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Advanced Structural Analysis

Prof. Devdas Menon

Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Module - 6.1
Lecture - 33
Matrix Analysis of Plane and Space Frames

Good morning. With this lecture number 33, we are starting a new module -- module 6,
which deals with the matrix analysis of plane and space frames.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:24)

If you recall, we have already covered 5 modules and you are now in a good position to
quickly understand more complex structures like plane and space frames. The
methodology is the same. And we have one last module left, which we will take up. It is
a second order analysis and the study of the elastic instability of beams and frames.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:55)

The space frame element is the most generic, most complex element that you can get in
matrix analysis. It is a very powerful element. As you can see, you have six degrees of
freedom at each end of the elements, so we have 12 degrees of freedom, which takes care
of bending about two orthogonal planes, vertical plane and horizontal plane. It takes care
of torsion, which also takes care of axial force.

If there is a variation in bending moment at the two ends, you have a shear force coming
into play. So the shear force can be in both vertical and horizontal planes. All other
elements that we have studied are actually special cases of this one element. If you take
the stiffness matrix for a space frame element -- 12 by 12, if you delete rows and
columns, respectively, you can downgrade it to a plane frame element, to a grid element,
to a beam element, to a space truss element, to a plane truss element, and to 1 degree 1 D
axial element.

They are all special case of this element are As usual we will learn to apply the
conventional stiffness method, the reduced stiffness method and the flexibility method
for plane frames. For space frames, we will just demonstrate the application of reduced
stiffness method because it takes lot of space and time to do a big frame.

So right now, we will be looking at the application of conventional stiffness method to

plane frames, using the plane frame element. As you can see, there are six degrees of
freedom, three at each end. You have an axial degree of freedom, which you get from the
truss element, the axial element, and you have the beam element with bending about the
vertical axis, as shown here, and shear force.

It is quite easy. We just have to put together the stiffness matrix that you derived for the
axial element along with the beam element. And we conveniently assume that there is no
interaction between the two and you get the stiffness matrix for the plane frame element.
This is covered in the chapterit is chapter number 6 in the book on Advanced
Structural Analysis, and we begin with the conventional stiffness method.

I have tried to show the same map in all the lectures that we have done, to show that we
basically following very systematic way of solving problems. The conventional stiffness
method is the method that is used in software , programs that you buy commercially,
which is used extensively in actual Structural Analysis.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:33)

Reduced element stiffness method is very good if you want to program yourself. And
some of your senior students have developed beautiful programs using MATLAB, which
actually can do space frame analysis. I would like to demonstrate this at some point,
using matrix methods. Reduced element stiffness method can also be used and there is
also the flexibility method, which on a case to case basis, you could use because it is an
appropriate to use the flexibility method when the degree of static indeterminacy is very
small in relation to the degree of kinematic indeterminacy.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:52)

So I am just playing back to use some slides that we have already seen. You remember,
we began with a plane truss element, which had a 4 by 4 stiffness matrix -- 4 degrees of
freedom. It is very easy to remember the stiffness matrix. Two rows and columns will be
in 0s and the others are simply EA by L and minus EA by L.

(Refer Slide Time: 05:45)

This is familiar to you. In this truss element, you will find that the 0 rows and columns
correspond to the shear force. If you use it in a plane frame element, you have ability to
take shear, so they are no longer going to be 0s. That is a big difference. Then, we looked
at the plane truss transformation matrix. You remember, we used this theta, sine theta
transformation. We need to invoke the same transformation when we do a plane frame

(Refer Slide Time: 06:01)

We next looked at the beam element. In the beam element, you had bending moment,
shear force at two ends, you had four degrees of freedom, and we used this element not
only for the beams, we also used it for the grids. We are familiar with this. And we
learned to generate the stiffness matrix using different alternative approaches, including
the conventional displacement approach, where you assumed a displacement function
using geometry, and then you worked with that and generated the stiffness matrix.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:40)

We also looked at the transformation matrix for a beam element. We found that the T i
matrix is an identity matrix because conveniently the local axes can be made to align
with the global axes. So, x is x star, which you cannot do in a frame. In a frame, the
element can be orientated in any direction.

(Refer Slide Time: 07:06)

Now, with that back ground, it is quite easy actually to put things together and straight
away derive the stiffness matrix for a plane frame element. Will you try it out? Write
down the 6 by 6 stiffness matrix for a plane frame element with the coordinates as shown
here. We have numbered these coordinates -- 1 star, 2 star, 3 star -- to align with the x ,y
and z axis. 1 star refers to an axial degree of freedom; 2 star is a translation, a deflection
which is normal to the longitudinal axis, the corresponding force is a shear force; 3 star is
the rotation in the x y plane, which is with respect to the z axis. We follow the same
directions and numbering sequence for the end node. So, you have 1 2 3 at the start node,
4 5 6 at the end node. Just write down the stiffness matrix assuming that there is no
interaction between the axial degree of freedom and the flexural stiffness. No interaction
between axial stiffness and flexural stiffness. If you do that, you will find that you just
have to add one additional row or rather two additional rows and columns, corresponding
to 1 star and 3 star to your traditional beam element stiffness matrix.

You remember we did something similar for the grid element. In the grid element, we
added GJ by L, here you add EA by L. There is also one notable difference -- in the grid
element, which we discussed yesterday, 1 star and 2 star referred to the flexural degrees
of freedom and 3 star was a torsional degree of freedom. Here 1 star corresponds to the
axial degree of freedom, so it comes on top. You can instead of writing EA by L, if you
take out EI by L outside the brackets, then you would say A by I. Incidentally A by I is
also 1 by r square, where r is the radius of gyration.

The only additional terms, you have, EA by L, plus and minus which is easy to add. It is
not at all difficult once you are familiar with whatever we have done till now. Is it clear?
So, we found that the plane frame element is essentially combination of the truss element
and the beam element. Do you think there is some possible interaction between the axial
and flexural stiffness components? Are they really independent, as assumed here?

We will study this in the next module -- module 7, where you realize that there is an
interaction between the axial degree and the flexural degree. In fact, if the axial force is
compression, it can be quite significant. If the compressive force is high, you have a
phenomenon called buckling that is possible. If the axial force is close to the critical
buckling load, the flexural stiffness degrades to what? To 0. That is why when buckling
takes place, there is no flexural stiffness left in the beam. Which in turn, suggest that
axial compression can actually reduce your flexural stiffness, and conversely, axial
tension can enhance your flexural stiffness. But these are second order considerations.
They do not come in the realm of first order structure analysis. In this module, we are
doing first order structural analysis, we do not look at what are called p delta effects. We
conveniently assume that these two stiffness components are uncoupled, so that there is
no interaction between them.

This is reasonably true if you are dealing with well proportioned members, which are not
slender and your axial forces are not very high -- not close to your critical buckling load.
The other interesting thing to note is the rank of this matrix is not full. What is the rank
of this matrix? 3, because the element itself is physically unstable. To hold it in place,
you need to arrest 3 degrees of freedom and we will do, when we do the reduced
stiffness method. That is why this matrix is singular, it cannot be inverted. There is no
flexibility matrix possible by inverting this 6 by 6 matrix. You have to reduce it to a 3 by
3 matrix, which we will do in the reduced elements stiffness method and the inverse of
that is the flexibility matrix.

(Refer Slide Time: 12:37)

As far as the coordinate transformation is concerned, I am showing a picture which I

have showed in module 3, where we tried to show the relationship between the degrees
of freedom expressed along the global axis, with respect to those expressed along the
local axis and that transformation is T i. If you take one of those ends, it forms a familiar
transformation, the rotation matrix, where you have cos theta, minus sine theta, cos theta
, sine theta, and you have one corresponding to the third degree of freedom because there
is no need to do any transformation with respect to the z axis, because we are talking of
rotation about this z axis.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:39)

I hope you are familiar with this. Knowing this, you can easily write down your
transformation matrices at the 2 ends. Put it together and you have this symmetric T i
matrix, where each of those blocks in the main diagonals are familiar to you. So we have
to use this, it is familiar to you. So T i matrix is no problem and the inverse of this matrix
is the transpose because it is an orthogonal matrix.

(Refer Slide Time: 14:32)

You also need to indicate the global coordinates in parenthesis, as we did earlier. This is
familiar to you. This is a path we will take to do transformations. You will find that if
you are programming, it might be beneficial to do it in a systematic manner. For
example, for each element if you pull out the direction cosines, in terms of theta i, and
you call them c i and s i and if you know the length of the element, you can generate
some properties straight away. This is a typical transformation matrix for any element in
your plane frame. Once you input the properties, once you write the coordinates, it can
generate this automatically for all the elements. It is important to note that you must also
put the linking coordinates, which I have shown here -- l m n p q r and it is very easy to
assemble the stiffness matrix.

(Refer Slide Time: 16:00)

From the properties, you can write an algorithm like this, in terms of alpha, beta, zeta
and delta. And if you want program, it will do the stiffness matrix generation at the
element level effortlessly. You can go one step further and do this product multiplication.
You can feed in these coefficients, these elements of your k i T i matrix because this is
necessary for you to get the internal forces. You can go one step further and pre-multiply
this matrix with T i transpose and you can feed in this, in terms of the geometric and
material constants that we had expressed. If you are interested in programming, you can
directly feed in these values but you can also allow each multiplication to be done
separately. The choice is yours.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:34)

We also looked at equivalent joint loads. Now, when we did trusses, the equivalent joint
loads came not from nodal loads , not from distributed loads but from lack of fit and
temperature effects. When we did the 1-D axial element, you also had the possibility of
intermediate loads. When we did the beam element, we did not have temperature loads
but we had intermediate loads. We also had support settlements, which you also had in
the truss.

In the frame, you can have anything. You can have a mixture of everything. You can
even have temperature effects. So we will take a look at the large variety of problems
that you can get. You have to follow the same procedure, you have to find the fixed end
force vectors, you have to include any additional fixed end force vectors that you get
from initial displacements. You have to do this transformation to slot your fixed end
forces, along the global coordinates and you have to work out the equivalent joint load
vector. Procedure is same, map is same, territory is familiar.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:50)

We will do two problems. I hope we have time to do two problems or at least one
problem exhaustively in this session. Take a look at this plane frame. It has got all the
familiar complications -- you have an intermediate load there, 100 kilo Newton, you
have a nodal load there lateral load of 50 kilo Newton. We have also throw in a support
settlement of 10 millimeter. The E value is given, I value is not directly given. It is given
in terms of the cross section -- 300 by 300. The 2 columns are square and the beam has a
depth of 450 mm and a width of 300 mm.

It is a typical single bay portal frame. Let us learn how to analyze this. We should know
what the displacements are, at least at the joints. The maximum displacements. But more
important, we must know, are the support reactions. We must know the bending moment
diagram, shear force diagram, the axial force diagram, which is all easy once you have
the free bodies. So how do we proceed?
(Refer Slide Time: 19:06)

This procedure is very familiar to us. We are following exactly the same steps. First, the
coordinate transformations, fixed end force vectors, equivalent joint loads, next the
element in structure stiffness matrices, next we write down the equilibrium equations and
in this case, the support settlements are there. So you have to bring in that into solving
those two equations. You solved the first equation, you find the unknown displacements
at the active coordinates. You plug in those values in the second equation, you get the
support reactions, and finally what is a last step? member forces. There you are. So, it is
very familiar. The member forces are nothing but your equivalent slope deflection
equations. You have the fixed end forces and you have the additional end forces that you
get from the joint displacements. So I hope, now you are comfortable dealing with any
problem because the procedure is well laid out. You just have to do your transformations
(Refer Slide Time: 20:12)

You will find that a conventional stiffness method is actually very straight forward. Not
much thinking to do. It is the reduced stiffness method, which can be tricky because you
are taking shortcuts in reducing your degree of kinematic indeterminacy. Personally, I
think that is a real challenge if you want to do things manually and write your own
programs. Flexibility method, similarly, is very challenging. But conventional stiffness
method, except when you have local complication like internal hinges, are very straight
forward systematic, you cannot go wrong. Let us demonstrate this.

First, we have to identify the coordinates, the global coordinates. As usual, we will start
numbering from the active degrees of freedom. Since the ends A and D are fixed, only B
and C have the active degrees of freedom, since we chose the origin at A with x pointing
towards the right and y pointing towards the upper region, we follow the same sign
convention -- 1 2 3 at joint B and 4 5 6 at joint C. Those green colored arrows are active
degrees of freedom. We also have restrained degrees of freedom and they are 7 8 9 10 11
12, following the same sequence. And once we know those, we know the support
reaction is 1.

What is the input data given to you? Do you have any nodal forces? Yes. You will find
that F 1 is plus 50 and D 11 is minus 0.010 meters, rest are all 0s. You also need local
coordinates, so instead of writing three separate figures, we can write one common figure
for all. This is a standard picture, which will show in all plane frame elements.
In this particular problem that angle theta with respect to the global x axis is either 0
degrees for element 2 or 90 degrees for elements 1 and 3. But in general, it looks like this
-- 6 degrees of freedom. This is the standard T i matrix, the transformation matrix, where
you shift from global axis to local axis. It is easy to generate this if you make a table,
which is what I suggest you do, whenever you deal with any frame. You are shown a
single storey single bay frame, you can have a 100 storey 20 bay frame, it makes no

You have to systematically follow this procedure. You have to identify your elements,
you have to identify the start nodes and the end nodes. You have to write the coordinates
of those start and end nodes, which is what we did when we did the plane truss. The
plane frame is similar. You need not explicitly calculate those theta values, you do not
need the theta values, you need the directions cosines cos theta and sine theta, which is
very easy to generate from the coordinates. Even the length comes from the coordinate.
We have done this before so go ahead. You can also, in this table, put in your EI values
and your EA values, EA by L and so on. All that you need to generate your T i matrix
and your stiffness matrix. So, the moment you give the input, you can also, if you writing
a program, ask it to generate a visual picture of the structure, so that you can verify at
one glance whether you missed out some element or some element is mislocated, which
you can do when you do your programming. In fact, all software programs do that. They
also have the facility where you do not do all those table business, we actually sketch a
picture and it will generate this table on its own. So, those are all tricks that you can
carry out. We are not studying those tricks here. We are just studying how this black box
works, what is the algorithm inside it, and can we do a minimal amount programming,
and be able to generate, make the computer do structural analysis for us. It is a
systematic method -- it follows certain laws and it is easy to understand at this stage.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:17)

It is very easy with that table. You can generate the Ti matrices for the three elements
T 1, T 2, and T 3, where theta is 0, cos theta is 1; where theta is 90 degrees, cos theta is
0. So these are very straight forward. Very easy to generate, if you look at the element 2
T 2 , it is like a conventional beam element and that is why it is an identity matrix. It is
like a beam element .The columns, are frame elements, the linking coordinates are very
clear; For the second element, it is clean 1 2 3 4 5 6 because they are all active degrees of
freedom; For the first element, it begins with 7 8 9 and then 1 2 3; And for the third
element, it is 10 11 12. The start node, it is at D, not at C in this particular case or you
can choose your own sign convention -- 10 11 12 and 4 5 6.

Remember when you do a large frame, it is better to follow those suggestions, we gave
in the third module, of reducing your band width by numbering it along the shorter
direction. But we are not looking into those accepts at this stage because we are dealing
with very small frames. It does not really matter when you are dealing with a small
frame, you can do this easily and you can program it.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:33)

Next job is to find the fixed end forces. What are the fixed end forces? It is easy to
generate. It is a beam element you have. Of the 3 elements, only element 2 will have
fixed end forces because element 1 and 2 have no lateral loads on them. You have a
concentrated load located 2 meters from the left end. You know the formula -- w a b
square by l squared -- put the signs correctly, and work out your vertical reactions. You
do not need to draw the shear force and bending moment diagram but if you wish, you
do that.

You can pull out the fixed end force vector for that second element. And for the first and
third elements it is going to be null vectors. Nothing new. This is what we have been
doing for the beam and the truss and the axial element. So you got this? What is the next
step? You have to switch from local to global. How do you do that?
(Refer Slide Time: 28:06)

You just have to pre-multiply with the transpose of the corresponding -- T i matrix -- and
you put alongside the linking coordinates. You know the linking coordinates, so you first
do that product. And after you have done that, you have to do the slotting. That means,
whatever you get in coordinate one from the 3 products, you add up algebraically. After
you get the answers, you can just go back and check and see if it make sense because
visually you can inspect and see whether it make sense. And you will find that in this
case because only the top beam, the horizontal element has loads, nothing is happening
at your FfR level. There is no fixed end force going to your restrained coordinates.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:46)

You can also draw a sketch after you find the net load vector. Net load vectors FA minus
FfA. FA has only one nodal load. F 1 equal to plus 50 kilo Newton. You do this product
and draw a sketch. You have actually converted your original problem to this problem
and the equivalance is -- we all have the same DA vector, the active displacement vector.
You will also notice that, in addition to the forces, you have support settlements, which
come from the DR vector. You have D 11 having a value of minus 0.01 meters.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:31)

(Refer Slide Time: 29:49)

Next, you generate the element and structure stiffness matrices. Actually, you can do this
earlier because the computer does not wait for the loads. It straightaway does all these.
These are properties of the structure, you can write this algorithm. We have already
plugged in those values in the table so it will generate all this. There is nothing much in

(Refer Slide Time: 30:31)

Once you have done this, your next job is a little tricky. What you need to do now? You
have to assemble all these matrices by first converting them from local coordinates to the
global axis, and then slot it. That takes a little thinking. By summing up the contributions
of T i transpose, k i star t i, you get k i. k i is the same stiffness matrix, realigned along
the global x y and z axis. It will typically have the quadrant format as shown there. You
can say, it is kA, kB, kC, and k C transpose on the other side . It is going to be symmetric.

So I can generate for each element these three values -- kA, kB, kC, and I put a superscript
i to identify which element is where. Now, I should do my slotting very carefully. The
slotting comes from understanding the linking coordinates. For each of them, I have a 6
by 6 matrix, and at the appropriate coordinate locations the structure matrix k of order 12
by 12 satisfying F equal to kD can be assembled. It takes this form. Now, look carefully
at that form. The coordinates 1 2 3 will be affected by which elements? By 1 and 2.

It is going to be affected by the tail end of 1 and the start end of 2. That is how you write
kB of 1 plus kA of 2. That is a clever way of doing it. Now, you can program it to do this
automatically. But if you are doing it by inspection, you have to do it carefully.

You need to assemble this with some care. And would you like to do an assignment --
one problem of this type, so that you get a feel for it. Your last assignment you will do
this. It is going to take time if I am going to explain this by myself but I would like you
to generate it, make sense of this, and generate that matrix. It should be symmetric. So, it
is easy to generate one side of it.

(Refer Slide Time: 32:57)

(Refer Slide Time: 33:00)

(Refer Slide Time: 33:08)

You can generate this from all those three matrices. So this is kA 1, kB 1, kC 1, kA 2 ,kB 2
,kC 2, kA 3, kB 3, kC 3, which once you assembled, you put all together and you get the
full matrix -- you get kAA kAR kRA transpose and kRR. So, you got the full structure
stiffness matrix but it takes a while. You do not attempt doing this manually. It should be
done through MATLAB. May be to make your life simpler, in your assignment I will
give you -- a 2 bar 2 member, I think, so you have to add only for 2 members. Let us see
how you do that.
(Refer Slide Time: 33:48)

Next step is very clear. You have got your structure stiffness matrix, you have got the
transformations, you got the net load vector, you have this familiar equilibrium equation
and you plug in those values. And you can find the active displacements by solving that
equation -- kAA inverse. The computer can do it for you. You have a MATLAB inversion
program, which can handle it your matrix is well condition. So you are pretty well
assured of the results that you get.

It is nice at this stage to look at those numbers. Do they make sense? Is that the kind of
values that we get? Do not get scared looking at them. Try to draw the deflected shape. It
will look like that. And we will find that everything make sense. D1 tells you that joint B
is going to move to the right by 13.39 mm. That is okay. 13 mm, is fine for a big
structure like this.

The right end will move 13.33. The little differences is because of the axial deformation
in that member and bit of rotation. Joint D does not go down at all because far too many
0s are there in that but you will find that C goes down and that corresponds to D5 goes
down by 10.08 mm, which make sense because your support is going down by 10 mm at
D. So, this is a kind of feel you should get once you get the output. Do not just get the
numbers and see I have got just give me full marks for what I have done. See what you
are doing. Understand the physics behind the problem. It should sway the way you
expect to sway. So, that is how the displacement vector should be interpreted in practice.
(Refer Slide Time: 35:47)

Then, your next step is to get the support reactions, which you can get by solving that
equation. You plug in those values and see whether it make sense, see especially whether
you are satisfying equilibrium. That check you can do. You need to do many checks
including the moment equilibrium check, but at the very least, you can add up the forces
in the vertical and horizontal direction. It should all add up to 0 then you say, at least my
solution satisfies equilibrium that is for sure. Hopefully, it also satisfies compatibility. It
will, because the stiffness method begins with compatibility and equilibrium is the final
(Refer Slide Time: 36:28)

(Refer Slide Time: 36:49)

(Refer Slide Time: 37:03)

Then your next step is to find the member forces, which you can do. You already have
these computed and stored in your memory; The k i T i. You plug in those values, you
get the member forces for all the three elements. Then you draw free bodies. When you
draw the free bodies, you will find you are now in a position to draw the bending
moment diagram, and if you wish the shear force diagram, etc. As easy as that. So, we
have done 1-plane frame element, solving by this method. Looks like, we have finished
early, so it is a good time for you to raise some questions on whatever we done till now.
Do you have any questions? We would be able to go fast only because we have travelled
quite a distance to reach this stage. We have done the truss element, we have done
trusses, we have done beams, we have done grids and what now? We are doing frames.
Let me ask you a question. Take that same plane frame. Let us subject it to temperature
loading -- let us just heat it up. How would you solve that problem?
(Refer Slide Time: 38:23)

Let us say the temperature is increased by You can have seasonal variation of
temperature of this order. How would you deal with this problem?

Fixed end moments. How do you get fixed end forces? There are no forces given.

Minus .


Let her answer.

We find the changing length and force due to that...

What kind of force will you get? You find the change in length. You have elements 1 2
3, the change in length will be used as a notation e naught e naught i will be L i alpha
delta T. You got this, now what? This is the free elongation, if it is allow to freely

So you should say that

I take the primary structure. In the primary structure, all these ends are restrained
artificially. In the primary structure, you have a temperature rise. You end up with axial
forces in all those members which you can calculate. Then what? That is what you did in
a truss, remember?

Added to what? there is no other loading.

Sir that is the vector .because of the elongation there is an axial compression

So, we are saying, you have a delta F vector at the element level. Let us do it for element
1. What will it look like? For element 1, what will be the size of this element?

6 by 6.

It will be 6 by 1. What do you write for the left end? This had if you remember, 7 8 9 and
1 2 and 3.

(Refer Slide Time: 42:11)

The linking coordinates are 7 8 9 and 1 2 3, and the element itself had 1 star, 2 star, 3
star, 4 star, 5 star, 6 star. How do you fill up this? What is the first element? We are
looking at an element like this with this as 1 star, this as 2 star, this as 3 star, 4 star, 5
star, 6 star. This is the element 1. This value that you get, what do you do with that?
What should I write?

EA by L.
Is it plus or minus?


If you heat this up, it is going into compression. So, what are the end forces that you get?
This will be positive or negative?


It is going to be positive. It is going to compression means you press it down like that, so
this will be positive and this will be negative.

(Refer Slide Time: 43:32)

What would this quantity be? This will be positive and this will be negative. Let me say,
plus N 1f, minus N 1f, where N 1f will be

EA by L

EA by L for the first element times e naught 1. So you will do that. What do you get
here? 0. Here? 0. Here? 0. Here? 0.
(Refer Slide Time: 44:36)

Likewise, you can generate this vector for all the members. In fact, we used a word
called delta star initial for this. You have done that, then what you do?

(Refer Slide Time: 44:54)

(Refer Slide Time: 45:34)

You now need to convert this into the global coordinates by pre multiplying it with T 1
transpose. And what do you get? If you add up for all the elements, you will end up with
delta FfA delta FfR. So, you have got nodal forces, you have got equivalent joint forces,
and you find that you actually going to analyze a structure with what kind of forces? You
have to apply it in the negative direction. What is your net load vector going to look like?

What is it going to look like? Show me here. Do you have force acting down? Yes. Will
be acting down or up?


No, you had compression acting here, you have to reverse it because you kind of had to
hold it down. You have to let go. So will it act down or up?


It is going act up, so you have a force acting up here, acting up here, what about here?
This wanted to expand, you held it back. Finally, a plus. You had some support reaction,
so you actually analyzing a structure like this and will this cause bending?

For sure it will because if this moves laterally, this does not move. You got a chord
rotation, so you will have a curvature; You will have a bending moment diagram. It is a
very interesting problem. One which I wish you will solve on your own. So, the subject
is beautiful, if you can link here left brain with your right brain. Understand the physics
of the problem and you have got a powerful tool to handle any kind of loading on any
skeletal structure. Thank you.

(Refer Slide Time: 47:55)

I am glad you raised this point. You are right; we have to correctly put the linking
coordinates. As far as the element is concerned, 1 and 4 are always axial degrees of
freedom. So you are right. This should find a place here and this here, because this
corresponds to 1 star, this corresponds to 4 star, and this incidentally is F star f. So, the
mistake we made was in putting the linking coordinates. 1 star actually matches with 8
star, not 7 star; and 2 star matches with 7 star. That is a correction we need to do. This
will be 8, this will be 7, this will be 2, and this will be 1. You strictly follow the fixed
end forces at the element level and place the linking coordinates which come with your
Ti matrix; be careful. Thank you.

Plane frame element

Transformation matrix

Axial stiffness

Flexural stiffness


Portal Frame

Temperature loading
Advanced Structural Analysis
Prof. Devdas Menon
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Module - 6.2
Lecture - 34
Matrix Analysis of Plane and Space Frames

Good morning. This is session number 34, module 6 matrix analysis of plane and space

(Refer Slide Time: 00:18)

(Refer Slide Time: 00:21)

(Refer Slide Time: 00:29)

If you recall, we had just started the application of the conventional stiffness method to
plane frames. This is covered in the chapter on matrix analysis of plane and space frames
in the book on Advanced Structural Analysis.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:38)

(Refer Slide Time: 00:46)

As you know, there are three broad methods we studied. We are looking at the first of
them Conventional Stiffness Method. We will now look at problems where you have
internal hinges in frames.

We have already learnt how to deal with these in beams, so it is basically the same. I am
just showing you some of the old slides on how to deal with an internal hinge. There is
no transfer of bending moment, across the hinge, and no compatibility requirement
regarding rotation. So we introduce a moment release and we introduce a clamp.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:20)

If you recall, we need to modify the element stiffness matrices. Essentially, one of those
rows and columns will become full of 0s, corresponding to the released degree of

If you have a hinge at the start node, it is a second row and second column that gets
released. Not only that, from 4 EI by L, it goes to 3 EI by L, the flexural stiffness, and 6
EI by L square becomes 3 EI by L square, etc,. We have done this earlier. If you have
hinges at both the ends, the second and fourth rows and columns will become 0s. We are
just refreshing something that we did earlier.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:14)

We also know that we need to modify the fixed-end forces, where you have a moment
release. Essentially, the fixed beam will become like a propped cantilever and you need
to modify the fixed-end moments.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:28)

Finally, we said that we need to deal with the fact that we will end up with zero stiffness
corresponding to the degree of freedom, where we have the moment release. Because
how we deal with the moment release is we are going to shift that global coordinates
from active category to restrained category.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:25)

You do not need to inverse the kAA matrix with the 0 diagonal element in it. Moment you
have a release, it will have a 0 diagonal element. So we conveniently pass it on to the
restrained coordinate and it does not really matter. We do this by means of an imaginary
clamp. We have done this for the beam. We are just repeating this idea for a frame.

If you remember, we did this problem in the last class portal frame with a concentrated
load. The only change we have now introduced is we bring an internal hinge at a beam
column joint. In this case, joint C.

How do we deal with the same problem? Can we make use of some of the work we have
done earlier. Can we use the same stiffness matrices? Partly yes. For A B
(Refer Slide Time: 04:02)

(Refer Slide Time: 04:10)

Let us go through this problem. The procedure is exactly the same as we did earlier,
except that we need to make modifications for the internal hinge. If you recall in this
slide, we have looked at the six global coordinates and the six restrained coordinates.
Just reproducing a slide which we covered in the last lecture. But there are going to be
changes now. Firstly, you have the internal hinge, see that hinge at C. We are going to
convert one of those degrees of freedom. Which degree of freedom? What is the
number? Six. We convert it from active to restrained, and we will introduce a clamp. We
do all that. Is it clear? We do that and that degree of freedom goes to the restrained
category. Nothing else changes.

(Refer Slide Time: 05:06)

So, how do we deal with this problem, with the internal hinge? Do we need to make any
changes for the transformation matrices? Absolutely no change, because it matters little
whether the global coordinate is active or restrained.

(Refer Slide Time: 05:28)

So T1 T2 T3 are what we got earlier. There is no change. Do we need to change the fixed
end forces? Yes, we do, because if you recall, at C, you have a hinge, so it is a propped
cantilever you have to do.

I think we know how to do this. How to calculate the fixed end moment for a propped
cantilever? So we have to work this out. You are familiar with this. We have done this
kind of problem earlier. Find out the fixed end forces and then work out the fixed end
force vector. What do we do next after this? What do you do after you find the fixed end

You have to?

You have to convert to global coordinates. And after that?

Net load vector

(Refer Slide Time: 06:20)

(Refer Slide Time: 06:34)

Get the net load vector or the resultant load vector. How do we do that? We do it by T i,
transpose F*. We are just repeating what we did earlier, except that the force vector is
changed slightly, and we get FfA and FfR, and we get the net load vector.

You can draw a sketch, showing that the loads that you get. This is identical to what we
did earlier, except that now you have an internal hinge at C and values of those forces
have changed.

Earlier, we also had a moment applied at C, now that is released. There is no moment
applied at C. Do not forget that there is an indirect loading in the structure. You have D
R, coordinate 11, D11 will be minus 0.01 meters because there is a support settlement of
10 mm at D. Exactly as we had earlier.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:19)

Then, we need to generate the element and structure stiffness matrices. What changes we
need to do now? For element 1, any change? No, so you are right. We need to bring
changes only for elements 2 and 3. Can you write them down? Can you write down the
stiffness matrices for elements 2 and 3?

For element 2, the end node has a hinge, so it will broadly take this shape.

(Refer Slide Time: 08:05)

You have EA by L for your axial degree of freedom. And you will find that for the
element 2, the 6th degree of freedom, that means, the sixth row and the sixth column will
become made up of 0s. And you need to modify the 4 EI by L to 3 EI by L and so on.

Also because our start node is at D, for the third element, the last row in the last column
will become 0. Can I proceed? This is, you need to go through the book and see this
example in greater detail. Just repeating because we cannot possibly solve these matrices
in class. You need to solve them by yourself.

(Refer Slide Time: 09:01)

(Refer Slide Time: 09:21)

And we have to assemble the structure stiffness matrix exactly the way we did in the last
class. I have explained this earlier. So you get kAA. But note, k AA has a size 5 by 5.
Without the internal hinge, it was 6 by 6, and then k AR and kRR can be worked out.
Please note kRR will be now having a size 7 by 7. That is it.

(Refer Slide Time: 09:33)

Then you solve for the unknown equations. The method is the same. You will notice that
the deflections have increased substantially as compared to the previous problem. Now,
you have a sway of 23.4 mm. That is how you interpret the DA vector. D1 is the sway
you get at B, which is shown in yellow, and D4 is the sway you get at C.

Can you see something about the behavior of DC? What does it look like? It is a
cantilever. So, maybe there is a shortcut way of getting that deflection. We will see that.
It is good to understand behavior by interpreting the results that you get.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:36)

Then you find the support reactions in exactly the same way. The second equation you
solve ; You can write down your support reactions. You should check your equilibrium.
All these steps are identical to what we did earlier.

What is the last step?

(Refer Slide Time: 10:47)

(Refer Slide Time: 10:51)

(Refer Slide Time: 10:55)

Member end forces. Again, The method is the same. You find out for the three elements
and you draw the free body diagram. What do you do next? Well, the most important
diagram for a frame or a beam is the bending moment diagram, but you can draw all the

Let us just draw the bending moment diagram, and you will see very nicely that at C,
there is 0 moment because that is exactly where the internal hinge is located. It is here
that you can interpret. You can clearly see CD acts like a cantilever, as we have
mentioned earlier.

There is only one load. If you isolate CD as a cantilever, you have a vertical load which
does not goes bending and you have a lateral load. What is the lateral load? 18.545. You
know the formula -- PL q by 3 EI, you plug it and you get the exactly the same answer
that we got the hard way -- 23.4.

These are small checks that you need to do as an engineer. You should always be
suspicious of the results that you get from a software. You need to check with your
intuition and some thumb rule calculations to validate your solution. Is it clear? You will
find that almost everybody knows, practicing engineers know, how to use softwares. But
interpretation of results is not everybodys cup of tea. That is the difference between a
really good engineer and not so good engineer. You should be able to interpret, you
should detect errors, you have to back to input and correct them.

(Refer Slide Time: 12:27)

Dealing with hinged and guided fixed supports exactly similar to what we did for beams.
You have to release some degrees of freedom.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:37)

Let us take another frame problem. This is a bent frame. Remember we did this frame
earlier by slope deflection, moment distribution method. But here you will get slightly
different answers. Why do you get different answers? Because here we are doing it more
accurately. We are including axial deformations, which we did not have earlier in the
slope deflection and moment distribution method.

How do we deal with this problem? What is the degree of kinematic indeterminacy?

How many active degrees of freedom we have in the conventional stiffness method?
Where we do not take any shortcuts? At A, how many active degrees of freedom do we


At B?


At C?

At D?


It adds up to?


How many restraints?


(Refer Slide Time: 13:41)

The method of analysis is identical to the previous problem, except here luckily we do
not have any support settlements. Also, we are going to use a slightly different technique
of generating the stiffness matrix and the fixed end force vector. We will use TD, instead
of the T1.

I want you to recall the difference between using T D and Ti. TD is the displacement
transformation matrix. It has the big advantage of you not worrying about the slotting.
But it has a disadvantage, in terms of storage and programming.

What is the disadvantage? You will have to deal with larger matrices. But for problem
like this, it does not make too much of a difference. Do you understand? Let us say, you
had a multi-storied building and you had, say, 100 degrees of freedom. Then, your TD
matrix for even a plane frame element will be 6 by 100, that is very unwilled.

(Refer Slide Time: 15:10)

But if it is Ti matrix, the conventional, it will remain 6 by 6 for every element. But then,
you have to worry about the slotting the linking global coordinates. So, we did one
problem of that variety. Let us do another problem using TD, and otherwise, the method
is the same. As you rightly pointed out, we have eight active degrees of freedom. I have
marked them there in green color, and you have 4 restrained degrees of freedom.

You can identify your start nodes and end nodes for the three elements. You could draw
the three elements separately or you could choose to draw a typical element and you can
generate the matrix. The Ti matrix and the TD matrix actually are similar, except that the
size changes. So, we are familiar with the Ti matrix.

You have to still rope in the cos theta, sin theta, and 1. So, the method is the same. Only
thing that you have to do it with your eyes open and fill up these matrices.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:58)

It is convenient to separate out the active degrees of freedom from the restrained. So
actually the TD matrix for each element will have a size 6 into 12, which you can
partition into 6 into 8 for TDA, active degrees of freedom, and 6 into 4 for restrained
degrees of freedom.

(Refer Slide Time: 16:44)

Most of these elements in the matrix will be 0s, except where you have the degree of
freedom, which is active. Let us see, take the first column in these two matrices for TD1
and TD2. The first column actually corresponds to D1 equal to 1.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:11)

If you apply D1 equal to 1, it is going to affect elements 1 and 2. It is at the tail end of
element 1 and at the beginning of element 2. So basically, you have to use this
transformation matrices and fill up at the appropriate column. You see the tail end gets
filled in element 1 and the start end gets filled in the element 2. It is only 1. Is it clear? I
hope you know how to fill up this.

This is actually similar to what you would get, if you did the Ti formulation, except that
you have to keep track. Now on the top row, I have written 1 2 3 4, all the way to 12, but
you need not do that in this case. It is obvious it has to be a sequential form from 1 to 12.
Is it clear? I hope you know how to do this.

We have done it for a truss, you have done it for a beam, it is not a big deal to extend that
to a plane frame.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:57)

Similarly, for the third element, you can fill up. Now the fixed end forces. It is very easy
to calculate in this case. Of the three elements, only the second element is loaded. It has a
UDL. so you can find the end moments and the vertical forces, write it in a vector form.

You have F2*f having that non-zero vector, whereas F1* and F3* will be null vectors
because there is no load in those two elements. Clear?

What do you do next? You convert it to...?

You want to get it for the whole structure. You want the FfA and FfR vectors.

How do you do that?

TD transpose.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:51)

TD transpose, so that contragradient principle works. And you can sum up, do for one
element at a time and sum it up for the three elements. This is something you can work
out for all the elements -- you get FfA and FfR.

You need not write down those numbers 1 2 3 4 all the way to 12, because it is
obvious. Those numbers you need to do when you do the Ti matrix. When you do TD, it
has to fall into this numbering scheme. Is it clear? So you get FfA and FfR. What do you
do next? You have got the load vector. What do you do next?

(Refer Slide Time: 19:32)

You can draw a sketch. Look at this. This is your resultant load vector FA minus FfA .FA
is a null vector because there are no nodal loads in this particular problem. You had only
a UDL and FfA is given there. Put a negative sign to it and interpret those results. You
will find that the original problem had a UDL. What you are having here will give you
exactly the same active displacements, the same DA vector, the same deflections at B and
C vertical and horizontal and the same rotations at B and C, and at A and D. You have to
superimpose these results with the results that you get in the primary structure, when you
have that UDL.

(Refer Slide Time: 20:37)

(Refer Slide Time: 20:51)

So, next you get the element and structure stiffness matrices, standard formulation for a
plane frame element, you just have to plug in the values of EA by L, EI by L, and it all
falls into place. Generate this for all the three elements.

What do you do next? You have to generate the structure stiffness matrix. how do you do

TD transpose k* TD.

(Refer Slide Time: 21:11)

Which you can do it in two stages? You can first do k* TD and then do the TD transpose
or vice versa. It is best to program all these and let MATLAB do it. Just check, after you
get the results, that you have a symmetric matrix and that your diagonal elements are all
positive. You will get some null some 0s somewhere. If you number it more intelligently,
it will fall into a nice banded matrix with minimum half band width for our convenience
in storage and solution.

I hope, up to this stage, you know how to do it. If you write the full k matrix, you cannot
fit it into that slide because the size is 12 by 12. It makes sense to do it kAA kAR kRA
kRR. Even here, it helps to draw partitions as we have done it here, because 1 2 3 refers to
the joint B. So, I have drawn a partition for that . 4 5 6 refers to the joint C, and the last
two refer to the rotational coordinates at A and D. Is it clear?

You must have your own system of identifying for convenience, because you need to
interpret and you need to know why those zeroes are where there are. They should make
some kind of sense.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:42)

(Refer Slide Time: 22:51)

Next, you generate all your matrices kRR , kRR is 4 by 4, and kAA is 8 by 8. Then, you
solve this. Here there are no support settlements. Solve these two equations. First, you
find the deflections. When you look at that kind of deflection vector really, you can make
sense mostly only after translations.

The order of magnitude of the translations should make some sense in a real structure.
So, I mark them in yellow color, the ones that are significant; the ones that are almost 0, I
have not marked them. And you have to draw a sketch.

The sketch would look like this. Imagine, you have these two hinged frame, bent frame
with a UDL on B C. This is how it is going to deflect. And the deflections are very small
-- 0.093 mm to the right. That is the sway at B, and vertical deflection of 0.278 mm,
which is extremely small. So you got this.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:58)

Then, you can find your support reactions solving the second equation, interpret those
results, check equilibrium. The least you can do is check force equilibrium, so sigma F y
should add up to 0. Those two vertical reactions should add up to total load of 120 kilo
Newton and the horizontal reactions must cancel out. It makes sense.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:26)

(Refer Slide Time: 24:33)

(Refer Slide Time: 24:37)

Last step is to find the member forces by using the TD matrix and draw the free body
diagrams, and draw the bending moment diagram, draw the axial force diagram, shear
force diagram.

All this can be done. And compare these results with the results we got earlier by the
slope deflection method, not moment distribution. Moment distribution is not good when
you have sway. You will find that they are almost identical.
This is more accurate because you are accounting for axial deformation. We will do the
same problem by the reduced element stiffness method, where we ignore axial
deformations and compare the results.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:16)

Here is one last problem. A really interesting problem. Remember at the end of the last
class, we also said that let us look at temperature loading. This is more tricky because the
legs are inclined. The same frame. Let us do this slowly so that you get it. Same frame
with sloping legs. We are now talking of a fall in temperature by 40 degree Celsius.
Coefficient of thermal expansion is given. How do you solve this problem? There are no
loads -- no direct loads, indirect loading.

Yes, tell me step by step, how to do this problem?

Find the elongation first

What are yes first

Find the elongations and then

Elongations you have to speak very clear

Change in length
Find the free change in length.

Yes sir.

For each element, which is L, alpha delta T, then what?

And then..fixed end forces for thisfixed end forces

It is more right to say that this structure is kinematically indeterminate. So, the primary
structure is one and which all the degrees of freedom are restrained. In the restrained
structure, if you allow this temperature change to take place, you will end up with what
kind of forces?


Obviously tension, because if you take any element it wants to shrink. It is prevented
from shrinking you will get tension.

Will you get bending moments and shear forces? Not in the primary structure, but in the
final structure, you should get. You will be in for lot of interesting results. So let us look
at it slowly.

(Refer Slide Time: 27:27)

First, as you rightly said, we will find the fixed end forces in the primary structure and
that is simply the axial stiffness ki. Nif is ki into E naught i. We put a minus sign in
general because normally you have a rise in temperature and E naught is an extension.
But in this case, E naught will turn negative, so when you substitute the results you
should get a tension.

Now, it is interesting that ki e is EA by L and E naught i is L alpha delta T. L cancels out.

It is interesting. Am I right? So for all the three elements, you will get the same axial
force. Yes or no? That is what logic says. You get the same axial force for all the three
elements. Can you work out how much that force is it? Small force or a big force? Plug
in those values.

(Refer Slide Time: 28:44)

Let us go back. All the members have cross section 300 by 300, so the area is 0.09 meter
squared, material has elastic modulus of 2.5 into 10 raised to 7 kilo Newton by meter
(Refer Slide Time: 28:59)

With E, A and L, can you work out what that force is? That is it. EA alpha delta T, where
delta T is minus 40 degree Celsius, you get a huge value.


990 is not a small value. It is a huge axial force. Do you think the final force will be so
large? How much you think?

See this is what you would get. If you were to arrest those degrees of freedom, prevent
that cooling from manifesting. In the primary structure, you get a huge force of 990 kilo

But had this structure, for example, been simply support, what will be the force in all
those members? 0. So it is actually not simply supported, its two hinged.It is hinged at
both the ends, so there is some restrain.

Can you guess what you think in practice this 990 will reduce to? 100. Let us share some


10 kilo Newton.
10 to 20 kilo Newton.



let us see what we get at the end. Good your guesses are, not bad. Let us see. But this is
alarmingly high. It is good to also have a check on what is that length free length that
would give it a 0 value. If you allow it to cool fully, then the extension will be L alpha T,
where L is 3 meters, here alpha is 11 into 10 raise to minus 6, delta T is minus 40.

You just need 1.32 mm. That is a small movement. May be it will be allowed do so. Let
us see. You must get a physical understanding to really understand this problem.

These are the forces that you will get in those three elements, if you were to arrest the
degrees of freedom. All 3 element will have a force of 990. How do you convert this to
loads on the structure?

Find TD matrix.

How do you convert this to loads on the structure?

How do you do...

Find transformation matrix, first transformation matrix.

Well, to figure out what will be loads, it is not easy, so you need help. And what is the
best thing you can do? Use the transformation matrix. What transformation?

First, we will write the fixed end force vector. There are six degrees of freedom of which
only the axial degree of freedom will have a non-zero value. There is no shear force and
bending moment. So, we write it as minus 990. It is what you will get at F1*f and plus
990 is what you will write at F4*f. Is it clear? This is same for all the three elements.
Now, what do you do?
Right, you do that. You have to sum it up for all the three elements. For each element,
you have to do the transpose of TDA and TDR. And if you expand it, you can write it like
this because the f star f is a same for all the three elements.

(Refer Slide Time: 32:50)

(Refer Slide Time: 33:00)

You just have to add the TD matrices. You do that and this is something we have
calculated in the last problem. So I am picking up those values from the previous
problem. And if you plug it in, you will get the answer. You will get FfA and FfR and this
is beautiful. Only matrix methods does it so efficiently. If you had to do it manually,
figuring out what are those equivalent forces, it is going to be trickily.

So this is the power of the contra gradient principle. How effortlessly from the axial
force in the restrained structure, you are getting equivalent joint loads. It is beautiful.
Very powerful. So you can find the resultant loads, which is FA minus FfA. FA is a null
vector because this structure has no direct loads acting on it. So this is what you get.

It is as those someone is pressing down those corners B and C. You can, visually it
make sense that is what going to happens, when it wants to cool. Those loads are not
small, they are huge loads 792, 396. Is it clear? How do we proceed from here?

K matrix

(Refer Slide Time: 34:23)

We use these equations. You solve the equations. The kAA matrix, you have already got
and you look at the answers.

If you plot them, it is going to look like this. B is going to go down by 3 mm, C is going
to go down by 2.55 mm, and B C is going to shrink move inwards. B goes to the right by
0.36 mm, C goes to the left by 0.96 mm.
Now, if you are an intelligent engineer, what will you calculate first to figure out whether
your residual force would be larger?

Yeah, we calculated E naught 2, which was 1.32 mm or something.

Yes sir.

Subtract from it and you see the value.

Subtract from it what you think you will get?


Let us just look at the element 2 E naught 2, for example. You can do for E naught 1 and
3 as well, but let us just take the second element because it is nicely horizontal. So E
naught 2 was 1.32 mm. And if you want to find the final elongation, which you can get
from D 4 minus D 1 because D 4 is a horizontal deflection at C, D 1 is the horizontal
deflection at B, that must be the elongation in second element BC. It turns out to be very
close to E naught 1. So close that if you work out, you can find the axial stiffness of that
element EA by L of the element, multiplied by that and add the fixed end force plus 990
minus 989.1.

Ladies and gentlemen, your force is less than 1 kilo Newton. This is really beautiful. Just
0.9 kilo Newton is the force that you get not 20 kilo Newton, not 40 kilo Newton, not
100 kilo Newton, not 990 kilo Newton. At the end of the day, you will find that, thanks
to this analysis, you can confidently say I do not need to worry about temperature
changes for a frame like this. But you would not be able to say it with that degree of
confidence unless you could analyze this structure and interpret the result. Is it clear?

So, it is not enough just to blindly use matrix analysis. As an engineer, it is more
important to interpret the result. So, 0.9 kilo Newton is nothing for a structure of this
magnitude. But 990 kilo newton is shockingly large.

Why is it so low, can you tell me?

Because A B and C D are..

Structure will adjust itself and had D been a roller support, it would have nicely moved
around a little bit, so that nothing happens. You get that 1.320000 exactly. So structure
adjust itself, so nothing much to worry in a system like this.

A similar situation you will get in buildings, where you have differential movements in
beams. Typically in a multi-storied building, let us say, you have columns and shear
walls. The shear walls are quite stiff axially because the cross sectional areas are large,
the columns are comparatively more axially flexible. So, when you have a huge beam
sitting on top of them, where you have the shear wall, you would not get much
movement. Where you have the columns, you will get a movement. And that movement
gets enhanced with time because in concrete we have a phenomenon called creep. You
have differential settlement in that beam. And if the beam is not long 6 EI by L squared
is a kind of fixed end moment that you will get. That is a huge moment. If you work out,
it is very large, but when you do the frame analysis, you will find you will end up with
much smaller moment. But unless you can do that distribution through an analysis, you
cannot prima facie say whether its negligible or not.

So, when you have more members coming into play or more flexibility in the structure,
you really do not have to worry too much about indirect loading. It kind of takes care of

(Refer Slide Time: 39:15)

Let us finish this problem. The next step is -- here you find is negligibly small and you
find out the support reactions. Support reactions also turned out to be very small, not
surprisingly, and itself equilibrating. Look at that, there is no load on the structure. You
cool the structure and you got support reactions. It is just self-equilibrating. There is no
external direct loading acting on the structure.

(Refer Slide Time: 39:39)

You can find the member end forces. Now you get shear forces and bending moments in
addition to axial forces. But they are of small magnitude. You see that value which we
got 0.9 for the second element. The exact answer is 0.86, which is close to 0.9
(Refer Slide Time: 40:01)

These are your final diagrams. You got axial force diagram, shear force diagram and
bending moment diagram. The axial force diagram is more critical among these and you
will find that they are very small.

This simple problem teaches us many things and shows us a power of matrix analysis.
Now, with this, we have finished the conventional stiffness method.

Q: A and D are at the same level, then here the force at ,vertical force at A and vertical at
D creates a moment no sir.


And it is balanced into horizontal force. If it is at the same level, which will balance it?

A: That is a good question. It is a very good question.

Suppose you had a symmetric frame, let us say, you had a symmetric frame and A and D
were at the same level, what do you think will happen? You cannot have a vertical
reaction. Why cannot you have a vertical reaction? Because they have to be equal and
opposite, they will create a couple. So the moral of the story is you cannot have a vertical
reaction but you still can have a horizontal reaction.

Sir, the member must be in tension right, tension or compression now?

It still be in tension.

Member is inclined

Can you take a framed and apply a horizontal

So, there is always an answer to any question. It should make sense. Of course, one
answer is a horizontal reaction is 0, but you know that is not going to happen because it
is an over rigid system. It is statically indeterminate. There have to be internal forces,
there have to be support reactions, but the reaction will cancel out. Is it clear?

Good question. So, are you now confident of dealing with conventional stiffness
method? We have completed the conventional stiffness. We have done all kinds of
problems with it. Next we go to reduce elements stiffness method, then we will do
flexibility method, and finally we will do space frames.

With that, we actually cover most of structure analysis. We have a seventh module,
which we will take a look at. Thank you.

Internal hinges

Support settlement

Guided fixed supports

Bent frame

Temperature loading
Advanced Structural Analysis
Prof. Devdas Menon
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Module - 6.3
Lecture - 35
Matrix Analysis of Plane and Space Frames

Good morning, this is lecture number 35.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:21)

We are still with module 6 - Matrix Analysis of Plane and Space frames.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:24)

If you recall, in the last class we had covered the conventional stiffness method. So, in
this session, we will look at the reduced stiffness method, as applied to plane frame

(Refer Slide Time: 00:38)

This is covered in the chapter on Plane and Space Frames in the book on Advanced
Structural Analysis.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:47)

So, I keep showing you these maps, because I want you to see how the system of
analysis is the same; the structure is changing, but the methodology is not changing. We
saw how well it worked for the simplest type of axial element; then, we worked with
plane trusses; then we worked with space trusses; then we worked with beams; then with
grids, and now, with plane frames, and in the next class, or the class after that, with space

So, we are covering all kinds of skeletal structures, and you can clearly see there are two
broad methods: There is a stiffness method which is preferred for programming
compared to the flexibility method. In the stiffness method itself, you have the
conventional stiffness method; you have a simplified formulation called, the reduced
element stiffness method, and that is a method that we are going to discuss in this
(Refer Slide Time: 01:48)

If you recall, this is the 6 degree of freedom plane frame element that we used for the
conventional stiffness method. This is a large matrix and it is a singular matrix. What is
the rank of this matrix? 3, and one way of understanding why the rank is 3, is because
you have, mathematically, you have 3 dependent rows or columns, but physically, what
does it mean? Physically For a stiffness matrix to be non-singular, you have to make the
element stable.

Now, a singular stiffness matrix still works in a global scenario because your structure is
stable. When you assemble the structure, stiffness matrix - the k a, a is non-singular, but
here, you can begin with a non-singular element stiffness matrix by giving how many
restraints? 3; then only you have stability, and you can choose your type of restraint. We
have been assuming that the simply supported condition is convenient, and we will stick
to that.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:22)

So, we are now going to use a 3 degree of freedom system, and it is very easy to write
down; at this stage, you should find it very easy to write down the element stiffness
matrix. You can do it from first principles.

(Refer Slide Time: 03:37)

You can also do it from the 6 by 6 element stiffness matrix. How? Just knock off the
irrelevant rows and columns; there are 3 dependent rows and columns. If you make it
simply supported, you will find that the first row is important; the second is not because
we do not want the shear degrees; just delete the shear degrees of freedom, and you do
not need 2 axial degrees of freedom. So, that is how, this reduces to this element. It is
very easy to derive; very easy to remember. E A by L, axial stiffness, 4 EI by L, 2 EI by
L, 2 E I by L, 4 EI by L; is it clear? It is actually a combination of your axial element and
your beam element.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:30)

Right? You can also derive from first principles. You apply a unit displacement, one at a
time, and you can generate these. This diagram will be very familiar to you now. It is not
difficult; you can generate the element stiffness matrix.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:47)

Now, we also need that displacement, the T D matrix that is the displacement
transformation matrix. Well, we are familiar with this slide because we used this when
we dealt with plane trusses. The plane frame is an advancement on the plane truss
because in a plane truss, you have 4 degrees of freedom in the conventional system. So,
we are familiar with this transformation, minus cos theta, minus sine theta, cos theta, sine
theta. And you will recall there are two ways of deriving this. This is the kinematic way,
but there is also an easy static way, where you get the T D transpose matrix. So, you are
familiar with this.

(Refer Slide Time: 05:32)

You are also familiar with what you do for a continuous beam. And if you have chord
rotations, relative supports settlements, then you have to use this chord rotation which is
given by 1 by L, and clockwise chord rotations are treated as negative, but the equivalent
beam and flexural rotations which is 1 by L, will turn out to be positive. So, you are
familiar with these two; if you put them together, then you get what you need to do for a
plane frame element with 3 degrees of freedom.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:07)

You can easily work this out from first principles. What you need to recognize is - if you
have any of those translations, you have to find out what is the elongation you get in the
element; Right? So, it is either cos theta or sin theta. If you get an extension, give a
positive sign; if you get a contraction, give a negative sign; it is very easy. So, you can
generate this by pushing one at a time. I have shown here, the translation effects. So,
rotational effect is very straight forward because there is no transformation required
when you have a rotation, because it is same; you get 1.

So, let us just look at this. Let us look at the first one; this first column in your T D
matrix corresponds to D 1 equal to 1 in your structure. So, if you have D 1 equal to 1,
you need to look at this picture. If you apply D 1 equal to 1, that element undergoes a
contraction of cos theta; so, it has got a minus sign; that is why, we wrote minus ci; c
stands for cos theta.

At the same time, you get a chord rotation. Have you noticed? You get a chord rotation.
The chord rotation is anticlockwise; the value of the chord rotation is 1 by not 1; it is
sine theta by l. Right? And so, you get equivalent flexural rotation which will be
clockwise, and that is why, you get minus s i by l; minus s i by l at both the ends.Is it
clear? Any doubts on this?

From first principles, you can generate this; alternatively, you can use a force approach
and generate this, and find the T D transpose. Did you understand what we did in the
first column? Yes. This corresponds to the first degree, the axial degree. These two
correspond to the rotational degree; so, if you have a chord rotation 1 sin theta by l
clockwise, you will get equivalent flexural rotations minus s by l; is it clear? Like this,
you can work out for the second degree of freedom. If you take the third degree of
freedom, it is a rotation D 3 equal to 1; that does not need any transformation here. So,
corresponding to D 2 star, you get 1. So, 0 1 0; does it make sense?

That is all. Once you have got the physics in this, you got it. This is the, actually not
difficult to do, once you realize that it is just a superposition of the plane truss element
and the beam element. We did the same. In the beam element wehad 1 by L, because you
did not have sine theta cos theta, but now, your plane frame element can be oriented in
any direction, and not necessarily alligned with the global x axis; is it clear? ok

(Refer Slide Time: 09:31)

So, if you have got this, then we can go ahead. This slide should also be familiar to you.
These are the shortcuts you will take when you want to avoid considering axial
deformations. Remember, you can convert; you have to find out the sway degrees of
freedom, the minimum sway degrees of freedom, and convert them to chord rotations.
Right? We had done this when we did the slope deflection method, remember. So, we
will invoke this concept when we want to do a simplified analysis.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:07)

This slide is familiar to you. These standard transformations we do in the reduced

element stiffness method.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:14)

This step wise procedure for programming is also clear to you.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:16)

Now, we will take up the same problem we did by conventional stiffness method, and
you can see, there is a tremendous reduction in effort when you do the same problem by
the reduced element stiffness method, ok.?

So, we will take this frame, and we will solve it in two ways: One - we will include axial
deformations; that means we should get exactly the same answers we got by the
conventional stiffness method. We will also ignore axial deformations, and that reduces
the problem even further. It is good enough for most practical cases, in which case, the
solution you will get will be what you would get if you were to solve by the slope
deflection method or a moment distribution method, and let us see, what is the order of
error that you get, if you ignore axial deformations. So, you have that facility to either
include or exclude, which you did not have in the slope deflection method; is it clear?
Let us go ahead.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:14)

First, you need to do the coordinate transformations. We try to partition T DA and T DR.
You have to find the equivalent joint loads, if you have a distributed load. In this case,
you have concentrated load acting in between that beam; so, you have to do this
manually for reasons we have discussed earlier. You cannot do the T D transpose and get
this, which you could do in the conventional stiffness method because you had that many
extra degrees of freedom.

Then, you generate the element and structure stiffness matrices. Mind you, the matrix
you get here, the final k matrix is exactly that which you get in a conventional stiffness
method, but you are working with smaller initial matrices. There is one more thing that I
think is worth noting; you need not find reactions; if you are, anyway, it is a manual
method. So, you can avoid F R if you want to draw the free body and figure out the F R
yourself from equilibrium; that option is there in this method.

So, if you want you can find the support reactions along with the unknown
displacements, and you need to find the member end forces. This last equation is similar
to your slope deflection equation; except that, you are now including the contribution, if
any of axial deformations. Right? ok.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:45)

So, first, we will do the coordinate transformations. In this portal frame, we will use 6
degrees of freedom for the same 6 active degrees of freedom, which we did earlier, and 6
restrained degrees of freedom; the loading input is the same; F 1 is 50 kilo newton and D
11 is minus 0.10 kilo newton. Remember, we did the same frame with and without an
internal hinge. We will also do the internal hinge in this case, and show you that you can
solve the problem.

Now, you are dealing with three elements, and each of those elements has 3 degrees of
freedom; 1 star corresponds to the axial degree; 2 star corresponds to rotation at the start
node; 3 star- rotation at the end node, and you can choose your start and end as you wish.
In this case, you can see that, for elements 1 and 3, I have chosen the start node at the

You have to generate this matrix; give it a shot; what is a size of those matrices? For
each element what is the size of the T D matrix? 3 by 12? 3 by 12. Right? Let us do it

We will demonstrate for 1 or 2 rows so that you get the hang of it. It is 3 by 12, and you
can partition it where you separate the active degrees of freedom from the restrained
degrees of freedom. Let us go through it; let us do a few of them.
Let us take the first one. If you apply D 1 equal to 1 in the structure, but do not allow any
other rotation to take place, what do you think will happen? Well, clearly, this element 2
will undergo a contraction. So, you should put this as minus 1. Right? Nothing happens
to element 3, and there is no bending in element 2.

So, straight away, you know that this is minus 1; this is 0; this is 0 0 0 0; got it? Now,
what about element 1? Element 1 is going to undergo a clockwise chord rotation, but no
change in elongation or extension. So, clockwise chord rotation, anticlockwise end
rotations. So, it is, the rotation is 1 by 4; got it?

So, it is plus 1 by 4 plus 1; very easy to do because you are lucky. You have a reticulated
frame where the angle is 90 degrees. If it is not, put cos theta sine theta the way it is. By
the way, in the in the book, examples are given with lot of inclined cases. You can go
through it, but we will also do an inclined sloping legs problem.

(Refer Slide Time: 15:45)

Take D 2 equal to 1; very easy; If you lift up D 2 equal to 1, only element 1 will be
affected,you willget it.

So, can you work this out yourself, or should we go through all the column; what do you
say? You are IIT student; you are bright guys. Except that you have to go back and do
your ground work, this is easy. We are only looking at concepts. Now, we are not going
to sit and solve every second digit, but you got a method. It is very clear. You have got
assignment problems where you really need to sit and solve.

So, my suggestion is - go through it carefully and do it; there is one more suggestion, I
can give you. If you want to minimize your work manually, you can throw away half that
matrix. You can throw away all the restrained coordinates because you can get those
reactions from the member end forces anywhere. Right? Then, your size becomes much
easier and it is full of 0s. So, you just have to fill, in fact, when you program it. Ithas got
null; it is a null matrix; then, you fill it only where you need to fill.

(Refer Slide Time: 17:06)

So, it is very easy to actually program it. So, you know how to get the T D matrix for a
plane frame. Fixed end forces, we have done this before. So, these are your local
coordinates; the elements 1 and 3 do not have any loads in between. So, it is 0
kilonewton; 0 kilonewton meter, 0 kilonewton meter. Remember, 1 star corresponds to
an axial force; 2 star and 3 star correspond to the end moments; there is no fixed end
force for the first and third element. Only for the second you have, and you have to be
careful with them.

We have done this calculation in the conventional stiffness method. So, I would not
repeat it, but it is important to work out those vertical reactions. In the conventional
stiffness method, those vertical reactions went into your fixed end force vector because
you had some coordinates there. You had 6 degrees of freedom; here you have only 3
degrees of freedom, but you still need to work out the vertical reactions. Why you need
the vertical reactions? No. No, because each independent is treated separately till you put
it all together in the structure. So, that answer is wrong.

You are finding fixed end forces for each element, treating it independently. You do not
pass on what happened in the second element to the first element, but you do it in the
overall structure. So, you need that information to find the equivalent joint loads.

So, even though you are taking shortcuts in reducing the number of degrees of freedom
element wise, you got to see the big picture, and put it all back in the right place. So, as
far as your element load vector is concerned, you have only this; there is no axial force in
element 2. So, 0 kilonewton. The left end fixed end moment is anticlockwise; 88.89
kilonewton meter. So, it is plus 88.89, and the one at the right end is clockwise plus,
clockwise 44.44, and therefore, minus 44.44; it clear? So, it needs clarity in
understanding to assign this correctly; otherwise, you would not get the answer. Got it?

(Refer Slide Time: 19:24)

Now, what do we do? Now, we take this element alone as non-zero fixed end force
vectors, and when you want to put it on to that structure, you have to do it by inspection;
use a shortcut method; reduced element stiffness method; you cannot do T D transpose
and get it.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:58)

So, doesnt it make sense to write down your fixed end force vector like this? Because,
because what are the contributions from the 3 elements? The first and third elements
have no contribution. Right? Now, this, look at this; this 88.89 matches with this force
right? F 3 F, and this 44.44 matches with 6. So, 3 and 6 get those numbers, but then, you
have a degree of freedom here, 2 going up, and 5 going up. That is why you put 74.04; is
it clear?

And it is positive; both are positive; is it clear? That is why you need to calculate those
fixed end forces. Because once you look at the global coordinates, you are just looking.
Do I get any contribution from the elements? If I do, put them all together; does it make
sense? It makes absolute sense; Totally, rational logical method.

Only thing, this needs a little input from your side. It is not mechanical, the way the
conventional stiffness method is. Conventional stiffness method, you can program it and
just forget about it; do not even look at the physics of the problem, where you have to,
but that is what makes it interesting. This is good, for human beings to do it; that is good
for machines. Ok.

So, as far as the support reactions are concerned, there is nothing because elements 1 and
3 are where you have fixity. You have null vector there.. This is done by inspection. So,
you got F F A, you got F F R, and you got it by looking at each element separately.
Clear? Can we proceed? Is this clear to you? ok.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:38)

What is the next step? No. We still need resultant loads which is actually the same as this
because you do not, you have a 50 kilo newton acting at the third coordinate. So, you do
this and you draw, sketch, and the same. Now, this is a structure that I am going to
analyze and superpose this result with the fixed end force values that I get. This structure
is loaded with equivalent joint loads and this is identical to my original structure. I have
got rid of the concentrated load acting in the middle of the element 2. I have replaced it
with the equivalent end forces; both vertical forces and moment; got it? And what is
guaranteed? What is guaranteed is that D A vector will be the same, and that is the
beauty of the equivalents. Right? Ok.

And also, note in this problem, you have a 10 mm settlement. Now, I have given you an
assignment. The next assignment where you get two problems only to do; one is a simple
problem for conventional stiffness method, but I have thrown in a bit of temperature
because we discussed that in the last class.

Second is of a funny shape frame; a frame shaped like that. Fixed here, hinged here. So,
you should take advantage of that hinge and with the support settlement and UDL on that
beam. So, this is kind of suspended from above, and this is resting on the ground below;
it is an interesting problem; try it. Ok.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:07)

Element stiffness matrices, you know the formula, you know the EI by L. So, this is
childs play. You can do this. EA by L is also known. So, for the first and third elements,
it is going to be identical, because they are identical columns. Only for the second
element, it is easy to write. Always EA by L 0 0 and the rest is 4 EI by L, 2 EI by L; very
easy to write down; mechanically you can do this.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:40)

What do you do next? You generate the structure stiffness matrix. You do it in two
phases; first you do this k i T D i for the three elements; all these can be done by matrix
multiplication. If you are doing manually also, it is not difficult. It is only a 3 by 3, 3 by
6; then, you add up all the contributions. You do not go have worry about slotting here
because you got the T D, and you can generate it.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:05)

It is a big matrix you get; 12 by 12, and low end behold; this is identical to what we got
by the conventional stiffness method, but the operations involved much less effort
because you dealt with much smaller matrices. You did not have to worry about the
slotting also.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:29)

So, it is a much more powerful method, and it is including the effect of axial
deformations, and you are getting exactly the same results.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:38)

So, the next step should give you also the same result. You will get the same deflections
and you will get the same rotations. So, you can do that, and we got the same solution as
we got earlier.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:48)

Support reaction also is identical. So, these two steps are common to both reduced
element stiffness method and the conventional stiffness method. And so, you can check
equilibrium, find out your reactions, make sure everything is okay; find out your member

(Refer Slide Time: 25:05)

Now, this is where there is a slight difference from the previous method. What is the
difference? You have only three degrees of freedom. In the conventional stiffness
method, you got everything; you got the member end moments, member end axial
forces, member end shear forces. Now, you got only three; the rest you got to figure out
yourself, which is ok.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:44)

So the member end shear forces are not directly obtainable as in conventional stiffness
method, but can be easily computed from the free bodies, applying equilibrium
equations. So, let see how to do that. So, this is what you get from those vectors. You got
the two end moments for each of the elements and you got the axial forces. If it is plus, it
means extension; if is minus, it means it is compression.

Now, the rest of it, you can get from equilibrium; isnt it? You take the second element;
you can get the vertical shear force; so, you do that. That is just one step away; that is it;
you are ready; bending moment diagram is the same; exactly, what we got earlier.

(Refer Slide Time: 26:20)

Now, is a interesting step; why should we work so hard with even that matrix? What is
the advantage of ignoring axial deformations? The plane frame element reduces to a
beam element. So, you can work with beam elements, throw away the axial deformation,
and one way to check the answer is put EA tending to infinity in the problem because
then it becomes actually rigid and you should get the same result, but your effort
required is much less in this method.

So, if axial deformations are ignored, the kinematic indeterminacy itself reduces from 6
to 3; that is a big reduction. Why does it reduce from 6 to 3? because the columns A B
and C D will not change in length. So, you got rid of two vertical degrees of freedom at
B and C, and BC also will not change in length. So, you have only one sway degree of
freedom. You can choose either the left end or the right end; the choice is yours. The
deflection will be the same. This is what we did in slope deflection method and moment
distribution method. Right?

So, it is a massive reduction of effort, and let us not waste time in calculating reactions
through these techniques. So, we do not even put global coordinates for reactions. So,
from a 12 degree of freedom model and now three degree of freedom model of the
structure level, it is a tremendous saving in effort. So, the two degree of freedom beam
elements can be used in place of three degree of freedom frame elements. So, we throw
away the axial degree of freedom; that is it.

So, you have 1 star, 2 star, for each of the three elements, and the restrained coordinates
are not shown as they cannot be included in the simplified analysis. The reason is - once
you are going for chord rotation way of dealing with sway, then do not bring in those
restrain degrees of freedom; which means, now, how do you deal with the 10 mm
support settlement at D? Do you understand?

Now, how did you do it in slope deflection method? Let us say, the portal frame D goes
down by 10 mm; earlier you could handle it because in the D R vector, you could fit it
in. Now, what do you do? In the fixed end force you have to handle it. Because if D goes
down by 10 mm, C also will also go down exactly by 10 mm.if CD is not going to
change in length. BC will undergo chord rotation, and you can get the fixed end
moments. So, that is the clever way of doing it, and that is what we will do.

But first, can you write down the T D A matrix? Do not worry about T D R. There is no
T D R here. Can you write down the T D A matrix for the three elements? What is the
size of each of them? What is the size of each of them?

2 by 3.

2 by 3. Right? 2 by 3. So, write them down. So, this you should do; no excuse. This is
simple. Write down the 2 by 3 T D A matrices for the three elements. Will it be identical
for elements 1 and 3, they have the same

Yes sir.

They are going to behave identically; is it not?

Yes sir.

The start node is the same at the bottom.

So, it reduces your effort considerably. Write them down and tell me the values. Let us
take the second element; what is it going to look like? What is a T D A matrix for second
element? Very easy; what is it going to look like?



There is no minus 1; anticlockwise is positive.

0, 1.

0 1 0 0 0 1 and for the first, and third element, 1 by 4 0 0 ,1 by 4 1 0; is this clear to all of

Not identical.

They are not identical. Oh yeah, that 0 1 is shifted; yeah, you are right.

Only the chord rotation is identical; the rotational degree of freedom 3, the global level
pushes that one to that corner; is it clear? Very easy to do; any doubts? Can we proceed?

(Refer Slide Time: 31:26)

This is massive simplification; remember where we started? We had that 12 by 12, and
then I had to explain each column and each Now, this is childs play; right? the
tremendous reduction in effort, and so, procedure is the same with much less effort, but
consideration limited to active degrees of freedom. So, you can cutoff, chop off, some of
these calculations. First thing, knock off the T D R. We do not need T D R, then; just
need k a a. What is a size k a a? 3 by 3; that is all. This is Nano technology working with
small matrices and you are still getting good results for actual practice,ok.

(Refer Slide Time: 32:15)

What about the support reactions? Who cares? Throw it off. So, you just need DA; that
also DA minimal, 3 degrees of freedom; plug it in and get it. So, this is what we are
going to do. So, you have to take care of that 10 mm support settlement in the manner
that we have did in slope deflection method. So, I hope you are familiar with this
calculation. You have this additional fixed end moment caused by the support
settlement; that element will just go down. There is no force in that element. So, you
work this out. You can find the total fixed end moment. Shall I go ahead because we
have done this problem earlier?

So, the first element and third element will have no fixed end moments because they are
vertical columns. The second element will have fixed end moments caused by two loads:
one is a direct loading 100 kilonewton; the other is an indirect loading; 10 mm settlement
in the right; that means clockwise chord rotation of 10 divided by 6000. So, this can be
done. You got the fixed end force vector; what do you do next?

(Refer Slide Time: 33:12)

You get the resultant load vectors in the same manner, and here, you do not worry about
those concentrated loads, as we did earlier, because they are not going to affect the
displacements because they are axially rigid. So, even if I put them, it is not going to
make any deflection; it does not cause any axial deformation. Is it clear?

(Refer Slide Time: 34:00)

So, I do not even need to do that exercise, and so, this is identical to slope deflection
method, but you made an assumption. Assumption is - axial deformations are negligible.
How true that is, for this problem, we will know shortly. So, you have got these
moments. So, your problem is now reduced to this problem; 3 loads; no vertical loads.
Element stiffness matrix is very easy. What is it? 4EI by L, 4EI by L, 2EI by L, 2EI by

So, that is easy. You can do it or you go back to your previous 3 by 3, and knock off that
EI by L row and column; You will get this. So, no big deal; structure stiffness matrix,
same procedure you generate. Will this structure stiffness matrix be the same as what
you got earlier? Will it be the same? Yeah. First of all, it would not be because first of all
the size is different. Well, this is 3 by 3; that was 6 by 6. So, this is Nano. We are playing
very small and you have got these values. Are the units are same for all the components
in the stiffness matrix.


No. No. Because you have translations, you have rotations, that is why I do not write
any units outside. So, do not do that. There are no common units here. How do you find
the displacements? Same method; you get some answers. Right.?

(Refer Slide Time: 35:09)

Now, it is interesting to check, whether these answers, these deflections are what you got
when you considered axial deformations. This is what we are getting now, and it is pretty
good. This is the exact solution 13.37mm is what you get when you ignore axial
deformations, and it is the same left end right end because we are assuming that beam
will just move like a rigid body, but the exact answer is 13.39 mm and 13.33; is it okay
as an engineer? Civil engineers make errors in the order of meters. So, compared to that,
you know, 0.03 mm error is nothing; not only that, in practice, you must take all these
solutions you get from the computer with the big pinch of solved. The reason is - so
many unknown parameters are there. First of all, you have written a load of 50
kilonewton. Where did you get it from? From the wind; sorry, wind is very uncertain,

So, there are so many uncertainties involved. You have to have a probabilistic look at the
whole picture. You should also know what is the kind of material that you are using and
what is the who is going to build the structure, but that is no excuse for an analyst; an
analyst should say - you give me, whatever you give me, I will give you to the level of
accuracy that has, and I should know what is that percentage of error involved. So,
analysis is one thing; design is another. For design, you have to be very practical, but we
are civil engineers, while we do structural analysis,so, we are quite happy with in fact,
we know that the 13.37 could in reality be actually 15 mm; it is ok.

So, did I tell you that joke about 2 plus 2? No, then what is 2 plus 2? The answer
depends on who you are. If you are a mathematician, what do you think? 2 plus 2 is?
What is the answer that mathematician will get? If you are a bad mathematician as you
are, you will say 4, but if you are a good mathematician or professor of mathematics, you
will never give anything that is of practical value to anybody. So, you will quote a
theorem saying that, if there are two real numbers, if they are adding up, and you will
give the lemma which says it can and you can plug in your numbers if you are interested
because you are interested in the algebra. So, that is the mathematician.

If you ask a good civil engineer, what is 2 plus 2? What do you think? A good civil


4 plus or minus 2, 4 plus or minus 2.

Then you are a bad civil engineer, but at least you did not say 4, but depends on what
kind of errors you are willing to tolerate. So, I would say, most good engineers would
say something; say between 3.5 and 4.5. That is not as bad as 2 and 6; 3.5 and 4.5 - why
do you say that? because you know jolly well that you will never get 2 plus 2 to begin
with. The 2 itself will have uncertainty. But the joke is not on the civil engineer; the joke
is on lawyers and charted accountants. If you ask this question to a lawyer or a charted
accountant, what do you think will be the answer?

What do you wantit to be?

And if you say, you want it to the minus 325.6, they say.

So, be it, but my consultancy fee will be this much.

And he will hire the mathematics professor and the civil engineer to to prove to you that
2 plus 2 is minus 325.

So, be a good civil engineer and appreciate the anomaly of the errors.

(Refer Slide Time: 39:44)

(Refer Slide Time: 39:53)

Member end forces, you get these, mind you, you are getting only the moments, and
what do you do with those moments? You have to generate the axial and shear forces
which you can, from the free bodies. You will get some difference from what you got
earlier; Surely you will, but you can work out the shear forces and axial forces from

First, you get the shear forces. Then, you get the axial forces. Then you draw the bending
moment diagram. Now, this is interesting; who cares about deflection? I want to design
my structure for bending. How do these bending moments be compared? And you will
find that this is pretty good. 69.845 is what you got without axial deformation. 69.744; as
long as it is between 60 and 75, it is ok. Well, you will design it for 70. That is what you
do and design for 70, and on top of that, they will be a factor of safety..
(Refer Slide Time: 40:47)

Next topic: How do you deal with moment releases? When axial deformations are
ignored, plane frame element reduces to a beam element. So, we can take advantages of
moment release at a hinge, hinged end or support, or internal hinge. We do what we did
for the beam, and it is - you ignore the degree of freedom associated with it; modify the
element stiffness; 4EI by L becomes 3EI by L, and you have only 1 degree of freedom. If
the other end is hinge, if it is guided fixed, you know it is going to be EI by L.

(Refer Slide Time: 41:29)

So, we will do this. This is what we have done earlier. Let us demonstrate. Let us
demonstrate for that same portal frame, with an internal hinge, this is something we
could not do in the slope deflection method. Right? We could not do such problem, but
now, you can, in a matrix formulation. Is it clear? I have taken the same frame. We are
going to ignore axial deformations; make the life simple, but we have got a hinge there.
Is it going to make the life more complicated, or its going make it easier; that hinge? it
should make it easier. So, let us make it easy.Solution procedure is same, coordinate

(Refer Slide Time: 42:08)

Now, look at the changes we are making now, compared to the previous problem is in
elements 2 and 3. We knock off the rotational degree of freedom at C. So, size of your
stiffness matrix, your T D matrix reduces. You have 2 degrees of freedom for element 1;
no change there, and you have only 1 degree of freedom for elements 2 and 3, and you
should release at the right place. Where there is the moment release, there is a hinge,
internal hinge at C, let us see. It matters a little; whether the hinge is internal or at the
support. Clear?

How will this change? This is the change. Another thing, in your global coordinate, 3 has
gone now because you cannot talk of D 3 in your structure, because you have two
different rotations in the connecting members. So, you remove it. You do not need to put
a clamp here; just remove it silently. So, you have only 2 degrees of freedom; a degree of
kinematic indeterminacy; only 2 in this problem.

Remember, when we did by conventional stiffness method, we had 5 with the hinge;
without the hinge, it was 6, here without the hinge, it was 3; with the hinge, it is 2. So,
you have D 1 and D 2 in your structure as your unknown rotations; is this clear to you?
The T D matrix; it just follows from the previous case. Just ignore that rotational degree
of freedom at C.

(Refer Slide Time: 43:41)

(Refer Slide Time: 44:22)

Then, fixed end forces, what is the change we need to do, compared to the previous one?
You have to release at C, the moments. So, you are dealing with the propped cantilever.
You know how to find out. You know how to find out, right? For that concentrated
load,you know what to do. you have to take half, carry over half, and for the support
settlement, it is not 6 EI by L squared; it is 3EI by L squared. Is it clear? You know that,
for a cantilever. That is what you do, and you get the answers. You get the fixed end
forces; size of the matrix has now come down from 3 to 2,your vector, and that is that is
what you get; your fixed end forces, your nodal forces,your equivalent joint loads are
now, that 50 kilo newton was given to you as input. The only thing that came extra is
that 158.572. So, you are going to get the same response with these, as you got earlier. Is
it clear? You do not put any vertical forces; you do not put any moment at C, but here,
you might have a bigger effective axial deformations. The reason is - this frame is very
flexible. So, how much it moves will be effected a bit by axial deformations. So, let us
take a look at what you get. What about your stiffness matrices?

(Refer Slide Time: 45:15)

For element 1, no change. You have the same 2 degree of freedom. Elements 2 and 3; the
change is 3EI by L. Right? So, you do that; 3EI by L. Write down these values. It is a 1
by 1 matrix; very easy to calculate; structure stiffness matrix you can generate; it is a 2
by 2 structure stiffness matrix, right? because you have only 2 degrees of freedom. Find
the displacements.
(Refer Slide Time: 45:40)

Now, your deflections are 23.48 and the exact solution is also 23.48. So, this is very
good. This is excellent solution, excellent answer. I think, the error you get is when their
legs are inclined, in that, I showed, there we get little error, so very good answers; also,
the vertical displacement is 10.07 compared to 10 at the bottom. Ok.

(Refer Slide Time: 46:12)

So, member end forces calculated; these results also match what you got earlier.
(Refer Slide Time: 46:18)

Draw the free body diagrams, bending moment diagram, final comparison, some minor
error, but certainly, No major error; is it clear? So, with this, we have covered reduced
element stiffness method as applied to frames. Clear? Thank you.

Conventional stiffness method

Reduced element stuffness method

Portal frame

Axial deformation

Moment releases
Advanced Structural Analysis
Prof. Devdas Menon
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Module - 6.4
Lecture - 36

Matrix Analysis of Plane and Space Frames

Good Morning.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:20)

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This is lecture number 36, module 6, Matrix Analysis of Plane and Space Frames. If you
recall, in the last session, we covered the reduced stiffness method;
(Refer Slide Time: 00:34)

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We will continue with that method, and also complete the flexibility method, as applied
to plane frames.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:42)

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FLEXIBILITY METHOD AS APPLIEDY TO PLANE FRAMES. Tthis is covered in in Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
the chapter on plane and space frames, in the book on aAdvanced sStructural aAnalysis.
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(Refer Slide Time: 00:50)

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So, this is the reduced element stiffness method.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:53)

You know that the size of the plane frame element stiffness matrix is 3 by 3. We have
done a few problems.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:02)

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This is how you do the transformation, the T D matrix in the reduced element stiffness

(Refer Slide Time: 01:12)

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So, this is the reduced element stiffness method. Yyou know that the size of the plane
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frame element stiffness matrix is three by three, wweve done a few problems. Tthis is
Formatted: Highlight
how you do the transformation the t d matrix in the reduce element stiffness method and
nNow, let us look at the a problem with sloping legs, which is actually a complicated
type of problem, when you apply the reduced stiffness method.

So, you have to intelligently identify the sway degrees of freedom; wwe have discussed
this earlier. aAnd you need to express the chord rotations in terms of the identified sway
degree of freedom.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:44)

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So, let us look at this problem which wevewe have solved earlier by the more rigorous
method. sSo, let us solve this by the reduced element stiffness method and let us a take
advantage of the fact that we can ignore axial deformations. wWe have solved this
problem earlier by the slope deflection method. wWhat is the degree of indeterminacy,
kinematic indeterminacy.?

Shortest needed, degree of kinematic indeterminacy refers to the active global

coordinates. tThe absolute minimum when you have when you do not have [axial/actual] Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight

Eight8, five (( )) five5, eight.8 [Noise] Formatted: Highlight


At the supports aA and Dd, do you need to have anything?. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight

No, nNo. Formatted: Highlight

No. we wWe do not even bother about finding reactions. wWe we do the minimum Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
work. with sSo, at bB and cC, how many do we have.?
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
[Noise](( ))
Formatted: Highlight

At each of them.

Four three two (( )) Formatted: Highlight

[Noise]Two Formatted: Highlight

You have a rotation at bB; you have a rotation at C.c. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight

Vertical reaction.

And you have just one sway degree of freedom; that is what we did in slope deflection Formatted: Highlight

method; remember - theta B, b theta cC, and delta b cBC. cCorrect?,. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight

Bbut wevewe have done this problem by the conventional stiffness method. wThere the Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
degree of kinematic indeterminacy was - at bB and cC, yyou had each three 3 degrees of
Formatted: Highlight
freedom; three 3 plus three 3; you also had a rotation at aA and dD; it was eight8. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
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Formatted: Highlight
(Refer Slide Time: 03:41)

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So, we have, we are reducing eight 8 to three 3, but, we are ignoring axial deformation; Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
that is a major reduction. tThe method of solving is, as we have discussed earlier, the
Formatted: Highlight
steps are the same, plus we take advantage of the fact that, we limit the considerations Formatted: Highlight

only two active degrees of freedom because we can always get the support reactions at Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
the end from the free bodies.
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
(Refer Slide Time: 04:02) Formatted: Highlight
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So, let us do this problem. Sso, iI have got three 3 degrees of freedom; global Formatted

coordinates one 1, two 2, three 3; that is all i I need. lLocal coordinates, again, iI take
advantage of the fact that the there is a hinge at the aA and dD.

So, my two 2 degree of freedom bebeam model will now become one 1 degree of Formatted

freedom model. wWhat i I have achieved is massive reduction in the quantum of work
aA, iI am not going to use a plane frame element; iI am using a beam element. aA plane
frame element has three 3 degrees of freedom in the reduced formulation, but, iI am not
worried about the athe actuaxial degree of freedom. sSo, the three 3 becomes two 2.

tThe plane frame element becomes a a beam element and i I am using that formulation Formatted

for element number two 2 because there is a fixed end force coming in there. tThere is an
intermediate load, and bB and cC are not hinged.

But for elements one 1 and three 3, iI take advantage of the fact that, i I have a hinged Formatted

support at the ends aA and dD where, the bending moments are zero 0. aAnd so, you
know, iI can take advantage of a reduced stiffness. wWhat is the element stiffness for
that flexural stiffness? three 3eE iI by l L. sSo, iI just need one 1 degree of freedom
which i I marked ias one 1 star; is it clear.?

So, with this, iI can proceed. iI first need to write down my tT dD matrix tT dD aA Formatted

matrix. wWill you try that?

(Refer Slide Time: 04:02) Formatted: Highlight

tTo do that, you have to be very careful. wWhen you are dealing with sloping legs, you Formatted

have to correctly express the chord rotations in terms of the sway. sSo, the displacement
dD one 1 corresponds to the delta in this figure. Right? tThe figure ofat the bottom is a
generic figure.

So, you have chord rotations of delta by the height for the elements one 1 and three 3. Formatted

Right? aAnd for the element two 2, you have to work this out using trigonometry; it
turns out to be as shown in that formula delta tan alpha plus tan beta by the span l L. iI
am not going through this all over again because we did exactly this, when we did the
slope deflection method. right

So, if you plug in the values of tan alpha and tan beta, because this the a dimensions are Formatted

shown there, you will get the chord rotation for the element two 2 as plus twenty
27seven by thirty 36six times the sway d D ok

Just plug in the values of tan alpha, tan beta; this, the span of that element b cBC is three Formatted

3 meters. So, you will get this. sShall we proceed? wWe havee done this earlier. iIt is
just a repetition. wWe put a positive sign because you are getting an anticlockwise chord
rotation for element two 2, but, please note - for elements one 1 and three 3, the chord
rotation is clockwise; clockwise; chord rotation is clockwise. so, and it is given by delta
by the respective heights.

Now, can we write down the tT dD matrix?. wWe can. sSo, the t d aT D A matrix for the Formatted

three elements are as shown tthere. iIf you apply d oneD 1 equal to one 1, then for the
first element, the chord rotation is one 1 by four 4; it is a clockwise chord rotation. yYou
get equivalent anticlockwise end rotations and it will be plus one 1 by four 4 because
anticlockwise is assumed to be positive in [this/the] sign convention.

The same is true for the element three 3. sSo, you get one 1 by three 3 because because Formatted

the height is three 3 meters. aAs far as the element two 2 is concerned, it is twenty seven
by thirty six27 by 36. Right? iIt is. wWe just worked it out know f5ive two 2; it is twenty
seven27 by thirty six36, iif you expand it, sorry seventeen 17 by thirty six36, it turns out
to be 0point four seven two two..4722.

But it is a clockwise rotation. sSo, your ae equivalent end rotation will be, sorry, it is an Formatted

anticlockwise chord rotation. yYou are you get clockwise equivalent end rotations. soSo,
it turns out to be minus. thisThis is the only difficult part; that first column in your t d Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
matrix T D matrix has to be very very carefully written because it is totally dependent on
Formatted: Highlight
your correct assessment of the chord rotations; both magnitude and direction. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
The others are simple. this iIf you put d twoD 2 equal to one 1, we are now talking about Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
the second column in the t d matrix T D matrix. tThen, you will find that you get it will
Formatted: Highlight
effect only elements one 1 and two 2. tThe right end of element one 1 and the left end of Formatted: Highlight
element two 2. sSo, you get and element three 3 is [un effective] unaffected.sSo, you Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
get one 1 one 1 zero 0 zero 0, and similarly, for D d three 3; is it clear? Tthis is easy to
Formatted: Highlight
generate. cCan Ii proceed? ok Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
(Refer Slide Time: 09:35) Formatted: Highlight
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You got your t d matrix T D matrix. nNow, you have to carefully write down your fixed Formatted: Highlight

end forces. wWe did this earlier, and remember, we just calculated the fixed end Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
moments. bBut, here, you have to be careful because you have only three 3 degrees of
Formatted: Highlight
freedom d oneD 1, d twoD 2, d threeD 3, and you do not have those vertical forces Formatted: Highlight

which we put on the last occasion. Right? tThere are no vertical degrees of freedom. So, Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
you have to manage with rotational degrees of freedom and the sway degree of freedom.
Formatted: Highlight
You have to handle the problem in that framework. So, how do you do that? Formatted: Highlight
(Refer Slide Time: 10:27)

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Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
So you have to manage with rotational degrees of freedom and the sway degree of Formatted: Highlight
freedom you have to handle the problem in that framework now how do you do that Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
wWell, first of all, from this analysis, you can find out that there are going to be no fixed
Formatted: Highlight
end forces for elements one 1 and three 3. wWhy? bBecause there is no intermediate Formatted: Highlight

load, aand for element two 2, tthe fixed end moments are thirty 30 kilonewtonkilo Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
newton meter minus thirty 30 kilonewtonkilo newton meter and there is no axial force.
Formatted: Highlight
ok Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
So, this is what you get from this diagram, but, how do you include the effect of Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
[axial/actual] force here? yYou have only one 1, two 2 and three 3 in the global
Formatted: Highlight
coordinates. hHow would you transfer this understanding to equivalent joint loads,in Formatted: Highlight

[the] global coordinates? Formatted: Highlight

Formatted: Highlight

What is Iin other waords, what is fF one 1, fF two2, and fF three3? fF one 1 f, fF two 2 f, Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
fF three 3 f. wWhat is fF two 2 f? fF two 2 f is plus thirty 30 because it comes from
Formatted: Highlight
element two 2. whatWhat is fF three 3 ff.? Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight

(( ))[Noise] Formatted: Highlight

Formatted: Highlight

Minus thirty 30. wWhat is Ff one 1 f? whatWhat is f one F1f.? Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
(( )).[Noise] Formatted: Highlight

It is not zero 0. iIf it is zero 0, then you make a mistake. wWhat is fF one f?. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight

Forty 40 (( ))[Noise] Formatted: Highlight

Formatted: Highlight

Yeah. yYou look at what is happening at bB and cC. yYou have restrained those Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
degrees of freedom. Aat bB,; you get a horizontal reaction to the left of forty 45five
Formatted: Highlight
kilonewtonkilo newton; at C,;c you get a horizontal reaction forty 40 kilonewtonkilo Formatted: Highlight

newton. wWhat is happening to the whole beam ?. Formatted: Highlight

Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
So, you will get a net force of five 5 kilonewtonkilo newton acting to the.
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
(( ))[Noise]
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Left or right?.
Formatted: Highlight

[Noise]Left Formatted: Highlight

Okay. To the left; you are right. But, when you find the net loads, you have to oppose Formatted: Highlight

everything; you put a minus sign. Have you got it? So, that is it.

(( )) Formatted: Highlight

(Refer Slide Time: 12:13)

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Ok to the left you are right but, when you find the net loads you have to oppose Formatted: Highlight

everything you put a minus sign have you got it so that is it

Look at this. iIt is completely different from what we did earlier, and you are going to Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
get the same results. you see So, there are so many different ways of solving these
Formatted: Highlight
problems, but, sloping legs problems are tricky. tThey are [notorious]; students generally Formatted: Highlight

make blunders; practicing engineers do it. bBut, luckily, for you, today you have nice Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
software which is the black box to most engineers. wWe just feed in that input and you
Formatted: Highlight
get the output, and you hope all is well. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
But we are learning and we are learning to do these problems by different methods, Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
including flexibility method. andAnd we know one thing for sure - the answers are have
Formatted: Highlight
to match the answers have to match. weWe will expect some difference between Formatted: Highlight

ignoring axial deformation case and including axial deformation case, and that will be a Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
little more pronounced when you have sloping legs. weWe will see that; apart from that,
Formatted: Highlight
you should get the same answers we got when we did the slope deflection method. ok Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
(Refer Slide Time: 13:35) Formatted: Highlight
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So, we proceed. We write down the element and structure stiffness matrices; very easy to Formatted: Highlight

write down; EI by L for all those values are known, and 3EI by L is what you will put for
elements 1 and 3. And for elements 2, it is a standard 4EI by L, 2EI by L, 2EI by L, 4EI
by L; is it clear? We can generate this and then carry out these products, and do the final
super position and assemble all the matrices. We will get the answers. This I am going
fast because you know how to do it.

(Refer Slide Time: 13:57)

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Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight

So we proceed we write down the element and structure stiffness matrices very easy to Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
write down e i by l for all those values are known and three e i by l is what you will put
Formatted: Highlight
for [k] elements one and three and for elements two it is a standard four e i by l two e i Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
by l two e i by l four e i by l is it clear we can generate this and then carry out these
Formatted: Highlight
products and do the final super position and assemble all the matrices we will get the Formatted: Highlight
answers this i am going fast because you know how to do it Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight

Now, you are ready to take any load. yYou give any d oneD 1 dD two2 dD three3; you Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
get any fF; fF one 1 minus fF one1 f; fF two2 minus fF two 2 f; fF three 3 minus Ff three
Formatted: Highlight
3 f; that is your net load vector. yYou will get the solution with the power of this matrix. Formatted: Highlight

sSo, we will do that. wWe will invert this matrix; plug in those values of five 5 minus Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
thirty 30 and plus thirty 30. yYou got those answers. aAnd that is what your deflected
Formatted: Highlight
shapes lookss like. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight

Now, you find that, that deflection, if you compare with the earlier result has the a little Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
discrepancy, but, that is you have to believe with that because that is the approximation
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
you get from ignoring axial deformations, but, this is exactly the answer you get when Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
you do slope deflection [methods]. rRight
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
(Refer Slide Time: 14:56)

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It is also exactly the answer you get from flexibility method, ignoring axial deformation. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
iIf you do a strain energy formulation, you will get this. wThen, you find the member
Formatted: Highlight
forces and when you draw your final bending moment diagram. tThe bending moment Formatted: Highlight

diagrams do not change significantly; it is only if the deflection [that] that changes,ok? Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
You know how to handle this problem. yYou got a similar one in your assignment. yYou
Formatted: Highlight
got a hinged support, you have a support settlement also, but, luckily, for you, you do not Formatted: Highlight
have sloping legs. tThey are vertical. sSo, please do those two assignment problems and Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
you will get a good understanding of stiffness method.
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
(Refer Slide Time: 15:38)

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We now look at the last remaining topic of flexibility method, not applyied commonly in Formatted: Highlight

practice for frame. wWe do it for beams; we do it for trusses; frames it is not common, Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
but, the logic is the same, and at least conceptually, let us learn it. youYou will find that
Formatted: Highlight
in your assignment. iI have not given a problem on flexibility method; in your final Formatted: Highlight

examination, it is unlikely iI will ask you a question for plane and space frame; but, let Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
us just go through the theory, and see how how it works. ok
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
(Refer Slide Time: 16:14) Formatted: Highlight
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First, you need to identify the degrees of freedom. yYou know that, it is athe same as you Formatted
use for the reduced stiffness method; three 3 degree of freedom system. yYou can
generate the flexibility matrix from first principles. yYou apply one 1 unit load at a time. Formatted

hHere, you apply loads. yYou can do one thing. yYou can take your stiffness matrix and Formatted
invert it; you will get the flexibility matrix,
Bbut that is no fun. Formatted
fFlexibility is for people who want fun because you want to understand exactly what is Formatted

[happening/happen]. Sso, here, when you pull it, you are not going to get any moments. Formatted
iIt is just like an axial truss element. yYou know that the deflection, the the lateral
elongation you get is an extension in that element. iIt is the flexibility, axial flexibility Ll Formatted
by eEI, a cClear? aAnd that is your f one 1 star one 1 star.
Next, you apply a rotation. nNow, you are doing what you did for the beam. yYou get
rotations of Ll by three 3EIe i and lL by six 6e iEI. oOne will be anticlockwise; the other Formatted

will be clockwise. yYou do not have any axial you do not have any axial change in Formatted
length. tThat is an assumption we are making, because we assignare saying that the
flexibilities do not interact. tThe axial degree of freedom and the flexural degrees of Formatted

freedom are independent. tThat is an assumption we are making here. wWe will see Formatted
through that assumption in the next module, and will bring in that interaction. ok
(Refer Slide Time: 17:50)

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Right nNow, we accept this and you can do it at the other end, and you can generate your Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
flexibility matrix. vVery easy to remember because you know what you did for a beam
Formatted: Highlight
element. you are know yYou know it is Ll by three 3eE iI minus lL by six 6eE iI lL by Formatted: Highlight

three 3[eE] iI and minus lL by six 6e iEI. [yYou/we] just have to add the axial stiffness Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
as you did in the stiffness matrix lL by eE iI. ok
Formatted: Highlight
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(Refer Slide Time: 18:08) Formatted: Highlight
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Then, you do the transformations, and standard procedure. This is for the beam element. Formatted: Highlight

(Refer Slide Time: 18:20)

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For the frame element, it will have 3 degrees of freedom; the rest of the procedure is the Formatted: Highlight


(Refer Slide Time: 18:34)

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Then you do the transformations and standard procedure let us this is for the beam Formatted: Highlight

element for the frame element itll have three degrees of freedom the rest of the
procedure is the same yYou generate the structure flexibility matrix. yYou write the Formatted: Highlight

compatibility equations. yYou solve and find the redundants; then, you can find the Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
[ja/joint] joint displacements if you want to.
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
In the stiffness method, you had no choice. yYou have to find dD aA to proceed to get
Formatted: Highlight
the member forces; hhere, you do not need tto find. e i you bBy solving that second Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
equation, you get the redundants. iIf you can draw the free bodies and get your member
Formatted: Highlight
end forces, you finish everything. so this is the procedure a displacements come at the Formatted: Highlight
end ok. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight

(Refer Slide Time: 19:03) Formatted: Highlight

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So, this is the procedure. The displacements come at the end. Formatted: Highlight
(Refer Slide Time: 19:05)

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Now, let us do just one example with and without axial deformations. nNow, please note, Formatted: Highlight
when we did the method of consistent deformation, when we did the theorem of least Formatted: Highlight
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work, we assumed axial deformations for were negligible. sSo, we are now doing for the
Formatted: Highlight
first time; flexibility method with with axial deformation. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
So, let us see how to do that. wWhat is the degree of kinematic indeterminacy? hHere, Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
we put in two complications, just to see how to apply this method oned; one is you have
Formatted: Highlight
a support settlement; the other is you have an internal hinge. ok Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
So, if you did not have that hinge, you know that the degree of static indeterminacy is Formatted: Highlight

three 3. tThat hinge brings you ar moment release. soSo, it drops to two 2. nNow, you Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
can choose your two redundants.
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Which would you choose? yYou want the primary structure to be a cantilever?. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
[Noise](( )) Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Then, that the third element will be dangling in the air. iIt will be unstable. canCan you Formatted: Highlight
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please be think carefully? iI mean you preferred keeping the fixed end, Aa as fixed end,
Formatted: Highlight
right;? that is what you meant by cantilever. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Mind you, you can still do that, but, at dD, you do not remove that support. Formatted: Highlight
Wwhat kind of roller.? Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight

(( ))[Noise] Formatted: Highlight

You want the roller to roll vertically or horizontally?. Formatted: Highlight

Horizontally, vertically. Formatted: Highlight

You have a choice; [not] only that, you can choose any two two. sSo, [let/let us] let us do Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
something interesting in the next slide. ok.
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(Refer Slide Time: 21:01)
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So, iI am going to choose my redundants x one 1 and x two 2 as the vertical reaction, and Formatted: Highlight

the fix and the moment at the support dD, which was i I have to, in my primary structure Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
I have to iI have to release those two corresponding restraints to displacements. sSo,
Formatted: Highlight
what is the support i I will put there.? Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
[Noise](( )) Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight

Ah?. Formatted: Highlight

Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
(( )).[Noise]Roller
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Put the a roller in the vertical direction; put the roller in the vertical direction, and Formatted

number your are coordinates appropriately. soSo, we know, you know that we have
always put the redundants at the end of the list.

So, we have one 1, two 2, three 3 degrees of freedom at bB, four 4 and five 5 at cC. Formatted

tThere is no rotational degree of freedom. yYou cannot bring it there because you do not
have a unique rotation there. Eeach of those two elements will rotate by different amount
ok. So, you do not number it.

So you do not number it wWe did the same thing in the reduced element stiffness Formatted

method, but, here, we add six 6 and seven 7 as redundant coordinate. sSo, this is how it
will look, if you write the force vector. wWe separate Ff aA and fF x. fF aA is the load
applied. It is fifty 50 kilonewtonkilo newton because there is a horizontal load at at bB;
rest of the quantity is the zero 0, and you have x one 1 and x two 2. x one 1 and x two 2
are unknown. aAny question? ok

You also have two write down the compatibility equations to solve for the unknown Formatted

redundants x one 1 x two 2. wWhat are wWhat is dD x? whatWhat is Dd six 6 and what
is dD seven7?.

(( )).Minus 0.01 Formatted: Highlight

Right, [d] D six6;. that is why you bring in the support settlement dD six 6 is minus point Formatted

naught one0.01 meters and dD seven7 is zero 0; yeah. yYou have at question.?

(( ))[Noise] Formatted: Highlight

I am not ignoring. gGo back to the question. wWe said we will first include; then, we Formatted

will ignore, and then we will see the difference. sSo, iI had we will remove that in the
next phase. rRight now, we will includinge.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:24)

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So, the procedure: fFirst write down the force transformation matrix; find out the Formatted: Highlight
equivalent joint loads. yYou have to do the so... tThis part is borrowed from stiffness Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
method which is unfortunate because your are so flexibility method is not able to stand
Formatted: Highlight
on its own. itIt has to borrow this concept because you just cant handle intermediate Formatted: Highlight

loads in a matrix formulation. ok Formatted: Highlight

Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Ah Uunassembled element flexibility stiffness matrix, structure flexibility matrix, tT fF
Formatted: Highlight
transpose f star tT fF; write down the displacement equations, all solve the compatibility Formatted: Highlight
equations, get the redundants, get the member forces, and if you wish, get the joint Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
displacements ok.
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
The procedure is very clear. tThe items four 4 and six 6 immemerge from those set of
Formatted: Highlight
equations. tThen from the second equation, you get the redundant; from the first Formatted: Highlight

equation, you get the joint displacement. weveWe have done this earlier; the procedure Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
is the same.
Formatted: Highlight
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(Refer Slide Time: 24:25)

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So, this is interesting. lLet us generate the tT fF matrix. t f matrix T F matrix ihas two Formatted

parts; tT fF aA and tT fF x; hhow do we do that? yYou have to apply unit load at a time.
sSo, it will look like, if you apply unit load fF one 1 equal to one 1, take that huge
structure and apply. dDo you think anything will go to the support dD? nNo. sSo, it will
be, only element one 1 will behave like a cantilever. Right?.

Am i I right? iIf you apply fF one 1 equal to one 1, and no other loads, so tthen, you need Formatted

not draw the whole whole frame; just pull out that cantilever it is; you got those results.

So, iI am going to demonstrate here, how to generate the force transformation matrix. fF Formatted

star is Ff star f plus tT fF aA times fF aA net plus tT fF x times fF x net. rRight.? wWe
will work out that fF aA net and fF x net later, after we handle the fixed end forces, but,
right now, our task is to write down tT fF aA and Tt fF x. ok

So, iI have written down the first three columns, corresponding to fF one 1 equal to one Formatted

1, and Ii will show you fF two 2 and Ff three 3 shortly. bBut, is you look at that first
column zero 0 fou4r zero0. iIs it right? bBecause only the first element will have non
zero items; ssecond element will not be eaffected; third element will not be eaffected
because this is a cantilever action for element one. aAgreed. soSo, that is why you got
zeros for here.

I am applying this load on this structure here; only this element gets effected. eElements Formatted

two 2 and three 3 are remain unaffected. sSo, the first column corresponding to fF one 1
equal to one 1 will have zero 0 zero 0 zero 0 zero 0 zero 0 zero 0 ffor elements two 2 and
three 3. fFor element one1, these are the reactions i I get if you go back, and i I am have
not shown shown the element coordinates. eElement coordinates would be what would
they be? tThey will be three 3 by three 3. Right? tThey will be three 3 by three3.

So, so you will find that the first item here, what doesis this corresponds to? wWhat Formatted

doesis f one star correspond to? aAxial force. wWill there be the any axial force in this
element? nNo. tThat is why i I put zero there.

Second element corresponds to what? mMoment at this. wWell, it depends on hhow you Formatted

put your put your [el/element] element, but, it is it is here, four 4 here, right? and the
third oned one?, Mmoment at bB is zero 0; right it depends on start node end node. iI put
start node at A.a sSo, anticlockwise, it is clear; so, it is four4.

Now, let us take the second case: fF two 2 equal to one 1. cCan you try drawing the Formatted

response for fF two 2 equal to one 1?[ iI am going to/when you] show it to you; fF two 2
equal to one 1 means you are going to what is going to happen if you apply fF two 2
equal to one1.?

[(( )).Axial.. Formatted: Highlight

You will just get one axial force in.


First sSo, that is the a simple thing. Sso, does it makes sense? yYou get just one. yYou Formatted

get just one here and the rest of it is are all zeros. cClear? vVery easy to fill up. nNext
one, can you try? fF three 3 equal to one 1; Ff th3ree equal to one 1; fF three 3 equal to
one 1, wwill it affect element one only or ? [or].
(Refer Slide Time: 24:25)

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Only one (( ))[Noise]. Formatted: Highlight
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It will eaffect only element one. tryTry drawing. wWill you get any reactions at dD when Formatted: Highlight

you apply that unit moment[format]? nNo. nNo. iI willll tell you one way to Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
underst[and]understand-. rRemember, when we talked tof [the/be] internal hinge, usually
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you have a parent child relationship. nNow, clearly, element one 1 element three 3 is a Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
child. iIt badly needs elements one 1 and two 2 for it to hang on to for its own their life.
Formatted: Highlight
Right? Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
So, the childs cannot take loads when the parent is loaded. wWhen the child is loaded, Formatted: Highlight

you will get something in the parent. lLet that be very clear. Right? sSo, you can quietly Formatted: Highlight
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remove the child from the picture and look at the parent. pParent is a cantilever. nNow, if
Formatted: Highlight
you apply a moment at joint bB in that lL shaped cantilever, do you think anything will Formatted: Highlight

go on to element two 2 and three 3? nNo. Formatted: Highlight

Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
So, that is a tthis is flexibility method; really have to enjoy the physics of the problem
Formatted: Highlight
and and get the answer. sSo, you just have to draw this. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
In (( )) local coordinate. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Yeah. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Um, Oone - axial degrees of freedom, and two moments. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight


In the element one.


But element two 2 [cross/has] one axial different degree of freedom orand one moment Formatted: Highlight

only. (( ))

No. They are all frame elements; all are identical; all have one star as the axial, and
because there is going to be an axial force in that element Formatted: Not Highlight

(( ))[Noise] Formatted: Highlight


Element two 2 there is no.[Noise] Formatted: Highlight

Ah We do not take advantage of it here. We do not take advantage of that hinge here, Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
because that we will do when we ignore axial degrees of freedom. You understand, this
is, here we are not taking advantage of the release. Tthere,. Yyou can do it. I am not Formatted: Highlight
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taking advantage in this case, but I will take, I will take your suggestion in the next case,
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where we ignore axial deformation.

So, your point is valid. I can actually reduce the degrees of freedom for element 2 and 3.
Right now, I have not done that. It is I will still get zero moments there. So, your point is Formatted: Highlight

good. We will do it later. Is it clear? Now, I will go faster.

(Refer Slide Time: 30:29)

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Ah If you apply F 4 equal to 1, again the child is not affected. So, I have not shown the Formatted: Highlight

child. Hhere., cChild is element 3. So, can you generate the middle part as I have shown Formatted: Highlight
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(Refer Slide Time: 30:46) Formatted: Justified, Space Before: 12 pt,

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You can work it out. Next one, apply F 6 equal to 1 and F 7 equal to 1. You get the
remaining parts. Here, the child is being pulled and the child is hanging on to the parent;
parent also gets pulled. Clear?
So, you have got all three elements activated when you apply these loads(( )). These are Formatted: Highlight

simple things. These are statically determinate systems. You can write down those Formatted: Highlight

forces, but it is fun writing down the t f matrix T F matrix. Now, just look at this Formatted: Highlight

complete matrix. What we are saying is we have written a set of equilibrium equations;
if someone gives us this vector which is a fixed end force vector, someone gives us this
load vector including the redundants; we have drawn it for a primary structure; the
redundants are treated as loads on the primary structure. F 6 and F 7 are loads on the Formatted: Highlight

primary structure. Is it clear?

(Refer Slide Time: 31:44)

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We get the bar forces, get the member end forces, and we will do this in the last step. So, Formatted: Highlight

how do we proceed now? We have to write down the fixed end forces. Elements 1 and 3
have no fixed end forces. Now, these are the local coordinates by the way. So, this
analysis, wevewe have done earlier. weveWe have done it for the reduced element Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
stiffness method. Here, you do an analysis where you do not get a moment at C which
Formatted: Highlight
means you have to treat it like a promptpropped cantilever to get the equivalent joint Formatted: Highlight

forces. Is it clear?

You get the vertical reactions and write down the F 2 star f vector. You have only one Formatted: Highlight
moment there because here you are accounting for the (( ))fact that,. Aat C, there is a Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
hinge. So, you do not get..(( )) So, does not make sense. Nnow?, I am takinghave taken
Formatted: Highlight
care of the hinge, but I am still keeping my full-fledged 3 degree of freedom matrix, but I
will take the advantage in the next situation.

(Refer Slide Time: 32:37) Formatted: Tab stops: 5.97", Right

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So, I have got my fixed end force vectors. fFor the first and third. Tthey are null vectors. Formatted: Highlight
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For the second oned one, I just have one moment there. 111.11 and that is anticlockwise,
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and I can write the F f vector. Clear?

(Refer Slide Time: 32:58)

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Next, I should get the net joint loads, resultant nodal loads. So, that is, F f net is F A Formatted: Highlight

minus F f A and F x minus F F x. I just do this substitution. When I write the secondd Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
one one, I have to that is where I bring in those forces. You see, this is given to me. This
Formatted: Highlight
is written right in the beginning. I have 50 kilo newton load and I have x 1 and x 2. I do Formatted: Highlight

not know. This is my F A F x vector.

(Refer Slide Time: 33:40)

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This is my fixed end force vector which I compute by inspection. Bby inspection Iif I go Formatted: Highlight

back here, I see that, not only this will contribute to F 3, and these two reactions will
contribute to F 2 and F 5. Is it clear?

That is how I get these two quantities here. Does it make sense? They are pointing
upwards with a,so they are positive, but I have put a minus sign, and now I get the final Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
picture. This is the structure I am going to analyze. Is it clear? It is has completely taken
Formatted: Highlight
care of the F x of the intermediate loads.
(Refer Slide Time: 34:23)

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(Refer Slide Time: 34:40)

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How do I analyze this? I first generate my element flexibility matrices. I have taken them
all to. To have this format;, it should be L by EA and all these values [are Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
known/unknown]. You can generate the flexibilities. What do you do next? Generate the
Formatted: Highlight
structure flexibility matrix. You you have the unassembled flexibility matrix by putting Formatted: Highlight
them in a diagonal form. You have the T F A matrix. You do that product. You will get F
x x. It is a 2 by 2 matrix which you can generate.

Please note, when you actually do it on Mmatlab or on a computer, you have to be Formatted: Highlight

careful when you deal with flexibilities; because stiffness values are going to be large Formatted: Highlight

when you write in kilo newton meter units but the reciprocal of it, the flexibilities are
going to be very small.

So, if you work with the absolute figure, you will have massive rounding of off errors. Formatted: Highlight

So, you have to work with significant figures. So, you have to cleverly take out ten
raised to minus 6 outside,. Sso, you get large numbers inside and you do not truncate Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
those digits.

This is what you have to be careful when you deal with flexibility. Is it clear? In
stiffness, you do not really have that problem, but in flexibilities, you have. You
understand? If you have this quantity and you write it in decimal format with ten raised Formatted: Highlight

to minus 6, you might write it as 0. So, 9800 becomes zero because you are used to
writing by hand, point naught. Now, you get tired of writing so many zeros, you say,
may be it is meaningless and you put zero. Is it clear? So, be careful because you you Formatted: Highlight

need to work with significant figures. Formatted: Highlight

(Refer Slide Time: 36:19)

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So, you do this, get the inverse of it, and you you are ready to do the final calculation. Formatted: Highlight

Similarly, you can generate f x a and f x a T. All these can be done through matrix

(Refer Slide Time: 36:25)

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Now, you find the redundants by solving that second equation. You do not have any
temperature effects or you know constructional errors. So, you do not have any initial Formatted: Highlight

forces here. You plug in those values and you finally get, you get the F x net, ok?. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight

(Refer Slide Time: 36:56) Formatted: Highlight

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So, you get x 1 and x 2 in the last step. x 1 and x 2 is 39 kilonewton and 74.18
kilonewton. Find the member end forces. You remember those large equations we
generated with the t f matrix T F matrix?. Now, you are in a position to put, and all those Formatted: Highlight

unknown values, you get the final end forces exact. Formatted: Highlight

When you draw your if you compare with what we did earlier, earlier in the exact
method, the conventional stiffness method or the reduced element stiffness method
without axial deformation,. Yyou will get these answers. Aabsolutely; no error till the Formatted: Highlight
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sixth or seventh decimal place; it is exact, ok.
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(Refer Slide Time: 37:35)

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(Refer Slide Time: 37:52)

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Then, you draw the free body diagrams, draw the bending moment diagram, and again Formatted: Highlight
remember, we said that you can get the deflection straightaway; you are really [interest Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
in this way/interesting the sway]interested in the sway; by recognizing that c d base like
Formatted: Highlight
a cantilever; wevewe have done this earlier, but, if you still want to work out Formatted: Highlight

displacements for the hard way, you are welcome to do so. Ddo this calculation and Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
interpret the results, we will get exactly the same values we got earlier, ok?
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
So with this we complete the flexibility method, including axial deformation, which is Formatted: Highlight
something new you discovered. Yyou have not done it earlier. Yyou are heve not done it Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
in method of consistent deformation; you are not done it in theorem of this least work, or
Formatted: Highlight
column analogy method; that is another method. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Now let us see how to take advantage of of axial deflectiondeformation. Oone way to get Formatted: Highlight

the solution if you writing a program is, put e aEA tending to infinity there; large value Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
of e aEA, you will get the result orf solution without axial deformation; because if axial
Formatted: Highlight
rigidity is infinitely large, axial deformation is is small; that is what you get. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
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Formatted: Highlight
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(Refer Slide Time: 38:49)

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But let us do it this way now. Wwhat is interesting is your degrees of freedom now Formatted: Highlight
reduce. Yyou had seven earlier, now you have four, for reasons which we explained Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
earlier. Sso you have only one, two and three, four corresponds to your restrained
Formatted: Highlight
degrees, your redundant degrees. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
Also for the beam element, we will take the advantage that you had pointed out. Tthe Formatted: Highlight
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two degree of freedom beam element for one, and one 1 degree of freedom beam
Formatted: Highlight
elements for two and three can be used in place of frame elements. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
So we we are going back to beams; and we are taking advantage of the modified Formatted: Highlight

flexibility. Sso we can do that. Ffor element one you still have two degrees of freedom, Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
but, because we want to take advantage of the internal hinge at Cc, Ii put a roller support
Formatted: Highlight
there, so i I have only one degree of freedom; and my f AF A and f XFX vectors are easy Formatted: Highlight

to calculate, it is smaller, much easier to work out. Dd x is the same, only thing in earlier Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
we wrote d six d sevenD6, D7, now you write d three d fourD3, D4.
Formatted: Highlight
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(Refer Slide Time: 39:59)

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Force transformation matrix, much smaller, much easier. f oneF1 equal to one 1,f two F2 Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
equal to one 1, same results; these two do not change; f threeF3 equal to one 1, f fourF4
Formatted: Highlight
equal to one 1; same, only wevewe have renumbered them. f sixF6 became f threeF3, f Formatted: Highlight

seven F7 became f fourF4; your size of your t f aTFA matrix is has shrunk to a nice Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
compact size, right?
Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight
(Refer Slide Time: 40:28) Formatted: Highlight
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(Refer Slide Time: 40:40)

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(Refer Slide Time: 40:45)

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You can interpret the results very easily. You got your t f matrix T F matrix. Find the Formatted: Highlight

fixed end forces exactly as we did earlier. There is no change in this. Only your size of
your vectors are have become smaller. You got rid of things that were not required. You Formatted: Highlight

are dealing with the same system; element flexibility matrices f 1F1 star is the same as Formatted: Highlight

we got earlier. But for elements 2 and 3, you take advantage of L by 3 EI. This is a
clever trick you can do. three e i by l 3EI by L for stiffness, L by 3EI for flexibility. So, Formatted: Highlight

you get so I have for the first time, I have introduced this symbol f star tilde because it is Formatted: Highlight

like k star tilde. It is different. You know you are working with a reduced flexibility, Formatted: Highlight

right.? Generate your flexibility matrix. This is the unassembled flexibility matrix. Formatted: Highlight

(Refer Slide Time: 41:25)

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Then, you do the operation and generate your You can do them separately; f x x is T F Formatted: Not Highlight

x transpose f star T F x, and f x A is T F x transpose f star T F A; f A A is T F transpose f

star T F A. Is it clear? Or you can deal with it altogether and then partition it at the end,
but this is much easier to handle.
(Refer Slide Time: 42:03)

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Find the inverse of your f x x matrix. Find your redundants; plug in those values; you get
your solutions as 39.048 and 74.286 now; what did you get earlier? 39.059 and 74.182;
big deal.

So, that is why we do not waste time dealing with the axial deformation; the errors you
make are negligible. And in the context of what we discussed yesterday, this is certainly
accepted; this kind of because they are going to be much larger errors in reality. Ook. Formatted: Not Highlight
Formatted: Highlight

(Refer Slide Time: 42:39)

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Finally,d the member end forces; plug in those values as we did earlier. Find the Formatted: Highlight

displacements if you wish. Now, you get the same sway at both ends, but it is very close
to what we got earlier. And the deflection at C earlier was 10.07 mm; now, it will go
down only as much as the support D goes down; is it clear?

So, wevewe have tackled this problem in many different ways. We are very clear on Formatted: Highlight

what is going on. Proof of the pudding is in the eating; which means, the answer should
match. Completely different methods and same answers.

(Refer Slide Time: 43:17)

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Finally, your free body diagram; bending moment diagram. Compare these two
diagrams; exacts with axial deformations and without axial deformations.

It is all the same. May You are making errors in the decimal places; not worthwhile Formatted: Highlight

doing it. So, powerful methods when you do manually, do them the easy way out. When
you are writing a program, do not do flexibility method; do the stiffness method. You
have a choice - reduced elements stiffness method or conventional stiffness method. Formatted: Highlight
With this, actually we have completed everything, except space frame, which are really Formatted: Highlight

tough, but I am trying to make it simple. And again, you do not need to do anything in
your assignment or your exams, but let us get a taste of it.

It is like moving from one dimension to two dimension to three dimension. The concept
is the same, but you have to really think; especially, if you want to do the reduced
method this which you should learn to do manually. So, we will cover it. I am not Formatted: Highlight

expected do any example. We will do this in tomorrows class.

After that, the seventh module again is an exposure I want you to have. I want you to be
present; not so much to learn, to solve it, because it is really advanced; it is second order Formatted: Highlight

analysis, but you should have a flavor of it. And those of you, who are interested can
actually sit and solve those problems. I am planning to finish that in three sessions, and
then, we will have one last concluding session. So, we are nearing the end of this course.
Thank you . Formatted: Highlight

Bent frame

Stiffness method

Flexibility method

Internal hinge Formatted: Font: 12 pt, English (U.S.)

Advanced Structural Analysis
Prof. Devdas Menon
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Module - 6.5
Lecture - 37
Matrix Analysis of Plane and Space Frames

(Refer Slide Time: 00:21)

(Refer Slide Time: 00:36)

Good morning, this is lecture number thirty-seven - it is the last session we have on
module six, matrix analysis of plane and space frames, so this is the fifth lecture in this
module. This is perhaps the most difficult topic we are covering because we are today
going to deal with space frames.

The space frame element is an element, which has the largest number of degrees of
freedom, you have six degrees of freedom at each of the two ends, so you have totally
twelve degrees of freedom and it is difficult ok.

But, if you can really understand this then you will find that everything else you have
done till now is just a special case of this. This is the ultimate you are dealing with - real
life three dimensional structures - skeletal structures, and we are learning to analyze such
structures when they are subject to any kind of loading direct loading or indirect loading.

So, we will look at the application of stiffness methods and really for such complex
structures you need the help of a computer because you are dealing with very large sizes
of matrices; you are dealing with many simultaneous equations that need to be solved.
So, that is why we will use the stiffness methods and I hope to show you both the
methods - conventional stiffness method and reduced stiffness method. Youll find the
reduced stiffness method is also not going to be easy for a space frame because to
visualize and to draw the write down the t d matrix is not easy.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:24)

(Refer Slide Time: 02:29)

So perhaps in such an instance the conventional stiffness method is better because you
can program everything. So first we look at the conventional stiffness method. So this is
your element and this is the element with twelve degrees of freedom. Look carefully.
Degrees one star and seven star refer to axial degrees of freedom, that is what you had in
your axial element, in your truss element, you had only that.

Then which corresponds to your beam? The conventional beam; Can you identify? Two
star is your conventional shear force, so you you are familiar with that. Two star is a
shear force. Which is the moment vector?

Six star

Six star; Perfect; Because that contributes to bending about the vertical plane. The
vertical plane is the x star y star plane. So in your beam element you had two star three
star as well as eight star and twelve star, that is your conventional beam element. Right?

Your conventional beam element had only two star, six star; Two star is the shear force
in the vertical plane, six star is the bending moment in the vertical plane, at the start
node, and at the end node you had eight star and twelve star. But, you also had in the grid
element, you had the torsional degree of freedom. So you also had four star and ten star;
So it is it is looking familiar now.So weve looked at the truss element which is a special
case of this space frame element, We also looked at the beam element and the grid
element. If you bring in the plane frame element, then it is just a combination of the
beam element and the truss element.

But we have some additional degrees of freedom. What do they correspond to? What are
they? Let us look at them again. Five star is something new, and three star is something
new, at the start node. What do they corresponding to? Thats right.-Shear, they
correspond to shear and bending about the horizontal?

X z plane.

In the horizontal plane, that is, in the x z x star plane. You have situations where you can
have simultaneously bending in the vertical plane and the horizontal plane, ok?

If you have unsymmetrical bending thatll happen in any case. That is, if your section is
not symmetric, then the principle axis do not match with your global axis or with your
centroidal axis. Sat the end node the corresponding degrees of freedom are ten star and
eleven star and nine star, ok.

So you are familiar with all of them. So you have twelve degrees of freedom, six degrees
in each node .Of the six degrees, one corresponds to axial degree of freedom, one
corresponds to the torsional degree of freedom, they are pointing along the centroidal
axis, the x star axis.

Then you have two degrees of freedom to deal with vertical plane bending, and two
degrees of freedom dealing with horizontal plane bending. The two would correspond to
a shear and the moment. Is it clear? That is it. So you understood physically what they
mean. These are displacements and they also reflect the corresponding conjugate forces.
So you have translation and rotations, and correspondingly you have forces and

Forces can be shear force or axial force; moment can be bending moment or twisting
moment. Torsional moment, twisting moment, these are words commonly used, and the
rotation corresponding to that is called an angle of twist. The rotation corresponding to a
bending moment is called simply rotation or flexural rotation or slope, ok.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:14)

Now that matrix is too big for us to show in one one picture, so we will break it up into
parts. Youll know that the element stiffness matrix which is twelve by twelve will be
symmetric ,for sure and that is why we can break it up into three, partition it into four six
into six compartments of which, you really have only k a star and k b star and k c star
because the offdiagonal quadrant will be the transpose of k c star. Is it clear?

Now here is your exercise. Can you write down, can you write down, and this is a very
least i expect you to do, and i could ask you this question in the examination. You do not
need to solve any problem, but, at least you should be able to generate from first
principles, with the knowledge that you already have; Can you write down for the signs
convention that we are depicting here, where if you notice we define the x star y star z
star axis, and we aligned all the vectors in these three cartesian directions. Right?

So what i required you to do is, let us begin with this, and let us try to understand the
axis. Let us take an an i section it is a nice space frame element section to look at. So you
have, if you look at it from the right side, y star is pointing upward, x star is along the
longitudinal axis which goes to the center of the web, out of the plane of that that plane
and z star is pointing to the left, if you are looking from the right is it clear

So with this as your reference can you write down and let us use these symbols alpha to
represent axial stiffness E A by L .Delta, you have two deltas. You have bending about
the major axis which is what we called E Iz i by L i and bending about the weaker axis
the horizontal, you know horizontal bending, that is E Iy it should be y by L and then
you have to multiply by four or two whichever is appropriate or six. And then we have
the torsional stiffness which is G J by L, Right.?

J of course, has to be correctly assigned. Please note because this is a non circular
section. Right? Can you write down in terms of alpha, delta, you have delta z, delta y and
epsilon can you write down, atleast can you write down k a star? Give it a shot.Show me
that six by six matrix, based on all that youve learnt till now

Whats the first row first column going to look like


Alpha willone. So it is going to be E A by L and then the rest of it will be zero. So you
got the first row in the first element, what about the fourth one?

Zero and last will be epsilon.

The fourth will correspond to four star so can you read off, can you tell me what that row
will look like? epsilon will come there, you know c j so read out that [re/row] row-

(Refer Slide Time: 07:14)

for me, the fourth row. zero zero zero epsilon zero zero, so you got the first row, fourth
row and we get the columns also, because the symmetric matrix. Now you have to worry
about the second and third columns if you wish, or rows.

Whats the second column going to look like? Zero, you begin with zero because the first
row is zero. Then? What is the diagonal element? k two star k two star. Look carefully.
What did you do for a beam element? What is that shear force value.?

Twelve E I.

Twelve EI

By l square.

Twelve e i by?

L square.

L cubed. Twelve EI by l cubed, right? And, so you got k two two star correctly which is
the other non zero element in that.

Six star.

Thats right k six star two star. What would that look like? That is a moment. Will it be
positive or negative? Because if you lift up end A, you are getting a clockwise rotation,
anticlockwise moment, so positive. So let me help you. There you are. We wrote most of
it. It is not difficult. You have to learnt to do this, and no looking up books for this; First
principles; Is it clear.?
(Refer Slide Time: 12:45)

So we can write down k a star. Next let us move on to k b star. Will it look like k a star?
Will there be any change between k a star and k b star? Look carefully and answer. Now
you are shifting to the end node. You are dealing with the coordinate seven eight nine ten
eleven twelve. Which element, so as far as your axial stiffness concerned no change,
torsional stiffness no change, beam stiffness what is the change if any?

Shear will get reversed. Moments will not get reversed. Perfect. So i have marked in
green color, the six E I by l squared value, has an opposite sign to that which we
assigned in k a star. So the diagonal elements will always be positive. Yes, you had a
doubt? It is correct. That is all you need to do, ok.

Lets move ahead, what about the last one k c star this is now off diagonal, ok.

K c star, will it also look like k a star? What is the difference? Where will the he is
right, there will be a minus to the axial stiffness. So E A by l will become minus E A by l
and there will be also minus to torsional stiffness you get minus G J by l. What else what
else will change?

Shear force.

Ok. Now imagine the full matrix, the full twelve by twelve matrix. If you take any
column, you are actually covering all the forces in the free body, Right? So you have to
satisfy equilibrium. So the shears must add up to zero. Then only youll have
equilibrium, got it? So whatever shear forces you got in in the k a matrix, will get
reversed in the columns but, the moments do not get affected because if you had chord
rotation youll find the moments are going to be the same, clockwise or anti clockwise,
so only those same

So here as you rightly said, alpha and epsilon gets a negative sign, i have marked in
green color and here the shears are the diagonal elements. Shears are now the diagonal
elements. So you get minus twelve E I by l cubed. That is the only the change and in
fifth and sixth columns the shears will be six E I by l square, they get reversed.

So think about it and please come prepared finally, in examination you are likely to get
this question of atleast writing down correctly the twelve by twelve element stiffness
matrix for a space frame element is it clear? Ok.

Now you have other problems how do you do transformation? In a plane frame the
transformation was simple. You had cos theta sine theta and one, right? but, it is not so
simple in a space frame element, because you have nine direction cosines. How do you
deal with this situation?

(Refer Slide Time: 16:46)

So if you go to the definition, from the global axes system we want to switch to the local
axes system. The global axes and local axes are not going to necessarily be oriented in
the same direction. When you had a plane frame or a grid, you had rotation about some
plane which did not change.

Here you can have a change in all the planes. So if i have x y z, I can rotate it arbitrarily
in any direction, and I get a new x star y star z star how do I do the transformation? It is a
well known transformation. What is the matrix that is involved in that transformation?

Whats that matrix called?

Angular transformation

In linear algebra it is well known. It is a rotation matrix. We actually used a rotation

matrix in the earlier transformation. So this is what it is going to look like. It is an
orthogonal matrix. The rotation matrix itself is an orthogonal matrix. So your
transformation matrix for a twelve degree of freedom element will also be twelve by
twelve. It is going to have diagonal boxes and if you get one box correctly, R I, you got

(Refer Slide Time: 18:26)

So it is quite simple. The only thing is how do you get r i. How do you get R i? Not so
simple, not so simple. That is a first row of that R matrix. What about the other
elements? Second row third row? So let us go back to first principle. Take a look.
Basically we are trying, if you look at unit vectors, let us say. Look at unit vectors. You
can write down unit vectors corresponding to global axes as x y z will correspond to i j k,

Then I write i star j star k star as unit vectors corresponding to the local axes which are x
star y star z star. Ive shown an element there. AB, a space frame element, whose
longitudinal axis matches with x star. That is your only information you have. And you
need to get these nine direction cosines.Tthey make up your rotation matrix. You can
write them in a matrix form as c i one one c i one two etcetera etcetera.

So as you rightly said the first row of that matrix is pretty easy, because you have theta x
theta x x theta x y and all that you have all you need is the coordinates of a and b in x y z
in the global coordinates. Then you can write it down. Just say x b minus x a by, l y b
minus y a by l, z b minus z a by l you get three direction cosines but, they fill feed you
only the first row in that matrix.

How do you get, how do you get?; and you can get the length of the element
automatically; How do you get the rest of it? That is the challenge, and this has to be
correctly assigned because, and mistakes have been made, because the i section must
have its major bending axes in the direction you are going actually looked, do in the
construction site.

Lets say I have an I section, I can keep the major axis, I can keep it this way or I can
keep it this way. It makes a big difference and I must be sensitive to it and in softwares,
some softwares allow you extrusion so you can actually see the final shape and you can
say, oh my god this this element i oriented the wrong way and could turn it around but,
you must have a fooll proof way of doing it. So I think it is interesting. From a vector
algebra prospect, how do you do this?

I have got that line x star AB and i know how it is oriented with respect to x y z in the
global axes. How do i get the directions of y star and z star? Basically it boils down to
that. Remember, let me demonstrate. I have this element, and I have located its cartesian
coordinates x y z. So i have got x star. Ive defined this perfectly with respect to the first
row direction cosine.

Now the y star of this, is perpendicular. There are many perpendiculars I can draw. do
you understand there are many perpendicular I can draw. so how do I deal with it? so I
have to, let us see this is an I section, then it defines the perpendicular. Because it will be
in the plane of the web, right?

So a line alone does not define y star and z star. I need a three dimensional cross section.
I need a real 3-Delement. How do you do it? So this problem has been yeah go ahead.

If we write the 3D element vectorially in terms of the new coordinate, I mean the local
coordinates and we know the angle between the local coordinates and the global

We do not know. That is it. We know only x star. We do not know. If you knew that then
we could have gone to that rotation matrix and filled up where everything there itself.
We do not know, that is the problem. It is fascinating if you you know look at it from a
coordinate geometric prospective. So there are many ways of doing it. Ill show you one
simple way of doing it

(Refer Slide Time: 22:56)

A convenient way of defining the direction cosines for local y star and z star axes is by
first defining a unit vector Q star, using some reference point Q in the x star y star plane.
So let us, you have to define that plane. If it is an I section you have to define the plane
of the web. To define a plane you need one more point and it need not be on that web it
could be anywhere on that plane. So you could pick up any other point, probably a node
in the structure itself, and give those coordinates Q star so itll look like that. And then if
you can write down the vector A Q and normalize it, you got a unit vector in that plane.
You can do that.

Get some Q. Get the coordinates of that you define those coordinates and then you can
write write down a unit vector Q star. Right? Can we do that? You can do that.And the
length of the vector is known, so you can get q x i q y i q z i, as the direction cosines of
this vector. Clear? But, how does this help us get the unit vectors in the y star and z star
direction? What do we do next?

There are, tell me what property to invoke? You are right. So I have got the x star unit
vector which is called i star, Ive got q star; With the help of these two how do I get a
perpendicular vector?

You can write any vector in terms of linear combination

How do I do it? Simple.

I will take the cross product, then I get out to get the normal to that. That is exactly what
I do. I take the cross product. I know i star, I now have q star, I take a cross product and
thatll point in the z star direction, perpendicular to that yellow plane there. So Ive got k
star. Ive got k star now let us say, then how do i get the j star?

Cross productPerfect; That is what I do next. k star i star j star. So it is simple vector
mechanics, a little bit of visualization. Then if you expand this equation, and solve them
you get these equations and with the help of that you got your rotation matrix so atleast
the theory of it you should know do not worry if you do not know. Most engineers have
no clue about all this. Because they just know how to press buttons and then do design.
The software manual tells you which button to press.

Ah did I tell you that story about the lady who has a vacuum cleaner? Did I tell you that
story? It was not a vacuum cleaner it was a mixture. So in the house, the maid puts it up
together and the maid is illiterate and this lady asked her, how how did you manage to
put this up together and this maid says, madam if you do not know how to read or write
you have to use your brain. so please use your brain you cut this then you can do the
transformations the rest of the procedure is simple.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:48)

So let us straightaway get into a nice juicy problem. If you can do this problem, you can
do any problem. Agreed? But, this also an easy problem because Ive conveniently put it
all reticulated. So all ninety degrees. So I have got another problem in the book, where
that element CD does not nicely get itself aligned along the z axis. You have a diagonal
element co, ok?

It is solved in the book, it is solved by both conventional stiffness method and reduced
element stiffness method. You believe me, if you can do a problem like that, with just
three elements you can do a problem with two hundred elements. You know exactly
what to do, you have a systematic way of doing, and that is powerful. I mean you really
have understood structural analysis. Anything else is a special case of this. So let us do
this problem.

So, I have put all kinds of loading. I did not throw in temperature loads and support
settlement but, that is easy to do. You know what to do. sSo you got three elements
oriented in three completely different directions, and there are distributed loads on the
first one, and the second one you have intermediate load, and you have nodal loads at c.

So you can be pretty sure that all your elements will be subject to all things possible. We
will have axial forces, we will have shear forces in vertical and horizontal plane, you
have bending in in vertical plane horizontal plane; You also have a twisting moment to
all of them. This is really a great problem to solve. I do not suggest you solve it it for
your examination.

But later in life when you have spare time, when you want to look at these nice pictures,
or when you are like to do some programming, some coding, this is a good test case and
some of your seniors have done it. Actually they validated the solution. One way to
validate the solution is use a standard software package, do the same thing, you should
get exactly the same solution.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:17)

But we are going to do this from first principles. The coordinates are, ive shown there.
And you need some more information, so conveniently let us assume that all the
members are tubular, nice tubular sections, and you are given the mean radius is, r i, is
one fifty mm and the mean thickness is ten mm, t i is ten mm. E value is given to you
that steel, and poissons ratio nu is point three. With this information you should be able
to practice problems. So let us do it.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:28)

So the procedure is exactly as we did earlier. We would not waste time with this.

Luckily, we do not have any support settlements, we do not have any indirect loading. So
first we have to mark the coordinates. How many active degrees of freedom do you think
we have? Active degrees, you will have active at B, how many at B youll have?.


Lets take a look, six, and look look how nicely weve oriented them along with global x
y z axis. And the colors we have nicely put. The green color for translations and that,
what color is that, pinkish color for the rotations, clear?

You repeat this exercise at the joint C .So how many active degrees of freedom do you


Twelve. How many restrained degrees of freedom you have?


Again twelve. So you have six here and six there.

So what is a size of your overall stiffness matrix going to look like? Twenty four by
twenty four. Luckily half of them are restrained. So k a matrix will have a size of twelve
by twelve. There is no way manually you are going to invert that matrix. You need the
help of a computer, right? And it is a full problem because you know you cannot ignore
anything here, ok.

So what is the loading that is given to you? There is some nodal loads if you notice. F7
is thirty kilonewton and F9 is fifty kilonewton and luckily, there is no support settlement,
the restrained displacements are zero.

Now let us write the local coordinates. This is representative of all, so I put i but, it, it
actually matches very nicely with two element two here, we looked at this earlier. So
these all local coordinates. What do you need to do next? You need to write the
transformation matrix. And you have three elements, each of them will have a size of
twelve by twelve, and the transformation matrix will be made up of your rotation matrix,

Can we write down atleast the rotation matrix for element two which is very easy to do
what will it look like? It is an identity matrix. Lucky you, right? It is an identity matrix.
Those two x y z match with the global x y z. But, not so for one and three. So all you
have to do. You can do it by inspection, because in this case it is quite easier do it or you
can get the coordinate Q and play that game and solve those equation. Itll be made up of
ones and zeros but, you have to put the right one at the right place and it could be minus
or plus so I leave that exercise to you.

You can generate it and you need the linking coordinates and they are pretty easy to
remember. The linking coordinates for T 1 will be, remember the start node will begin
with thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen and the end node will be one to
six similarly, T 2 the start node is one to six and the end node is seven to twelve T 3
start node is seven to twelve end node is nineteen to twenty.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:44)

(Refer Slide Time: 32:55)

(Refer Slide Time: 33:02)

So you are ready. Then let us go fast. T1 will look like this. It is easy, because you are
just rotating that vector. T2 is you know identity matrix, is the easiest of the lot. T3 will
look like this. I leave it to you to figure out the rotation,that is because we just do not
have time for that, ok.

(Refer Slide Time: 33:09)

(Refer Slide Time: 33:39)

Next you have to find the fixed end forces you have a distributed load in element one
that is childs play for you by now, you can find the fixed end moment and those forces.
For the second element also, you can find out. Very easy to do you do that. Then what do
you do next? Yeah you have to transform. You have to do the slotting game. To do that,
you have to put that T i transpose. You do that.

See how easy to do it with a press of a button. That is what the software does. But, you
have to do it correctly. you got the t i. You do not bother to write it down on paper. Let it
be there, save paper.

Ah but, inspect it and make sure you have to make sense and then luckily for you there is
no distributed load in element three so you do not have to do any transformation there.
(Refer Slide Time: 34:13)

(Refer Slide Time: 34:23)

Leave the linking coordinates as weve done in earlier problems. What you do next? You
have to add it all up, at the right slots. And then you get your resultant force vectors f f a
and f f r, then what do you do? f a minus f f a is your net load vector and nice to draw a
sketch. This is what you get.
(Refer Slide Time: 34:50)

So your distributed loads have been conveniently converted to equivalent joint loads.
You are now dealing with this structure. You are analyzing this structure and the
displacements you get, and this structure will be exactly equal, at the joints to your
original loading. Then you generate the element stiffness matrices. So this story we
know. You have to go through this process. You have to first get the properties. For a
tubular section, you can write the moments of the inertia and the cross sectional area
properties. You you are given the poissons ratio and G and E.

(Refer Slide Time: 35:14)

(Refer Slide Time: 35:32)

So you can write down all these values. Be consistent with your units, and then you plug
in those values into your three elements. Elements one two three, you get those numbers.
If possible write the units also and do it accurately. And then then i am reproducing the,
you remember these three pictures I just discussed; That is it, you plug it all in, you get
the element stiffness matrices.

(Refer Slide Time: 35:47)

(Refer Slide Time: 35:50)

You have k one a, k one b, k one c, k two a, k two b, k two c, k three a, k three b, k three
c. Some of them may be equal ,because some have the same lengths, so you work it all
out. That is it. What do you do next? What do you do next? Structure stiffness matrix. So
how do you do that? Here you have to intelligently do it. Weve done this earlier, for the
space truss or something.

(Refer Slide Time: 36:24)

So you have to slot it correctly. You should know which element will go where and once
you do that, you can generate the sub matrices first, and then the full matrix Personally,
it was lot of fun doing this for me. I do not know for you, so now you find the
displacements and support reactions. da, twelve, you got the answer ok.

(Refer Slide Time: 36:52)

(Refer Slide Time: 37:17)

Effortlessly the computer has done everything. Inverted a twelve by twelve matrix. You
got the support reactions. You only wish they are all correct. The first thing you should
check is equilibrium. You do that, everything, at least they all add up to zero, right? Then
what do you do next? Drawing is going to be very tough, we will draw it later. Drawing
is not easy. Member forces, you do that. Like this, these are the slope deflection
equations. Now you draw draw your free body, first free body.

I should show you, some calculations, I think ive shown some of you. I actually did this
for an indoor stadium, some twenty years back. All done manually, no computer, I had
four lined programmable calculator, I entered everything I think those days it was all
basic, code was on basic, and I had to do this in paper, I used different colours for
different vectors, it was good fun.

(Refer Slide Time: 38:07)

(Refer Slide Time: 38:24)

This is the first element, this is the second element. It is looks nice, especially if you like
colours. And you should make sure that that everything matches ,equilibrium satisfies.
This is your third element. Look at that, but this is not what do you want. What do you
are really want to design? So the axial force you know, the twisting moment you know,
the ones at a worth drawing are the bending moment diagram.

(Refer Slide Time: 38:37)

You have to draw two of them. One in the x star y star plane, the other in the x star z star
plane. Look at that. Similarly, you need shear forces, draw in the x star y star plane ,draw
in the x star z star. If you can do all this, and do it accurately, youve learnt matrix
analysis of structures. This is the ultimate test, ok?
(Refer Slide Time: 38:55)

But let us do some simple problems. Let us quickly look at the reduced element stiffness
method, not recommended for big problem because it needs much more thinking. So ive
done the diagonal element problem in reduced element stiffness method,you can refer to
the book, do it.

(Refer Slide Time: 39:11)

Ah let us take a very simple problem and do it. Before that let us look at the matrix, you
have a six degree of freedom system. So it is basically a combination of, it is your grid
element plus your plane frame element with bending about the horizontal axis, ok?
First you have to put six constraints to make it stable and that is how you get those
vectors. It is actually eliminating six rows and six columns from your conventional
stiffness matrix. You will end up with this.

(Refer Slide Time: 40:07)

Ok. Incidentally, this matrix has an inverse, and the inverse you get is the flexibility
matrix. So you have a axial stiffness there, you have torsional stiffness there, you have
flexible stiffness components there. Then we, this is a slide i borrowed from the plane
frame, you remember? Here you have to worry about chord rotation, and that is the
tricky thing especially if an inclined element.
(Refer Slide Time: 40:22)

(Refer Slide Time: 40:42)

If you extend into a space frame that is what is going to look like. That you figure it out
yourself later, because it takes a while to understand. What get lifted up, is it clockwise
or anti clockwise, but, it can be done; systematically you can do it. But, you see it is not
so nice as this one, this is so easy. So we did lot of problems with this in plane frames.

We are not going to mess up with space frame, because if you make one mistake
anywhere, you have lost everything, so do conventional stiffness method. Yeah.
The local coordinates, you need six local coordinates, right? Because the rank of that
conventional stiffness matrix is six. So you have to arrest six degrees of freedom. You
have to cleverly choose those six degrees of freedom. Then only that structure is stable,
then only it can take any arbitrarily load in any direction anywhere.

So here, what we did was, we picked up whatever we learnt from the plane frame. You
are familiar with the plane frame element? you are familiar with a grid element? We just
had to add some of constraints for the horizontal bending. That is how it has worked out.
Do not break your head too much over it.Reduced element stiffness method is not
recommended for space frames. Do conventional stiffness method, except when you
have easy problems.

(Refer Slide Time: 42:09)

So let us look at one easy problem. You can also, if you find this difficult, and i am sure
it is difficult, there is a static approach where you can get the transpose of this matrix by
the contra gradient principle. You know that. Let us take a simple case. Remember we
did a tripod problem? Beautiful problem, which was a space truss. Now all we do is
make that joint rigid.It becomes space frame, simple problem.
(Refer Slide Time: 42:50)

Just to end up on a happy note ,we will do one simple problem. So it is a same old
problem, except that, treat that joint at O as a rigid joint. Assume all the bars to have a
tubular cross section. Earlier it did not matter what cross section it had, because it was
statically determinate. Same hundred mm and thickness of ten mm tubes. Elastic
modulus is given, poissons ratio is given, its steel tube. So this is what we did space
truss, and actually we had solved it using a flexibility approach because it is statically

Remember, all the legs are identical and the force in each leg, the vertical component is
twenty kilonewton, because you have sixty kilonewton hanging from the that ball and
socket joint, and then you can work out the force in the, the axial force turns out to be
forty kilonewton compression. All the three legs have forty kilonewton.

What do you think will be the answer if the joint O is rigid? Youll get some bending
moment, you will get some shear force. Will you get some twisting moment? No,
because of symmetry. You would not get twisting moment. Will you get bending
moment in the perpendicular plane? You will get bending in the vertical plane, no doubt.
For each of them. Each element will be identical, right?

So you can do lot of tricks to simplify the problem. But, my question to you that forty
kilonewton answer that you got, will you get a different answer once you have, how
much will it change?
It will not change

Some change must be there between a rigid joint and please note it will not change if
you assume axial deformations are negligible.

If you assume axial deformations are negligible you are dealing with a funicular
structure. There will be no bending, no shear force. It is not possible. So funicular
arrangement. Whether the joint is rigid or hinged makes little difference. But, if you have
a axial deformations, this point can come down then you can have bending, and then
things can change. But, in practice you will find that change is not going to be much.

That is the reason why, it is it is that just a justification why, even trusses, truss members
you you weld to one other, they are actually rigid, we model conveniently as pin jointed,
because those secondary stresses you get because of the rigid in the connection are not
very significant. So let us prove that.

(Refer Slide Time: 44:59)

(Refer Slide Time: 45:08)

(Refer Slide Time: 45:19)

So we are now doing a space frame solution by the reduced element stiffness method.
That joint is now rigid, there is symmetry and the solution procedure is the standard
procedure. No support settlements, no indirect loading, no fixed end forces. So we will
use this six degree of freedom element, but, since we have only bending in one plane,
you can reduce that element to a to a beam element. So that is a phenomenal
simplification you could do.
So such problems, do by reduced element stiffness method do not do by conventional,
you can, but, you are using an elephant instead of a hammer to drive a nail. So what do
you do? This becomes simple. You have just EA by l and three EI by l, because the
bottom is hinged. So you take advantage of a hinge also, it is a two by two matrix not
twelve by twelve, not six by six, so it is easy.

(Refer Slide Time: 46:11)

You generate those matrices, from first principles you can do that, and we are looking at
one of those support reactions, because we want them pointing in the y and z direction.
We are not looking at the other two, because all are identical.
(Refer Slide Time: 46:27)

(Refer Slide Time: 46:34)

Write down the t d Amatrix, write down the element stiffness matrix, generate your
structure stiffness matrix, these steps are, and finally, solve and find your displacement.
Look at the answer you are getting. Vertical reactions will always be twenty because
three times twenty you must add up to sixty, no question about that.

But, your axial force need not be forty. So youll find that the that joint goes down by
one mm, one mm which is realistic, and your internal forces you can calculate and what
do you get? Instead of forty kilonewton, you get thirty nine point five five five. Big deal.
So you still design for forty, you are right. We will end up. And what are those moments
like? Very small, negligible.

(Refer Slide Time: 47:27)

That is the reason why we design trusses as trusses even though the joints may be
welded, and frames. So we have finished, we have come a long way, weve finished six
modules. The toughest module we finished today, and the next three sessions we will
cover more from a conceptual point of view. You do not have to study for your exams,
except the concept on elastic stability and second order effects.

Thank you.

Conventional Stiffness method

Reduced element Stiffness method

Angular transformation

Truss element

Plane frame

Space frame

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