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Vegans choose their diet for a variety of reasons.
Many abstain from animal products because they
find factory farming cruel and inhumane. Others
believe that animal agriculture destroys the
environment. And some simply view veganism as a
healthy diet -- one inherently low in fat, calories, and
cholesterol and high in fiber and vitamins.


Vegetarian: someone who doesn't eat meat. Contrary to
what we might think, a vegetarian die is really varied and
contains quite tasty and nutritious dishes. Typical
ingredientes of a vegetarian diet are vegetables, legumes,
pasta and fruit.

Vegan: someone who doesn't eat any animal product,

including milk, eggs or honey .



According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization the

livestock sector alone creates 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

cost of vegetarian diets can often be less expensive especially in countries
where meat is scarce

Example: meat alternatives such as tofu often provides adequate protein for
much less than beef or chicken


Personal decisions such as trying to stop the mass torture of animals can be
considered as a pro for some people.


Religion is a personal decision that can be considered as a pro for some

people as well

CONS: (Ctia)
A major con to a vegetarian diet is Inadequate Nutrition

If someone has chosen a vegetarian diet and is unaware of how to a

form an adequate diet they may risk a deficiency in protein, iron, zinc,
calcium, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D and Vitamin B12. These
deficiencies may lead to a lack of energy and focus in everyday life.

Another risk is having an unhealthy vegetarian diet full of junk food

like french fries and cookies because of lack of education of how to
formulate a healthy vegetarian diet. This uneducated diet will lead to
a diet high in fats, sugar and salt.

vegan children are often shorter and lighter then meat-eating

children, and vegan children have to eat adult portions to get enough
nutrients (and can often feel full before theyve finished eating

Very Time consuming

The constant checking of labels to see if a product contains meat or

having to ask workers at restaurants if items on the menu contain
animal products can be more time then people may want to put into
their food selection.

Can be Inconvenient
In specific lifestyles where people are used to taking prepared food or
eating out a lot becoming a vegetarian can be difficult because
vegetarian options may not be available or as convenient.

With the increase of vegetarianism however options are becoming

significantly more available in cafeterias and restaurants.


Day 1: Breakfast- Cinnamon Apple Oatmeal; Lunch-
Vegan soup; Snack- Sliced Bell Peppers; Dinner-
Day 2- Cereal; Quinoa; Apples na carrots; Lentil
Artichoke stew

"I do feel that spiritual

progress does demand at
some stage that we should
cease to kill our fellow
creatures for the
satisfaction of our bodily
wants." (Catarina)
Being a vegan and not eating animals is not a
modern concept. All throughout history, humans
have made choices to not eat animals. Including
Mohandas Gandhi in a group of vegetarians. Gandhi
wrote extensively about vegetarianism and once
said that "I do feel that spiritual progress does
demand at some stage that we should cease to kill
our fellow creatures for the satisfaction of our bodily


A diet almost based on plants, nigh always brings
health benefits because these food provides
nutrients phytochemicals (that prevent heart
diseases and cancer), fiber (which doesn't exist in
animal products and prevent obesity) and nutrients
which avid chronic diseases.
There's good evidence that vegetarians have blood
levels lower cholesterol than people who eat meat,
and vegans have even lower levels. Being vegan
can be a way to control high cholesterol, diabetes
and high blood pressure. Vegans are less likely to
suffer heart attacks.
It's all about health...
Vegetarian and vegan diets, since balanced, are
appropriate for athletes, and may even bring many
benefits, for example, the famous american athlete
Carl Lewis, winner of 10 Olympic medals, said that
after he became vegan had his best year ever as
vegans at sports:
Fauja Singh
: indian marathon runner, he became the first
centenarian to complete a marathon.
John Salley:
Ex NBA basketball player
Killer Kowalski
: legendary wrestling fighter.


propor o debate? eu depois posso fazer esta
According to an american study, "eating lettuce is
over three times worse in greenhouse gas emissions
then eating bacon. Lots of common vegetables
require more resources per calorie than you would
think. Eggplant, celery and cucumbers look
particularly bad when compared to pork or chicken".
If these findings seem surprising having in mind
what we know about the impact of meat on the
environment, you're not alone. You're also not
wrong- meat production does take a high toll on the
environment. Vegetarian food requires a higher
consumption of water and energy than cattle, for
The study compares the environmental cost of
vegetable production with another type of food, like
pork, and concludes that vegetarian food is more
harmful to the environment as regards the
emissions of pollutants and consumption of natural
This same research concludes that from cultivation
to consumption, diet recommended by the American
Heath authorities would increase to 38% in energy
consumption, 10% water and 6% in the emission of
greenhouse effect.

Acrescentem mais coisas se quiserem onde for

a vossa parte (Joo e Catarina)
Ctia! Podes eliminar algumas coisas nos
pros and cons, no precisas de dizer aquilo

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