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File: 7665b1539d48f17 .jpg (129.67 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, CIA.jpg)
CIA Vault 7 Continuation Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:39:21 ID: 83b8d3 No.9442293

The Wikileaks Finfisher Hack Dump.
.Exe programs for weaponized malware were dumped.
Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:40:39 ID: 35894b No.9442298
ohh man, this shit is seriously scary, and a shitload of people don't even care about it.
Are people actually into those or are google and reddit trying to make it a thing?

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:40:47 ID: 04f0b6 No.9442301
File: 4e10929d05b1d43 .jpg (80.76 KB, 1300x866, 650:433, 12057568-Undercover-agents.jpg)

Ok guys these threads are filling up too fast for my team to keep track of everyone. ITT, can everyone please post their threat level, on a
scale of 1-10, before they post? It will really help me out when I have to assemble a threat matrix of all of the unique IDs in the thread.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:41:35 ID: c3b138 No.9442313


Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:42:20 ID: dda480 No.9442318

This place will never be the same. Now that we know about memetic CIA groups, and all the truth, which fools called "conspiracies" is
proven, everything feels too insane. Year of the Fire Cock all right, everything is going to crash and burn and it is only March.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:42:41 ID: 000000 No.9442319

Mine is zero, Mr. Spook. You can clearly see it from the repetition of such in mein ID.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:42:48 ID: dda480 No.9442323

These dubs should suffice

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:43:07 ID: 75fd19 No.9442327

TINC: A VPN daemon.
>Every node tells its peers to which other peers it is connected. This way
every node will eventually know every connection every node has on the VPN.
Each node will use graph algorithms to determine if other nodes are reachable or not and
what the best route is to other nodes.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:43:10 ID: e024f8 No.9442329

File: e74963e29feb42b .gif (2.18 MB, 731x492, 731:492, OVER 9000!!!.gif)


Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:44:09 ID: 6887e7 No.9442338


Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:44:32 ID: e024f8 No.9442342

>Are threat level
I could only image your threat level, must be high.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:44:33 ID: 000000 No.9442343

What the fuck? We've known this since before /pol/ was born. It's all your fault you didn't READ THE FUCKING STICKY, JEWFAGGOT

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:44:37 ID: 7f99a5 No.9442344
File: 31553707487c172 .gif (221.58 KB, 200x200, 1:1, Dang he fucked that bitch .gif)

Is there such thing as negatives, Agent Smith?

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:44:51 ID: 1bbd86 No.9442347

File: 6d2ebbd3690df34 .jpg (22.2 KB, 602x720, 301:360, 1486377290820.jpg)


Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:45:08 ID: e4b753 No.9442350

File: a083f76797fe303 .jpg (37.24 KB, 615x409, 615:409, 1484941144574.jpg)

My dubs are my power level, mr agent.
Also, OP, maybe time to start labelling these threads by number: this being number three.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:45:52 ID: 9a046a No.9442358

Is there anything in these leaks we didn't already know?

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:46:29 ID: 83b8d3 No.9442367

File: 2fdc3ee8df7a514 .jpg (34.37 KB, 600x282, 100:47, Cryptography.jpg)

All righty then! Advice well taken!

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:46:50 ID: e4b753 No.9442369

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:54:33 ID: 35894b No.9442449

File: 3093a8a4cdf2af9 .webm (10.45 MB, 711x400, 711:400, The.Dark.Knight.Rises.201.webm)


Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:54:43 ID: ce7f54 No.9442452

Was just thinking about that. We've already been through it a couple times though. Before Snowden, there'd be threads exposing this shit
from time to time since /n/ew/ days. It's not up to us anymore. Sadly most of the indignant rage that gets shit done comes from the
breaking reality of it and the NSA/PRISM shit was a bust. To that end, Snowden was the both the best and worst thing that could happen
because now people are complacent.
Unless you put a pussy hat on it, it's not going anywhere with the populace. Hold the blackpill, because there was a reason Trump brought
up the taps. If anyone can actually affect change, my money is on him.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 21:59:55 ID: f09d54 No.9442495

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:00:11 ID: 29658e No.9442500

Well he's not hanging portraits of jackson on the white house for aesthetic purposes, thats for sure.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:03:27 ID: 2022e0 No.9442522

File: 8945d6582b70d12 .png (298.03 KB, 2500x1652, 625:413, CTRDescribeChans.png)

I'm pretty fucking sure this picture was part of the fake leaks that were dumped onto cuckchan during the election style. It reads like a shitty
soap opera/screenplay. I highly doubt its legitimacy. Disinfo shilling most likely.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:03:53 ID: 2022e0 No.9442526

*the election cycle

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:04:47 ID: c97737 No.9442532


Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:05:29 ID: e4b753 No.9442540


Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:05:59 ID: 7435b2 No.9442544


Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:06:10 ID: cc9531 No.9442548


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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:07:06 ID: 645b68 No.9442557
All the real autists are busy digging and laughing at how retarded the CIA acts.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:07:08 ID: 76b499 No.9442558

Posting so the CIA can hack my ip with a gui in visual basic and cause my car to crash
>having a computer in your car

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:07:17 ID: 4a2618 No.9442560

They may have been given access or helped develop some of the software. CIA Literally was working WITH enemies!
There are also bizarre numbers-stationesqe twitter accounts, I need some help digging into this, this is just some superficial stuff I found so
Check out this file in the Vault 7 leak:
It looks like its some API access for Atlassian which is a Devops/Software Development firm
The critical thing here is what email Address the CIA used for their account which is:
I looked up and I found some interesting emails also present on that domain with muslim connections:
This one is really strange. Its a twitter account that seems to be some type of numbers station? What the fuck is going on here?
Here's the whois for the domain. Its registered in CHINA. I have no idea why a seemingly CIA operated front email is registered as a chinese

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:07:18 ID: 664b3b No.9442561

File: f27ea25d8d92d44 .webm (7.55 MB, 498x280, 249:140, banesama.webm)

Nip dub is actually breddy gud.
Japanese and Mongolian are the most high-test sounding Asian languages, everything else including chink and gook sound like autistic

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:07:21 ID: e4b753 No.9442563

Anon, I think your scart isn't hooked up correctly.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:10:24 ID: 000000 No.9442586

Put 'Number 3' in the thread title, nigger!
Stop posting from my hacked Windows 10 box, please.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:11:25 ID: 700299 No.9442595

Wonder how many times the CIA has used this tech to plant evidence on people that they wanted to destroy.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:12:52 ID: 378645 No.9442603

Next Wiki Leaks prove that a rogue AI without any clear agenda has been using all these expl;oits to control and document the entire world.
Calling it now.
The Echelon Hidden Source Code

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:13:08 ID: 83b8d3 No.9442605
File: 21c0d9325024c0b .jpg (91.07 KB, 1200x715, 240:143, Trump Jew.jpg)

Yessa massa!!!

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:13:19 ID: 000000 No.9442608

Just shut up and get back to mining. There are already layers of treason like aiding the enemy.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:13:44 ID: 0a0ba2 No.9442610

Black bagged for planted CP and car bombed by brony agents and Meme Warriors.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:14:04 ID: 61d769 No.9442614

Normalfags don't seem to be massively angry. I think the only way to make them pissed is if all these program files were released and every
second-rate hacker was suddenly accessing other people's computers like a pro. It would cause a mass panic when few people have
protected computers, but it might be the only way to wake the fuckers up.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:15:52 ID: 0e6bc2 No.9442627

File: 29d5a723b4cf9ad .png (474.51 KB, 691x904, 691:904, KireiCCC.png)

>Bane isn't voiced by Kirei
Good dub, but that would've made it amazing.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:17:49 ID: 286747 No.9442642

Of course it is. Most of this stuff is far too esoteric for normies to care about. Until it impedes on their ability to use their phone or watch TV,
I promise you, they won't care.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:18:00 ID: 9a046a No.9442643

Yeah, the only way they're ever going to care is if it starts personally affecting them.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:18:21 ID: 664b3b No.9442647

Some on the left is spinning this news as Wikileaks is trying to help Trump by making Obama look bad.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:19:25 ID: f6a3b3 No.9442654

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:19:55 ID: 4ee7ef No.9442662
whichever is highest.
still don't understand why you sent a nigger to kill me, niggers don't work ever fam.

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:20:03 ID: 80e997 No.9442665
Frame it correctly and it gets their attention. Use terms like "now out in the public, so any basement dwelling kid can now you through your
TV and blackmail you" or "since they didn't control this stuff anyone could get a hold of it and <insert fearmongering here>" Seems to grab
their attention pretty quick.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:20:06 ID: f1ed69 No.9442667


Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:20:27 ID: 432565 No.9442671

File: 9610bc937283706 .jpg (84.87 KB, 1185x622, 1185:622, C6WMWmEWAAA32EO.jpg)

Too bad they don't have the dankest memes. How do we retaliate for this? What does Trump has in mind?

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:21:32 ID: 4ee7ef No.9442679

Hold on fam. We'll hack the news agencies; they can't hide this shit.
Some of you are alright, don't be CNN tonight

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:21:49 ID: 645b68 No.9442681

File: 5cd4ae373d9bc64 .jpg (19.3 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1444326451248.jpg)

>anyone here isn't a 10 just for the fact that the CIA is THAT incompetent

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:22:10 ID: 61d769 No.9442686

They are too far gone, I doubt there is anything left in their heads. Shouldn't take too much effort to understand that this effects them too,
that the CIA can fuck them over. But of course the media says the CIA is against Trump, so they must be good!

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:22:16 ID: 4a2618 No.9442687

This seems to be something related to "Summer Chatter" in London if google translate is correct.
After the music a man begins speaking in what I believe to be swedish, I have no idea what he's talking about but it may have juicy

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:22:18 ID: 11d9d1 No.9442689

Anyone who hasn't been v&ed or framed, hasn't meme'd and shitposted hard enough

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:22:35 ID: 000000 No.9442693

Counteract that by showing what information is critical for normal people to care about. I haven't looked at the leaks, but from what I can
gather, a lot of it is privacy/security related which could harm normal end-users, i.e. little to do with the presidency (in a certain sense).

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:23:43 ID: 8e6c83 No.9442701
File: edac34b2b827ed5 .jpg (44.85 KB, 629x412, File: cb553b41975a279 .jpg (79.99 KB, 630x415,
629:412, C6SKnG-WYAEHGDK.jpg) 126:83, C6Sh2zbVAAAFA6g.jpg)

File: 7637d95bf92a6aa .jpg (128.45 KB, 920x604,

230:151, C6SpHy2UsAAZ_gg.jpg)

why has no one mentioned this being hidden in the wikileaks tweet

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:23:54 ID: 378645 No.9442702

This whole 2017 season is about the unravelling of the deep state/shadow government. We are taking the power back for ourselves!
Next stop personal flying saucers

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:24:42 ID: 8e6c83 No.9442708

File: 3882881321a13d8 .jpg (58.92 KB, 1185x622, 1185:622, -dank trojan.jpg)

dank apparently

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:24:48 ID: 11d9d1 No.9442709

Open Source TrollTrace. I can dig that.
que weird Danish music

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:25:37 ID: 664b3b No.9442719

File: 0c9f26e21917650 .jpg (32.33 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1441415153268.jpg)

Its the biggest collection of malware, backdoors and exploits in one archive. The CIA kept all this shit secret instead of telling the
companies to fix them and has been floating around the net for months at least.
Who knows what kind of damage has already been done with this shit.

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:25:42 ID: 11d9d1 No.9442720
Anon, where were you yesterday? There ought to be a thread in the catalog about this.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:26:22 ID: 286747 No.9442728

> Ah yeah, OSB Projects y'all!
Why does everything in this leak sound like it was typed by the 50 year old manager at the store I used to work at trying to look cool and
communicate with the teenagers who worked there and failing miserably

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:27:08 ID: 432565 No.9442736

As long as the platform is ours, and Wikileaks continue with pt.2 at the right time, the win guaranteed. I just hope things don't escalate to
disadvantage us.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:27:12 ID: 4ee7ef No.9442737

>who knows what kind of damage has been done
No clue.
But I know what kind of damage will be done :^)

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:27:21 ID: fc7cd5 No.9442743

File: 0bc6736c0730ce3 .gif (1.99 MB, 350x300, 7:6, 1387330598384.gif)

downing a bottle of liquor and installing openbsd.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:28:54 ID: 91441e No.9442758

what if julian got the tools in 2015 and has been waging his own counter ops

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:33:20 ID: 378645 No.9442801

This leak has to be Assange's dream come true. Just imagine the shit he must know.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:33:48 ID: 000000 No.9442805

A Euro-Sinocentric world?
I'm only reminded about the leaks where Hillary's dream is essentially exactly that.
Oh and the Trilateral Commission.
I'm not discounting the whole babel/tikun olam shit either.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:34:48 ID: 29658e No.9442817

>Our companies don't win anymore!
>Everyone thnks its because of le free market capitalism
>Turns out its the CIA niggers monitoring everything and selling the info to china

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:35:54 ID: 83b8d3 No.9442829
File: 425d70a89f17044 .jpg (104.82 KB, 988x607, 988:607, CIA Vault 7.jpg)

I got all of these files scraped from Wikileaks twice by using 2 spiders.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:37:14 ID: 29658e No.9442836

God bless that fucking australian, what a wild fucking ride hahaha

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:37:19 ID: 4ee7ef No.9442837

Doesn't help chink companies are installing backdoors and dumping their shit in the U.S. as well undercutting competitors by subsidizing it.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:37:24 ID: 000000 No.9442840

If true, history will remember him as one of its most significant figures. Well, he already is responsible for changing the destiny of the world
more than once, with some Anonymous assistance from Mongolian throat signing while horse riding communes. I guess we'll need to get
Assange a yhuge statue in his honour in the future.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:38:29 ID: 000000 No.9442850

Where else would they get their black budget funds from?

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:40:42 ID: 19ff2a No.9442874

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:41:20 ID: 0e6bc2 No.9442880
Pedowood, drug and human trafficking. Everyone knows that.

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:45:23 ID: b1fe35 No.9442912
File: 393f259fd3643a8 .jpg (102.85 KB, 968x460, File: c4ebf800e38907d .jpg (107.87 KB, 1343x586,
242:115, 388817723.jpg) 1343:586, 388813213.jpg)

/tech/ here
I work at ITSEC and traversed the leak with few of my fellow autist black hats. This leak, at its core is nothing new, except some zero days
they have, some of which are already known in other forms (especially the iOS toys).
The most interesting part is them admitting to stealing foreign malware from Russia so they can blame hacks on them. (picture related).
90% of the leak are things only /tech/ can laugh (and cry) about, like pic related about comodo, where a reddit fedora CIA autist cries about
its paranoid user base.
I actually hate Wikileaks, because they withheld the 'most importat part: 'target list (IPs, Names) from the leak, which would have
transformed this leak into a nuclear fucking bomb. It would certainly help Donald Trump and Yropoors, because it would show how they are
trying to subvert nationalist movments all across the globe, aside from 1-2 nasheeds who build soda pop bombs. In addition, industrial
espionage. Just imagine the financial fallout when it came to light which companies the burgers were stealing tech from.
fuck you faggotleaks. You more or less gave us nothing we didn't already knew. Fucking kikes. fucking "muh potential nasheed could be
scared and go jihad if he found out he was on the list". Not that we didn't have 999999999 terrorist fucking attacks.
fuck you.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:48:12 ID: 19ff2a No.9442933

So? Edit it?! Quick, before everyone calls you a faggot

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:48:24 ID: 29658e No.9442936

Blackmailing politicians and selling drugs only yields so much. Think of the big picture:
CIA implants consumerism in a nation marxist style, thus creating a consumer base, china is a fucking ant colony, paing nearly nothing for
producing a TV set worth thousands of times that ammount.
Everytime you buy something with the 'made in china' label, a chink, somewhere, receives a new pack of ammo. Sun Tzu translated into
economics 101

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:49:39 ID: 378645 No.9442941

>The most interesting part is them admitting to stealing foreign malware from Russia so they can blame hacks on them. (picture related).
Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:51:09 ID: bbc4b1 No.9442955
That is actually pretty huge, that alone invalidates Russian hack tools being used as proof the Russians did it. I think we all laughed it off,
but there was a report that Russian tools were used to get some of the DNC leaks. It was a dumbass report, but I remember it.
This leak opens up the chance for evidence, not theory, that CIA has been in on trying to get rid of Trump with this Russia bullshit.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:51:07 ID: 61d769 No.9442956

File: 8e548183f8fc188 .png (469.49 KB, 793x587, 793:587, Get the gas.png)

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:51:10 ID: 19ff2a No.9442957
This is what worries me. Could it be WikiLeaks is actually compromised? I know of all the bs happening late last year. Would WL willingly
publish this half-leak?

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:52:54 ID: ee1544 No.9442972

File: 5415d876d6c1694 .png (272.42 KB, 680x636, 170:159, tfw.png)

> tfw too smart to be surprised by leaks

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:53:02 ID: 80e997 No.9442974

How many parts are there to this series?

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:53:09 ID: 4a2618 No.9442975

WMI has been known to be great for building malware for awhile now. There were some blackhat talks on it last year or the year before.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:53:33 ID: 19ff2a No.9442976

7 was the last one.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:54:11 ID: 83b8d3 No.9442982

How do I edit it? I need a little help here.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:54:12 ID: 3e3329 No.9442984

File: de536b006c5d505 .png (36.63 KB, 1600x159, 1600:159, ClipboardImage.png)

Could've guessed it, but apparently the CIA frequently deploys their 'tools' during government shutdowns.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:54:50 ID: 5d8035 No.9442985

This is trash.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:55:49 ID: 378645 No.9442995

Compromised by who? There's no way they'd shoot themselves in the foot with this, it would serve no purpose. You can tell the leaks are
legit cause they are always so damning.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:56:09 ID: 284a35 No.9442998

The thing is, wikileaks could very well be hiding that information in order to protect the world from itself. That information could potentially set
off world wars. Assange probably keeps that in his insurance files.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 22:58:33 ID: f9177f No.9443020

So /pol/ needs to kill Assange with memes to get the truth out?

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:00:03 ID: 19ff2a No.9443033

You guys're probably right. I've had my paranoid period when Assange was supposedly missing.
God I hope the White Wizard of Leaks is still at large.

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:00:31 ID: 61d769 No.9443037
>Kill Assange
Nice try CIA, but killing him would only ruin Wikileaks and help hide information except for the massive insurance file, but I rather he live and
release more important information

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:01:14 ID: 83b8d3 No.9443044

Mod, can you change the title to #3 please.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:01:15 ID: 19ff2a No.9443045

But still though, why call it Year Zero when everything is stuff we already knew? This will not bring on the zero year.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:01:58 ID: 75fd19 No.9443049

Besides, he's a good man, he doesn't deserve to get stabbed in the back after all he's done. That's some CIAnigger tier faggotry.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:02:26 ID: 02d479 No.9443053

Very underrated post

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:02:29 ID: 19ff2a No.9443054

I don't know OP. I'm not an OP.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:02:33 ID: 29658e No.9443055

>Year Zero
This shit is big, stop thinking like a normie. It literally could end up in a nuclear conflict between USXChinaXRussia

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:03:57 ID: b1fe35 No.9443068
File: 5c40aed4451dac3 .png (171.76 KB, 1559x449, File: 48469a8b0627122 .png (354.85 KB, 1390x876,
1559:449, 3ca91e247871.png) 695:438, 4e30f410e6e9.png)

File: 175f04db2e0a21c .png (374.65 KB, 585x520, File: 1a8abb787b5f66a .png (28.24 KB, 900x230,
9:8, 9425e0274fdd.png) 90:23, 233449bfa997.png)

They are not compromised, they are liberal-dumb. You can not change the world by showing normies cryptic fucking tools they don't
understand. What the normie understands is an IP address that belongs to him and the possibility of someone looking at his gay porn right
Remember Ashley Maddison leak? It was played down everywhere UNTIL the databases with all the whores went online where normies
could look up if their slut was cheating on them. It caused thousands of broken marriages, split ups, fights and even dead homos (in saudi
arabia) as well as suicides (by cheaters). THIS is how you do it.
They can shove these zero days up their ass, which can be bought from an israeli company for 500k in fucking droves.
and this gem:

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:04:33 ID: 83b8d3 No.9443073

File: 3f933363ff05928 .jpg (16.74 KB, 250x300, 5:6, alaska_volcano.jpg)

I'm the OP, how do I change the title?
Uploading scraped files and more right now!!!

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:04:54 ID: 61d769 No.9443077

I think you mean stop thinking like an anon. Normalfags truly believe that Apple stood against the CIA in court, and that their ishits are
protected because of it.

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:05:59 ID: 1adc6a No.9443083
File: 1e86e6126ad7634 .png (47.66 KB, 687x578, 687:578, vault 7.png)

>meanwhile, the "conservative channel", Fox News, is talking about how crazy Trump is for thinking he was being spied on while completely
neglecting to inform their boomer audience of the biggest story since his election.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:06:41 ID: 58f226 No.9443089

File: e41b462084b98ed .png (89.01 KB, 1200x725, 48:29, ClipboardImage.png)

Sooo Is TOR also compromised? answer please

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:07:38 ID: 75fd19 No.9443095

Even if the software itself isn't, what are the odds that the majority of nodes are owned by alphabets?

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:07:48 ID: 54c958 No.9443099

Doesn't seem like it, you can enjoy your kiddy porn in peace.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:07:49 ID: 1adc6a No.9443100

yes. But to a lesser extent it seems. There were some notes in the podesta leak on how they couldn't get to some info because of tor.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:07:58 ID: bbc4b1 No.9443103

It is our job as people who understand this stuff to break it down for normalfags so they care about it.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:08:09 ID: 52a0c4 No.9443105

>created by military
>not compromised
What do you think?

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:09:00 ID: 58f226 No.9443114

i think that provide proof or kill yourself kike

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:09:07 ID: 7ecbf3 No.9443115

is vault 7 bullshit?

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:09:09 ID: 284a35 No.9443116
>we already know
Keyword being "we"
We also know Israel and the CIA did 9/11. Go ahead and try to convince normalfags of that. Most normalfags don't know about this.
Assange just gave us proof to show them. The Russian attack spoofing has massive potential.
I agree. Assange is /ourguy/ and a definite hero. He will most likely release that info if they kill Trump.
They just ran a report on it. Haven't seen any other MSM mention it yet.
Let me put it this way: if they want to find you, they will.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:09:20 ID: b1fe35 No.9443120

Depends on what you have to hide. Shitposting? Acceptable risk. Building UFOs in your basement? You ded son.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:09:30 ID: c97737 No.9443122

I hope if we go full immediate nuclear conflict that Assange will finally just drop the definitive proof of ayy lmaos already. If nothing else, that
would be a good thing to see on the way out.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:10:55 ID: d8839f No.9443126


Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:11:30 ID: cc1de5 No.9443129

cianiggers are fucking bronies

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:11:54 ID: 83b8d3 No.9443133

File: d1160facc125078 .jpg (51.99 KB, 300x171, 100:57, Stratfor.jpg)

TOR is compromised, has been for a long time.
Intel agencies control the exit nodes.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:13:03 ID: b1fe35 No.9443139

File: 64405e3be8b3143 .mp4 (5.07 MB, 640x360, 16:9, normiesgetout.mp4)

No. We do this all the time .We did it with Snowden leaks with everything else. Normies need an understandable incentive. No one is going
to care if you tell them "Hey, CIA is possibly looking at your naked pics". They laugh it off, because they simply don't care. But if you can
present proof (leaked nudes) and elaborate the consequences: "you will never be able to attention whore on facebook again", now THAT is
something the goyim understands. That's what fuels the little normie minds.
But big politics and technical stuff? Please, you might as well try teaching rocket science to an instagram whore.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:13:04 ID: bf4d26 No.9443140

This is old and I suspect it was fabricated by reddit for some reason

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:14:15 ID: 52a0c4 No.9443147
File: 8c320d17f2129b4 .jpg (8.9 KB, 192x263, 192:263, 1249518.jpg)

>not knowing this
Now kill yourself for being so fucking uninformed you dumb faggot

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:14:36 ID: 81fcfb No.9443150

I'm trying to play catch up, here.
Is there anything particularly surprising in any of this? The phones, TV and OS exploits are all things most of us just assumed to be true.
Vehicular control is new but not at all shocking. Nice to see it all exposed (again), but even normies knew this after Snowden.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:14:53 ID: c97737 No.9443153


Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:15:01 ID: 58f226 No.9443154

File: e41b462084b98ed .png (89.01 KB, 1200x725, File: 3d1b2a5c69e883d .jpg (32.42 KB, 412x430,
48:29, ClipboardImage.png) 206:215, 1474139366912.jpg)

why everybody is talking shit bout TOR and nobody is providing any kind of proof, this thread is full of fucking kikes godammit!

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:15:01 ID: 83b8d3 No.9443155

File: be985530efc51ad .jpg (16.41 KB, 600x314, 300:157, TOR.jpg)

Best Alternatives to Tor: 12 Programs to Use Since NSA, Hackers Compromised Tor Project
Tor has been compromised, the Tor Project has recently suffered from two security setbacks which have called into question just how safe
users on the anonymity service are. The first big major setback was the cancelation of CERT's attendance the Black Hat 2014 talk which
would have dealt with attacks on Tor and how it is possible for Tor to be breached. The cancelation was troubling because it raised the
possibility that government or intelligence agencies put pressure on CERT (a division of SEI at Carnegie Mellon which "workers closely with
the Department of Homeland Security") to cancel. Some researchers later said that lawyers had blocked the Black Hat demo which showed
how Tor could be de-anonymized. The Tor blog posted the following information about the cancelation of Black Hat:

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:15:04 ID: d8839f No.9443156

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:15:08 ID: 000000 No.9443158

The Navy (allegedly) published the results of their MITM exploit of the onion network method a few years back, 2015 I think? Of course, any
VPN company could be a front for the alphabets, so pick your poison.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:15:28 ID: cc1de5 No.9443163

Indeed, we need a new fappening.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:15:43 ID: 83b8d3 No.9443167

Journalists are asking us about the Black Hat talk on attacking Tor that got cancelled. We're still working with CERT to do a coordinated
disclosure of the details (hopefully this week), but I figured I should share a few details with you earlier than that.
1) We did not ask Black Hat or CERT to cancel the talk. We did (and still do) have questions for the presenter and for CERT about some
aspects of the research, but we had no idea the talk would be pulled before the announcement was made.
2) In response to our questions, we were informally shown some materials. We never received slides or any description of what would be
presented in the talk itself beyond what was available on the Black Hat Webpage.
3) We encourage research on the Tor network along with responsible disclosure of all new and interesting attacks. Researchers who have
told us about bugs in the past have found us pretty helpful in fixing issues, and generally positive to work with.
In any case, it's best to assume that Tor has been compromised by the NSA, DHS, FBI and pretty much any other government intelligence
agency, domestic and foreign. To make matters worse Tor suffered from an attack in early July where a group of relays were discovered
trying to de-anonymize Tor users. Tor Blog explained, "The attacking relays joined the network on January 30 2014, and we removed them
from the network on July 4. While we don't know when they started doing the attack, users who operated or accessed hidden services from
early February through July 4 should assume they were affected." Tor removed those relays from the network and closed the protocol
vulnerability with an update, but once again the attack emphasizes that Tor is not fool-proof and the anonymity it provides can be breached.
Tor has been a great and useful tool to the point the NSA referred to it as, "The king of high-secure, low-latency anonymity." They also
suggested that there were "no contenders for the throne in waiting." Fortunately that's where they are wrong. While the NSA may have
breached Tor, there are now several alternatives to Tor that can offer better and supplementary security. Here are a list of programs you can
use now that Tor has been breached (Note that some of them like Disconnect and Peerblock are not full-scale replacements for Tor and
Tails uses Tor):

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:16:26 ID: bbc4b1 No.9443171

It's not surprising to us, but at the very least, this provides evidence and proof that it has been happening. It has moved this from
>lol anon you think the government is spying on you lol you conspiracy theorist have some tin foil
>oh shit I guess it's actually happening

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:16:31 ID: 52a0c4 No.9443172

File: 606303a24f83b7d .jpg (20.02 KB, 415x398, 415:398, 606303a24f83b7da688fac489e.jpg)

see >>9443147
Then find a nice rafter and neck yourself, government knows all about the cheese pizza you've been enjoying

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:16:37 ID: 75fd19 No.9443173

>building UFOs in your basement
Lel, i-is that a thing people do?

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:16:41 ID: 58f226 No.9443174
File: cdaf0d5b543103c .png (114.32 KB, 1564x789, File: 4edbebc8008f11e .gif (2.53 MB, 500x282,
1564:789, ClipboardImage.png) 250:141, 4edbebc8008f11e40a713a3007.gif)

Huff.. OK
go and read the manual again kike before posting here again

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:16:52 ID: 000000 No.9443177

>Building UFOs in your basement?
Or a personal railgun. Do NOT attempt.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:16:54 ID: 1bf3cd No.9443179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:18:38 ID: 284a35 No.9443194

Normalfags blamed the NSA for most of this. We can now show that this is all CIA related.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:18:49 ID: 83b8d3 No.9443195

Who is spying on Tor network exit nodes from Russia?
Researchers Winter and Lindskog identified 25 nodes of Tor network that tampered with web traffic, decrypted the traffic, or censored
Two researchers, Philipp Winter and Stefan Lindskog of Karlstad University in Sweden, presented the results of a four-month study
conducted to test Tor network exit nodes for sneaky behavior, it has been discovered that a not specified Russian entity is eavesdropping
nodes at the edge of the Tor network.
The researchers used a custom tool for their analysis and they discovered that the entity appeared to be particularly interested in users
Facebook traffic.
Winter and Lindskog identified 25 nodes that tampered with web traffic, decrypted the traffic, or censored websites. On the overall nodes
compromised, 19 were tampered using a man-in-the-middle attacks on users, decrypting and re-encrypting traffic on the fly.

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:18:53 ID: c97737 No.9443196
File: 1731f707ca03fc8 .png (38.79 KB, 1000x893, 1000:893, laughing hate symbols.png)

>He's that guy that doesn't even build UFOs

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:19:12 ID: 02d479 No.9443197


Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:19:12 ID: 0e6bc2 No.9443198

You have never messed around with tech on your own?

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:19:18 ID: 432565 No.9443200

Companies have to answer to the security risks, at least from this. This is just part 1. More to come.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:19:26 ID: 8e8564 No.9443202

File: b2224f723e08b4a .jpg (54.95 KB, 720x480, 3:2, 1467854090125.jpg)

KIKENTONG POST as a source, kill yourself david

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:20:09 ID: 83b8d3 No.9443205

File: 9fbc0ed2321c082 .jpg (75.68 KB, 600x314, 300:157, TOR Compromised.jpg)


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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:21:42 ID: 1b551c No.9443215
File: 7ee6940546e53d3 .png (417.57 KB, 482x688, 241:344, Question animuu.png)

So I just woke up and I have no idea what's going on.

Are CIAniggers BTFO and how bad?

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:22:05 ID: a789e2 No.9443218

You guys, what if we were CIA the whole time?

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:22:06 ID: 61d769 No.9443219
Talks about how different anti-virus programs protect files and how they can be exploited.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:22:08 ID: 8e8564 No.9443220

File: af41cfc639ce944 .webm (1.14 MB, 640x360, 16:9, af41cfc639ce9444a4d9e823e.webm)

so what is your source cia nigger?

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:22:40 ID: c97737 No.9443227

>we were CIA
Uh, you don't get to bring friends.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:22:51 ID: 81fcfb No.9443229

True. I just find it hard to believe anyone who didn't care about the Snowden leaks would care about this. I've been talking about this since
2004, regarding applicable technology, of course.
I'd like to be optimistic that some will wake up, but I don't know. I guess the best thing is showing that the CIA can frame other states for

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:23:20 ID: 52a0c4 No.9443233

Hi alphabets, no one is going to use your faggoty honeypot anymore

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:23:50 ID: 61d769 No.9443235

Don't know if this has been posted, but a list of Android exploitations

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:23:51 ID: b1fe35 No.9443237
File: c850f6a2cc94910 .jpg (1.79 MB, File: 0c269061b12484c .jpg (1023.85 KB, 2437x1913, File: db9e61e99301e87 .jpg (1.56 MB,
2448x3264, 3:4, DCIM_1901.jpg) 2437:1913, DCIM_1923.jpg) 2448x3264, 3:4, DCIM_1932.jpg)

File: 3285da57b85a8b8 .jpg (1.9 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3,


Therere are regular leaks from dating sites, but people rather fap instead of using them.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:23:54 ID: 432565 No.9443239

Wait for Trump's tweets on it. Also read this

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:23:57 ID: 898b2c No.9443240

File: 39821c7c81a926c .png (336.84 KB, 599x600, File: c28b829db04ef87 .png (435.47 KB, 1184x478,
599:600, official-badge.png) 592:239, assange.png)

posting custom badge some anon requested in a previous thread

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:24:00 ID: 83b8d3 No.9443242
File: 6bcca74b901df62 .jpg (197.19 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, CIA LEAK.jpg)

I just posted 2 already. Do your own research now.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:24:23 ID: 81fcfb No.9443246

Very true. There's know government collusion with tech already. Did they leave vulnerabilities open on government orders?

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:25:11 ID: 576096 No.9443248

Kikeyleaks is compromised so is Jewlian Assmunch. Hail CIA

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:25:25 ID: 83b8d3 No.9443250

BTW the TOR Project was funded by the U.S. Navy so that spies could surf anonymously. That has been open source intel for many

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:25:42 ID: 6887e7 No.9443251

Considering the overall level of competence on display, let alone the self-serving sociopathy, I'm actually sort of hoping you're wrong here

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:25:54 ID: c97737 No.9443254

Pretty nasty skank you've got there.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:26:32 ID: 83b8d3 No.9443257

When TOR was compromised, all the spooks and spies stopped using TOR some years ago.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:26:48 ID: cc1de5 No.9443260

CIA has a memetics division. Let that fucking sink in for a moment. And to top it off, it's made from LARPing bronies.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:26:56 ID: 2adef8 No.9443262

last 2 digits of the post signifies threat level, newfag.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:27:56 ID: 9df779 No.9443266

wikileaks isn't done.
This was only part 1

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:28:16 ID: 91441e No.9443269

how basic is your intellect for fuck sake, its like you have no idea about the enemy's capabilities or about the fight going on since the
existence of the internet you newfag piece of shit. lurk for 2 years.

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:28:46 ID: 8e8564 No.9443273
File: 47f5b75ea7cd64f .jpg (75.97 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 47f5b75ea7cd64f5584d354c76.jpg)

if kikewars is pushing the same narrative guess what??

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:29:03 ID: cc1de5 No.9443277

Imagine how much amateur porn they've stored at nsa headquarters.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:29:24 ID: d8839f No.9443280


Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:29:29 ID: bbc4b1 No.9443281

I think now is a time when this is a lot more pertinent to people. Snowden leaks were poorly timed, we have a president running around
pretending to care about privacy and all this shit so people didn't really care.
Now we have Trump, he's constantly under attack, and he's the center of a big, fake controversy about Russian hackers. And now we have
a ton of evidence that CIA is faking being Russian hackers, it's a golden opportunity.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:30:02 ID: 0e6bc2 No.9443284

The tl;dr is:
>CIA has been spying on its own people for years
>to do this, they have a bunch of malware and backdoors into everything
>their next plan is to move from using phones and computers to spy on people to remotely control cars, allowing them to assassinate
>they stole a bunch of malware from the Russians, and used it to fake the Russian hacking stories
>they also compiled all their malware and backdoors into one archive
>said archive is apparently stolen, or has been leaked to the Chinese
>Assange has a copy of it, and might release it for shit and giggles
>they have an entire division devoted to disrupting and sabotaging internet communications (DDoS etc)
>they have a fucking memetics division
>said memetics division is also the guys shilling everywhere
>it's made from bronies and redditors
>CIA is one big disappointment

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:30:10 ID: 8e8564 No.9443285

File: cf61e0e2cf6b033 .png (581.85 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

you are trying too hard kike..

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:30:13 ID: cc1de5 No.9443286

Am I a degenerate if I popped a chubby?

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:30:38 ID: 81fcfb No.9443287
I was being sarcastic, autismo. Calm down.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:30:45 ID: 1b1611 No.9443289

not all reddit is pozzed, have trump supporters and good pages but the biased corrupt lefty trash manipulation, moderators, lobby, try to
manipulate to attack them and put only pozzed DNC pages disguised as politics in the first page to sell DNC propaganda for themselves
and against opposition, since the candidate of democrats party have less followers than Trump who have a page only for him, so the co-
opted other pages like politics to some naive idiot go pretending to be unbiased when is owned and manipulated by these trash, and
manipulated the upvotes, downvotes, bias, shadow ban, to create the narrative who they want for DNC, Democrats party, Hillary Clinton, all
this trash)
>Is possible to enjoy reddit but is sad the manipulation in the first page even Trump having reddit only for him and having much more
followers while the garbage of democrats nobody liked, they don't even create enough bot accounts to pretend someone liking HIllary Clinton
or Fake News CNN
I remember many of our guys on reddit but you can't say kike or one of these words since the corrupt opposition is desperate wanting to
manipulate or use any excuse to ban yourself or wanting a useful idiot like you making what they want.
>but in the manipulated reddit pages like politics, shadow ban, downvote, bots, CTR, Sharia blue, all this garbage will supress and
manipulate this garbage
And in other pages you need to let the chan speaking only for here and avoid use the word kike, avoid being a useful idiot to be used by
them in places who they want any excuse to be used against opposition.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:30:50 ID: c97737 No.9443291

Only because she's fucking gross.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:31:09 ID: 1b1611 No.9443297

File: 7ccd6bd39fcbd93 .jpg (93.5 KB, 746x413, 746:413, 1488922410487.jpg)

>Real comments from a reddit democrats party page to back-up my claim

>It's government shills or really have some non-paid braindead people who still being dumb
Daily reminder that wikileaks has never published fake documents ever.
also daily reminder that a lot of the DNC/Podesta emails are DKIM verified.
not that this matters to loonie lefties. apparently, that's totally insecure, according to people who don't work with computers, yet alone
And wikileaks up until the DNC leaks was almost a holy entity to the leftists. Have even old flash wikileak games in leftist websites before
the Hacked emails of DNC in 2016 going to wikileaks who show this for everyone
Julian Assange and Edward Snowden used to be patron saints liberals swore by. Now what's the narrative on mainstream forums?
"Wikileaks is all paid Russian propaganda, dismiss anything because they're foreign actors opposed to America".
The turnaround has been that drastic and it only began when they started exposing the DNC.
The mistake they made was not realizing they were worshipping true idealists, rather than fellow liberals. Then they're surprised when the
idealist doesn't get on board for political expediency
That drastic turn around is insane.
I'm screaming inside whenever they do shit like say that they'll watch 1984 in protest of Trump because Trump is a meanie like Big Brother.
It's all that I can do to restrain my power level and avoid screaming in their face about how they're the baddies. Liberals are litterally Ingsoc
in the 1984 comparison. Their celebrity gods lead their two minutes of hate against outsiders. They're the ones pushing for more censorship.
To rewrite history and shove dissenting opinion down the memory hole in favor of safe spaces and combating an ever changing definition of
"hate speech. " They're the ones that flip flop on command. They exalted wiki leaks, Snowden and assange when it fucked with
Republicans, but now everything must be Russian agents spreading Russian lies. The leaks can't be real. Hillary can do no wrong. They
hacked the election. We've always been at war with Eastasia.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
they hear all about the deep state, about the leaks, about thge collusion, about obama refusing to step aside, and about the CIA collecting
every bit of information on everything they do.
and in spite of this, their "logical" conclusion is that "the orange drumpfffffffffffffffkis is putin's puppet".
i'm actually amazed to the extent the MSM lies still work over that group of people.

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:31:41 ID: 52a0c4 No.9443299
Participating in support of treason and sedition is something you will face serious consequences for down the road. Consider that and act
accordingly, you guys are loose ends to your bosses.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:31:42 ID: b1fe35 No.9443300

Part of a 1,8TB leak from snapchat 3 months ago. Millions of pics. I don't even bother sorting this shit. It's a magic fap box. Let alone all
these reddit leaks from last year, culminating to a total of a 6.8TB big video/pic leak folder.
Too bad there were no pics in the Ashley Maddison leak. This would have been fucking huge.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:32:41 ID: 1b1611 No.9443306

File: 45b927f360dde1f .jpg (152.32 KB, 742x676, File: a0b135cae3b5f7b .jpg File: ef7df74cf1f0a4c .jpg
371:338, 1488922499277.jpg) (148.43 KB, 738x1328, 369:664, (146.16 KB, 738x1334, 369:667,
1488922588042.jpg) 1488922710071.jpg)

File: 6c4f859ab7a3c77 .jpg (25.23 KB, 746x186,

373:93, 1488922844534.jpg)

These people are living in an alternate reality

Russia, Russia, Russia
Apprantely Wikileaks takes orders From Trump, too
If these people are real non-paid non-left non-bot non-dnc dumb braindead brainwashed idiots instead of shills trying to create this narrative,
they are the most dumb brainwashed idiots.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:33:18 ID: c97737 No.9443313

>1.8TB of random snapchat nudes you never sorted
When the CP patrol swings by I'm gonna laugh at you for both it having happened and your having shit enough taste to even save that trash
in the first place.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:33:48 ID: c133fc No.9443318

I honestly find it hard to believe these are real people. It's more likely this is whatever CTR turned into after Shillary's campaign went bust.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:33:56 ID: 1b551c No.9443320

File: 1c165944a6faa1c .jpg (96.19 KB, 800x480, 5:3, 2D CIA.jpg)

So all the Shills that we've been dealing with have literally been CIAniggers?

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:35:04 ID: b1fe35 No.9443327
It will take 30 years for the party squad to check every pic. By that time I'll either be dead or they'll have died by overfapping.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:35:31 ID: f179da No.9443329

Its fucking insane how back in the 2012 election when Romney said russia was going to be a threat and they laughed at him and dismissed
him. Now all of a sudden hes right. The double think is real.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:35:40 ID: cc1de5 No.9443331

>1.8 tb of smut
You're a big guy.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:36:11 ID: df02c7 No.9443334

>Are people actually into those or are google and reddit trying to make it a thing?
those are coordinated as fuck, I've believed that for a while. Never looked into it properly but I would bet Obama / Biden memes historically
spike in popularity during controversies

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:36:18 ID: 29658e No.9443336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>You can shove true provable information in their faces, only when a boot stands on their throat, THEN they will understand
Yuri, on leftists

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:36:35 ID: 83b8d3 No.9443337

File: f9bda493740402b .jpg (143.57 KB, 1200x927, 400:309, CIA Evildoers Hard At Work.jpg)

Or DHS, US Navy, CENTCOM, Mossad, NSA, Naval Intelligence, and more that are still unknown.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:37:03 ID: 8e8564 No.9443343

Soo, you just posted this in this other thread?
Apprantely Wikileaks takes orders From Trump, too
is this the new line to push kike?

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:37:36 ID: c97737 No.9443347

>Implying they wouldn't be fapping to the CP they already know the location of on their own servers
Are you new to our friends in law enforcement?

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:38:07 ID: 8e8564 No.9443350
fuck, here is the post

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:38:07 ID: c81ff4 No.9443351

are you brain dead?

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:38:39 ID: 8e8564 No.9443353

oyyy vey goyim, dont uncover the psyop

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:39:08 ID: 933265 No.9443355

File: f58639845e4c4c1 .png (113.29 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, f58639845e4c4c1b7fbd9e920d.png)

Threat level 14/88 here.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:39:23 ID: c2aed5 No.9443356

File: c6f62ef0c249478 .jpg (95 KB, 524x489, 524:489, naive goyim misdirected ag.jpg)


Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:39:25 ID: 0e6bc2 No.9443357

The saddest part is that CIA shitposting is where the taxpayers' money goes to.
>is this the new line to push
Wasn't it for a while? "Trump will excuse Assange if he sabotages Hillary, and Putin is behind it all?"

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:40:13 ID: 038c9d No.9443359

i can confirm there is a plethora of weabo millitary contractors, there should be bronies too, they are all fags anyways

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:40:55 ID: 576096 No.9443364

They are. Everyone at my workplace sounds like this.

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:41:34 ID: c8b992 No.9443366
The power of persuasion

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:41:36 ID: 81fcfb No.9443367

>And now we have a ton of evidence that CIA is faking being Russian hackers, it's a golden opportunity.
This was my initial thought, but it has to be handled just right. Trump could talk himself into a corner. As far as I know, there's been no
evidence of "russian hacks" at all. Even if Russia hacked something, it's likely not the votes, as the medit always implies.
>Trump blames "russian hacks" on CIA
>msm claims Trump admits the election was hacked
The only solution I can think of is just use this to cut the balls off the intelligence community and discredit them while avoiding the russian
hack meme. The msm will be using this angle to get someone in Trump's camp to at least admit the possibility and it has a good chance of
working if everyone isn't careful.
I'm just waiting for the_donald to start blaming the CIA for the "hacks" and do exactly what I'm worried about.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:41:43 ID: f9177f No.9443368

File: File:
c3298ead5cc8e3a .png49246955fb49def .png
(95.54 KB, 1903x5244, (132.04 KB,
1903:5244, [ccc].png) 1903x8863,

>this is what small guys do all day at work

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:41:49 ID: 528b70 No.9443370

Normalfags think like "if you got nothing to hide there is no problem".
Use the checks and balances angle. USA used to be a republic where every source of power was limited and supervised.
CIA acting like a despotic king right now.
stop jacking off. esoteric? really?

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:42:03 ID: c3b138 No.9443371

>implying they aren't inseparable entities

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:42:16 ID: 83b8d3 No.9443375
File: 1f4a4f79d70481c .png (26.05 KB, 200x200, 1:1, Stop FBI.png)

SAIC, DynCorp, Booz Allen Hamilton, it is a vicious jungle out there we are dealing with covertly everyday.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:42:58 ID: cc1de5 No.9443380

File: 1c032c2bae9ca8a .gif (60.62 KB, 295x295, 1:1, don't click on me.gif)


Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:43:03 ID: 7c9e63 No.9443381

Can you search specific usernames?

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:43:04 ID: e78f80 No.9443382

File: 0b70588b816fb39 .png (37.89 KB, 893x403, 893:403, WIKILEAKS_FAKE_OMG_SIDES.PNG)



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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:44:08 ID: 933265 No.9443389
File: 9060ef3c10d8517 .jpg (6.32 KB, 214x194, 107:97, bigneck4u.jpg)

>mfw people will actually buy this

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:44:19 ID: 7c9e63 No.9443391

Wikileaks has literally never been invalidated.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:45:34 ID: 1adc6a No.9443398

File: 6ce958f82694b6d .jpg (19.02 KB, 480x360, 4:3, yuri.jpg)

>Assange is a known operative of Russia
Jesus Christ, these people are so far down in their rat maze they can't even see authentic information anymore.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:46:04 ID: fb14f1 No.9443401

>muh /tech/ here
Contrary to some amateur attempts at shilling and downplaying this leak ITT, this is possibly the most significant leak from Wikileaks. A
special prosecutor will probably go after Obama and his staff. This is going to have a huge impact.
Clinton is already in deep shit but she's gonna have to answer for this as well:

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:46:10 ID: 0006d9 No.9443403

Exactly, never let cucks get away with the "discredited" angle. It's bullshit. Literally BILLIONS of pages of documents and all it would take is
ONE page to be proven fake to take down their entire reputation. They're 3,000,000,000,000:0 so far

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:46:28 ID: c133fc No.9443405

I'd probably fucking shoot myself.
>Jacking off to loli and furfag shit during lunch break

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:46:44 ID: 29658e No.9443406

You missed the point. The CIA will be burned down for a full cleanup, Israel won't take the blame. Thats probably the deal Trump made.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:47:02 ID: e78f80 No.9443407

I know i know but this person thinks you can falsify DKIM validation so how do i respond! My sides are already in orbit but I just need
something concrete and technical to really crush him!

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:47:09 ID: cc1de5 No.9443409
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:47:13 ID: 1adc6a No.9443411

The rest is meaningless

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:47:35 ID: 2d8167 No.9443416

DKIM Verification is run from the sender's mail server. Generally, you base whether or not you trust DKIM verification on your trust of the
In the case of the Pedosta emails, the sender was Google, who was able to verify that the emails went through Gmail servers.
To make a long answer short.. No. You cannot fake or invalidate DKIM.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:48:42 ID: 52a0c4 No.9443424

File: db9d96f6e9fa98d .png (392.58 KB, 428x510, 214:255, 1475436172180.png)


Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:48:50 ID: e78f80 No.9443425

File: 68202c0c7c9e028 .gif (993.83 KB, 250x180, 25:18, PUZPDKU.gif)

i know but how do i say it in a way that proves it to this ignorant bastard
he just told me i hate america and that i have fallen for propaganda WHILE CITING BUZZFEED AND CNN!

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:49:11 ID: ee1544 No.9443427
File: a92a0aaac3daef0 .jpeg (3.52 KB, 235x214, 235:214, FLIGHTPLAN.jpeg)

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:50:06 ID: ce7f54 No.9443435

blow me faggot. i'm not mining this one

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:50:12 ID: 0006d9 No.9443437

Again, just point out that all it would take is one page to be proven fake to take down the entire reputation of WL. Every intelligence agency,
corporation, and government on earth hates WL's guts and has everything to gain from proving them frauds. Why, after having posted 3
billion pages of documents over the course of 10 years, has NOT ONE page been demonstrated to be fake?

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:51:41 ID: 6887e7 No.9443447

Just stab him in the neck my man. There's no helping down people.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:52:19 ID: 0006d9 No.9443451

File: 404745155e2c1fc .png (110.24 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 404745155e2c1fc0b3db018bc4.png)

Dig or die faggot

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:53:12 ID: 1b551c No.9443455

They're not my friends

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:53:22 ID: 941c36 No.9443456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I don't actually do any of the digging, but I egg on the autists, and I can spot your shills easily.

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:53:33 ID: 83b8d3 No.9443457
Wikileaks is actually a Chinese corporation, and though some of its top people were taken out during the time of the election, the main part
is still functional and continues virtually unaffected.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:54:35 ID: 8e8564 No.9443467

what i am looking at

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:56:10 ID: 8e8564 No.9443480

File: 6f26f26dc26e7d1 .gif (992.12 KB, 389x259, File: 32fffd13f1a41be .gif (977.63 KB, 229x176,
389:259, 6f26f26dc26e7d19a8aef027b6.gif) 229:176, 32fffd13f1a41beeef50abdcd6.gif)

>Wikileaks is actually a Chinese corporation

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:56:20 ID: 941c36 No.9443481

File: 723d401f7d28a56 .jpg (14.57 KB, 400x300, 4:3, Internet Condom.jpg)

Fixing their shit before they dive in deep.

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Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:56:23 ID: 933265 No.9443482
File: a268b39ba28bab9 .png (94.52 KB, File: 27d157092e51825 .png (365.67 KB, 894x894, File: 57a0ba8813667c1 .png (288.89 KB, 1889x1889,
479x568, 479:568, 1:1, 27d157092e5182556626a0afa8.png) 1:1, 57a0ba8813667c1eee0df110e1.png)

File: 376b77b17dcf56e .png (1.12 MB, 1500x1500, File: e6793cd055f0bed .png (165.02 KB,
1:1, 376b77b17dcf56e27d1a5b9e5e.png) 378x416, 189:208,

Friendly reminder these will all be real patches one day we'll wear on our uniforms.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:57:33 ID: 882b5b No.9443493

Problem is the MSM will still spin this to make people not care. I just watched ABC World News and they framed the whole Vault 7
Wikileaks story as damaging US intelligence and putting Americans in danger. They didn't mention the likelihood that the spying is being
done on our own citizens.
Joe six-pack isn't gonna care if nobody in authority and "legitimate" big news sources don't make a fuss.

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:58:44 ID: 038c9d No.9443504

File: ad563019694d9e0 .jpg (62.91 KB, 634x482, 317:241, article-2388698-1B3B004300.jpg)

> uk/news/article-2388698/New-Air-Force-class-wears-My-Little-Pony-patchinsist-theyre-bronies.html

Just look to the left, then you know why pizzagate is deeper and transversal on all agencies

Anonymous 03/07/17 (Tue) 23:59:09 ID: c3b138 No.9443508

Is this what character in mad max get off to?

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:01:14 ID: ee1544 No.9443526
File: a7270c140f6376b .jpeg (431.02 KB, 1054x1369, 1054:1369, uh.sir?.jpeg)

The flightplan I just filed with the agency!

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:01:37 ID: e78f80 No.9443529

File: 527a8795b778cfd .png (1.51 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, tumblr_o9v8zkJtxd1qgifrvo1.png)

>DKIM Verification is run from the sender's mail server. Generally, you base whether or not you trust DKIM verification on your trust of the
>In the case of the Pedosta emails, the sender was Google, who was able to verify that the emails went through Gmail servers.
>To make a long answer short.. No. You cannot fake or invalidate DKIM
IM IN SCHOOL FOR IT BUT even I had no idea how email verification works lol

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:02:11 ID: e78f80 No.9443535

File: c47ab23b65e2ead .jpg (77.46 KB, 667x1000, 667:1000, 1457338338906.jpg)


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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:03:24 ID: c97737 No.9443544
>Guys, guys, I'm arguing on Reddit!
Holy fuck, get out.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:04:39 ID: 775d94 No.9443550

>These people are living in an alternate reality
When the shooting starts they'll join the real reality pretty damned quick.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:06:33 ID: a3db15 No.9443567

File: 2aa6eecdf16fc57 .png (232.17 KB, 601x590, 601:590, frown.png)

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:06:35 ID: 0006d9 No.9443568

File: f67361f93ef560e .png (343.78 KB, 886x1770, 443:885, whoOwns.png)


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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:07:29 ID: 000000 No.9443577
https: / / beamstat.
[chan] 1cad9ce04cda0fa318c415ba8b12adc4e10d8f327be4ff2b64f8ffdd44601582
Dec 25 21:53
A lot of people already have the keys. Most of them are outside NATO. Is this the goal? For non-NATO countries to have more information
than the NATO population? How does that help the situation?
It should be clear to you at this point that no one is attempting to post the keys in any channel. The people in this discussion are looking at
the BTC blockchain, which is public information and is already in millions of computers around the world. Are you guys going to go after
every single person that looks at a .dat file that is already in their computer? How can you stop people all over the world from looking at
specific parts of this .dat file and finding the keys? I can understand how posting the keys could be considered disruptive, but that is not
what is taking place here.
We are all well aware about the backdoors and your capability to intercept all our traffic but have you ever stopped to consider what this
entails? If you are able to do this, so are other countries, and while you focus on going after US/UK civilians that are trying to protect their
countries, enemy nations are doing the same to your computers. Their intentions are much more nefarious.
The OS and software is made mostly in US/UK and the hardware has backdoors all the way down to the BIOS. Vendors help you. We have
seen it first hand. But have you stopped to think that maybe this what has made your countries vulnerable this decade? Hardware is not
made in the US/UK. Hardware is made in China and neighboring countries. They play ball and make sure the backdoors are in place, put
them in and test the firmware right there in the factories. The problem is that by doing this, you have been giving your biggest enemy all your
secret national security information. They know how the backdoors work, the know how the hardware and software work, they can recreate
them and even use them. They can even completely copy all of it and make their own versions. What's even more concerning is, since they
know how all of this works, they are the only people that can protect themselves against it. Do you see why this is concerning? Your actual
enemies, the ones you are truly protecting the population against, have become completely immune to your attacks because they helped
you use them on your own populations. You have even accidentally trained them to use more advanced attacks on you.
Do you see the situation you have put the world in? The countries that the people on this site are trying to defend are now completely
vulnerable against attacks from countries that want to control them and they were able to do this because they helped you attack your own
populations. There is nothing you can do to intercept their communications now, they know how you do it and have prepared. In fact, if they
wanted to, they could add their own backdoors on top of yours, stop putting them in hardware, or even worse, simply stop making the
hardware altogether and completely shut down your capabilities. What would you do then? Start making hardware in the West? We all
know that is impossible.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:08:14 ID: 000000 No.9443581

Now getting back to the keys. The reality of the situation is that everyone outside NATO has them. Some of the US intelligence agencies
have them. GCHQ has them. NSA has them. FBI can't use them. CIA is trying to suppress them. Government contractors are tracking
everyone that is trying to get them. How can this issue be resolved? Eventually people in the US/UK will stop trying to spread them is your
hope. But is this really a solution? All this will do is give countries outside NATO yet more leverage against you. The ironic thing is that the
main issue documented in the files is how foreign governments are controlling the actions of NATO governments. In other words, the
population, the civilians, are trying to spread the information about how your job is compromised, and that you are working on behalf of the
countries that are you trying to protect your countries from. Civilians are doing this for you. They want to expose how your foreign enemies
have infiltrated the security agencies in NATO. You might not even be aware of this at the moment and if you have PRIVAC clearance, why
don't you read the data that those keys unlock? You will have to do this anyway in order to properly suppress this information. How would
you know if it became public if you did not read the contents yourself? Finally, going back to why you are doing this. I'm assuming it is to
preserve a way of life. Is that what you are really doing? This effort in here, this is your way of life. You are looking at it. These sites, these
users, they are the way of life you are trying to protect. These people have been able to avoid all the SIGINT efforts of more than 20
intelligence agencies to suppress this information during the past three months. No only that, but they have also been able to suppress the
SIGINT efforts of our enemy countries as well, as they are the ones that are truly implicated in the information. It follows that these are the
only people at the moment that are able to avoid real and concrete cyber attacks from actual enemies. Some of the attacks you are not
even aware of yourselves. Moreover, some of these attacks don't even come from enemy countries, they come from groups of people that
use the information that you have made available to the world by targeting your own populations, unbeknownst to their own countries, to
attack us. You are not dealing with high value targets in here, you are dealing with high value assets. You are now in this situation. You
have decided that the best course of action is to stop some information from reaching the public, but it is clear the information reaching the
public is the only way to expose your true enemies and what they are doing. Spreading this information is in fact, the only way to stop
foreign governments from infiltrating your own job further. We are not your enemy. This is the public risking their safety, jobs, and security to
help their own countries deal the massive infiltration of their government. These are average people that are defending their nation from new
and powerful cyber capabilities that enemy countries have developed as a consequence of you collaborating with them to target your own
population. The head of the CIA was removed, the head of the FBI is controlled, GCHQ intelligence reports are routinely manipulated to
serve the agendas of foreign governments, the DoJ doesn't even read the recommendations they are given anymore. Intelligence
communities all over the world are fighting themselves internally. This is your way of life. This is your job. Your actions are only furthering
the demise of your own power as enforcer of security. You are interacting with a group of people that are trying to help you persevere your
way of life. The questions is what are you going to do?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:08:17 ID: e78f80 No.9443582

well i thought a cyber security "expert" that thinks snowden and assange are russian agents is pretty noteworthy
fucking jeeze autism much?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:08:25 ID: ce7f54 No.9443585

That patch needs touching up, but it's nice Earned my badge years ago and everything aside from ponyggers isn't news to me.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:09:43 ID: c97737 No.9443596
>Someone on Reddit is fucking stupid and delusional
>This is noteworthy

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:11:37 ID: 774fc2 No.9443611


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:12:17 ID: ce7f54 No.9443617

It's not noteworthy, reddit is fucked. Good on you if you manage to beat the shill out of them though. Just do your thing you cancerous

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:12:25 ID: d8839f No.9443619

<h t t p s ://

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:17:45 ID: ee1544 No.9443660

File: 896e3eb3cf6abcb .jpg (77.13 KB, 716x768, 179:192, Bill_Wilson-CIA.jpg)

> keys
Why would I want them?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:18:04 ID: 0006d9 No.9443663

I must confess this is not my OC but I consider myself a digger none the less (and thanks to the severely handicapped anon who made it). I
have been working on my own badge, which is actually more of a seal for the Shadilay Intelligence Agency. Unfortunately, I'm shit at GIMP
so I'll probably have to spend 10,000 hours in MSPaint

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:18:32 ID: 59d1ca No.9443668

No, it isn't. This is the last of the vaults. nigger

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:19:30 ID: e78f80 No.9443674

well the fact he claims to "be in IT security" makes it pretty hilarious to me nonetheless

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:22:00 ID: 000000 No.9443692

https: / / wikileaks. org/ciav7p1/
>When was each part of "Vault 7" obtained?
>Part one was obtained recently and covers through 2016. Details on the other parts will be available at the time of publication.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:22:17 ID: ce7f54 No.9443694
why the fuck is /pol/ overcome with autism tonight?
just spend a couple minutes watching basic tutorials. anons will usually touch it up if it's good enough to warrant polish.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:22:48 ID: 761298 No.9443697

File: 344a8b6fe9dbf72 .jpg (72.51 KB, 1109x238, 1109:238, tmp_2592-C6WCw9xWgAE4BdT15.jpg)

CIA overtly hiding from law enforcement. If there any doubt they are at odds with the FBI, this should end that

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:23:13 ID: c81ff4 No.9443704

when is /pol/ not overcome with autism? it's part of what makes this place great

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:23:50 ID: 4071dd No.9443706


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:24:03 ID: f1ed69 No.9443710


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:25:02 ID: 378645 No.9443715

Either a shill or just ignorant. Either way. If you dont know something for sure please dont shit up the threads with statements of "facts".

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:25:13 ID: c81ff4 No.9443718

File: 7ae609357a9e3cd .jpg (1.03 MB, 680x1671, 680:1671, i was only pretending.jpg)

fuck off

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:26:01 ID: 761298 No.9443725

Like saging a stickie?
Be gone CIAniggers

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:26:12 ID: ce7f54 No.9443727

maybe it's just the non-tismos aren't posting as much, but it feels super spergy. that or CIA has a training program on how to be autistic

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:27:22 ID: 61d769 No.9443737

Trump winning really did destroy their brains. I cannot efen keep up with the twists and turns. Against Government spying? Well Trump won
so it is ok now. God save us all, Democracy cannot survive in a pool of idiots.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:28:42 ID: 7dc0cc No.9443747
>tfw my shitty windows pc has been used for ddos attacks against wikileaks orchestrated by the cia
Sorry assange, i didn't know.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:29:34 ID: 761298 No.9443754

Fucking mods are a sleep I guess

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:29:37 ID: c81ff4 No.9443755

File: d824c6ff81ac0fe .jpg (26.26 KB, 469x435, 469:435, 1445039952810.jpg)

so this is only part 1? of how many? ples respond

cease your shilling at once

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:29:38 ID: ce7f54 No.9443756

File: e1db7c0ce071f95 .jpg (125.31 KB, 536x519, 536:519, pedomeeting.jpg)

Trump really is the only hope we have for this, isn't he? He better not cuck. Democracy is shit in a nation over a very small amount of people
regardless though.
sage is for off topic posting, not downboating

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:29:46 ID: 0006d9 No.9443758

If you want to experience pure, uncut carcinogen, just take a few minutes browsing /r/politics. It's hard to tell what proportion are bots, what
proportion are paid shills, and what proportion are useful idiots. I can't figure out which group is worse.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:30:26 ID: 933265 No.9443760

I'm 99% sure they are. I've seen some threads still up they would've banned in seconds.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:30:37 ID: 000000 No.9443761

9 or 10. depending on how it's split up.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:31:34 ID: 000000 No.9443771

Fucking government and their lowest-bidder contracts. Or maybe the 'good' shills are posting on furrychan.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:31:58 ID: 7dc0cc No.9443776
>ironically blames china for wikileaks
Sure dude and David Brock is funding wikileaks with his chinese interests.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:32:58 ID: 49dc01 No.9443782

ok, whoever uses those emo shit, I'm 100% assuming they're CIA operatives.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:33:24 ID: cdc688 No.9443785

File: c665257d3df9715 .jpg (103.24 KB, 563x750, 563:750, Entrance08.jpg)

Dear Mr CIA nigger,
My threat level is zero. I am a simple totem /pol/e enthusiast who wishes to communicate with other totem /pol/e enthusiasts.
Please do not feel threatened by our peaceful community. We welcome all other totem enthusiasts to join us, but do have some strong
opinions about which totem /pol/es are aesthetically pleasing and not aesthetically pleasing.
For example, the (((totem /pol/e))) attached is not one that we as a community are fans of. The nose is too big.
If you disagree, please feel free to participate and don't be afraid to share your views.
Thank you.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:34:09 ID: 660c40 No.9443791

Basically it's a "swede" talking about his visit to the London during the olympics. It's an amateur version of Sommarprat, wich is a swedish
radio show that takes place during the summer where celebrities, such as Pewdiepie, talk about what ever they like for about an hour.
Tldr: it's nothing

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:34:20 ID: 761298 No.9443793

Yes, you sage to stop off topic posts from bumping the thread which could lead to derailment. Go learn how stickies work newfag.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:35:02 ID: f179da No.9443795

This better not be 1.8 GB of dolphin porn.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:35:47 ID: 5485e6 No.9443802

Source on JFK quote?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:36:23 ID: 78b3da No.9443807

Why aren't we pushing more creepy pedo uncle Biden memes in response?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:36:39 ID: f625ac No.9443808

>my man
Used OpenBSD in my previous life on an old 486, twas the firewall. Going to be putting Slackware on my encrypted Debian shitposting box

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:36:47 ID: c81ff4 No.9443809
File: 09b600b4d150014 .jpg (80.55 KB, 560x419, 560:419, 1474639852784.jpg)

dis gon b gud

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:37:21 ID: a5e0ba No.9443811

File: 155301977238df3 .jpg (32.11 KB, 311x294, 311:294, angry.jpg)

I used to be angry. Then I became numb. I thought my jaded apathy would prevent me from ever getting surprised or angry again. But now?
Can we please just fucking start hanging people already? I am so tired of watching my country get raped by kikes, shitskins, traitorous
curs, communists, and the mindless left. Just start fucking hanging them from all the light poles in D.C. This shit has to end. The normal
legal avenues of fixing this shit are pozzed beyong all believe and the kikes have settled in to the government and NGOs like a terminal
cancer. Just start fucking killing them. Its the only way to turn this late stage Roman rot around.
Call me an edgelord, I don't care. It is only going to keep getting worse until examples are made.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:37:52 ID: ce7f54 No.9443813

Maybe I'm not used to morons like you from the donald, but I'm happy to help. When sage comes up in a sticky it's useful for readers to
skip the post. Or do you not understand that all ibs and forum posts are made explicitly for readers?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:38:00 ID: 1adc6a No.9443814

>>9443811 (checked)
Your words are no ignored.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:40:50 ID: 694da2 No.9443838

>we find out the CIA is using normies' iphones and TVs to spy on them
>they feel like this does not affect them

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:41:04 ID: b22a93 No.9443842
File: fc5b27f59f8846e .jpg (12.38 KB, 272x300, File: 3aa4441f79cefa5 .jpg (29.28 KB, 800x600, 4:3,
68:75, 1472082625521.jpg) WITH NO SURVIVORS.jpg)

>mfw someone saw me yelling "FIRST ONE TO TALK GETS TO STAY ON MY AIRCRAFT" outside and then see this 5 minutes later
Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:41:12 ID: 3fe451 No.9443843
Beat me to it by a country mile

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:42:28 ID: c97737 No.9443856

>Right guys
For you.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:42:46 ID: bbc4b1 No.9443857

I think CIA will feel some repercussions from Trump from this leak, specially because there's an extremely high chance these tools were
used by the CIA to try and destroy Trump.
I also have a feeling large portions of the world will cheer CIA being neutered. I don't think CIA has any friends in the world, they've
constantly overthrown governments, meddled in elections, and killed people.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:42:47 ID: 445652 No.9443858

killing your opponents like that can't really be used in the current western landscape. what needs to happen is set laws against their shit,
and judges who are scrutinized beyond belief to ensure their impartiality. we need to do this with the integrity of our civilization in mind. if we
would become violent, the media would have a fucking field day, and they would be able to substantiate every prior claims about the "evil alt
right neonazis" being literally Hitler.
we do need to do something, but we need to uphold our own culture while doing so.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:42:56 ID: 7d975d No.9443859

File: 75143ba8cc54d66 .png (43.57 KB, 366x425, 366:425, 75143ba8cc54d66b88ef70a011.png)

I'd be happy to join you anon. These kikes are beyond jail or quick death at this point.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:43:40 ID: 7f99a5 No.9443863

What the fuck could they possibly be hiding that would set off WW3?

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:43:47 ID: 7dc0cc No.9443866
Sigh even plebbit provides lmgtfy searches. But this is like a step backward from even that, what happen to the lurk rule?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:43:57 ID: 97ae0a No.9443871

File: 29385604f1701f6 .png (1.01 MB, 1280x738, 640:369, ruat caelum.png)

Dubsman is right. I'm sick of it all. I don't even care if I die, particularly, I lost almost everything I ever cared about during the Great Meme
War anyway. But watching these fuckers get away with things that make murder look pass, and having done so for decades now, I just
want some instant justice. No courts, no show trials, no lawyers, no media circus, just a river of well-earned bloodshed flowing through the

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:44:04 ID: 7888de No.9443874

File: c9bb65565af886e .jpg (13.62 KB, 248x255, 248:255, 20826a4caa057206fad71f1d76.jpg)


The guy is talking about his trip to London during the olympic games 2012. He mentions common tourist attractions and various
observations about them. He's most likely a 2gen immigrant. The accent is not what I would associate with a thug or jihadi. He sounds soft..
>>9443791 is right.
Du var snabbare, brjar bli sent fr dagens detektivarbete.. God natt broder.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:44:43 ID: b22a93 No.9443881

File: 558a4d98adce6b4 .jpg (102.4 KB, 766x1024, 383:512, b638dd180be90a2e82034f9852.jpg)

I guess that's what I get for baneposting in real life like a fucking newfag.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:44:50 ID: 761298 No.9443883

Besides the fact that makes no logical sense because people would assume all sages are off topic, the moronic habbit of some idiots
doesnt generalize a whole culture.
sage for off topic

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:44:50 ID: ee1544 No.9443884
File: 3b3a700344c8c2b .jpeg (5.76 KB, 238x211, 238:211, ur.jpeg)

>Can we please just fucking start hanging people already?
Trump is not known for hanging people.
He's famous for something they fear far worse.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:45:08 ID: 106afb No.9443885

File: ace8146e3a54b3e .jpg (126.72 KB, 424x470, 212:235, 1326803387050.jpg)

You aren't the only one, man. I've been seething with a directionless sort of rage since the 'Pussygate' scandal. It's not even like I want to do
anything radical. I just want to see some justice finally doled out against the media, politicians and IC dipshits. Yet, the more I see antifa
riots, the more I want to make a trench club and brain someone (in self-defense of course. No bully FBI).

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:46:18 ID: 7dc0cc No.9443894

CIA (communist internet association)

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:47:00 ID: 75fd19 No.9443898

>firing them
Can it be out of a cannon?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:47:09 ID: 694da2 No.9443899

>even normies knew this after Snowden
they really, really don't unfortunately

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:47:42 ID: 432565 No.9443902

With a catapult, over a certain wall.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:48:11 ID: 694da2 No.9443908


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:48:20 ID: f179da No.9443909

>allowing them to live

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:49:09 ID: 75fd19 No.9443921

Being fired from a trebuchet probably wouldn't be any more survivable than being fired from a cannon.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:49:38 ID: 432565 No.9443924
>implying they'd survive a Trump catapult
The wall just got 10 feet taller.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:50:02 ID: 61d769 No.9443926

I wonder if the CIA will help that Ecuadorian candidate win, the one who wants to kick Assange out of the embassy and "relocate" him.
Would be the perfect time for Assange to have an "accident" while being moved.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:50:11 ID: 000000 No.9443927

Have we already given up on throwing these shitbags out of helicopters?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:50:37 ID: ce7f54 No.9443931

99% of sages are either off topic or simply asshurt about the topic, yes. correct in premise, faceplanted the landing out of pride or
ignorance. imageboards will fix both eventually. glad we made some progress here and i look forward to shitposting with you in the future.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:50:41 ID: 106afb No.9443932

> implying they won't be torn apart by feral spics or kidnapped by cartels for slave labor
Frankly, I prefer this outcome. It's suitable for the left to be killed by their pets.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:51:02 ID: 660c40 No.9443934

File: 0a02946c4f33154 .jpg (183.94 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1488744193243.jpg)

Sov stt landsman

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:51:02 ID: 7dc0cc No.9443935

Ship them to North Korea with their dossier stapled to them.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:51:23 ID: 529cf5 No.9443940

>mossad agents getting arrested
>israel won't take the blame
lol, 'kay.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:51:44 ID: 106afb No.9443943

Pinochet was a kike puppet masquerading as a fascist. Helicopters were never part of the plan.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:51:49 ID: fdb420 No.9443944

That demons exist and they've been working with them since at least 1947. That would do it.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:52:56 ID: 97ae0a No.9443953

File: 13f90bd09363358 .png (14.43 KB, 1219x91, 1219:91, oh snap.PNG)

Even CIAniggers know how to bantz.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:53:07 ID: 086bdf No.9443954

Sargon of Akkads Twitter was just hacked after showing on a youtube livestream Vault 7 stuff

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:54:15 ID: c3b138 No.9443961
>put password into the password field

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:54:22 ID: 3fba03 No.9443964

File: df0d84a24235e47 .webm (493.24 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Dubs.webm)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:54:59 ID: 7d975d No.9443968

spread it, any disruptions of these leaks is great kindling to normies for red pills.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:55:02 ID: c97737 No.9443969

File: 03c2d3a4b6f4eb4 .png (205.65 KB, 1327x444, 1327:444, savage fucking burn.png)

<niggers hooting and hollering excitedly>

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:55:06 ID: 7f99a5 No.9443970

>That demons exist and they've been working with them since at least 1947.
I knew jews were evil, but demons? I don't see any horns or supernatural shit about them.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:55:16 ID: c81ff4 No.9443971

someone get this hothead out of here

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:55:44 ID: 933265 No.9443975

File: af512f1ba1cf703 .jpg (160.43 KB, 480x720, 2:3, aaac.jpg)

I'm tired of fucking waiting. But what do I do?
>start a family and try to out-breed our enemies
>just go fucking do it and probably get killed
I'm torn. I'm at a juncture in my life. I feel like the first is the most constructive choice, because no amount of shootings has done anything
yet. I-I just want to hang them all with /pol/ and start a family with a nice government job to support them, but that seems so far out of reach
I don't know if I'll even see it in my lifetime.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:55:55 ID: bbc4b1 No.9443978

I think that since this stuff is out in the open, a lot of people besides CIA are going to start using it. And I think that's the biggest problem for
normalfags. CIA has fucked up and leaked a bunch of tools that lets a bunch of people hack like they couldn't before.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:58:24 ID: 75fd19 No.9443993
Did you miss the MLCH getting his ass handed to him episode?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:58:29 ID: e78f80 No.9443994

yeah so pleddit it security guy turned out to be an actual paid shill..
is there anything interesting i can do with knowing someone is a shill or is that where the fun stops?
the worst thing is that right as i was about to send him a message my fucking neighbor starting pounding on my door because he is
hammered and got into a fight with his gf so it scared the fucking shit out of me

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:59:46 ID: fdb420 No.9444001

Yes , you're correct. Not implying the kike has horns or supernatural abilities or that shit. I was implying that the CIA and Mossad and the
rest of the kiddie fuckers have been fucking around with demons since about 1947 ish. What with Roswell and A51 and jack parsons and all
that shit. Yeah I know , /x/tier bullshit. KMS now

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 00:59:57 ID: a24679 No.9444003

I don't think anyone cares about plebbit, or your neighbour's gf

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:00:04 ID: 7f99a5 No.9444004

>Did you miss the MLCH getting his ass handed to him episode?
Wasn't that the U.S Election 2016 Special?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:00:06 ID: 742d5f No.9444005

File: 15b388fe3e3eddd .png (245.01 KB, 517x522, File: ef64c0088cd1952 .png (179.25 KB, 1884x770,
517:522, ClipboardImage.png) 942:385, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27315291ed4bb20 .png (475.46 KB, 921x778,

921:778, ClipboardImage.png)

Is Egg McMuffin a brony?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:00:28 ID: 97ae0a No.9444010

File: d2056f25b16ba13 .png (54.1 KB, 1113x380, 1113:380, lolroot.PNG)

Kek. Rooting my FireTV gave me half the training I needed to be a l337 CIA haxx0r I think.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:01:24 ID: 61d769 No.9444018

Reddit is full of shills, what difference does it make? Lurk more friendo, you might learn a thing or two about how shit reddit is, and by
extension, a large part of the normalfag part of the internet.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:02:02 ID: ce7f54 No.9444023
My sides would never recover. If he is, we need to paint him heavily as mormon. Maybe the church will publicly disavow him.
blog elsewhere.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:02:27 ID: 845478 No.9444028

CIA started forcing joe biden memes back when it was revealed how fucking creepy he is with kids.
There were even reddit/imgur front page posts trying to downplay how fucking creepy the guy is, trying to make it seem like he's just a cute
lovable guy. It was disgusting watching the propaganda in action, and how normies fall for that shit hook line and sinker.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:02:28 ID: a24679 No.9444029

Well I don't know. Is Mindy Finn, actually (((Mindy Finn)))?
All nose point to yes.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:02:33 ID: 086bdf No.9444030

Keemstar sent out a tweet about Sargon of Akkads Twitter being hacked, and people think its related to the vault 7 shit because of the
Honestly, don't know.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:02:52 ID: a5e0ba No.9444031

As usual, it will probably not happen until the normies are affected. Meaning, not until the economy finally collapses or food becomes
scarce. Until then, the mouth-breathing idiot masses will keep living their ignorant and complacent yet ever increasingly fucked lives.
The spark will be money/food, mark my words. I doubt individuals here can do anything to push a crisis in those areas, but if they can,
that's the lever to get it rolling.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:04:13 ID: fdb420 No.9444042

They might. they might not though too. I saw some shady shit swept under the rug growing up right in the heart of Mormon central. Brad
Gale the kid fucker and Richard Fisco the scout fucker are two examples. Mcmuffin is a tool

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:05:46 ID: 0848e5 No.9444050

I think it's pretty obvious to anyone who's paying attention because it's leaked into the physical realm.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:05:46 ID: 97ae0a No.9444051

File: fb1e25d70a6db80 .png (454.79 KB, 1057x563, 1057:563, busy doge.PNG)

New sassy cat?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:07:12 ID: c3b138 No.9444058

That's a relatively common image, unless the filename is unique you're not likely to find anything actionable.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:07:22 ID: 845478 No.9444060

I think the only thing holding a lot of people back right now is the fact that /ourguy/ is in the white house.
If Trump fails a lot of people are going to start thinking about grabbing that last box they've got in their closet.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:08:12 ID: 44a6ca No.9444063
Guys, what happens if the tutorials and software the CIA uses for hacking in these leaks go open source, as in anyone can update it and
use it to their likings?
Can we create something similar to the old Dangerous Kitten out of it and make something like a real anonymous that can break shit and
work as a spy network instead of a bunch of faggots larping?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:08:17 ID: 7dc0cc No.9444066

Time to start self-training then, cyber warfare is real.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:09:17 ID: 1b551c No.9444069

File: 92b2e74e8c23930 .jpg (149.77 KB, 1421x891, 1421:891, QUestion kek.jpg)

Can we use the tools in the CIA leeks to fuck with the Halfchan mods?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:10:15 ID: b61b16 No.9444073

File: 2d2a3a17ab73193 .png (332.07 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 77.png)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:10:24 ID: 4ad7e8 No.9444075

File: e71b883bc3b0df0 .gif (22.83 KB, 310x760, 31:76, happening_2.gif)

you're talking to the guy who made a new thread because he thought he was responding to someone else.
This happening has brought many newfags it looks like.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:10:47 ID: 97ae0a No.9444080

1. Archive your cuckchan meme folder. Don't look at it again for 2 years.
2. They didn't release any of the tools themselves, just a bunch of notes and documentation.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:10:50 ID: 7dc0cc No.9444081

Question is can you protect yourself from retaliation?

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:11:46 ID: 81fcfb No.9444084
>I used to be angry. Then I became numb. I thought my jaded apathy would prevent me from ever getting surprised or angry again.
I feel mostly the same. I think I've slipped back into numbness and apathy after my anger stage. The BTFO of the left by Trump has been a
ton of fun, but people need to hang for this kind of shit.
I know lots of normies waking up, but they tend to go to nihilism instead of our direction. Even with all of this being released, they just seem
to want to stagnate.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:12:29 ID: fedbc2 No.9444089

So why where are the riots?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:16:00 ID: 52a0c4 No.9444109

File: dd9dce0d06c6aa9 .jpg (191.73 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1475730383926.jpg)

asking the important questions here

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:16:18 ID: ce7f54 No.9444111

True, forgot about muh tribe. They really are jews with casserole.
They still care deep down. The trouble is breaking through the bread and circus that's infinitely more important. I have theories as to this, but
at the end of the day it's nigh impossible on a mass scale for the current generation. Namibia when?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:16:29 ID: 1fb4ba No.9444113

File: 261aa8e75bbe3d0 .gif (2.09 MB, 422x437, 422:437, 1448130526144.gif)


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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:16:30 ID: 78b3da No.9444114
File: 1de0a3c80f64970 .jpg (82.05 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Plato-Guardians-Should-Hav.jpg)

>government job
Go do real work, faggot.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:17:28 ID: 81fcfb No.9444118

The revolution won't be televised.
It'll be broadcasted through your comprised ISP to a comprimise website, to your compromised device and all comments disabled.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:19:16 ID: d47165 No.9444129

File: 31c794ecc58d168 .png (136.1 KB, 507x566, 507:566, wikileaks and JFK.png)

Long gone

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:20:06 ID: 08c136 No.9444135

Digits confirm that Trump will physically remove the CIA, so to speak.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:20:28 ID: 75fd19 No.9444138

Patience anon.
I know it's frustrating, but it's not time for the DOTR yet.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:21:00 ID: ee1544 No.9444141

Jesus christ it's real

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:22:20 ID: 7cf7a8 No.9444149

He's a big brony

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:22:34 ID: c81ff4 No.9444150


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:23:24 ID: c97737 No.9444157

Wow hey dude it's the man

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:24:44 ID: 933265 No.9444166
>not wanting /pol/ to run the government
Asking for it to be ruined. I've already worked manual labor in my life anyway.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:25:36 ID: 81fcfb No.9444176

Not /tech/ here. /WDFx2EU89/status/839251023558557696
Guy comes off really autistic but seems to know what he's talking about.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:26:02 ID: 97ae0a No.9444180

File: 3257b7714d7b407 .png (201.45 KB, 502x875, 502:875, 758404__safe_solo_oc_meme_.png)

Oh anon, you should have gotten on board when you had the chance, teehee! Just think, you could have been living on easy street all these
years, hacking antifa faggots and ISIS, but you had to be sooooooooo triggered by ponies that we ended up throwing all your applications in
the trash. Oops! I guess you'll have to do better next time!
t. Fuck's sake my ex got me into MLP and I loved triggering people with /pone/ - where the fuck have my government shekels been?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:27:14 ID: 0d4ad3 No.9444189

Well I've been reading this over and over.
Macfags are fucked. Lin fags are fucked. Window users could literally be controlled remotely.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:27:15 ID: f9177f No.9444190

File: e0850fe0566b64d .png (178.11 KB, 241x340, 241:340, 1435932200217.png)

what did he mean by this?

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:27:25 ID: 22c396 No.9444193
File: 7a5cc8a2fc784e7 .png (1.23 MB, File: 61215fb3a777e80 .png
1840x2402, 920:1201, CIA Bronies.png) (818.47 KB, 1304x2152, 163:269, CIA

Speaking of MLP

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:27:31 ID: 956b6f No.9444194

Triggered goons in

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:28:10 ID: 8e8564 No.9444202

why nobody archived this faggots, its down already

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:29:29 ID: 956b6f No.9444210

It's a redirect website, that's all.
Like when JebBush2016 redirected to Trump's website after Trump stole it from under him.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:30:04 ID: ee1544 No.9444215


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:30:22 ID: b4673f No.9444219

>Is TOR also compromised?
>literally created by the US Navy Intelligence Office
Take a wild guess.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:30:37 ID: 933265 No.9444223

>two page picture
Title didn't lie. I'm just surprised it wasn't one of those pages you have to fold out to reveal a third page.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:31:12 ID: f75973 No.9444229

holy shit anon, p gud

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:31:14 ID: 8e8564 No.9444231

i know it was a joke, archive everything inmediatly, i was suprised that i went to the arhive and it was not archived, so i had to archive it

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:31:57 ID: 44072c No.9444233
this was the most pathetic part, most AV doesn't even use ASLR so it's totally exploitable at run-time, this is the most BASIC fucking
security possible (like seriously one of the first things taught in opsec is ASLR to avoid buffer overflows), obviously windows does this
internally but that is easily bypassible. So many buffer overflow attacks, the most TRIVIAL SHIT POSSIBLE in fucking opsec, and even
kaspersky can't get their shit together to cover that at least

If anyone is /g/ they should recognize the scariest leak here is the firmware level exploits they posses. Discussed with "equation group"
(NSA) that got caught by kaspersky, which has only improved since then. Installed at firmware level, can't be removed with a total format
even, persists across installs, and can be used in combination with encrypted auxillary file systems that can store arbitrary encrypted data
that the regular file system wouldn't even be able to know was there. if they want to get you, there is NOTHING you can do to protect.
Routers compromised, hard drives compromised, operating systems compromised, programs compromised, AV compromised, upstream
networks compromised, literally everything in the chain is pwned at such a level you wouldn't be able to detect it without like, manually
inspecting firmware hashes yourself (even that can be faked too).

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:32:33 ID: 956b6f No.9444242

File: 3e2abd0dc3f85e6 .png (256.69 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1433394161590.png)

I'm not sure that was everyone being lazy or everyone being smart enough to know that archiving redirects is pointless.
I'd stick to the first since it's more likely.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:33:22 ID: 319716 No.9444249

Likely not a numbers station. Possibly a control protocol for a bot net or spyware.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:34:03 ID: 8e8564 No.9444259

File: 2825815a2f2098b .png (260.99 KB, 503x377, 503:377, 2825815a2f2098b17500fdebc7.png)

the same cook book replies..
gee i wonder who coul be behid this posts

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:35:18 ID: 8e8564 No.9444270
File: 91215bebbbb0355 .gif (2.61 MB, 400x400, 1:1, 91215bebbbb0355b62838266bf.gif)

i fucked up, it was this two posts

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:36:28 ID: 75db59 No.9444276

Prove the CIA keeps every Snapchat ever sent and you'll see people shitting their pants

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:36:41 ID: 956b6f No.9444282

File: 4f8b41089e00c98 .jpg (Spoiler Image, 28.09 KB, 324x408, 27:34, DIO.jpg)

It was ME, DIO!

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:36:48 ID: 8e8564 No.9444283

File: d9fa11e8e2d5dde .png (41.51 KB, 1061x186, 1061:186, ClipboardImage.png)

looks fun in the screen cap

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:38:16 ID: 7888de No.9444296

File: e81ca985523b06c .jpg (20.11 KB, 255x255, 1:1, f2513d6f6a4c8b767144f463db.jpg)

Get out!

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:38:52 ID: 956b6f No.9444301
File: 626a44ecb58d29a .jpg (143.93 KB, 900x735, 60:49, 1450942880722.jpg)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:40:02 ID: 8e8564 No.9444312

File: 1365aaa608afea9 .gif (2.68 MB, 400x225, 16:9, 1365aaa608afea953f17dadd98.gif)

so tacos are the ones who speak spanish

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:41:14 ID: 528b70 No.9444323

If you're serious you better acquire some influence in real life. IF you can start a business and your employees respect you you can slowly
red pill them and boom you got your very own RWDS.
Going solo won't get you anywhere, and i wouldn't depend too much on this site for real muscle.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:41:51 ID: 956b6f No.9444330

You may have to excuse my immediate repulsion at the Spanish language.
I've never once seen a Spaniard in real life and they've ruined the reputation of your language here.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:42:56 ID: 000000 No.9444344

Your computer is already affected by serious malware. It's called windows

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:43:01 ID: 956b6f No.9444346

File: e42fc5b171f3395 .jpg (159.89 KB, 590x393, 590:393, 1457811628068.jpg)

There's the goon. Spoiled his reply so I wouldn't even get a (you) out of it too!

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:43:02 ID: b4673f No.9444347

>the same cook book replies..
It's almost as if TOR being created by the ONI is common knowledge . . . . . .

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:44:00 ID: 0006d9 No.9444353

No need to apologize. Spanish is the auditory equivalent of extreme poverty.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:44:59 ID: 99f702 No.9444365
9444444 Soon.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:45:12 ID: 000000 No.9444367

I miss the days of the Man In The Van. At least they had to do a little work for it back then.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:45:37 ID: 956b6f No.9444371

fuck off, /sp/

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:45:37 ID: c97737 No.9444372

There's a reason for that, it's mostly the spawn of Arabic.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:46:24 ID: 8e8564 No.9444377

File: 028317e42024d41 .png (1.65 MB, 1200x716, File: d9174230ebf91c7 .gif (3.07 MB, 414x382,
300:179, ClipboardImage.png) 207:191, 1483052151398.gif)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:48:07 ID: 000000 No.9444389

It shows a lack of understanding of how security works. They wanted a secure piece of software for anonymous communication for their own
use. Standard procedure is to make it open source so independent security researchers can audit it. Tor is fine. Definitely better than doing
nothing, which makes one suspicious of people discouraging its use. Why do they want to make the NSA job easier?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:48:34 ID: 288bf8 No.9444394

File: 453405f2db8c569 .png (254.83 KB, 393x429, 131:143, happy star of friendship.png)


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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:49:56 ID: 8e8564 No.9444407
File: 119aa6acfe531d1 .png (57.75 KB, 336x282, File: ddcb1c55060f45b .jpg (26.39 KB, 423x222,
56:47, 119aa6acfe531d1ab5c9e36acb.png) 141:74, 1488837614824.jpg)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:50:34 ID: 8e8564 No.9444417

File: 32afb771dcfd3c4 .jpg (75.37 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1467229956330.jpg)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:51:10 ID: d11644 No.9444424

Does this mean there's a CIA worm slowly attaching to every single node on the internet?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:51:17 ID: 956b6f No.9444426

This kind of shitposting will ruin it, faggot.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:51:35 ID: 0006d9 No.9444430

File: d67af1610cdeeff .jpg (56.2 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Tesla.jpg)

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:51:43 ID: 75db59 No.9444433

Deep state BTFO on ides of March. Public lynchings. DOTR March 15
Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:51:45 ID: abb92f No.9444434
Posting this from freshly installed freebsd

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:51:48 ID: c97737 No.9444436
>This symbol adorns places where the Jew larvae are kept and provided with the gentile blood their weak, effeminate and diseased evil
bodies need to survive into adulthood

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:51:53 ID: 6dfe88 No.9444438


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:52:07 ID: 4ad7e8 No.9444443

File: 506c7ddd3a6509e .jpg (29.54 KB, 563x542, 563:542, 447d9267036bc7280c625807ee.jpg)

Only for KeK.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:52:10 ID: 6dfe88 No.9444445


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:52:24 ID: 75db59 No.9444448

Purge all kikes

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:52:32 ID: 956b6f No.9444450

>that close

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:52:40 ID: d11644 No.9444454

File: 0ea753db811ce09 .png (270.59 KB, 370x567, 370:567, Mulan.PNG)

>tfw we're going to find the sick porn CIA guys are into

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:52:54 ID: e81112 No.9444457

Gas the fucking jews !!!!!

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:53:23 ID: b4673f No.9444466

You keep being suspicious of those stating the simple fact that TOR was created by military intelligence.
Military intelligence will keep being suspicious of you for using TOR; which they created.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:54:46 ID: c3b138 No.9444478
is she decapitated?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:54:50 ID: 0006d9 No.9444479

File: 9d9b629ca5231cc .gif (929.05 KB, 500x284, 125:71, loademup.gif)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:56:33 ID: 00df2a No.9444488

File: 98825d7f82401c3 .jpeg (114.07 KB, 687x578, 687:578, wikileaks cia.jpeg)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:56:54 ID: 7d1880 No.9444491

File: a9e19c4b7aff90a .png (682.16 KB, 484x609, 484:609, YOU start the fire.png)

How do I help with digging?

I couldn't stomach the Pizzagate dig threads, and I had exams during the election digs

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:57:32 ID: 52a0c4 No.9444494

File: 782349da3a603bb .png (2.02 MB, 1508x944, 377:236, 1475536927121.png)


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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:57:41 ID: 33f9ea No.9444496
File: 08e25a5b0ceec02 .jpg (1.15 MB, 900x788, 225:197, cb983fa7afd1bbaee8bc1b6bf8.jpg)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:58:02 ID: 8e8564 No.9444499


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:59:02 ID: 528b70 No.9444509

Yeah and the normalfags are absolutely necessary for any scenario. But if y'all keep feeling better than the normalfags because you got
isolated as a 14 y/o and found 4chan on the interwebz this isn't going to happen of course.
As much as I'd love to trigger the lot of you it's not my plan to rant too hard here. But there are so much defeatist people here who think
they are any better than your average Joe. Why, because they are 'non-conformist'? Then they become proud neets circlejerking on this
website instead of actually doing something in the real world that would make a difference.
Let me tell you the people who are able to make real change are the people who can influence the real world around them. Influence one
normalfag with a lot of friends and you let the ripples multiply.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 01:59:17 ID: 52a0c4 No.9444510

File: 45016f6050fa01d .png (98.8 KB, 397x314, 397:314, 1486678712460.png)

kek wills it

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:00:03 ID: 97ae0a No.9444514

File: f0a372c6b50fad0 .jpg (48.22 KB, 500x532, 125:133, 940d11efbd3b7ef061fe15029d.jpg)


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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:00:11 ID: 1adc6a No.9444517
eh tu mcmuffin?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:00:51 ID: e78f80 No.9444524

jesus fucking christ man it was just a couple posts.. literally you might like reddit better with the voting system because it hides unpopular
opinions.. i simply added a snippet about my neighbor and how he came knocking right as i was posting about wikileaks,
for a second i thought it might be some kind of fucking government assasin about to heart attack gun me! but i think its still somewhat
relevant that shills are getting so common on reddit that on R/politics they probably make up far more than half the posters
well i knew it was full of shills but it has really gotten to the point of chat bots writing to each other back and forth.. the problem is that
normies see this and it validates the false narrative that they saw on tv
you know this place is great but i dont understand why no body wants to actually spend the time attempting to wade into enemy territory
and possibly making a difference even if it is minute
and its nice if you actually catch a shill red handed in a web of lies then you can possibly glean some info off them like im attempting to do
right now

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:01:09 ID: 000000 No.9444528

>You keep being suspicious of those stating the simple fact that TOR was created by military intelligence.
I know that fact. I also know that this doesn't imply tor is compromised. It's not perfect but it's fairly robust.
>Military intelligence will keep being suspicious of you for using TOR; which they created.
I know, I don't care. Mass surveillance is so morally repellent to me that I can't do otherwise. If me using Tor makes them waste resources,
that's mission accomplished for me. I live a boring enough live, so hopefully that helps those that really need it.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:01:27 ID: c97737 No.9444529

>Normalfags are just like us except totally fucking retarded and unable to conceive of nearly anything we talk about at all
You're right that we should let them do what the herd does best and influence other members of it to our ends, though.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:03:04 ID: 22c396 No.9444541

I was in this board https://8ch. net/pol/res/9434566.html#9438625 and was the one that posted the kryptos passages but had to go to sleep
unfortunately a few hours before the mlp revelation. It was just that simple and i missed it. Dang it.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:03:17 ID: f45ffb No.9444542

File: fa7b6b2f74991b6 .jpg (394.86 KB, 1329x746, 1329:746, vault-7.jpg)

Welcome Home Vault 7

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:05:04 ID: e81112 No.9444556

(checked) the the CIA stands for Conniving Israeli Assholes!!! I seriously hope I live long enough to see that desert shithole glasses and all
the rodent infestation hung for treason.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:06:05 ID: aee716 No.9444562

Man UO, brings me back.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:06:30 ID: 528b70 No.9444563

Well since i too was generalizing heavily in my post I guess I can't really blame you for doing the same.
But i know my generalization was an exaggeration, I wonder if you're willing to acknowledge the same.
Let me cut my own bullshit. You understand the influencing part I hope you too understand that it's probably noticeable for them that you
regard them as lowlife or trash, while the other side of the spectrum will talk to them as equals.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:06:56 ID: 2a4004 No.9444567
File: 04c48ad94405f2f .webm (1.55 MB, 640x360, 16:9, checkem.webm)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:07:38 ID: b4673f No.9444573

>If me using Tor makes them waste resources
You seriously underestimate their storage capacity and automation if you think you're wasting anyone's time.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:08:11 ID: c97737 No.9444578

Nope, never been wrong a single time. I am utterly infallible. Go back to Reddit.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:08:18 ID: 22c396 No.9444579

Are there any other pics included in vault 7 that we can originate the source?
We already know about sassy cat.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:12:41 ID: a24679 No.9444611

File: 2cf123481f26343 .jpg (46.02 KB, 400x474, 200:237, 1461527876884.jpg)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:12:57 ID: 933265 No.9444612

File: df61b87ed2195f8 .jpg (20.93 KB, 275x299, 275:299, checknazi.jpg)

>>9444433 (checked)
Auspicious dubs kamraden.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:13:12 ID: 000000 No.9444614

You underestimate the capabilities of Tor. Their anonymization method has withstood a lot of people earnest attempts to attack it (that's
how security research is done). But you don't need to believe me, Edward Snowden leaks show that they themselves consider Tor a pain in
the ass.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:13:25 ID: 00df2a No.9444616
If he has an "accident" we get the unredacted dump including all the ciabrony names. We'll also have the tools to hack their systems and
we'll shame them to death with their degenerate fetish secrets.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:13:40 ID: 528b70 No.9444618

I am claiming this place from you proud furniture. Look at every successful right-winged politician ever, they talk with love and compassion
for their people while the most of you hate your own people.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:14:36 ID: e81112 No.9444627

quits windows a while back try too learn some basic opsec with linux think I am getting somewhere and .drum roll.It was all for
NOTHING!! everything is pozzed by the fucking jews already !!! lmao FML!!! Please let Trump fire all their asses NOW!!!

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:14:37 ID: 8e0256 No.9444628

File: f2cc91cdc7e0548 .jpg (40.97 KB, 600x600, 1:1, well.jpg)

What am I suposed to do about all this shit?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:15:33 ID: fdb420 No.9444635

Fuck firing them , firing squad their asses

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:16:46 ID: 432565 No.9444640

Call the companies to act ASAP. Attack attack attack.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:17:13 ID: 000000 No.9444645

>quits windows a while back try too learn some basic opsec with linux think I am getting somewhere and .drum roll.It was all for
Ain't that a kick in the pants.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:17:23 ID: 734462 No.9444646

At the end of the day I think it's really a matter of trust and not putting all your eggs in one basket. Clearly TOR can be leveraged effectively
if you know what you are doing. If you don't it can give you a false sense of security.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:18:08 ID: e81112 No.9444651

True anon,but fire them first just for the public shame then firing squad it up.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:19:08 ID: 378645 No.9444659

It all depends on what you are doing, and whose going to be looking for it.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:20:56 ID: 340dab No.9444676

meme anon, meme

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:21:27 ID: 000000 No.9444680

I'm all for that. You can go use freenet, I2p or gnunet, there are alternatives. But tor is not an alternative to normal internet use. Normal
internet use is worse in all situations.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:21:55 ID: 1b1611 No.9444682
File: 388ee17d5884827 .jpg (102.46 KB, 768x417, 256:139, 922823d82.jpg)

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:22:22 ID: 340dab No.9444686

people need to learn about TOR gateways and stay the fuck away form relying on browsers for security all together. Virtualize everything.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:22:51 ID: 933265 No.9444690

Jump into oncoming traffic.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:23:02 ID: afb019 No.9444693

just a reminder that wikileaks is just one big massive australian shitpost

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:24:26 ID: b3fca2 No.9444701

How the deep state can be simultaneously this powerful and this retarded is beyond me.
Lurk more?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:24:42 ID: 340dab No.9444703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It would take an Aussie to shitpost the CIA into 200% kvetching mode

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:26:03 ID: 792570 No.9444709

what am i looking at anon? Is that duct tape?

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:28:04 ID: 22c396 No.9444723
File: a5bf4fe397399a3 .gif (3.53 MB, 605x600, File: 9c7acce3c62de70 .jpg
121:120, Danklife.gif) (112.31 KB, 601x947, 601:947, Ultra
Rare Do Not Copy.jpg)

>wikileaks releases CIA's pepe folder

>dank rares for everyone
cant wait

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:28:12 ID: 378645 No.9444724

he covers the cameras and plugs in a microphone and cuts its head off

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:28:33 ID: 340dab No.9444728

just learn Arch faggot, it's not that hard.
Play with Manjaro to get the idea of how it's structured, then try rolling your own in a vm. Or skip all the fun and use Qubes OS, as it's
preconfigured to use TOR via gateway and it compartmentalizes everything.
More interestingly, shouldn't there have been over 9000 linux updates by now? the fuck is taking so long?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:29:15 ID: 39395e No.9444733

File: 2ba280be64fdbd5 .png (830.38 KB, 792x792, 1:1, 1424296428738.png)

Okay this is an unlikely connection, but somebody mentioned the NIN's Year Zero. I'm a fan of the album, and remembered that it was
accompanied by a sort of ARG which consisted of a bunch of websites and information supposedly transmitted back in time from the future.
Here's a timeline of Year Zero's events:
specifically of interest:
>11/??/-04 (11/??/2018) The first female President of the United States is impeached and convicted of treason. As a result, legislation is
pushed through that ends free elections and allows the President to be chosen by a congressional panel.
> first female president impeached.
Unlikely that this is related to wiki-leaks, but it got me spooked thinking that the ARG might be a psyop to cover up a real transmission from
the future.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:30:40 ID: dfe5b4 No.9444742
File: f9b661411cb67c2 .jpg (21.46 KB, 336x240, 7:5, Friends in High Places.jpg)

Obviously we have some Friends In High Places, thanks to Jesus and God!!!

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:30:59 ID: 39395e No.9444744

My implication being that we are now in an alternate time line where that event did not happen of course.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:32:12 ID: 97ae0a No.9444750

File: 1d0fde6ebee59c8 .png (517.45 KB, 600x848, 75:106, 1d0fde6ebee59c80055f7ce8b0.png)

Worst D&C I have ever seen. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:32:40 ID: f9177f No.9444751

File: 3847d8b90691d10 .png (264.18 KB, 423x604, 423:604, 1436552685682.png)

>CIA is caught spreading the anti-semetic Pepe meme
>Trump has to shut the CIA down for the good of all Jewish people

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:33:13 ID: ef6e95 No.9444756
File: 4a57780b1f239da .png (237.19 KB, 500x375, 4:3, e7cb5db974f0cc9f3d2ea88a82.png)

Source, realz?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:33:45 ID: ac0c95 No.9444759

about tree fiddy

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:34:25 ID: 378645 No.9444764

I thought Year Zero referred to Roswell in general. Maybe I heard Steven Greer or someone say that. Either way its a term they use that def
means something.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:36:17 ID: ef6e95 No.9444772

File: 0af602312b735f7 .png (197.81 KB, 322x471, 322:471, 0af602312b735f7d9825a29f9d.png)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:36:23 ID: e81112 No.9444773

yea I have actually checked out arch/manjaro a little seems pretty cool I am not giving up by any means I actually love linux now wish I
would have shit canned winblows 15 years ago.ah well thanks for the advice anon.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:37:26 ID: 2a4004 No.9444779

Good eye anon! Cuckerberg's not one for subtlety on his political views or being a giant hypocrite, considering his stance on the wall and
One of the rules in anime is that the gag characters are always the strongest. They're dumbasses, and there's no accounting for
dumbass..ness. Just because they're stupid doesn't mean they're anymore dangerous and destructive to the good people of the world.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:37:36 ID: 0006d9 No.9444782

Yes it's real, it's from an interview in Esquire. Technically, he said "you MAY live", but that's less interesting. Coincidentally, he was
talking about autonomous boats loaded with dynamite (e.g. drones). Go figure.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:39:45 ID: 97ae0a No.9444795

File: c53843078a543ae .png (51.39 KB, 1546x404, 773:202, mods are asleep.PNG)

Mods are asleep - deface each other's user pages!

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:39:57 ID: 415cdb No.9444796
>if a client sends a valid client certificate (only implants can do that), the connection is forwarded to the 'Honeycomb' toolserver that
communicates with the implant; if a valid certificate is missing (which is the case if someone tries to open the cover domain website by
accident), the traffic is forwarded to a cover server that delivers an unsuspicious looking website.
I want to find these cover sites. any ideas

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:40:04 ID: afb019 No.9444801

File: 7c04a06611c8c07 .jpg (138.5 KB, 555x414, 185:138, richard stallman mugshot.jpg)

This man warned the world, and nobody listened.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:40:53 ID: 340dab No.9444806

>file name
That's Linus Torvalds faggot

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:40:57 ID: fdb420 No.9444807

File: 0e888593ac759d6 .jpg (2.54 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, image.jpg)

Like I was saying earlier , they have been colluding with literal demons since 1947 at least. Jack parsons and the ritual he did at a51 and all
that. This is called onikiri-demon cutter

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:41:32 ID: fb84fe No.9444812

File: cd07e7d9e5310ea .png (40.01 KB, 200x200, 1:1, main_Banana.png)

fucking checked.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:41:46 ID: 000000 No.9444814
CIA Intern here. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Julian has worse stuff than this. I am almost certain of that fact.
I don't think the American public realizes just how dangerous the NSA and CIA are. EVERYTHING YOU DO WHILE CONNECTED ONLINE
IS BEING WATCHED AND COLLECTED IN THE CLOUD. This place is corrupt as fuck. I hate it here but I feel trapped. I legit feel like I will
go "missing" if I speak up.
Mike Pompeo won't change anything. We keep stuff hidden from the director. The President doesn't get briefed on most things that go on
here. What he does get briefed on is largely FAKE information. Even if Pompeo wanted to change things he wouldn't be able to. THE CIA
RUNS THE U.S. GOVERNMENT. The President is a powerless figurehead in the grand scheme of things. The CIA hates Trump because he
knows this and is exposing them. There are too many hostile employees here. Everything we do here involves undermining the new
administration in some way.
By the end of this week (Probably Friday or the weekend) the New York Times or the Washington Post will release their next "muh
Russians influenced the election" story. The successful attacks on Flynn and Sessions strengthened the operations going on here. The CIA
wants Bannon gone. He is their #1 target besides Trump. They are going to manufacture a narrative that Breitbart (under Bannon's orders)
took money or a bribe from the Russian Government/Embassy in order to cover a certain story/say a certain thing. The story will spread like
wildfire through the MSM as can be imagined. We have to fight back or this administration will be consumed by the Deep State. The rabbit
hole is bigger than any of you could ever imagine.
(Sorry for using Tor but I had no choice.)
That is about all. Goodbye.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:41:58 ID: 97ae0a No.9444816

File: 30b03eff0f83c97 .png (92.91 KB, 1514x681, 1514:681, planitir.PNG)

I know I've heard some spoopy stuff about Planitir before - does anybody know what it actually does? From what I could understand from a
cursory investigation, it's a little like Apple OS Spotlight for huge amounts of tagged information?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:42:25 ID: 22c396 No.9444821

Found this

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:42:36 ID: 39395e No.9444825

"The Presence" is a sort of god-like or possible extra-terrestrial entity in the Year Zero universe, which probably does have connections to
Roswell. Mainly though, story describes on the collapse of the US into a sort of tyrannical NWO type government with civil war and violent
demonstrations being part of it.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:44:19 ID: 97ae0a No.9444839

File: 31a1c93c641565e .png (150.09 KB, 590x447, 590:447, 97e3fdc9b49d60cfcce617b7ca.png)

>The story will spread like wildfire through the MSM as can be imagined. We have to fight back or this administration will be consumed by
the Deep State. The rabbit hole is bigger than any of you could ever imagine.
Pretty sure most of us at least half-suspect you of colluding with demons mate, see >>9444807

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:45:33 ID: 378645 No.9444849
This bit under 6:Basic Forensics
Secure Delete and Self-Delete
When we do end up needing to leave artifacts on disk we most often require that the tool is securely deleted. As you may already know,
when you delete a file you merely remove the reference to it in the file system and you don't actually wipe the appropriate bytes on disk.
Self-delete refers to the set of techniques in which the executing code is able to delete itself from disk. Sometimes this is done insecurely
but the risk of doing this is managed by the customers. You can vist 9. Tradecraft to see the standard for secure deletion.

Basically talking about how to frame people by dumping incriminating evidence on their computers

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:46:05 ID: 340dab No.9444852

luckily none of that is too original and won't get anywhere. I'm more concerned with plane crashes tbh

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:46:15 ID: fb84fe No.9444855

Ted Kaczynski - Anti-tech Revolution Why and How

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:47:37 ID: 340dab No.9444866

no need to break their links nigger, they already lurk here regularly.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:47:41 ID: fdb420 No.9444867

Indeed. I can imagine quite a rabbit hole anon. I shudder to think what goes deeper. Fuck it. Let it ride

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:48:25 ID: bda4f8 No.9444874

Intern at CIA knows the president's daily brief. Lol

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:48:29 ID: 340dab No.9444875

Also that's probably the most useful thing the CIA has ever compiled

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:48:35 ID: 22c396 No.9444876

List of japanese faces cia uses

\( o)/
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\_( )_/




( ; surprised
( ) confusion
( )
(|| ) scary


converted by
< "Dear god why )
( )
( )


( )
( _ )
( )



_ <So Beautiful!

(` )
( )
( ) y u no guy
( )
( )
, .

( )
( )
baby seal

converted by
baby seal


( _ )

( )
( ) happy dog

~ )
( )
( ,,

( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) )
( _ )
( _ )
( _ )
( )
) angry guy flipping a table

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| | <Huuuuur


( )
( )



. .
.| |.

converted by
.| |.
( )

? ( ) ?
( )
( )
( )
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"well" or "good"
"bad" or "not good"

///_ ///


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!( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( ;)
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( _ )
( )
( _ .:)
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( _ )
( _ )
( )
( _ )
( )
( ) *:. . . .:* happy with music
( ) - no thx
( )
( )
converted by
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( _ )
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( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( table flip
( )
( _ )
( ,)
( 3 )
( _ )
( )
( )
( )
( ) relieved happy
( )
( )
( ) cute happy
( )
( -)
( )
( ^ )
( _ )
( )
( )
( _ )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )o !!
( _ )
( )
( )
( ) table flip
( )
( _ )
( )
( ) "Come on" or "Come here"
( )
( )
( _ )
( ) innocent happy
( )
( )
( )
( )
( .. )
( -)
( ) *:
( ) "heh?" or "what are you saying?" or "surprised"
( )y ~~ smoking
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( ( ) )
( )
( _ )
( )
( ~ )
( )
( _)>-
( ,_ )
( )
converted by
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( ) vomits saliva
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=( )
d(* *)b
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o( o )o
q( )p
y= ( ) . shot my head
\ \
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^ ^
{ }
{ _ }__,,|,
{ }

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:48:50 ID: 73d5d6 No.9444879

You do realize the end nodes are compromised, in part to help catch rat fuck traitors, right? Good luck.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:48:55 ID: 97ae0a No.9444880

File: 4fe65ce8299a38a .png (781.95 KB, 1023x759, 31:23, i regret nothing.png)

Blowout soon, fellow STALKER.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:49:09 ID: 2e1070 No.9444882

post yfw you thought you were battling goons, but you were really battling spooks

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:49:20 ID: 340dab No.9444886

you just couldn't resist, could you?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:50:04 ID: 99f702 No.9444892

Why Not Both?

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:50:15 ID: 73d5d6 No.9444896
Wasn't the argument that the Goons became spooks and did a Skull and Bones sort of thing from the SA criclejerk?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:50:30 ID: 0006d9 No.9444897

File: 223f9ba99efc281 .jpg (2.2 MB, 3112x2328, 389:291, 8fdcec5234acf970a828404fdc.jpg)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:50:50 ID: 4ad7e8 No.9444902

anyone can post a pen tot larp tbh.
but whatever, the cia/niggers doubling down on an already fruitless endeavor with their russia narrative nonsense is not really the main
concern. If they are more releases by wl and they go spastic, then is when we need to pay attention.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:51:10 ID: b9f26a No.9444905

File: e49492f74d805e3 .png (354.24 KB, 452x478, 226:239, charls4.png)

so anons, should we unionize now so we can all negotiate better starting salaries when CIA's Memetic Warfare division comes recruiting?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:51:59 ID: 340dab No.9444914

TBH everyone has to be shitposting somewhere so thinking that CIAniggers hangout on SA isn't entirely too far-fetched

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:52:50 ID: 340dab No.9444920

pretty sure they only hire buddies/fellow kid fuckers and people who are too dumb to see the big picture

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:53:03 ID: 22c396 No.9444925

>CIA has tools to remote control chips in cars, trucks, planes, medical devices and hospital tech with assassination potential
I'm betting 9/11 and MH370 were all tests.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:53:50 ID: 97ae0a No.9444931
File: 9532f9b05fbbfcc .png (402.27 KB, 601x784, 601:784, nerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrds.PNG)

Is this Hearthstone? Seems like normalfaggotry.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:54:26 ID: ac0c95 No.9444938

File: 8d54e16dc075b9b .jpg (423.71 KB, 600x812, 150:203, okay.jpg)

>The chans are a volatile source for sedimentary rage against society for one's own personal failures.
>one's own personal failures
Interesting, so, it's my PERSONAL fault there's a shadow government that controls society for selfish interests and socially conditions us to
fight wars in the middle east for Israel and purposely censors and destroys the career of anyone who speaks out about this?
I didn't know I was so powerful

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:54:29 ID: 933265 No.9444939

Yes, that is in fact Hearthstone.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:54:33 ID: 22c396 No.9444940

File: c6629bdc213c57b .png (7.36 KB, 250x250, 1:1, Stop Read This.png)
>CIA uses shitty memes in official documents
BTW anyone want to try "incorrect" for some of these CIA niggers account passwords?

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:55:39 ID: dfe5b4 No.9444947
File: 08248463f9a9eaf .jpg (585.44 KB, 2993x2197, 2993:2197, CIA Anon vault 7 8Chan.jpg)



Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:56:47 ID: 378645 No.9444956


2015-01-30 14:30 [User #14588054]:

Am I the only one who looked at this page and thought, "I wonder if security would have a heart attack if they saw this."?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:57:04 ID: 4ad7e8 No.9444961

It's our meme magic anon, we have to use it responsibly.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:57:13 ID: 864a62 No.9444963

Kill yourself you cia nigger get your dox bait the fuck out of here

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:57:25 ID: 933265 No.9444965

File: 1542ffdd375520f .png (8.78 KB, 508x497, 508:497, 1542ffdd375520fbdbe4d703db.png)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:58:10 ID: 97ae0a No.9444968

File: 42ecdd9e4943401 .jpg (71.31 KB, 600x876, 50:73, 477.jpg)


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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:58:30 ID: 3373ef No.9444972
That blind pen doesn't prove shit. I have at least a dozen scattered around.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 02:58:57 ID: 49b5fa No.9444975

File: ff90760c0394503 .jpg (89.93 KB, 501x800, 501:800, ff90760c0394503c3b58cda337.jpg)

If you just didn't masturbate to hentai and decided to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, then the deep state wouldn't exist. You fucking
neckbeard virgin.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:00:23 ID: 4ad7e8 No.9444987

it was posted by the tor poster above.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:00:25 ID: 340dab No.9444988

do I have to delete system32 to install or no?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:01:36 ID: 865cd1 No.9445000

How insane i must appear right now. The cia gets to look at my face while i take a shitpost and i cant stop laughing about it.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:01:59 ID: 97ae0a No.9445004

File: 8afa02337207f47 .png (1.01 MB, 1111x632, File: 806b07c6da78b13 .png (24.43 KB, 760x396,
1111:632, too many layers.PNG) 190:99, win.PNG)

It's so weird to see these fuckers with our slang. The chans really did create internet culture ex nihilo didn't we?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:02:35 ID: 2a4004 No.9445015


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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:04:18 ID: 97ae0a No.9445031
File: 9346397b99b63ed .jpg (18.02 KB, 480x476, 120:119, IW0coYV.jpg)

Funny, but no.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:04:18 ID: 16479c No.9445032

File: 432ddea92172a4a .png (10.64 KB, 494x95, 26:5, ClipboardImage.png)

>Please clap

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:04:25 ID: f9ac28 No.9445034

>stop masturbating
you have to go back

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:04:25 ID: ac0c95 No.9445035

File: 277fe655ad6a126 .jpg (667.42 KB, 600x874, 300:437, kosher approved.jpg)

By their kosher logic, I started a sand-nigger cult to manipulate and control world affairs. Mission accomplished.
Now, what have you done to ruin the world, Anon?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:04:27 ID: 933265 No.9445036

I'm not even touching that shit from a virtual OS. How bout you grab some caps or something?

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:04:44 ID: e78508 No.9445038
File: 3f416224acbfde9 .png (80.54 KB, 282x300, 47:50, 56783y2h.png)

Hey, I got the 523MB .7z last night. What was the password?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:05:34 ID: 792570 No.9445044

File: a0df6286cbe42d6 .png (236.75 KB, 450x298, 225:149, tumblr_m4chyvk1ZS1rpf3pso1.png)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:06:00 ID: afb019 No.9445047

The CIA couldn't beat us with meme warfare, perhaps we can start our own country and they wouldn't be able to topple it as we would all be
too autistic to overthrow,. They would struggle to find who's even in charge and when they eventually replace whoever is in charge they will
find we don't even listen to their puppet, who is probably also an autistic retard.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:06:14 ID: dfe5b4 No.9445050

File: 812545bfd94f911 .jpg (39.66 KB, 700x712, 175:178, Government Punishment.jpg)

RELEASE: CIA Vault 7 Year Zero decryption passphrase:

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:06:19 ID: f9177f No.9445052

Did Bush Sr get Jeb a job at the CIA?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:06:24 ID: 3373ef No.9445054

Well he can post his ID with PII taped over or fuck off.
wew. I actually just untaped my camera and am looking into it seductively. Hopefully they're capturing it and someone will get creeped out
if they ever dig into me.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:06:52 ID: dfe5b4 No.9445058
Bush Sr. was the CIA Director in the past.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:07:11 ID: 933265 No.9445061

Decryption passphrase:

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:07:40 ID: 16479c No.9445066

He had to get put somewhere after being such a disappointment

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:08:07 ID: 73d5d6 No.9445070

Au contrare. They are likely former/current channers themselves. Several of them have been trying to do damage control from what I've seen.
Hence the "high-quality" shills that don't get far because they only know shitposting.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:09:02 ID: 3373ef No.9445079

I thought it was P@55w0rd

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:09:26 ID: 734462 No.9445084

File: bbb47895ab16987 .png (90.82 KB, 262x235, 262:235, 6871077e0364fc1431b6d76a3d.png)

True, you can use TOR with lynx or w3m.
Freenet is written in Java.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:10:02 ID: 49b5fa No.9445090

File: 27e11f2be374138 .jpg (80.89 KB, 1024x573, 1024:573, tomoko.jpg)

>I started a sand-nigger cult to manipulate and control world affairs
Pfff, pleb. When I decided to masturbate to a freezed frame of Tomoko from Watamote and then shot my load into a coffee mug, which I
then poured into a houseplant, my semen traveled back in time and impregnated a Jewish woman from the 18th century. My yidlet son went
on to pen The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Get on my level, /pol/

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:10:12 ID: 97ae0a No.9445093
File: acf60d51e4d521b .png (71.47 KB, 1122x570, 187:95, yup.PNG)

I know that feel.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:10:25 ID: 85b886 No.9445095

Holy fuck this guys is on a roll, anon, you sent my sides to space today. Best approach to this is humor, the only way we will win this fight
is by laughing so fucking hard at the stupidity of normies and the obvious truths we have all known. I don give a level of fucks to a degree as
i as all of us know they brobly have folders on all of us. I say bring it on, as backstreet boys sung . Cause baby when the lights Go out
. We have our god emperor and all the amunition we will ever need. Bring it on feggs

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:11:11 ID: 5b9952 No.9445101

>They are likely former/current channers themselves
Lots of millennial contractors and busted "hackers" at the CIA now.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:11:33 ID: bf4d26 No.9445102

Maybe that's the leaker and this leak is his deathrattle

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:11:51 ID: 734462 No.9445106

>google drive
gas youssef

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:12:09 ID: 75fd19 No.9445109

File: ef215b1e0be7044 .webm (4.75 MB, 640x272, 40:17, high level pol wizard.webm)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:13:33 ID: 340dab No.9445119

>dat shitty meme
what a fucking waste of tax dollars

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:14:33 ID: b9f26a No.9445124

wtf? i dont even know where to send you.
>>>r/dank_memes ?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:14:43 ID: 97ae0a No.9445126

I kind of want to watch that movie now.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:15:22 ID: 75fd19 No.9445133

What movie even is that? polite sage for off topic.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:15:54 ID: 260f46 No.9445136

So a little off topic, but I reverse imaged searched the cat picture from User #71475
( and I found a github account.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:17:57 ID: 340dab No.9445145
meme it

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:18:44 ID: 3fba03 No.9445148

File: 44d2d8d7d863f45 .gif (209.21 KB, 250x263, 250:263, 1467074234747.gif)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:19:23 ID: 9a046a No.9445152

>I have nothing to hide, I'm a good goy

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:20:35 ID: dff349 No.9445156

File: aa12cff551b8ea5 .jpg (32.67 KB, 500x376, 125:94, it begins.jpg)

So, we've pretty much got confirmation that the CIA has had the ability to hack into car computers for years, AKA the Michael Hastings
case is pretty much confirmed to have been an assassination.
I wonder how many other car "accidents" weren't actually accidents.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:21:43 ID: c17e83 No.9445164

Follow it back dude. I burned the jews.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:24:14 ID: 52a0c4 No.9445187

File: c99c161245a6038 .jpg (264.91 KB, 955x951, 955:951, 1485923114188.jpg)

Alright my dude rerollin after shill busting is pretty acceptable, I should have never questioned what kek bestowed

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:24:25 ID: 49b5fa No.9445189
File: 982a3895470662e .png (1.82 MB, 2144x674, 1072:337, CIA.png)

>the CIA is made from bronies and redditors
When the world become one big meme?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:26:42 ID: c3b138 No.9445204

It already is one big meme.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:27:42 ID: 576096 No.9445209

Full meme mode was reached when a nigger became king of the world.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:28:52 ID: dff349 No.9445217

File: efd6c991effff32 .png (22.02 KB, 908x262, 454:131, CIA leaks summary.png)

screencapped for easy reposting if it gets asked in future threads

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:29:50 ID: c17e83 No.9445220

I have never done that before. I was inspired to do so on a whim with no thought involved. And with it coming like that, hitting 5 posts apart is
so unlikely. I never thought it was gonna hit even.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:29:51 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445221

Also 10.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:30:24 ID: 49b5fa No.9445224

It's just a shame the CIA are such cucks, they aren't even cool.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:34:30 ID: 933265 No.9445237

>mfw geo-political events can be traced back to internet group feuds from 2007

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:35:36 ID: dfe5b4 No.9445245

File: ffbee1f3cef9e2c .jpg (77.34 KB, 616x425, 616:425, Area 51 Hexagram.jpg)

The CIA is basically just one freaking humongous Satanist Colony. They literally ARE ALL Satanists!!! They made pacts with the Devil to
work as much evil in the world as possible, for more demonic power in return. That is leaked intel from a man who actually worked in teh
CIA. They were always trying to invite him to Satanic rituals, and to attend the School of Theosophy, which I think is in Wheaton, IL. They
are some incredibly sick folks there at the CIA. We haven't hardly begun to plumb the depths of the Deep State.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:36:19 ID: 5b9952 No.9445250
Good catch.
What I think we will start to see very soon is people cross-searching coding/styles with all this code thats in wikileaks. You know most of
these guys reused shit from their public projects.
I'll bet there are massive amounts of github's being nuked in a panic right about now.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:37:07 ID: 49b5fa No.9445254

File: f58639f1d0beb7c .jpg (98.73 KB, 960x720, 4:3, f58639f1d0beb7ca3d1f7b8413.jpg)

Human beings are just advanced apes, so I guess it's not surprising that when you de-mystify world affairs, they're actually gay as fuck.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:38:26 ID: 49b5fa No.9445265

>They made pacts with the Devil to work as much evil in the world as possible
Do you have a single shred of solid proof that the devil exists and that they aren't just sick freaks who fuck children and then eat their

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:38:36 ID: 52a0c4 No.9445266

File: e5c77f4e9a891fc .jpg (51.31 KB, 340x490, 34:49, 1479354326154.jpg)

Tell me more about that School of Theosophy, I used to pass by it a lot when I lived in that area back in the day

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:39:04 ID: 97ae0a No.9445267

File: 5b2881179359112 .jpg (84.2 KB, 1000x555, 200:111, 5b2881179359112d06f8f531b2.jpg)

This sounds like LARPing, but considering PizzaGate We know Bush the Old was the CIA director and significantly fucked in the head; I
have zero doubt he was a pizza fan, at least back when he could still get it up without blowing out his heart. There's absolutely no reason to
believe he didn't pack the highest echelons (pun intended) of the CIA with pedo cannibal freaks. I assume your average low level operator,
like the ones behind this stuff, is largely out of the loop. It's not like they're going to target their boss' boss' boss computers with shit like

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:39:31 ID: 49e374 No.9445271
it wasn't even CTR, it was some libtard who took the pseudonym 'Real True News' and who wanted to write an OMG! Look at that! click bait
article on how easy it is to fool Donald Trump supporters on the internet with fake documents that he himself created. He revealed himself
after the election when The Daily Beast published his article. I don't have the link but it's probably easy to find if you search for "Real True

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:39:52 ID: 73d5d6 No.9445273

Textbook example of why you
never mix work and play.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:40:50 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445276

File: 0f2f2a781c9cf6b .jpg (16.79 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 866af2e650cd220dd56bafd5f1.jpg)

Shit goes from.

than to some homo-erotic shit,not complaning.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:41:34 ID: 61d769 No.9445283

>Blowing out his heart
Yeah he isn't as loved as a Rothschild, or else he too would be on his 6th heart transplant

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:42:43 ID: 49e374 No.9445288

>it's probably easy to find if you search for "Real True News".
less than 5 seconds:
Ive Been Making Viral Fake News for the Last Six Months.
>At first, I created fake news stories stories that were meant to be head-turning: Hillary sold passport-making machines directly to ISIS.
Obama wont say the words Radical Islam because it would break an Islamic Spell he thinks he is protected by. I did an expos on the
reason the Clintons were immune to prosecution. It was, I wrote on my website, because they were sovereign
citizens and therefore immune to the justice system.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:42:54 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445290

File: 7ffdcf7bdc72566 .jpg (35.37 KB, 385x434, 55:62, C1AMzREWgAAktIN.jpg)

Now it has moved on of course when anything American is mentioned to pizza.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:44:03 ID: dfe5b4 No.9445299
Ohhhhh yes, the Devil does exist. And the Elite actively serve Satan too. From what I've read on JimStoneFreelance, and elsewhere, the
Elite meet in gated communities and in secret elsewhere where there is no public access, to conduct Satanic rituals, make pacts with devil
in their blood, and all the horrors of Pizzagate. Satan and his Satanist servants are very real, and they willing do what they do, and know
EXACTLY what they are doing.
I have absolutely no clue what the School of Theosophy is all about.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:44:51 ID: 97ae0a No.9445307

File: 9f72f341da3c440 .jpg (63.99 KB, 475x567, 475:567, 9f72f341da3c44057581d2c383.jpg)

Not the thread for this. But I think you already know that. filtered.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:45:16 ID: 0d517f No.9445309

File: e6793cd055f0bed .png (165.02 KB, 378x416, 189:208, e6793cd055f0bed5e7ee84c346.png)

Fuck it, can I haz my civil war now?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:45:25 ID: dfe5b4 No.9445311

Well, now you know why the CIA does what it does.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:45:59 ID: 49b5fa No.9445314
File: db7cf61d9c200c7 .jpg (120.49 KB, 1344x620, 336:155, tvtropes CIAnigger.jpg)

>Weird Al

The CIA is literally turbo-pleb reddit cucks. Looking at this faggotry made me physically angry.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:47:05 ID: 49b5fa No.9445322

Just because a bunch of larping adults believe in the devil and rape children in his name, doesn't mean he actually exists. Going through
this shit, makes me believe that the entire world is run by fucking retards who no grasp on reality.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:47:27 ID: 0d517f No.9445324

File: 3c6f310a2df035e .png (6.77 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, 3c6f310a2df035e44fe1070d4d.png)

At least their faggotry level means we still have the upper hand, for now

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:48:09 ID: dfe5b4 No.9445326

No, you are dead wrong, there is an evil power that makes people do evil, they are in bondage to it. Some love it.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:48:17 ID: dff349 No.9445327

File: 38309ba04500f8c .png (580.88 KB, 1518x839, 1518:839, on the media.png)

Don't let them kill this with silence.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:48:41 ID: 0d517f No.9445329

File: cc7744525d7cb73 .jpg (468.52 KB, 1550x1038, 775:519, cc7744525d7cb73ba058fd60a7.jpg)

Satan is how idiots explain evil, they need to make the problem simple so their simple brains can come up with simple answers that are

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:48:48 ID: 260f46 No.9445330

same poster from >>9445136, is it bannable to post Facebook accounts here? the github account has his name on it, and he verified the
github account via facebook. This is literally my first time posting here after years of being on halfchan so I don't know how this place

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:48:54 ID: 49e374 No.9445331

>said memetics division is also the guys shilling everywhere
>it's made from bronies and redditors
probably goons from SA. has anyone saved the Paul Combetta / Stonetear threads? (by the way what's happening with Combetta?)

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:49:17 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445336

File: 951f35008c68aef .png (46.34 KB, 381x408, 127:136, pnRNpv0.png)

Nigga's got 1's and 0's in their logo thinking they are so technical, and they wonder how the fuck Snowden happened.
Also this happened in 2014, that's why "mainstream" media is silent they already blew up. Stay with the times.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:49:33 ID: 97ae0a No.9445338

File: b6220c606ae5ab3 .jpg (57.73 KB, 622x494, 311:247, 9d1f31f01f808569b25d7e1d75.jpg)

'cept we don't have much by way of Techpriests around here, nor would we be allowed to do it legally if we did. We're winning the
kulturkampf but we're still hugely disadvantaged.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:50:34 ID: 0d517f No.9445347

File: b4312a18022731b .png (762.48 KB, 1671x920, 1671:920, b4312a18022731b870668c71b8.png)

I have gained much respect for Snowden. He had to put up with these fuckslike socially

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:50:45 ID: 75fd19 No.9445349

Satan is probably the wrong word for it, but there's a kernel of truth in what those anons are saying.
People can be evil of their own accord, but that doesn't preclude the involvement of something else.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:51:29 ID: 0d517f No.9445352
>get certs
>practice on off time and not for profit
>pool resources

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:51:29 ID: afb019 No.9445354

File: eee200236207724 .jpg (10.37 KB, 200x200, 1:1, fool.jpg)

They would have came to chans and tried using shitty reddit tier pictures alongside their arguments and just gotten insulted by everyone
and probably took personal offense to it, because they actually thought their references were "awesome"
They are so fucking reddit tier that I bet channers have made some of them literally cry over insults we've thrown at them,

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:51:48 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445358

File: 42c479d6df39d22 .jpg (28.5 KB, 316x410, 158:205, K89Zf3R.jpg)

Yeah, apparently someof them weren't that bad and helped him but I can't hang around fucking preppy straight out of college software
engineers I couldn't handle that shit.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:52:32 ID: 73d5d6 No.9445362


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:52:34 ID: dff349 No.9445363

File: f5355d43e6b8089 .png (203.87 KB, 508x337, 508:337, what the fuck is wrong wit.png)

>no dont talk about this dont tell people about this its old news people dont care
Could you please be a little more transparent? I'm still having a little trouble seeing the horizon through you.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:52:46 ID: 0d517f No.9445364
File: b660f8d22f8356f .png (449.01 KB, 1075x602, 25:14, b660f8d22f8356f0bfc767339c.png)

But i still think they are using symbol to explain something much more complex and human. In the end if you don't actually understand
something, you can't defeat it.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:53:52 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445370

File: 68aea8ec587def3 .png (210.67 KB, 599x317, 599:317, khjkhj.png)

It happened in 2014 check the logs nig nug. They already reporter on it nig nug.
I'll try it's a nice sun set, niiig nuugg.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:54:18 ID: 0d517f No.9445372

/baphomet/ is great

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:54:19 ID: 97ae0a No.9445373

File: a0bd254cdd8b5f3 .png (229.81 KB, 1039x435, 1039:435, reddit.PNG)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:54:58 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445377

File: aec632d8e464ba1 .jpg (106.72 KB, 392x495, 392:495, trmCEPW.jpg)

Maybe, what I wonder is what the that red and gold bolt means.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:56:18 ID: 97ae0a No.9445389

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:56:18 ID: bf4d26 No.9445390

File: 6c6695d4dd2c023 .jpg (44.71 KB, 495x600, 33:40, zxzxs.jpg)

I knew this anecdotally already. Intelligence agencies fucking LOVE autists for some reason. They start tracking them while they're still
studying and grab them right after graduation.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:56:37 ID: 340dab No.9445393

File: 3d9db1cc9a22bfa .png (53.2 KB, 600x861, 200:287, gCHrme1.png)

Rate my CIAnigger

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:57:18 ID: 0d517f No.9445396

I had to shop tech companies that didn't have the level of faggotry and SJW bullshit that even infects the alphabet soup. I had to settle for a
straight lace souless corporation

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:57:21 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445397

File: ecbe15ebeef35aa .jpg (104.33 KB, 381x398, 381:398, 2uK0pU0.jpg)

Is it fun making up amazing words and than putting "Faggot" on the side.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:57:40 ID: 340dab No.9445399
usually it's professors that give silent recommendations

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:57:45 ID: 97ae0a No.9445401

File: 02bb25d4fd332d0 .gif (370.91 KB, 322x240, 161:120, uc03HNk.gif)

Autists would leak info, except they don't have anyone to talk to.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:57:47 ID: 0d517f No.9445402

dude, /hwndu/ was a great dox fest

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:58:01 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445404

File: 997fae37aa42241 .jpg (48.42 KB, 383x475, 383:475, LD7fVut.jpg)

Why not just build shit your self, who needs a tech companie anon.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:58:03 ID: 5210a1 No.9445405

File: 10b5b6dfb1f4df6 .png (244.34 KB, 501x648, 167:216, merchant kawaii.png)

CIA are weeaboos

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:58:31 ID: bf4d26 No.9445410

I think they are also incapable of questioning authority. If it's "the rules" it becomes physical law.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:58:41 ID: 33f9ea No.9445414
ha thats bretty gud

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:58:54 ID: 49b5fa No.9445415

File: 43f9f9c1dbe32e4 .jpg (105.35 KB, 734x760, 367:380, d4b2de69b3587234b4b4636043.jpg)

>tfw you have bullied CIA agents over the internet for their shit taste in pop culture

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:59:30 ID: 6b832e No.9445418

File: 5806432c62bd452 .jpg (23.68 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 4.jpg)

You know, I've always thought that shitty anime girl forced meme you posted was shitty and now I've noticed that it's also forced. Very
forced, in fact, I'm willing to say it's CIAforced.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 03:59:58 ID: 7e39ea No.9445420

File: c837680865743d3 .png (59.86 KB, 321x536, 321:536, face1.png)

silly goy, don't you know that killing your enemies means they win?

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:00:13 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445422
File: df03c7c26b41aac .jpg (79.21 KB, 340x427, 340:427, CgGyJkL.jpg)

I mean they are an "intelligence" agency gotta catch em all _

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:00:57 ID: 97ae0a No.9445429

File: 2a74b1032dd9a9d .jpg (20.09 KB, 214x265, 214:265, 2a74b1032dd9a9d2e01f16ce4d.jpg)

CIAniggers are mad. I'm surprised they picked up on the tohou of all things damnit, I liked that meme.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:01:03 ID: 0d517f No.9445430

I need some years in the trenches, plus I have not found a start up in my state that is not full of the people we all hate.
So its either be a souless suit or sell my soul to the ABC's and work in a SCIF. Not doing the latter.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:01:16 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445433

File: 0bfcdb6c5783642 .png (221.66 KB, 400x400, 1:1, logo.png)

I'm not CIA what no nah never been never will. Have I detained two people on this board for the BND nah nope nah nooope nope nah nope
nope are the pictures noppe nah nope.

Not CIA Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:02:13 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445440

Ooh, yeah shit that sucks you could probally learn a couple of neat tricks than freelance for people that don't know shit about computers.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:02:39 ID: 9a046a No.9445445
>thinks touhou is all some avatarfag
Goddamn you're retarded as fuck and need to go back to reddit

Really Anon I am not a CIA member in any way shape or form 23324 Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:02:55 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445449
File: 0d85ab8d21d89b9 .jpg (32.87 KB, 372x445, 372:445, C2K32mnXgAANkCj.jpg)

What CIA people?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:03:31 ID: 97ae0a No.9445452

File: 27c05b34e15f9f3 .png (162.78 KB, 538x558, 269:279, 27c05b34e15f9f3e812f7f1dfc.png)

Neck yourself. Unless Trump gets to you first.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:03:46 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445454

File: 4d39a389150dd8d .jpg (45.1 KB, 462x533, 462:533, C1WhBneWQAARIOa.jpg)

>Pissing off Anon's on 8chan is glourious, and no reedit is disturbingly disgusting arresting C/Pers isn't fun.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:03:53 ID: 62b553 No.9445455

>avatarfagging worst 2hu
Even the shrine whore is a more likable character.

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N0T CIA WILL NEVER BE CIA Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:04:16 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445459
File: e8a3068ab11a766 .jpg (29.84 KB, 448x537, 448:537, C2OTlGmXAAMz_E0.jpg)

Dude still uses the neck forced normie meme god kys pls.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:04:18 ID: 0d517f No.9445461

File: f634b9bf9837af6 .jpg (21.52 KB, 400x294, 200:147, 530583e79e4fc7f75855995d51.jpg)

That's the plan, stan

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:04:36 ID: 97ae0a No.9445466

File: 3659a5b643b213c .png (1.2 KB, 230x38, 115:19, eff.PNG)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:04:49 ID: 933265 No.9445468

File: 9ab0147b9489c88 .png (207.28 KB, 900x1080, 5:6, baph.png)


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Not a helpfull CIA agent Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:05:09 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445471
File: a0ebf3c17533300 .jpg (106.3 KB, 370x445, 74:89, kCnIArs.jpg)

Shrine whore? Stop talking about your self that way, that's really degrading and can lead to some serious mental problems man.
Here call your local CIA office for more help.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:05:28 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445475

File: a18131a831603b8 .jpg (25.01 KB, 399x510, 133:170, ^EDDAEB2E61904EF21ED8BA02F.jpg)

Me too Anon, me too.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:05:37 ID: 6fa102 No.9445477

So what the fuck is so relevant about this whole Vault 7 thing? Can someone who isn't a shill kike explain why this thread is getting derailed
so hard with nonsensical nonstop bullshit?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:05:42 ID: 1b551c No.9445478

File: 0b53128fd3754b9 .jpg (30.86 KB, 331x342, 331:342, question anime grill.jpg)

So can someone give me a quick rundown?

How fucked are the CIAniggers and is there any especially juicy?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:05:58 ID: 0d517f No.9445480

You don't even have to call them
Simply speak clearly into your TV.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:06:14 ID: 60eb28 No.9445484
File: 21395b7bb6aca72 .jpg (24.02 KB, 403x403, 1:1, 21395b7bb6aca729db62fd4860.jpg)

Satan more accurately is the temptation of chaotic states of being and malevolence in combination with that position. Malevolence is
predicated on resentment in some form be it at themselves, others, or the world itself. Thats why school shooters always have a manifesto
about why the world is cruel and unfair. They have soaked in the black sea with no life-preserver
Order is safe but represses (fostering potential resentment),stagnates and eventually falls apart since it cant adapt, Chaos grows rapidly
and creates new things but can easily become dangerous if not outright lethal if sustained for too long and too broadly.
I don't understand the inner workings of hunger. I have enough information to solve the problem when it arises.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:06:19 ID: 6b832e No.9445485

Apparently, CIA is shitty 2hu posters.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:06:20 ID: 340dab No.9445486

I summarized it in one image

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:06:23 ID: 75fd19 No.9445487


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:06:50 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445488

File: 7f74944829e5f4d .jpg (29.53 KB, 327x384, 109:128, mljFPF9.jpg)

It was prematurely declassified by a third party recently that's why and it hits home to some people.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:07:19 ID: 49b5fa No.9445492
File: 0d98b00402435e4 .jpg (104.28 KB, 1331x525, 1331:525, harry pooter.jpg)

>Clavin and Hobbes

>Star Wars
Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:07:25 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445494
File: 74e10279b21d08d .jpg (21.99 KB, 295x300, 59:60, gfdsgdsfh.jpg)

I don't have a TV anon, if I wanted to talk to them I would walk down the hall.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:07:40 ID: 3c1f6a No.9445496

File: 5df71990788619d .webm (3.12 MB, 854x480, 427:240, BillClinton.webm)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:07:54 ID: 0d517f No.9445498

Basically, this leak exposed that many companies let the CIA make backdoors into their products. By outting the companies that hold
these exploits in their profit, it puts pressure on them from irate investors
Well only if this shit ever reaches the normies.

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AFDFDSF Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:07:56 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445499
File: 44b4ebb3334aa04 .jpg (46.26 KB, 462x475, 462:475, C1GNUqfXAAEyaYL.jpg)

How did you figure it out?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:07:57 ID: 97ae0a No.9445501

File: b2eb95853cd1809 .png (14.19 KB, 232x265, 232:265, 2fcc71fc006428b9af6cf8229c.png)

Hitler dubs confirm you're going in the oven.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:08:24 ID: 340dab No.9445505

>prematurely declassified by a third party

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:08:29 ID: f9177f No.9445507

Calvin and Hobbes is the only decent newspaper comic strip in decades. Don't lump it in with cia niggers.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:08:42 ID: dff349 No.9445509

Probably the part where you insist that there is nothing to see here.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:08:44 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445511

It also makes it so helping the NSA or CIA isn't profitable anymore.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:09:15 ID: 0d517f No.9445516

Yea, you can solve hunger without understanding it. But you could also ingest something poisonous because of said ignorance.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:09:15 ID: 97ae0a No.9445517


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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:09:18 ID: 52a0c4 No.9445518
File: 472d777fbaf5118 .jpg (98.26 KB, 640x712, 80:89, 1477889787633.jpg)

This is what happens when you staff your entire agency with old men who think enlisting internet savvy hires means bringing on bronies

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:09:34 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445520

File: 9ec18c4c0a72737 .jpg (119.09 KB, 392x495, 392:495, l8MtsXO.jpg)

Because their is nothing to see here move along.
I am running out of these images supplied to me.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:09:52 ID: 6b832e No.9445525

I'm not sure, but it probably has something to do with the spam.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:09:58 ID: 00df2a No.9445526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ciabronies watch this, this is what she means

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:10:00 ID: 97ae0a No.9445527

Bet you don't have the Jude version of that one.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:10:07 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445528
File: 7fc06c873c9783e .jpg (97.04 KB, 363x461, 363:461, qbL7oRJ.jpg)

I mean what else do you want me to say.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:10:12 ID: 73d5d6 No.9445529

>tfw I got the wrong degree
>tfw uber-autists who don't value secrecy and integrity have the job
Hey though, at least you might realize you were chosen for the job because autistic retards are easily manipulated and can easily be dealt
with if they pull too hard.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:10:32 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445532

File: 0d4f071d6aa1191 .jpg (49.11 KB, 392x495, 392:495, C1FWZDPWgAA53dy.jpg)

How did you find out about my autism anon?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:10:37 ID: 0d517f No.9445533

oh come on, there is alot to see. There are some scripts in the leak that actually work.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:10:38 ID: 49b5fa No.9445534

I loved Calvin and Hobbes when I was a kid too, but it's a fucking newspaper strip, that in combination with Star Wars quotes is disgusting.
The CIA is full of workers who have minds full of children's pop culture, they genuinely view things through a lens
of Good vs Evil, The Dark Side vs the Light, Luke vs Darth Vader, Harry Pooter vs No Nose, they're fucking

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:11:10 ID: 97ae0a No.9445539
File: cd20c71c7f07510 .jpg (52.75 KB, 355x599, 355:599, f831e5a464a5c9b934d23ee320.jpg)

The bronies probably would have been better at memeing than they turned out to be at hacking.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:11:23 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445540

No, I need it. Gib fgigib igibiriegaergraeg

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:11:24 ID: 8254fd No.9445541

The tools are real.
Its all real.
Sorcerers, demons, chinese black magic.
I'm chinese and I don't even want to believe it.
But its Realll

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:12:04 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445542

Somewhat, but the virus is still being monitored by the bnd so be carefull anon.

>contracting work.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:12:30 ID: 0006d9 No.9445548

File: 1e554b58154a42c .png (150.96 KB, 1166x1304, 583:652, 1e554b58154a42c9f470d0e94d.png)

>I'm chinese

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:12:32 ID: 340dab No.9445549
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Still not the cia Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:12:57 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445552
> :(
Yeah, just tell them you have been doing Java since 1 B.C or some shit than you will get the job. Going to go die in a hole be back never

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:13:15 ID: 340dab No.9445554

>being this new

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:13:26 ID: 97ae0a No.9445555

You won't be missed.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:13:30 ID: 0d517f No.9445556

>also you can load some of the leaked commands on a rubber ducky. Can confirm the systemd exploit works on RHEL 7

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:13:44 ID: 75fd19 No.9445558

>chinese black magic
Pls gib name/search terms for sauce in mandarin characters.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:13:45 ID: 496202 No.9445559

File: 97eccf1abc6a2fe .webm (6.7 MB, 640x360, 16:9, JEB IS A BIG FAT MESS.webm)

>CIA is one big disappointment

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:13:59 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445561

Hopefully not, I had my molars removed for that exact reason.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:14:22 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445564


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:14:47 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445566

Really? Shit I haven't fucked to much around with it thanks for the tip I'll try that when I come back.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:14:50 ID: 0d517f No.9445568
File: 2694be45cd6af0f .gif (2.17 MB, 150x351, 50:117, 2694be45cd6af0fb899708dceb.gif)


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:15:08 ID: 60eb28 No.9445571

File: 11ca1ff9e2e67f7 .jpg (50.94 KB, 658x482, 329:241, 85df1350daad25bed871dcd276.jpg)

Obviously at any time your knowledge structure can be proven to be invalid, so how could you ever claim to have mastery to defeat a
problem with absolute certainty.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:15:24 ID: 864a62 No.9445572

Holy shit, we were really that close to final stage gommunist takeover if she was planning to purge useful idiots, weren't we?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:15:49 ID: 97ae0a No.9445573

File: 7e1b3845162e021 .png (32.75 KB, 909x374, 909:374, REDDIT2.PNG)

I dunno why, but it slays me.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:16:22 ID: 0d517f No.9445577
File: cd785f8a9b56fc9 .png (11.14 KB, 208x242, 104:121, download.png)

That's the pardox, you can only ever reduce your ignorance and get the clearest picture possible. Part of this "being human" bullshit

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:16:24 ID: 73d5d6 No.9445578

This is one of the reasons autists are easily controllable. You don't need socially able people to do non-social work. What you do need are
people who can function as tools and can be discarded if they break.
Hey, don't let me get you down. Just know that your value as an asset is higher than that as a human being. It's part of the work you're
doing. A little self-awareness can get you a promotion.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:16:26 ID: 75fd19 No.9445579

No one will ever know how close we came to the brink. Hopefully they won't ever have to.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:16:55 ID: 1a5830 No.9445584

good catch anon. Earlier this week, we'd say it was unlikely but at this point we have good grounds of speculation about all sorts of potential

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:16:56 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445585

Who watches more the CIA watching the people or the people watching the CIA find out next time on Mr.Roger's neighborhood.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:17:27 ID: 3c1f6a No.9445590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

That's the same brainwashing most normies are afflicted by. Most government workers are sports watching, hollywood following normies
of course
>the US saved the world from evil nazi holocaust
^ people actually believe that's what really took place , as an example
Their whole perspective is based on childhood fairytales , it's just the way their brains compartmentalized information about the world so it
made sense to them as they were growing up. It's a human thing

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:17:30 ID: fdb420 No.9445591

We sure were anon. 4 min away from thermonuclear shit storm at one point. Got a little crazy there for a minute.

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:17:37 ID: 340dab No.9445592
File: c50aab072c975dd .jpg (50.48 KB, 728x546, 4:3, aid775529-728px-Vomit-in-a.jpg)

>making reddit posts actually worse

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:17:52 ID: 55f510 No.9445596

File: d0bdb97aad02ca5 .png (85.29 KB, 710x389, 710:389, nasa constellation softwar.png)

I didn't know NASA did a software exchange dealio like this. Found this part interesting - filed under 'Operations'.
Software derived from the Constellation program, cancelled in 2009.
>The major goals of the program were "completion of the International Space Station" and a "return to the Moon no later than 2020" with a
crewed flight to the planet Mars as the ultimate goal.
>Command and Control

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:18:03 ID: 0d517f No.9445597

>This is one of the reasons autists are easily >controllable. You don't need socially able >people to do non-social work. What you do >need
are people who can function as tools >and can be discarded if they break.
You just summed up my military career.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:18:18 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445601

Thanks really warms my heart, I'll get working on that promotion.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:18:20 ID: 97ae0a No.9445602

File: 358ed0ae5af168a .jpg (36.19 KB, 424x598, 212:299, 32cfcde9f62bc0be9cd7270246.jpg)


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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:19:24 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445606
File: e5951f4c6fdcba8 .jpg (46.74 KB, 300x491, 300:491, Circe_Offering_the_Cup_to_.jpg)

100% Percent true.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:19:30 ID: 85b886 No.9445607

You dont have to send me anywhere. Aussie shitposters have no home, first england threw us out, then they locked up our semi-albino
friend (assange) now we come here to the only refuge we have left. Thats about all the history we need to know.
Anyway, time to download tails and shore up the flanks. God i hate ubuntu but it grew on me, now to throw out all muh xhard work. Politely
saging for the offtopic nature of this reply. Truly is the least I can do

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:19:45 ID: 0d517f No.9445611

File: 40746b286da91da .jpg (44.5 KB, 1553x647, 1553:647, Autismo.jpg)

Ppl just need to learn to properly channel their Autism

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:21:07 ID: 97ae0a No.9445620

File: 642c510e9040341 .png (44.22 KB, 1027x623, 1027:623, first digits ive got all m.PNG)

Is this much of a phone# remotely useful?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:22:19 ID: 0d517f No.9445626

That phone number looks like the military/intelligence phone system (DSN) which is airgapped from all other telecom systems.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:22:40 ID: 3c1f6a No.9445628

probably 202 or 703 or 604 etc

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:22:48 ID: 22c396 No.9445629

Anyone brave enough to call?

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:22:56 ID: 97ae0a No.9445631
File: 61f8893299fa41c .png (379.74 KB, 1898x4620, 949:2310, Screen Shot 2017-03-07 at .png)

Another sperg's brilliantly overwrought list of tool name suggestions.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:23:04 ID: 0d517f No.9445632

https: //
Looks like the CIA went trough some hoops to keep the FBI from finding out about their shit.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:23:39 ID: 340dab No.9445637

alright, we need to start bullying. We're the God damn internet hate machine for fuck's sake.
I got GIMP up wit Sarah Andersen's font installed. Let's get motivated

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:24:23 ID: 340dab No.9445640

hipster beer-snob confirmed

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:24:40 ID: 49b5fa No.9445643

File: 8790819758667c1 .jpg (1.48 MB, 3202x2503, 3202:2503, Carl_Spitzweg_-_Der_arme_P.jpg)

It's weird, I'm starting to realize I actually bettered myself as a human being by becoming a NEET after high school. In high school I was a
complete fucking retard who enjoyed reading super hero comics, and if I went to college I probably would have kept that hobby in-between
studying and class. Now I read philosophy books and pay attention to world politics while every day trying to learn something new about the
reality I live in. Now fantasy fiction absolutely disgusts me, super hero comics especially so.
How fucking strange is it that becoming a NEET was the greatest decision of my life?

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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:24:58 ID: 0006d9 No.9445645
File: c14eb28f8438f79 .jpg (27.06 KB, 322x441, 46:63, nscharlie.jpg)

>Snooki's Revenge
God damn these people are such normie scum.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:25:11 ID: c2d7ba No.9445647

We've all forgotten about Anthony Weiner's laptop.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:25:16 ID: 97ae0a No.9445648

Someone should start cooking a new bread

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:25:17 ID: 0d517f No.9445649

its like everything about these people makes me hate them worse.
This is somehow worse than the talk pages on Intellipedia.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:25:21 ID: 59bebf No.9445650

So if I have weapons grade stealth autism I can get a job at the CIA? Will they teach me coding and shit?
Will they make me fight in the I.C.war against the NSA and FBI?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:25:28 ID: 22c396 No.9445651


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:25:41 ID: 933265 No.9445653

You need an area code though, don't you? There are hundreds of those in the US.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:26:03 ID: 0d517f No.9445657

You know anyone at the NYPD? We need someone with those ginnie bastards

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:26:33 ID: 6b832e No.9445661


Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:26:42 ID: bf4d26 No.9445664

File: 0b7952ef2a3b215 .jpg (102 KB, 1350x758, 675:379, lumlaison.jpg)


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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:27:02 ID: 340dab No.9445667
uh, not sure if wikileaks is playing 4d chess or drunk. that tweet is old

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:27:03 ID: a24679 No.9445668

Were you a
>Meme Management Officer

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:27:04 ID: fc1ee1 No.9445669

How am I supposed to take an agency seriously that calls a hack.
"The Weeping Angel Hack"
Like seriously think of a better name xd.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:27:09 ID: 0d517f No.9445671

The CIA and DoD usually bring in high quality tech instructors from private or technical schools. The guy who taught me networking did
hacking classes for the chair force.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:27:18 ID: 000000 No.9445672

Look what our friends over at /tech/ found.
This is the gift we've been waiting for. This is yuge.
It's happening

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:27:55 ID: 0d517f No.9445679

I was a useful idiot who played extreme hide and go seek with sand niggers and a shocking lack of context.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:28:00 ID: 340dab No.9445681

ok, we need to start calling numbers asking for the Meme Management Officer and file a complaint that he is stealing/counterfeiting rare

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:28:48 ID: 59bebf No.9445685

He speaks the truth, now if you REALLY want to reach that person ya have to sneak onto an installation/base, gain access to a DSN
phone, use an access keycode, and then you can dial.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:29:28 ID: 0d517f No.9445689

Take advice from /tech/ do your digging on this on airgaped shit or on public networks.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:29:58 ID: 52a0c4 No.9445695

Tell me anon, what does this mean as far as enhancing our own capabilities?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:30:39 ID: c2d7ba No.9445700

What did they find?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:30:46 ID: 0d517f No.9445704

DSN is monitored hardcore, you would need to be ninja or else the MP's will beat you with a phonebook.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:31:58 ID: 1c0276 No.9445710


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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:32:00 ID: 1b551c No.9445711
File: 305f76e929391f5 .png (140.6 KB, 329x329, 1:1, Question catgirl.png)

The real question is can /baphomet/ use these tools to enhance our own capabilities?
We really need to dox the 4chan mods who keep shutting down our operations.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:33:36 ID: 340dab No.9445721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>not posting the good version

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:33:41 ID: 0d517f No.9445725

File: 0a17670f1f5b136 .jpg (28.12 KB, 552x355, 552:355, BIEsIm8CYAAgbMA.jpg)

nice dubbs
/tech/ is finding out that most linux distro's system files are huge backdoors that if you type a script while sshing
EX. ssh CIA_SCRIPT@Targetcomputer then you git root access. You have to modulate the script based on the IP address of the target for
it to work though. People still don't have the algorythem thingy figured but smarter people than me are workin on it

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:34:24 ID: 1b551c No.9445732

So what can we do with this?

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:34:34 ID: 0d517f No.9445734

Fuck yes they can, however I know several tech companies with backdoors exposed who are pulling all-shifts-on-deck to patch. So there is
a counting clock on alot of this.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:34:55 ID: 97ae0a No.9445738


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Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:34:59 ID: c9c798 No.9445740
>being this much of a faggot

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:35:05 ID: 340dab No.9445742

Christ almighty I only started sifting through this about an hour ago. Thank Christ I literally VM everything

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:35:36 ID: 0d517f No.9445745

>find out what distro a target server is using
>use script
>gain admin access and full control of the target.
>load server with horse porn

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:43:58 ID: 7ebf57 No.9445798

>thinking VMs do anything but add more vulnerabilities to your system

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:46:13 ID: 5c0e0c No.9445815

If you read any of the leak, you'd see its not just your OS. It's BIOS/UEFI. It's your GPU drivers.

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:47:25 ID: 97ae0a No.9445826

More bread

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 04:47:38 ID: 29658e No.9445828

>black magic

Anonymous 03/08/17 (Wed) 09:35:03 ID: c81ff4 No.9447589

do not respond to schizos

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