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The US and South Korea are planning to hold a major war games

exercise in the Yellow Sea sometime this month following the

very successful US political manoeuvring in the UNSC recently.
The US is certainly a very evil and highly malign influence
in world affairs. It has greatly corrupted and putrefied many
nations and societies around the world while in many other
places it has brought untold havoc and widespread suffering to
the unfortunate inhabitants living in them.
Today in places like Iraq, Pakistan and elsewhere, bombs and
explosive devices are always going off, almost all the time,
killing and maiming a lot of helpless innocent civilians.
The helpless civilians there have nothing at all to do with the
political unrests which are now tearing apart their societies as
the troubles there are the direct result of evil US meddling in
such places. The US thinks that it has the undisputed right to
meddle in other countries and then leave them holding the baby,
(so to speak).
The very evil cankers in Washington and the US Pentagon are
almost secretly rubbing their hands in glee at seeing other
people struggling with loads and loads of troubles. When the
inhabitants of other lands are constantly grappling with big
internal unrests and unending civil strife, these evil cankers
know that the US stands to benefit greatly from the situation.
How truly very EVIL the US is.
In Latin america, Africa and Eastern europe, the US nurtured
killer groups of rebels and professional assassins and drug
dealers who all sowed untold havoc and destruction and death.
In S.E.Asia, wanton US meddling allowed the rise of the Khmer
Rouge and later, their state of Kampuchea and then in central
Asia, the US gave birth to al-Qaeda. Now totally unrestrained
US meddling has given birth to various insurgent groups in Iraq,
Pakistan, Yemen and many other places.
These insurgent groups are all highly skilled in the art of
making improvised explosives, (no thanks to the deadly CIA).
The US has deliberately and callously tried to puppetise the
local authorities and governments and as a result countless
bombs and explosive devices are going off all the time.
As such the US is a very, very evil and malign influence for
the world.
Now, the US despite being up to its chin in financial troubles,
is extremely determined to hatch political chaos and quarrels
this time (once more) in the Far East. How VERY EVIL.
The US is a very, very quarrelsome and aggressive entity in the
western Pacifc (aka the Far East). It slaughtered thousands and
thousands of Jap, korean and other civilians with its mighty air
power which unloaded millions of tons of high explosives as well
as very deadly incendiary and chemical (napalm) bombs on these
people. In Vietnam, the US caused the deaths of almost 5 million
native Vietnamese.
Today, its appetite for the blood of the people of the Far East
has still not been fully satiated and so it is trying to stir
up big trouble there. The US despite all its debts and other big
crushing burdens is still so eager and very feverish for another
war to take place in the region.
Year in year out, the US military and their South korean puppets
endlessly engage very enthusiastically in countless war games
as if to mock their North Korean neighbours and to invite them
to come down and fight. How EVIL.
Doesn't the US have other better things to do ? Like keeping your
financial house (affairs) in order or stopping the flow of drugs
across the Mexican border or finding a cure for AIDS, cancer and
other diseases. Ask yourself why your deficit is growing so big
every year. And why is the country so determined to enter Hell.
The US is a very, very evil and malign influence indeed.
The South Koreans have shamelessly offered themselves to become
the unquestioned puppets of the evil US military in the Pacific.
They are even fully ready to slaughter and kill their own family
members just to please their evil masters. How EVIL.
Do the South koreans know that outside the UN HQ, there is a statue
or sculpture or monument that offers to tell people something about
turning swords into ploughshares and spears into pruning hooks ?
Clearly, the South Korean puppets are more keen to turn farming
implements into weapons of war and their tractors into killing
machines just to please their evil US masters who only have one
thing in mind, the need to quench its big thirst for human blood.
South korea is definitely prostrating itself at the feet of very
EVIL warmongers who have absolutely no mercy for anyone seen
or considered to be weak and therefore regarded as easy prey.
These warmongers can never get tired of demanding blood and even
the flesh of humans who are not as strong as them. How EVIL.
The US has become the dwelling place of creatures that escaped from
the depths of the netherworld. The South koreans are now so keen to
keep them company on account of their silly and totally unjustified
hatred for their own kith and kin. The Cheonan incident was clearly
a very, very carefully orchestrated event designed to unleash a new
war in the Far East. To force brother to kill brother. How EVIL.
The US is extremely aggressive and very eager for war. It worships
war. It loves the sights and sounds of combat and the smell of fresh
human blood. Above all, it loves to see the lands belonging to other
people lying in ruins and the helpless civilians treated or regarded
like so much cheap and plentiful fodder. How VERY EVIL.
The rest of the free world must stand up and tell the US and their
south korean puppets to cease their aggressive and barbaric antics
and go to Hell. Why so keen and eager for war ? Still not satisfied
with the earlier killings ? Still very keen on achieving worldwide
domination and wanton puppetising ?
The world MUST boycott the next G20 meeting that is to be held in
Seoul this coming November. The city is now the chosen dwelling
place of murderers and merciless assassins and evil princes from
the depths of Hades. Ask them to go back to where they came from.
Stop travelling to Seoul this November. Do NOT make any pilgrimage
to the den of very EVIL murderers and killers. To hell with them.
The free world MUST never forget how dangerous the US is to peace,
happiness, prosperity and security of all the inhabitants of Earth.
It is the most evil and malign entity and its intentions are full
of very unrestrained evil. Ask the people of Pakistan or Iraq or
the people of many, many other places who have so helplessly fallen
victim to boundless US intrigue.
Boycott this coming November G20 meet in Seoul.
To hell with those very despicable south korean puppets !!!

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