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Bollettino ufficiale dell'Associazione Studiosi Scienze Eterodosse (ASSE) sulla free energy, sui nuovi sistemi propulsivi

e sui protagonisti di ricerche e visioni del mondo alternative. Distribuito ai soli soci.

Anno V

luglio 2004
- Carlo Splendore e gli esperimenti sui magneti permanenti
- La macchina volante di Tesla
- Il brevetto di Xogen
In questo numero:

...ed altro ancora!


Carlo Splendore
4 Studi e ricerche (Free-energy)

14 - Fusione nucleare a bolle

- Quantit di moto dal vuoto
16 N-Gine, il nuovo motore ecologico
Rodolfo Maschio
17 Macchina a gravit
18 Scarpe che parlano e radio a mano

31 Nuovi esperimenti
Harold Aspden
36 Our future energy source the Vacuum
Jean-Luis Naudin
46 Circuito di Ossie Callanan
Robert Koontz
54 Richard Clem Motor
Kepler Buoy
64 Energia delle maree

65 Reed Motor
Lark Corporation
68 Hydrocar hidrodiff generator
Aldo Costa
70 Le mouvement perptuel

72 Qualche idea di motori a magneti permanenti

76 McMaster Motor

77 MXLO Magnetic Motor DC generator

79 PlasmaKing Corporation

81 The Experimenters Store

JLN Labs
91 The Moller/Frolov's Atomic Hydrogen Generator

Zoltan Losonc
The water hand-pump with pendoulum of Veljko Milkovic
Philip Ball
Water Power
Westlund Technology
Report #1
114 Xogen Patent
Franco Montefuscoli
Peter Pan
Franco Montefuscoli
Esperimento sul diamagnetismo
Conery, Goodrich, Stauffer
Levitazione diamagnetica
149 Tesla's (real) Flying Machine
Carlo Splendore
Studi e ricerche (campo vitale)
Roberto Maglione
Wilhelm Reich e la modificazione del clima
Roberto Maglione
A seed sprouting experiment on ORAC-charged corn seed
Herman Meinke
Orgone Devices
Radionic Photography
W.Giuliani, M.Valisa
Le rotazioni elettromagnetiche
Andrea Pietrangeli
Il 9 stato della materia
210 Rumours

La Redazione provvisoria della rivista presso il seguente indirizzo:

Franco Malgarini
via di Boccea 302
00167 Roma
Sito Web:
Mailing list:
Tale indirizzo anche sede dell'A.S.S.E.

La redazione non vuole impedire la distribuzione della rivista al di fuori dell'associazione.

Tuttavia, ci pu essere un potenziale danno per l'associazione stessa, a meno che non sia
necessario davvero. Per il resto, preghiamo di usare il buon senso e di passarla solo a chi vi
Franco Malgarini e Eugenio Odorifero

Carlo Splendore, in questo periodo, particolarmente

prolifico di idee, progetti e invenzioni: nelle pagine
seguenti, pi ulteriori pagine nella sezione di orgonica,
vengono esposti i suoi studi, in particolare sulle spirali
magnetiche, sul motore alternativo su pista magnetica e,
con un piccolo contributo di Odorifero, sul motore di
Cominciamo tuttavia da uno dei suoi primi lavori
presentato nel periodo successivo alla pubblicazione del
volume Il Bioradiometro in un lungo filmato1 dove
esponeva diverse idee e concetti ben poco allineati con
la scienza ufficiale.
In queste foto, l'esemplare utilizzato, ancora intatto.

1 Presente per intero sul CD 2 di Altra Scienza in DivX


Ricerche sul motore di Johnson

Uno dei primi motori di cui Carlo Splendore si

interessato stato il motore di Johnson. Tale motore
forse tra i progetti pi semplici che si conoscano, ma
ci si dimentica del fatto che per realizzarlo occorre un
magnete a banana. Tale forma, bene ricordarlo,
non n in commercio, n viene prodotto su
ordinazione (almeno in Italia). Carlo ha tentato di
emularlo con dei magneti al neodimio in una struttura
in ferro, come si pu vedere dalla foto, ma con risultati
Bisogna notare, oltretutto, che se poniamo una serie di
magneti in circolo, indipendentemente da come sono
orientati, si riscontrer sempre, a seconda dei casi, o
un annullamento del campo magnetico o una
ridistribuzione di + e - del campo magnetico stesso.
Ci non vieta, come evidenzia Eugenio Odorifero
nella foto a fianco e persino nella clip dello stesso sul
2 CD, di porre i magneti in rettilineo o in semicerchio
e nemmeno di utilizzare magneti convenzionali invece
di quelli a banana ottenendo lo spostamento del
cursore lungo tutto il percorso e anche oltre.
Nelle due foto piccole, si pu vedere che stato
tentato il completamento in circolo del dispositivo, sia
in con i magneti di ferrite (dell'esperimento originale)
sia con i magneti al neodimio. Per entrambi i modelli
la sperimentazione, proprio per quanto detto sopra, si
ha avuto esito negativo. La conclusione di Carlo,
condivisa per altro da Eugenio, che il dispositivo di
Johnson rettilineo funziona e ha effetto anche
ponendo delle variazioni significative. La versione in
rotazione dello stesso ci sembra inattendibile per
quanto detto e verificato - di fatto non ci risultano
nemmeno esiti positivi documentati di tale versione.

Ricerche sulle spirali magnetiche

Una delle idee che Carlo sta portando avanti, oltre l'orgonica, quella di
realizzare dispositivi che utilizzano il movimento rotatorio generato
dall'attrazione tra un magnete e un ferro messo a spirale. Dispositivi, per
altro, gi da noi filmati sul CD n2 sempre di A.S. - basta quindi vedere i
filmati per farsi un'idea esaustiva di quanto qui costruito e schematizzato
e dei risultati finora raggiunti.

Questo uno dei suoi primi schizzi di dispositivo utilizzante spirali

magnetiche, anche se in effetti non l'ha mai realizzato. Le spirali
sono polarizzate da magneti nel loro interno e progressivamente
attratte dai magneti esterni a forma di mattoncino, con un moto reso
regolare dal volano in fondo.
Carlo, importante sapere, ha abbandonato l'idea di del moto
perpetuo in senso stretto, considerando invece l'overunity come
obbiettivo principale.

Due disegni che illustrano l'idea di base: la cosa interessante da notare, e veramente poco convenzionale, che
mentre la spirale avanza i magneti possono essere, entro certi limiti, progressivamente allontanati, ma questo
verr meglio spiegato fra due pagine in una descrizione che Carlo stesso ci ha inviato.

Progetto del modello sperimentale usato come studio.

Il dispositivo fotografato all'inizio di questo paragrafo.

Progetto e implementazione del motore a spirale.

Nell'implementazione, per evidenziare l'effetto, le
spirali sono diventate tre.

Nelle foto successive, l'ultima implementazione, in ordine di tempo del motore a spirale.

Per finire, qui di seguito mostriamo altre varianti di motore alternativo. Da notare infatti che su questa idea ci
sono ancora lavori in corso, per cui chi ha domande, proposte, suggerimenti o quant'altro sull'argomento invii
una mail o a Carlo Splendore oppure alla redazione di A.S. (e
provvederemo ad avvisare Carlo e/o a pubblicare le vostre osservazioni).

Fusione nucleare a bolle
La rottura delle bolle in un liquido
produce energia Un reattore a fusione

Verso una fusione

nucleare controllata
In un articolo di prossima pubblicazione sulla rivista "Physical Review
E", il fisico Rusi Taleyarkhan della Purdue University e colleghi quantitativa
descrivono il fenomeno della fusione a bolle (sonofusione
Indizi di fusione nucleare
termonucleare), l'apparente generazione di energia nucleare in seguito
al violento collasso di bolle in una vasca di liquido. La ricerca, che
segue uno studio controverso pubblicato due anni prima, parla di
"emissioni statisticamente significative di neutroni e raggi gamma"
dopo che onde sonore e neutroni pulsati colpiscono una vasca di
acetone liquido raffreddato e arricchito con deuterio.
I ricercatori riferiscono di aver osservato lampi di luce
(sonoluminescenza) ed emissione di neutroni con energie inferiori o
pari a 2,5 MeV, quella che ci si aspetterebbe se coppie di nuclei di
deuterio si fondessero insieme per produrre energia. Ma anche se gli
scienziati descrivono alcuni miglioramenti al proprio apparato
sperimentale rispetto a quello di due anni fa, i critici (fra cui Aaron
Galonsky della Michigan State University) rimangono non del tutto
Secondo Galonsky, i dati delle emissioni di neutroni vengono
accumulati a quelli delle emissioni di raggi gamma. Anche se separare
i due segnali difficile, sarebbe per necessario per avere uno spettro
pulito dei soli neutroni e dimostrare in modo non ambiguo la fusione
1999 - 2003 Le Scienze S.p.A.

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Quantit di moto dal vuoto
Un oggetto materiale pu raggiungere
velocit misurabili in laboratorio L'orientamento degli spin
dei quark

L'effetto Unruh-Davies in
Il nulla non produce nulla: lo sappiamo tutti. Eppure, alcuni fisici
sostengono che un oggetto posto in un forte campo elettromagnetico La prima misura della
pu "aspirare" quantit di moto dallo spazio vuoto e cominciare a forza di Casimir

muoversi. Lo strano effetto, secondo un articolo teorico pubblicato sul Un nuovo effetto Casimir
numero del 16 gennaio 2004 della rivista "Physical Review Letters",
dovrebbe essere osservabile in laboratorio con le attuali tecnologie.
Lo spazio vuoto, secondo la meccanica quantistica, un luogo
movimentato: numerose particelle "virtuali" vi appaiono e scompaiono
in continuazione, donandogli energia e la capacit di agire su piccoli
oggetti. Per esempio, due piastre metalliche parallele subiranno una
forza minuscola, chiamata effetto Casimir, che le attirer l'una verso
l'altra. Ci avviene perch fra di loro non possono esistere fotoni
virtuali con determinate lunghezze d'onda. Lo spazio all'esterno delle
piastre ha pertanto energia maggiore, e schiaccia le piastre l'una
contro l'altra.
Ma il vuoto, secondo Alexander Feigel della Rockefeller University di
New York, pu anche possedere una quantit di moto e potrebbe
trasmetterne una parte a un oggetto materiale. Per giungere a questa
conclusione, Feigel ha cominciato a considerare una controversia di
vecchia data nell'elettrodinamica: come si definisce la quantit di moto
di un campo elettromagnetico che permea la materia? Per quasi un
secolo, i fisici hanno avuto due definizioni, una proposta dal fisico
tedesco Max Abraham e una derivata dal matematico russo Hermann
Minkowski. Secondo Abraham, il momento del campo sarebbe pi
piccolo nei materiali attraverso i quali la luce viaggia pi lentamente,
mentre secondo Minkowski vale il contrario. Usando la relativit, Feigel
ha scoperto che la definizione di Abraham tiene conto soltanto del
momento dei campi elettrici e magnetici, mentre quella di Minkowski
anche del momento del materiale.
Analizzando teoricamente la quantit di moto di un materiale posto in
forti campi elettrici e magnetici perpendicolari, Feigel ha scoperto che i
fotoni virtuali che lo attraversano presenterebbero una strana
asimmetrica, che donerebbe al vuoto un momento in una direzione
mentre il materiale acquisterebbe un momento in direzione opposta.
In campi di 100.000 volt per metro e di 17 tesla, il materiale si
muoverebbe a una velocit di 50 nanometro per secondo, misurabile
in laboratorio.

A. Feigel, Quantum Vacuum Contribution to the Momentum of

Dielectric Media. Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 020404 (16 gennaio 2004).
1999 - 2003 Le Scienze S.p.A.

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tratto da
Un motore inventato dal 44enne ingegnere bavarese Heinz Schmid sembra
avere tutti i requisiti per innescare unepocale rivoluzione dei trasporti: costo
del propellente clamorosamente basso (0,5 euro al litro) e inquinamento
assolutamente nullo. Il motivo semplice: funziona ad azoto liquido, ossia ad
Restano da risolvere solo tre problemi. Due superabili (il serbatoio ancora
troppo grande per unauto e si perde l1% del contenuto al giorno), il terzo non
tanto. Eccolo: politici e governi, pronti a stracciarsi le vesti sullinquinamento,
vogliono davvero mettervi fine? E quanto si chiede lo stesso Schmid, un ex
insegnante di meccanica, che sar a Carrara per presentarne due prototipi in occasione di Seatec 2004, la
seconda edizione della Rassegna delle tecnologie e della subfornitura per la cantieristica navale e da diporto in
programma dal 19 al 21 febbraio.
Certe reazioni, dice, mi fanno sospettare che non tutti siano interessati allaria pulita. Le rivoluzioni, si sa,
non sinventano da un giorno allaltro. Gli strumenti, comunque, li vedremo a Carrara. Si tratta di un motoscafo
e di un go-kart. Entrambi montano un motore a nitrogeno a 4 cilindri a stella di 250 cc. Per certi aspetti, sono
pezzi da museo. Consumano infatti il quadruplo di litri di un motore a scoppio. Da qui la necessit di un grande
serbatoio. Ma Schmid gi riuscito a sviluppare un nuovo modello (lo sta adattando a un Golf-Kart) che ha
ridotto la differenza al 50% in pi, con margini di miglioramento. Consumo a parte, i vantaggi sono tali, sotto
ogni punto di vista, da dare le vertigini. Tecnicamente la perdita di energia minima, 25% contro lo l83% del
motore a scoppio. La sicurezza invece addirittura totale, giacch lazoto liquido non esplode, ne sinfiamma.
Ma il vero exploit riguarda il problema dellinquinamento risolto alla radice. Cos come la dipendenza dal
petrolio. Se in futuro si combatteranno guerre sar per altri motivi. Il nuovo motore equivale a un nuovo
mondo. Schmid ha chiamato la sua invenzione N-Gine Motor e la sua societ N-Gine Corporation, un gioco di
parole tra engine (in inglese, motore) e N, simbolo dellazoto. Racconta di essersi ispirato ai martelli
pneumatici ad aria compressa. Ma il principio in base al quale N-Gine lavora direttamente legato alla
propriet dellazoto di liquefarsi alle bassissime temperature: a partire da -197C il suo volume si riduce infatti
di 800 volte. Liberato sotto controllo e riscaldato torna allo stato gassoso e al volume di partenza.
Senza alcun sforzo, ecco dunque laria compressa utile alla propulsione del motore.

From : "Franco Malgarini"

To :
Cc :
Date : Mon, 2 Feb 2004 21:57:23 +0100
Subject : messaggio

> Carissimo Rodolfo

> Vorrei portare il tuo lavoro al prossimo Convegno dimostrativo dell'ASSE.
> Fammi sapere se il videoclip che allego riguarda ci di cui parlavamo al telefono.
> A presto
> Franco

Ciao franco,

Ho visto il video, se l'animazione si riferisce a masse che generano una forza

centrifuga a causa della rotazione, allora si il video va bene, anche se con quella
differenza di curvatura tra le due semicirconferenze genererebbe un sacco di

Se quel movimento dei pallini, indica il solo percorso che fanno, ed legato solo
alla gravit terrestre, non cos che funziona il mio sistema.

Ho gi letto su una rivista di quella idea, ma stato dimostrato che non ha

rendimento, anche se l'idea bella, e fa pensare che sia possibile, considerando le
diverse lunghezze delle leve.

Per prima cosa ti metto l'indirizzo di dove potrai trovare la dimostrazione che un movimento di una massa che
percorra un tragitto a "mezzaluna", da come risultato zero. (si trova di seguito al messaggio, ndAS)

la dimostrazione me l'ha gentilmente fatta un mio amico astrofisico (vero)

un paio di giorni fa gli ho telefonato e gli ho mandato un allegato come quello che mando a te, spiegandogli che
se col percorso a "mezzaluna", si ha risultato zero, per il fatto che nel tratto orizzontale, non si ha spostamento
secondo l'asse X, allora con il nuovo percorso si dovrebbe avere una forza che sposta il sistema.

Partendo da quella dimostrazione infatti, si pu ragionevolmente, capire come un sistema in cui le masse fanno
un percorso diverso, dia come risultato una spinta in una determinata direzione.

come puoi notare nella dimostrazione, sotto la formula Px che lui segna col numero 1, dice che,.... non
essendoci movimento secondo l'asse delle X, non si ha nessuna forza che agisce.

Ma proprio qu la differenza, il percorso che io faccio fare alle masse.

Devi immaginarlo, come la figura della luna quando a 3/4, o pi vicina alla circonferenza, ma mai un cerchio

Nel sistema del tuo video, se le masse sono semplicemente sposate dalla gravit e non si avr nessun vantaggio,
ed inoltre, nello spazio in assenza di gravit non funzionerebbe.

Il sistema che ho ideato io, mosso da un motore, le masse generano quindi una forza centrifuga che ha una
direzione variabile, a secondo del punto in cui si trovano.

Nel disegno che ti allego, puoi vedere e comprendere meglio, quanto ti ho detto.

Scusami se il disegno non orientato giusto, ma dopo averlo passato allo scanner, non sono riuscito a
"raddrizzarlo", spero che tu ci riesca con qualche programma che gestisce le foto, cos lo leggerai +

Nel percorso che fanno le masse hanno uno spostamento radiale, possono spostarsi cio dall'estremit verso in
centro e viceversa.

Questo spostamento verso il centro, come vedi, avviene solo su met percorso, ed avviene meccanicamente.

Per ottenerlo, si pu utilizzare un altro anello, indipendente dal sistema che in rotazione, e che ne spinge verso
il centro solo un settore.

Capisci quindi che facendo la "sommatoria" delle forze centrifughe, avrai una differenza su un settore, essendo

Nel caso i due percorsi (Est ed Ovest) fossero circolari, avresti un equilibrio, ma essendo il tratto inferiore
diverso, le masse compiono un percorso con raggio minore, quindi le Fc che si generano sono diverse su quel

Le due risultanti quindi daranno uno sbilanciamento, che legato ai vari parametri.

Per avere valori molto alti di spinta, converr, naturalmente, usare masse piccole e usare un elevato numero di
giri, essendo il valore V al quadrato, il che dar molto pi vantaggio nel generare una Forza centrifuga che
utilizzando una grande massa a pochi giri.

Consideriamo una massa m che si muove vincolata alla traiettoria disegnata in figura. La traiettoria si trova
all'interno di un "disco volante" di massa M. Risulta evidente che, durante l'intervallo di tempo in cui la massa
m si trova nella semicirconferenza superiore (muovendosi da B ad A) questa esercita sul disco una forza
centrifuga data da

Il teorema dell'impulso afferma che la forza applicata ad un corpo per l'intervallo su cui essa agisce uguale alla
cariazione della quantit di moto del corpo stesso. Conseguentemente la componente di una forza applicata al
disco lungo una determinata direzione moltiplicata per l'intervallo di tempo su cui essa agisce uguale alla
variazione della quantit di moto del disco in quella direzione.

la componente della forza lungo l'asse delle x (vedi figura)

In virt del teorema dell'impulso risulta quindi che nell'intevallo di tempo infinitesimo dt la variazione della
quantit di moto del disco lungo la direzione y :

Sappiamo ora che l'angolo legato al tempo t dalla relazione

= t
quindi la precedente relazione puo' essere riscritta come

L'impulso acquistato dal disco durante il movimento della massa m sulla semicirconferenza quindi


Durante il movimento sul segmento inferiore ovviamente non agisce alcuna forza. Notiamo pero' che quando la
massa m giunge al punto A dotata di una quantit di moto lungo la direzione delle x data da
P = - mr
Durante il percorso tra A e B la quantit di moto lungo X 0, mentre durante il passaggio al punto B, si riporta
P = mr
Resta quindi ovvio che la massa m durante il passaggio da A a B ha modificato la sua quatit di moto di un

Durante il cambiamento di traiettoria ha quindi agito una forza vincolare tale da produrre questa variazione
della quantit di moto. Conseguentemente, per azione e reazione, durante i cambiamenti di traiettoria egisce una
forza di reazione tale da produrre un cambiamento della quantit di moto nel disco


la variazione della quantit di moto totale del disco quando la massa m fa un giro completo quindi data da

1) + 2) = 0
resta quindi dimostrato che la reazione vincolare produce una forza che agisce sul moto del disco in maniera
esattamente uguale alla forza centrifuga, ma in direzione opposta.
Quindi il disco oscillera' attorno al suo baricentro, il quale immobile nello spazio.
Essendo la variazione della quantit di moto del disco su 2 a causa di una sola massa uguale a 0 ----> la
variazione della quantit di moto su 2 a causa di N masse poste sul vincolo nulla, e quindi il baricentro sara'
sempre immobile
Questa una conferma stringente del primo principio della dinamica

Un motivo per il quale non abbiamo mai recensito Antigravity era, e purtroppo in
buona parte lo attualmente, l'illeggibilit dello stesso. Dietro
c' l'impegno attivo di Enrico Valbonesi (buon conoscitore e sperimentatore, ma
come scrittore...), ma la collaborazione con l'ASSE, e in particolare con Odorifero,
ha consentito, e consentir in futuro, ulteriori miglioramenti (e ricerche).
Tenete presente che ormai il sito aggiornato quasi quotidianamente, quindi i
contenuti di queste pagine sono da ritenersi solo come esempio.

ologramma scienza e umanit - astronomia e fisica - ingegneria - English per chi sa inglese - links - vecchia
corrispondenza - bibliografia - esperimenti e progetti - teoria e principi - altro
English version
considerazioni su incidenti cropcicles di oggi 20-2-2004 area unificata oggi 21-2-2004 diario
Nuovi sistemi di comunicazione con progetti chimici ingegneria area
combustione di oggetti in una citt Caronia in provincia di Catania 2004 area esperimenti e effetti cambio di
teorie energetiche e teorie sul suono
antigravity: esperimenti e dati
franco ivaldi amicoprogettocomune
cielo che armonia di f. Ivaldi area teorica
guarigione con terapie non convenzionali pranoterapie area esoterica biologica
A Raffaella: una dedica per quando arriveremo al punto zero di non ritorno
teoria delle onde gravitazionali breve introduzione e corso di fisica gravitazionale area astrofisica e fisica

Noi crediamo che l'impossibile non esista: per questo siamo impossibili.
La frequenza vibrazionale e di bending della terra e' arrivata, secondo i collaboratori di Ighina, al livello 11. Entro maggio-luglio,
se tutto continua cos, avremo la frequenza 13 che il numero di risonanza della nostra specie... Su questo tema e altri ecco i
seminari di anti-G Clicca qui per leggere il programma dei seminari gratuiti
MARZO 2004 CHE CAUSERA' LE ESCHE PER I cambiamenti epocali e



Clicca qui per ingrandire

Le immagini, i progetti, gli strumenti, i prototipi e quant'altro sull' antigravit: lo stato dell'arte. Se vuoi
sapere di pi e vuoi delle novit in genere richiedi l'opera in cd rom o il libretto dell'autore all'indirizzo
. email mailto:info@antigravity.itDI PRIMO E BRUNO che puoi chiamare e ordinare al +39 329
4167403 -3393251330 fax +39 02 70042 0059 tel +39 06 59600324 (dalle 20-alle 23 lun ven).E-mail:

Parole chiave del libro:antigravit magnetica, antigravit sonora, levitazione umana, antigravit
elettromagnetica, antigravit ad onde gravitazionali,antigravit ad interferometro, antigravit di ondeX di
riflusso, antigravit trasmutativa, antigravit centripeta terrestre, antigravit centrifuga di plutone, antigravit
spazio etere, antigravit condizionale universale, antigravit causata da frequenze ultra basse 60hz, antigravit
a micoonde, antigravit di luce scura, antigravit da antimateria, antigravit elettrica, antigravit galvaninca,
antigravit da vuoto, antigravit da ioni positivi, antigravit supermagneti, antigravit... antigravit causata
dalla formazione di un nuovo sole di neutroni nelle vicinanze del pianeta terra... antigravit causata dal
riallineamento dei poli magnetici a seguito di una loro inversione... antigravit causata dalla perdit di
magnetismo del nostro pianeta per un fenomeno di induttanza con un nuovo sole... antigravit lunare con asse
terrestre... antigravit dimensionale, antigravit vibrazionale, antigravit di bending, antigravit causata dall
effetto risonanza di un fascio di elettroni di un sole, antigravit causata dal passaggio di un satellite come
nibiru, antigravit causata dal passaggio di un fascio di energia di una stella in asse con il campo magnetico
terrestre, antigravit causata dal passaggio di una stella... entro l anno vedremo uno dei fenomeni qui elencati
manifestarsi per la gioia dei vostri cuori

L'antigravit a cristalli, antigravit al plasma freddo come nei fenomeni di sassalbo hessdallen,
antigravit a risonanza vibrazionale di una fonte di energia, antigravit cognitiva, antigravit date da
temperature allo 0 assoluto allineate, antigravit date dal principio dell inversione degli spin quantici,
antigravit di polarizzazione, antigravit del flusso ionico, antigravit data da blazar dal profondo spazio,
antigravit vibrazionale incipiente, antigravit al ritmo X tipica dell'elemento in oggetto, antigravit a vortice,
antigravit da cadmio selenio, antigravit da telepatia kinetica dei bambini indaco

Area ologramma scienza e umanit

L'antigravita biologica coinvolge l'elemento umano e quindi permette la levitazione umana per via della new
age, dell'autocoscienza, l'ottenimento dell'autocontrollo del corpo come fanno gli yogi e i santi religiosi.
Questa strada la pi promettente ed economica grazie all innalzamento di frequenza, ma ricordo che ognuno
ha la sua frequenza di risonanza intorno a 11-13Hz ed ora molto piu' facile seguire questa via.

Generatore elettrico a magnetismo gravit REALIZZATO

in quest' area si coniugher l'emisfero destro con il sinistro e quindi preferibile un alto grado di spiritualit e
vedere la vita con occhi da bambino per ottenere un risultato
navicella del corpo meditazione mediante merkaba
akasha diario sul allineamento degli emisferi clebrali creativa pagina
per conoscere i corsi eventi che facciamo quest'area
L'area antigravity-biologica si resa conto che in quest'area si deve essere un p pi puri... che in altre aree
quindi la disinformazione che c' sul web e' un sistema per distrarVi e deviarvi per chi ha scelto questa strada
c' solo la via della trasmutazione e dell'autocoscienza del cuore e tecniche di meditazione energetiche che ci
aiutano. Il lavoro su di s l'89% di tutto il lavoro ma le tecniche qui riportate posso aiutare per circa l'11%.
la vita in se stessa e una tela vuota:
diventa cio' che tu dipingi su di essa.
Puoi dipingere infelicit,
puoi dipingere estasi.
Questa la tua gloria
asaska NUOVO 25-12-2003
seminari sull' utilizzo dell emisfero destro per aumentare la vostra qualita' della vita. per le persone che
vogliono usare la creativit
2003/creativita.htm conforto
la visione della nascita dell universo per Ken ..e fu iniziouniverso.htm new age

Area antigravit - astronomia e fisica

Ciclotrone ad onde gravitazionali - REALIZZATO

nuove informazioni su dispositivi di rilevazione di onde gravitazionali


origine dei fenomeni luminosi di hessadallen teorie e spiegazioni asteroidi come deviarli e come utilizzarli per
avere nuove colonie o solo per dimostrare l'antigravit asteroidivecchi
lettere al simposio di heidelberg
massimodell'energia dell'attivit magentica solare
hight energy gamma -ray anstronomy simposio idee scaturite dal ci
quasar proveantiG sasalbohessadellen
astronomia ipotesi di onde gravitazionali libere
presentazione al simposio di Bologna con le leggi interne della gravit generica descrizione
i buchi neri i jet e le spiegazioni su l'antigravita di questi fenomeni
l' universo si espande colpa della forza misteriosa che sarebbe l'antigravit
Riporto idee sul perch una teroria dell'antigravit
cappi spaziali per impossesarsidi asteroidi come nuove terre di colonizzazionecappio
dati sperimentali delle missioni delle bermuda e del' egitto di enrico valbonesi italiano
colonizzazione giove
concatenazioni di energie datato al 2000
sistemi di propulsione stellari e astrofisica

Area dispositivi, misteri, anomalie, incidenti:

Espansioni polari concentriche per incurvare particelle - REALIZZATO

cause disatro shuttle un plasma freddo

scoperta dicembre 2003 su teorie sul tempo e anomalie temporali cause effetti e macchine
giornali e riviste che trattano di vecchi prototipi di razzi cavi spinti da forze elettriche
autopropulsione di frolof

Area antigravit - immagini e progetti free energy

free energy
Progetti realizzati e da realizzare NUOVO 20-2-2004
i buchi neri i jet e le spiegazioni su l'antigravita di questi fenomeni
nuovi dispositivi
nuovi concetti relativi alle torri di microonde utili per il trasporto di microveicoli e maxiveicoli e veicoli per fini
di trasporto umani.

un altro articolo sul triangolo

l'applicazione un sistema di lancio di sciami di particelle nanomolecoalri che si riassemblano in orgita sotto
l'effetto del plasma
come utilizzare le energie oscure di hessadlen
il vecchio sistema tss1 per ricevere energia dalle fascie di wan hallen
lanciatore riutilizzabile nanomolecolare con propulsione e assemblaggio al plasma freddo
sistemi di miglioramento del lanciatore
lente gravitazionale
cellinopu un condensatore accumulare energia da antigravit

Area antigravity - per chi capisce l'inglese articoli

Stabilizzatore di tensione tipo militare a 400Hz - REALIZZATO

1. nuove ipotesi per il disatro shuttle vittima di un attacco di armi spaziale :

2. nuove informazioni sui radar e armi ad onde e microonde
3. elettrogravita nuove discussioni
4. teoria2
5. teoriadati
6. sperimentali delle missioni delle bermuda e del' egitto di enrico valbonesi
7. vendita del materiale per il levitation del triangolo
8. aggiornamento 42003
9. attrito punto
11.razzo plasma inglese
12.utilizzo del plasma in astronautica ulitizzi plasma in lingua inglese
13.form di partecipazione Gravity.Phys.PSU.Edu
14.inglese teorie teorie generali in inglese
15.frolof vecchio
16.elettrocinetica Heinstain utility in inglese inglese teory inglese codrule

Area antigravit - link e contatti

Magnetron ad una finestra con uscita in controfase - REALIZZATO


padrak DEPALMAkaku orgone helsisnki

come costruire in dispositivo di levitazione del 7-6-2002 ufo su gio elettro e magneto gravita philadelfia
spazioenergia tempo mix come costruire in dispositivo di levitazione del 7-6-2002 rnale pravda tutta una
messa in scena
altraenergia link NUOVO NUOVO ....
schemi di come costruire dispositivili lifter 7-6--2002
nuovi link sulla gravit e su risorse lavorative in america
link del 1-2-2003
1llevitazione umana 2 crop circles 3 orion 4 gravita 5 viaggitempo

Area vecchia corrispondenza

POSTA IO io894 io99 io200 IO222 io micio io6900 posta vecchia del 2001 corrispondenza vecchia
corrispondenzaTeodorani bkmaildicembre2003/fenice.htm con campell corrispondenza simposio
corrispondenza nasa
clement su uno scienziato teorico che prevedeva costante gravitazionale
cellino asteroidi letterevecchie
server :
teoria dello super spin generata da addotti
by malanga teoria del ssh
3 56
6bis7 89
10 12
teorie sulle intelligenze extraterrestri in italiano :
biografia nave fonti
nuove liste di discussione e comunita sull antigravit esprimete la vostra opinione

area antigravit idee sopravvivenza e brevetti idee miscellanea

procedure per sopravvivere biologi
attacco nucleare o bomba sporca
attacco chimico procedure

progetto presentato a NEW York per la costruzione del nuovo WTC...

lcuni inutili numeri di brevetti se fossi una superpotenza li avrei tutti fatti mieie
procedimento per generare un campo gravitazionale positivo brevetto
un insieme di invenzioni di enrico quando era giovane

Area antigravit - referenze e bibliografia

Trasformatore al plasma ionizzato - REALIZZATO

bibliografia prima parte

bibliografia seconda parte
bibliografia terza parte
bibliografia quarta parte
uomini della storia di antigravit
bibliografia quinta parte storico
index1index2 index4index5 index6 index8index9 index10 index12index13 index14index15
index16index17 index18 index20index21 index22index23 index24index25 index26index27

Area antigravity - esperimenti e progetti

nuovi esperimenti fatti per dimostrare che almeno ci si provato( anche se in maniera artigianale e con le
risorse limitate ) a mettere in pratica i principi teorici di macchine a concatenazione di campi magnetici e
sfruttamento di componenti "lontane " di campi stazionari ad alta energia
immagini di nuovi sistemi 2002 eccellenti per tecnologia e scienza
disegni sui nuovi progetti 2002
tutte le novita sulle nuove invenzioni
tutte le informazioni per progettare un veicolo e una serie di scoperte per migliorare la nostra vita
immagini e link2002
immagini onde x
novi e vecchi vettori e principi che saranno presentati al convegno di Pozzuoli:
piani di lavoro

Area antigravit - teoria e principi:

1. nuove teorie elettromagnetiche 2002
2. 1 teorie del 2003
3. CARURANTEacquamisceladetonate
4. 6/6/2002 immagini di sistemi di levitazione di semiconduttori raffreddati
5. novit del 6/6/2002 sistemi di spinta di levitatori con schemi e principi di funzionamento
6. nuove autostrade spaziali a energia gratuita
7. una teorie delle onde decelerative della gravit
8. campi nuovi
9. effetti dopller attraenti per la teroria gravitazinale
10.teorie del 2000 sui radicali liberi
12.bis teorie nuove
13.vecchie idee 2000 sui sistemi di trasporto correlazioni sole gravit un sistema vecchio di detenzione
2000 teorie generali in italiano 2000 buchi neri come generatori di energia antigravitazionale
guinzagli spaziali per prendere meteore
14.Conquista dello scopo di gravit degli scienziati pi importanti negli Stati Uniti
15.idee del 2000 su rendimenti energetici
16. dispositivi extraterra
17.idee sulla gravit inedite2001
18.interpretazione dei dati e teorie della gravit inedite
19.teorie sullo scioglimento dei ghiacci e conseguenze sull'ecosistema terrestre.
20.raffreddamento terrestre e teorie sullo sfruttamento terra compatibile dei campi magnetici e flussi di
Balzach e tempeste solari su regioni della terra

Area non classificata

il link migliore del sito su aria e gelatina di silicio:
aerogel il primo materiale ultraleggero per costruirti la tua nuova dimora nello spazio.

February 2004 Newsletter

January 2004 Technical Group Meeting
Ken opened the meeting at 8PM with an apology from Robert. There were eventually 26 people present which
was quite good for a January meeting. Athol announced that there was a table of give-aways while Ken began
the first demonstration which was an update on his prize winning telephone remote control device. The changes
consisted of reducing the standby current, (now <20mA, soon to be only micro amps) a dial tone has been
incorporated into the design and some data entry changes have been made for better reliability.
Ken went on to demonstrate a motor (motor made by Mark and the electronics made by Ken). The motor was
built to prove the viability of the drive system to be used in an experiment under construction.

The motor consists of Mark and Ken's own designed "Serpentine" winding which is wound around pegs on the
perimeter of the motor disc. The motor demonstrated running was a prototype and only had a few of the total
number of magnets fitted. However the motor happily ran up to 2,500 rpm with the final version expected to

reach 15,000 rpm. A Hall effect device controls the switching pulses to a FET which actually drives the motor
coil. People were then invited to come forward and look at the motor up close and discuss the project.

A photo of the rotor, note magnets in every

fourth hole. Carbon fibre was used around the
outside edge in an attempt the prevent the device
coming apart at high speed.

(Match shown for scale)

A close up of the Serpentine winding.

No magnetic materials were employed near the

spinning magnets!

Mark, Warwick and Ken are working on this project.

I (Bruce) then displayed my rewound car starter solenoid that I am using on my current project, an electric
lawnmower. Normally car solenoids draw a lot of current as they have to have enough power to engage the
starter drive and also they are only momentary in operation. I only require the contacts to close to turn the
electric motor on and also require it to be on for long periods of time. Randal suggested a coil resistance of 10
ohms, which would draw about 1 amp. I used a simple computer programme (written and donated to me years
ago by one of the Victorian ASTRO members) to calculate the wire size, number of turns etc. I rewound the
solenoid to these specifications and I now have a means of simply switching high currents. I also demonstrated
the programme for those who were interested as it has a myriad of uses for experimenters and gave away
several copies of the programme on floppies. If you missed out, check out the ASTRO website. (members area)
Randal then discussed his idea of an electric motor using two rotors traveling in opposite directions. As there
was not any other projects coming forward, Ken tried to prompt Bob and Lionel to which the reply was "We
ain't done nuthin!"
Jan agreed to talk on his latest idea which is a continuation of his climbing pushbike, this version going

forwards by the rider rocking from side to side.

Ron had reappeared by this time after cycling home to get some things needed for the meeting. He
demonstrated a Dremel equivalent which Mitre 10 are selling for $22. He also showed a printed circuit board
drilling jig that he had made that the drill fits into.
Ron also brought along a 300ma incandescent globe and a LED which draws the same current. The LED easily
had more light output for the same power in. (1Watt) These LED's are $17 each and run on 3V. Finally Ron
showed his Colloidal Silver generator that now has a 0.56ma current limiter fitted. A lot of discussion followed
about types of water, phases of the moon, etc.
Andrew mentioned that High Tech Recyclers have Pentium 2 laptops for $450 at the moment. They can be
found at 19 Starr Ave, Plympton South.
Peter was next with the alternative sweetener Xylitol which the group is now buying in bulk, see Athol if you
are interested.
Peter also mentioned that on Fox news was an item on France and Japan tendering for a fusion reactor which
uses very low level radiation materials. There was much discussion on this subject.
Roger, always looking for a bargain, has found that Magnets For Life are giving away a pack of magnets if you
go and enquire about their products. They are at 17 Deacon Ave, Richmond. He also showed an advert for a
rocking scooter, to which Jan interjected "They stole my idea!" and played an audio tape of an interview about
biodiesel that was on the ABC.
Finally there was a reminder about bringing some food along for supper, Matthew read out the Treasurers
report and then instigated a discussion about the inventors competition. Supper and further discussions
followed as usual to end another successful technical group meeting. (Sorry there are no pictures of this month's
meeting as the group's camera was not available).
Note: I have taken some photos to add to the newsletter.

The ASTRO website now has a search engine! It works great! Go to the members page. Try a search on steam,
joecell, beck, rife, whatever, give it a try.

ASTRO MEETING 12th December 2003
Robert...opened the meeting at 8.20 pm with a welcome to all and then called for all entrants in the ASTRO
2003 inventor's competition to come foreword and show their inventions.
Bruce...had two entries.
1. The first was a combined entry by Ken and himself. It was a novel electrical inverter for a solar panel. The
power generated was required for charging Bruce's farm electric motorbike. The voltage had to be sufficient to
charge a 24 volt battery bank. The circuit that they employed incorporated an ingeniously simple 12 to 36 volt,
96% efficient up-converter consisting of a shottky diode, coil, MOSFET switch and a few capacitors
2. Bruce's second entry

was a shake charged electric torch. Through trial and

error, Bruce came up with the right combination of
magnets, coils and super capacitor to enable a thirty
second shake to produce a good charge to power the
super bright Light Emitting Diode (instead of a globe).
This produced a remarkably bright light in a dark room.

RonE...came up next with two entries.

1. The first was a beautifully designed PIC micro
controller controlled timer board for a Lee Crok Aura
Therapy machine. See for the
full details on the aura machine. Ron's device used a
very low current micro controller to perform the desired switch of polarity (every 15 minutes), thus significantly
extending the life of the control battery. He has offered to sell these controllers for $50.00 to any one interested.
2. Ron's second entry was a miniature timer with a vibrator alert. It was about the size of a standard rubber
eraser, designed to fit inconspicuously inside of a ladies coat or pants pocket. It was designed to produce a non
obtrusive reminder every two hours to the wearer so that a set of pelvic muscle strengthening exercises could be
performed. This was for women and men with poor bladder control to be able to strengthen and re-educate their
pelvic muscles. This required three sets of exercises every two hours. The vibrator that he used was from a
mobile phone. It was quite well made and ingenious.

Michael...had built a hydrogen producing unit, consisting of two clear plastic round tubular vertical cells and a
third cell configured as a flashback arrestor. The unit was very well made, with two different types of cell
configurations used. The first consisted of round perforated plates, horizontally stacked and each second one
insulated from the above. The second cell was built in the typical Stanley Meyer fashion with vertical
concentric stainless steel tubes. He used the conventional sodium hydroxide as an electrolyte. Michael remarked
that electrolysis by conventional method was not very economical, but he then said that there were suggestions
on the Webb that there was more to it, perhaps in the JOE Cell vein. He said that he had experienced strange
personal effects (like getting dizzy in the head) after running his unit for about five minutes. He was using his
unit to experiment with different voltages and frequencies.
Ken...had designed and built a beautifully innovative controller using a standard push button telephone.
The device used standard telephones as the input keyboard taking advantage of standard DTFF (dual tone
multiple frequency) dial signals (DTFM has good noise
immunity and will work over a large distance). The
decoder uses a standard DTFM chip and a PIC
microcontroller, the pictured unit steps up the voltage
from the battery to run the phone. Ken demonstrated
using a cordless phone as a remote control the 2 could
be wired for up the 8 for down and so on.
Another of Ken programs could turn relays on and off,
1*=on, 1#=off, 2*=on, 2#=off, **=all on. ##=all off, the
software featured a dial tone and fairly smart data
entry window.
Using three digit numbers relay addresses could go to
Andrew...designed and built (with quite a bit of
adaptation) a venturi water transfer pump. He had done
this out of necessity as his 3000 gallon toilet water tank

had run out of water and his other tank was down hill and needed to be pumped up to replenish the toilet tank.
He used the mains water to power the venturi, pumping about 3 litres of tank water with one litre of tap water.
He said that it took quite a bit of machining and experimenting with the venturi positioning to get it to work
Voting slips were passed around to determine the winners.
1. First Prize Ken with his telephone controller. $100.00
2. Second Prize Michael with his hydrogen producing unit. $ 75.00
3. Third Prize Andrew with his venturi water transfer pump. $ 50.00
General Business

Ken ... sought approval to spend $45.00 to buy a computer program that would solar cells to be made by a
printing process. This was approved.
Mathew...Said that he will print out and mail the newsletters. he said that this might bring back some of the
members as a posted newsletter tended to stir up interest and remind them of upcoming meetings. Only about
half of the members had internet access.
RonE...said that he knew of a bloke with all sorts of motors and sought interest from members as to whether a
group would like to go to Christies Beach and see these motors. There was positive interest. Ron also wanted to
know if there was interest in asking the motor man as a guest speaker. He also wanted to know if there was any
interest in an internet training night. The answer was in the affirmative to both. Ron also mentioned an article
from where Trans fats were now being actively excluded from major food chain store food lines.
RobertN...mentioned that a therapy machine had been discovered in Perth. It was the sole remainder of six
original machines. Five had been destroyed and the remaining one is being back-engineered. He also mentioned
that there was another new therapy machine from QLD and that it worked on the sub atomic level. He also was
arranging a guest speaker to talk on Graviola, as a cure for cancer.
The treasurer gave his report and the meeting closed at about 11.00pm with supper.
Until next meeting

ASTRO Home Page

Peter Patterson email

Ken Kranz (Newsletter and Web Page) email

Phone 08 83872845

DISCLAIMER: All information given in this newsletter is for educational purposes only.
No claims are made on or for the validity or correctness of the material provided.
ASTRO S.A. Incorporated accepts no responsibility for any mishaps or accidents
incurred by any persons utilising this information.



Copyright, Harold Aspden, 2002



June 2002

This was written for presentation at the 2nd Berlin Conference for Innovative Energy Technologies
organized by BINNOTEC e.V., Berlin and held at the location of SolarEnergy 2002, Messe Berlin,
Messedamm 22, D-14055 in Berlin, Germany on June 13th-15th 2002.

A Scientific Introduction
Whilst oil companies scan ocean beds in search of future drilling sites by which to replenish our dwindling
energy resources there seems to be little or no interest in looking for energy within the omnipresent vacuum
medium which exists everywhere, both here on Earth and in outer space.
The reason, of course, is that scientists do not recognize the vacuum as a source of energy. They tell us that the
vacuum is, in simple words, a mere 'nothing', but yet they teach by reference to textbooks which declare that the
vacuum has a magnetic permeability expressed as o of value 410-7 henries per metre and a permittivity 1/oc2
of 8.854187817x10-12 farads per metre.
How can the vacuum, as a medium devoid of matter, be said to have such curious properties if it is a mere
nothing? Consider what we mean by that word 'permittivity'. It tells us how much energy we can store by setting
up a voltage between two metal plates in a vacuum. That energy sits in the vacuum - not in those metal plates!
The vacuum has a way of releasing that energy when that voltage is reduced and that mysterious quantity we
call 'permittivity' governs that action.
Note now my point that a magnetic property is also involved owing to that o term, as is c, the speed of light.
Magnetism is basically a dynamic action arising from electric charge in motion and motion implies energy. The
vacuum, that mere 'nothing', also somehow determines the speed of light c, a factor in the famous energy
equation E = Mc2, and yet scientists ignore the vacuum as a potential source of energy. There is indeed much
they have to learn about this aspect of Energy Science and I intend here to summarize this in four stages.
In the first and third of these I will point to free energy technology that has been demonstrated. In the second
stage I will outline the physical principles involved and in the fourth stage I will conclude my message by
reminding you that our universe had to be created from energy that apparently came from nowhere and cast
some light on that great mystery.

I. Capacitor Magic or a Mere Dream?

I want you to imagine that you have discovered an electrical capacitor that you can charge with energy and

which, on discharge, gives you double that amount of energy as output. It is as if you can perform magic,
though you are merely dreaming.
How would you turn this into a practical device? The problem you face is that the capacitance is quite small.
Let me tell you how I would do it.
I would connect two identical capacitors through an inductive circuit to form a resonant system and let the
energy oscillate between the two capacitors, as one discharges whilst the other charges. I would draw power off,
as, for example, by incorporating an electrical load denoted R in the Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
Now, the chances are, that if I built such a device it would not work because of that low capacitance property
and the energy loss owing to the resistance of the inductive circuit. So, exercising my ingenuity, I would
connect a high d.c. voltage V to the capacitors (see Fig. 2), knowing that this additional source could not deliver
energy continuously, once I had switched the device on. The reason is that d.c. does not flow through

Fig. 2
For a high enough d.c. voltage this would, as I can verify by basic electrical theory, have the quite remarkable
effect of making the energy oscillations escalate in strength sufficiently to overcome the resistance loss
problem. I would then surely have a working 'free energy' device.
If I did not use that high voltage d.c. polarizing source then there is still the possibility that I could get a self-

sustaining oscillation and draw as output a small amount of 'free energy', but only if I made sure that the
inductors were quite large and wound from thick gauge wire so as to have a very low resistance.
Can solving our future energy problems really be so simple? It is such a wonderful dream, truly magical, but we
have, of course, to live with reality and here we need to face up to the facts of life. Can such a capacitor
property ever be a reality? As to facts, I have several examples in mind, three of which I now mention.

Fig. 3
Firstly, as long ago as 1871, there was a U.S. patent granted which comprised two cross-coupled inductive
components each having two concentric windings separated by insulation and so constituting, in effect, a
capacitor which could develop a resonant oscillation with the inductance of the other cross-coupled component.
Fig. 3 is a copy of Fig. 2 of that patent. The introductory paragraph of the patent specification stated that the
'relates to the combination of two or more simple or compound helices and iron cores or magnets in such a
manner as to produce a constant electric current without the aid of a galvanic battery'.
Here then in 1871 was U.S. Patent No. 119,825, as granted to Daniel McFarland Cook of Mansfield, Ohio,
telling us how to build a device which somehow generates electricity with no evident power input source. Here
I see a device in which electric charge can oscillate between the two components and somehow generate a
steady excess of output energy which is supplied by the windings on those two inductive components. Here
there was no priming d.c. high voltage input source, but large gauge wire was specified as essential for the
inductive windings.
These were very early days in the history of the electrical power industry. Thomas Edison was only 24 years old
and Nicola Tesla was 15 years of age at the time, so it is no wonder that this very important invention was
buried in Patent Office records.
Secondly, there is the almost incredible story of the efforts of Dr. Henry Moray. It was reported that on 21
December 1925, Moray and three others, who went along to witness what was to be demonstrated, took a trip to
a canyon in USA which was well removed from any electric power lines. A wire antenna was strung between
two points well above the ground and connection made from the antenna to Moray's apparatus, which itself had
a ground connection. Electric power was delivered as if from nowhere. It was said to be powered by 'radiant
energy', energy somehow delivered via the aether, but in spite of repeated demonstrations, some delivering
substantial power measured in kilowatt terms, Moray's discovery, notwithstanding our developing hunger for a
new energy source, has not found its way into modern technology. The reason, of course, is incredulity on the

part of our learned scientists plus lack of insight as to the true energy source.
A description of the Moray device by T. J. Yates of Cornell University, dated 16 March 1929, says that, in the
demonstration he witnessed, two wooden boxes were placed on a table. On one box there was a high-frequency
transformer and in the other box there were ten large capacitors and ten small capacitors, these all being
connected by wires in a circuit including the antenna. One can see, therefore, that somehow it is possible to set
up a resonant inductor-capacitor circuit which can deliver aether energy with the help of an antenna placed well
above ground level in open air which delivers that high d.c. input voltage but not the steady input power needed
to explain what was observed.
It is, by the way, experimental fact that atmospheric electricity exists everywhere in the open air and has a
vertical voltage gradient of several hundred V/m. It is caused by solar-powered thermal radiation exerting a
downward pressure on electrons in the atoms of our atmosphere. Of itself, this is not a useful source of power
but, as the Moray apparatus shows, it can serve as a priming agency in setting up the operating charge on those
Thirdly, there are the reports on the 'free energy' apparatus of the Methernitha community in Switzerland. They
have an electrical generating machine they call Thesta-Distatica. It produces a substantial output of electrical
power. Its main features are inductive coils connected to a pair of glass Leyden jars plus an electrostatic
generator that we in England call a Wimshurst machine. When the discs of that Wimshurst machine rotate high
voltages are generated and the pulsed output somehow activates the energy-generating properties of those two
Leyden jars. A Leyden jar is merely a capacitor having concentric cylindrical electrodes, one on the outside and
one on the inside of that glass jar. Here also we have two capacitors in an oscillatory circuit and a d.c. source
that can supply high voltage but very little energy. Yet, somehow those capacitors can tap aether energy and
generate electricity which serves that Swiss community.
I believe we have here a situation where there is skill and knowledge in that community as to how to build this
'free energy' device, but I feel sure that no one there understands the physics that can explain where the energy
that is generated really comes from.
An extensive account of both this Swiss discovery and the story of Henry Moray's efforts is provided in a
recently-published book by Keith Tutt entitled 'The Search for Free Energy', published in 2001 by Simon &
Schuster (ISBN 0-684-86660-9).

II. The Physics of the 'Magic' Capacitor

All physicists have heard of Clerk Maxwell and Werner Heisenberg. Some few may have heard of Alexandre
Veronnet. Maxwell's name is associated with electrical displacement within the aether (the medium we refer to
as the 'vacuum'). Heisenberg's name is linked to quantum mechanics and the Principle of Uncertainty by which
matter has an underlying jitter motion as if sharing a universal circular motion in tiny orbits at the very
frequency physicists associate with the creation of the electron. As to Veronnet, he has also a place in history.
On December 16, 1929 the French Academie des Sciences conferred the Henry Poincare medal on Louis de
Broglie for his work on wave mechanics, but on that same occasion Veronnet was presented with the Prix
Lalande for his works in astronomy. The point I want to make is that Veronnet saw the aether as having
electrical structure and an underlying quantized angular motion akin the that we learn of from Bohr's theory.
Veronnet realised that jitter motion in the aether could perhaps explain why electrons in atoms have a quantized
angular momentum, that is, why they have specific energy quanta linked to their rotation.

Fig. 4
So, as I see it, it is quite logical that we should be influenced by the perceptions of these three great men of
science and begin to portray the aether as I do in Fig. 4 which I copy here from page 89 of my 1980 book
'Physics Unified' (ISBN 0-85056-009-8). Here I depict the vacuum as having a cubic structure, a state of order
of the kind we see in crystals or in the magnetic domains of a ferromagnetic material. In each notional cubic cell
there is an aether particle describing a circular orbit with all such particles keeping in step in a synchronous
motion. They all have the same electrical polarity and are immersed in a continuum of uniform charge of
opposite polarity and are attracted to their respective centres of those cubic cells, but are displaced from those
centres to radii at which their mutual electrostatic energy avoids being negative. Therefore they must move in
orbit to assure that their centrifugal force is in balance with the electrostatic force attracting them to the centres
of those cubic cells. It all sounds very hypothetical, but I can assure you that this model of the aether holds the
key to solving the prevailing mysteries of physics, and it is unquestionably correct.
However, here my subject is concerned with capacitors and their 'free energy' potential and I must not digress
into other fascinating realms of fundamental physics. So let us now consider a parallel plate capacitor sitting in
the aether as just portrayed. I refer now to Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
When I asked myself what happens when an electric voltage is applied between those two capacitor plates I
could see that the aether charges would all be displaced in unison relative to the centres about which they are in
circular orbit. Then I could see that they could not keep strictly in synchronism with their counterparts
elsewhere in nearby space unless they were subject to a continuous very high frequency oscillation of energy
exchange, something I felt was impossible. Then, and by 'then' I mean nearly 50 years ago, I saw how Mother
Nature deals with this problem. If that applied voltage has a two-fold effect, in that it displaces the aether charge

in the direction of the electric field to a new equilibrium position but also produces, between the capacitor
plates, a continuous motion of that charge at right angles to that direction, then there can be absolute synchrony
with external space charge with no high frequency energy exchange problems. In Fig. 5 the centres of the charge
orbits are indicated and one can see that charges seated between the capacitor plates have an eccentric orbital
motion and so their velocities in orbit need to be compounded with a superimposed velocity in order to keep in
synchronism throughout their orbital period. This means the whole structure of aether particles must acquire a
linear motion in the space between the capacitor plates, a motion which increases as the voltage between those
plates is increased.
In other words, I could see that one unit of electrical energy added to charge the capacitor would be
supplemented by a further unit of energy accounting for that linear motion and it would be supplied by the
external quantum jitter of the aether, since it was the external aether that was applying the constraint that
assures the universal synchrony. Here was the 'free energy' source but the extra energy was locked into that
aether motion and, as soon as the capacitor was discharged, that motion would collapse and dissipate the energy
within the aether itself as it recovers and sustains its equilibrium.
What I have just described applies to the parallel plate capacitor but even back in the late 1950 era when I was
researching on these matters I knew that that aether motion produced by electric field action could import both
energy and angular momentum but I saw this as limited to the realm of cosmology and so of no technological
significance. I earned my living by dealing with technological issues but still let my thoughts wander into pure
physics and that higher plane that is the realm of those who seek to understand our universe on a grand scale
and delve into that quest for the Holy Grail that is termed 'Unified Field Theory' and the problem of gravitation.
With a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and working in a high technology corporate environment I really had no
platform from which to project my scientific contribution, especially as my belief in a real aether medium made
me an outcast from the world of theoretical physics.
Nevertheless, 20 years on, in the 1970s I had seen how the aether feeds energy into events on body Earth, as
evidenced by the creation of the thunderball and the inflow of energy to power the action of a tornado. This was
still far from the 'free energy' technology theme we are discussing today.

Fig. 6
To jump rapidly ahead, now consider Fig. 6. Here I show a section of a concentric capacitor. That aether motion
I mentioned is now not linear motion but rotary motion confined between the capacitor electrodes and so, when
the capacitor voltage is reduced, that motion will have inertia and not dissipate by collisions which feed energy
back into the enveloping aether. Instead, it will try to sustain the electric displacement, meaning that it will

deploy its energy into the release of electrical energy which can be drawn from the capacitor. In other words, we
have our 'magic capacitor'. It can deliver very nearly twice as much energy on discharge as is supplied during
One, therefore, now has a physical explanation of the energy source that may have been tapped accidently and
in ignorance of the true physics involved, by Cook back in 1871, Henry Moray in the 1920s and the Methernitha
community in the 1980s.
That, at least is my personal assumption, and I leave it to others to judge on such matters, whilst I am all too
conscious of the implications of what I say here from the point of view of patenting technology in this field.
If we now move ahead to develop technology that taps energy from the aether, guided by the physical principles
just outlined, will the U.S. patent granted in 1871 be seen as prior disclosure? Will the work of Henry Moray,
which was denied U.S. Patent protection, be seen as prior disclosure? Will the confusing reports we have heard
concerning that Methernitha apparatus be seen as prior disclosure, when the only inference is that Leyden jars
(concentric capacitors) were used in conjunction with a Wimshurst machine to deliver the `free energy' as they
If so, then the patent system offers no incentive to those who pioneer the forthcoming revolution in the 'free
energy' field, but we must do our best to take things forward in spite of the inevitable hostility of those who
oppose our efforts.

III. 'Free Energy': The Way Forward

Fig. 7 shows how one can design a circuit aimed at tapping aether energy. I leave it to those of you who
understand electrical circuit theory to work out what may be the practical scale of what is suggested on the basis
of this 'magic capacitor' theme.

Fig. 7
My own calculations assure me that a concentric capacitor system running at a bias of, say, 25,000 volts and
oscillating at, say, 100 kHz, can deliver power, whether on a power/size or a power/weight basis, that can more
than rival existing power plant technology - all with no chemical pollution and no cost for fuel input. It can even
suit the needs we have for powering an automobile when our oil resources dry up.
One can, therefore, dream of what might be possible, but, as ever, one might be deluded and encounter new

obstacles, but, at least, one should confront those who ridicule the possibility by getting them to heed the
underlying scientific message in the hope that they will wake up and see the sense of joining us, or leading us,
in our efforts.
As to those 'obstacles', one might doubt whether aether energy can flow in fast enough to satisfy one's design
specification, but I feel assured on that from the performance data reported by those who have witnessed Henry
Moray's demonstrations. The one 'obstacle' I would see as warranting special attention is the effect of large
current oscillations at a high kHz or even MHz frequency in the large inductors of a future power generating
plant. There are those who worry about the adverse EM (electromagnetic wave) radiation effects of using
mobile telephones. To allay such concerns I draw attention to the Energy Science Report No. 10 that I published
in 1997, 'Cyclotron Resonance in Human body Cells' (ISBN 0-85056-011-X), where I discussed the real danger,
which occurs at the much lower power frequencies as used in overhead power lines and in electric blanket
heating. High frequency EM power radiation leaking from our future power generating systems need only be an
interference problem affecting radio communication that happens to be in the same frequency band.
As to the way forward, I can but draw attention to something I published in 1996 as Energy Science Report No.
8, 'Power from Space: The Correa Invention' (ISBN 0-85056-016-0). That report was essentially directed at
highlighting the experimental findings in Canada of Alexandra and Paulo Correa, who have already proved
over-unity operation of their PAGD (Pulsed Abnormal Glow Discharge) technology. As that report explains I
see there the same physical action for generating excess power that I have just discussed. Also I mention that I
was so interested by the recently reported experimental efforts of the Correas on another anomalous energy
generating theme ['The Reproducible Thermal Anomaly of the Reich-Einstein Experiment under Limit
Conditions', Infinite Energy, 7, 37, pp. 12-21, 2001] that it caused me to write about this energy inflow from the
aether topic in a related article published earlier this year ['Gravity and its Thermal Anomaly', Infinite Energy, 7,
41, pp. 61-65, 2002].
In that Report No. 8 I also mentioned the apparatus designed by Geoffrey Spence, an inventor based in U.K.
This is the subject of his U.S. Patent No. 4,772,816.
I feel, after what I have explained to you about the physical principles of tapping energy from the aether, that,
just by looking at Fig. 8, copied from that patent, you will see how this relates to the Spence invention.
Electrons injected into a chamber formed between two concentric electrodes are deflected into the inner
electrode by a pair of magnets that provide and magnetic field along the central axis of the concentric
electrodes. Of itself, this should add no excess energy, because the energy fed into accelerating the electrons is
merely absorbed by electrostatic

Fig. 8
repulsion in charging the central electrode and so the capacitor. However, if that electron flow pulsates and
there are connections to draw electron current from that central electrode then the pulsation implies a recurring
sequence of charge and discharge. That 'magic capacitor' function is then harnessed.
The questions then are whether the Spence invention really works and whether it is commercially viable? Well,
I wrote that Energy Science Report back in 1996, six years ago, and it is only a few months ago that I heard any
more of that project. Geoffrey Spence has developed the prototype product to the stage where he has closed the
loop in the sense that a portion of the output power was fed back to impart the energy needed to sustain the
electron beams. He has a self-sustaining unit that can deliver kilowatts of useful electrical power with no visible
energy input.
In the light of what I have discussed here, there will, no doubt, be those who take note of my message but say:
"Well, we have heard it all before; so, when will see 'aether energy' heating our houses and powering our
automobiles?" My answer is that it will be only be when the scientific explanation of that potential source of
energy is well understood and endorsed by our energy research community. That is the real hurdle that stands in
the way of progress, given that inventors in this field who see excess energy are mystified themselves.
I recall Stanley Meyer in 1993 at the International Symposium on New Energy held in Denver, Colorado (April,
1993) describing his so-called 'Water Fuel Cell'. He claimed to be producing a combustible gas mixture of
hydrogen and oxygen by the electrical pulsing of a concentric cylindrical capacitor using water as a dielectric.
His oral explanation and the paper as published in the conference proceedings were completely
incomprehensible, even allowing for his terminology for a resistor as an 'amp consuming device' or as an 'amp
inhibitor'. He inferred that some kind of cold fusion process was involved but it was evident he had no idea as
to the true source of the excess energy that he was claiming.
So, having explained the energy source, and guided by what others have discovered, I feel vindicated in
asserting that a concentric capacitor system can perform as the 'magic capacitor' of our dream world and I just
hope that I may live long enough to see the technology applied on the grand scale.

IV. The Energy of Creation


As to the 'grand scale' of things, what can be grander than the creation of stars such as our sun and their
satellites such as our Earth?
I see a beginning where matter, essentially protons and electrons, is dispersed throughout space, along with the
electrical charges that come together to form the aether. Once the aether condenses from a state of chaos into
the ordered state of its quantum form, as by shedding a little more of the energy which created that matter, then
the phenomenon of gravitation would be born. There is analogy here with the state of ferromagnetism which
appears in iron only when it cools into a state of order that we see as magnetic domains in the iron crystals. I
simply mention this because it was my Ph.D. research interest in ferromagnetism that caused me to think in
depth about the aether.
Once gravity appeared then those protons, being of greater mass than the electrons, would cluster together in
each space domain to form a spherical body of matter having a positive electrical charge, pending the eventual
arrival of all the electrons.
That would set up a radial electric field and, as I have explained, that means aether energy inflow and aether
spin. The star so formed will acquire angular momentum and, as that builds up, the star will seek to shed much
of that angular momentum as matter, and so we have the planets.
My message here is that the prospect of 'free energy' and our future on a non-polluted Earth is related to the very
creation of this our Earth and the scientific community that seeks to explain everything as a Big Bang scenario
in an expanding universe is wandering astray and neglecting the real issue common with the phenomenon of
Creation, our concern with 'aether energy' as a 'free' energy source that can power our future.

Harold Aspden
8 March, 2002

See now the NOTES prepared to facilitate discussion of the controversial issues that the above
Lecture will have opened.

Di seguito viene illustrato un circuito che, a detta dell'inventore Ossie Callanan,

ha COP>1 pur non avendo, almeno in apparenza, nulla di strano. Qui di seguito,
le prime due repliche di Jean-Louis Naudin.

IPS v1 : Preliminary test results

Tests by Jean-Louis Naudin
Created on February 19, 2004 - JLN Labs - Last updateFebruary 19, 2004
Toutes les informations et schmas sont publis gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont destins un usage personnel et non commercial
All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial use.
Below the basic diagram sent by the IPS' inventor ( Ossie Callanan ). This diagram is published with
courtesy of Ossie Callanan.

The components used for the IPS v1.0 tests are :

Q1 : 2N6667, Q2: TIP 2955
Q3: 2N6387, Q4: TIP 3055
D1, D2: 1N4007
D3, D4: BY 228 ( 1500V/ 2.5A )
Q5, Q6 : 4N25
T1: 220V / 2x12V (5A)
B1, B2 : 12V/44Ah (360A) lead acid batteries
B3: 220V, 15Watts light bulb
Clock frequency : 100Hz square wave DTC 50%
Current flow from B1, B2 set to about 1A

Above, the IPS-Switchers interface connected between the square wave generator and the optocouplers (D5,
The input of the IPS-Switchers interface is connected to a function generator Centrad GF-763AF used as a
square wave generator.
Below the IPS circuit v1.0 during the test :

( 02-19-04 ) Tests results : The Callanan's IPS circuit runs as described in his diagram. The 15 watts light bulb
connected at the IPS's output works well, but unfortunatelly, I have not yet been able to sustain the charge of the
two lead acid batteries used as the main power source.
See the next tests :

02-20-04 IPS 1.1 New encouraging tests

Email :

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IPS v1.1 : New interesting tests results

Tests by Jean-Louis Naudin
Created on February 19, 2004 - JLN Labs - Last update February 20, 2004
Toutes les informations et schmas sont publis gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont destins un usage personnel et non commercial
All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial use.

Belown, the IPS diagram that I have tested, it is fully based on Ossie Callanan's original diagram.

Clock frequency : 100Hz square wave DTC 50%

Current flow from B1, B2 set to about 1A with R1 and R3

The clock input is connected to a function generator Centrad GF-763AF used as a square wave
Below the IPS circuit v1.1 during the test :

The power output is indeniable, a small humming noise can be hear while the light bulb brights at full power...

Above : The voltage curves of the batteries B1 and B2 during the IPS test ( the old battery B1 seems damaged ).
( 02-20-04 ) Tests results : In this new test, the previous 15 Watts light bulb has been replaced with a 11 Watts
Eco lamp which gives about 60 Watts of apparent light. The two analog ammeters have been removed from the
Its seems interesting to notice that :
during at least one hour, at the begining of the test, the voltage of the two batteries remains very stable,
during the whole test the voltage of the batterie B2 has only dropped of 0.17 Volts ( -1.3% ) while one
ampere is drawn from each battery and the light bulb brights fully at the IPS output.
I have used old car batteries and the voltage drops of the batterie B1 is probably due to the failure of this
old batterie.
This new IPS test is more encouraging than the previous one and more tests need to be soon conducted with a
new batterie B1...

Email :

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The Richard Clem Motor and the Conical Pump

KeelyNet 03/21/02
An Investigation of the Clem Motor
by Robert Koontz

In December of 1992 Jerry Decker posted an article on the KeelyNet BBS, about a
self-running motor that developed excess useable power. The information,
gathered from newspaper and individual sources, gave an anecdotal account of the
motor invented in 1972 by Richard Clem of Flower Mound, Texas. New
information has since been added and can be found on at

Richard Clem worked with heavy machinery for the city of Dallas. He used
asphalt-spraying equipment, which pumped liquid asphalt. He noticed the asphalt
pump would continue to run for up to 30 minutes after the power was turned off.
It was this discovery that led to the development of the motor. Modifications he
made eventually resulted in a substantial 350 horsepower output from a 200-
pound motor. Clem is said to have often driven a car, powered by this motor, up
and down Central Expressway in Dallas. He claimed it didn't use any fuel, and
only needed a change of oil every 150,000 miles.

The motor had only one moving part, a cone shaped rotor mounted vertically on a
hollow shaft. Spiral channels cut into the cone wound around its length and feed
into peripheral nozzles at its large end. When fluid flowed through the spiral
channels it was ejected out the nozzles and caused the cone to spin. At a certain
velocity, the rotating cone became independent of the starter pump and began to
operate by itself. At an operating speed of 1800 to 2300 RPM the fluid heated up to
300 F, requiring a heat exchanger. Vegetable oil was used because at 300 F water
boils and conventional engine oil breaks down. A 12-volt battery was the only
other power source.

Clem never applied for a patent because his motor design was derived from the
asphalt pump that was already patented. Fifteen companies turned him down
before a large coal company offered to back him and signed contracts to sell the
motor. Soon after the deal was signed, Richard Clem died of a heart attack

The above account contains only what I considered to be relevant for analysis of
the Clem motor. Visit for the original material located
at; CLEM1 and CLEM2.

The gear pumps, typically used for asphalt spaying, do not match the description
of the pump used by the city of Dallas back in 1972. There should be public
records showing what equipment manufacture the asphalt sprayer was purchased
from. Since the asphalt pump was patented, I searched for a pump patent that met
the following criteria:

1) Patent issued on or before 1972

2) Delivered pressure equivalent to a positive displacement gear pump.
3) Cone shaped rotor with spiral channels.

4) Self-propelling action.
5) Capable of pumping a viscous fluid like asphalt.
6) Large heat transfer to pumped fluids.

The following illustration is from US Patent 3,697,190 Truncated Conical Drag

Pump. The patent was issued October 10, 1972 (criteria 1) and appears to match
the description of the asphalt pump that Clem converted into his motor.

Housing 11, Conical interior wall 12, Conical rotor 13, Inlet chamber 14, Inlet pipe
15, Outlet chamber 16, Outlet pipe 17, Support feet 19, Detachable end cap 20,
Rotor shaft 21, End cap wall 22, Boss 23, Packing 24, Adjustable gland nut 25,
Bracket arms 27, Bearing boss 29, Bearing 30, Snap ring 31, Inner race 32, Sleeve
33, Shoulder 34, Retainer nut 35, Reduced diameter outer end 36, Coupling 37,
Packing 39, Retainer 40, Gland nut 41, Bearing boss 43, Integrally formed bracket
44, Shaft reduced diameter 45, Bearing sleeve 46, Bearing 47, Snap ring 48, Inner
flanged 49, Inner race 50, Nut 51,Shaft reduced diameter 53, Lock nut 55, Flat
faces 56, Snap ring 57, Washer 59, Nut 60, Helical channel 61, Channel base 63,
Channel sidewalls 64

This is a high-pressure, low volume drag pump that can be used in place of
conventional positive displacement pumps (criteria 2). It has a conical rotor that
has a close fit clearance with the stationary housing wall. Delivered pressure is
limited by back flow across the radial clearance and is inversely proportional to
the square of the clearance. As a result, even a small increase in radial clearance
would rapidly reduce pressure. The rotor is cone shaped so that the clearance can
be controlled by axial adjustment of the rotor relative to the housing wall.

The conical rotor has two helical channels (criteria 3), in the form of square
threads, spaced 180 apart for balance. The channel depth decreases as the rotor
diameter increases. Fluid enters the channels at the small end of the rotor. The
fluid is induced to rotate with the channel by boundary layer drag. The boundary
layer is the thin layer of fluid adhering to the channel surface. Molecular cohesion
tends to drag the adjacent fluid with the boundary layer. The fluid is also in
contact with the housing wall. The boundary layer drag against this stationary
wall slows the rotation of the fluid in the channels. Because the fluid rotates slower

than the rotor, its forced through the channels towards the large end of the rotor.
In addition the fluid is forced towards the large end by centrifugal force.

The above drawing illustrates the proportional decrease in channel depth as the
rotor diameter increases. Why was this done? Note that as the diameter doubles so
does the circumference. This means the fluid has to travel twice as far in the same
time to maintain a constant slip velocity. By reducing the channel depth in half
(cross-section area = depth x width) the fluid velocity is doubled thereby keeping
the slip constant.

The spiral channels could be thought of as very long convergent nozzles. The
increase in fluid velocity is in the opposite direction of the rotor spin. We should
expect a reaction force from the acceleration of the fluid. This thrust would be
directed tangent to the circumference and would increase the spin torque on the
rotor. Even without the peripheral nozzles, that Clem later added, the pump rotor
experiences a thrust force in a direction that would self-propel it (criteria 4).

Because fluid drag is the primary pumping force, it is well suited for viscous fluids
like asphalt (criteria 5). The long channels also represent a large sliding surface
area with frictional losses that would transfer heat to the pumped fluid (criteria 6).

All six of the patent search criteria have now been met. Of course this doesnt
prove that it is the asphalt pump Richard Clem worked with.

A peculiar condition indicated by the patent is that as the velocity increases in the
channels the pressure also increases. Bernoullis Law requires the pressure to drop
proportionally as the velocity increases. Assuming an ideal fluid without losses,
when the channel depth is reduced in half, the cross section area is also half and
this doubles the fluid velocity and the fluid pressure should drop in half. So what is
going on here? There is a centrifugal component that would add to the fluid

My guess is its too small to overcome the predicted pressure drop. Here is what I
think may be going on. As the diameter and velocity increases the drag force
propelling the fluid through the channel is proportionally greater. Energy is being
added all along the length of the channel. Whatever the reason, if this high-
velocity, high-pressure fluid is feed into tangent peripheral nozzles at the rotor
large end, the energy will be converted to shaft horsepower.

The Clem motor is producing 350 shaft-horsepower and a large heat energy
component. Where is this huge amount of energy coming from? Resent quantum
mechanics zero-point field (ZPF) theories may point to the answer. From an article
available at "BEYOND E=mc2" (Bernhard Haisch, Alfonso Rueda & H.E. Puthoff
published in THE SCIENCES, Vol. 34, No. 6, November / December 1994, pp. 26-
31 copyright 1994, New York Academy of Sciences):

"Our work suggests inertia is a property arising out of the vast, all-
pervasive electromagnetic field we mentioned earlier, which is called
the zero-point field (ZPF). The name comes from the fact that the field
is held to exist in a vacuum-what is commonly thought of as "empty"
space-even at the temperature of absolute zero, at which all thermal
radiation is absent."

ZPF researchers theorize that mass, inertia and gravity are not intrinsic properties
of matter but the interaction of matter with the zero-point field. By all pervasive
is meant that the ZPF exists not only in empty space but it is passing through
your body right now and everywhere else. When you throw a stone you are
interacting with this field since the ZPF resists change in motion. In essence the
ZPF is the modern day aether.

The amount of energy making up the ZPF is thought to be enormous. Is the fluid
acceleration in the Clem motor interacting with the ZPF in such a way as to rectify
it and draw energy from it? Is it a hydraulic aether-diode? The fluid, in the
Conical Drag Pump, flows through long convergent channels. Disregarding the
boundary layer, is this accelerated flow laminar? Would such a long orderly flow
entrain the aether energy?

From the perspective of the rotating channels the fluid appears as the discharge
from a long nozzle. To exaggerate, if the fluid was held fast to the housing wall, the
rotating channel would travel through the stationary fluid. This would be
equivalent to achieving 100% efficiency. In reality the fluid is slipping against the
stationary housing wall so that the rotating channel (nozzle) is moving faster
than the fluid discharge velocity. Assuming the reaction thrust as the only
propelling force, this would give efficiency greater than 100%. So, as the slip
increases the reaction thrust decreases, but the efficiency increases.

Assuming the Conical Drag Pump is the pump Clem used, can it answer the

1) Why was a hollow shaft used?

2) Why was the cone mounted vertically?
3) Why was a starter pump needed?
4) How were the peripheral nozzles added?
5) How was the motor RPM regulated?
6) How did a large coal company get involved?
7) Was this kind of pump ever used in asphalt sprayers?

Red arrows show oil flow

The above drawing shows a hypothetical Clem motor based on the Conical Drag
Pump. The motor is mounted vertically so that the check valve on the hollow shaft
is submerged down in the oil tank. The hollow shaft (shown in blue) extends from
the oil tank through the rotor into the inlet chamber. The start pump draws oil
from the tank and forces it up the external feed line connected to the inlet chamber
at the small end of the rotor. This fills the hollow shaft and forces the check valve
closed. The oil flows into the spiral channels and out the peripheral nozzles. The
reaction thrust of the nozzles spins the rotor. The oil flows through the return line,
through the valve, filter, and heat exchanger and back into the tank. The start
pump is most likely a standard hydraulic gear pump. It continues to pump until
the rotor spins up to its operating speed. The combinations of a start pump and
check valve would be a simple way to both prime the motor and spin up the rotor.

Red arrows show oil flow

Once the start pump is shut off the check valve is free to open. Oil is drawn up into
the hollow shaft (shown in blue) to the inlet chamber at the small end of the rotor.
The spiral channels pump the oil down towards the large end of the rotor. A plate
is attached to the large end of the rotor and fits with a close clearance with the
housing wall. Nozzles attached to the outer edge receive high-pressure oil from the
spiral channels. The jet reaction thrust from the nozzles delivers shaft horsepower
to the power takeoff at the shaft top. Adjusting the valve to create hydraulic
backpressure regulates the motor RPM. Closing the valve stops the motor.

When I first read about the Clem Motor I found it odd that a deal had been made
with a coal company. Was there a connection with the pump? After finding the
Conical Drag Pump patent, I wanted to contact the inventor Walter D. Haentjens
of Barrett, Haentjens & Co., Hazleton, Pennsylvania. Otto Haentjens founded
Barrett Haentjens & Co., in 1916. The business began in the coalmines of
Pennsylvania with Otto Haentjens original patent on the balanced opposed
impeller multi-stage volute pump. The company still supplies pumps to the coal
industry. They have expanded to other markets and their pumps are installed in
many industries worldwide. Its now known as Hazleton Pumps Inc., after its
acquisition by The Weir Group.

I contacted Peter Haentjens, the VP/General Manager of Hazleton Pumps, by e-

mail to find out if this pump had ever been put into production. He replied that
they had not done anything with the patent.

E-mail sent 11/18/2001

To: Peter Haentjens, VP/General Manager Hazleton Pumps


Hi Peter,

Im interested in a pump developed by Barrett Haentjens & Co. (now Hazleton

Pumps Inc.?). During a patent search I found a 1972 patent (3,697,190) for a
Truncated Conical Drag Pump invented by Walter D. Haentjens of Sugarloaf,
PA. The attached image is the front page from this patent. Did your company ever
manufacture this pump? If so, is it still available?

I appreciated any information you can provide.


Robert Koontz

E-mail received 01/19/2002

From: Peter Haentjens, VP/General Manager Hazleton Pumps

Dear Robert,

Sorry for the late reply to your email. We have not done anything with this patent.
I would be interested to know the nature and extent of your interest in this design.


An unusual pump design would have a tough time competing in the market with
an industry standard like gear pumps. The Dallas asphalt sprayer may have been a
one of a kind field test of the pump design. Or the pump manufacturer offered it
for testing to an asphalt equipment company in the hopes of generating interest in

EnvironEnergy's SPEGG (Semi-Perpetual

Electrical Gravitational Generator) Waranlinc
Young group of scientists has designed a wheel that uses gravity and the kinetic force of
spinning arms and firing bullets to generate output torque that can be tapped for work. Working
proof-of-concept claimed. Prototype unveiling pending.

S = Semi "Presale of generator has now started"

P = Perpetual
E = Electric Generator available
G = Gravity 10,000 watts 1 megawatt 20 megawatts 50 megawatts 100
G = Generator megawatts 250 megawatts 500 megawatts 1 giga watt 2 giga watt

Official Website (not
Home Page
Pictures of the Waranlinc Wheel
View Animations of the Generator
Mission Statement
Open Invitation
Our Bankers, Solicitor and Accountant
Negotiation & Funding's
The 8000 Group Employment Opportunity
Prize Draw
Our Dream

Applied July 6, 2000 "Waranlinc Wheel" GB0016646.2 (ref) (PDF)

Lodged June 27, 2003; Bailey, Courtney B; "Waranlinc Wheel" GB0315118.0 (ref) (PDF)

Referral Message
From: Doug Derbes
To: Sterling D. Allan
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 12:35 AM
Subject: SPEGG (Semi-Perpetual Electrical Gravitational Generator) Waranlinc Wheel

This company is real and well financed. They will give a demo in London within the next few months. They
offer systems ranging from 10KW to 2GW!!.
Young guys in their late twenties. Very complex mechanically, but believe me it works.
The 10KW model is small and can be coupled to give 30KW to power a home.
This is real. They have signed contracts with India and Bangladesh govts.
It is a beautiful device and its apparent external simplicity belies its internal complexity.
The Bessler Wheel lives. Watch this company!
Doug Derbes

From: Doug Derbes

To: Sterling D. Allan
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: SPEGG (Semi-Perpetual Electrical Gravitational Generator) Waranlinc Wheel

The Waranlinc Wheel is the brainchild of Courtney Bailey. It was developed over an eight year period 1996 to
present. Bailey filed a string of British Patent Applications for the wheel and its subsystems. These applications
occurred in 2000, 2001 and 2003.
The wheel uses stainless steel external sliders which are a linear air compressor pump used to charge the

internal tanks which fire the internal pnuematic guns. These internal guns fire the stainless steel bullets. The
high mass of the wheel and the high overbalance mass generate the massive torque of the wheel. This massive
torque times the slow RPM results in huge horsepower at low rpms. The Kilowatt outputs available for the
different sizes are all based on well known mechanical engineering equations. The entire Waranlinc wheel and
its external and internal subsystems are a synthesis of mechanical and pnuematic technologies. It is in essence a
rotating air rifle using an offset mass overbalance to achieve constant rotation.
Using the animated engineering drawings from the site and data from the Patent Applications, a mechanical
engineering analysis was done by software . The claims on the site are legitimate. There is no hidden physics
here. Pure mechanical and pnuematic engineering. The level of physics involved in this device are at the high
school level basic mechanical simple machine level. That is the beauty of it. It is an elegant simple machine that
is mechanically complex. This is why they call it a Semi-Perpetual machine. It will break. It will need periodic

I have no business relationship with this company at all. I have sent them a recent e-mail which has not been
responded to yet. Their site does not indicate what size SPEGG will be demonstrated in London or any specific
date - refers to a time frame of shortly. Additionally, the site does not state what size devices are going to be
contractually produced for the governments of India and Bangladesh.
You may post anything I send to you . I appreciate your years of service to the free energy cause.
Doug Derbes

See also
Index > Gravity Motors
Google >
Bessler Wheel forum discussion 837 on EnvironEnergy's device (Dec. 23, 2003)

Environ E-mail: mentioned at
TEL: 020-76865594
TEL: 020-76867599
FAX: 020-76867629
Sales > "Due to the vast amount of enquiry in obtaining the generator. Those wishing to purchase the
generator are advised to send their complete company information to Sales mentioned at, no reply will be sent unless the above requirements is met."
help > mentioned at

Kepler Buoy

The top rides on the ocean while the bottom section is being pulled down by the weight of the water.
The tides pull up and the water holds it down and the pumping action makes energy!

The Earth is 75% covered with undrinkable salty sea water. There really hasn't been a cost effective way
to utilize this vast, inexhaustible natural resource...until now. The Kepler Buoy is an amazing new
technological innovation that creates its own energy to pump fresh drinking water directly from the
ocean. The top of the device rides on the ocean while the bottom section is being pulled down by the
weight of the water. The tides pull up and the water holds the bottom down and this natural pumping
action generates energy.
The Buoy pumps an amazing 300 gallons of water per hour purely from the clean, free energy it harnesses from the ocean. This unit offers
tremendous potential for a high profit bottled water business. Selling water at just 10 cents per gallon would generate over a quarter of a
million dollars in income per year using the buoy at full capacity, and could be a simple one person operation. Of course there are numerous
other applications for this marvelous generator like pumping fresh water or producing power for ocean vessels, supplying farmers with fresh
water in drought areas, and on and on. Dream up an application and call us today to find out how we might work together to exploit this
amazing generator!

Order Form Pricing Contact Home


Selon Reed, les principes qui rgissent le fonctionnement du moteur ressemblent aux lois d'attraction et
rpulsion lectromagntiques. Sa conception permet de le fabriquer n'importe quelle chelle pour un
grand nombre d'usages. Le moteur a fait ses preuves pendant les tests, il est sr, rsistant, car il ne
comporte que peu de parties en mouvement, sa vitesse, lente en rduit de ce fait l'usure. C'est pour ces
raisons que Reed pense que son cot en termes de production et de pices, hors aimants, sera rduit.
Avec des dveloppements ultrieurs, les possibilits du gnrateur sont illimites. Elles s'tendent de
l'automobile la grande industrie, qui seraient alimentes sans aucune autre source d'nergie, ni fossile,
ni nuclaire, ni olienne, ni solaire, ni hydraulique, puisque le moteur ne comporte que des aimants.
Troy Reed, qui n'a pas de formation scientifique classique n'tait pas gn par les dogmes tel celui de la
seconde loi de la thermodynamique qui affirme que l'on ne peut avoir d'nergie en sortie sans nergie
d'entre. Ne connaissant rien des " limites naturelles " telles que les dfinit la science, il les a simplement
enjambes. Il aime raconter l'histoire des frres Wright qui ont invent le premier avion aux USA. Le
bureau des brevets amricain refusa leur premire application, car les experts disaient qu'un plus lourd
que l'air ne pouvait pas voler ! (Pour mmoire, le Dr Nieper rappelle que l'Allemand Karl Jatho avait
effectu un premier vol le 18 aot 1903 Hanovre) et NDLR : sans oublier l'appareil lvitation de Keely
Pour Reed l'histoire du moteur magntique commena en 1959 sous la forme d'une trange image
flottant devant ses yeux. Troy Reed tait pench sur un projet l'atelier des machines Tulsa,
rousptant de travailler aussi dur pour une misre de 70 cents de l'heure et pensant qu'il y avait mieux
faire. C'est alors que l'image apparut brivement puis disparut, pour ne revenir seulement que six mois
plus tard. Elle montrait un objet muni de roues et de cylindres.
Reed se souvient :
" Six ou sept semaines passrent. J'allais vers ma machine que j'avais nettoye la nuit prcdente. Deux
aimants taient poss l avec des rognures dessus. Je n'ai jamais su d'o ils venaient. Les mystrieux
aimants et la vision de l'image m'ont hant deux ans jusqu' ce que je me dcide en faire quelque
Ce fut le dbut de son odysse dans le monde surraliste du magntisme, exploitable sous forme d'une
source d'Energie Libre, perptuelle et fiable.
L'aventure de Reed est arrive un point dcisif en 1991 quand il produisit et fit marcher le premier
modle de moteur. Ce prototype fonctionnel, vrifi et examin par des physiciens et des ingnieurs
indpendants, mesurait prs de 2,10 m et pesait plus de 200 kg. Il pouvait faire fonctionner un
gnrateur lectrique avec une sortie de 500 watts 67 volts et produisait suffisamment d'nergie pour
alimenter des outils lectriques et des appareils lectriques mnagers. Et surtout, il prouvait que le
principe fonctionnait.
Le modle actuel perfectionn, " high tech ", non polluant et protecteur de l'environnement a la taille
d'une bote chapeau, pse moins de 86 kg. Il peut entraner un gnrateur lectrique de 7 kW, et
produire suffisamment de courant pour alimenter une petite maison.
Son moteur injection de quatre cylindres marche avec l'nergie fournie par la force de rpulsion des
aimants. C'est possible parce que les champs de force magntiques peuvent tre dforms, rorganiss,
rorients et manipuls dans diverses voies classiques.
Le modle d'origine de Reed
Dans les cylindres se trouvent
Seulement les tiges injecteurs qui relient le vilebrequin aux injecteurs. A chaque extrmit du vilebrequin
sont placs deux disques en rotation, portant chacun 16 aimants.
Des injecteurs (ou plutt des jecteurs) ressorts qui agissent comme des stylos bille - ils arment,
poussent et se dtendent. Les injecteurs donnent un coup au vilebrequin, ce qui aide propulser l'arbre
plus loin, et tirer avantage des forces de rpulsion cres par les sries d'aimants voisines. Cette dtente

des quatre injecteurs accomplit deux choses : elle rgularise les rvolutions du moteur (tours par minute)
et elle assure un fonctionnement sans coups du moteur.
Des disques, certains fixes, d'autres mobiles dont sont placs chaque extrmit du logement du moteur.
Entre eux se trouvent d'autres disques qui portent des aimants supplmentaires. Le disque extrieur est
fixe, tandis que les deux l'intrieur, monts sur le mme arbre, sont conus pour tourner librement.
Huit aimants permanents sont fixs distance gale, aux bords externes de chacun des quatre disques.
Des aimants dont la force magntique utilise pour travailler dans le moteur va de 3, 5 (aimants
cramique) # 40 pour ceux au nodymium. Certes, plus l'aimant est puissant, plus le moteur a de
chevaux-vapeur, de frein moteur et de couple.
Le moteur mcanique produit un effet mcanique direct. En manipulant la forme des champs
magntiques, il fait tourner un axe d'entranement pour produire une nergie rotative. Les champs
magntiques l'intrieur de l'appareil sont sans cesse rorganiss et rorients d'une faon synchronise.
Ces champs qui changent toujours manipulent la force finale et la direction des forces magntiques,
entranant l'axe de rotation de la machine des milliers de tours la minute.

Clips from the New Energy video series, from

Lightworks Audio & Video

Troy Reeds Magnet Motor-generator

Right click on link and select "Save target as" to download

Troy Reed Permanent Magnet Motor 56k - 2.0 mb

Troy Reed Permanent Magnet Motor 128k - 4.5 mb

Troy Reed Permanent Magnet Motor 512k - 25.2 mb


Galtech Semiconductors' Magnet Motor-generator

Right click on link and select "Save target as" to download

Galtech Corp. Permanent Magnet Motor 56k - 1.3 mb

Galtech Corp. Permanent Magnet Motor 256k - 8.6 mb


Hydrocar hydrodiff-Generator Version 3.2

Input : 30-120 VAC 1-10 Amps
Output: Pulsed modulation for High-Energy splitting /
~ 30-120 VAC 100-1000Amps (using Z-power electrodes)
Mtbf: ~2000-3000 hrs
Compactor: Skalar-wave multiplex unit Z-tec Mark II
Seperator: Z-tec Trout M23
Linear-Splitter: Simpleton HDG-1223I7/2
Amplifier: Z-tec 3Phase tachyon-diffusor (MEG 3A)
Misc: Readouts In/Output Power (2),
Weight: 15 lbs.
Size: 4000x2500x1500 mm
Housing: non-magnetic aluminium case
Z-power Electrodes (2) are included.

The Hydrocars hydrodiff engine - how it works

The trouble with today's cars is that they still put out a lot of pollution, and use up fossil fuels. One day, we
have to run out of fossil fuels. People have been talking about running cars on water for ages. Unfortunately,
most of the time, these people are morons. But there is a certain amount of truth in what they say. If you
remember back to your chemistry classes at
school, water is H2O. In other words, a molecule of water is made up of two atoms of hydrogen, and one atom
of oxygen. If you use energy, and pass electricity through water, you can split water into hydrogen and oxygen.
And you can run this reaction backwards, and combine hydrogen and oxygen
to give you water and energy. (In fact, the word, "hydrogen", means "maker of water" in the original Greek

Usually oxygen and hydrogen are seperated in the old fashioned way.
This means, the energy needed for the separation of hydrogen and oxygen was much higher than then resulting
output energie.
Dr. James Lark changed this completely. His way of splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen is completely
He calls it the High-Frequency splitting also known as the hydrocar-effect.
The result of high frequency-splitting of water is, that the energy needed to
start the splitting effect is much lower than the resulting output.
The latest prottotype has an energie output of more than 3000% than the input.

First prototype.Output: 50% more than input.

Prototype Nr. 23: Output: 3000% more than input! (1998)


Le mouvement perptuel de Aldo Costa

Il y a longtemps que l'Acadmie des Sciences, en France, n'tudie plus les dossiers concernant le mythique Mouvement perptuel,
puisqu'il est "rput impossible". Mais ces scientifiques sont rappells davantage de modestie. Toute curiosit serait-elle teinte chez
ces sectaires qui grent ainsi de mauvais gr l'argent public ? Combien d'illustres savants ont abus de leur position dominante et
manqu une occasion de se taire :
"Nous ne saurons jamais de quoi sont faites les toiles." (Auguste Comte - 1850, peu avant la dcouverte de la spectroscopie)
"La matire n'a plus de secret pour nous" (Claude Bernard - 1874)
"Il n'y a plus de mystre dans la nature." (Marcelin Berthelot - 1887)
"Le tlphone ? De la ventriloquie." (Bouillaud - 1882)
"Chercher faire voler un engin plus lourd que l'air serait une perte de temps." (J.W. Rayleigh - Prix Nobel de Physique, 1904)
"L'exploitation de l'nergie nuclaire : un conte dormir debout." (E. Rutherford, Prix Nobel de Chimie, 1908)
Combien de fois faut-il rappeller que l'attitude scientifique consiste tudier avant de commenter ?
J'ai rendu plusieurs fois visite Aldo Costa; il expose son invention au public, prs de Marne-la-Valle, Couilly Pont aux Dames,
30 mns de Paris. Il a construit de ses mains cette roue de 18 mtres de diamtre, aprs de nombreux prototypes raliss en une
trentaine d'annes. Il a mme d la reconstruire entirement aprs la tempte qui a secou la France il y a plusieurs annes.
L'homme est particulirement ouvert aux commentaires, et dmonstratif. On a pu le voir en 2002 dans le Magazine des inventeurs, sur
France2, et d'autres tlvisions s'intressent lui, dont le Discovery Channel. Il reoit frquement des groupes de visiteurs de la Suisse,
des Pays-Bas, de la Belgique, ou rcemment de Saint-Petersbourg. Plusieurs chercheurs et mathmaticiens franais sont en
correspondance avec lui.
Didier de Plaige
JUILLET 2003 : Les prcisions techniques de Aldo Costa

Le mouvement
de Aldo COSTA
A ce jour le mouvement perptuel est
dclar impossible, en raison du principe
d'quivalence, donc sa ralisation ne peut
tre possible que par la violation de ce
principe afin de relativiser le centre de
gravit sur la base de l'inverse carr.

(cliquez pour agrandir - click for zoom)


La quantit de moment cintique conserve

Le mouvement perptuel est la qui rsulte dans un Espace temps appropri,
transformation physique d'un systme peut tre selon les besoins augmente par
Rversible pour faire du travail sans Mcanique quantique.
consommation d'nergie, fonctionnant en
circuit ferm sur la base de l'Inverse Ainsi l'interaction gravitationelle ajoute
Carr. aux trois autres (interaction faible-forte-
L'interaction des gravitons permet aux lectromagntique), nous ouvre la porte
masses positivement mais Inversement l'unification des lois de l'univers.
charges, de se trouver au bon endroit au
bon moment, relativisant de ce fait le
centre de gravit du systme.

Aldo Costa
5, chemin vert - 77580 VILLIERS sur
FRANCE - Tel : 01 64 63 82 41
Pour contacter Aldo Costa
Perpetual Motion
The perpetual movement is the physical
transformation due to the reversible system
without energy, it requires a close
revolution circuit from the rule of the
inversed square. The interaction from the
specialised links allows the positive masses
to obtain the inverse charge to relate the
right place at the right time which creates
the centre of gravity.
The quantity of kinetics at the time
preserved results to an appropiate time,
whatever the need it can be increased by a
mechanical quantity. Therefore the
interaction gravity, combined with
interaction (of weak - strong -
electromagnetic), opens wide doors to
obtain the unification of the universal law.

Autres sites, explications & images :
Dclaration l'INPI

Qualche idea di motori a magneti pemanenti



Version 2.01


Explanation of Behaviour

When we bring the Magnet M3 in the Gap between Magnets M1 and M2 located at 45 degrees on Rotating
Disk R1 it tries to repel M1 and to attract M2 - So Rotating Disk R1 rotates (think of AntiClockWise).
Now Rotating Disk R1 and Rotating Disk R2 are connected (or Geared) with a velocity ratio of 8. This means
when Rotating Disk R1 rotates 45 degrees - Rotating Disk R2 rotates 360 degrees.
The black rod Connects Rotating Disk R2 and Magnet M3 and translates rotational motion of Rotating Disk R2
into linear motion of Magnet M3.
Magnet M3 is at most distance from the Center of Rotating Disk R2 when it is at same angular distance in the
gap from both Magnet M1 and Magnet M2.
When Magnet M3 tries to reach Center of Rotating Disk R1 it is nearer to Magnet M1 and tries to repel it. Now
the distance of the base for Magnet M1 from the Center of Rotating Disk R1 is larger than to that of the distance
of ROD(that connects Rotating Disk and Magnet M3)'s joining point on Rotating Disk R2 from Center of
Rotating Disk R2. So the Torque on Rotating Disk R1 due to M1 is larger than on Rotating Disk R2 due to
Magnet M3 - So Rotating Disk R1 rotates and also makes Rotating Disk R2 rotate.
Magnet M3 is at least distance from the Center of Rotating Disk R2 when its length axis coincides with that of
Magnet M2.
All the time when Magnet M3 is in (or nearer to M1) the gap between M1 and M2 It tries to rotate Rotating
Disk R1 into AntiClockWise direction.

If the repulsive thrust on Magnet M1 and attractive force on Magnet M2 by Magnet M3 (when it is first nearer
to Magnet M1 and then in the gap between Magnet M1 and Magnet M2) is large enough to make Rotating Disk
R1 rotate more than 45 degrees - This means when the Magnet M2 is at Magnet M1's place it is ready to repeat
same (previous) procedure again!
So the same procedure occurs again and again.
So in this mechanism Applied Magnetic Energy is released to bring whole mechanism again in its initial state to
follow the same procedure in repetitive format without breaking any laws of PHYSICS.

________ Contact Information ________

Name : Sandeep K. Acharya

AHMEDABAD - 380014,
Phone : 91 79 6400796
E-Mail :
CHAT : Yahoo! -
ICQ - 117253947

INDIA's G.M.T. is +5:30 - So Send E-Mail or an offline message with Your Name and the time when I should
be online to Discuss on the behaviour of this MECHANISM.

Engine | Fuel
Advantages | Applications

The McMaster motor is the centerpiece of a totally new way of looking at motorized transportation which involves the
development of
A new engine
A new fuel source
A new source of power to assist in the production of the fuel
The McMaster motor is a unique, two-cycle, rotary power plant with the same
displacement volume as a 200 horsepower engine. It is equivalent to the six-cylinder
engines found in many U.S. luxury cars, yet with only one-tenth the weight.
The motors two-cycle version is powered by a previously unused fuel system
comprised of hydrogen and oxygen. Both chemicals are safe to handle, but mix them
together at the right temperature and pressure and explosive power erupts.
In order to produce hydrogen and oxygen in the quantities needed, an efficient and
inexpensive approach to generating electrical power from solar energy has been

Advantages | Applications

The McMaster rotary motor is based on spherical geometry. It has an outside diameter of 12-inches, about the size of a
basketball; but, with flattened sides, it resembles a drum.
The current two-cycle power plant has the same displacement volume as a 200-horsepower engine, which is equivalent to
the six-cylinder engines found in many U.S. luxury cars, yet with only one-tenth the weight.
In addition to the 12-inch model, plans call for the development of a lower-horsepower, two-cycle motor with only a six-inch
outside diameter. About the size of a coffee can, these smaller engines will be built into wheel hubs.
Designed for hybrid vehicles, these smaller motors will eliminate the traditional drive train entirely, since transaxles are no
longer needed.
Also planned is a four-cycle, gasoline-powered version, which will burn substantially cleaner than a traditional gasoline-
powered engine.

From: Sterling D. Allan <>

To: PES Magnetic Motor (Bowman) egroup <>, Calloway Motors egroup
<>, Free Energy Updates Newsletter
<>, Free Energy egroup <>, free-
energy egroup <>, nuenergy egroup <>,
ALF Vaporizer egroup <>, JLN Labs egroup
<>, Howard Johnson Magnetic Motor newsletter
Subject: [free-energy] MXLO Magnetic Motor DC Generator Plans
Date: 28 Feb 2004 23:42:50 -0700

or try


You are here: > News > Free Energy > Directory > Magnetic Motors > MXLO
Magnetic Motor DC Generator Plans


MXLO Magnetic Motor DC Generator Plans offers a kit as well as a complete set of plans to build what they claim will be a working
electricity generating unit of approximately one cubic foot in size (scalable), producing in the range of 50 - 280
V DC, taking 45 minutes to build.

Check back here for reports of design improvements presented by our readers and team members.

Official Website
a.. - site registered Feb. 4, 2004
a.. Welcome - "By arranging rare earth magnets in a special geometrical spiraling pattern, on dielectric
materials, you will create electrical energy from rotation of the magnets, and the ions in the air. Power most any
electrical device. Power your entire home for just the cost of materials to build the device."
b.. Learn More - device has been known since 1930's by US Navy but suppressed. Device is self-rotating
when brake is released. See brief description below.
c.. FAQ - not "perpetual motion"; do not sell assembled units; no patent (tried, but denied); can run
continuously; danger, high voltage; 30-day money-back guarantee; tech support provided in assembly, but not
for power applications.
d.. Parts/Plans - ordering info for plans. $29.95 USD. Mentions that Radio Shack sells comparable magnets
(to Neos) for $35.00. All parts less than $30.00 Assembly time 45 minutes.
Brief Description
Quoting from

This simple device consist of three dielectric plexiglass strips, which rare earth magnets are affixed to and
placed around in a spiraling path, which create the stator of the device.

The rotor magnets are connected in a special configuration on a separate piece of dielectric plexiglass, which

is affixed to a shaft, and connected in the center by a free wheel bearing.

A strip of aluminum is soldered to the bottom of the rotor shaft and connected to ground.

A sheet of copper cut in the same geometric shape as the stator is glued in place under the stator of the device,
and a diode is soldered to the copper for direction of current. A cardboard isolator is placed between the section
of copper that overlaps aluminum connected to rotor shaft.

Because of the high speed this device can develop a plastic hand screw, with rubber boot is used for braking
and controlling speed.

Unit can be assembled and running in less then 45 minutes.



Quoting from

We include all the parts and instructions needed to build the unit. You will only need a square foot piece of
sturdy non conductive material to attach unit, such as a piece of plyboard.

Kit Includes:
a.. Instructions for assembly, 4 Plexiglass strips, superglue, plastic assembly screws, plastic hand screw and
rubber boot for braking, cardboard isolator, 85 Neodymium Rare Earth magnets, copper sheet, aluminum strip,
diode, shaft and bearing.
See also
a.. Parts/Plans - ordering info for plans.
b.. Index > Magnetic Motors - various designs & claims
Magnet Healer
652 Atlantic City Blvd Suite 1
Bayville , New Jersey 08721


Contact: Greater Things

Page posted by Sterling D. Allan, Feb. 28, 2004

Yahoo! Groups Links

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PlasmaKing Corporation
This website will be under constant change for several months.

The information on this website, and the documents made available on it, do not constitute an offer to sell, nor a solicitation of an offer to buy, securities, nor are they an offer to sell
to or buy from, any person in any state or other jurisdiction.

NEW 2/18/04 Private Placement/Business plan Overview for accredited investors only

PlasmaKing Corporation
is based on an exclusive, "all Inclusive" Waste Remediation license using US Patent 6,271,614. We will initially target
Agricultural waste products. If you are in the USA and an Accredited Investor, or have any questions and would like to get
involved at an early stage of this leading edge technology - contact Chris Arnold at for further
details. Non USA investors can also invest without being an accredited investor. Finally, an efficiently produced Plasma that
will destroy any chemical bond, has Ultraviolet Sanitation and an electrolysis component known to kill bacteria and parasites
without reducing fertilizer value.

Gasoline, Diesel and Fuel Oil can also be safely processed by this system.

Another primary goal is Electrical Power Generation with Zero emissions - from waste oils. This technology is the answer to
stop pollution while "efficiently" generating clean electrical power for the grid. If you are concerned about the environment,
now is your chance to do something positive and profit from our success.

Thermal Ionization is the term most used for current Plasma treatments. While current plasma technology is very effective at
destroying molecular bonds - the equipment is extremely costly (generally $7 Million and up) and each reactor consumes
tremendous amounts of electrical energy. US 6,271,614 is a breakthrough in Plasma generation that allows economic Plasma
generation without multiple drawbacks imposed by current Plasma systems.

One target is three prong - receive (1) lagoon sludge and (2) Ag oils for total destruction within our proposed plant and (3) on-
sight sanitation of lagoon waste to kill bacteria and parasites.

Our future is not coming, it's here!

Click for Plasma Video

PK-1 Petrol/Chemical Plasma Reactor Video

Gas Chromatogram of Hydrogen produced from Mineral Seal Oil


This breakthrough Technology follows well established scientific standards when it comes to the temperature of the plasma it
produces by what is called "AC Flash-over". The skin temperature in AC flashover is known and accepted to be 11,000
degrees F by the electrical engineering community. Documentation by electrical
engineers proves this is a recognized plasma skin temperature - independent of voltage or current, however in DC flash-
over, (as in my system) skin temperatures are 20% higher. It is no wonder that everything injected into this NEW Plasma
System gets destroyed.
Latest testing of Plasma/Chemical reaction with a lightweight machine oil indicates in excess of 280,000 liters Hydrogen (H2)
per hour with a device power consumption of 20 Watt/Hours.This translates to 14,000 liters H2 per watt/hour of device input
power. 280,000 liter H2 will provide enough fuel for a 200KWH genset to run for about one hour and any waste oil product
will crack down to H2 and atomic carbon.

Some Current Competition in PLASMA Technologies

Westinghouse Plasma Corp.

StarTech Environmental Corp.

Other Plasma Uses

Dense Plasma Focus

My technology produces all the High Energy PLASMA at a Fraction of the power requirements of old technology. NO
separate ARC welder is required, as the system produces its own Plasma as a system function. Almost anything imaginable
injected into this plasma, will reform scientifically into understood by-products that are produced using currently understood
Plasma Arc Discharge (PAD) technology. While the two plasmas (PAD and Pulsed Plasma) have similarities, their production
means are different.

Thermal Ionization of
Coal and Petroleum into HYDROGEN
Cogeneration & Disposal
SUPERFUND Toxic waste Destruction
Hazardous Waste - Municipal Solid waste (MSW)
Sanitation waste - Medical waste
PCB's into plasma produces Hydrogen

Contact The Inventor

Christopher Arnold (c) 2000-2004 All rights reserved

Questo un Web Store che offre kit e materiali utili ed interessanti con particolare
interesse per la free-energy.

SCAM WATCH Click the eye for whats new.

The experimenters Store - Kits and Parts

Menu of all Movies on this Site.

Main Menu, for the Old Menu with Thumbs -go Here
Subjects in this section:
These are Claims of 7. The Meg Now Patented
individuals and may or may
1. The Jasker Power System 8. 200-300 % OU energy -Space Power
not be true. You should
contact the individuals for 2. The Roto-Verter
more information if 9. Self Sustaining Permanent Magnet
3. Motionless Shock
interested. Motor/Generator
10. Replication of the Swill ML, probably a
4. Lutec 1000
5. Power from Video Tape
11. Electric Radial Motor
6. Transparent Aluminum -
12. ELSA Gravity Mill
Just Interesting.

Projects of Don Adsitt

Subjects in this section:
1. Replicating the Muller Generator
Projects of Don Adsitt 2. Begin Project of Ell Motor/Generator
3. Dec 03/02 Ell-Generator Update

E-BAY and other PLANS - YOURS FREE for a limited time only!
1) No Hydrogen Needed_FREE_ENERGY_FROM_THE_EARTH (cost $14.99)
2) NEW FREE ENERGY E.L.S.A. Gravity Mill Plans from John Herring- got from the
inventor to share with you FREE. Go here to see.
3) Added e-bay's "Ambient Power Module" Plans (cost 24.99 for kit- 9.99 for plans)
Video test of the Ambient power module and Don's power module comparison.
4) 2000W-5000W Inverter Plans (cost 14.99 on ebay)
5) ALF Vapor Carburator
6) Electromatic Motor Car
7) Fueless Heater info and patent/plans
8.) Free Geet Plans
9.) Car Engine that runs on Tap Water
Elsa Gravity Mill Plans - can e-mail inventor if you have questions.

Perpetual Motion - Some things according to

Physics that do not work and the explanations.

Subjects in this section:

1. Ramp Movies
2. Crossing over to separate
Adsitt Magnetic Ramp
3. Straight and circular
4. Uphill, Downhill Ramps
5. Magnetic Field Photos

Subjects in this section:

1. Scissors test
Magnetic Attraction and
Repulsion Experiments & 2. geared test
(movies) 3. Rotor test

Subjects in this section:


Looking at Patent 5,929,732 - from 1. A look at a

Lockheed Martin, protype

Subjects in this section:

1. Levitating Steel in a See the devices of Jerry Smith-Real Player
magnetic Field Movie
Other Magnetic Experiments 2. Steel plate experiment
3. Low voltage single wire

Subjects in this section:

1. Adams Pulse Motor 7. Pulse Motors - anonomous
2. Small Pulse Motor & 8. Dual Battery Bedini Pulse Motor
Movie 9. Dual Battery Unit Built By John Bedini
3. Konzen Pulse Motor & 10. Konzen new 1/2 watt pulse motor
Pulse Motors 11. Pulse motor of Ed McCullough
4. Vertical and Horizontal
Pulse Motor & movies
5. Bedini Pulse Motor
6. Roller Skate Motor

Subjects in this section:

1. Newman Type Motor
Electro-Magnetic Motors 2. Equilibrium Motor
3. The RotorVerter

Subjects in this section:

1. Motor Attempt by Eric 4. New Update.
Vogels 5. Minato Patent
Magnetic Motors and/or 2. Attempt 1 at Minato
Generators Wheel
3. Attempt 2&3 at Minato

Subjects in this section:


11. Magnetic Experiment 1

1. Motor/Generator 1 12. Magnetic Experiment 2
2. Motor/Generator 2 13. Amorphous Metal Experiment
3. Single Coil Test 14. Generating Hydrogen
4. Miniature Solid State Unit 15. Project - Hydrogen Generator
5. 200 amps 16. Photos and other info
The Muller Motor/Generator
6. Coast Down
-PHOTOS and MOVIES 17. RLC Circuit
7. Explain 18. Motor Coil Construction
8. OLd Ford Alternator 19. Muller Site Info.
9. Small Motor/Generator Find out what Dr. Peter Lindemann and Dr.
10. Table Top Version Aaron Kan said after seeing the Muller
Experiments in Person

Subjects in this section:

1. Hydrogen Devices and
Experiments of Chris
2. BINGO Hydrogen Project
Hydrogen Generators
by Jean L. Naudin
3. Geet Plans -Paul &
Molley Pantone

Subjects in this section:

1. Adams motor 160KV
Marx Generator
2. Back EMF experiments
3. Ball Lightning Lifters
Experiments of Dr. Jaynes
Tesla Coils
4. Impulse Magnetic Fields
5. EV Gray Motor
6. Switched Reluctance

Subjects in this section:

MEG - Motionless
1. The MEG now Patented
Electromagnetic Generator

Subjects in this section:

Asymmetric Rotary Capacitor 1. Capacitor Disc Motor
Disc Motor 2. Electrostatic Motor

Subjects in this section:

1. EHD Model R9
2. HV Radial Engine
High Voltage Motors and EHD 3. Million Volt Generator
Engines 4. Million Volt Marx
5. The Ionic Engine

Subjects in this section:

High Voltage anti-gravity 1. Lifter Designs by Gaetan

Subjects in this section:

1. Bedini Generator MK1 7. Muller Replication by Ronald Classen
2. Bedini Generator MK2
3. Bedini Generator MK3
4. Generator from James W.
Generators German
5. Interference Disc
6. Muller Generator by Atle

Subjects in this section:

Hamel Spinner 1. Hamel Spinner

Subjects in this section:

1. Magnetic Sims
2. Magnetic Explantions
Flynn Magnetic Technology 3. Motor Based on
4. Motor based on

Subjects in this section:

1. Testing of standard vs.
Cone shaped Coils.
Coil Testing
2. RPM Test
3. How to wind coils

Subjects in this section:

1. Free Electron Pump
2. Time Energy Pump
3. Time Energy Pump V1.2
Scalar EM Experiments
4. Smith Coil
5. Resonance Standing

Subjects in this section:

1. Plasma Panel Photos-
2. Plasma Panel
Plasma Glow Panels and
Generators- photos and movies 3. Plasma Generators
4. Jacobs Ladder
5. Light bulb

Subjects in this section:

1. Plasma Motor
Plasma Motor
2. New prototype

Subjects in this section:

1. Finsrud Device and
Perpetual Motion

Subjects in this section:


1. Big Thinking with Over

2. Patents 5873249 -
Other Devices or Interesting 6009707
3. Hutchison Effect (and)

Subjects in this section:

1. Wind Turbine of George
Wind and Solar

Subjects in this section:

Ferro Fluid 1. Ferro-fluid photos

Links to other Sites and Experimenters

A list of Free Energy Patents here

A list of Tesla's Patents are here

Here is who has made what list of INVENTORS
Electronics Tutorial Here
resistor color code calculator
metric/weight/measure conversions
Periodic Table and The Elements
Winding Coils
Wire size conversion - ga and mm
Patent Servers Downloads
other (Pulse Motor Kits Here)
Photo Interrupter Circuit
Understanding COP >1

Bismuth Pellets
99% pure - 10 gram pellets.
Available 50 10 gram Bismuth Pellets - $1.00 per pellet.

Item # Item Description

Bis-001 (1) 10 gram Pellet $1.00

Bis-005 (5) 10 gram pellets $5.00

Money Orders
Don Adsitt
32911 E. Red Mtn
Benton City, WA

Click for larger image

Bismuth is a whitish silver metal that melts at 520F, low enough to melt on a stove. It is considered non toxic;
actually it is the Bis part of Pepto Bismol although it should not be ingested. It is being used as a replacement
for lead because it is much more enviromentally friendly and it is almost as dense.

One of its most unique properties is that along with graphite, it is the most diamagnetic material. A diamagnetic
material is always repelled by a magnetic field no matter what the polarity of the field. This diamagnetic
property can be dramatically demonstrated by using your bismuth to make a magnetic levitation device. You
will need a small NdFeB - neodymium rare earth magnet for this demonstration. Search the internet for
diamagnetism and you will find several sites that give step by step instructions on how to build a levitation

Bismuth is the element that demonstrates the greatest Hall effect. The electrical resistance of bismuth varies
with the strength of an applied magnetic field. Bismuth also makes a very good low temperature thermocouple.
Another unique property of bismuth that is shared by water and very few other substances is that its solid has a
lower specific gravity than its liquid form meaning solid bismuth floats on molten bismuth like ice floats on
water. These beautiful crystals are pulled out of the super cooled liquid. Super cooled just means that the
bismuth is still liquid below its melting point. This state occurs as the liquid cools.

Bismuth is atomic number 83 and has atomic mass of 208.98. The typical analysis of this bismuth is:
Bismuth 99.99%
Lead 0.0025%
Silver 0.0010%
Copper 0.0005%
Nickle <0.0005%
Iron <0.0005%
Cadmium <0.0005%
a] bismuth is NOT the most diamagnetic material ...aluminum
sulphate beats it out by 20 percent.
b] larger Hall effects come from indium alloys. Indium
antimonide as an example.

Magnetic Responsive Super-Ferro Fluid

Special Order Item

Item Description Price

MR Fluid Syringe
MR-SK-001 $31.21 +Shipping

MR-HC $150.00 + Shipping
Based - 100ML

MR-SB $150.00 + Shipping
100 ML

MR-WB $150.00 + Shipping
100 ML

Money Orders
Don Adsitt

32911 E. Red Mtn

Benton City, WA

or download movie here


The Moller/Frolov's Atomic Hydrogen Generator

All these informations are published free with permission and courtesy of Nicholas Moller
Created on March 1, 2004 - JLN Labs - Last update on March 5, 2004

After having studied in detail, the work on atomic hydrogen that Irving Langmuir
performed 80 years ago (see article Irving Langmuir & Atomic Hydrogen), Mr. Nicholas
Moller of Spectrum Investments Ltd decided to experiment with Langmuirs findings in
greater depth. To this effect Spectrum Investments Ltd. contracted with Faraday Lab Ltd.
of St. Petersburg, Russia in January 2003 in order to verify Langmuirs proof of concept.
After a constructive co-operation, Mr. Alexander Frolov, Director of Faraday Lab Ltd.
confirmed Mr. Mollers assumption that recombination of atomic hydrogen can be used
as physical mechanism for the operation of a practical high efficiency heat
It is our hope that this material will generate new ideas and initiatives in the efforts to
produce viable New Energy Technologies.
Nicholas Moller
February, 2004.

The Irwing Langmuir Atomic Hydrogen by Nicholas Moller

The MAHG ( Moller/Frolov's Atomic Hydrogen Generator ) project

The MAHG full construction diagrams

The MAHG Project experimental tests results LogBook
MAHG tests report - Additional notes

The MAHG experimental tests setups

The working MAHG Photos Album

The MAHG full construction diagrams

All these informations are published free with permission and courtesy of Nicholas Moller
Created on March 1, 2004 - JLN Labs - Last update on March 2, 2004

For more informations, please contact : Nicholas Moller

See also : The MAHG Project experimental tests results LogBook

The MAHG experimental tests setups

All these informations are published free with permission and courtesy of Nicholas Moller
Created on March 1, 2004 - JLN Labs - Last update on March 5, 2004

For more informations, please contact : Nicholas Moller

See also : The MAHG Project experimental tests results LogBook

The water hand-pump with pendulum of Veljko Milkovic

Veljko Milkovic is a Serbian inventor living in Novi Sad, who has several inventions and patents in the
field of alternative energetics and ecology. He has demonstrated his invention in practice on all major
technical reviews in Serbia. On the Tesla-festival in October 2002 held in Novi Sad he has demonstrated
a working model of a water hand pump with a pendulum, which delivers more energy than what is
required for its operation.
The device has been made of exclusively recycled materials to show that it can be realized with extremely
cheap materials in an environment friendly way. It consists of a commercial water hand-pump, a double
lever, and a pendulum as shown in the picture below.

Veljko Milkovic with the prototype of the double pendulum

The double lever is made of a reused 3/4 size kids bike-frame, and the pendulum (red) is an old piston of a big
diesel motor combined with a heavy block of iron.
Significant manual work is required from the operator to pump the water directly with the hand-pump, and one
is getting tired after continuous prolonged pumping. The same pumping work can be accomplished with much
less invested energy if the arm of the pump is attached to one side of the double lever, and the pendulum at the
other side is kept in motion by manually giving a slight push to it every few cycles (10-20 sec.).
Milkovic states that his double pendulum (or multilevel oscillator) generates about 12 times more output energy
than the manual input energy required to keep the pendulum swinging. The rough translation of some excerpts
from his Serbian patent (from the book Perpetuum Mobile by Veljko Milkovic and Nebojsa Simin) is given

Excerpt from the patent of Veljko Milkovic YU 577/99/5-P-577/99 approved 02/03/03:

Water Hand-Pump With Pendulum

The essence of the invention:

The essence of the invention is that the vertical up-down moving of the piston through a system of levers is
done indirectly with the help of a pendulum attached to the end of the double lever, where otherwise with the
already existing solutions we would act with hands.
In order to move the piston and lever up and down it is necessary only to give the pendulum a push that
represents much less effort than the direct action on the lever, since this way besides human power, the power
of gravitational potential is also used as driving power. The action of the hands is required only now and then
due to the friction resistance to maintain the amplitude of the oscillation for a continuous intensity of water
flow. The pump is functional with all amplitudes, but the best performance is achieved with an amplitude of

about 90 . Additional advantages of this pump compared to the already existing solutions are:
After giving a swing to the pendulum both hands are free to handle the water.
The pendulum can also be a childrens swing, so that useful work can be also done through playing.

Detailed description of the invention:

The figures show the water hand-pump with pendulum, which is made of cylinder (1) with the piston (2), the
system of levers (3), see-saw (4), and pendulum (5).
In order that the see-saw and the piston would also oscillate together with the pendulum, the side with the piston
should be heavier than the side with the pendulum, and for the best performance about 50% heavier than the
centrifugal force of the pendulum, which appears when its swinging amplitude is 90 . If the two sides of the
see-saw are not of the same length, it is necessary to do calculations through the moment of forces around the
point where the see-saw is resting on the support.
In accordance with the spirit of the invention, when the pendulum is in rest, or during the swinging it is at the
upper points of the amplitude, the piston with the system of levers will overweigh the other side of the see-saw
with the pendulum, and it will fall into the lower point. The piston will rise to the highest point when the
pendulum passes through the bottom vertical position during the swinging, because in these moments the
centrifugal force of the pendulum will also act besides the weight, and since their sum is bigger than the weight
of the piston, they will overweigh on the see-saw and in this phase the piston will push the water out of the
container (6) into the outlet pipe (7).
In accordance with the preferred embodiment of the invention, in order to start the flow of water from the pump
it is necessary to move the pendulum out of the equilibrium, after which an oscillatory movement of the piston
is established, and a continuous flow of water results. Due to the friction resistance, the pendulum should be
pushed by the hands only now and then in order to maintain the amplitude of swinging and continuous intensity
of water flow.
The pump is functional with all amplitudes of the pendulum, but primarily with an amplitude of 90 .

The advantage of this invention compared to the already existing solutions of hand-pumps are: less manual
force needed to operate the pump, less waste of water, and both hands can be used to handle the water.

The different phases of the double pendulums oscillation


At the fair of agriculture in Novi Sad on Maj 23. 2003.

Other related patents
Veljko Milkovic has several patents based on the same principle of overunity mechanical multilevel oscillators
briefly described above. The basic principle and some of its most important applications will be analyzed in
detail in the next updates. As a preliminary, some patent figures and a short summary conclusion of the book
Perpetuum Mobile written by Veljko Milkovic and Nebojsa Simin can be found below:

Perpetuum mobile Conclusions

Models of perpetuum mobile and inertial engine described in this book are based on the effects of the forces of
inertia. In fact, ten inventions are described which are, in mechanical sense, multi-level oscillators operating
together. The first oscillator in the series is a physical pendulum or an eccentric fly-wheel, the second is a lever
or a wheel, and the third is the base (the ground, a vehicle or an aircraft). The movement of the first oscillator
causes forced oscillation of the next oscillator in the series.
The author of the first nine inventions is Veljko Milkovic. These inventions are actually different
possibilities of application of the multi-level oscillator:

1. Water hand pump with pendulum

2. Fan with pendulum
3. Mechanical hammer with adaptable pendulum weight
4. Press with pendulum and magnets

5. Water pump with pendulum and electromagnets

6. Electrogenerator with pendulum and magnetic buffers
7. Wind propelled electrodynamo and gravitational potential

8. Electrodynamo with elastic pendulum handle


9. Electrodynamo with double lever and eccentric mass windmill.

The author of the tenth invention is Nebojsa Simin. This invention is a universal device for power
generation and movement by inertia:

10. Electrodynamo with eccentric flywheel and electric motor.

The perpetuum mobile is based on the work of the second oscillator which obtains power solely due to the
movement of the first oscillator it is connected to, and not its work. That is how the law on preservation of
energy loses its validity. This occurs due to the fact that the first oscillator is connected to the second one via the
reference point of the system of reference in which the second oscillator moves. The force of inertia that causes
forced oscillation of the lever or the wheel is the centrifugal force of the pendulum or the eccentric fly-wheel
which is responsible for the oscillation of the lever or the wheel, but does not perform work in order to cause
oscillation of the physical pendulum or rotation of the eccentric fly-wheel.
The inertial engine operates thanks to the centrifugal force which affects the mass center of the wheel during
forced oscillation around the determined balanced position. Therefore it also affects the base. The work of this
force of privileged direction does not affect the oscillation of the wheel, so its operation in the reference system
in which the wheel oscillates is equal to zero. However, the same force affects the reference body of the system
in which the wheel oscillates, that is the base. In this way, the wheel together with the base accelerates in
reference to an imagined inertial system of reference. In relation to the Earth the direction of this acceleration
can either be horizontal or vertical. In case it is horizontal the engine can be used in ground transportation. In
case it is vertical, it is an anti-gravitational engine. In fact the inertial engine accelerates in relation to any point
in the Universe, in other words it can operate even in the conditions of zero gravity. This means that this engine
can move an aircraft in a desired direction without using reactive fuel.
The perpetuum mobile and the inertial engine do not use external sources of energy except at the
moment of starting its operation. This significantly changes the situation concerning power supply and
environment protection in relation to the currently known one.

A postcard by Veljko Milkovic

Address of the inventor:

Veljko Milkovic
Bul. Cara Lazara 56
21000 Novi Sad
Serbia and Montenegro
Created by Zoltan Losonc ( on 23 July 2003. Last updated on 23 July 2003.

Water power
A new material helps to make clean fuel from water.
6 December 2001
Scientists in Japan have found a more efficient way to extract hydrogen, the ultimate 'green'
fuel, from water. They have developed a material that uses sunlight to break water
molecules into their constituent elements of hydrogen and oxygen1.
The material is not yet efficient enough to be commercially viable, but its inventors believe
that it can be improved. If they are right, hydrogen may soon be on tap just like natural gas.
Hydrogen burns in air without producing the sooty pollution and greenhouse gases
associated with fossil fuels. The element can also power fuel cells to generate electricity.
Such fuel cells can power emission-free electric vehicles.
Unfortunately, water is reluctant to give up its hydrogen. Electricity can split water, but
electricity is mainly generated using polluting and nonrenewable technology.
Several 'photocatalysts' will split water quite efficiently using ultraviolet light. But this
squanders most of the Sun's energy, which lies in the visible range. Visible-light
photocatalysts, on the other hand, have tended to be either unstable, decomposing with
Hydrogen power couldprolonged use, or bad at splitting water.
have a bright future.Zhigang Zou of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in
DOE/NREL Tsukuba, Japan, and co-workers have developed a photocatalyst that seems to be very
stable, showing no evidence of degradation after extended use. It is not terribly efficient -
over 99% of the light energy is wasted rather than used to split water - but this is respectable when compared
with the competition.
The material, like the majority of visible-light photocatalysts, is a metal oxide, which generates hydrogen and
oxygen when immersed in water in sunlight. The oxide contains indium, nickel and tantalum; the efficiency
depends on the amount of nickel in the material.
Zou and colleagues believe that they can improve the efficiency by increasing the surface area of the
photocatalyst - making it porous, for example, or grinding it into a fine powder - and by further tinkering with
the chemical composition.
1. Zou, Z., Ye, J., Sayama, K. & Arakawa, H. Direct splitting of water under visible light irradiation with
an oxide semiconductor photocatalyst. Nature, 414, 625 - 627, (2001).
Nature News Service / Macmillan Magazines Ltd 2001

Report #1
How Lightning Strikes are Produced
Why the Second Law of Thermodynamics is Invalid.
This report is best viewed in 800x600 or greater screen resolution. If you would prefer, send us a mailing address and we will
immediately mail both "Reports #1 and #2". They are extremely important, and should be read together.
By: Westlund Technology Email:

Section I .................... Introduction.

Section II ................... How Lightning Strikes are Created.
Section III .................. Our Beliefs.
Section IV .................. Why Charge Electrons are Attracted to the Surfaces of Liquids and Solids.
Section V ................... Converting Molecules to a Vapor and Why The Second Law of Thermodynamic
is Invalid.
Section VI .................. Experiment #1, Proving That Charge Electrons are Released When Water
Molecules are Evaporated into Vapor Molecules.
Section VII ................. Experiment #2, Proving That Charge Electrons are Released When Ice
Molecules are Melted into Water Molecules.
Section VIII ................ Experiment #3, Proving That Charge Electrons are Pulled from the Ground
When Vapor Molecules are Condensed into Water Molecules.
Section IX ................... Experiment #4, Measuring the Differential Voltage Produced by Thick and Thin
Aluminum Plates and the Effect of Reducing the Thickness of the Thin Plate.
Section X .................... Experiment #5, Proof that Thick and Thin Plates, of Identical Metals, will
Produce Electrical Energy.
Section XI ................... Experiment #6, An Example of Different Thickness Plates, of the Same Metal,
Continuously Producing Electrical Energy.
Section XII .................. How CTAH is Converted Directly into Electrical Energy.
Section XIII ................. Experiment #7, Another Scientist's Discovery.
Section XIV ................. Summary.
Section XV .................. Our Objective.
Drawing #1
Drawing #2
Drawing #3
Drawing #7
Drawing #8
Drawing #9
Drawing #10
Drawing #11
Drawing #12
Drawing #13
Drawing #14-A
Drawing #14-B
Drawing #15
Download Report Acrobat Reader format MS/Word format.

Dal libro
L'elettrotecnica e l'elettromagnetismo che non c'.

Che cos' la Gravit.

La gravit l'unione dei flussi magnetici + e - = neutro


Non forse vero che un elettromagnete attira a s tutta la materia che si trova nelle vicinanze indifferentemente
che si tratti di flusso positivo sia che si tratti di flusso negativo, fin qui tutti sono d'accordo se si fa riferimento
al ferro al nichel e al cobalto... no, dico io, perch quando dico tutta la materia dico pure il legno, il marmo, il
platino, il rame, il cartone ecc. solo che per accorgersene bisogna avere un elettromagnete di notevole potenza,
un supermagnete. Allora il concetto dell'uguaglianza tra i flussi magnetici e la gravit ci sembrer pi reale e
pi facile e vicino ad essere capita. Ma per chi non ha un super magnete pu sempre ripiegare in maniera pi
semplice con i magneti statici al neodimio che sono abbastanza potente da poter evidenziare in parte ci che si
detto fin qui.
Chi prenda un magnete al neodimio del diametro di 1.5cm e lungo 2.5cm, facilmente reperibile, poi si stenda in
verticale un filo di cotone, ora si avvicini lentamente il magnete al filo di cotone: appena giunti alla distanza di
2 o 3mm si vedr il filo di cotone (fig.2) attratto e attaccarsi al magnete, eppure il cotone non ferromagnetico!
Come al solito solo il bismuto verr respinto in maniera evidente e qualche altro in maniera meno evidente,
questa sembra mettere il bastone fra le ruote a questa teoria, ma non cos e pi avanti lo vedremo.


In figura 2 si vede il magnete che attrae a s il filo di cotone con il segno + se per si gira il magnete che attrae a
s il filo di cotone con il segno + se per si gira il magnete sar il segno ad attrarre il filo di cotone.
Questo fino a qualche anno fa non poteva essere dimostrato tranne con i supermagneti a corrente poich i
magneti permanenti non avevano la potenza di flusso che hanno invece oggi i magneti al neodimio. Questo
esperimento vuole dimostrare che i flussi magnetici uscenti da un magnete sia di segno + che di segno sono in
grado di attrarre a s qualsiasi cosa come fa la gravit.

Analogia magnetismo-gravit

In pratica il magnetismo riesce a fare la stessa cosa che fa la gravit cio attira a s la materia con l'unica
differenza che riesce a farlo adoperando poca massa e molta energia. Al contrario, la gravit naturale che lo fa
adoperando una grande massa e pochissima energia.

Nota: Il filo di cotone di quello adoperato nei rocchetti per le macchine da cucire.

Se prendiamo la bobina di fig.1 e la pieghiamo fino a formare una bobina ad anello schiacciato come in figura 3
i flussi magnetici + e si uniranno e unendosi formeranno una gravit artificiale per cui la materia ora verr
attratta al centro dei due poli.

Ora se si prende un pezzetto di bismuto e si posiziona davanti al segno + e del magnete che cosa accadr?
Verr sicuramente attratto poich nulla pu sfuggire alla forza di gravit. Quindi il bismuto che sembrava, in un
primo momento, non volerci aiutare a capire, ora lo fa meglio di tutti.


L'antigravit l'esatto contrario della gravit quindi se la gravit attrae a s la materia l'antigravit fa l'esatto
contrario cio la respinge.

materia uguale flussi + e allo stato neutro

Se si pu creare una gravit artificiale con l'elettricit significa pure che stiamo creando antigravit e per il
giusto equilibrio delle cose materiali e non1, proprio quello che succede al centro dell'elettromagnete di figura
4. Se avete letto e ripetuto gli esperimenti descritti nelle pagine precedenti vi sar molto facile capire questa
realt. Abbiamo visto che da una bobina esce sempre un flusso magnetico appena viene attraversata dalla
corrente che attira la materia. Quindi se esce un flusso alle estremit significa che stato il passaggio della
corrente a comprimerlo e a farlo uscire ma che c'era pure prima solo che era allo stato neutro come la gravit.
La corrente non fa altro che prima erano uniti e comprimerli.

Purtroppo per evidenziare in maniera pratica tutto quello che si detto difficile se non si hanno le giuste
potenze dove al di sotto di esse non si riesce a scorgere nulla, ma non impossibile. Ora descriver alcuni
esperimenti facili facili che dimostreranno quello che si detto fin qui, basta avere tempo e pazienza; per avere
il tempo bisogner rinunciare ad altre cose per la pazienza occorre la passione e volont. Questi ingredienti
chiunque pu capire che cosa la gravit e cosa l'antigravit.

1 Se togliamo qualcosa da una parte, quello che abbiamo tolto andr da un'altra, e proprio quello che fa la bobina.

1 Esperimento. Prendete un magnete al neodimio di 3cm di diametro e un cm di spessore, poi appendete a un

filo un pezzetto di platino lungo 1cm e il diametro di 1mm ora mettetelo di fronte al magnete come in figura 4
e verr respinto, mentre verr avvicinato ai poli + e del magnete. (figura 5)

Il secondo esperimento quello del toroide diamagnetico dove i flussi + e dei magneti vengono respinti
entrambi ma abbiamo visto che dove i flussi vengono respinti anche la materia allo stato neutro lo , quindi un
toroide ben costruito avr degli effetti antigravitazionali, in pratica respinger la materia di qualsiasi natura essa

Se togliamo il toroide diamagnetico di figura 6, togliamo l'avvolgimento prendiamo il tondino di ferro dove
poggiava l'avvolgimento di rame fino a farne una barretta lunga e fissa come in figura 7 e rifacciamo
l'avvolgimento in rame smaltato per tutta la sua lunghezza sar facile constatare che le estremit si
polarizzeranno con i flussi magnetici + e come fanno tutti gli elettromagneti e quindi in quel punto attrarranno
a s tutta la materia che gli capiter attorno cominciando dal ferro mentre al centro la materia verr respinta
come pure i flussi sia di segno + che di segno indifferentemente verranno sempre respinti proprio come faceva
il toroide per tutta la sua lunghezza creando in quel punto antigravit.

Spiegazioni e approfondimenti

Nel caso del solenoide in questione la materia viene attratta perch viene attratto il segno contrario che st pi
vicino di quello uguale che viene respinto e che quindi tende ad allontanarsi. Nel caso della gravit la materia
viene attratta perch tutte e due i flussi vengono attratti in egual misura perch sono allo stato neutro. Mentre il
centro del solenoide invece respinge la materia perch respinge i 2 flussi in egual misura il '+' e il '' : proprio
l'opposto della gravit.


In conclusione facendo un'analisi di quello letto fin qui potremmo facilmente concludere che nell'esperimento di
Yeugeny Podkletnov la perdita di peso del 2 per cento dovuta alla forza di repulsione sulla materia del toroide
sottostante all'anello superconduttore.
Quindi per ottenere lo stesso risultato di Podkletnov basta un toroide!

La levitazione diamagnetica

Sfruttando il principio del toroide diamagnetico descritto nelle pagine precedenti potremmo costruire un toroide
molto pi grande per poter far levitare una persona al centro dello stesso.

Prove pratiche

Come allungare un arco elettrico, con la sola aggiunta di magneti, di ben 6 volte

Amplificatore di scintille

Amplificatore di scintille
- Dati costruttivi -

Lunghezza dell'avvolgimento sulla ferrite 8cm il filo per l'avvolgimento 0.5 mm di diametro di rame smaltato.
I magneti poggiati sui bordi della ferrite sono del tipo al neodimio e misurano 1,5cm di diametro e cm1,5 di

Amplificatore di scintille

Qui sotto viene riportato lo schema del posizionamento dei magneti con le giuste polarit affinch
l'amplificatore funzioni regolarmente.

Schema elettrico e pratico dell'oscillatore


Lettera alla redazione

Non essendo in possesso delle immagini televisive ho ricostruito con un disegno un fotogramma del filmato da
me osservato in una delle prime puntate televisive della Macchina del Tempo.

Durante le prime puntate della Macchina del Tempo (serie televisiva) ho avuto modo di vedere un filmato in
bianco e nero degli anni cinquanta pi o meno, dove si vedeva un tecnico in camice bianco manovrare
un'interruttore il quale faceva sollevare una piastra di metallo a circa un metro e mezzo dal pavimento su cui
poggiava. L'argomento in cui era impregnata la puntata era sulla gravit e l'antigravit.
Essendo rimasto molto impressionato dal fenomeno, vorrei, se qualcuno lo sapesse, di spiegarmi su quale
principio fisico funzionasse.

Esperimento di Montefuscoli
Nel momento in cui la bobina viene alimentata la
bilancia mostra di perdere peso probabilmente perch
diamagnetica (non si tratta infatti di un fenomeno
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Herman Meinke: Orgone Devices

Herman Meinke
Products for Nature
23158 Cora
Farmington Hills, MI 48025

Herman Meinke: The Odic Disk Machine

H. Meinke: J. Borderland Research (May-June 1985); "Free Energy In Your Own Backyard"
H. Meinke: J. Borderland Research (Nov-Dec 19889): "Ions & Orgone"
H. Meinke: Tuning In 1(8), Dec. 1990; "Cloudbusting: Fact or Mythology (Part II)"
H. Meinke: "Possible Use of Chemical Ether Generators for Drought Removal"

"The Odic Disk Machine"

by Herman Meinke

In the book "The Inner Earth" by Doreal, he mentioned that there are 144 separate and distinct types
of magnetic current. The Ancients called this sub-Pranic or sub-aetheric, which can be used for
superhuman powers and levitation or for control of the mind.

The following is a description of how we make a machine to allow anyone to work with each of the
individual magnetic currents.

In the book "Vital Force" by Baron Charles von Reichenbach, he shows the chart of these forces:

Fig. 1: Von Reichenbach's Chart of Forces ~

Take a metal disk and put the N or S pole of a magnet in the center. Then place the disk
horizontally. Use a compass to line up the dark blue at 90 degrees and red at 270; then you can map
out the rest of the lines.

If you can see magnetic auras then you will not need a compass.

Fig. 2 shows how to make a very powerful magnetic spectrum device. The 44-inch diameter disk is
made of 10:0:8 soft annealed steel approximately 3/16 inch thick. Between them are placed 16 to 28
ceramic magnets approximately 2 inches in diameter, with a hole in the center and magnetized with
the poles across the faces. The blue pole is placed under the top disk and the red pole is placed
down on the bottom disk. The top and bottom 2 to 4 magnets are placed so their poles repel, but
when put on top of the metal disk they will still attract to the metal disk so as to compress the field
out away from the center to the edges of the disk. A brass or copper tube is forced through the holes
in the magnets to align them and give them support. A plastic stand or motor is used under the
bottom plate.

Fig. 2: Magnetic Spectrum Device ~

An iron triangle was placed on one of the disks to draw off the color to work with it. The width of
the triangle helps to draw off more or less of the colors nearby. The triangle is connected to a copper
and iron wire to draw off the energy you want to work with. The cone on the other end increases the
efficiency. An iron rod can be placed at the edge just between the top and bottom so you can draw
color from the bottom and top plate at the same time.

Fig. 3 : How the colors look coming out from the machine: very concentrated near the edge
and slightly inside (Geographic N: dark blue ray) ~

As the distance between the plates is increased the separation of the colors increases and the
stinging sensation increases to a point where it decreases with further separation.

A jar placed between the disks can be used to charge water or seeds in water. 2 to 4 hours are
needed for good results. If the disk is turned slowly by motor or hand (every 10 minutes by hand),
all the colors will fill the water. Seeds treated for 1 hour or longer showed up to 5 times as much
root growth as compared to untreated. The disk is turned every 15 minutes. When you use the red
or blue pole of a magnet you still have the complete rainbow in each color. Now as with color
therapy you have each color at your command and it is already in its aura form which makes it more
effective and potent than the aura which is attached to color.

On the back of most old TV picture tubes is a gray ferrite collar over copper wire. Remove them and
place 2 or more over the copper tubing on the top disk. With three of these ferrite collars the odic
field coming from the area between the two iron disks will be extended 10 to 100 times.

Our guess is that the field of energy may be equal to a 16-layer Reich accumulator, but it is of Od
(cf. von Reichenbach) rather than Orgone.

Orgone moves west to east; Od moves south to north. They cross each other. We think that
Orgones physical counterpart is electricity, and Ods physical counterpart is magnetism.

When a person sits in an orgone accumulator his body generates a larger aura. When that person
puts his hands near the odic disk the orgone aura collapses and a new aura appears that seems
different from the orgone aura. Carbon seems to be able to break orgone into its different colors.
Reich found red and blue energy under the microscope, and between red and blue is a rainbow. Now
that you have electricity and magnetism (orgone and odic) the sky is the limit. Go after it!

J. Borderland Research (May-June 1985) ~

"Free Energy In Your Own Backyard"

by Herman Meinke

In looking for grid crossing points or vortexes on your own property you will find both centrifugal
and centripetal vortices or whirlpools of energy. Centrifugal vortices move from the center out or
explode. They can be clockwise or counter-clockwise. Counter-clockwise will add to a centrifugal
vortexs dominating destructive force effects, while a clockwise motion to a centrifugal energy will
subtract from the destructive effects of that force.

Centripetal vortices move from the outside inward, or implosion. They also can be clockwise or
counter-clockwise. Now clockwise energy will add to a centripetal vortex, increasing its
constructive force, while a counter-clockwise motion to a centripetal energy vortex will subtract
from the constructive effects of these forces.

Remember: the mind that forms a vortex tube can be even more important then its rotary direction.

The element that formed radium (c-c) will not be the same as the element that formed the element
oxygen, clockwise. If you are going to work with vortex energies or grid points which are vortex
energy, you should keep a positive outlook and work with love in all you do.

Fig. 1: Centrifugal and Centripetal Clockwise and Counter-Clockwise Vortices ~

J. Borderland Research (Nov-Dec 1989), p. 17 ~

"Ions and Orgone"

by Herman Meinke

Im sure youve noticed some foggy days that seemed healthy and alive but others that appeared
toxic and lifeless. It became apparent that the same condition occurred in my laboratory experiments
on bion growth, there were many days when I worked with silica gels used in the research of bions
and their growth later into insects. Eventually I noticed that these particular gels resembled the same
phenomenon of toxic DOR (Deadly Orgone) whereby solutions with materials in suspension, such
as clay, fell to the bottom and other substances floated upwards instead. This is depicted in the
moving nature of orgone-like foggy days. This beautiful orgone experience is seen when fog rises
from a swamp at night or when rolling in from a south sea island. In DOR contrast, a smog-filled
room that is highly positive (negative ions far outnumbered by positive) has a DOR-type stagnant
air. This will clear up, however, when negative ions are reintroduced. I am not, however, saying that
negative ions are orgone energy.

This same situation occurs outdoors when the air is charged very positively. Normally, fog doesnt
lift easily. This is because the ionosphere is charged with 400,000 positive volts, whereas the earths
ground surface tends to be negative, pulling the positively charged fog downward. This same
situation fits other DOR type problems. Since these lighter, more mobile negatively charged
particles are no longer present, the heavier and more condensed positively charged particles now
repel each other in a manner similar to the particles in the silica gel solution in water, mentioned
previously. If I were to pour water on a colloid, the water would tend to move the whole gel. Just
like this gel phenomenon, DOR type fogs refuse to move, even when a breeze or wind comes along.
It is as though the fog particles form an expanded colloid like sponge for many miles. Under these
circumstances, its easy to see why the air prefers to pass through the sponge instead of struggling to
impel it to move. Try to visualize the for as a 3-dimensional screen with the corners of its cube
having positive ions (or DOR particles) and the smaller air particles passing through the screen but
not affecting its movement.

As stated earlier, you can experience orgone energy when encountering fog rising from a swamp
both early in the morning and late at night when it comes gently rolling off the ocean. It occurs in

the strongly charged negative ions of the misty sprays from cool mountain waterfalls. These
particular ions are attracted to the ionosphere (which is highly positive) and theyre lifted upward.
The negatively charged earth repels this type of orgone fog, causing it to turn into levitational

This same situation happens when a negative ion generator is used to clear up a smoke-filled room.
My research does not indicate that orgone energy is related to negative ions but rather that orgone
presence does seem to cause the air to become negatively charged.

Reich himself described fogs that would not move even in the presence of a wind or breeze and
referred to them as DOR type fogs.

Some of my previous background involved working as a polymer chemist at Reichbold Chemical

Co. along with experience as a plating chemist at Continental Dye Casting Co and automotive head
chemist at EZY Products. This particular background helped me to formulate the above theories.

Perhaps other scientists as well as lay people can now use this information to advance their
understanding of orgone energy. In the past 20 years, I have personally taken readings of the ion
content of the air and used negative ion generators to simulate different effects. These instruments
can be very useful in studying both orgone and DOR effects on air.

Remember that negative ion generators are not orgone generators. Negative ion generators will
collect all the dirt from a room and deposit it on the walls nearby, actually bonding it to the paint.
Further months of usage will also collect DOR dirt, radioactive fallout dust, and other toxic
chemicals, confining it to a small area, becoming too dangerous to be near eventually. Negative ion
generators produce ORANUR effects. ORANUR is the acronym used to designate Orgone Nuclear

There are ways to generate beneficial ions which may prove to be more closely related to orgone
energy and thus safer. Refer to British Patent # 1,266,227. If the electricity from a 5000 and 10,000
V AC generator is stored between capacitor plates without producing any electrical breakdown in
the dielectric materials between the plates (and if there is no electrical discharge in the air), then a
small bluish glow will be observed when there is a small air gap between the plates. When this
happens, the air coming through the plates acts like highly charged orgone energy. Tests run on the
above patented device , with air recirculating for over one hour through the device, removed 88% of
the CO2. This air also caused rapid healing in highly infected mice.

Tuning In 1(8), Dec. 1990 ~

"Cloudbusting: Fact or Mythology (Part II)"

by Herman Meinke

In a book called "When Stars Look Down", George Van Tassel describes a device that will double
the size of normal vegetables. It is supposed to charge the ground. You weld a 4 foot cross on top of
a 21 foot pole with needles pointed up 2 inches apart at the top. Wires are then buried in the ground
18 inches deep. He sates that the device works by unbalancing the charges between the earth and the
air while nature tries to counter balance. It creates an electric flux in the mast and wires. The current
in the wire produces a magnetic field around it and brings about a gentle magnetic vortex
perpendicular to the ground. This in turn creates accelerated electric activity in the plants and roots
which are in the vertical zone of electric flux. Each vegetable then becomes a miniature atomic
accelerator and thus increases its growth and current flow.

The aura around the plant was usually blue while the wire and need showed red. This is not visibly
discernable but rather as light observed by the inner eye.

Several months alter an idea came to me to utilize them around the cloudbuster with each pin
connected to the ground. The whole thing nw made sense. I saw a blue haze around the cloudbuster,
not unlike the haze of blue I saw around the plants with the loops that discharged over the charged
soil. I was encouraged to think that the points were removing the DOR in acting as a main
discharge. If the needles were drawing red energy from the earth and the cloudbuster blue energy
from the sky, then this device might prevent a person from being harmed while standing next to a

[ ... Missing text... ]

Crystals help to attract orgone energy as well as eradicate some of the more harmful types of
energies. To test your crystals true alignment and effectiveness, obtain a 5-ft galvanized conduit
tubing and coat it with three layers of shellac. Align the tube N and S and place the apex of the
crystal 1/8 inch away from the S end of the tube.

Dont obstruct the tubes opening. If the crystal is smaller than the opening, insert it halfway into
the tube. A mild prickly sensation of cold should be felt at the N end of the tube, like a breeze.
Reverse the crystal now and note a very weak medical DOR buster effect at the N end of the tube. It
feels like energy is being drawn from your body...

[... Missing text... ]


( The Vitic )

"Possible Use of Chemical Ether Generators for Drought Removal"

by Herman Meinke
(24 July 1990)

Before attempting to use the following information you shouldread "The Orgone Accumulator
Handbook" by James DeMeo as well as CORE (Vol VI, #1-4, July 1954) by Dr Wilhelm Reich.

You might have asked yourself just what is a chemical ether generator. It is actually nothing more
than an orgone accumulator initially discovered by Dr Wilhelm Reich. There are four basic types of
accumulators: box, cone, blanket, or cylinder. Their common basis is that they are always
constructed with a metallic inside with the outer layer of organic material. The two layers together
are referred to as only one accumulator layer. We have personally constructed functioning models
with as many as 33 layers. After 30-33 layers they start to work differently. Refer to Figure 1.

Figure 1 ~

There are two ways that accumulators can be used. Most commonly, specimens such as plants or
animals are placed directly inside it. In this case, the box or blanket type is utilized but cylinder
shapes also have been used. Another way is to take the enrgy directly out of the accumulator and
send it to the specimen itself. This latter method is employed in construction of the chemical ether
generator. A typical approach in its construction is to make a 5-20 layer orgone accumulator,
making a small hole through all the layers. A small flexible tube can then be inserted directly inside,
thereby drawing out the orgone energy from the multiplayer box. This tube is then aimed right at the
specimen. Most of the time a metal cone is connected to the outside end of the metal tube. Both tube
and cone should be coated with a good flexible organic insulator to prevent orgone energy from
escaping from the sides. This particular coating then creates a long, one-layer cylinder-type Orgone
ACCUmulator (oraccu). Refer to Fig. 2.

Figure 2 / Figure 3 ~

In "The Cancer Biopathy", Dr Reich describes his research showing that higher temperatures of 0.2
to 0.5 degrees occurred inside his accumulators versus the room temperature. These particular
accumulators were tested inside a building. Similarly, accumulators put directly on the ground
showed temperature increases of +2 to +5 C. On summer days with a strong sun, temperature
differences of +20 were not uncommon. The important concept to understand is that the effect is 5-
50 times greater in an outdoor accumulator placed into the ground versus one indoors. At this point,
try to imagine a hollow tube connected to the top of this underground accumulator with a cone
placed open-ended at the tubes end so its not blocked. An open ended galvanized steel funnel will
work well. Insulate both tube and cone, as previously described. Instead of directing orgone energy
to a specimen, aim it directly upward to the sky. Refer to Fig. 3.

If you were to construct the 10-ply oraccu as described in DeMeos book, burying it in the ground
and pointing its funnel to the sky, the results may not be as promising since most of the energy is
meant to stay within the box. To get the energy up to cloud level, its tube would have to be 10-100
ft long to add enough orgone to the sky to make it useful for increasing the probability of rain.

Another problem with an underground oraccu is the need to make them waterproof, for the stainless
steel wool will rust, and if the organic material gets wet, the oraccu will cease to function altogether.
Fiberglass seems to be the least affected by humidity.

The construction of the chemical ether generator is pictured in Fig. 4. We soldered three 6" diameter
steel furnace pipes to create a total length of 66". A 6" copper half-sphere (bowl) then was
brazed/soldered to one end of the tube. See Fig. 4A. Next, we applied 10 coats of shellac over the
entire outside of both the tube and bowl. A coating of -1/2" beeswax was then applied to the
sphere only and 24" up the sides of the tube. See Fig. 4B.

Figure 4 / 4A /4B ~

After drying, we added six more layers of oraccu layers to the beeswax area only. The first layer was
fine steel wool (Figs. 4C and 5). It was secured with polypropylene tape. Next we wrapped of
fiberglass and secured this with polypropylene tape. At this stage, if so desired, you can apply a thin
layer of unrefined melted beeswax. Now the entire tube is coated with paint to prevent weathering
and protect it from rain. An application of titanium oxide enamel paint is recommended.

Figure 4C / Fig. 5 ~

Next, dig a hole in the ground deep enough to accommodate the end of the tube and the following
materials. Pour a layer of 3" of white quartz sand followed by four layers of galvanized steel screen
(1/8" mesh). Then a 20" piece of silk cloth is placed on the top. The tube rests on this base and the
coated portion sits just above the soil line. The diameter of the hole is 24" so that a galvanized steel
cylinder will just fit into the hole. It has a protective lid of pine wood with a hole in the center to
allow it to fit over the tube. The lid is 28" wide. Both sides are coated with 3 layers of a mixture of

shellac and beeswax containing 5% Calcium Silicate, 10% micronized silica, and 85% beeswax.
The side of the steel cylinder that contacts the lid is coated with two layers of shellac. The rest of the
cylinder is not coated and should be kept clean. The top of the lid is coated with three layers of
shellac followed by three layers of titanium oxide paint (peanut oil base).

Before setting the device into the ground, place a steel cap over the end. Never remove it until just
before using the device; use a wooden pole about 10 ft long. For safety it is recommended to stay at
least 20 ft away.

This device is capable of giving the sky enough orgone to affect a 3-mile radius within hours of its
operation. Coupled with use of the new breed of cloudbusters we can remove the DOR and restore
the earth and sky to health.

Note that to make the beeswax mixture stronger and more balanced, the following may be added:
0.2 grams of Biodynamic Formula #501 and 0.01 grams of diamond dust. Up to 22 grams of
micronized silica has been tried with good results to further accumulate orgone.

There are some important concepts to understand when working with these energies. For instance,
Nature does not just plant a forest, allowing it to grow to full size in a few weeks and then suddenly
remove it. Likewise, people should not point cloudbusters at the sky to draw out energy and then
remove it in less than two weeks. Cloubusters cannot be used in such a manner without throwing
Nature out of balance.

Never point this chemical ether generator toward a storm because this can dam up the orgone and
cause very violent weather, even creating a "tidal wave" action somewhere else in the sky. The
safest way is to point it vertically straight upward. When the total system is in operation, the energy
field should look like Picture #2 and #4 as well as the effect created when lightning approaches the
generator similar to the diagrams in Fig. 8, 9, and 10 (termed Lightning # 1,2,3, and 4). On the first
day of successful operation one will feel as though an ocean breeze has just come in to cool the
land. If you have moved too fast and overdone it, you will feels as if you are underwater. Sounds
will also be very intense. These signs indicate that your generator is too powerful; fewer layers
should be used in the construction of the oraccu...

There are devices available which can be used when working with the different energies described.
You should build a Vitic, which we have used when becoming overcharged with both orgone and
DOR. A cold shower also is recommended, followed by use of an Eeman screen and the Vitic; it is
the most effective way we have found to reduce the chance of harm from excess orgone, oranur, or
DOR. Information on the construction of Eeman screens and the Vitic are available from
Borderland Research.

A firm reminder: When working with orgone remember that it is as dangerous as very high voltage
electricity. Even an expert can be injured or killed by this force, even when doing everything

I have decided to make this information available only because no other qualified person made it
available to a planet which needs it so badly. Another reason is that there are people using 1-ft
diameter metal drain pipes up to 100 ft long and trying to make rain, as well as other types of
devices which could harm people. Many of these people have no idea of what they are doing and are
causing more harm than good (such as pointing the device in the wrong direction at the wrong time,
which can actually create drought conditions).

Even our system has the potential of removing too much orgone energy from the soil and adding too
much DOR to the immediate area, so its wise to be careful.

At this time we are trying to make an even more advanced type of cloudbuster containing small
glass tubes of sea salt and baking soda encircling the middle portion of it, to be used with a more
standard cloudbuster to draw the DOR out and slow the Oranur process by directly combining with
DOR to produce and replenish fresh orgone for the planet. We have not yet fully succeeded. We do
feel, however, that people should read "Born to be Magnetic" (Vol. 1 and 2) by Frances Nixon. I
believe that these people have found a way to protect areas from Oranur with the use of sea salt and
baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). You could try saturated solutions as well as dry powders in your
experiments. Try placing one-inch (or smaller) diameter tubes (2-3 ft long) in running water or
buckets of water which should be replaced daily to assist in the removal of DOR and Oranur.

My hope is that by making this information available to the public that it will help to alleviate
further destruction of our planet and perhaps save lives.

Since this research was started in 1972 and has been done only in our area, there is no guarantee that
anything published here will work as stated since the energies were different and higher then...

Some General Rules for Using Cloudbusters with Needles Attached: This information will be
helpful for all ether energy-controlling devices. If you want to make rain, you have to take energy
from the West, then move toward the North and stop at NorthEast to cool and condense the water.
A cloudbuster in the drawing mode (they do not always draw) moving from West to East in a North
direction will tend to make rain. Many other things have to be taken into account, but I am only
trying to help you use the ancient chart of Fire, Air, Water and Earth:

Picture # 5 ~

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Home ~ Catalog ~ Links

Radionic Photography

Tom Bearden: Psychic Observer 39(3):224, 255-258

Raymonde Guidot: Mind & Matter Quarterly Journal (December 1959); "Emanation
George De La Warr: Mind and Matter Q. J. (September 1959): "In Retrospect (Part 5)"
G. De La Warr: Mind and Matter Q. J. (December 1959): "In Retrospect (Part 6)"
Mind and Matter Q. J. (Date unknown) ~ "Project #2: Resume Work on the Delawarr
Ruth Drown: British Patent # 515,866; "Method & Apparatus for Obtaining Photographic
G. De La Warr: French Patent # 1,084,318: "Perfectionnements a la Recherche dune
Radiation Fondamentale"
James Bage: British Patent # 2,236,647: Electromagnetic Radionic Camera

Psychic Observer 39(3) ~

"Paranormal Pictures"

Tom Bearden

The photograph on page 92 of Pursuit (Summer 1977) is a fairly easy paranormal phenomenon to

Briefly, one model of reality can be constructed whereby orthogonal worlds (3D spaces) all share
the same 4th dimension, time, much like spokes of a wheel around an axle. In this model, all 3-
spaces, three or more orthogonal turns away from the laboratory 3-space (i.e., from the observers
spatial frame) are minds or mind-worlds. Each thought is an object in the mind-world of the thinker,
in such a model. Further, all the 3-spaces crosstalk a tiny bit, usually so small a magnitude as to be
virtual (unobservable even in theory). However, under certain amicable conditions, thought-forms
or thought energies in such thought worlds can superpose sufficiently to breach the threshold
between worlds. When progressively turning or rotating towards the laboratory frame a s a result of
such super-position, the tulpoid energies/forms pass first into one frame away, which constitutes the
ordinary electromagnetic field. In that frame they can affect ordinary photographic film, particularly
film which is sensitive in the ultraviolet or infrared. In fact, if visible light is of low intensity or
nonexistent, the effect is enhanced because visible light is a quenching of the paranormal channel.

Quite simply, the infrared and UV regions are essentially windows into other orthogonal 3-spaces
and hence mindworlds. If the effect of visible light is lessened or eliminated, but these windows are
left open, paranormal pictures are fairly simple to initiate.

Trevor Constable uses a Wratten 18A filter to accomplish this (See Psychic Observer #197).

In the picture shown, obviously the occasion was an emotional one, so emotional energy was
present. It is probable that this energy provided the motivating force for the paranormal burst or
discharge of energy.

Further, any type of ionization discharge/spark discharge/cascade discharge serves as a sort of

collector for the tulpoidal energy to superimpose upon and emerge from. In this case, it is the candle
flame, with millions of glowing, energetic, excited photon-emitting molecules and atoms that it is
acting as the cascade collector for the effect. In Kirlian photography, e.g., it is the spark discharge.
Here the ordinary light is what is impressed on the film, but it is the rotating of higher fields into the
EM field that forms and shapes the changes noted in the discharge pattern. Water also enhances the
effect. A Geiger counter tube, e.g., contains a cascade discharge mechanism -- and Geiger counter
readings are often obtained in association with paranormal phenomena. Here it is not actually
radioactivity that is being read, but cascading electrons. The higher fields, when superimposing
sufficiently to reach the first orthogonal flame, then start inducing or producing charge in
conductive paths, hence cause bursts of electrons to start in the first stage of the Geiger tube,
initiating the cascade discharge and the reading.

Note also that Fuji film seems to be a bit more sensitive to infrared and to uv than ordinary film.

So in the situation photo, it is probably a burst or discharge of orthorotated thought energy or

emotional energy that emerges from the candle flame. Parallelism of the two lines from each pair
shows the coherence (timewise) that is necessary to have such superposition of higher biofields and
consequent threshold orthorotation of them into the ordinary UV window.

Finally, one other effect is important: the kindling or flashing effect, i.e., repetitive shots or snaps
also pulses through the IR/UV windows and causes time oscillations a la Kozyrev. If the visible
light quenching effect (dampening) of the persistent decay curve of each pulse is not too great, then
the pulses build into resonance -- or bursts across the threshold through the UV/IR windows.

Beardens Hypothesis:

The quenching of the hyper-channel (the paranormal channel) by photon interaction (i.e., by light) is
proportional to the spectral luminous efficiency.

A host of data fits this hypothesis.

It also explains the sensitivity of cats and other animals (whose eyes work further into the UV/IR
portions of the spectrum than do the eyes of humans) to paranormal phenomena.

However, animals which compete in a sunlit world must also hold onto that quenching peak at the
visible light peak at about 570 nanometers wavelength. Otherwise, they would become so
preoccupied with the paranormal (tulpa) dither in/out that some other animal not so preoccupied
would eat them. For the same reason, competition forces humans to do likewise.

The photon interaction -- which quenches the hyperchannel by differentiating and removing time --
creates objectively (L3, separated spatially), totally. And this is clearly shown by the most
fundamental experiment of quantum mechanics, Youngs two-slit experiment.

And God said, "Let there be light!" -- and that was objective creation, the separation of the L3
spatial macroworld from the dimensionless, timeless, nothingness/allness voidless void.

We have only just begun to comprehend.


Mind & Matter Quarterly Journal (December 1959)

"Emanations Revealed by a New Photographic Process"

by Raymonde Guidot

In 1958 Mr Philip Chancellor of Cuernevaca, Mexico, visited the DeLaWarr Laboratories at Oxford
in order to learn more of the work that they were doing and especially about the special type of
camera used. I had been privileged to stay with Mr Chancellor and observe some of the interesting
research he was doing in his lab in broadcast treatment. As a registered healer, or Magnisateur
patente, residing in Pontarlier in the east of France, I was extremely interested in the radionic
apparatus he was using and I was delighted to receive as a gift on my arrival in Cuernevaca a
DeLaWarr Diagnostic Instrument. I was soon able to operate this apparatus and to take part in the
research being done. Having been invited originally to stay in Mexico for one month, what was to
have been a short visit of four weeks soon developed into a stay of 5 months. During this period I
developed a technique of using the Diagnostic Apparatus and evolved a method of arriving at an
accurate diagnosis based on the cosmic awareness of the patient that I will describe in a later article.

Whilst I was enjoying Mexican hospitality I was permitted to see some of the earlier photographic
experiments conducted by Mr Chancellor. He explained to me that during his visit to the DeLaWarr
Laboratories he was most impressed by the photographs obtained on the Mark I Camera and he was,
at Mr DeLaWarrs suggestion, trying to reproduce the process by using film instead of photographic
plates. This was important if the Camera was to be universally used because photographic plates are
virtually unobtainable in Mexico.

Using various emulsions and combination of developers Mr Chancellor succeeded in arriving at a

suitable combination that enabled him to produce significant energy patterns on photographic film.
At first he found difficulty in stabilizing his results and obtaining consistent images but by
persistent experimentation over a period of several months he finally arrived at the process as it
stands today.

Whereas the DeLawarr method used Ilford Ordinary plates and the standard developer and fixer the
Chancellor method used Kodak contrast process ortho film and developer D8 at full strength in
combination with Kodak rapid fixer. Using this combination the patterns of the type seen in Figures
12 and 13 were produced. Experiments showed that the strength of these patterns was substantially
increased when the stop bath was eliminated and the film placed directly into the fixing bath from
the developer. The optimum developing time was 1-1/2 minutes and the fixing time was 2 minutes
or more. After fixing the film it was washed and dried in the usual manner. It also became apparent
that the temperature of the developer was not critical and that agitation of the film in the developer
was unnecessary.

It became increasingly apparent that the patterns appeared to be abstractions and it subsequently
became routing to decide on what was to be taken and to record it in a notebook prior to the
exposure being taken. This action would thereby fix the request in the subconscious mind and the
abstraction would be classified accordingly. The conscious effort of the operator during the time of
the exposure would not appear to be as important as the pre-determined desire. Whether the
resulting pattern is influenced by the mental or the emotional state of the operator has not yet been

The Bath Process ~


Two techniques are being developed by Mr Chancellor, the bath Process and the Photographic
Process. The former consists of inserting a piece of Kodak contrast process ortho film 6 cm square
in a tray of D8 developer situated immediately in front of the operator having previously decided
upon the request to be made mentally. After 1-1/2 minutes the film is removed from the developer
and immediately placed in the fixing bath. It is there that the patterns appear and they can be
observed by using the safe light.

The interesting feature about the process is that the photographs are obtained without the use of a
camera and without exposure to light. It was found that there was no apparent effect on the
photographs whether developed in total darkness or with the aid of safe light as would normally be
used. The process has been studied by qualified observers among whom was Dr Felix Saunders,
formerly Prof, of Chemistry at the Univ. of Chicago and currently engaged in the study of
photographic emulsions. In an attempt to define the process involved it has not been possible to
exclude or to establish the possibility of artifact. It has been agreed, however, that the extreme
variation in density of form and pattern obtained by a variety of persons at the same time and under
the same conditions would indicate that the patterns tend to suggest an emanation of energy hitherto

The nature of the image and of the energy causing it has naturally been the subject of much attention
and interest. Attempts to influence the pattern noticeably by various means, other than a chemical or
any light process, such as blowing ammonia around the film, or introducing an electromagnetic field
has not met with any success. However, when exposing the film in the DeLaWarr Camera a change
in the image is evident.

[ Some of the Images described in the article; only a few are included here ]:

The Chancellor Photographic Process ~

The foregoing Bath Process when applied to a film exposed in the usual manner with a box camera
produces photographs of an unusual character. All the Figures 14 to 26 were taken with a plate
camera loaded with film; some of the objects were placed in front of a black backdrop. In these
subsequent pictures no attempt was made to influence the pattern by a mental request. Fig. 14 shows
a dress ring photographed against a backdrop and developed by the Chancellor technique. No
explanation is attempted of what the pattern represents. Fig. 15 is also a Chancellor type photograph
of a pre-Columbian figure. Fig. 16 is a photograph of a jar of pure Royal Jelly.

Moving to animate objects, Fig. 17 is a photograph taken out of doors in front of a backdrop. Figs.
18 and 19 are taken by flashlight. Fig. 19 is of a Yoga initiate and may possibly be showing the
human aura of a person who is spiritually advanced. It has been "held back" a trifle in the developer
in order to retain better definition of the emanation patterns. It is difficult to form conclusions
concerning what the patterns represent. If they are artifacts due to using strong fixer then why are
not more evenly distributed over the whole photograph?

Figs. 20 to 31 were taken out of doors in the grounds of the DeLaWarr Laboratories in accordance
with normal photographic practice. Figs. 20 and 22 were taken of one of the several elm trees there.
They were taken into the sun in order to obtain a dark background from the surface of the tree and
were developed and fixed by the Chancellor Process.

Figs. 21 and 23 show immediate repeats of Figs. 20 and 22 but with Miss DeLaWarr in the


Fig. 24 is a Chancellor process photograph of one of the DeLaWarr Laboratory buildings using a
box camera. Fig. 25 is a similar photograph taken the following day, also using a box camera. One
hour later a control photograph was taken to show the view as it really was and this is seen in Fig.
26. Owing to a misunderstanding he used the same Chancellor process as in Fig. 25 but his object
was to take a normal photograph.

I do not attempt to offer an explanation of these photographs apart from saying that the
superimposed patterns appear in the fixing process. In my opinion the patterns and depth of image
present variations that are capable of interpretation. A means of producing repeatable patterns is
being sought and experiments are being undertaken to combine the Chancellor process with the
DeLaWarr Camera. The initial photographs taken before I left Oxford showed considerable
promise. Several persons were able to get an image in the Mark I Camera who had hitherto been
unable to do so when using Ilford Ordinary Plates.

I would like to add that the Chancellor Process is being simultaneously investigated by research
foundations at San Pedro and San Antonio, California.

Mind and Matter Quarterly Journal (September 1959)

In Retrospect (Part 5)

by George DeLaWarr

Early in 1954 an important experiment was carried out with the assistance of a nuclear physicist that
should be recorded in this series of articles as it opens up a constructive line of thought. The story
begins in 1953 when I approached Lord Glyn, a Member of Parliament of long standing, and asked
him for help in obtaining a hearing with Sir John Cockcroft, one of Britains leading atomic
physicists. We had taken some thousands of radionic photographs with our Mark I Camera and
among them was a number of fairly good examples on which we wanted expert opinion. Those of
the atomic lines (reproduced in Mind and Matter, December 1957) were especially interesting and
we hoped they would find some concordance with current knowledge in atomic physics.

Lord Glyn approached Sir John Cockcroft who arranged for a chemist from the Atomic Energy
Research Establishment at Harwell to meet me. In due course Dr. A. Charlesby arrived and we
showed him something of the work we were doing, finally demonstrating the Camera. Imagine our
surprise when after developing our first photographic plate we found nothing on it. The image
apparently would not appear when Dr Charlesby was in the room and we therefore had to ask him to
wait outside while the photograph was being taken, a request that probably confirmed any
suspicions he may have had. It is a simple matter of fact that we did not know then of the negative
power of critical thought. We tried various methods of insulating Dr Charlesby and finally cut a
peephole in the door of the Camera Room, so that he could observe our activities from outside. This
was reasonably successful and the investigation then proceeded quite amicably.

The radiating lines in our photographs of atoms and molecules from a central well-defined point
puzzled us. An example of this central point feature is seen in Fig. 2 of Oxford tap water which
would appear to show the radiation from the constituent atoms. I had a theory that these lines of
energy were released in space from a tiny vortex at this central point according to the type of atom.

Fig. 2 tends to give this impression but possibly I am biased as I believe it is possible to materialize

atoms. I expressed the opinion that even an atom could undergo an experience and that an atom of
oxygen existing in a copper sulfate crystal was receiving a different experience from an oxygen
atom in a silver nitrate crystal. Dr Charlesby was interested in this possibility and suggested that we
might try giving atoms an experience and photographing them before and after the event.

The Polythene Experiment ~

Dr Charlesby had invented a process at Harwell whereby soft polythene could be toughened to a
more useful product by putting it in the atomic pile. He suggested that we should therefore
photograph a sample of soft polythene before and after it had this experience. Fig. 3 was therefore
taken on our Mark I Camera showing the carbon and hydrogen lines of the polythene sample. We
then had to determine which was the hydrogen line and so the photograph in Fig. 4 was taken on the
tuning for hydrogen. The polythene was then taken to Harwell, subjected to intense atomic radiation
and rephotographed as in Fig. 5. It will be noticed that the carbon line remained unaffected, whereas
the hydrogen line had moved. This was most exciting and although it did not necessarily prove that
my theory was correct, it had opened up a line of investigation.

An interesting feature of this experiment was the appearance of the two little lines at the center of
the photo. We resolved to find out what they were and after various attempts we decided that they
were connected with heavy hydrogen, deuterium. This was confirmed by a separate pot showing
only the two little lines. The opposite directions of each line tend to confirm the presence of
deuterium as its atomic arrangement consists of two atoms of hydrogen coupled together but pulling
in opposite directions and the two opposing lines would certainly suggest this.

Dr Charlesby made another suggestion when we were discussing the nature of the lines of the
image. He thought that we should use two photographic plates with their emulsion faces together.
We did this and were successful in obtaining an image on each plate, one being the mirror image of
the other (Fig. 6). This was most interesting as it suggested that actual particles had appeared
between the plates and diverged away from each other in the same plane. Also around the central
point at which I fondly hoped there was materialization taking place there was a ring. We often
obtain this effect at the central point, but no satisfactory explanation has occurred to us yet unless
there is possibly a process of polarization taking place.

Back to Normal ~

When Dr Charlesby was again able to visit the Laboratories further tests were given, but as these
were probably based on an entirely erroneous concept of the phenomenon we were frequently
"caught out" with images on the wrong plates. This was our swan song and once again we were
working alone, suspect as usual; but we had progresses considerably. We had learnt that negative
thought could affect the image; that the ability to obtain such images was in fact due to a personal
ability possessed by my assistant in conjunction with the Camera; that atomic bombardment altered
the image we obtained, and finally that we could expect no more assistance from Harwell.

I met Dr Charlesby again when I was addressing a society at Cambridge University. He was in the
audience and very kindly stated that after having given the matter very considerable thought he
could not formulate a scientific test of any kind in view of the nature of the phenomenon. He also
said he was at least convinced of my integrity, and that was naturally a welcome statement.

Mind and Matter Quarterly Journal (December 1959) ~


"In Retrospect (Part 6)"

by George DeLaWarr

It is difficult for me to realize that ten years ago my wife, I and our Chief Assistnat were just
entering the photographic side of this work. An accumulation of unexplained phenomena had
softened us up over the previous nine years and confirmed our ignorance of what lies behind
radionics. We had successfully completed the tests on our Colorscope treatment apparatus and
demonstrated the therapeutic value of specific colors. This drew our attention to the possibility of
detecting disease conditions by the use of light.

We had failed to get any response from the supposed radiations of a blood specimen in the
electronic sense and we therefore proceeded to try in the photonic sense. If only we could get a start
with a physical demonstration of some kind we felt that all would be well and that the medical
profession would soon see the implications for humanity.

A Photographic Emulsion As A Detector ~

We accordingly bought some x-ray half plates from a local photographer and we set to work. From
the very first plate we started getting strange patterns and particle tracks, and these not being what
we expected I discounted them somewhat; but fortunately they are all still intact in our extensive
filing system. In March 1959, w startled ourselves by placing a specimen of blood (on filter paper)
in contact with the emulsion of a photographic plate for a half minute and obtaining an exposure on
the pate, identical in pattern but slightly larger than the area of the blood spot, seen in Fig. 27.

This was a very satisfactory step in my opinion and my learned colleagues assured me that there was
no known radiation that could have caused this picture and that nothing like it had ever been done
before without radioactivity of some kind. My colleagues were in fact wrong because I have dug
into some records, of the research carried out by Prof. Cremonese (now deceased) of Milan, who
managed to obtain photographic impressions of samples of sputum in a similar manner. The work
of Prof. Cremonese is virtually unknown, largely because no one else appeared to be able to
reproduce the phenomenon, and also possibly because his images were not as clear as ours.

Our own experiment described above was repeated successfully 12 times in succession with very
little difference in the images obtained and the rotational position of the specimen made no
difference. Seven years later we attempted to repeat the experiment, using the Ilford Ordinary Plates
that we have since accepted as standard in the mark I Camera technique, but we failed. This has
worried us considerably but we are now inclined to believe that there is a specific response
according to the type of emulsion used. The Chancellor Process tends to substantiate this.

Specific response of a blood specimen to radionic tuning was described in our September 1958
issue; it was then shown that the specimen of a person with tuberculosis would respond to the
radionic tuning for tuberculosis but not, for instance, to the tuning for diabetes. This is not,
however, necessarily the type of specific response I am referring to in connection with the emulsion.
In the experiment seen in Fig. 27 no radionic tuning was used anyway and I have been reviewing
our earlier experiments accordingly.

The most significant information already unearthed in this connection relates to the precise moment
when we ran out of x-ray half plates and changed to another type of emulsion. It will be recalled that
in the early experiments before lenses were added to the Camera (Fig. 28) the image of copper
sulfate crystals on the plate of the treatment Instrument was found at Z.

This image is seen in Fig. 29. The lens was then added as in Fig. 28 and an exposure was taken at
position 4 which is 9 inches from the lens. The image obtained in this position is seen in Fig. 30 and
the slightly elongated copper sulfate crystal that we used on the apparatus below is beginning to
come into focus.

It was at this moment that we realized we had no more x-ray half plates to spare and as they could
only be obtained by having them specially made we suspended the experiment and resumed work on
the blood specimens. We did return to the copper sulfate experiment, however, some time later but
we had to use Ilford ordinary quarter plates. The first image we obtained was that reproduced in Fig.
31. This so delighted us that we went on to take many more thrilling variations but completely
overlooking the possible significance of the difference in the two emulsions used.

If there is indeed specific response by an emulsion to the radionic principle we have taken a big step
in understanding the 12,000 photos we have taken on Ilford Ordinary Plates. The next thing is to
find out more about this principle and whether it is the operators presence, his thought, the radionic
apparatus or a combination of all three that induces the specific response in the emulsion. A review
of the evidence we have accumulated is long overdue and this series of articles is serving a useful
purpose in revealing much that has been overlooked.

The Elusive Image ~

When discussing the constructional details recently of a new Mark I Camera for Mr Chancellor in
order that he may continue his research in Mexico I recalled our earlier difficulties in the design of
the camera head. The Mark I Camera head is the light tight box approximately 11" x 9" x 8"
containing the reflector, lenses and photographic plate holder. It is the box seen in Fig. 32 on the
four supports. In 1956 Mr A. Broad of the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge agreed to have a
two-beam Mark I Camera at his home so that he could do some research on the processes involved.
The two-beam Camera seemed to work as well as the three-beam and it was therefore agreed that an
improved design should be followed.

In 1955 when Dr Charlesby came from the Harwell Atomic Research Organization to test the
Camera we found that each component part should have a critical position to suit the operators
individual field. This was our first intimation that the physical presence of the operator was essential
in order to obtain a photo. After nearly three months work we made an improved type of Camera
with all the components adjustable. It was rather an expensive undertaking and we had to increase
the size of the camera head to accommodate the required variation in the different people we tried.
Twelve people in all were tried, including Mr Broad and our staff doctor.

It so happened that when the enlarged camera head was adjusted to suit Mr Broad it was so low that
the blood specimen sat on the top of the lower box could not be rotated by hand and so the two
bottom corners of the camera head were splayed back to allow room for the hand. Altogether it
looked a very attractive piece of apparatus in mahogany and chromium as it was taken off to
Cambridge by my assistant. On arrival it was placed in the correct magnetic N-S position and tested
out but no image could be obtained. Fortunately our own original Camera had been taken along in
case the difference in latitude between Oxford and Cambridge made any difference to the results.
We were relieved to find that our own Camera still worked but Mr Broads simply would not
function and we had to bring it back to Oxford.

It was all very disturbing. We then tried to find the trouble by a process of elimination and
discovered that it was in the design of the camera head. As soon as we replaced the two corners we
had splayed off and restored the rectangular shape the elusive image returned. The Camera was then
taken to Cambridge again and order was restored. Mr Broad and my assistant were able to proceed
with their research and produced very good photos under test conditions.

I well remember how anxious we all were to get the phenomenon demonstrated to the University
pundits and so we decided to invite Prof. Stratton who held the Chair of Para-Psychology and who
was a very pleasant person. We met for lunch and then drove to Mr Broads house. A test image had
been taken before lunch, so we knew the Camera would work. The new packet of sealed plates was
produced and one plate was placed in the Camera. This was our big moment when a perfect image
would start a chain reaction among the Universities. The dripping plate was produced, but it was
completely black and there was no image. Each subsequent plate was black; altogether it was a
black day. Prof. Stratton then explained that he had never been privileged to witness any psychic
phenomena because the moment he appeared on the scene all phenomena ceased. We were all
desolated, the Professor departed and the Universities were left in peace. I may add that the Camera
showed signs of indisposition for several days afterwards.

These are interesting sidelights and show how little we understood the phenomenon. The negating
power of the "30 percent", that is to say, those who cannot work the Diagnostic Instruments, or get
plants to increase their growth for them, or who cannot heal the sick by radionics, is a very real
stumbling block to the fulfillment of our purpose.

Mind and Matter Quarterly Journal (Date unknown) ~

"Project #2: Resume Work on the Delawarr Camera"

The discovery made at the Laboratories in 1950 that extra-dimensional photos could be obtained
may well prove to be the greatest achievement of the century, ranking in importance with the
achievements of space travel.

The use of thought energy to probe the various parts of the human force field and "bring back"
information on a photographic emulsion is a most significant event. Coupled with this is the closely
allied phenomenon of Thoughtography, or implanting thought forms on a photographic emulsion.
Many cases are on record but the most thorough and spectacular are those recorded by Prof. Fukurai
about 1910. Fig. 2 shows one of a series of thought photographs arranged by him using the special
ability of a Mr Konichi Mita to produce them.

Prof. Fukurai organized a series of tests on either photographic papers or plates after they had been
placed in a suitably sealed casket. The characters to be impressed on the emulsion were chosen by a
clairvoyant who was allowed to work at a distance from the casket but at no time to touch it or the
contents. The authenticity of each experiment was attested by a full scrutinizing Committee of
prominent people.

Dr Jule Eisenbud of Denver, Colorado, has recently published a book called "The World of Ted
Serios". Mr Serios can produce thought images on a photographic emulsion but not with certainty.
After two years of well-controlled experiments, over 20 doctors of science, medicine, physics and
psychology attested to the validity of the experiments in which they took part. The score of
successful shots was approximately 20 percent.

In 1950, at the Delawarr Laboratories, with the aid of Mr L. Corte, a series of photographs was
taken, using apparatus containing a magnet and lenses to ensure repeatability. The images obtained
were of an extra-dimensional character and over 10,000 exposures were taken during 9 years work.
The score of successful shots was 90 percent and Fig. 3 is an example of a thought photograph
produced on the Delawarr Camera.

A technique of using a state of magnetic rapport between a distant person and the camera operator

was developed. Such an advanced technique is unknown to science but may well be understood in
the field of ESP. Fig. 4 shows the effect of tuning the apparatus in to a distant person for Ulceration
of the Duodenum. It transpired that the person had recently had an operation on the duodenum and
the stitches had become septic.

Hundreds of similar exposures have been taken over the past 17 years and may be inspected at the
Laboratories. All work on the Camera was slowed down in 1960 for financial reasons and it is
important that work should be resumed while Mr Corte is still able to produce the phenomenon and
also in order to find other potential operators. It may also be possible to provide a service for
probing disease problems in humans, animals and plants from an entirely new aspect.

[ A Thoughtograph of a penknife: ]

British Patent # 515,866

"Method and Apparatus for Obtaining Photographic Images of Living and

Other Objects"

Ruth Drown

(December 15, 1939)

The present invention relates to a method of and means for obtaining photographic images of parts
of the human body or of other objects. One object of my invention is to enable accurate photographs
of healthy and diseased parts of living bodies somewhat similar to x-ray photography to be obtained
in simple and easily applied manner. Another object is to provide a compact, portable apparatus for
obtaining photographic images according to the invention.

It is believed that the action obtained by my present method consists in activating the flow of
electrons of the unidirectional flow of current from the battery or other equivalent source and the
radiant energy of the body being examined.

In pursuance of the foregoing and according to my present invention a method of obtaining

photographic images of living and other objects and more particularly human beings consists in
subjecting a highly sensitized photographic plate or film to an electromotive force so as to produce a
field thereon and providing means susceptible to the influence of invisible energy rays or electrons
of the atoms of the object to be photographed to produce a change in voltage drop across an
electrical circuit to correspondingly influence said field.

The apparatus for carrying out the invention does comprise a light-sensitive cell, a uni-directional
source of current connected at the negative side of the cathode of the light-sensitive cell and at the
positive side to the anode of the cell. A series of impedance rheostats connected so as to have a

condenser action and connected in parallel with the cell and the source of energy, a rectifier, and a
photographing device comprising the opposed plates of a fixed condenser between which film or
plate is located, said rheostats being connected across one of the plates of the condenser and the cell
plates, and the other plate of the condenser being connected to the filtered negative side of the said

In carrying an embodiment of my invention into practice it should be understood that the latent
image is carried to the sensitized surface by means of a magnetic field having certain lines of force
and the thickness or width of the field, i.e., transverse to the shortest distance between the negative
and positive points, can vary from 1/32 of an inch to an inch. This field, when applied across a
sensitized surface, spreads or is trapped to the plane of such surface and by action of a suitable
developer the image of the field can be printed. Consequently, if the potential of the applied force is
varied by using the electronic or light ray influence of the object to be photographed to affect the
photo-electric cell included in the circuit of the apparatus, the lines of force will be correspondingly
varied on the plate.

In practice the subject to be photographed is placed close to the photo-electric cell and it is found
that the radiant energy of the subject impinges on the cathode of the tube resulting in an increasingly
higher resistance placed across the cell. Such increase will cause an exceedingly minute change of
the current in the anode circuit, in turn producing a change in the voltage drop across the circuit,
such voltage drop or change in potential being led through the selecting or tuning section constituted
by the rheostat. That is to say a photoelectric cell is used to isolate a particular section to be
photographed and in doing so it pictures changes in electromotive force in an electrical circuit, such
changes of the electromotive force being utilized to excite the circuit producing a field across a
highly sensitized emulsion surface, the resulting distortion or change of the lines of force across said
surface producing an image which can be developed chemically. Suitable apparatus for achieving
this result is illustrated by the appended sheets of drawings wherein:--

Figure 1 is a diagrammatic view of a complete circuit.


Figure 2 is a sectional side elevation view of a portable casing accommodating the cell, rheostat or
tuning device, photographic plate holder and circuit wiring.

Figure 3 is a detail sectional plan view showing one of the adjustable tuning devices, a number of
which are suitably connected in the circuit as shown diagrammatically in Figure 1, and assembled
on a panel in the portable casing as shown in font and broken rear elevations in Figure 4, and
Figure 5 respectively.

Referring to the drawings a source of direct or unidirectional current 1 is connected by its negative
filter 4 which can consist of coils of insulated wire or solenoids wound on both iron cores and air
cores and in series. The source of potential may be a battery carried in the portable casing 5 so that
the apparatus can be self-contained and available for use anywhere. The positive side of the source 1
is connected to the anode of the cell 3. Connected across the anode and a rectifier 7 is one, or
preferably as shown, a plurality of series-coupled impedance rheostats 8 which are constructed to
act as condensers, the rectifier 7 being in turn connected to the filtered negative side of the source 1
so that the rheostats are in parallel with the circuit of the battery and cell. This rectifier may be a

quartz-crystal type, a vacuum tube rectifier, a rectifier of the oxide type or a chemical rectifier. A
pair of large surface area (in relation to their thickness) conducting plates 9 and 10 are located in
narrowly spaced relationship, e.g., after the manner of a fixed condenser and are connected in
parallel with a rectifier. This condenser device forms in effect a photographing device because
between them is interposed a highly sensitized plate or film.

With the source of the potential connected as shown there will always be a difference of potential
between the cathode and anode of the cell, the anode being positive to the cathode by reason of the
applied direction of polarity of the source of potential.

In practice the object to be examined is placed close to the surface of the cathode so that the
invisible light rays or radiation will always be a difference of potential between the cathode and
anode of the cell, the anode being positive to the cathode by reason of the applied direction of
polarity of the source of potential.

In practice the object to be examined is placed close to the surface of the cathode so that the
invisible light rays or radiation will impinge upon the cathode resulting in negative electrons being
emitted from the cathode. This places a negative potential on the anode and an increased resistance
is placed across the cell resulting in an exceedingly minute change of current in the anode circuit.
Because of this change in current there will be a voltage drop across the circuit which is led through
the selecting or tuning section constituted by the rheostats.

The changes in dielectric stress of the condenser-like arrangement of plates 9 and 10 caused by the
changes of potential applied to the plates 9 and 10, produces corresponding changes in the field
which is contained in the sensitized surface of the photographic plate or film. This field is in the
nature of a magnetic field with appropriate line sof force depending upon the particular settings of
the tuning device constituted by the impedance rheostats 8. As the tuned-in electromotive force
which produces the field is varies or regulated by the energy derived from the nervous system or
organism of the living object being photographed, the field is varied accordingly.

The tuning device can comprise any suitable number of rheostats connected in series as shown in
Fig. 1 to afford a wide variety of adjustment. Each rheostat comprises a plurality of conductor studs
14 arranged in an arcuate path about a center conductor pivot pin 15 from which radiates a contact
16engaging the studs singly. Each stud is lined with an insulating sleeve 17 about which is wound a
wire 18 so that there is a capacity between the wire and the conductor stud 14. The windings 18 are
in series for each rheostat, and the conductor pivot pin 15 of each rheostat is connected to the first
winding of the next rheostat in succession as shown in Fig. 1. Such an arrangement affords a wide
range of fine tuning, the impedance formed in the circuit being determined by the number of
windings selected.

The rheostats can be mounted on a panel 19 fixed in the portable casing 5. A switch 20 for making
and breaking the circuit of the battery can be provided on this panel, and the photo-electric cell 3
can be plugged into a socket 21 on the base of the casing between the panel 19 and a partition 22
separating a compartment 23 containing the condenser plates 9 and 10. Immediately above the space
between these two plates is a narrow lid 24 adapted to light seal the compartment 23, and to be
opened for insertion and removal of a mount containing the photographic plate or film.

Having now particularly described and ascertained the nature of my said invention and in what
manner the same is to be performed, I declare that what I claim is: -- [ Claims not included here ]

French Patent # 1,084,318


"Perfectionnements a la Recherche dune Radiation Fondamentale"

George De La Warr

(18 January 1955)

European Patent Office (Adobe PDF files):

The Mark I Radionic Camera


George De La Warr

British Patent # 2,236,647

"Electromagnetic Radionic Camera"

James B. Bage

This invention relates to a method of obtaining photographic images of healthy and diseased parts of
the human body, animals, birds, insects, trees, bushes, flowers, plants, seeds, psychic phenomena,
and other inanimate objects.

The camera can be housed in its entirety in a case measuring 33 cm x 49 cm x 14 cm, making it a
completely portable unit. According to the present invention, the camera functions through the
medium of harnessing the energy rays emitted from a donor Body, from which the sample has been
taken, and subjecting the electrical circuit of this invention to this emitted energy from the donor
Body, which is then led through a tuning device consisting of multi variable potentiometers or
impedance rheostats, to the conducting plates, between which the film or photographic paper has
been placed.

A specific embodiment of the invention will now be described by way of example with reference to
the accompanying drawing in which Figure 1 shows a diagrammatic plan of the complete circuit
together with the conductor plates.

The requirements necessary to implement functioning of the EM Radionic Camera to produce

photographic images are:

(1) Electrical source of power. Can be a battery or mains electricity

(2) On/Off switch of the simple make and break type.
(3) Timer.
(4) Amplifier.
(5) Infrared sensor
(6) Potentiometers. These can be of the multi selective type with single specific values counting
from 0 to 10. Where more than one of this type of potentiometer is used, they must be wired or
connected in series.
(7) Filters. These can consist of coils of insulated wire. Solenoids wound on both iron and air cores
in series.
(8) Positive conductor plate. Can be made of copper, silver or any suitable conducting material.
(9) Negative conducting plate. Materials as (8).

The required photographic paper, or film, and the donor Body sample required in order to take a
photographic image, are not shown in Diagram 1.

The positive side of the circuit is wired from the positive terminal of the power source (1) in
Diagram 1 to the on/off switch (2) to the timer (3) to the amplifier (4) to the infrared sensor (5) to
the potentiometers (6) to the positive conducting plate (8).

The Negative side of the circuit is wired from the negative terminal of the power source (1) to the
amplifier (4) to the filters (7) to the negative conducting palte (9).

Infrared Sensor ~

The IR sensor acts as a shutter of the camera and is affected b\through the introduction of the donor
Body sample to the proximity of the IR sensor, that is to say, that the sensor is used to isolate a
selected area to be photographed, and in so doing, produces changes in the electromotive force in
the electrical circuit. These changes of force are utilized to excite the circuit, producing an
electromagnetic field, which isled through the potentiometers, resulting in distortion or change of of
the lines of force that spread across the emulsion face of the film or photographic paper, producing a
photographic image that can be chemically developed.

The Amplifier ~

The amplifier is required to amplify the energy introduced into the circuit via the sample from the
donor Body.

The Potentiometers ~

The potentiometers are connected in series so as to produce a condenser action. They are multi
adjustable, each one being able to be set from 0 to 10. They do in fact act as a tuning device. The
potentiometers are positioned between the power source (1) and the positive conducting plate (8).

Negative and Positive Conducting Plates ~

The negative conducting plate (9) and the positive conducting plate (8) act as a photographic device,
in effect as fixed condensers. They can be spaced between 8mm and 25 mm apart, between which
the film or photographic paper is placed.

The invention relates to a method of obtaining photographic images as previously described. The
action consists in subjecting a photographic plate, film, or photographic paper to an electromotive
force so as to produce an EM field which provides a means susceptible to the energy rays or
electrons of the atoms of the object or area to be photographed.

To produce a change in voltage drop across an electrical circuit to correspondingly influence the
aforementioned EM field, via a sample from the donor Body, this sample can be of blood, hair,
sputum, handwriting, etc., or any part of the subject or subject matter to be photographed. When the
sample from the donor Body is presented to the IR sensor, the energy transmitted from the donor
Body to the sample produces sufficient energy to effect a change in the circuit by way of a minute
voltage drop, this in turn is led through the tuning potentiometers and influences the said EM field
by reason of the applied direction of polarity of the source of the potential.

Description ~

The camera functions through the medium of harnessing the energy rays emitted by the donor Body
via a sample from the donor Body. This sample can be of a blood spot, hair, sputum, handwriting,
or any part of the donor Body. In practice, a sample from the donor Body is placed close to the
surface of the IR sensor (5) so that the energy rays or radiations will impinge upon the cathode of
the IR sensor (5), resulting in negative electrons being emitted from the cathode. This in turn places
a negative potential on the anode circuit, resulting in an increased resistance being placed across the
IR sensor, resulting in a minute change of current in the anode circuit.

Due to this change in current, there will be a voltage drop across the circuit. This voltage drop is led
through the potentiometers (6) which are used as the selection or tuning device. The tuning is
effected by setting the energy pattern of the area to be photographed numerically on the
potentiometers (6).

The change in dielectric stress of the condenser-like arrangement of conducting plates (8) and (9)
caused by the change of potential applied to the conducting plates (8) and (9) produces
corresponding changes in the EM field which is contained in the emulsion face of the photographic
paper or film. This field is in the nature of an EM field with appropriate lines of force, depending
upon the particular setting, set numerically on the potentiometers or tuning device (6).

As the tuned EM force which produces the field is varied or regulated by the energy derived from
the nervous system or organism of the donor Body being photographed, the EM field is varied

The tuning device can be comprised of any suitable number of potentiometers (6) connected in
series to afford a wide range of selection. The potentiometers are capable of tuning on a scale of 0 to

In order to be able to take a photograph, you have to dial in the energy pattern of the area to be
photographed on the potentiometers (6). For example, if we wished to photograph Cancer of the
Spine that the donor Body is suffering from, we would dial in number 5 on the first potentiometer,
0 on the second, 2 on the third, 4 on the fourth, 2 on the fifth, 7 on the sixth, 9 on the seventh
potentiometer. This is the energy pattern of Cancer of the Spine expressed numerically, as 5024279.

The camera is now set to photograph Cancer of the Spine. Using the sample from our donor Body to
act as a catalyst we trigger the action needed to effect the photograph.

In fact, what happens is that the donor Body is in tune with the sample taken from it, and that energy
is passing between the donor Body and the sample in a continuous stream. Time and distance are

When the sample is presented to the IR sensor (5), energy generated by the donor Body flows
through the sample in sufficient strength to effect negative electrons being emitted from the cathode
of the IR sensor (5). This in turn places a negative potential on the anode of the IR sensor (5),
resulting in an increased resistance being placed across the IR sensor, which in turn results in a
minute change of current in the anode circuit.

Due to this change in current, a voltage drop is effected. This voltage drop is led through the
potentiometers (6) on which we had set our energy pattern for Cancer of the Spine, expressed
numerically as 5023279. The energy pattern being carried on this EM field flows on to, and
becomes trapped in the emulsion face of the film or photographic paper. Developing the film results
in a picture of Cancer of the Spine, that the donor Body is suffering from, and from which can only
be obtained by use of the donor Body sample.

The camera will produce the same photograph effect when a numerically expressed energy pattern is
selected on the Potentiometers (6) and the same donor Body sample is used. No other criteria is
required to obtain repetitive results.

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A.S.S.E.:Costituito il gruppo di ricerca sul disco di Faraday (e non solo)

Dopo il memorabile articolo di Valerio Rizzi sul generatore omopolare, sul quale sono stati riportati risultati
incoraggianti, l'interesse di molti soci dell'A.S.S.E per questo dispositivo notevolmente aumetato nel tempo e
le persone interessate sono state messe in contatto tra di loro tramite Malgarini. Se non bastasse, Sgarlata ha
messo il tamburo (proprio quello in copertina su A.S. n.24) a nostra disposizione, tanto da interessare alcuni
soci di Roma. Ma Franco, oltre a partecipare alla ricerca del disco omopolare, ha anche un secondo progetto:
una via di mezzo tra il "bingo fuel", vedi il sito di Naudin, e la fusione fredda: piano piano, sta cercando
realizzare entrambe le cose.
Per chi interessato a uno dei due progetti, l'e-mail per contattarci quella di sempre:

Finalmente la Eolo?

29/3/2004 - La Eolo, se ricordate, stato uno dei primi Rumour di questa rubrica. Quest'auto, di concezione
altamente ecologica e alimentata ad aria compressa, pare entrer in produzione fra due mesi. Dopo la
presentazione dell'auto, infatti, c' stato un lungo periodo di silenzio inframezzato da qualche articolo di rivista
o su web. Ma questa volta sembra che ci siamo.
Essendo la notizia di marzo, con tutta probabilit, mentre state leggendo queste righe probabile sia gi in
produzione o, comunque, in imminente uscita.


Riflessioni: Osservazioni sui Buchi Neri

Ammesso e non concesso che, un raggio di luce colpisca un buco nero, come pu esso trattenere lo stesso se
privo di massa? Essendo la gravit generata dalla massa? Quindi se non c' gravit senza massa, chi crea questa
super gravit? I buchi neri non esistono! Esistono le super masse, costituite da materiale interstellare
superpesante che non permettono quindi neanche alla luce di essere riflessa, apparendo a noi come un buco

Stefano Ciamei, collaboratore di Franco Montefuscoli

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