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Mystery of the Dominion

While the Ordo as a whole has a focus on cataloguing and utilizing the Wyrms Nests that dot
the citys landscape, some few learn to not only understand them from an academic standpoint,
but a physical, perhaps almost spiritual one as well. They learn to attune themselves more fully
to these Nests, to reap the rewards they offer, and to perform unique experiments possible
nowhere else. The Mystery of the Dominion is what allows them to do this, bringing them closer
to the supernatural world around them.
Scales of the Dominion tap more directly into the area, allowing the Nest to be utilized to fuel
arcane experiments and infuse the flesh with otherworldly energies. Some call these special
processes Fontal Rituals; while at a glance the results may mirror the Rites of the Circle or the
Miracles of the Lance, the pages long formulas and exacting standards involved make it clear to
one who delves deeper that none but the Ordo could truly have come up with them.

Coil of the Dominion

Geomantic Attunement ()
The Dragon takes the first step towards attuning themselves to the Wyrms Nests they watch
over, almost taking in a part of its resonance. The Nest Guardian, Feng Shui and any attached
Safe Place or Haven merits are considered to be one higher for her (so long as she has at least
one dot of any given one), as she finds that she can more easily cause her mind and body to
align with the workings of the Nests she watches over.

Eyes of the Dragon ()

Once properly attuned to the Nests shes already aware of, the Dragon becomes able to sense
new ones. Treat this as if the Dragon had Unseen Sense (Wyrms Nests), but instead of using
the Spooked condition to learn where something is (as an area is fairly obviously either causing
the reaction or not), she may take it to learn the basic type of Nest it is, as well as its rating in a
general sense (1-2 is weak, 3-4 is moderate, 5+ is powerful). The sensation of the Nest has a
stimulating effect on her Kindred Senses as well; when in an area that sets off her Unseen
Sense, her Blood Potency is considered to be a number of dots higher equal to the rating of the
Nest itself, for the purpose of her Kindred Senses only (this also applies if she has Acute

Arcane Vitae ()
As she progresses, the Dragon learns to tap into fonts of energy that many Wyrms Nests
provide. Once per week per Nest shes a Guardian of, she may roll her rating in the Coil of the
Dominion when present at it to draw Vitae from the locations fontal energy, with the maximum
gained being equal to the Nests rating. This is generally done with a form of meditation, directly
in contact with the focal point of the Nest, if any, and it takes about fifteen minutes.

Lair of the Beast ()

While the Man is able to align their mind with the nest, taking advantage of its power and
satiating their hunger, only the Beast may truly make it into their domain. When in frenzy
(including riding the wave) on a nest, his dots in Coil of the Dominion are added to the rating of
any Occult Alignment there focused on combat skills, and any dice pools rolled by a Perilous
Nest are triple the merit rating instead of double, as the Beast and the Nest seem to work in
tandem with each other to deal with threats or prey. On the other hand, the Beast also sleeps
more peacefully and lightly in its lair; subtract the nests rating from the Kindreds Blood Potency
for the purpose of torpor duration there (to a minimum of 1), and add it to Humanity rolls to wake
or remain awake in response to danger, or to Stamina + Resolve rolls to stay awake past
sunrise to start with. This stacks with the Haven merit.

Master of the Domain ()

When in their domain, the Kindred and it become one. Any rolls related to her using the Nest or
its advantages (including the second and third dots of this Coil, as well as rolls required by
Scales performed at a nest) gain a dice bonus equal to the Coils rating, and any rolls by others
to perform hostile actions (whats defined as hostile is up to the Dragon herself) take a penalty
equal to the Nests rating. In addition, with an instant action she can project her senses
anywhere with the Nests confines, perceiving anyone and anything there; this even allows a
Clash of Wills to defeat obscuring powers like Obfuscate.

Sample Scales of the Dominion

Mind of the Inscrutable Hydra
Prerequisite Coil: Geomantic Attunement
Procedure: This Fontal Ritual is performed at a Nest in which the Dragon controls via the Nest
Guardian merit. An alchemical concoction is created, using liquid of any sort thats been present
at the Nest for at least a week, the Kindreds own Vitae (a single point is fine), and alcohol of at
least 100 proof. The Kindred then drinks this while standing at the Nests center, interweaving
its energy with her own thoughts and strengthening her mind.
Outcome: The Kindred uses the Nests energy to make her thoughts foreign and unwavering in
the face of supernatural powers meant to manipulate or discern them. For 24 hours, the Kindred
is treated as having spent Willpower on any roll to contest a mind-reading or mind-affecting
power or to improve her resistance trait against one, either improving their own dice pool by +3
or their resistance trait by +2, as normal. This DOES stack with actual Willpower expenditures.

Bloodhound Transmutation
Prerequisite Coil: Eyes of the Dragon
Procedure: A mortal (or other living, flesh-based target) must be rendered unconscious and
tied up against a Wyrms Nest. They then have metal shavings dusted over top them and onto
the ground of the Nest around them, and have a geometric pattern cut into their stomach
(Dealing one lethal damage; the wounds are shallow). Afterward, theyre left there for at least
two hours, during which time they must not be allowed to escape or heal in any way.
Outcome: At the end of the time period, the mortal gains the Unseen Sense (Wyrms Nests)
merit, usually manifesting as the wound (or former wound, if healed afterward) suddenly aching
as they draw near. Most often, these mortals are thralled and then allowed to wander areas the
Dragon has no access to (perhaps due to territory), and then are made to report back. The merit
lasts for a number of days equal to the Nests rating, but the mortal may purchase it with
Experience to make it permanent.

Resounding Blood
Prerequisite Coil: Arcane Vitae
Procedure: The Dragon, or another target if desired, must have their skin slit open, and dozens
of pieces of a desired Nest or its land are placed beneath it in an arcane pattern meant to attune
them to the area. This will potentially cause an infection for a mortal if not done incredibly
carefully. Generally, these are things like small rocks, pieces of tile from a building, blades of
grass from a field, or anything similar, and the procedure must be performed on the Nest itself.
Then, she either heals the wounds herself (if shes the recipient), or cuts her wrist with a knife
thats been placed at the Nest for at least a week, using her own Vitae and her connection to the
Nest to wash the wounds. Either way, this requires a number of points of Vitae equal to the
Nests Rating.
Outcome: The material dissolves beneath the skin as the wounds heal over, causing an odd
tingling sensation as the Nests energy is distilled into the recipients body and the Resonance
mingles with their own. For one week, the target finds themselves better able to perform actions
that align with the Nests Resonance; once per scene per dot rating of the Nest, when
performing an action that suits said Resonance, the roll can be made into a Rote Action. As a
note, performing this Fontal Ritual will generally use up any energy provided by a Nest for the
day, for the sake of any other means of gathering it, and over time may even damage it, if done
too consistently.

Shadow of the Beast

Prerequisite Coil: Lair of the Beast
Procedure: Like most Scales of the Dominion, this one must be performed at a Wyrms Nest.
The Kindred must dig a hole at least three feet deep, and shaped in a pattern that tends to differ
with each Nest, which provides a connection to it. The Dragon must then sever a hand, foot, or
equivalent body part, taking three lethal damage, and throw it into the hole. They then drain
further points of Vitae on top of it, before burying it halfway with dirt or other material from a
different part of the nest.
Outcome: A fragment of the Kindreds own Beast is imprinted on the nest itself. For one
day/night per point of Vitae used in the procedure, the Nest acts as a Perilous Nest, per the
merits mechanics, with a rating equal to the Kindreds Blood Potency; this manifests as a
translucent semi-humanoid creature, vaguely reminiscent of the Kindred himself, which comes
from the shadows and lashes out at the target with fangs and claws and then disappears.
If performed on an already Perilous Nest, the Kindred may choose between either improving the
rating by the number of Vitae spent, or they may use a flat three Vitae to upgrade damage
caused by the Nest to lethal (even against Kindred), in either case lasting a full week.

The Lords Ire

Prerequisite Coil: Master of the Domain
Procedure: This Scale does not need to be performed at a Wyrms Nest, but the Kindred must
have some piece of the Nest, such as a handful of dirt or a small branch, from one that he has
previously projected her senses through before using Master of the Domain. Clasping that
piece, they cut arcane-looking sigils up and down their arms and legs, letting them bleed, and
taking four lethal damage in the process.
Outcome: As the Dragon finishes and enters the trance, their senses and a visible
representation of them are projected back to the Nest, allowing them to physically interact with
anything or anyone present and use disciplines on them or the surroundings as normal.
However, any damage done to their representation is reflected on their actual body, manifesting
as further blood gushing from one of their carved wounds, or in the case of aggravated damage,
one of them becoming a burnt scar. This lasts until the Dragon heals the wounds inflicted upon
themselves at the start of the Procedure.

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