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In this experiment, pH measurement and buffer preparation are involved. The main objectives of this
experiment are: a) prepare different buffer solutions b) compute the buffer capacity of the buffer
solutions made c) determine the pH of the buffers and samples colorimetrically using liquid indicators
and electrochemically using the pH meter. Different buffer solutions were prepared by different
groups. In this group, the assigned buffer for the group was 0.50 M phosphate buffer at pH 7. Before
the group preceded to the actual computation, it was important to know the starting materials and
compute for the amount of each component in preparation of the buffer solution. The Henderson-
Hasslebalch equation was used in order to prepare it. A pH meter was used to determine the pH of the
buffer. Then, 6M HCl and 6MNaOH was used to adjust its pH. Three samples were used in order to
perform the experiments. These samples were distilled water, sprite, and the buffer solution at pH
7.00. In the Electrometric Determination of pH, the pH of Distilled water was found to be at 6.31. In
sprite sample, it is 3.35. While in the buffer prepared, it is 6.96. In the Colorimetric Determination of
pH, the use of acid-base indicators were involve. Same samples were used. Yet, different pH of buffer
solutions were also involved. At pH 6.96, a drop of Thymol Blue appeared to be pale yellow. In
Bromophenol Blue, it became indigo. In Bromocresol Green, it is blue. While in Bromocresol Purple, it
appeared as pale indigo. In Phenol Red, it appeared as orange yellow. While it is pale yellow in Methyl
Red and yellow orange in Methyl Orange. However, it appeared as colorless in the Phenolphtalein
indicator. The sprite sample was compared in a buffer solution with a pH of 2.99 because of its
reaction with the indicators. On the other hand, the distilled water was found to be at pH 5.02 with the
same reason as the sprite sample.

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