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December 9th

Title: The Human Eye Subject SNC2P

Time: 8:05am-9:25am Strand: Light & Optics

Desired Results

Lesson Description
The purpose of this lesson is to give the students a general understanding of what the
eyeball is and how it works. This will also provide the students with an understanding of
how lenses work. The focus over the next two classes is the human eye, although
specifically focusing on vision problems.
With an emphasis on vision problems this lesson will first give the students a general idea
of how the eye works. The beginning of the class will start with a Bill Nye video on the
eyeball. This will help to intrigued the students, and give them a base for the eye.
Next we will go through a handout that describes and gives examples of how lenses work,
and what relation lenses have to our sight.

Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations

E1. Analyze how properties of light and colour are applied in technology and the impact
of these technologies on society;
E2. Investigate, through inquiry, properties of light, and predict its behaviour in mirrors
and as it passes through different media;
E3. Demonstrate an understanding of characteristics and properties of light, particularly
with respect to reflection and refraction and the addition and subtraction of colour.

Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations

E2.3 use an inquiry process to investigate the re- fraction of light as it passes through a
variety of media

Lesson Goal
To understand the important features of the eye
To understand how lenses affect our sight
To understand what happens when light hits our eye

Success Criteria
I understand how lenses help us see
I understand the features of the eye
I can explain what happens when light comes into our eye

Assessment Mode: oral/ performance/ written, Assessment Strategy, Assessment Tool
Label the eye diagram handout
Discuss the videos watched in class


Youtube videos

Lesson Format: What Teachers Do/Say

Motivational Hook/engagement /introduction (5-10 min) Minds on

Introductory video of why the eye is important and why it is such an essential part
of the body
The video will also give the students an idea of how the eye produces sight

During /working on it/action (Hands on) What the students are doing
Watch a Bill Nye video
Go through and label the eye parts diagram
Discuss note on lenses

After: Consolidation: Reflect and Connect (10 min)

Lotto max draw
Kahoot game

Extension Activities/Next Steps

The knowledge from this lesson will contribute to the units end test

Special Education Notes: Differentiated Instruction considerations/accommodations/


Videos for visual learners

Fill in the blank notes
Accommodations for students includes:
Extended time for work
Reduced amount of written work
Visual learning
Frequent breaks
Lenses Handout

A lens is a transparent object used to refract (change the direction of) light
Lenses can be classified into converging and diverging based on how they refract light


A converging lens is thicker in the middle and thinner at the edges

When parallel light rays pass through a converging lens, they are refracted.


A diverging lens is thinner in the middle and thicker on the edges

Light rays are refracted and spread
The Human Eye

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