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Penyakit mukokutaneus, self limiting, inflamasi

dapat juga infeksi genital
biasanya akibat hipersensitivitas obat
infeksi HSV, mikoplasma, chlamydia pneumonia
It is postulated that HSV antigens incite a T cellmediated delayed-type
hypersensitivity reaction that generates interferon-, with the amplified immune
system recruiting more T cells to the area. Cytotoxic T cells, natural killer cells,
and/or cytokines destroy the epithelial cells.120 More recently, it has been
suggested that CD34+ cells, Langerhans cell precursors, carry fragments of HSV
DNA to the skin where it incites EM.
20-40 ys
Prodormal: demam, malaise, sakit kepala, sakit tenggorokan, radang pada hidung,
batuk. (viral infection) , and this is not surprising since infectious agents are
known to trigger EM.
Lesi pada kulit: lesi target, irish lesion, dari macula merah menjadi papula, mulai
dr tangan lalu ke bagian tubuh trunk. Most common: ekstrimitas atas, wajah,
leher. banyak bentuk (multiform)
gatal dan terasa terbakar / diperparah oleh paparan matahari
Mulut: erosi sampai ulser, ulser dapat membesar, meradang, berkeropeng
sehingga susah bicara makan minum dll. drooling saliva blood.
Intraoral lesions take the form of irregular bullae, erosions, or ulcers surrounded
by extensive erythema. Crusting and bleeding of the lips are common, but not
always present.
Pemphigus dan pemphigoid : skin lesions are bullous in nature and not
maculopapular, without the centripetal progression seen in EM. They are chronic,
slowly progressive diseases that usually persist for months, whereas EM heals
within weeks.
Steven Johnson Syndrome

systemic corticosteroid
suspected hsv: antiviral

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