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Anchor Bolt Design Spreadsheet PIP STE05121

Revision 1, July 2003 January 2003

Company PIP
Project Project # PIP STE05121
Subject Example 1
Name Date 12/12/2002 Sheet Number 1
Checked by Check Date 7/10/2003 Total Sheets 1


Note: Calculations are per ACI 318-02 Appendix D. Ductility required? Tension No Shear No
Nu and Vu were factored using factors from ACI 318-02? Section 9.2 Intermediate or high seismic risk? Yes
Factored tensile load (kips) = Nu = 26 Specified concrete strength (psi) = f' c = 3000
Factored shear load (kips) = Vu = perpendicular to edge 0 Cracking
Is there a built-up grout pad? Yes modification 1.4 - Located in region where there isn't cracking at service loads (ft < fr)
Anchor material type = A307-Type C, Fu = 58 Adequate supplementary reinf. provided to resist tension loads in anchors? Yes
Nominal anchor diameter (in.) = 3/4 Adequate reinforcement provided to resist shear loads in anchors? No
Thickness of member in which anchor is anchored, (in.) = h 58.00 = h Eccentricity of tensile force on group of tensile anchors (in.)
Number of anchors in tension = n(tension) = 2.4 eN' = 0 (0=single anchor)
Number of anchors in shear = n(shear) = 0 Eccentricity of shear force on group of anchors (in.)
CONCRETE FAILURE AREAS (Note ev' must be less than s perpendicular to shear) eV'= 0
Do you want to manually input the value of An? No
Note: Units for An and Av are sq. in.
An= #NAME? Edge Distance, in. Spacing, in. Edge Distance, in. Spacing, in.
Do you want to manually input the value of Av? No
no c1 = 9.25 c3 = 9.25 s1 = 14.96 c1 = 30.00 s2 = 6.00
Av = 2000 c2 = 9.25 c4 = 9.25 s2 = 14.96 c2 = 28.00
NU Av= #NAME? c4 = 28.00
1.5hef c1 = edge distance in direction of Vn (perp.)
1.5hef 35 o

VU (perpendicular) c1
c1 s1 c3


h or 1.5c


VU (parallel)

c 2s 2 c

VU c1
c 2 s 2c

c4 s2 c2
Breakout cone for tension Breakout cone for shear
#NAME? Nn = #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? Using supplemental reinf to carry Tension
Shear ductility not required by user input Vn = #NAME? #NAME? #NAME?
#NAME? Nu/(Nn) + Vu/(Vn) = #NAME? ### ### ### Minimum Embedment not met, Increase h-ef

Process Industry Practices

Anchor Bolt Design Spreadsheet PIP STE05121
Revision 1, July 2003 Output January 2003

Company PIP Sheet 1 of 1

Project Project # PIP STE05121
Subject Example 1
Name Date 12/12/2002
Checked by Check Date 7/10/2003

Grade A307-Type C, Fu = 58 fy 36 ksi hef 6.00 in
Size 3/4 in. fut 58 ksi n(tension) 2
do 0.750 in Ase 0.334 sq. in n(shear) 0
Ab 0.911 sq. in


Load Conditions #NAME?
Tensile Load\, Nu 26.0 kips Reinforcement designed to carry tensile load
Shear Load, Vu 0.0 kips Reinforcement NOT designed to carry shear load

Ducitlity NOT req'd for tension Concrete Strength, f'c #NAME?
Ducitlity NOT req'd for shear Cracking Modification Factor, 7 1.4
Intermediate or High seismic risk Grout Pad
Eccentricities eN' = 0.00 in eV' = 0.00 in


Steel Strength Ns 46.5 kips Steel Strength Vs 0.0 kips
Concrete breakout strength of
Concrete breakout anchor(s), Perpendicular to
strength of anchor(s) Ncb or Ncbg #NAME? edge Vcb or Vcbg #NAME?

Pullout strength of Concrete pryout strength of

anchors (s) nNpn #NAME? anchor(s) Vcp #NAME?
Concrete sideface
blowout strenght of Nsb or Nsbg
headed anchor(s) (governing) #NAME?


Steel Capacity #NAME?
Tension Shear Concrete Capacity #NAME?
c1 s1 c3
c 2 s 2c

c3 #NAME? Steel Capacity #NAME?

c4 #NAME? #NAME? Concrete Capacity #NAME?
s1 #NAME? Shear ductility not required by user input
An or Av #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? Nn* #NAME? #NAME?
Calculated Calculated #NAME? Vn* #NAME? #NAME?
Nu/(Nn*) + Vu/(Vn*) = #NAME? #NAME?
Minimum Embedment not met, Increase h-ef
*Multiplied by 0.75 if intermediate or high seismic area

Process Industry Practices

Anchor Bolt Design Spreadsheet PIP STE05121
Revision 1, July 2003 January 2003

c1 s1 c3

Direction of load


1. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters or application of the Practice
to particular project or engineering situations should not be made solely on information contained
in these materials. All Practices or guidelines are intended to be consistent with applicable laws
and regulations including OSHA requirements. To the extent these Practices or guidelines should
conflict with OSHA or other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be
followed. Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material contained
in or suggested by the Practice.

2. This spreadsheet has been developed utilizing ACI 318-02 Appendix D and PIP STE05121. It will
give shear and tensile capacities of an anchor or anchor group and the concrete around the
anchor or anchor group. It will also let the user know if the anchor configuration is ductile (refer to
PIP STE05121, section 6). The user needs to use this spreadsheet in combination with ACI 318-
02 Appendix D and PIP STE05121. This spreadsheet merely saves the user time in laborious
calculations but is no substitute for the engineers expertise.

3. The spreadsheet works for any number of bolts in tension and/or shear.

4. For 1, 2, or 4 bolts in a rectangular pattern, this spreadsheet will calculate An and Av. For other
numbers of bolts and bolt patterns, the user needs to calculate and input A n and Av.

5. For tensile loads, if the user has 1, 2, or 4 bolts in a rectangular pattern, the user should provide c 1
through c4 and s1 and s2. For 1 bolt, s1 and s2 should be input as 0 (zero). For 2 bolts, either s1 or
s2 should be input as 0. Note: Only the bolts in tension shall be considered. If there are bolts in
shear only, ignore them.

6. For shear loads c1, c2, c4 and s2 are required inputs. c1 could be different for shear than for
tension. Note: Only the bolts in shear shall be considered. If there are bolts in tension only ignore
them. If there is only one bolt (or 2 bolts in line of load), s 2 = 0.

7. If the user is using rebar to resist either tensile or shear loads applied to the anchor, this needs to
be indicated in the spreadsheet. The rebar needs to develop the required strength in accordance
with ACI 318. See Section 7 of PIP STE05121.

8. If reinforcement is provided to resist tension, then the concrete breakout strength of the anchor in
tension will not be used in checking the anchor size. Furthermore, if a ductile material is specified
for the anchor, the anchor is automatically ductile in tension.

9. If reinforcement is provided to resist shear, then the concrete breakout strength of the anchor in
shear and the concrete pryout strength of the anchor in shear will not be used in checking the
anchor size. Furthermore, if a ductile material is specified for the anchor, the anchor is
automatically ductile in shear.

Process Industry Practices

PIP STE05121
Anchor Bolt Design Spreadsheet
Revision 1, July 2003
Calculations January 2003

Selected Bolt: 3/4 in. A307-Type C, Fu = 58 No. of Bolts

do = 0.750 in Ase = 0.334 sq. in fy = 36 ksi nt(tension) = 2
hef = 6.0 in Abrg = 0.911 sq. in fut = 58 ksi nv(shear) = 0

Note: Figures in parenthesis and in red refer to equations or paragraphs in ACI 318-02, Appendix D.

Steel Strength in Tension: Ns = nAsefut (fut < 1.9fy and fut < 125 ksi) = 46.5 kips (D-3)

1. Concrete breakout strength of anchor in tension:

hef(max) = #NAME? Use hef = #NAME? (D.5.2.3)
AN(calc) = #NAME? Use AN = #NAME? ANo = 9hef2 = #NAME? (D-6)
1 = [1/(1 + 2eN'/3hef) <= 1] = #NAME? (D-9)
cmin = #NAME? 2 = #NAME? (D-10 or D-11)
3 = 1.25 (D.5.2.6) Nb
= #NAME? (D-7 or D-8)
Ncb or Ncbg = (AN/ANo)123Nb = #NAME? (D-4 or D-5)

2. Pullout strength of anchor in tension:

1.4 (D.5.3.6) Np = Abrg8f'c = #NAME? (D-13)
For n bolts, nNpn = n4Np = #NAME? (D-12)

3. Concrete side-face blowout strength of headed anchor in tension:

c = #NAME? c2 = #NAME? c2/c = #NAME?
Nsb = 160c(Abrg)0.5(f'c)0.5 = #NAME? (D-15) Nsb (modified) = #NAME? (D.5.4.1)
Nsbg = (1+so/6c)Nsb = #NAME? (D-16) so = ###
Nsb or Nsbg (governing) = #NAME?

Steel Strength of Fastener in Shear:

Vs = nAse(0.6 fut)*(0.8 if there is a grout pad) = 0.0 kips (D-18 & D.6.1.3)
1. Concrete breakout strength of anchor in shear:
Av(calc) = #NAME? Use Av = #NAME? Avo = 4.5c12 = #NAME? (D-22)
AV (max) = nAVo = #NAME? (D.6.2.1) Use min Av = #NAME?
l = min (8do and hef) = 6.0 in (D.0 - Notation for l)

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PIP STE05121
Anchor Bolt Design Spreadsheet
Revision 1, July 2003
Calculations January 2003

c1 (max) = #NAME? (D.6.2.4) Use c1 = #NAME?

Vb = 7(l/do)0.2(do)0.5(f'c)0.5(c1)1.5 = #NAME? (D-23)
5 = 1/(1 + 2eV'/3c1) <= 1 = #NAME? (D-25)
6 = [0.7+0.3(c2/(1.5c1) if c2 < 1.5c1, 1.0 if c2 >= 1.5c1] = #NAME? (D-26 [Errata] or D-27)
7 = 1.4 (D.6.2.7)
Vcb or Vcbg = (AV/AVo)567Vb = #NAME? (D-20 or D-21) Shear perpendicular to edge <------- Applies
#NAME? (D-20 or D-21) Shear parallel to edge <-------- NA

2. Concrete pryout strength of anchor in shear:

kcp = 2 (D.6.3.1) Ncb = #NAME? (D-4)
Vcp = kcpNcb = #NAME? (D-28)

Summary of Results:
Tension: for steel = #NAME? for concrete = #NAME? #NAME?
Steel capacity = Nn[*0.75 if inter. or high seismic risk] = #NAME? (D.3.3)
Concrete capacity = Nn[*0.75 if inter. or high seismic risk] = #NAME? (D.3.3) Ductility Req'd?
Governing mode of concrete failure: #NAME? Tension 0
Shear: for steel = #NAME? for concrete = #NAME? #NAME?
Steel capacity = Vn[*0.75 if inter. or high seismic risk] = #NAME? (D.3.3)
Conc. capacity = Vn[*0.75 if inter. or high seismic risk] = #NAME? (D.3.3) Shear 0
Governing mode of concrete failure: #NAME?
Interaction of tensile and shear forces: (D.7)
Nn = #NAME? Vn = #NAME?
0.2Nn = #NAME? 0.2Vn = #NAME?
Nu = 26.0 kips Vu = 0.0 kips
Nu/(Nn) = #NAME? Vu/(Vn) = #NAME?
Applicable equation = #NAME? #NAME? #NAME?

Process Industry Practices Sheet 5 of 11

PIP STE05121
Anchor Bolt Design Spreadsheet
Revision 1, July 2003
Calculations January 2003

Supplementary Calculations

Calculation for An and cmax

input If < 1.5 hef, 1, else 0 Find cmax
Edge distance (c1) = #NAME? #NAME? #NAME?
Edge distance (c2) = #NAME? #NAME? #NAME?
Edge distance (c3) = #NAME? #NAME? #NAME?
Edge distance (c4) = #NAME? #NAME? #NAME?
Total sides < 1.5 hef = #NAME?
cmax* = #NAME?

Anchor spacing (s1) = #NAME?

Anchor spacing (s2) = #NAME?
* For pedestals with edge distances on 3 sides less than 1.5h ef, cmax is the largest edge distance of those 3 sides. For pedestals with
4 sides less than 1.5hef, cmax is the second largest edge distance less than 1.5h ef. It has been determined that the calculated capacity
of the concrete will decrease by as much as 40% even though AN is being increased if all 4 edge distances are being used. ACI has
been contacted about this problem and is working toward revising this portion of the code. The PIP CSA Function Teaam has agreed
that this meets the intent of the code and is conservative.

Calculate for Av and c1(max)

input If < 1.5 c1, 1, else 0
Edge distance (c1) = #NAME? #NAME?
Edge distance (c2) = #NAME? #NAME?
Edge distance (c4) = #NAME? #NAME?
Total sides < 1.5 c1 = #NAME?
Anchor spacing (s2) = 6

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PIP STE05121
Anchor Bolt Design Spreadsheet
Revision 1, July 2003
Tables January 2003

Minimum Maximum Fy Fut

Anchor Material Type Ductile?
Size Size ksi ksi
1 A307-Type A 4 0 60 Yes
2 A307-Type C 4 36 58 Yes
3 A36 8 36 58 Yes
4 F1554 Gr 36 2 36 58 Yes
5 F1554 Gr 55 2 55 75 Yes
6 F1554 Gr 105 2 105 125 Yes
7 A 193 Gr B7 2.5 105 125 Yes
8 A 193 Gr B7 2.51 4 95 115 Yes
9 A 193 Gr B7 4.01 7 75 100 Yes
10 A354 Gr BC 4 109 125 Yes
11 A354 Gr BD 4 130 150 Yes
12 A449 1 92 120 Yes
13 A449 1.01 1.5 81 105 Yes
14 A449 1.51 3 58 90 Yes
1 A307, Type A, Fu = 60 1
2 A307-Type C, Fu = 58 2
3 A36, Fu = 58 3 Row = 2 Adequate Reinforcement Provided to Resist Tension Loads in Anchors?
4 F1554 Gr 36 4 User's answer = 1 = yes
5 F1554 Gr 55 5 fy = 36
6 F1554 Gr 105 6
7 A193 Gr B7 7 fut = 58 2. Pullout strength of anchor
8 A354 Gr BC 9 3. Concrete side-face blowout strength of headed anchor
9 A354 Gr BD 10 Ductile anchor bolt mat'l The anchor is automatically DUCTILE for tension and
Yes phi factor (D.4.4) = 0.75.
10 A449 12
Bolt Type Used: 2 do = 0.75 inch
Adequate Reinforcement Provided to Resist Shear Loads in Anchors?
Bolt Diameter: 3 do Ase Abrg* hef,min User's answer = 2 = no
1 1/2 0.500 0.142 0.467 6.0 MUST CHECK ....
2 5/8 0.625 0.226 0.671 7.5 1. Concrete breakout strength of anchor (concrete cone)
3 3/4 0.750 0.334 0.911 9.0 2. Concrete pryout strength of anchor (backside of anchor)
4 7/8 0.875 0.462 1.188 10.5 The anchor is NOT automatically DUCTILE for shear and
5 1 1.000 0.606 1.501 12.0 phi factor (D.4.4) = 0.75.

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PIP STE05121
Anchor Bolt Design Spreadsheet
Revision 1, July 2003
Tables January 2003

6 1 1/8 1.125 0.763 1.851 13.5

7 1 1/4 1.250 0.969 2.237 15.0
8 1 3/8 1.375 1.160 2.659 16.5
9 1 1/2 1.500 1.410 3.118 18.0 Load Combinations per
10 1 3/4 1.750 1.900 4.144 21.0 ACI .....(D 4.4) 1 Section 9.2
11 2 2.000 2.500 5.316 24.0 (D 4.5) 2 Appendix C
12 2 1/4 2.250 3.250 6.633 27.0 1
13 2 1/2 2.500 4.000 8.095 30.0
14 2 3/4 2.750 4.930 9.703 33.0 Perpendicular or 1
15 3 3.000 5.970 11.456 36.0 parallel to edge? perpendicular to edge
16 4 4.000 11.080 19.923 48.0 (D.6.2.1 (a), (b), or (c)) parallel to edge
* Heavy Hex
Ductility Required for Intermediate or High Ductility Required for
2 Seismic Risk?
1 2
1 Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes
2 No 2 No 2 No

Built-up Grout Pad? 1 7: 4

1 Yes 1 1.0 1.0 - No edge reinf or edge reinf rebar < #4
2 No 2 1.2 1.2 - Edge reinf rebar >= #4
3 1.4 1.4 - Edge reinf rebar >=#4 + stirrups @ <= 4 in.
4 1.4 1.4 - Located in region where there isn't cracking at service loads (ft < fr)
Concrete Failure Modes Capacity (kips)
1 Concrete breakout strength of anchor in tension #NAME? 1 Applicable Interaction Equation
2 Pullout strength of fastener in tension #NAME? 2 1 (D-1) Nn >= Nu
3 Concrete side-face blowout strength of anchor in tension #NAME? 3 2 (D-2) Vn >= Vu
4 Concrete breakout strength of anchor in shear #NAME? 4 3 (D-29) Nu/(Nn) + Vu/(Vn) <= 1.2
5 Concrete pryout strength of anchor in shear #NAME? 5
Use Equation #NAME?
Governing Tension Concrete Capacity = #NAME? Manual
Concrete Failure Mode for Tension = #NAME? An 2 Manual Av 2
1 Yes 1 Yes
Governing Shear Concrete Capacity = #NAME? 2 No 2 No
Concrete Failure Mode for Shear = #NAME?

Process Industry Practices Sheet 8 of 11

PIP STE05121
Anchor Bolt Design Spreadsheet
Revision 1, July 2003
Tables January 2003

Process Industry Practices Sheet 9 of 11

PIP STE05121
Anchor Bolt Design Spreadsheet
Revision 1, July 2003
Glossary January 2003

Abrg bearing area of the head of stud or anchor bolt, in. 2

ANo projected concrete failure area of one anchor, for calculation of strength in tension, when not
limited by edge distance
AN projected concrete failure area of an anchor or group of anchors, for calculation of strength in
Ase effective cross-sectional area of anchor, in.2
AVo projected concrete failure area of one anchor, for calculation of strength in shear, when not limited
by corner influences, spacing, or member thickness
AV Projected concrete failure area of an anchor or group of anchors, for calculation of strength in
c distance from center of an anchor shaft to the edge of concrete, in.
c1 distance from center of an anchor shaft to the edge of concrete in one direction, in. Where shear
force is applied to anchor, c1 is in the direction of the shear force. For tension, c 1 is the minimum
edge distance.
distance from center of an anchor shaft to the edge of concrete in the direction orthogonal to c 1, in.
cmax the largest of the edge distances that are less than or equal to 1.5h ef, in. (used only for the case of
3 or 4 edges).
cmin the smallest of the edge distances that are less than or equal to 1.5h ef, in.
do shaft diameter of anchor bolt, in.
du diameter of head of stud or anchor bolt or equivalent diameter of effective perimeter of an added
plate or washer at the head of the anchor, in.
eN' eccentricity of normal force on a group of anchors; the distance between the resultant tension load
on a group of anchors and the centroid of the group of anchors loaded in tension, in.
eV' eccentricity of shear force on a group of anchors; the distance between the point of shear force
application and the centroid of the group of anchors resisting shear in the direction of the applied
shear, in.
f'c specified compressive strength of concrete, psi
fct specified tensile strength of concrete, psi
fr modulus of rupture of concrete, psi
ft calculated tensile stress in a region of a member, psi
fy specified yield strength of anchor steel, psi
fut specified tensile strength of anchor steel, psi
h thickness of member in which an anchor is anchored measured parallel to anchor axis, in.
hef effective anchor embedment depth, in.
k coefficient for basic concrete breakout strength in tension
kcp coefficient for pryout strength
l load bearing length of anchor for shear, not to exceed 8d o, in.; hef for anchors with a constant
stiffness over the full length of the embedded section, such as headed studs.
n number of anchors in a group
Nb basic concrete breakout strength in tension of a single anchor in cracked concrete, lb.
Ncb nominal concrete breakout strength in tension of a single anchor, lb.
Ncbg nominal concrete breakout strength in tension of a group of anchors, lb.
Nn nominal strength in tension, lb.
Np pullout strength in tension of a single anchor in cracked concrete, lb.

Process Industry Practices Page 10 of 11

PIP STE05121
Anchor Bolt Design Spreadsheet
Revision 1, July 2003
Glossary January 2003

Npn nominal pullout strength in tension of a single anchor, lb.

Nsb side-face blowout strength of a single anchor, lb.
Nsbg side-face blowout strength of a group of anchors, lb.
Ns nominal strength of a single anchor in tension as governed by the steel strength, lb.
Nu factored tensile load, lb.
s anchor center-to-center spacing, in.
so spacing of the outer anchors along the edge in a group, in.
t thickness of washer or plate, in.
Vb basic concrete breakout strength in shear of a single anchor in cracked concrete, lb.
Vcb nominal concrete breakout strength in shear of a single anchor, lb.
Vcbg nominal concrete breakout strength in shear of a group of anchors, lb.
Vn nominal strength in shear, lb.
Vp pullout strength in shear of a single anchor in cracked concrete, lb.
Vpn nominal pullout strength in shear of a single anchor, lb.
Vsb side-face blowout strength of a single anchor, lb.
Vsbg side-face blowout strength of a group of anchors, lb.
Vs nominal strength of a single anchor in shear as governed by the steel strength, lb.
Vu factored tensile load, lb.
strength reduction factor
modification factor, for strength in tension, to account for anchor groups loaded eccentrically
modification factor, for strength in tension, to account for edge distances smaller than 1.5h ef
modification factor, for strength in tension, to account for cracking
modification factor, for pullout strength, to account for cracking
modification factor, for strength in shear, to account for anchor groups loaded eccentrically
modification factor, for strength in shear, to account for edge distances smaller than 1.5h ef
modification factor, for strength in shear, to account for cracking

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