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Ingls II

MV-U2-Actividad 2. Lectura
Reading Comprehension

-Name: David Judah Garcia Salas

- Matrcula: A07125882
- Nombre del curso: Ingles ll
- Nombre de la actividad: MV-U2-Actividad 2. Lectura
- Nombre del tutor: Elda Machado
- Fecha de entrega: 08 de Agosto 2016


1. Lee el siguiente texto que narra una pequea biografa.

2. Practica tu comprensin de lectura, evaluando como Falso o
Verdadero algunos enunciados acerca del texto.

My father is a man who I respect, admire, and who has an unusual

and interesting character. In order to understand him, you have to
know where he comes from and a few important events in his life.

He was born in 1947 in Brooklyn, New York. As a child, he ran free

and played stick-ball with the kids in his neighborhood. Later, as a
young man, he joined the army and was sent to Germany with his
new wife, where his first child was born. When they he finished his
time in the army, he took his wife and newborn son to live in
Vermont, where he dedicated himself to a long and innovative
teaching career. He continued part-time in the army while did his
Masters degree, working full-time, and raising his family. In both
his personal life as well as professional life, you can see reflected
his free-spirit nature that he gained from his youth on the streets
on New York combine with the discipline he learned from the army.


Stick-ball: se juega parecido a bisbol, pero con un palo muy delgado y una pelota
chica y se jugaba en las calles de las ciudades.
he dedicated himself: se dedic.
innovative: creativo.
full-time: tiempo complete.
free-spirit nature: intrpido.

Mark each statement as True or False. Write your answer in the blank. The
first one has been done as an example.
Ingls II

Marca cada oracin como Verdadero o Falso. Escribe tus respuestas en el

espacio en blanco. La primera oracin es un ejemplo.

1) The author does not respect his father. __ False__

2) The author says that you have to know where his father comes from so you
can understand him. __True___
3) The authors father lived in Germany. ___True_____
4) The authors father never took his wife or son to Germany. ___True___
5) The authors father never left the army. ___False____
6) The authors father has a Masters degree. ___True____
7) The authors father learned discipline from the army. ___True___

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