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3, MARCH 2010

Intercarrier Interference Cancellation Using

General Phase Rotated Conjugate Transmission for
OFDM Systems
Chin-Liang Wang, Senior Member, IEEE, and Yu-Chih Huang

AbstractIn this paper, we propose a general phase ro- Doppler shift and/or mismatch between oscillators in the
tated conjugate cancellation (PRCC) scheme for intercarrier transmitter and receiver. The frequency offset may damage
interference (ICI) cancellation in orthogonal frequency division the orthogonality among OFDM subcarriers and introduce
multiplexing (OFDM) systems. We also derive the optimal
phase rotation for this general scheme such that the carrier- intercarrier interference (ICI), which degrades the overall
to-interference ratio would be maximized. It is shown that the system performance [5], [6].
previous conjugate cancellation (CC) scheme is equivalent to a The ICI effect can be effectively mitigated by the conven-
special case of our proposed scheme. The general PRCC scheme
tional ICI self-cancellation schemes in [7] and [8] at the cost
not only inherits advantages of the conventional CC scheme, such
as backward compatibility with the existing OFDM systems, low of halving the spectral efficiency. One major problem reported
receiver complexity, and two-path diversity, but also provides by [9] associated with this kind of methods is that the bit
better performance, especially at high frequency offset situations. error rate (BER) performance is limited due to the constant
phase error generated at the coherent detection process. The
Index TermsFrequency offset, intercarrier interference (ICI), approach proposed in [9] can avoid the constant phase error
ICI self-cancellation, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing problem, but it might not provide satisfactory performance at
(OFDM). high frequency offset situations. Another useful methods for
ICI suppression are based on performing correlative coding
I. I NTRODUCTION before the inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) block of
an OFDM transmitter [10]-[13]. Correlative coding has also

O RTHOGONAL frequency division multiplexing

(OFDM) transmission [1] achieves high spectral
efficiency by splitting a high-rate data stream into several
been applied in OFDM for spectral shaping [14] and/or other
purposes (see, e.g., [14] and references therein). Despite the
ICI suppression ability and the versatility of the correlative-
lower-rate streams which are mapped onto mutually coded OFDM systems, the error propagation problem makes
overlapping subcarriers and transmitted simultaneously. By them more suitable for BPSK transmission. Recently, two-path
inserting a cyclic prefix of length larger than the maximum conjugate transmission was proposed for ICI self-cancellation
channel delay spread, the intersymbol interference can be [15], [16], where the first path represents the standard OFDM
easily avoided and the demodulation of OFDM signals can be signal and the second one is formed by a conjugate of the first
realized by a one-tap equalizer. Motivated by these attractive paths. Such an ICI self-cancellation scheme was referred to as
properties, OFDM has been widely adopted in transmission conjugate cancellation (CC) in [16]. Similar to the approach
standards such as Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) [2], in [9], the CC scheme could not guarantee good performance
Wireless LAN [3], WiMAX [4], and so on. Compared to for high frequency offset situations.
the conventional single-carrier systems, the OFDM systems
In this paper, we propose a general phase rotated conjugate
allowing spectral overlapping in an orthogonal way are highly
cancellation (PRCC) scheme for ICI cancellation in OFDM
sensitive to frequency offset which is often caused by the
systems. We generalize the conventional CC scheme by in-
Paper approved by S. Batalama, the Editor for Spread Spectrum and troducing an artificial phase rotation which is determined by
Estimation of the IEEE Communications Society. Manuscript received June the frequency offset estimate in the training mode. To achieve
13, 2008; revised January 5, 2009 and May 26, 2009. better performance, the optimal phase rotation is derived with
C.-L. Wang is with the Department of Electrical Engineering and the
Institute of Communications Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, the criterion of maximizing the carrier-to-interference ratio
Hsinchu, Taiwan 30013, Republic of China (e-mail: (CIR). Furthermore, we modify the proposed scheme for appli-
Y.-C. Huang was with the Institute of Communications Engineering, cations in a user cooperation environment. As compared to the
National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30013, Republic of China.
He is now with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, conventional CC scheme, the PRCC scheme achieves better
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA (e-mail: cy- performance at both low and high frequency offset situations, with only a little increase in the transmitters complexity.
This work was supported by the National Science Council of the Republic
of China under Grants NSC 95-2221-E-007-041, NSC 96-2628-E-007-005- The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
MY3, and NSC 97-2219-E-007-007. This paper was presented in part at the describes the OFDM system model and the conventional CC
2008 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Las Vegas,
Nevada, March 2008. scheme proposed in [16]. In Section III, the general PRCC
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCOMM.2010.03.080288 scheme is presented and its application for a user cooperation
c 2010 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Jeppiaar Engineering College. Downloaded on May 01,2010 at 03:49:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

protocol is discussed. Besides, optimal phase rotations of the information symbol is not only attenuated by (), but
proposed scheme are also derived in this section. To evaluate also interfered by other 1 subcarriers. This problem cannot
the proposed approach, a number of computer simulation be solved by simply increasing the transmission power because
results are shown in Section IV. Finally, some conclusions both the desired and ICI terms will be increased if a higher
are given in Section V. transmission power is used. Therefore, the ICI cancellation
researches focus on reducing the sensitivity of OFDM signals
II. BACKGROUND to frequency offsets (i.e., to diminish or remove the effect of
A. OFDM System Model the second term in (5)).
The complex baseband OFDM signal after the IFFT block
at the transmitter can be expressed as B. The Conventional CC Scheme
1 Unlike other ICI self-cancellation algorithms employing
= 2/ , = 0, 1, . . . , 1 (1) data repetition [7], [8] or conjugate data repetition [9] within

=0 the same OFDM symbol interval, the CC scheme [16] trans-
where is the total number of subcarriers and is the mits two independent paths such that the ICI weighting
transmitted symbol on the kth subcarrier. At the receiver, the coefficient for one path could have an opposite polarity of that
time-domain received signal suffering from a frequency offset for the other path. At the receiver, the time-domain received
and an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) can be written signal of the first path is the same as (2) and the signal of the
as second path can be expressed as
= 2/ + , = 0, 1, . . . , 1 (2)
= 2/ + , = 0, 1, . . . , 1 (6)
where represents the frequency offset normalized by the
frequency spacing of two adjacent subcarriers and is a where (.) denotes the conjugate operation and is a zero-
zero-mean AWGN. After the fast Fourier transform (FFT) mean AWGN. By employing a conjugate operation on (6) and
block, the frequency domain signal at the lth subcarrier is passing the resulting signal through the FFT block, we have
given as

1 = ( ) 2/

= 2/ =0

1 = ( + ) + . (7)

2/ 2/
= ( + ) =0

=0 Averaging the FFT results of the two transmission paths yields

1 1
= 2()/ = ( + )
=0 =0

1 = { (( ) + ( + )) + ( + )}.
+ 2/ . (3) 2
=0 (8)
Let be the discrete Fourier transform of and
The CIR of the conventional CC scheme can be defined as

1 () + ()2
() = 2/ = . (9)

( ) + ( + )2
sin (1 ) =1
= exp( ). (4)
sin(/ )
Simulation results in [16] showed that the CC scheme achieves
Then (3) can be rewritten as follows: pretty high CIR values when the frequency offset is small.

1 However, the CIR curve of the CC scheme declines more
() + ( ) + , rapidly than those of other ICI cancellation schemes. This
=0,= property makes the CC scheme undesirable at high frequency
= 0, 1, . . . , 1. (5) offset situations.

() is usually referred to as the ICI weighting coefficient

function [7]. The first term in (5) contains the desired in- III. T HE P ROPOSED G ENERAL PRCC S CHEME
formation with amplitude attenuated by a factor (), The purpose of the proposed scheme is to make the CC
and the second term is regarded as the sum of interferences scheme provide better performance at both low and high
resulted from multiplied by ( ), the ICI weighting frequency offset situations. Like the CC scheme, this scheme
coefficient from the kth subcarrier to the lth subcarrier. If there adopts two-path transmission, but introduces a new variable,
is no frequency offset, since the orthogonality is preserved . It allows the transmitter to tune the transmitted signals so
(i.e., ( ) = 0), the second term of (5) is zero. However, that the ICI effects of the two-paths signals could be mutually
in the presence of frequency offset, one can observe that the cancelled at the receiver.

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A. The Algorithm B. The CIR and Optimal Phase Rotation

For the proposed general PRCC scheme, the first path em- From (14), the CIR of the proposed general PRCC scheme
ploys the standard OFDM signal with artificial phase rotation can be given as
of , while the second path adopts the conjugate of the 2 ( ) + ( + )2
standard OFDM signal with artificial phase rotation of , =
i.e., and ( ) , respectively. In the presence of a 2 ( ) + ( + )2
frequency offset , the received signals of the two transmission (15)
paths can be expressed as If the average symbol energies, [ 2 ], are equal, (15) can
be reduced as
(1) = 2/ + (1) , = 0, 1, . . . , 1 (10)
() + ()2
. (16)
and ( ) + ( + )2
(2) = 2/ + (2) , = 0, 1, . . . , 1 (11) Fig. 1 depicts theoretical CIR comparisons of the standard
OFDM, the conventional CC, and the proposed general PRCC
(1) (2)
where and are AWGN. scheme, where simulated CIR curves for the proposed scheme
(1) (2)
The receiver first passes and the conjugate of are also included to demonstrate the validity of (16). The
through the FFT block to obtain the following frequency- simulation environment for Fig. 1 is with QPSK-OFDM
domain signals symbols of = 1024 under an AWGN channel. Now, we
define the optimal phase rotation for a given to be a phase

1 rotation resulting in the maximum CIR value as follows:
(1) (1)
= {(1)} = { ()}+ (12)
=0 = arg max (, ), [/2, /2). (17)

and Proposition 1:The optimal phase rotation for a given is

1 1
= . (18)
= {(2)} = {
( + )} +
=0 Proof : See Appendix.
(13) According to (18), the frequency offset information is
(1) (2)
where and are the discrete Fourier transforms of needed at the transmitter for obtaining the optimal phase
(1) (2)
and , respectively. Taking an average of the results rotation; therefore, the receiver is required to estimate the
of (12) and (13), we obtain frequency offset and feed it back in the training mode. Note
that, for multipath Rayleigh fading channels, the frequency-
1 (1) (2)
= ( + ) domain received signals described in (12) and (13) should be
2 modified by multiplying a channel gain to each subcarriers
1 symbol in the summations. If perfect channel information is
= { ( ( ) + ( + ))
2 given, these channel gains can be compensated by a frequency-
(1) (2) domain equalizer and (14)-(18) can be derived in the same
+ ( + )}. way. Therefore, the phase rotation given by (18) is also optimal
(14) for multipath Rayleigh fading channels under perfect channel
equalization. So far, the detail of the proposed general PRCC
It is worth noting that the combining method described scheme has been presented. Fig. 2 shows a block diagram of
in (14) is still suitable when the two independent paths the proposed scheme. It can be observed that the receiver of
signals experience similar fading channels. If the two paths the proposed scheme does not need any information of the
signals suffer from significantly different fading channels, artificial phase rotation; therefore, the receivers complexity is
under the assumption that two paths signals can be separated as low as the conventional CC schemes. As to the transmitter,
perfectly at the receiver, the maximum ratio combing (MRC) the proposed scheme has a little increase in the computational
can be adopted to take advantage of the two-path diversity for complexity due to the artificial phase rotation on the transmit-
further performance improvement. For this approach, instead ted signals.
of compensating the channel effects directly, we multiply
the received signal of each path with the conjugate of the
corresponding channel gain before combining. Moreover, it C. Applying the Proposed Scheme to a User Cooperation
can easily be observed that the conventional CC scheme is a Protocol
special case of the proposed scheme, where = 0. Therefore, Recently, realizing the spatial diversity through multiple
the proposed general PRCC scheme has advantages of the users relaying for each other has attracted great attention
conventional CC scheme, such as backward compatibility with [17]-[19]. The frequency synchronization problem in this
the existing OFDM systems, low receiver complexity, and two- scenario is trickier than a non-cooperative scenario because
path diversity. the transmission links from different relays to the destination

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Standard OFDM 1st path

e j TDM

Proposed PRCC theoretical = /4



60 Proposed PRCC simulated = /4 k
Proposed PRCC theoretical = /8
j 2nd path
( )
Proposed PRCC simulated = /8 e
Proposed PRCC theoretical = /16
Proposed PRCC simulated = /16
Conjugate Cancellation Receiver
CIR (dB)

1st path



Zk (+ )

( )

2nd path

Fig. 2. Block diagram of the proposed general PRCC scheme.

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
{0, e j
xn }
xn Cooperative
offset 1 {y (1)
n , yn(2) } {Yl
, Yl ( 2) }
Fig. 1. CIR comparison of the standard OFDM system, the conventional
CC scheme, and the proposed scheme for three different phase rotations. + FFT Combining

xn Cooperative Fading Frequency

Encoding Channel offset 2

xn)*,0 }
{w (1)
n , wn(2) }
may experience distinguishable frequency offsets. Fig. 3 shows
the multi-transmitter cooperative OFDM transmission model AWGN

proposed in [20], which is considered as the cooperative

protocol in this paper, with two relays participating in the Fig. 3. Multi-transmitter OFDM protocol.
cooperation. At the first epoch, the first relay transmits
and the second one transmits 0. Successively, the first relay
transmits 0 and the second one transmits ( ) at the achieved in a number of ways [16], where the two paths may
second epoch. The receiver combines the received signals on have correlated (similar) or uncorrelated multipath channel
the two epochs. Following the derivations from (10)-(16), we structures. To investigate this issue, we performed simulations
can obtain the CIR of the proposed scheme under this protocol on both the PRCC and the CC scheme with = 0.1 for two
as extreme cases, one with channel correlation equal to 0 and the
other with channel correlation equal to 1. We can see from
(1 ) + (2 )2
(19) the simulation results shown in Fig. 4 that the PRCC scheme
( 1 ) + ( + 2 )2 outperforms the CC scheme in a similar manner for both cases;
=1 similar results can also be obtained for another case with
where 1 and 2 (1 = 2 ) are normalized frequency offsets channel correlation between 0 and 1. Therefore, for simplicity,
suffered by two different relays to the destination. The cost we considered only the case of uncorrelated multipath channel
function of determining the optimal phase rotation now be- structures in the remaining simulations. We also assumed that
comes the channel effects of both two paths are perfectly known and
can be perfectly compensated by the receiver. In the frequency
= arg max (1 , 2 , ), [/2, /2). (20) domain, each OFDM symbol is composed of 1024 subcarriers

(i.e., = 1024) with QPSK-modulated data symbols. In the
Proposition 2: The optimal phase rotation of the above
time domain, each OFDM data symbol is appended by 64
scenario is
(1 + 2 )( 1) samples of cyclic prefix.
= . (21)
Proof : Similar to the proof of Proposition 1. A. Performance of the Proposed General PRCC Scheme
Fig. 5 shows the CIR performance of the general PRCC
IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS scheme for five cases using different phase rotations. The
To verify the effectiveness of the general PRCC scheme, first curve in this figure represents the CIR for the case with
a number of computer simulations were conducted. Although the optimal phase rotation calculated by (18). While doing
the derivations in Sections II and III were all in the AWGN simulations for this curve, we optimally changed the phase
channel, the BER performance was evaluated in the simu- rotation with respect to . For the other four curves, the phase
lations under the multipath Rayleigh fading channel model rotations were fixed as -0.157, -0.628, -0.942, and -1.255,
described in [21], which is adopted by the IEEE 802.11 which are the optimal phase rotations for = 0.05, 0.2, 0.3,
Working Group for software simulations. The channel is and 0.4, respectively. From this figure, we can see that the
modeled by complex samples with the average power decaying proposed scheme with a fixed phase rotation not only achieves
exponentially and the phase and amplitude being uniformly the maximum CIR value at the corresponding mentioned
and Rayleigh distributed, respectively. Note that, in real wire- above, but also provides satisfactory CIR performance over a
less environments, two-path conjugate transmission can be pretty wide region around the specific . This property implies

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high tolerance to an imprecise frequency offset estimate which 0

would lead to a non-optimal phase rotation. It is also worth CC Corr = 0
PRCC Corr =0
mentioning that the property also suggests that the general 1
10 CC Corr = 1
PRCC Corr =1
PRCC scheme is not only able to cope with fixed frequency
offsets (caused by the mismatch between oscillators), but also 2

resistant to time-varying frequency offsets (caused by the

Doppler shift). 10

Since the optimal phase rotation in the proposed general 4
PRCC scheme is calculated under the assumption that the Corr = 1

transmitter knows the frequency offset value, it is reasonable to 5

conjecture that the performance of the proposed scheme would
be affected by the frequency offset estimation error. Here, 6
we want to investigate how the frequency offset estimation Corr = 0

error influences the performance of the proposed scheme. 7

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fig. 6 shows the BER performance of the proposed scheme Eb/No (dB)

with imprecise frequency offset information in the transmitter

when the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is equal to 20dB and Fig. 4. BER comparison of the conventional CC and the PRCC scheme with
the number of channel taps is equal to 6. The horizontal = 0.1 for channel correlation equal to 0 or 1.
axis represents the absolute value of the frequency offset
estimation error . Specifically, the optimal phase rotation
used for simulations is calculated by (18) with a frequency the schemes compared. It can be seen that the difference of
offset estimate = + or = randomly. BER performance between the CC and the proposed scheme
One can see that the performance degradation resulted from is indistinct when = 0.05. This is due to the fact that the
imprecise frequency offset information is very slight from CC scheme is a special case of the proposed general PRCC
= 0 to 0.1 for = 0.05 and 0.3. Actually, the accuracy scheme with = 0 which is the optimal phase rotation for
of frequency offset estimation described in [20] is about 103 very small frequency offsets. Note that 0.05 can be regarded
to 104 for SNR = 20dB; therefore, it is convincible to say as a relatively small frequency offset in QPSK and BPSK
that the proposed scheme is workable in the presence of a modulation forms. Nevertheless, when the frequency offset is
frequency offset estimation error. large (e.g., = 0.3), the proposed general PRCC scheme
Next, the performance of the proposed scheme under the shows its superiority over the others. Note that the SCSR
user cooperation scenario described in Section III.C is dis- and the CC scheme have higher error floors than the standard
cussed. In the corresponding simulations, the SNR is fixed at OFDM scheme because that these two are more sensitive to
20dB, the number of channel taps is 6, and the frequency the frequency offset than standard OFDM at high frequency
offset suffered by the first path is 1 = 0.05 or 0.3. The offset situations.
optimal phase rotation used for simulations is obtained by (21) Fig. 9 depicts a BER performance comparison of different
under the perfect frequency offset estimation assumption. The schemes with both fixed and time-varying frequency offsets.
simulation results are shown in Fig. 7, where the horizontal For simulating this scenario, we define the maximum time-
axis represents the difference of frequency offsets experienced varying frequency offset as , and the frequency offset is
by users 1 and 2, i.e., 1 2 . We can see that the BER uniformly distributed from to + . We can see
performance is insensitive to 1 2 , which means that the that although the additional time-varying frequency offset
proposed scheme is suitable for ICI cancellation in this user deteriorates the BER performance when = 0.05, the
cooperation scenario. proposed scheme still offers the best one among the schemes
compared. The above results demonstrate that the proposed
general PRCC scheme works not only in fixed frequency
B. Comparison with Other Schemes offset environments but also in time-varying frequency offset
So far, we have presented performance evaluation of the scenarios.
proposed PRCC scheme. Now, we want to compare it with
other existing methods. For the purpose of comparison, the
standard OFDM scheme, the symmetric conjugate symbol
repetition (SCSR) scheme in [9], and the conventional CC In this paper, we have proposed a new ICI self-cancellation
scheme in [16] were also simulated. Note that, for the sake approach, called the general PRCC scheme, for OFDM sys-
of maintaining the same spectral efficiency among these four tems. The proposed method can be regarded as the general
schemes, the modulation types used are BPSK for standard form of the conventional CC scheme, where appropriate artifi-
OFDM and QPSK for the others. Fig. 8 shows the correspond- cial phase rotation is performed on the signal to be transmitted.
ing BER comparison under the aforementioned multipath It can offer better performance than the conventional CC
fading channel for fixed frequency offsets = 0.05 and 0.3. scheme, especially at high frequency offset situations. We
We can observe that when the frequency offset is small (e.g., have also derived a closed form of the optimal artificial
= 0.05), the proposed scheme can offer the best performance phase rotation for a given frequency offset with which the
because of the two-path diversity and the highest CIR among CIR value is maximized. Moreover, we have extended the

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80 10
Proposed PRCC = opt
70 1 = 0.05
Proposed PRCC = 0.157
Proposed PRCC = 0.628 10 1 = 0.3
Proposed PRCC = 0.942
50 Proposed PRCC = 1.255
CIR (dB)

30 10



20 10
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
| |
1 2

Fig. 5. CIR comparison of the proposed scheme for the case using the Fig. 7. BER performance of the proposed scheme under a user cooperation
optimal phase rotation and those using other phase rotations. scenario.

SNR=20dB 0
0 10
= 0.05
= 0.3
10 1


10 OFDM = 0.05
SCSR = 0.05
10 CC = 0.05
PRCC = 0.05
10 OFDM = 0.3
10 SCSR = 0.3
CC = 0.3
PRCC = 0.3
10 0 5 10 15 20 25
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
Eb/No (dB)

Fig. 6. BER performance of the proposed scheme for different frequency Fig. 8. BER comparison of different schemes with a fixed frequency offset.
offset errors.

value once the absolute value of the difference is greater than

proposed scheme to a user cooperation protocol. As in the non- a threshold. The threshold could be a value smaller than the
cooperative scenario, the optimal artificial phase rotation has maximum time-varying frequency offset . In general, the
been derived and computer simulation results have been given smaller the threshold, the better the performance would be, but
to show the effectiveness. As compared to the conventional CC the more often the feedback operations will be performed. We
scheme, the proposed general PRCC scheme involves the same have verified the suggested feedback mechanism for a time-
low receivers complexity and slightly higher transmitters varying case with = 0.15 by using computer simulations,
complexity. Besides, according to the frequency offset infor- where the system parameters used are the same as those for
mation feedback in the training mode, the proposed scheme Fig. 9. It can be seen from the simulation results shown in
can adapt itself to the frequency offset through adjusting the Fig. 10 that the value 0.1 is a pretty good choice for the
artificial phase rotation. The adaptability can be achieved by threshold in this example. The adaptability feature makes the
feeding the frequency offset estimate obtained at the receiver proposed general PRCC scheme useful for applications with
back to the transmitter for recalculating the optimal phase time-varying frequency offsets.
rotation. Since the CIR of the proposed scheme has a plateau
around the frequency offset we target (as shown in Fig. 5) and A PPENDIX
the BER performance of the proposed scheme is not sensitive Proof of Proposition 1
to the frequency offset estimation error (as shown in Fig. 6),
At first, we rewrite (16) as
there would be no need to do the feedback operations so often.
A reasonable feedback mechanism is suggested as follows: (, )
(, ) =
1) check the difference between the current frequency offset
(, )
estimate and the last feedback value; 2) update the feedback =1

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0 After substituting (24) and (26) into (22), we can take partial
differentiation on (22) with respect to as follows:
(, )

(2 + 2( 1)/ ) 2

{4() ( ( )2
( )2 =1

OFDM = 0.05
SCSR = 0.05 + ( + )2 2( )( + ))}.
CC = 0.05 (27)
PRCC = 0.05
OFDM = 0.3
SCSR = 0.3
Since ( )2 + ( + )2 2( + )( ),
4 CC = 0.3 = 1, 2, . . . , 1, and the equality occurs when (
PRCC = 0.3
) = ( + ), we observe that (,) = 0 if
0 5 10 15 20 25
Eb/No (dB) (2 + 2 1 ) = 0, i.e., 2 + 2 1 = . It suffices
to consider 2 + 2 1 = 0; therefore, we conclude that
Fig. 9. BER comparison of different schemes with both fixed and time- the maximum CIR occurs when = 1 .
varying frequency offsets.
= 0.05 and = 0.15
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+ 2( )( + )(2 + 2( 1)/ ). vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 3732-3738, Nov. 2007.
(24) [14] C.-D. Chung, Correlatively coded OFDM," IEEE Trans. Wireless
Commun., vol. 5, no. 8, pp. 2044-2049, Aug. 2006.
Since [15] H.-G. Yeh and C. C. Wang, New parallel algorithm for mitigating the
frequency offset of OFDM systems," in Proc. 2004 IEEE Veh. Technol.
() 1 Conf.Fall (VTC 2004Fall), Los Angeles, CA, Sept. 2004, pp. 2087-
() = () 2091.
{()/ }
2(1 )
[16] H.-G. Yeh, Y.-K. Chang, and B. Hassibi, A scheme for cancelling
= () (25) intercarrier interference using conjugate transmission in multicarrier
communication systems," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 6, no.
and ()2 = ()2 , (23) can be rewritten as 1, pp. 3-7, Jan. 2007.
[17] A. Sendonaris, E. Erkip, and B. Aazhang, User cooperation diversity
1 part I: system description," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 51, no. 11, pp.
(, ) = 2()2 + 2()(2 + 2 ). (26) 1927-1938, Nov. 2003.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Jeppiaar Engineering College. Downloaded on May 01,2010 at 03:49:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

[18] A. Sendonaris, E. Erkip, and B. Aazhang, User cooperation diversity Dr. Wang was a recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award sponsored
part II: implementation aspects and performance analysis," IEEE Trans. by the Ministry of Education, R.O.C., in 1992. He received the Acer Dragon
Commun., vol. 51, no. 11, pp. 1939-1948, Nov. 2003. Thesis Award in 1987 and the Acer Dragon Thesis Advisor Awards in 1995
[19] J. N. Laneman, D. N. C. Tse, and G. W. Wornell, Cooperative diversity and 1996. In the academic years 1993 1994 and 1994 1995, he received the
in wireless networks: efficient protocols and outage behavior," IEEE Outstanding Research Awards from the National Science Council, R.O.C.
Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 3062-3080, Dec. 2004. He received the HDTV Academic Achievement Award from the Digital
[20] X. Li, F. Ng, and T. Han, Carrier frequency offset mitigation in Video Industry Development Program Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs,
asynchronous cooperative OFDM transmission," IEEE Trans. Signal R.O.C., in 1996. He was also the advisor on several technical works that
Process., vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 675-685, Feb. 2008. won various awards in Taiwan, including the Outstanding Award of the 1993
[21] B. OHara and A. Petrick, The IEEE 802.11 Handbook: A Designers Texas Instruments DSP Product Design Challenge in Taiwan, the Outstanding
Companion. IEEE Press, 1999. Award of the 1994 Contest on Design and Implementation of Microprocessor
Application Systems sponsored by the Ministry of Education, R.O.C., the
Chin-Liang Wang (S85M87SM04) was born Outstanding Award of the 1995 Student Paper Contest sponsored by the
in Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1959. He received the Chinese Institute of Engineers, and the 1995 and 2000 Master Thesis Awards
B.S. degree in electronics engineering from National of the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering. He served as an Associate
Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Hsinchu, Taiwan, Editor for the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON S IGNAL P ROCESSING from 1998 to
in 1982, the M.S. degree in electrical engineering 2000 and has been an Editor for Equalization for the IEEE T RANSACTIONS
from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in ON C OMMUNICATIONS since 1998. He is also one of the Guest Editors for
1984, and the Ph.D. degree in electronics engineer- the Special Issue on Model Order Selection in Signal Processing Systems of
He joined the faculty of National Tsing Hua Uni-
versity (NTHU), Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1987, where Yu-Chih Huang was born in Taipei, Taiwan,
he is currently a Professor of the Department of R.O.C., in 1981. He received the B.S. degree in elec-
Electrical Engineering and the Institute of Communications Engineering. trical engineering from Chung Yuan Christian Uni-
During the academic year 1996-1997, he was on leave at the Information versiy, Chungli, Taiwan, in 2003 and the M.S. degree
Systems Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford Uni- in communications engineering from National Tsing
versity, Stanford, CA, as a Visiting Scholar. He served as the Director of Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 2005. From
the Institute of Communications Engineering from 1999 to 2002 and the 2005 to 2007 he was in his military service. After
Director of the Universitys Computer & Communications Center from 2002 that, he spent one year being a full-time research
to 2006. He was the Chair of the Wireless Networks Group of the National assistant under the Computer & Communications
Science & Technology Program for Telecommunications from 2004 to 2008, Center, National Tsing Hua University. Currently,
and has been the Chair of the Access Technology Group of the Networked he is pursuing his Ph.D. degree in the Department
Communications Program since 2009. He is also serving as the Director of the of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College
Communications Engineering Program, National Science Council, R.O.C. His Station, Texas. His research interests include wireless communications and
current research interests are primarily in baseband technologies for wireless information theory.
communications and wireless sensor networks.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Jeppiaar Engineering College. Downloaded on May 01,2010 at 03:49:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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