change. This cycle of believe will keep on until they choose to change their mind and their point of
view. The universe wants them to take their own responsibility in front of their own life and heart and
to understand what is the most abundant path to follow. It cannot break their freedom of thinking and
power of manifesting their life. If they think that the world is an unsecure place that is what they will
receive from the Universe. Nobody else than themselves can give birth to themselves. At this point,
they need to understand that they are their own fertile ground, their own gardener and source of
nourishment for their dreams. When they start to discover this Source of power inside their own
being, then they connect with their own Spirit that automatically brings in their life all the tools that
they need to walk on their new destination. It opens them to new realizations and directions that they
could never have expected before. They really need to take the responsibility to awaken their dreams
and changes by themselves. This is the law of freedom. They are the only one that can choose if they
want stay a closed and scared little seed or to grow in a huge tree that will offer a lot of fruits to the
Universe. All the potentials of the tree are already present inside the seed. The seed just need to
choose to open itself and let itself being transform by the growth process. During the time of
germination, the small plant will be vulnerable and can be damaged easily. Each seed will have to judge
if it is worthy to do it. However, is there a lot pleasure of living in a small cage surrounded by fears of
expressing who we are? The opening of the seed happens mainly in its mind when it stops to put on
itself and on the world any limitation. The Soul and his master plan get then enough space to take
place. Now, on Earth, the time is in changes and in the creation of a new reality. The planetary
energy is calling the consciousness to wake up and to act efficiently. The seeds need to open and to
flourish on the Earth. It is not anymore a time for waiting. It is a good time for being alive and for
getting the courage of incarnating the totality of who we are.

o Integration of the polarity

They have a strong ability to be connected with amazing intensions of their Soul to manifest
itself on this world. Once they accept to release their fears of the unknown and accept to follow their
heart. All their reality and personality are shifting. They transform totally into a new being. All their
energetic field which could have been quite small and close at almost all the levels, start to open and to
flourish. Each dream is like a journey to remember who they are and a strong initiation. It is a light
guiding their steps on this planet. The outside manifestation in their life is their direct tool of inner
transformation. The psychic power of people born with the energy of Kan who chose to forget upon
their dreams is totally different from people who surrender to their guidance. These last one gain a lot
of insurance and self-esteem. They can become quite extravagant and able to express themselves a
lot. They have becomes a courageous explorer of the infinite possibility of the universe creating
magical adventures in their life. Slowly through their realization of their dreams, all their patterns and
shadows are fading away. Sometimes they can get stock a really longtime upon one project, if this one
is the holography of deep resistance in their being or in the planetary consciousness. Their biggest
challenge is to accept to manifest all the dreams that they carry in their heart. This is their Soul duty
on this planet. They need to turn their life in a beautiful garden where their seeds of dreams can grow
into big trees.

Spiritual powers

Once they have released their fears of expressing who they are and of taking concrete
actions in their life to fulfill their heart and Soul, they expand the potential of their being to manifest
the high vibration of their consciousness. The more they follow their guidance, the more they get
purify and empower by the universal will. Through their process of transformation, they slowly learn to
release all of their mental perceptions and egoistic ideas. As they grow in wisdom, they come in touch
with the grace of being alive and the absolute power of truth and unconditional love. They have no
choice then to align their own willpower with the universal will and to surrender totally to the universal
consciousness. They can become an amazing channel of manifestation of truth and unconditional love
on this planet. They appear then like a source of inspiration for all the people coming in touch with
them. With their soft nature, they keep their humility. Even if they know that they are their own master
of their life, they stay the devoted servitor of the universe.

The glyphs surrounding Kan

Its Analog Partner: Men The Blue Eagle

Men is the Blue Eagle, touching the Divine wisdom of Father Sky in keeping all the times an eye
on the Planet Earth under him during his flight. Men carries the power of the planetary vision. He

flies upon the collective mind and gets vision in touching his Higher Self of what he should do to help
the planet to evolve. Men is a very strong protector of humanity and of people that surround him. It
carries the wish to serve and its Soul knows what needs humanity. When people born with the power
of Kan open themselves to Men energy, they dive into the collective mind of the planet and they get
visions of what they need to realize on Earth. Those visions are not personally oriented. They come
out of a planetary need. They are free of personal expectations and come from a higher
understanding of the role that they have to play on this Planet. Men shows to Kan people their value
on this Earth and all what they can do here if they wish to. It is given them back their self-love. Men
melts their dreams with the dreams of the human race. This gives a lot of power to their dreams
because they don't only respond to their own desires but they come from a planetary call. It is helping
a lot in their physical materialization because there is not only the intension of one person back side of
it, but the intension of thousands of Souls. Men pushes Kan people to keep on dreaming and to
realize their dreams on this Earth through love and compassion

Its Antipode Partner: Ix The White Wizard

Ix has the power of enchantment, of going out of the linear time and of the knowledge of the heart.
Its knowledge is the greatest challenge of people born with the power of Kan, because it asks them to
surrender to the wisdom of their heart, where their Soul is trying to speak with them. Ix doesn't need
to think what we should do, it just know it before through our heart. Ix brings back Kan people to the
truth of their Soul. Ix teaches them how to surrender to let the magic happen in life. Ix gives them the
knowledge that there is nothing to do to create magic. They just have to follow their heart and not to
resist to what life is bringing to them. Ix is the shaman that knows the way to the Divine knowledge in
us. He knows that time is just an illusion of the mind and then that the creation process is happening
first in our mind. Ix pushes Kan people to listen to their Soul and their heart, to free their Spirit from
any jail of fears in which they could have closed them. He knows that the mind should just be a servant
for the Soul and never an opponent. Ix carries also the power of integrity, of never sailing or
prostituting the truth of your heart for any outside acknowledgement.

Its Occult Partner: Caban The Red Earth

Caban carries the power of navigation, of synchronicity. It is the power of real presence on this
Earth, the absolute incarnation of a consciousness in the here and now. From this state of presence,
it is possible to see and to control the direction that you need to take in order to walk properly on
your path. The more people born with the energy of Kan develop the power of Caban that they
have unconsciously, the more they are able to express totally who they are in the present. It increases
their self-awareness and stops them of repressing all their dreams. It pushes them to stop their

shyness and their self-hiding. Caban helps them to take the whole space that they have to in order to
exist fully. Caban as an occult power shows that they already have the power to create perfect
synchronicity in their life if they are able to align themselves with what is in the present moment. If they
start to allow the present moment to be as it is (on a inner point of view also), then their whole life is
going to flow harmoniously and to slowly let their deepest intensions being realized.

CHICCHAN The red Snake

Chicchan incarnates the power of the instinctive fire: the vitality, the instincts, the desires and
the passion. It is strongly connected with the first two charkas where lies our sexuality, our sensuality,
our vital force and our survival instinct. It is the Kundalini energy sleeping at the root of the spine, in
the first chakra, in every human being. This energy can rise during intense mystical experiences, like
trances, and open all the energetic centers of the person until the crown chakra, located on the top of
the head. The Kundalini is a very powerful energy that is arising in a person when his body, mind and
Spirit are aligned and that increase the consciousness and the perception of the person. Chicchan
carries a very strong power of purification. It is the desire of life to exist, to dance and to incarnate
itself in a body. The fires of life, passion and desires boil inside ourselves to get a way to express
themselves through our life. They push us to express our instinctive needs, to show all the emotions
that can overtake our self-control. Chicchan shows the weakness of our ego in front of our deep
instinctual Nature. Chicchan is the body wisdom. The body is like a map of our whole energetic field.
The physical body is the final expression of our aura. Into the physical body, lie information about all
the different layers of our being: our emotions, our thoughts, our relationships, our faith and love.
Chicchan asks us to use our body to heal and to touch all the different levels of our life. A pain or a
discomfort can be the expression of an old repressed emotion or of an unhealthy way of thinking that
impeaches us to go forward, or of a destructive relationship that refrains us to blossom fully, for
example. Everything appears purely and clearly in the physical body and Chicchan asks us to use it
as a tool for healing ourselves and for our spiritual transformation. Chicchan wants us to accept to
change of skin when this one becomes too small for us and to detach ourselves from the boundaries of
our past skin. It is an energy that pushes us to transform and to purify ourselves. Chicchan teaches us
to be in love with our body and its needs. It knows that if we want to attain wholeness inside ourselves
we cannot reject our physical, sexual and instinctive needs. If we want to transcend them, we first need
to accept them, to love them, to give them space to be and then only we can turn them through a higher
goal in ourselves. Chicchan is the master of the highest spiritual states experienced through our
senses during strong ecstatic physical experiences. Its wisdom is used by all tantric practices where
the body pleasures are used as gates for higher states of consciousness. The body is a very good
tool to awaken our consciousness and to know truly who we are, because, contrary to the mind, the
body never lye. Chicchan is the guardian of the instinctive part of the brain. It is the energy in us that
knows everything naturally, instinctively. Chicchan asks us to reconnect with this simple but primordial
wisdom. For the Kundalini to wake up in ourselves, we first need to open ourselves to the two sides of
our being: the right and the left, our feminine and our masculine energies, directing the flow of the two
great channels of energy in our body: ida and pingala. We have to balance our two sides and the flow

of energy has to spread itself harmoniously through all our being on the both sides equally, to give to
the Kundalini the space to rise. Only when we fully love and accept ourselves, we can experience
deep spiritual realization. The Buddha was preaching the middle path: not being blind by the
pleasures of the senses and not being totally ignoring our body existence. Chicchan pushes us to
remember about our body. We tend sometimes too much to neglect it in our mind-oriented society.
A day Chicchan is a very powerful day for any body purification and physical exercise. It is a day to
listen to your sensuality and enjoy consciously the pleasures of the senses. It is a very powerful day
for a trantic experience. May be you can become sick on this day, because it is a day in which the
body express itself more loudly to us. If we have some stuck energy in ourselves, it can manifest itself
on this day, through pain, sickness or discomfort. It is a beautiful day to consecrate to your body, to
give him what he likes: sport, dance, food, sleep, massage, sex ... It is also a day in which you will act
more spontaneously suddenly following your instinct. Don't be afraid of it, it will lead you exactly were
you need to be.

Chicchan or the path of the body wisdom

General psychological profile

People born with the power of Chicchan have a very strong connection with their body, their
senses and their instincts. They are in love with their body and like to enjoy the sensual pleasures: to
sleep, to eat, to make love, to dance They have a lot of fire, vitality and passion. Their first and
second chakras are very developed. They carry this amazing power of life that can be found inside a
tree that rises from the Earth to touch the sky. They are pushed by this amazing love and strength of
the energy of life that all the times try to grow and to evolve. During their life, they are confronted to
many self-transformations that oblige them to change of skin. They need to purify themselves in order
to open to a new and wider awareness upon the world and understanding of who they are. It seems
that they change of identity few times in their life. The more they will keep alive their fire and follow
their strong instinctive wisdom with the wish to open their consciousness, the more those processes
will take place in their life. It will stop when their skin will be wide enough to welcome the totality of who
they are. Their strong instinctive wisdom synchronizes them with what is happening in the world
around them and gives them the ability to act properly spontaneously. They carry in them the natural
wisdom and the law of the Nature. This gives them a very strong love for fairness and justice. Like
Mother Nature, they can react sometimes very spontaneously in front of an unfair action and gives an
immediate and appropriate punishment: like a snake that will bite you, if you go against the laws of
Nature. Their fire can change in a strong poisonous weapon against anyone who is fighting the
energy and the law of life. They are the guardians of the Natural Justice. They have this impartiality
of Mother Nature that can give fair punishments to anyone who has disrespected her.

Their potentials and their challenges

o A good connection with their body and a difficulty to connect with their Spirit

The power of the fire of Chicchan can be very strong on a human psyche and sometimes can
take over the full existence of a person. It represents all the body needs and instinctive desires. In the
Bible, this strength of our instinct was really feared and describes as the weapon of the devil to lead
people toward a never-ending suffering in Hell. People born with the energy of Chicchan can fully
experience this paradoxical point of view in their own being. Their connection with their body can be
so strong and their body needs so intense that they can fully loose themselves in the sensual realms
and become totally slaves of their sensual desires. They forget about their Higher Self and get
drunk by the enjoyment of their senses. Their consciousness falls asleep letting them over-identified
with their physical body and their senses. They can develop a deep laziness not willing to try to
control anything with their mind. And they can feel helpless in front of the intensity of their body
desires. This shadow is coming out when too many instinctive needs have been repressed from their
usual conscious state. Then the repressed energy builds up in their unconscious. Anytime the person
will accept to connect a little beat with their body and sensuality, all the rejected desires come out and
jump on the occasion to release a part of their intensity. It is actually a very natural reaction from the
nervous system to keep itself balanced. The control of our body senses and desires is on the path of
any spiritual tradition and is well-known for its difficulty. People born with the energy of Chicchan
need to accept to make peace with their body wisdom. They should find a harmonious way to
communicate with their body needs. It is good for them to be tolerant with their taste for sensuality,
knowing that they have the right to love the life in a physical body. Then they should realize that they
can act totally compulsively when they get repressed emotions and memories hidden to their
consciousness. Their body just expresses their unconscious. If they accept to enter in a space of
introspection and tolerance, they can start to find out the roots of their needs and be able to fulfill
them without losing their consciousness. Then they break inside themselves their separation between
their body needs and their conscious mind. They becomes at peace with their body connection
without being totally slave of it. They realize that their body and desires are tools to understand more
deeply who they are, to live beautiful experiences of aliveness as a human being on Earth and to heal
some wounded parts of their heart.
For example, one of the shadows of people born with the energy of Chicchan is related with
all the sexual dysfunctions, abuses or fears. At this point, sexuality needs to be rediscovered and
heal. Sexuality is a beautiful tool to create deep intimacy and fusion between two Souls. There is
nothing to be ashamed of. People who are hiding themselves can be very afraid or uncomfortable in
sexual interactions because it pushes them to be intimate and to express themselves through their
body. They need a lot of love to heal their wounds and a lot of forgiveness towards themselves. They

need also a lot of courage to allow again their body to speak their truth in front of another person.
They should also develop intimacy through other ways than with sex. It is possible when you are
acting authentically with your friends and in your life. They have to become intimate again with
themselves and the world. They will start to enjoy this deep connection and fusion with the world and
life, and not only during sexual intercourses. They have to share the totality of who they are with the
others and to acknowledge the same depth inside the others. Chicchan asks them to look at their
body as a sacred tool for spiritual transformation, as a temple of their Soul. They have to be in love
with their own body as they are in love with their Spirit. Sexuality becomes an amazing celebration of
our own love and wholeness with another Soul. It can open the gate of unconditional love and higher
states of consciousness.

o A strong fire energy and a fear of their own freedom

As we saw just before, people born with the energy of Chicchan can have a strong addiction
to sensual pleasures. If they dont try to detach themselves from it, it can push them to develop
greediness and fearful. They start to be afraid of losing them and they build their life on a safe
routine that offers them all the comforts that they wish. This tendency is increased by their deep
connection with the reptilian brain where lie all the instincts of survival. Their life can become almost
empty of unexpected events. Instead of acting spontaneously, following their deep wisdom and
nature, they act in a predictable and repetitive way to be sure that nothing new will pull them out of
their comfort and safety. They just throw away all the preciousness and vastness of their being and
life just for their small pleasures and their security. They can prostitute fully their Spirit just for
having a comfortable life: like a good house, a good car, good food They prefer to limit their
consciousness and the power of their Soul than to feel some unsatisfied body and sensual needs. In
this situation, people born with the energy of Chicchan, will may be feel really happy in the beginning.
However, with time they may feel a kind of lack and emptiness in their life coming from their heart. No
physical comfort or luxury will be able to heal it or fulfill it. To prevent it, it is really important for
people born with the energy of Chicchan, to realize the fulfillment their body needs should be in tune
with the dreams of their Soul. Only in this position, a human being can feel whole and self-content.
They should accept the wisdom of their spontaneity as a way to show them the faster path toward
their own completion and trust in the universe to give them abundance. They should remember their
instinctive wisdom and stop to be scare of being burnt by their own desires.
Another shadow of Chicchan developed in our puritan and strongly mind-oriented society is
that people repressed, during their childhood, their strong sexual and vital energy, because nobody
valorizes it in them. As a child, they can even be ashamed of their own sensuality and sexuality, if
people around them judge it as a very low type of consciousness. They choose to build their life on
opposite skills that will hide their own Nature that they are not accepting. They will develop a very

strong rational mind to try to control the strong fire of their passion and their desires and can
perfectly manage to cover them totally from their own consciousness. On their auric field, the lines of
their mind body are going to become more rigid and dense to control the movement of the emotions
inside their emotional body and to limit the excessive influence of their etheric body*. However,
underneath their control, in their unconscious, the amount of pressure of their frustrated fire never
stops to increase and can come out through suddenly violent reactions.
Those two shadows (the life of routine and the puritan life) make them afraid of their own
potentials. They feel a huge amount of energy accumulating in the roots of their being. They try to
control it with their mind by adopting some outside habits and borders. They can become fanatic of
ethical and moral rules. They think that there is only one right way to act and to be and that they have
absolutely to follow it. This excess of rules is coming out of a deep fear of simplicity, of just letting
express their own truth and nature. They are scared of their own passion and vitality that look so
excessive comparing to the outside world. Their expression would also bring so many changes in their
life and in their surrounding, pushing them to go out of their habits and out of all the rational
restrictions of their mind: to literally change of skin. They repressed their own power. People in those
shadows of Chicchan need first to be aware of their fears and to slowly accept to let them go. They
need to reconnect with their repressed power in letting again their body express itself in their life
without judging it or controlling it: to rediscover how much they can enjoy all the sensual pleasures.
They need to give some respect back to their body and to fall in love again with it, because it is a part
of them and they cannot ignore it. Mastery is not coming out of repression but out of perfect
knowledge. Usually, dance is a very good tool of catharsis and self-expression for Chicchan. For
people that get stuck in their habits, afraid of losing their own comfort, it is important for them to
reconnect with their Higher Self, to listen to need of their Soul to grow and expend all the times.
They need to use again their strong instinctive power to act spontaneously on a very appropriate
way without being afraid of the consequences that it can bring.
Another shadow of people born with the energy of Chicchan is related with all the sexual
dysfunctions, abuses or fears. At this point, sexuality needs to be rediscovered and heal. Sexuality is
a beautiful tool to create deep intimacy and fusion between two Souls. There is nothing to be
ashamed of. People who are hiding themselves can be very afraid or uncomfortable in sexual
interactions because it pushes them to be intimate and to express themselves through their body.
They need a lot of love to heal their wounds and a lot of forgiveness towards themselves. They need
also a lot of courage to allow again their body to speak their truth in front of another person. They
should also develop intimacy through other ways than with sex. It is possible when you are acting
authentically with your friends and in your life. They have to become intimate again with themselves
and the world. They will start to enjoy this deep connection and fusion with the world and life, and not
only during sexual intercourses. They have to share the totality of who they are with the others and
to acknowledge the same depth inside the others. Chicchan asks them to look at their body as a

sacred tool for spiritual transformation, as a temple of their Soul. They have to be in love with their
own body as they are in love with their Spirit. Sexuality becomes an amazing celebration of our own
love and wholeness with another Soul. It can open the gate of unconditional love and higher states of

o Integration of the polarities

The path of transformation and healing for people born with the energy of Chicchan is first
in the acknowledgement of their sensual nature and strong connection with their body. They should
give back respect to their potential of being strongly in tune with their body needs and not look at it
as something negative or low. This will prevent them from repressing energy in their unconscious. It is
also maybe good for them to realize that people who havent got this body connection can seem from
a superficial point of view more able to detach themselves from their body than them, when actually
they just not aware of it and create a lot of unconscious tensions in their physical body that will one
day express themselves through a sickness. People born with the energy of Chicchan have the ability
to be strongly grounded on this planet. Once they accept to be fully honest in acknowledging all their
phantasms and their emotional blockages from their unconscious, they enter in a deep path of spiritual
transformation, where the release of their energy becomes an initiation for their Soul and a deep
teaching, independently of the way chosen to do it. There are some spiritual schools following the
tantric path where people are push to live really all their phantasms and desires until they got enough
of it. There are some other schools leading to the same point where people learn to release all their
desires and needs in developing the power of their consciousness and of their heart. Then through
the increasing connection with deep truth and love, the realization of the desires on the physical plan
becomes just illusory and insignificant. It seems to me that the only rule to achieve transcendence and
transformation of our body compulsions is honest self-observation and expression. Once we become
aware of what we feel and what we want and express it clearly, it doesnt stay stocked inside our being
and it start to be released. Each one is free to choose what fit them the best. To climb the hill of
illumination, there are as many paths as they are human beings on Earth. The only thing is to want to
climb and to really do it. The biggest challenge for people born with the energy of Chicchan is to
align their instinctive nature with the growth of their Spirit. They can easily use their instinct and their
body as tools for understanding who they really are. Their body consciousness being awake in them,
it gives them a direct access to their own truth. The body never lies. It just gives back all the memories
and unhealthy information that it have received through our own life. In most of the people, this
consciousness is mainly asleep, covered by the noise of our mental and egoistic will. It is a sacred gift
offered by the energy of Chicchan. Same for the instinct, it is the oldest wisdom of life inside living
being on Earth, keeping them in tune with the movement of the universe around them. It never lies and
show us the best actions to take for ourselves. With these two gifts, people born with the power of

Chicchan enter the sacred path of truth. They can learn inner alchemy and the mastery of their
Kundalini energy.

Spiritual powers

They have amazing power in their own body. If they chose to let go of all their fears and
boundaries of their mind, they can become amazing dancer pushing themselves to ecstatic states of
trance. If they connect with their instinct in dancing it will automatically lead them through movement
that brings healing in their whole being. Instinctive movement can release tensions at all the different
levels of our being.
As there are very connected with their body and their sensuality, they can easily develop their
senses of touch. Once they accept to be fully honest in front of their feelings, they can be able to
bring a lot of healing to others through their hands. If they let their body speak through their hands, it
will speak directly to the body of others bringing deep relaxation and letting go. The only things that
they have to develop for that are transparency, in order to receive the trust of others and their love
for their body.
Their strongest potential as we say already before is to have access to their Kundalini energy.
To explain the nature and all the possibility of this energy can be the subject of a wall book and we
wont go there now. It is easy to find a lot of books written upon it. The basic principle of it, is to
manage to wake up this energy hidden inside our nervous cells at the base of our spine through the
experience of intense pleasures, touched for example in deep state of contemplation or during
orgasm, and let this energy rise through all our spine, waking and filling up all our different chakras and
levels of consciousness. It brings deep healing and realization transforming totally our perception of

The glyphs surrounding Chicchan

Its Analog Partner: Ix The White Wizard

The power of Ix is enchantment, timelessness, receptivity and integrity. Ix knows the Divine
wisdom through our own heart. Ix teaches us that by connecting with our heart, we connect with our
Soul and our highest wisdom. Ix pushes people with the energy of Chicchan to connect with their
heart and Soul, to follow their heart and not their mind that is just here to serve their Spirit and not
to fight against it. It shows them a higher consciousness in themselves, different from their body
consciousness and leads them in following the flow of their life without trying to get stuck in one of its
step. It takes them out of any rigid mind structure that is not in tune with the real expression of their
Spirit. It pushes them to be spontaneous and to enjoy the magic of life that is so much stronger when

we let it flow and let the higher intelligence of life itself direct it than when we try to control it with our

Its Antipod Partner: Men The Blue Eagle

Men carries the power of vision. From the Sky, Men shows to Chicchan people how to connect
themselves with their Higher Self* in keeping at the same time an eye upon the earth under them and
the concrete reality. Men is the guardian of the collective mind. Men teaches Karma yoga* and real
compassionate service. It is the strongest challenge for people born with the energy of Chicchan
because it pushes them to give themselves fully to others without trying to hide who they are. Men
wants that they realize their dreams and visions. It asks them to go out of their fears of changes and to
follow the higher visions of their Spirit that need to be achieved for the good of the collective
awareness. It takes them out of their own self-centered quest for security and comfort to increase the
well being of the planet.

Its Occult Partner: Cib The Yellow Warrior

The Yellow Warrior is the warrior of Light. Cib offers to Chicchan people the power of the
sixth and the seventh charkas, the subtlest capacities of consciousness. Cib, in their unconscious
power, shows that they have a very strong intuition and connection with all the spiritual realms. They
just have to trust it. For this, they need to allow their mind to be more flexible and to let themselves be
filled up by faith in themselves and in the Universe. The more they will connect themselves with it, the
more will they transmute all their sensual and vital energies in spiritual wisdom. The strong occult
connection between Cib and Chicchan shows how works the Kundalini energy: you cannot have
strong spiritual connection if you don't have a lot of vital energy and you need to have a very balance
and purify vital and sexual energy if you wish to open your consciousness to spiritual reality. When
Chicchan people become aware of their Cib energy, they start to awaken their Kundalini.

CIMI The White World Bridger

Cimi teaches the death of the ego in front of the will of the Higher Self. It is the purification
process of the third chakra and of the physical, emotional and mental bodies, when their forms are out
of alignment with the line of intentionality and block the development of the fifth energetic layer. Cimi
demands from us to surrender to the wisdom of our Higher Self and of the Universe. Cimi wants our
mind to be flexible enough to allow faith to flow through us. It teaches humility to our ego in showing us
that we are not controlling everything with an egoistic willpower; but that our power is coming from our
universal and divine wisdom. We should not take it personally and get attached to it, because our ego
doesn't own it. Cimis number is six. Six is represented in the Mayan culture by a bar (for five) and a
dot (for one). The bar is the level of the first step of consciousness: the consciousness itself that has
realized its individuality and the dot is the universal Unity, the life Wisdom, the power of Hunab
Hunab K'u.
Cimi is this time of adjustment of the ego with its spiritual wishes. Cimi demands from us to develop
strong faith, in front of difficult and even terrifying situations from the point of view of our ego (and
also from our own point of view when our awareness is only connected with our personality). It pushes
us to accept that a higher wisdom is directing our life (the one of our Higher Self). Cimi teaches us
the faith to realize the fact that however things may appear to us, they serve our evolution on our
spiritual path and they offer us great teachings and wisdom to help our Spirit expanding in our life.
Cimi gives us the wisdom of surrendering and of detachment from all things stopping the development
of our Soul. It pushes our self-image to dissolve. Cimi knows that anyhow the ego has no real choice.
We can resist as much as we wish. However, the stronger our resistance will be, the more painful and
the stronger the teaching will be when it will have the space to take place in our life. Cimi calls for the
death of our old patterns and old boundaries to enhance our Spirit. Cimi shows us that, in apparent
darkness, lie the greatest gifts and light for our Spirit. The more we accept to lose and let go in our
life, the bigger are the gifts our Soul receives. Cimi knows that the ego needs to let go of its wish to
be in control of our life to receive the Grace of the larger plan of our Divine Self.
In a day of Cimi, we need to forget about our wish to control everything with our ego in our life. It is a
day in which we receive strong teachings to purify our third charka and to learn humility. These days
can bring out a lot of resistance within, a lot of frustrations and repressed anger. Some difficult and
challenging situations can arise that will touch our sensitive points where we don't like to be. It is
important to have this in our mind on this day and to learn to detach ourselves from our immediate ego
reactions. It is a good day to observe ourselves and to look at all these resistances. Prayers can be
very fruitful to help us on those days to open our heart and to connect with our Higher Self. It is a
time to release all the old patterns that are not anymore serving us on our path toward wholeness. In
learning to die and to let go in trust, we receive energy to transcend our old reality and to open our

eyes to a new level of consciousness. Cimi helps us to remember that this life is simply a beautiful
playground and a place of creation for our Soul all the times evolving. The freedom of our Spirit
resides in not identify ourselves with our personal little story and being able to fully surrender to the
universal will. Cimi days come to help us remembering to detach ourselves from our ego and the limited
images of ourselves and of our life that we build through our personality. It can bring a lot of freshness
and new perceptions.

Cimi or the path of death of the ego

General psychological profile

People born with the power of Cimi have a very strong temperament and personality. They
are very resistant and courageous. They are born with the innate wisdom of Chicchan and they have
already developed self-love and self-respect. This helps them building a strong third charka that gives
them a strong combative will towards life and the ability to take the space they need to occupy to
express fully themselves in their life. They are able to go through very difficult times in their life with a
lot of courage, strength and a great clarity of mind. Through the strong teachings that life has sent to
them, they have built an even more powerful willpower and determination. It has also pushed them to
develop a strong mind body to see through the emotional confusion in difficult situations. They are
very serious workers when they have fixed themselves a goal they want to reach. They have a very
accurate and rational way to look at life. They are the opposite of the idealistic dreamer. They are
very pragmatic people and they can always see both sides of the reality, not only the nice one. They
like to achieve their goals. They are building bridges between the conceptual world of thoughts and
the physical reality. When they have an idea, they will fight with all their potentials until they reach the
point of realization that they wanted to achieve. They are very combative people and can have a
strong mind of enterprise. As they can have face a lot of challenging and difficult situations, which will
have soften their nature, they feel that they need to be fully alive and present in the situation.
Because of their clear mind and their ability to express it easily in their life, they seem very
transparent and it feels like you don't need to spend a lot of time in their company to know them quite
well. They are very good communicators and very sociable. Owing to their strong self-love, they have
the ability to express themselves easily in front of a lot of people without being afraid or doubting of
themselves. Usually, they can make a good career in society, if they wish, because of their strong
charisma, and the easiness with which they show immediately all their potentials. They also have a
strong self-control and know how to observe the world in a place of rationality in order to find the
right and efficient action when it is needed. As a result of their strong sociability, they usually know a
lot of people and they like to create links between them when thinking they have something to share

Their potentials and their challenges

o Challenging experiences of surrendering in their life and the difficulty to fully learn
their spiritual teachings.

As a potential they have a very strong power of being alive. It gives them a very strong will
power and third chakra. Their challenge is to align it with the will of their Higher Self. Due to the
strength of their third charka, as a child, they have a lot of fire and they want to occupy a lot of space
in their surroundings to show their existence. This very positive energy is still coming from the need of
the ego to express itself and to prove to life that its existence is real. However, their Soul wants them
to wake up to a higher consciousness in themselves. Their Soul creates many situations to take them
out of their restricted point of view. These situations can sometimes be very painful: like the death of
a loved one, sickness, betrayal or loss. It is really difficult for them to accept all the suffering of these
situations in their life. Absolute surrender is a deep wisdom to grasp. It supposed that we have
touched the bottom of our pain and resistance, traveling through our whole emotional body, and that
we have brought there love and forgiveness. If we dont accept or manage to release it, one part of the
memory goes into our unconscious where it acts upon our life without the approval of our personal will.
In our modern society we have a very limited support and rituals offer to help people to pass through
period mourning or difficult situations. We destroy all the rituals who were showing the spiritual
teaching inside each difficult experience and we close ourselves from experiencing and expressing any
emotions judged negative as anger, sadness, frustration It is very hard to understand for a person
born with energy of Cimi, that actually their challenges and loss are beautiful gift from their Soul
showing them new ways to understand the reality. Most of the time, their ego takes it very personally
and starts to look at the world as a very castrating place. The strong combative will of the child
decides to cut himself from his emotional body that can be so easily reached and so deeply moved by
the outside world. They then become cold without really noticing it. They hide their hurt emotions
and inner child so deep within themselves that they are not even aware of it. Their life becomes a
rational and mind-oriented place and they can direct it in any direction that they wish with their mind. If
they connect with their emotional body, there can be so much sadness and needs blocked inside them
that it seems to them an endless process without any hope that will never bring any healing but worst
will increase their victimhood and hopelessness inside themselves. They can judge their own
emotionality as a dangerous weakness preventing them to achieve any goal of social glory that their
ego wants to feel acknowledged. Their emotions become an obstacle for their strong wish to be alive
with all their power and to share with the world. So they can cut themselves very strongly from their
emotional body, depending of the emotional support and expressivity that they have received in their
For the people who are in this shadow of Cimi, it is very hard to build long-terms intimate

relationships. Since they have locked their own access to their heart, it is very difficult for them to
open it to someone else. The other will push them to access their unconscious blockages which they
really dont like and want to run away. Then it will be really challenging for them to stay in the
relationship. However, it is really important for people in this shadow to reconnect again with their
emotional body. They need to accept to be vulnerable and to show their wounds to others to manage
to heal them. They need to release their protection and to let speak the wounded inner child inside
them. It can be a long inner journey of self-discovery for a World-bridgger who has forgotten its own
suffering. By becoming really honest with themselves and developing an ability to observe themselves,
they will feel their huge will to get recognition and power in the outside world. They will see themselves
from another point of view. Their perception of themselves will shift from the amazing (or not)
personality that they have built to their inner child that just want love. They will stop to identify
themselves from what they achieve concretely and will start to heal the place from which their where
acting inside themselves. It is all that their Soul wants and once they chose to let go their control upon
their outside appearance, they enter a new reality where life wont be any more a battle field but an
amazing ground to increase their potentials of love and consciousness. They will start to receive a lot
of insights and teachings.

o A strong power of incarnation and a difficulty to feel the universal will

People born with the energy of Cimi get by birth, as an innate potential, the deep sensuality
of Chicchan, the Red Snake. It gives them a strong capacity to be incarnated in their body and a
good connection with their second chakra. They are connected with their senses and desires it what
gives them a strong hunger for life and ambitious. They want to experience the life. Their life
becomes like an object for the fulfillment of their desires. They are in love with their body, which can
give them some self-confidence. They have a very pragmatic and down to Earth perception of the
reality. They can fully forget their Soul and the power of the Universe in their life. They can identify
themselves very strongly with their body, their personality and their achievement. As they have a lot of
desires, they structure their life a lot to be sure to be fulfilled. They dont like frustration and try to be
all the times in control. Their third chakra becomes over-developed. They put their whole strength
and willpower in identifying themselves with the role they play in the outside world and they close
themselves from the beauty and the mystery of their Divine Self, which doesn't correspond to their
rational wisdom and can bring a lot of modifications in their life and personality. Their mental body
totally blocks the space needed by their fifth body in their energetic field. Through this process, they
build more and more boundaries to their free and limitless Spirit who cannot accept them indefinitely
and who needs to destroy them in order to survive. Spontaneously, because they are fighting the life
principle within themselves, their life will put them in front of situations or people that will push or break
the limitation of their ego in order to show them their infinite nature. If they dont wake up at this time,

their ego will look at life as a place where you need to struggle a lot to survive. They are fighting
against their Soul. Life is not harder to them. The way they look at life and their strong resistance
make it harder. It is important for them to relax and stop wishing to control everything in their life. The
difficulties are experienced only due to resistance. When we start to go with the flow, we stop
suffering. Life just wants to help them becoming fully who they are without any limits or fears. Life just
wants to help them to find back their freedom and receive the huge of Grace in their heart. Through
faith, surrendering and letting go, we open the door in ourselves to wash away our pains. People in this
shadow of Cimi need to let go of their idea of who they think they are and to give back its power to
their Spirit. They need to release their mental body in order to leave some space for their fifth auric
layer to develop. They just have to open themselves to the power of grace and of the unknown and let
the Divine mystery enter their life. Their fifth auric layer will grow and slowly model their mental body.
It will direct their way of thinking in a healthy way (and not the opposite). They can also work to open
their seventh chakra to create more space in their life for their Divine wisdom.

o A strong power of incarnation and the fear of death

As they have a strong identification with their incarnation form (their body, personality,
carrier) and a very pragmatic mind, people born with the energy of Cimi can develop a strong fear of
physical death. Once again this fear is just a tool for them to open their consciousness. In the
Tibetan Buddhist Tradition it is considered very wise to contemplate every day the fact that you are
going to die. To be afraid of death push us to be more awake and alive in our life at every moment. It
pushes us to be honest and develop good qualities as love, compassion, detachment, altruism, non-
possessiveness Death is a very important part in life that pushes us to take and enjoy the gifts
offered to us in the present moment. It is what makes us act in the present and not wait eternally to do
or create something. Death is pushing us to wake up, to open fully our eyes and our consciousness to
understand and to see now where we are. Death teaches us that each moment is a precious thing and
that, in each moment, if we are fully aware, we can find eternity. So this fear is an amazing tool in their
heart that will pushes them to transform themselves through all their life and release all their false

o Integration of the polarities

Their strong potentials are their love for aliveness and their will power. It gives them a strong
first, second and third chakra. Their deep challenge is to be able to align their identity and their
desires with the intension of their Spirit. For that, they need to destroy the gap that has been
created inside themselves between their consciousness and their whole being. They need to
remember that there is a higher consciousness directing their life and this universe than the one of

their personal self. It is really good for them to develop faith and trust in the universe to bring them just
what they need. It will allow them to release all their controls upon their reality. They need to release
their frustration towards life and to show that the world can touch them. They should reconnect with
the sensitivity of their heart and Soul. Emotions are the direct expression of our Soul in front of our
reality. When they are repressed, the Soul starts to retract itself slowly from the everyday life, which
will look increasingly empty until this process goes on. Life loses all its perfume, taste and beauty. It
becomes only an interesting playground for the logical mind to get what it wants. The death of the
Soul is a highly more painful process on the long term than the death of the ego and of the
personality. Detachment can only be attained by perfect knowledge and mastery of our emotions and
not by ignoring them. Only through acceptance and forgiveness, healing can take place. Emotions
are our own responsibility. The outside world is not responsible for their arising within ourselves. The
same situation can make someone happy and someone else sad. Real detachment is when we take
back our responsibility for what we feel and we stop to project it on the outside world. Each emotion
is a tool to dive inside ourselves and discover some old patterns pushing us to react in the same way or
some old wounds preventing us from enjoying life fully. When we start to reach this place, very strong
healings occur and only then, can we be detached from our past and let it die in order to get born in a
real new life. Then the universe will become a magical ground for their Spirit. Once they go with the
flow and accept to die with gratitude toward the new harmony coming, simple life turn itself in a sacred
and blessed journey of our Soul.

Spiritual powers

By nature, they have a very strong will power and determination. This potential can have been
hidden in some people born with the power of Cimi, if they have been strongly limited in their power of
expression and non-acknowledge with their identity in their family or with their friends or partner. The
natural potential will have been deteriorated with the creation of an archetype of a victim or of a rebel,
which decreases the self-esteem. In this situation, it is important for these people to release all their
frustrations and anger upon the way they have been treated by their family or friends and to realize
really all their beauty and power that they have inside themselves. Once they find back their own
value, they have access to a huge amount of energy to manifest, organize and create whatever they
want. Their strong determination gives them an ability to have a lot of assiduity in what they chose.
Once they put their being and their will in the hands of the universal consciousness and love, they
receive an amazing power of manifestation. They become a channel of expression and of fulfillment of
the collective dreams and desires. They are not anymore fighting for their own personal dreams but
they start to incarnate beautiful project for the transformation and the growth of the collective
If they learn to die with their ego and accept to follow the universal flow, they enter a very strong

path of inner transformation. They go through an amazing initiatic life in which they play many
different roles and archetypes, according to their transformation. They become someone who has
lived many different lifes in one life. It offers them a great abundance of experience and a deep
understanding of the human life. They get a lot of wisdom and become able to connect with many
different kinds of people. They open a lot their mind and incarnate their transformation in their cells.
Once their personal ambition has been totally fulfilled or transformed, it gives them the possibility to
be really good guides and teachers for other people.
Their biggest gift is to be able to touch the grace of being alive and of being fully detached
from everything. When they go until the end of their inner journey, they find back the infinite freedom
of their Spirit that nothing can diminish.

The glyphs surrounding Cimi

Its Analog Partner: Ben The Red Sky Walker

Ben is the messenger of the Sky. Its energy teaches how to connect ourselves with our
higher wisdom through inspiration, art or meditative attitude and how to bring back its teachings in the
material world. Its energy gives people carrying the power of Cimi, the facility to express themselves
and to have a lot of inspiration to go forward in their life in tune with their Spirit. It is because they
have Bens energy within themselves as an analog, that they have so much fire and wish to share their
own wisdom and treasure with the world. Ben gives them also a lot of determination and desire to
expand themselves, because the more they connect with this power within themselves, the more they
learn how to fly higher and higher.

Its Antipode Partner: Cib The Yellow Warrior

Cib is the warrior of Light. It is the power of intuition, Divine knowledge and connection with
spiritual realms. Cib opens the sixth and seventh chakras of the body and demands that our mind
surrenders to their wisdom by developing faith. Cib is the biggest challenge for people born with the
power of Cimi because it requires them to listen to their intuition, to stop their rational mind in order
to discover a higher type of consciousness and to release their fear and their absence of trust toward
the Universe to let grace and faith fill up their heart. When people with the energy of Cimi start to
connect themselves with the energy of Cib, the rigidity of their life starts to dissolve and they can
become very powerful Light Warrior, using all their strength and determination to spread awareness
and love around them.

Its Occult Partner: Men The Blue Eagle

Men is the guardian of the collective brain. Its energy gives the sociability to people born with
the energy of Cimi, because in their unconscious they are connected with the collective brain. Men is
also the power of planetary vision. From the Sky, it teaches how to melt with the wisdom of the Soul,
while still looking down at the Earth and all the reality around us. Men helps people born on the day
of Cimi to develop their clear mind and vision of the reality. The more they connect with the energy of
Men inside themselves, the more they melt their personal wishes with the collective needs. Men takes
them out of a self-centered life and teaches them compassion. They have this power very strongly
inside themselves. They just need to allow it to be.

MANIK The Blue Hand

Manik carries the power of completion. It is the end of the first cycle in the evolutionary
movement of the twenty kins of the Calendar. Seven, its number, is the magical and mystical number in
the Mayan culture. Manik is a portal, a gate to another level of awareness, to another dimension and
reality. It is a time of great celebration for the whole path that has been done by the consciousness to
arrive until this level. Manik is the master of all the tools of manifestation on Earth: manual, artistic,
spiritual. It is the hand of Light, the hand of the Higher Self. Manik is very sensitive to beauty and to
creation in this world. It carries the wisdom of accomplishment and creation. It is the joy of incarnating
our Spirit on Earth by any mean. By completing things and exposing our creation, Manik put in the
concrete reality the long journey in which our consciousness has been through. Creation is the way to
acknowledge our own wisdom. It is the final step of our spiritual blossoming. Because it is a portal to a
new dimension, Manik is a time of big change and its energy and position are never really fixed. It
comes with the wisdom of Cimi to surrender and not to resist against the flow of life. In the Mayan
Oracle, they consider that the power of Manik is also symbolized by a wave. The wave is very
adaptable, flexible, all the times moving and changing. However, a wave never changes its direction
and keeps a constant power. This is the power of resolution. Manik carries this quality of the water:
very flexible and soft but inevitably reaching its goal. Manik teaches us to melt the power of the hand
of Light that got all the tools to manifest its Spirit in the world, with the power of the tsunami that
brings big changes in the consciousness of the people that it touches and keeps on its path until that
it reaches its goal. On its glyph, the four fingers represent the four cardinal directions and the thumb
symbolizes our potential. Manik gives us the power all along our path. Manik pushes us to complete
what we are doing as a beautiful gift to the world of our essence. It makes us aware of the beauty in
the world that surrounds us. It teaches us to use all our potentials to show our beautiful inner Light to
the world. It is calling us to dance and celebrate beauty on Earth. Manik represents the awakening of
the Divine Child inside ourselves that is totally amazed by life and his own capacity of creation. It
gives us back the memory that through the opening of our heart, we become able to receive grace that
brings us to higher realizations all the times. Manik gives us a balanced third chakra from the need of
the ego to control everything and helps the opening of the fourth chakra. The whole creativity stocks
in the second charka can be used in tune with the expression of the Soul. At the same time, Manik
energy pushes the mental body to give some space for the fifth layer to fill up the energetic body with
faith and grace that totally transform (through the fifth layers) the personality of the person.
A day Manik is full of creative energy and wishes to act. It is a beautiful day for any artistic activity,
healing or massage, celebration of any kind and creation at any level of life. It is day that asks us to

look at the tools that we have in our possession to express and to manifest who we are. It is a day of
opening to new understanding towards our life that is why it can be a very good day for healing
session. It is a good day to accomplish a work that wasn't finished for a while.

Manik or the path of creativity and beauty

General psychological profile

People born with the power of Manik are naturally gifted people. They have in their hand one
or few talents that they came to share with the world. However, they need to be aware of it.
Those talents are not specifically artistic or manual, even if it is true for many people born with the
power of Manik. They are very talented to put their Spirit into concrete esthetic creations. The
form that they will choose to express their Higher Self will depend of their education. In the Mayan
culture, by their birth, they were chosen to be priest or priestess, because they are the masters of the
spiritual tools and are very good for divination. The manifestation of their Spirit can chose a totally
non-material activity like writing, directing a company, growing their children The main talent that
they have is that their able to use the totality of their potentials in what they are doing in the most
beautiful way that they can. They are in love with perfection and, depending of their values, they act
according to their idea of perfection. They live in tune with their idea of beauty. A lot of people born
with the power of Manik are talented for manual arts, massage, healing, painting, dance, sculpture, and
divination. However, as we have seen it before, this is not compulsory. They are very sensitive to the
expression of beauty through the material world, through any form that it can take. This gives them a
lot of gratitude towards life and the only thing that they wish is to thank the world by giving back all
their potentials through their own expression and creation in the world. They are followers of the
path of beauty and it is very important for them to be in their full beauty, because of their strong
perfectionism. Only from this place, they incarnate their full potentials and power. They can be very
exigent people towards themselves and their surrounding. At the same time, because they are also
represented by the wave, they get the power of resolution. They can be a little beat stubborn people:
when they choose to take a direction they go until the end of it and it is quite difficult to make them
change their mind. Still, sometimes, their perfectionism can stop them in their creation, but this we will
see it later. They keep on the road that they choose but are very flexible on their way. They know
how to adapt themselves like a river or a wave. They are at a place of transformation. Their third
charka is very open and clean. They accept to receive teachings on their road and take them with
gratitude without being hurt in their ego. Their fifth layer is open and their fourth chakra is starting to
open itself also. When they walk on their destiny path, they are pushed to grow and to transform
themselves by opening to new dimensions of consciousness. Whatever they are doing and even if they
are not aware of it, their Soul is following a spiritual path of awakening and by nature, they are not

resisting against it. Their energy pushes them to travel through their life and to evolve, change and
grow. Stability is not in their nature. Their stability is only fixed through their creation.

Their potentials and their challenges

o A deep connection with beauty in the spiritual realm and a difficulty to manifest it through

By birth, they have a very strong potential to open themselves to higher dimensions of
consciousness. As they carry the power of the magical number seven, they realize easily the nature of
their consciousness which is all the times changing, evolving and never fixe. It gives them a strong
difficulty to define themselves in a fixed form in the physical world. As the inner reality that they touch
connects them with the infinite of the universe and very high level of beauty and perfection, it can
dissolve totally their ego without that they get the time to build enough ground not to fly away. So it
is really important for them to manifest something in physical plan, in their concrete life, in order to feel
the achievement of the wisdom that they discover with their Spirit. If they stop to create and live all
the times in their inner contemplation, they stay in the non-manifested and their identity slowly
dissolves. They can get lost in the very subtle energy of the three last layers of their auric field that
are well developed in them. And they slowly lose their self-identification which can lead them to a
complex of inferiority. Their high sensitivity to beauty makes them think that they are not enough
talented to also create in this world. They separate themselves from their idea of beauty. However,
beauty is the main string that directs their life. This point of view is very destructive for them. They
lose their reason to live. The energy of their first and third charkas becomes weaker and weaker.
They enter in a vicious circle. They can fall in depression. They loose slowly their joy and fire to
celebrate life and beauty, which are their own inner nature. They cut their hands in front of the
beauty of the Light that they see. Because they are at a point of closure and opening to different
consciousness, it is very important for them to give a concrete structure and form to their own vision
and understanding about life and themselves. Otherwise, it is such a subtle energy that it is easy to
deny its existence and to make it disappears as if it wasn't there and it doesn't exist. This makes them
fall into rejection of their own existence and they can develop a strong feeling of incapacity. They
keep their truth for themselves and start to dissolve from the outside world. They become like water
that has been poured in a plane surface. It doesn't manage to keep a fixed form and stay formless
without the power to define itself and to move somewhere else. It is very important for them to release
their own need of perfection towards themselves. Perfection is not anything that we have to fight to
reach it. This is a mental conception of perfection based upon judgment and lack of love for what
already is. Perfection is already everywhere at all levels of the creation. If they cannot see it, it is not
because it doesn't exist, it is just because they are not aware enough to see it. At the same time,

instead of taking a position of victim in front of their imperfection, they should look at what they don't
like inside themselves and take it out. Then they just have to choose all the talents that they wish to
improve, and to build some structures in their life in order to achieve what they want towards their own
self. Through constructive actions, they will find back their own beauty and realize their magical power
of creation. They just need to give to themselves some discipline to push them to go through a regular
action. Their self-expression and creation will help them to build back their third chakra and to
increase their own fire. In expressing their full beauty, they will be able to walk again on their path and
to find back their self-esteem. They are tools of Light and only when they are doing and creating
something in this world, they can meet and express who they really are.

o Love the beauty of the finished forms and dont like the process of their creation

Their capacity to journey through different levels of consciousness in their head can give
them a very idealistic and perfectionist point of view upon the material world. They love the beauty in
creation and are attracted to it but they cant themselves enjoy the discipline and the work that leads
to it. It is as if they have a strong difficulty to enjoy action, and give a value only to the end of the
project, to its finalization. They find that beauty lies only in finished forms and they don't find joy in
the steps on the way. This can prevent them a lot to complete what they are doing. Many times, they
will find that the end is so far that it is not worthy to keep on, or even to start, what they wanted to
accomplish. In a different way, it will push them to run and to be overwhelmed in doing thousands of
things at the same time in order to reach their goal. And they will get totally exhausted. They are so
perfectionist that most of the times their real goal in life is very far and very high. They want to touch
the stars, because their sensitivity gives them the ability to see them. If we want, better levels can all
the times be accomplished, it is an endless circle. Nevertheless, it is as much beautiful to be a little
candle as to be a star. And anyhow the stars are like small candles in front of the galaxies. So there
are all the times better and bigger objects to attain if we look for it until infinity. It is a very good
feeling to want to evolve and to grow. However it is important to understand that it is not by trying to
get somewhere or to get something that we can change and evolve ourselves, but only by opening
ourselves to a deeper consciousness. There is nothing to try to get in the future. The only
productive work that can help us to change is in the present moment. We need to become more
conscious of the place from which we choose to act inside ourselves, our level of awareness in front of
the present moment. How much are we alive now! How much are we aware of the perfection of the
world. The only goal that there is in our existence is to live now. People, who are in this shadow of
Manik, need to release all the pressures of their expectations towards the final manifestation of their
actions and to learn to enjoy the simple accomplishment of the right action in the present moment in
tune with their own wishes and dreams. Only then, they become a real tool for their Spirit to express
itself. They need to assimilate the wisdom of the river that is singing and dancing all along the way:

from its source until the sea. The river takes all the times the easiest and more natural path and it
enjoys as much to be in the source as to be in the sea. The beauty is in letting flow the energy of life.
Whatever are the obstacles on its way, the river always ends up its course in the sea. People in this
shadow of Manik need to reconnect with the power of determination that teaches a river: if you let
flow your real nature, you will automatically reach the goals that your Soul wanted you to get, even if
the path is not going straight and appears to be strange. Enjoy your way, there is nothing else to do
with your life and let your Spirit manifest itself as it wishes to do. Release your idea of beauty and
learn to see it in everything around you, not only in what you like. They need to take care because
this type of shadow can also lead them to strong laziness and apathy. Sometimes, their resistance can
even impeach them to have the desire to master a tool, such as art techniques, meditation, healing
Again at this point, they need to realign themselves with their Divine sense of wonder and to use it as
a fuel to push them to act in their life at each instant. They should let the beauty that they see
outside express itself through their life.

o Strong ability to develop some spiritual tools and the believe that the tools have the

As they explain in The Mayan Oracle, one of the shadow of the energy of Manik is the
idea that tools have the power. People in this pattern can become too much attached and identified
with a tool. It comes out from the fact that the power of Manik gives a strong ability to master tools,
whatever they are. At the same time, as we saw before, it can be hard for people born with this energy,
to have a strong self-esteem and definition of themselves. So when they start to master a tool, it gives
them an identity, a function. It can touch them very deeply, so much that they forget and are not aware
that they are the creator and source of this beauty. So then they can develop an emotional addiction
to it. And they can give away a lot of their own power, projecting it upon the tool. For example, they
will enter deep state of contentment, or bliss, only when they use this tool. This tool can be anything:
an artistic, a manual or a spiritual practice, a musical instrument, crystals, tarot cards, books People
in this shadow need to remember that tools are just a mean to reveal and to express their own truth.
They are the tools of Light, the tools by which their Essence Self is expressing itself. Sure some
tools are beautiful and very useful but we should not get attach to them and to the fixed form that the
Spirit is taken. The real nature of what we love is actually formless, totally free. It is the Essence of
life. We can find it everywhere in the Universe and it can never be taken away from us.

o A great vision of perfection and a difficult to see the great teachings in the simple things

People born with the energy of Manik can develop a kind of fear or judgment upon their
strong capacity to shift their consciousness. They create resistances upon it according to their

pragmatic experience. Strong shifts of consciousness can sometimes take very unusual forms and
appear through unexpected circumstances in their life, like for example, strong emotional crisis or an
astonish coincidence. And from an outside point of view, they can appear like being not really a
positive experience. If they have a rigid idea upon perfection and what they want to achieve in their
life, they can miss and resist against the simplicity of great spiritual teachings. Also they can be too
lazy and not enough focus to assimilate them fully. It is important to realize that Manik carries the
power of the wave, of the tsunami that propels them to other dimensions. They have the capacity to
open themselves to huge new understandings and awareness of their life, pushing them out the
previous borders of their consciousness. For these times of initiation to happen, they need sometimes
to stop in their action and to take some steps out of it, to detach themselves from their every day life.
They have to try to be aware of such portals in their life that can offer them new tools to walk on their
path. They need to open their consciousness more and more to let them happen and to remember the
strong feeling of grace that accompany them. They are learning to open increasingly their fifth layer
of their auric field and it is a beautiful and very surprising experience.

o Integration of the polarities

Their deep work is in aligning their strong taste for beauty with the simplicity of the every day
life. In releasing all their judgmental conceptions of beauty, they will open their mind and start to see
the brightness of all things around them. They will be able to celebrate the life in any situation. They
will connect with the perfection of every moment and gather enough energy to structure their life in
order to achieve what they want and being able to love it. They need to realize that if they are not
fully incarnate in their body, and keep on flying away in the non-manifested, it is because they have
some resistances in their physical body, preventing their Soul to incarnate. They will need to develop
courage and strength if they want to be able to release these blockages. To go to wake up all the
memories hidden inside our body is a huge journey of introspection that will bring out a lot of fears
and emotions. They will have also to resist against their tendency of laziness. They should remember
the strong determination of their Soul to come on this planet to share its beauty and use it as a
beacon not to lose themselves in the tempest of their emotions, when they are on the path toward self-
realization. If they manage to totally open their concept of beauty and perfection, they will stat to see
the magic of the path that they choose to follow and they will start to love even the time of disharmony
because they are times of teachings and realizations. So they wont be anymore black and white
reality, just a perfect dance of the polarities.

Spiritual powers

Once they accept to structure themselves a little beat, they are gifted to develop any talent that

touches their heart. This quality comes from their strong love for beauty and their ability to open their
mind to new conception and new level of consciousness. So they have a strong ability to learn and if
they use their sense of perfection in their work, they create magic through their being. They are the
hands of Light. They learn from Cimi to surrender in front of the movement of the universe inside
themselves. So the universal will start to use them as tool to incarnate its wisdom and love. The more
they accept to release their personal will, the more the universe uses them and guides them to increase
their talent.
If they chose to walk on the path of self-discovery, they can develop easily some spiritual powers.
They are like open gates toward other dimensions of consciousness. If they accept to face all the
memories contain in their body, they manage to share and incarnate their strong inner wisdom. Also
they prove their will to let go of all of the resistances of their ego to be a servant of the truth and love
in front of the universe. Once they totally give themselves to the universal will, they can receive
different spiritual tools to help others. Their ego will be the only border to their achievement. Their
deepest quality is to be flexible like the water element with their consciousness and to accept to
transform all the times, touching infinite realizations upon the nature of life and consciousness.

The glyphs surrounding Manik

Its Analog Partner: Eb the Yellow Human

Eb is the celebration of the abundance of life. Eb is the joy of humanity in front of the richness
of the harvest the world offers. Eb is the song of gratitude in the human consciousness. It is the time
of receiving Divine grace through the abundance of life. Eb asks us to be totally empty in order to
receive the blessing of our Divine Self. Eb is represented as the Graal, the sacred cup that receive
the blood of Christ, the nectar of immortality. Eb is the ability in the Manik people to open the fifth
layer of their auric field. Their ability to surrender and to let the Light of their Spirit penetrates them.
Eb is filling them up with its joy in front of the life. The more they connect with its energy, the more
they discover the abundance of their life and of the world that surrounds them. The more they
develop the energy of Eb, the more they experience ecstatic feelings in front of life. Eb gives them
their fuel to share their love and light on their path. It is a very helpful energy for them that always
turns them to look at the beauty of life. At the same time, Eb is the awareness of the abundance of
the physical reality and it is what gives to Manik people a strong sensitivity to what is concretely
created in the world.

Its Antipode Partner: Caban The Red Earth

Caban carries the power of presence, of being in the here and now. It is the most challenging

energy for Manik people because it asks them to focus on the present and not to try to reach
anything in the future. At the same time, it is the most valuable energy that they need to develop
because it impeaches them to project themselves in the future finalization of their creation. Caban
brings them back on Earth in the present and pushes them to be more aware of themselves in the
present moment. It impeaches them to run, to overwhelm themselves or to fall into a depressive
inaction. Manik people are all the times flying away from Caban by nature and it is a long process of
self-discovery for them to open totally to the power of Caban. When they get it, they are able to
express fully their Spirit through their actions and creations without fears, hurry, and dissatisfaction,
but with a lot of love, contentment, awareness, and peace.

Its Occult Partner: Ix The White Wizard

The power of Ix is enchantment, timelessness, receptivity, and integrity. Ix knows that our Divine
wisdom lies in our own heart. Ix teaches us that by connecting with our heart, we connect with our
Soul and our highest wisdom. Ix is present in people carrying the power of Manik in their
unconscious. It means that they know unconsciously how to connect with their Divine Nature through
their heart. The more they connect with the potential of Ix in themselves, the more they release the
fight of their mind against their own Soul. They release their idea of perfection that comes from their
mind and develop a more alive comprehension of perfection, through the understanding of their heart.
Ix shows them that the more they will open and surrender to the wisdom of their heart, the more they
will create the magic of life around them, letting it flow out of their own Nature, without trying to make
it more beautiful with some conceptual ideas. Ix shows them that they are already wizard, they have
nothing to do for that, they just have to become fully aware of it.

LAMAT The Yellow Star

Lamat carries a double power: the power of the star: the connection with spiritual realms, and
the power of the seed: the power of incarnation and blossoming on Earth. Lamat is the incarnation of
the galactic knowledge on Earth. It is the star seed of the planet. Its glyph is represented by a star,
surrounded by four seeds. The star is a gate to higher consciousness: for the Mayan the Great
Masters were coming from other solar systems. The four seeds represent the four directions and the
four different types of human beings with their four different colors (in the Mayan culture, the corn
was a representation of a human being). At the same time, the number four is the number of
incarnation, of strong foundation in the physical world. The star is shining because the Soul has
been able to harmonize itself in the physical world and from there, it has the ability to open itself to the
wisdom of the Galaxy. Lamat is connected with the energy of Venus, Sirius, and the Pleiades in the
Mayan culture. The number for Lamat is eight, which is the number of love and harmony for the
Mayan civilization. Lamat teaches us to harmonize our first three chakras through self-acceptance
and love. This process gives us a strong and pure grounding on Earth, necessary for receiving the
strong light of our Divine Self. The strong harmony of our roots appearing through our personality
allows our Higher Self to manifest itself through our life and our being. Lamat is a time of opening to
a higher dimension that can be expressed on Earth. It is a beautiful explosion of joy and love. In the
Mayan Oracle, they use the metaphor of a cascading firework to represent the action of the energy
of Lamat in our being. The light coming out of our well being and harmony on earth is so huge that it
explodes in our heart in order to be shared with the whole universe. In our being, the harmonization of
our three first chakras allows our energy to rise up to our heart, where it can be aligned with the
spiritual wisdom of our more subtle centers of energy. In our aura, the harmonization of our three first
layers opens the fourth, where lie all our ways to relate to the world, and starts to purify it. This
process allows our fifth, sixth, and seventh layers to expand and to penetrate fully the other layers,
bringing with them faith, grace, unconditional and Divine wisdom. The color of Lamat is dark blue
which represents the power of Earth, with golden sparkles, symbolizing the blessing and presence of
the galactic Masters. Lamat is a time of strong opening and purification of the heart. For the Mayan,
our heart is directly connected with Hunab K'u, the center of the Universe. In our auric field, behind
the heart chakra lies the site of the Soul. When the process of connection starts to occur in
ourselves and we accept to follow it, we embark on the return path to the stars. It is a beautiful
process of harmonization of our Soul with our individual self.
A Lamat day is a day in which we are pressed to harmonize our three first chakras. Maybe a
lot of disharmonious feelings or situations can come up on these days. They are here to show us what
we need to heal through acceptation and love in ourselves. If we manage to open our heart on these

days and to accept the world that surrounds us as it is, as well as ourselves, then we can receive
powerful teachings and get strong realizations towards life. It is a day in which we need to fall in love
with ourselves to be able to share our love with the world. Don't let your mind overpower you in
pointing disharmony. Only with love and acceptation can you change it into harmony.

Lamat or the path of harmony

General psychological profile

People born with the power of Lamat are lovers of harmony. They like to create harmony and
beauty all around them and in all parts of their life. This craving for harmony helps them to create a lot
of peace and space in their life. They are pressed to harmonize, to love all the different aspects of
themselves, and to give them the time and space they need. This need of harmony gives them a strong
lucidity to face their own weaknesses, shadows, wounds and provides them with the courage and the
will power to heal themselves. In the Pop
Pop Wuj, the mythic Mayan text, Lamat is the seed that gives
birth to the warrior of truth: Junajpu Ix balanke, the hunter with peashooter, on Earth. People born
on a day of Lamat get a strong grounding energy, through their self-acceptance, and have a good
capacity for channeling their creative energy and realize their dreams in their life. They have a strong
third chakra, which presses them to purify as much as they can their own personality. The more they
are managing to heal and balance their first three chakras, the more they increase their desire and
their ability to go forward. They are in the amazing process of discovering the wishes and reality of
their Higher Self, and of learning to unite themselves with the goals of their Higher Destiny. Lamat
offers them the power of clarity of mind, a very good tool to discover the yearnings of their Soul. The
more they are working on their path, the more they are feeling their heart exploding with love and
gratitude, and the more they feel inclined to share their inner peace and awareness with the world.
They are very generous people bent on bringing harmony and peace in the lives of others. Their
strong self-confidence and self-realization can sometimes give them the role of showing the way to
people surrounding them.
Their sensitivity to harmony gives them also the talent to create harmonious combinations. They find
beautiful ways to mix different techniques, energies, and people together.
They have a strong need to share their inner harmony with people. For this purpose, they try to find
a vocation that gives them the opportunity to do so. As they are lucid as regards with themselves, it is
relatively easy for them to discover their talents, and so their vocation, without doubting of anything.
They are born with the wisdom of Manik, the Blue Hand, which gives them the ability to master the
tool that they chose to develop and use in their life. They like innovations and specialties. Through
their talent of melting different techniques, styles, energies and people, they can create their own
style. For example, if they choose to be musician, they can mix different kinds of music in their way of

playing, coming may be from different countries or traditions. They like to create and know exactly
the very small thing to add to their creation, that gives it added value. Their creation becomes art and
radiates beauty in life, whatever vocation they choose.

Their potentials and their challenges

o A warrior of harmony and his fight against his own wounds and emotions

By birth, they get a strong third charka, which gives them a strong and clear mind and the
power to fight for their deep faith, which is to create harmony in life. They feel within themselves
enough grounding energy to stand on their own feet because of their strong willpower. They receive
naturally a strong warrior archetype, which can be more or less apparent through their personality.
Their sixth and seventh chakras are also fairly open and they press them to try to incarnate this deep
wisdom they feel within themselves. So they put their warrior energy at the service of their ideal of
harmony. If they have passed through some strong emotional crisis, during their childhood, their
warrior power leads them to close themselves from the wounds they got. Their innocent taste for
harmony and their strong will to develop it doesnt fit with the memories of the emotional pains. They
consider most of the time that their emotions lead them to dramas and to disharmonious situations.
Slowly they start to close themselves from their hurt emotional body. The more they are growing, the
more their deep wounds dive and disappear in their unconscious. They can develop a very rigid mind,
that doesn't allow feelings that they judge as weakness like sadness, anger, and need of love. They
are not disconnecting totally from their emotional body, but from the hurt part of it. They try to heal it
by fighting it with their willpower and their rational mind. They want absolutely to be strong and
harmonious in front of others. Nevertheless, healing cannot come through fighting and denial. This
repression of negative emotions, in people born with the power of Lamat, can make them quite
judgmental in front of situations or people bringing out these emotions in their life. Through this
shadow, they could become arrogant, in front of people who let speak their hurt feelings. Without
showing it, because it would be disharmonious to do so, or even unconsciously, they will judge them
disharmonious and they will lower them in their esteem. Like this, they can develop a superiority
complex, sometimes very unconscious. It is really important for them to realize that all these emotions,
which they judge as negative and disharmonious, are parts of life and of its beautiful dance. They are
deep expressions of their Soul and they carry messages which are important to listen to. They are
parts of a learning process to discover who we really are. Negative patterns come, most of the time,
from childhood wounds but wounds cannot be healed with a sword. When these patterns are coming
up, it is the wounded Inner Child in them who is emerging, asking for recognition, understanding and
healing. They have to learn to watch their own emotional ways of reacting. It will help them to discover
the roots of unconscious associations of emotions and situations that control their being. Only then

can they start to react positively in situations exposing and healing the deep cause of their pain. It will
bring power and healing to their hurt Inner Child. Anger comes out in front of things that we want to
change. Sadness flows to open our heart and our consciousness from our narrow sense of Self.
Those emotions are not controlling the life of Masters as well as the other emotions that our
personality can judge as positive. Not because the Masters don't feel them and stop them being, but
because they have absolutely allowed these feelings in themselves and they are not controlled by
them anymore. Masters don't take personally what is happening in their life anymore and the outside
world cannot touch their sense of self anymore.

o A strong ideal of harmony confronted with apparent disharmonious experiences

Because they have a very strong sensitivity to harmony, they will often find themselves in the
middle of situations they consider disharmonious. Either they will try to help others to realign the
situation, or their warrior energy will make them fight, reject and escape from such situations. They
can easily think that the outside world or others are responsible for this disharmony. However, those
situations are great gifts and lessons offered to them by life and their Higher Selves. If they open
their heart and their mind to it, they can help them to heal their inner conflicts, rigidity, wounds,
rejections and to learn real tolerance and compassion. By not allowing their sadness and
vulnerability to be expressed, they could develop a very rigid mind. They could think that there is only
one path to wisdom and enlightenment. They can develop a very dualistic philosophy upon the human
nature where people should repress and fight the "bad sides" of their human natures and develop of
their "good" aspects. They create a fixed mental image of perfection and of harmony. With their
strong willpower and self-confidence, they press themselves to enter and stay in this box. On their
auric field, the third layer of their auric field becomes over-developed and too tense and rigid to let
their emotional body flow freely. People in this shadow of Lamat need to understand that harmony is
not an ideal. Life is pure harmony if we allow it to flow. The world is just a reflection of ourselves and
there is no victim. We are projecting ourselves on the world and our way of reacting to the outside
situations is not depending on the outside but only on inner consciousness and on our choice to
respond to it. Disharmonious situations are arising to show us some parts of ourselves which are still
reacting and which haven't been healed yet. It is therefore very important not to accuse the world for
what we are feeling but to take the responsibility to look at who we really are in front of the world.
Then, from this vantage point, whether we want to react from the place of our hurt ego, or we choose
to spread the love and wisdom of our Higher Self is up to us. In this shadow of Lamat, people are
asked to look at all the dimensions of their life where there is still disharmony: in their environment,
emotions, relationships They need to allow acceptance, healing, and compassion to flow into their
wounds and rigidity, through their expanded awareness and expanded freedom. They are at a point
where they need to learn how to heal with love, instead of trying to heal by fighting with their willpower

and rational mind. This is the path to real detachment from the individual ego and to real compassion.

o A strong rational mind preventing them to feel who they are

People born with the energy of Lamat have a lot of clarity and power in their mind. This
mental power can take over all their perception of themselves and of life. They can limit their self-
awareness to an intellectual understanding. They get over-identified with their mind and the role that
they have created for themselves in building their personality. Their idea of who they are and their
personality starts colliding with themselves and creates limits in their lives. They slowly lose a lot of
dimensions in life. They forget about the magic and the chaos of life, when we look at it with the
openness and the innocence of a child. By this mind control of who they think they are, they can
become too serious. They should stop trying to be who they think they are in order to release fully
their mental body and leave some space for the second, the fourth and the fifth layers of their auric
field to express themselves with emotions, real relationships with the world, faith and grace. Only then
will they start to be who they are. Our deepest nature is totally free and accepts no boundaries. The
biggest beauty in life is to be able to live in this absolute freedom and total magic of the unpredictable
through each moment of our life. If they get stuck in this shadow, they need to learn to surprise
themselves again, to break the rigidity of their mind, to allow their Essence Self to spread out,
leading them trough new realities and understandings towards life, of which the existence they could
never have expected before. They are sitting in front of a star gate that opens into infinity.
Therefore, they have to remember that they will never be able to put limits to themselves and to their
lives. Those limits and structures are here to help their consciousness to rest and to unify its power to
prepare for its next jump in a continually expanding reality. We can never get the Truth, but we can
always increase our awareness a little bite more. The process is infinite.

o A huge amount of energy inside themselves and a need to give it to others

As their first three chakras are very well developed, they have very pragmatic way to look at
their life. They like efficiency in their actions. As we saw before, they easily define themselves with
what they do. At the same time, inside themselves they have a strong potential to touch other levels of
consciousness and love that most of people dont know. So they feel that it is in their duty to share it
with others. They want to help other to realize and feel all the beauty, truth, love and harmony that
they can feel. That is a beautiful potential and desire. The only trouble is that they have a difficulty
to acknowledge the beauty of what they inside themselves if it is not acknowledge by the outside
world. This comes from their very pragmatic perception of who they are. In developing this pattern
they can lose themselves in their need to give harmony to others. It is the syndrome of "the good-
doer". They build their own self-esteem and self-love with the good things they give to others. They

become dependant on others to prove and recognize their good nature and it becomes difficult for
them to live alone. People in this shadow of Lamat can also use their strong third chakra to show their
Light in front of others, like a king or a queen, because they are not sure of themselves when they are
alone. However, their gifts are not free and come from a need to be acknowledged. At the same time,
their inner insecurity towards their real value will lead them to give too much without respecting their
own need for rest and nourishment, and they will expect from others to give them back this
nourishment and self-love that they miss deeply in themselves without really showing it. They are
building unhealthy relationships based on dependence and conditional exchanges and love, without
exposing it clearly. Real love can only come from abundance. To give someone out of need or with
expectations is not a real gift. It is whether a gift to yourself to prove yourself how good and nice you
are, even though it is a weight for the other from whom you expect something in exchange. At this
point, it is really important for them to use their clear mind to look at themselves to find out from which
place their actions come and to release their ego's need of power. It will allow the transparency of
truth to flow in their life, which can bring out to the consciousness a lot of hidden emotions and needs.
They will softly learn to stop disguising their intensions under their actions. Truth will bring healing,
self-acceptance, and love in their life and they will start to give from a place of absolute freedom.

o Integration of the polarities

Their strong potentials are to connect with high levels of harmony through their
consciousness and to be much grounded at the same time. They carry the power of the seed and the
star together. Energetically, their first and third chakras are well developed as well as sixth and
seventh chakras. Their deep inner longing and path are to create a bridge between these two
potentials to create a beautiful alignment in their being and in their life. If there is a separation
between these two qualities in them, it means that there are some resistances in their ego and mental
body preventing them to feel the perfection of every single moment of their life. Their biggest
challenge is to be able to see the harmony through everything. They should accept to release all their
judgments upon how things should be or happen. They should accept to enter in the realm of
perception and experience and diminish the power of the conceptual world upon their life. They will
start to see the beauty and the magic of the creation through every little things and simple movements.
Instead of using mainly the rational part of their brain (on the left hemisphere), they start to balance
themselves in using their intuitive and feminine brain (on the right hemisphere). By this simple action,
all their reality changes with them. Once they understand this process, they realize that their
perception of the world is purely subjective and so all what they see on the outside in a reflection of
themselves. So, disharmonious experiences are just their own disharmonies of perception. By using
their disappointment toward the outside world as tool to reconnect with the sensitivity f their inner
child, they release a lot of emotions and wounds that they had hidden to themselves through their life

in wanting to be strong. They will realize that the biggest power is to accept to be small, sensitive and
vulnerable. They will cross their strongest spiritual teachings through their everyday life and very
simple situation. They will meet the purest love in their total simplicity and the highest truth in their
silence. They need to accept that to be a portal to the star consciousness ask to let go of all the
human values and perceptions upon good and bad. Then they have the ability to enter the poetry of
William Blake and create it all around them:
To see the world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour

Spiritual powers

As we saw before, they have a strong ability to develop a vocation and to master it. They love for
beauty and harmony help them to find the perfect tune that will touch the Soul and heart of many
other people. With their self-confidence and strong grounding energy, they can also have a strong
charisma. As they love to share with other people and our quite social being, they can become strong
guide for other people. The more they accept to share and release their feelings, the more they are
able to shine through their being the beautiful potential of their heart and consciousness to touch the
galactic mind. They become an amazing door for others to access higher levels of consciousness and
love. They become a channel for the galactic consciousness to spread its wisdom upon Earth.
They have also a strong ability to travel through other levels of consciousness. Once they accept
to release their own subjectivity and the rigidity of their mind, they enter into amazing space of new
perception of the reality. They have a strong access to higher dimensions and vibrations and can
transfer messages that will help the evolution of the human world. They are travelers of the stars,
which are full of strong teachings for the human consciousness. They can receive a lot of insights and
deep realizations that they will have difficulties to ground and share with others human beings. It is in
their hands to make it accessible to others and to assimilate it fully in their own being.

The glyphs surrounding Lamat

Its Analog Partner: Chuen The Blue Monkey

The power of Chuen is the one of the Divine Child within us. Chuen teaches how to play with life
and to see the magic in it. The Blue Monkey is a great help in Lamat people because, by developing
this power in themselves, they learn to never take themselves too seriously and to laugh in front of the
disruptions in life. Chuen gives them the flexibility of the non-judgemental child on life. Chuen is the

master of arts and its energy offers to Lamat people their great taste for aesthetic forms and artistic
talents. Chuen likes to play and develop the rational part of the mind and gives the power of clarity in
Lamat people. When they connect with Chuen power, they increase a lot of their abilities and learn
to fight against their own rigidity. Chuen shows them how to connect again with the Child within and
to be clear in front of their own vulnerability.

Its Antipode Partner: Etznab The White Mirror

The great teaching brought in the consciousness by Etznab is that life and the outside world are
just a projection of ourselves. Reality is just a mirror of our inner world. Etznab is the biggest
challenge for Lamat people because it pushes them to step out of their illusion that disharmony comes
from the outside and not from them. Etznab gives them the sword of Truth to break all the illusions
that are still leading the world around them and their own actions. Etznab offers them the power of
the acute mind able to see through any lie. The more will they connect with this energy, the more will
they be able to see all the patterns underlying in their own behaviors and in others. Etznab brings
them very deep realizations in their life towards themselves and the world. It is a very powerful partner
but who requires a lot of courage from the ones who want to follow it. Etznab urges them to see the
truth about themselves and invites the pride of their ego to surrender to its teaching. It is by
connecting with Etznab that Lamat people will start to be able to look at their own patterns, which
are judged negatively by their ego. It is a painful path for the ego. However, it will lead them to wisdom
and amazing compassion.

Its Occult Partner: Ben The Red Sky Walker

Ben is the understanding that by structuring our everyday life through a harmonious and
regular basis, we can develop an amazing power to open our consciousness all the times to wider
dimensions and understandings. Additionally, by a fixed practice, we can bring it into the physical
world and express it to others. Lamat people have this knowledge in their unconscious. It is quite
important for them to find out their vocation and strong inner talent, the one linked with their wish to
share harmony, love and beauty. So it can be arts, healing, social works When they start to focus
through their work and practice, they start to wake up their innate ability to travel through higher
realms. From this place, they will find their way to the stars. They will open the three last layers of
their body and their upper chakras. Ben is the energy that leads them to the opening of their
consciousness. However, Ben needs them to build first good bases in their life in order to have
enough power and enough support before jumping into the sky.

MULUK The Red Moon

Muluk carries the power of the moon and water. It is the high receptivity and sensitivity of the
yin energy of the Universe. Muluc develops simultaneously two different potentials in us. Its energy
gives us a very strong sensitivity, creating a lot of emotions in ourselves regarding to what is happening
around us. At the same times, Muluc increases our self-awareness. It allows us to observe our
emotions. Therefore, Muluc get a strong power of purification, showing us the path to detachment
towards our ego and all its reactive patterns. As they explain the Mayan Oracle, if we turn the
glyph of Muluk upside down, it looks like two big arms open to receive the world and its teachings, to
nourish the center of the being, represented like a seed, and allow it to grow. When we fully purify our
personality and ego from all their fears and needs to control our life and when we stay open to receive
life, then we create enough space inside ourselves to allow our Higher Self to emerge and receive
knowledge from other levels of awareness: represented by the stars in the Mayan culture. Muluc
awakes in our consciousness the ability to be a station of reception and emission of cosmic
communication. Muluk shows us how to be enough receptive to become a beacon for the Light of
consciousness. The glyph of Muluk symbolizes the opening of the third eye when the energy can flow
freely in the column until the middle of the forehead. Muluk represents a beacon of awareness facing
the world. It is a time of discovering communications at higher frequencies, of remembering and
allowing our Soul to express itself. Muluk gives us the ability to channel energies of frequencies much
more superior than our own vibration. Muluk teaches us to be like the moon: totally empty to be able
to reflect the powerful Light of the sun on Earth. In the Mayan culture, the sun is the channel of the
energy of Hunab K'u, the center of the Galaxy, the Divine wisdom. If we empty and purify totally our
personality from any self-center wishes, it becomes the perfect vehicle for our Spirit to express itself
on Earth. For the personal self, it is a time of strong amazement in front of the wisdom present in the
Universe and of deep gratitude towards the world to receive such a blessing. The Soul becomes like
a child so dazzled to rediscover its power and light and the power of the Universe around him. The
number of Muluk is nine. It is the number of mastery in the Mayan tradition, the number for the
incarnation of the solar consciousness on Earth. It represents the great masters' energy like
Quetzalcoat (who appears during the 9th Baktun of the Mayan calendar), or The Christ and
Buddha in our traditions, who came upon Earth to raise human consciousness and spread their
higher vibration on the world. With the energy of Muluk, the ego totally loses its weapons and
prostrates itself in front of the magic beauty and wisdom of the Higher Self.
A day with Muluk is a day of strong receptivity and sensitivity towards the outside world. It
can be a strong emotional day in which we are very open to receive teachings from others and the
world. On this day, we are easily influenced. It is welcome to be well surrounded by beautiful nature or

by supporting friends. It is also a good times to stay lonely and to dive inside ourselves through
introspection. This day leads us to silence in order to be able to read the wisdom of the Universe
that surrounds us. It is a time to read signs and to open ourselves to other levels consciousness. It is a
beautiful day for any spiritual practice or technique of purification. On a day carrying the power of
Muluk, we can easily channel energies coming from our Higher Self or from spiritual beings of other
dimensions. It is a day of remembrance of our deep nature.It is important to manifest our sensitivity
and spiritual nature in order to acknowledge the beauty and spirituality of the world that surround us.

Muluk or the path of remembrance

General psychological profile

People born with the energy of Muluc are extremely sensitive people. They are very
connected to the water element and have deep inner connection with themselves. This quality gives
them the ability to feel and understand the people and the energies that are surrounding them.
However, many times, and mainly in men, they hide their high sensitivity, because they adapt
themselves to their surrounding and our society is not rewarding such a sensitivity. They have the
capacity to merge easily with their environment without judging it. It is as if one part of them remembers
the deep essence of all things, giving them the capacity to melt with everything that they encounter.
They are devouring life through their senses and are amazed by all its treasures. Their ego has
understood that they have so much to learn and to discover and they are all the times hungry for new
understanding, new knowledge, and wisdom. Inside themselves, they can hear more or less consciously,
the call of their Spirit asking them to wake up. At the same time, they develop a lot of humility and
respect for others and the world that can teach them so much. Their ego is not trying to put them in
front of others and to play some power games. To try to learn and receive more from the world, they
can enjoy to work on purifying themselves through spiritual practices like yoga, meditation, tai chi
that become part of their life. By developing a strong faith and trust, they learn to sublimate their ego
and their third charka. The rising of their energy slowly opens their sixth sense in their third eye.
Their sixth chakra, potentially opened at their birth, gives them the ability to follow and read the signs
send by the Universe and their Higher Self to walk on their spiritual path. Because of the flexibility
of the water, they have no strong resistance in following these signs in their lives wherever they seem
to lead them. They just have to keep their trust alive and these signs will lead them to the whole
rediscovery of their Divine Nature and Essence Self. From this place, they can become great
spiritual masters on this Earth. They incarnate the beacon of spiritual Light that they have been all
the times, without being aware of it. On their path, with their strong sensitivity, they have the potential
to become very strong channel for high energy. If they develop this tool, it will help them to find back
their own power and become their own source of Light and awareness.

Their potentials and their challenges

o A deep sensitivity and a dependency toward the outside world

Their very strong sensitivity during their childhood can have brought them some confusion
and a lot of difficulties to find their own identity and affirm themselves. By birth, they receive, as an
innate power, a strong receptivity to their surrounding and the wisdom of humility. Most of the times,
they are very attentive children, not expressing themselves a lot but listening to others. They got the
wisdom of Lamat. They know intuitively that there are beautiful teachings very subtle which we are
not aware of in everything. The more their ears and their eyes will be open, the more they will be able
to perceive them. They are amazed by the beauty of life and the world. However, these strong
emotions can bring imbalances. They can start give too much power to the outside world, and lower
themselves. They give their power away. They don't understand that every thing lies inside of them.
If nobody in front of them is able to give them the same attention and care, they dont realize that they
learn so much from the world because they have a huge wisdom inside themselves. They cannot
acknowledge themselves with as much value that they give to their surrounding, if nobody is amazed of
them the same way they are toward the world. They miss a very important grounding energy for their
heart and for their Soul that will reduce their self-confidence and their self-esteem. Like this, they
can create an imbalance in their third chakra. They become dependant of this outside world to be
acknowledged with all the beauty that they feel.

o A false personality and the wish to prove themselves in front of the world

Because they were very sensitive to the world, they start to build their personality according
to the wishes of their surrounding and don't learn to detach themselves enough from the teachings of
others to build their own characteristic. They were very flexible children and instead of being who
they are, they became exactly what other people wanted them to become. They create a split
between their personality and their real Nature. And the more the time passes, the more they move
away from their real being, until that it becomes totally unconscious. By not being who they really are,
they cannot be fulfilled by life. This process automatically increases their natural hunger towards life
and creates a growing feeling of lack in their existence. Because the reason of their lack has become
totally unconscious and come out of their general attitude towards life, they project their feelings of
insufficiency towards other objects. And at the end, it comes back towards themselves and they
develop a negative inner talk: "I am not enough! I am not a super hero! I have no real value..." In a way,
they understand that they are responsible for missing something, because they can feel that others
don't have the same trouble than them and they develop a complex of inferiority and destroy their
self-esteem. Usually, when they are in this shadow of Muluc, they try to stay near people that are

very connected with their deep Nature to learn and drink from them what they are missing in their life.
They wander what is wrong with them. Their amazement and love for life turn into a warrior energy
ready to fight and work to get what they want from the world. They look at their ego's characteristics
and try to change them, to improve them. This attitude can just increase even more the fact that they
just a play a role. Even if it is a perfect role, it doesn't connect them with their authentic nature. To
think that something is wrong with them just increases their non-respect and complex of inferiority and
takes them away from the deep treasure and the source of their quest that is only in themselves. It
brings a lot of imbalances in their third chakra, because they don't know how to be themselves and
experience the life under the rigid mask of their ideas of who they think they should be. It can push
them to compete with the outside world and others to try to be and show who they are, because
actually they cannot feel it in them when they are alone. It becomes a challenge in their own psyche
and in their life. They have to prove to themselves and others that they really are the person that they
pretend to be. If they manage to be powerful and successful, recognized by the outside world, they
will think that they will believe in their own lie. However, this is just an illusion. These actions come
from a place of lack and fears and create a lot of pain and tiredness in them. They have to push
themselves as much as they can and they struggle against themselves and their authentic nature. The
only gift that all those efforts can bring them is the comfort of their ego. However, it cannot fulfill their
Soul and so it never last for long. It will never offer them the peace and contentment that they are
looking for. The disconnection between their ego and their Soul brings them a lot of melancholy and
deep sadness inside themselves. They can escape from it when they play their personality. But at
one point in their life, they will find back their heart and remember who they really are
. People who found themselves in this shadow of Muluk need to bring back a lot of love and
trust towards themselves and release the emotions blocked in their emotional body. They need to
stop to try to improve who they are by outside searches: learning more, doing more and release all
the ideas that they have about themselves and who they think they should be. They need to accept
to cry and not to be what others think it is good to be. Because of their strong sensitivity, their
education was very castrator for them. They need to let go of all the mental conceptions that they
build about perfection and themselves. Their mental body is too rigid and strict. It impeaches their
being to be and to move. This mental castration can create a lot of anger and frustrations in them.
Their mental rigidity refrains them to express these stuck emotions. However, they also need to let it
go without any judgment and to come back to their authentic being. This process asks them to erase
all what restrains their being from its natural expression and that they took from their education and
the observation of their surrounding. They need to offer to themselves absolute freedom, to be
whoever they want to be and act without any control. They will be very surprise of themselves once
they choose to walk on this path and they will really discover some parts of them that they never
expect to have as much they were hidden in their unconscious. This work of self-awareness asks a lot
of honesty and a lot of awareness. They will slowly learn to detach from their ego, open their sixth

chakra by their state of presence and allow their Spirit to express itself through their life. They need
to reconnect themselves with their strong intuition and ability of their Higher Self to guide them in
their life. They have incredible will, enthusiasm and power to go forward when they chose to. So they
just need to wish to rediscover who they really are and the universe will support them on their path.

o A strong potential to read the signs of the universe and a difficulty to take their own

People born with the power of Muluk have a very strong ability to read the signs that the
Universe send to them. As they are also very impressed and receptive of the outside world, they can
enter in a totally passive state waiting for the Universe to lead them on their path. When we are on
our path towards Light and Love, the universe is supporting us and sometimes sends us some
guidance and gift. However, it is really important to realize that we have our own free will where
nobody can interfere with. It is our own responsibility to keep our own power with our own will, even if
it is to offer it as a servant of Love and Light. The outside world merely is a tool to help us to
catalyze our own inner journey to self-remembrance. Nobody can walk on our path. Others can give
us support and inspiration, but we are the one that truly knows. We have to build and follow our own
wisdom. We are all of us different and have all of us our own path. When we are walking on the return
path to the stars, back to our Soul, there is a Divine feeling that is growing in our heart, a deep
growing joy and contentment. By staying, as much as we can, connected with this feeling that is the
direct expression of our Soul, we destroy all doubts and are protected against all influences from the
outside world that can mislead us. People in this shadow of Muluk need to stay strong and
determinate to stick to their inner guidance. They need to know what they really want and in which
direction they want to direct their existence.

o A lot of inner wisdom and the fear to show it

As they have an amazing sensitivity, they have an amazing connection with their heart, which
totally scares them from their childhood and that most of the time they have kept hidden. The more
they hide it, the bigger amount of energy has been repressed around their heart. It prevents them also
to show their wisdom and let it pass through their being because they know that it can affect a lot their
surrounding and they will have to take the responsibility in the real world for the huge amount of
energy that they feel inside themselves. Not to express it, is apparently easier. However, inside them,
the energy not expressed gets stuck and it builds up an inner pressure of frustration. They can also
be afraid to express their Light because of their own pride towards this amazing wisdom that they feel
inside them and they don't want to show their pride to the outside world in taking the decision to
express to every body their deep wisdom. They just keep it for themselves. This type of action cut

them from the outside world and impeaches the outside world to know who they really are. To hide
the truth is one of the worst actions that can be inflicted to humanity. They harm themselves a lot in
doing so and also their surrounding with who they are only half alive. The second moral rule of yoga,
the second Niyama after Ahimsa: non-violence is Satyam: truth. Keeping his consciousness in the
dark world of unconsciousness and ignorance is one of the most painful and destructive actions for
the Spirit of a human being. For sure, there are ways to show the truth and the best one is through
love and compassion. People in this shadow of Muluk have to stop being in need of recognition from
the outside world. They should build their own confidence in who they are and in what they do in tune
with their Spirit in accepting to be fully honest and not anymore in control of themselves. In the
beginning, it will help them a lot to be surrounded by people who can support their light, because they
are so sensitive to the outside. It is quite important for them to be surrounded by people who are
supporting their growth and their transformation. When they will find back their own power and
confidence, they will become an unbreakable beacon of Light wherever they will be.

o Integration of the polarities

People born with the energy of Muluk have an incredible potential to learn from the world and
through experiences. They can expand a lot their knowledge in one life time. They have enthusiasm in
their heart for what they do and are not scared of discipline. It is as if they are naturally in love with the
life. Their biggest challenge and only place of fulfillment is to be in love with themselves. Their
deepest wound is not to receive the same passion that they give to the world for themselves. Their
long journey upon Earth is to learn to give it back to themselves. To do so, they have many different
possibilities, the first one is to be honest toward what they really want in their life and to stop
pretending and hiding their feelings and needs of acknowledgement. Then if they want they can
chose to live some of the movies that they think they need to love again themselves: like being
successful in their work or in their sentimental life or to try to transcend them just in going at the
roots of their feelings, facing their needs and lack of love and fulfilling with their expanding love and
awareness. At one point, all this is just an energetic game if we really know how to detach ourselves
from the emotional movie asked by our ego. The only thing they will really need to transform and
purify themselves is to be honest and to watch themselves and their psyche when they are acting.
Once they start on their path, nothing can stop them anymore. They are reviving the huge
craving and passion of their Soul for spiritual growing. Their intuitive capacity will develop ever more
bringing them back to their Essence Self.
Still on their path, they will have to stay aware. The process of purification and sublimation of the
ego can increase their self-depreciation. It is so painful for the ego to be aware suddenly of all our
shadow and our mistakes. However, self-depreciation is also a reaction of the ego and need to be
released. When our awareness extends, our Soul is fully rejoicing. They should stay connected to

this power. The more they will keep on this process of purification, the deeper they will go in their
unconscious, and the stronger will be the teachings and the self-realization. In the middle of it, it can
seem sometimes very heavy. Muluk is a time to pay back all one's debts to the ancestors and the
Universe in the Mayan culture. People born with the power of Muluk should never forget that all
these difficult teachings are here to build their strength, their determination and courage. In finding
their power back, they heal their third charka and find their real place in this world.

Spiritual powers

Their spiritual potentials are a holography of the power of the moon. One really strong power
that they can develop is to be a channel for the universal wisdom. The moon doesnt shine its own
light. Then it can reflect the light of the sun. For the Mayan culture, the sun is a receptor-emitter of
Hunab Ku, the center of the galaxy, which carries the wisdom and the power of the whole creation.
By birth, people born with the power of Muluk have an ability to reflect the principle of creation
through their being and to channel and be in full harmony with the galactic movement. This potential
comes out of non-doing as the moon. Its is really important for them to release all the false
constructions of their ego and personality and their fears. Once they deeply learn to relax and to be
empty, without wanting to be anyone, they can carry an amazing wisdom, connected with the universal
will and knowledge. As we saw before, they carry the number nine, which in the Mayan culture
correspond to the power of the Great Masters, who incarnates upon Earth to help the others
Humans to remember their transcendental nature, to share unconditional love and to awake their
The moon gets its own effect upon Earth by reflecting the light of the Sun. It affects a lot the
position of the water and the movement of the seasons. People born with the power of Muluk are
very sensitive and have a lot of emotions, if they accept to see them. Their strong sensitivity carries an
inner guidance to lead them toward the light of the Sun and the universal consciousness inside
themselves. Their waters (emotional body) transport them and people around them toward the
purification of their whole being. Once they start to see their own light inside themselves, they cannot
turn back. They become in love with the process of transformation and purification of the spiritual
path. As they have no difficulty with discipline, they like to master a technique for themselves and
after they can share it. They become easily strong examples and source of inspiration for other
seekers on the path of self-discovery. On this planet, they are here to show the way to the light to
others that why thy have so much enthusiasm.

The glyphs surrounding Muluk

Its analog Partner: Oc The White Dog

Oc is the guardian of the emotions. Oc knows the power of deep affinity between the different
human Souls. It is the power of recognition of strong souls commitments to walk together on their
path to wholeness during their lives. It carries the wisdom of transparency between two souls that want
to discover who they are in sharing their lives. Oc is the guardian of the heart and its feeling. As the
heart cannot lie, Oc is a straight expression of our Soul. Oc energy is what makes People born with
the energy of Muluk so sensitive and emotive and helps them to understand deeply other people that
surround them, in connecting with their emotions and their Soul. Oc knows the language of the Soul.
The more people born with the power of Muluk develop the energy of Oc, the more they connect
with their feelings and can let them come out. Their feelings will push them to meet people that they
love and that support their Soul: we call them companions of destiny. In front of these people, they
will not need anymore to play any role to be loved. Through this loving intimacy, they will learn to be
authentic again. Oc is also the power to release all the toxic emotions that we keep in ourselves. Its
energy helps to heal past wounds and hidden anger, frustrations, sadness Oc is the spiritual
guardian of the path of the heart. It brings new beginnings in life through the healing of the past and
the opening of the heart. It teaches to love without possessiveness and to release jealousy. It shows
to people born with the energy of Muluk how much they can be full of love in their heart even if they
are walking alone in their life. Oc shows them that their heart is an opening to their Soul and their own
inner bliss. When they start to listen to it, they become free from the need of outside recognition and
full with inner contentment.

Its Antipode Partner: Cauac, The Blue Storm

The teaching of Cauac is the strength to be totally free in front of the world. It is the strongest
challenge for people born with the energy of Muluc, because Cauac asks them to look only in
themselves to choose the direction in which they want to walk. Cauac is the non-identification with
any external form. Cauac is fully free and can play any role in the human game. Cauac teaches us like
a storm to jump from an opposite to another. It presses Muluk people to find their own wisdom and to
detach themselves from their personality to be able to play and to enjoy the diversity of life. Cauac
likes to go to every place in the manifested world without any boundaries. Cauac presses Muluk
people to let go of all their fears in order to express their real Nature. Cauac cannot accept any
frustration and feel free to express itself all the times. By connecting with their own freedom, Muluk
people will discover slowly their real Self. Cauac is a time of very powerful spiritual transformation.
Freedom of expression and of action in the manifested world, leads to the incarnation of our Spirit
on Earth. Cauac brings a purification of our body to increase its capacity of vibrating at higher
frequencies. It creates a lot of nervous tensions in the body and of healing diseases on its process.
Cauac pushes them to jump in the unknown of the deep self-realization. It put the process of self-

realization on an exponential speed. They have to let all the fears of the ego be totally dissolve and
not to get lost in the process. Connecting with Cauac energy in them, presses Muluk people to trust
in their own wisdom, to release their rigidity of mind towards their own being, to be free, to jump in the
unknown and to increase the speed of their walk on their path to self-recognition.

Its Occult Partner: Eb, The Yellow Human

Eb is the awareness of the abundance of life. Eb sees human life as an empty cup getting filled
up by the nectar of life. Eb teaches to be empty to receive the nectar of life and to celebrate the
beauty of the gift offered to us. Eb is the power of gratitude. Eb is more or less unconscious in
people born with the energy of Muluk and it gives them their openness towards life and the world to
receive nourishment and Light. The more they get connected with the power of Eb, the more they
become aware of the greatness of their life. Eb is bringing a lot of contentment and joy. Eb loves
hedonism. As we have only one life, that is occurring now, why not enjoy all the treasures of this world?
Eb develops the hunger for life in people born with the energy of Muluk and presses them to find joy
and happiness through their life.

OC The White Dog

Oc is the guardian of the emotional parts of the brain. It shows the path of the heart leading
to unconditional love through relationships. It is the tenth sign in the middle of all the others. It is the
link between all the solar signs. Its energy links everybody together. By its knowledge of the
emotional body, it has the capacity to understand all the other signs, their feelings, and their patterns.
In speaking with the language of the emotions, Oc sees people without their mind. Oc feels other
people and learn the language of the souls. The emotions are the direct expression of the Soul. Oc
brings back awareness on the emotions by being fully conscious of them. If the emotions are
separated from the outside world and are not any more projected on the outside situations and other
people, they lead to the discovery of reactive patterns that twist our perception of our life and of our
reality. It helps to understand who we really are. If we go at the roots of an emotional reaction, we
discover what our Soul really asks to the outside world and what is the wound that needs to be
healed. Oc carries the power to heal wounds and borders that have been created during early
childhood. This healing of the past opens to news beginning in life in changing totally our perception
of reality. Oc frees slowly the Soul of it reactive patterns and leads human consciousness to
recognition of its true nature. Oc teaches how to listen at the wishes of the Soul hidden under
programmed emotional reactions and allows a real healing to occur. This language is universal and it is
sometimes easier to listen to it in others than inside ourselves. Oc knows also the magic power of
relationships. It brings the understanding that by sharing their experience and knowledge, human
beings can open their consciousness, their heart and their soul faster than alone. Oc sings the song
of recognition of the One Heart, Hunab K'u, where the whole creation fusions in the unity of
unconditional love. Oc is the shared joy of many souls tuned together with the beat of the One
Heart. It is a time of sharing individual liberation from old wounds and patterns and of celebrating the
creation of a new reality where people fulfill together their spiritual Destiny. It gives the power to
recognize on our path our companions of destiny. It helps us to understand that different Souls
before to incarnate on Earth choose to encounter during their lifetime to share something very
important for the self-development of all of them and to open to their own Spirit together. Oc is the
remembrance of this sacred trust that can link different people together. Because this recognition
happens at the level of the Souls, it sometimes doesn't use the language of words to express itself. It
just passes through the mutual exchange of long and deep looks, where the souls are just melting with
each other in using the four superior layers of their auric field.As they explain in the Mayan Oracle,
Oc carries the sweet release of the heart in front of the eyes of others that can really see us as we
really are and then makes us see our own Divine Essence. It is the guide of spiritual relationships to
fulfill each one's destiny and help each other to face his own shadow. Oc is the spiritual guardian of

companions of Destiny. It incarnates also the power of the spiritual authority and the power of the
Divine law in ourselves. It carries the understanding that every Soul needs to surrender to the wish of
its Higher Self. In touching deeply people through their emotions, Oc presses any consciousness to
awake itself to its real and deepest wishes. The more we try to escape from our truth, the more painful
will be the emotions that will emerge in us, and the more we will be trapped in our emotional drama.
Once the pain becomes unbearable for the ego, sometimes it just collapses in front of its Divine Self.
Oc in developing our emotions, help us to hear ourselves and understand ourselves better. It
incarnates the power of unity, fusion, understanding and love of the One Heart in us and through our
A day Oc is directed by the two emotional bodies: the second and fourth auric layers of the
aura and one may feel very emotional. It is day where a lot of emotional patterns can come out. It is
very important of not projecting them on the outside circumstances but to use these emotions to look
at ourselves more deeply. It is a very powerful day to heal deep wounds from the past, because they
come out more easily on this day. It is also a beautiful day to share your Soul experience with other
people. Oc likes gathering for peace and love, or even just simple gathering of people to share
whatever they wish.

Oc or the path of unconditional love

General psychological profile

People born with the power of Oc have very big emotional bodies and are very connected
with their emotions. They are naturally very psychologist people and can understand easily others.
They like relationships and can relate almost with anybody, whatever personality or character they
have, because they can recognize one part of themselves through everyone and love to learn from
others. This fraternal and universal connection with others fills them with a lot of love and respect
towards others. They are very loyal in their relationships. This strong respect for others pushes
them, when charged emotive reactions come out of them, to look inside themselves to find the cause of
it instead of projecting it on others. In this way, they are continuously evolving and changing of skin
and life. They learn how to become emotionally mature. They have also a strong connection with the
seat of their Soul inside them, where in are rooted their destiny and Soul. Their big heart teaches
them to be loyal with the longing of their Higher Self. They are very passionate people and the
strength of their emotions impeaches them to follow another path than the one of their heart. Even if
they never speak about, they are very spiritual people because they automatically choose to follow
their destiny. The more they walk on their path, the more they start to gather around them
companions of destiny, guides and allies who support and catalyze them on their way. They have also
to learn to journey through period of loneliness. They have by birth good potentials to connect with

guides and beings of higher dimensions, because of their strong fourth energetic body. Through their
big heart center, they connect easily to Hunab K'u, the center of the Universe, and the Source of
Love and Light. When they fully open their heart to the totality of who they are, they found out the
whole Universe inside of them. With their love, they merge with it and destroy all ideas of separation
or duality. They know how to recognize people with whom they have strong soul connections, even
when the others are not aware of it. They know also in front of strangers, the one that they need to
meet to exchange something fruitful together. Their heart gives them intuitive recognition of their soul
contracts with other human beings.

Their potentials and their challenges

o A huge emotional body

They have a huge emotional body, which gives them the ability to be very sensitive and also to
get easily lost in their emotional drama. They are very touched and reactive in situations where others
don't experience any problem. They can be very dramatic and their emotions can take total control
over their free will. They become slaves of their own emotional reactions. They experience very
charged emotions such as passion, anger, fear, jealousy People in this shadow of Oc, need to
realize what emotions are and they need to stop to project them on their surrounding and their life.
Emotions are expression of our Soul. In a similar situation, two different people will experience
totally different emotions. They are tools to discover and express ourselves deeply. People in this
shadow of Oc should becomes aware with the part of their consciousness that is just witnessing life,
free from all dramas and involvement of their ego. They can learn to direct their life from this place of
choice, peace, and freedom. They need to turn their addiction for intense emotions to spiritual quest.

o A deep sensitivity toward the exchanges of love between human and a big lack of

. Since as a child they were very sensitive and very emotive, they needed a huge amount of love
and attention that others couldn't give to them (because they didn't feel such a strong need for
affection inside themselves). Because, as children, they knew the power of intimate relationship
between two souls, they were putting a lot of expectation upon relationships to help them to
recognize their Essence and their true Nature. In front of this absence of true recognition, they start
suffering a lot. Even if their childhood might appear from the outside to have been free of problems or
lack, they got emotionally deeply hurt by a lack of attention or love. Out of this insufficiency, they
used their strong ability to understand others to feel what the others expect from them in order to get
the love that seems to be ordinarily exchanged in this world. They were selling themselves in order to

look nice to others. However, deep inside themselves, their Soul was dying of lack of emotional
nourishment. In feeling others, they understood that nobody wish to exchange with the same intensity,
involvement and sincerity than them. They developed a strong feeling of loneliness in the middle of
the world. They felt that they could understand everybody but that nobody could understand them.
The more they stand in this shadow, the more they repress their deep emotions in order not to
disturb their surrounding and to be sure that they are still loved. They prostitute their Soul for love
and recognition. They separate their outside comportment from their natural Nature. Loneliness is a
great teacher about human condition. People in this shadow of Oc should not look at it as a
punishment but rather as a powerful gift for absolute freedom. If they feel lonely, they should start to
share their deep emotional sadness and craving for more love. This huge need for love is their
uniqueness and they should not be ashamed of it. When they start to share it and of being really
aware of it, they can learn to detach from it. They are here to press people to be more together, to
help and support more each other on their path. To hide their deep feelings is to hide themselves
from their Nature and Destiny. They should learn to release their dependency upon others to
receive love. It is important for them to be able to stand alone on their path, filled with love in their
heart and to look for relationships not out of needs but out of excess of love to share. They are their
own well of love and nourishment. Times of loneliness are very important for them. It helps them to
connect more accurately with their Essence Self. When they are with other people they melt too
easily with the feelings of others and as we saw before, they can easily prostitute their essence Self
to please the others wishes. Without the company of others, they can feel empty and meaningless.
Their deep suffering, coming out of their profound loneliness, that can occur even if they are in the
middle of many good friends, is here to press them to transcend their reality, to open their
consciousness to another dimension more spiritual, where they can realize that we are all links together
and never alone. This level of awareness is out of the ego conception of life. To get there, the ego
has to surrender and to let go of all his attachments. In our energy field, it materializes through the
purification of our fourth auric layer, where appeared all our relationships with the world, by the
opening of the fifth auric layer: the faith and surrender and of the sixth layer where we open to
unconditional love. Only from this place, people born with the energy of Oc access their real power.
They can spread real unconditional love. They can find their own access through their heart to
Hunab K'u, and enter ecstatic states of grace and love without absolutely sharing it with others
physically. They realize the absolute universal connection.

o A huge sensitivity

A strong sensitivity is a very scary and vulnerable power to receive on this planet. People
born with the power of Oc took the challenge to carry the wisdom of pure love and naked heart on
Earth. That is quite a work. So when they get born, they kept their heart and Soul strongly open. It

makes them quite sensitive and emotional. And as they grow up, it is hard for them not to be ashamed
of the intensity of their emotions and sensitivity. Their mental body, that uses the observation of the
others' behaviors to fix itself, limits the size and the movement of their emotional auric layer. Their
mind evaluates the huge waves of their emotions and tries to minimize them. First, they feel that they
are very different from others, and then, in the collective mind, strong emotional reactions are
perceived as childish. At the same time, they feel very vulnerable in front of others in relationships.
They try to protect themselves in disconnecting with their emotions. They also seek to hide this
vulnerability as much as they can, judging it negatively as a strong weakness. Thus they can develop,
unconsciously, a low self-esteem. This inferiority complex is strengthened by their ability to feel and
understand the Soul of the others, which makes them see easily the Light inside the others. At this
point, they can develop envy and jealousy towards the others' potentials and qualities that they don't
find in themselves. Instead of developing jealousy, they need to take inspiration from others to
develop in themselves what they like in others. People born with the energy of Oc have a strong Inner
Child and so they have a lot of enthusiasm each time they can see new challenges. They need to use
the energy towards their own self-development and healing. It is very important for them to express
who they are and so to let go of all their strongly repress emotions. They will see that every charged
emotion is a tool to discover some unfinished issues in themselves. In letting flow their emotional body,
they will slowly reconnect with their Essence Self and align with their destiny path. They need to
work on the opening of their fifth charka, which needs to be wide enough to express the great love
that they carry. They should stop being scared of themselves to be a channel for strong and deep
love. They should offer it to the Universe and the world, however crazy it may seem. They are here to
sing the beautiful song of love of the One Heart, which can take everybody in its arms. Unless and
until they don't find the courage to do this, they will never feel complete and fulfill their being and their

o The responsibility to recognize companions of Destiny

People born with the power of Oc have the potential to recognize deep relationships in their
life and to understand when their soul chose to develop one of them in order to grow. This is a strong
responsibility to carry, because their ability to feel Soul connection is a potential that not everybody
have and that is one of their specific potential. So the other in front of them will not all the times
respond the way they feel and they can feel imbalance or rejected by this situation. Some people
born with the power of Oc can even stop to express and to show their affinity with other people and
their recognition of companions of destiny. They keep their own feeling for themselves and wait for
the life to press them to meet again or to do something together. This can make them feel very lonely
and they can miss amazing opportunities in their life. It is really important for them to realize that their
power of recognition is a beautiful gift, coming from their Higher Self and their Divine connection. It

is tool to transform their life. They should share their knowledge and they need to stop to hide their
truth to others all the times. Time is so precious. Why waste it in waiting, in hiding the truth and in
becoming afraid of the magic of the unpredictable. At present, many Souls have come on Earth to
help the planet in its big spiritual transformation. It is time to gather all, to share our knowledge and
experiences, to help each other to grow faster. By gathering and harmonizing our different energies
and potentials, we create a vortex of energy to propel us into the sky. The energy of Oc is here to
help us realizing this sacred task.

Text from an Elder American Indian Hopi:

You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.
Now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour.
And there are things to be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.
This could be a good time! There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid..
They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being forth apart and they will suffer
Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the
middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our head above the water. See who is in with you and
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally. Least of all, ourselves. For the moment that
we do, our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt. The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather
Banish the world struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

o Integration of the polarities

A strong challenge for the people born with the power of Oc is to accept to feel fully their
huge emotional body and to be fully aware of it. As we saw before, it is really scary position for them
because it makes them very sensitive and brings out a lot of repressed emotions that can be very
intense. They need to realize that their imbalanced emotions are beautiful opportunities to grow and
develop their consciousness. If they accept to release the totality of the energetic charge, it brings
back the memory that was stocked in their body and their mind and that was disturbing their vibratory
level. Their emotional reactions are tools to transform their consciousness and to remember the
wounds of their past which have build their personality and their body and that are still preventing
their expansion in their present. Their biggest work is to detach themselves from any emotional drama
without repressing their feelings. They need to accept to be emotional without creating any story
upon what they are feeling. They should just learn to observe their feelings, like in a meditation. Then
they will be able more and more to expand their level of consciousness and to remember their
sensitivity. Their emotional nature is a perfect tool of introspection and deep level of remembering
their Soul and their essence that is just pure love. Their passionate temperament pushes them to
remember their deepest nature. They wont find peace before. They are learning the path toward
unconditional love. All their imbalances emotions are traces of reactions of their ego and they have no
choice than to learn to transcend and to transform them. They are the guardian of the sacredness of
human relationships. Relationships are pushing us to see our own potentials but also our own
shadows in order to release them. By remembering their sacredness in their heart, people born with
the power of Oc are bound to pass through their teachings. It is really difficult for their ego to go
away from it. So it is really important for them to remember that they are on a sacred journey of
transformation toward unconditional love. It is their main direction and challenge to remember not to
fall into emotional dramas when their memories of attachment are coming out.
For the Mayan culture, they are agents of the Divine law, agents of Hunab K'u. The love spread by
Hunab K'u needs a pure heart as a channel, connected with the Higher Self, not with the ego needs.
People born with the energy of Oc have the potential to be spiritual guides and guardians for others.
That is why they really need to reconnect with their Spirit in order to understand their real role on
the Earth. They need to purify their three superior chakras to open themselves to the teachings of
their spiritual guides and to connect with the spiritual wisdom in order to purify fully their heart and to
truly play the role of pure lover that they like so much. They should use the huge size of the fourth
layer of their auric field, during their lonely times, to increase the deepness of their relation with
Nature and with other realms. It is a very long road that themselves alone can choose to take and to
keep on after each challenging events. Even if we are all connected to each other, we are the only one
that can direct our life and the growth of our awareness. To heal a wounded inner Child need a lot of
time and love and it can be very difficult for the ego to accept its vulnerability.

Spiritual powers

Through their huge emotional body, people born with the power of Oc have the ability to feel the
emotions in others even when they are unconscious to the person. They have an instinctive
psychological capacity. They feel the others. They carry the wisdom of intimacy and can recognize
the nature of people even deeper than themselves. They can enter into the perception of the reality
of someone else. It is as if their sensitivity can make them transparent to fully listen to the feelings and
the universe in which the others live. They are here to make the link between the different human
beings and to help them to recognize the deep nature of their heart and Soul. Through developing
this ability, they can bring deep healings to others, helping them to fill up themselves with love and
releasing deep wounds from their childhood. They are the midwives of the Soul. They can help their
brothers and sisters to give birth to their own Spirit by singing the sacred song of the universal love.
They have an intrinsic ability to connect with spiritual guides and beings of other dimensions.
This happens in their life only when they are psychologically ready for it and not scare to let their
heart open in their life. Then it just comes to them to give them guidance and protection on their path.
It comes from their strong connection with the celestial dimension of unconditional love. Many spiritual
guides work also with this energy and chose some humans to help and share concretely their vibration
with the lower dimensions. At a certain level of understanding, basic patterns of emotions appear
easily as entities living independently upon the energetic field of a human being. Once a person born
with the power of Oc becomes familiar with his (or her) own emotional blockages and understood how
to release them, he (or she) can receive the ability to see those entities living on the astral plan and
affecting his (or her) life and the life of others. Most of the time what they need to go away, is a full
acknowledgement of the wound on which they are living in the person and then to receive a huge
benediction and amount of unconditional love for the work they have accomplished. Nothing is
negative in life. It is just a matter of perception. The energy of Oc brings union and healings between
the shadows and the potentials through pure love and acceptance.
Their strongest potential is to have a direct access to Hunab Ku, the source of life and
movement upon the whole galaxy, through their heart. They have the sweet perfume of pure
knowledge of life in the middle of their being. What can we say more it is up to them to discover it or

The glyphs surrounding Oc

Its Analog Partner: Muluk The red Moon

The power of Muluk is sensitivity, purification, and channeling of energies of higher frequency.
When people born with the energy of Oc are very connected with the energy of Muluk through their
strong sensitivity, they bring permanent transformations in their life coming out of the purification of

their emotional wounds and their ability to connect with higher realms like spiritual guides, angels or
even Hunab K'u. To develop the energy of Muluk inside themselves helps them to increase and
connect with their own power. Muluk presses them to purify themselves from their wounds of the past
and to open themselves to their spiritual potentials. Muluk helps them to transcend their every day life
and impeaches them not to be catch in an emotional drama. Muluk glorifies their sensitivity in showing
them that it can lead them to beautiful spiritual place where the love that you receive is magic, full of
grace and totally free.

Its Antipode Partner: Ahau The Yellow Sun

The power of Ahau is illumination, contentment, and unconditional love. Ahau is the straight
connection with Hunab K'u, the center of the Universe, full of love, knowledge and light. Ahau is the
ability to be in total autonomy without any doubt or need, totally fulfilled by our own existence. Only
from the space of Ahau, it is possible to radiate unconditional love. Ahau is a very challenging energy
for Oc people, because it teaches them that they have everything inside themselves and that the
outside world will never be able to fulfill what is missing in them. Ahau consciousness leads them to
increase their self-love, to look at all the treasures that they have inside. Ahau brings them back to the
simplicity of life and to the peace of their being that occurs when they stop to run after the world.
Ahau shows them the delight of just being alive, in love with themselves and the world. It takes them
out of the infinite desires of the mind never contented and pleased and out of emotional dramas that
can appear through unhealthy relationships. Ahau is not an idea. It is a state of being. The more
people born with the energy of Oc develop the power of Ahau inside themselves, the more they find
back their inner love, their real state of being, their Essence Self. Ahau brings them a huge peace in
loneliness, which turns even in real blessing and put them again in fusion with their Essence, with
Hunab K'u. Once they have grounded Ahau wisdom in themselves, they can share their heart
without any trace of dependency or emotional imbalance, but with a lot of love and wisdom.

Its Occult Partner: Chuen, The Blue Monkey

The power of Chuen is the power of the Divine Child that plays with the magic of life. Chuen is
the amazement of the heart in front of the beauty and the infinite potentials of life. Chuen is the
power of enthusiasm and of creativity. Chuen is the innate power in Oc people to want to go forward
all the times. It is the power of spontaneity and of following its heart in any situation. Chuen presses
Oc people to create the best reality around them in tune with the deepest wishes of their heart.
Chuen likes to play so it is the master of all arts. It creates a deep yearning in Oc people to live their
life as a work of art. Chuen is also the power of humor and disruption. The more people born with the
power of Oc develop the energy of Chuen in themselves, the more they learn to detach themselves

from the events of their life and they manage to be more flexible in front of strong challenges. Chuen
helps them not to be too serious and to look at their life as a big play in which they have nothing really
to loose but only to win in living with a beautiful open heart to drink the nectar of life.

CHUEN The Blue Monkey

Chuen is the energy of the Divine Child within every human being. It carries the power of
humor and playfulness in front of life's up-and-down. Chuen teaches us about not taking life and
ourselves too seriously. Chuen realizes that this life is just a big game, Leela (in Hinduism tradition),
an illusion. The flexibility of Chuen impeaches us from getting stuck on our path. As they point out in
The Mayan Oracle, Chuen embodies the power of joy coming out of openhearted innocence,
transparency, spontaneity. It asks us to be in the present, to live it in absolute transparency of who we
are without mind. Chuen invites us to drink the joyous nectar of being the creator of our reality. It
calls on us to create the best life for ourselves. Its energy rules upon all the arts and sciences. It is the
power of creativity and playfulness of the human mind. Chuen spreads in the consciousness the love
to experiment and to taste life through all its aspects. It likes strong sensations and surprises. It asks
us to surprise ourselves by changing masks and by playing new roles in this reality. Its number is
eleven, represented in the Mayan culture by two lines and one dot. The two lines symbolize the
alignment of the Essence Self with the personality and the dot facing them is the Center of the
Universe. It is the number of transformation, of movement in order to become align with a higher
reality. Chuen is all the times playing and moving and it is very difficult to catch it. As they explain in
The Mayan Oracle,it carries the energy of the trickster, the joker who likes to destroy all the
conceptions and the rigidity of the mind. It is also symbolized by a string that represents the movement
of the time. By being fully in the present, Chuen can control past and future.
On a day Chuen, it is important not to take ourselves too seriously and to take the
disruptions of life with humor and flexibility. It is a beautiful day to laugh and play with life. It can be
nice to create surprises and unusual events on this day. Maybe you will not have to create them and
they will fall upon you without any precautious signs to alert you. On this day, you can be deeply
touched by outside circumstances resonating with some old wounds in yourself. It is a very good time
to accept to show the vulnerability of your heart in front others. How much others and the outside
world can touch you. Chuen is a very good energy to help the healing of the Inner Child. Anyhow,
your Child wants to come out on this day, so let him speak. If he wants to cry or to laugh, just let him
be himself. It is his day of full expression and it is a good opportunity to give him more space in your
life and to increase your relationship with him. He carries the beautiful wisdom of being in love with life
and of absolute honesty and transparency in expressing who he is. This is such a great gift!

Chuen or the path of the Divine Child

General psychological profile

People born with the energy of Chuen have strong artistic talents. They can be musicians,
painters, writers, dancers Although, they have a very logical curious and playful mind that makes
them love learning techniques, whatever they are, and studying sciences. These qualities make them
very successful in their life. One of their other talents is their sense of humor and their taste for
cracking a joke. They look at life very lightly. It prevents them from getting caught in emotional drama.
They like movement and disruption in life and enjoy playing different roles to surprise themselves and
others. They need to feel free and never be trapped inside a box. They are very spontaneous,
following the dance and fire of their heart without any fear or shame, like a little child. They are full of
self-confidence and want to bring some more life in people that surround them. They usually have a
very good social life due to their talent, the clarity of their mind, the confident foundation of their
personality, their sense of humor, and their flexibility. They simply enjoy existence. They like to
discover and taste all the possibilities that life can offer them. They are very curious and thirsty for
knowledge. They want to know and to learn doing everything. Their strong self-confidence helps
them to realize their dreams and projects and to freely express who they are. Whilst being able to play
like a child, they are at the same time able to take much responsibility. Because of their flexibility, their
non-seriousness, their clear mind and their spontaneity, they can easily deal with any difficult situation
(out of their emotions). They carry the universal message of creativity, enthusiasm, curiosity, artistry,
joy and rationality.

Their potentials and their challenges

o A big trickster hiding his sensitivity

People born with the energy of Chuen have a huge sensitivity. As a child, they are born with
the wisdom of Oc, which gives them a heart fully open for sharing unconditional love through
relationships. Their huge heart got hurt very easily, may be, just by feeling around them that love was
not given unconditionally, but rather out of conditions and power games. Or, may be they have felt
that others were not really interested in sharing as much love and life that they wished themselves.
Because of their strong self-confidence and their well-developed third chakra, they didn't sell
themselves for receiving love. They just closed and repressed their sensitivity towards the outside
world. Their ego leads them to the conclusion that their hyper-sensitivity was something dangerous in
this world. They start building a strong protective wall around their heart, cutting them off from their
powerful feelings and emotions. They stow away all their emotions in their subconscious and in
adulthood they can appear to be very insensitive people. They can be no longer aware their own
emotions. They consider emotions as weapons that totally prevent their ego to realize their wishes in

life. Their sensitivity has the power to push them out of balance and to cancel the project of their ego.
And it can let them be controlled by others. They reacted in joking and devaluating totally sensitivity
in themselves and also in others. They develop anger towards their own vulnerability. In this shadow of
Chuen, people can use their humor, sarcasms and incisive mind like arrows to hurt people who
surround them, when they feel a little bit in danger or just when others are sharing deeply their heart
and Soul. They play with the power of their insensitivity, when they see that others are emotionally
vulnerable, as an unconscious revenge of their own hurt heart. They can use their great ability of
playing to hide the truth from themselves and from others. Playing, laughing and lightness become a
way of escaping from reality. Nobody can put them on the spot and discover who they really are. It
becomes the same for themselves. They identify themselves with the roles that they are playing and
don't succeed in feeling the depth of their Essence Self. They use their sarcasm each time that they
connect with their emotions and just jump out of them without giving them any attention. People in this
shadow of Chuen, can have some problems in developing intimate relationships where they have to
share their heart. As we saw before, their way to escape from their Soul's sensitivity comes from
deep wounds in their childhood and from the fear of being and showing their vulnerability. Their
biggest challenge in this situation is to accept to be vulnerable and emotional again. They need to
realize that sometimes to lose and to accept to die from the expectations of the ego is a best way to
receive deep wisdom in their heart and their Spirit.

o A huge intelligence and a difficulty to listen to the wisdom of their heart

People born with the power of Chuen have a facility to develop many talents. Once they
focus their attention upon a subject they wont let it without accomplishing it. So as we saw before,
they are great tricksters and can become very successful in the society. At the same time, they have a
huge sensitivity that scares them and they can easily cut themselves off from their emotional body.
Then another shadow appears. Their life can loose all its perfume and taste and starts to look very
dry and monotonous. They can also become very serious, looking for enjoyment only with their mind
and their ego: through social success, mastery of new techniques, that nourish their pride, and rational
studies of life and the Universe. Through the study of sciences, they find a way to justify their own
point of view towards the world: to master life understanding and conception without letting any space
for emotions and mystical events to occur. People in this shadow of Chuen need to reconnect with
their sensitivity, their heart and their wounded Inner Child. They need to release their fear to be
touched and their anger towards their own vulnerability in front of others. Emotions are a beautiful
gift. They are the pure expression of their Soul. By rejecting them, they disconnect from their
Divine Essence and they miss the deep spiritual meaning of life. The mastery upon the world, their
social success and the pride of their ego from their own power are not comparable with the beauty of
letting the magic of life direct our destiny and fulfill our Soul. We can never destroy our emotions.

They remain deep in our unconscious and come out at some occasions. In front of death, they cannot
lie anymore and all what they didn't want to see will appear in front of them and they will maybe have
regrets. Life is now and they need to have the courage to live it in all its dimensions. In the Pop Wuj,
the elder brother of Junapju Ixbalanke, was a great sage. He was jealous and afraid of his younger
brother, who was an enlightened being. He tried to kill him. Finally, his younger brother turned him
into a monkey and set him lost from the rest of his life in the forest, which symbolized what the Maya
called the intermediary consciousness. The monkey was the king of the forest. He was able to go on
every tree all over the forest. He knew the forest by heart, that symbolizes the mind, but he was not
able to go down the trees, back to the real and absolute consciousness. This story shows the danger
of the intellectual mind that wants to appreciate the world only through its narrow point of view and
that is afraid of the emergence of its Soul and even tries to destroy it. For not getting lost in this
shadow of Chuen, people need to be again fully transparent and to show fully who they are. They
should let go of their fear of being touched by others (because anyhow they are touched even if they
don't want to see it) and of missing something in their life if they become emotional and are not
anymore center inside themselves. These huge emotional movements carry great spiritual teachings
that can only help them through their life. They can use their lightness and flexibility to become
detached from their emotions without rejecting them. They will access a deep peace and
consciousness inside themselves that is able to stay centered even in a middle of a storm. Only from
this space, they can become a Divine Child, playing with the whole reality, out of fear, lie, disguise, or
anger, and fully tasting it with a real open heart.

o Integration of the polarities

Their strong potential is their taste for playing with the life. It gives them the ability to direct
their life the way they want and to be really creative and successful. They receive the strength of
enthusiasm and joy. They keep their inner child alive inside themselves and it gives them the capacity
to create magic around them. However, it is really important for them to integrate this power with a
self-awareness of their own sensitivity. They have also a huge emotional body which makes them very
sensitive and can have created a lot repressed emotions. The inner child likes to prove himself in front
of the Universe and show all what he can do. They should remember that to grow up doesnt mean to
be invisible and invulnerable. We all have needs and it takes a lot of wisdom to be able to transcend
them all. If we hide our needs of support, we act all our life indirectly just to try to fulfill them. We lose
a lot of energy and move away from our Spirit. It is crazy to look at all what humanity has
accomplished and created around itself, just out a lake of love. It is really important for people born
with the power of Chuen to try to be transparent and fully honest with their heart. They need to
become aware of the place in them that pushes them to actions. They need to use their sense of
humor to look at their own fears and to accept to see and feel the beauty of the wisdom of their heart.

Spiritual powers

People born with the power of Chuen are the master of all the arts and sciences. They are very
good technicians. With their logical and perfectionist mind they can accomplish incredible task and
piece of arts. Once they are passionate, they wont stop to work and to develop their capacities and
techniques. They like to be the best, like a little child. They play with their work without stress and
just dont want to stop. If they accept to open their heart, they can become remarkable artists in the
specialty that they want. Through sciences they like new discoveries. Their mind likes to make
probabilities and prove that they are real. They like surprises and to explore the unknown. They want
to find an answer to all the questions unresolved by humanity. They are very curious upon life and the
universe. They love to know and they love the logic of this reality. They can bring a lot of new
understandings of life and human condition to the collective consciousness.They have a very sharp
mind that can help them a lot also in developing strong level of concentration to explore the potentials
of the human brain.

The glyphs that surround Chuen

Its Analog Partner: Lamat The Yellow Star

The power of Lamat is the power of harmony and of celebration of our inner beauty that we want
to spread all around us. Lamat is a very supportive energy for people born with the power of Chuen.
It gives them a lot of talent to appreciate and create beauty in all the domains of their life. It offers
them inner peace and self-confidence. The more they develop Lamat power in them, the more they
are able to offer beauty to others in their life. Lamat gives them also a very clear mind to know without
any doubt which direction they should take in order to develop their full potential and be successful
through their life. Lamat helps them to open their heart to grace and to understand that real harmony
can be achieved only when inner consciousness has found it inside itself.

Its Antipode Partner: Imix The Red Dragon

The power of Imix is nurturance. Imix is the Divine Mother, the awareness that the Universe is
here to totally fulfill the Soul of whatever desires it can have. Imix is the understanding that the whole
Universe is connected and that whatever is happening in our life, is just the answer of one of our own
wishes. Imix is very connected with the deep need of the Soul that can many times be hidden in the
subconscious of a person. Imix can feel telepathically all desires, wishes, and feelings that are not
verbally expressed by the mind, but meant by the heart or the comportment. Imix is a very challenging

energy for the people born with the power of Chuen, because it asks them to be absolutely true. To
connect with this energy in themselves presses them to dive into their feelings and subconscious
emotions. It shows them that whatever they think controlling on the surface of the rational mind is very
superficial and that underlined of the mind is a greatest power, the one of their Soul that actually
rules their life, even if their ego is fighting it. Imix presses them to reconnect with their wounds and to
release their anger towards the world that their hurt Inner Child has developed and that makes them
think that the world cannot fulfill their huge sensitivity and need of love. Imix told them that they
receive from the Universe what they ask to. If they don't want to show their heart, in thinking that this
is too childish, non-useful or too painful, then life will never give them the opportunity to do so and
they will stay with their close and frustrated emotional body. It will be their responsibility and not the
one of the Universe. They didn't want to receive emotional nourishment. Imix is their greatest
challenge because it presses them to show their vulnerability, to express clearly what they would like
from the world, to be as a child asking help for its growth. Imix presses them to develop a deep trust
and love towards the Universe and to accept that they have needs towards this human life, that they
cannot fulfill by themselves alone, and that they should express them without any shame to the world.

Its Occult Partner: Oc The White Dog

The power of Oc is the power of love and affinity. To have it as an unconscious power is what is
given to people born with the energy of Chuen a very strong sensitivity and the capacity to feel easily
the emotions of others. It gives them a strong ability to understand the human psyche. They try to
ignore the power of Oc in themselves when they go too much in the shadow of Chuen, cutting
themselves from their sensitivity. Oc is the understanding that all human beings came to Earth in
order to share their experiences with others and that in walking together sharing the deepness of their
heart, they can learn and evolve faster and easier than alone. People born with the energy of Chuen
can be very afraid of the power of Oc, because they are still hurt in their heart and they associate this
deep longing for love and sharing as a future pain or a risk of abandon. They develop this association
because they are still too much dependant of their will to be loved and they don't want to open again
their wound. It is a long path before to understand that love can be, and is actually, free. The more
they will open to the energy of Oc in themselves, the more they will start to heal themselves and walk
on their real spiritual path. Oc is the spiritual guardian of the path of the heart. Through the process
of healing emotions, it brings people back to their Essence Self and to Hunab K'u, the One Heart
beating through the whole Universe. I said "real" spiritual path because people born with the power of
Chuen are very strong to assimilate a lot of knowledge, power and awareness through their mind and
arts. But for them, their only real and great challenge lie in their heart, in their emotions that they don't
want to see. If they want to be whole, it will happen only when they will start to look at this space in
themselves, where they are the more vulnerable but also really true. If they develop arts or intimate

relationships, at a point, they will also have to penetrate this space anyhow if they want to keep on
progressing. Oc is also the power of recognizing companions of Destiny. People born with the power
of Chuen have usually also this power in themselves and usually they choose to limit their intimate
relationships, out of the width of their social relations, to the people with who they have very deep
Soul connection. Oc gives them also the ability to be very sociable, because it is the power of link
between all the signs of the Calendar.

EB The Yellow Human

Eb is the power of receiving abundance from the Universe through the capacity of being
empty and open. Eb is the Holy Graal, the empty vessel filled with the blood of Christ, the nectar of
immortality, and the cosmic consciousness. It is the realization that our body is a cup to receive an ever
higher frequency of consciousness. It is the celebration of abundance and of the unlimited generosity
of the Universe. It invites us to be just present in the moment without any expectation and to receive
the beautiful gifts of life that our destiny brings us. It pushes us to expand all the times to be able to
receive more and to open ourselves to higher energies. Eb is the hedonist vision of life, this wonderful
feeling of grace and contentment when we are totally at peace with ourselves and open to the world
that surrounds us. One of the symbols of Eb is the harvest: the time of picking up all the treasures of
the world. It is a time of refinement and of expansion of our being. For Jose Arguelles, Eb connects
us with our light body. The light body is the opening of all the body's cells to receive and reflect
spiritual consciousness. Eb is the ecstatic state of receiving nourishment from the Universe with all
the capacities of our being and with an intensity that is all the times increasing. It pushes toward a
permanent transformation of consciousness and of the cellular vibration of the body. It is the
acceleration of the process of spiritual evolution through our senses and our body. It aligns the
receptive capacity of the body with the high vibrations of the Spirit. It stretches the nervous system
to open it to the widest sensitivity possible. Eb is the master of destiny. Its energy puts every human
being on the path chosen by his Soul. It knows the way and knows the obstacles that need to be
overcome in order to grow and to rediscover the whole meaning of being human in all its dimensions.
According to the Mayan Oracle, one of its representations is a staircase, symbolizing all the
different steps through which consciousness is passing on its way to self-realization. Eb carries the
power of free will. When the Soul is not any more a prisoner of the contradictory desires of the ego,
the world, body, and life are just its tools to express freely itself in this human form. Eb asks us to
align our free will with the will of our Higher Self to realize fully our spiritual destiny. It takes our full
will power and our determination to go into the furthest edges of our deepest wound. From there, we
can be able to face our own shadow and the dragon of desire that is burning inside us. Eb carries the
intension to go until the end of our own self-discovery to offer us the initiation of Light Warrior. It is a
time of total transformation of our psyche and our body to give back the space inside our cells to our
A day Eb is a beautiful day for celebrating the abundance of life and to be aware of all the
gifts that are offer to us through each instant of our life. Eb asks us to open all our senses in order to
receive as much as we can this beautiful nectar of life. It likes to lead us to some spiritual awakening
through the feeling of grace and contentment. May be on this day, one may feel a lot of resistance

inside himself and from the point of view of his mind: it may seem that a lot of comfort and
conveniences are missing in his life. Eb asks to change our mind positively and to look our cup as half-
full instead of half-empty. The ego is never satisfied and will all the times ask for more. Eb teaches us
that if we connect with our Soul, everything that we really wish is here in the present around us ready
for us to pick it up. We just need to be aware of it and to take the time to stop in the present moment
in order to look at what is there.

Eb or the path of receiving the Divine abundance

General psychological profile

People born with the power of Eb are very determined people when they have made a choice.
They know clearly what they want to achieve through their life and they don't allow anyone to take
them out off course. They have a strong well-balanced third charka. They know how to take their own
position in the world and how to use the best of their potentials through their life. This quality can
make them sometimes quite lonely because they have understood that each one has to walk his own
path and that nobody will walk their path for them. They will not compromise their destiny in order to
please someone else or to stay attach to others or to a special situation. They are lonely travelers in
life going straight to their destiny to meet again their Soul. At the same time, they are very sociable
people and have a strong sense of family and friendship. They like very much to be part of a tribe,
even a very small one. It balances their deep feeling of loneliness.They have a strong will power, a
clear and pragmatic mind and they are hard workers when they need to accomplish something. They
know, through their mental analyze, that the path is not easy and that there will be a lot of obstacles
on their way. However, they like challenges and are very courageous. They carry considerable inner
power that will help them to overcome difficulties in life. At the same time, they have a very hedonist
vision of life. They like to enjoy the abundance of the material life and to share it with their
surrounding. In front of difficulties, their pragmatic and logic mind help them not to be blind with the
problem and to stay aware of all the gifts and potentials that they still have in their life. In the Mayan
culture, they are born to be spiritual leaders for their communities. They have the innate ability to
lead others towards their destiny. They are people of power with a lot of fire inside themselves. Their
fire is linked with the earth element also. They are hungry for new knowledge, new understanding in
their life and want to see it incarnated in matter through concrete realization. They love structured
movements and evolutions when their accomplishment can be manifested in the world. Their earth
element gives them a strong power of presence in the concrete world. They deal a lot with the truth
and reality of ideas and they find the right action at the appropriate time. They are very sharp and
efficient people. Their love for abundance usually makes them quite prosperous people on the
material side of life and very generous. Their efficiency and clarity are very appreciated by people

surrounding them and they can easily occupy places of power. Their life is all the times bringing them
new challenges and this is what they like. They like to change and go forward all the times. They are
quite active people and like to move towards always better situations in their life. They will always find
what need to be done or change in order to be more efficient or in a better situation. They have a
strong power of transformation and adaptation. They like to celebrate and to share the abundance
of their life with their friends and people surrounding them. They manifest the corn of infinite
abundance. As their mind is quite pragmatic, they first develop an idea very materialistic of
abundance. But they are at the same time, the generators for the development of a new
consciousness upon Earth. Once they chose to grow and to transform their consciousness, they can
easily connect with deep states of trance and transform the vibratory level of their body. They
become the embodiment of the spiritual transformation on Earth and the only think that they have to
share is the nectar of life itself.

Their potentials and their challenges

o An inner knowing of the infinite and an infinite desire

People born with the power of Eb are generators of transformation. As we saw before, they
are born to celebrate the abundance of life. They are vey grounded and have a strong connection
with their body and its needs. They like to enjoy the pleasures of life. They remember that the
essence of life in themselves is joy and celebration of their aliveness. They have a strong and very
pragmatic mind. They like to think and to use their mind to analyze and control their reality. By birth,
they have usually strong first three chakras. It gives them a strong perception of the concrete side of
life. It is their main potential but also it can be their deeper suffering. Inside themselves, they feel a
huge fire burning them and pushing them forward to drink the nectar of life. If they dont have keys to
discover and to experience the presence of their own Spirit, they turn all this energy toward
materialistic world. Then they start to become the servants of a never ending desire which will turn its
thrust toward all the concrete aspects of their life: as a good material and financial success, interesting
social life, power, responsibilities, friendly and entertaining relationships, rational and institutional
knowledge They over-develop their first three charkas and the first three layers of their body. They
feel the infinite joy of life but possess only the materialistic way to experience it. Matter cannot be
totally fulfilling for our Spirit and for our heart. In taking a physical shape, the infinite nature of the
Spirit and consciousness accept to limit itself. Then people born with the energy of Eb dont
manage to fully fulfill themselves through their materialistic life. Until they dont shift their perception
of abundance toward the discovering of their own nature and the nature of the Universe, they
develop a vicious circle of endless desire.
People in this shadow of Eb don't manage to be satisfied. In the middle of all the treasures and

abundance of life, they see only what is still missing and find only emptiness through the whole world.
They pass their whole life running after something more to get, to try to fill up the huge hole created
by desires in their being. They permanently project themselves in the future, when they will gain
something more, to be at peace and take some rest. When they are in this shadow, people never
manage to really rest. They loose their connection with all the pleasures and beauty of life that exist
only in the present. They press all the times themselves into doing new things in order to obtain more
things. They are oppressed in their being by a hunger impossible to satisfy. They give their whole will
power to the desires of their ego. This deep feeling of insufficiency makes them bulimic of material
abundance, social acknowledgement, and power. All the desires of the ego explode in their wish of
infinite growth. It can express its wishes to eat and to rule over the whole world. People born with the
power of Eb have to face the absolute freedom of choice of human beings. The first reaction is to
take everything for us in an egoistic way. When we see that we are still unsatisfied, we try to take more
and more and more. May be then at a point we will realize that this is still not enough, that we are still
unhappy and that something is still missing in our life. This feeling of endless desires burning every
human being is here to press us to open ourselves to other realities than just the one of our little
individual self, to discover our Soul, our Spirit and the one of the Universe. It pushes us to open all
our senses to feel all what is in the present moment and discover our psychic potentials. It puts us on
the spiritual path which is the path of people born with the power of Eb. Before to surrender to their
Divine Self, their ego has absolute free will to experience all what he wants. Only after have taken all
the powers that it wanted and still not be satisfied, it can submit its will to the will of the Soul. As it
has trained a lot its willpower, the ego becomes a perfect servant for the Spirit: very efficient,
determinate, and helpful with all its pragmatic knowledge and power of concretization. It is the way
where people born with the energy of Eb can become generator of spiritual alchemy and
transformation, because they are deeply incarnate in their cells and transform fully their being once
they accept to follow their Spirit.

o The fear to experience emptiness

People born with the power of Eb have the ability to experience emptiness quite naturally.
They are an empty vessel to receive the flow and the grace of the Universe. However emptiness is an
almost unbearable state to be for a consciousness that has not been prepared. It is the experience of
death for the ego and all our unconscious fears are coming out. A lot of people are looking for the
state of presence but when they are there actually they dont recognize it and just run away from it.
This natural ability in people born with the energy of Eb connects them with their deepest fears and
desires automatically. When they stay in state of presence, their level of vibration start to increase
and release all the unnecessary blockages in their beings. Thats a very challenging state to stay,
where they permanently transform themselves and increase their amount of energy. Thats why they

enter this circle of endless desires so easily. They try to run away from the huge void created inside
themselves through their natural state of presence and they just fill up themselves with outside
experiences. It is really important for them to realize what they are doing when they are in silence.
They have a strong ability to transform themselves once they chose so because they start from the
bottom of their being. So they will never find themselves as being spiritual or having spiritual
experiences, because they are able to see their primordial patterns and resistances. They should
realize that this ability is an amazing gift of honesty that most of people dont have. Only when we see
clearly our shadows can we bring light in ourselves. That is why people born with the energy of Eb
are generators of transformation of consciousness, because they can dissolve and become aware of
their own resistances and fears. Their biggest challenge is to accept to stay empty.

o A deep sensitivity and a fear to share it

As a child, they are born with the wisdom of Chuen, which teaches them to keep a deep open
heart, showing and expressing its vulnerability. However, it is a deep challenge for the Soul to keep a
high level of sensitivity in a human world. Most of the time, we get hurt and didn't receive at the level of
our Soul the nourishment and the deep sharing that we felt inside ourselves. So very young, people
born with the energy of Eb experience a deep loneliness inside themselves. They block and reject
their fourth charka where is developed unconditional love. The fourth layer of their body get also
imbalance. This layer unifies our way to be in relationships and the emotions that we have towards the
world and others. People born with the energy of Eb will be deeply emotional inside themselves but
never share it anymore with others. Because of conditional exchanges of love and too restricted
relationships for the full expression of their Spirit with their surrounding in their childhood, they
believe that deep Soul connections don't exist and are not possible to be experienced in a human life.
They know unconditional love, the nectar of life, but stop to share it with others human beings. In
reaction to this understanding of human life, their strong fire and willpower to grow in life turn them
towards concrete realizations. Still unconsciously, somehow, they can feel that something is missing in
their life, but they are not able anymore to look in the good direction to find out what is missing. One
part of their Soul is not living with them and instead of trying to wake it up in their life, they are
looking in the outside world to get fulfillment. It can make them very sociable and dependant of
friendships of others. They like company of friends around them celebrating life the way they like to
do it. However, their inner feeling of lack can usually hardly be hidden in intimate relationships. That
is why they are very good in developing superficial relationship but can be very scared of intimacy.
Either they are going away from it, or they just dont know how to be really intimate even with their
nearest friends. People in this shadow of Eb will need to reconnect with the part of their heart that
has been hurt during their childhood. They need to find back what were the relationships that they
developed with their parents and surrounding and what the little child, that they were, was missing in it.

They will have to give back to themselves this huge love that they miss so much. They will have to
prove to themselves that it exists in this world by first taking it out of their own heart and offering it to
their wounded Inner Child. They need to accept to show again their vulnerability and their deep
sensitivity. The more they will let speak their inner child, the more they will open to their own Spirit
and increase their awareness of life and their love. They will start to shine beautiful vibrations of love
and discover in themselves a new feeling of peace and contentment that they never really felt before.

o Integration of the polarities

There are two steps important in the transformation of people born with the energy of Eb.
The first one is the acceptance to live the abundance of life. If they have been stocked in the pattern
of feeling all the time insufficiency in their life, it is the time for them to open themselves to receive
abundance and fulfill their being. They should work on releasing all their fears of lack and all their
limited conceptions of who they are and of their own life to open themselves to all the possibilities that
the universe is giving them. When we dont manage to create the reality that we want, it is either
because it is not a good thing for the larger evolution of our being, or because some negative
unconscious thoughts are blocking our ability to manifest it. So people born with the energy of Eb
need to remember that they are the creators of their own reality and take back their full responsibility.
The second step in their transformation is to realize their spiritual nature and to turn their
free will toward the exploration of their own nature. It will make them face two kinds of fears: the fears
of their mind, that dont want to stay silent knowing that it will be dissolved, and the shyness of their
heart, that is so sensitive and have contained so much beauty in its secrecy. Accepting to detach from
their mind in meditation and to share deeply their love with others, will liberate huge amount of energy
from their whole being and will push them through a strong process of purification of their whole being:
their body, their emotions, their thoughts and their Spirit. Their biggest challenge is to fully gives
themselves away to this process and to let the universe take and guide them. As they are deeply
grounded, they will live very strong experiences of transformation and their motivations and strength
will be challenged by the Great Spirit. If they keep on, they slowly receive initiation to master their
cellular transformation and create magic on Earth.

Spiritual powers

The deepest spiritual power of people born with the energy of Eb, is to create vortex of
transformation for themselves and people surrounding them. They have the natural ability to generate
a deep joy and to celebrate the fruits that life have offer to them. They have a strong sense of
gratitude. Gratitude is a magical state to accumulate energy infinitely. Through their gratitude, they
experience a deep inner contentment which gives them energy to accomplish what ever they wish.

They know how to connect with the Holy Graal in their own consciousness. Then the nectar of life
just flows out of them infinitely. According to their level of vibration, they have a more or less
developed ability of rising the level of energy of people surrounding them. And they can share the
infinite nectar of life only at the level that they perceive it themselves. The more they open their
consciousness toward pure emptiness, the more the universe can use them as a channel to feel up any
needs of their own beings and of the people around them. They are the agents of grace by birth.
They just have to accept it.

The glyphs surrounding Eb

Its Analog Partner: Manik The Blue Hand

Manik is the Hand of Light. The power of Manik is the power of manifestation, of giving forms to
ideas and Spirit in the concrete world. People born with the power of Eb are very connected to this
energy of Manik through their love of concretizations and their strong connection to the whole
manifested world and its pleasures. The more people born with the energy of Eb develop the energy
of Manik in them, the more they are able to materialize who they are in this world and the more they
feel empower by it. It sustains them and gives them a lot of motivation in their love for growth and
evolution. Manik is the capacity to master the tools needed to act and create on this world. This
ability is very empowering for people born with the energy of Eb. It keeps their fire burning. By
developing Manik power in them, they nourish the desire of their pragmatic and rational mind, which
needs to see through application in the concrete world if things really exist and are useful. Manik is
also the wish of expressing who we are through our work and of celebrating all what we have discover
and get by giving it to the world. Manik has also the power of resolution, which is the fire that presses
people born with the energy of Eb to go until the end of their ides and dreams and which is a very
good and useful quality unless it becomes too extreme. Manik is a very helpful and nourishing power
for people born with the energy of Eb.

Its Antipode Partner: Ik The White Wind

The teaching of Ik is the feeling of the great Spirit that is back side of everything, that is
everywhere but that we cannot see or catch through our usual senses. Ik is the awareness of the
invisible world, the telepathic connection with the spiritual world. Ik is the most challenging power to
get for people born with the energy of Eb because its reality is beyond the rational mind and its
existence can be observed in the concrete world only through very subtle observations and open-
minded sensitivity. Ik asks to be felt to act with spontaneity and to follow its intuition instead of its
mind. Ik is the understanding of simplicity. There is nothing that needs to be done in this life. We just

have to let our Spirit live and express itself freely. When we are trying to do something, it comes from
our ego that needs to struggle and to fight for materializing its existence on this world. When action
comes directly from our Soul, there is no idea or resistance before it, it just comes out naturally
without any expectation, previous desire, or need. There is just the experience of being inside
ourselves and the connection with the present moment. We are not trying anything and don't have
really the feeling to do something, actions are just coming out of us in tune with our reality without that
we try to control anything. Ik presses people born with the energy of Eb to open their mind and their
perception to the spiritual world. It asks them to submit their rational mind to a higher wisdom of the
Universal Spirit of life that exists in themselves and in the whole Universe. Ik asks them to open to
the unknown. It opens some space in their fifth layer of their auric field to let faith enter their life. Its
opens them to the magic of life and help the development and opening of their four superior chakras
and their four last energetic layers by first changing the relationship that they develop with the world
and so by cleaning their fourth energetic layer. People born with the energy of Eb have a very clear
mind. The more they develop it, the more their sixth chakra start to develop itself. Slowly they start to
perceive a more subtle reality.

Its Occult Partner: Muluk The Red Moon

The power of Muluk is the ability to be empty in order to receive higher frequency and to become
a channel of Light. Muluk is a process of purification of the ego in order to let space to the Higher
Self to express itself in life. Muluk lies in the unconscious of people born with the energy of Eb,
pushing them naturally to the purification process of their ego. Muluk is what brings a feeling of inner
emptiness and non-fulfillment in all what they realize only with the will of their ego. Muluk gives them an
unconscious huge sensitivity to the spiritual realms. Muluk is what impeaches them to find peace and
rest with a limited mind and leads them unconsciously on their spiritual path. Muluk, as an unconscious
power, gives them a strong and open sixth charka. When they start to be aware of this power in them,
they allow the huge process of purification of Muluk to take place in their life and they open
themselves to their wide power of channeling of subtle energies that will help them a lot in their
process and offer great comfort and love to their hurt Inner Child. They become a real space ship
with their body and mind to incarnate their Spirit on this Earth.

BEN The Red Sky Walker

Ben is the time of connection between Heaven and Earth. It is the end of the duality
between Spirit and mind-body. On its glyph, we can see four pillars facing each other: two coming
from the Earth and two coming from the Sky. Ben is the time when the consciousness has found a
good grounding in its every day human life allowing it to connect with its Spirit and to develop always
more its connection with its Divine Self. Ben shows us that when our first three chakras are strong,
we can easily open our three superior chakras. The work left to be accomplished is the opening of the
heart chakra, where the synthesis between all the different realities of life can be achieved through
universal love and tolerance. Ben is the Sky Walker, the traveler of the Sky, discovering all the times
higher realities through the expansion of its consciousness. It is also the messenger of the other
dimensions, bringing back to Earth the teachings received during its flight. It teaches us how to
incarnate the impalpable spiritual realms in our personal life. Ben understands that the every day life
needs to be structured and comfortable in order to be able to access spiritual realities. When our ego
is not any more trapped in a fight for survival and in emotional or mental confusion, it is easiest to
discover new spaces in ourselves and increase our awareness. It is carries the wisdom of balance. It is
the love of specific regular practices that help people to open their Soul and drink the nectar of their
Spirit. It is the first step for bringing Heaven to Earth. How to fly to Heaven from the Earth? By
developing compassion and tolerance, these strong states of wisdom and awareness achieved through
any artistic, spiritual or creative practices can also be found in every moment of life independently of
what we are doing. The strongest power of Ben is the opening of the fifth chakra, and the
development of inspiration. The inspiration gives us wings to fly towards new realms unknown to our
consciousness before. However, it is important of not making of these flights a mean to escape from
the reality of our personal life. Ben is a messenger of the Sky. It is the energy that connects us to
higher realities and wisdom. It puts us through higher states of consciousness and helps us to
remember our essence of pure love. It presses us to bring back our messages down to Earth and not
to stay flying with angels, totally disconnected from the physical world. Ben gives a lot of power to the
earth element in ourselves and to our first chakra. It teaches us to enjoy the physical world also and all
its pleasures. Ben is born with the innate wisdom of Eb, so it chooses to enjoy the huge abundance
of life with all its treasures at all the levels of the creation: for the most basic and physical as sleeping,
eating to the most subtle as arts, meditation. The number of Ben is thirteen represented by two
lines that symbolize the incarnation of the Higher Self through the personality, and three dots,
symbolizing the movement of the Universe. Ben is a time of alignment of our Soul with the permanent
movement of the Universe. It is a shift of consciousness, a change of all our references, a big opening,

the beginning of a permanent travel in the unknown and uncontrollable. One of a symbol of Ben is a
corn. For the Mayan culture, the horn symbolizes human being. In the Pop Wuj, before his journey
towards self-realization, the hero planted a corn in the house of his Grandmother. When he left, the
horn started growing and flowering. When the hero crossed the desert of his pains and pushed his
unhealthy ego to die, the plant totally dried up and died. After that the hero got reborn as an
enlightened being, the plant also became green again and grew very high. Ben teaches us to let die
our ego and all its fixed references to let our Soul express itself on this Earth. Ben uses inspiration
as a motor to access higher consciousness. Communication, tolerance, and a flexible open-mind are
the tools needed by our consciousness to bring back these gifts down to Earth and to share them
with others. When our mind and our heart stay open, the process of discovery and growth never end.
A day with Ben energy brings a lot of inspiration and deep spiritual understanding. It is a time
for opening our consciousness, a very good time to dive in the silence of our Soul to bring back
beautiful insides to our life. It is a very fruitful day for any spiritual, artistic, or creative practice. It is
important on this day to keep our mind free from any judgment toward the world and life. It is a time of
transforming our comprehension of our human condition and of communicating and sharing the
conception of our Soul on the Earth. It is day when we need to connect with unconditional love in
order to be able to dissolve the duality between the spiritual world experienced by our Soul and our
every day life. It is a good day to jump in the Sky and a good day to allow the Earth to be a part of
Heaven. On this day, we need to release all the tensions that we can feel from duality. Let our whole
life become a star way to Heavens without limiting it to some rare and cherished moments.

Ben or the path of the messenger of Heavens

General psychological profile

People born with the power of Ben are very connected with the earth element. Their first three
chakras are strong and quite well balanced. They are very aware of their bodily needs and know how
to nourish themselves. They like good food, comfort, sexuality, intimacy. At the same time, their fifth
chakra is widely open, by birth. It gives them a lot of inspiration and the potential to get in tune with
high vibrations and frequencies not palpable in the physical world. They have an open door to the
celestial realms and very soon, they become addicted to flying to these other levels of awareness. As
their third chakra is well developed and strong, they know what to do in order to fulfill their Soul's
longings and they find a way through specific practices and techniques like arts, yoga, healings to fly
high. They are fully focused on what they are practicing and totally in love with it. This brings them to
amazing experiences during which they can connect themselves to ever higher frequencies. They are
able to go very deep into their art or spiritual practice and are very talented. They are an open door
for the universal consciousness to penetrate our human life. Usually, their flights and their comfort

are sufficient to fulfill them and they are not very social and expressive people. This is what is bringing
them to their shadow.

Their potentials and their challenges

o A high ability to fly and a desire to run away from the world

People born with the energy of Eb have a strong power of inspiration. As we saw before,
their fifth chakra is very well developed by birth. It gives them the ability to increase their level of
vibration easily and to visit other states of consciousness. The element of the fifth chakra is ether.
Ether is the most volatile element. It is almost impossible to catch or feel it in the physical world. It is
the emergence of the Spirit. When people start becoming increasingly aware of this energy, they
absolutely fall in love with it and become addicted of it. It is like remembering deeply their own nature
and their basic state of being that has been too long forgotten. It asks to have developed a deep
sense of compassion and of patience. These new experiences give birth to a new and powerful desire
of being high and sharing deep level of love and consciousness. Then a feeling of lack, insufficiency
and deep loneliness can be experienced when people or situations dont resonate with it in the
present. People in the energy of Ben can feel misunderstood by others and the world. And if they
dont have resolved all the needs of nourishments and acknowledgement of their inner child, they can
accumulate a lot of frustration and even build anger and rejection towards all the situations where
they are not experiencing higher states of consciousness. They can start to want to run away from
the world. They can easily become a hermit and enter in seclusion, feeding themselves only with their
self-practice. Then from their little tower, they miss to share their gifts and their Soul with the world
and they separate their own reality from the outside world. They judge and close the world in a fixed
point of view. In their perception of the world they can easily create a separation between the
everyday life and the spiritual realm. In the same way, they can develop a split personality. There will
be the being of light who is exploring high states of consciousness through a specific practice or at a
specific time. Then there will be the everyday life person assuming his quotidian with a mask of silence
upon his Higher Self. For people developing this kind of shadow it is really important to accept to
look at the fears and frustrations that are preventing them to share their truth at every moment in any
situation. They should learn to fully communicate, which is the other potential of their fifth chakra. It
will create balance and harmony in their life. They should start to share their messages of light and
love. They need to gather their strength and their courage to bring their high consciousness and
understanding in their life and in their reality. They will to face their fears of insecurity and instability
by expressing their Spirit even if they will have to lose their comfort for that. Real communication is
pure transparence and honesty. They have to accept to walk on the path of truth and to purify
themselves from all their repressed emotions that they have accumulated during their life of silence.

They will learn to develop compassion and contentment in order to be able to keep high levels of
consciousness even when they are in a difficult situation. They should look at these difficult times as
beautiful challenges to transform their own shadows and bring love and light in their life where they
havent been able before.

o A deep ability to enter high states of consciousness and the fears to get lost

Since they have the potential to raise the vibration of their being considerably during their
practice, they cause a tension in their nervous system that their body is not able to handle. Their
senses, cells, and mind get over-activated. It can create a lot of anxiety and a fear of dying or of losing
their mind. During time of strong inspiration they can experience important difficulties to come back
to reality. This kind of experiences is coming from the separation they build between their flying
states and their every day life. In the Mayan culture, they are fluid reference points. Their awareness
is all the times moving and evolving, breaking all their mental and emotional structures. For sure, their
ego is dying during such experiences. As we saw before they have a very grounded personality. Their
first three chakras are strong. They like comfort and security. However their strong ability to
experience higher state of consciousness pushes them to be flexible with their personality and
everyday life in order to create a balance all the time evolving with the increasing level of their
vibration. Their sense of security and structure should be balanced with their inner transformation
and the needs of flexibility of their nervous system in order to experience also deep state of
consciousness. The rigidity and structure of their every day life and personality keeps them hooked
to a lot of mental and emotional patterns that are affecting their energetic field. When they undergo
strong spiritual experiences, all those blockages ask for instant release, which means letting go a big
part of their ego and jumping in the unknown. If the tension between the two realities is huge, it can
really create energetic damages and brings strong imbalances in their being. They need to stop this
dissociation in themselves and to accept to work on their own blockages and patterns at every moment
of their lives. They should learn to melt personality with their higher self through every moment of
their life. Then the gap between their two sides of being will disappear at the same time than their

o Integration of the polarities

The deepest challenge and work for people born with the energy of Ben is in their heart. By
birth, they are very grounded and pragmatic people and have at the same time a strong potential to
experience higher states of consciousness. Energetically, it means that they have their first three
chakras and their last three chakras well developed. They have the connection with the Earth and
they have the connection with Heavens. Their work is to create a bridge between these two realities.

They are messengers of the sky upon Earth. The key of their challenge is in the transparency of
their heart, their fourth chakras. They should learn to communicate their visions with the outside
world. In developing compassion and unconditional love, they release all judgments of value and they
start to see every thing as equal. They can shine their light and love in any situation without fear or
shame. They can speak their wisdom even if it put in danger their material security. They learn to align
the intension of their ego with their deepest wisdom and love. Because of their strong talent in their
specific subject, they can enjoy playing the role of teacher and be very talented for it, sharing their
passion with their students. Once their heart and throat will be open enough they will be able to
induce to others high states of consciousness. They wont be any more any separation between the
intensity of what they experience inside themselves and what they radiate and share with others.

Spiritual powers

Their stronger potential is to create platforms and spaces in their reality to experience peacefully
high levels of consciousness. They like balance and harmony in what they build. They are builders of
staircases to Heavens on Earth. They use their grounded potentials to create their dreams in a
comfortable reality. And they consecrate this reality to the passion of their Spirit. Most of the time,
they use this potential mainly for themselves. Once they accept to open their heart they learn to
share it with others. They are amazing in the steadiness of their practice and their love of it. They
carry deeply the archetype of the seeker. They are seekers of love, wisdom and harmony. They never
stop their exploration. Once they have managed to show their Soul without fear, they become a
channel for the universal consciousness of love and light to send its messages upon Earth. They
become the channel for beautiful magic, grace and miracles to takes place on Earth.

The glyphs that surround Ben

Its Analog Partner: Cimi The White World Bridger

The teaching carried by Cimi is the power of letting go and of releasing the structures of the ego.
Cimi is the teachings of death of the ego and of surrendering to a higher consciousness to lead our
life. The power of Cimi is stopping to try to control our destiny with our ego and personality. Cimi
brings big changes and shifts in life to align ourselves with the wish of our Soul. Cimi is the ability to
destroy the power of the ego when it is not anymore tuned with the will of our Soul. It is a very
supportive energy for people born with the energy of Ben. From Cimi power, they align naturally
their ego and personality with the wish of their Soul. That is why people born with the energy of Ben
build easily their life around their spiritual development. Their ego is just a servant of their Spirit to
find a way to fulfill itself. The more they develop Cimi energy in them, the more they will be able to go

deeply in this adjustment until that they totally manage to dissolve their ego 's impurities and to merge
it at each instant with the desire of their Soul. Cimi can teach them to let go of the rigidity of their
mind and their fear to change in their everyday life. Cimi destroys all the limits of the ego that
impeaches the Soul and the destiny to exist.

Its Antipode Partner: Akbal The Blue Night

Akbal is the invitation to dive into our self. Akbal is the deep knowledge obtained through inner
journey. Akbal invites to penetrate into our silence to discover our deepest dreams, our deepest
fears, and our real self. Akbal is a very challenging energy for people born with the energy of Ben. It
pushes them to see their own being totally naked in front of the true light of awareness. Akbal
teaches them that all their journeys that they are making in the sky and in their lives are actually
journeys inside themselves. Akbal is the capacity to see everything from inside and to look inside
ourselves to get answer and heal the disharmony of our life. When people born with the power of Ben
start to connect with Akbal energy, they cannot hide anymore their own shadows, patterns, and
cannot project them anymore towards the world and life. Akbal leads them to look honestly at
themselves and to start to heal their own blockages, fears, or angers, that impeach their Spirit to
really expand itself. Akbal pushes them to heal their ego and to release their pride in order to stop
the gap between their everyday life and their spiritual experiences.

Its Occult Partner: Lamat The Yellow Star

The power of Lamat is harmony and celebration of who we are and of the beauty of life. Lamat is
also the star wisdom that is grounded on the Earth. As an unconscious power, it develops in people
born with the energy of Ben the love for treasures and beauty in all the different levels of their life. It
gives them their inclination towards arts, healings, spirituality, or whatever else that is bringing harmony
on the Earth. The more they become aware of the energy of Lamat inside themselves, the more they
are able to see, to enjoy, and to create the harmony in life. It gives them great artistic or healing
talents. Lamat shows them how to develop harmony through each parts of their life. When they
awaken Lamat energy in them, they start to link everything together harmoniously and stop to create
separation in their life and in their mind.

IX The White Wizard

Ix incarnates the power of the jaguar. In the Mayan culture, this sacred animal was deeply
respected as the allied and guide of the shamanic wisdom. Because of its coat, looking like a sky full
of stars, the jaguar was supposed to have mastered the underworlds: the unconscious of the human
brain. So this animal invites us to cross all our shadows and ignorance until we discover the totality of
our being. That is the same symbol appearing on one of the glyph of Ix that is a face with a smile and
his eyes closed. Ix knows that the only truth lies inside ourselves. This smile represents the deep
peace and immobility achieved after the long journey through our own unconscious. Ix is the inner
witness of the movements of the world, sitting in the centre of ourselves, not any longer attached or
moved by anything. It incarnates the wisdom of the great Zen masters. According to the Mayan
Oracle, its color is translucent opalescent. All the colors of the rainbow, symbolizing all the emotions,
thoughts and states of consciousness, are passing through our being. Yet, through the power of Ix,
they become transparent and loose all their powers of controlling our consciousness. They merge
with the huge white light emerging from our being in a state of presence and become like ghosts and
disappearing memories. The jaguar is the totem of Junajpu Xibalba, the hero of the Pop Wuj, who is
a self realized being. Ix carries the inner knowing, the knowledge of the heart behind the mind. It brings
us certitudes inside ourselves stronger than any rational explanations.
Ix represents also the wizard. From absolute detachment with our ego and personal life, Ix shows us
that we can take any form that we wish and play any role. We carry all the colors with ourselves, like a
chameleon and we can act appropriately in any situation. By realizing strong detachment and
absolute centeredness, Ix leads us to the universal wisdom available in our heart. It takes us out of our
individual karma and of the wheel of time, where we can reconnect with our Divine Essence and
knowledge. It tunes us again with Divine will and automatically magic starts flowing out of our being. Ix
carries the natural magic emerging, when we step out of personal control. Its magic power breaks all
the illusions in which the human consciousness is trapped.
The jaguar incarnates also the power of integrity. It is integrity towards our own heart and Soul. It
asks us never to sell our own truth and wisdom to the outside world to get acknowledgment, power, or
love. Ix teaches us to stay transparent and align with our Spirit, even if it can seem totally absurd to
the outside world.
The jaguar is also the king of the whole animal kingdom. Ix gives us strong connection with the nature
and all our instincts. As a king, it teaches us how to control them in ourselves and to direct them
properly to serve our Higher Self and to follow our noble nature. Ix incarnates the power of fertility,
the energy that allows human race to develop and grow on this Earth. Fertility is the power of the

Spirit over the physical realm, which is able to control fully its sexuality.
Finally, the jaguar has the power of invisibility and of powerful observation. It can move without noise
and suddenly disappear. It is the knowledge of discretion, very useful for any observation, the ability
of not exposing our ego in order to understand and really see what is happening outside.
The number for Ix is fourteen, represented by two lines and four dots. The two lines symbolized the
total manifestation of the Essence Self through our being and the four dots depict the mastery over
physical reality and the capacity to give form to any thing in the physical realm.
A day Ix is a day to let go of our personal control on life. It is a beautiful day to connect with the
wisdom of our heart and to let our Divine Self lead our life. It is hard to make any plan because the
power of our Spirit is stronger on this day and it controls the reality. May be a lot of unexpected
events and coincidences can occur. It is a very good thing to follow them, even if we are not aware of
their outcomes. They come from a higher wisdom than us. It is a day for universal magic to happen, so
better to enjoy it than to resist against it. Ix wants to take us out of time and physical space. It can
lead us to spontaneous meditative and contemplative states, where notions of time, space, and
personality just disappear. It connects us again with our Essence and all its needs. May be, we can
feel very sleepy or some special cravings. It is a good day to listen to our needs because they are the
expression of our true self and nature.

Ix or the path of the torch bearer

General psychological profile

People born with the energy of Ix are very quiet and centered. They don't allow their
emotions and the outside world to throw them off balance. They are very connected to their earthly
needs: food, sleep, rest and know how to nourish themselves properly. Furthermore, they are
strongly connected to their sexuality. They allow their sensuality to be expressed and fulfilled in a
healthy way. Their senses and instincts are well developed offering them a lot of opportunities for
enjoying life. This makes them very grounded and increases their capacity for being present in the
They are born with the wisdom of Ben and have a very strong connection with their Spirit and their
heart. By birth, they got a strong inner wisdom. When they look inside themselves, they naturally
know what they have to do. Before incarnating on this Earth, according to The Mayan Oracle,
they were torch bearers in the galaxies. They were the ones who were carrying the Light for all the
other beings. Their Souls are therefore very strong and able to radiate a lot of Light in their human
forms. In the Mayan culture, they were born to be shamans or magicians. They have naturally a strong
sense of honor and integrity towards the will of their heart and of their Divine Self. They don't
develop any pride from their power because it is just naturally that they follow a strong wisdom. They

like righteousness, humbleness, and virtue. They are people with tremendous powers, but without any
personal control on it. They are just connected with the forces of the Universe and they surrender to
the Divine will. Miracles, when we are fully aligned with the wisdom of our heart, can only happen.
They are not doing any magic, merely allowing instead the magical power of life to flow through them.
Their powerful centeredness and their natural transparency attract a lot of people around them,
looking for this peace inside themselves. Lastly, it is the destiny of people born with the power of Ix to
show to these people the inner path to the Light.

Their potentials and their challenges

o A deep wisdom out of tune with the human society

As we saw before, people born with the power of Ix are torch bearers. They carry the deep
wisdom of the body and the heart. They are here to lead other people toward wisdom. This wisdom is
incarnated inside themselves and they need to acknowledge it alone within themselves. Most of the
times, very few people will be recognizing their wisdom until they havent get some proofs of it. So
they will be totally alone on their path. Their destiny is to carry the spiritual Light. This spiritual
Light is not something the collective mind of planet Earth is used witnessing and a lot of time resist
upon it. They will need to face loneliness and their deep fear of being rejected, without love and any
comfort. People following their heart and connected with the wisdom of their Spirit are usually judged
as mindless, immature, eccentric, not useful, and even dangerous in our society. They will have to fight
their ego and the collective mind inside themselves before to be absolutely free. Only when they will
have fully won this inner fight, they will become true Wizards of Light. They are put under a test of
choice: either to follow their own heart and wisdom without outside support and guidance or to
compromise their inner wisdom to receive admiration, love, power from the outside world. Then they
can develop two archetypes inside themselves: the marginal that nobody really understands and the
successful that everybody admires. The first one will give them very strong roots inside themselves
and a deep self-respect. They will learn to give value to their own nature and wisdom. They will follow
their intuitions. They will have to face the rejection of the outside world and all their desires of self-
acknowledgement, power, money, comfort The second archetype will give them a very strong outside
recognition. They can become really good at formatting themselves to the exact desires of the
outside world. They can start to use all their natural powers and their strong charisma to fulfill their
ego needs of recognition. As they gain self-confidence, they can start to create magic to increase
their personal power, to manipulate their surrounding and obtain what they want. They become
unconscious black magicians. They can become very powerful people in the society. However, they
loose absolute contact with their inner nature and wisdom. One part inside themselves can never be
really at peace. Even if try to reject it deep in their unconscious, it will always be there. Their life will

be limited to worldly success, limiting the space for their deep body needs and their spiritual nature.

o A strong connection with their body wisdom and laziness

They have a strong connection with their bodys needs. They have the chance to be strongly
incarnated in their body, contrary to a lot of people, and so to deeply feel their body wisdom. Then in
our modern society, we have developed a kind of arrogance upon our own body. Instead of being in
love with it, we are almost ashamed of this instinctive and earthly connection of our being. Our body is
a total slave of our mind and ego. The desires of our ego are ruling most of our actions and it is really
rare that we dearly listen to our body as a good friend with a lot of wisdom for us. Let see the way we
eat, we live, we take care of the Earth. So very fast, people born with power of Ix find out that their
natural inclination to fulfill their earthly needs as sleeping, eating, and resting well is judged negatively
as sign of laziness. According to their own self-confidence, they start more or less to refrain their own
nature and to push themselves to be more active, or stressed, as the society would like to see them.
It can create a lot of frustration in them and a complex of inferiority. They develop a feeling of
guiltiness against their own nature and a feeling of oppression toward the outside world. If this feeling
of oppression is too strong and they still have some self-confidence, they can become rebellious and
reject their needs to be acknowledged by the outside world. The strong inner work for people in this
challenge of Ix, is to find back their body wisdom inside themselves and to release all the tensions and
stress that they could have put upon themselves through their guiltiness. Then they will have to be
able to recognize the deep virtues of their own wisdom inside their own body and life without the
needs of acknowledgement from the outside world. They will have to have develop such a strong inner
awareness that inside themselves they can clearly distinguish what is a healthy body need from what is
just a pure capricious desire of the unfulfilled ego or a wish to forget themselves in laziness.

o A strong sexual energy and its taboos

They have also a strong connection with their sexuality and their sensuality. They like to
enjoy the pleasures of their earthly incarnation. This is a wisdom really difficult to live and to express
freely in our society. They will hurt themselves with the restriction and the puritan conception of their
outside world. They just dont like rules and borders. They like the element of the water which is so
flexible and adaptable. They like fluidity and softness. They are just very awake with their senses.
They are very sensual and dont like the domination of the mind upon the pleasures of the body. It
can become a strong challenge for them to manage to release all their sexual energy in a healthy way.
The sexual energy has an important influence upon our body and our psyche. And when it goes out
of balance, it can disturb a lot the everyday life of the person and his emotional peace. As they have a
lot of sexual energy, it can become a real nightmare for people born with the energy of Ix, when they
start to repress it. They start to develop a lot of frustrations. It can create strong unconscious

blockages in their body. They start to lose their body wisdom and connection. They can develop an
unhealthy sexuality, turning themselves toward perversion. They can become guilty of their energy
and natural attraction. Then they start to develop some self-hatred and rejection. It is really
important for them work to heal their sexuality. They will first have to reconnect fully with it in letting
go of all the taboos and fears that they could have put on it. Then they will have to learn to sublime it
and to transform it through their life and the mastery of their own energetic field.

o A deep state of presence and the difficulty to be in the mind

Finally they also have a strong ability to be just present in the moment without using their
mind. They touch this other part of their consciousness where they enter in a space of beingness.
There is no thought in this state of presence. This is pure contemplation. Most of people try to
touch this through practices of deep concentration or prayers. This is also call meditation. So,
people born with the power of Ix have a strong ability to experience naturally this kind of state of
consciousness. That is how they manage to have their intuitive wisdom. When they are there, they just
know. Then it is really difficult for them to develop a rational mind. It can appear totally inappropriate
and secondary to them. Depending on the support of their surrounding, they will accept or not to
become rational. But for them, it will look just like a game and not like something fundamental. If they
dont manage to become rational, they can be judged like somewhat retarded by their surrounding in
school. This can destroy a lot their self-esteem and self-confidence. And make them wander what
they are supposed to do on this planet. It affect a lot their chakra and can even push them to totally
reject all mental analyzes and intellectual knowledge. For people in this shadow, they will have to
release their anger against the society and the intellectual knowledge. They will to find back their
intellectual power in challenging themselves through learning a lot of mental knowledge. Then they will
have to reconnect and to recognize the deep value and power of their own inner wisdom without
needing the acknowledgement of the society.

o Integration of the polarities

The two magicians of the Lord of the Rings

The path of healing of people born with the power of Ix is very well described in the epic story
of "The Lord of the Rings". Against all rational reasons, Gandalf the Grey chooses to follow the
values and wisdom of his heart. He decides to try to destroy the evil ring of personal power, even if it
seems logically impossible. He becomes the leader of a small group of people who choose to follow
also this path. He is ready to loose everything even his life to keep the integrity of his heart. A lot of
people disregard him and treat him with disrespect. Only people true with their heart recognize his
virtue. In the story, Gandalf disappears in a huge hole leading to the center of the Earth (the

collective unconscious), where he has to fight alone against a very old demon who was haunted the
collective consciousness without that anybody have been aware of it. It was hidden in a huge cave
under a mountain where nobody ventures himself. The dwarfs, symbolizing the intellect, the hard-work
and the structure, had awaken this monster and perished in fighting him. When Gandalf finally had
won his fight, he felt that he was dying and he lost completely every notion about his previous identity
and life. It was the end of his ego. He felt into a space totally outside time, space, and karma. He
merged with the universal wisdom. When he finally returned to the world, he didn't have anymore a
personal identity and was acting only as the situation needing him to act. He was filled with amazing
magical powers enabling to help effectively the world, and so the Universe, destroying the Dark
Lord, Sauron, who was incarnating greed, personal power, anger, hatred, jealousy As he was
following the plan of the Universe, he manages to lead his group to the victory. The other wizard,
Sarouman, became a black magician. In front of the hopelessness of the situation, he chose to follow
his mind instead of his heart, hoping to escape from the situation. He thought that he would be able
to fight the Dark Lord by increasing his own personal power in keeping the ring of power for himself.
However, by doing so, he had already lost his Soul and sided with the Dark Lord unconsciously.
Because he just wanted power and victory, his arrogance made him over-estimated his own capacities.
His fight was already lost.
The deepest challenge for the people born with the power of Ix is to realize that they have a
huge wisdom inside themselves and to accept to follow it fully. They should let die all the wishes of
their egos and choose to offer themselves to the universal love and wisdom. They should accept to
become just servants of the Light what ever it can mean for their ego and life.They need to throw
away their conditioning and to find back their real nature and their potentials. They need to choose
to embark on a long journey of healing where they wont be any outside recognition but only inner
wealth. On their energetic field, their first three layers and chakras are strong, which gives them a
good grounding energy, creativity and self-confidence and they have a strong axe of intentionality
which makes them feel their direction and experience state of presence all along their path. Their big
choice is to accept to follow their axe of intentionality (which contains the intension of their soul) and
their fourth chakra which is potentially well-developed. It will lead them toward a spiritual
transformation and the development of all their upper chakras and layers of their auric field. It pushes
them to become master of inner world and not any more master of the world. They will have to choose
to follow their deep contemplative nature instead of their need of comfort. They have all the tools in
their hands to create deep magic in their life. But they will have to learn to face and release all the
demons of fears and frustrations that could have grown inside their instinctive nature and that are
trying to direct their life through their unconscious. Their biggest work is in the opening of their third
eye, their sixth chakra.. Deep discernment will be the most difficult but also the most useful tool for
them to catch. To get it they would have been obliged to develop discipline, structure and
concentration. It will prevent them to be guided blindly by their unconscious. Then it would offer them

a wisdom that will accompany them even in their darkest nights. They will know what they are doing
and they will have the power to carry the Light for others.

Spiritual powers

Their strongest power is the power of simplicity. They remember the deep secrets of the Soul
naturally that are so simple. They have access to pure presence well incarnated in their physical body.
It is the access to the universal source of life and consciousness inside every human being. The more
they connect with this potential, the more they will release all the resistances and memories in their
being preventing them to shine fully this wisdom and the more they will start to create different kind of
magic and miracles around them. They can develop many kinds of psychic powers only if they dont
become identify with them and dont want to get them specifically. Their strongest power is the power
of being. They are showing the path toward the pure Light of universal wisdom and unconditional
love. Psychic powers are not an aim on our spiritual path. They just come by on the way if they are
necessary to help in development of our heart and consciousness. When they are not any more
needed they just vanish. Here is the wisdom carried by the people born with the power of Ix. They
carry the idea that love, truth and humbleness are the most important manifestations of spiritual
evolution in a human being.

The glyphs surrounding Ix

Its Analog Partner: Chicchan The Red Snake

Chicchan incarnates the total knowledge and the mastery over the instinctive part of our brain.
Chicchan is the wisdom of the body and the instinctive knowledge. Chicchan teaches how to use the
body has a mirror of our whole being and Soul and as a tool for spiritual development and healing.
Chicchan energy in people born with the power of Ix gives them a strong connection with all their
body needs and their sensuality. It makes them enjoy the fact to be a Soul inside a body and to drink
through their senses the treasures of physical life. Chicchan presses them to transparency and
honesty in connecting them with their body, because the body cannot lie. Through the simple
fulfillment of their natural needs, Chicchan gives them strong spiritual experiences, proving them that
Spirit, magic or power are not something to get but something that merely happen naturally when we
are in tune and love with ourselves.

Its Antipode Partner: Kan The Yellow Seed

Kan teaches that all the treasures lies inside us. Kan is the awareness that all the dreams and

potentials that reside inside ourselves are there to be planted and nourished in the world and through
our life. Kan wants us to take out all our deepest dreams, as unrealistic as they can be, and to have
the wisdom and strength to realize them in our life. Kan is the understanding that we are our own
fertile ground for our potentials to expand themselves. Kan gives us total responsibility towards our
own realization in life. Kan is the biggest challenge for people born with the energy of Ix. It pushes
them to connect with their Soul and the wish of their heart, where lie their whole spiritual wisdom that
can be totally out of tune with their actual life if it was lead by their ego and its needs of power and
outside recognition. Kan gives them total responsibility for what they are manifesting in their life. It
presses them to come back with their real nature and Essence Self and not to be afraid to manifest it
in their life. The more they develop Kan energy in themselves, the more they will incarnate their strong
sensual and spiritual powers on this Earth. It pushes them to show really who they are, even if they
are going to generate a lot of movements and indignations in their tribal mind. Kan energy helps them
to bring the intensity of their Light to the maximum of their capacity, because it is their true identity.

Its Occult Partner: Manik The Blue Hand

Manik is the hand of Light, the ability to manifest the Divine Spirit through forms in life. Manik is
the mastery of tools and techniques that allows the Spirit to express itself in our reality. Manik is the
celebration of the external beauty of life. Manik can see the Divine through every form. By having
Manik as their unconscious power, people born with the energy of Ix are naturally open to beauty. It
gives them an inner peace and simple joy of being alive. To see the beauty of the world and life is an
awareness of the Divine Light that penetrates the full Universe. Manik gives them an influent sixth
layer, where is unconditional love, on their whole energetic body. They can easily enter contemplative
states just in looking at the world and their life. Manik gives them the natural ability to manifest their
Spirit effortlessly through every thing that they accomplish. It offers them all the tools of
manifestation. The more they will be aware of Manik energy inside themselves, the more they will
refine their tools and techniques to express their Spirit on Earth. Manik is bringing them back to
their Divine Essence and potentials. When they become aware of Manik power inside themselves,
they align themselves again with their Divine will and become the Hand of the universal Light.

MEN The Blue Eagle

Men is the guardian of the collective mind. It is our connection with the mental body of our
planet. Our consciousness, as an eagle, flies over the Earth. It connects us with Father Sky and its
spiritual wisdom, and at the same time, as we keep an eye on the world down, we receive visions to
support Mother Earth and her children in their spiritual path. Men teaches us how to detach from
our personal life and point of view towards the world. It gives us a universal view upon our life and
destiny. It leads us to a planetary perspective and melts us with a spiritual vision and understanding of
life. Men gives us visions and messages from our Higher Self that need to be manifested in our life in
order to help our development and the one of our whole planet. It gives us also a direct access to the
wisdom of Mother Earth. It connect us with the heart of the planet and its essence. The Earth is the
source of our life, of our physical body and our well-being. When we are in tune with the planet, we are
in tune with the root of mankind inside us. Men helps us to penetrate the essence of the collective
consciousness. Men is a spiritual messenger for the collective well being of humanity. It carries the
deepest dreams of mankind and pushes us to realize them. In our dreams are carved the memories of
our Soul Contract before our birth. Men helps us to remember them and to manifest them upon this
planet. When we fulfill our personal needs we get filled up with contentment and love and we can
easily transcend egoism. When we merge with our Higher Self, all our personal needs seems very
futile and superficial and loose all interest in ourselves. Our self-empowerment creates deep love and
compassion in us. Compassion aligns our individual wishes with the wish to serve others. Men helps us
to develop real compassion and to become a servant of the Light in this world. It reminds us that we all
come to Earth in order to help others, our planet, and ourselves to grow and raise our awareness.
Men is the understanding that we are all one and connected together. By helping ourselves, we help
others. By helping others, we help ourselves. There is no fight or separation between these actions.
The more we learn to love our real Self, the more we can love others. By manifesting our deepest
dreams and visions, coming from our deepest wisdom, we create a miracle on Earth. We manifest our
Spirit and its universal wisdom in our world. Men offers the power of clairvoyance. It helps us to see
visions and dreams for humanity and planet Earth through our compassionate heart. It gives us love
and joy to manifest them. These feelings are the power that grounds the spiritual Essence of human
beings in the world. In the Mayan culture, the eagle can fly very high in the sky, symbolizing its
connection with the spiritual realm. However, it receives this power from its ability to travel through all
the underworlds, representing our unconscious. To be able to go in the sky and touch the spiritual
wisdom, we first need to have passed through our whole unconscious and our patterns and blockages
and to be free from them. If we can travel through our whole unconscious without reacting or being

touched with our ego, then we are free from our personal identification and we are ready to meet our
Higher Self and to hear, without any filter, its messages. Men is the understanding than to go high,
we first need to accept to go very low. Only in spreading love on our wounds, we can heal them and
develop real compassion towards others. The wisdom of our Spirit would be fruitless if we don't
control our own being and if we use it through our unhealthy patterns. Only with the healing and
detachment from our own personal identification, we can become real Servant of Light. Men is the
wish to bring healing to our whole planet. It is the hope and wisdom of the planetary mind inside all of
us. Men teaches us how to find absolute freedom and independence from our unconscious in order to
serve the Light of our Soul. It shows us how to give compassionate service by first having totally
served ourselves.
Energetically, Men is the purification process of the first four layers of our aura and the opening of
our fifth and sixth layers, carrying faith, trust and unconditional love.
On a day with the energy of Men, we are more sensitive to the collective mind and the needs
of our collectivity and humanity. It is a day that can give us a lot of visions and dreams coming from our
Higher Self and that can be very fruitful to follow. It is a time of purification of our self-center vision
of life and of opening to wider perspectives. Men can touch our heart and Soul and ask us to bring
more love and compassion in our life and in our world. We can be more aware of our wounds and of the
wounds in others. During this day, we connect easily with human suffering and with the wings of our
compassionate heart. We feel the strong intension, carved in our essence, of diminishing pain and
ignorance around us. We remember the conspiracy of love and light that has pushed us to come on
Earth. It is a beautiful day to share love and support. It asks us to let our Soul express its beautiful
dreams on the planet. It is a good time to listen and to connect with Mother Earth.

Men or the path of planetary mind


General psychological profile

People born with the energy of Men have a very strong connection with the collective mind.
They know how to take good positions in the world in order to realize their dreams and to put them
into actions. They know how to behave in order to be fully accepted and recognized by their
collectivity. They are in tune with the needs of their tribal mind. They have a lot of motivations that
come from a very pure and deep place in their heart or Soul. Their heart or their Spirit leads their
actions. They are beautiful visionary people. They are very sociable and like to take care of others.
They enjoy protecting others and taking them under their wings. They are not afraid to look at the
reality of who they are. Through their self-observation, they know that human beings are full of
wounds and weaknesses. They develop strong compassion towards the suffering of others. They like
supporting and helping others in their healing process and on their path. Through this attitude, they

open the sixth layer of their auric field where all the Souls can merge in unconditional love and unity.
They have a strong potential of getting visions and meaningful dreams, springing from the activation
of their fifth and sixth charkas. They can even be clairvoyant. They also have a strong connection
with Gaya, the spirit of our Mother Earth. Even if it is unconscious, they stay its faithful child. Their
heart is beating in tune with the universal movement of the planet. This power, added to their strong
connection with the collective mind and their compassion, causes that their dreams and visions express
the needs of the planetary mind. Since they have strong grounding, determination, and power in the
society, they have all the tools in their hand to realize them. Their dreams, being without egoistic wish,
are usually welcome by their surrounding and can find a lot of space to be manifested in their society.
They can bring a lot of healing and love to people that surround them. However, they don't need to
be healer or on a humanitarian mission. A lot of Blue Eagles are artists, yogis, magic mothers Now
the main dream and healing that need humanity is to see people connected and incarnated their Spirit
and Divine Self on this Earth. People born with the energy of Men feel that the main gift that they
can bring to the Earth, is to find and to be their own truth whatever it is. In realizing their own dreams,
they learn to fall in love with themselves and with life. They become love itself and radiate it all around
them. They carry a lot of hope and trust in life. They know in their heart that everything is possible.
They are born with the wisdom of Ix and have the innate knowledge that if they follow their Soul,
magic and miracles happen. They know that their dreams will come true. By letting the song of their
Soul resonate in this world, they incarnate the hope of humanity to turn the Earth in Heaven.

Their potentials and their challenges

o A strong connection with the collective mind and a difficulty to resist to the negative
collective energy

As we saw before, people born with the power of Men are very connected with the collective
consciousness and with the Spirit of the Earth. If they get too much in tune with the negative thinking
of the collective mind, full of fears and of egoistic thinking, they can start to loose their hope, their
intension and their power to realize their dreams. They can fall asleep in the collective
unconsciousness. They deny their own freedom and power to create the reality that they wish to
have. They become victims of the world instead of being, as all human being is in fact, architect of their
life and reality. They forget the power of their Spirit. They make them smaller than they actually are,
putting them into a small box of banality and mediocrity that seems to satisfy the actual collective mind
of our planet. They judge them too utopist and stop to give them any power in their life and thoughts.
They try to become conformist. Or they also loose their hope in front of the huge amount of
sufferings and fears that haunt the collective reality of our actual society. They can fall into
depression or feel helpless in front of the size of the transformation that our planet needs in order to

be healed. In this way, they also give up all actions and hopes to change the world and their life.
When they are in this shadow, people need to remember and to realize the power of our thoughts,
intensions, and dreams. They need to reopen themselves to the magic power of life. The Universe is
just a manifestation of who we are. Life is an amazing mirror that brings to us all what emanates from
our aura. It can be our thoughts, emotions, instincts. like a huge mother totally receptive to
everything that we ask her. The difficulty in understanding this reality is our lack of awareness
towards what we are really expressing and ourselves. The size of our unconscious is sometimes too
wide for giving us the ability to lead consciously our life. If we are unconsciously victim of a cruel world,
then the world is going to be cruel with us. That is why the first step in the path of people born with
the energy of Men is to go through the underworlds, to become aware of all their unconscious
patterns and negative thinking. Another powerful thought that people in this shadow of Men should
realize is that we are all connected. If we start to change and heal ourselves, we are healing the world.
One great saint of India, working with Sri Aurobindo, named the Mother was saying: "If you want to
change the world, first become aware of your cells." To be fully aware of all your cells, we need to
have destroyed all marks of unconsciousness in ourselves, because our body is merely the
manifestation of our Spirit. From the awareness coming out of this process, many Souls (and this is
particularly strong for people born with the energy of Men) have chosen to take upon them, before
their birth, some of the planet's wounds and blockages in order to heal them inside themselves.
Consciousness acts then with an exponential effect on the physical world. Once, a negative patterns
or thought doesn't have any more power on one's life, life has won the battle and can expand itself to
other people. It is like a cure that has been found inside a living example. The Christ was saying: As
above, so below. In the yogic tradition, the microcosm, the human being, is identical to the macrocosm.
So if we make peace and bring consciousness through our whole being, we expand consciousness
and love through the whole universe. An enlightened being creates a real tsunami of light and
awareness all around him, without doing anything, merely by being who he is. Some people have
visions regarding 2012*. They see that 40000 people are going to be enlightened and will keep on
living in the middle of others. Their radiations are going to be so strong that it will create a total shift
in the collective mind and it will bring all of humanity to experience life in a higher dimension. Now
everyone is free to choose at which level he wants to live and what he wants to achieve in his life. The
fact, important to remember, is that nobody is a victim and that everybody is the creator of his own
reality. If someone feels that some changes will be beneficial for his life or for the world to be achieved,
he should not wait passively for the world to change it by itself, but he should take his own
responsibility and act in order to align his dreams and ideas with his own life.

o The deep wish to serve the world and others and the difficulty to nourish themselves

Feeling too much the work that needs to be achieved, or the needs of others people, they can

totally forget about themselves and stop to nourish and take care of themselves properly. They loose
themselves at the service of others or of a task. It appears either when they are in front of others with
needs: they don't know anymore how to say "no" in front of a Soul needing some help, or in front of
the manifestation of a project: they are too much focus and enthusiastic upon a work that they want
to realize and forgetting to fill up their own battery. In acting so, they totally deplete their own vital
energy. It is a very dangerous shadow for their survival and emotional balance. It is very important for
them to restore the balance between fulfillment of the needs of the outside world and fulfillment of
their own needs. The balance between what we give to the world and what we receive from it should
be maintained in our life. Real gifts can only be made from a place of fullness. There have been in
human history great saints that spent their whole life serving others. However, their service was
coming from the excess of love that was spreading from their heart. They were fully receiving Divine
grace in their heart and they had so much out of it that they were using their whole energy to share it
around them. They were not acting out of tiredness and were not depleted their vital energy by their
action. Real compassion comes from an excess of inner love. When we kill ourselves in order to give
something, even if our intensions are good and pure, somewhere in our unconscious, there may be
some needs for recognition or anger, because it was too much for us. These feelings get attached to
our gifts and so to the people that receive it. It is not anymore a good gift to offer to someone and it is
better to say "no" before to arrive at this point. Sometimes, people in this shadow of Men want to see
themselves as a cosmic mother or the world savior. By over-giving to others, they just nourish their
pride and the image that they have of themselves. They are not really giving to others because others
needed help. They are actually giving to themselves. They need to reassure themselves towards their
good nature and to prove themselves that they are worthy to get their self-love and self-respect
without doing anything to get it. In this shadow, people are slave of their own idea of who they should
be and just exhaust themselves getting their self-recognition. They need to relax and release their
hardness towards their own being. They need to start to love themselves freely without asking for any
good and valuable actions in return. They have to develop unconditional love towards their own Soul.

o A too high conception of their vocation

As we saw before, people born with the power of Men are very connected with the collective
consciousness and with the essence of Mother Earth. This connection gives them a lot of visions
and feelings upon what is needed to be done to transform the planet and help the development of
human consciousness. All those visions are fundamental tools for the planetary evolution. However
they can become overwhelming for a single person. And sometimes people born with the power of
Men can feel so responsible in front of the suffering of world and the destruction of the planet, that
they dont know anymore what can they do on their own to change anything. They can feel very
helpless or start to think they have to do incredible things in order to live a meaningful life. They think

that only extraordinary actions are valuable. They dont know anymore what they are supposed to do
on this Earth. They get lost in all their visions that they develop upon their own identity and cannot
connect with their vocation. They can loose themselves and their joy of living in this search. Their life
is passing by and instead of drinking it, they are thinking and looking for who they can be and what
they should do. People in this shadow of Men need to reconnect themselves with the present moment
and to look at their actual talents and qualities. They "are" what they should share with the world.
They should readjust their own values and understand that the greatest things and even the
revolution of the Earth consciousness can be achieved through very simple, small, and humble acts
when they are done with a pure Soul. The main thing is not actually, what we are doing, but from
which place in ourselves, we are acting.

o Flying high upon the Earth and the difficulty to feel at home on Earth

People born with the power of Men have a direct access to the essence of the Earth and so
to their own nature. At the same time, they have a deep connection with the Great Spirit, Father
Sky, which gives them a strong ability to enter other states of consciousness and to travel through
the unconscious of the collective consciousness. These two capacities give them strong spiritual
potentials because they know simply and deeply who they are and they know how to grow and
transform themselves. However if nobody has recognized those potentials in them when they were
child, they can felt very disconnected from the basic level of consciousness that our human world as
been able to share and to develop between us until now. So they can have a very strong difficulty to
adapt themselves to the life on Earth. They feel as if they are not from this planet and that nobody
can understand them. Because of their strong connection with the spiritual realms, they found refuge
in their dreams and their flights in others dimensions, where they felt at home. People in this shadow
need to realize that we are all Children of the stars. All of us are on a different level in our way back
to the Cosmic Source. Their Soul has chosen to come on Earth in order to learn something upon
themselves and maybe to share something with others beings on this planet during this incarnation. It
can be sometimes very painful and very difficult to realize and find it. However, the more the lesson is
hard, the greatest are the teachings. We are all alone in front of our destiny and nobody can walk our
path for us. People in this shadow of Men needs to discover the roots of their anger towards their
earthly existence and learn to release it. Anger is an emotion that comes out in front of realities that
we deeply don't like and would like to change. It is the way used by our Soul when it wants to say "no".
They will have to start to act according to the wish of their Soul without thinking that they are
powerless in front of the reality. They will need to develop better way to communicate and to manifest
really who they are on this planet, instead of rejecting their own tools for incarnation. They certainly
come upon Earth to bring huge spiritual teachings. However, to do so, they need to be grounded on
this Earth in order to be understood and efficient in their teaching.

o Integration of the polarities

The strongest work for people born with the power of Men is to stay grounded: to keep their
connection with the Earth even when they are flying very high. Their first step is to follow their
dreams and visions. And their second step is to stay connected with the present moment and their
own reality. They need to keep their feet on the ground and develop a pragmatic mind. That will be
their best way to incarnate and manifest really what they want on this planet. It will prevent them to be
taken away by the movement of the collective consciousness, to become too idealistic or to fall into
despair and to deplete themselves from their whole energy. It will challenge them a lot and they will
have to learn to balance the power of inspiration and dreams with the exigency of rationality and
analytic mind. It will push them to face all their fears to be rejected and angers toward the resistances
of the collective consciousness to change. If they manage to keep this balance, they transform the
Earth with them. They carry their reality in their flight and transform everything around them.

Spiritual powers

The strongest potential of people born with the power of Men is to connect with the spirit of
Mother Earth, also named Gaia (in the Hindus tradition) and Pacha Mama (in the Mayan culture). It
can give them a lot of different talents. They can be in tune with the intrinsic movement of the planet,
creating strong synchronicities and harmony in their life and developing their instinct of premonition
and inner knowing. This connection with Mother Earth is an amazing spring of pure love and
confidence for our spirit and Soul as human being. When we develop it, we receive in our heart a
good amount of earthly love that fulfilled us and gave us the ability to nourish everybody around us. It
is an amazing source of trust, inspiration and power for people born with the power of Men who chose
to develop it. It can also connect them with the knowledge of the whole mineral, vegetal and animal
kingdoms, that are infinite.
The other strong spiritual power that they naturally have is the power of dreams and visions. The
eagle has an amazing power of vision. They can penetrate alterate states of consciousness in which
they become much aware and awake than in a normal state and at the same time, they stay connected
with the collective consciousness, the planet Earth and their earthly reality. So they come back from
their journey with beautiful understanding and dreams to transform their reality. Sometimes they can
even develop capacity to see the future and to feel what is happening around them without seeing it
with their physical eyes. They can see through their third eye in the middle of their forehead.

The glyphs surrounding Men

Its Analog Partner: Kan The Yellow Seed

The wisdom carries by Kan is the understanding of the power of our intensions and of the
importance to manifest them in our life. Kan is our seed, our straight connection with our Essence
Self, where lie all the desires that our Soul wanted to achieve on this Earth. Kan gives to people
born with the energy of Men the ability to find and to connect with their deepest dreams and the real
intensions of their Divine Self. Kan carries the knowledge that we are the fertile ground to manifest
our dreams. Kan helps them to develop a deep trust towards the Universe to welcome our creativity
and the manifestation of our Soul. Kan pushes them to take the responsibility to accomplish in life
their deepest inner feelings and to use the maximum of their Spirit potentials. Kan leads them to
really give birth to their Soul on this planet. Kan is the joy and the positive energy of life that push
people born with the power of Men to realize their greatest potentials in realizing their dreams. The
more they develop the energy of Kan inside themselves, the more they grow as a huge tree on this

Its Antipode Partner: Chicchan The red Snake

Chicchan is the master of the body wisdom. It is the energy leading the instinctive part of the brain.
Chicchan gives a very strong connection with our senses and all our body needs. It is a very
challenging energy for people born with the energy of Men. It pushes them to connect with their own
needs for nourishment and with their natural state of being, their actual human nature. The body
cannot lie and speak totally honestly. All our unconscious wounds are recorded in our body. When
people born with the power of the Blue Eagle connect with the wisdom of Chicchan, they start to
act in tune with their instinct and their body and they will dive in the discovery of all their unconscious
patterns. Chicchan is the power that leads them in the underworlds. Chicchan pushes them to
become totally aware of themselves and to live naturally according to their real Self and its desires
and needs. Chicchan's wisdom offers them the power to be whole.

Its Occult Partner: Cimi The White World Bridger

Cimi is the power to let go and to surrender to a higher wisdom in the Universe and us that our
conscious mind and personality cannot control or fully understand. Cimi gives the ability to let dye
our ego in front the realization of higher purposes. The fact that people born with the energy of Men
has the energy of Cimi as an unconscious power is given them their very unselfish nature and their
trust in higher spiritual plans, existing back side of the apparent reality of life. Cimi nourishes their
heart with faith and trust and helps them to model their ego and personality according to the higher
plans and wishes of their Higher Self and the Universe. The flexibility of their ego allows them to
become tools and channels for the realization of their Spirit's intensions on the world and life. The
more they will develop and become aware of their Cimi power inside themselves, the more they will be

flexible and able to release all the rigidities of their mind that block the full expression of their Higher

CIB The Yellow Warrior

Cib carries the permanent and ancestral question of the human condition. This question
comes out of the apparent paradox of being a channel for our Spirit to express itself in this reality
and of living our every day life under the apparent mask of our personality and body. How can we be
simultaneously absolutely free and live inside limits? How can we be and do all these things in our life
and at the same time not be them? What is real detachment? Is there really a meaning in our physical
and individual life, if actually we are just Spirit passing momentary on this Earth? Cib is a time of
strong balancing of our whole energetic field. Our third and fourth chakras need to get align with the
wisdom of our sixth chakra. We will expose the interpretations of the drawing on the glyph of Cib of
Ariel Spilsbury and Michael Bryner from the Mayan Oracle, which seems very accurate to me. In
the middle of the glyph, there is a spiral representing the life and its questioning. On the left side,
there are three lines representing the path of the heart. It represents the opening of our heart, and
the moment when we start to follow our Soul. This path is aligned on the glyph of Cib with another
path, represented by three lines on the right side, symbolizing the path of the mind and wisdom. Cib is
the time when our heart and mind, our Soul and wisdom get align in the permanent dance of life. This
alignment brings a new path, represented by the three vertical lines on the glyph, which symbolize the
Divine grace and the rain of Bliss. Cib is a time of opening of the seventh charka, where we connect
ourselves with our Divine Essence. Cib represents the balance between our feminine and our
masculine sides giving birth to our Divine Self. When we tune together the love and desires of our
Soul with the intensions and the wisdom of our Spirit, there is no more tension in our being. The
duality stops and we can just incarnate our Divine Self into the permanent movement of life. The
answer to the infinite question of humanity is just Bliss. It is not a mental or moral answer. It is just the
pure experience of the ecstasy of life. There is nothing else to look for. Cib asks us to open
ourselves to the magic experience of life. It asks us to live our infinite freedom and love in being at the
same time aware of it and separate from it. When we allow it to penetrate us, Cib offers us the
experience of grace and ecstasy. It asks us to purify and open ever more ourselves in order to receive
ever more love, freedom, and bliss. Cib is the direct path to higher dimensions, which have no end. It
can connect us to others realms like Sirius or the Pleiades. Cib is the path of devotion, where the
mind and the heart unify themselves into surrendering to their Divine Nature and to the cosmic play.
Cib brings a lot of spiritual light and awareness. It helps us to build a direct connection with the higher
parts and potentials of our being that have been asleep before. It shows us our link with the infinite
Source of Light in ourselves. Each time we connect with this energy, our awareness expands and our
Divine wisdom penetrates a little bit more our conscious mind. Cib offers us inner guidance and

knowledge to walk faster on our path. Cib knows how to develop our psychic powers. It shows us the
fastest way and asks us to become a Warrior of Grace, dancing in this world.
A day Cib is a beautiful day to connect with our Higher Self, to listen to our intuition and to
read the signs that our Spirit sends us through our life. It is a time to understand that we are all cosmic
channels for our Spirit to manifest itself. It is a day to listen to our deep inner knowledge and to
surrender to its wisdom. It is a day where we should be receptive to our sixth sense and try to
understand the teachings back side of the apparent reality of our life. It is a day where the gates of
higher dimensions are fully open to us and it is easier to feel our own psychic powers. It is a beautiful
day for prayers, deep meditations, or any exercise to develop psychic powers and communications
with other realms. On a day Cib, a higher wisdom is working, different than the one of our ego. The
wisdom of our heart and our Higher Self leads our day and whatever happens is the best that can
happen to us if we accept to surrender to it.

Cib or the path of the Warrior of Light

General psychological profile

People born with the power of Cib are born to be spiritual Warriors on Earth. Their sixth charka
is more developed than in other people. It gives them a strong and clear mind. At the same times, they
have an innate capacity to connect with more subtle realities. They can have psychic powers like
clairvoyance, intuition, telepathic facility, connections with other dimensions and celestial beings like
spiritual guides, angels, masters from Sirius or the Pleiades, deceased masters, ancestors In
accepting these powers in themselves, they learn devotion and how to let go of their ego and
personality and to surrender to a higher will. Their psychic powers are not something that they can
control with their personal will. They can block it and not listen to it but they cannot use it in a way
that will nourish their ego if it is not the wish of their Spirit. As if there are newborn babies just
arriving in a body, they like a lot to enjoy their physical body and the pleasures of their senses. They
know how to nourish themselves properly and get the material comfort that they like. The sharpness
of their mind gives them the ability to find a place in the human society where their ego feels
comfortable and stable. They know how to adjust themselves in order to get what they want. Their
spiritual power pushes them sometimes to loose this apparent security in order to align them ever more
with their Higher Self. The more they surrender to their spiritual power, the more their life will push
them to change and to transform their everyday life and habits, sometimes very suddenly, in order to
be more in tune with the width of their full being. They can get sudden strong realizations and spiritual
understandings that are disrupting all the structures of their mind and of their life.

Their potentials and their challenges

o A strong rational mind and the difficulty to realize and accept their psychic powers

As we saw before, people born with the power of Cib have a very strong mind. They like
rationality, logic, sciences and analyzes. They are very pragmatic and want to put every conceptual
idea to practical test and experience. They have easily developed this capacity during their childhood
because it has been supported by the way of thinking of their surrounding and acknowledged as a
good quality by the collective consciousness. However, it is not at all the case for their natural psychic
capacity and high level of consciousness. They can block them very strongly, being afraid of them and
even totally forgetting them. In doing so, they reject in their unconscious one of their strongest
potential and their access to their deeper nature, inside themselves. It becomes very hard then for
them to find deep peace and contentment. It feels like something is missing and they keep on looking
for it through their rational mind.
To understand how this blockage can happen let go back to their early childhood. As a child,
they arrive on Earth with their sixth and seventh chakras well open and balance. They find out that
nobody around them was open at this level and that it wasn't the way to communicate and manifest
themselves on this planet. As this opening cannot be catch with the rational mind, and can only be
experienced in order to be really understood, it was really difficult for them to share the subtle
capacities of their being. Very young by mimesis and adaptation, they closed their connection with
their higher consciousness and their psychic potentials, judging them according to the collective mind
as unreal and mere fruit of their imagination. They built a self-image of being people very dreamy,
eccentric and not very grounded. Because of their strong receptivity, they felt that they were
different from others and they got scare of not finding their own place in this world. They damaged
their self-esteem and love, and got imbalances in their third chakra. From their fears of not being
accepted, some people with the power of Cib can have developed a very strong rational mind that
help them to get a good status in the modern society and that assure them that they won't connect
with their psychic powers. They have built a strong rational and pragmatic personality, in which they
also believe, and that they portray to the outside world. They identify themselves with this
personality out of fears of acknowledging and expressing really who they are. Unconsciously, they
link their psychic powers with something very dangerous in themselves. They build very strong rational
and pragmatic blockages to impeach any of these potentials to manifest themselves consciously in
their life. These fears coming from their very early childhood are also connected with our actual
collective mind. It can be the fears of losing control, of madness, of death, of huge change, of rejection
from the outside world, of losing contact with the Earth and reality However, those unconscious
blockages towards their own being and potentials develop unconsciously self-hatred and anger
towards the world that doesn't want to accept them as they really are. The generation of this negative
energy and the fact that they are acting and thinking out of fears create a deep sadness in their life.

Their rational mind cannot lead them where lies their deep happiness, because it doesn't know their
heart and Spirit. They can become very sarcastic and cynical towards the world and life. As they
close their connection with their Essence Self, somewhere in themselves, they cannot find any rest.
Their rational mind pushes them to question themselves a lot about the Universe and the human
condition. They are all the times searching for the truth. However, on a rational level, there is no real
answer to the deep question of their being. They can be very good scientists. They still miss the
answer that their Soul is looking for and that can be found only through experiencing life and their
They need to surrender to their Soul and Spirit and to open their mind in order to open
again to all dimensions of their being. They will have to release their fears that prevent them to
connect with the full potential of their being. They need to develop trust in the Universe and in their
own Divine wisdom to lead them in the place that they need to be and to become aware of who they
really are. They have to reconnect, to trust in their strong power of inner guidance and knowledge,
and to place their mind at the service of their intuition. They are spiritual Warrior of Light and it can
be very difficult for their ego and rational mind to accept it. However, if their rational mind accepts to
let enough space for their spiritual experiences to arise, instead of being in contradiction and fight
against it, it can become a beautiful complementary tool to incarnate and put into pragmatic tests their
beautiful and subtle wisdom. They should let go of their fears of madness, by opening enough space
in their mind. If they study some yogic texts and explanations, they will realize that they can perfectly
develop their spiritual being in tune with their love of rationality and pragmatic demonstrations. Yoga
or Tao are sciences of our being and are very systematic and don't need any blind believes in god,
fairies or magic. They ask to put everything to test and to experience their results through our own
life. Just they realize that life and our consciousness are an infinite mystery to experience. The only
fixed truth that we can establish is the love and the bliss springing from the infinite cosmic dance
between Spirit and Creation. There is no end to the dance, to the grace, to the mystery or to the
question. This is the permanent movement of what is life itself. People in this shadow of Cib need to
stop to deny their psychic capacities and to make joke out of them. On the contrary, they need to
start to develop them in order to offer their unbelievable services and healing to the world.

o Strong psychic powers without a full clarity

One of the big danger and challenge that will have to face every people born with the energy
of Cib, on their path to find back their deep power, is the misuse of their psychic powers. As they
have naturally strong psychic capacities, they can fin them back before having put back into balance
their own personality and their lower energetic centers. They can become very enthusiastic with the
apparition of those kinds of potentials and use them without being totally aware and in control of what
they are really doing. I dont mean that they have to know exactly everything that is happening but that

they should be fully aware of themselves and their own needs of nourishment, acknowledgement and
powers. They should learn to act through absolute detachment. Otherwise they will create a deeper
chain of suffering for themselves and the people around them. For example, they can misunderstand
the Divine guidance that is given to them. An imbalance in their first three chakras creates a fusion
between their own projection of the reality and their spiritual guidance. The blockages in their own
energetic fields create filters that prevent them to be perfectly aware of the messages that they get.
Or if their third chakra is imbalance, they use all the powers that they get from the Universe in order
to increase their personal powers. They feed their ego and make it even stronger. They fulfill their
needs for powers, for control upon their life, for recognition from the outside world However, those
needs come from their fears and their imbalances. They build a stronger ego because they feel
insecure and cannot find peace and contentment in themselves. The stronger is their ego, the
stronger is its resistance to surrender to the will of their Soul and Spirit and the stronger are the
consequences of the Karma* that they create through their egoistic actions. The reactions from the
Universe can be very painful for the ego until the lessons have not been learnt. They can develop
proud and arrogance from the exposition of their psychic capacities in front of others and the
Universe. They will enjoy settling in a social position in which everybody is adulating them because of
their powers. The stronger are the powers, the stronger are the consequences. They enter in a
dangerous position and they should take care of the temptations from their ego. They need to
recognize that the source of their powers don't come from their individual self but from a Divine
Presence in themselves. They have to develop gratitude and humility towards this inner wisdom. They
should thank the Universe for offering them such an access to and such a tool in their life and always
ask for higher guidance. They need to discover real devotion and become a servant to this Light to
spread it in the world. They should understand what is real Karma Yoga: the actions that are totally
detach from the individual and personal will. They are the Warriors of the Universe's Wisdom. If they
really want to be that, they should forget totally about themselves and all their egoistic needs. They
have to become devoted absolutely to their cosmic cause. All what they will accomplish in this state of
mind will be totally detach from their personality and become pure incarnation of the powers of the
Universe through their own being. They have to purify totally themselves and fully win the fights upon
their ego and their personal needs. This game is very dangerous, and they need to stay very aware of
themselves. Only when they will have won this inner battle, can they become real Warriors of Light.
Only when their heart and mind, just like their power, will have been surrendered and offered to their
Higher Self, will they absolutely fulfill their destiny.

o Integration of the polarities

People born with the medicine of Cib should accept to become real Warriors of Light. It means
that the only fight that is guiding their whole life and being is inside themselves with their own

consciousness. Their first step is to acknowledge the existence of their Spirit in their own being with
their rational mind. They should accept to develop other states of consciousness where the mind is at
peace and other parts of their intelligence are awaken and are able to discover the reality around
them. If they manage to enter those states and to recognize that they are as significant as normal state
of consciousness, it means that they have been able to release a lot of their own fears and blockages.
And slowly, their spirit will push them to practice them regularly and to make them a part of their
everyday life. It will push them to respect this part of their being and show them how much they love
and need to develop it and keep it alive in their being. The second important step in their
transformation is to accept to look at their own shadows and difficulties. The development of their
higher qualities is only one part of their evolution. The other part is to accept to look at all their
wounds, their pains and imbalances. They should accept to open the door of their unconscious mind
and to journey inside the underworlds of their repressed emotions. That is the only way in which they
can develop real centerness, clarity, discernment and objectivity. If they look only at the bright side of
life, they encounter the risk of being unconscious black magician and of nourishing unconscious
frustration and ignorance upon the planet. They should accept to become fully self-aware and a living
example for others. They should manage to transcend the world of duality in their own being by
unifying the principals of good and evil. They need to purify themselves to become a perfect conduit
for the Divine Light and their Higher Self. They should increase their awareness to come out of the
confusion and to detect where their actions and information are coming from in themselves. They
need to release the fears to see the totality of who they are. In developing humility, they will accept to
travel through their whole inner shadow. By bringing the light of awareness and love into the night of
their unconscious, the monsters of fear, hatred, and anger are slain causing healing and release
without harming anybody anymore. They should remember and be all the time aware that all their
powers are coming from their deep connection with the universal energy. So they should never put
themselves in between this energy and the task that it wants to accomplish. They should become as
transparent and purify from any identification as possible.

Spiritual powers

The stronger powers develop by people born with the energy of Cib are connected with all the
different kind of psychic powers. They have by birth strong sixth and seventh chakras. Once they
manage to reaccess this potential, their sixth chakra gives them strong abilities to concentrate, to
enter deep states of meditation, to receive visions and information from others dimensions of reality,
to develop clairvoyance and telepathy, to channel beings from other levels of consciousness, to travel
through past and futureIf they reconnect with their seventh chakra, they can enter deep state of
grace and bliss. Through the seventh chakra, the seventh door of our energetic body, they have
access to the principle of unity inside the whole universe. They enter the universal source of light and

wisdom inside themselves. They can unify with every other consciousness in the whole creation and
penetrate the dimension of ecstasy describe by all the great masters of every religions on Earth.

The glyphs surrounding Cib

Its Analog Partner: Akbal The Blue Night

Akbal is the power to travel through the unconscious. Akbal is the ability of introspection, of
discovering who we are in our silence without interactions with the outside world. Akbal pushes us to
realize our deepest dreams, without caring for the outside reactions to it, and to see clearly our
shadows and patterns that rule and block our life. Akbal helps people born with the power of Cib to
connect with their inner potentials and truth. It pushes them in their inner world and makes them aware
of their whole being and Spirit. Akbal is a very helpful energy for them. It brings them back to their
Essence and helps them to purify themselves from their ego and conditioned patterns. It gives them
spiritual strength and courage and brings them back the deep truth of their life.

Its Antipode Partner: Cimi The White World Bridger

Cimi is the ability to surrender. It represents the death of the ego will in front of the will of our
Higher Self. Cimi is the understanding that we cannot control everything in our life with our limited
mind and understanding of the Universe and of who we are. Cimi is the opening of the mind that
allows faith and trust to lead our life. Cimi is a very challenging energy for people born with the power
of Cib. It pushes them to take out of their pragmatic and rational mind their needs of control upon the
world. It brings them in front of the uncontrollable, of the irrational. It presses their rigid mental
structures to dye in order to be able to experience new realities. It takes them out of love of
comfortable positions by destroying all their structures and pushes them to change. Cimi leads them
in the unknown and touches their vulnerability. The more they develop Cimi energy in them, the more
they dissolve their ego and develop their faith. They learn to surrender and to become real channel
for their Spirit to express itself in their life.

Its Occult Partner: Chicchan The Red Snake

Chicchan is the awareness and the mastery of our body and our instincts. Chicchan is the
direct connection with our body, its needs, and its wisdom. It develops the love to be incarnated and to
taste life through all our senses. It gives sensuality, joy to be physically alive, and instinctive
connections and expressions with our feelings without the filter of the mind. To have Chicchan as an
unconscious power gives their strong pragmatic mind to people born with the energy of Cib. It makes

them love comfort and stable positions. It gives them unconsciously a lot of reasons to be on Earth
and a strong attachment for their body's pleasures. It helps them to be grounded and gives them a
very natural and instinctive wisdom and way to live and to be. It pushes them to be transparent and
honest in manifesting who they are with their physical actions. Chicchan is the opening and the
balance of the first two charkas. Chicchan is also the Kundalini*, the energy sleeping at the base of
the column which, once awaked, rises up to the top of the head in opening all our energetic centers
and our psychic powers. Without a pure relation with our body and our physical reality, we cannot be
in tune with our Higher Self. Patterns are filters that distort our vision of the reality.

CABAN The Red Earth

Caban, in the Mayan culture, is the power of wisdom. Wisdom was, for them, the ability for a
human being to be perfectly in tune and harmony with its environment. Caban is the alignment of our
being and comportment with the energy and the movement of the Earth. It connects us with the power
of synchronicity. Caban is the grounding energy in ourselves that allows us to be fully aware in the
present moment. It helps us to incarnate ourselves in our body. It is our ability to be conscious of what
is happening around us in the here and now. It put us in our center and helps us to develop our tantien,
the energetic center in the middle of our body, three fingers below our navel. When we find our own
center inside ourselves, we get strong inner peace and calmness that prevents us to react compulsively
to what is happening around us. It takes us out of our distorted emotions or mental conditioning.
When we stop all our filters that separate us from the reality, we start to discover a new relationship
and awareness of the present. All our senses are more open and ready to receive new pieces of
information as they come to us. We get in tune with the uniqueness of the situation in the present and
are able to act appropriately. Life becomes a beautiful present moment, which is so full of wisdom and
of sensations to feel. It is such a task just to be conscious in the present moment. We melt ourselves in
the infinite dimension of each second. The more we develop our awareness in the present moment, the
more we awake ourselves to the magic and the deep wisdom of our life. We enter new dimension of
consciousness. We become fully aware of the vastness of our consciousness and fully aware of the
infinite possibility of experiences on Earth. We enter the reality of the myth, where we become the
hero of our own life and where all what is happening is speaking through the totality of our being.
Every experience becomes a deep teaching for our Spirit. We align ourselves with the energy in the
Universe around us and it brings perfect synchronicity in our life. Synchronicity is the end of our
resistance towards the universal movement. Synchronicity brings magic and miracles in front our eyes.
When we are perfectly in tune with the Universe, we understand and feel its movements in ourselves.
We realize that the world is the creation and the dream of this universal Spirit living inside all of us.
We become awakened dreamer and all our actions are aligned with the movement of the world around
us. Synchronicity brings people that are in tune with the Universe together. As they explain in the
Mayan Oracle, it helps the construction of rainbow communities where the dream and the medicine
of each one are fully shared and developed by the high receptivity of a new collective mind. These
open-minded and spiritual communities bring on Earth a new collective dream that propels each
individual into a higher state of consciousness. They are also opening a big door of the planetary
mind, discovering shared spiritual life in tune with the universal will of the Cosmos. We call them
rainbow communities because each one of its participants is carrying a specific color, which represents

its own potential and wisdom. When all the colors together unite, they create a beautiful ray of white
Light. Caban teaches us that the union of all of us is much superior to the sum of the potentials of
each one separately. Caban shows us that there is no separation between the outside world and us.
We just need to stop resisting against the universal movement. We need to be aware that our
consciousness is affecting the Earth and that when we are open enough to receive its teachings, the
outside wisdom can transform our lives and us. There is a place inside ourselves where the Universe is
in union. We are one. All is one. Caban asks us to be aware and responsible for our thoughts,
dreams, and our emotions. It wants that we learn to become an awakened dreamer that can navigate
through a new reality. Only when we are fully present, we can be in control of our life.
A day carrying the energy of Caban is a day which connects all of us with the power of
gravity of planet Earth. It is a day that pushes us to be grounded and fully incarnated in our body. It
asks us to be able to take the commands of the reality in which we are living. It pushes us to wake up
and see where we are on the physical plane. It helps us a lot to find our own energetic center in our
being. It connects us with our lower belly and asks us to relax there, releasing all the unnecessary
emotions and tensions that can be stocked in our organs. It brings us back to the present moment and
to who we are in this life. It helps us to develop a very concrete and pragmatic mind to analyze where
we are. It helps us to connect ourselves with the deep rhythm of the Universe. It brings beautiful
opportunities and synchronicities once we accept to follow the universal movement. It helps us to
materialize whatever our Higher Self wants to create. It is a day of very strong density for the one
who accept to enter the vastness of each present moment. It can be a beautiful time of strong
transformations, realizations and of taking important directions in front of our life.

Caban or the path of presence

General psychological profile

People born with the energy of Caban are very grounded and have a strong connection with the
Earth, their body, and their needs. They are very present in the moment and aware of what is
happening in their surrounding. Their senses are naturally very open. They can see and feel a lot of
things around them that others are not even aware of their existence. They have a strong and
pragmatic mind and know how to react properly in any situations. They have a strong and well-
grounded personality and a lot of self-confidence. They are not afraid of expressing and showing
themselves naturally and honestly to the outside world. In themselves, they don't develop doubt and
emotional or mental confusion, they just know from their nature. They can easily guide and lead
others in life. They are people of confidence, power, and deep wisdom. They are in tune with the
world in an inner place of center and peace. Their actions are therefore in synchronicity with the
planetary movement and have amazing effects. Like the Earth, they have a magnetic power attracting

to them people who need to find their own center and who feel safe around them. They also gather
with people already connected to the planetary consciousness and that life brings to them in order to
realize fruitful exchanges. They are very sociable people. Their strong power coming from the good
balance of their first charka* and their tantien*, they will not take it on their ego and they are very
simple and humble people. They get a pure heart directed by their clear mind and they are rarely
stirred by emotional waves and power games.

Their potentials and their challenges

A very strong state of presence and a difficulty to feel at home on planet

As we just saw before, people born with the power of Caban have a strong grounding and
presence in the moment. This is an amazing medicine not so much developed by our civilization. So
they have a great natural gift that nobody around them never values, acknowledges as a potential or
even sees in them. Then for a lot of them, when they look around to see who is here really with them,
they find out that everybody are flying away and that nobody is really in the same reality than them.
They get the feeling that they are different from others and can feel very lonely and isolated even in
the middle of a lot of people. This can lead them even to think that they come from another planet. If
they develop this feeling of rejection and loneliness for a while, they start to build unconsciously,
anger towards the world and their human body. This unconscious anger disconnects them from
reality. They can start feeling incessantly as if out of tune with what is happening around them, out of
tune with synchronicity. They become easily worried, feeling never really supported on this planet.
They know that they have to do everything by themselves. And they can become very hard toward
themselves, pushing them to realize a lot of thing. When they dont create a lot, and even if they do,
they easily develop a complex of inferiority. It pushes them to challenge themselves even more and to
take a lot of responsibility. It is easy for them to get restless and not being able to relax. They can
develop a strong anger against the human world and their physical incarnation. They refuse to be
part of it, feeling that nobody is fair enough and aware enough on this planet. It is really important for
people in this shadow, to realize the vastness of their wisdom and to learn to share it with others.
They have a deep ground and pragmatic mind to communicate to the human world. Their strong
challenge is to learn to express it to others. They should realize that their loneliness and feeling of
coming from another place is just coming out of their inability to show who they really are. I think that
one of the biggest problems on planet Earth is our poverty of communication. There is a lot of work
to do on this plan if we really want the human consciousness to expand, because everyone feels so
lonely here. So, one of the strong works of people born with the power of Caban is to communicate
their wisdom. They should remember their choice to come to Earth before their birth, to assist the
planet and its people in their spiritual transformation and to work on deep issues in themselves.

A deep sensitivity to all the small details

Their strong capacity of presence makes them see the unconscious behaviors of others
around them. They are very aware of all the small details that are happening around them. It gives
them a strong potential to see the signs send by the Universe to help them on their path. At the same
time, it can be quite scary and when it is linked with the shadow and fear that we saw just before it can
turn itself into a sickness. They start to give too much attention and meaning to details. They over-
interpret signs and jump to conclusions. For example, if they are with other people, their strong
awareness makes them see all the small details and the small things that others are doing
unconsciously. They will judge them as if they were done consciously. They can become paranoid
and very judgmental towards others that are not even realizing what is happening. Their over-
analytical mind brings them out of tune with the reality of others. This excessive thinking can invade all
the different domains of their life. In Chinese medicine, when the element of earth in the body get
imbalance it can lead people to over-thinking. People in this shadow of Caban need to realize that the
excessive work of their mind is not healthy and comes from deep fears and imbalances in their
emotional body. The strongest emotional fears that they can develop can be the fear of not being
loved and of being rejected, the fear of not being understood and of not understanding what happens
around them, the fear of the irrationality of life. These fears transform the reality that surround them
and push them to look for all proves that can justify the validity of their existence. They need to
reconnect themselves with their senses and their emotions. The mind when controls by imbalanced
emotions can lead us to profound non-senses. Rationality doesn't always lead to the truth and can be
totally irrational when its first impulsion and direction are given by an imbalanced being. They should
relax their wish to know everything with their mind and experience again life with their whole being.
Through their feelings and body, they will find back their connection with the energies that surround
them and stop to project their inner distortions and emotional fears on the world and others. They
have to understand that intellectual truth is just a small part of the truth, a point of view upon it and
that real wisdom comes only through experience in life with all the dimensions of our being. Knowledge
that hasn't been lived is intellectual fantasy. To become real wisdom, it needs to be incarnated in life.

Strong life in the present and a lot of memories

With their strong awareness of the present another shadow appears when they moved into a
linear time. When we are deeply conscious in each moment, every experience that we live is magical and
very intense. So, people born with the medicine of Caban live amazing moments in their childhood
and in their life due to their inner consciousness. If they forgot or even didnt realize that the beauty
was coming out of the purity of their state of presence, they start to project it on the situation and the
people that were there. Then they start to develop some specific tastes and habits that prevent them

to welcome the new moments that are coming without any judgment. In the same way, they become
identified and attached to their memories and their past. As they are deeply aware in the present,
they can easily remember a lot of things and they start to accumulate numerous memories. They can
become nostalgic and over-identified with their past story. Then when they don't manage to be in the
present, something is imperceptibly missing in their life. They cannot be content with what is
happening to them in the present because they are not any more enough open to feel it fully. Then,
they start to project themselves in the future. By this way, they start to miss even more the amazing
wealth of the present and they enter in a vicious circle. To leave this circle, they need to reconnect
fully themselves with their whole being and to focus their attention in the here and now. They need to
live and experience what life is offering them in the present and to become again aware of the infinite
width of it.

A deep sensitivity to the Earth and a misunderstanding of the human attitude in front of
their planet

As we saw before, people born with power of Caban are very connected with the spirit of the
Earth. This can increase their feeling of loneliness and of disconnection with the human race
because of the actual non-respect of humankind towards our planet. They can become totally
depressed by all the destructions that are happening in the world: wars, political injustices, monstrous
pollution, destruction of fauna and flora Or, healing the planet can become their obsession. They
become either over worried for the planet either really angry toward other people who are not as
involved as they are in the planetary rescue actions. To help our planet is maybe the most beautiful
action that one can realize nowadays on Earth. However, people in this shadow of Caban need to
take into account that any negative thought or emotion adds negative energy to the collective
consciousness and that any positive energy: thoughts, actions brings healing to our planet. Some
others are maybe helping the Earth just by being at peace with themselves and people born with the
power of Caban are not aware of the consequences of these actions. By healing ourselves, we are
also healing the Earth. Actions must come out of awareness and compassion in order to bring
powerful and positive results to the planet. Measure must be applied: don't kill yourself in order to
save the world. We are its children and Mother Earth is all the times connected to us.

Integration of polarities

People born with the energy of Caban have by birth a strong power of incarnation and of
being present. Their biggest challenge is to become aware of it. It is as if they are fully projected into
the present moment. So, it is very hard for them to take distance from it and to observe themselves
from an inner point view. They will have to learn to release all the attachments that they could have

projected upon the outside world and all the identifications that they could have build with their
personality or their own life. They should remember that they are just a consciousness that came
upon Earth to experience life through the physical dimension. Energetically, they have very strong
lower chakras. Then when they accept to open to transcendental reality and new states of
consciousness, they move their whole life and reality with them. So it is a huge movement because
they have the ability to move from their Earth (from their center). They manage to ground a spiritual
truth in their life. So it can also seem much more difficult than for others, who are less grounded than
them. However their results are not the same. At the same time, they will have a lot of work to do to
purify their lower chakras from all their fears and attachments that their deep sensitivity has push them
to develop according to their level of unconsciousness. Their main focus is to turn toward their own
inner introspection their natural inclination toward honesty and fairness. If they are really authentic
inside themselves, they will easily manage to release all their blockages. Their path is to become as
much grounded in their perception of the spiritual reality as they are of the physical reality. Then they
will be able to share and give so much to others around them

Their spiritual powers.


Their main ability is to be in tune with the universal movement as we saw before. It is an
amazing psychic power on this planet. Once they forget upon their mind, they can just be guided by
the universe and enter a space of reality where everything is just magic.
Their other power is to be able to communicate with the spirit of the Earth. For this, that the
same, they just need to purify themselves from all the fears of their mind and they will remember that
Gaia is all the times speaking with them.
And finally they have a very strong power of observation. In learning meditation and
relaxation, they will learn to empty their mind. They will realize that they have a natural ability to see
deep level of consciousness. As we saw before, they can see the unconscious of others people in a
very pragmatic and rational way, or they can read the signs written in every small details of their life: an
object, an animal, a coincidence, the movement of the wind At every minute the universe is speaking
with us, we are just too much occupied with our own thoughts to realize it and we miss a lot of
inexpressible teachings.

The glyphs surrounding Caban

Its Analog Partner: Ik the White Wind

The Wind carries the ability to be aware and to feel the Spirit that is back side of the whole
manifested world. Ik is the power to see the invisible, to connect with the spiritual realm of life. Ik is the

simplicity of just being who we are and of expressing our Spirit by acting spontaneously as it comes
to us. Ik is out of any game that can come out of our emotions or our mind. Ik is transparency of our full
Spirit. The more people with the energy of Caban will develop Ik energy in themselves, the more they
are in tune with their Spirit and they can incarnate in the present moment the totality of who they are.
Ik helps them a lot to develop their power of presence by aligning them with their deep inner truth. Ik
pushes them not to build any limited mental structures that will impeach their Spirit to express itself
and to experience life. From the strong freedom and nature of Ik, they can be totally free from any
emotional blockages or tensions and focus their whole attention in the present and their surrounding.

Its Antipode Partner: Manik The Blue Hand

Manik carries the understanding that we are the Hand of the Light of our Spirit. Manik gives us
all the powers and the tools to manifest our deep wisdom on Earth. Manik is really aware and
sensitive to all that is manifested in the physical world. Manik is the celebration of our Spirit through
the materialization of its beauty and wealth. Manik is the love of creation and of giving a finished form
to all what we feel. By completing all what have learnt through a final realization, Manik opens in our
consciousness a new space for a higher understanding to take place. Manik asks us to enjoy each
step in our creation and it pushes people born with the energy of Caban to stay in the present and in
the material world. It impeaches them to always project themselves in the future or the past. Manik
pushes them to take the responsibility of manifesting concretely who they are in the reality and their
life. Manik teaches them to act according to their whole potential and not to hide themselves back
side of a distort reality. Manik is an explosion of joy that just want to collect all the means to show the
inner magic of our Spirit.

Its Occult Partner: Kan The Yellow Seed

Kan is the understanding that our life and us are the only fertile ground to manifest our
deepest dreams on this world. Kan brings the awareness that we are the only one responsible for
manifesting all the potentials that we carry deep inside ourselves. This unconscious wisdom is what
gives a very good grounding and confidence in people born with the energy of Caban. By birth,
naturally, they act in tune with their whole nature and being and their deepest dreams. People born
with energy of Caban know intuitively that the present is the only possibility to manifest our deepest
dreams and that they have to use this opportunity at the maximum. The more they become aware and
develop Kan power in themselves, the more they will increase the size of their manifestation and the
deepness of the dreams that they are realizing. There is no end to this process of increasing the
miracles that they can accomplish on this Earth: the only limit is their own mind.

ETZNAB The White Mirror

Etznab carries many medicines. It is the mirror, the sword of truth, the clarity, the knife of
sacrifice, and the sacred Mayan pyramid seen from the sky. Etznab is the power of the mind that
becomes so clear that it can see the whole reality. The clear mind of Etznab pushes our awareness to
expand. Etznab can be painful for the ego. It just shows the truth. Its energy can carry us through a
rational and radical exploration of the reality to find a stable truth, on which our mind can finally rest.
The energy of Etznab brings the dissolution of all the illusions. As a mirror, a very clear mind helps us
to see ourselves as we really are and to face our own shadows. It shows us that the world is just a
reflection of who we are and the way we perceive it is our own creation. The outside reality is infinite
and can be see through thousand of different angles and windows. The vision that we get is just a
fixed point of view upon it and is marked by our own perception and being. If we have strong emotions
and some charged reactions towards things or people, Etznab teaches us to look inside ourselves to
discover the blockages and fixed patterns that create them. And as they explain in the Mayan
Oracle what induce strong reactions in us, can be seen as our best friends if we use the power of
Etznab. They show us deep wounds or ignorance that we want to hide to our own consciousness.
The energy of Etznab is dissonance. Etznab can see all the illusions that lie in the outside world and
in us. Dissonance is the ability of seeing that something is out of harmony and needs healing. Etznab
presses us to introspection. By facing our own shadows and just accepting them without any
judgment, we just allow the energy that was stuck by some unconscious blockages to be released and
to move again. By healing the dissonances in ourselves, we develop a clearer awareness of the
Universe around us. It brings us back to a place of center, of simplicity from where we can see the
cosmic dance of illusion of the Universe without being caught inside. In this place, there is a rift
between worlds. The time stops. As we can see on the glyph, the pyramid of Earth and the pyramid
of Heaven merge in the center of our consciousness. Etznab brings us behind illusion, at the top of
the pyramid, as also represented by its glyph. As they explain in the Mayan Oracle, Etznab shows
us the third point of Light where duality disappears. Etznab is one octave higher than Chuen, the
Blue Monkey. From the consciousness of Etznab, we can observe the cosmic joke but still realize
that we are an enlightened being. The glyph of Etznab also represents the Tzolkin that is a
reflection of the structure of the Universe. It brings us in the middle of the hall of mirrors that creates
the human reality and asks us to use it and to play with it. It wants us to look at life from different
angles, to take different point of view, to play different roles and then we will see the reality with a
deeper consciousness and at the same time, realize the illusion of our small view of it.
A day with the energy of Etznab brings a lot of clarity upon our life and our own psyche. It is

a day of truth: a very good day to develop authenticity with others and with ourselves. It helps us to
look deeply inside ourselves from a place of deepest honesty. It takes us out from the games of our
mind that prevent us to see our own potentials and shadows. So it is a very good time for real
introspection and for entering higher states of consciousness. Etznab likes to take us out of time, in
the space behind duality, where we can meet again our real Essence. It is a good day to try to release
old patterns and blockages in ourselves by accepting to look at their roots. It helps us to see our
projections on the reality around us and the way we manipulate our life. It is a beautiful time of
forgiveness in front of all wounds by accepting to let go of our emotions and make some space to
healing. Through this process it gives us an access to higher level of consciousness.

Etznab or the path of Truth

General psychological profile

People born with the energy of Etznab are very intellectual. They have a strong mind and a
strong mental body. They like clarity and develop a sharp view towards themselves and the Universe.
They like to see the truth through everything and doesn't like to get lost in any illusion, confusion or
doubt. They are very rational. As they are born with the wisdom of Caban, they like to be efficient
and to go straight and fast to their goal. They like harmony and are very perfectionist. They will not
allow any small detail to be in dissonance. Their clarity gives them the capacity to be a very good
mirror for others. They can easily see the shadow inside others and point it out. They are Warrior of
Truth. When they see something wrong, they cannot let it stay there. They take out their sword and
they cut the link that was keeping the illusion alive in others. They like to speak their truth for the
greatest benefit of everybody. When they start focusing their intension on discovering who they are
and begin their inner journey, they are very powerful, sharp and fast to evolve. They have naturally a
strong sixth chakra and it allows them to see easily their own shadow. They are fearless warriors
ready to cut and release all the non-useful blockages, believes and patterns that can stop them on
their way to the truth. They want to be efficient and transparent as much as possible. They are not
very connected with their emotions and look at them with their mind, smiling like a grandmother
watching some children playing outside her house. Thus, they can be very detached and follow easily
the clear intention of their mind in emotionally charged situations. They are fighting for the Light of
Truth to break out from the huge wheel of illusion, ignorance and suffering that is governing the world
and the actual collective consciousness. Their Soul knows intuitively that another level of
consciousness does exist, out of the illusion of duality, separation, space, and time. They can find this
place only inside themselves with a great will power and determination to follow and surrender to the
Truth. They wish to go directly to the higher state of realization. Their sharp mind and well open
sixth chakra are very good tools for this purpose. However, they will have to journey through an

amazing process of purification, and self-discovery. They will need to let go of the illusion, suffering,
desires, and attachments that are keeping them chained to the illusion of their projection on reality.
They need a lot of courage and perseverance. They will have to remember many times that they are
creating their own reality. The world and life are merely a mirror for themselves. And they are the only
key to let go of their own patterns and illusions.

Their potentials and their challenges

o A lot of clarity and the fear of the power of illusion

People born with the energy of Etznab carry the power of clarity, which is their own medicine.
So it makes them aware of ignorance and how it can act on this world more than most others people.
They have the ability to see how illusion can lead the world and their life and how other people can be
stuck in illusion without being conscious of it. This strong awareness can lead them to the conclusion
that illusion controls the world. They didn't find any more sense in what surround them. From this
deception, they can have different reactions. Some can fall in despair not finding the strength and
courage to try to fight against it. Some others can become very cynical and negative towards the
movement of the world, the society, and humanity and develop a very egoistic life in focusing their
whole energy in their own personal comfort and well being. Some can generate a complex of
superiority towards others that seem at their eyes to be lost and get a lot of pride and arrogance. In
any case, they close themselves from the outside world and cut their actions from the collective needs.
This incredible show of the ignorance in front of their eyes is a deep challenge that they chose to
face with their Soul before to come on Earth. It pushes them to wake up out of the dream of duality,
to go behind the separation between good and bad. It teaches them to develop real compassion for
the world and others. In front of their vision they have no choice than to experience their knowledge at
another level than just intellectual. It wants them to enter a new state of consciousness. It is important
for people in this shadow to realize that their clarity of mind is the medicine that they carry in
themselves and that it is a part of their destiny to share it with others who don't have this talent. I know
that it is a difficult task and they will have to confront themselves with the resistance of the ego of
others who are lost in ignorance and seem not agree to come out of their illusion. To become aware of
our patterns brings out a lot of major wounds and hidden feelings that were buried very deep inside us
and that our ego doesn't want to look at out of fear and pride. These actions require a lot of
compassion and softness from people born with the power of Etznab. At the same time, they are
Warriors of Truth and they will need a lot of determination, courage, and trust in what they are doing
regardless of the outcome. They will need to be ready for being sometimes alone and not being
recognized by others that they have helped. And as we explained before, whatever makes them react
emotionally is a tool for them to see one of their own blockages.

o A strong mind and the difficulty to be sensitive

People born with the power of Etznab like rationality, efficiency and clarity. Their mind leads
their life and likes to go straight and fast in everything that they accomplish. The emotions are totally
irrational, unpredictable and not easy to control. They limit their efficiency and show them their
vulnerability. Most of people born with the energy of Etznab choose to disconnect from emotions
during their childhood. They stop to consider them in their life and slowly lost their consciousness of
them. However, emotions cannot be suppressed in our life. We can only direct their energy properly
by perfect understanding of their roots and awareness of their cause. People in this shadow of
Etznab, let their emotions develop in their unconscious and lost the control that they can have upon
them. They repress them and create many blockages in their emotional body that they don't want
anymore to look at. This non-awareness of the emotional reality can be one the reason for which they
don't understand the world in which they are living. They occult one fundamental part of their being
and of the reality of the human experience of life. It can lead them also to huge confusion. The
emotions, creating many blockages and patterns, start to lead their life through their unconscious and
they cannot understand with their mind who they are and why they are acting as they do. It is quite
important for them to accept to reconnect with their emotions. They will have to learn again to feel, to
be sensitive, and not to know what they do. They need to release their judgments towards their
emotions and accept to be vulnerable again and maybe totally irrational. To help this process, it is
good for them to focus only on their own basic needs of love and nourishment. They should come
back to the times where there were baby and feel themselves with all the love that they can possibly
receive. They are born with the power of Caban, the Red Earth, so they were really connected with
the Earthly reality at their birth. That is what has given them so much clarity. However as the Earth
energy has been really unrespected on this planet for very long time, they also have missed a lot of
presence, support and nourishment to incarnate fully their Soul and their potentials. Only through
accessing again their emotions, they will become aware of the Truth. Truth is not only a concept and
a beautiful idea. It is an experience of life. They need to go back to real experience instead of staying
in their mind.

o The risk of a dictatorial point of view

As we saw before, they have a strong mind and can repress a lot of their emotions. Then
their mental perception becomes a mean of unconscious release of their emotional fears. They start
to build their life only from an intellectual and conceptual point of view. Their ideas become the roots
of the structure of their whole life. And they can start to be very attached to them. They dont realize
that they have some subjectivity added to their objectivity. At the same time, they are so much

touched when they realize that something is true, that they identify themselves with this truth and get
emotionally attached to it. At this point they will have the tendency is to believe that only their point
of view and their truth are right and that everything else is wrong. They get stuck in rigidity and lose
mental flexibility. Rigidity doesn't allow them to open to the infinite diversity of human experience and
it stops them on their spiritual path. They become judgmental. They need to remember that the truth
is infinite and that everyone carries a different medicine and has his own way of finding is Divine Self.
They should accept to develop other way to perceive the reality than the one their use to in their life.
It is really good for them to develop more receptivity toward the outside world and the way others
chose to walk on their own path. They should remember that any mental point of view that is
disturbing them is a mirror to see parts of them that have missed love and nourishment. They should
accept to look at their emotional life and their wounds. Once they start to heal them, it will
automatically open their mind. They will remember the power and beauty of tolerance and the
difficulty to communicate the different realities in which all of us are living. Because inside himself,
everyone thinks is right.

o The over development of the mind

Finally another difficulty that people born with the energy of Etznab have to face is the over-
development of their mind. This comes also from their disconnection with their emotions and feelings.
The mental perception becomes so primordial in their perception of life that it becomes their only tool
to apprehend the experience of life. Their emotions being hidden in their unconscious, they rule their
behavior from backside of their consciousness. Then as they feel that something is missing in their life,
the fear will pushes them to increase even more their mental activity in order to find out a solution,
instead of transforming their habit to use only their mind to experience the world. They can start to
feel all the times worried or a lot of stress. Their life becomes very complex. They get lost in their own
thoughts. They just feel a massive confusion. They try to understand all the different levels of the life
only through their mental body. This one becomes very huge in their aura and tries to touch and to
control all the different layers of their energetic field. This control is totally impossible and brings
restlessness of their mental activity. This can lead them to a breakdown of their nervous system or to
any imbalance created by over-thinking as: insomnia, stress, depression, schizophrenia People in this
shadow need again to realize that, at some stage, the mental abilities are not enough to perceive the
width of human Essence. They need to jump from knowing to being. Deep awareness comes from a
place outside of the mind. The mind is just one of the tools given to our consciousness to look at the
world. They must connect with the different layers of their energetic body and to experience the
world at different levels: physically, emotionally, spiritually, and not only intellectually. It is really good
for them: to change fully all their habits, to try to act instinctively and intuitively, without thinking at all,
to reconnect with their physical and emotional needs and to express them The use of arts can be a

good way for them to find back their sensitivity and their emotions. The most important for them is to
accept to be emotional. They should remember that they are the only creator of their reality. If there
is confusion around them, it means that there is confusion in them and they are the only one that can
change it.

o Integration of the polarity

Their strong potential is their clarity and their ability to cut through the emotional confusion
with the sword of truth. Energetically, they have a very strong sixth chakra and mental body and a
good development of the right side of their being, the masculine part (rational, active, solar, and yang).
Now their life asks them to open to the other quality of their sixth chakra, which is intuition and
spiritual knowledge and to discover all the other dimensions different from the mental world that
constitute their and life and the left side of their being, the feminine aspect (intuitive, instinctive,
receptive, lunar, and yin). It means that their clarity should help them to access higher levels of
consciousness. They should learn to open their power of discrimination through the exploration of all
the different levels of perception of life: their physical body, their emotions, their relationships, their
spirit and love. It is the realization that the truth is not only a conceptual reality but a living experience.
Their biggest challenge is to release totally the dictatorial power of their mind upon their whole being
(and all the layers of their auric field). They should accept the vastness of the mystery of life and the
Universe. It is good to remember that the wiser men of our planet have realized that even if they knew
a lot, they actually knew nothing.

Spiritual powers

Naturally they have an amazing power of concentration and a natural faculty to enter state of
meditation, behind the activity of the mind. It gives them a key to higher levels of consciousness and
access to other dimensions of reality. It is an amazing tool that can be rediscovered by people born
with the medicine of Etznab who have forget it, in accepting to release their blocked emotions and in
practicing regularly detachment from the mental activity of their every day life. As we saw before, they
have a direct access to their essence behind times and space and behind duality. They can connect
with the highest part f our human consciousness, the one that most of our religions experience as a
connection with the Divine presence. They can remember their nature beyond their present
incarnation on this planet.
They have also a beautiful ability to see the shadow and the ignorance acting through the other
people around them. Once they have learn compassion and tolerance and that they are not anymore
reacting in front of the suffering of others, they can become really good therapists or healers. There
perception and clarity can help a lot the others to find their own path and a way to come out of their

unhealthy habits. For that they will also have to develop a lot their ability to enter the world and the
realities of others. Otherwise it will be difficult for them to be understood in their explanations.

The glyphs that surround Etznab

Its Analog Partner: Imix The Red Dragon

Imix carries the understanding that the Universe and the world that surrounds us are our Divine
Mother. The world is just a huge receptor for all our thoughts, dreams, and deep desires and what
happens in our lives is merely the realization of them. However, as we are not fully conscious of
ourselves, we are not aware of what we really ask to the world with our whole being. Imix is the
realization of the deep connection between the world and us, between others and us. The more
people born with the energy of Etznab will develop Imix energy in themselves, the more they will bring
healing energy in their life and in the world that surround them. Imix is a very supportive energy for
them, because it strengthens their link with the outside world, from which they have a tendency to
separate when they enter in their shadow. The understanding of the power of the world to give them
exactly what they ask, develop fully their understanding that the Universe is just a mirror of
themselves. When people born with the energy of Etznab start to express their needs and dreams to
their surrounding, they start to connect with their feelings and emotions and to accept to be
vulnerable in front of others. Imix gives them back strength in purifying them from all their unconscious
blockages. It develops hope and trust towards the world and the Universe to become again their own
creation and not any more a world leads by madness and illusion.

Its Antipode Partner: Lamat The Yellow Star

Lamat carries the power of harmony. It is a big time of celebration and the understanding that our
ability to see harmony around ourselves comes from our inner peace and centeredness. Lamat is the
time of opening of the heart and of releasing of all the judgments that impeach us to love truly. Lamat
has a very strong sensitivity towards the outside world. It is a huge challenge for people born with the
energy of Etznab because it pushes them to connect again with their feelings, to be touched by the
outside world and to understand that all what they see like an imperfection is actually coming from
their rigidity and perfectionism and their absence of love and real compassion. Lamat is a portal to
others dimensions and it pushes people born with the power of Etznab to connect with their Soul, at
the same time that they are pushed to reconnect with their blocked emotions. When they develop
Lamat energy in themselves, they become beautiful warrior of Truth. They start to use their sword
only with compassion and love. They realize that the first fight that needs to be accomplished is inside
themselves and they stop to blame the world. They stop to look for a fixed outside Truth and

understand that the Truth is very flexible and comes from the experience of inner peace.

Its Occult Partner: Akbal The Blue Night

The Blue Night is the power of introspection, the awareness of all our deepest dreams, desires,
and unconscious patterns. Akbal teaches how to find the silence and dive into our unconscious. As
an unconscious power, it gives the innate ability to people born with the power Etznab to see the
unconscious patterns that leads their life and the world. Akbal is their tool to discover illusion and its
roots inside their being. The more they will become conscious of this ability inside themselves, the
more they will accept to journey deeply inside themselves and increase their own awareness of the
reality and of who we are. The Blue Night has the power to discover all the shadows that lye at the
roots of our being and knows that the consciousness free of fears is the only tool that allows us to
free ourselves from them. Once, people born with the energy of Etznab connect with this amazing
potential inside themselves, they become real Warrior of Truth traveling back to the Essence of their
own being. Akbal shows them the most beautiful Light that dwells in the center of their being, in the
temple of their Soul.

CAUAC The Blue Storm

According to the Mayan Oracle, Cauac is the energy of final initiation before
enlightenment. It has an amazing power of transformation and of purification. It is a time of tasting the
ecstasy of freedom. It teaches us to surrender totally and to let go of all controls in order to live the
huge mystery of life. In the Pop Wuj, Cauac is the moment whenJunapju Xibalba lost his head, being
cut by a vampire. The head symbolizes the power of command and control of our mind and personality
upon our whole being. At this point, the hero becomes two different beings. Junapju, his solar and
active part is lying without head, dead and Ixabalanc, the feminine and receptive energy of the hero,
with the help of the whole animal kingdom and the Spirit of the Moon is preparing a new head to heal
Junapju. This new head is made of materials of Nature, symbolizing the Universe, without the
printing of the personality and of the ego. Then some seeds of Light are spread inside the head to
give him life. When the hero get reborn, he is filled up by the energy of the Universe and his ego and
personal will are not anymore guiding him. Only the Universe is leading him. Cauac is the last step of
purification of the ego. The male and active part in ourselves accepts to offer all his powers of action,
creativity and control to our feminine and receptive part. By being just open and receptive, we can
listen to the teachings and gifts of the Universe and that couldnt be catch by our little self and our
intellect. Cauac is the end of inner duality and conflict. Our whole creativity and actions are turn
towards the discovering of the width of this life. Cauac is the storm, the tornado. Its energy brings to
our consciousness all the different faces of who we are: all our shadows and all our lights. It brings us
in the eye of the storm where absolute acceptance lies: destroying all ideas about right or wrong, good
or bad, light or dark. In this place of real acceptance lies real freedom and detachment. There is not
anymore fixed rules in our mind. There is just the reality of the experience of the present moment,
without any concept or definition. Cauac pushes us to take out all the boundaries inside ourselves
and to really manifest the totality of our being without fear or restriction. The more we accept
approaching the center of our own storm, the more we are able to see its width and its deepness. By
sitting in the center of ourselves, we can see the dance of our sensations, emotions, and thoughts all
around our beings, in our body and energetic field. The more we find this state of presence, the more
we discover the amount of awareness and Light settles in the center of our being, the more we can see
that through the dance of our feelings and thoughts is dancing the whole Universe. Fully centered in
the middle of our storm, we become a pure consciousness witnessing the infinite cosmic dance of the
Cosmos. This process and time is very powerful and brings out a lot of our shadows to our
consciousness. It is a time of creating open structures: structures that lead you to freedom and infinite
possibilities. Cauac carries the power of the lightening storm that brings sudden strong realizations. It

is a time of accelerated ascension and of reunion of all the parts of who we are in the permanent
movement of ourselves, the time when matter will again merge with Spirit. It is the preparation of our
nervous system and of our cells for receiving higher vibrations. Cauac helps the alignment of our
mental, emotional, physical, and astral bodies with Hunab K'u, the center of the Universe, the
universal consciousness and truth.
A day Cauac pushes all the shadows and tensions coming from dissociation between our
personality and the highest state of consciousness that we can momentary touch, to come out of
ourselves and to be expressed in our life. It is a day when everybody wants to be free and all what is
blocked and hidden want to come out and be manifested. A lot of strong emotional reactions can be
experienced: expressing our frustrations, anger, and inability to be free in our own head and in our life.
It is very hard to accept any boundaries from our outside surrounding, our every day life, and other
people. It is a day of explosion of our Soul that wants to destroy all what limit its real expression and
manifestation. It is also a beautiful day to find real forgiveness through the real expression of our
emotions. Everything becomes clear and the Truth of the Soul can be seen detached from the
emotional drama that its generates. In a day of Cauac energy, we can jump from one extreme to its
opposite in few seconds. There are no more rules: only freedom of our Spirit. It invites us to dance
through all the different faces and levels of existence. Cauac helps us to taste and enjoy the whole
diversity of our human condition, because at the same time we stay aware that this is just a game and
we are free to participate or not. Cauac is also a day in which we can connect with very high level of
consciousness if we accept to let go of all our resistances and fears. It is a day to receive strong
Divine blessings and to increase the vibrational level of our being.

Cauac or the path of final initiation

General psychological profile

People born with the power of Cauac are freedom-lovers. Their third, fifth and seventh
charkas are naturally well-developed. They like to follow the free flow of life and express it without
fears. It is very hard for them to accept any structures, ideas, or concepts that can limit them.
Nevertheless, they look for them at the same time, being afraid as they are of fully dissolving if they
stay in their absolute freedom. They need some fixed structures in order to stay grounded even if
they are all the times complaining about them. They can change of mood very easily and fast. They
are quiet passionate people like a lightning storm. As they observe the fast movement of their
emotions, they are not attached to them. They don't get easily offended by other people's strong
emotional reactions. They have a real ability to forgive to themselves and to others. Their life is a
powerful initiation that teaches them all the times to let go of their own identity, to surrender to the
wish of their Higher Self and to increase their level of vibration. They can naturally enter altered

states of consciousness that destroy all their previous ideas and thoughts about their life, the world
and who they are. Life offers them teachings and experiences that push them to transform and to
purify themselves all the times. They are never in a fixed place. Their nervous system is quiet tense
because of this permanent intensification of their vibrational level. They are expanding at the level of
their consciousness. They need to adjust their mental, emotional, and physical levels to their new
awareness all the times. Here lies their biggest challenge. They need to release all the blocked
energies that are not anymore in tune with their new vibration: limited concepts, judgments, patterns
physical blockages, and toxins. This brings them to a time of cleansing that can induce mental,
physical, or emotional imbalances. They are at the last stage before enlightenment. In the Tzolkin,
they are the nineteenth sign and they went through all the different stages of awareness of the
calendar. They are very old Souls who can share a very strong wisdom of detachment in front of the
storm of life. They know that they are neither their body, nor their emotions, nor their mind. Their
most difficult task is to discover who they really are and to incarnate it properly without getting lost in
the confusion of their storm. Because they connect with the infinite in themselves, they have
difficulties to define themselves and to express their Truth to the world. Usually, they are good
artists, therapists, or spiritual seekers. They want to be free Spirits and at the same time, wish to
incarnate it in this world. They have a very strong ability to get out of their mind and to connect with a
higher consciousness.

Their potentials and their challenges

o The experience of higher states of consciousness disconnected with their everyday


People born with the power can naturally penetrate deep states of meditation. That is an amazing gift
which can be also dangerous when some personal patterns havent been resolved before. When we
experience holotropic states (as the professor Stanilas Grof named it), we get in tune with
dimensions of life and of the Universe that are much stronger and powerful than the one we are use to
in the normal state. The perceptions and realizations that we receive through this kind of states get
carved in the center of our nervous system. They induce deep purifications of all our behaviors, ways
of thinking, our emotional patterns, and physical body. They ask us to look at our shadows and to
release them in order to be able to assimilate them in our everyday life. However people born with the
power of Cauac can totally reject this part of assimilation and just develop their ability to fly away
from the difficulty to be incarnate on this planet. They just want to be in other dimensions than the
concrete and physical one. Through their ability to get high connections, they escape and live their
life on a very metaphysical level that is not connected with the reality of their personality and their
every day life. They stay in the metaphysic reality and don't take the responsibilities to change what

they incarnate and manifest in this world. They let all their patterns and imbalances of their ego lead
their life as something not really important to worry about. They limit spirituality to some mystical
experiences to specific situation and to a special awareness. They dont develop any tool to manifest
it in the concrete world. The gap of vibration between their every day life and their experience of
higher states of consciousness becomes huge and creates strong tensions in their nervous system.
Those tensions bring physical and emotional imbalances and mental confusion. They are the
expressions of all the blocked energies that need to be released in their every day life in order to align
again their individual self with their Spirit. This comes out of a deep feeling of loneliness and strong
anger toward their incarnation. To ground themselves, their ego will have to surrender. They will have
to release their pride and arrogance and to accept to see their heart and their vulnerability. Their
ability to enter higher states of consciousness at some specific time can push them in the delusion that
they are already arrived and complete. They can think that they are already detached from all the
human condition and life. They should remember that until they are alive they are in evolution and
learning always more to incarnate their Spirit on the Earth and to share it with others. They should
build a bridge between their infinite wisdom and their ability to dance in the storm of manifestations.
Otherwise, their life can be totally disconnected from the deep knowledge that they carry in
themselves. They can be very aware and wise inside themselves but stay like a ghost on this planet.
They should use all their physical tensions and emotional imbalances as tools to discover what need
to be healed and changed in them. It is good for them to work on introspection rather than to fly away
all the times in the Universal consciousness. They should forget about their laziness and accept to
take the real spiritual path of every human being: to manifest their infinite consciousness through their
life and their being at every minute of their life and at all the levels of their being.

o The love of experimenting higher states of consciousness and the danger of


When people born with the power of Cauac dont manage to realign their inner wisdom with
their concrete life, they can easily fall on the trap of addictions. They love so much to get high and to
fly away from reality than they become attached to some toxic habits as drugs, coffee, sugar They
can also develop some unhealthy attachments to excess of comfort, sex, or any kind of pleasure.
These addictions become a way for them to give some forms and structures to their every day life,
helping them to accept to live in the concrete world and giving them somehow an identity. They
become means to enter easily into altered states of consciousness without facing their shadows. It
limits the expansion of their awareness to those times and experiences in their life as if the power was
coming from the outside and not from their inner capacity. These addictions come from their fears of
really looking at themselves and transforming concretely their own life, according to the vastness of
their inner wisdom. By fears and laziness they give their own power away to outside stimulations to

transform their level of vibration instead of confronting the emotional, physical or mental blockages
that prevent them to open permanently their being. However, addictions offer just a momentary
release and awareness and don't give them the strength and the tools to fight against the difficulties
of the every day life. Addictions take them out of their own power to do this whole work of awareness
by themselves and can never give them permanent satisfaction and contentment. It is good to use
situations in order to help opening our inner world. Nevertheless, we should always remember that
those situations are just way to realize who we are and that all the powers lie inside us. We can really
be free only when we find again the Source of our power and when we are able to enter these states
of higher consciousness with our own willpower without the help of any outside stimulus.

o The last initiation: the teaching of grace

Their very high level of consciousness is leading them to the final initiation of life. They have
to learn to trust absolutely. They are the nineteenth sign of the Tzolkin. They went almost through
the entire circle. They experiment all the different stages of evolution and of consciousness and still
they don't find the Source and their Divine Essence. They feel like they are very old souls and they
are very tired of the game going on in life. Furthermore, they have a very deep feeling of separation
from the Source. They build a very strong ego that knows how to play with thousands of masks in
order to never be dissolved. Their absence of grounding makes them very afraid of loosing control.
Their strong ego impeaches them to develop faith and trust in real spiritual transformation and in the
Universe to lead them back to the Source of their being. Because they can easily experience higher
states of consciousness, they think that they get the truth and try to fix it with some concepts in their
mind instead of accepting to live it all the times in an absolutely free way. The fifth layer of their auric
field misses some space to expand itself, because they are already too much filled up with their mental
believes and the patterns of their ego. This layer contains our ability to be empty in order to let
Divine grace enter our body. They are like a man in a circus walking on a thigh rope very high in the
sky. They see themselves on the edge of their consciousness and their ego takes advantage of the
situation. They stay comfortable there, watching the big hole of mystery in front of their feet and
developing arrogance and pride by being so high from the rest of the world. However, they are totally
scared to jump in the unknown and lost all the powers that their personality has build. Maybe their life
will have to change totally. Maybe they will loose their social position, their loved ones, or even their
mind and their life. Fears are useful to protect us when facing situations that can prevent our survival.
They are very useful in our evolution up to a certain point. When we are growing and our energetic
vibration is slowly increasing, some fears enter our consciousness that are no longer needed and ask
to be acknowledged and released. These fears are like protection borders that we put in our mind to
limit our experience to a field that our being is able to handle. When our connection with our Spirit
increases and our awareness grows, these borders appear like a jail to stop our evolution and we need

to let go of them. Without faith and trust in life, their heart closes itself. Their life gets lost in the
confusion of their own patterns and in their storm and they loose all their connection with the Divine
beauty and magic. Their ego is too much resisting to accept to look at who they really are and at their
own responsibility in the apparent mess of the Universe and of their life. They are at a point where
the reality cannot anymore be catch and understood by the mind. The changes are going too fast.
They need to learn to surrender to their Higher Self and to let the wisdom of their Soul lead their
life. The strong feeling of despair that they can experiment is coming from the opening of their
seventh charka. Some people call it "the Dark Night of the Soul". It is a time of adjustment of our
comprehension of the Divine wisdom and of the universal movement. It is a big transformation of our
awareness leading to strong feelings of separation with the world, others, and God, to a deep feeling
of loneliness and of absence of any meanings of life. However, the stronger these feelings are, the
closer are we coming to the point of reunion with our Essence Self. It is a time of realignment of our
whole being with the opening of our seventh charka and seventh layer of our auric field. There lies our
connection with the Divine energy and it pushes us to let go of all our old structures and attachments,
to allow all our past identities and our ego to die in order to be reborn as a Divine Child, absolutely
purify and free to incarnate the Divine will and energy. It is a very difficult time that ask us to
surrender, to face our own shadows, and to keep faith in our Divine intelligence to lead us back
towards the Light, that never let us. In order to be the Light, people born with the energy of Cauac
have to cross the whole darkness of their being. There is no other way.

o In tune with the present movement of the collective consciousness

As the energy of Cauac is ruling the Earth now, its transformational power brings out a lot of
fears and feelings of insecurity in the collective mind. People on the planet are in tune with this energy
and at the same time scared of it. So it is a gift and a strong challenge for the people born with the
energy of Cauac. They find a lot of support for their medicine through the movement of the world.
And at the same time they find a lot of resistances against their own energy and power, which are
transforming the collective mind, in their culture and society. These resistances slow down their
growth and push them to reject their own nature. The suppression of their own Nature and potentials
leads them to unconsciousness and frustrations. It takes them out of their own balance and ability to
experience deep freedom. They cannot taste and share the medicine that they carry deep inside
themselves with others. They need to reevaluate their values system, build by their education and the
collective mind. They should forget about all the "should" and "should not" in their life, to drop their
ideas about good and bad. They have to be very strong to really become a storm, belaying all the
non-useful fears of the planetary consciousness. They should remember that by healing themselves,
they are healing the collective consciousness. By increasing their awareness, they increase the
awareness of humanity and the vibration of the Earth. Our planet and civilization are now in a huge

time of transformation as they are. They choose to incarnate with the same energy than the whole
Earth. So the more they accept to surrender to their own process of transformation, the more they
help the whole humanity and the reality to be transformed and to dissolve all the previous boundaries,
blocking the expansion of consciousness.

o Integration of polarities

People born with the medicine of Cauac have a strong ability to experience states of freedom
and ecstasy. They like dissolution and spaciousness. That is why energetically they have strong
potentials in their third, fifth and seventh chakras. They need to accept to look also at all that is
limiting them in their life and personality. They should learn to love their everyday life and all its
pragmatic and down to Earth structures. Their deepest challenge is to accept to face all their
emotions that they have hidden from their consciousness during their childhood. They will have to
surrender to their sensitivity and to release the blockage of their fourth chakra. It can be very good
for them to accept to cry. Their tears will help them to remember their vulnerability as they come on
earth, just at the moment of their birth. They will have to remember their love, if they want to release
all the tensions in their physical, emotional and mental bodies that have prevent them to fully incarnate
in their body. Only with love, they will be able to purify fully their personality and ego and to see how
much suffering they have take upon them. And slowly they will give birth and shine the power of the
sun, Ahau, the next and last kin of the calendar, which is the time of enlightenment. In opening fully
their heart (their fourth chakra), people born with the energy of Cauac will drink the nectar of grace
and forgiveness through their whole being. Slowly it will show them the perfect path to the purification
of all their fears and ignorance. They will find the power to make the hard work of going back to all the
underworlds, looking at all their patterns, and pouring love and blessing in it. On their energetic field,
they will manage to open their second and first chakras harmoniously. And they will start to shine their
infinite self, through every movement in their life.

Spiritual powers

Their biggest power is to transform themselves and to evolve with their Spirit. They are not
afraid to die with their mental body. They love to explore higher states of consciousness and accept
dissolution with their ego. That is an amazing potential that can lead them to gather many other
qualities. When we open this door of perception inside ourselves, everything becomes possible we
just have to feel in which direction of manifestation our energy is going and then we can create
miracles. Expression of these deep states of inspiration can be through arts, healing, meditations,

The glyphs surrounding Cauac

Its Analog Partner: Ahau The Yellow Sun

Ahau is the last and the first kin of the Tzolkin. It is the number twenty and the zero. It is the time
of enlightenment, of fusion with the center of the Universe, with the Divine wisdom. The sun in the
Mayan culture is a representation of the Center of the Universe, Hunab K'u, the Source of the
whole creation and life. It is the center of transmission for our solar system of the vibration of Hunab
K'u. Ahau is the centered awareness in ourselves where we find absolute peace and rest and are able
to connect to everything that surrounds us. It is the consciousness that can never be moved by any
outside influences, the silent witness of all our life's dances. It is a very helpful energy for people born
with the energy of Cauac. Ahau gives them the ability to be detached from all the movements of their
life and the ability to connect with very high consciousness and wisdom. Ahau teaches them absolute
compassion for all what is manifested in the Universe under whatever form it can be. Ahau helps them
to find the center of their storm and to give their light and love to all what surround them. It helps them
to have a lot of inner strength and self-confidence in order to manifest freely their Spirit on this

Its Antipode Partner: Muluk The Red Moon

Muluk carries our ability to be absolutely empty in order to receive Light from the rest of the
Universe. The moon is reflecting the Light of the Sun. Muluk gives us the potential to be a channel
for vibrations and consciousness higher than ours. Muluk is also a time of strong purification of the
ego that needs to surrender in front of higher wisdom and purer vibrations. Muluk is a very strong
challenge for people born with the energy of Cauac, because it pushes them to really work on their
ego and to purify it, if they want to be in touch with all the times higher vibrations. When they connect
with Muluk power, people born with the energy of Cauac can receive very strong teachings from the
Universe and they will be pushed to clean and heal their body, emotions, and thoughts that are
leading their every day life. Muluk brings, what I call, spiritual healing in their life. Suddenly, they can
have very strong body pain or sickness, that have nothing to see with their outside surrounding but
that comes from a deep inner purification and from tension or toxic energy that get released. The
more people born with the energy of Cauac connect with the power of Muluk in themselves, the more
they diminish the gap between their higher states of consciousness and their everyday personality,
the more they can experiment higher states of consciousness. Muluk is the time of purification of the
ego, of absolute surrender of the ego in front of the beautiful Light present in the Universe and in
our consciousness.

Its Occult Partner: Ik The White Wind

Ik is the universal Spirit that is in everything but that we can never really catch in the material
world. Ik is the perfect knowledge of the spiritual realm that is so difficult to express and manifest in
the concrete world with our mind. Ik is the principle of life: all the times moving, never fixed, totally free.
It is the permanent movement, the spontaneity, the inspiration that pushes and animates the whole
creation. Because they have it as an unconscious power, people born with the energy of Cauac have
an innate capacity to be very spontaneous and to follow the flow of their Soul without really caring
for what is happening around them. Ik gives them an innate freedom to express and manifest who they
are. The more they become aware of the power of Ik in themselves, the more they will dissolve they
conception of duality. Ik is everywhere and in everything. It is not something. it is just a state of being,
an essence inside everything. Once that we start to see it, then there is no more contradiction or fight.
There are just infinite possibilities and bliss.

AHAU The Yellow Sun

Ahau is the sun. In the Mayan culture, the Sun is the transmitter-emitter of the pulsation of
Hunab K'u, the center of the Universe, the Divine wisdom, and Spirit that gives birth to the whole
movement of life and creation. Ahau is the last sign of the Tzolkin. It is the time of enlightenment, of
perfect alignment of our being with the universal movement, and of total union of our whole being and
each of our cells. Ahau represents the Center of the Universe that is at the same time at the center
of all human beings, and at the center of all atoms and particles of the cosmos. It is the realization that
there is no duality and separation. In the Pop Wuj, it is the time when the hero, Ixabalanke, kills the
Lord of the Death. His human condition gets united with his Divine and infinite Nature. Ahau leads
us to a state of perfect connection with our Divine Nature. We are not anymore ruled and limited by
our physical, emotional, and mental realities. Ahau helps the opening of our seventh charka and the
seventh layer of our auric field. It aligns all our different chakras and layers of our being. The gifts of
Ahau are limitless Bliss, Christ consciousness and unconditional love. Ahau teaches us to be one
with everything and to be whole inside ourselves. It welcomes us back to the Divine Source inside
ourselves, where we realize that actually we have always been here and we never left this place, just we
were not aware of it. From this place of full self-realization, a huge Light of contentment, love, and joy
can come out of our heart from the feeling of Bliss that we are experiencing and drinking at each
instant in our life. Ahau offers us the power of the Sun, to become a Source of unconditional love,
light, and wisdom by perfect self-contentment, inner wholeness, and centeredness. It teaches us how
to become a source of compassion and consciousness for others that are still on their way back to the
Source. Ahau asks to remember our Divine Nature and consciousness at every moment of our life,
even during the most simple and down-to-earth activities. It breaks the separation in our mind between
us and the absolute wisdom and consciousness of the Universe. It shows us that wherever we are in
the Universe, we always have a straight connection in ourselves with the cosmic consciousness,
detached from any concrete form and outside manifestation. Ahau helps us to accept to step totally
out of all our patterns, powers games, mental illusion, and ignorance in looking at it with a beautiful
smile full of love and empathy for the suffering and the difficulties of our ego to come out of it. Ahau
is the deep detachment from all the desires of the ego. It brings strong inner peace and contentment
inside the Soul. We don't need anymore to run to get anything. We are totally full just with ourselves,
just by being. Ahau incarnates the deepest spiritual realization, with a lot of simplicity and humility,
just by being. This is what is: just the universal law of Nature, no ego, or will. It gives us the
unbelievable peace, silence, and quiet of being back home again. There is no more need of moving or
speaking. Our ego is dead. There is no more separation or duality in us. We are just in perfect tune

with the universal movement. It is the ecstatic bliss of discovering the perfection of everything in the
Universe. All what is left is the vibration of infinite bliss and infinite love. The number of Ahau is
twenty, representing the combined mastery of the human and spiritual worlds.
On a day Ahau, there is nothing to do than just be who we are. It is a day leading us to our
strongest simplicity and so to the most sacred part of ourselves. To be simple is to be true. There is
no more mask or games to play. There is just our Essence that manifests itself in the world. Ahau is a
time of rest and of inner fulfillment and contentment. If you are not at peace with yourself, your
restlessness can become very painful and apparent in a day of Ahau energy. You will try to run as
much as you can all the day long in order to escape from the witnessing of your inner feeling of lack.
Ahau is taken us out of all our ego games and our emotional and mental dramas and limitations to
bring us back to the source of our consciousness in ourselves. A day Ahau is a very good time to see
how much we are centered within ourselves, how much we are self-contented, how much compassion we
have developed. It can be very fruitful to work by any means or techniques on these three issues
during this day. However, the main teaching of Ahau is to connect with the deep stillness in ourselves,
which is totally detached from all our actions and outside experiences. So this day is not at all about
doing things, but just about being ourselves.

Ahau or the path of contentment

General psychological profile

People born with the power of Ahau are very centered and quiet people. They are very simple
and humble and get easily contented with what life offers to them in the present. They like sharing
their gifts with their surrounding in a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. Sun people are not full of
social ambition and don't need recognition from the outside as we could imagine a sun above the
world. No, they dont like noise or extravagance. The light that they share with the Universe comes
from a deep inner quietude and is spread by the blissful smile of their Soul at peace. They know how
to enjoy the beauty of life and this is what they wish to share with their brothers and sisters on this
Earth. They incarnate perfect simplicity and perfect transparency. One good representation of a
person born with the power of Ahau is an old man living from his garden in a little house, in the
countryside, sharing his peace with the neighborhood coming to visit him. They are in love with peace
and simplicity and this is what they are looking for in their life. They just want to be who they are,
perfectly accepting their own weaknesses and strengths. From this place, they can also accept fully
the others with all their little shadows, without judging them or taking distance from them, but just in
trying to love them as they are and in connecting with their Essence. Their strong balance and
centeredness in their life give them a considerable magnetic power attracting other people around
them in need of stability inside themselves. By learning to share more and more their inner peace with

whoever comes in their life, they open their heart ever more to unconditional love and purify
themselves. Their own Nature is their strong connection with the state of enlightenment. They just
know how to be, without any doubt or uneasiness. They naturally manifest their truth without fear in
pure simplicity. Their strong balance and easiness of being in life give them a very strong grounding.
Their inner quietness and clarity of mind bring them a lot of wisdom. Whatever movement is happening
in their life, they stay centered, peaceful, and look at the problem with a clear and detached mind.
They don't get out of balance in the storm of emotions. They know how to take decision and act from
a place of inner peace and deep wisdom. Their first three chakras and layers of their body are usually
well opened and balanced. Their tan tien is also naturally developed and strong. This is what gives
them a lot of stability and transparency. Their life pushes them to open increasingly the fourth last
layers of their aura and their fourth upper chakras. They learn to develop real unconditional love and
pure relationships with others and to open their pragmatic mind to faith and Divine wisdom.

Their potentials and their challenges

o A strong yearning for peace and a deep repression of their emotional nature

People born with the power of Ahau are in love with stability and peace. They like when
everything is simple and they can just enjoy the present moment. However, life is going to challenge
them to see until where can they stay center in themselves. As a child their strongest desire is stay
at peace. Then they develop a personality that doesnt like to be disturbed by any negative
emotions inside their own being. Because emotions are not easy to fix and control, they prefer to
shout them down in themselves than to loose their consciousness and their simple joy. However,
this leads them to a strong rejection of one part of themselves and impeaches their Soul to really
taste the world and life. They accumulate a lot of frustration and anger in their unconscious. They
don realize these feelings are also them and have important teaching for their Spirit to fully
develop itself on this planet. They don't allow their being to experiment the width of the human
condition. They stay centered and quiet by controlling their life to keep it in quiet situations that
will not trigger their passion and emotional body. It can lead them to a form of rejection of these
emotions and passions each time that they see them in others. They don't manage to understand
all the movements and agitations of other people around them. They judge that others are "crazy"
and their presence around them disturbs their own inner peace. It is very important for people in
this shadow of Ahau to release their judgment towards certain types of emotions that they still
don't have accepted and forgiven inside themselves. According to the Mayan Oracle, their
musical tone is harmonic overtone: the ability to resonate with the vibration of another being at a
higher frequency in order to help him or her to wake up and to evolve. The others come around
them to teach them how to really open their heart to unconditional love and to release all the inner

conflicts and separations that they can still have in their being and that make them react in front of
situations that are touching them. If they want to find real detachment, they should not be afraid to
meet all the shadows and fire of their being. Otherwise they are not detached from their emotions,
they are just escaping from feeling them.

o The love of stillness and the fear of infinity

Their love of simplicity and quietness can also lead them to a form of rigidity in front of the
mystery of life. As we see they can totally disconnect from the emotions that they judge too strong
in themselves and they can limit and put border in their mind to everything that is infinite in life like
the idea of who they are, God or love. In doing this, they close their fourth and seventh chakras and
limit the expansion of their sixth and seventh layers of their aura. By fear of being moved, they
choose to put this infinity inside a box of fixed mental concepts. Their love becomes like an
emotional pact of exchanges with their friends, family, and lovers. It is fully conditional and egoistic.
The idea that they develop upon themselves is limited to the definition of their personality and ego
and they forget totally about their own infinite Essence and Divinity. Their consciousness of
God can be totally separated from themselves and they can become fanatic of religious rules and
regulations, limiting their consciousness of the Divine to the times of rituals. People in this shadow
of Ahau need to release their fears of loosing control and peace. They should open to the
beautiful and magic mystery of life. They should realize that they are the only creator of their life. If
they choose to be limited, limited they and their life will remain. However, their Soul and Spirit
cannot survive in peace inside a jail. Slowly, they will loose their contentment and their inner joy.
Their life will start to look very empty and sad. Their soul will cry out and ask inside themselves if
someone would like to listen to its lament. If they don't want to listen to their Essence, with time
going, they will not be able to find real peace anymore. If they want to go back to it, they will have to
change their rigid ideas and ways of living in order to give way to their real free Nature to express
itself in their life. To keep their transparency and truth, it is really important to accept to be free
and to live their freedom without any limiting judgment. It is the only way that they can spread their
medicine, which is the beautiful centeredness and wisdom of their Soul.

o Integration of polarities

People born with the medicine of Ahau have a strong potential to be center and contented in
their life. Energetically it what gives them a strong lower tantien and strong first three chakras and
layers in their aura. They have a very good base in life. Their challenge is to expand their
consciousness beyond the borders of what they know. They should accept to go into an adventure, a
discovery of the big mystery of life. Their being just asks for expansion in all the dimensions of life.

Their analog energy is Cauac, the Blue Storm, the power of freedom. They should dig into the
unknown of their own unconscious and accept the disruption of their life as beautiful teachers and
opportunities to increase their love. It will help them to open their higher chakras and layers of their
auric field. They will start to experience different states of consciousness that will slowly dissolve the
whole rigidity of their mental body and their life. The more they manage to open themselves to the
diversity of life, the more they will be able to share their medicine with others. The more they accept to
momentarily loose their center, the more they find back a real stability even in the middle of the wider
storms of life.

Spiritual powers

The main power of people born with the energy of Ahau is their ability to be contented and
full. They have the archetype of the Chinese Laughing Buddha. They have access to a deep
wisdom of love behind any manifestation of life. They should realize that this potential manifest it in
them by a capacity of not thinking so much. It can seem strange to them but actually compare to most
of other human being their mind is very pragmatic and quiet. If they try to develop through taichi or
meditation, their main challenge will be not to fall asleep. As they are very grounded, they have a lot of
earth element and this one takes the pattern of hiding their potentials under tamasic energy. It means
that it pushes them toward laziness or pleasures and distractions. Their tamasic energy prevents them
to see all the emotions that they have hidden in their unconscious. Once they accept to structure
themselves and to push themselves to develop concentration and discipline, slowly they will mange to
dissipate this heavy energy and penetrate the world of introspection. The more they keep on this
path, the more they will find back their deep ability to meditate and to enter intense states of
presence, in doing just nothing.

The glyphs surrounding Ahau

Its Analog Partner: Cauac The Blue Storm

Cauac is the awareness of our absolute freedom. Cauac asks us to be free, to express ourselves
without any fears and limitations. It helps us to realize that we are totally free to experiment whatever
our Soul wishes in this life. The world is just a huge playground for our Spirit to manifest and create
whatever it wants. The only limits are lying inside ourselves through our fears and judgments. Its
energy supports a lot people born with the energy of ahau because it allows them to express their
Soul naturally very simply without being afraid of the outside consequences. The more they develop
this power inside themselves, the less they condemn and refrain the free expression of their Soul, and
the more are they able to shine and spread their inner wisdom

Its Antipode Partner: Oc The White Dog

Oc is our connection with our emotional body and our way to be in relationship with others. It is the
guardian of the emotional part of the brain. Its energy pushes people born with the energy of Ahau to
come out of their loneliness and to accept to be in relation with the world and their surrounding. It
makes them aware of their own feelings and takes them out of the icy tower of their consciousness
totally detached from the rest of the world. Oc pushes them to be part of the dance of the universe
and shows them how to really detach themselves from it in developing real compassion. Oc pushes
them to introspection by triggering in themselves strong reactive emotions. Oc shows them what they
need to heal in them, what is touched inside them and make them react. Oc helps us to heal all the past
wounds from our childhood that are hidden in our unconscious. Oc makes them aware of their
connection with their companions of destiny. It shows to them that their Soul chooses to come upon
Earth in order to share with other beings and not to live alone.

Its Occult Partner: Imix The Red Dragon

Imix is the consciousness of the Divine Mother in ourselves and in the Universe that surrounds
us. It is the understanding that the Universe is just here to nourish us and to fulfill all the wishes that
we are expressing. As they have it as an unconscious power, people born with the energy of Ahau
get a very strong grounding and the ability to be fulfilled easily by the Universe, because naturally,
they are expressing what they need to the world and life and so it is what they receive. The more they
connect with the potential of Imix in them, the more they become able to discover what are their real
needs and to express them to the world, and the more they become whole and one inside themselves.
Imix gives them also the ability to feel what the others surrounding them need. The more they develop
Imix power in themselves, the more they get connected with the others unconscious needs. Imix helps
developing telepathic communication with others and the Universe. It gives the potentials to people
born with the power of Ahau to nourish with their light deeply people coming around them. It allows
them to become a real sun full with its own contentment and able to fulfill other Souls.




The magnetic moon is the number one. It symbolizes perfect unity, Hunab K'u, the Center of
the Universe, the indivisible Essence that is at the base of everything in the whole Universe and that
is the whole Universe itself. It is also the unconditional love, which recognizes that we are all one with
everything. It is the highest point of consciousness, pure samadhi, when the consciousness merges
with the essence of life, back to the Source of everything where all dualities are dissolved into bliss
and love. It is the power of the one heart, of the Divine Essence that is in the center of all beings.
This tone helps us to connect with our inner space of total centeredness, where our consciousness is
witnessing the infinite dance of creation without being moved by its excitement. It brings us to a place
outside the illusion of the world, of "Maya", where we merge with our Divine essence. This tone
increases a lot the energy of the solar seal, which it is connected with. It brings to the Essence of
everything and just follows the flow without resisting to it.
A magnetic day is a beginning of a new wavespell. The solar seal of this day is going to lead
the general movement and intension of the twelve days that will follow. It is a very powerful day that
pushes us to explore fully a new vibration and a new quality in our life that will vibrate in ourselves and
in our life during thirteen days. It is a very good time to focus on our intensions for the next days to
come. It is a very auspicious day to feel the power of the medicine of the solar seal, which the
Universe vibrates on this day. It is usually a day to receive strong teachings. It is a time that helps us
to go back to the roots of our being and to connect with the direct expression of our Higher Self
without the filter of our ego. It is a time of deep simplicity, centeredness, silence, remembering our
essence and of unity with everything around us.

Psychological Interpretation

The magnetic lunar tone is one of the three most powerful tonalities. People born with a
magnetic tone are very centered and have a very strong connection with the intensions of their Spirit.
They have a good alignment with their Soul and they know intuitively what they have to do. There is
not so much space for doubt or confusion in their life. They get the power to know and realize what
they wish. Their third charka is very well developed giving them a lot of assurance and self-confidence.
This lunar tone doubles the power of the solar seal, as it becomes also the guide. Therefore, the
Soul that has chosen the magnetic tonality did really know which type of energy it wanted to develop
and what it wanted to realize and to bring in this world. They are very fully focused people
concentrated on one medicine. Because of their strong centeredness and inner stability, people
carrying the magnetic tone, attract a lot of people finding peace and balance merely by being in their

company. That is why they are called magnetic. By their capacity to merge with their Essence Self,
they become one with the indivisible Source of all things and enter the realm of unconditional love.
Through their own transparency, their truth, their total self-acceptance and focus intension, they
spread a lot of pure energy around themselves that is nothing else than pure love and truth. The
magnetic tone is also the first tonality. It is the initiator of new beginnings. People born on this day like
taking new roads in their lives and initiating new beginnings.


The lunar tone is the number two. It symbolizes the polarity of life and of the Universe. It is
the existence of the two opposite forces in all that exist in the Universe: matter and spirit, life and
death, moon and sun, male and female, activity and receptivity, light and darkness It brings all the
times challenges. It pushes our consciousness to open up to the totality of the Universe: to the Light
as much as to the shadow, without separating them. This tone helps us to grow and to evolve. It
doesn't have any judgment towards reality and teaches us to experience the two opposite sides of it.
The tension develops through polarity is what brings movement. Without it, life could not be. It is a
basic principle of life and existence that helps to move, evolve, and understand more all the times.
The lunar tone is also the teacher of relationships and interactions. It shows the way different
beings or energies can exchange their power and their qualities in order to develop and to transform
themselves. It carries the moon energy that increases our receptivity and feminine side. It teaches us
the importance of emptiness, of pure detachment from our ego in order to establish real relationships.
As the moon is totally empty, it can reflect the sun's light and bring a very beautiful and creative
energy on Earth. By absolute surrender and trust, we become a channel of the universal
consciousness. We allow it to express itself through our own potentials and we can reflect this light
coming from the centers of all human beings. This tone carries the power of mirroring reality like the
moon showing to the Earth the aspect of a planet from afar and mirroring its own aspect from an
outside point of view.

A lunar day can be a strongly emotional day because it brings us from one side of ourselves
to the other. It shows us opposite forces in our life, and points out tensions that need to be healed or
that push us to act appropriately. It is a time for developing tolerance towards others and ourselves. It
is a day during which we can see the two sides of each reality, not only the shining and beautiful one. It
teaches us balance and gives us a more realistic vision upon the reality, which we are in. On this day,
people are very receptive and open, full with lunar and feminine energy. It is a very good day to
exchange our deep feelings and to be well surrounded in a peaceful and harmonious environment.
The lunar energy pushes us to exchange and develop deep intimacy between each other. This day
takes us to an inner journey to observe our shadow and wounds, at the same times than our potentials
and light. It is a very subjective day and we should be careful not to project our feelings on others.

Psychological interpretation

People born with the lunar tone are very sensitive and receptive. They have such a strong
sensitivity, that sometimes, and mainly if they are a man, they will hide it and reject it, judging it as a
weakness. They are very connected with their feelings and know how to feel others. They like to be in
relationships and are able to learn a lot from them. They know how to take the point of view of others
and develop empathy. They understand that we are all mirrors for each other and that through
interaction great teachings are to be found. They like to dissolve duality through fusion with another
person and to develop cooperation between the different Souls they come across in their life. At the
same time, they need to take care of not totally dissolving themselves in others and to lose their
responsibility for their own life and their own needs. Because they like so much the huge love that can
be developed between two beings wishing to share their Soul and life, they can become addicted to it
and to relationships. It makes them stick to unhealthy relationships by fear of being alone. They have
a strong potential in their fourth chakra but a weak third chakra (depending of the balance with their
solar seal). Generally, they need to develop more self-love and confidence. The power of their fourth
chakra comes from their flexibility and tolerance towards the two polarities of life. At the same time,
this sensitivity and ability to go through the two extremities of life all the times can bring a lot of
movements that prevent their third charka (definition of themselves) and self-confidence to be built
up. It can lead them to a lot of emotional up and down to the point that they learnt absolute
compassion. They see life sometimes with so much light and sometimes so full of misery and pain.
Their sensitivity brings them a lot of challenges and pushes them to grow on their spiritual path. They
are very humble and know that they don't know. However, they need to realize that this is a huge
wisdom on which they can build a deep stability rooted in their inner knowledge. The integration of
polarities inside us is an infinite work that can always be more refined and perfected and that leads to
enlightenment. Instead of developing a feeling of unworthiness towards themselves, they have to give
back its strong value to their own inner work of tolerance and to learn sharing it without fear or shame
with their surroundings.


The electric tone carries the power of the sacred triangle, the cosmic trinity: the permanent
movement coming out of the integration of the two polarities of the Universe: the creative and
destructive energies. It is an inner place where we integrate the two polarities inside ourselves and
from where we are free to choose which direction we want to take. It is also the basic principle of life
that pushes us to move, to create, to change. By accepting the three different directions of life, it
shows us that we are absolute freedom and invites us to be all the times able to change of direction in
following the universal flow of life. The opening to our inner trinity offers us a lot of tolerance for the
outside world and a lot of energy coming out of the permanent movement inside ourselves. It
empowers us with a lot of creative energy and the will to act in the world. The more we become
tolerant, the more we align ourselves with the universal river of life, and the more our actions fit and
support the universal flow.
A day with the electric tone is a day turned towards actions, creativity, and change. Life
pushes us to change and to evolve, to destroy our old patterns and to act in a new way with a new
awareness in order to grow up. On this day, we can feel a lot of energy inside ourselves and the
strong will to transform all what blocks our growth. If we are afraid to act appropriately to change what
need to be changed in our life and behaviors, we can build a lot of anger inside ourselves that can
come out electrically. It is a day of passion and of desire to play with the movement of life. It is day to
act and transform all what don't serve us anymore. From the inner movement of though and states of
being, we can also get a lot of inspiration and creativity. It is a day inviting us to penetrate into the
cosmic dance of life and not to stay stuck into old behaviors and believes. Just follow the flow of life
and your inspiration wherever it should take you.

Psychological interpretation

People born with the electric tonality have a very open mind. They like to receive and to get in
touch with all the different cultures and philosophies to understand the world and reality. They enjoy
to experience everything and to walk in all the directions. They want to look at all the sides of any
question. They love change and movement and can jump from one extreme to the other. They are
quiet active and passionate people, very difficult to put inside a box. Because in themselves they feel
all the times movement, they have some difficulties defining who they are and they like just to dance
and follow all the times the flow of life that passes naturally through their being. However, it is
important to learn to focus and concentrate their energy on some actions or creativity. Otherwise,
they can just spend their energy in running around without being able to manifest it concretely and

significantly. From the permanent movement of their emotions and thoughts inside themselves, they
can get a lot of inspiration, creativity, and energy. If they don't find a way to manifest and express it,
they can become fully electric and explode on their surrounding. When they manage to concentrate
and focus their energy, they become very creative. As they explain, in The Mayan Oracle, they are
the "third point of light", initiators of new beginnings in their life.


The self-existing tone carries the grounding energy. It is the power to put things into order, to
give them a specific form. In the Mayan Oracle, they describe it like the square, the base of the
pyramid, the foundation of the physical realm, giving the fourth cardinal directions. The square is a
very stable and fixed form. It looks unmovable. With four points, it is the first number in which you can
enter the third dimension. This lunar tone represents the place where we get enough certitude to be
able to create things and manifest ourselves in the physical world. It is the power of incarnation, where
thoughts, emotions, and desires are so strong and fixed that they get manifested in the concrete
reality. It is the understanding of how consciousness can take a physical form. It gives us the power to
take roots into this world. From pure Spirit and energy, the self-existing tone creates a finished and
set form. Spirit and energy are like the wind, all the times moving and changing. It is impossible really
to catch them, to define them or to put them in a box. The self-existing tone pushes them to incarnate,
to take a shape in the physical world, to define, and to order themselves in order to be materialized for
the senses, to be experienced by the body and not only by the consciousness. This lunar tone has
the name of "self-existing" because it is the capacity of a Soul, of a pure Spirit, of a Divine
consciousness to take a specific form in the physical world. From the undifferentiated ocean of
Divine consciousness, the number four is the freedom for each human being to create who they want
to be, to define themselves as different and separate, absolutely original and unique. That's why it is
called "self-existing". It is the power to be the architect of ones own life, to know how to give shape to
our wishes for our Spirit on this Earth.
A day with a self-existing lunar tone is a day to manifest and express fully who we are. It is a
time to look at everything that is manifested in our life, even to what we don't want consciously
because they come from our unconscious wishes and patterns, as we are the creators of our reality.
We are therefore responsible for everything that happens within our life. It is a day which gives a lot of
self-confidence and pushes us to express and manifest clearly who we are. It is a time for asking to
become fully responsible and to take the command to direct our destiny in the direction that we wish.
It is a day to be firm within ourselves and to develop some strong basis and wisdom, on which we can
stand and from where we are going to act. It helps developing our third, fifth and first chakras.

Psychological interpretation

People born with the self-existing tone have a strong self-confidence and a well-developed
third chakra. Their personality is built on strong foundations and they are able to manifest, to
incarnate, and to express who they are and what they want easily. This strong self-confidence makes
them very detached from the outside world judgment on them. They are in love with who they are and

the way they manifest themselves. They don't need anybody to acknowledge what they are doing.
They enjoy a very strong freedom and a very strong independence. Usually it is easy to find what
their solar seal is without calculating it because they are not hiding who they are and it just appears
straight away in all their actions and behaviors. They allow the free expression and manifestation of
their solar seal in their life. It is very difficult to undermine them. They can even be slightly stubborn in
their thinking that they are the only one who really knows. They are gifted with the capacity to put
easily in their reality what they want. When they have a desire or a dream, it is quite easy for them to
manifest it in their life. They are the free creator and builder of their reality on Earth. They are the
masters of the laws of Nature and are naturally aligned with the cycle of Nature, because they don't
develop any doubts towards their own nature and let it express itself freely. They have a strong


The overtone tone is the accomplishment of the first cycle of consciousness, which has been
all around itself and has realized the totality of its human Nature. Now the consciousness vibrates
with itself in harmony at a higher pitch, because we have become aware of whom we are. It is a time of
alignment of our individual self with the intension of our Divine Nature. It is called "overtone" because
it is the purification of the ego when it comes to resonate with the Higher Self. It has the double
power of bringing us in tune with our Divine center and of accepting the totality of our humanness. In
The Mayan Oracle, they take back the archetype of the Zen Master. This tonality helps us to sit
in the center of ourselves watching the infinite dance of creation of our own humanity. It teaches us
real detachment through acceptance of the totality of who we are: all our weaknesses as well as all our
needs, all our powers, and our full light. It takes us to a journey of discovering the entire circle of our
humanness: our body, our emotions, our thoughts, our relationships The more we accept to go back
to our center, the more we can see the width of our being. The more our ego let go of the fixed ideas
and limits upon ourselves, the more we have the opportunity to become what we actually are. This
lunar tone increases the power of our intensions. It asks us: "What do we really want?" And it
empowers our answer. Its action is to command. It gives the power to put order in our life and it
empowers us to realize fully our destiny. From our place of center, we can radiate our energy all
around us. The overtone energy teaches us the depth of our personal power and shows us how to
use it at the higher level of our human potential.
An overtone day is a time that helps us to radiate fully who we are. It is a time to find our
center and from this place to see what are our limits and potentials. It is a day in which we have a
facility to incarnate the wholeness of our being. It breaks our inner limits, boundaries, and our fears to
show and to express who we are. On this day, we can feel very detached from the outside
consequences of our actions and we have a facility to act authentically. Our being and its natural
wisdom just flow out of ourselves. It is a good day to plant some strong positive intensions in our mind,
because they will radiate inside our whole being more easily on this day. This day helps us to heal and
develop our third chakra: to take our own space, to have self-confidence and love, and to know our
place in this world. The only shadow that can be develop on this day is proud or arrogance. It is
important to stay aware and receptive to the outside world and surrounding and to keep our heart
connected with the universal love.

Psychological interpretation

People born with the overtone medicine have the strong capacity to know what they want and
to love who they think they are. They know intuitively the power of intensions and use it a lot to direct

their life according to their wishes. This gives them a lot of power and helps them to develop a healthy
third chakra that allows them to take the place that they want to occupy in this world. They have a
strong personality based on their self-esteem and the ability to realize their dreams. This strong self-
fulfillment forces them to purify increasingly their intentions towards spiritual realization. At the same
time, their strong power of manifesting who they are leads them through their life to face their
unconscious patterns and blockages, which will keep on manifesting themselves until that they get
healed and released. Their strong personality and ego can often resist and struggle against this
process projecting on the outside world the responsibility of their discomfort. They need to learn to
surrender to the will of their Higher Self to bring them back to a place of larger freedom where they
can expand the understanding of who they are. They should take care of not developing pride,
arrogance, and judgments towards others, because these mental forms block them from receiving the
abundance and the teachings of beauty in life. They should take care of not building a too rigid
mental frame. Their lunar tonality asks them to develop even more compassion and openness towards
the world and themselves. They learn to look at the whole moving picture of themselves with love and
to discover the beauty of their freedom, the perfection of their imperfection. They need to accept the
totality of their being: the warrior as much as the sensitive child in them, the spiritual being as much as
their physical body, the feminine power as much as the masculine power People born with the
overtone tone express and manifest naturally and directly their inner awareness of the reality. They
are like an overtone: from the outside, their being vibrates at the same tonality that the center of their
being. They radiate the understanding of who they are all around them. Because they have an honest
and straight expression of their being, life teaches them very directly and clearly and if they don't
project their mistakes on their surrounding, it can be very easy for them to understand how to evolve,
to grow, and to heal their patterns. They just need to accept to look at what life tells them. Because
they have a strong power, the consequences of their actions are also powerful and accelerate the
process of their transformation. Their biggest teaching is to learn to let go and to surrender. Then
they can go deep into the spiraling mystery of their Divine being.


The power of the rhythmic tone is the ability to transform our personality and our individual
self according to the needs of our Higher Self. The number of this lunar tone is six. Six represents
the unification of the number five, appearing as a bar in the Mayan arithmetic writing and symbolizing
our personality and the way that we incarnate it, with the number one (marked as one point in the
Mayan arithmetic writing) and symbol of the supreme Unity and wisdom, the Source, the Galactic
Center: Hunab K'u, speaking through our Higher Self inside our consciousness. The rhythmic tone
is an active process pushing us towards movement, because the flow of life is all the times moving and
changing in its manifestation. Spirit can stay alive and be incarnated in this world of forms only
through extreme flexibility and open-mind (See Ik the White Wind). It asks us to be receptive to our
Essence and to always be ready to move our life and the way we manifest ourselves according to its
truth, its freedom, and its real movement. We need to find the balance between our Spirit and our life
on Earth. How to really incarnate our truth without destroying it? The sixth lunar tone asks us to
release all our fixed habits and mental certitudes that block the development and free expression of
our Soul. All our actions and manifestations of our being have to come in alignment with our deepest
truth. This rhythmic tone asks to find the right rhythm between our Soul expectations and vibration
and our life in the human world. It teaches us to be flexible and all the times receptive to new teachings
and understandings that will help us to go forward. It shows us how to build deep roots in our Higher
Spirit. It wants us to surrender to the law of impermanence and to let our awareness and state of
presence direct our flexibility. It teaches us to move through life and its changes but in staying
centered in ourselves. It shows us how to walk with our feet on the ground in keeping our head in
Heaven. In The Mayan Oracle, they give to the rhythmic tonality the magic power of the sixth
pointed star. This tone brings us to the ground and to the sky. There are two triangles pointing in
two opposite directions: the number six brings Heaven to Earth and send Earth to Heaven. It
teaches us to connect fully with our higher potentials at the same time than all our instinctive nature
and pushes us to manifest it in our being. The rhythmic tone asks us to incarnate this reality: to be
free like an infinite Spirit and to be real as a human being.
On a day with the rhythmic tone, we can receive new teachings from life, our Soul, situations,
friends that asks us to move forward, to change our consciousness of the world, to follow e new
movement in our life. It brings changes and wants us to become aware of our patterns and to act to
break them. It is a day of meaningful actions that transform our rhythm of life, bringing it much more
near our natural and authentic rhythm.

Psychological interpretation

People born with the rhythmic tone are very flexible and open-minded. They like changes and
movements in their life and in themselves. They are very adaptable and like to follow the flow of life.
They know how to change their own rhythm according to the rhythm of the outside world. They don't
like routine and they have a lot of creativity to bring novelty in their life and in the world. They are very
inquisitive and they want to discover the deep truth and the reverse side of everything. They find a
deep stability in all their movements through their strong connection with their heart and Soul. To
follow their heart and find the truth are the greatest let motives in their life and it brings them very
unusual and unexpected situations. It also brings them strong opportunities of transformation that
help them to realize increasingly who they are. They change their personality and life many times. It
allows them to grow very deep and real roots in their own wisdom. They need to trust in their roots
and to manifest and affirm their power in their life in order not to loose contact with the outside world
and feel lost in the concrete world. They incarnate a bridge between Heaven and Earth. They need
to accept and to express this truth wherever they find themselves. They have to build confidence in
their deep spiritual Nature and not be afraid to show it to the world in the totality of their being.


The resonant tone is very important and powerful in the Mayan culture. It is the number
seven, the central column of the thirteen columns in the Tzolkin. In the center of the Calendar, there
is no more polarity, no more duality, no more past or future. It is the mystical alignment of all the levels
of our being. It is the mystical knowledge of being present here and now, the power of absolute
awareness incarnated. It is the experience of enlightenment. The resonant tone acts at all the
different levels of our being: through the seven layers of our aura and through our seven chakras. It
pushes us all the times to harmonize ourselves in order to become a perfect vertical axe between the
Earth and the Sky and a channel of Light spreading its beauty in the world. Seven is written with a
bar representing the number five and our self-awareness and with two dots that symbolize the polarity
of the Universe. Seven is the incarnation of the self freely dancing between the two polarities of the
Universe: the body and the Spirit, the yin and the yang, the Earth and the Heavens, the Light and
darkness, life and death Seven is the power of channeling, of receiving higher understandings, of
attuning ourselves with higher vibrations and of getting inspiration. It represents the center of our
body, the spine, the central channel in which we can transmute energy. It carries the power of alchemy,
to transmute matter through feelings or through spiritual consciousness. It puts us in resonance with
the whole outside world and makes us more sensitive to the energy of others. It asks us to look at
ourselves totally at all the levels of our being: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and in relationships
to become a technician of the Sacred. If we wish to be aligned with our Divine Self, we must work
on all the levels of ourselves and accept ourselves unconditionally. The resonance is the principle that
the classical Mayas used to create the Calendar. They felt that all the particles of our Galaxy were
vibrating in resonance with the rhythm given by Hunab K'u, the center of the Milky Way. So, when
we manage to tune ourselves with this galactic vibration, we are totally detached from our personal
identity and ego and get in perfect harmony and synchronization with the rest of the Galaxy. Then
miracles happen.
A day with the resonant tone is a powerful day bringing deep inner wisdom at the same time
than bringing us a lot of clarity and sensitivity towards our outside surrounding. It is a magical and
mystical day. It pushes us to coordinate all the different parts of ourselves as a harmonious unity. It
gives us the opportunity to easily communicate with higher dimensions, to transmute our own energy,
to change our state of presence and to become increasingly aware of the here and now. It gives us the
capacity to feel the others around us, by entering in resonance with them. It is a beautiful day to
meditate, share our heart with others, and learn to enhance our awareness. We just need to be open
and accept any teachings that come out on these days and not to be too hard and ambitious towards
our own self-development.

Psychological interpretation

People born with the resonant tone have a very strong connection with the Source and the
Galactic wisdom inside themselves. They carry in their consciousness the mystical wisdom and are led
naturally to develop their spiritual abilities. They are very inquisitive and their spiritual wisdom pushes
them to discover all the different levels of their being. They are looking for truth, wholeness, and
perfect harmony. They put theory to test and want to see practical applications of their spiritual
abilities. A. Spillsbury, in the The Mayan Oracle, calls them "technicians of the Sacred". They are
the alchemists, who change matter, emotions, thoughts in pure consciousness. They have a sharp
mind and a strong Spirit. This can make them sometimes too hard towards themselves and their
human condition. They are perfectionist and want to work at all levels of their being without
exception. They need to learn self-acceptance and to love themselves in their transformational
process, even if they can see and feel their own imperfection as well as the one of the others. It is
important for them to open their conception of perfection by connecting with their heart and its
tolerance and compassion, instead of blocking it only with their mind. Their strong connection with the
Source makes them very sensitive to others' energy and very empathic. Sometimes, it can be difficult
for them to detach themselves from the others and to know what comes from their own being and what
comes from the others. When they manage to define themselves and their target, they are very fast
and efficient in its realization using their multiple talents. By choosing this tone, their Soul has
chosen to embody the mystical knowledge and it is through this path that their whole life is going.


The galactic tone carries the power of love and harmony. It is the alignment of the individual
self with the movement of the Universe. It is the number eight, represented by one bar: the self, and
three points: the Trinity with its three powers: creation, destruction, and movement. It is our ability to
incarnate and model this permanent movement through our life and being. It leads us to harmonic
resonance with the flow of Nature. It is "love made visible" (A. Spilsbury, The Mayan Oracle). It
pushes us to be more receptive to the subtle vibrations in the world and others in order to enter in
resonance with them and to create beauty and harmony on this world. All the suns in our Galaxy are
dancing together. Even if they are powerful and very stable centers for their satellites, they are open
on a higher level to stronger forces that carry them around the Galaxy and the Universe. This
opening to higher powers and realities is the creator of bliss and ecstasy in our being. It enables us to
see so much love, beauty around us than our ego is absolutely fulfilled and contented, and we can turn
it off. The galactic tone invites us to see the world from the point of view of our Souls' plans. It opens
the fifth and sixth layers of our auric field: it teaches us faith and surrender to higher plans and
energies that our ego cannot control. It connects us with unconditional love where all Souls are
melted in one unique light. This tonality helps us to vibrate on higher frequencies than the one our
being is used to. It leads our life and us toward new directions than we cannot understand nor imagine.
We need to release our need of being self-centered, of controlling and knowing and to dive into the
soft and mysterious invitation of life. When we enter into resonance with the galactic movement, our
life becomes totally integrated with the general subtle movement of the world. We become one with
Hunab K'u, the Center of the Galaxy, the One Heart. Even if from the point of view of our ego, life
seems to be unbalance or unfulfilled, our consciousness stays connected with our Soul's plan and see
the bliss and harmony back side of every situations.
A day with a galactic tone is a beautiful time to see the larger picture on the top of our
everyday life. It is a time that helps us to feel the deep love and harmony underlying in each situations
and relationships. It is a time to receive messages from other dimensions and get the power and
courage to spread them into this world even if it should hurt the ego and blocked its power game. On
this day we can open ourselves to wider understandings of life. It is interesting to look at our definition
of love and harmony and see if we are not restraining its infinite size through a beautiful little mental
box. The galactic tone shows us that harmony is everywhere in everything and situation it is only up to
us to be or not aware of it.

Psychological interpretation

People born with the galactic tone are very open-minded, very soft, and have a big heart.
They can integrate a lot of different philosophies in their way of thinking. They all the times welcome
new ideas and changes in their life. They know that there is so much to know more than what they
already know. They are very sensitive and receptive people. Their extreme receptivity can sometimes
make them too vulnerable. They feel so much the beauty and harmony inside everything and in their
life that they can sometimes try to escape from irrational conflicts or just collapse instead of taking
their responsibility to protect their being, their rights, and their truth. Because of the strong flexibility
of their mental body, they can miss some stability and insurance to build enough self-confidence inside
themselves. They weakened their third charka. They should realize that their strong receptivity and
their open-mind allow them to perceive and to follow higher guidance in their life. They have the ability
to see and to perceive higher realities than others are not really aware of. This is their duty to make it
appear in front of others by fully accepting their truth inside themselves. Their strong faith on this
path is what creates their power. They are here to sing the alignment in their heart with the beauty of
the flow of life. They are here to share the harmony of their love, their capacity to surrender to the
Divine and to listen totally to the vibration of the Nature, of their Brothers and Sisters Souls that
surround them and of the Universe. They are incarnating the transparency and wish of their Soul.
They are "love made visible".


The solar tone is the time of completion, of realization, that shows our mastery upon our life
and brings us expansion. It pushes us to realize and complete our dreams and our task on this Earth.
The number nine is written with one bar: representing the individual self and four dots: representing
the square, the grounding energy, the power to manifest things in the world. It invites us to show fully
who we are to the outside world through our actions and our behaviors. It asks us to settle into our
own power and potentials and to manifest it in our life. Why are we here? What do we want to create?
It is not anymore a time to wait. It is a time to materialize and concretize everything that we think and
find inside ourselves. It pushes us to become clear and transparent, by showing and manifesting
clearly who we are. It connects us with our deepest intentions and as a shining sun, asks us to spread
our Light all around us. It is time to fulfill our Destiny, to let go of our old habits and patterns, and to
open our consciousness to a greater vision of our life. When we sit in our full Light, our awareness of
the world and of ourselves expands and all the borders that were limiting our creation fall apart. It is
time to cut ourselves from the collective hopelessness and to incarnate a greater conception of our
human potential and essence on this Earth.
A solar day is a day for action and completion. It is a time that pushes us to manifest and
express who we are in the concrete world. It helps us to find our roots and strong bases inside
ourselves and from this inner certitude to act firmly with a lot of power coming from deep inner longing.
On this day, each one has the opportunity to show all his potentials and Light and to forget about
his shyness. It is a time to break all doubts and to destroy instability. It is easy to see what need to be
done from the point of view of our Higher Self, and to just do it and manifest it in the reality. It was
during the Solar ages that the Classical Mayas were living upon our planet and write done the
Sacred Calendar.

Psychological interpretation

People born with the solar tone have a strong personality and a strong inner power that they
want to share with the world. They have a larger vision upon life and the world and come upon Earth
to embody this wisdom for the higher benefit of humanity. They are very centered people and have a
lot of self-confidence that allow them to express and manifest freely and honestly who they are. They
have a transparent personality and are not afraid to show who they are to others people. It is really
important for them to manifest concretely who they are. They can be sometimes too impulsive and too
much dominant on the others. They have a strong and well-developed third chakra. They are strongly
seated inside themselves. At the same time, they are very connected to the outside world and
sensitive what is realized concretely. They can see their own power only if they manifest it. Their

Soul has chosen to take a role of leader for others and if they are not manifesting concretely their
power, they cannot assume their Soul task and can feel very depressed without any life purpose. It is
really important for them to create and to manifest their dreams on Earth. They have a strong earthly
duty. They can be very inspired humanitarian, because they can feel concretely what is needed to
help the planet to evolve. Their life task is turned towards increasing the well-being of their outside
world through whatever form they chose. It is also very important for them to complete thing. When
they achieve something, they can see their own Light in the outside world and it is the only way for
them to really trust its existence. They are very pragmatic and ask for concrete results. By
completion, they fulfill their being and expand. They embody the mastery that they have got from
birth. What they need to remember is that they have the qualities of the Sun. They have come here
to show and share fully and concretely their power and wisdom.


The planetary tone carries the power of manifestation. It is the tenth tone, written in Mayan
arithmetic by two lines: representing the alignment between our Spirit and our personality. It pushes
us to manifest and express directly our inner truth in the outside world. It gives us the tools to manifest
ourselves on Earth. That's why it is called planetary. This tone helps us to bring feelings, emotions,
intentions to reality. It helps us to manifest our dreams and wishes, and to bring our thoughts in the
concrete world. It helps us to show and to express who we really are at all the levels of our being. It
helps us to incarnate our Spirit on Earth and asks us to use all the tools offered to human beings to
express themselves totally. It can be arts, or any creative works, speaking our truth and acting
according to it. If our life seems not in tune with our deep feelings, this tone pushes us to act in order
to build a connection between the two polarities of ourselves. Are we so much conditioned by the
collective mind that we are not allowing ourselves to be and to act according to our own personal
dreams and convictions? The planetary tonality asks us to look at the parts of our believes, of our
behaviors, and ourselves that resist against the will of our Soul. It helps us to be aligned with the
intention of our Higher Self. It brings a lot of love and healing upon Earth, telling us that we just have
to be who we simply are deep inside ourselves. This is the only thing that we have to manifest and
express on this world. This tone breaks all the borders that our mental built out of fears that prevent
us just to let express our being, without any mental control. It asks us to come back to our beautiful
simplicity and not to be scared to manifest it in front of the outside world. It is working upon all the
blockages of our collective consciousness that these last centuries has built. There are so many
borders and censure towards our whole instinctive and emotional Nature. Mainly our mental
capacities and our desire to be totally independent are developed. However, we can be really free
only if we accept to see and express our own vulnerability and our needs for nourishment and love. It is
not by hiding them with guilt deep inside ourselves that will give us the capacity to destroy them. Only
through love, acceptance, faith, and wisdom, real healing can happen. The planetary tone asks us to
be true and fully transparent without fears or guilt and pushes the whole planetary consciousness to
transform and change the human organization and the place from which each being is acting inside it.
A planetary day connects us with our deep inner truth and shows us how it can be hard for us
sometimes to express it freely without any fears. It helps us to work upon our deep fears and guilt to
just be who we are. It shows us how we can break all our mental resistances that prevent us to simply
live in full transparency. It is a day of strong healing that appears concretely in our behaviors and our
state of presence. It is good to let go our tensions and enjoy the simplicity of our Essence. It will be
easy to manifest our deep truth and bend our knees in front of it at this time. Our ego needs to
release its need of control and of trying to be perfect. Perfection just is. We just have to accept it
inside ourselves and to let it be. This day, if we accept its power, brings miracle upon Earth, in the

concrete world. Nothing needs to be done, just our inner truth needs to be fully recognized and

Psychological interpretation

People born with the planetary tone are very productive and creative. They have no filter
between their Soul wishes and their personality and way of acting. They can move a lot the people
that surround them, just by their strong connection with their own truth. They have strong connection
with their Divine Essence and have tools to embody it through the world and their life. They are very
transparent and honest people. They are here to release all the blockages of our way of communicate
and manifest our being. They are without fears and guilt towards their own Nature. This is the
message that they carry and that our planet actually needs. They like to realize their dreams and to
follow their ideas until that it takes form in the reality. They are usually very active and their action is a
direct expression of their inner reality. Their strong honesty and absence of fear and guilt towards
themselves give them a strong clarity of mind that helps them to be ever more efficient in their creation.
They need to stay open to the clear intention of their Soul and to let it express and manifest without
any restriction. They are here to incarnate their true identity on this planet even if this action can
disturb the rigidity and fears of the collective mind.


This lunar tone carries the power of dissonance, transformation, change, and letting go. It is a
time of purification, releasing, and liberation from the non-useful boundaries of the past. Its number is
eleven, represented by two lines: the manifestation of our Higher Self in the world, and by one point,
symbolizing the Divine Unity and wisdom, the Source and Center of our Galaxy. It is a powerful
process of purification. It disintegrates all our blockages through each layer of our being until that we
get back our natural alignment with our Divine Self. It pushes us to realign ourselves with our Divine
consciousness and wisdom. It helps to purify our ego and all our behaviors from all what is not anymore
serving our spiritual growth and real expression. From a limited and egoistic point of view, it can be
many times seen as a death or a lost. That is why this tone is called spectral. When we become aware
of a deep wound inside ourselves and allow the memory that is in our cells at this place to express
itself, all our vulnerabilities, fears, and difficulties come out. All what up to now we were not able to
admit and see appear. Our ego has no more space and tool to control what is happening and it wakes
our deepest fears of survival and not being any more loved and recognized. It is very scary and asks a
lot of faith and courage to go until the end of our suffering. We need to develop a real faith and trust
in life and in the Universe. It is really hard to realize that if it is inside us, it should be for our best, that
our Soul has chosen it, and that we cannot reject it. We should learn to feel this cleansing process as
huge tool and benediction even if we cannot be aware of it in the present moment. This is real
surrender and faith. The strongest are our wounds and suffering, the widest are the teachings, the
healings, and the wisdom that we can receive out of them. When we touch old blocked memories, we
realize that in this place we refuse to grow up. It is very hard for our ego to accept to see that maybe
according to our needs for love, we are still like a three months old baby, and that unconsciously we
were ready to do anything and play power games on others in order to get this love. As hard as it
seems to be, it is the only way to learn to grow up and to be able one day to fully stand on his two feet
fulfilled by trust, faith, and consciousness. The spectral tone brings us the difficult part of the
process that helps us to build in ourselves a higher level of consciousness and energy. It asks us to
look at all that restrict our growth and to let go out of our life. It will bring some challenging, dissonant,
and disharmonious situations in our life, that come to show us our resistances and patterns and push
us to release them. Dissonance is just here to show us what in our life and ourselves is out of harmony
and help us to change of perspective toward the world and to develop a wider point of view. We can
see dissonance each time that our level of awareness has increased, and that we are more aware.
Then we realize some other levels increasingly subtler to perfect the expression and manifestation of
our truth and being. There is no guilt to develop, only to be thankful for the beautiful desire of our
Soul and of life, to look all the time for a higher harmony.

A day with the spectral tone helps us to be aware of shadows inside ourselves that we were
not able to see before. It can put us in some difficult and challenging situations for our ego that are
here just to help us to break our resistances. It is a good day to develop a deep faith and trust in our
heart and to surrender to all the emotions and states of being that can invade ourselves. It is not a day
to resist to anything and it is important to accept to see and express our vulnerabilities, our
difficulties, and our fears. It is an auspicious time to forget our ego and to stop to give it any power.
The more we are able to surrender to what we really feel and who we really are, the more we will allow
our consciousness to grow and our wounds to be really healed. It is a difficult day for our ego but a
beautiful day for our Soul. The best gift that we can do to ourselves on this day is to accept to travel
through our shadow without any resistance.

Psychological interpretation

People born with the spectral tone are people who like to change and to evolve. They have
chosen to live a life that will challenge them, that will push them to let go of their ego and personality
and to evolve all the times. They are very sensitive to all what is dissonant in their life, in their
surrounding, and in themselves. They have a strong idea of perfection and are all the times adjusting
themselves according to it and to the new consciousness that they get through their inner
transformation. They can be very radical in the changes that they choose to accomplish in their life
when they realize that something is not anymore supporting their higher wish. From their surrounding,
they can seem difficult to understand. Their personality is impossible to put into a fixed box, because
it evolves all the times with the expansion of their awareness. That is why this tone is called spectral.
They have a lot of difficulty to define themselves and to be incarnated fully in the concrete world.
They have a very strong mental body that directs a lot their life. If their conception of perfection is
too rigid, it prevents the development and expression of all the others dimensions of their life: their
emotions, relationships They need to learn to release the rigidity of their mind and to develop
tolerance and letting go. Their tonality teaches them to open the fifth layer of their auric field, where
they learn to surrender and have their faith. Their life will anyhow pushes them to release their mental
conception of what should be and shows them through painful experience for their ego to accept just
what is and who they are as a perfection in itself. They know that they are moving towards a subtler
reality, purifying themselves and increasing their awareness. However, they need to realize that
perfection is already here. It is not a beautiful crystallized target, which does not already exist in the
present. The full movement of life is perfection and if they want to become aware of it and to feel it,
they need to develop love and compassion towards all the parts of themselves, even their shadow.
They should learn to enjoy the whole process of transformation in their life and not only look for the


The crystal tone carries the power of cooperation and of understanding the connection
between apparently opposite energies in taking a wider point of view. It is a time of a synthesis in our
consciousness of all the different movements of life. It is the tonality number twelve represented by
two lines symbolizing the manifestation of our Higher Self on Earth through our personality, our
body, and actions, and two dots representing the polarity of life and of the Universe: the yin and
yang, the female and male, life and death, the Sun and the Moon It opens our consciousness to feel
that everything is linked and connected together in the cosmic dance of Shiva and Shakti
representing the two Divine poles of the Universe: the pure spirit and the creation (according to the
Tantric tradition). It gives the capacity to look at the life all the times through a higher perspective,
where the separation of duality disappears and where each particle is connected with the others to
create the infinite movement of life. Duality exists just to give birth to movement, growth, and creation.
Life needs movement in order to be: it is its nature. Without death, life cannot be. Once that you
really understand and feel that, all the contradictions disappear and we find the unity, the permanent
truth lying in the infinite change of the Universe. The crystal tonality brings us to a process of
concrete transformation of our whole being by an increased awareness of the permanent movement of
the Universe outside and inside ourselves. This lunar tone is although called complex stability in
The Mayan Oracle. It is the stability of the consciousness watching the impermanence of the
cosmic dance. Like a crystal with so many faces, it asks us to make a synthesis of all the different
points of view. With the rising of our awareness, the contradictions dissolve inside ourselves and, like
crystals, we increase our level of vibration. By unifying the different parts of ourselves, we purify
ourselves and root ourselves deeper in the movement of life. A crystal is a mineral, the most stable
form of life on this Earth. However, its level of energy can be very high and pure, connecting us with
high level of consciousness, and all the times sensitive and changing according to the vibration of its
surrounding. The purity of the crystal makes it transparent and sensitive to all the different energies
of the world, as a very detached consciousness that can embrace all the different movements of life. It
incarnates one of the highest vibrations of the Universe in its most concrete and stable form. It is the
stable manifestation of the two poles of life: high spiritual energy fixed in the power of matter.
A crystal day is a very good day to gather with others people to share and express our
different points of view upon any subjects. It is a very good time to make the synthesis of all what we
have been doing these last twelve days from the beginning of the wavespell and to look at a larger
picture to understand and feel the consequences of our action. It is also a time to make an inner
synthesis of all the different parts of ourselves and connect with the silent witness lying behind all of
them, to evolve through a new level of consciousness where all contradictions and differences
disappear. It is day of reunion and melting by the opening of a wider consciousness in ourselves, to

find the profound stability and unity under all the differences and permanent movements.

Psychological interpretation

People born with the crystal tone are very sensitive, open, and complex people. They like to
make links between everything in their life: different theories, techniques, people They see a deep
unity behind everything. They are very sensitive to their surrounding and catch easily the energy of
others. They are very sociable and like to be in collectivity. They are very open-minded and all the
times open to change and to increase their consciousness about any subject. This amazing flexibility
is a beautiful tool for their spiritual growth. However, it can also be a weak point, if they don't know
how to protect themselves in front of negative influences. They need to develop their third chakra in a
healthy way in order to be able to stand on their own feet and offer without fear, the medicine that
they carry to the world. Their mind is so open that they can jump from one extreme point of view to its
opposite. This ability gives them a lot of empathy for others, tolerance, and the ability to accumulate
a lot of different information and understandings towards life. It pushes them to connect with the
transcendental wisdom behind everything. To connect with this state of mind and compassion for all
living beings are the strongest potentials that their tone has given to them. Like the Buddha, in this
beautiful cosmic dance that is life, it is important for them to find the middle path, in keeping their heart
open to compassion to embrace at the same time the whole Universe. In all the movements of the
world and in themselves, it is very important for them to find their own definition with open borders.
Otherwise, they can become so transparent that they just disappear and melt with the collective mind
of their surrounding. Like crystal, they can receive and transform any type of energy. Their power is
to melt different positions and consciousness in order to make a synthesis and to bring a higher
understanding to the community in which they are living. They can bring harmony in apparent
conflicts. Inside themselves they can see thousands of faces and masks that they can play and they
need to find the unity in their consciousness that links them all in order to know who they are.


The cosmic tone is one of the three most powerful tones of the Calendar. It is the last tone of
the wavespell and it finishes the process of creation accomplished during the twelve previous lunar
tonalities. It carries the power of detachment from our own creation. Once everything has been
accomplished, the cosmic tonality just invites us to rest and to be who we are. It leads us to a deep
state of presence. Nothing anymore needs to be done. Life is just asking us to be. It is a time of
accomplishment and of opening to a new reality and level of awareness. Its number is thirteen written
by two lines, symbolizing the manifestation of the Essence Self in the every day life, and three dots,
representing the cosmic movement of Trinity: creation, destruction, and movement. It is a time where
our whole being is touched by the universal movement. The cosmic moon asks us to surrender and to
dive in the unknown. It opens the doors of our consciousness to new realities and perceptions that we
never get before. It asks us to let go, to accept radical changes, to be touched by the Divine grace.
We should let the Universe guides us through our real destiny. It asks us to listen to the larger visions
of our Higher Self, to observe the synchronicity and the coincidences that come in our life. It is a time
of discovering new dimensions and directions for our life. It is the end of a cycle and the time to receive
all the unpredictable fruits of the spiritual seeds that we have planted before. It pushes us to develop
faith and trust towards the Universe to lead us in the good direction. It is beautiful and very important
energy to transform our state of awareness. The more we will accept to be open and flexible, the
higher we will fly, and the deeper will be the foundations for our new beginning.
A cosmic day is a day full of grace and unexpected events. It is a time to develop our faith that
will be fully challenged. It is a time to forget about our expectations upon life, the world, and others.
On a cosmic moon, we learn to be able to receive miraculous gifts that lift up our consciousness and
that our ego couldn't have expected nor understood before. It is a day out of the cycle of doing, when
life just asks us to be in our full presence, out of times, out of our permanent race to fulfill our desires.
A time, to let magic happen, to open our heart and mind with all our faith in front of the unknown, to
trust in the love and beauty that lye back side of the Universe. We need to remember that the most
beautiful gifts stand sometimes in the middle of the mud and that our mind and ego need to release a
lot of guilt, anger, fears before to be able to understand and to receive the grace and the message
that are offered to them by a higher source. That's why it is a time of surrender and of deep trust.

Psychological interpretation

People born with the cosmic tone have a very deep innate wisdom. They are more detached
than others from the fluctuations of life. Inside themselves, they have a strong connection with their
Soul and their Essence Self and know how to seat in their inner place of peace and silence. They

are strongly centered. They know where they are going indeed of all the outside movements. And
they know how to stay balance in front of the waves of the world. They have usually a good self-
confidence and ability to express who they are. They easily follow their deepest wishes and dreams in
their life without fears. They have a deep faith and trust in their inner wisdom and they spread a lot of
peace all around them. As they don't have a lot of fears, they dont feel so much the pressure of their
desire to be fulfilled in a hurry. They have naturally the wisdom of maturity and know that it takes time
before that a delicious fruit get properly ripe. From this inner peace, they know how to take their time
and to enjoy each step and moment on their way. By nature, they know how to be fully present in the
moment. Fears make us escape from ourselves and from the present. They bring to us the inability to
be present, to be receptive to what happen around us, to receive all the gifts that surround us, to be
contented, and to discover something else than what we are looking for with our ego. Fears push us to
act into the wheel of our own unconsciousness without being able to stop to look outside of it. People
born with the cosmic tonality know intuitively, as an old Soul who have already passed through the
whole process of creation, that nothing is in the doing but everything is in the place inside ourselves
from which we act. They are in this wisdom, full with themselves, without fears of missing anything.
From this state of awareness, they are very attentive and sensitive to receive teachings and new
missions for their life from the Universe. This tone increases the power of their solar seal, as it
connects people with their Essence Self. They have no doubt and fear to show their potentials and
shadows, and are naturally very connected to them. It is a very good tool to help the growth of their
consciousness and increases the natural power of their Spirit. They don't need to know about any
spiritual practice or technique, because only their transparency and honesty towards themselves, their
absence of fears, their detachment, and their strong presence in the moment lead them on a very
advanced spiritual path. However, they should be aware of not becoming too lazy and of escaping in
the inaction, under the cover of detachment and patience. They need to maintain their creative fire.
They have also to be careful not to become judgmental towards people interested in some more
superficial movements of life and to believe that these people cannot give them anything. They should
keep their heart all the times open to the unknown and unexpected. Even if they feel much more
mature, they still can learn all the times from anybody in any situation. Nobody is ever arrived: there
are all the times more to learn and to experiment. People carrying the cosmic tone came upon Earth,
to help their consciousness to evolve and to realize a deeper wisdom in experimenting and confronting
again their being with our human condition. They should stay open, and the Universe will all the times
show them deeper layers of understanding of its infinite mystery. The more they follow their dreams,
the more they discover this beautiful process of realizing a little beat more who they are. It is very
important for them to keep their mind open to new truths that they could never have expected. They
just have to follow their nature and their dreams, in keeping their mind all the times open to revelations
and miracles. They are the initiators of real faith: to trust enough in life, the Universe, and themselves
that they are able to say yes to the present by accepting it with their whole being.


The energetic body: chakras and auric fields

My work and understanding of the human energetic body is based on my own self-experience,
the teachings of my masters, and the amazing works by Barbara Brennan and Caroline Myss. To
understand it deeply, have a look at the works and different books by these two women (see
bibliography) and here come a short explanation of the different chakras and layers of our auric field.

The auric field: field of energy that surrounds our body with their bases inside our own physical body,
divided in seven different layers, according to the work and study of Barbara Ann Brennan.
1 First layer : the etheric body
Controls all the physical body structure and functions, it is a place where we connect with our
physical sensations. From one to seven centimetres all around the body according to the
health and vitality of the person. Every weakness or sickness first appears in the etheric body
before manifesting itself in the physical body. It looks like electric blue strings of energy.
2 Second layer: the emotional body
Connected with all the emotions that we develop within ourselves: love, anger, fear, sadness
Direct reaction to our feelings when we are in contact with the reality. Made of many different
clouds of energy of different colours, moving and changing all the time, around 15 centimetres
all around our body. When we reject an emotion, the cloud gets stuck in our energy field and
takes a dark grey colour.
3 Third layer: the mental body
Connected with our way of thinking and the movement of our mind. It contains all our mental
activities and thoughts. It is wider than our emotional body: around 20 centimetres from our
physical body, it can easily control our emotions. If our mind is not flexible enough to accept
who we are and our real nature, a lot of emotions can get stuck in and become toxic for our
well-being. It appears with yellow strings moving very fast that can be lemon yellow when our
mind is healthy or become almost orange if the mind is too rigid.
4 Fourth layer: the astral body
Connected with our ability to relate to others and the world, it links us with other dimensions
of reality and with the astral plan where we meet our guides, angels, masters Every way we
have to interact with people appears in this energetic layer. It is possible to find bio-strings of
dependence, of influence, of castration coming from the action of other people on ourselves.

It is also here that we find our own bio-strings and patterns of our way to be in relationships.
Made of clouds of light colours.
5 Fifth layer: the etheric template body
Connected with our faith, our ability to be empty and to surrender in front of the present, the
life, the Universe. It is our connection with the unknown, the unpredictable, or capacity to
receive grace. It appears around 40 centimetres from our body and can be seen as dark blue
strings in the empty space of our aura.
6 Sixth layer: celestial level
Connected with universal love, our love towards the whole universe: all human, living beings
and creation, our love to be alive in this beautiful universe, our gratitude. It appears through
colourful rays of light spreading all around our body around 50 to 80 centimetres,
(approximately, because the aura of an enlightened person full of unconditional love could fill
up a full hall and even more.)
7 Seventh layer: ketheric template level
Connected with our Divine consciousness, our ability to know without our mind, our
connection with the universal wisdom. It appears as a golden egg of almost 1 metre around our

Chakra: centre of energy inside and around our body taking roots physically in our spine and
connected with our endocrine system, expanding outside our physical body in our aura, and affecting
our emotions, thoughts, relationships, faith, love, our general awareness and experience of the world.
1 First chakra
Connected with our roots, our instinct of survival, our will to leave, our belonging to a tribe,
our basic needs. Earth element
2 Second chakra
Connected with the sexuality, the sensuality, the creativity, the imagination, the capacity to let
flow our being as it is. Water element
3 Third chakra
Connected with our capacity to define ourselves, to take our space in this world, to show
freely who we are, to manifest our being. Fire Element
4 Fourth chakra
Connected with our love, our capacity to give and to receive love to and from the Universe,
unconditional love. Air element
5 Fifth chakra
Connected with our communication, the way we can express and exchange our truth with the
world. Ether element
6 Sixth chakra

Connected with our concentration, our mental clarity, our intuition and psychic powers, our
capacity to look directly at the reality as it is.
7 Seventh chakra
Connected with our openness, our connection with the universal and Divine energy all around
us, our capacity to receive grace, our ability to surrender and to receive higher energies than
our usual frequency of vibration.

The healing process

I would like to add a few words concerning the process of healing and of becoming a real
warrior, as described in the Pop Wuj. Each one of us needs to realize the size of this process. It is
within the memory of our cells with which we have been living from some times, almost since the first day
of our life and even from many past lives, when we start to connect with the collective consciousness. It
is very difficult to be aware of our own blockages because our ego, our life, our mental perceptions,
our emotional reactions have been built on them. When we start to accept to look at them and change
them, our ego loses all its protection and we become as vulnerable and non-experimented as the child
we were at the time when we got hurt and built our resistances. It is very difficult for our ego to accept
to find itself in such a situation. It demands to accept to surrender totally, to have a lot of faith and a
lot of courage and strength in order to really wish going through such a spiritual transformation. We
will need to cry a lot and to forget about our fears and pride. This deep healing brings out a lot of
stored emotions that we will tend to project on our outside situation to make it responsible for what
we are feeling. It is really important to accept to take full responsibility for what we feel and not to give
our power away to the outside world. Our emotions are amazing tools to understand deeply our Soul
and travel inside ourselves if we accept not to throw them away on our surroundings. This process can
also bring a lot of unexpected sickness or diseases. They are part of the purification of our body
cells and can be a way for our body to express our Soul wishes. A strong healing can also lead to
mental confusion. Because our mental structures are most of the time too narrow, or too strict to let
our Spirit fully express who we are and take all the space and freedom that we need, they need to be
released and opened towards higher awareness and understanding of life. Maybe, during this
process, you will feel very lonely or totally lost, but just remember to keep a prayer in your heart to
find your Soul back, even during the darkest times when you will be facing all the monsters that you
have hidden within yourself. Simply remember that the path of the Warrior of Truth and Light is the
one path asking the most of courage, faith, and strength in the whole Universe and once you decided
to let grow your consciousness, it is almost impossible to stop even if your ego resists to it. The more
Light and consciousness you get, the faster, deeper, and stronger your evolution is taking you and
the more courageous and determinate you need to be.

Different classification of the solar seals

The four guardians

As mentioned before, the Red Snake, the White Dog, the Blue Eagle and the Yellow Sun play
the role of guardians of the four different parts of the brain. They are also the guardians of the four
different directions and wisdoms). The Tzolkin can be divided in four different parts corresponding
to four seasons of 65 days each and directed by the energy of one of this four signs. These four
signs constitute the polar family.

The fifth family

Depending on their number, the 20 solar signs are classified in 5 families. Inside the family, each sign
has the same way of being written by the Maya arithmetic, which is composed of dots, constituting
one unit and bars, representing five dots. So there is the one-dot family, the two-dot family, etc
Each family vibrates in its own specific way. Each sign inside this family brings a different level of
awareness to this vibration. Each family is connected with different energy centres inside our being
and different places on Earth.

1 The Portal Family:

Composed by the Yellow Seed, the Red Moon, the White Wizard, and the Blue Storm.
Notation: 4 dots
Earth position: South Pole
Body resonance: root chakra
Transmission to the centre of the Earth of the information received directly from Hunab
K'u, the Centre of the Galaxy. These kins are opening new doors. They are carrying the energy of
each new year.

2 The Polar Family:

Composed by the Red Snake, the White Dog, The Blue Eagle, and the Yellow Sun.
Notation: one bar
Earth position: North Pole
Body resonance: crown chakra
Receives the information from the centre of the Earth and spreads it in this world.

3 The Cardinal Family:

Composed by the Red Dragon, the White World Bridger, The Blue Monkey, and the Yellow

Notation: one dot
Earth position: North hemisphere
Body resonance: throat chakra
Transmits the information to the next family.

4 The Central Family:

Composed by the White Wind, the Blue Hand, the Yellow Human, and the Red Earth.
Notation: two dots
Earth position: Equator
Body resonance: heart chakra
Transforms and redirects the information.

5 The Signal Family:

Composed by the Blue Night, the Yellow Star, the Red Sky Walker, and the White Mirror.
Notation: Three dots
Earth position: South hemisphere
Body resonance: solar plexus
Distils and sends back the information to the Galaxy.

The four different colours

The 20 kins take four different colours that are fixed with each kin. Each solar kin has its own colour
and can't change it. Each colour gets a specific meaning and come one after the other in the calendar,
creating cycle of four units.

1 Yellow colour: the fire clan

Ripening and power, flourishing.
Place of life and of expansion of the light. Develop the power and the willpower. Ripening of
the consciousness through service and gift that produce splendour.
Affirmation: "the power and willpower ripen the fruit."
Through the power of flourishing, the fire becomes blood.
2 Red colour: the blood clan
Initiation and knowledge, birth.
Place of generating the light. Birth of the knowledge.
Affirmation: "Knowledge initiates, starts the vision."
Through the power of the universal water, the blood becomes truth.
3 White colour: the truth clan
Refinement and humility, Spirit.

Place of knowledge and of purification of the light. Refines in humility, enriches with the spirit
and digs deeper with the truth.
Affirmation: "Humility refines meditation."
Through the power of being out of time, the truth flies into the sky.
4 Blue colour: the sky clan
Transformation and patience, abundance.
Place of transformation of the light. Transforms with patience and creates alchemy.
Affirmation: "Patience transforms conduct."
Through the power of self-generation, the sky becomes again fire.
The fire regenerates itself and the cycle starts again without ending.


The auric field: field of energy that surrounds our body with their bases inside our own physical body,
divided in seven different layers, according to the work and study of Barbara Ann Brennan (for
details upon each layers of the aura see in the annexe).
Baktun: period of times equal to 144 000 kins (or days), or 394.52 years. The succession of thirteen
baktuns creates a great cycle. The last one is from 3113 BC to AD 2012.
Chakra: centre of energy inside and around our body taking roots physically in our spine and
connected with our endocrine system, expanding outside our physical body in our aura, and affecting
our emotions, thoughts, relationships, faith, love, our general awareness and experience of the world
(for details upon each layers of the aura see in the annexe).
Codices: first papers used by the Mayan civilization to write down their mythology. Only three
codices are known today from the time before the invasion of the Spanish: The Pop Wuj, The
Book of Chilam Balam and The Annals of the Cakchiguels.
Higher Self: energy inside our being connecting us with our Divine wisdom, with the seventh layer of
our aura and helping us to act from this place instead of acting from our mental and personal
Hunab K'u: the centre of our Galaxy, the Source of all the movements in our Galaxy, the inspiration
and base of all energies, present in each atom and cell in the whole Galaxy, the Supreme Creator.
Kin: unity of measure of the Tzolkin. It corresponds to a full turn of the earth upon its own axe:
24hours or one day and one night. It can also be a person assuming the energy of his date of birth.
Kuxan Suum:
Suum: personal link of every human being coming out of his navel with the centre of the
Galaxy, Hunab Ku, according to Jose Arguelles.
Lunar tone: there are thirteen different lunar tones which are parts of the association of the sacred
count of 20x13, the Tzolkin. Each lunar tone has a specific energy and vibration they are
represented by dots and lines, going from the number 1 till the number 13.
Nawal: other names for the solar seals in the Mayan original language. It is even assimilated to a deity,
receiving a specific cult according to its powers and connected with the person born on this day.
Pop Wuj: one of the three codices coming from the time before the Spanish invasion. It tells the story
of the initiatic journey of Junabju Xibalba.
Prana: energy that is everywhere in the nature and that is the basis of life.
Quetzalcoat; Mexican prophet (AD 947-999) who left behind him many prophecies of a new time to
Soul seat: situated in the centre of our chest. It connects us with the wishes and intentions of our

Soul when it comes on Earth, what we want to do and realize with this life.
Solar seal: they are twenty solar seals which are parts of the association of the sacred count of
20x13, the Tzolkin. Each solar seals have a specific energy and powers. They are represented by
simple glyphs that you can see on the left side of the Tzolkin.
Tan tien: energetic centre, defined in the Chinese tradition as the main centre of energy in our body,
the place where we stock all the quantity of prana that we will need in our life. It is also the centre of
our intentions and of the Essence of our being, the source of who we are.
Wavespell: it is constituted by the succession of the thirteen lunar tones. It starts with the magnetic
tone (number one) and finished with the cosmic tone (number 13). It constitutes a real process of
creation and completion in itself. It can be used in cycles of 13 days, or 13 months, or 13 years, 13
katuns, 13 baktuns...


Ariel Spilsbury and Michael Bryner, The Mayan Oracle

Jose Argulles, The Mayan Factor

Bertrand Lepont, Le calendrier sacr des Mayas

Carolyne Myss, Anatomy of the Spirit

Barbara Ann Brennan, Light Emerging and Hands that Heal

Nicole E. Zonderhuis, 13-Moon Diary of NaturalTime

Melchizedek, The Flower of life

Drunvalo Melchizedek,

About the author:

Laetitia Tisserand has been studying the human psyche for more then 15 years. Starting in studying
occidental arts and philosophies in University, at the age of 20 she turned her interest toward the
oriental traditions. She settled in India and started 10 years of intensive studies of her own
consciousness through deep practices of meditations and yoga. Her wish to understand the great
mystery of life makes her come across many different esoteric traditions. India being a free space for
spiritual seekers, she got the opportunity to get initiated to many different cultures as Hindus,
Buddhist, Mayan, Taoist, Native American As she was in a deep process of transformation, the
Mayan Calendar started to play an important role in her life. It is as if suddenly one part of its infinite
wisdom was totally apparent in front of her eyes days after days. She couldnt escape from what the
Mayan Calendar wanted to tell her. It was using everything around her, every person to speak to her.
So she decided to start to write it down. And here it comes.

The Mayan Calendar is an old way to count the time and to understand the reality in
which we are living. More than just a Calendar it teaches us how to be again in tune with the
universal movement of our Galaxy. Many people have been thinking that one reason of the
decadence of our civilization is due to our linear perception of time. The count of the days
from the Mayan tradition takes us to a spiraling perception of our world and our life asking us
to be awake in every present moment to meet the magic wisdom of life. This Sacred
Calendar is composed of 260 kins, which represents all the different qualities of vibrations
possible in this universe. The Mayan signs offers a deep interpretation of each kin. This
work is designated for every person who has been touched by the Mayan wisdom but dont
really understand what it truly means in their life and in their personality. It gives you a
summary upon the way the Mayan where counting the time and an easy way to calculate any
sign and to know where you are in the Calendar. Then the focus of this book is to offer a
psychological and spiritual description of each sign, giving to the reader an ability to
understand a bit more the energy of each day of its life and who he is. Presented under this
form, it can be viewed as a Mayan Astrology.


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